The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 28, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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    j "- .n
A Native of This City Likely to Bo
Chotcn to Fteside In New Federal
Since the nrw Putted States court
district bill becumu u law apot'ul.itlon
huts, of course, been llfo ns tu who
would bo chosen to be tlio Judge. IN
)ft lully liar this been the case In Hits
ell), anil the cxtioino likelihood of
Piesldent Judge Althbuld being St?
lietod Is a soiiiic (if much pride to the
Pioneer City. This Is Ids own, his nil
the town, ns In; was born hcio In 1M3,
ii tirl the ntenibeiH of this communlt)
h.ivo watched Ids upwaid strides with
the pecnllaf satisfaction that can onl
b.- full when u member of a rmall city
milh Into the wot Id and wins funic mid
tin.- renuilnder of the town shines In
hlu rrileclod gloiy and tan nay: "Ho
Mai hoi n here,"
After toniplttiug his Mtndli i In the
imbllc schools llobott W'oodtow Auh
aba1il entered Yah- itnlvoislty, trim
'which h giuduuted with the hlglnst
honora In 1871. lb then n nil law with
.Midge Alfred Hand of Sri anion, p.ifsel
examinations and win utlinltt"! to the
bnr of the state In 1S73 lie was elect
id as associate l.iw Judge of this county
'in t&S 1 . mid Ik aim pusldont Judge In
1-S7. Ife In a tlioiough student of legal
loiu, mi untlilmr wnktr and tin not
inly had un extensive piuctloo In lltl
R.'ttlon affecting the mining Indtistiles,
tint In municipal uffulis as well
It Is Said That the Eiic Will Build
One Heic.
, It was sold yusteulay. b a person
who claims to be In a position to
know, that when tin new Ihl-.- hunch
.to JoBgup goes thiough this city the
i nmpanv win build a inall shop hio,
but huge enough to employ a hun
dml men, tor gcneiul car and lrpalt
hup. 'J'he sumo man u1m told u rc-poitt-r
that tlie imite of the new
blanch lonl -will take will be along
7'oit.v-seeond slued and the west side.
Two suivcys vine taken lor this
bnuicli, one on the oast and thu other
mi the west side, and It Is Btntcd th it
tho Inttei Is looked upon with the
most taor.
if the Ihle tould tit Induced to
Indld tills shoo In till city, It would
me in ii (trout deal to the town, tor a
plant that employs skilled woiknieit
ut sood wngis would Ik- u plusnut ad
dition to those abend) hoic and would
1j Ititf new life and enemy to buM
in w.
An Unpiolltable Bunch.
A pretty good Joke was told yester
Jay about a I'atk plate giooct. On
J'ltiadny he bought a hunch of line,
largo ban. mas and hung them In b..s
toro window, vvheu their yi How clus
ters would nttuat uttentlon. All day
his fi lends keiit diopplng In on lilni
and espying the fiult coinpllnu ntcd
Win on his good lucK In getting nice
ones ut thlb time ot jeiu. Km h v.s.lor
would reach up mid sclnj a tut out
find tuki It away. Whi n the stun
closed up at ii so p. in. nothing was left
but the blown stalk, mid not a single
sulo had bit n madi.
One of the most uotewoi th) of. the
many luipiovcmuits whKh mo being
made lit tho business places ot the city
Is the replacing of the old fiont in the
Ellu oclit stoic with a ImuiUnmo new
one. The sldtwalk will be p.xtcnJod
over thu stairway whhh hnds to the
basement and the whole place (then u
thorough ovoi buttling. Cuipeutei.s be
Kun the woik or making the change
yetprduy morning.
Attended Convention.
Among the delegates who leientlv
iittendcd tho qttuiteilv eomentlou if
tho rutrlotic Oidpr Suns of Ameiiui
In Scranton wcio w. M. llohbs, I. II.
i:ol!n nnd C S. Aluxandei, of tln.c
city. 'the convention unanimously
voted in favor of a chango In the ilt'
nnl. nnd this will tako place In tho
near fiituio.
Still TnlkinsLibimy.
Tlio rciont uewhp.ipoi' ai tides miont
tho piopiloiy of dellenttly hlntlusr to
Alidiow Cainegle to nun his eos In
tills dim Hon tin mu thin ho is pjii
doriny whoio he will il i l.ilry god
fiillui and endow a lllnuiy. have io-f-ulted
in iiian.N iltUuis ngltatlng tho
mallei In a unlet wa. and It iimj be
that some ot thi moie publii -splilted
msm south.
When the first keui winds ol wintei
begin to be f It in the North mail) un
inviltd is hurried aw In inxuni- friends
to the kindlici chmitf of tin bouth. The
e'ausc is apji ireut
n8 ) ou look nl the
hollow checks and
listen to the rasp
nit; coityh of the
Persons snfferinjf
with weak luii?,-
obfctuiiUe cough
and severe heunir.
rhsc even lne
found the chingo
of climate made
uuueccbs.-m by the
ute of Or. I'lurcu i
Coldeti .Mtdical
Discovery It
htrenifthens weak
UuiKa, cures obti
iwtu couglu, and
b.tiliU up the body
flesh It coutilnu
no alcoliiil neither
opium rnviiiie tior
other uircoltc
,."! feel thnl I i vc n
ntbt ol gnutiulc to
trlciul for iccom
mcoviiu,; jur meili
IjilU, ftt w 'I i to
you to- pr (un i
Htitll unnitl rrm-illri.
lor alirouli' iliseis..
cm-ntly wliuliilie
iw'ta fille'J u, itach writts I
Jt"-! . of tint i hi JhU'i' Co Kan.
n staph
i desire ic
pif tne ro)1 Mont .itoiiK fir th- btnclii ol
oliir niiu iipcj lour tm airs i mn n ml
104 1 jkcM .nut ju is i.., inj worU kitp
bi' hip in unarm ujiu ml attpjiiui, jiu Ire
luently uitu Hit col i ulr (,'" iii" lironiliiln,
wilj:') t,ejine ehroiiU and iltiii sealed Uoi
trr liiliHt to rwuh mi o"c uml mliUul mc to
trytt tnaliw jlr bul tottmiately for mr a friend
iUi aitviHHt me tu Uv Dr fierce' ineiUiino. 1
ci i ij.icei; ..iLl.ii, . mi I'.ulil ,i Millie it .i
cn -try ' nnd liy tlic llnu I li , I tnten the n.i
b"tllt I wi ostler in I I'trrtaU'iKOlxiiit lour
hwtllM mycoii;li ivw iulnl mint 'this m
n yjar ijh Ih.I ul u r in I un a lat winter I
took dm: thu.e bottle .u prcicnt a return of
thetr ,l1 I Imii lnutici no iitce-till furMtV
, lu't milliter cllnuw '
b'roT, The Cumnio i beiif Medic d Ad.
tiku, tool pagc, cloth bound, scut free ou
rsjeipt of ji otie-cttit stnuii), to pay ex.
titiui of m-iilliig ml, AddivHii Ut, H, V.
l'Ireo, Hitftid" N V,
..a m '
grMm I
Caibondale Department
in ly tako tho Initiative nnd hustle
mound to set pledges for n wartanteo
fund. The present library of this city
contains about 3,R0O volumes, but iiimiy
of tin m m u la a woeful plight mid
need u book doctoi to patch up their
broken hacks and dilapidated side, it
Is In u small loinci of the city
building, hi an Insuillclenl spice, and
the uppioptlittlous to maintain It are
Inadtquate. A thoioiiKh lenovatlon la
ni-ce.syaiy In this bt.inch of the tiubllu
net vice, one of the most essential aids
to the well-beliut of a community. It
Ml. I'umipkIc can be plcviilled on to
take an Intcicst In thl.s mutter It would
be u jticat thlnp for Cmbondalc.
Ruins of tho Old Metiopolitnn Rink
Should Be Tom Down.
The ltilns or the old Metropolitan
link, on s'milh Main ituet. eninc of
Seventh iiM'iiue, should long uito have
bi'-n jmllnl down. It this voik Is
niltlerted mueli loiutn. It !s xeiy
luobable that some one will get badly
hint by Its fnllhift down Itself. It has
be"ll on tire seveial thins and Ii Is u
ion-taut ni"iiaee to ptoiiotty holdei.s
In this sortloii of the elty. Tho walls
ot the Seventh incline side mo bully
IiuIrpiI and stialneil and u pimctliy Is
In iltinc"! of "eilous injuj . Jt Is an
i.viMiie, with Its loof pone, It'- Intei
lor a wieck ami the unpalntcd, wcatn-I'l-liPiiteii
limit and "Ides and smashed
windows. I'ropeitv owners In tti l
ilnlty miv that It Hi'iluusly di pro
lines the value of their holdlim-s and
should bo rayed H Is loo Im (tone
to be K built, and should be toin down
at onto. The authorities should at
least ste that d.introt slftns me placed
utoirlid It.
Dr. M.J. Shieldb nnd Thomas Boundy
of Jeunyn, Authois.
Ui'. M. J. Shields and Thomas Houn
dy, of JeiniMi, both eiy well known
In this clh, me actively omtasod on
a new publkallon which will sunn be
placid b'foie the public. Its title will
be "Tho Wist Aid Hand Hook." Dr
Shields, it N said, was the oilftlnator
of the oiKunlz.illou known as "Tlrst
Aid to the Injuied Soilellei," whlih
now i'lhts mound the iolllcrlo. mil
roads and other (places whole duintei
to lif or llnili olst. Ills Idea has
bnen to di 111 the nieinbeis In the ludl
nunts ut sin koi y, si that they may
offer effort ie aid at once In case of
in cldenl".
Dr. Shields has thought It u good
pi in to M-t foi th the n 'cessaiy Instiiic
tlons, with other desirable lnfoimatlon.
In book fcii in. and be has now almost
completed his tusk.
A Serious, Affliction.
Ml.s. A Hughes, of tho South Side,
niotlur of School Dheclor l'atilck I'.
Hughes.sufteieil u pai.ilvtlc stinke ,es
teulaj nminlng. She was i ngaged at
some wink about tho house when
Milrken. .Medlial attend, UK e was at
oivoHUiunioiied.but ttieiiilied the most
stliliuoils iffoils to ineseiM- tin wo
lnan'H life. .lie wah, liowt'MM' giiet
l IniproM'd last night nnd hei many
friends hope foi her Imnndiat' ieu.
To Hold n Social.
A nilinbet' of joting people, dototoes
to the .jciil teipslchoie, me at inuring
for ii Miclal to be hold In lltuke's ball
on Ttlday nl nel week. Aiiange
ineiits ale being niade, It Is said, tor
one of the most elnbiii.ite aflalis of
the season. As this will be one of the
M-iy few Inti'iiuptlotis ol tin siclal
monotony of the l.eiiteu season thue
will, no doubt, lie it huge attendance.
Look Over This List. of littoib i em. lining In the Cm
bondalo pohtolllee IVbiuaiy L's, luui, tor
pclSOIIh IlllklloWII
William K.iiis, n.ivle Williams, Miss
Mail Mnndctt .Miss lleith.l Konon,
Ml-s Molllo 1'itPlui, Mis. Lizsslo t'av
iiu.uuh. Mis. .Inidiin, foimeilv Jtiss
i'hllbln. Mis. Mamlt Ilegan. foielgn
Andanlno I'aunte
Clciks to Aslc Refoims,
At tin- meeting of the Ki-tuil Chi Its'
union on Monday night It was les-oheil
to ictlct the men hams in tiielr
storts at ii o'eloik each tcung e-x-iept
S.ituidny. th nights preceding
holldii) and dm ing Dec ember. The
Miiiliants' assoolatlon will probably
iiiiisldei- tin- reqiiist ut their meeting
next Monday exi-nlng.
Aim Amputnted.
'' 11. Look, son of W. II. Lctk. of
I-' Clt). and who ih well known
heii. was M-veiely Injutoil while in
wnik in tilles' saw -mill at ICoeklaud
lti was tak n to I'oit .let vis, when- It
was louiid nore-s-itiiy to nmputato Ills
urn Allhiatgli eiy weak Horn loss
ui Wood tin phvsli-lans ilalni ho has
an in n i nunc i- tm iciovuiy.
Goinn to Jeunyn to Dnnco.
number of Caibondale jouiir poo
pb expect to go to Jt-iiiDii this cnonlng
in atlelid the dunce to bo glc.n b) the
'Ibiir-dny club of that place In Assem.
Id) hull A llmo Is nutlet.
1 uti d
Meetings Tonight.
en-urge U. liandolph ramp. No l.i
Sons ot Veteran.
Hi anch yy. Catholic Mutttnl Iienevo
lent asocl,itlon.
I'mbondiile etinton, Patiltirohs Mili
tant Polish Child Dead.
A Polish child, the duiigii
tci ot Mt and Mrs John Pnilsh, ot
Simpson, died Tuesday nUht. Tho lit
tle ore hud boon sick but a shoir time
Jnieiment was made v.stenlav
A New 'Phonist.
Miss Loulho Phillips nf .south
C'liinli irtet, U tlio latest m inilsltlon
to the Incioahing staif of the. Ciuboii.
onli Telc-phoue company Mi u
Und upon hop dnte ycatoidav
Pay Day.
Tin tuiployes of tho Dolawato und
lIudFon t.oal dBp.iitniint will loeeivu
thfclr nay for woik done In tho ii.,t
half of rehumry today.
At the Opata Ilou&e.
Tonioirovv "I'nclu Tout's Cabin."
All Nex't Week Noyslotie Dm inn lit;
Tltonc :
NEW, 286
OLD, 0423,
Deckles to Postpone Enfoicement of
Vaccination n Month.
The mombots of tlio board of health
hold (heir logulur monthly meeting
last nonlng, with sle (itoseut. The
president of tho board, Dr. John Nlles,
ptcsldcd. Tho session was Imgely oe
I'lipled with routine matters. One of
tho mutters (that tamo befote tho
board was enfol cement of tho vaccina
tion laws as applied to the pupils of
the public schools In tills city. The
boaiil decided not to take any fuithcr
steps for tho enforcement of this law
until the Hist week In Apt II, on ac
count of the severity of tho woathct,
the gioat piowilcnce of giip nnd other
This notion. liowcci, must not lie
constiucd us meaning that the health
boat ii no longer believes that contagion
ft otii sum lpo Is possible. Tho dlsento
Is now ncuici this clt than It has
ever been. Yestci day's papers toll
of it doyen niseis at Ilarilsbuig and
how the stat' legislators me baring
their mms for the noclne virus, of
cases In lMtt.sbuig, Wllllumspoil and
other places In the title llesldes
these located cases the menthol H of the
community are always subjected to
Intectloit by the pic-seiue of tramps,
who may hue been sojourning In the
titles whoio the tli oad tllReae exists,
and who cairy the geims with tli'in
fioni place to idaco, spieadlnc tho
The loial board ot health Inlonds to
eiifotcp tho obedience lo tho state laws
In legal d to . ic filiation Just as soon
as the woathei Is puttied enough and
the lavages ot the grip have been over
eome. Allnfbne Tntnntmiln T.llle. !
A eompany with the title ot the
Queen City Telephone companv was
Incorporated at Albany, X. Y.. on Mon
tlii) with a capital ot $500,000 to operate!
telephones in several eastern stutes
us a to the licit sjtein. WlillJ
tho ea(iltal subscilbecl Is as given, the
company expects to spend V.',000,000
on the Miilous lints, and it Is e
I eotod that It will be connected with
the Caibondali Teleplioitp eoiupany's
exchange eventually. The connection
will piobabh bo made from Uiffnlo to
Scranton, and fioni the Lackawanna
lints to this city. Some ot tho stock
lioldets In the Lackawanna company
me lntotcted In tlu (.Jueen City com
pan) A Locomotive Cab on Tile.
Tuesday afternoon engine No. IMfi,
belonging to tho Dclnwmo and Hud
son i oiupuny, took (lie In some unex
plained way, nnd before the blaze toul 1
be gotten under lontiol the entire cab
was destio)cd. John Walsh, a. biake
in. in, while li)lng to extinguish the
tl.iinex had a nimow escape fioni soil
ous Injun-. While he stood In close
proximity to the the, pi. i) Ing a smnll
stuain on It from a. hose, the safety
Milxoon the engine blew out, thtowlng
hint In the iislinit. lie put-aped ini
tial mid, hawcti'i.
An Unsuccessful Visit.
It with unnoted mound town last
night that u tummlttce of Soianton
silk mill s-tilkiis hud been In town en
deavoring to get the loenl linnds out
In syinpuths Their endeinoih wee,
howeiet, nln us since the adjustment
ot the lecent stilke here the local s Ik
mill bands ate s.ttlstled that they .ii-:
getting fall tieitnunt The loial mill
and that at Jet in) n mo the only ones
in the alley at wtuk muL-aie tluie
fou winking lull time
A number of poisons tioin this city
ittlendod the of Mi, Ann Hag
geity. cif Aiehb.ilil fihe was tho
mother of Mis. James J. Mellule, of
chui in stieot, this city, and a woman
who was nnltoisally e.stottneil by n'l
In her late place of icsidoueo. Shu
was also well and favorably known
heii-. and the in my ft lends of Mis.
Mellule txti-nd their sympathy to her
In hoi In i en Venn nt.
All Next Week.
The ntti action at the Gland Opoin
llou-o all next woik will be the Key
stone Diauiatio lompany. They eomo
to this city with n good leputntlon.
The "topllnois" In thin company aro
llownitl Hall and Kate Moi timer.
Among the (days they will piesent me
"In Mglit of St. Paul's," "A Soldier of
the Ihnplie." "Captain Heine," and
"The Ibooniniakcr."
A Winter Stiaw Ride.
Two imgi wagon loads ot Jolly joting
pooplt tioni Atchhald Invaded the elty
last night uiul made things lively fop
u couidp of bouts. A slelghildc pirty
had been aiiaugt-d tor. but owing to
tho lack of snow ut many plaeen on tho
loulex wheels were substituted for i lin
nets, but the )ouug folks had none tho
less uieiiy time.
Additional Yntd F.oom.
In addition to tho put chase of the
House property on Goidon avenue by
tilt- Delawntp and Hudson eninimiiv
I whb Ii was nnnoutuefl In Tlu Tribune
Vtsludii), It Is learned on good au-
T" t- -
ior ou l'earvS
mothers have been giving their
children for croup, coughs and
i UfC
Mothers havej-cw Siiiloh in
the house at all times? Do
I you know just where you can
find it if you need it quickly
! if your little one is gasping
and choking with croup? If
i you haven't it get a bottle.
It will save your child's life.
I"shHnli uluaii. cured my bby uf croup,
couth and cu'di. I would not be n illicit it,''
i MKb. J, p. MAIUIN, llunuulle, AU.
siii'ii Cninnmptlim Oiirn In iild liy all
itlilKKlntii nl, Sue, IB 1.00 u liiitllu. A
iirluletl gimruiitcu gnrK itltli ei cry bottle.
1 If) nil urn mil mMUMfiI fo to yniil ilruegUt
!n nil t'i t )iuir iiiiinr) lint I..
Wnlr fvrlllutlrateil bonk m icixuinptioii Srrt
m ill I'M t) S I WVtllA I P., rtn.S V,
thorlty that ncgotlallonn nre utmost
completed whereby that company will
come Into possession of tho Walsh
trnct, ut tho extreme end of CJordon
avenue, noth of these possessions will
be used by tho railroad for yard pur
poses. Other purchases ate in con
templation, It Is said.
Funeral of Mrs. Pldgeon.
The funeinl of Mrs. Margaret Vld
geon, who tiled in thlsolty on Monday
morning, was held yesterday after
noon. The cm logo lunched the Church
of St. Hose do Lima nt about 3. IS
o'clock, where short sot vices were
held, the Ilo. Walter Goimun otllclaw
ing. Tho pall bcarois wote Wlllluni
Council, Patrick Noury, Mlcliael
lbown, John Judge, John Kullor,
Michael L.ivln, Matthew Nrary nnd
Thomas Mornu. The lntotmcnt was
nuido in tlio old Catholic burying
ground, beside tier husband, who was
bus lod there fifteen yems ugo.
An Excellont Soimon.
TK'V. Charles Hoot, lector or tho
KpUcopal church at Huyquehanna.
prenchod un excellent sermon at Trin
ity Hplscopnl church last evening. lie
spoko on tlie lessons of Le-nt nnd uiged
the congregation to bo faithful to tho
observances obligated bv the Angll
tnn church's customs. Tomorrow af
ternoon ut 4.S0 o'clock, Rev. Chailei
Kisscndcn, lector of St. Jantes chmcli,
.In ni)n, will tlcller tho eermon.
Tho Passing Thiong.
Mis Mmy cinli. ot I-'lg stio't,
Pcranton, Is vltltlng friends on Brook
ln sticet
John W. Juntos, of South Chinch
stioet, is confined to his home by an
attack of tho giip.
Mifc. Wnllor Got muu, of Scianton,
Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. P. A.
Huffy, on Pike sit cot.
Miss Mmy Hoguu and her brother,
liennls, of rermoy, Wnno county,
visited friends bete Ttlo.-day.
T. J. Heibcrt will leave Tttesilay for
Chicago, when- he has accepted a po
sition us bookkeeper for a. Imgo whole
sale llOtt'O.
Miss M)itIo Hrynnt, who has been
seilotisly 111 with lnilanuuatoiy rheu
mutism, Is now repoited to bo slowly
Trank Hoddon, ti.t oiling passengir
agent for tho Cun.iid Steamship com
pan), culled on J. J. Got man, the local
ttgont of the company, Tuesday.
Joseph Uarly, of Seventh avenue,
who has boon coullncil to his homo
v.lth tonsllltls, Is ublo to icMimc tils
duties with tho Carbond ilo Machlno
Conti actor Hugone Howe, who has
been toulhipil to his iipaitnietits In
the Antbriclte tor seveial days, nuf
feiing with tonsllltls, wns fomewlmt
luipiovod yesterday.
Miss Cn It tide AVeavor was ton
dored n very pleasant surpilso, jiarty
by a large number of her young
fi lends at her home, on Doluwaio
street, last evening, In honor of lie t
birthday. The hours passed nionlly
In the enjoyment ut the- usual social
dlvciclons About midnight tefroMi-
nionts we.'o seived to tho guests', after
which they tlepat ted for their horn s
The tollowing luogi.unmo will bo
ic-ndPied at the n)noii social, which
wi'I bo held In the Suxtniehunna Stieet
n.iitlst chilli h tonioirovv evening. Ad-dtc-i.s.
bv clialimnn: ivi Itatlon, riui
enoo; duot, Hlancho mid Elizi
Hauls', locltutlon, Slay L. ro
i itatlon, Xellio Kvaiw itliilogue, Len i
M. Hinman anil party: 101 Itatlon,
Helen Jouos, ic-cltntlon, David Jon-s;
solo. Claietico Thomas- locltutlon,
Hlancho Hauls; irritation, Annlo
Twaddle dialogue, Maggie Wntklns
and pnity. iciltatlons, by Vena Havl',
lllodwvn Divls, Thomas Havls, Mm-gau-t
Gilillths and Gtlillth,
olo, Alinl" Joins. Admission, 1)
Miss Atiettu Hutchlus has irtuiii d
home, nftot spending several months
lu Now oi k
W. T. KU-hatds. of Hyde, spent
yesterday at tho icsHenoe ot D. Y.
I!tvK on Lackawanna stieet.
J. .1. O'Malloy, ot Dunmoic street,
is ill with the grip.
John Llo)d, of Wl!k"s-Umie, was a
visitor In town yosteiduv.
Chalks Hobau, who has been III, l
arountl again.
Thou will be a special sot vice at thu
Tn)lor Piesbyteilan chinch on Sunday
next. An elder will bo oidalncd und
the communion will bo adnilnlstotod by
Kov. J P. Mollat, D. I). Tho services
conducted b Piofessoi Plumley have
been well attended. The outlook Is
encouraging. Thue is no debt. It Is
luobable that a eousltloiable sum will
be realized fioni the coal undeihhiK
the piopeit). With a new chinch ant
a settled, at tho pastot, this ehutch
may become a ineuns of gloat good In
tho community. At piesent, It Is said
that only onc-tlilid of the- people of
Ta)Ior have u chinch connection.
Tho membeis ot tho Slewmt Me
moilal ehurch mo woiklng dllisently
tin the of their annual bazaar
and festival, which will he held In the
church basement on March is, to con
tlnue until the 2d. Tho committees on
ui Ions ariangements ate fast com
pleting their woik, and Horn piesent
Indications success Is assuted. Thoto
will bo a musical enteitalnment given
each ivtnlng by the best of local tal
ent Tluee magnificent booths will he
elected, one by the Ladles' Aid soc'tty.
one by the choir und ono by the Will
ing Workeis' bociet), where bcnutitul
quilts, pllluws, cushions, etc., will ba
tin sale. Gonerul admission, live cents,
with a door nilzo each evening. The
conen gatlon of the above church aio
now hnvlng u beautiful plpo otgait
Placed In tho edifice. This Is bolns
iloni) by tho kind und gonoious ti lends
who have u special Intcicst In tho viol
tare of the ehurch.
A very Important session of the bor
ough count II was held last evening1
when business poitalnlng to the ie
otganlzntlou ot the now council and
other mattois of vital Importance wns
tiansactnl. The- now body will teor
ganlze on Monday ovonlng next.
Tho doolslon of Judge Archbald ie
g.udlng tho unnexlng of tho Pyue nnrl
Aichbnld lo this borough Is being anx
iously awaited, Tho leshlents of tho
above places seem highly lu favor of
tho unno.xatlou.
Chin leu J. Hvanti. of N'otth Main
stu-ot, who vvns so seriously Injured ut
the Aiehhald homo lime ngo, Is now on
the j und to recov 1 1 y.
Hr. William L. Van Huaklik. or Oly
pliant. was n culler on his mother, Mis
Vun Husklik, of Main stieet, yester
da Lackawanna council. No. 81, Junior
Older Tutted Ameilc-nii Mechanics, will
nn-et In regular session this fvenlng.
ruiiPial of tho late Miss Alice Cooper
will he held nt Hut bet town today ut
11.30 o'clock. Sei vices will be conduct
Id In the Nebu rhuiell by l!v Ml
Brown & McCann's
SSCommoncing Thursday will
close the following lines:
$i.oo Shiits at 65c
joe Shirts; 2 Collars and Cuffs 35c
50c Shirts, collar attached 25c
50c Neckwear v. 25c
25c Neckweai 15c
$1.00 Lined Gloves 50c
50c Lined Gloves 25c
$1.50 Buckskin Gloves $1.00
50c Wool Glove 25c
joe Astricale .' 25c
This sale is bona-fide, and not for advertising purposses,
as we will close before removal to Hotel Jermyn.
