The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 27, 1901, Image 1

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fTf-SB3yMJjLfTrrgCiCKff BrMuMrfitfw .BHm"
Mr. Lcnu Succeeds in Stlrrino Up
the Democrats ol Lower
Branch to a Fever Pitch.
Ho Hurt Been Led to Believe That
tho Rematks of the Ohio Oiator
Violated the Privileges of tho
House A Lively Winnglo Follows.
More Tioublo Thicatened Today.
Repeat on Naval Bill.
1 Ktilisite Viire from Tic Awouatcd l'rem
Washington, Pco. Z0 Tho house was
t ' i MiiiL- of a sensational Incident
lit (Ills tifteinoon which throw that
lnuly lino a. violent state of excite
ment. I'm' n hour the storm laged,
mllng nbiuptly when nn adjourn
al, nt was tuKcn upon motion of Air.
r n!( tlii" Uuor leader of tho mnjoilty.
'li l.unl. the Ohio Dcniociat, who '
1 iii-aud many sensations elurlng
1 is s rviso In the house, stiticd the !
l time rats to a fovor pitch bv ilslng I
ii a question of pilvllcgc and nllcg
tig that a speech he hud tinned ovir
i ihe public printer under general
!' iiM' to pilnt, had been withheld fioin
tlio lccoiit and had been turned over
i i (.Jenc'ial eliosvcnor, of Ohio, by tho
speaker. Tho nutuie of tho speech
wiw not developed during tho events
Unit followed, but It was lo.ii nod that
it was an attach upon t-cnator llatiua
and the methods by width ho -was)
elected to tho hcnato.
I Ik; speaker explained that ll hail
n lepi esentcd to lilni that the speech
violitnl the pilvileges of the house
nd li" had dheeted that It should bo
withheld until ho could look over It.
Pi (".suit of business had pi evented
luiii tiom doing ho, however, and only
nly minutes before, he t.ild. ho
I dhcctid that tho speech go Into
ti t eiord, believing that If It on
t lined anything offensive It could bo
-tiickcn out it the iccoid by th
house 1 tier. Intent eM'Itement fol-
. wi d points ol older wuio
iniide hv Ilepubllcans, but tho speaker
ft 'llinil to sldc-fiack tho mittet In
that ii), holding that to pioceed a
ju "position of sonic Kind must be be-
"ii' I ho house. Thoieupoii Mr. Itlch-
mlson, the liiiuqitattc leader, ollen d
i lenoluiion chelating that tho speaker
had mi light lei wlthhuld speeches.
alnit this the eiutstion of iimiildeiu-
nii was i.ilscd bv Mr. Laeey, and bv
i stikt p.nty vote the house decided
ot to i onsldcr it Amid still gteitei-
oiltenient .Mi. ;lchaul"on offeied un-
tln i irmliitlon condemning the speak.
(i s action In tonus and elite cting thut
tic speech be dcllveic-d forthwith lo
Hi ptihlle in lnl( r. Again .Mr. J.iuy
I iwat raised the eiue'stlou ol consld-
it Ion
Vain Eftoits for Oidci.
M mbi on each Hide weie shout-
ms at rath other across the political The speaker pounded vainly for
" l f. .Mi. (Jiusvcnoi, Rcpubllcim,
iliio. and Mi. Wheelei, Demon at.
Iwutllek, weie engaged In a woiuy
oil. but what they said could not Ik
liatd. At last, when oidtr was Te
uton d. tho speaker tilled that tlio
iiutstlon of tonsldcialloii toiild not bo
' ikon .iKnlntt the noioslton, and the
vote was t lUeu. liach side voted fcolld
I . and I he house icfuHcd to consider
iho lCsnlutlon, 115 to 1J7. As soon aa
the result was announced Mr. Payne,
the Hi publkau leader, moved an ad
J mi unit nt. The controversy probably
ill he renamed lomotiow. H.irlli i In
'iii (1 ty a paitlal confcicnee repoit on
the Indian apptoptiation bill wan
aijrf'd to and the bill was "senL back
t (ouleit nee.
'I he wtytein niembeis inaile nn Jn-
flictital effoit to necept the senate
amendment appropi latins Muo.000 for
litigation expel Imenta on the Olla
ihir in Alizonn, hut they weie dc
i "lieu.
The toufeience trpoit on the naval
lull was beaten on aceottnt of tho
item tieatlni,' nsslstant chiefs of bu
roaus in tho invy depajtinent and
n nuUloa to aecijit tho senate amend
jiiint authoillnj," the eonslnietlon of
ihne tuldltlonal subuiailne boats was
li'iidhiK when tho io above mention
J wan iiuci)ll.itcd b Mr. Lents'.
Otlicois Elected at Allentown by tho
Itoynl and Select.
11.) I'mluolve lc firm TI -oi lalcil 1 ic
Allentown IVb. 2. The flftv-llfth
niinu il meeting of tho Ri.iml council
llojal and Select MasoilK of PoiiuhjI
v inla. Is In pioRtess here. The fol
low lutf oflleen have been elected
M. P. Maud mantel', Pi .mis AV. Mai
tenl, ot South liothlehem: it. p. de
puty Brand niu&ter. A. C. Cilswell, ot
Media, Pa ; P.. P. Illtistilous siuml
miuiter, l-ymaix M. Plnuey, of Paad
ford, Biand ptlueipal conduetor ot
wot It, David O. MeCollum. of Vilkes.
Pane. Kiand ticasuici. Joel S. Kbj, of
Lnncaatei. grand leeeudcr. Joshua I..
I.vtf. of Laneastei.
This evnliur Allen counill lerclved
a class of tvventj-llve new- niembeis,
ard a banquet wax held.
Thieo Childieu Buiued.
flj l'xduilu WIrj Uon Hie As.ocl.tcd 1'mi,
Nf(v Jerk, Tib. SO TInco cliililmi ol DjiiuI
hehtiil u biirnwl to ilcntli tliU altrriiccn In
Ihtir parent' homo In (old (-prmtr llailior, I.
I .Mil. Ircliml vent to a More jnd Irtt llm
dillilrcn, u boy & )ui, a kirl 3 vcvm nml a
niall baby in lh bouw;. llurlnj bcr alnrnce
Dip liouxi cju.'lit Cro J ml tlip tlncr childicn
ire unable (o (set out of tlio bvillillni; llio
1icum va totally dutroxMl
i i
Rumois of Suriender.
Pj l.uhnhe Wire frcm Tim Auoclateel PreM,
fpiingflcld, Mai, IVb, Sd .telin I) Casseln,
t k wlni; inailiiiic ftilrrnun, Uot and ljUlly
ntin!il Aln. Mary .1, Ijih, In l-ong Minlo,
torliiht, briviaoi li vtcmM hot tU- vvllli hlin,
ml llin lie drank carbolic- arid llnth wilt
Sensation Is Iutioduced In the Way
of n Bilbory.
Ily IJuluihc Wire bom llic Amoclated Trcn
Dover, Del., Feb. 6 The committee)
appointed last week by the houses of
lepicsentnllveH to lnv emirate tho allc
Katiotn of Pcprepoiitative AValtcr M.
Ileal n, Democrat, that ho hud been
offeied J.'.OOO to absent himself fiom
tho Joint eaucus and Induce another
Damuetat lo remain out of tho Joint
session of the leslslatuie while the bai
lotlntT for United States senator wits
proKressliii- Thuidav, met today
and he.ud from Mi. Heam tho namo
of hlH allegrcd traducei.
The committee, ennsistliiK 0f two
DeinocratH. two union Addlcks liepub
liean and one losiilai lb publican, held
a hi let Hetislou und adjourned until to
night, but while the k'Klslatots weie
in pession tliev listened to some
s-ensatlonal teHthnon Itepiesenlatlves
Ilium and Lav ion weie the only Im
portant wltneHscH called. Ileum svor
that he was apptoaclied by i:epieseu.
latlve Ilcese I.a.vtou. one of tho Ad
ellekH memhois fiom Susstx rotintv,
who offeied him s.'.ijno if he would ab
sent himself and Induce anothei Oemo
eiat to have thu Joint Hcson on
Thursday, Pebiuaiv JI He slid I.av
lon also cilfend him tvoo If he would
never vole fot the ie;iilar Iteptihllein
candidate for Pnltod St tie si natoi
Iteiiieselitatlve i; ion ti stilled that
Mr Ileain's testimoiiv was ahsolut'ly
false In eveiy p.ittlcular. He said that
Ileum was ill link whoi the allecri d
coltVMsatlon took place, while the two
ine'inbeis wiie on tin it waj to the
tleimaii ball, Pebiuaiv Is
The hejilii' wins tin n inljouitu d Until
Sensational Scene Results tiom tho
Chief Gunner Moigan Allah.
IS.r Uxclusno Wire Jr m tht o ntcd I'im.
WubhliiKton. Keb. L'ti An impoitnnt
amendment to tlie Philippine ainend
iiient to the m my apptoiulation bill
was UKiced to today In tho tieimtu. It
was an ampIKleatlon of tlio ttinend
niuiit pieviously olfeted by Mr. Hoar
(Mass), lajlni; tcstiletlons on the sale
of public lands and the tn anting uf
fianchlses and concessions in the Phil
ippines It was uccipud by tho com
mittee In eliaiKC ot tho nieasute, and
is now a pint of the committee amend
ment Mr. Morgan (Ala ) continued
hia Hpeeth begun josteiday and occu
pied the floor dining the ki eater pait
of tin da. He concluded bis address
Just befocv thu atternoon leress, after
having: discussed both
the Philippine and Cuban amendments.
Ho appealed lo the committee to with
draw both pinposlllons', maintaining confess was Heading upon d'in
Kitous Kiound? and tillllng with edged
tools in acting upon them without
ample information.
Uuting the afternoon Mr. Allen ob
tained the lloor from Mt. Moigan and
sevciolv aiiaigucd I tear Admit nl
Sampson fot somo endoisements he is
allowed to have made upon an appli
cation of Chief Gunner Cluules Mor
gan, of the nivy, for piotnotlon to tho
grade of com!ilssloned olllcer. Mr. Al
len'g detiuncl itlou of Admiral Sampson
wax sensational.
Geoige Waid. Who Muuleied Miss
Ida rinklestein, Meets
Swift Punishment.
IU hum. Wuu fiom 1 Lo Vs-uenied l'rn
Tutte Haute, Intl., IVb. 2fl I'tmlsli
iiiint. swift and terrible was muted
nut todaj in (ifj)ige W.ild. tlio negio
who uiurdeied Miss Ida FInkelstolii,
the school teacher, bv shooting hei
with a shotgun and cutting her thtoat
uHleiduy alleiiiooa A tew horns af
tc i his auest uu aiiRiv mob batten d
uown the elorus or tie- j.i'l dingged
the pilsonei to the Wnb.isli bildge,
seveial squalen uwaj .nul banged him
to the bridge ehaw .Vol i. intent with
the hanging, the ciowd ut the coipse
c'own and, laving It on a sand bar un
der the btidgc, kindled a the and eie.
muted the lemulns. It was the Hist
I lulling that cvei oceuuud In Teno
YV.ud unested at in o clock at
the ear weiilc, wheio he was employed
iih a day labour, and after being Iden
tified by two cltUenw, made a confec
tion Ills only excuse for the minder
was that MIhs Plnkelsteln ealltel hlin
"a dlity tilgget" and slappi d hlui In
the faei'
P Ixclimtp VMi-p from The wmUtcil t'rpf.
tlikaso, lb. '(! ltoy r'ampion, a woiKinan,
(blew i lislitid match In bairrl of eclliilold
nraH in tin- WankiKan mvin .tip (ntcrt or
It, MiUii, ,ind is n icttilt two vuniv uuim.n
t in lovce. utic biirm-d lo dcatli aid time ctlwr
icrsoM were Injured. Iho dcjil an llfrtiuilo
Well, asid '.'i. Jiiimo WtlU Jcd 1
Mi. Rockhill Heaid Fiom.
11 l.xclniire Win1 from Tlio Wiclateil l'tn
Wasblnstcm. l'ib M VIr. ltickhill wn lirjnl
(inn ti iliy fi i 11c lint time in hl c.ipullv
of ct i doctor i' the ruiiolhlloiH at Pi kin Ills
Mcsi,'i mcrch klitril tint he lud juiiiimiI
fhncte for tho ; idled ""tntCJ on Iho Sltli lint
Mr. f oiiKM tent lit lout inftagc vMcrdij II
In mid it tie htito department that Mr limit
hill nmalns hi tlio citwicll) of .pci lal com
. .
rieemnna Bankiupt.
hv kviliwier Whe hem Tl.e AmicUIciI I'ip.i
New oil . Uli Co. Vlarcm U liccinan, noir
snritan ami ticjniiT of a (licproof coiiktinc
Hon loinp.iiij in thl rttj, fllH a p.tlllon In
banliuplo in llio I'nitnl Male, cliitilit foul
tnilj), placln.- hU liiblllllK nt Alsi.Osii, with
limits of but J20 Iho 'Jn.t Natlonil banlv of
lUzkton li u cridltoi to tho extent ot fclO.Sll,
Senate in Executlvo Session.
Pr rxcluaho Who from The .Wclated PrcM
Whlii;ton leti SCI, The tenatc In cxeeulho n tontfcl t rnnhniifd all the nai noinln-i.
tlrns for pminotkn cent in. e',rpt 1lHe if
AillillriU summon and Schlri
Corrects False Reports That Have
Been Circulated Goncernlna
His Position,
The Cuban Patriot Does Not Favor
the Immediate Withdiawnl of
American Tioops He Realizes
That the United States Is Respon
sible for tho Establishment of a
Stable Government on the Island,
niut Is Cot tain That the Cubans
Will Be Flghtlnfr Ainonff Them
selves Within Sixty Days if the
Tioops Lenve ot the Piesent Time.
V KxiluiM- Wire fim Hi Vi.oiii nl l'ri
Havana, Feb. JiJ (Jenoial dome. s
Itid Uoieinor Ueneral Wood todav and
as.siiifd him that the stoiles of imiest
und dissatisfaction at the continuance
of the Pnltod States Intel ventlon who
fulse and he had been mlsu-pie-stnted
in statements to the ellect that
he lavoioil an liumedlato withdiawal
ol the United Hlntes tioops and abso
lute Independent e. If they withdtcw
now ho le.ucd bloodshed, be.vond doubt
Within sity elajs the Cubans would
be lighting among themselves (loneial
(icnuei added'
' If the Ameilcaiis wile to withdiaw
todaj. I would go with them ' Gome, fiiIiI h leio?
nl.ed the laet that the I'liltnl States
was icsponslble for the establishment
of a stable government In Cuba and
could not withdraw until such a e on
elltlon was btought about. The weak
of h Hiding over the teins ol govern
ment to the new lcpuhllc was an un
dei taking Involving mm h time and
laboi, and a huge amount ol Htudy
and epnleiice on the pail of the Cu
bans in tho wotk of bcll-gov eminent.
Oillcials Not Tiustwoithy.
The general also said tho element in
couttol ol the municipalities was not
working In the Intel est of the Island.
The olllciuls weie Inoxprileucod and
could not be given a fne linnd. Jt
would mean the dent taction ami lulu
atlon of the Island.
Ooneial 'Wood snld the gioatest elllll
cultv experienced v is in getting tho
clement Interested In municipal gov
ernment.". Ills purpose was to bilug
tho best element to the fiont. Tho
coming municipal elections would pivo
the way for the elections to bo held
under the law being dtawn
up by tho convention.
General Gome had no objee lion to
the outline of the lutuie relations be
tween the United States and Cuba as
Jecommcndcd bv the stnato of tho
United States. Ho thought, howovei,
that It would bo better for the United
States to leise land for naval stations,
instead of purchasing outtight.
The convention will discuss tho pn
poscd relations in secret sessions it
Is understood that a laigo majoilty of
tint delegates ato still unwilling to ad
mit tho right of the United States to
Intetvene In Cubi in tlmci of peace or
to establish naval stations.
United States Couit Holds That He
Is No Deseiter.
13 .elumte Win: fiom Tho vuclatcd Prcs
Philadelphia, Feb. 26 Leo Aleau
dtoff, ' un assistant siugeon of tho
Itusslan ciulser Vnrlag, who was at
tested as a deserter, was todav set
fiee by a decision ot the United States
court of appeals. Alexandroff came to
this eountty with a petition ot the
ctcw intended for the Vail.ig. while
that icssel was building at Ciampa
ship ynid.
Shoitly after his arrival, he took
out bin fhst naturallatlon papers,
anil was auested as a deseiter at the
instance of Captain Iteht, of tho ctul
sci. Tho surgeon appenled the case,
and claimed that as the A'ailag was
not in commission when he eamo bote,
be could not ileseit a ship that did
net ebt Piesldlng .Tudgo Dillasand
Judge Oipy decided that Alesandroa'
was not a deseiter, but Judge F.rad
foid dissented.
It is ptobablo the case will be tohen
to tlio United States Supreme court.
Steamship Anlvals.
h I xcIumvo Wlrcficm Hio Vwociatid Pr
cv oik, IVb, 20 rrlud: Lihloin,
OUhKOWi Soilthttalk, ntwcrp, Kalir Mil
helm Dcr fhoc, ltrriuen, "cmtli miitun and
flirboun;. Cliaicd. Oceanic, I.lieipool, Trie,
land, Antwerp; Itottirditii, Uottiiduii, New
AorV, South iinpton. Killed: I.ilm, Iliiimn da
Smitliainptiiii, f!eoi(:lr, Ilvcipool) ilauiuette,
I ondon nibraltar rrlcd: haWriu Sljru
lleiuiU, New WW foi Naplcf and Cmoa
llrcmen rrhul: kocnincn I ulj, Sew oik via
Southampton. Genoa .nivrd' Punt PUman-k,
.Sew crk U flibraltar und Xupli Vutntii
sallcil' W Mcrnlaiid, boulhiiiipi"ii ml Se
Voil,. ( In i hours Ariivcd: lVun.ihdnu, N.w
Veil, via Pljmoiilli foi lUmrwrg und pimenl
id) Plj mouth Silled: Crif WaMiiM-i. Iljm
bintr for Sew VmK I'culanil Hill -l'
PolwUin, in oik for Itotlenlim
Because She Would Not Elope.
I irhmic Wh from Tho v elated Pre
I)mlon, IVb. .27. llio Dill) thronklo till
nioniliif puhlUlie, under revne. .1 iiimor that
Iird hltcliriicr hu met I.011U Dulha to
urunge teimi for tho piureiukr of the Pieu
and that an armiake ot tenl) fmir houin v.ii
granted tho tlexr commindant Rrncial to enible
lilni to coiuult with tlio other coiumandanU.
Ac-cordlni; to tho Dally Chtonlrlo tho cabinet
ccuncll jutcrday condilcied thl new turn of
Piomotion for Butlei.
11 Kxcluthe Who from Tie Abodatcd I'if'i.
Wa.hlngton, I'eb. ?il Tlio pwddint tod 17
Kent to Iho fenilo the laino of Sinidler Hal
lliitim llutlcr, of Wctcliet(i, Pa, tor promo.
Hon f-om tllt lliutuunl of Iho mJlllic ciitpn in
Basis of Compromises Likely to Bo
fly I'vcliiibe Wire fioin The Aieoclalfi Trcs'.
Washington, Feb. 26. Tho conferees
on the luvenue lcduotion bill seem
Kiadiinlly to bo approaching an un
dcMtaiidlng and the indications now
nro thut nn agreement will bo ropoited.
II Is silel that tho senate conferees ato
willing to makci concessions In the mit
tei of the beer tax and tho tax on bank
(hecks, letalnlug both items as they
stood In the houxo bill. Uy lesloilug
the beer lax to JI.CO a banel, enough
revenue will be saved to pel mil of tho
abolition of the bank check tax.
A compiomlsQ bus been proposed in
the matter of (ho tobacco tax. The
l.otu'ij Is willing to let the additional
iiduetlon stand as ptoposed by the
gentile, but tho proposition Is to change
the legal sUe of package, o that only
the same number of packages to a
pound will be peimttted, us was tlio
ease befote the enactment of tho war
ii'Vonuo bill two years ago. The senatti
sec-tils likely to tarry Its point in tho
matter of tuv 011 Insurance politic.
That tax will not bo abolished alto
gether, as pioposid by the house. The
senate bill makes life Insurance com
panies puv i eeut oil each 'finO, and
llio and marine Iiisutanec company
pav otie.fotutb of 1 per cent, tho tax
to be paid dheetly by the companies
.mil not bv stumps
Tlieie will piobably be 11 compromise
on pioprletuiv medicines. The senate,
it Is said, will consent to a liotlzontal
tedtieilon In tho tax und will not lnsht
upon the clu lei ate schedule piepuied.
Theie is smile possibility that the en
tile tn nil be remitted
The Woist Disaster in the History
of Coal Minlntr lit Wyoming:
Since the Almy Disaster.
llv liuu'iif Wire from The Axodutcd PreM
Chejenne. Wyo., Keb. UC The worst
dl.istcr in the hhtoiy of coal mining
in Wyoming since the Almy horror
eight oain ago. declined at Dla
mondvllle last night. Thhtv-llvo men
ute bellevfd to have perlsheel In .1
Hie which started In mine No. 1, of
th" Plamondvlllu Coal and Coke com
P tuv.
Tin bluze vvas flist discovcied short
ly after the night shift commenced
woik. it Is thought to have originated
limn a careless miners lamp In the
edl 100111. The Ilmnes made such pio
gicsn that 1 only one man escaped
fiom the two uttb In which It ws
e 01 lined
His name is John Andeison and 1v
wn lilghtfullv buined tunning tins
guiutlet of tho Humes. He was sud
1I1 nly couliouted bv a wall of lite and
smoke, and, wiapplug hlt head In ,n
oveuoat, he ran in the elhectlon of tho
main entiaurc.
The tlrst Intimation tho miners in tho
fiber entiles had ot 0 lite was when
Aiideisoti came lushing Into tho upper
lovil, his clothing in flames. lie foil
unconscious and was carried to the
mouth of the mine. The alarm -was
rounded and bundled of miners at
unit In the mines and on the outside
lushed to the leseiie if their Impils
e.ncd connades Tho tiro had by this
t.tne made sin li piogiess that it was
Impossible to cute: tho looms of llamcs.
Plie rntiie night was spent In cnnlln
Ing tiie II 1 e to tho two entiles and tills
moinlng It was necessaiy to seal them
i.i to ptevent the Humes from spresel
.ng to othci pails of tho mine. This
'tip was only decided upon after all
holies of saving tho lives of the men
had been fib indoncd. Nothing could
Hvu live minutes hi the fire, which
was Inci easing In fietccness eveiy
nihiiite. Tito plURhlng of the two en
tiles will btuothcr tho flte. but it may
be several elajs befote the Kin hades
can be icmoved and the ihumbuts ex
ploted The f.ic t total of tlie men entombed
Is not jet known, ns a number aiii
missing, some on sick leave and others
In the hospital suffoilng fioin but its
tecelved while lighting tho llames, so
that 1111 accurate count is at ptcseiU
Impossible. Tho mine Is. owned by tho
Oivgoit Shoit Line lallioad. Its out
put is about 175,000 tons of coal per
vcar. and upw.uds of "00 miners aro
Empeiov to Return to Berlin to Cele
brate Its Aninveisary.
ft; I uluthc Wlro fiom Tl.o A 01 1 atd Pte.t
Cronberg, Feb. t'C Ihnperor William
will return to Ileilln today In order to
bo with tho emptess upon the unnl
versaij' of their wedding, which occurs
toinoiiow Her majesty Is detained in
Me'illn, owing to the indisposition of
her daughter, tho Ptlncess Victoria
King Udvvnid, by spvlnl leciuest of
his sister, tho Dowager Unipicss 1'ied
eilck, will lenialn until Satin day. Uni
Titess Ftceleilck took an airing In a
wheel ehnlr today, King Udward walk
ing by her side.
King ndward, It Is learned, will re
turn to Ungland on Satin clay.
Result of a Quarrel Between Two
Colotod Men.
llv l' lu.iie Wire from fl.c Aj 1 tiled lie.'
Philadelphia, I'eb. 2i5. John Cnales,
who, It Is alleged, was shot four times
In fiout of his homo on Satuiday night
bv Ihigcno Clements, died today.
Clements is In pilson. Coutes nml
Ci inents aie coloiocl.
It Is said they fitianellcd because ot
an Insult ofteied to Clements' wife by
Coates. When tho woman told her
husband of tho alleged Insult, Clem
ent Is said to have aimed himself, and
gone in peaich of Coates. A, tho lat
ter eamo out of his house, ClPnumts
Is said to hhvo shot hint.
VandeiHp Resianb.
11 I vchuhe Wire from Ihc Aoclitfd Prct,
WaditiiRtnu, I'eh. 10. rho ruisnatlon ol Hun.
trunk A. VauderllPi avlitaiit Ktrctaty of the
lioaui, wan aniiouncid to tho department t
day tu take rflcst upon tho nullification of hit
1.111 cew.01 , tot Uter thin March s
Like Mr. Cameron He Will Seek the
Unification ot Pennsyl
vania Republicans.
The Ex-Lieutenant Governoi Has
Announced Both In Washington
and Hnirlsbuifr That He Is nn As
pirant tor Gubematoilal Nomina
tion His Strength May Depend
Largely Upon the Disposition of
the Rlppei Bill In Any Event Ho
Hopes to Pose ns a Pence Commis
sion Aid of the Quiet Worker Is
Looked Foi.
pcchl hum a Stilt Coirf-.poiiikiii
H.irrishuig. Pa.. Feb in 1;. Lieu
tenant Oovernor Louis A Walres, of
Scranton, ! uu aspirant foi the Ruber
iiitotial nomination. lie announced
this both In Washington and Harris,
burg today hike ex-Senator Comet on,
ho will have as the cential pl-ink In
his platfonn the unlflcttlon of the
Pennsylvania Republicans' lie has
lecelved ussiitaute of the favoi of the
Insurgents, without solicitation or
price, and is now out igtli all engaged
In peeking lor his candidacy 'the up.
proviil of prominent stalwarts who aio
fleet to act independently of tho Kl-Itlns-Stono-Durham
combine, und who
have dcclurcd for a cessation of fac
tional hostlllltes Congiessman WIN
llnm Connell, who has declaicd for
peaco lepeutedlj, and e.Scnator
Thomas V. Cooper, who has been lead,
ing the levolts against certain alleged
Quaj' bills and fosteilug the guberna
torial candidacy of cx-Senatot Cam
eron, are among the men In this cate
gory. Colonel Watres' friends nio giv
ing solemn assuianres that no faction
will rontiol him IC he Is governor and
that If elected ho will bend his hest
eudeavoirt to the r rd.' term'natlou
o' Intet neclne stilfe
A Pence Commi?slonei.
Should the ripper bill be defeated
Colonel Wnties will be a veiy formid
able candidate, it would mean that
the stalwarts would probably find
themselves In n position where It would
be expedient to have denllngs with a
peace commissioner, and ns Colonel
Watics lias been shiewdly shaping his
political eoutse. for j'ears with an eje
to this very thing, he would be, so It Is
flgiird, in a position to oiler himself ns
the ungel of peace. Theie ate a num
ber of the most effective of the cpilet
workeis among the state politicians,
who. while disclaiming uniiilthfulnes&
to the "Old Man," as Senator Quay Is
affertlonitely dubbed, are making no
effort to deny the accusation that they
1110 not allied with the Stone-F.lkln-Duiham
wing of tho organization, and
two of these men, ex-Stato Chairman
Andtewn and Captain J. C. Delanej',
both of whom secured votes for Qiiaj'
dutlug the orgoni7ation, aio lighting
the tipper. Colonel "Wanes stopped
off he lo today on his waj' home fiom
Washington where he had an Intel view
with Congiessman Connell. lie came
up on tho train which brought Sena
tor Quay heie. As far as could be
learned he baw only thiee men in Ilar
rlsburg, they were Captain J. C. I)o
laney, Senator J. C. Vaughau and Itop
fsentatlvo P. A. Pbllblu.
Should ("Icucial Elklu lecelve the
nomination lor genet nor, the Insur
gents will suppoit ex-Governor Paul
son The Democtats In tetitin will help
"Haron" WIdonor to defeat fiovetnor
Stono foi tho senate and Join with the
insuigeniB In securing tho contiol of
tho legislature for "Hill" FII1111. Con
Jectiiio as to Colonel Wnties' position
In this event would be uuw&nanted.
T. J. Duffj.
Ml.... 1 . ....l.-
She Finnishes Eight Columns to the
Peoria Journal.
liy HicViuhe Wire Imo Tho uoclitul l're.-
l'roili, HI. lib 2e. Mr. Cirrie Nation vvu
In cbanrn of the Journil hero toda. Her con
tllbuUorm te tho piper con.Uted o( f-ight col
utrns of nlitorlilf. and an ai count of lin ecu
.ado iin'.iliut "jointu "
Mrs. N-illcn M1 in Iit leading idllotUl' "I
lao nceer hurt a hair on Iho ln.ul of uy
held brothers the saloonlaepci., and Jirju.. for
pllj's i.aV.e, nunc of Hum ever lll ecu in th
vmi of my liitehci for It kom du.dliil rvikle
when it Hies 1 round uihlni: that uhkli inur
cler men" X attempt as male b) Mi Sn
(ion to liandh) tho .Klvrrtising rpaec an I whl.
Ir advirtbenicnlb (Illnl neecral pigtn
"One-Eyed" Connolly Insane,
fly Ficbulva Wire from The Aisociat.d Pc
New ork, I'eb SO-Jame. better Iinrmii m
"One rid" Connolh, knomi all our the
country to sporting men, wai tixla ccuunit
ted tu tho kiugrf count) Iruuio ai.eluui Moll
cal rpert dichir.1 bo n iiilUiInu from an
IhuiuMe foi m of alcoholii ilmuutl.i
Sensation Expected,
Ily Ilsclnshe Who frcm The A.oclateil Prciv
New York, 1 tl. Sel-IUdiict Mlomey Phil
bin tn'd a reKiter tint aftemoon that tomor
row U to bo a biff clay in hi otflce. He Mid
there would be a kood deal of eeiwitlonal dcui
in the matter of the cnuide cliirt vice,
Weather Indication Today,
srvow rLunrtiKB couoeit.
f'ejiiral fenator tjiuy Unqualifiedly In Vavor
of tho ltlppcr Pill,
f olcnel Ij. A. W'iIim for (loternor. flomei l'cara llluoddicd.
llepiitieiitithe Intr "sjulngs Another Sen.
ration In thu Iloti'c
Cuicral Cailondale Uefuitment.
CSe-hvnd Senitor (Juay In I'avcr cf the Hip
per Hill (ConckiJed)
Notu and UommoM
iiineral Kflort for Mining l.e$li.htlnn
Senate Aurora to a Clianse In lliei Atniy fie
orKonlratlen Hilt
Loeil P. .f Lainfrn TolN How to Handle
Mr Ilrakes.
SpOtU Of Vll SO!!
loeal-loliii Cthboiti I I'rled Pi evident of
the Hoard of Conttol
Mile MlIN Jlay He Moird from lhl City.
IkkjI West Vranton jnd Subiirbiti
(Jemral Ncrtiienterti I'euiujlv atila
1 ind Commercial
10 lii ll-I.he Vmih of the IndUKlnal World
Di&astei Neni Goshen, Indiana Cars
Fall Down an Embankment.
Many Aie Injuted.
iosheii, lad., Feb. ?C I'usse nger
train Nn. , on the Wnbash l.illroad.
which left Hulfalo 1.1st night and
which was scheduled te arrive in Chl
cngo this moiulng. wan wiecked two
milt h west of Millet bin g at 1)3. a.
111. todav. The nee ident was caused by
a bioken rill. The engine1 passed over
the bi (ink In safety, but the six caifi
following Wt the t ills and one of
them, the iear Pullman, rolled over
on Its side und slid down a tvvcuty-flve-foot
1 111I1 tukment.
Of the foi tv or mote passengers In
the tialn, not 0110 escaped Injury,
twelve being seveielv hurt, some ot
whom will ptobablv die.
The lallio.iU oillcials were piompt in
securing medical aid and In a short
time sutgi mis vvem hmrvlng to the
sceno ot the wieek on special trains
fiom every available point In North
ern Indiana. The Lake Shore ofllrlals
made up a special train and nlso car
llecl doetois to the icllef of the ln
Juied. The little hotels at Milleusbuig and
Penton, several miles fiom th scene
of the wreck, weie turned into hospi
tals. Xo deaths are thus far leported,
but some of the injuied -ate in a criti
cal condition.
The crew of the tialn escaped In
1111 v. The list of the tnluied follows;
.1. M W dMiilcy, tuvillntr 11 an, Unffalo, head
and fice cut.
Mi .lull a Collie, lJotlii -lev. .N. 1 , lead, back
and rliviilclcm bidly cnppVd
tohn llloiiikriil, ChlcaKO, head hurt, aim broken.
MIm Annh) VfcDouiId.' Viiarondi. Mont ; lnek,
liead und aiiiw niured,
Henry lurrclike, Wllkr-Mure, Pa, held and
handc and leg hurt,
Alralnm lcmlei, Oiotnn, li , hint ibout held
1'rcd I' Potlci, south PiUoti; head and bick
Daniel Vf. Tlarcn, fjnaid, Meat , held aid bacs
A (' smith, Ilonvct head cut and s'uojldor
f lailn lloifirt, Chatham Oi.l . rjr, head ind
.hoitlUr hurt
W. Ij. CciiiIm, W ihiniton, I) C, liead, amu
and shoulder tadlv crippled
John A borimer, f hlcairo; les. briuvil
Jlrb. Tinilinir, hurt Intcinill, will die.
Mra 1', 1 barbel, liilcifco; hjelc injuieii
C W Plank, lto.ton: nit about head.
Cuoizp W Uoici, Ilolon: briilae ai.d ipi i.nv
T Kitting, lV.icca, Minn : im 0 and hack
hint, fotiou.
I'. M firo8min, Chlrii,oi lurk badlr hurt.
I A SiHCTiitn. hatiRiinan n Eiln rrad
Iter. .1. V, Vand. rllp Ilinom. kuri-j.
Convicted the Second Time foi Same
Hi ixchHii- War frtm lh hccialed Prenv
Philadelphia. Feb Jti Thf) Jinv In
the ease of Divld S Ogden. who has
been on ti la) In the Fulled State s Dis
trict tout 1 charged with Mol.itlng the
oleoinatgatlni' laws, today returned a
verdict of gulltv Judge) MiFhersoti,
pending a motion for a new tilaj, ele
funed sentence
This Is tho second time cidtn has
been convicted tor the saiuo offense.
He was convicted at the lnt term of
couit. but seemed a new ttial. After
the vet diet hi the Hist tilal It was
btought to the attention of tho court
thai the Jury, while In capsulation, had
lead accounts of the tilal, and a now
Irlul was Miinted.
ogden Is tho proprietor of a grocery
stoio In this city, and was ehaiged
with selling oieomaigarlii" in un
stamped packages.
Passenger Committee Meets.
Bv Fatluiite Wire front fhei sciali'd Pre.i
N'ift' "orl, l'ib, 20 A meclins of thu trutilt
lino paiwiiirir eonimlttee waj held in the ntrtci
rf tlio Tciink line iMoclatlon tcdir. It vraa
thought that Iho icvliion of the differential!! of
tlie Vallej and lucliawanna nuU would
be reicluil, but Conmilulonor Parmer (aid the
rcmmllon did not get Hut far Ho said that
lUflcloiii leaihcd in i-mie te-s iniicrtatit nutt.rj
would be mide public on 'lhunnl.11
Spaiu's Ministeilal Ciisis.
U f'velutli ' Wire from The tworlated l'n
M11I1II, l'ib 26 1 leitte natit (.eneril
rairi. fonually prrentcd the iM.iiutlui 01 the
cabinet todaj M thu eiuecn rciciiit, nhv In
lorniiJ him that lie veouhl innfir ulth the
rrrideiit .nul totmer president ct Iho nennte
and chamber ot deputie and Willi tho leaden
of the) minorltltf, hcelmilnif tnnoirnw It la
bdlevcd that tho ministerial iiUIk "III lc sohed
1 rldav.
By ttclu.tvc ire fron Tho tfjoclatel PrtiJ.
Philadelphia lob. Jft -Mr. Hallon Door, for
nun) )cars patt tho curator of MvmoiUl lull,
in i ilrmcunt pail, died today, after a reck'j
illneM from piuumonii. Mr, Poor aj the liit
(tuv lv Ing ton of tho Hrv, Pr. lleujamln Poor, a
piomlnent 1'phcupallan ckrfinan ot tliU city
llaltlmore, I'eb. Sfl. William .1. HcManin,
famom ai n arctrt service rietcctlro in the
employ of the United Slate government, dl I
thU afternoon In bl, louph'a bo it. I, lnl
city, from rompltcalloti of,
Senator Quail Declares Himsclt Un-
nuallllcdlu In Favor ot tlie
Inuenlbronncr Measure.
Rnpudlntea tlio Ballot Reform Prop
osition ns a Quay Measure, and
Saya That He Will Favor Any Bill
That 'Is Acceptable to tlio People.
Insurgents Claim lUpnerltes Aro
Shy Twenty-Four Votes The
Democtats Hold a Caucus and Vota
to Oppose tho Hipper and Fochfl
Ballot Law.
prclil from Stiff Correspondent.
Harrlsburg, Pa., Feb. 2C Once mom
the air is full of "rlppor." but llttlea
news of a deiinlto nature Is at band,
other than that Senator Quay arrived
here this afternoon and declared him
self unqualifiedly In favor of the
Muohlbronnnr bill, "ripper" and atl.
Senator Quay, Governor Stone, At
torney Genoial r.lkln and Insumnca
Commissioner Durham spent tho after
noon at the executlvo mansion sizing
up tho pro-rippcr strength. Tonight
the doubtful ones are being brought
In and reasoned with.
Tho insurgents claim that tho rlp
pei ites ate shy twenty-four votes.
P.eptesentatlvo Hitchcock, Uio lcadur
of tho Schuylkill county delegation,
declares that ho Is against the "ripper"
and that hli throo col!eaguoi nro alno
disposed to voto against it,
Senator Quay would say nothing as
to the status of tho "ripper." "I hiive
only como on tho ground. Ton know
more about it than I do," -tvas his re
joinder to the direct question eia to
what he thought of tho chances of -the
"ripper" being pass;d.
The bill t, 111 probably b reached on
the second tending calendar tomorrow,
but It Is possible It will go oer till
next week. This w III depend In a groat
measure on how tlio noses count up In
the morning.
Quay Dlsownn Focht Bill.
Senator Quiy created somewhat of
ft ripplo by ileidarlng tonight that ho
know nothing whatever ot the Focht
ballot icform bill which the anator
from Union claimed had the endow
ment of tho otganlzatlon.
Senator Quay sas lie has not seen
the bill and lepudlates It u a Quay
measuios. if tho Republicans do not
produce a meastuo which will bo ho
ceptable to the peoplo Senator Quur
sajs ho will be in favor of any other
measure that does.
Domociutlo niembeis of the hous
had a caucus tonight In the Dolton and
voted to oppose tho "lipper" and tho
Pocht ballot law. Tho attendance) fig
ures were not given out. Tho Insut
geuts caucused on the "ripper" and, of
course, declared against it. They nisei
declared at the conclusion of tho cau
cus that all tie Ir members) ticim hi
bnet fxcepting tho two -who publicly
gave out (statements In lta favoi.
Mayor Moir's Work.
Major James Molr and A-;Iluat
City Solicitor David J. Davis aro hcroj
working In favor of tho Muehlbronner
bill. The fact that Mayor Moir, with
out any rissurnnco or being appointed
recorder. Is ligorously favoring st
nieasuio which will tin him out ot
olllce, Is serving as an Impresslvo ob
ject lesson of tho dlro need of Scran
ton for the Immediate passage of a
complete todo ot' fcecond-claso city
In a statement to Tho Tribunes core
spondent, which was eagerly nougiu
by all the pto-rlpper papers, Mayor
Moir said ' If I had any assurance ot
being appolnteil recorder theio would
bo a constant danger of that fact leak
ing out and thut dinger would stand
ns a bar to my taking an actlvo and
open part In advocating the passage ot
th 'ripper,' for ciiould tho discovery
lomn that I was making misrepresen
tations, my efforts would hnvo n.
boonieiang effect. Therofoie, when t
say that X am ptomptcd to urge tho
passage of the Muehlbionnen" bill noa
through any selfish motlvo but by dm
sincere belief that Scranton must havo
this act, and have It at once, I expect
my statement to bo fully ctedltcd by
anv man who thinks.
"I make this prefatory explanation
In anticipation of my motives being
Impugned by the antl-rlppeiltes. I clu
not want to as trying to at
tarh undue Importance to the position
T take in tho matlei, but If, ns thei
friends of the tneasuio hi Scranton say,
m.v publlo ndvocaev of the bill would
bo effectlw, I want thnt my action
shall lose uono of Its effect by belnu
tortured at th bauds ot tho opposi
tion Need of a Cliartet.
"It has now como to such a pa-
that Scranton cannot stop to discus
(( 1 illumed en rjee 1 I
a, ..
4- WaiMn&ton, Prb. 2(1. I'oreea.t for VM. ,
nenliy and lliui(la,i : TaMmi I'cnrail- -t-1
vinli Pair Wedi.enlar, eveept moer -
fhirrln in mom till di.tricu. colder et
-4 lliuiuhn lib. lu.-k n rtliwcMirlc wind.
'AH '