'Tit i V om c. THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1901. - tie: j I I 'Phone: burke ! Catfeondale Department. new, 286 BUILDING, I . j ! I OLD, 0423 1 THE ORGAN RECITAL. A Delightful Entertainment nnd n Large Audience. The first ot the series of three organ mcltals given under the auspices of the Trinity Guild for the oigan fund of the Trinity Protectant Episcopal chuicli 'Mae rendered hint evening In the new ehurch edifice. A very laige audience whs present and the programme pro rented was heartily enjoyed. The well known player of sjernnton, Charles II. Doersani, presided at the keyboard unci he deployed nlmi.st faultlens technique nnd van llbcially applauded. lie whs assisted by Mlt-s Citungan, so prano, Miss HIarK, contralto, and rtalph H Williams, lurltotie, all of the Second Pitsbyterian church choir In t-cuinton. Lacii of these vocalists war In excellent voice and gave pleas uro to their auditors. New Telephone-Connected. On Monday the Carbondale Tele phone company completed their con nection with the new exchange at ter.inton, and Manager S. S. Jones hld the first com creation over the new line. Setnnton connections will not bo given the public for a month et, the wire being for the private ue tif the telephone officials for some time lo come Local subscilbcia will have use of the line just ns soon as the cranton telephone list can he com pleted. Pat l of It Is now In the hands "I" tlio pilntei and It Is expected that within twenty days, at least. It will be In the hands of the subscriber A Birthday Paity. A number of the Juvenile ft lends of .era I'.issett ufscmblcd at the resi dence of Mr nnd Mir. Julius I A. Tlngley, on Washington avenue, yes terday afternoon to help Zeia cele brate the tenth anniversary of her birth. Thcic weie ten In the ii.uty of callers, and the had a loyal time pla.vlng games and making meny. and In tllsposlng of a veiy nice luncheon. The little hostess Is a niece of Mr. and Airs. Tlngley and the daughtei of Mis. H. E. Morris, of Scranton. Doctois Will Banquet. The regular monthly meeting of the I'aibondale Medical society will take place next Monday evening. Dr. Dald W. Bailey Is to be the host this month and he will cntettaln at the Hotel American. The business poition of the evening1 will bcsln at S o'clock and professional topics will be discussed lor an hour or so, after which the M. D.s will adjourn to the dining hill of the hotel, where a banquet will be served. The New Disinfector Tried. The new formaldehyde gas dlslnfec tdr which the board of health has re cently purchased, as tola In The Trib une jesteiday, was given its initial test jesterday afternoon at the lhner gency hospital and successfully demon strated Its worth. The matron of the hospital and two of the staff physi cians who witnessed the ttlal were veiy much pleased with it. Mairied in Denver. Word has been received In this city that Frank Lott, formerly a popular .voung man of this town, was married on Christmas day to n Denver young lady. .Mr. Lott was compelled to go to the Centennial state because of ill health, and his many friends will bo glad to Know that he has fully recov ered and entered upon maiital life. To Study Embalming. William J. McHale, son of Undeituk er Edward J. McHale, of Noith Main utreet, expects to go to New York city on Friday, where he will -take a pourse In embalming under the tutor ship of Professor Benouard, a well known Instructor In this science. He will be absent about two month. An Anniversary Address. Dr. II. J". Whalen, pastor of the Re rean Baptist church, will deliver an anniversary address at his chuich on next Sunday morning In commemoia tlon of the completion of his first year there. In the evening he will exchange with a Scranton cletgjmnn. To Pieach at Trinity. Rev. Mr. Boot, of Susquehanna, will deliver n sermon at Tilnlty Protest ant Episcopal chinch at 7.10 o'clock this morning. Rev. Charies Fpspcii den, rector of St. James, church. Jer myn, will be In the pulpit thcto on Friday afternoon at 4 SO o'clock. Suffeied a Relapse. Mrs. Georgo Robinson Is again veiy 111 at her apartments In the Anthracite. Two phjslclans have had to be called In. fche reccntl underwent an opera Hon for appendicitis and was well along the load to tecovery when this unfortunate turn came. Hon. H. J. Millaid Dead. Hon. Humphrey J. Millard, a former member of the state legislature fiom Hutuehanna county and a Baptist cleigyman. died at his home in Bush yesterday morning of pneumonia. He was a veteran of the Rebellion and prominent In Grand Army circles. Is an Eiie Fireman. Ernest j. Blxy. of South Terrace meet, has secured a position as Die man on the Erie ralltoad, with head quaiteibat Susquehanna, whete he has lemovcd Fortnightly Club. The Fortnightly cluh was entertained t the home or Ml is Flora Hanlsop, nn "yyomlng street. Monday evening. Amputated His Hngei. Six-year-old Thomas Evans, son of Mr. and Mis. Charles O. Evans, of C3 Terrace street, made u call on the chll dien of George Giles, next door, yes terday afternoon. A small bicycle bo longlnC to the latter chlldien waa a meeiic-t tor the admiration of Tommy and he commenced turning tlio icur wheel, at the same time leaving his Dr.Buli. COUCH SYRUP Cures it Cough or Cold at once. Conquers Croup, whooplnff-Co'icb, Froucbllla, Ctlppe and Coutumpttan. Quick, tuc trtultt. r. JiMll's I'lIU cure Cntliatlon. COrllU 10c fliiRPis on the chain as It spun around. Somehow his fluiser Rot under the chain nnd went hetweun It and the spiocket wheel, The little fellow set up nn agonizing howl and made direct for the nfllce of Dr. David W. Bailey In the i car. Dr. Italley found that the squcere of the small hand between the. sprocket and Hip chain had cut off the first Joint of the foiefinger on the left hand and had laceruted the second tinker so badly that the nail had to be extracted. .Mis. L'vuna was away ut the time the accident happened, and the small chap displayed astuteness by going direct to the medical man to have his wound diessed. One Game Last Night. At the Cep club last night one game una played In the pool turney. I,. R. Roberts (thlul class) beating V. It. Dot by by the score of f0 to If). The standing- to date Is: Clasf. Won I pjt Krcti SwinRle 1 T 1 C. Iluinphrrv S 1 M 0. Clifford i t 'l 1 r. n. nciby a . i I., t: linbrrM 3 r 'J J. Ollhoct a C. 11. bmlth 3 " " A. h Mcart 5 Has Resigned. Tht many filendH of John Newton, tin coiuteous assistant librarian of the Caibondnle Public Labiaty, wll lcgrtt to learn that he has tendon d his tcsignatlon which will take effect on Thursday. Miss Ihabclle Yai ring ton will succeed him. Mr. Newton has been connected with llbiary tor live yeais and Is one of the most popular young men In the city He e-specH to lake an examination foi entrance Into the Annapolis Nanl academy, lie was selected as nn nltpinato it the competitive examination held bv Con giessmnn Connell, and he nnd the 1'ilnilpal candidate will pass entrain1 examinations next May. He if a. son of Mr. and Mr". John Newton of Wil liams nvenue. Miss Lawience 111. Word has been iccelvetl In this city of the extreme Illness of MIfs Mil dred Lawrence, who is confined to a hospital In Tea, tufferlns with tj -phold pneumonia. .Miss Lawrence wni a conspicuous member of Dan Hurt'., company when it pl'tjed "The Pailsh Pi lest" hi this city a few weeks ago. She was ohllged to leave the com pany and seek tieatment in n hospital. IW condition Is so critical that death Is expected at any moment. Has Gone to Soldiers' Home. Anthony Walbh, a member of Set geant William U Davles Post, No. 1&7, Grand Army ot the llepublic, sturte 1 for the S'oldleis' Home, at Danville, III., yesterday afternoon, on the E le. Mr. Walbh lived on McDonough ave nue. He is an Invalid soldier, and U now suffering from the effects ot ter rible wounds he received while light ing lor his country In the Civil w.ir. He seived about four years In the Union army dm lug the "late unpleas antness." A Lively Scrap. The habitues of a Simpson saloon weie treated to a lively scrap last night. Two of the loundcis became engaged In a dispute and fot half an hour the air vwis blue with cuss woids. Unable to settle their dispute in this manner, they decided to have it out then und there. Thev wen ahout evenly matched as to sl nnd weight, but weie so unequal In bilencn that, as a witness put it, there wasn't a bit of fun In it. No auests were made Was Visiting Friends in Town. Fiank fomnndo, an Italian, 3 yens ot age, living on Diamond avenue, Seianton, who nns reported mlsliig on Feb. 12 and for whom a general nlaun was sent out by the Seianton police, lelurned to that city on Mon day. It developed that Mr. c'oinun do's absence was due to his making a piotiacted call on filends In this city. At a Banquet. Hon. .1 J. O'Neill and Frank P.. PUf- foid weie In Scranton last evening vvheie they nttended the banquet of the Newman Magazine club and I'atho- lie Historical society. Ex-Mayor O'Neill delivered an address on the hlstoiy of the Catholic Chuuh In the United States. Special Seivice. There will be a special teuhv In the lecture room of the First Pres byterian church this evening. It will be prepai.itoiy to the quarterly com munion next Sunday. Tomoriow evening, the pastor. Rev. Chut lea Lee, will deliver the usual pnfotoiy lec tin e Meetings Tonight. Caibondulfl lodge. No. :ii, v and A. M. Boaid of health. William II. Davles post. No. 1ST c, A R. Pioneer castle, No. 205. A. U K. M. i Fidelity conclave. No. ISO, 1 O H Gordon Lee Recoveird. Little Gordon Le. sn of Rev. Cliarlts Lee. of the Flist Prebb terlan church, who was severely Injured bv being knocked down by a bob-sled on Feb 10, has now iccovered, and li attending school. A New Yard. The Del i ware and Hudson Coal com pany has purchased the Rouse pjop. erty on Gordon avenue, located near No. 1 chaft, which they will use as a yard. The price paid for the tr.u t Is not stated. Have Situations in Scranton. Misses Maiy Laikln, Alice Crcegau and alary Collins, 'who have lecently been employed In the Fair stoie, have accepted positions in Scranton. Is Pay-Day. The Delaware and Hudson com pany's South Side employes will ic celve their pay today. It has been a pretty good half month At the Opera House. Friday "Uncle Tom's Cabin." Born. To air. und Mrs. James Drum, of Upper Bcl.nunt stieet. a son. Instituto at Mont dale. Theie will be a teachers' Institute at Montdnlo Pa tut day afternoon and evening. The firt session will begin ut 2 o'clock. Essays will be lead by Misses Neyhart, Carglll and Foster. PiofcSROr Barrett, of Jermyn, Is ex pected, and ulho Professor Graves, to take pait In the afternoon. The evrnlng session will commence at 7.30 Essay, "Jvanhoe," Miss Annie Cute,. esay, "Whlttlor, the Poet nnd Hcfoimer," Miss Ruth Miller; an ad diest. "How Parents May Assist the Teacher In the Moral Development of Their children," Professor W. n. Climes, nddicss, "Education of Far mers' Sons and Daughters," by Italph Miller; imitations by Miss Tyler; mu sic by the choir. The Clerks' Union. The Hetnll Clerks' Protective asso ciation, No. lit!, met last evening In the uudltoilum of St. P.osu hall and a laige number of new names were add ed to the toster of charter members. A general Invitation had been extend ed to all the cl&iks in the city to he presen. and from appearances the 'n vltatlou was accepted by the majori ty The new mercantile unions stalls out with rosy prospects, as a great many of the oinplojers look upon I. v til the kindliest feelings and have urged their enip!oes to Join. Btoke Her Leg. A woman named McDonald fell on the walk on South Chuich stteet cs teiday. She w.ik taken to her home m a c.iiilage and the leport was brought bark that she had suffered a broken leg St. Davld'3 Day. The nnnlvcrmry of the blith of St. David (hi Dew el), the patron saint of Wales, falls on Filday. it Is said that the Welshmen of this city city will obrervc the day in a foimat way. The Passing Throng. Al Moon, of Belmont 3ttcet, Is ic polled to lo ill. Miss Grace E. Munn is 111 at her home on Chuuh stieet. Mrs V.Tp-'ri Cnshnle, id Upper Belmont sile'Pt Is nously l. Ileniy Collins, of Biooklyn stteet, la visiting f i lends In Hairlsburg. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Burr will leave on thalr southern tour tomorrow Miss Elizabeth Moonc, of littston, Is visiting filends on Sand street. Miss Elizabeth Gallagher, of Wood lawn avenue. Is visiting In Mayfleld Mis Trank Fltzslmmous and son, Willie, spent jesterdav in the Electilu City. Dr. M. .1. Shields, wife and daugh ter, of Jermyn, spent yesterday In tow n. Mrs. David Robbing, of BIrkctt stieet. Is visiting filends In Wilkes Baire. Mr. and Mis. L I. Bunnell, ot BIr kctt stieet, am visiting lflutlvcs in Seianton Misses LUzle nnd Winlfied Welch, of like street, nic visiting friends in Dunmoie. Mrs. T. A Horan, of the West Side, Is greatly Impiovetl from her recent critical Illness, Michael McCinwnn, of like street, will leave on April I to visit his native home in Ii eland. Miss Dalsv Corbetr. of Cleveland, O, has hi en s-peudlng several clava with Mien Is In town Misses Agnes Craig and Nilllo Mul len have letuined to heir homer. In Aiehbald nttei a week's visit heie. Michael Hennlgan, of this elty, nt tended a blithday party at Peter Mc Cartv's, in ju field, on Monday night Mr. and Mr. Charles McCann und M. L. McCann. of this city, attended the funeral of Mis. Janus McHule In PUtston. Mondnv. Mis. P.. M. O'Jluio and Miss Ethel Reese, of i'njlor, who have been visit ing .Mr. nnd Mi W. B. Jones, of Wy oming stieet letuined to Tn!or yes terilns JERMYN AND MAYFIELD. A number of young people were en tertained at the home of air. and Mrs. retcr .McCarthy, of Maylleld. In honor of their daughter aiadeiine's eighth birthday. During the evening air. and airs McCu thy presented their daugh ter with h beautiful diamond ring. The evening as spent in a veiy enjoyable manner, and luncheon was seived. Those piesent weie Misses Anna Sulli van, Elizabeth alack, Loretta. Grady, Agnes and Kate Maloney, Sarah aicn delson, aiumc Gradv. Anna Greene, aiaiy .Movies Lillian and aiadellne Wnlkei aiamlc aicGulnnes, Gertrude Edmunds, Ella alack, Eva and Beatrice Hutchlngs, Doloiet Cunningham, Ella and Clara Neaiy, Ethel Usher, Belle pinun, .Mamie Cole, aiatgaret Pugh, JIaigaiet IJennlgan, of Caibondale, and ailss aiadellne aicCarty; aiessrs. Hai old Greene, James Edmunds, Carl Cunningham, Leonaid Walker. Edward and Walter Edmunds. Francis Cole, John Grady, Gaylord Edmunds, Joseph aicDonald, Philip .McGouldrlck. Will Ihiii and Joseph Hait, Eat I Matthews, Jamch and Edward Daley, of Ma field; Michael Hennlgan, of Carbindale. The tegular monthly meeting of the Woman s Home ailsslonary society will bo held at the Methodist Episcopal pai&onage Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock Miss Emma Held and brother, Harty. of Philadelphia, spent the pnet few days with friends here The Delaware and Hudrop company will pay their collleiy emplove.s hero on Thursday. aits. Pijor, of Second ttreet, who is spending me winter with her daugh ter. .Mis. H. J. DeGraw, at Poyntelle. has been quite sick for some time. Her little grandchild, Keith DcGiaw, Is also sick with measles. aiis. Van Gonler, Of Scranton. spent yesteiday with friends in town. Theie will be a teacheis' Institute at Muiitdule. Satutday arteiuoou nnd evening The Hist hesslon will begin nt 2 o'clock. Essaja will be tead by Misses Neyhait. Carglll nnd Foster. Pi of. Banett. of Jeimvn, Is expected nnd also Prof, Graves, to tuke part In the ufternoon. The evening session will commence at 7.S0 o'clock nnd will be as follows: Essay. "Ivanlioe," ailsa Aimlo Cure; essuy, "Wimtler. tlio Poet and Reformer," .Msn Ruth Miller: ad diess, "How Parents May Assist the Teacher In the Moral Development of Their Children," Piof. W. R. Graves; address. "Education of Farmeis' Sons and Daughters," Ralph ailller; reclta tlon, Miss Tyler; music by the choir. The condition of ailss .Minerva aic Laughlln, of the Powder mills, who underwent nn operation At Emergency hospital, Carbondale, last week, la not Improving. J&mca O. 8heppard, of Scranton, opent yesterday with friends In town. The first of a serleB ot Lenten ser mons vvm preached at the Sacred Heart church Sunday evening by nev. Father Carmody. The services were concluded with the benedlotlon of the Blessed Sacrament. Miss Grace Vail spent Saturday with rtlatlves at Archbald. Michael Butke, ot Mayfleld, spent Sunday in Archbald. PECKV1LLE. Mr. Joseph n. Hughes, district de puty ot Modern Woodmen of America, was at Peckvlllo Monday evening for the puipobo of instituting a local camp. He was assisted In the vvorK by Mr. Whitney, of Scranton. The camp starts out with twenty charter member?. The following officers were elected nnd Installed: Venerable con sul, O. B. Reed: worthy advisor, D. R. Lathrop; excellent banker, Charles H. Benttys: clerk, O. M. Pierce: escort, William Gunn; Inside watchman, W. J. Broad; outside sontty, B. E. Fa gon; camp physician, Dr. J. B, Gra ver: director, one year, William Frear: two years, H. J. McCormlck: three years, Fred Benjamin. The camp will be known as Camp 6099, Modern Woodmen of America. They will meet semi-monthly, on every second and fourth Monday evenings, at Lcdyaul hall. 3Irs. W. F. Mott. who has bten spending several weeks with friends at Bound Brook, N. J., returned home last evening. A young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Day is quite 111 with tonslll tls. Mrs, Ira Jenkins, of Piospect stieet, Is quite 111. Miss Emm i Carpenter returned home yesterday after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Aldrlch, of Scranton. Work wan again resumed at the Dolph colliery jesterday morning, af ter n strike of two dnys' duration. The Pocohontas lodge will give a so cial and entertainment In Ledyaid hall this evenlne: AdmKslon, 10 rents. Miss Nora McGlynn, of Mlnooka. has returned to her honip, after several da.vs spent as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. .T. M. Gallagher. Mrs. Charles Craig, of Academy stieet. is visiting her sister In Kings ton. N. . Class No. 9 of the Methortln Episco pal Sunday school, are pieparlng to give an cnteitalnment sometime In the near future. Mis. Arlie Jenkins in on the scl list OLYPHANT. A dellghttul session of the Baptist Young People's union took place In the Susquehanna Stieet Baptist church last evening. A programme which was Instructive and entertaining was ten dered. Theie was a large attendance ailss alary Blikheisei'a class In the Blakely Baptist Sunday school are ar ranging for an entertainment which will be held aiondav. aiarch 11. air. and arrs. H. B. aiatthewson en tertained the members of the Blakely Social club ut their home on Main stieet. Blakely, lust evening. After several hours, .spent In card playing, a dainty luncheon was seived by the hostess. The evening was enjojable for all present. A large delegation of the Knights of Pythias lodge from Jeim.wi attended a meeting of the lodge at this place last evenlne where a higher degteo was tonferred on several candidates. After the conferring of tho digiee, a sotlal session was held. The local teachers' Institute of Oly phant, Blakelv, Jessup. Thioop and Dickson will be held In the central school building, Satmda, aiauii Ifi. M. K. Hainden, of Blaki ly. Is con fined to his home with an attack of the Blip aiis. T. B. Brown and air T L. Williams, who have been visiting i da tives ut Wllkes-Bane. rammed home aionday. Harry Ruddle is ill nt his home In Blakely. Mrs. J. W. Reynolds, of Hyde Patk. spent eslerday with filends In this place. -- m MOOSIC. ailss JeMe Reed entei tallied a num ber of her ti lends on Filday evening. airs. Jessie and Lucy Hessler. of Wllkes-Bane, arc visiting their grand mother, airs. Hesslei. of North ataln stteet. ailss Hutchlngs, of Bermuda, Is vis iting at the homo of her uncle, aiis. W, S. Hutclngs. P. J. Hodland made a business tilp to Seianton yesteiday The Ladles' aihslomuy society of the Presbyterian church will meet on Fil day afternoon at the home of Mis Frank Johnson. A full attendant e Is deslied as there Is buslne?- of Impoi tanco to bring befoie the meeting. Mr. nnd aiis John Roheits have le tuined tiom Now York state The l.rfyal Temperance legion met In the Methodist church last evening. After the devotional cm nines, and business, session a pi ogi amine was lendcred consisting of a duel, mvciii! recitations and a very eloquent ad dress by Professor Haydn Oliver, of Scranton airs. William atonie and daughter, Edna, of Iackawanna, spent aionday ut Mrs. Alfred Smith's. Ira Orr, of Scranton, called on trends in town yesterday. TAYLOR. At the next meeting of the Price Library association, on Friday even ing, a mock parliamentary session will he held for the purpose of giving th& members an Idea of parliamentary law. It will be conducted by James E. Wat klns. formetly reading clerk e. the house of representatives An addi tional programme of literary and musical numbers will be tendeied In conjunction with the address The membeis of tho Centuiy Hose company, No. 3, aic wotklng assidu ously for the success of their coming fair, which will be held In Weber's rink In Ea&tcr week. At the Welsh Baptist parsonage on Grave stieet, at high noon on aionday, ailss Mary A. Jones and .Mr John T. Jones, both popular young people of Scranton, were united In nuuilage by the pastor, Rev. D. C. Edwatds. At the conclusion of the cei oniony the newly wedded couple wns driven to the home of air. and aiis, Anthonv Jones, of Taylor street, where a reception was held and congratulations extended. Mr. and airs, Jones will icslde In Scranton. Rev Dr. H 11. Harris, our distin guished townsman, will participate In the anniversary ptogramme of the Robert Moirls lodge of Ivotltes on St. David's day at Scranton. No pains are being spared by the nitnibcis of the Young .Men'a Christian astotiatton to make their coining sup- per, which will be held In Llewellyn'a hall on March at, a pleasurable affair. At the services In the Calvary Bap tist church on Sunday evening special muslo waa rendered. Solos wero given by Miss Edith and Richard Watklns: duet by Messrs. Richard Watklns and Harry Evans. Two selections were rendered by the church quartette. Mrs. Richard Roberts, of Washing ton street, who has been confined to her home with rheumatism, haa suf fered a relapse. John R. Thomas, of North Scranton, waa the guest of relatives here on aionday. Mm. Alfred Welsh, of Hazleton. Is the guest of her daughter, Ml a. Thomp son, of aialn street, Thomas J. Powell, of the Century Hose company, No. 2, Is a candidate for tho appointment as chief of the fire department. Mrs. John Service, of Wllkes-Bane. Is visiting her parents, Contractor nnd airs. J. F. Tlnr, of aialn street. airs. Richard O'Horo and Miss Ethel Reese, of .Main street, are viMtlng relatives In Carbondale. DALTON. Rolland Charles, a student at East Stroudsbtirg Noimal school, spent Sun day at his home In this place. Rev. A. W. Cooper preached In the aielhodist church at Kingston on Sun day. His pulpit here was occupied by R. ai. Johns, a mlnlstetlnl student of Wyoming semlnaiy. How aid Kresge, Grace Von Storch nnd Ralph Sheimnn are ill with measles. The members ot- the Dalton High school gave a pleasing enteitalnment In the Baptist church on Friday even ing last. Over 537 wus leallzed, which will bo used for the benefit of the senior class. A wieck oecuired yesteiday moraine; on the Delawate, Luekawiinna and Western railroad tit La Plume, by two engines colliding. No one was Injuied, but trntllc was blocked for some time on the noitli-hound track. Mr. and .Mis. T. A. Puidon airived home from Tiinkhannock on Munilay, where they hod been visiting their sick parents, air. Pin don wns quite III dur ing his absence. The Women's Clulstlan Temperanc" union will hold Its regular meeting on Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the home of airs. O. W. Mason. Theie Is an Incieased attendance at the public schools this week, owing to the abating of the epidemics of grip and measles. air. and airs. S. E Finn aie entei t ti In In er the former's slstei, from cut foi d Mis. Frank Von Stoich was a visitor In Seianton on aionday A supper will be served in the Bap tist chuich on Tilday evening fur the benefit of the Sunday school The sup. per xx 111 be ready at 5 o'clock, lind the price will be ten cents. airs. Theodore .Miller Is eiiteitaln Ing her tulhcr and mother, air. nnd aiis. Reeesp. air. nnd Mis. Coleman entei tuluod friends on Sunday from Scranton Tred Snyder, who recently puichssed a camera, Is becoming quitcMn expett photographer. On Sunday mottling at the Baptist church the foi tj -fifth annlversaiy of the oiganizMtlou of the chuieii will lis iclebratcd. The pastor will pieach a sermon appiopilate to the occas'on, and the choir will render some speeUl musle In the evening the sen Ice will be In chat Be of the Women's Home and Toielgn aissonai society of the chuich ails aiollv Blown, win has bi e i confined lo her home with measles, ts Impioving OLD FORGE. The pastor ot the Ililck Methodist Episcopal chuich, thinking tint fomiei membeis of this chuuh anil ciieult of the olden davs would like once moie to visit the 'old Hrlek chuich' and meet the filends and pastois of fonner dajs, has ut ranged for n home gath ering to take plnce on Tuesday, aiiiuh !i, l!'l All foi met members of the chuich ate eoidlallv Invited to attend The follow insr Is the programme aioining Sei vice 'The Past." t30, Love Feast, led by Rev J. It. Wagner, 111,30, pleaching sei v ice devotions. Rev. .1 L Race, sermon, Rev. r, ,, King; 11 1"., after seivice. Rev Austin Gilfiin, D. D. Dinner served In the basement bv the ladles of the chuich Afternoon Seivice "The Present;" '.', pialso seivice, led hy Rev, J. B. Sweet. V. V.; 2.30. historical sketch, pastor, 3, preaching -eivlce, devotions, hew Joieph aiadlson, sermon, Rev. E L Santcc, twentieth century sei viec. Rev W. H. Pearce, D. D. Supper served In the basement at 5.30. Evening Seivice "The Futuie." 7. preaching service; devotions, k'd by Rev, N, J. Haw ley; sermon. Rev. T. N. Shlpman, consecra tion service. Rev. Austin Gilflln, D, D William Drake, of p.ueison, N. J. who has been spending a few das with his patents In this place, has icttunecl home The Ladles' Home MIsMonntv oclety will meet nt the home of aiis Edw.ml Bin nes on Thutsdny afternoon. Ml. and Mrs. William Foote of Wllkes-Baire. spent Sunday with ula tives In this place. The cnteitalnment at Drakes hall was well attended last Satuiday even ing. Alex. Campbell, who has been con fined to his home the past week with quinsy, Is Improving slowly BRITISH TAXATION RECEIPTS. Comparative Yield of Dliect and In direct Imports. P," Elduihe Wiic from The ,noditl Pi London, Feb, 2, Repl Ing In the house of commons today to Sir How ard Vincent (Conservative). Sit .Michael Hicks-Beach, chancellor of the e chequet, bald for the ycat ending aiarch "i, 1000, direct taxation contrib uted IS.4 per cent, and Indirect tax ation 51.6 per cent of the public icve nue. He was unable to give the figures of foreign countries, and pointed nut that In the case of countries like the United States and Germany a lotnp.tii son was apt to be misleading During the couise of n statement on public murine, ait. A. J. Balfoui, the government leader, mentioned the faet that the supplementary estimates foi this year would be ver hcivy, Includ ing over il.ono.OOO for the navv and in.OOO.OOO for the auuj EARTHQUAKE If HUNGARY. Dnlmatla Seveiely Shaken Ships Wrecked at Spalato. fl.v F.ulusl.e Wire horn The AuocUtal Pie Vienna, Teb, SO. A seveic eailh quake wus experienced ihtouglout the piovincu of Dalinatln toda. A chuich tower collapsed at Zaui, and In the upheaval of the sea which icsulted, numerous crnft were wrecked at Spa lato. The peasants at many places tell on their knees, believing tho end of the world had come PROMINENT LADIES Use and Recommend Pe-ru-na for Catarrhal Weakness. All Readers of This Paper Should Be, Sure to Read and Heed the Following Statements.' t H P5?S -" IHPvVMKfvEarv Postmistress Airs This piomiiicnt ladv writes? the ration inc letter to The Pcruna Medicine Co., Columbus. O., in i.'gnid to their medicine. Perunu "Perunn has for aome time been the only medicine I have used for myself nnd family. I have found It very good in cases of la grippe, as it seems to thiow the illness quickly and effectively out of the system. In cases of extieme weariness or ficquent back ache It dispels the un comfortable tecling, nnd by occasional use it maintains the body in a healthy condition." Lucy A. Clnik, Postmistiess, Farmlngton, Utah. Mis. l.uc.v A Claik Postmistress of Farmlngton Utah, has held man prominent positions In her state. She s Vice-President of the Utah State Council of Women, chuilcr member Utah Women's Piess Cluh, wa vice, piesldcnt lad inamiKCis ot Utah Columbian Exposition, and was h delegate to National Woman's Association at the convention at Washington, D. C Backache. To be fiee fiom backache Is a lu in j that many women hardly ever re allre. "It seems a If my back would bieak." l an epuston often heard. Of course Ihfie are many other causes for backache besides pelvic ca tairh but this Is by fat the most fic quent cause. The backache becomes to bitch women a sou of phjalologirnl baro ueter by which thev can tell the appt j.ich or it stoim, or the recunence of a mcnstiual period. Th" large muscles ot the back have become so weakened bv the exhaust ive ill am that Instead of sustaining the delleat" mechanism of the woman's anatomy, the imnln loose and flalb, serving onl.v as the seat of myalgia or neuralgia, or else muscular ihcunia-tl-.ni Ache and pain seems to be the onh use such muscles aie good for Mis Caiollne Sundhclmer. Grandln, afo, writes the following lo Di Hartman In re gard to Peruna "I nm feeling quite well now, I tun v,oik again and am stronger than I hue been lor ear- and I do believe that Pel una saved my life I am very thankful to ou tor jour advice. I will advise all T ean to take your medicine " - airs. Caroline S u n d -helmet Vr- I arullpe s.iiillicinei aiis. alalia Goett7, of Cleo, Okln- homa Ter., w rites Di, Iltuimnn'x remedies, have proven to be tellable and wondeiful. Their effect upon the sjsteni Is remarkable. Pei una quiets the neives, and Is a gieat specific foi all foims of ehionlc catatrh. "I nm very glad to say that I can write von th.it I am cured In every way of eatnirh, with which I suffeied teirlblv for ten jeais. Ten eais ago mv llvei, stomach and kldnejs began to rim-t mo tiouble For iwo ycais I had colli and cramps, which giew worse I had lie iv oils fevei- and It ANNOUNCEMENTS OF THE RAILROADS One Faie to Washington D. C, and Retuin via the Lehigh Valley Rail- toad, On 'iccount of the inauguration cere monies nt Washington, the Lehigh Val ley rallioad will elt tickets to that point and return. March 1. 2 and 3. at thi low rate of one fare tor the round trip Thcje tickets will be good to r tu n to Match Inclusive, and will be honoied un any train except the Black Diamond Espies Stop-over al lowed nt PhllJdelphU and Baltlmoie. hy deposit of ticket provided ticket Is used within original limit For fur ther infoimatlon rom-ult Lehigh Valley ticket agents. Inauguration Ceiemonles Washing ton, D. C March 4th. tin account ot the nbove, the Lacka wanna railroad will send round trip tickets to Washington. D. f . at one- wnv taio for the toitnd. $7.7. Tho route, either via Manunkn Chunk and Philadelphia, or via Noitluunberhind and Hniilsbuig Tickets will be on sale nood going .M.uch 1st. .'ml nnd aid. and will be limited lor teturn leaving Washington not latei than aiiiuh Mh, P01. $7.75 Scranton to Washington nnd Return for the Inauguration. Central Ralltoad of New Jetsey will sell excursion tickets to Washington on Miu.il 1. 3 and 3, good to return on oi borate Mutch S, at 17.75 for the lound trip Stop-uvei will be allowed at Philadelphia and Ualtlmoie within the time limit of the ticket The Grip due That Does Cute l.jxatlw- Hromo wulnltie rrrnot the cuc, fiym Lucy A. Clark. seemed ns If I was sick from head to foot. I not only had catarrh of the head, nose and throat, but the catarrh had invaded the whole system; the mucous membranes of the whole bod were unable toperfoim their. functions The pelvic organs were also affected, and I hud female trouble so bad I could not walk. "But now I have regained my health again and I cannot thank you enough for your advice, aiay God give you a lone life and bless your woik." airs Maria Goertz. Why Suffer LongerP It would be well-nigh Impossible tt enumerate all the consequences to n womnn's life which naturally result fiom a neglected case of pelvic catarrh Whatever thev are there can be no dohbt Hint In most cases it Is entlrelv unnecessary for them to continue. An Intelligent course of treatment with Pel una will, In most cases, effect an entlie cure. Peiuna Pievented nn Operation. .Mrs atlnnle Steeves, President Illi nois Woman's Alliance, writes from 42 Delawaie Place. Chicago, HI.: The Pet una aiodlclno Co.. Columbus.O Gentlemen "Ever since my win, now grown, was bom I have buffered with some peculiar weakness of the pelvic organs which no medicine seemed to reach. "My phjslclans finally suggested an opi ration, which I was considering when my sister nsked me to try Pe runa as a last resort. She hod used it and been gieatly helped Perunn simply workeel wondeis with my whole shtem. nnd In a few weeks the pains began to go away. I felt so much bet ter that I kept on taking it and am now In perfect health. I give great praise to this splendid medicine, and certainly advise, suffering women to try It w hen all else falls." airs, ailnnle Steeves. If ou do not derive prompt and sat Isfnctoiy results fiom the use of Pe runa, write at once to Dr. Hartman giving a full statement of your case, and he will be pleased to give you his valuable ndvlce gratis. Addiess Dr Hartman. Pieaident of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O BEAUTY, 1M CCNQUERCR BELLAVITA Araenlo Beauty Tablets and P-l- A tw feelly safo nnd auarRtitred treatment for all ekla iltordere. Rettorci the bloom oltouth to laded lace in drya' treatment SOot SO days' (1.00, br mall .'"VITA MEDICAL CO., Clinton tt J.ckKW St., CekaT Boll by McGarrah & Thomas, Drua tlata,, 20J Lackawanna av., Scranton, Pa, AMERICAN DOLLARS NEEDED. Irish Parliamentary Party to Send Here Again for Financial Aid. 0 EKlutho Wire from Tin Aisoclited Prm London, Teb. 2ti -The Pa 7& Oa rette this af let noon, commenting on the alleged shortage of the Irish par liamentary fund says. "It Is becoming a serious matter to the party that not a single American dollar is teaching the official csclienuer and It Is generally accepted among the Irlh membeis that John Redmond must soon undeituke n fresh visit to the Pulled states to secure financial help" POPULATION OF GERMANY. Now 50, 345,014, an Increase of 4,000,000 in Five Years. Ilv i:cliuhe Wire frtm The AttOcl.it: 1 frtu lleriln, Peb. Jii. The census taken on December 1, 1900, shown the population ot the emplie to be r6,34(i,u24, of which number 37,731,067 were males. Thirty thice of the lntgest towns have popu lations of over 100,000 each, or an np gtegato of O.tOS.SH. Slnco 1S05 the lucicasc In the popula tion of the emplie has been about 4. 000,000. or 7.78 per cent., the highest rate of Increase for any quinquennial period dm Ing the last thhty years Get man Politician in Jail, flcrlln, I"eb, X-llur flueli, i member t( tie Iteichstas, bi lin sentenced, to 4ere Ilv monlliv In Jill foi loo mtjnite.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers