'", I v 8 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE- AVEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1901'. WEST SCRANTON MTWWWWMAI AN ENJOYABLE STAG PARTY OIVEN BY THE ELECTIUC CITY WHEELMEN. Entertainment Wns rurnishcd by the Members of the Organization. Cases Heard Before Aldermen. John Herrlty Injured In the Mt. Pleasant Mine funeral of John Harwln Held from the Family Residence on N. Hyde Park Ave nuo Elnal Rehearsal of Oleo Club. The commodious homo of the nice trio City Wheelmen wns filled Inst evening by members and their gentle men friends ns the KUests of thi Focinl committee, who pave one of their peri odical "tnK" parties. The piosrnnime consisted of an amateur minstrel per formance by fourteen membeis of the club, which surpassed all previous ef forts of these royal entertaineis. C. Nelson Teets was mnnriKcr; Ous Ky non, pianist and mimical dhector; 1M ward Morse, mandollnlst and assist ant director. The stnire decorations were neat, be Inir. draped with the national colors. Tallow candles Inserted In large bottles were used for footlights and beer kegs for seats. Tho setting was quite unique. Some of the membeis ap peared In true hobo attire, while others did their "turn" In true black coil: comedian style. The end men, as tramps, were "Rllly" Williams, tho well-known minstrel artist; Alt Davis, bones; Nelson Teets, Luther Thomas, tambos; "Pop" Florey was the Inter locutor In the disguise of a negro sport. Tho black-faced artists weio V Ti. Holllster, Walter Davis, John II. Thomas (Terry McGovern), Thomas Stevens, Benjamin Allen, IMivnrd Da vles, nimer K. Crane, Master John Morgan. The performance commenced with an overture by the bones and tambour ines, "Billy" Williams doing a few fancy steps, Imitating "Little Kgypt" at the Seelcy dinner. Kail 13. Hollls ter followed with a beautiful solo, en titled "Asleep In the Deep" Other solos rendered were; "Just Because She Made Thoso Goo-Coo Hyes," John II. Thomas; "Alabama Sue," Walter B. Davis; "Honolulu Queen," Artie Da vis; "I Can't Tell Why I Love You," Thomas Stevens; "Lamb, Lamb, Lamb," "Billy" Williams "No Cake Comes Too High for Me." Luther Thomas. These were Interspersed with many Jokes and witty sayings on those In tfSlES8 J00" out for I and COLDS TAKE DUFOUR'S FRENCH TAR. Our Semiannual Sale of Housekeeping Linens and Domestics Begins on Tuesday. Feb. 26 and Con tinues for TEN DAYS ONLY. . . . This sale includes everything coming under the general heading of Housekeeping Linens and Domestics, on everylitem of which bona fiide reductions will be made during the period named. This s Not a Clearance Sale It is a sale planned expressly for the benefit of our patrons, comes more in the nature of a Bonus or profit-sharing idea, anything else. In the limited space at our command, it is possible to print detailed price lists, word is good for any statement we just as given above. Our Linen Department includes everything in that line that can be used in the household, and qualities range from the good medium giadcs, to the highest class goods that money can buy. For example : Good Table Damasks, 56 inches wide, blenched or unbleached, cm be had during the next 10 days, at 23c a yard. They7re worth 31c, and like reductions prevail all the way through 'till the finest imported goods are reached. In all the finer qualities, napkins may be had to match, while Table Napkins foi eveiy day me will go at 50c ,t dozen. The same remarks will applv to our Towel and Toweling stocks which include everything 111 their line under the sun. For instance: you can buy a Linen Twilled Crash, iS inches wide for loc a yard, that you would say was cheap, at I2c, at any other time. Really good all'linen Huck towels of large sizes co at 22c a pair, etc. Bed Spreads, Sheetings, Pillow Cases, will take an important place in this sale. Regular dollar Bed Spreads for 85c and $15.00 ones for $12.50, with proportionate re ductions In the same or more of prices that come in between. The sheets and pillow cases include the best imported all linen goods, as well as the equally serviceable home-made cotton weaves of such excellent brands as the tollowing: "Utica, Dwight, Anchor, Fruit of the Loom, Atlantic." etc. All at special bargain prices during this sale. DFMFMRFD Tn,s salc is for tdn days only, KLIVJLIVIDLK and begins Tuesday, Feb. 26. " rm. I Globe Warehouse 1 s,vCv)rO t4 trwV Wv ' W m wisggyyg?Jg4fcQJ I tho nssemhlage, all of Which provoked much laughter. It was an evening of wit and Bong. "Kut" Williams, the wit and humor ist of the club, was Riven a heaity re ception whin he s.uir "Lamb, Lamb, Lamb," Jle was compelled to lcspond to several encores. Ills Jokes and stories stiuek the fancy of the nssetii blaRo and neie gieeted with loud ap plause. A parody on "Marc Anthony's runeinl Oi.uion," by Owllym A. Will iams and Benjamin Allen, met with an upioaious reception. The wrand ilnale was "The Holy City," the solo being sung by Edward Davis, the company joining In the chorus. It was rendered In an excel lent manner. At tho conclusion of the evening's entertainment Caterers Bunnell and Stevens served dainty refreshments. A smoked followed. The social committee Is to be con gratulated upon last evening's efforts, ns all who weio fortunate enough to be present spent an enjoyable evening. Mine Accidents. John Herrlty, of Pleasant stieet, a miner employed nt the Mt. Pleasant colliery, was badly burned about the hands and fnce wh.ll at his work yesterday morning. He was removed to his home, wheto medical aid was summoned and his Injuiles diessed. Peter Zculnslcl. u miner, also em ploys! nt the Mt rieisant colllny, sustained serious burns while putttlng powder In a hole yesterday iiioiii'ii-r. He bent over the hole and a sp.uk from bis naked lamp Ignited tho pow der, which blared up Into his face, with serious lesults. Ho was le inoed to his home, on South Wyoming avenue. Aldermnnlc Cases. Anthony English, Mike English and Nellie English weie nnalgned befoie Alderman Duvles yesterday afternoon at the Instance of James Gavlgan, who charged tho tilo with assault and bat tel y. The prosecutor failed to pro duce ovldenco to sustain his stoiy anil the defendants were discharged. (Jeoige Maucavlct was anesteil bv Constable Jones last evening and glen a hearing before Alderman D.nles on the complaint of Mll.e Paco, who claims ho thieateneil to take his life If he did not give him a dollar Both loomed together. This case was also dlschaiged. rinnl Rehenrsal. The William Council Cite club, composed of the best Welh Mngei s of this side, who will pnit'clpite jn tho Inaugural ceremonies et Washing ton, D. C, on Match 1, will nuet for final rcheaisal this evening, pi lor to their departure on Satin day Choli ster Evans deslies that eveiy mem ber be present. The committee In charge have se cured caps, ties, and ulo unique badges for each member of the paity. An Invitation has li?en lerelved ask ing the club to sing at the nioinlng service of the Metiopolltnn Mothollst church, of Washington, on Sunday. This Is the house of worship which and than im- We take it however that our make make, and the facts aie President McKlnley attends. It is probable tho lnvltntlon will be ac cepted. ' Funerals Yesterday. Services over tho remains of the late John Harwln weio held yesterday uf ternoon from the family residence on North Hyde Park avenue and were largely attended, The Lackawanna lodge of Odd Fellows, of which tho deceased was a member, attended the services. Bow J. II, Sweet, pastor of the Simpson Methodist Episcopal church, outdated, assisted by Bev. C. V.. Boyl, of tho Plymouth Congre gational church, The Simpson quar tette sang several selections, Tho Moral offerings were many and beau tiful. Tho remains were laid to rest In 1'oiest Hill cemetery. The funerul of the lato Elizabeth Thomas took place yesterday after noon from the homo on Eynon stieet. Bev. J. J Hopkins, pastor of tho Welsh Baptist church, spoke words of com fort and consolation to the sorrowing relatives and friends. The poll-bear-eis were E. Jones. John Lewis, Wll Ham Thomas, James Davis, Jonathan Thomas and Bobctt James. Inter ment was made in Cumbria cemetery. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. The Hyde Park Camp, Modem Woodmen of America, will meet on Monday evening In Ivoilte hall, David J. Hughes and Mrs. Mar g.uet Nichols, both of Ii ovldenco, were united In mnirlugo yesterday mot nlng, by Bev. B I. Evans, nt his lesldcnce, on South Main aenue. Mis, Oeoige lleynolils letuined home yesterday from a visit with fi lends and iclntlves at Beading. Mom To Mr. and Mis. Chailes Sclmdt. of Lnfnyette stieet, a son. The Silurian lodge of Odd Pillows v. Ill meet on Pilday evening In D. D. Evans' ball, on South Main avenue. The pieseiKo ot eveiy member Is de sired. St. Cecdla's Ladles' auxiliary met last evening In St. Leo's parlor and transacted much Important business. NORTH SCRANTON NOTES. Little Anna Muriay Horribly Burned by Drinking a Cup of Hot Gi ease Other News Notes. Anna, the 4-eai-old child of Mi. and Mis James Muiray, of Grace stieet, was hadlr binned Sutuiday afternoon while diiuklng some hot grease she had taken ott" the Move while her mother was In another pan of tho house. Tho little one had been playing in the kitchen when all at once she spied a cup containing the grease on the stove, she quickly picked It up and drank It. The glease being waini seriously binned the child's mouth and throat, causing great agony. Dr. J. J Stan ton was called and dressed the little one's injuiles, She Is now resting eusllv. Told in n Few Lines. The Ninth End Stars will play the W. oming .seminal y team at the audlto iliim next Pilday evening. At the close of the pral.se and lonfer om e senile this evening In the Provi dence Piesbyterlnn chinch theie will be u meeting of tho seslson of that chinch Ml"s C.iuie Atheiton, of Noith Main iiveiui'. Is visiting friends in Hones dale. III McDonald, of North Main ave nue and Patker stieet, Is recovering from an Illness of the past week. Edwnid Hodeilck, mine inspector, let t town eU'idny for Haitlsburg. GREEN RIDGE. Mis. Andrew Nlcol, of Sanderson avenue, leturned yesteiday from u three months' stay in the West. The Ureen Bldgo Women's Christian Tempeiance union will meet this uf tor noon at 3 o'clock in the Evangelical church, on Capouse avenue. This will be a mothers' meeting. All lnteiested aie cordially Invited. Miss Lizzie Tillon, of Dickson ave nue. Is visiting friends in Honesdale. John James, of Biooklyn, N. Y is visiting his mother, .Mis. Thomus Junius, who has been serlouMv ill nt her homo on Foidham stieet, Tho Woman's Foreign Missionary society of the Asbury Methodist Epis copal chuich will hold a thanks offer ing social In the lecture loom of the church, Thuisday evening, Februaiy lis An Inteiestlng piogiumme of reci tations and music will be given and a Miclul hour entered. A coullal wel come Is extended to all. The funeial of Lavllla Hlnes took place from the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wairen nines, of Dick son avenue, yesterday and weie huge ly attended, The services weie con ducted by Di W. O. Simpson, pnstor of Asbuiy Methodist Episcopal chuich. The pall-beareis weio Claience Brund age, Hariy Senurd, Will Brundage nnd Chueiue Wolcott The lloral offer ings were beautiful, especially that of the scholais of Miss Perr's loom in No lis school. Intel ment was made In Finest Hill cemeteiy. DUNMORE. The proc eeds of the men's supper held In the Methodist Episcopal church on Washington's hltthday amounted to JO.'i Tho Junior society of Christian Endeavor of the Tripp Avenue Clnls tlan church realized $50 from their en tertainment hold the samo night Sendees piepnnitoiy for communion serv Ice. on Sunday w 111 be held In the Presbyteilun chuich tonight. Tho I. O. O. T. will hold an Import ant meeting nt their hall tonight. A full attendance is urgently icquested. Peter Slegle, Jr., leaves today for Mexico, whero ho lias seemed a posi tion with an engineering corps. G. W. Blnglmni, of Jlnwley, Is spend ing a few days with friends In town. Word has been locelved heie an nouncing the death In Woonsocket, B. I,, of James McMillan, a former resi dent here, who left about fifteen jears ago, Mr. and Mrs, E. E. Corey, of Pike county, aie visiting Mr. William J, Cummtngs, of Brook street. Bov. J. D. Dubney, of tho Tripp Avenue Christian church, has gone to Westmoore. whero he will conduct evangelistic meetings for several weeks. Pay your taxes and save costs be fore March 1. I will bo at Murray's store dally between 1 and 9 p. m, P. F. Blelly, Collector. A SENSIBLE MAN. .wiild me lump's llalsain for t!io Throat and lu t curing nurc Cough, Cold), Ami " ... i hltli, rump mid all Throat and I.un,r Tn ulnu, than anj other medicine. The proprietor liai mitluirlzcil any ilrucgUt to give )ou a Sample Ilulllo IVc to ronvlnco you ot tho iiifeu f iuu ureal rnttv. prico 25c. and W, CATARRH OF TUB STOMACH. A Pleasant, Simple, but Safe and Ef fectual Cure for It. Catarrh ot tho stomach has long been considered tho next thing to In curable. The usual symptoms aro a full or bloating sensation after eat ing, accompanied sometimes with sour or watery risings, a formation ot gases, causing piessura on the henrt and lungs nnd dllllcult breathing, headaches, fickle nppetlto, nervous, ncss and u genet at played out, lan guid feeling. There Is often a foul taste In tho mouth, coated tongtio and If the In terior of the stomneh could be seen It would show n slimy, Inflamed con dition. Tho cure for this common and ob stinate tumble Is found In n treat ment which causes tho food to be readily, thoroughly digested before It has tlmo to ferment and Irritate tho dellcato mucous surfaces of the stom neh. To sifcuro a prompt nnd healthy digestion Is the one necessary thing to do and when nonnal digestion is seemed the catarrhal condition will have dlsappeaied. Accoidlng to Dr. Hailanson, tho safest and best treatment Is to use, after each meal, a tablet, composed ot Diastase. Aseptic Pepsin, a little Nux, Golden Seal and fruit acids. These tablets can now be found at all drug uteres under the name of Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablets and not being n patent medicine can be used w Ith perfect safety and nssuranco that healthy ap petite and thorough digestion will fol low' their lcgulnr use after meals. .Mr. N. J. Booher, Chicago, 111., wiltes "Catarrh Is a local condition resulting from a neglected cold In the head, wheieby the lining membrane of the nose becomes Inllnmed and tho poisonous discharge therefrom passing Lackward Into the throat reaches the stomach, thus producing catanh of the stomneh Medical nuthoiltlos pre set Ibod for niu three yeais for ca tanh uf stomach without cure, but to day I nm the happiest of men after using only one box of Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablets. I cannot find appro priate vvoids to express my good feel ing. I have found llosh, appetite and sound rest from their use." Stuait's Dyspepsia Tablets Is the safest prepaiatlon ns well as the sim plest nnd most convenient lemedy for any form of Indigestion, catarrh of stomach, biliousness, sour stomach, h'Hiit burn and bloating after meals. Send for little book, mailed" free on stomach troubles, by addressing F. A. Stuart Co , Marshall, Mich The tab lets can be found nt all drug stores. TWO UNHAPPY HUSBANDS. Walter Wrlpht nnd D. J. Williams Want Divorces. Walter Wright, of North Seranton, through his attorney, Charles K Dan iels, yesterday brought an action in divorce ngalnst his wife. Margaret Wright. He alleges that she left him and sailed for England in July, ISO?, nnd ftn titer contends that before her departure she showed a marked pref ence for a William Graham, whom he claims followed her to England and Is now living with her. lie asks for the divorce on the double ground of unfaithfulness mid desertion. Delbert J Williams, through his at torney; L. B. Wedeman, has brought an action In divorce against his wife, Ida M. Williams, formerly Ida M. Fisher. They weie married on Nov. 3, 1S97, and she left him, he says, on Feb. 23 of this year. Before she left him he alleges that she treated him cruelly and frequently threatened to poison him. OBITUARY. Robert Bewick. Robert Ilenlek, wed 03 jeirs, dird at tho home of his son, Villi im Ilcwlck, on Throop Mrcit, Dunmore. jestcrdiy On the djj prev ious he nitferrd a (trolfe of apoplexy, from which ho via unable to rally, lie u-ai a mem ber ot tin! Sous ot St George. Two oni, Hal ph and William fun he him. Tho funeral will be held nt St. Mark' church Thursday alternoon at 2 'SO o'clock. Interment will be made in Dunmore cemetery bj t'nilcr taker McMilllan Thomas Stewart. Ihonia'j Stewart, aired 63 rears, died at Ins home, 'J'l Drinker street, Dunmore, jeteidjj, after a fhort Hlnes with pneumonia lie ,a an active member of the Pons of St. fieorno. He Is survived bv 1 uife and H ndult children, Joseph, W illiam, John, Tlioman, lieorire, Mr lienree .Mltain and Mrs .ImncM Cirne) ; al-o a brother, John, of Montana runeral no. tlce later. Mrs. Mary Bollly. Mis Mar' Iteillv. wife of Dmlel Iteilh, died at her lato home Mondaj eienlntr, aftir u lulef lllmn Mis, ltellli us 1.' of age, ami beside her huiband i mrilwd by three dill dun, Thomas, James nnd Mar. Tho funeral villi take pluu at .1 o'doik litis aftirnoon Intcnncnt in Vllner'n Mills, I'u m Mrs. Martha Gleason. Mra. Mirtha Ward tlkason ilUd nt Sew oik Moidiy, at 3 a. m Kunrral 1huwli, at 2 p m , nt fl. Y. Ilollman'n, (113 Court meet "he is suruicd b the follow ins Mm: Mis. Win Moon, Fiton, Pa ; V!n Kate lbx, Nnv oik citi; Mrs fi. V, llottman, Serintun, and one brother, Charles Ward, Seranton Patrick Gaughan. The d(.itli of Patrick flauRlun, of C'hcitnut ftrrtt, Vit Scuiiton, oicurred last cvinlnic nt fi oVloik, at tho Wist Sido hospital, after i line illness ihceiid l (united bj tlinc children, John J., Vim James ltu-.li and Mar, all of this city The funeral onnouminieiit will be nude latir. Annie 1! , the little diuahter of Mr and Mrs. (hirhs Slolt, of l'lue stint, Duinumc, illul nt the homo jotcidij, after a khoit lllntvi Tho fumrat vvlll ho htld from the usldiiiee on Tues day mowing at S SO o'clock. lniciieciit at MadUontlllo. Ilcnrj, the 10 months old child of Mi and Mrs. Julius Dripant, of 111- 1'lttalon mniu, illeil Moudtv morning, alur lite dais' illiu.s Willi pneumonia, The (uniral will laki pliee thin morning horn the fninilv risldmce hir vkiR Mill bo lis Id at M. Maultlaua ihuiih. Interment lu Mlnooka i (-meter) Funeials. The funeiil of Mar) Kliraheth, riiiiglitcr of Mr and Mrs. illlani It. Thomas, of Muth Main utemie, will be luld thlp afternoon at 'J o'clock llurlal will be made in 1'urc.t Hill ccinetei; The (crvlcni of the late Mrs. 1 ouls (hitMiiun vvlll be held at the resilience of II A Mugs bury today at 2 30 o'clrsl. p m Interment at the convenience ot the famll) UNBIASED OPINIONS. From the Clilcaga TlmM-HcruM One of the vvoret toll-lx'nrcis on ruith i ihn humble Lcc. Tho fust thing; a mvn l utttl lir U nlilf establlihej In ft pii'ilh olhrt 1 to rail for htl. It isn't alnujii utv t till a linn who is tuiio as Ui around m lie U lout; tha h' union nil before him, DM men have (iiiil iIjiIiik their hair, but they ttlll preftr to Mu unu; fmm the rronj with jrnun; uomin h KlKKle. Why lecture proplr on Hie a'lnlaccH of uv Inu money? Tliow ho hme It spurn jour ad vice, am) those who 'havrn't need liu poln, SOUTHSGRANTON BOYAIi JONES TENDERED A SURPRISE PARTY. Number of His Friends Gathered at His Homo on Cedar Avenue Last Night Frank Grocan Held in ?200 Bail Warant Out for Arrest of Matthew Malin News of the Young Women's Christian Associa tionOther News Notes and Brief Personal Mention. A pleasant surprise party was ten deied last nlglit to Boyal Jones In hon or of, his blrthdny nt tho homo of his patents on Cedar avenue. The evening was very pleasantly spent and shortly before midnight lefreshmcnts were served. Among thoso present wore: Misses Mnitha Kornncher, Emma Kornacher, Mamie Klcfer, Helen Shutz, Emily Jones, Messrs. Charles Hoffecker, Ar thur Shutz, Forest Fay, Frank Part ridge, Edward Partridge, Harold Jones, Arlle Jones, Mrs. H. H. Bushnell, Mrs. Evun Jones, Mrs. Adam Osrhwlndt nnd Mrs. William Fay, 'Misses Maude Oschvvlndt, Ida Klbler, Helen Klbler, Madeline Armburst, May Oschwlndt, Lulu Klbler, Christina aschwflndt. Helen Hoffecker, Edith Hoffecker, Lily Vockroth, Edna Conrad, Anna Lynn, Ethel Mlllei, Kate Treastor, Elsie Armburst, Edna Armburst, Anna Klef er. Aldermanie Doings. Frnnk drogan was arraigned before Alderman Buddy last evening on the chnigos of disorderly conduct and threatening to kill his wife. Ho was given twenty days In the county Jail on the first charge and was held under $200 ball on the second charge. A warrant was sworn out by Luke Walsh before Aldeiman Buddy yester day for the airest of Matthew Malla, for thieatenlng kill his (Walsh's) wife, Elizabeth, nnd nlso for threatening to set fire to his house. TOLD IN BRIEF. Two children of Mr. and Mis W J. Burns, of 1407 Plttston avenue, aro seriously 111. All young ladles who wish to join the Geinian class of tho Young Wo men's Christian association aie re quested to be present nt tho rooms this afternoon nt 3 o'clock. Mis. Kotmicher will teach. Tho llteiary class of the Young Wo men's Christian association will reor ganize Thursday evening. Miss Mnbel Callender will teach. All young wo men nio Invited. Frank Filcenella. yesterday had a wan ant sworn out before Alderman Buddy for the an est ot Mark Matlska on the charge of assault and batteiy Tho Seranton Saengeriundo met last evening to make arrangements for the funeral of their dead bi other and member, Chnrles Clnab. which will take place this afternoon. Fielllgtrath lodge, No. ".o). Order of Hart fJarl. vvlll meet nt Hartnian's hall this evening The membeis of the Boyal At (.mum vvlll meet this evening In Pharmacy hall. James Connell lodge. No. 170, Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows, will meet In Freehorn's hall this evening. The services which were held lost evening over the remains of Fcllr Sherman, at tho residence on Hickory street, were largely attended. Bepre sentatlves of the Maccabees and the Masons were In attendance. Tho re mains weio taken to the Delavvaie, Lackawanna and Western stntlon and sent to Bhndo Island for Intel merit. Lenten (services will bo held at St. Mary's church this evening. The members ot St. John's Llterniy hoclety will hold n special meeting this evening. A short literary and musical programme vvlll be rendeied, and the question discussed concerning a euchre party after Easter. Miss Kate Neher, of Plttston ave nue, wns tendered a surpilse Monday evening In honor of her bh thd.iy. Games nnd other amusements were In dulged in until a late hour. Befresh ments wore served Thoe present were: Misses Martha, Lyilla and Louise Nordt, Edna Klaumlnzer, Llz zlf nnd Yctta Elkls, Anna Bieser, Anna Faust, Canlo Nape, Theresa Brill, Louisa Hansellmnn. Mollle Koch, Knte L"vvert, Meta Jones, Lot tie Wlith, Mary Wlith, Cairle Nehei, Veina Smith, Etta Nape, nnd Mrs. George Nelier, Ll7zle Nape, Messrs, George Wirth, William Hetrlcb, Jacob Ileffn finger. Paul Nordt. Pastor Nordt, William Sehunk, Chailes Neher and Grandpa Noher. Pea Coal $1.00 a Ton Delivered. to South Side, central city nnd central Hvde Park. Address ordeis to J. T. Sharkey, 1914 Cedar avenue 'Phone CGS3. ADJUTANT-GENERAL CORBIN. His Work That of an Admtnlstiator, Not n Soldier's. Ii A CoollJfre, In Alnslee's, A word iih to Adjutant Genoi.il Coi hln. Ho 1b a veternn of tho Civil vvur, but lie novci won nntlannl distinction In tho Hold. Such fame as ho has K'Un ed has come to him a Koneratlon after he Haw Bi'ivlce fit the front. It Is tho fnmo of ttn administrator, not C n coiaier. And yet, sailing as It must hooin to an otllcer with a lecoul like that of Miles, ho leaps u fcoldloi'n to ward. M the beKlniilntr. of the war with Spain Cm hln was t-careely Known outside nimy and political cir cles In ashliiBton. Such leputatlnn up lie hud was political mUitr than military, nltliouKli he had bfen In the military servlco In ono capacity or other ever since the outbreak of tho Civil war He went Into the Union army in 102 us a second lieutenant of Ohio volunteers; for Coibln Is one of tho omnipresent Ohio men endowed at birth with an Instlw t for political nffnlis. When he was honorably inns teied out of the sfivlce at tlw close of the wnr he had won the tank of colonel, and hud bcon breveted a bt 1k ndlor fieneral of volunteers. He enter ed the leuulnr army Immediately theieatler ns u second lieutenant t Infantry, and ploilded along In routine son Ice for fouiteen years, until Presi dent Haves. In tho Inst year of his adinlnlhtintlon, brought him to 'Wash ington as an assistant adjutant een eial with tho rank of major. Coibln'a first (treat good fortune camo with tho Inauguration of Onr fleld. Ho was a member of tho famous "Kitchen Cabinet," which often In thoso few crowded months of Garfield's administration, usurped tho functions of the nomlnnl cabinet, and whoso ad vice, some thought, weltfhod moro with Oarfleld than that of any of the men KjfJ$ JaKMtmmlKM'f l-T TJ&Vf7: f.KTXX "M mw re ygertter;' The JEWETT is modern, up - and rapid. MACHINES PLACED ON TRIAL jjmM'Mkzi JEWETT No. 10 Has Ninety-Two Distinct Char acters. Eight riore Than Any Other Standard . fta chine. D. W. WAGNER, 215 Board of Trade TELEPHONE S02 who had won distinction In national nffalrs. Ho had prone with Oarlleld to the Chicago convention as an Inti mate personal friend, and they who assumed to know the Inside history of those days believed that Corbln was nctlvo In thy councils of those who conspired from the beginning to make Garfield the nominee of that conven tion, for Coibln was u politician by Instinct, and he Is us much a politician today ns he was twenty years ago. What would have been his fortune It