Klfcjwsi1 tymfis$1tty m W'HV ? U'trtft W',. "fl ' fK -r- rr J THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE- WEDNESDAY, FEBRUAKY 27, 1901V f vwmmtm te NEWS OF THE LABOR WORLD BTBIKE AT THE DOLPH COL LIERY IS AT AN END. Dlfteicncea Thnt Existed There Havo Been Adjusted In nn. Amicnblo Manner Organizer Dllcher Hns Jlcturned to tho City Limits of tho Tnylor Ynrd Hnve Been Changed Improvements That Arc Bclnp Mndo Along tho Lacka wanna Hond Board for Today. Yl:e sli Ike at tin Dcilph millet y, at Jesmip, Iih-m been Hcttlutl timl the nvi luitidreil rmployen wero nil buck to irk ycfltorilay nionilnir. The ttrlUc x.m ilculurcd riatuulay night h Je suit of the non-payment ot tho 1U pit cent, lnrreuso to a number of tlie MrlU'd'tf ami the lUmitlftal of lxw nvn. olio uf llicin a I'oiiiniltteeimui. Sfipury Hempspy, of tlir- mine xxuiki-r, had a. coiifureiico with Jinn ner KofoertFiiti, nf tbi company, wMiiiulny, nt the conclusion ol xxlildi .Mr. IsohPttKou Biuntcd Hip ileinniiiln of the Mrlkois nml nKrceil to iclii ct.'ttu tho two men who xwip ill'- lllllRCll. Thlrt xn irported I" the tilUeis' illlccin. with tho effwjl Hint the -Hi Ike vim di-clnrt'd nit and tho men Instruct ed to telurn to work ycti-iUiiy innrn Int,. Dilchcr in the City. Xuiliin.tl Commlltteniun I'luilfiliU Dlklu-i- at rived In the Ity yestcrlny iiftetlnxiu f i oin his liiiinu at Xelon llti U. He t met by several lot.il ineiiibem of the United .Mine Win kern mid will make his liendquuitt-is hcic for sonic time. The i onventlon nt llu vleton III Mai eh of the tluee amhr.u lie IIiUiIcIh, nt width the to.il operation mo n.Npcited to meet Willi the Ulllle loaders, u ill lie ntiended 1 Mi nit h er. VnrlmiH Mattel f of Impoi tanoe to the inlueis of thin dlstrlel will be looked Into and ailjuxtt-d by Hie luic cuuiiultteeiiuin durlnR his vlli Notice to Conductor.!. A liollie h.ls l)Tii posted on the tii'k.iwnniij bulletin boaid Immu fipricr.il I'.xoeiiBur Ai?"itt T. W. l.te. lefcitlliK to a clrcliip Ixsiidl Mime lime hro. totitainlni; the question of juij-xcukcih with (ontlnuous ims.iki tickets-. The notice is lnutvl to th" IMS.cnsor eondurtoiK and slatis thnt In refeicii'o to diiulnr Xo. 113, of .Ian. !'. mlvMnR that on and alter thnt date, no top-overs be allow ed on tickets of any (lev ilptlon, legaidliKS of date of Issue, whether of the I,ar Un ix ,inna company's lMie, or coiiiieitltii: lines, except the recular Mimnier toui 1st and editorial tickets, .1 number of lilies which follow the announcement are, to be olcrxtd. If a paf-.-eiiBer travtlllnir on u con llliuouH thkel, e(tpt as cpecH'ied In 1I10 clicular, applle?! tor n stop-over, conductors ate expected to uoilty hlni thru top-oeis aie not Kt'aiilfd. If, bow over, he declaies that he will leave the train bhort of his destination and demand his ticket, return same, pro ldliiff fare is foilhenmlnK to cover the lldc w) far as the point wheie he leaves the tram. In caw he u.es it 10 a point short of his destination, the ticket will be lancclkd, and lonvarded to the au ditor ot the frtlRbt and ticket ac counts. Initio? pent attached to a hpeelul foini pimldcd for this imrpose, ard a statement acconip.inyluK it, untiiiultiK' advice governing the mat ter. A leccipt for the ticket, in all uticli cascii will be Issued to the pns emic; stating that upon Application to the patsdiKcr olllce inoper allow ance will be made. No tickets will bo allJWod to be is sued to a passeiiRer holding a thkrt beyond the conductor's inn or to a p.i.sseiiKor holding a ticket to .1 point nt which the ti.iin is not scheduled to stop. Ynul Limits Changed. A bulletin f 1 0111 rlviIon Supeiiu tcudeiit I.'. M. nine ycslenlay I11 fornieil T.iu kawannn trainmen that a 1 haiigo was made ill the y.nd limit lit the Tavlor yard. The yard limit lio.nd ai the east cud has been moved back, in easterly (II iccllou about thlity-li ar Icntjlhs, In older to protect the iinssover Jut jiut in at Mlnook.i Junction Train men are epe ted to be frovenied in -(oidlngly. Lacltawnnnn Impi oveineuts. Itnpiovcmcnts of an iiupoitant n.i luio to arromiuodale the mpldly ln I'leasluK tiallle of the I.iukaw.anna lailroad aio beliiK made between Ho boken and llulValo. lively depiirliitcut in the bervlce W ovei -rushed with work. A. II. Kudd. supeilutendent l niKiial?, Is innklnv anauKPtnenls to equip the toad with automatic borne mid distant signals. This woik K now soint; on between l!rUln villi: and .Mn uuiika Chunk. The c.isl-bnuiiil U.i.K bet went KtiuildshurR and .Manunka Clnink and tho west-bound tiaek between that point ami Scranton are beiinr eiiulpjie 1 Mlth electliu semaphote signals with intci Uk KIhk plants at l'miinii Kiimiult, HEADACHE CHARriED. It Is the Experience of Scinntoii Poo ile Thnt Proves the Mng-Ical Effect of Dr. Chnse'a Nerve Pills with Sick and Nervous Hendache. 11 lian never come to any other medi cine luncr to nil incdlulncs the abuiidanco of Kcianton testlinony Nhowlnt; tho uneiitiiilud nieilt eHtab llshcd by Ur. A. V. CIud.k'c. Nunc Pills. There is prolMbly no eni-o ol nervous frlck headache ihey ulll noi tute. Mik. Janie WuIboh, of Mo. 21. Twelfth htrenl. Hcraiiton, Pa., nay' ' Dr. A. "NV. CIiuho'h Ncrvo Pills uto line. began to use them tor neivouK hick headaches and nervousm, and liad sient success In stopping them ompletely. Itecently 1 uhocI them to overcome thu depression and eal neF&e. follotvinrr grip nud they weto iigaln Hiiceossful, giving me bodily Miongth and nervo steadlne.-h. As an Hll-round nervo and general tonlo they lire grand, and I nm very much pleased ihat my attention was called to them tliiougli MattliuwH Pros., drugg!nts, lemporary headiiiiatteis coiner I.ucka ,iv. i una and "Washington nveuueM. llr. A. AW OlHibe'd .N'eive Pllln ore l.old nt .'iOe. a lm ut dealerf, or Dr. A. Cluifie Medlclnu Co., HuiTnlo, X. y. See Hint purtiait and signature of A. IN'. Chnse, ,M n iti e on ivery pacUage, Scranton Guernsey Hall IB The BEST PLACC IN aCKANTON TO BUT A FWO ORGAN Don't kill to come an J sec as ureal bargain ate waiting for you, J.W.GUERNSEY, PROP. 314-316 WASHINGTON AVE. SCRANTON. PA. In New (iuertisey BuiMIng DAVIS STEAM Ore Co. 319 PCNN AVE. (ioviit called (or Hhd rlelivfred. CImiiIuc. P.xinn snd I'lcMiiig. ALL VOK GUARANTEE O. PHONE 373G Golden Gate Dininq ROOMS. Hot J3 itrit Haul In the Or llp ln I'lckiti, J1.0U. Sunday ilthim )iti.ili) llo!neinido tttrt 244 ADAMS AVE. W.J. BARnlSCALE, MANTELS. ELECTRIC. COAL ANO OAC GRATES tilling lui rluum, TELEPHONE. rin pi hc tihmmiiK 312 WASHINGTON AVE, W. A. HARVEY. Mrrttlc WiihiK and Ki.Millt 1 l.ln'trie Holt j ml relliun. Wur. 309 Commonwealth Building. J. B. WOOLSEY & CO CONTRACTORS ANO BUILDERS. PtMlers ill Plate Glass and Lumber O- ALL KINDS. KlNQSBURY SCRANTON. Marmftitum.' tcm MINE ANO MILL SUPPLIES. lli'dli'l' AifcnU tot loliii l!otlihia s0n, ( .. j, Wi.t 1! ipe .Ml !.: i4l Win 1,11 a Pn.l.j .mil 11 il.li.-r Mi. I c, s IrinnL l'i iiib Hfi' ml Mi. luniril ISubbri i(Kni Unonii u I1,. I. nt I jiui 1 III! ( lotliinu Knout Clu I'.aiii llhlc IV. H. GORDON SON. IIoit Sliuelis ind (Viifi-0 Hi.i.hMiinl u Mason mil CjufiyD llmldtn 339 Adams avenue, J.liigli and Nnv AlifT. Vnvious to .ln 1 ill tlie kIkimI'i betuiTn KIiikUhuIk mid lit. Arllnglou on tin.' M i:. (llN lon will be In iioi.ulou ami 1y pilni; the ciitlio line hot upon IloliuUcii .'iml Scranton will he iiiotei-li'd Itli s-1kh.iI" ot llii moit appi'of(l liutki . In addi tion to till woik all the diMW-bllclKf uloil tho line aiv lir-lliB vqullipeil wltll ulRnul nt' tlu Ijtr-st tpo ami sIkiiiiI uie Ixiim put in at the (Kfnul tunnel. --HtromlHljuiK TlnicH. Stopping: Mine rites. A lucent IsMle of .Mines ami MlneiaW lias the rollowlm; tigaiiliiiK' stopping olf mine files: '"An answer slveii ii mie of the ouestlous in a. inlne I'oieniuu'.s txain Inution. as taken Irom the lepurt f the atnte mine inpe( tor ol Indiana lor ls!S. suggests an IntmoitiHT subject tor rtiseiiHvlon. The (iue-tliiii ileeribo the coal at the fine of a pair of un tiles as having been llu-ii by the Hume of a blast. Hack fiom the f J( e, at Milne point in the air i nuie, a. bluing g.is feeder is giving oil a lousiderable Milium- of niaisli gas. This gas is ear lied by the air curienl towanl the laie of the entiles, uheie it (.nines lnt( ront.iet. mole or less, with lint ii.il flird by the blast. The pioblem for s-o-lutlon Is as to the licit method nf ev tiligulbhillg Hie (lie. "Aeenrdlng to the lepoil, an attempt was made li stoi oft the tile lit the tiue ol' the entiles b building a stop ping. This was tinticcessiul and re Milted In an explosion, n we might e ie( t. "In all i.ims of stopping oil mine Iiks wheie pniiIoxIw g.is is being gen- einted, salefv l.'imlios that the wink i!' building sin h stoppings In com menced at the 1 etui n end of tile alr a and ptucfcil lowaid the intake end; llius stopping oil' thu Int.ilte tip-King l.ml. While this rule Ik qulln gen erally known and applitd to all sui h iiis, tlie leason Inr so lining is not M'uciully unilei aioud. .Hum,, eiaini that lM piesiiio o the intake euiuiit win mill be maliitalueil in the winkings until the aie ilnally stuiijied off Again Ii is i liitmed that ir the Intake is slopped Hi st the gai Kuicrnttd In the region of the the will .-spaml Into the entiles In all explosive tin in. and In dangerous -volume. "These i ailses, suggisltii, may 1 e mill ate clfcr the tn a gie.it. i oi less i Meat ill molding an explosion: but the i hlef i atise In molding such an explosion Is piobably found In the fact that, the Intake lemalnlug open af fin d a better ventilation, mid mrilii tains the air within the niehisuie be low the explosive jiolnt until the open ings are ilnally closed. This (ondltlou dues' not obtain when the intake is closi d first find the letiitn leiunlns open, at the gases geneinted soon llse nbove tho explolvo point and expand onto the entries In dangerous form. "Jn the case miggested In the In (liana, report, the tumble was Ilnally ovetcotno by tatrylng a inattlie uf fiesli air along the nh way to the face thus supplying a fresh curienl of air to the space to be stopped off until the stopping (.ouhl be built. This main, tallied tho air behind the stripping be low the explosive point, up to the ihne that the stopping wax closed tightly, and was the only safe method to np. ply. The same (ondlllon obtains in the stopping off of any mine llres. The in take should always remain open until the last. ., X. & W. Boaid. Tho following Is the make-up of the D., L. and W. board for today: Tursiuv, niutu.Mu tt. W'ikl Calf. Ei.t-t i. in., tl . nienald; 10.J p. in., 1. (.illluMii. V F.DNT.SDAY, ITJIIIUAHi. 27. WiM CW. lit-ll!.5n a tn , 'lliff-doir Nan mam II ii. in , A, K, Mullen ; I a. in., .1. It Mittf-lM .1 a. in , T. l'aanauzlii (1 a. in,, (i. T, supli; 7 .i. in., r. llallct: S.ui a. in., ('. W. Dunn: 10 a. in., O I' Krarw; ll.tn a. in., l X an Uouii'T, I. in p. in., J. J. Murray, wllii P. Ilailboleimw'a tnm; 1,45 p. in., XV. I), X'ar fil; r p. in., I.illirr; ' p. in., J. Moiior. SuiuiiilU, III',- ii a tu., rail, Jinin Oirrlci'! C p, pi , cait, 3, lltmi'.'in, T a. in,, ui.it, (Jtcrte Business THESE ENTERPRISING DEALERS CAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS OF EVERY CHARAOTER PROMPTLY AND SATISFACTORILY. Brotherhood Wine Cos 1'lne Old lVvrU, Durpimllo. and Mmtermii. family Iride Oril. P. H. FRENCH. 408 OONNKLL BLOQ. Breschel's Great F"ire Sale AT 430 aPltUCC ST. Now fioliiir On fltt 1'iirt mil nil V. I t.rl ot Nccwv,ir. BRESCHEL A OO. Scranton Laundry, 322 WASHINGTON AVENUC. Calls by telephone receivn prompt attention WILSON dC WASDERS. SPEOTACLES. DIAMOND SHOE SHINING PARLORS Tor Ladlm ami (ifnt. All hlilnrl, 5c A33-SPRUOE-433 MADE AND REPAIRED. "Ull's all" S. H. TWINING. 131 PENN AVE. Hanley's Bakery. 420 SPRUCE ST. HUNTINGTON We luAj a t-prrijln of line bind tufl Oiiliiw inr 'ilail. Om!m. ('ro(Ucltci Hi promptly lillnl, j lull line ( '.re ( tram 111O Urn Eureka Plating Works. Sllirr. CM. Mil.l, Ccpper and llrew flunddlirn rtoanUlnd 321 DIX COURT. REAR BD. TRADE. REISMAN BROTHERS, l.tadilij ('dcal r 4QC SPRUCE ST. B03 LINDEN ST. sIGARS imported KEY WEST (UHIN.I, Dlt li: .Will II (MtMlrR DEAN, 408CONNELL BLDG. Tno l'l 'ii' SHOES at toni own pie c Goodman" l!ftiiodl "mi 432 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. J.W. MCAULIFFE, M NIIIM HOT 1 1 IM. Wlllths 140 SANDERSON AVE. KioimMkor 9 a in. nei. . II Nnli.il., T p. in , r.ii trniii N.i nt. I du ml Mi MIi.iii: .' p. in. wil tmni (.i.iiui. ilni" iiiirinii. Mi 1 nni', 7 p. in, vrM frniii I .niip.i. Cinli'i. I'iiIIii -Hi .1. Hi . I 1 (or. IM-liiv .1 in. II 'ii-rr; II nt a m., Mot an; T i in, Mm pin. ii p in. I.implnsf I'-HiHiiir l.nliin -T 1. in.. (Jallney: T a n , "niicr: 'p.fii p. in, M.intnir. 7 p. in , Micoiern Wild 1'nti. IImi-i a. m, .1. D'lluia: 0 i in., .1. 1!. Mulcis, h .i. in, Ii ItaKttcrt) : It .i in, .lolin (ijlup.in; I p m., A. Kitrhaiu: ' p. in. . A. Ilaitliidiinifw; " p. m . I'. i .i-tntr: I p in. .lulni llatei: i! p m, I' '. ltt'SllK. s'oiici: (Vndu.tiir I", 1. Itncors and fn will inn 4 p. in . Wild I ut, W'Ml, the Sulli in pi lie nt O'llaru and trow lliakcnidi Holler and M. Itutke :o en it it C. W. Putin, ueiitir, tift tiip. I". lor tirant vtll go out with tVllown I'iiOmIiv Munition, tlie 'Mli. llrilainin M. (,'nldni 111 go en Willi II, I'ltjinild, S p. in.. Hie ".Mli ISl.lkt lll.lll hTll.UI, mi wllh 'I liumpon, will 1 ill ll.lllllll.l-IOl'.l i illic Hi il,i in in II. ( . MuttW will so ma with Jlouitii.111 luM tilp W. all I' This nntl That. Tlii- Uelaware and Hudson ltailrn.nl i ouip.iiiv'.s emiilojes, at the Olyphaiil, lii.wy Island and TMdy r'i,t..k eol lieiies iveie llted jenterday bv the payni.ister's car. Division Superintended! i:. 51. lUne, of (lie Iaekav.Mimn, took a Il.xlng tiip to llallstend jestculay moinlng, te tiuuluK about :"n oMnr);. Ho h.im accompanied by .Muster "Wis htilile A. . Clliln. LIST Or ADVERTISED LETTEUS. l,ii r f ft. Hi i ifiualniuj iiiicallni foi t ili SlUuI.hi pe-tctlli i , r.iiKaujnna inipiix, I'.i , I ill. 27. 1111. IVi'OM callln? lor tliot lntm Mill pliae sav aibi-iieid and cite it it. of le. l.ra II. Ilipplr, ltiuitir Mts 1. I" Atiddtoii. Ain. l.odg. . l.a.. I. 0. II. II. XXillle ll.xl ("). I.lmei.T. r.tino, m I uin User. Mi. XV. II. Illnbaid, lviar llni'ii-i, (' i IIImK. Mr. Hoila Iluil.f, .f ItJimaK. I M. JlliUnsr .loi. s(ni ii. ll.nk, t'n" iililivrt ni Lauirm CanttTill, llhi Vi Cl.iv (2). I'atilik talTrr., J Cjinpbill, llarll'i' loiu.olb. Mi X XI. Cnpprnraiili. IU Xnnle ( orrorjti. .faiiirs llci I.er. .larnis lllaiiioiid, Mi Annie III. Lt.ii, P T. Ilolpli. Cicorci- II. luiil. I 1". J. ragen. Mi. Itioiitc I.diuid. n.iruii I not. Mm, Jnlm I'aiTrll. P. l'l.iiui. lli.i Oriiie I, 1'o.ile, Xi. I.e. rsr 1'oulli tbookl Sam Grosiulitli. X, M. Iliitutbor, I). V. Gir ii. in, I'lanl: XV. Gruliam, Hint anil 1'r.ink Card-1 ner, Mr .Irnnle (aiiln r. Ml- .leiinii1 llreiv, Mis Maria (.uillojlc. II b. fimiiiy. I .1. I.rlt tit (t (padtaire). Mi. .Mm lMIftuiait.. X. P. limit. Mi. Hill, I). A. Hill, l.d.nd llivncj, I V. ll.iilniin, II. P. Howard, MM Morgan t lllnli. Mm, l.iu.1.1 Hulling, Ml Mary IUkkIih, Gi)iri' llaruy. lainci .liMon, .lobn .lobu .Icdiu.on, II. 1 lout, funk P. .lours, .1 ininr Onlei I'liiled Amrrlrati XImIiviIiji, fiirili IlldhP (ouuill MM l.ldi Kmli. Mr. Mirv Kcirfr. Kiiull A. Xllbaiike. Am KIi III, J.uk KrfTir, Ml l.iric Kdprr. ldiktvunnt Manufautuiliig lompjii, Xttlnir T. I.ce, l'oistili lillir, .lamm .1. l.anaan, b. Leber, Ml. XV. Lapp. I'dwaiil Mrt.uli, III MiCollum. Mail. Mi Tit tle. Miss Mfno Mllhr, MIm Heidi Mmpliy, Tiinife Miloiicy. Din Malir ('.''). I liarli Mtotr. Mi. Cnlc Morrl. P. M. Momllle. .1 tl Mittoi P. Volile. MM O'XiIll. T XX-. O.tcrnut. ll.iili..d I'olb iiiiik. Pi n.i.i lnuiia I'iu.-i. II. I). Itldianb, MM Itoxa lldia It. i-eiil.i in. i". 0 It. leawitnml, Mm. It mdnlpli, Mr. P. X. Ilnbin-oii, ( lull Its lltus Gcoii,e UlcIimUon, D. H. Ilniiin. Mr. Sirali liovni., lt".e ni Xltndoiv tliuok linlse. No. "-'. A. P. X 'milieu Iraibr Midline roiiipinj, Mi, Xnne sulic. MU Allir Siott, Mi. loiim, MM P. M. Sherman, .lolin sjn.ii, M .lenuie siiU-it, tolin Smith. Mi. U.umi II. stiplu'ii, h,. s, P. sinitti (), Joim srijd.'r, l'ctci sianku, Pi. A. It, Klrplitn., Hut llilfn sehafer (uUnlhin. livper Tarr, Miw .Itinilc Tnndi. .lime Tim III.. II. Van ltuswr Mr 1,111k' M XXalu.ii, ( lim.ni I XXi.u.n. .lobn W.imin-, Ml. Miiulr Xlaltun, ni.itli. XVoinivr. MM rilll XVilllaiiit, Mldud Wal.b. West Sctanton Station. MM Tinnia Kadw-ood, Foutli Main Menne! T. .1. le-lir; (ionik'i? Gibbon, .laikseu i.liil; llmiiu llKilr.t; MM lllkll Martin, .l,id,i-ii Mutt; l'l unk XI, Siliartlrr, Prtro sticd. Koumnnlan Cahlnet May Resigit, riudiarpot, Tib. Co. The riiainb.r otcl a lade of ronDdti(0 in tlie cablmt tedav. lie cabinet will piobably h.Ih Houses. THINK! Ar you fully insurcdt H not, call upon F. L. Hitchcock & Son, FIRE INSURANCE AGENTS. tiM and Ml? Cominetin'nUh Duildlnj, SCil.ST0.S-, 1'A. Only flrt-clan companion rprfcntrd. Clalirw promptly palil. O. S. BLOSS ROOM I ARCADE THE SMITH PRSMIER TYPEWRITER. IT LEADS THEM ALL. L. SOMMAR, Kulldiiiit Contractor. l'mployt union mm hitlmatci chffrtiilly ffiion. Itrinoilrllnir and rrpalrlnic a pfclally. 320 WASHINGTON AVE, LACKAWANNA UNDERWEA R STORE Will Mil all tlicli sampler ot r)n Importfd Vadran Shlrta fur man at 73c, ortlilto.l Cold Mtdal ej l'liolograplifr UiJldivu a X Aitit Moore a Foster. INSURANCE FOR SALE HurrIm and (rMH of all l.lud. Ilouf and bulldltii; lota at liarjaliK M, T. KELLER. f.l'i AdiiiK Ave 1 .cUaivinliJ f'nrrlaKe Worki 122 WYOMING AVE. DIFFERENT LADIES HAVE DIFFERENT TASTES You'll notice tbvl thf ldl who ari B.rnir ally an rcdltul with tht but iaU. In c m rrepid are tbc or.o (or hom w make WolliM Aonr tale I-. O K cf conrv We'll rbirije oil fc26 00 fw the Uil J('l Oll'lit. Ill luu. king' miller. MERCHANT TAILOR ror hadlrs and (,ont. 436 SPRUCE ST. SCRANTON. PA. THE SCRANTON UMBRELLA MANU FACTURING CO. V uruo loi tun nt ot tint t'mbrHt.t out l'lirfwitt ul KIM. "ILK I p lo date pancitu l'tt( pOiltorU LOW TK than anv bou in ihtf iin VII aoud kept In Rl'I'VIlt free n! .luigr f. r ,i w ItlPAIIIlMl and HI' ( 0 MUM. o npiiialir 313 SPRUCE ST. PROFESSION A L. Certified Public Accountant. i:. t. SI'M IlHMi. 1.X IIISOMIWAY, NRW Atchitects. i.HW VIII) II liullilliiir riii.ni.itK i; inn-, .i:i iinwi. loxxiiL I. IlltOWX. Mil III I KIT. piitti: liiuldiin;. JN U i.hinuiiiii aitnui. Siauleii. Cabs and Carriages. Ill lltll'lt 'lllttl) ( Mis ivi( Mlltl M.I s. IlKsr it wrtkr I'muipt illmtlon eltin onlir. Iiv 'pliouo. 'I'Iioiim "JiiTi and AfK, Jcojli krllr. , JJ1 1 1. ii Dentists. u. c. r, sj mi c bii.kxiinHCirit, bid, s.ranton l'.MXI nrii.inxii, lilt I pil.il. (. IAMW, sf KA.VION 1'iiivvri; tdiucr IVjoi'ilni; and .Mulberry. IIOS- lilt, lilt. LATllXCH, IIS )tl(l AXT.XHI., ItTWOI l)s OPT. V. II. Seeds. II. T tl. 15. Pf.XltKi: .X (0. SIXIlsMT.N- XXJI M'ltS. eiyinen, slou '-'01 Waliliigtou atciiuc; cuei loiee. VM Noilli Xlaln jtenue; bloio tdt plmne, Vs.'. Hotels and Restaurants. TUT. 1 I K Pn:, 12 AXII 1J7 TltXXhl.tX AVT- jiue. Ilati raonable P. miil.T.R, rieprlitor. Hitxvrox HiU'si.. mai: n., t.. : w. pas. e'i"ir drpoi. (enduiiid on tbo Kuropem plan. MCTOl! KOPH, Pritprieto- Laxvyet'S. IUXXK V I10M.T, noiixT.n.vxv. Uonin. 1.', It, 1(. .ind IS llmr buildii. J. XV. IIHOXXX. AflOltXCX XI PIU'XsU loiatdiw. Itooinj. l'l" .11.1 Mcars biiildliig. i). ii. in:pi.nni.i:, aiiohmiv i.uxns xk.h- tiatt'l mi ii il islito vsnrll.e. Meirs biuliliu.', Mir X'ahlrmton mciiue and sito trnt XXII.l.XIIK, XX MIIIT.V .V KX'M'P. XHOItXlIXs unit iriinvl.iiv al-lnu. Itepubllcan biiililnn. XX Hhl;ton nieinir jT.ssn- ji jkssi p. xnoiiM'.Y xxi) rnrv ff licit,-itdju. Ciiinmcuwi .Itli bulliliiiK. l(""i"ii 10, 2U and 21. lUlXXAItl) XV. 'IIIXIKII. ATIOHM.V. toi'.ml, Ptli Hitoi, Mi are bulldliK ItdOXIs Ti. A XVVI'ltl.s. AITOIIXTV-ATIAXX', JI0XIII1 of Tude buildinc. suiilui, IM. PATITIP-OV K XVII (OV Hank luildiiu'. Hixnr.lts' XXTIOXXI. P. POMI.O.s. 0-1.1 Itl.Tl III.H AX IIL1I.D1X0 A. W. linitriKHP, VITOIINT.V, Mi:.KS IlM)i I Physicians nml Surgeons. II. AM.CN, 51.5 NOItlll WASUIMIIOX- Hit. XV arbiie. Pit. . XV. I,'M0lli:l V. 01TIPI1 .'CI XVsl IiirtIoh aenue. llnldenre. ISH Xulbirn I broule dMati, Imukk. In art, kldncva and eenlln-uriiury orpans a i.ieilaliy, llnuiu, 1 to 4 p. in. Schools. kiiodi, op rlll:I,xcAvs.x. sct.ax.ioy. P.i. i nuue prrparit'r t celei,i', law, nieib. due ur tmsinr4. iipriu Sipt. f.'tli Send for t.ilaloi,ue. Itrt, Iboinn M. Pann, I.U Ik. prtn eipal and propi ivtoi , XX. '- Plumley, A. 11. litadiuattcr. Who Screens. Jiisi.pii uri.i n b. in i mi., stranton, M.llill, III. XII .Xlt l.XPKWANXX P.l , lilalilll.li tun l l'l Ulic iMiscellnneoUfi. lltl.ssHMN(i I Oil Pllll.nitTV TO OltlllP, alo ludlia' njl.l.. I iiiiU slim tiiakir, li Adam, an mie. a. it. iiiiiin.s i u:s4 piiivv v.xi irs ,m n puolxi no odor. Impiou-d pumpt u-.d A II llriirua, piuptli-l.il l.tate urdeiv I l.n .Xuiili M.iiu innui.., in 1 id-t'-N dmi; Mnn-, rur lit r Adanu and 3lullieir Tebphnne pxi lilts, l.. t. m.i i.i.it, i alp iitr.vnir.xT. wn , l.iuipniir, .Vi--. ; l.ielal infieei nianliiiiini., i.K.; ciiiitKil. T01 ((ulnij. nATiKuVonrnr! itTx- mi'-i kITii it xus. pli.nlri", pjilli'., leKptnuv, uedillni," nud ion lert null; finnl.hed. I'nr ti nut addriM It, ,1 llniir. fwiiluilor, 11 XXmiiilnir aniiue, ottr tlllll'l lt' lilll.l' nm i ConnofljSdWallac BORANTON'S SHOPPING OENTER. We Offer During the Present Week A Large Purchase of Atlantic Bleached Sheets and PilloW Cases at the following' favorable prices: Pillow Cases. 42x36, lie 12fcc 14c 16c 45x36, 50x36, 54x36, White Bed Spreads at Special Low Prices 'Our "Berlin," full size, hemmed, 79c value, $1.00 Our ''Clarendon" full size, hemmed, 98c value, $1.25 Our l00," full size, hemmed, $1.25 value, $1.60. Special Opening of White Hoods for Early Buyers Consisting of Lace Stripes and Open Bffects in Lawns, India Linons, Batistes, Nainsooks, Etc., at popular pricea from ioc to 25c per yard. and Children's Dresses. CONNOLLY & Places in Virginia Can be conifort.ibl and e.isih leacheJ by the Steanieis ail dailr rxffpt Sunday limn Pier "1, Xoilll rten Innl ot llr I It nit X. oik, fir Old Point Contforf Norfolk Richmond, Ua. and Washington, D. C. CoiinectliiK lor All Points South n.i West. Through Tickets rcturnint; from W.islunston bv t.iil orw.iter. I oi full Infoii.ution apply to OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP CO. 81-85 Beech St., New Yotlt. II B.XALET.n,Traf Mgr. J.J BKOXVV.H P A. 1 HE CELGBUATEU GORDON PIANO BfSEJlffl r qnsamttMFS - gjg5iitKd?irpjrr?fii 2ir GORDON Befoio buying, aenil for catalogue II. S. GORDON, rV" rriraBWHH-:T A MAN becomes languid, Irritable rind de Bpondent, tliroiiKhto ot nerve vipor, I.lfe eem a tnoeVcry. The courage, force, vigor find action vfliich charac teriie full-blooded men, ure luckinR, have kindled the light of hope in many a man fate. They btltig vigor to the weak and ambition to the despondent. They permanently check the weak ening drains, feed the nerves enrich the blood nnd make men over gener ally 1 00 pei box b boxen $" 00. With n iOQ order veistuc u written guaran. tee to refund the moiuy If nocurebe effected, Hook free. l'rAI-.MtDlCINi! Co.. Cleveland. Ohio. For kile by John II Pliclpi, l'li.irnucUt, corner XX)ciiiuk .11 nut and t-pruic btrcct. TRIBUNE WANT ADS. BRING QUICK RETURNS H.r ttfi. h 0i "- ;,- iii W, ,Ai(r'-"i.fcJr.Jast. ."jP1 is I lltli Ate v York City. &gif00 W&3&- R. I Sheets. 14 yds wide by 2 yds long, 52a 2 yds wide by 2 yds long, 47c 24 yds wide by 2 yds long, 50a 24 yds wide by 24 yds long, 55c 2J yds wide by 2 yds long, 55a 24 yc!s wide by 24 yds long, 65o WALLACE, 1" 'h 4" ! 4- ? ! t DOLLAR SAVING Prudent people arc taking advantnge of our CLEARANCE SALE It will pay you to come and see how wc can make a dollar do the work of two Axminster Carpets 4. 51.50 Vnlues. J- h 3c Up 100,000 High Grade Inlaid Linoleum Made like a tile, colois Regular Ji.so Roods, now J WILLlAflS&ricANULTY 129 Wyoming Avenue ! 4' ,f ,5,,l' THK IE POWDER CO. Hooms 1 antl2, t'ora'lth QTtl'gi ECRANTON, PA. flining: and Blasting Uade at Moualo and Ituib Jal XVorfi, LAPLIX RAND POXVODR CO '3 ORANGE GUN POWDER Kleotrlo Hatterlea. Uleotrlo Kiplndtrt, exploding blJt, rtdfaty Kiutuai Rscauno Chemical Cos Mimi P.XPLO IVL ni Si ger ewery Slaiiuractnrov.s : OLD STOCK PSL 435 to 4C5 N. Ninth Stroet, i I 1 La Telephone Call, 'J3JJ. Suitable for Shirt Waists 127 AND WASHINGTON 129 AVENUB I-'r' TT'l,,l,TTT,l"l"rT'rTTTt Tji -v $i.oo a Yard. Rolls 3C Up Wall Paper tlirouch to tin luck. Remnants. 4 o,,c, 75c, $1.00 yard 'H''h 'i4. 4i New models now bpaldings,CIeve- in. lands, Iver Johnson and Crescents. No better selection ever made. Call and see them ties. They're beau- HE IS 211 Washington Ave. HENRY BELIN, JR., Grneral Ajant for tin Wyoming Diitrlct for FONT'S ltlnlaf, ntartln?, llrpauno Fportlnr, Cliemical KmoVetisj, jhj Comrany'i tbl liig'h Explosives. ialfty I'uie, Caps and P.iplodr, Room An 0a ncll llulldlnc, Sainton, aui:ncii:si Tims, irinn joiin n. smith rx. fon XX 1. UULUUA.N -? .Pttttton l rilTTIOUIll i i 1901 BSOYOLES I SI WOER ..WlIkM-BarH . K v. . K
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers