V ' VJfS , - f .'"OV i '" i. ', & v t, it. 'k- ,. t THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1901'. A 3 IS". .1 -THEAIRfULL 3 - OF RIPPER f (Concluded from rage l.J 1fi chlliii of ,tho TTijiiicYitcs tliut the 1lll will effect n fjreat Rood, or tlm counter-claim of tho ntitla Unit It will work a Krcut Injustice1. What wo -iwuvUls'thc "ilwhlbronner (bills To K-U It ivo mail noc-cilo to tho 'ripper rlaiifc. If tho 'ripper clatiso Is not slRht It tan bJ dlspowd of entirely nr modlflcd Into eonllablo Ebnpo by tho court. If tho 'ripper clauso Htnndfl, vi'll. no Birut liaim can tosislbly come if it. If It Ioc-a not btatul, we still luvo Iho bill. 1 Fay, let us KCt tho Mil mut leuvo It to court to tako cam ' tliii 'rlpjuV rlnusc. l.c-uvlng Sciaii ton'm citlleiiiv out of the Question, 1 1iocm r potild lii-liit? myself without ntiv si eat oiiott to favor havlnK Uio eiiirt piiM' upon tho Jiucstlon of the 1 ivtlot ii ml ilcolrablllty of till 'tlppor i I'hfr thnn that it should bo decided bv a les oullKhtrncd, less conscrva tlo mill biased Icf-Mutuf." Mruiuly Major Molr anil Ajclitant Sillert6r JJaVla hao nreompllslicil . lint half "a dorcn others have failed In the conversion of two Quayltes, wlm had privately declared against ilu 'rliipgr' and who wcro expected very iiitiiutn to roinu out In an open d. r-l.irallon that they would nqt vote 1 r tho Muehlbioniier bill. They nre i io Kind of mull, too, who will stay i-m-eilc-d. Tlicy ashed tint their i.l. ,1kc be not published, na it would iiiran no end of annoyance fiom tho l-t-rslhtc-iit, brow-btatlnff and thrcat-enliii- l'llnn ciowd. Philadclphlans Arilve. t'niinty C'oiiinilhMloncr llyan and Tv-moc-iulle City Ch.ilinian Donnelly, f I'hlKidclnhU, iirrlvcil hero on an .illy moi nlnff train and took a suite I 10011m at tho Holton. Mr. Ityun and Mr. Donnelly dcllered to tho Quayltes lie votes that were necessary to pass iho Vhlladelphla court bill. In consid eration of tills they were nllowod to dictate the appointment of tho minor ity Jtidh-e. There arc those here, nmniiB tho knowing ones, who make hold inoimli to whisper it about that MfvsiH. Hyan and Donnelly will take a hand In helping: alonjc tho "ripper." 1 till then there are alas persona who aro given to unwarranted hppcii l.itlcm. J'v-Demrii'r.illc State Chairman John "!,u nun, of I.uzeine, la also hero and U ric-dliod with dolus a filendly turn for tho "ilpper." T. J. Duffy. GB.AB BILLS TO BE KILLED. "Result of "Representative Coopei's Action Mr. Scheucrs Bako Shop Bill Passes Third Beading:. S nl fiom a Statf Cornsroudtnt. UarilslilliK', Tob, 20. 'twas reported this nioiiniif,- that, as a result of Kep i"i illative Coopei's action of last niKlit In serving notice on the orirani . itlon iii.umt'eia that ho and a liuin u.r of his colleacues would rome opt In open levolt If tho alleged "grub" WIN vveio insisted upon, that orders ti out lot tli that the.se bill should bo Idlli'il. That there Is some giound to Mil' report was Indicated tills morning when one of the most generally ciitl lued tit the bills, that establishing a H IhIoh of liorlU-ultiiic and pomology, i tliu tic-pat tiuont of agrieultuic, was Jofil-dby a vote of t.'i to 2". Mr. S'c lioiiwi-v bake shop bill passed thlid li'adlug In the house this moin mg. it ivgulates tho manufacture of Hour and iiie-U food products, the 0111 iilnymtnt of .ulnlt females and Illinois i ml piovldei iiennUh fur violation of its poiuiltks. It Is Niibstantlally the anlo bill that j rfhtivd thu leglhlatuio In iss? and whlih an di elarod unconstitutional because tN fit Jt s-eetlon nttenitdtd to restilot 'i.idi-. The new law is made to con ' nin in tills le.-pect with the gcneial favtoiy law. KciirciL'iit.ithc Iti nolds has do. lared agaiij.st the .Stioh bill Incieux. lug the coiiiK!iibi(tioii of poor directoid. Mr. Ib-jnoldh bolievuM that it is poor nu-dneis to increase tho compenatlon ' the Wranton dliccloi fiom SUOO to i. win n they aio doing their woilt -ii well lor SJOl) and to nnlous to do It at this liguio that the ollleo is one f( tho most eagerly hought of all that obtain lu J.aekawanna county. Mi. lloynolds and Mr. llutt liae s. 1 ved notlio on the street r.illwnjs ominltteo that unless their bills nu ifported this (tk ctVorts will be made not week to hao them taken ltom the committee and placed before the h'nif, .Mr. Keynolds" bill limits the bouts of labor of &tictt lallway em pIojch to ten hours. Mr. Hint's bill ett nipts to LOinpel stieot uiilway rom-naiilf-i In llrst and second ('1,'it.s dtles to provide a huillclent number ot c.us to comfortably ai commodate pastn-n-eers at all hoiif, by piovldlng tlmt iicro eais ate not urn at lutetvals ' tin ou minutes or less a pahsengt-r ir-ed not pay faio unli-hs pnnided Willi ti scat. V new tecehtr of taxes bill for thhd lass cities is ghen to tho houso b M -. MeConnell, ot I.awience county. It will bo in high fin or with tho itv ti'MHiiroiri nf CVubondale, I'lttstoii, Wllkes-Uarre and other good sl7cd third class cltiex. 'j'h,. bill ptoMdes Jhat tho city titasutor. by virtue of hu oihee, bhall bo collector of till countv, Oty. t-chool, poor and otlur t.ixeu col leetablo within the city, mid sliall ie "elVe, in uddltlon to his legttiar sal ar't a coninilssloti of not lean than I )ier cent, on each Mutleular tav, and not lebs than Hie per cent, for toilet t ing delinquent laes. The . county oommlsxlon. is, h. lio.il board, poor boaid and city ileik shall deliver the duplicates caoli jear be fore June 1, and all taes must, . paid b-fnre Sopt. 1. A penalty of 1 per com. per month Is added to nil taxes icniaiiilng unpaid after Septem ber 1. New County Agitation. Mr. liawoilh. of Luzerne, who was defeated In his singk-lumded eftott to imva the leglf-jatun cam the county of Quay fiom out or Luzoine, Is taking nnotlu-i- tack. Jn the Iioupo this moiti lag he Introduced a hill which wholly lianges the maim, i- of etcatlng m-w i otmtk-e. It irovfdes that wh.-u any imintv a i tains to a population of I'.IO.OOO or inoie, it may be dMded and a new lounty elected thoivfioui, upon loiifuni oi a majority of tlie electois otlng at n election to be called tor hikIi inn. jio.e. Application for tin out tlou ot a niw futility shall bo made to the xettotuty of Intel nal affalis by nt leaht 1,000 of titrable InhabltantH of tho niuposed new district. The application Is to be oiibldered by tho frown nor, attorney RCtteml, sectetary of tlm common-wJ-altll -nnd hecretaiy if luteinal ar tilrf. and if It Is found to tonfoini to he. coiiHtltiitlonal jco.nl i onieut re. I" ding tho cieellon of new counties, h'j, or n irmjutlty nf ilieni. hIiuII 'lllWtli upl'Olill three illsluteieslml roniiulfelonci?, not icuviiih of thu county affected, to.inaulrc into and ninko repot t concerning' the same. The commissioners are to prcparo a. map of tho proponed new county and other necessary Information regarding tho same, and if their report shows that tho pioposcd now district can bo elected without conillctlng with the constitutional pi o visions an to terri tory, population and the nearest dls tance of tho boundary Hues from the county seat, tho governor shall call a special election, of the electors of the county to be divided, to dccldo for or against tho division. lu case the majority of the votes cast aie in favor of tho now countv, the governor shall forthwith Issue a proclamation declaring the same, and. thenceforth, the new county shall bo established. If the new county has a population of moie than 40.U0O It shall bo a sep arate Judicial dlstih't. (,'ei tilled copies of the recouls of mattcis pet tabling to the new county shall be lecorded in the new county nnd shall luivo tho tamo force and ef fect as tho oilgluiU entries. At tho next general election after the election of thu now county, tho clcc tms shall till the olllces und designate the county seat. In tho interim, the ulllces shall be tilled by appointees ot tho governor; the county seat shall bo designated by tho commissioners, and the expenses shall be provided for by n bond issue not exceeding in amount $30,000. Tho payment of the new county's shaio of tho debt of the old county Bliall bo adjusted by tho commission, ets of the two counties. A Butter Bill. The bill , Introduced by Senator Muehlbi miner this afternoon, defining battel, and icgulatlng its nianufnctme and pi eventing fiaud and deception In Its making, Is claimed to be a retalia ting' act on the part ot the oleo peo ple against tho pine btitterites, who have been almost malicious, it is al leged, hi 'their attacks ou oleo. The fact that Senator Muchlbronncr Is- nt the head of a big oleo company lays tho foundation tor tho claim that lh bill is a letallatory moasuie. It provides that butter shall bo de fined to be the product ot unadulter ated milk from the cow or cream from tho same, either with or without salt, and with no other article, ad mixture, substance or compound added theieto, and without nni coloilng mat ter whatever. It further provides that It shall be unlawful to m-II, otfer for sale or have possMon ot nny com pound butlt r known as crcnmeiy. Imi tation cit-ameiy, piot-ess, renovated, ladle-packed or lendeied buttei. or any other substance purporting to b.i butter, unless such ni tides shall be fiee from all material whereby their natural color Is changed, Vonnltles us heavy as two yuu.s' Imprisonment aio provided. Th- main piovKlon ot' Article 17 ot the constitution will bo of luteicst, lit vlow of the bill Introduced last night by lleprcentntlve rnlm, ot Ctiw ford, to cany It into elfoct. U pio vides: ..iMliist dicrinitnatlcn in lie ti.tipMMltn ol lCT)ra tuJ property. Atrilnt coiifcllilatini: pjnllol er competing lines. riut no ullicail or jnat compinv thall en case, dircclb' or indirectly. In inlnlnu or nntnu tiUnrmjr artkloi for luinpoituion cacr its lit a, or atqulie lanJi except hilIi .i aie in biry for cairtlnir on il liiiIniii, cxuptlnK liowcxr, tint n ralltcad or uiiol cninpui inn enrrv tlio iioJuot ut it nunc nr mamifactfn,i en ilj lino a distance not Mcnsling flfly mlli, Tliat no dflicr or empbje shall be intirnteil In fiirmhlns nuiternl or suppliw to lit enm pjny, or enmeu in Hie bitoliipn of tramputU. I'jii a a commen carrier or lilt cotnpinj's linn 'lint no ilicrinilnatlon or piceiiniPH bo miJe in cIuirls or lai-ilitirti for ti nikpfrtition, m l'ilwn K.rtcratlonj mil In.llriibnlN, or lu fnor of rltlier 1 abate-nivnt, eliaubclc or m fuitiMiing ens or motive ponci. That no ihssob tJnll lo Krintt.1 tu iuy pfr win u.ciit ofUrcrR or employes ol tlif coinp-inj, 1 J. Iiutlv PBOCEEDINGS OP THE DAY.- Nominations Confirmed Bills Passed rinally New MeabUies Intio- duced. lit Httliubo Wire from The A.oiulcl I'ru. llairlbburg, Feb. 2t. Tho .senate met at I o'clock this aftet noon. Among the nominations continued was that of ,T. T. UoMiruck, of AVest fliLstei. to be commissioner of foiebtiy. Tlie report of the committee on uiles, which pinvidiM ti nt of lules tor tlie senate with fev ehangts. was adopted. These bills weie piihs-ed ilnnllx : IIoum- l.ill m.il.llis II unlawful for ilUtrict Rttcnifj-s to l uid iisidc Jnrois iti Mnpjui.llini; any jinv in tlie trial of uny iinllctuicnt elnry inir a Mony or tuiMlemaimr in am curt, .iml nirulallnsr the cliilli luting of jiuor In tlie tKim tnuriuinltli ami tin- ri, fimlnit In tu . asoo This bill in minettliit r-iiuil It 10 llif M.CurcIl hill llf till' lllht toiloli I'ruuJiUK fur tlo cvUlilMmiciit ol i.ii;lit kcIiooLs for tin iiunu.il luiiiiuc of rhlltlnn abut tlio ase of .! c.iri. 1'roM.lit,' for tlio attention of th bniitnaii of t(mnlilki ami Ixioutn In oertam rni an. I Iho a.l.nl"-tiii( nt of tlu liulil ttili cw theitof, xt ikins in .ippiopil itiun for the eicttlou ft a inoiiuiiuut to the nii-mun of .h.hii Until--, a ntl7in ot Gcttiliiirir. Mho fpitnl in llm lion llrit.dtlt V proprlnliiR fr-1"' to countv liMnii il ... irt in in oitler to cmounte tlto itahliOin .1 .f tlie nmr. The bill l elating to the publlt muds i onimNslon, wldeh was defeuted es. teidaj vas lestoied to the lalcndar after tho vote bv which It had been defeated had been unconsidered. The calendar was clouted of bills on ilit and second reading. Bills Intioduced. IlilN u.io Intioduced as follows. lit Mi Vjtisli.m, l.u kauiiiuu Vmi'inlii i. mi. ticn II ut .in act Hliliii? to l ruiitillu'4 ttl.iu. KuoUe or .lulli'li lui- hten l.-tlnl upon or nue.l hv the khellll ami rliiimtl to h.-lons to ullu-M tlun I he (UfrinlJiit in the rnutllon or pHui'.t, fn as to pital.Ki tint the pliluiiir in the until. (tou hluilt lili a bnnl tu rota r.xU ami lounl fni ami loti.lius tlut if Midi honil It ml file. I thu prncissliiiKt (.lull h liollo pl.tw. il; also -i 1,111 anpropildthu; iflD.iKi to thu llouaei f f.coil frl t iilirnt, of r-ctanton Uy Mr. Vlueliltriniici. MIcKhenj Antliorlilus um uGie.iiBii on tin) writlcn topn-it of t tie he ml of li'iltli to eoniluo ami pm oi ruin plilcly enclo.c ant- er.eh, um or utnral water two, ra In r tl.Jii natlitahle- Iujih.. uul tor IhU .tiriKie to ini.r upon, londYinu ami luVe pi..p ily anil MiterUl neecn for Hut piuioe, iiikJ jiintlJin; lot the au'crtalniinit an. I axv n.cnt of n.u. ilaiiuui-H ami eiinn'r-, & v. H nc th- hit ami dilution nf h.n.llu aiKln thiutroui ana loii.tltutliu: im h hemliU a lieu tiou the piopeitiis upon ulilih thev ar.' n. tpeetltilt j.-m.1: .il.n i Mil il. Ilnln.- huitir an I I., n uoljte tho iiuuluu' an.l Kllius of butter ami to piiwut tu.uil and ilriitlon in tin mat,. ti. .iml nil a butter, any imlutkm tluieof, ami proiiiliiiK puni.l nieut fcr l lolali.ni of (he a.l lit sir i uiuiiilii.K, W.ireu I'iolilIng tor tlio eriitl.,11 or punlij.e nf annorki for the Xjilona) (iininj 'I In- I 111 iiiiiilileii that It ehall be the .lut) if the a.lpiiant ucncral tu riupluy aichi tuiK to pi r parr pUm foi tiill ihle armoilii if time iIumt, the mrwo nt of whfih, i elbhhe of lte. hiU he: riut claw, f.l0.(iiu: mic ml ilaw, S1V"'). Ihlril rla, f-jyim, uUa u Mil tu li nu inline .inl nmriicllnc the iut pro. viilluv foi the or'aiilatloii ot the tsutlonat Ciuani so .m t pimiiin n hand for mill riBb mini, protlfllnit tor not inure than ihno ho IIjI trHtl In earli it tlincnl. ami lot more than luilvo iiil.li-. ioiii he nwljned to th UitJiwI department of catli rrcUncnt, Hy Mr. 6Iaon, i:rle Vuthorltlntt apptiln from the court of common plea to the mprcmn ml superior court In eaxs which are apprali from ett!ituonli or reports of county, horotiith or tonmhlp audlton. Tljr Mr. Varc, Plilttdelpblft Vprroprl illng ?". 000 to f;t Altrea' hospital, l'lilladelphl. Ily Mr. Stile, tachlajh Supplvnipiilfiifr an aet provldliiit for the Incoiporallon of certain eor iortlon, to a to further prorlde for the reuii. Iitlon of torporatloin heretofore or In reader In corporated for tht supply, rturaua or transfer of water or water power for commercial ami iniwuficturllij purpeiji, authorbliur nurli cor. poratlena to build dam In any riier, whether wholly within tlio Hate, or Inrinlng In whole oi In part the boundary between thcte and any adjoining ntite; alto authorizing them to build iltmj In any lioumUry river In connection vdih cotporntloiu orKauleil In tuc.li odjolnlncf ta hiing lite authority to enter upon, oeeupy, overflow and tako lamlK, property, river, tream, rlithta and eiscmenta tinder the right of eminent domain, to dnelop ami ilWribute eleelrle power hy mein of water power and to auppl the rame to the ptiblle, to occupy public hlithwajj for Ihit purpoee and to eenxilhUte tlie.tr toiponte property rlshu and fnnrhlmi with tl.ncio ot corroralion Incorporated or to be ineoriortted under the laws ef any adjoining mate with Ilka aulliorlty. Tho particular purpose of this meas ure Ik to peimlt tho building nf a series ot dams on the Delaware, at Tunton, Kimtoii and farther up the river, by two companies of New Jersey and rennnylvanla capitalists. Tho senate adjourned until 11 a. m tomorrow. Tho Now County Bill. A now county bill was introduced In tho house today by Jlr. Hawoith, of Luzerne. Tho bill provides that when ever any county shall attain a popu lation of ySO.OOO or more, or that has already reached that population, it may bo divided and a new county erected thetefroin upon consent ot a majority Of the (ltlnlltlert nlnnlniM nf lliu pioposcd new county distilct voting at mi c-icriion to ue caned lor such pur pose. Mr. Haworth was the author of tho bill creating a county out of por tions of the Luzerne and Schuylkill, with llazleton as the county seat, which was negatived by tho Iiouho committee on new- counties nnd tnun. uhlps. COUNTY STATEMENT. ANNUAL STATEMENT OP THE COMMISSIONERS OF LACKAWANNA COUNTY 1900, btAtcment Showing Receipts, Disbursements, Condition of the Finances and Accounts of State and County Taxes for the Fiscal Year ending December ;i, iqoo. hi crn-r1 Amouul teciiteil hv Count) litai urer M .1 helly from rountv and bridge tax duplicates ami othei ourres ot retcnun it i-hoteii li the etatement of i-ald rouiitj tuisutcr.. s.Vi,i.lv 17 ))lsUeJltM:lhSr Aniniuit of dichuMeincrti from count ami hrl.lee fnncb aa s'luttn In th followina; statement ol tie County Comnilsiionon on lounty warrjntf Voa. 1 to ti,lt2. in-luie. and dn bursementa made b, the countv treaturer a ehouii by the ttatc ment of naid tnaanier .111,217 61 Heeeipt in excess ot dkbureements... 40.07J fe3 ASKFSMEN lb. Paid aetcou for rnakini; tUlo and countv aeueiitn, nnkinj; tav luplirate-i, kcIiooI (Oplei ind Iran wiipt of nicrtpairos cf judgment . S -1"- 1 1 VUVkinisl.NG. 1'ld for publhhlns fomnii-aloiieik' aiinuil etatrmont and other advei- tlslns VJi7 10 AOUICULrfltM, sociutii: I'jld I'recinan l.ei'li, treauier, pit mlum to acrieiiltural totietle u (rovided by law I i ii Ai'i'itLUhNMOv or Muiiiirnrno l-jl.I to Thorn is I,eji.hon rounty detective, evtratll- tion of murderer ) -1 II Apprehertiion of murdcitr... ,V, is 1'iir! 1' Itohllne. chief ef police for iippielienxlon of persons elurgnl nllli ccmuilttius cilmc JM m IH:iD(lES I-ii.l 1-eiui llrl.lne Co ? I,1V)W Paid epeiiM ini-pectlns bnd gi t;; l.lkl 7J coi.siv rovin!ior.i!' Pji.1 .'. Courur Morrifc, t'otuil) CommlH'loner ....s Tani .lolui l-criimti, ("oiin. t Couiuil!oner Pjld Jolcn .1. Iluivln, Countv t'oinintwlon-r ....i Paid W. '.. Panltlf, chief derl Paid n H. ItoUthin, a-aUt- ant rleik I-ald l1 W Klichoir, aM ant cb'iL I'jiil lolut Von 11. IR. Ii. m bituit ihrk orurr liOi 00 1.0-Vi '.l. 1,013 to 1,,'VI im 1.W0 () SO) f) PUO tfl C(Ht-lV 111 ricime. I'jiil extheriu" I". II ricnioni. fees . l-ald Mierlrl C, II, I'rjon tcei jj.i I'altl Joliu u. Joncr, Mi.UKi miiunij, fe.-a 1J l-ald lliomi I. Panleb, clerk of (tin I J. tett. ; Paid frid W Warlike, rerordir of ilee.U, tee-4 Paid II. I Taj lor, cotintj ollcilor. ... l,, l-ald John Cop'-laml, piothonotuy, froc I, fiim .,) p-i rs 003 M C'JV SJ l H 1 in) t-M IO ICI ill I'j.rl I' auditor l-ald w. auditor Paid auditor tOP.NTV AI'IIUDIO (ll.llllO, iCilllllV V-V) .. V., Johns, count V. Kcifcr, county Mi ou 3J1 ( filj oi Kirin iioui; (iiioijmh, paid S-tev enroll md Knlsht, hunejoi. urado fur walks f Slrt Paid inonbur. sprinkling hwn and hoveling ftion. irj h) Paid tiadiid and lUlliig com l l.oio Int. li Ml 7l Paid lolble ttone, i-piltk- lcr, Ria fed and fei- tlbcia UI M Paid for itiade tinn . .. ul oi l-ald lepaliinir fountain and cwler (oi .mip ... 17 S? paid llarbei Kephilt com pam u ol btrain lollcr 21 i.i Paid rruiiliii7 lawn miwrr. lUtiuii. (or and 1iar uliijr fejuio la hi 2,1-17 03 fOe'KT KM-II.NMS 1'sld irier. lrtt.M,i'l.erf, tip- k'all", Hfci'tfi- ot colli!, and court Janitor 0,707 ." l-ald It. II. "ton, court ktenojrapher I'.lll wi l-ald peclal ktciioiriaihlo K.nirei. 7 J Hi Paid lieinlnsloii tjpcuiiter for fctenouripher 1U7 Ol Paid tjpettrtter uppllei. elo jut ;; I'alildtaiilncdi .-eased Jurlo' hair :.. ''""' PaidlaickawaimaUKal Nen Ui7 3J Paid (Vnlrul I'ennaylvinu Telephnnr Co 71 M Paid refereea lee 1,is oi Paid iurota, jnaiwl 2.1X7 13 Paid iurou, pitlt 7, "W 7(1 Pild Jiirom, traeri, li.OM 7 Paid coii'lulile returiH ,. . l,()l d Paid July loii-jihtknirn and ikik ATS It i l,li,u do i 37,1:1 ii COUNTY GTATEMSNT, MMMMMMMMlSI rOMMOSWnAbTIt COSTS. Tald aldermen, juatlcen, conatabtefl and wilncM in commonutalth cunt CI, 122 30 IIURIAIi OP DECTASKt) BOLTIIGRS. I'ald burial epen. cf deeeaned nob dlera per Aet of Aasembly, (p. proted May 12, 1S35 $ 700 ft) DIllTIIS ASD DEATHS. I-atd aMctxnM In tnnmehlpi and bo rough for making- returns of births and death an provided by law ) 47 .1" DIVI!0.V OF TOW.N'iniirs AND llOleOUGItS. Dlsldlnir Ilorouth cf jtooalo into wards John M. Hants 2S. rt .1. II llonner ID (0 Ccerge E. Stevenson .... A3 CO i.MTTio.v nsrnssi:3. l-ald election ofTlcois and rent of HHnu places.. ..$ p,Ht 74 Orouml lent for polllns booths 173 IX) 1-rintlnn- billots and election Wanka J.070 M Hipalrinir, m.lnr and v. tine up and lorlns; boolln 7M 21 Dcllverlnir baltotj and oth.T election blank 207 10 Clcil appninteel by court lu compute election returns . MO On fiippllen for election boards 1J7 11 l-ublldiinc aherlffa prmla- matlnn fsQ CO Paid for tteo new election boolla , lit 0 SCO 00 ji -.,- i n KASTKRX I'llMTESTIAnV. I'ald boatd anf clothlns; of convicts. ...$ S SI0 19 1'NUMKltAnOV OK SritOOI, CIllMfflbV. "'. aasceaors for e-numrraUon ti children $ P30 25 iysuiuj.cn. I'aid insuranca on county rirlsoa and court Iioum & IMI'KACHUKKIS. Paid witness fee insan'i: coxvicrrs. I'ald ph)lelans for eiaminatloas of and retort upon the mental condi tion of pewoos alleKcd to bo insme. 1 INQUnSlS. I'altl ,T, J. Roberts, coiontr's feej i Paid J. .1 IsIi. chemist .. raid fletrj Ilroun chemist. I'ald John L. Jenkln, cheui Ut Tald Jutlco of pence art Icr coronera Paid Jurora at Inquests .... 2i : (0 ',0 00 2,11.1 0V 71 00 2,0) .Co :w 4" 1,1 in oo i 3,J0 M rntNTiso ad srvTio.NT.nv Tald blank loolu, blank forms, pen ciif, pins, err Paid pitetaBO and revenue jtaiups . I.t-O 11 US 7 I'RmiUalS. I'ald lounty on wild cata, fries, etc., including fees of justice rL'RUO nUILDING LXrESSK raid Janilou and watch. men $ 2,313 81 ijiu mier, iirm and heat for court hoiee Paid rrp.elifi clo-vta I'ald t entril l'jiimshajila Telephone Co raid f.. p fjrov, rcpilrki;, ii", cei.it Iiouho clock ... Paid electrical IKluret, an 1 lepairs Paid chirwomen Paid new furniture, repiln, fuiul.hlng caipeU and bn- nlcuins Paid drulne, liauiins piper and tubbi-.li I'ald repilri at court liotbe.. 1'iid pilntinff fiaijpolo ct) court house Paid Mjiidry haiduire l-ald repairs cf elevator Paid laundry for tue at i ourt holme I'ald metallic cai,ea for Recorder' olflee I'ald furnltuie superlo- cuuic loom Paid li'ddlnr, towcU. etc.. toi court house Paid t.Uilli, map, blooms, lnuhe, etc 2I M ?,5II 0.! 4 W 1P0 .' l.O-JO (no r 1.". Ml mi 71 no .17 a. iOCJ 17'i 00 i9 :o 47 Is 2V) 4D -? i,eo ji i-ii nov i:.pj..vsr. Paul feedius pilnonere lO.OM tw l-iid liaht, fuel and iter.. 2,Ji6 l-ald prisoneis' clolhimr, b.tldiii', tti 1 01 10 l-ald nuppliia, bribhc. brooiOB. toap, lie. etc HO So l-ald t.'Ic phone rent 70 mi l-ald ti pairs nt roiintr Jail.. l,li 2 l'.ild convejlni: prisonem lo snd frotu countv piison... 110 i I' lid mndrj furnblilns'. at prison I' 00 l-iid dull firtanli .',5 (V, l-aid phveiclan and mcclicil "uppliis ",:,; M Piad ilJllei of .arilcn. I eepem and mitrons 7, "00 00 rnbiov i,oRn. I'aul halanea of inembera,,..$ 1,17V O) I'ald silare of secretary.... .100 00 Paid Mipervbor 107 2" l-iid overim or ftitards ... 1,510 00 I'ald Mipirintmdcnt if car pet vtcaccM .172 0(1 I'tld books, stationery, etc.. t JO '15 I' lid looms foi weaving de- tartniMit .Id 72 1'vid hardtt ire, tools and other mpplies ;'fi Ot I'nid sle 1111 roll; ;o no I'aid bluksmithinpt 4 'I- I'ald miterials for weaviiiT,,. UO Si I'ald tt un work SHIM Paid cxtri food tor prison- rtr doing voik 701 10 $ 22,S27 11 5,07 61 Rl.filbTRAriO, I'.ii.l .isscKVon of voters for makln; May and lK-cember registration S 11,005 Cs KOMI DMVCI I'ald vfencM appointed by court : .-ill r Paid damage to laud taken tor public luaili M0 00 -1 1,371 0) 1I1.M ooet :o si vri: uosciTir Paid keep of insane com lets from J.sikivtitina county $ hTATP, INDUSTRIAL Itni-ORMATORV. Paid can' of inmates fiom I icka vsannt county Wt CH) 'r.Vli: HOSPITAL 10R rilROMO ISSAXC. Pild laiu and keeping of inmates from Lackawanna county $ Sl'ATE AUDIT. Paid John M. Ilarrla, audltinff ac 101111U of county ciliiccri 5 VUMIRV ll.MT.NH.S. I'.n.l I,. V. lluuncll lorl-ltcd bill cac T I'ald (IrniiL'e l-ald trinsicnt clerlis fir wnicoi. lu cominlwlomik olttio ," l-ald Hiibscrlptlon to clillv pattctti Paid William Oliver, colIu. tor I'aid cnirrcwlng inoinoiial icwilutions rvpeiine of t'iinmllontiV Mat 1. convention l-iid inlenial revenue stamps Paid opening sravo by older of coroner 5 ZU tQ TVNLS RFl'U.NDLI). Reiumled ovcipald lanes to T. K. Do land 4 I 37 TI.VH'OR M1V IOAVS. l-ald M rtohitisoii, tcmporaiy loans., ..5 Eu.jin ii toM)UsiN-.riov or ii-hnpiki:?. I'll.) vlcer on condeinna- tluu of tumplki I .US 20 Will: ARW..N?. Paid cstlnjullilns lorest Una 4, ,'M JO rot'NT in rrorivi:. I'ald 'lhwuas,U)hon, salarv and sjjyralu , $ 1,1IS vi (.otr.NTV 'iitCAiunuit. Amount paid on U Ucedj j.tjj 00 I IIOAL EATUXsLS. Paid makinB mip ind blue- printi for rater book for Supieme court, fcprlnir Hi 00k Wuter Co. raso ...,'f J5 00 Paid printlns liook. etc., for tamo case It 00 1 10 00 .1 ft) 10 (Nl 10 v aoo so 00 to 00 4 10 4 M OOUNTY STATEMENT. t-y SSISNV',HV 1" OOUNTY STATEMENT. .OOUNTY STATEMENT. Report of County Troamrar M, J. Kolly for the Year 1000. DR. r hilTinie on handHan. J, 1900 Tax Implicate of 1AM la Duplicate ot 1W7 I" f"P'!te of 1MMI Tate Duplicate of 181 Tax Duplicate of MM Joan from Mrs. M. Robinson . Loan from Traders' bank , West Hide bwl Loan from (1 K. 1'isor Rebate on Stale Tax for venr twi lortlonof Rebate en Stale 1 ox for voir llim '-'Iiier Ltcci.se for )e,ir luoi, hotel I.lqiinr Licenaos for yeir 190i)-ltcstoi.ratils -ated and Unteate.1 Lnd n per cent. Penalty on fw'Steil Lands Jury lees, Hues and Co.ta collected ITothouotsrya Lien Tee. I. oners Hon Tax collected Ms. per cent, interest un unseated hml cedlictcd llint frcm Klectlin Unoth merest and Costa collected. Redemption ftoni County CouimUslonem Iroteeds of County Commissioners' Sales arpet Sold by Countv Commis-iorira ,--.ni oy e ourcj 1 nmntmioners ' II. Ayers, H-funded nn County H' Re,se H. Divls, Refunded jireuirpuon lind County Warrant 3 7t 4 "Di.nj' .,it 491 si ?i;,aii 21 ;o-5? a '3ssll ....I. ...... 7sa .17 201 .14 ,3 V-mcni ( ! A,70 C') -6 a ia i;ainv'i 48 3. 1,702 ID 1 11 f t Km 6ii..j.Mg it.; ,2t ei I i?".iT5,ni?i in l o'i 2 32 3.45A 2.1 V,,7la Kl 110.141 7f. 20,000 00 r'UMt) 81 2.V0OO 00 40,000 tl 1U.7M 44 lVOm) 00 2V71S 41 n.IO M); '.'.IHO f.l I'll 74 2,riti .10 til n 11 M 144 ::.' lit in W7. 7.V7 ,T .1 ) s 00 4 no 4 01) Aijr& 2IJ 11 2W ".I .1,4A "3 A7.473 .11 11,424 M 20,000 ID 2tl,6ID SI rl,f) 00 40,000 ll 10,71 44 lS.noo oo 2.1,71.1 4 1 .1,310 H) 7,412 31 IJ4 74 2,HI0 M 421 11 11 St 141 .V 111 00 .17 1 00 A IS) 4 00 4 no 20 At 4,TS4.r.7 22l.W,4i; 7 Interest nnlluponi Hty Institute Carbondale Citv Institute county Institute , CR J t County nnd Hildas Warrants I'ald. Xo. 1 to 6312. Jicuenipiinn runrt heep Warrants Townslilp Warants Tax on loans Paid Mate Treasurcr'n Comnibslon Dalanre 31 7d Ml 73 1.173 4o 1 a 7e0 37 e Ijltl 11 $57 M :,isi 91 110 4.VM I I . - & 'Co" a fj 1- s 11,000 CO f 57ooooTS 20000 aoo 00 m) uo 0000 200 110 I0O 00 $t,lS1 75 ."11,79.1 M 312,0 Iltll 2.111 94 Art) 00 ABO 00 14.4M SI 14,618 21 3,1V) CI 4S003 71 58,JM 02 JI.1IO 3 Wt.711 07M),43: H7 Statemont of Collccloi-a of State and County Tax for Year 1S00. Disriiio-H .ircTtalil hoieiiigh .7" Hlikely borouRh llentou township Carbondale township I'ovlnicton tovwislilp,., llfton township Carbondale ( Itv Kirst ward Second ward ... Third al I'eurth ward , Fifth tvard , Sixth ward Dickson City boro. Dalton borough Iliinmore boioua.li .... LImhurst loioiuli ., , Fell township , CSiuhUboro boro . ilrnbum borough ... fhecnBeld tnwnshlp , Jefferson township .. , Jeirnin boioupih Lackawanna township La Plume borough . lehtgli towaship . . Msdihon township .. , 1ta)-field borough . ,, Jlooslc borough . Newton township X. Abington totvnsuip Olvphant burotish. Old I-orge boiough Old t'orire tonivhlp Ransom township . , ltoiring Riool: twp . Sprinff Riool. ttvp--S. Abington twp . .. . Volt township . Tijlor borough Throop borough Vandllng boroueli .. . W Ablngton, ttvp .. . Ilinton hornugh Waverlv borough .... S. ranton Citv - llrst ward Second ward .. .. TI Ird ward .... l'liurlli watd . I if tlm wird Mxth wird ... . Vventh wird righth ward . .. Ninth ward . Tenth ward lleventh waul . Iwelfth evard . . Iliirteenth war.1 ... Vourteentli ward,. riftienth ttar.l.... Sixteenth ward .... 'fventeenth aid.. Flghteeiith ward... Nineteenth ward ,. Twentieth ward ... Twenty l.rt wird.. Kan e of I'e.lleclois. I "ll-ainik I M(lnniiill7 .1 David C Phillips 111. (I. iMililli I Pai'lc .1 t'asev .115 J. Tai.llelcl .! Anthonj It lot II II. Pistee William Mai William I assmore .... Willlj-n Pssamoie .. . William Psvmoie ., . William Taixmoi.) .. . Tlcn. II. Wetland . . Cj I-urde .. . Titer 1- Itelllv Oh is. II Whltnev .. Joseph White IV. II. Oliver L XI. Sherwood IV J 11,11 Ilaivey 1 may II. D. Cany John J Coyne t.eo W Patterson .. A. V. (hambeililn Ingene .Noack . . . i'atricL II. Oulnn . . Oorgc Criffltlis .. . James M White . I 11 r ... . ., liulil . 1 Tnhn O'Connor .... lirr.rv Harding Amlrcw N'sgeli, Jr . Iiwd McHoskcy . . . Jimes McDade Wm 1 Price ('(o P Mveu ... .lame) P. Wilson .. . John D Jones flcorge II Haverly . eiv. c v..... I .-vu'l.. .' -,.. I. t. .. 'C10 V Gethtntn ... Ill V lawler . ... -'W. 0 leUon John II F.van.s .. ilhrniK lehu nos. T i.sltrv Vtiti II Ivans . .Is. W Rccmj I John f)ivi .. . 1 lolin r. Ilisele . ... Ulirrr Paust Irmanrel Moril John R Han is .. . , 'Then lle'inper ... I John W. chwenkir Solomon Hiller Themss Cosgiove . .., 1 John J !,et Ls, Simon 5egsl , John J MsriJiall. ... W Tleauinont John W. Sehwenker. . . James l'. Cov ne I T Owen Chirlns 1? 2 's 5 -5 .i T 71 ir ti tsi.i ,i,7n", r...i? 00 3,102.2 0 no! 1.1j7.( I 1 ul! Sll, : i, on, S(iO ,'il.Ul 72 12 ) 1J ou vs.oo 70 i 1III0U S3.(ll r.i 170111 iK.IMli to mi! 71 no (i.Onl 41 (ml 101 00, 117.00 11100) .'00 72 fsP 119 ou 110 0.), 1700I 1C0.W 42 0)' "0 110 71 00 200 ... .I '.".'. I H I" 7 00 77.fm "2 li IWCSI 10.00 4(. OU OCXl 1 1 V"l !(", 11 (Vll 12 no 11 tiO, IMW 7 00 SO i 21 Wl 7 out Sou! 2u Oi)j . A 00 IfifiO ..00' -...ol 210.) 17 0.) 12 HO 2 in 1100 17.00 CO CO 7 0.1 S(SI 4 011 "ll Oil V) M! u..(0 r.1'0.1 or o) 1700I I00 r.i.ool 'Ml (Oj r.o t)' . . I 2 ij l"l! 2 Oi)' 7' 00 21100 nooi TfiQI 1 ffviat S4 4 2 S f.O1 :.,ii 2.1 10.92' 1,0.17.4) l.ftW 27 l,Vi.2s .Tl.i 7W i'AJ 12,717.MI 2 2.51 ..T-1.761 72.72! 317 M 1. ISO 04 73S 09 I.SiOlS!) 4 "12.41) 101 00 103 26 U-LC'I I.C20 27 2.2e4 23 1.717 00 CIO 41 I.I7.'2.! 4.800 ti: SIU 1,2.14 -'. 4'5 77 (1,0 00 I. ful 371 l.S..0H .1,074 l .1,235 OT SOI 00! .'i7.rfi 2.720 S3 (.7.. S2l I V.S4 S' ",so) ; ,7ti2.10 7.S00 S.I ",2.;7.ii! 1, hM 00 Sii.elOOl 10.112 40, 4.I.V1 20 1.1 II M 1,221.17 10,110 ft 1,417 SI I 001 7C 8.1SI 20 l'l.lMfOi ois m 1 127.FO 7.5.1 K 8,017 3: I47.2(i 2S1.SI 120 '.il I'll 70 01 10A' DMei ,1'il.ti) JOI.00 1)7. 234 04 5i 97 41,')l 2.113.1 10WI 17 1.25 SO 700 137.a 10 11 12 S 101)61 C1.02 .SI. 3) HOI 11112 31.73 "3 37 111 01 ,1H2 1V1W 32 01 "its'oi si:s 2" 00 if.. 11 7 81 4H, .11 1112 IM 0 1(1 ft Ol 41 2s IM 01 .157.81 fKOAJ 4'U 0) lfi't.H 488- i.ei 1 4i At 04 01 111 II S..0 to 10 72 1.1AI.91 1,15161 23.5. S3 1,607.20 C.XV- 81 114 94 17111 2102 ell. 10 . l.-lli)7ct S,! 12.70 1,832 !H 1.51B ?! 0V1 S.1 2.0 C.I .1,1 12. SO :i.010.4. 2,021.03 1.1S6 40 2,034 SO 1.711.21 4,77,1 81 1.147.01 13.278 00 KTlt.'.-J 3.C07.75 108 SI 7(11 00 1,100 00 SS7.18 2..II0 r.,4i7.oo Wl 244.40 i.tin 04 1.7J2.7I 2.541 82 2,(KK1 31 710.77 4,763.00 15,318.01 001.72 1 ,1Vi 00 rtO.1 41 S10 41 0,080 33 2,112 47 4.411 20 3,172.77 016 S4 482 70 3,ao 20! SOS 97 O.lfO.OO 7,512.74 3,000 11 7.718 1 0,0)8 II 2,r,i,8 0. S.rtn'l (10 31,778 05 21,238 SO r.,6.11 .'f, 0,315 or 1,139 42 11.025 70 1 A,'I18 141 fi.r.m 3e 10.72A 11 27.A53.72 1.101.1AI 4.HW 47 8.M3.76I 3, 43I.SU C si 6. 47.90! 451 367.; $22 02 ''io ft "'L30 23 89 61 ti: t a sV a 3 ...I s.oooto! 2,150 00 ,3.u no 090 325 !2 179.07 236 ? i.r.10 os cii.oo 337.17 34G.67 973 601 2,473.60 070 11 9.200 K 113 00 2.W8.41 78 57 .1M.10 1,288 38 70S C4 2,000 00 3.S00 AS 433 00 189 20 714 5.' 930 00 1.453 3 1.602.8A 855 001 A.lSO.bO 4,011.41 831.1 l.llt 03 .1(1.) 00! 301.00 1.111.24 1,602.16 1.300 00 2,1117 791.11 ."03 00 1.200 00 420 07 S.276.04; 3.7e. 1..120 2S 4, 5(10 on fi.478 4f J.lfK)9. 2.1S0.19 ai.OOO 4P 13,375.42 2,061.8.1 i,050,70 4"tl'l 0,287 on 3,217,00 .1,179.40 7,13.1 19 10,952 SO! 7 V) 3.5 0,127.00 0,470 45 ::,soi 11 i.i"i7;?B 1,762.76 477.04 nio.17 0.11 61 110 pa 4,876.31 1,411.4.1 2,000 1". 700.23 1,71)8.22 717.01 J,1l).0l 17014 0,017.18 223 21 1,411.34 18) M 9I.M 1I3.7A 1,016.72 102.23 808 11 SO'.TI 1,15a fsl 4W ,0 131.77 l,d3.l(l 1,307.2'i 10,141 A08 7I 739 "0 84011 2 1 it 20 1,017 0-2 n4i 07 70 3,8.10 20 15? JO 4.1S6 4,033 1.48.5 3.2 1, R.S31. 1,077. 1,4"! 11.7.17, 7,8h1. ",172 1,241 891 T.718, 12.721 ?.U3 2.S1I, 10,1100 141 I,10 3.-S4 i.c;o I'tll towiu-hlp . Serinton Citj I'ourth ward .. tilth ward I'iftccnth ward Sviantou lij - I'lith ward rourtecnth ward ITlleftith ward . I 1'alvick Mcl.Ccse-r C.eo. M. Wallate I . Tunothv Junes For Year 180G. . ,. .I .. .. .1,172. 0 For Year 1807. I5 70 3,1:0 12! , 2.606. 70j 78J I T. T. Motssn. 1 'I miotic Juuts , .Ifieo I". Kellnvv . W. C. VMlllaina r.,oi6i,i ,170.11 1,0)1.01 .ill 351 .I'd 3 I r,",s7.o,, 7,'ii1 SO 2S0 '27 1 t.313,111 S.0OO.O0 r.fNal.TI C.301,29 1,57.1 sun, 732 OJ For Yoar 1808. Illnkilv boiougl, billion township . . Crbondale, oth ward. Hunnioie hoiouh ... 1 Imhurst bcuougli Jerinvn Uirough Oltplunt borough .... Spilng llrook tup Throop hotoiigh ... . Talor boiough Wlntnn bornii;li Scranton Cit I'lrst waul 'c iinl ward . ... Ihiid ward 1'niiitli waid filth ward Six tli ward Seventh ward Ninth ward 'lenth v.ard . . Twelfth waid lourtcenth waivl Klltetnth waid . Sixteenth waul , Ihghteenth warj . Nineteenth ward... Twentieth waid ... 1 l J. Willi una lit. (!. Smith If L. DU ill' L Con ell ... . Hill. II. Whlliey I Win. Sejinom, Jr .... 1 1', f, Hob ill ., I Wm. A. I'lico 'I,rei, R. Stanton , ' lolin D. Joins JJinieN J, Liwlei I lltnry Robirts 'Join, 11 Otvena I'lnrmas S.lltry I II T Jenklas n Dads I 'Humus Thoinsj II lei nun Hagen 1 W. P. Covtperthwalle I Rudolp'i Iliiin11 . .. 10 . vlhiecht . ... 11 II. Ucllili-ir.lt .. .. W fl Wllllaiiis J (i Vamutia ITioman Thoinai Jo Albrerht James 1'. Coi.t I Total I I ... UlSlMOf I 7,031, 0 C2H7 8,2sl,i I 4,828 821 .152 2 I.VS till I1I8O 3,11111 4,137,801 N't ii I 4,5is)Jl i.130 Ii.ail.Sl I 4,191.11 A1011 For Yoar 1800. 1 220 (1 1 R.O'e'i.'.l 2.51.4, .1,570.12 2,700fO S70 M 12501 1 l.ill').;!), flis 1,721 0. 1,1X1000 7JJ n. 1,7110211 '251 I'l 1,0)7,60 1,40531 162 83 41S.OU 1 J. 235 1.. M7 10 13,74050 11,810 VI 1,85 Ok 01.1 2W32 1,5117 4B31 31101 161 m 11000 1,viO,12 lli.11 2,12307 1.S.50J1 273-1 70.00 f 4,ls7 II 1CJ.I7 4.12014 2,60000 l,92'i -.4 IV 0.5271 320) 771.72 4H t)2 50" Pi H.'fO 107.15 ll) 17 3,3W)7; -2.ri.V00 Mil?' .WOO' . ... :i.i 11,1.2 201 srt R.VIO.IS 2,4iIOO l,l41,4r T3001 2,H0I'H 2092 2,700 87 V',o22.0fi 2iSs St S.J.S 12 412 10 8,09022 7,10111 1,,1(t(l' I..CI0.17 712.12 7,172 SO f.,147.73 l.Ov'iJO 2,"l.0.27 2(0 ",77127 l,ha)01 inj -;i t.,111.73 4.0M 7,(023-2 I.io-01 1,11012 7,"42.20 ili.5.1 S, I -.5.70 7,01000 1,115 7(1 1,001 Irt 02S4 2,00235 1,775 Oi, JST.Jt- 3,218.97 53.U7 3..10I 04 1.002 31. 1,402.2 ll.tK'MI 2,5.51.00 10.MH.10 ir,017.77 2,6H 'll 4,710 17 S'lfi II 3,100 ft ,31021 l,716l ' 1,471 Kt :.... l,6Cilbu 74804 7M.2' 4.J73.75, ft'1.7' .VICL'ai , .".fil".T7 1.541.7. 4,S2!.S5 22011 n.OHOt. "00000 .1,011 Ut S.4I1.-1I 1,011111 10fcO27 f.O74.0f) l,llo 010911 MO' OMtiil S00U0 Ittl.tM 4,2210..! lis. 10 4,I17.1iO 3. 870.01 1,041 t . ... t 7,3.1'tO.i 117.10 7.653.73' f.,81082 812 0 D.327.00 U 116 W C4t3,0O1 1l,Ju 3l.')4 1173 fL2lLY1ll 2J 13J 22 M21.270 37 81&U1S 1 NOTE.-DELINQUENT TAXES FOR YEAHS 1800, 1807 and 1808 aio nlroady ia this hands of Ilia County Solicitor and stringent raeruures will be taken for iinmediivto aettlomont. Tax collector for the yunr 1800 nro nliio urged to make a uettlument. Condition of FiuancB ot Laukawaiuift County. Military enrollment Soldiers' monument hiirahaigcH cfl'o again.t ex County CotumU&loncra , 1IIOMI"-O.NS HOSPITAL. Paid treatment of I'rler 5alli, an In lured prUoucr -$ 23 00 1,233 07 6,I,3t ti 077 27 W 03 iteKi.- faU in county treasury s; M,2M 03 Court house buildinf; 350,(KO 00 1'urniUiro and fixtuidi in court house 83,500 ?0 Court house RrountU I0.),000 ft) Soidieri' and Sailors' monument.... M.340 81 rn.mtv mison hulldlne 125.000 01 County prison er.'iintii 2Mi( (0 nirntturo in county prison ...w "i Due from collectots, subject to te- bates, esoneratlons and commia. slum 1,0,618 17 Duo tnun stata 4,S7 ll Total ait 1,000,139 73 I.HUlLiril? , I'nur and one half per cent, refunding bonds, Isftio of Pee. 1. l0t, from Nos. It to 120, in. cluslvu 40,0100 Tour per cent, cumt Iinima improvement, bonds, Issue of Ilir. 1, 1MI, Vets 1 to 1'5, In elusive ISj.vO on Tcmporaiy loans tu amount of to.ooo is) s .,10,000 00 Asits In evejs of lhUlitki HH6.V0 73 srvrisTics-. Av.ca.-ed valuation lor scar 1&I ,, 835,015,056 no Utlmated expincs; lei jiar IW)I.... riO.OCO 00 Amount of county tav duplicate I. r jear l'OO 200,000 00 Amount of state taT duplicate for er l'OO 2H.111 01 NOTE. The payment for the build hip; of the Soldiers)' and Snllorn' nion umont, and the payment of the non est inventus cas.es, and thn military eniollnientmade by the Assessors ate included In this statement, amount ing In the aggregate to "564,340.50. The piesent County Commissioner disclaim any responsibility for thn same. Deducting this amount from tho statement, will show last year'n disbursements to be $2.18,877.00. We find tho disbursements of 1800 to be $284,128.53. AU-ot which U respectlull) cubinltted. .1 COURIKIt MORBUS. JOHV I'KNMAV. JOItV J. DURhlV. County fVimiuUslonerc Mtesl W', f! HI-s-IPl.S, fjlerV scranton, I'a , I'elfuart f, rl, V 1
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