,-f. m4&RT"QMi( 8 THE SC11ANTON' TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2G, 1001. BARGAINS I Carpets j A j V A IMC? Draperies JnnHjjSMallac j Wall Paper Furniture j IQT. "S TJPJ T- .. -- ! I I ! . X vWING to our constantly increasing trade we are compelled to enlarge our retail I vJ warerooms, and as our spring business will open within a very short time we have determined to cut prices deeply throughout our entire stock. We do this to make X X room for new goods arriving daily. On all remnants and patterns we do not care to X X duplicate we make prices that shrewd buyers will take immediate advantage of the opportunity now presented. Goods stored free of charge, CARPETS We call special attention to this1 superb line of $1,00 $1,00 the yd (lie yd CARPETS Suitable lut all dasses ot furnishing. Iventy-lie juUcrns, value 51.50. now $1.00 yard. $1.00 yard Willi bniuVrs to match. $1.25 $1,20 RUGS Choice line lloial and Oiicntiil designs, well worth $2.00, now $1.25. $1.25. The best Hug value ever olfered in Scranton. 129 Wyoming Avenue 11 NEWS OF THE LABOR WORLD GETTING HEADY TO BUILD THE BIG SPIKE MILL. Cold Wcathei Has Gieatly Impeded the Trogicss of the Work Wntcn Examinations on the Lackawanna Rond The D L. & V. Board for Today Crews of Lehigh Valley Freight Tialns Must Inspect Cais Whenever a. Stop Is Made Phoe nix Mine Resumes Operations. Tin wink hi' cxiavathiH: lor tin- twin il.illonn ul' tlu lilfi' lulling mill ami plku t.ictoty tu in' envied in tlu Key Mr Valley li Tlnimi's iV Hccht, nC Brooklyn, X. ' lint, Ivi'ii Impelled a icnt ileal y the rold weather, lmt It N expected that, within another woil. I'lintiai'tor 11. (J. T,il' ulm hiiw the untr.ict lor tin1 woik, will ! nolo tu nun tho lUPinlsi's over tu I'mitractui' .Mttliloon. who will build tin- founda tions. Tin-- louuiUtlonH. ulti-ii iiiit started, ill tint take wry many tuvK to HiilMi, ami it Is pmb.ilile that by April 1 tin- at tii.il 111 Is nl i-rcrtlnu tin-litilldlns-f piuper can In- oiminii'iK'i'd liv .Mlllliciln & .Hldsc, who liuvu Hci-uii-t this tlilnl nml most iinpnitnnt mnttui t if all. .Ml th litdldiUKH. with tin- -1 option of 0110 or two or thi' Mll.illui' iiiii'.i, will ho lU'fiami' ((institution and nin 1)0 put tip In about lx or elitlit weeks. Mcs.sic. Tlininew iV lli'dit e poct that tlio.v will have lb" wlioli I'lant lully cijnippfd and icud for ar tho operation by Kipti-uibfr I at tin lateM. JIr. llerht has for foiiii wcvI.h imu been jicinianentlv istulillhlied in tliK illy and Is personally supervising thf woik which 18 liehiK doiii'. lit W aim iievotliic a lat'KO putt of his thin to thf puicliar.o of thi' I'labmati' innulilii iiy nect'fchary to uiulp tin- plant. D., L. &"W. Bomd. The fnllowluK iR tho iiiaUo-iiii or thu 1 , U mid AV. lionvil for tndiiy: 'MOND.W. rCillll'MIV "i. Wild Tata. i.'sst-H p. in . n ntRer.ilU. In p. II , T. J, TllOlllLnlll. iL'n.vY, iriim au -jo. Wild Cat, r.Jt 1?.!1 a. in.. II. (iillih-Kii .'. .i. in., I). W.dlic-o; i .i. in.. l rtl7utrii . 6 !. in., 3. II. McfJiin: ii a m, A. .1. Miliim. Mil; 7 a. in., M. .'. IkimUati: . ' m., A. i.. lhiinnltt; 1H :i. tu. . Laltiiiiii. ulili II. I. I.n Mil' Mni ll.tal a in., l. Ilantliiltili; I l p. n- , J. II. bwartai K.lj p. in.. 1'rink Wall; 1 Ij p. n , J. W. lVii.o; ii p. in. .1 llnihli.tll t-uiiimlU, Klc 1 a. hi., "'I. lapio (jinn.; ('. p m.. fatt, .1. Iklililfali 7 a. in , wiM, liioiii I louiilrlkrri Da. HI.. k' W II Miliol,, 7 p. in,, cast from iy Autr, IMwaiil Mi Mll.tori 7 p. in., Ct Irom t'.iiii;a, tluoo, i nulm. MiLiih'; 7 p. 111., west tioui L'iiu',"., Iiiuli.i I'lillcr 10 a. III., V. K. -woi l'uh"r--S n. til., Il'iavfri ll.ui i m, Mmui; 7 p. in.. Murphy; 0 p. m., 1.4'nplnv . I'assi user I'ngtntt 7 a. m . f:.ifiiiy: 7 J. P ., H nirrr; '''' ! m. Stanton; 7 p. in,. MrfftoMlu. Wild I at, Yt 4 a. tn , .1. I.. Masttu) 'i ii, in., K oionnor, wiin laiiiairH iiion; o a. in, l. 1 1 ict'iT ly ; 8 a. m., .Mm lialuu'Jii! 11 a in., A. Krlcham; 1 p. m., J. Mo-ln, 'J p. in., W. A, lljriliiilciniw; a p. r.i., I'. (.j.ti.i-r: p. in., .1 ,l, O'llara; ' i in., John tatir: ! p. m., I lniwl, wlili II. Hjlii'ity't mm. Mnirr:. luiilurlnr I .1 Dull) uiiil crew nil! run pnl: M tiiiiiuii'iKliiK ((lm.ila., tlu '.'7th, until , fur t'irr imtii i'. t'oii'lmtor .luliii Mil u and new will run 3.IJ p in, Tiikt fitl.'lit Wiiluwlay, lliii '.'Ttli, mid until furlhrr nojlio, In plain of V. I'. W'aifd llll'l IIIW, UraUuMii I i 1.- will mil at tiiilnniaitd' (! IliaUnwii -l"liii Uj,'UII mil su nut v. I 111 I'rank '.i;l ui; uiL,, DRAPERIES t'npieceJented bargains in single pairs of High C TAPESTRY CURTAINS $2.00 Pair Ihesegoods aie from our lcgulai 54.00, 5.00 and $6.oo lines, and are all in desirable coloiiivA? and choice designs. LUCE CURTAINS We offei all single pair lots Renaissance Brussels Irish Point Nottingham al Half Price. Ml two and three pair lots at a traction of their value. $2.00 Pair Half Price Half Price WILLIAM! xj - ij - ixxxiiak vx iixvaxjli uxjx x Avenue t WILL BE For the Final He-Marking of We shall re-open Thursday morning witli prices lower than ever, which means that all goods will be sold far below the cost of manufacturing. It will be to your advantage to avail yourselves of the startling bargains we shall offer. We have a big surprise in store for you. Great Receiver's Sale of the Gallen Stock 225227 Lackawanna Avenue. East-Bound Tinck liulli'tlu i nun Ahnudoued. SltpHllllti llll tit Ki'iliimi. ut IIiiImiUiii .liiiiiiiin I. ,n kiiMimnii li .iltiiiuti Unit ill Imuiid main tini'U uiri tlii I j in '.IS'-.l .ii uii- luldui' at l.j iidliuis, h.ts in ii ilniii'il. Thu imli'i' iii. illi-iilv Siituiduy. Hie itt -Ijnuinl iiiiiiu tun k Ili'lllU HOW lilt illlll MJIVKl. 1'l.lUlllt.Ml will In' luuiti'il ni i-ncli I'tnl ni' thu IuI'Iki tn mni'i'ii tin- iiiiivuuii'iits uf l in In.--. I'util all fin ilii'i' iiuiK nil tiuhm will Mop li'fmi' ciossInm; this In ltltt. and lint iiinrui'il until thi' iuitr sln.il Ih Klvi'ii Iiv ill.- Hivlti li-ii'iidi i. About Tininmen'H Wntcheb, 'I'lu' attpiitliiu ni I.ui'kiiwiiuua.ti.ilii nml 1'iinliu' men Imu Ihm-ii I'lilli-d Uy Jilvlslim SuiK'ilnti'iHlnnl Ulno to tho l'liiuvriurili lu thi' Ki'iit'iul hiiDi'ilntond--ulV I'ifi ulap No. 1!!, ni .latiunry 'J, l'.ioo, rolatliiK to w'utcli .ntnliiutl(ini. All (.'iiK'Inf nml tniluuii'ii, In uddition to tin.- l'i'KUlur iiiaitctly pxitinluiitlmi innsi htilmili tliolp watcli."