The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 28, 1901, Image 1

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    1. 1lT ' V
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An Avalanche ot Oratoru Preciui-
tatcd bu Introduction oi thn
Sdooiicp Amendment.
Scenes .Without Paiallcl Since the
Enactment of Resolutions Declaring-
a State of Wnr to Exist Be
tween the United States and Spain.
The Most Notable Speech Is De
livered by Mr. Bacon, of Geotgin.
The Adnilnistiatlon Anaigued.
If I lujtp Win 'urn 'lhi' o.ijlil 1'r.m.
Washington. J'eb. "IT. Tin senate
1 i .( I tin- iinnv hill at o'clock a.
ip. toiitulnlng the pioposltlons or th'
!' lilllillrilll miljoilty fur t lir (cinpoi
iii v government of thf liilllnplues and
i ! tlit fulutc lelntlons between tln
i nhi'il States iiml Cuba. Many amend
mi tits won- nfl'i'icil to both propos-i-
ii-, but wen- voted down. Tlii- oilg
in.'l Spooner iiincuilmout was aim mini
gardlug liiinchles, us pioposod by
Mi Hoar, tho latter ptoposilloii having
tii on accepted by the majority yoster
.My. Xot Mm.' Hi.' enactment of the
-esolutioiifc deilstiing u stale of war
io exist between the Pulled Hiatus
mil Spain has there In n sin li
in nvulunehe of passionate ot.i
'iv an tho senate lNternd to to-
.iv. Throughout the session thi'iiiluy
.)i tit latlon bill was under tllscus--inn.
llie controvet ted ipiestlons In lug
li. Spooner Philippine unuiuluiciit ami
Ha 1'l.itt Cuban iiuHMitlincnl. I'uii
iudy enough tbe debate vvus t online!
ntliely to the iJcinociatli: wide ol llie
li.imlier, with one cveeptloti. Hoth
nucndiiicnts weie ilenoumed as vl-
ions and pernicious leglslitlon, suli-
"IsiVc of till? li'hU'lile.s of litis gov-
iiiuicnl ami unparalleled in tlu his
tory of legislative enucluittits.
The mint notable spe. eh .if tile day
i.,n dcilvoicil by .Mr. U.u'on, ol (.boi
lu. lie hail ben Ihoiotlghly a roust d
in ihu reports that tin- Demoeratle
ni."nb"i's had been Indue d by tpies
ilonable means lo withdraw their op
position to the pitiposeil legislation
ami he passional dy branded as a libel
opon honorable nun ami s-enatotN any
ml all such statements. Personally
ti. declared lie would defeat the nniond
i h nts'if he t'tiuUl. although he ie,illz-il
ili mnjorliy would have o .jet opt thn
sponsiblllty for theni. UN arinlgn
i lent of the administration for "co-
lng ongivss Into emitting such
tiovlsions In th" t losing limn k of Ibe
-dun" was sonsutlonallv llrce and
i .let Kit etl thai the only possible oh.
Jt tlons of Midi actlontt was "that thn
Plumleiers and ulluies" nilKbt hao
an oppoitunltj to plt upon the puis
i lute land of the Filipinos
tinitous Tinner, of Washington:
Tillman. Smith Caiolln.i: 1'ntlKrmv,
S null Dakota; Jloar. .Mas.-at hut-etts;
T Her. Coloiado; Jlnlleiy, Floilda;
Miidsa. Kentucky: CulbeiMiii, Texas;
Joni f, Aikuui'.iK; Money, lif.slh.lp)I:
Mien, Nebiasks. and otheis, aildres"ed
tb .somite, all of them tlenonnt lui? the
1 loposcd leijli'latloll. '
Uaily In the evenliis" Hie otlnf; be
Kan on the minor amuidtiHUtH to the
in. ahiiie. All of them weie oiterotl by
Peniocratlt y uatoi.s, and all of tliom
w-ie Mittd down by heavy niaJoiltles.
The Decisive Movement.
St Inst the decisive moment aiihed
Th senate had been In M'sWon i on
tlnunuhl' .since II o'elock thin niouiinif.
The vote was taken upon the amended
Spooner lcsolutloii, which was adopted-
ea, A': naf, i', n party vote,
except that Hoar AOted with the Poni
firiatf, and .Mcl.aurln. ol South Car
olina, voted wilh the Jtopublleaus In
Ibe afilrnutive.
The amendment, as :Kiecd to, l as
.Ml mini.. x . fbll end lU'litlil jirti- nr. .'
i . t" uuorii I'.m I'liibii'iiii' I'liiub, miiuiii''!
' mi t-paln I'.r thn lii.illn. rojit biOed ,it I'.m. on
in tciitli di r.i ioiin.tiii, M. ami it j1i.
njton on tbe fovuah tliv ft Nucrii.liei, !M,
-i II, i.ntil (tliunivo irnilt li.i (iijii., 1
.iiul ill nidi miiinrv in tlif prcllrtit if -lio
1 uUcil stutts kMll illn'cl, lor Hip t'stjIilMiinnit
if rl.ll j.iunTilKlit (r liullUJlliint; .in.)
n-otii tins tlio iiilnl.llaiiu ol i.iM JnlimU in I'm
i njoj mctit ot tlit-lr llbcrt.r, vreiily uml
l Union.
I'roiiilctl, Tliat (.11 ImpIiLik si.mti.l tiiuU
i'h imliotlty liricof fclull tontain a r.Krritlin
of the il jbt tu nlttr, ami ml. in itcu t'na
liiiil a innutitiit itf." cri.iiint Mull lino l",rn
uUt.lMictl In k.IiI .iwlilpciiCT lull Ki.jrU t.litll
t mailo to itin;rts on A lfon Hip llret iIjv ct
odili UKilar sissloii tl all Iijlrlitiic ml. nrl
pn (tiir: cl Hi. 1 injujury gracroinriit liiktl
mini nutlet- tin' prrn blmis; nml lull re
i ir( of llie art, Uolnes nl said cmcriiiiicnl jii.1
hi to the cnlltllllili ol till' I'.i l.lnl.lC(l all' tit
. ecoiile Mull lie miu. to tie rcltnt. m
r wllnu ull liilerniitloii vliuli nnj In- dm iul to
tin' riinnisn In I'rcitiillu; moil' p?nn
, vfinn.iin.
I'haIiIoiI thai iw tiliv oi 1. t,c uc other tli-pu-union
of tl.i juihh' IjihI- hi thf llmlici thrioui.,
or thn ml lit nc iL'liU tlnirln Mull In in t.lo ;
J ml pioilctl, tl at to tr.iiirlilsu sli.ill to
vranted which U nut Hjiiwtl ti.v thn lutviltliiit
of the L'nltitl M.1I0. ami i. i,ot hi liis JmlRinrrt
tlCJlly nefc.ry for thf Ii;iiihi1I.-,Ih cownniii'i't
f the blamU oivl fin the
ntcicit flt the lunplf thcituf .in.l riiinot nillinul
Artat public mhclil't ! iottmnrl until the
jpiUllhlinirnt "f priliuicit tltil Vmrnmicnt;
Liid all null li.iinhiM-.i xl'iill oiu'
iiflrr th rklaulUluiKiil ol mnh pormanciit tbil
Ajguments on Cuba.
Mr. IMatt (Conn.) llirn ofl'ctcd the
Amendment prnparetl by the roinnilUco
on iplatlotiB with Culm. Mr. .Ionen
( rk.) moved to Htilke mt tho thlid
condition, piovldliiR that Cuba Hliall
asreo that the I'niUil States wlinll x.
oiTltJO the ilht to Interveno for tho
preservation of Cuban Independence.
Mr. Hoar paid hn coiuildeieil tho en-
f'ontln'ml on I'jfp !l 1
Austrian Chamber the Scene of Tut-
lous Disorders Yesterday.
It. ll'.duibe WIm from TIip Attoclilril I'fi"-.
Vienna, Kcb. 27.The leluhsratli wnn
nRaln the hcouc of furious dlsonlri!)
todnr. I'VcssIh, n Czech ilepuly, ier
Hlsted In malting a speech In the Czecli
lc laliKimpe.
Tlic H.'iinim tlpputles, knowltuc
enough of llie tongue to know that lie
was blaeUKiianVlnR them, rrowded
mound the vice-president, who wan In
Ibo chair, shouting: "You hcnundrel.
make him withdraw; you aie not lit to
pieslde over a putllumenl of canul
haK" The Vlce-ptesldent il.-d. put surd by
JcetH and mlnsllfj'.
Such expressions as "You skunk,"
"you lunatle," were hurletl at lilm.
Meanwhile Fiessls eontlnued to talk
In the home toni;ue. Stein, a (lernmii
deputy, iiishPd upon and sdzed Kic-sxls
by ihi" throat and shook him lllie a
doi; tthakes a int. The Czechs lushed
to the supports of h'ressls and ham
mered Stein's faee till tlie blood ft oat
his mouth and nose llowtd In stteanw.
The li'i'imius then lallletl to the sup
pot of Stein mid soon the deiuitle-i
wete tlRhtbif,' fitrlouulv. The upinar In
the eliamber was deatenlnu;. riof.ies.
.1 h tleputv, bail bis torn ,iff
and leii'lvetl a sevete woilml In the
band. .Many othr deputies on both
sides were bilteied and bltllsetl. The
piexld.'iit lllially rinsed tile sltlltil,.
Th' deputies left the 1 liambei sluiklilK
(Isis and lioiitliii; 1 111 -es .it one an
Manner In Which the Combine Is
Viewed by Judge Oaiy, of the
Tedeial Company.
!I 1.1. Iii-iip Win' fifin ll"" V.-idiIcl l'it",
New V01U. I'Mi. HT. .Indue U 11
Claiy, jue-ldeilt ol the Tedeial Steel
coiupaio, in ie"pon-e to a leuiK'St to
day for bis les mi the consolidation
of the sttel jo opet lies, spoke as follow-:
"The I'tiiihiiiiiiiiatlon of the plan
whh h .Messos. .1. I'. .MoiK.m & Co. have
been consldiilm; for unltltur under one
nianaijeinenl the pioportles and busi
ness oC of the lain" imn and
steel ludli-tile.s as atimiuni'eii by llietn
will be t.norably leeehed.
"The business lias been managed with
ability, courage and patience and with
Kieat pinmptiii's". The i In unistaiuts
whkli Kin rounded llie 1 nteipi Ise at the
beglnulnjc were no 1 ompllcateil and llie
Inteitsls iuvoht'd so vailant and wide,
as to make It apparently Impossible to
accomplish the desired result. Theie
fote the successful termination ol the
negotiations which have been progress
lug will be cnusldi red as the greatest
blisliii ss a IiIca fluent of Ibis ileculr.
I "Willi" UiPic will doubtle-s be some
dlsnppnliitmt nt anionic the .sloekhold
ei of the lespi ctlc companies In con
.seiitiente of the living of cnnipaiatlw
values, whh b may bo eonsldeied too
low or too high in some cases, yot It
must be adlllittill tile gtlltlelliell III
chaige liue in view of the coiiditloiiH
wiili h evlsicil. done ovci, thing pcthslble
to piotecl tin- Intel ests of all con
cerned. If It be tllle that the vnllli (1
llvi il aie i ouip.unthely loo low or too
high hi any ease. It l, neveitheless.
luobablv tine that the acceptance .if
the offers which ate made to the hold
eis of stoi k of the old companies win
result in great benefit to them.
"Notwithstanding' the magnitude of
the rnterpilse nnd the loigi amount of
flguics Involsed theie should be im tin
r.ivoiablo fffett In business elides, for.
It Is piopot'd simply to wlthdi.iu from
the market a huge ainount of stocks
leprtentiug many dlfftiout corpora -tlons
uml. r as many dlffeirnt man
agements, and place in their -lead the
slock of a new 1 orporutlon, and tho
amount of ikw cash iniulred will bo
fompaintlvrly small and contributed
lamely by those who nio now Inter
ested In the old ooiiipaulo. thus tinn.
feirlng balances on monev jnlnclpally
In the same banks '
Heitzog Is Repotted to Have Ciossed
the Oiaiif;e River.
IH 1 j.1jip Wnc frt'ii li r Win .1 In..,
Le A ar. Cape colony, Wb. jii.
Thoineycioft's column, wiipu last heard
tiniii. was ,1 lew hours" march behind
Ue Wet. The oth ' t ollimilS ll.lMl
.seemingly lout touch with him.
Ilerlzog, the I'.oer commander. Is ie.
ported to lucie ern-sed the Orange liv
er and appeals to be still Inside lh
leetnngttt formed by the lalhoad and
Holiday for Pension Clerks.
Pj rcclutto Who fem Jin A'tochtt'il l'ri.
W.uiiliiKtui, I'tl". "".- 'I'.iiln tin .oiiniit..l'invr
nl iKtifloiis iIi.iiiUm'iI hi cntiio fmrt ti.i n nvtkV
hrlhljy mill tiniicil mil the lmihlin,' tl tho liv
au,uul ofliilil', uho vill tin 11 lnakr ifulv H"
llu inmiiul bill, 'I,, nuke loom for the ilin.
tir It will li' iin.Riin ti mule .rtiiula ,n( ion
tiiJ. 'llie H-c or the piliklmi olVc lur tin lie
nugtn&l hill will nil the cmriniiiciit s. ,,wci in
alJiliN nhiiu'. II my llilnU tliU U the laU limn
Hid is'ii.lui '. ili will 1 10 ii'fil lur the Iiuiiinrjl
Baching House for Mexico.
P.v I'ul.ulie Wli fniil 'flip Aiv..(Ut..l Pus'.
riilhiiihni, Mtsln, I ili. ',. Hie kir.e pid.
h.y linut itlilcli 1. I'Clns crutiil In lc In' nlouli
.v llutlB. of lii n.n City, l'ilrslly tune
ilttnl. 114 total i.i will impiiI 1-1, It
will hue .1 il lily . ,ini It) nt ,Jkl hrii, Cm) hnm
nii'1 'jo shiip. lino 01 iifilicuatur "111
he t ililUluil tu lr.u.'vil lhi.' irniliKl of the
new t n lory to tllilnuit paiU ol Mc vtt-.
Ribbon WeaveiB Stiike Ended.
Oy l'.ic'.ube Wire from Xho A'focl.itnl I'itu.
Ni-w e.a. Id.. C7, Tim kltlkc rt jllfc rlljhon
wiaii'U. brau In tho mill el llu Vtulhij;
llnnifi.(tiiili.5 roiiiiiny in I'.ilirMin, N. ,1., 'oi.
UiiIjj, ct.nio to an Pinl tol,iy, whrn an miilir
ttamllm: w.n ir.uhnl lictwmi tlm mi.lo;r mil
thn linn. 'Hip irult in a littery lor tho ftrllvu
who liac tuurcil thp il pir unt. dcnutultil.
Basket Ball.
Ily llichube Wirt from The Awoclatcil IVfm.
1'ilnpptuii, X. .)., reii. 2:. 'J lie nnlrtirtty l.u.
let hall team tltlaitisl l.if.iyiKf trajil litre thli
afternoon hy a eo,'c ol 'ii to l.
Text 0, Hie New Measure. That
Was Evolved from the
Grady Muzzier.
With the Addition of the Amend
ments Which Repiescntntlve, Coop
er Proposed to Allot to the Giady
Bill The Amendments Are Adopt
ed nnd tho Bill Passes Second
.'funl fioiii !i Slid orinii tiluii
Jlaiilsbuig. Feb. '1'. Appiudt tl I lh
nw libel law evolved fioni llie Ciudv
muzzier. It Is the McCIulu bill, with
the iidilltlon of the amendments width
lb presentiitlve Cooper pioposod to ol
liuh to the (tradv bill. The (iiady bill
with the Cooper amendments would be
almost the same as the MeClalu bill.
1 he one essential different o being that
the AliCialn bill speellkd thai punitive
damages could be u-coieied In addition
to actual damages In a 'lll suit lor
libel, which vns objictlonable to Air.
Cooper, and which, after a conference
last night. Mr. McCIalu agreed -hould
be modllled:
AV Ai 1
111 lit 111 t.i rilmhul iiiofOLiilltii .iinl cm. .nl
fur libel, nml itiicalliif Ihu ml ciitoli-.l ,11
irl 11 lallnff In llhel jml ill puluNliniciil. ap
pioinl .Inly 1. l1".
Strlion 1. lie It fiiulnl ly l! ciittt' -anl
liili-e of itiii4 ntitbts of Hit- iuiiiiiionut'.ill'i f
JMin.b.ini 1 in gu101.1l .I'Minhb nut iml it I
lui'l'.t tii.ittt.l hy 11.0 millinrily ol thf miu,
'llt-.t in all pro.i'i ntlons 01 liulhtiuiiil.
fur llhil mi com lit iu shall ho all iffe.l If tho
Mibjcct liutlrr of 111.- Ion. wIipIIipi c.iii
Ullml 111 iicivpiiiii. 01 tithoivep, itlile- to
tiuuliilitLi for piitilie tfiltp .r to the 0II1111I
tnilihllt of pllhlll .Inns lllil It (I'lllltl to lhi
sili.fietlon tf tho mry t Ip imp'r foi inihlh
ii.loriiuth'ii or iiiMitUitioti mul not to I ."o hun
MuIh IniiMi or roKllKintlr nia.lo. In all null
ijhi tin' truth may W slitii in cridenrp In tho
Sp. . '.'. In all iinl j'tiorw fi.r bin I the phi
ol in.tffu.ithm phdll tu n.rrplnl m 111 ulititit
ml coinphtp tit fen... v.liii tl 1- pltdijt.l nml
pit'ictl 1" (tic iitUt.u tifjii ol the jun, unler the
Hint Ion of the Point as in olhci ,inr, lint thp
puhl luti i4Mi1isl.atIill) Irtii' ami l n-r 1m
piilill liinuiiialioii 01 tnii'.tiiiitlon and has not
l"in ni'illtluu.h or iKll.'iniiy matli
Si 1. :, In all c li II .iiUim for liiul im tl.nn.
11PJ nliall 111' IftOl.rtil VlllrX it It Ll llillMitl
10 the HitWiitlon of thp Jni). tnnler the illr'P'
Ihu o( llie toiiit m In olhrr c.Wvc. that tin:
pul'llcillni hern inallptu'Kly or ncgllccnlly
miilo but Mliero nialiip M nrffllii nop ipriPjiH
.mil ihm.i'jn mi) ho awaiilfd as Hip inry jlnll
them pup. r.
s(i. 1. :ni.iYnil nl dull l tilmhuil) ulpil,
mr si,H ,nn cbll acllon foi ilinnpct he main lur the piimiur oi' luihlipillon 01 1,11'
.Tile bhtl tipo'i thp itann in'lhhlual. In nioi.'
than urie oniil) ill (hi ..latt, nnd all ilnn.i;
hill he rt rotiralili' in onp .nil.
sie. r,. ' lie nit rntlilnl n 1. 1 relit ins to
lll I mil itt pniiUhnii nt "' ippiorrtl the lii.r
I iv ol .liilv, iw tliiiii.iiul 1 IiunOntl aruJ
11I11 l).,.tii, mil all lot. 11 parts of I.e.- hi
cnti.ti'iit wlili the pr.wi.n.n. of thtr .11 1 up, ami
lh same .110. nitih) iCi.lnl
The ainslidinetits mci adoplnl villi
piaellpally no uppusltltin and Ibe bill
passed second nailing unanimously.
Mi. I'atll. of Philadelphia, wanted
to lust-it a "thokti" in the vaj of a
"piobablo cause" pioi-o, but llepiv-.-ell
tat Ives McCIalu and Cooper vigor
ously oppos-ed It and ll was sniotlierr(.
Week bofoic last, win n the Uiadv
bill and the Cooper ainendnunls wete
under lotisldeiallon. Air Coop, r an
pounced that a rouipioml-e was under
consldei'itlou and !noi'd to lot tbe
matter en over, with the ptlpulallnn
lliat it should bu the special oitler foi
11 oMocl, this inorulng. This being
'iloptrd, .Mr. MrClaln had a motion
pissed, making bin bill o special older
fir 11.1' this moinlng.
When the first measure was i.adi. d
tills moinlng Mr. f'onpei me.vcd to
postpone It for the present, riftei mak
ing known to the bouse the lesult of
Ihu f.impieimlsc i cmfprence of the
night bcfoie. Ills motion tu postpone
wis for tbe puipose of keeping it mi
the calendar. tc serve ns un alte'im
the gioundworl; for n libel bill. In
thi evilt of the .McClalll bill being
Sonic opposition was manifested to
the amendment sulking out tin word
"punitive" In the thltd stvtion. but
when Mr. MiClnln esplnlned that the
word "damages" without iiunlltleatioii
could In the tllscictlon of the court and
Jury t'lnbiaee actual, exemphny and
pnnlthe daniasps. the opposition melt-
d away. Air. McClaln explained Unit
by leaving the wotd "punitive" Maud
It would hae the eifcet of 1 nuslng a,
Jttiy to In llcve It was mamlntoi v to
llnd punlthf damages.
lloth Mr. JlcClaln and Mr. Cooper
made sitong niiecches In supp()1 ,,f
I lu bill and each tourtoously gave the
other bis shaie of llio credit of mould
ing the bill.
The bill will go back 10 the .senate ns
a substitute tot tho Crady "muzzier."
Senator Ciindy will light ll, but it Is
quite 101 tain bis antagonism will not
pinvent its adoption.
The bill has tho udoiseun nt of the
State Editorial association')! liglslallvo
committee, and Is claimed to b In lino
with the Ideas of the coiisoi vallvo cd.
tois thiougliout the state.
T. J. Juufy.
Unlveisity Debate.
ft litiifiip Who 1 10111 TIip Aiioclntctt l'n.
I'hllidolplilj, IVb. '.';. Iloitn.or V'aih. it Ohio,
ha consented to act at piiIiHni: oftl.pi at He
liitt r-uiilwit-i ty tlihito li'titprii the (
of l'rniH.ilvaiilu un.l llio t'nhrolty ot Mlihiean, It will lm lieW ut Ami trhn, tilth., mi
Mairll S. The nUMtinn which the (.tinlfiitt will
tlthatp It "ItrnobcJ, 'Jlml Hip I'nltrrt Mnlp sin.
ttor lionhl Ip eleclcil hv threit toie of the
pieplo" Tho ((iiiketii will deft-nil lhi ntudie of tho queitloii.
Piiuceton Editois.
ny Ktclutlio W'lro fiom llio A$ucateil l'm.
rilnecton. JC. J I'tb. 27. Alevaneler .1. IJ.11.
row, 'Ot, of I'itttnurtr, Wan elfiltil olllot- In
chltf of llie Pally I'rlnotti nlan todjy, uml Ituh.
crt ('. (iprdon, 'ol, Wajtipahuio, Pa,, t Hfct.
, nl at.Iatant filltor In thief. '
Judge Blown of U. S. Clicult Court
Gives Opinion in Berliner Case.
Ily Kxilii'he W'lro fion The WoeUlcil rrrt.
Hoston. 1'Vb, 27. .llldge Uiown, of the
I'nltcd States circuit court, today de
cided against the Aineilcan Hell Tolo
phone company in the famous Her
liner patent t use.
The sultH weie the Hell company
against lb National Telephone Maun
fat luring company and others and the
same against the Century Telephone
company, brought to rest tain icspou
dents fiom selling, using or making
telephonic apparatus with the micro
phone attachment, and Io .iccoimt Io
the Hell company for past us manu
facture ami sals, uMin Iht'Srouud Hint
such ue, munufnetuiv or sale was an
Infringement of patent.
The tape wen argued before Judg''
Hi own a year and a half it go and as
they iclatcil to the imiiio patent, the
microphalli, weie put In tog-Mhor and
weie tiled as If they wore- one case.
The 1 let liner patent Is rousldeiPd
one of Hi most Important held by lh
Hell conipanv and does mil expire un
til Nov. 17. lr'JV The patent 1m Hi.'
same one that has hem befor.' the
.ourts in the I'nlted Stales v. H'll
Teli'iiboni' iiimpany, where It was held
that the patent was not Invalid on 11c
counl of delay at the patent oI!!t. Th.
whole case nuns upon tbs validity of
this patent, the ileienso setting up.
among otlv r things, the Invalidity t.C
the patent and its lack of Invention
anticipation and uon-patenlablllly.
II Is mulct stood that an nppeul will
be made tioin til" decision and that
it will be 1 attleil to the 1'nlti'd Slates
Supreme coin t upon this appeal.
Republican Confeiees Reach an Un-
dei standing on Many of tho
Items in the Coutroveisy.
llv 1 vi lii-It. Win fern fh Avotile.l I'mt
Washington, Keb. 27. The Rcpubll
can 1 mifficcs 011 the leveuue rcdtle
I loll bill (otluv leachetl an ngiveinent
on many bf the Items hi lonlioversy,
In addlllou to tlioso on beer, tobacco,
bank cheeks and medicines, beroto
toie given. The house ptovislou le
)iealing Hie la on Itisutauee policies,
llf" and fbc, me letalned. The senate
piovlslou icgaidlng convi'yanecs of
leal cstat", etc., are preferred over
those ot the house, will It made a com
plete 1cpe.1l of all taxes 011 convey
niu's. The piotislou vempts
coineyaiice.s under Sj.'ifm and Imjiusc?
in tav ot 2.". cents loi eacli t.Vo over
I 'J.'i'O. The numerous spoi htl fai.rv. on
' the'itei.s. tlicit'-es, exhibitions, etc.. nie
taken as piovided by the bouse. Hc
sldi'M the conipiotnl-'P of VMirt 011 to
bacco, tic cigar rates come In tor
mm h discussion, i'.m owing to some
tt;cUlon as to the lights of the con
fees over this lt 111. the i.tte on
1 Ignis piobably will lemaln at -! per
The understanding thus far ieirli"d
b looked upon ns likely lo be final,
although the lonleiccH tlumsclvts say
that 110 foi mil agreenient has yet
b'on niiivotl at and It will mil be until
the Iiemoeratle conletcer. nio callid In
Hint 11 Una s'grcpnv nt can be made.
In the meantime, the Tsopubllenn
mcmbeis me continuing their m ot
lngs en the various Hems still open,
Willi Hi" prmpect u coniplett Ad
justment is not far 01 .
The s) la!,, on elgais b til it fixed
liv the houie and Is a it peal of 'the
entire fin cents added lor war pin pines.
The proposition was lo lake nit
ball 01 ih" fia cents making the rato
V, "0.
Soldieis of the Civil and Spanish
Wais Refuse to Match Behind
the Other Oiganizatlons.
I!) I tili'titc Wire fioni llio Vtocu' .1 I'i .
Washington, Keb. J7. Veteiau or
ganizations of tho Civil and Spanish
wins have olllelally declined to partici
pate In the Inaugural parade on March
I. The decision atftcts oiganlzatlons hi
the (Hand Aimy of llie llepublic, tint
Veterans' union and llio Spanish War
veterans. Tho tllssntlstnctlun of the
veterans with the place assigned thun
In the parade Is ltvponslble tor today's
Il was ihc'lr wish to m t its the per
sonal escoii to the picsldent. Oraml
.Muislutl (in en. on tbe rontinrv. as
signed them to a position In the Hue
ahead of the civic organizations mul
following the Xatlnunl Cuaid. (Icn
1 ra I Daniel Sickles today notified (!eii
cial Cricn that the veteioiis had de
clined 10 paitlctpate In the parade, and
he leiuli led his leslgnatloii as maishu!
of thu veteiau division.
Ily llulunip Wire fiom Iho A.fotiatfi Pn.t.
Til'Vill, l"il. "7. V irl'i'llloi hit hioUn cu
u.tlnt (ho i.nlt.111 nl Wjilil, i.wlnit to the nianr
fkicntion. Aim oil, mil of tho lite mittali All,
luii kin pioililnii'l I.lnr hi tin ii'Ub. A
I'rctnh fortp ic irpiriil ti he liall wit Intveii
Inst ami Wa In
Fahe Inteivlevv Denied,
flv llsrdiulvt' Wlro fum TIip Vtwflatcil I'mc
Wokhlnjlo'i, fell. 'i.-ii until. rlt..tbp ti.nlil
i ubtli al tho wlillt' l"i.-i' Io an alhsul inlrr
1 lew Willi l'n.lilo'it Jkhlnliy, piiutnl in hn
SlMilirt'.'i' (llnir.l nuirrlliin, ami 1 iimlakd In
tills c .Mint I . 'lhi' llUKIUL'P ntlllhlltPil tu the
in. hit nt H .10 follow : "I ho Ihlrjt of ( Inbtcn.
ilo'ii tir lilooil imi.t now 1 1 toiu-lilfrnl knfflilci He
lilsrtl nftir iuhlni; ll le est I'D lim fur ttny
f lirMlui lausl Icml "
Petition Against Water Company.
Uy KuIikIio Wlro from Iho .Wotlatnl l'p
IlPirlthniir, fch. J7. 'J'hn atillioiilpt
of Pott Alh'iihtiiy lmlay pctltloiml tho ntlomr)
Rimral for 1 writ of iei.i wairantn at. Inst Iho
IV rt Alla-hi'iiy W'alrr company to how taue ttliv
It charlir ahoulil not lm forfeitnl. It Ih .ilhai'l
that lit company ilou not curry 011I lt top.
traet In iy.l)luir ival'r Vfr. Klhln traciifl
hi iWliImi.
Debate on the Ripper Bill followed
bu a Small Riot in Which Manu
'.inhere Take a Hand.
Helntenupts the Calling of the Roll
by Yelling' ''Mr. Speaker" In Loud
Tones, and Is Seated by Sergeants-at-Arms
HlsFiieuds Take a Hand
and in the Ge' Moloe Otorgo
Marshall, of Sciauton, Takes Mi.
C01 ay, of Luzerne, Viy the Neck.
Blows Are Struck and a Fiee-1'or-All
Engagement Unsurpastecl by
a Sossiion of the Austilon Reiclis-
lath Follows. lie tn a sjfi 1,' in
Jlnirlsbuig, l'eb. 2. At l.Ml this
moinlng-, after the most tumultuous
stvslon in he history of tho Penn
sylvania legislating tho colebiatcd
"ripper" bill was passed without
amendment on second reading; by th
hi.use of reprcftcnlnllvi s, by a. oto
t lint exceeded the 1 ma
.ioilty of 10J, which Is lequlicil lo jnss
it rmullv.
Shoitly afler II uMoik a tint whs
precipitated by one of the employes
of the hiiUM'. Message Cleik lieotgi
AiTrshall. of Scranton, making sn as
sault on lieptesoiitallce Coiay, of
1.1171111'. l-'ully llfty niembej'.s, oill
cerr, emplnyofs and spoliators weie
In the luelc", and although few, If any.
heavy blows were stunk, there was
no end of throttling; jostling, tug
ging and threats. U was fully Ion
minules befoie tit" combatants wero
separated and the illstui banco ejuellod,
and .mother live minutes passed ).
I'ove the older of business vns ic
suincd. 'I'he whole house, ami most
of the hundicds of rpcctl.lors wlto
lined tbo slds of tbe 100111, pivsjijil
lorwaid to itho f-eene of conflict, some
walking iiver Hie dckS. vlien they
tound the aisles congested oii'l a
number of women who weie on the
lloor, making. In alaini, for the exits.
.Speaker Muishall rapped and rapped,
called, pleaded and piaycd Jor ord"r,
and roimnnndctl Sergeant at Aims
Hnwllngs to levioio onler, but his
vi Ice was drowned In a babel of ev
clted language of the belligerents, and
tlm tiles fioni all of "Onler!" "Order!"
and such temlnders as Oentlempii,
this is th" legislature of Tonus;, lva
nlu," "lion't lotf,et wluie vou arc,"
and the like. Several of the orators
of the house mounted dorks, and Mr.
McCIalu, of Lancaster, ascended th
platform, and all. at once, tried to at
tiaet attention and give advice, but
their cffotls only added to the din.
Jut how It was- tiuellpil It v.-uulil ha
haul to say; "died out." Inst Oo
erilies it.
When Tiouble Began.
The Hist soolion or the schedule, the
"ilpper" clause, was being votcil upon
when tho tiouble began. Mr. Hos-ack,
of l'lltsbuig, a young lusuigent Uader,
wboe place Is Immediately In front of
the speakeis desk, and who had previ
ously bomf made to take Ills seat by
Hie sergeant-nl-arms at the b best of
Speaker Marshall, aiote to addnss Ihes
chair. The spealsir refused to recog
nlii" lilm, as the coll of tho ayes and
nays hud aheudy been commenced.
Mr. Jlopoik petslsted In calling for
the Ttpeakci'ft attention, and tho chair
each time nipped him to order and de
manded that he take hU seat. Ho io
nised to comply, and Speaker Marshall
believing ho would the of his conduct
Ignored lilm foi a time, but Mr. Jlomek
continued to call ".Mr. Speaker," "Mi.
Speaker," between the call of ovciy
name as the oleiks weie piocPidlng
with the loll.
I'atlenie ceased lo be a vhliie and
Speaker Marshall 01 tiered Hie sergeont-at-aiius
to mmpol Mr. Hos-ack lo take
Ills scut. Air. Ilosack continued let re
pea I "Mr. Sneaker," "Mr. Speaker."
".Mr. Speaker." like a phonograph ulih
a stationary leprodueor. Assistant
Sergeant-nt-Arms .1. M. .Nichols, a big
lanky fellow, laid bis hand 011 Mr.
llnsack'K shoulder and ordeieil bini lo
lake bis seat. Air, Uoaek would not
tlelgli lo uotlct) him, but kept up hit
lueasuicd call of "Mr. Speak, r."
.VI1I10II then tlitew his aims around
Mr. lloxrult and forced him into his
seat and held lilm titer. Mr. Coiay,
Insiitgiint of Luzerne, rushed In Mr.
Hosack's side and began to tug it
Nit boll. Messenger Marshall, who wa.i
lu the iciir of the room at Uojiroson.
tatlvo Iteynolds' desk, itishcl down the
ulsle and, feeling Iilnisi If called upo.i
10 assist the assistant ii"
auns e-atiglu Hiipiesi'tit.'tlvo Corny by
tho thioal. piihhetl lilm back from
Nlcholl and hmo him Inwards tbo lloor.
Hy this lima pandemonium rjlgned
and it muu Impossible to follow lu do.
It cnll-nifil tn I'.tjp r 1
Weather Iniltcatlont Today,
1 (lonrtil rproac Atluitlt thp I'.iairp nl the
Itlpppr lllll n'l scpotiil Iicullrc.
Army lllll with Smtincr Amrii'liitenl l'.iWil
by the sVnatr.
The Sew stile f.lltol luw
2'oiiitilc pi'i'ailnitia
1 (.tiiritl I'piTui AIKmU l'.t.ia (.' Iti'',)'i
lllll (Ctidu I'-.l).
4 IMII01i.1l.
V'olo ami ('
. tory "Hie .swo'.thcul of thp Mite Uuh."
0 l-real-ilre V'oluntcci 1'ltcman Wouhl Hpucnt
.aclutvinni Iron ami -(eel Companj I'tUmb
liio; 1U liCJvit.
7 l-oeal-Antlirailu.' opsratOK llrtvutn 'lt"u
Ml- llmtpll It W'.'M'M.
NVw riMlliy Cominti) ("luii-jn li. Ih.uti
5 lital WptL soi tvton iml -iihuth.ii
' (.'iiiiral -V'titlii'jjirrti IVnn.t llama
I'inaticlil ami Cm nmrpljl
M l)tal-blip Vi-u ti cl,- li1tT1vKi.1l Wtol.l
Foitieth Anulveisniy Meetlii)' of the
Women's Union Missionary So
ciety Held at Philadelphia.
Bi llivlit-iti) Wire Ii.Hii Th- A'-otHbil Pic
Vhllatlelphla. Peli. L7. The foi lloth
finiiiveisiiry meellng of the U'oiiihu'h
I'lilou MIslonaiy society was held
lieie todaj. Address-eM vvctc' made by
.Miss Maiy Deyo, a mlsslonaiy to Ja
pan, and Mrs. H. 11. Hntdley. piotnl.
nent in mission work In India The
subject of both addresses was "The
Woman Hohind the Curtain," uml both
speakeis told of mission wotk in for
eign flelds
The sot lety. whl. h was oiKiinled In
IMJo, Is the tildrst Woman's Poielgn
.Mlsslonaiy oiganbatlon lu the 1 oiln
Iry, and has numerous binnehes
llnoughoul the I'nlled Slates. It htm
also established centeis In Hurmnh.
India, china, Jap in, Greece nnd cy
pius. The sorlely's boarding school In
Julian was the Hist f Its kind In th
cniphe uml In this Institution hun
died" of girls have been Htted for
tf.ichets. evangelists and otlnr posi
tions of usefulness.
The leportti re.ii I today show the
financial condition to be lulrly pios
peintis. but more funds are irriuired
to successltilly conduct the wot k. The
Maigaiet Williamson hospital in
Sbaughai was the llrst organlzeti there
for women and ihlldicu and thousands
ytailv iccelved treatment ul tho liandn
of skillful medical missionaries.
Bankiupt Minnesota Comt Beltiami
Had No Cash with Which to
Pay Its OfHceis.
11) i:.liine Wire fio'11 Hip V ocia'rl Pi-,
St. I'aul, .Minn.. Peh. 27 Helti.tml
1 mint). In Ibe northern pail of Minne
sota, Is bankrupt, and unless tbe leg
islate e passes a bill tor lit, relict a
londltlon will prevail boideilng upon
uiiaicht. The county Judge and the
Juiors drawn for the piesent temi of
couit have gone out on strike beiause
theie Is no money with which to pay
them. Neatly all of the county oillees
hnvo been closed by the occupants,
while tlm tdiiM iff, who has Ik en cnilng
for prisoners al his own evpense,
threatens to turn tliuni loose and close
the Jail In order that he may get out
and rani money to suppcut himself and
his fiimll).
Thei In not a stick of firewood In
any of the county ollbes. evui if the
olliclals should return and norm of the
dealer will fuinlsli any unless they
are paid the cash, which, of eouise, so
long as there Is no money lu Hit lieas
my. they cannot get. .Men hauls ie
tuse longer to accept county wan ants
for groceries, etc., rind as a icsult tho
JJ'S.uoo worth of warrants outstand
ing .irv not at th- present lime woith
the paper upon villi h they are vilt
ten. The sliuatlon has developed Into an
eveiy-nian-foi .himself nee for Hie.
J'ers-ons who have money aro holding
to It. and tlios- who have nono are
trying In vain to boriow enough locar
i) them through the winter. The sit
uation Is badly stialmd and Ibeie is
no relief In sight.
The trouble Is (ituscil hy a derision
of tbo court allowing various logging
lonipanles doing buslnes-s in Heliramt
county to -avoid p.olng their back
ta.xss. upon wiili li Hie county depends
for Its icveliues
Nearly all of the pionilnent men of
the county are now- heio and will go
before tbe legislature tomorrow in an
endeavor to have a bill pawd that
will allow the count v organlatlon to
bo continued.
Respondents Allege That the Dls
tilcts Have Been Paid.
fl) Km' W irr fioni 'Up Vh. eltlt.l IVn
JlnrrisbUlg. l'eb. .'7. slate Tlets
tlinr 11 illicit Hid Mlprrlntendent of
I'ubllt liistiuctlon oei utter ill.'d an
svvci.t In ihu Dauphin touiily touit
toiny to Hit. jk. tltleiis of seven school
dUtrkis tor wills of mandamus to
compel the state niithoiitlod to puv
tip in their shine of tho sohou! ippro
pilallou 011 the buds of r.,'.00,iiOH ,tn
nuall). Instead in live inilllonr.
lilfl icspoiideuls allege 'that the dls
tilets h.ivft been pild alt they nre en
tltled to receive for tho riu!ul school
year. and. tli'ieftue, deny the light
of the tllstrliis. to petition for a man.
danius 'to compel them to perfonn u
duty which lliey have uluady pei
foitiK'd. Tbo 1 ase will be aigtied or. Match C.
Admiral Cerveia riomotcd.
Mjihhl. I'll'. -7. 'Hip ii"pii lvernt las m-iitd
a ili mo .1 iolntlna Ileal .lmini1 (Vrt-Pia lo hi;
4 vlip ailnilral
Glauses Reciardlnu the Relations
Between the United States and
Government ot the l6land.
Government of Cuba Accopts in IH
Entirety the Treaty ot Pails, in
Which Arc AHlrmed the Rights 0,'
Cuba, and Obligations, nnd Substi
tutes Itself for the United Stated
in the Pledge Assumed.
Hy I'vilmop W'Iip from flip Aw-ciUiPil 1'ri.jt
Havana, Pelt. 27. The constltutloiul
lotivention remained in session until :i
o'clock this altcinoon completing the
woik of thawing up the clauses of the
constitution legaitllng tho 1 elation?-betw-eu
tho United Stales and Cuba.
The following has been adopted:
"Pit si -The government of Cuba will
not make a treaty or ngieeinent with
anv foielgn power which may compro
mise or limit the Indopcndeneo ot!
Cuba, 01 which may permit or author
ize nny power to obtain by means of
lotonlzatlnii tu for mllltaty or naval
puiposoj-, or in any other manner, an.v
foothold or nutbotlty, or' light over any
portion of Cuba.
"Second Tho government will not
penult lis tenlttirv to be used as u
base of operations for war against thn
Pulled States or against any foreign
"Thltd The government of Cuba accepts-
In its cntlicty the irealy of Paris,
In which aie allhmcd tbe ilght.s ol
Cuba, to the extent of the obligation-,
whit b are explicitly Indicated In these
nnd especially those which the Inter.
national law Imposes for the pioteotloi'
of life and property, and substllutet
llself for the Pulled States in thn
pledge which they asaumctl in thaf
sense, according to Articles 12 and ltiJ
of llie tieaty of Pails.
"Poutth Cuba recognises us legally
valid all acts of the military govern
ment dinim-- the peilod of occupntlon.
also the lights ailsliifr out of them in
confonnltv- villi (he joint resolution
and the.Por.ilser amendment and tlm
laws of the count) y.
"I'ifth The governments of tho
United Stales ami Cuba ought to regu
late Hir , commercial relations bv
means of n tioaly based on leclproe
ity and with leudeucli's towards free
tr.ulo In and manufactuied
pioducts mutually assuring ample sp"
cial advantages In their respective)
Sclieme of Relations.
The scheme of relations was pub
llcly approved this afternoon by the
convention. Par two hours picvituis
to the public meeting an executive
session was held to draw up a pn
antblc and revise the leport ol the
special conimltl e. Another vote was
then taken on the pi eatable and tin
scheme of relations, only three dissent
ing. The pieamble, which Is' lengthy, sen
forth the fcelvlng of the letter fioni
Oenetal Wood outlining the wishes of
tho Washington executive rcganlluw
futitio lelatloiis. It asserts that tint
convention understood the deslie ut
the cvccutlve to bring about thesi
fiperlllerl iclatlons with the object oS
ptf solving the Independence of Ciibn,
and that (bo suggestions as tu nuval
stations was made on those' lines.
"Hut this In llself" the preamble sot s
on to say, "would militate against thn
independence tilth both parties desiio
to preset ve "
Hcgaidlng tlm other conditions sug-.
Bested for preserving Independence,
such as iiilslug loans, the pieamble t
points out th tl thej are fullv tovcied
by the constitution, which document.
In the opinion of the convention, nmply
Pioteils Independence, Including liberal
laws ah to the lights of foreigners ami
Individual 1 Ighls.
Heganling th' sanitary ((itcstloii, tli
pieainblc dfil.uo. that Iho future gov -ernuit
nl should make satisfactoiy or-lanc-uncuts
with tbo l.'nlted States to
protect thaf count) y as well us Cuba.
The convent Ion ctp.nly Implies Hun
its actions would not bind tho futilt"
governnu nt, toi the last part ot tlm
pieamblo leads:
"The 1 .invention . onsldoi". that re
lations might e.lsl If the Hist govern
ment under llie lepublle claims It nil
visablo "
Big Pile in Philadelphia,
Ily Win lr 111 Iho A'.nclatiil Prp.i
I'hlli.l.'lihla, Itli. 7. -V tin- of imta.onn tr.
itln lilt' Innlclit iliftuviil lhi ti,iiihouc if in"
PhlllljH Oil ompin, .11 I"! V11II1 Polatiaio at.
imp. Tho fiiL lloor ol Hi" -tinUnrp was oci)iip I
h) Hip Aimlo-Aiiiiuian Pu' coinptny. '
loltilnir hiilhliiiK'. iictiipinl It Hip ., K. I in
luiit.'i iiiinpaiiy, ul lollult'iio; A
woiir A- ('.'., tmitn. fliid tho WVIkt'l ,V f-mli '1
splco Ptinpan) tti'io Uniu-,p.l. 'w lo- l r-
llnnloil at sli,l'
1 i' 1 1
Lake Engineers on Strike.
Up l.tflii-iite Who 110111 Thp A-KikitM I'i-
( Ii'i'laml, fih. '7 - A. 1 itMill ot tho irfu 1
of the hake 1'airltis' .t.opatiou tu Krullt ll'
ilunaii'lt of tho iiuilno iiislnicm for iiihlltloml
lulp In tlm iiiKini loon.. oC .u.inifU, Vitlon.l
i'lirltlt'iil l.tiujo I lilt 1 llil ill.riio.-iu ilrtlarPd t
Ml Ike 111 furic. aftrttli'-; ahoiil J,'l iii-jliippr- "li
Iho lalt
Couit Buildinp,- on File.
II) l.tcln..lip Wire from The vcliteil 1'rrn
Vow Ymk, fih. '-7 -'Iho .itln (in.l a lirg fi
tiou of tho loof at the inulhtti.l torii'T of tl"
criminal touit hulhliiii; ni ilc.lio.ipil bv II
loilar. To Kit pipi lint- thiongli thn tfiitrr
cf tho hiilhlinu' Hip .l.nrr'l glni iloiup, will' li
tO'l 'H.Chii) to 1 .lit in. ha I to 1 10 I110U11.
ff-i- tf' t-t--f-f'f.
f- - t
V W.Uilncton. fih. ''7 -ft'ictail fur
Tliiirda) ami fmlayi Kitrru I'iiih'.)!-
-f lania I'.ili Thniilat anil fililtys fn-nh
to hiUlc rnrtlitiottrly vImI.,