Jucobs. Tho lcmalns will bo taken on
the 2.10 p. 111. iialu tioni Lackiiwauna
to Xantleoke for builul.
William Htekoi, of South Hcianton,
called on ti lends In town ycslciday.
Mis It. M. O'lloio and Miss Htlul
llece me home lioni a week's visit In
Miss Susie 1'ioboits, of Wi-1 Seiun
ton, was the guest ot fi lends hue on
Joseph KnltclotiKli, of Otcen Uldqe,
tailed on his tuther. Joseiih rnli
cIoukIi, si., In this place, yesterday.
Mis. Jiiiues Ayois, of Ulckton city,
vvns 11 ftuost ut the homo of Mr. mitt
Mis. James Powell, sr., of Ninth Main
stieet, on Tuesday.
Htlwmd, of, was
u. Taj lor vWltor jrntortln).
The Hev. F. H. Pat sons and wife,
of Mlltortl, N, V.. aio kuc-sIs of Pio
teor und Mis. V. H. ("itooiie.
Mis l' C. Cook Is sufforliiff liotn
nn attack of moasle. Hn sou, Ot-vllle-.
Is eouvali--iont tioni the same
Mis. Asa II. Uickei N 1; lint still veiy
low with pueiuiiiiiila.
Miss Nellie LilNe) Is vlsltltifj fi l lids
In Wilkei-H.tiir.
Mi" Kiln Chapman H vi-itliiK iiinouK
fi lends In Wllko-Hmie
The fi lends of Mr. and Mis. Il.vron
'1'. Stanton will bo pleased to note tlie
innvulevcuuo of their two )ouiu?es:
ehilditii, lluth and Doimld, who weie
111 of senilet tvet. Mi mil Mis
Simiton wen luinieil) ioldents of
Si'inntnii. now of liozeniun Moiuiinu.
Alt mid Mm. Moid and
d.iURiitei, Huttle, lett homo on Wed
lieso'av to visit the btotlnr of th for
mer, who is not expected to live. II j
u sides ut Luuon.
.Mi. J. C IIIrbIiip Is vl"!tlliB tiieudt
und ulntives In Scinutrn.
The P.aptlst VouiiBr Pctiple's Kiclty
will hold n McKlnle) soi Inl nt the
honio of Mi. md Mi Orlando cimp.
man tm M -inlay evening" next. Mutch
I. A eonllal Invitation Is extended to
Ppfciil to the -Vunton rrluune.
Su--(pielmnna, Veb. 27.-.T. V D.
Towksbury. ol Hrrjoklyn, this county,
,t student In the t nlveislty of Penn
svlvunla, Is expected to bl'e-ik all o
lstlrg u-cotils In hutdllUK this spibiff.
At IJoston, last Saturday week, be
ivntlltl have cicatcd a Upw win Id's
record for Indooi low hurdlos, except
that he stalled with a handicap. Ho
will Hy foi now Indoor hlijh liuidlo
(Ibuios next Sattuday In the UeorKo
town e.ime.. He won seveial pil'ps
nt tho Tails exposition games Inst
yrm. Urlo shop mechanics mo tak
ing Jobs elsowhtir.
Th- funoial of Homy Taylor, ou- o'
the oiliest residents ot Oakland town
ship, took place fioin tlio home thU
atteinoon, and vvns Imgely nttt tided.
Ht-v, Clporgo W. Leach otlleliitPtl and
the loninlur vuio intcicil In MiKiino
Sidney Masteis. nn ngod n-sIdont of
Turnpike stieet. who tin days since,
underwent an operation tor a diseased
leg, is doing as well as ran bo ex-poc od
and tho chances for paving1 tho limb
me considered fall
Mlse Jtellly and Harilfou, of Hl
lnlra, haw retuined homo tioni a v.slt
with Miss Hellly's biothor, Tiev. V. i:.
V. L Potkltw has lomovctl his stncl:
of goods to tho new Cook block, Main
Messrs. Charles nnd William Hoy
den an- prepuilns; to woct several
tonoment houses on tin Oakland side,
of the river.
Hev. Chaile W. Hoot, or Chi 1st
Hpiaoopul t hint Ii. pleached tills nf
tcinoon In Tilnltyxchuieh In Cm bun
Hev. I'. H. Wiltklllg. lot' 'cvir.ll
yr.iiH jiast tho able und poiiulnr pas
tor ot tho Pt'-sbytoilun chilli h iv
Hiandt. has leslgned, to .tit-opt of the
imstotatr of a chut tli ut Wyoming,
1.11701 enu county. Pa.
Jackson lovvnlilii will piobablv lit o
a co-operative butter f.irttuy.
Thote v III bo a "ttooifto Wnshlin;
ton" piogiainmi In tho Sec und vv.ud
public school on Thinsduy atteinoon,
ltev. P. P. Hiodeilck will deliver nn
uppiopilato addicts.
In the- Methodist clllllell. last tvOn-
Int;, ltev. P. II. Pulsions, dollveigd an
able und Instinctive lectin o bofoie un
npprecliitlvo uiu.lleiieo: stibjei t. 'John
Ihlo tialn No. '. on Wednesday lust,
nuido n lecotd urn, wutlicr uutidl
tloiis i oiisldt-H d Hint l ieiviiikiibi,
Wyoming Avenue.
Tlu train left Salnnane.i one hoti
ami sixteen minutes lute, nnd m
llved lu Chicago on time. Tho ttitiu
niade the inn between Marlon. Ohio,
mitl Huntington, Indiana, a dlstauo
ol 127 miles, lu Mi' minutes;. This
time included live Mops, ono of eight
minutes' duuttlou
The SusipicluMih.i Ty-lt-phono uml
Telcgiuph nmipany has ahrady 113
phones In ur on Its system.
SuiUihaiinu will put u lltf t-class,
piofesslotuil ball tciini In tin- Held next
summer, It Cninegle tun bo induced
to fuml-di the mono).
Hoi n To Mi. and Mis. Plank P.on
netl, ol th" Oakland side, a daugli
tor. i: II Senile, est( , i etui tied home
today fioni a business tlip to Wash
ington. -"
'Iho Ladles' sotlety of the Hiothcr
hood of Locomotive Firemen held .i
w oil-attended supper last evening lu
Knights ot P)thlas hill.
The Join mil p.ui'i- in Its mnd lush
for live, news, lo eilticlse, unalve mid
dissect a local wildcat stoiy, with tho
sago conclusion that the vv liter tlu-ieof
Is not un (iicoinpllshod und consistent
newsimnor lltti. Tho unllilon In tho
irv lew was unasktil fm. and tho in- 1
loituation in ii was ii-joaoij
nevoitheless, the unintended
lomiillnuiii In hlghlv ai'iu-cc kited by
tho author ol the stoiy In iiuostlon.
mid be would gladly irtuiii tho com
pllmont If he uiultl do u totisi lon
tloulv. It will bo fifty )eais on .Monday
slnio Hon. C.jltishii A. Glow, of this
count V, e-nteied coligiess Mo will be
76 .vem.s old In .Mu). flidoi the now
leippoitlomueiit he will piobably bo
lotlitd at the end of bis present toim,
M.iuh -I. l!'l
Jitiotson division Flu-man Uinest J.
Hlxby has loniovod fioni Caibondale
to this pluro.
Mis. William II. Hall, of (iiund
stu-ot. Is sunning ftom a soveiely
Hpi.tlunl wilst, sustained on Thlirs
eln). To Pievent the Gttp
kavalivo llroiim I'ulnlnc itinovrj the rau-e "
Tho ladles of the Methodist l'plscn
pal ehuicli will hold u umimage salu
In Doveis' block ou Main stieet, be
ginning Tuesday. Match 5, m 1 p. in.
In tho evening be cu-am mid a light
lunch will bo seived.
Mies I.uiot to Mi Audi ow. of MrAlpIno
Htuet, Is seiloiisly Ut with the gup.
Matthew Iinylun.ugrd foul teen,
son of Mr. und Mis. Peter, of
Lincoln hill, was found u'niost fioen
lo ileitth )cstoulay morning In tho
Lackuwatina nook, lb- was lotutuiug
ftom nlEht duty fit th - Mousl gl i
woik. und It Is suppised Unit whl'u
dossing the i took lie became weak and
loll In the water. Ho was their- sov
ciitl houis b-foie he was pliknl up.
Their was cr oil nbout him. A no'gh
bnr fiiiletl him Into the house, wheio
lesli'iatKe weic used lor sovctul
bonis. Later ho was removed to tho
home of his pun-ins. Last evening ho
was much linpioved.
Division U, Ancient Ordci of Hibuiii
mis. ou- ii-quested to meet on Sun.! ly
utte-innnn nt 2 30 o'clock. A full ut
tondance is oxpected, us butlllei, ot
Impni tunic will bo tiansactod.
Ituv ruther Qiilnnnn. of Pittsiou
tire-tubed the- Lenten soimon In St.
Muiy's chinch on Tttisday evening.
Homy MtCnffeity. of Hrownsvllle, Is
futitoilng ftom Injurlfb caused by fa'I
Ing down stabs, while pi-opailng tm
woik lu tho moi nlng.
MUs Agnes Cllitoul will visit tho
Scianton MhooN todn.v
Headache Causes.
lloadcichu is usually catiiod by llvlnft
lu poorly ventilated rootu, ovctln
dulgeuco In fooil or drink, Insuillelunt
exercise, montnl stialn. oxcltontent or
malaila. Krauso's Ileadacho Capsules
iiultkly euios tho most sevt-io cities,
und leaves tin- heud clear und tool,
Pllee t!"i. Sold by MiUlhews llios.
How Aithui UUfcbane Secuied a
Scoop for the Sun.
Allirt sjiieret In viinli .Mii-lic'a.
Tli la) men who Is uimcrjmUuUd villi
newspapei mothoils may bo
in kiiowlnc Jun how ono goes ubout
inaklitpr n pleir of nows. Thu best il
lusttatlon if this, ptihupn. Is Aithur
Hilab.ipeV miuUKrmut for John L.
Sullivan to bo:; btlou- tho I'llncti of
Wales At thU tlmo Mi. lttlsbauo wan
I. union iiiii'Spoiiilcllt Im' the New
. .
All Woolen Underwear at one-half
price, to close.
All Woolen Half Hose at fifty per
cent, discount.
25c Caps at 1,5c
,5.50 Brown Hals, all sizes $1,50
$3.00 Brown Hats, all sizes $1.50
$2.50 Brown Hats, all sues $l.r50
jSs.oo Brown Hats, all sizes $lr25
Soft Hats at equal prices to above3s
'A Skin or Doauty Is a Joy Forov'eY.'
y CUKAM, till MAUlUAL iifAvmicit.
Molh IrttoEn, Ut. and SklX
iitiittf, nd rjrrj llcmliti on
i"7. ana naa
dttwiion. It hu
too4 Mt ttit ot M
ttiri. and It is
rml. w. taate it
lobcnrelt Itpnp.
Hr luadf. ACrrpt
r counterfali vt
Inltar name Pr.L.
A. Barre raid to
tadj of tba bant.ton
(acall.nO: "AayM
fadlaa will naa tam,
I recommmd lOour.
and iCrcajat' a tha
lut MTOftJof all
(ha Skin nrtDan
tlani" roraalab
alt nrnrrtiu M
ar.eyn1osda Dtaltn lnlktT.BCanada,and Eurosa)
i i-ERL) T.nonUXSnu'l.STCmt 'aaaaUbir.y .
York Sun. It should be understood
that tlio competition .among the Lon
don lcproscntutivos Is Just ns keen uu
though they wc-io seiving their sopa
l.ite papers on How, and, though
living In mi utmosphcic uf less ngs
giessivo Join nallf in, they never for u
innment, foi got their Amcilcau oducu
lion. In this matter Mr. Hilsbano vvai
actuated by no other motive t'hun to
tiiutnph over his ilvals with a logltl
buto beat, and ho found tho gieut
Ameilcun biulser but too glad to sec
ond the Idea on tho porct-ntiige ot firu
atlvertl-cnient. Tho Sun man worked
uuielly. quickly, and so suct-tsstullv
that the night for tho perfowuanco
canio without anv ono knowing of It
excepting the pilnco, hlM frlonds nnd
the liionibPis of tho fnshlonnble club
that sholteted the twelvo-foot ling.
At tho moment when tho lefereet
slopped out lo announce the Ughteis
the pilncos eiiueiry discovered that
thoio was present an untitled person
and. what was moio doploinble, a
newspaner man. As the irstilt of HiIk
discovery. Mr. Hilsbano vvub ordcicd
to Inivo tho club Instantly.
"Hut," ho objected, "I am lesponslblr
for this whole thing. You aie not golne,'
lo put mo out?"
The eqtieiiy would not hear him, nnd
Mr. Hilsbano. desperate and angr),
pluyed his last caul. "Well. John," he
said, tinning to wheio the champion
stood to) Ing with one huge pickled
paw. "I've got to go. What'll you
"That's iv hut I'll do," icpllod thu
champion ot tho world, plcklmj up his
coat and glniltig savagely ut th"
tqittii). "It that joung feller goes,
then I'll go. undciatand?" and tho aud
ience was dismayed to see ttghtei and
i oiin tor abandon tho ringside. It would
not do, however, to disappoint His
lto).U Highness so dlsgi act-fully, nnd
tlu- equeiiy mid .Ml. Htlsbatici finally
couipiomlsod by tho latter piomlslng
to willo the uecount only tor tli i
American press. Tho Sun, of toursp
bud a bout next day, und cveiy
newspaper In Aine-ilca and Hnglnnd
i lioted the uiieitloie of John L s ie
ei'titlon bv Albeit Kdwurd.
Mr. Sullivan's speech m that period
had oxttcnio limitations, nnd when in
tiodiieotl to a distinguished iiorson ho
Invmiably usetl the same net phrase
To the piesent king ot Hugland. nftei
shukimr hands, he observed with dig
nity and ehcci fulness, "Pilnco I'm
glad to meet you, I've often heaid of
x on "
One Tate to Washington D. C, and
Ketuin via the Lehigh Valley Rail
toad. Ou account of tho Inauguration cere
monies at Washington, tho Lehigh Val
ley uilliond will sell tickets to thu.
point and ictutii. Match 1, 2 nnd a, at
tlu low into ot ono fare lor tho round
tilp. Theeo llckotd will be good to if
tutu to M.uch S, Inclusive, und will
bo honoied on nny tialn oxceiit tin
Iilaik Dluinond Hxiuess. Stop-over al
lowed at Philadelphia, and rsaltlmon
by tiepoBit ot tie hot. provided tic he
Is uc-d within tulgliiul limit Por tuf-
lliei inioimaiion i uiinuii i,-iusii v aui
tiikel isonts.
Innugmntion Ceiemonles W.vshliiL,!
ton, D. C, Maiclt 4th.
On account of tho above, the !.acK,t-'
wanna iitllioad will send lound tilpl
tickets to Washington. ). c nt onr
wu) tain tol tlu lound, J7 7D. Th
loiito, either via M.iuuuku chunk mil
Philadelphia, or via Ncuthunibt iland
and I hut lbuic. Ticket will ba on
stlc ijootl going Ut. nnd nn'
Sitl, it nd will tic- limited lor icttiin
loavlng WiishUmtou not la pr tia
Mi'uh vi h I"1"
ej . J?VX -ITS.
CO yl Vll Ut