- to tin- In. Hpeetor woiMtly for I'otupiiilhon wllh thv Hlaudaiil tltni'. TIiIh Ih dntii' In oiilur that tt i oi oul may ht ni.uli- ni the tutlntr oi' tin- nn'ii'8 wiiuIu-h. .ur- i'1'iil Inst.inii'H hiivi' hfen jopiirti'd Wllt'ie tllLKI' IllHtllK'l Illlll llciv t lint ll"'ll cninpllpfl wllli This, and Thrtt. Supi'i luti-iuluut Keith, the new Miiier. Illtiilldunt of thlH (Uvlhlon of the l.elilfrll Vulley, Inns Udttcd ordci'H thai all ad vorllHlnir except that ln'i'talnliiK to thu laiHlnehS of tho company, Hli.ill be ie moved from the depot walls. Employes of thu paHseuKer depart ment of tho LehlKh Valley must wear bltto uniforms with Iiiuhh bttttotis. Tho order alHOflpeclllcH that they shall wear wlillo linen RlilrtH and colling black band ttca nnd black Bhoes; tan or rus set belnff burred entirely. On Saiiiuluy for tho ilrst time since tho Twin Bhuft dlmiHter ut 1'lttntoii Junction,. In which Hfty-elKht men lost their lives, cual wan taken from tho WALL PAPER We place all small lots from our wholesale and retail de partments in tliis special sale at go-quick prices. WALL PAPER Choice line of Floral Tapestries Stripes Burlaps Ingrains (iilts Uiintr (lie size of Your Itoom About fifty odd lots of Dec orated iVloulding in all sizes and colors at less than half price. 3c Up 3c Up Price IYIDULDINGS Pl1ce Mr: A NTT. TV OUR STORE CLOSED portion of the mine in whlih the dis aster oi'ctllltd. It wax Inollk'llt out nlnnK a tunnel pleriins it false strata. V ('luui",!' hits been made In the fieri iil fotfe ut the .Mt. Lookout colliery of the Tetnpli lion mmpany at WjhiuIiik' riank Mead, who wax tiansfer.-ed limn the llabylon colliery at Duryea a ear up muie uko, has been ptomoteil from the Mt. Lookout colliery in the inula olllce of the company at Scran ton. After a year' idleness tho l'hoenlx inlii" of tlie Seneea Coal company, Duryea, in iiRaln beliif- worked and the coal Is ImjIiik taken In tlie Itiivluu bleaker, 1'iiper Clltftoit, lliiiiugli the Twin Minl't, a Ioiik' tunnel lomiectliiK tip' nilnes. The water whlih ilooilod the 1'hoeulv. caused by a (-ettllntf of the Mil-face of the llallstead, has been taken out. Notices hint bieii posted, calling l.ackaw'auua emidoyes' attention to the fact that lectures will be Riven undei the auspices of the International ('oiiesnondeitLO Sihools, on the In spection aiu! handling: of nlr luakes, diirliiK tl'H teniulnder of Kebuuiry. Mat cli and April, at Jhtrfalo, Llmlra, Iliillhteail, Sciaiitoti, IloboUeu, Syia- ctiKo, ft tea anu oswejfo. A new otder on tlin l.i'hllt Vallej makes It a duty of frelnlit roiultlctoiM In inspect their tialns whenever the unlit stops for water or fur such a leiiRtli of time as will allow an Inspec tion. Tho conductor and head brake man lliut-t feel every cui journal Willi their hands and must take note ot tho ttuck llgRlng;. Iteporls of these inspec tions innxt bo made complete. This llilo is made to miard against acci dents ailshiK from hot or btoken Jour nals, which have caused Ktvnt expeno and daster on the road of late. Wllkcs-llane Iteeord. Fatal Fire in London. ISy Km India Wire trcni TI10 Anioclatril Pi , London, IVb. 23. A Pro In 11 mMum tuulnl in tlio piicr cjiuiKr or lUrtnliigliuiii IihIj.v U'.iillnl In .It mm ami omm ln'Iour , !u nf 1 In !-Jth uii'l four dangd-owly liuml, FURNITURE ? We will offer our entire stock of High Class, Up-to- Date Furniture It will X At special prices pay you to buy now. Brass Beds Parlor Strifes Rockers Reception Chairs All our bedding is made to our special order and we show a complete line of- iMattresses.fillows, Springs, X Etc. Save money by buy- ing now. 129 ; Wyoming X DNESDAY the Stock. LITTLE WAIt AT PHITOBEUT. Haytlnus nnd Dominicans Indulge in a Skiimish on Northein Frontier. It," nvclulv Wire frniii Til? Asioiiu, d l'rr. Cape llaytlan, Haytl, Feb. 2,1 (via llaytian cable). - A skirmish has taken place between thu Jlaytlans anil Do minicans at rhllnbcrl, on the northnrn Irontler. A parly of llayllans were .suddenly attacked by a number of Do minicans. Tlie Haytlan consul at De John sought lefiiite t Ouualniltliante, Haytl, about live miles from the fron tier. Tho Dominican consul at Cape Hay tlan ha recovered orders from his government to lepnlr Immediately to the scene of the disturbance and en deavor to put an end to the lighting and caus-e the Haytlan consulate D.ij. abon to be tespected. SMALLPOX AT HAKRISBURQ. It Is Ordeted That All Childien Be Vaccinated. Uy i:iclude Wile (rem '1 li AiwiUtcd Piii Harilsbiirg, Fob. ;.'. Tho bo.tid of eontinl Issued an older today reoulr lnn nil jiubllu school chtlilren In liar ilsburi," to be vaccinated. There are nine eases of smallpox lu the idly pest house and there Is guivo (hunter of tin dlseai-o spt fading. A iil)ll of the Hluh school Is tho latesi patient to be admitted to the pest liotide. Theie Is also iv ease lu Slecl ton. Genetal Petioff ReslgnR. r,.i' lliihirh Wlrf (roil Tlie Assoclatnl l'rox 'iiifla. IliilirnrlJ, 1'tli. SV Urneul 1'iltolt ' ic.'ln ti'iiiltiul tlie rifl.TiiJtloii ot t It- ialiliii'1, nijliisr lie Ull not, nulor Jiiy con.liliutiou, n nuill ill officii ami ikret H" 'iliHlJe. Theater Destroyed by Fire. Ily llxiluilio WI10 Irom Too ,forlatel I'rcti ("ataiilj, Mill), l'eli. 31. Tho Cadagnoh tlie. aicr wiw dr.liiijid liv fire lau nlclit. 'luo per, miii uiiii Mllid ami 111 in J "iro voiimlcJ, Special Dfifjflnfl Special Prices DbUU III Prices : A Bargain Opportunity in Black Goods Sale Opens Monday Morning- and will continue until tha goods are sold. 1,000 yards of Cheviot Serges , and Armures, in three qualities, 44, 46 and 50 inches wide. A strictly all wool range of fabrics that have never been sold under 75c a yd Marked For Quick Selling at 50 Cts. CONNOLLY & NEW YORK HOTELS. kvvlArivvWVVVVAAAAAAAVA'VVNAAA MN WESTM1JSSTEK HOTEL Cor. SUteenth tt. tnJ Irlnt I'lice, NEW YORK. American Dsn, $3.60 prr day and np-rd. Europrm Plan. Sl.GO per day and upward. I. D. CHAWFORD, rroprltor. Broadway, 5th Avenue and 27tli Street, NEW YORK European Plan lu the crtitre of the tlicip piug and theatre district. Absolutely Flreprool A Modern I'lrtt-cUss Hotel Comnlete In all Hi iippmnt. merits. I'urniihtncs and decorations new tluough out. Accommodations forsooBUestsii.sosultcswitli D.Uhs. Hot and cold water and telephone in cery room. Cuisine unexcelled. GEORGE W. SWEENEY, Prop. f--"f't-f'"'-"t"t"t""t'-f X For Busluess .Men 4- In the heart ot th wholcsal 4. . district. T I'or Sliopjicrs T 3 minutes' wall: to Wnnainnkirs; -f X S minutes to Slctd Cooper's Ulj a, Btori. Uasy of access to the areac Dry Qoodn Stores. I For Sightseers 4 One block from B'way Cam. ilv- 4. Inp easy transportation to all "" J points ot Interest. I HOTEL ALBERT I X NEW YORK. - Tor. 11th ST. A UNIVnitStTT TU 4. Only one Block from Broadway. -f- X Rooms, $1 Up. vilhL t f'f-'-f'f-f-f-f-f-----f-f-f'f-' Fast Time to Salt Lake CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY JSJO CIIANCP, of ens ia Chicago Union Pacific and North -Western Line; all meals in dining c.irs. Faster thau any other route. Trains leave Chi. rago 0,30 p. m. and 10.30 . m, etcry day. Tourist tickets arc sold at all prominent .iRcncic the jear lottnd. Call on any agent for tickets or addrcbs 4S1 Irtdlnwj, JV.w ro.,V35 Yh St , Cincinnati SO! Cntt St.,fhllatllenlci C07 SuiltWId 81., Plttiivrg 36SIVoMjtl l.,eoilon;J Evptrh-kt., Clutlumi SO) Mil St., Kuffiht7Can't)ufthrtiui,Oetrilt St J Clark St., ClilcagJlKln)St.,ettH,Teronto.Ont ill i,ii Ui Uiiil li,, ...I ,,,,,, lii.iii,! luliii. r PrOI.O.F.THEEL.M.D.N.Miti, SI.. l'MI..,-lrM,, l'. Ilmlniltli,r r,l. (,i, . tinlcet ta turn Hlfr mrl r, ful. PR VATl: Lpi5fiStS.DISCHAR0E5.aUNIIINa$,8l)5tS: f mAr lUjdA IU1VI irr lllre uiir ihm ,i,u iincii ii C TJ,, 11 1,,, Mnir.ii.ii- iricfssrs.staoDPDistiij- ifiwiee JLJTJwr" tOST MANH00O, 'i'I'"" ' A MrTttur.,. nui liiiiij, ;!,') .1 er lanital k O j .,11 h.jii iulc,p'tlrii e InCirrn.aiH l rtthciiticuleclln I to tllihi i. Ai illilrflitr iiiiiui 3'tilyclfrrfitatacit h. Itulnl1linus.il U, bfl If rft.arn ltlH..laUA flcvkeip, Inc 1 1.1I1 tlr.ctiual Ii uNtt Tl'iiiiliiiriil bt tlnll. Iiimiinl rrllrf.i . iirli,; I BORANTON'9 SHOPPING CENTER. WALLACE, Williams' Small Wares Tic. ami I Of. Counter after counter filled to the brim with use--ftil and ornamental things at tlic.M; prices. .Many of them arc China imported direct from (iennany. (Couldn't make them for that money in (his country.) Decorated jn-t a prettily as though they cost ten time.- a- much. .Most every useful article to use in cooking or bak ing at one or the other of these prices. J. D. WILLIAMS & BR0. 312-314 Lackawanna Avenue. I THE mm powder .co. Booms 1 and.', Coru'lth B'l'd's. BOBANTON, If A. rXining And Blasting POWDER Mc6 at Jtooalo and nuirtlala Worlii, LAPLIN RAND POWDQK CO '3 ORANOE GUN POWDER Utotrlo Battarle. t:iotrln Hiplojtr i, sploaias bUiti, Safety Knaanut Repauno Giiemisal Co.'s r.xPLo'.'iv.:- Li ManufiVCtui'Ci'S iT OLD STOCK PILSNER 485 to 45R N. Ninth Stroet, H11 ;' Lager Beer Brewery Tclcplioiia Cull, 2;KU. T " 127 AND 129 WASHINGTON AVENUB BICYCLES New models now in. Spaldings.Cleve. lands, Iver Johnson and Crescents. No better selection ever made. Call and see them. They're beau ties. ! 1 J HI 211 Washington Ave. HENRY BELIN, JR., Gtn'ril Agent (or the 'Vjoraln Duttkt lor 00 FONTS POWDER. ttlntntr, Illattln;, fporttna;, Pintklfit and tk Itepauno Cticmlial Comriaivj't - 1 'Si- Explosives. Safety 1'ii'c, Capa anl KiploJra. Itoom 401 Con, licit Hiilliii, ijcrantOD. Aiii:Ncn:3i 1110?. IGlil) Pitt. Ion JOHN' II. SMHII k fcON Plymouth W. i:. 1IUI.UUAN WllWillirr.