Gnilleld had not been lold low by the nssjssln's bullet it Is idle to guess. It could hardly have been more glitter Intt than that which has come to him now after a tcore of years under an other Ohio president, through his na tive genius ns an udmlnlstrntor nnd his political Intuition. He advanced steadily In his profession till Just nt the oulbienk of the war with Spain, only ten davj after the Mowing up of th Maine, ho urrlvod tluiiugh the ro th.Miient ot General lltiggles at the highest mllltnrv position to which he could asplie that of adjutant general of the United Stales army. Foitune had followed him and clung to him. He oiuld baldly have escaped It If he would. Opportunities showered them selves upon him, nnd h caught them all. What Coibln did dining the trying, hull led inonthn of the war with Spain was ,i maivel to tlvve who knuvv the conditions with which he had to grap ple nnd the obstacles h- lnd to over come. Day after day and week after week, almost hour by hour and minute by injnute, he was under a strain which few men would have had the physical or mental strength to enditte. He had th confidence of tho piesldent. He was relied upon by the secietary of war. Ho can led the multitudinous and Infinitesimal details of mustering n great army and putting It at vvoik. For three solid monthf days, nishta und Sundays he wan at his desk, nnd through it all he wai buoyant, con siderate, tactful, apparently never hurried and nover at a loss. A COMPEOMISE VEEDICT. It Bade Fair to Bo Quite Seveie on the Accused Person. 1 rom tho New Orlcins Times Democrat "The queeiest verdict I over he.ud," said a lawyer fiom Denver, who was one of a stoiy-telllng group In the Grunevv.ild lobby, "was rendered at a boom mining town In Southern Colo lado, back In '88. The judiciary ot the district had just been organized, and one of the first cases called In court was that of a fellow who was accused of jobbing some sluice boxes. The evi dence had seemed conclusive nt the time of his an est, but It developed later on that the whole thing was the put-up Job of a personal enemy, and the night before the tilnl the chief w Itness got senred nnd skipped out. Tho weakness of the case was un known to the district nttornev, hovv ovei, and ho pioceeded to Impanel a Jury, which wns composed entirely of tough and llllteinte miners, none of whom hnd ever served In that capac ity before. After hearing ono or two .minor witnesses, the attorney saw how the land lay and abandoned tho prose cution, but as a mere formality tho Judge told tho Jury to retlie to their loom nnd render a verdict. He sup posed, ot course, that they would be gone only long enough to i educe It to wilting, and when nn hour elapsed without henilng from thorn ho sent a bailiff to Investigate "They want to know what the extreme penalty Is for grand larceny,' teported tho bailiff, nfter a conference nt tho door. 'Tell them twenty years,' said the judge, unable to understand what they meant by such a question. Presently the panel Hied In and announced they had anlved at a verdict 'We find tho prisoner guilty.' s-nld a big, raw-boned prospectoi, who was acting im foio man, 'Clullty" exclaimed the judge, In amazement: 'why, there's nothing at all against him" 'Nary a thing,' leplled the foi email, calmly. 'Then what do jou mean by such an out rageous verdict?' demanded tho Judge. 'Well, yer honor, we couldn't do nothln' else,' said the foreman, 'You told us straight out to find this here verdict uccordln' to the law and the evidence, and the law 'pears to be all tight, hut there ain't no ovldence whatsoever. So wo jest kind of decided to bring him In guilty und nsk yer honor to split tho difference and let him off on ten yenrs ' When the Judge recovered his speech he dismissed the case on his own motion. That's a truo Htory, gentlemen I happened to be counsel for the prisoner myself." Catarrh Cannot Be Cuied with l,OfVI. AI'I'I.ll ATION9, at they ciii'i. t rtaih the aeat of the dieae Citarrli i a Mood or eorstltutioiul illicit, and In order to rule it )0 mutt tike Internal remedies. Haifa l.'i turrli One is taken Interns), jnd acta directly on the Mood and mucous vurCuen, Hall's Ci tairh Cure la not a quail, medicine It was presiiihed I'.v one of the M phjaliians in tliil country for jew, and is a regular prescription It Is composed of the beet tonfea known, com. hlned Willi the hot liljod pnriler, jrtlnc di rectly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect iom. Mnatlon of the to ingredients is vvhst pro duces such wonderful results In curing; Catarrh Send for testimonials ties V. J. C1IF.NKY & CO., Prop , Toledo, O. Sold by drug-gists, price 73c, Hall' Family Pills mo the beat. ... .. .....IL 4-. 1 Writes and shades sevrrtrVl letteratath"nne.,.'V , ., , .'. ' , : i .. writes ttraigni on ruiea rms. Has automatic typectMiit brush. The best manifolder ani tttnett maker. The lightest touch to keys Mi least fatigue. The JEWEIT ball-bearlnr car rlafe "beats the world." ' I The JEWETT liner Is eatily tN most clever device of its kind. to - date, simple, convenient, duraWa AND OTHER MAKES THIN C t 5CRANT6N, PA, AMUSEMENTS. MWVMMMAMII I YCEUn THEATRE 1 ItEIS A. lUinOlINDER. UmM. A. J, DUITV, Manager. One Night Only, Thursday, Fib. 21 The iollleat of Jolllallty. The most phenomenal flninclal ind arhetij record breaker ntour The Burgomaster An up to htc miwleit comedy by Frank Wlr and CuM.ivc I.uiliri. 151 tinaei In ClilciJO Wit, beauty and aong. ft) mlotBt a't'la, rrlce-:3c, fiOc., 7J?., M.OC and 1 M. ReaU on aale Tueadiy at 0 a. in. .1UST ONE N101IT, Friday, March. lt, Auink.i' modt popular slngtnj ceaaedlu, ANDREW MAO.X. In his nevr military melodrama, "THE REBEL." A Alory of the Iriah rerolutlon ef 1TW. MACK'S "Mttlo Tommy Murphy," OWN "rj'fa'ot niu,';".' SWEET "Fof Kreedom d frtlaac." SONQS "TUB 8Ettr.SfABE." By request. "The Story of the. Mot." Prices 25c, 50c, 75c and f 1.00. !"ilc of scats, Wedncadaj, Feb. 27th. Saturday &&& Hiirch 2 MATINEK rrnFOIlMANCK AT,Ml T.VEMNa PEIteOrtMANrE AT S.1I. Al. W. Martlii's MAMMOTH I'nODUCnON OF Uncle Tom's Cabin Deautitut Stace Bettinat Tikm Fran Aetvnl Scene in tht Far fUutb. 5ttln Prlcei 18e. and 35c. livening Prices ??e 15c. and SOt. .K,ile ot uili open Thuraday at t a, in. ACADEHY OP ITU5IC, KEIS & nUHaUNDP.lt HARRY A. BRWN Managers and Leasees. Local Manaff. ALL THIS WELK. fiolden Comedy Co. VYnlneixlay Matinee "Knob'i o! Tennessee" Wednesday Mght "Over th Pta' Matinee Trices 10 and 20 cents. Night Pilees 10. 20 and 30 cents. NERVITA PILLt Restore Vitality. Lot Vlfor ai4 Mtahool Curo Impotency, N'lght Emissions, Lots ot Mm. ory, bh wuenntr diseases, I ail eilocts ot celf-abuse or excess and Indiscretion. A nerv tonlo nd Mt-ttouseorl an PULLS eo CTS. blood buuaer. Hrlnn tho nlnlc alow to Data cheeks and restores the flro of youth. Br mall ouo per nox. o Doses lor $2.60, with our bankable raurantaa to oar or refund the money paid. Send for circialar and copy of our banlcablo guarantee bond. Nervita Tablets EXTRA aTEWMfTH Iratscdutte (TELLOW LABEL) Positively guaranteed euro for Lost of Povtr, Varicnceln, UndereloiMd or Shrunken OratM, Paresis. Locomotor Atnxla. Nerfoils Prottra. tlon, llystoria. Fits, Injanlty, Paralysis and Mae HcbUlta of ExcoailTO Use of Tobacco. Of) Liauor. Bv mail in nlaln naekaoa. Mi box, e for $5.00 with our bankable i ale arsAr. antee bond to cure in 30 day ot letuai money paid. Address NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson Sts., CHICAGO. ILL. Sold by McOarrah & Thomas, Druggists, (Of LaiKauonna avenue, Seranton, Pa. DK DENSTEH rhyslclta u( SirH 311 Suci St. SCRUNK fl. All acute and chronic dUeasas el maa, wt i,n and children. CI I HOMO MUWeiMb 1IKA1N AND WASTIN'j DISBASEfl A BTSOi i IALTY. All oissasoa oi lue wmt. KMSnya. lllsdder, bkln, Uised, Kerr, Wotab, 9f M? Kose, Ihrost, aad Luugs, Oaneesa, TvawoeaT l'llti, Hupture, Oeltre, Hhsumatlasa, -1hrai" Catarrh. Varicocele, Lost aUakaad, MlaratU 1 ml&uons, an i-ciuw b..., Mscnnms, asa. Oonnorrhca. Syphlllli, Blood fetaasa, lastlMr. .. .nil nuthlnl habltk obllUntML - Kitr, Jpllepsy, Tape and Stomach Werraa. 54? 1 AllllHUvjHr, opeiiDo lor uacarro. mnnthn' tnatment only WOO. 'Trial office. Consultation and evamlnstlca ra. a. Or. tlce hour daily ami tunuay, a a. sa. t I p w. DR. DENSTEN Tha Old Sport. "Ito's now making; more money basking harm than he oier did." "IfOttl" "Ho'a vvoiLlne on a dump." Pblladelphl Times. "Teddy" and Daalt). It aliowa the difference bttwesn men. Nov If It had been Teddy who wia put in ta Uoaa den, he would bava Urn th Uojm all lata) tuiecu. iicnipuu iommcrciai jippcaj. J&mJL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers