liiCJ , Rn53Sf "VliSS 11 fcflU&AJ .TV iW "' 'ot ir)m'iv ii. v i, 10 THIS SOBANTOX TKlBlNE-THVltSDAV, I'UBKUAltY' 28, 1901. iifW wmmmM&WvMwmmam NEWS OF THE LABOR WORLD SUn. DUDGEON (H7 LACKAWAN NA HAS RESIGNED. Succeeded on the Buffalo Division by C. J. Phillips Who Was Superin tendent of the Bangor nnd Toit Jnnd Division Present Condition of the Anthrnclto Market Bridge JBuilding Depnrtnieut'of the Lack nwanna Moved to This City Car Record Dcpaitmcnt Again In Woiklng Older. , Tlio IuIIuvvIur uidei-H, IfMin'il ftoin tlio oflltu of Cioiifinl Superintendent T. I. Huike. of the tiiicldivviiiiim loud, wciv iiiiule public ycstciday Srril.tOH, I'J . I'iIi. 2. t''1. unilir No. U'. (, .1. Phillip l ni'liiillitnl .'Ul'.'niitinilHil (I (lie IlnlT.ilo illiHon Willi i.llirr . I H'JlTnlo. . 1.. Uv llolifit IhnlRroii. irll.rir.l II. II. MhunI In .iin-oinlml niilnl,T..l.i.l '! ilir lljii'jnr an I IVitUml iHil'Idi villi mllm .( Ilil.tor. I'.!., li-c '. .1. I'lillllin luin'Mrnl. l.flKllve .Mmcli 1. 1,"'1. T. C. ( lr.rl.i', lUwi'l SiiittliiiniJ"!!'. 'A)iiovl: w. II. infuijit. l'u-iiliiii. NUHlnti, J'.i . Iili ', Hffl. iiiubr K". Is. T. Ml Dmi.IoJf - 'III' .iilSmgTirfu!aliM, lnrMiip flWithr IMh Ii1i" i:nii..M mint I v if.lHilAilt Willi ihkI i'"v tlii iiiIm niiO '-i' iintiiifHnn. If n '"!' . If. tlirir meatilrc tlit-y iniut .ipr.1) In pi"lu .nilhurily lor .in rNpLiiwllcii. Olill(hri lo tlr luliii l i f til 111 " '!"' 'i' V" ft.piiMliuru atiil itiiptiijio, .'Ml ti (Sir j it tecilin i propel t. lu mlir cr irmilii in tin- -en no i n im mo( of v (Mucin to "'My ll.",!"'"'- Ilio wiilif ilimatiiU IU' tiiiiliml. inl-lli,"nl iiml ountMiin i11Imii!i' "'I' iliit To cllolii ptimiiitlim. mpant mii'l It "licrtii )' srrmtfr ri'piilillillil.' . Hip u-r nf iiituir inl Pi fliilM4 wliili- mi lit l iirnlilblliil. Tli'Ir halilluil n-c. r tlio i ipirnt lnif of plan'- wliuo tli'-' .ii"' m'iI. I ! n iclil' m'SK tor ill-intail Tlirf ttn cl i liv iiniiliiiiv Mlicn n dull' in or cilioiil. i.ii"fiiii .l.ilii-)i. "I i'ii p.i'-'is'i i ii, l prtvltlliltril. T. l:. Clul. rt.-iii. I -tpiTii'liT'lt. Anllille association em? The Coal Mniket. Thi lVlittmiy lc-t'r nf thf' ito Coal titirra lots' .iliottt the ntaikot: "The mill wetithir il" Hie ini itfiittli tl-tM tltlitrtlllllV IIHM'1 111'' .111 ll'-.tPlti'1 iuurl;ct. Tlti' il'-nuuiil hi .latiiim-y. ow ing to tlif iiilli'iii'i''' ul' tin' Ki-awiin. Im I lif-piui to ilioi fluns ul' iltillni'.-oi. Thli "UnWcil th i iiiiip.ililoi to jihir" n '!- ii In amount of roi Jit tliolr lOhriv tiicks. pail of )ili h, liowivi't. Imr I'i'on ili'.uiii upon to itti'i t Uii iiii'stu.i ilelli-ih'- ilutliik tlu t'.i.'lv ul' J'V'liiuuiy. "The tmie ul Hi.- m.'Ukft i.iin.i.ii'? fiitn. I'tlnw aie iiiii'liiuiffi'il :iml 111 in no pn".iut linliiatlonv ul on" to- I'l.'tloii, ei ii lor a iniiiK itftthir. T'lls aii'uit. to he owintr lariIy to ilir iiet'i'Intciil ifl'oitH of labor to ton i.'uitliur clnnsi'M fiotn the selioilnl" i C i.aKea ai?it.''i to l.i-t " I. an I '..oileiiiW II for lilt I'Mtllt llile jietljituaut IVIlOM i he iiie.tloii ail-e. as It tnuil. In Aplll. The Inleival -III lie .Hi- if lltl- ert.ilntv whMi HUM' lie boin" hi )i.i te'lici' by tin; iirodm " .mil ' nsuiiKi." r. J ?lfivait i nriMiliil'il nrrliilciiiltit i truism uriii liulMlns in lh HuftJlo illil'loi, with litailituattcn At Math. X. V. Herman Iltnliimrr U .-iwolnlcl nipctlnlrmlcnl fcf brliljn mi Jlorrli ami l.'x ilhllun .m.l liunilin ami 1-rMnloii illillon fnvn llninpleii .TuiKtlrti tu i'nrllaml, nml ililiffcr ntnl I'orlUn-l rallitay. nif oflklaU ff llic InliVo l ImlMlrif lie) J'.t mnt Mill rftmil I" b. Hmli. pilr.tli.iit ni'lfb nt riirlii-oi. Car l'.ccaid Depaitmont. Tlio I.niUiiwaniiu i nr t'ruid depart nifiit Ih iiviiln In i milling cIihih'. after tl.o ntpnioriible fire In the Jlenwool bullilitii;. wheie it iiiiinbL'r of the boy lnd t hrltllntr efeuiiCH ftoin Hit ilutnoH, which I'oiiHtinieil neatly n whole block of Imnlni'ffl houses. They are now comfortably (iiiiii'tfrt'il hi the rooms formerly occupied by the Grand At my of the Ilcpublle, over tlio I'lrut Na tional baiilc. Altogether thero aie foity.foiir mon In the depaitment. under the dltect supervlHlon of I'hlof Clot k V. J. Swce nV. In the nilleaK'1 and aecountu de pigment, ton men are oiiRaKod ttndei' the illrertlou of II. A. Siaborn. tunl T. R (.lenity has live men with hint, who If.olt aftet' (ho louiiase recoidi'. The service" of (evetitcon men ai" ieitllied lo look fifi'jr the car iecorl. a nil thin il'ipaitnient ! dlteetcd by W. V. (llvntiiioitH, while V. .M. Ilauillu N the head of tin tuu'lntf depart uirnt. with live nslHlanlt. Tlun there arc the HtcnouiMI'lH'i" lileckeis, ulllie lioyy, etc,, nho aid lit unking the car leeotd dopattuieii'- one of th" lull-lent In (he eo.iipanyV ll.i-t. Increase In Bituminous Mines. Tline ha- been a teniarkable In eiease In the I'entisylviinla bltumlnouH niliiox In the pa( ten ycati, nny the I'ollsvlllf I'htotiicle, I'apt.iln ll.tlnl Unlbthladl. of I'otlstlllu. foi iiuuly n-s-IMant KOoloKhi of the rioIobIcuI sur vey of l'innMv:uila, than whom theie ar' tew belief authorities In tlil con Iioetloa, huK JttHl (onipleteil oil idllbor ale and extremely v.iluabb map of the bllttinlnoiiM coal lleldn of the slate, showing the undinelopitl and devi-'-oped wlllt the location of every 'nniineirlal iiiol mini of these ipkIoii". Ill IMil the numbee of blltnullloiis nml nilnrs lu opet.itlon In J'ennsylva ul.i ivih TO", while mi .Innuaiy I. ltOI the liumbei- had Incrcaped to P4::. an In- eiease of LMS. in- jnuie than -. pet- cent. Snmei-Kel and ArmstroiiK' louutles have ilotthled the ntinilK-i- of their inlno, and Cambria county ulmo"i ho. In the past di'iadi Alleftheny has- Rained K!; Arm'ttioiifr. II; Ueaver, ::: llediotil, ". Hut let-, :!: I'ainbilii. r,l; Ceiilei. l-j. f'learlleld. r,; JClk. '.i; Kayi'ite. S-.': Ilunt ItiKdon, t: tiidlaiin, M; .leii'ersoii, 11: Sotni'iM'l, III: 'ahlnstoii. ts. and Wi'httiioielatld, 2C. Tile I'uuntlett .ho Ine; losses ai ' Itlalt, I; Hiadfoid. ;!; Meteor 5. and TIokii, ::. The icmiitl; able IncteilK' has been Kieatei dtll'lltfr lh" iieilod IhMi-ltiOCi than In any nihil Veur of the decade. The Inctene 111 the numb' r of tons of mined Ikih double!1. 1018 OnAN. This is not an Isolated or Individual Case in Scranton. What It told by thl" loMilinl of Seiantiiii will p'rovo Invaluable to tunny people who go thiouith the same dally ecpftluui'. This shoil ftatenicnt of the relief obtained ft om far too preva lent anno.aiieeH should convince the Ki-enten skeptic that the merit of tho attlcle dNctmiMl Is ui to iepie.entii lion. Mrs. Samuel It. Jones, of IMS Jf-lywm street, Hyde I'atk, says: "I suffeied for many yuiis with kidney trouble. Mv doctor said It Mas cataith of the bladder. There was a constant dull pain In the hiiiiiII of my back, widen cNlendeil up between my shoulileis When stooplnir or dohnr an Mink uboitt th" ioiie the pain was so sharp as to become almost unbearable. I nilRlit say that I hnidly knew what It was in be without baekneiie. I could not sleep iiIkIiix and would have to Ret up often before inoihluR and walk tin tlonf. I heatd about Doan's Kidney I'llls and my husbaml roi them for nu at .liinev' ill iisy stole, on South Main avenue. I notlcul a niniked liinuove mciil alter Inking ihellist bnv. I con Mimed lh tieatuieul until I had taken elRht of Idf box x. They did in.- a wondetliil ainoiini of Rood Mv iius b.ti.d can also Join nu- In pralsliiR Doan's Kidney I'llls, as be wa lelleved of similar lioubles by thcli use." Kor sale by alt dmleis. 1'ibe. SO Kills. Foster-.Millitliu t'o.. Iltlffiilo. X. Y.. sole iiRenls I'm th" I'nli'd Staus I'l'iueinber the name Doan's and lake no sulinillute. lynching of OorRe Ward to (lovtriioe inn bin, lit which tho nherlff says ho svoro In u lai-Re force of deputies and took every piecautlou possible to pre ent the lynehlnp. Tho grand Jury will meet lu n few days and will io limit uetod to rlRonulsly InvestlRiite thu miittuf IWoie taKIlU up other busi ness. Tim funeral of Miss l'inkelsteln. the victim, wan held today ntnl tho tabid who conducted the suilcen rltoiiRly condemned' tin eondiu I of the mob. NEW YORK HOTELS. Cor. Slxttetitb Et. and trying TUct, NEW YOBK. American rian, t3.t0 per day and upwatJ. Luropcan I'lan, Jl.M per tlar and upward. I. I). CRAWFORD, Proprietor. ilrk Hotel Victors Braata, Sth An. and 27tb Street, taw toil. JISr4rt O.CHlnMnnff ' nusvwiv - 1 j'fitfjVfejjw cvfeSEt!SkUwrtJM-sf-6Kri4ftr.7a i WCT-KUja-Cjii; f. "'"'taSC noras w BwirMT.rifrrrtm 111 llic'ieii' tcr of tlio sti cm ii in c and ttic.ittc dintr let. ' I'lrst ilai in nil llsap- , KilnlmciiMi I .'.III ID V ncvtlilouj;ti nut. European Plan Rooms alii' ConnoHjiWa lac SCRANTON'S SHOPPING CENTER. We Offer During the Present Week A Large Purchase of Atlantic Bleached Sheets and Pillow Cases at the following favorable prices : Pillow Cases. ele n r ! i sulle, with or without Iwlli, lict amlinlil wntr , Budulepliotieltieicrv room Cuisine unexcelled - ---- ' Btldge Building Depaitment. V. 11. Ilixoil. aupeliutetldeut of brlclRcy and bulldliiK" on the Jiacltu iwiiinii lallioad, wlne-e utile" hao In en located nt Holiok"ii. will make his hcuiliiinrter. at Scianton after Manli I. occiipybiR lh" iiuatieiK foimerly used bv I'laltns Agi nt Stillwell. Tb" luttit will oeettpy tin iiuaileis nulled by Tax AruiiI Kowler. while tin latter olitalns desk loom In ih oilliu oC DIvl.lon SiDicilnletiileiit II M. Kile. The nppended will vlitlKhteu ill" eiuployeh of the Lackawanna ie i.atilliiR tin- i tinuRf" that have In en iiuido in the bihlRe lutlidliu douatl mem. lil -X fml. Mil fulloHinj limn.'-. Iml ppf tninniil-. 'i-"j I'trii inailp in till iii;iiriiic iln.irlniiil t lli Lakananiia uUreail. i- tA itU'ii I- lull Waniii, iliiWmi riii,inii'r. lll lu" iluig uf erjutuu ilul-liii loitticii lVitll''l i Ml liltisliaintnti, ui.l th.' Illw.t inline. Mi'nisi, i id ril(.i iIM-Ipik, lire! in.uli'U nl Misnton (.oipe W. U.nli.v t ipiwliitnl iliiblnu in ilicr ii tin- lliillilii iliit-li'ii ntnl lini.i'1. wtrn 'uPHiliiUUler n' I'.'niiri. N V. Ilii Juii-cll'iilii f Mi. W 11 lli ii, .ii.i Intr.iilrrt ff lnig("i aiul iiiiiluiiio, ill iNtrn1 . rl tli" vim.MIi ilhl-ii'i tlnlil I'lllllliil I" li'tslui iit.ii, .4ii.l hi liUmiilii it., vuh iw. a 'I 1 iii t!iii' i. xi'li i" iiliianri' .0 s.i,iiiii,n Itching Scalp. Scald Hoad and tho Most Violent Forma of Ecionin and Salt Rheum Promptly and Thoroughly Curat! by Dr. Chaso's Ointmont, Among imall chiUhcn, scaid head and rmlar itchinj; slia dife.ises are most preva lent and the worn feature is that these ail ments which are apparently trivial at firs'., intiibtl imanably develop Into chronic eczenu if neglected. There U but one treatment that phjsiii.uu are jiuntniQus tu tcconuuending for ;cald heads anu eivema, and that is Dr. Chase's. Ointment, the great antiseptic healer. It prompt fy stops the dis tressing i trh'i ni; which accompanies tliec unease-, anu positively produces a thorough and loinpletc cure. hcotes and thous ands of men and women stand ready to vouch for the mctit1. of Dr. Chase's Ointment. It has brought ubout some of the most marvelous, cures, cer recorded, In justice to jnurself and family, ou cannot do without it' I a jour home. Mr. J. II. Grant, ;if Joseph Campan ue nuc. Detroit, Mich., w-ritct "For three years J haie ueen troubled by an intense Itching on my body, So terrible was it at times that I could ;:et no res! night or day. I tried &II kind of ointments and blood purifiers, but could get no relief, Mr. 11. A. Kitolai of 3;g Division street recom mended I)r Chase's Ointment. A few applications Mopped the itching and I bavc fc It nothing since," The Eiie In Days of Lour Aro. The fioiltcn Democrat published In lti Issue of iVbtuury 1, IV.ii. the I'ul kiiViiiR Ileum concernliiR the laic lall iniid: The illiodiii- of the Ihle It.ill toad oniii.inv have pnssed a lesolu tlou to complete the load to Dunklik. on Lake Ihle, to- soon .is possible, nml ord"id the contiail eominlltee lo make a rnntincl to thaL elfect. The eilfulllR'. Of the 1'ielRltl tlallls o tb" .Vew- Yolk and Ihle lallmad on Saluiday Inst ainoiinted to J.'.niia. A train conWHtlntr of between thlitj and fotly eais tilled with cattle pasi i throiiRli this villORe on that day In a priiuRi-apli hi teRiiril to the mo tive power of the Pit io i nllio. ul, In speaking of the tieinendous eiiRines tn us, says' "Many of the urIu'-s h.i leu wheeN and wcIrIi lw-euty-tiln tons." They eeitalnly were mere toys when compared wllh lh" l."u-tii in Rlni's In use nowad.ijs. terliiluiueiii .nut .om fin I ot railroad men It l-i annoiiiii'eil that Hi" loioinotlxe eiiRineets of the I'eutiiylvanln i.illrii.i'l aie abou' to uk for an lin i-ease oi nu percent. In iinRes, wllii ten bonis lo lonsiluite a lull day's wml,. Th y will iiKo reqin-xl that only In tin mosr eMl'eine roitliiRiuc lei v 1 1 1 men be tailed upon to work moio than tm boms p"r day. Thu men do nut talk strike and Intimate that th ( have no d"ite to cause truoble nf any kind. and do not expect trouble. Tliey aie simply ueRiithitliiR In ;i citilet wn with i the'iRers for an Ineiease In waRi". i on on- of tli rhtctiRu del til lines Ihey (lie HOW rillllllllR eais. w lib ll iue vi li lieuily lis laiRe as the 'latidaid day coaches on neam lomli. They aie lorly-ilN feet l'otn In. lies Iour, elRht I eel six liichi". whl and liaea seatlllR eiipacll of lltly-lwn liei'Mins, The seats aie all .irtatlROd enwsuays. K.nh ear Is e(iilpped wllh fotn thirty cIrIiI bof-e power motor and Is sup plied wllh hea: troni elRblcn eleettle heateix lixateil under the i-cals, They ,r' combination Mimmer and winter i.ii-ss. They Meiv built n I a ciist of i .ffi.iiiiil riKli and It will cost .Vt.iiOil.nnn to cousli-iii t elioilRh ol th -ul Inupetute the whole system. , SHEKirF TASIG EXPLAINS, t Unnhle to Pi event the Lynching of Oeoigc Wnid. Uf lv 111. . Wnc (l.illl 11;l jl uieil I (., T. iii Mi .lb. In ' P.' .7 Sh.-ilff 1'isir ioda iiindi a full letioil of the For ISiisiiicss Men In tho heart ot tho district. For bliopiicr 3 minutes' wall; lo Wannmnkrrs; S minutes to Siotel Cooper'u Ills Store, nasy of access to ihc srent Dry Goods ytorcs. For SlplilM'crs One block from r.'wav Car. slv inR easy transpottallou to all points of Interest. 42x36, - 11 c 45x36, 12J4c 50x36, - 14c 54x36, r 16c Sheets. 34 yds wide by 2 yds long, 52c 2 yds wide by 24 yds long-, 47c 2 yds wide by 2J4 yds long, 50c 24 yds wide by 234 yds long, 55c 2l2 yds wide by 2 yds long, 55c 2l2 yds wide by 234 yds long, 65c HOTEL ALBERT : iEW YOHK. Cflr. 11th ST. ft UNIVBr.SITV PU Only one Block from Dioadtray. ROOIllS, $1 Up. Price" Keatoriiiblr i! White Bed Spreads at Special Low Prices Our "Berlin," full size, hemmed, 79c, value $1.00 Our "Clarendon" full size, hemmed, 93c, value $1.25 Our u00," full size, hemmed, $1.25 value, $1.60. -- Faster than ever to California V.. L. & W. Boaid. 'i'hu followhiR Is the make-up 1., I,, and AW board for today wt.isiii.v. miiMWiiv. : Wnrl I .it.,. i:.i.(-S ji. in . .1. ( ot. I:.. f ili- pi 10 p n ., ( . Jlifin. 'llll'IMi.W. ir.l!fU. Wild ( U. l,il-l-'.Mn .i. in.. T. 11. hi ii 3 ill i. 1 1.. M. I'iiinuij: :: .1, in. M Cm .1 1. 111., I, M'Caitle : ' 1. m., 1. I". M' wi ll '. la. 1. f luneiirh; 7 J. M.. M. linMni. 1.11,1 I.' M llsllit'y nu tli ..IU a. in.. JI. Iniul.i PI a. tn. II. (illii'ini; II. .Ji a. 111.. II. lii-Mii. ! I'M p. 111, I.-illiiior, .'Iili II I. I. ii r-.iu'i im 1 l.l '. '.. 1. f.'intj". .1 p. hi. i.n.ii lmr I 1, p. in . I'. .1. t'loiiip-nii. Mjininil?. r,ti.-ll J 111, ran. .fiiui ( imt? ii i. 111 , .iit. .1. lli' 7 J. 111.. il (.. "rr I I'KiiinfclkdJ 11 .1. in.. .t, W. II, MiIiiiU; 7 j. ni., cKt fi'.in N.iv Aiijr. IMff.inl Mi'Mlntci. 7 I'. ' 1.1., not (rein tjiiijii. lime 1 mine,, Mil.iu . p' HI" '"l fl'illl C'aMUI. 1.11 til. IMll'l M j. in . I. I'. Sicr. I'ii-Iim.-- 1 11.. IPauor; 11..0 .1 in. M,.ii i, I J 1 . in , Mui-plii , II 1 . in.. I .ampins-. I I'jiwil.Eir rntdnM 7 a ,n.. (UtTiny: 7 .i. n , , Siiidir: r,.i0 1 1. tn . Mjntoiu 7 p. in,. Mjs'uvirn Willi Cat, Wc.vl-1 11. in., D. Ilu.;nlv; -, .1 111 , rnitood. 'illli II, 1', i).iln'rl,i' men; ii .1 in. .1. .1. Ci'IIjii. J. r.i . 'I, i:.'i'i'i, in j. Hi 1 1. Miliniii '. p. 111.. Jriiilt ( I1W111; . ii m ( Kiiii-i, ii p 111. LIVERITA THE UP-TO-DATE LITTLE LIVER PILL CURES IBiliousnoss, I Constipation Dyspopsia, and Livor Complaint. SUGAR COflTBt), Sold by all Unurcis.n or sent by mull, fitnlto Medical Co., Cblca-o H 11 11 m 4 1 I H IHH 100 PILLS I 25 CTS. CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY Till: OVERLAND 1. 1. MIT 1. 1) leaves Chlcajjo O.30 p. in. daily via Chicago Union Pacific end North-Watern Line. arriits San I'rancisco afternoon of third d.iv and I.o Angelc early next morn ing. No change of car.-.; all meals in Dining t ar-.. I'.uffet Library Cars with barlit-r. The best of ever) thing. The I'autic l'-nprcss Icacs 10.30 p. ni. daily. TourNt Mecpcrs daily to Calif ornti. I'er ..onally conducted cxcurMoni every v-cck. Send A cents postage foi '-California Illustrated." Call on an) agent foi tickets or addrets C6I etoaltat hlwerk43HifSt., Cul'inr.ltl eOICftfl'141 .Pnlliillphia 507 Smtl 1'H St ,PiUtlidrg S6H Wallilnolor it., notion 334 4iociCf St., Cltutlan t C0I t'jln SI . CnJioireainoiKli'artnii, Oitrot S11 nark it , Chletigi!Kln!iit.,eaH,Tlircnti,Oiit, Special Opening of White Goods for Early Buyers Consisting of Lace Stripes aucl Open Ktfects in Lawns, India Linons, Batistes, Nainsooks, Etc., at popular prices from ioc to 25c per yard. and Children's Dresses. Suitable for Shirt Waists CONNOLLY & WALLACE, 127 AND WASHINGTON 129 AVENUE DR. DENSTEN Plijslclan and Sura 311 Sprusi St. IiripeUuri Buildliis SCliANION PA. M I 111111 ,.IIIN I M.T I PLd'Icr. jut ,.' llll. d I1..1 Sulil lil M,f.j ia!i .a Ujii.iiin.'i jvtti 11 ,V V onia.. I)ni, i. bunion i'.i Ml TTEN GUARANTEE TO CUI)E!35S 1 nltei f t ry n ueitivnn jif taliAt. lint jijt. iiuptui nua ajiij Mirgeun laws. Dr. TMEEL. 527 North Sixth St, l'liUniti'lubla. 1'a.OAU Ahiuc.i, sGbQiiPcison.Vaticocslo.Strlctiirs CCCOnll PHIVATE, nml OBSCURr: n caaeno houmnci. l.oii.tliiiiiionil,HliruiiU. Ulitjaj'lo, cnor?.m-.fullyrcmirrit. 1'rcnli rnxc-l cured 111 -1 to 10 iliiH. TI1411 Ml rinizcrolil raKis fotirito.1. "CIN DCUTSCHBR AKZT." Tfit ment h7 HoniUor Mrorn TriiiinoiitMs.t liraik t. I o.ujk crccy Ills li itltuto,Uoct(Kal MiUiial trauX 5"jVg M j t tjyv di,i j-t 1 1 iirii. o iHlJi.n (llltONIC M.llUUt., .SU 1-I1M. IU'-i:l A t-l'I.C- ,li ill-mi ul Hie lmr, KiJiuj,,, llloiiil. Nfi't-, Miniii), L'ii', I ii, ii riiimt, ami lainiri. cjiu.ui, i, l'ilf, tlupiuu, i.ulli.. t.lii'i iintl-nn, ,iini, tdtur'i ucxolc Lost Munliuoil, nalitly I I mi-noil, nil 1 nml' :''-' '"(" I.f m oi i hoi i, 1.1 , l,i.imoiilii.i. I'nlli'. l.l,"i I'nfcioii, I tmti n'l titlifnl lulill, 'iMilorat.-il Surir-V, I I ir. Ipllfl-i. 'l''I"' '"' -'"'ii'idi nuiin. ( . I 1 lilt!iCJOM . fp'Hlu t.'i latirili Ilt !li. mills' ln.itr.n "I "ii' V "0 'in m , I ,, ( i.ii-iillitii .1 .iU ' i 'Oil ficc Of. tin liovii- ilitl." a I I Mai'Ui, S i m. id 'J P ' OR. DErslSTEIM I i, ii.. . KM .lilil lli-lu NOTK i: luUi'iati 1 J'vl', ul. Mill, .1, t'.i-tillu. r' lK.itk tvi dulv. r.ul.. "inn ,i, .1, Mullen ulll rem ilii T .1. 'llii'iiip-dti us lUsitiin. llnlii I 'i. i nl; I'jtirll wilt gii mil Ci nil ii tin' I. Il.'r.l.aii, t p, in., r.i-l, ii-Li. I'd.. 27 in null Mil1! 1 MYER DAVIDOW The Cheapest Shoe Store, 307 Lackawanna Avenue. 12th SemiAnnuaI Sale of Shoes and At Less Than Cost of Making. 'wvrWTVvr'e J. ,. .;- , ff 4 .J. 4. Jfr .J. ( &1 TTTtTf DOLLAR SAVING Prudent people arc taking advantage of our CLEARANCE SALE It will pay you to come and sec how we can make a dollar do the woik of two Axmiuster Carpets $1.50 Values. $ 1.00 a Y.'trd. 4 u 0 I) Up 100,000 Rolls High Grade Wall Paper 3ci Up Inlaid Linoleum Made like a tile, colois tiiiouii to tin' Regular $io0 goods, now f5c, 7sc.S1.on back. yard Remnants. I WILLIAnS&flcANULTY 129 Wyoming Avenue 4 -4- t" 4. H ! i' "h 'h 4 ! J $ i' & i' "5 'S "J 4 - 'h v $ ! v'i" r- - ', i- -i -.i i , X THE Rubbers moosic POWDER CO. Rooms I and'.M'om'llh BTd'g. 6CRANXON, PA. nining and Blasting Ever) on1 damaged, r&&2 ft This nnd Tlmt. A. V. XVonta, Hll(-Tlllteniliil n( tl. c'liitnil Itnllroiid nl Xi v. ,lct'Kc-,, was it visitor nt tin' nlllro nf Illvli-I VTc iplil .Ki'tit W . ;, Tlinyor yomar ilnv. M.mlcr I'.!)' Iliilliloi- I.. T. ('nnll-lil .ni'l Suiii'ilntondi'iit in" :.u- Scrvlci- JI. It. Cisny UK' (111 l IlllHlllI')) Still. iVI r il." MulKil.i ilvlinii nf tin. I.iifKi-i-.iinm im(1ki."i1, l..iolt;iinnna tialn f.nvo now rf nun 1 tliclr lutl i.iti) ni pp.rt civt r il.' itrl'lKi'f nt Willlwniinn uinl Utrli llflil, .ni'l tin- rtoulilf-tiiii U fi-rvli Iips i ncn i'uni('ii iivr iincitonFnci; iniij.". nil tlio f.ii'nl of tt. litis- nuisl nnl i-v-'ul live milts ,in Itcnir until rurtlii-r iintUc. Th.' iiciv umll mil' wiil'li tlio l.iu It.i. Manna recently i-wlvo'l from U.o li.u ni'v, HniMi Co.. nf nijton, ii., uio now in i-f-ivloo on train Xu, i". ,ii t lv Ins in Srniptnn nt O.'JJ n. m Tlici-'. .lie lliioc i.f tin-in. H.vtv fint in Ic-iiKtli. nml tlioy ni.' fully ,t iIUi nil Rcivcrnmrtii niirillitiii . .noli .ih lacltn. plKooii I'oloh. cic. Th Krln will mipil imin. ii'MV pnrHftigi'i- onBliii-.-i till year, anil J nt,?,!;f .1... i.n,.ii',ui ...Ml l..s.. I.. I.. I.. ' . ny .vr,ii',i,i. ,, in iiul Ill"ll,lll' III lllllt'l Shoe in our store is up-to-date, frebli goods, and not We Oefy Competition. LOOK AT THE LOW PRICES: MrdiH Mooilo aaJ Ilusri ln'.a WurUi. Baby Eczema. Mr, Y. S. Koie of 1,13 Mxtecntii street, HuiTalo. N. V.. write. "Ojr bby bov iiiflcreil for some lime with that vretclieif eczema, anil we were tin utile to linil anything to cure or even relieve his pain. A few applications of Dr. A. V. l.'liase's Ointment stopped the itchiiiR and iie.iled the sores, and a bright, natural skin now takes theirplace." r Dr. Chase's Ointment does, not cause pain when applied, but soothes the sore or In flamed surface, 50 cents at all dealer, or Dr. A. V. Chase Medicine Co., Uuffalo, N. Y. MEN'S SHOES LOT 1 Men'. Hox Cnlf Rubber Heel. LeiUhcr-linrcl S'3 P0 lioes at !?1.0S. LOT 2 Men's Wlntei Ruscet Rub ber Heel, Leather-lined nhoes nt 1.98. LOT 3 Men's Enamel Rubtet and Bind: Shoes, vvoith !?3.00. at i?1.08. LOT 4 Men's Vlcl Kid Leather lined Sfi.50 shoes, nt 1.41). LOT 5 Men's Box Calf, Velour Cnlf, Ennmel nnd Patent Leathei, 3.50 and S4.00 shoes nt 2.48. LOT 0 Men's Light nnd Heavy WoikttiR Shoes, woith SI. 50 nt 08c. Men's Mlnlnp Shoes. 08c. Men'r, Woonsochet Rubber Boots, Men's Arctics, only 08c. tlu'iu. They will provide IiIb Wuntcu innulilurs of tint 1,'itont typo ami wilt aim order tnutiy new roue Ini. Thoy arc putting liuutlrcibt of ooadusi tlitoiiRli tlio lmiM, and ilic-t-u will cmnu ' out looltlnir an tnl an now In tlu 1 apilns. Hcrrctniy V. W. A.lalr cnir-rtnlncl 1 n nttmiior 01 liiilruail mon yc.xti'td.iv afternoon nt tin- ltalhnad Tmini? Men'H ClirlHtlnit (lfsoclatloti, Willi a (elected nuinbor of idinnnRrnplilc u-i-nifU, which wei'o hlnhly upprcciatcd by tlioso who wore permitted to en joy tlio liPP.t, The Ionian of tlio ns fcoi'latton me always upon for tlio en- worth Men's Embioldeied Slipueis, 75c, onlv 40c. Men's Felt Shoes, woith 3, nt 08e. Child's Rubber Boots, only 75c. Youth's Rubber Boot?, only 08c. LADIES' SHOES Ladles' Hifih Cut, Box Calf, nine line Kid-lined nnd Winter Ru&tet Shoes, woith 2.00. S3.00 and 4.00. nt 1.00. Ladies Goodyear welt line hhoeb, made to eell at 3.50, only 2.20. Ladles' Patent Leathoi, lace and button Shoes, worth ..bO, at 1.70. 300 pahs Ladles' Dongola Button nnd Lace, Kid and Patent Tip, Good year welt shocn. woith 2,50 at 1.40. 200 pahs small and odd sizes of jialis to close out, woith 1.00 to 2.00, nt DOc. 300 pahs Ladles' 1.50 Russet Shoes at 0c. LAF1.IN A KAMI POWDER CO S ORANGE GUN POWDER XI 'ctrlo riHtKrft, Kleotrl.; ICznln lire xplO'lliu IjUjU, Safety Cuimu i llirni uxplo. ivc 1901 BICYCLES New models uow in. Spaldings.Cleve lands, Iver Jolmsoa and Crescents. No better selection ever made. Call and see them. They're beau ties. Rcpaiiiio Chemical Co.'s The above are only a few of the mauy bargaitis. We invite 3'ou to call and exam iue our jood9 before buyiupf elsewhere. Remember, we sell Strictly Reliable and Up-to-Date Footwear. MYER DAVIDOW, The Cheapest Shoe Store. 307 Lackawanna Avenue il ins s (I EfSS 1 211 Washington Ave. Lager eer HENRY BELIN, JR., Gnrr1 Acnit lor tin Wjorolni Ulnrtct (or 'ewery Maiuifficturcr.v.): OLD STOCK PILS mim. uiLis: llliitinc Itcaunn fportlntr, Fmo'.tlMj rli) Clicmlcl Ccniuti' (Ml 1 " " " 1 SCRANTON. Pfl High Explosives.' fj(tt)- Vast, Capi and Kijilodera. Itoora t9J C Dell Pulliiin;, bcrantcn. 485 to 455 N. Ninth Streot, Telephone Cull, WiH. Aui:scii;st TIIO-J. tortn MtLton joiis n smith tas ....lUjwoufh IV. )'. UL'LUOAN WllltilHrr.