A I THE SCRAiNTOX TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1001. ar A' 7 .sir,,'. NORTHEASTERN font t V TUNKHANNOCK. ?. pieltl to thr Si-ranton Trloun. Tunkhannock. Feb. 26. lion. i:. J. Toidcn and vUe, w'10 Ii'tve been visit ing 'tntr rormtrW brother lit Philadel phia' tfto pmt week, returned home Saturday. Mellaril II. rteynolds, constable of Factory vlllp, nng In town Monday on busline:' ; , Mrs. Thomas A. I'm don, of U.ilton, who was called hern on uccotmt of the IIIneM of her mother, Mrs. A It. Wood waid, one ilay last week, tuttunuu home Monday. 13. tuart" Statk, of Kcrnntoii. Hjient Sunday with his wife at this place. Mrs. 'StarK has been flopping hero with her parent for sumo lime. Miss Eva Moss, of Pl.ilnsvlllo, Is vis iting her grandfather. Dr. A. U. AVnod ward, at this place. Mrs. Mctcalf, Mm. Ileirtek and Minn Helen Lewis, who have neon In New Tork city the past week, icturncd home Saturday. Mrs. Martha Chase, of Vllkes-Hurro, t who has been visiting- her brother, T. B. POronvllle, on l'utman street, re turned homo Batinday. Mr. and Mrs. Klmer Stark are the Ktipstj of Mrs. It. C. Cook, on AWst Tioga street. Mrc,. Frederick Hewitt, of 1'ilUtnn, Is stbppfnc some time with her par ental Mr. and Mih. Wlllltiiii K. Keller, on Putnam street. Mjss Nellie Ullllnc-,' a student nt Wyoming seminary, spent Sunday with her parents at this place. The Monday club met at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Itoss. on Putnam street, last week. James II. Kethledgc is visiting his uncle. Peter Ott, at llringor, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer P. Hoed, who ' havif been visiting friends at Wynlus- IpK, returned home on Saturday. MWses Mary and osephlno Hoyce, of The International Correspondence schwl wt Pcranton, visited their par rnti. Mi;- and Mrs. Patrick Hoyce on Sunday. Attorney O. Smith Kinner was doing legal business In AVllkes-Darto on Monday. Louis 'iTIIkowlrh, who is engnged In btlsIncM" In New York, spent Sun day .lth Ills family at this place. Whll -JaniCK Stonier was engaged In hauling stone for the foundation of a new building on Hanlson street Sntuiday, his horses became unman liable and, hacked the wagon over a high bank and In the attempt to escape. fro';n the dangerous situation In which he 'found himself, Mr. Stonier ?uj(Ulntd a never fracture of one of bin fgt. Three Foiks-ton young men wcic committed to the rotinty jail Tues day, In delimit of bail, charged with the 'offense of malicious mischief, In atoning a dwelling house. fclkrcnce George, of Snyre. visited friends In town on Sunday. A .marriage license has been issued to William Young and Isabella ltoss, of Falls, township. Mrs. Martin Clifford. wln has been , (111 foCVome tUjv?K convalescing; i VlerV C'fmsldck.. of Springxllle. vis-'.Itiid-JW Witheii Lou in ComstocK, .on Tuesday. if "Mr."',Viifi;ei,,'lq1"c'nniieV. of Tluffalo,' N V is vlfcltlngjiej' pwtfnts,, Mr. aaid Mrs. Hiiinn.ii Ftillncr. at Eaton. Mnnihgp llceneso liavp been issued to llownrd Plackburn. of Kittonvllle, and MIrs Stella Tiffany, of Center nniMiland, William Young and Miss Isabella Ross, of Falls, and to Oeorge S. Curbuitius. of C.irdlne, X. v., and Miss Anne P.. IMIIcy, of Ulysses. X. Y. The li'llov. lag Jurors, have been drawn fpr the April term of court: OrandYJdjoifc Kdgur Sampson, Wind ham: Truman S. Vaughn and Stanley .1. MilUr, North Branch: 1'. P. Wul tei, Noithmoreland: Alfred Coxe, HalntrfiriY Thnmns Heynolds. Fied M. Osterhout, Factoiyville; A. II. Stom llnp, A (,1. Qregory, Meshoppen bor ough, Ilenty L. Ferris, Altha C. Dix on, Tunkhannock township; Nicholas H. Davis, Mehonpauy: Casper Dendler, Thomas Thompson. David DIckerson, Noxeh'., llyion S. Kvans, JMmund Danft.yKatou. Fiank Foreman, Tunk hannock township, Jessie II. Scjuler, Nicholson township: Robert Jayne, Washington; John I'attcrson, Monroe; Mfrvln E. Butgess, Xorth Itraneli. Trial Jurors, first week Frank Gay, Northmareland; William II. George. Kmerson C. Pratt, Meshoppen; Lewis F. Camp, Peter R. Borden, Tunkhan- nock: T-iroy Kasson, Oscar R. Adams, Forkstou: Martin V. Kceney, AV. Scott Whltcomb, John H. Kdwards, Bran trim; Hiram C. Titus, Lemon: Win ten Benson, Porrnnce Jayne, Uregff "Harding, Benjamin Harding, Katon; William Hodghon, W. S. Stark, .Frank D. Miller, Tunkhannock town tll)p:"C. O. Brown, Hralntrlm; Isaao Slckfer; Monroe: Henry June, William FrUbel. Mehoopany: Kdward L. Paco. .S. WHjrvey, A. II. Russell. Wash- InRtanj,,James'l5all1 Clinton; James S. Frear. Fa": Schuyler R. Grow. Xorth Hrancji; ;. E. Marcy. Xioholson towrhlpj James Swartz, Owen G. Mnhfm. George Smalser, Overfleld; Kdward Baker, Noxen; Vlenson Rn nlnser. Meshoppen township; Martin V. Townsend, Factoryvllle: V. R. Robinson, Windham. Petit Ju rorfc, second week Jacob Wllsey, Albert t Fttc-hJ'fTlok -vVinans. William J. Me Kune. H. DftWitt Kyte. George A. ReeeH,M,Fails; Charles K. Hahn. Levi Liv Vpuwe, iiehoppun: Otis Mccrack en, Cbarl,ns R. Burgess, Tunkhannock; Ilenrs1" Stonier. Kdward W. night. Tunkhannock towiibhlp- Davis (i. fHack. C. M. Patter. Joseph K. Ilard lns,,GfiOi;KM W. SUutmi, W. F. Shields. tn Jayns.' Charity II. itlcter. Xloh ohon;iA'rihur G. -JennhiKs, Stoe J. vt'ajjer",,. Mehoppany; John Gay, Tee ter: C-.JV Drake. Kdward Npy, Sam uvd Armstrong, Haton. Joshua Ttow- bridg Wn.dhain: James Rmalley. Factrij'.vinc; l.rster Race, Christian H. Fax, .Northmoreland; Peter Fraley. P.lohaM CrosKy. XoNen: William Ster ling.. jVashlpgton: On In P, Fair. Fork stenj JobntJv. Champion. Windham: Sevprson-D.-iCrispell, Mom op: Georg W. Decker, Lemon. - DURYEA. pcll to theScrjnton Tribum. Duryea, Feb. 2C Ariangemeuth aiv vcry-ntar vompletnd for the Twentieth Century Home Gathering, to be held i t the Rrlrk Methodist i:plscopl churCn, Tiis'day, Mrch 3, 1001, This church Is the mother of all the hurcla bctweep I'lttston and Scran ton, having been entered In th.e quar ter)y conference reoord. August 1, W 'A coiMlal Invitation Is extended to tv'tVy" olfl hrembr and overybody, rhthwtf-or 'not connected' with this PENNSYLVANIA charge, The mother Is becoming- old and weary now, and wishes oucp more to meet her children. If you do not recelvo nn Invitation dliect from the pastor, come anyway, becauso ho Is unable to determine w here some of tho members now leslde. Dinner nnd sup per will be served In the church pal lors. The postoillce will lie moved Apt II 1, to McNIsh residence, and Longstcln Hiolhcirt will occupy tin post ollicP building. I'lPparulioiiM will soon start to muko tho postolllep building into a IrttgB StOIP. Mr. Thomas Cox l ciltlenlly III at his home on Giovc stieel, Mis. Ott en Tiuleven visited In Moo sle yesterday. The Lawicnco fair was MiceesHfrilly carried out Monday evening. Mrs. Ciulsc wrs the winner of the door pilze. The prize for the handsomest cake was awarded to Mr. BTt Sim mons, thp Lawrencevllle baker. PITTSTOIN. Ppcclil to the suanton Ttlliunt Plttston, Feb. 26. The commission ers of Marcy township arc nnxlouly awaiting a decision by the Sunbury courts on a petition llled there by the Philadelphia and Reading Coal ami Iron company in relation to the build ing of township roads. I'nder the law of 1893 corporations were ullowed to work out their taxes on the streets. The law of 1S0P, establishing the olllce of township commissioner, gives these officers that right. Tho Pennsylvania Coal company has served notice on the Marcy township coininl.-slonerM that It will continue to work the streets as piovlously. The commissioners object, but before bringing the case to law await the decision of the Sunbury court. Announcement has Just been made heie or the iiianiagp of William Mor ris and Miss Daisy Bell, both well known young people of this city. The groom is the second son of Mrs. Anna bel Morris Holvey, the well known W. C. T. U. worker, and Is at present a student In tho Albany Law School, a member of the class of lflul. His wife Is in Albany with him. The Luzerno eouit lias lefused the liquor license applications of Joseph Murphy, Jacob Miller and Thomas Cunning, of this city. The Plttston boaid of si hool control met this evening and organized by the election of tho following officers: Chairman William Jordan; of First ward, secretary, A. T. Walsh, of thu Kleventh ward; attorney, W. H. Gil lespie. HUsttorth, the n-months-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Roberts, of Oregon, died last night after a three weeks' illness. Funeral Wednesday afternoon. Word was rccelyed here this morn ing announcing the death of Mrs. C. A. McCabe, of Lewlstown, Idaho, nee Miss Mary Boliau. daughter of Mrs. Paul Rohan, of this city. A husband and four children survive. Martin Cnwiey, of Duryea, wa,s sent to Wllkes-Barre Jail Tuesday morn ing by Alderman Barrett in default of $500 bail on the charges of malicious mischief and making threats, preferred by Mrs. Mackey, i - " James Morau. of Seb.istapol, was squeezoil between two cars in No. T shaft yesleiday. STARRUCCA. sntul i" ll.i" Sujnlon Tiibuu, Stnrrucca, Feb. JC Thu annual slip per under the auspices of the Metho dist chin eh was held in Bateson's hall Thursday evening. Owing to large amount of sicklies in this vicinity, the attendance was not as huge as usual, but thr- leceipts were $6S. This amount cancels thu Stnrrucca portion of the pastor's salary, find n hand some ptesent besides, Accoidlug to the latest leports. Mrs. Anna D.ilton has sold her farm to W, A. Ciossley. W. W. Mtimfoid had tho misfor tune to lose si valuable horse last week. The water .s o low In tho creek that the mill cannot be t tin. The stockholders of the Dairy asso ciation have their Ice house filled, erndy to begin work In the spilng. Mr. William Morris Is ery sick. W. W. Mumford has been confined to the house with the grip. Woid lias been iccelvnrt from Louis c. Mumford that his tralm was ih laved by a snow Moim be fort? teaching Chicago, to he could not make close connection for the "far wpst." Miss Isadora Condon Is on the gain. Mis. Mallnda Walker, of Bingham ton, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Marvin Utter. Tho Women's Chilstian Teniperanco union will meet with Mr. living Buck Friday, March 1, at 2 p. m. Tho monthly ten tent supper will be given by tho ladles of the Baptist church on Thursday evening. THOMPSON. fptclal to die Strtnt-ia Trlbuiit. Thompson, Feb. 20. Mrs. N. H. Foid. of Ilawley, Is spending a few days with her brother. F. D. AVrlghter. J. M. Lamont, who has been sick the past week Is a trilie better at this wilting. Rev. I'. R. Tower left this forenoon for Rush to Attend the Mineral of his nephew, Rev. H. J. MUlaid, on Thurs day of this week. Mrs. David Benedict visited friends In Sturnava over the Sabbath. Miss Maud Tallinau went to Blng hamton Saturday for a tew days' visit with relatives nnd lias not ic tinned at this writing. Mr. F. M. Lewis has been visiting her patents. Mr. and Mis. C. L. Clink, at Montdale, for a tew days anil Is ex pected home this evening. Mrs. Cat lie Bui chard, of Susque hanna, called on hei old pastor. Rev. L. Cole, last Filday, Rev. A. D. David Is In Sei anion to day, lie will speak for the Women's Chiisliaii Teniperanco union In his church next Sabbath evening. , Mrs. S. p. Raines, who was called to California thp last of January. Is expected home this week. One of the largest funerals which has occurred In this vicinity for many a day was that of Russell Wrlghter on Filday last, notwithstanding the suvotlty of the weather. Russell was a meinbpr of Thompson graded school and Professor James Tucker and his pupils were In uttendauce. The sing ing was by a double quartette from the school and tho beams wero his former schoolmates. The tine casket was covered with beautiful flnweis, II, M. Benson was funeral director, and Rev. P. R. Tower was In charge of tho ser vices. Rev. French, of the Baptist church, offered prayer. Rev. David, of the Methodist Hplscopal church, spoke feelingly of his Intercourse with the deceased and of the high esteem In which he was held In the community nnfl was followed by Row Tower, who drew practical les-ons from the short f yet fruitful life of tlm decensed, uig Ing his young friends to like nlble, useful lives, assuring them that tho higher and holler their attainments here the gieater would be their Joys In tho long laud. Among those from a distance were Mrs. X. H. Ford, Haw ley; Charles Ford, Dunniore; Mrs. .1. M. Putney, Blughainton; Claieitee Spencer, Carbondalc; Mrs. Sue Wrlght er and daughter, Carrie. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Wrlghter. Mrs. Hart let Town send mid Mis. S. !,'. Pet line, of Hus qiiehannn; Mr, and Mis. Frank Blair, of New Yoik, nnd Mr. and Mis. L. W. Snnford, of Gibson. Our eonstnble, L. V. Seailes. Is In Montrose today. Mis. L. M. Glllett left today for Al fold and Hartford to Mslt her sick lelatlves. SUSQUEHANNA. i Sprcial to (Tic Srrihton Trilniuc j Susquehanna, Feb. Srt.-The Kile I shopmen ieceled their monthly stl- . pend today. I John J. Tleiney, of the Rntlihurii House, l'.lmlra, was In town today, ' att-inlliig the funeral ot the late John , H. McMnhon. A numbei of the Frlendsvlllp mem bers of tho Ancient Older ot Ilibein- inns were In town today, attending the ' tuneral of the litto John II. McMnhon. Fouiteen persons were on Sunday evening taken Into membership In the Avenue Methodist church, Oakland Side. The church is In a nourishing condition, both sphltually and linan claily. The Locust III11 Methodist soel ly I purposes electing n parsonage. The Avenue .Methodist chinch will ! unanimously ask thp conreience for tho return of Its nble and popular pator, Itcv. AV. M. Bouton. The Susquehanna Methodist church has tho largest membership In Its . hls'toiy. Mlsj Dot a Scheuer. of Turnpike I Mitel, will piitprtalii the Thimble club on Saturday afternoon. Tho funeral ot the late John II. Me- ' Mahou, of Kr( avenue, took place and was very largely attended this morn ing from St. John's Catholic chinch, where requiem mass was celebrated. St, John's branch, No. 11. Catholic Mutual Benefit association, and the Ancient Order of Hibernians attended in a body. The remains were interred in L.tuiel Hill cemetery. The funeral of the lulant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. lMwurd Boyle, of the I O'iklniid Side, took place this after- ' noon. The remains were Interred In Lnurd 1IIII ceineteiy. Daniel McDonald, who has been In Paris for the past year. Is Islllng his parents In this place. Miss Katheiiin- II. Muhooiiey, of Seinnton. Is visiting Susquehanna friend". I HOPBOTTOffl. j Bp'dil to tic Scranton Tribune. I Hopbottom, Pa.. Feb. 2C Washltn-- I ton's Birthday was observed by the school with an appropriate and inter esting programme. Miss Alice Kvuns, of Sctanton, Is spending some time as the guest of Miss, Alto. Finn. , Mr. . 13. Blown made a tilp to So.runton a few days' since In ihe in teres tx of the Dairy ifoclallon. A little dnughter Is a recent arilval at tho home of Dr. and Mis. A. J. Taylor. Mis. W. II. Felton Is eonilned to her bed by Illness. Mm. Kllza Tewksbnij, who lias been setlously ill for some time, does not Improve rapidly. Master Charlie Wainer. who Is nt. tending s hool at Toronto, has been ' oangeiousiy in with pneumonia, but is now tecoveilng. and lm lecently been able to write to his grand p.uuitK Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Bell. Miss Deborah Davis visited her home nt i-Jast Lenox over Sunday. Mr. and Mi. AV. L. Steillng and daughter Lel.ih and tnmlly, spent Sun day with their mother. Mis. Abulia Blown. Mls.s Bessie mid Dean Tillany, of Keystone Academy, spent the Sabbath at their home here. Mis. Rhoda Case, who has been in ery poor health for some time, is gaining soiuetthal. HALLSTEAD. Sfiul i tin. Sitantnn 'lillmt.o. Hallste.ul, Feb. :'0. Frank Mush, of ninehaniton, was in town to spend Sunday. Thirteen dollais was the amount n. missed hj- the Methodist Hpiscop.il Ladles' Aid socletv from the stiuper held ai the home of AVIIIIam Snedaker. Filday nlglii. Mis Ueoigo A. Chase, ot naltlmoie. Md.. has relumed home, after a pleas ant lslt at tho home of Mr. and Mis S. it. Chase. .Miss Maude Adams has leturiied. after a two months' visit with New York lelntlvcs. Mis. Apnellna Knoeller. wlm foil i.i 1 week, breaking her leg in tince places, Is lecovcilng and resting as well as touiu no expected. G. II. Johnson will this week close his store here and remove elsewhere. Friday and Saturday nights tho nier eury reached 0 and 10 degiees below zei o. The Baptist chinch have decided not to purchase the Laurence house as a parsonage and will tetaln the one thev now own. M F. Hand, a local gioceryman, was swindled out of a small amount of money by a fake agent, who claimed to lepiesont n new directory Misses Grace Harding nnd Gertrude Heed were visiting at Miss Harding's home. In Harford. Sunday. Miss Caule Sumnierton, of Bingham ton, was home to spend Sunday with her mother hcie. Mr. and Mis. John Pike have lett for AViishlngtou, D. P., where they will at tend the Innuguiatlon of President Me Kluley. John Aiken was visiting telattves In Scianton dining Sunday. Vanillin Shaw, Will Hciiney. Fred Cliutch. Hairy Kapp and lliuro Chase, weie in Montiose last week to attend tile Spanish-Amei lean AVar A'oleraus' meeting. W. W Oakley, of Ilnrfoid. w;;s In town Sunday visiting friends. H. U. Simons, of the Young Men's Clulstlnn association, Is In llaulsburg this week-, enjoying a bilcf vacation and visiting tuiualutnr."es of his boy. hood town. A snfn caught (Ire accidentally at the home of William McLcod last week. Mr. McLeod noticed the llnmes and dragged the sofa' outdoors, where the Hi o was etlngubheil The sofa was mined. ooooooooooooooooo THEATRICAL. I ooooooooooooooooo ATTRACTIONS TODAY. t l)i;MY -Tli ItoMeti L'ninnl) iptnpaliy. Mjllurr ntiil night "Tho Vlccioy." At tlie I.Hcaii l.ul lile.Lt llie llu.ltuUii mi If "Tho Mfrrr." beforr an nuillrtire tint a hTKP nnd ginrnnt-ly cntliudiotlr. The l"o of the ppcu was wrlltin by the piullilo llntiy II. Smith, and the imttlu h; tho jliu,l cnull) piulllle Mitor llrthcit. 'Ih.' Utlir'a vmk U by Mr the bet tlJiip ahont (he epcii .iml many vt thu iiuiiiKiH won t( iH.ilnl (Ihdii'4 1 ii iilolil. Ilftiry thy liimalw, Wllll.itn II. liili,niM aril C1iciik' II. i'iothtiiKh.iiii hif uhout all wlio nte lilt ot the atipctli otnpinj o( jcris agone. The llotonl.in lat nluht wfir wllliont Ihe kiIiih ot their )rlmi ilnn.i, MN lllhla Clirke, wbr rpialtn-il lirl' nnklr n fru ili. an ll'r inlu i kiihb: villi iini.lilcnilile 'plrlt lij Ml IMille Witilwnrth, uho ti.i ih-.i.Il uki jiul KUnlill lik'iiM1. .lotill iMnwmiic, the !. ut the (oiiipmy, l a ncuiuimr to tho mmlv npor.i l.ic. uml m i'li- .1 uoml InipM hIoii l.il nlitht. .ihle ILiflrr nml Venimi '-tilr nun ofral in iiiich liy tli. lr m.il illull". V. II. lilrm Tiil'l. .Tulni .1. M.iltln. .Iiephlne ll.irllrtt nml Killl rjn Unwell nie other lniniluK of ti nun pMiiy vliu li.nl linpoit.int kuI In ht tilelil'n Uht. 'I he Mine u( the epru W l.ilil In Mill .mil the pritirlp.il irniile rtrment h loutiil In thn up.nn i( Ihe Vlicrny, .1 mle thai falls to tin' lot of lli'iil) Clay ll.irii.ibep The Holdcn Company. 'Ihe llohhn Comoily nunpiny prpiiitnl I ! fimluV' nt the .cail in. of Mmiu. jrdmi.i.t aftiinron, and ht imiiIiik "linoli ot Yiiinr mV wti prpKPiiti'd, tin lii'U.r hflii iiodfd nt cull prrfoinialn e .aid in.iliv '1.11I to titid. rlhi lluliliti iiiinMiiy u.iM- rxiillrnt pi rtorniam r Iit Jiir, lint tiurt llii-i omii iMel thill ye iotu 1 Hull', 'llxtr Minrry i .ill ipi, lli'lr o-tunilnif tiiihe and h.imboinp, the .ntlnif ronipany Is Miihilc anil Inuly b.ilaiii-ii. Hip Fie. vI.iUIps IntieiliKiil are all in'W, h'pr and up to date. 'II1I1 iiftirnnon for the matinee pTfoiiiimrn, 'Knnln of TentiosV will he (ni-.intcil, anil (onluht Ihe thilllltiif. tenMtliitnl idinnU ilrinni, Our tin oa," lll be the attt.utlun. All tin fpiclaltlci lartlrd by ihe luinp.iny will lie In inaliiml nt rai li pi i(nrtiiinep, llli Indintf Ilollee's trained ileus and tinin'ie. The Buigomnster." "The nnrai.niater," the l.ite-t tnil'ii il mil lily ot uniiMiil linil,.,! ill-tlndloil, Mill mine to Hie Lyuinii Ihuivl.iy ewnliu. Ihe lliiruo. lu.isler" l far nhoe ihe .uir.inc liuu'lc.il 10m im1, IiiflMnudi a It Iiim 1 lalm to ait 01 lulu il Mule ot twent.t. Iiiir tuimlier, more thin many romlr openn tan lio.it of 'Ihe elimination nninhirn flfihty people, inihidlni; in my of tin foiennxt c. lrlirlttrs nt the npeiMtle, iHirlPfqii". eNliaxaffinya, .uidellle, and , omedy uoild oi tody. l'u carloads of puneij aie iiieMMiled, uf which mmii U pronibed. and ftom all .u count It his leeched, nmoli nu he expictid. It In ditnuilL to iloMiib Hie iiriiulp.il leal-nrr-c ot thU lncny mi'lanip. h It Is rlalmed tl.ey nie innmncrahle and inut be Men to tie ap prrilatid. AKhinisli the 1 lionw to the nnniher of foin-the b'wltehim; mle rap of uneoin ninn ilMlnillon and as It lompil-is rlecn pnj foIond ailbt inodeN, aid to he of oxtuniclv late beauty and Mitnrr who will combine their two profe-tloii of pooni: for nrtUts in the da time (of coiiim mntinie ilas lire exiepted) and tilt inc in the merry 1 linH, and bom all areonnU tl.ey won't li.li( n 1110,11, lit to kjuie while here. Audiew Mnck. 'Iliat inliew Mad,, the 1n.iKi1.tn wmuu .oioi rliKir, has a lame fulloi.lni; .ilnnl.s our tlieatu Koiine I'opnlation cannot be ih tiled. His ple.i in? per-oiullty and tlelik'lnfnl ptaue inelh'uls would blinfC about that leMilt lie will imiie to the bvceuni next I'rldij rioning with his biu iluKisI with tresb dranialie LeiieK lie ctun s direil front his cteal Si'v oik Miues i.f nea,l, 100 l.lp.u'Ky ptlfiilllialllis at lie lllifKi tin 11,1 III Ami lie,!, "The Cchel." lil.- new lii.li milnui.i iliaina. Is :i .ory of the uiabin;: in 1?'s. iini ihe op pic-id I1M1 Hied to thlow off the hiallliii.il ixl,i of Kliii.' Ignite III. I iiiriinsl, wlili tm ViiuileiUe of inliitare moteim 11N, uilliutit 1 a llsl. l.uUni; In all that is uinssary to viiin-v. the 1,iai. lun, Is trlril to fne their tiithe hind trim Ihe oppriri-nr. V fin U, tnlii, fi.lloned In many ihfeaU lo the .Tell.anninl oidicr of Ihe klic, nnd nil was oirr: but the ,-pint Ijuui in nn)' line 1 1 I'll hem, as i,ien the tplrlt of K7ii In nri) ttne niirle,in' III. lory tella .if nun) llirilllni; fccius 1111J in, id, ni wluili h.iipnnl ihiiliu the rvcilin ili. and the ihainati-t. .l.iliKs I!. Kauan, has iniorpoiulid 111.1m ,u Hie liii"l rmiMtlonat Into his ex'lllli- pl.1,1, whuli. In ih wii), Is tint all war nnd evelunnil 'I In re U .1 , lunniic loe kloiy lliniilni; tliinnh il: nml II is tilled with ii'iurde M.1I1, . and sit nat iuiis. 'I hen, lime aiP Hie new MUnfs of ihe sweet toll id rtar. alul the.v ale Mid to he his hippiet onipo.lllons. IIipv are.tililled 'I.illle Tommy Murphy." "I'or rieid,,ui nnd Ireland," 'Ties ,,t llliie" and Mjek'n ""eiuiide." lie will abo Intioihin hl last i-raioli'" pepulai hit, 'The Mniv ot Hie llo-p." in ti-poiiii lo -Mweral ie quels. 'Ihe piodiiellon will l.o tho anif in nil ilelaih as mi 11 in New V01K 1 Ity. The iat 111iut1ri.es, iiuionc othei.. tlie ivill known Ucorjic W. Deio. .lolm I'. Ime, Jr., CJiles !-hlne, Kdwin lli.indi, riuiles M. , Donald, II, 11 T. IIIiicloIiI, Ihonias I ickvon. -lohii I't ntoii, nnd Hie ii.ii .Inirplilne l.'ilnll and lata Knnlt. The .Mi;o eltltiBH .ire inaMhe .aid impooiiiL:. Uncle Tom's Cabin." 'Hi,' l,.iii'iiiii lie' ill r nil) mi him .Hiinl.iv rilliri.oun and etcnlni; "tlir lis lutnm. M. W. M.nlln'p ciaml rpeit.niila iiilv.il of "In, lo Ioiii'k liililn" 'I 111 aluartloii I. 1 l.i.snl as Hie of thu hlKl-'i'.l Cinl. n, "lilt tluli. On Aliuii 1 111 slaae Ins pir seen, It belli neicpjry to iitllire two pci lal cats to transmit the i, 1 ns ry and niiliiiiilit. No null amount of nioiirt as Mi, Mailln lias pent nn his pioilui il"ii Ins iier lutuiJ lum iiinded on tilts 1111. 1 li-nrirliiliil and nhie-Pil, lull Mill most Micrpspfiil ol 111erl1a11 1I1.1111.1-, Tin ioiiii.iii 1 .11 lies lime biass bands, punk-, liouke.is, l,ors, oen, tally, ho loaeli, naps, 1 1.' Kohhn iliarlot, let. labln, o lails and numeioiis oilier nmilues and uiies llio inot elaborate and I iryppt street (uinile pier ntlenipted In u lheilib.il niiiipinj. The pilule slaru (10111 Ihe thoatrr .11 noon PLAYS AND PLAYERS. Il is ihaiacleibiie of .latum V. Iluue in 1,1' will he hocit here at the l.yiniiii theater in on Ijltst ilaj, 'sis lllinoi"! that he ntmr Iwes Ihe imIiii ciuilp,is.,, of ld titnvf thiongh all the mliik' and oiten hU'nlv s x.if).i r.itii.ir Imldeiits nnd tvpcttiucs of fnoduclng and illnitlns "' rlao pridii, tlons under liis iii.iiur.i'iiu'iii lo 1 I'answlll fald of .lauiej A. lletre: lie 1. ihe cnl.t .l.iee din 'lor Il1.1t 1 bam 1 til mei or '-il nt woik who t-eiii swcio ut ri'hearils:" while (hailes Coiililaii, hl'llxll 11 uiinl dliiiliil, s,,iil Hi.it, In Ids opinion, 'M.Wirs A. IIpii.o Is mi no. paiably tln bisit fctaif dins tor in Atnrrha. Ib is llio only lit In,.' i haii." H11I.1 piople nn, l,uc tlieiiilie appi-ned Uii Hie Nlage Look .ii.Uhlnif about tin lhlnii irrinus pi In mi lit 1 Miu the ol'bt Ji In and uilusa ilinlni. 1 1'i'iliillii.iliie, 01 luie any Idea of Hip 'riiilal ioikiiii, had temper and freriocni 'rln'. dii-. luv the day!) of li'lbo lehrauil picslutts lo thu pioluiiluit of a t.tw pla . li t' Mi. Ilenie. lii'-l I'liulnil ami illdlialUe liaruitilUlle that both, dm in.- pfifoiiiiJiii' and al ich .1e.1l p lion, he Is evir the slim' cool, llioinhtful U- olli'itiil Kiiiiluiian that lie tijipeair I'lxiti tin shut or ihe tiuiei in Ins own he.iutltnllv ,p I'olritrd homes In New Vorli ell "r at -mil Lamp tin. I.. I. I'ii inn play in uhlili Mi. .n.ih I onell I Mi'.nie ( to aipear next keasoi), nml whhl, y, M.i i lull 1 1 an foul it now iMliiic: New utl tu loiuplele lor bei, linib its Inlnfst In the unittul ble ol the "Wldon Nauoli," Madame ile Main tiiMli. the beaulllill Hid aeroinpllslad lavorite mil wile of Louis MV ol I'l.llltf. Ihe liiildiiils liaolted loiKimie bilif Hun, and me supporil in oiiur iist piloi to In I' liianiaiie to the Un;. the pi iv will, It U R'llewd, fuitibli opiiirluui. tics foi lids ilUtliiKiil.lud nrllfle'n tare mwus Iliat she has newf bPfme enjoyed, while it can Ifsdilj be iiii,oipIo,k I, all utiideiiU of hi. Inn how well adiplpil Hip iltainlei in I.. Mi I lloyiip's pnsonaliii Ihi phiv nil mu lis first (iroJuctlnn at llio Tumfiit llitlcr, !lotn, en 0t. 7. Mrs. bn Mojnc'i auppott "III I ot umiuul ilrtHKlli. uml It U now umktoud Hut MIm r.lctnor ltolnoti will bar n pirt In llic cf. STAOE TALLS INTO TftE YUKON. Bioko Tinough the Ice Pnssengeia Rescued by Spectators. Fli I'tilusUo WIip from The AssocIjIhI Press, Port Townsend, Wash,, l.'eb. 20. According to Alaskan advices, Skag nay tiavel on the ice in the A'ukon Is exceedingly dangcrou;, and a number of accidents have occurred, though none has 1 exulted fatally. in 11 teleetiiiu from Dawson, dated Peb. 1!, It Is repotted that a stnito loaded with liasseiwoirt bioke HiioiikIi the lee ami nil wore pteclpllntcd Into the liver. 'They were leseitcd by ttnvelli'fs, v. lto witnessed the nccl tlent. Tho mounted police arc poitttiK wninliiff notices alotiK the river. Oawson Is free from sniallpox, but vaccination continues, i'ubllo vacclnn tots, accompanied liy a riiitad of po llcemen, nre makliu; a housc-lo-houso. visit, nnd everyone who cannot show a reitlllcite Is foiced to vtibiult lo vaccination. TROUBLE AT SKAQUAY. Sentry Shot At Colored Soldleis Ar lest Two ratiolmen. It; ;m1il.j Wii fiom Thp Assoelitid Press. Port Townsend, AVnsh.. Peb. Jo', The steamshlii Dltltfti bilnt,s ncwi ftom Alaska, that on l'eb. IS a clash occurred at SktiKiiay between tlie mllltaiy mid civil authorities, which ciiuied lOllsldHfiible eeltellli'llt. (n the iiIkIiI of the Itlth a horio "entry on duty In tiont of the bar ricks called out the Kuard, ileclailnu that he liad been shot at by a civilian. The KMatd chaiHi'd the tiowil of by standers, commandlnif them to thtow up their hiiiuls. Antoinr ihe ciowd were McLean and Vrasser, two vntrol men. nnd the coloicd soldiers seized and took them to the Kuatd-liotise. InllKiiatlon wax iiiunlupf IiIrIi when the steamship sailed and the matter was beinif Investigated THE DUTY ON RUSSIAN SUGAR.. Ways and Means Committee Rejects Sulzer Resolution of Inquiry. Ity bvhi'be Wlie fiem The stoil.itcd 1'iets WnsliliiKtoti. lfeb. -'ii. Tho ways and means 1 ommlltee uf the house otcd to lepoi-i advers dy the lesollltlon ol Mr. Kul.e', of New York, calling on the t-eeu'lary of the tienstiry for cop icspoudouco with 111 m.i. coi potations, etc, In rolineetlon with the recent im position ol duty on Huiftliin suar. .Air. Itlchaidson, the mlnmity leader, moved to tepoit the Ilabeock bill, re pealing the iliitleH of many mi tides of the she) and lion schedule of the Dlnffloy ift. but befoie :i vote was taken a motion to adjoin 11 piculli"l. 'SWEDISH PRINCES ILL Sons of Ciown Piince Gustave Suf fering fiom Influenza. By I.x,luiip Wlr- from l'ii .WmlatPcl l'u..i. Stockholm, Sweden, Feb. lit!. Princes William and Kile, tlie seiond nnd third sons, respectively, of Pi luce (iiistnve, the Clown I'lliiee of Sweden and Xot way. nie coulllied to bed with severe attack's of lnilucny.a THE MARKETS. Wall Stieet Review. .New A'nik, I'Vb. it!. A la life piopm tlon ol the ilealiiiKs ill the hlocU mar ket tixnlii centeii'd In the steel stm k. The iillb'lal staletnt'iit Willed by tlie bitnkluu Iioumi bin hn; the negotiations for onroilihitlou In 1 hiirjfo kIvIiik the ti-Mils n" thu i.eiiallK' "I llli- securi ties of the puwoui lonipanles into Ihiwe of the ptopoved now iiimpniiy. dashed all the speculative enlllllslnstn over the sleel slock". Tile ell'cel was the llioie teliiitlkable ill that the tonus ollldally )iroinultjatei were found In sevetal can-, lo closely iiiufotm to the coiijeetuial (iKiiies which lm.i been urient for sevetal dojs pnal. With the cM-'i'lloti of an iipwatd clash In one "I' two of the steel stocks Just at the opculiiK. theie was 110 HticiiKih inaullehi In the Ktottp iliulnir the day. The lifsl fact to attinel Ihe attention of the siectilatois was that the pi lee level of the i-Nlhtlll stoi ks did lint compoit with the iclathe beuoilts they vele lo leci le fiom the e.M'hailKe. This led to a sort of aibllraife d"al IllUis lr the clToi I lo mljirst the pile" leeel ti a cniisteiit bnsN. Aiueilcim tlniili bciiellt"il by Hie iipriatloll, while Steel and wl'e was a sulferei . Thire Was milch ealellllllloll oel the plub.l ble ilb" of the new M'Cllilths, bill so I'll PS known Ibeie wele nn ienlULf "when Issjiod." 'l'liere weie n .. iiillioad slocks which Mi'iv notably snout;, in view of the irreatep Impoilanee of the iL'iil hms 111 tho sleel stinks and their n-ed of support, the asstiinptlon Is not a Inlelll one that a plltpixe to susliiln the Kcttertil maikel had souiothlm,' to do with tho advance hi some iiillioad stocks, SI. Paul was the most notable cXIlllple of tltellKth, lisitiK nt nil' time ,l'i points oer last nluht The Sotitliern Hallway stocks, Missouri 'aeliie and the Paeltles and western l.illio.id slocks Keiietally, irave evi dence of llrmness. Vesti day's strennlh In slocks continued. Anietlcau Tob.u 10 rlslnp three. Of the stid tocks, Sleel and AVile was iuol under pies sine. illopplllK at the last I1., hflnw last lilKht, att'-r beliiB liforoiisly -ltp-poilial about -il Tin Plate mit b'li It In last Thuif'day's dose, but rallied a point, showliu.' at u net bn-s of four. National Tube Is !!U lower and the pi-efciied 3 lower than lust nlchl. Federal Steel loses J. Tola! sales. I, -Ui.H'iO sliaics, liullioail boudi tended lower, in sympathy with stocks. Total sales, pai value. Jl'.iilO.uf'O. I'llltcd States new Is advanced & pur cunt, on tips last call. 'Il,i. I'ulluAins iuuutliiiin 'iTilmro I''- M, S .IniiUi. ,V Mium Imllilliiir. ""Cianloii. I'i. Oprtf US.'. mu' (11111UI111I Tl,i, I o., rmuiH TuViiM liiutlrati M1S.T .. . . I.O'v l:'J I :.H IS.' . Ali.ulfMH 'liiluiro . ,ll 121 I17t, 1j I M. Ml -V Wiio tl4 tt', ti' li'a AUIil.cm W ,tt ., Ml Atilil.on. IT k' . Unulv. TrJitluii ....... JJ1! T' Tl 7t'4 llilto. Ohm 7"i k 7'..- .:, Pulil. IVIacro 4iK (' 17 !' I 1.x. .V "Mo till, !' .M, ll'i'j I hie. & tit. tt'et IW lfsi li-'w Is',, i fhli.. II. A l llilf MV, ll lir, , Ft. l'aul lli'l IHJ'I II IV ' Hod! I.l.ni.1 Ul ltfUi Iv.'a til IVI. A- llnil.oii K'l'e It'll, lu' I'll I IV1I.T1I Mivl Mil I.'8 ! IV, I 1'nK-ial Mul, I'r 7'a ," Kuii , 'li.. IT .. .. 'i W. iJ ,iW, linl A N.i-li I iiJ'c Oj (i-jl, Man. i:icJlul Hi's Hi':- 1H 117'h Mit. 'Itjctlmi ll.l li, I'i i'i lun0 MUo. I'jiifln Niij sit, silij Ki' 1'ioplc'i Clai Ii'i'i lui'.L pill il . .1. I'i Midi I.V.i; l,V,l ,MI -al Milltllilll I'.niflr . I.l. Ill, l. ll'i Vol folk ,V Wi'itilll II', 'I'i I1i II' JONAS LONQ'G SONS. Sale of Art Goods. The Art Goods stoic presents a splendid array of alti actions for today. Worthy lots, everyone, and many of them considerably underpriccd. STAMPHD PILLOW COVliRS, in many new and artis- tic designs; spcci.il al. . . O vC .STAMPED PILLOW COVliRS th.u weie 49c and wc, all reduced to ZOC PILLOW CORD in every shade and color at these special prices: The 10c kind for 5c The 12c kind for 10c The 15c kind (silk) for 12c PILLOW TASSHLS, all silk, in cvciy color, the 10c ones for 7C SILK FRINGh, specially priced at 2C COLOUliD TABU: COVERS in many handsome patterns; some to finish with tinsel braid, special at 59c nnd 2yC HEMSTITCHED LINENS per yard 35C ORION FLOSS, per skein.. Sc The Sale of Linens, At a 20 Reduction. Theie'll be a good many tables look brighter arid better because of this Linen Sale. Choice linens taken from our regular stock and marked at quick-moving prices: not odds and ends of inferior qualities bought to create a furore. Witness the lemarkable values which follow: .Stand Covers. o.io inch, reg ular price, 49c; 20 per cent, oil now OvC Ti.iy Cloth. 18x27 inch. n regular pi ice 25c. Now 2iJC Pattern Table Cloth, 22'i yards; so marked but does not run lull measure Regular price t t i.?r Now 1 . 10 Pattern Table Cloth, 2.; yards, exquisite floral patterns; . ,-. usual price 5.7s. Now 4.0U Only two Tabic Sets left. r.; yards in si.e, regular . price a.oo. Now! J ,2J One small lot of the choicest pattern 'Tabic Covers with Nap kins to match; full Irish bleach, donas Long's Sons Nuilifiii l'.l.lli, . s M. . ." . Y. Citili.il II. . II ' II H.U. Clul & Wi-ih 1', ft'.. -I 1, IV till I. II. It Il-i 1l'"s ll', ll'i 1'niiii .Mill ..' -" '' l'i.i,linu ll l' .'"'j " " HlkIIih'. I'i ". li", TnT Ti ' ."'. -oi.lliiiu II. I! '.'I '( ', , '4, siitiiiiii, i'r. V. ;7i . .:j Turn. u.il . Iiuii ... u.'a ;j,'j il1. ,1i r. s. i,i.iiIiit i2 ! I.', i'". 1. f l.o.itliir. IT Tl'i '"Pp. T.' 7I'h f. . Kul.licr Vt I'i I'i I" I nluii r.iilflu s.Oi )"' ' I llloli 1'jiI'k-, I'i M4 l't ! iiii iiii, it. .., am .i.'i "1, '". Wctttrii U11I011 sT "-r 7 -, Cllll'Miii (iltVIV MMtM.l OlH'tl- I ll(! If I H, I I ' in:f. ii,s. ! .- iu 5i.,ii.ii ,'i'a :. :i ,,'j ALU w :i, .','. ,', 1 n:.s. MjhI M.i 1 vi -. JI...V i'i mi;. Mjv I. MM). Jiiy 11111-. May ", It'i 'H ..... 11.17 7.M :111k IIs lll'4 "''" u.iir 717 7.1 1 1 11.17 7.37 7.15 lt.11. .1; VI 7 ,17 I '.1. mi! .'", ""1 I" J .i: M'lt.i (ill.MN HMtM'T mioti- llleli- li WIICM' liiti, 1.1. li M.inl) ' 7 ' -',. j'.iv m; wit, iitK cults. .MjJ ! a I'1. I"1! Scranton Board of Ti title Exchange Quotntious All Quotations Based on Par of 100. MOCK. Un). S.Ufi IVi tll .'1 u l tm m 21) .Hill JU in !U IU lti ... 113 ICKI ... I'AJ in .1 Sjtlll ll lUhk -ir.inipii kmi. Hnt. Hill, I Natluiul Mini: Dime Pt'iihrlt uml Hitiount IU11V., lAOiuiiny l.lftlit, II. A- I'. Lu I.iika Itn-t 'Jli" ll'I'Jill C n.irk A. -nor I o . I'r nant(!ii Iron I'iiich A. Mfs Co. . . Sainton Axle Hoik l.jiKa's.iniu l ill J ' 11. IT Count! Sttmr- llat,l fc liti.t i o. Klrt Nntiniiil 'lmk iCirtiinililc) . 'IjtiiIjiiI IIhIIii.s o TiailnV NuiioiiJl Itanl. Soantnn I '."1 1 rni'l Xi't (1 IIOMIS. Mianli'ii t'ifisi-r ltail.n. flit Mortjrasf. ilu IWti I'Qoplc'u btitet IjIIhjj. tlit tiit-rt- ;j-. line 101$ I'liiple'i Misrt lliiliui.v, ticturjl tnottc.iiic Hue l"il D'lltMin M'l'nll.-iuurtin lu. .. I.il,i. 'fuwiflilli iiliuol " iei icnt L'it. ut Nutituii M Imp. rt pir fftit Njantuii 'ITjMlon n pr mu lai 1W ... J!3 Sctfuiton WliolPhtile MniUet. 'l.iKfictl I'.i II. c:. 1 ..l,. Illlttel - ( UMIII !. ."Afi's' Lu l.jw.'nn., n ilu'll. iM'Jt. t IliTM' I'ull 1 ir,iti. l'.l , iV'- Mt.ifin fi,li, -I'jUN., "."..il, . lltML I'll 1,1 , noil . 11, tllnw. I'l'H UlJIV.-l'iT till . l Itat.Slt. Mi ilium llran I'i i Ik: . '. I"i I, inn IVi.-l'il Int.. -,'t Kill I'i. Clnluin I'ii I111 , UI I" -i'loitr Hi'! p4t,nt, tt.iM. Ilfjlil,! fttdtl, J .Vu3 IM, ti. j Philadelphia Qi.iiit nnd Pioitnce, I l'lilladclilil.i. l'fli. CO-Wltrut-liilct lint Ml. lily I fonti.it'1 juil'. I'lli., iTUdTM.'. oru I "le.nl ; So. J mlxiil. III'.. IViI.jUi. (lit linn. .,. ' 1,1. ti. , llnnil. .l:t, . Initio, .1 inn Komi i1riii.mil. fiiwj i'l"m 1 ri'iiiurty, sti.t i" 'I,,. ull lr. 'I' ' 1 1". UlUllV I'llllU. ijl. J. .it Hull nml li I,, v.i nc'i iii'aili.i. Ii.i i" Vitlnn. Iji I". mlliv.inUill, IV. t il". -1111111 nn, l"i. f'liii.i tojili" S V. lull nijui.. lut.ii .Ini.ll, III41 . ; ii, 1I1. li, ir to clioiir, In'u iIM..i' IMIihmI .nu.il' I 11rt1.1111.11l l'.li,,i "li.ii. I'jllutv IJiil, I ; 1 1) pilini' in lili.l-, l'l(i' : iiiiiiitiy tin.. Iili . 'a 1. . 1 r.il,i. ,.i,'c l.li, 1 v, 1 1 1 1 1 --Ir-.iily; (.ml. iiinl:i , u, iium l.rk. 7.; liililuw, H'dlil'ji.. ilnik., ij4t.i1 . cinif. li).illi.. Iinl.rn. 'Mln. Iln.. puu'. 111 I'lim. utixl ilitilili'l' rnnli. iIkiIiC t'4lUi'. : il.i. fjir in i."iil i'i . t oM roftii, T-ji . tici l,i ililil,rn. Hiil.li.'. M1M111, il,,., ''.iUi , 1 111 hi', iliiin to fjtii y iiijiln. IMi ; xiiMnii ,, . Iilil'i.; iluilt iicirl'.i, liilli.; hioiuii ,i., IIjIui H.i.1 IpU llmir. I.lXiO lijitfU, unit l.ll.l.iol n,i,inN In wikf.; mIi, mi. 1'i.inkii it I!,!"!! ikiln, 111,1ml. .Iilpinciiin- Wlicil. i,ii lii-l.d.: coiti. :cj,iiQ, i,jh, iXi.mi,) New Yotk Grnttt nnd Ftoance. 'W ,il,, I'I, .';. I'li.iu l'airl) jitiit a i, JONAS LONG'S SON9. CLOVER CLUSTER COUCH ING CORD, per skein 3lt 1 1 t 11 0 ERINCiED BUREAU COVERS, in new and striking pat- terns; special at 4yC NEVV LINEN DOYLIES, Q special at oC SHETLAND FLOSS in all shades and colorings; double 4 A skein for 1 4C BELDING SILK, per skein . . 2c HEMMINWAY & SON'S . SILKS, skein 4C KNITTING SILKS, per skein 5C DOWN PILLOWS. well covered and carefully filled, at these special prices: 18 in. 20 in. 22 in. 24 in- 39C 4yc 67c 75C sue 2x3 ) t yards, valued 12.50 and 1 4. so. Our price dining this sale 9.50 Bed Spreads must be seen to be appreciated. Regular price 2.3. During this t on sale IoO 20 per cent, reduction means Fringed Marseilles Bed Spreads, our tegular piicc 4.25; . during this sale O.40 We will not attempt to quote prices nor give description of tnc big Kcduction on all fine Linen Sheeting and Pillow Cas ing. Also Sheets and Pillow Cases leady for use all of which will go at n biz reduc tion BUY THE GENUINE x OF FIGS MANUFACTURED BY... CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. H-AOTi: TIIK NAME. ITOI.U.f. IHttL.M.U. n. sixihl HI.. I'hllxlclt.Lt l',i. IUitii,l.iLtll.r.,i.1 ..- a..n.M lW M unircio uPRIVATtOIStJtl,UCttm 'b.ARUSfS.BlOOO POIiOlt. NtR00J OtllllTt.t lOlOST MANH0UD.VARICaCtlt.STIIICTUif4 k ' (iu in, mil 1 n ti.lpM,il,.Chriiikiiurti lilr-Mrrt li ,IAI. eir-i.,,lup.prifnnir,rfmnr I r,l fur htnk I ruth", 1 p,tnf wrai.Kl A tiff trlral rra4 j -li i,li al 1111, Ibinsril piii'M. Wheat--Spot )Uli' .ii.,l 1 fin: ... 10,1, vi, 1 ,, ,, jfloaf, 1,1.1 T'i'-ji. i'i, t.iiiu: Nn. 1 i.uiihcm Iiiiltitli. e7?;c. f 'i l. 111I.1.11. i)pti,,n, opi-ni'il ia)j jpr mlltni. 1 1:1 ak.ilii tiirnrcl i.uut iml ilo.cl cay lti. piius "oiii. limn; Mji.h i,ii 7iii,r.; ,M.i Nil i'i nn- -Nml ilnll .mil i.ik, X,i. .', Wc. rlevatoi. Bti'l 17Tie. f. 11. !. iithiit. Opiion nmikft opi'lnii i'Jy. lurthllr 1 illioil 1ml aain ra'iil oft ,111,1 il.iatni' hill l7ll r iiii 1 ...; Imllii inittvy iIiwmI M.ik al 1 in-t ln.a vi i In a. rle ot M.irdi oliiknl ltji ; ij, I'i'i,; July, 4Vj( iil- -put ijnli-t anil Him; n. , ,1... 'o. ,1, .(Pii . Nn 2 wlilli', .T.AV.e.'. No. :! ulttlf. dJ'vi.; tiui k 1ul.M1l wi'.Iiiii, )J j-uji'. i tiail vi, if, 'I'a'H'ti iiptmiK npriiHl huitilo ,t.(l n,,iuliiilv i,.nl Unit, r- straily; invli crcini ii.i. I7,iii.. fa, l.in. lliilli.; lun iifjinor rii'Jd'j,.: iuiIuiIdii c ri.iini'rj , 1isJpK: t.ll, l.ilrv, Mj'"!i. ( ht'ci riim; lamy lar ul oinl nml uhlip, t'l'sill'ji'.: f.mrv Mitall roloir'l. IS'itli'.J tiii'yuinll iolorril.'1'ilil'iicj ,.i ilo. lilti, 1'.ille. V.j -Iirexulor; ut( an. 1'i'iin.i . J'-.i , -ti 111. 17?,al-i : .oiiliniii, 17iil7', Cilili'ni'ii Ginin nml Pinduct. fhli a,-!,, IVIi. '.'1,. - 'iH.nilaho romlitioiM ir luunl of luji! ni.nl.iK mcic not tiulrrial'' Imliuiil lml.o. iillliiiuuli iho toinlinrj n, n uaii ranii'r pilii. Wltnal iIomiI .1 ihjtle; mm 1. "an ' uml ptoiUlon, 7lj In UV-j lower I iih ipinl..tioa, Mi'io .1, f.ulowa : I-I0111 Ilnll uml sti'.iili : No. a piln wii at, 711117.1' ji.1 n .1, 7."i'.i7U,!:i'.J V11. 2 10111. R1H-1, ; Nn. '! iilliiw. S!Hj.'.i Nn. oil,, si,4iV. u. wlilii', CTaiui,,., Xo. :i white, 7.iaic.i Vo i i)i', Si.; limit Iiik. AMViv. ; .So. I tlav ns'i: Si. I tioilliiiit, l.il1t tltni-illi.i, li tyilk. hi:,i.Vill: luril. STIViT.l! tllu. 4T.iT ' I houiilu. ti',iuiU.i "l'1''-'. 7.n",.7.;,1: ulu J lev. I27. Sin;ai- tin In if, M.itf: sraniilatwl I Chlcnuo Livfi Stock Market. f lliliaii.i. IVIi. 'Ju-Litlli Kfrcipti". .i.'-Vl ' tr, traily to 1iw i intv tiutket fh.nle tiont ' I I'I 'r.in, 'li.l'l' : K"ml li I'llllU' Otl'lT'. 1 ' KU: iwor in nii'iiiiiiii. l. Kill 'all itorker, ,in,l teeilrw. i lioli'i , vininjr: othri, i i.C,5a(.31t inn-,.. iii.1at.,i'i; ln'fi'1. f-!Mil,oD; lajinert, s.'.ii.ill; tiulla, t,,w. ;,iUI,l'i; lahra, lov Mall.lDi 'lixin Inl .lii'ia. lll.fli Ti'NJi JMi I lrrr, vl.Mil: Ti ! Imlla, .'..VViXSO. Ilop-ltwilii t, il.i. -'7,(i; iiituonun, 30,oiii I lot mer, .V: riivnU t" itriing; top, $.V('l HiImnI ami ltilrlm. s.", I'li.ViJJ; sonil to rhnin hi'. hi. .j.0uiU.'ii ujir-'i ln.iw. j.iu;.50; l'li'. vj. lai.Vil; liull; nt .il"v, ', WiVl'ii. -.InTp llio lpt. I.l.imdi Khrep, ttroiiKfii limt nijli! sowl tn , hull i' wrtliiK. tlal.7.'i; fair '" I iliuli..' l.li vi il, M Tnjl.'-ii, iii'vtiin alicep, Slat. 7 , li'a, Iiiii. ! 'a 1 1. 1.,": ti.illip IjihIk. laS.I'. wrvtrin IjiiiIh, tVi.L'H. East Llbet ty Stock Mnikat. , l-ii I.lliitl.i, I'll i, 'Ju.- r.tltlc 'tpjili ; nui I KlXtiV.'ai: inhni, iV.'1: ruinnion, J.1U.TS lino vlrnnic; pilini- iniiliiiinv ami best yor'. i i ia, 5..v'i. liuvy Imns, 'i 70,i5.Tjj roughs, .",n I fl.,UI pii, (.i,7lll. B-'l. I i 'lifip lenili: ilmhe wifn'i, vl.Nla: ion, I iiidli. !i.l: ilmlie laiiii. ',.7njVK1; lommi'n tu uimii, Tla'l'J; ral r.llic., 7a7.Mi, j New Yoik Llvfl Stock. iw olk. I'lh '-'i .- llrN Xo tiaile MouS imllnu'. liillm.', rtr,iiv. lalii'i. mailiit'iliill ml. M.V11..V1; clinli r ilu.. t7.7Jj barnjant i i.ihi. nominal. " Minn ami Unili.- ulit iliui; vherp, Jl.5ia 4 Tit vfli'ileil ilo., -,; l.iml,,, fl.rmnl.vO. Ilosf-Sotlilnif il.ilnn; tiilini; lilllo nk. Oil Market. Oil City, Kib. a!.-Cifillt '1'ltc.y.' IMt.. (' lllliNilia, 110 I, hi. HilpiircnU, , iW'iilltrrj, 7, I'.T. Hun, 1J",(V17; aitrar, i , ;(, ras fi
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