The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 26, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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    l..w-.l ' 11 1 -
v vSV"- w-t-tiSr
r -my
"t' ' f TF f 4
ilFl" TTTl
Attorney John R. Edwnida Will Be
Toastmnstcr unci Addresses Will
Bo Delivered by Rev. H. H. Hnr
jIs, Talnicr L. Williams, John
Courier Mortis nnd E. E. Robnthtui.
Work Being Done by the Y. W.
C. A. Is to Be Continued Person
als nnd News Notes.
'All piopaiutloiH fur tin- annual bun
iui't nC tile Robot t Mmi'ls Indue ot
American True Jvoilic. mi Friday
evcnlntr, have been ioniiU'leil, and
tlm mt'iuhct.s look foriwnd t n plen
nut ovenlm;. Tin- Imimiuk will !' hold
it Hold I .ilrchllil, iimliM' tlio illieetlon
of .Minu HoHt olldoif. wlni will be u
eiif oil In hciviiu; liy a lai'30 imiiiw uC
comN-tpnl wiilli'i'v.
The spacious iIIiiIiik loom lu which
flic feast will l)i id veil will ! pro
fusely d -'or.iti d Willi the Ann .ioiiii
culms, while fioiii behind a bouT of
Viilins ami tropical plants un oroliestn
will litrnlsli muslo iliulnjr tin- eourt-c .
Allot poy .lolm It. IMwauls will li-Kuihtiim-ti'r.
The pi otriMinmi nir.itmcil
ii us follows:
rrfM(iilV Aililifi Hmil Owth
'.i.ilnu-lciV Addict I'iIiii 1!. Iil it'll
lti.o Oul-iiii
N. Ji.nM I.ei. II. II- H-rilt
u ,'iri 'i-lv
W.Mi ill law Palmer li. Willl.ii.i-,
.Mil le Uliln.lll
.Mi in .loiirralhm Ii.l.ii I'uimit M . i i -.
V ulo Di I f M
...i. in I'.iiiiin .u:. i:. i:.ituiiii,i
t i". .ii Wlidly Hindu... .11) (hi V-nuMmo
To Continue the Wotk.
Tin UVst Side Iiriinih of tlu- Yoiinir
AViiiui'irn i.'liililiitn association lir-lil a
;y linportant anil well attended
nn'"lhiK t.tsL evonin;r in their rootim
over' Waters' Jewelry store, on South
Main avenue. The object, of the ns
- uiIiIiikp "as to plan a way in will, h
to serine the Ueeessaiy money In de
ll ay 111- expenses uf the Institution
.Many feasible plans m-re pmpos. d.
Init none acted upon, lliiv. John .Mnf and l!e. Frank Mlluiau addiexil
the ineetliitf and spoke wouls m' eii
lournKcineiit to the ladles. iiikIhk th.-ui
to stand fast and continue the nond
work which they have stalled anions
the younfr ladles nf this side
It i probable that I he eeutUe
coniinlttee will appoint sub-
outpor lanuwuLus
Our Semiannual Sale
of Housekeeping
Linens and Domestics
Itcgins on lucsilay, leh. 2( and Con
tinues for TfN DAYS ONLY. . . .
This bale includes curyihm coming under the geneial heading of
Housekeeping Linens and Uunustics, on cveiy litem of which bona
hide t eductions will he made dining the period named.
This Is Not i Clearance Sale
It i ,i .sal? planned twpiessly lor the benefit uf our patrons, and
..: s nioio in the natiiic ot a Hoiitis 01 piolit-sharing idea, than
. nvthing cUe. In the limited space at our command, it is im-
puss.ble to piint detailed price
word is ood lor any statement we make make, and the facts afe
just as iven above.
Our Linen Department
i:.dudcscu'r thing in that line that can be used in the household,
and qualities range liom the good medium glades, to the highest
class goods that inoiiev cm buy. ;oi example : Good Table
Damasks, so inches wide, bleached 01 unbleached, can be had
tluiiug the ncNt io days, at j;c a V'ird. Thev'ie woith ;ic, and
. like reductions prevail all the way through Mill the finest imported
goods aie reached. In all the (iner qualities, napkins may be had
to match, while Table Napkins foi evety day use will go at soc a
dozen. The same lemarks will apply to our Towel and Toweling
stocks which include everything in their line under the sun. Tor
instance: you can buy a Linen T willed Crash, iS inches wide for
ioc a yaid, that you would say was cheap, at I2j4c, at any other
time. Really good all linen lluck towels of latge go at 22c a
pair, etc.
Bed Spreads, Sheetings, Pillow Cases,
will take an impoitant place in this sale. Regular dollar Bed
Spieads for 85c and $15. 00 ones (or $12. so, with pioportionate re
ductions in the same or more of prices, that come in between. The
sheets and pillow cases include the best imported all linen goods,
as well as the equally serviceable home-made iotton weaves of
. such excellent brands as the following: "Utica, Dwight. Anchor,
.'... Fruit of the Loom, Atlantic." etc. All at special prices
;. sduring this sale.
DFMIFMIRFD n,s Aa'e A' for ien .V only,
KLIVLIVDCK ancj oeffins Tuesday, Peh. 26.
Globe Wareboiise
eoininlltt'es, wilo will innke a cans-ass
nf this section and solicit funds to aid
lu the sustenance of the woik. Theie
at piesent lcmulns lu the treasury
enough money to pay all expenses
during tile coming month.
The. appeal of Hits association .should
meet with liearty i espouse from every
body, aH It has done a noble work for
yniin . womanhood In West Seranlon.
Wheelmen to Entertain.
The souial committee of the .Kluctrlu
City 'Wheelmen will cntcrlaln tlm
members and their gentlemen ft lends
wild a minstrel performance at tlm
club house this evening. It promisor
to be one of the most pleasurable
events In the iilstoiy of the club. Tho
tabnt will compilse only membeiH of
the club.
Prominent among the participants
are the following: "Hilly" Williams,
win tanks as one of llio best amateur
mliistiel men in the city. He will sing
several negro snngs, and has m . oral
new jukes which aie intrth-innkeis.
Hen Allen will glv e of his humor
ous stump 'wieeches,vhle C, llyniA.
Williams will amuse with a comic,
slielch. "i'op" Florey will act as In
tel locator. A large number of. the
in-mbi'ts will sing solos and partici
pate lu other leatiucs, till of which aro
hound to entertain.
The perfoi malice will be followed by
n supper and smoker. Cateter Thomas
Skuciis has prepatcd a dolkious menu.
Yesterday's Funerals.
Tin' i cumins of IMIlot May li.als,
the little gill who met a tragic death
by lite mi I'Vldav. at her home on
Serniilun si reel, wcie Intel led lu the
Washbuin slieet cenietory yesleiday
The tuneial of Thomas i 'oiiiiolly. who
died rioin buins liullcled by spilling
bulling water over himself mi Saliu
diiy. was held .vcitoida.v altciuoou.
Services weie conducted in Holy Cross
church, HelleVtie. and weie lamely at
tended.' Iter. W. 1. rVOounoIl outd
ated. The leinalns were laid to lest lu
the Cathedral ceincleiy.
Geneial News Notes.
I!e. Ct'Olge Allicll will ndilless the
luceilng this eenlng at the young
Women's liiiistlan ussuelatlou.
The leather Alathew society ciio
bra ted Its Iwentv-ulnth anniversary
Sunday afternoon by holding a smoker
and social session.
Tlie St. Cecilia's alixlllaiy will meet
this c oiling in St. l.eo's lmll. The
piesence nf ev i y member Is desired.
The ('111 I'pslluii society Of the Wash
bill n Slieet ITesbyteiinn church will
(onifllct a debate oil the question of
admitting to membeiship peismis not
inenibeis of the church.
Alls. John Itobetls, of Xorlli Do ker's
court, Is sbk with erysipelas.
Tom Thumb's ycdilltig, w lib h was
so well lvudeiud in the Jackson Street
Haptfst chin eh on Washington's birth
day, will be lepeated next Tuesday
eeiilng. The lequests for Its icpro
ductlim lmvc been numerous. Xo tick
its will be taken at the door; the ad
mission will be twelit-llve cents. Til"
pioceeds deilved will go towards ile-
lists. We take it however that our
fraying the cm tent expenses of the
Hlocuin lodge nf OJd Follow will
hold nn Important session tomorrow
ovnlng In .Masonic hall.
Thn Columbia Chemical and lioso
company liavo had a sot of new never
sll wheels placed on their chemical
engine. The expanse will b defrayed
by public subscription.
An Excltlii", Runaway Yesteidsy on
Main Avenue Y. W. C. A. Notes.
Peisonal Items.
A hoise hitched to 11 l.Kkawaun.i
laundry wagon, lu charge of Chat lea
Heels, tan away yesleiday afternoon,
about :i o'clock, on North Jlalu ave
nue. Tlie and wagon were stand
ing near tho ctiib while Mr. Heern
was getting some laundry. A young
liiau came along with it buggy whip
and began cracking It, not noticing tho
horse standing ncaiby.
The lioise stinted on a slow paro
down tlie avenue lowiud Sciaulon, and
when I lie (oilier of Oak street was
reached tlm wagon collided with u tele
graph pole, hi caking the shafts and
damaging the wagon otherwise.
The lioue bloke loose and stalled on,
Ih- this time .Mr. Deer had hold of
the 1 flus and was Jeiked from his feet,
lie was dtagged for a quaiier of a
block liefoie the horse was brought to
a slandsllll. .Mr. Heels received a few
scrati lies on Ids aims.
A Surprise Paity.
.Miss Harriet .Morgan was teiideied a
surprise paily at her home, on Mar
garet avenue, last Friday evening.
Those piesent Weio Misses Hessle
llleiiy, Hesrle KvutiH, Mai lor. Lewis,
Harriet Moigau. IMlth Moigau, .leu n hi
Jenkins, Mamie .tones, Alice Lewis,
Maigaivt "Willis. Maiilln Moigau, Jen
nie Leonard, Klorcnco Mm gnu, Alma
Kb hards. Messrs. P.ivld Moigau, Louis
Itenln. llayden Davis. V.obeit Caswell,
Heiijamlii Hower, William Walsh, Wil
fred Moigau.
To Select a Pabtor.
Toiiiouow night has been appointed
by the eoiigiegatioii uf the Xoith Main
Avenue Haptlst church for the pur
pos,. of fxteiullng a call to some, min
ister as pastor to succeed llev. S. (5.
Heading, if signed.
Several mliilsleis have lucn tried
since Itev. Heading's letliement a few
months nan, and llev. Mr. Smith, of
Hie I'.erwicl: Haptlst church, lias ben
Y. W. C. A. Notes.
Tuesday afternoon at I o'eloi k d-v.
Cemge L. Alritii Hlble study. Subject,
"Second Coining of Chi Ibt." Vi tiuit
iiiiinv will avail themselves of thn
piivllegc of hearing lids most inspir
ing and Impoitant study. All aie wel
come. Tuesday owning at T.:!o o'clock Miss
Wesicott's embroldeiy tlass. Alt who
wNh to Join this class may do so'at
tills lime.
Ilia Audeison. of Hivaker stunt, and
Myia Uavis, of Hast Market street,
are visiting filends III Hanvllle. Ia.
Misses Lulu Pi Ice and Anna Thomas,
of Hast Market street, and Uuby Coons,
ill' Hetly stieet, are lsitlng fi lends in
John It. Thomas, of IMna avenue,
lsltcd filends lu Tnjlor jesicrd.iy.
I'he Delaware
Lai haw-anna and
paid at tlie Sloris
Western company
mine yesterday.
"William Lynutt has leiunied fi
New Vork city.
All news matter will iccelw prompt
attention If left at Davis' ding stoic,
corner of Main avenue and Maikel
Mis. Henry Atlierton Vtt today for
Ilonesdale, uheie shy will visit fiiends.
William F. Kiirkf, the well-known
song wiltei, has icturiied home, fioin
New Yoik.
Mr. and Mis. Ilnriy Halt of Sum-
mil avenue, have leturned home fiom
Now Yoiic city.
This evening the employes uf tho
llllss silk mill will meet In St. Maiv's
hall. AH inenibeis aie leipiested to bo
.Mrs. Thomas Saltry, of West Market
stieet, hus for her guest .Miss Nora
Flnneily, of Carliondate.
Pen Coal 81.50 a Ton Deliveied.
to South Side, ieiitral city and
Ilvdo Park. Addiess orders to J. T,
Shaikey, 1011 Cedai avenue. 'Phone
liijcs. '
'liii' tuiifi'.il of Ch.nles cia.ib, who
.lb d Sunday owning after a sev-io
Illness of pneumonia, will take place
AVednesday atternoon nt :! o'clock from
the lumlly residence oil Cedar iivfim.
Iti'V. K. Schmidt, pastor of the
oi Peace, will conduct tho sei vices.
Inlet men t will be made In the Plltston
n 'line cenieteiy.
The reninins nf the late Joseph l.
Ilaivey, who died on Saturday evening
ai 11 o'clock at Ills ivstile ni t, tTul
Plltston avenue, will be taken to Phil
adelphia on 'Wednesday morning on
the .".III train to lie cremated. Services
over tile lemullis will be held nt tho
Martin (ilbbs, of ('edai avenue, had
his I 'g badly squeezed at the south
work yeslerd.iy alternoon. lie was
taken to his home, where medical aid
was summoned.
Comet lodge, No. III. Knights of
Pythias, will meet this owning at
Haiiinan's hall.
Mr. and Mrs. John Welsalplil, of
Wilkes-Ilariv, aie the guests of Mr.
and .Mrs. Patrick O'Hoyle, of Cherry
The meiiibfi'd of the Catholla .Mutual
and HeneUeml nssoclation will meet at
Phannucy ball this evening.
iluilo I., 1I0I..1, Jiug dill. .M- ('. P. -luuet,
tfiiuiiiiI L.t cirtiing- liom prniiinir i fiw Uy
whli bl IjiiiH.v at oiitli OraiiKC, X. J.
Ml. ., l nl Mm. II hi. ot Prim incnui', .no on
I oi i lining tikniN hula uut of tunn.
Ml. .Mill Sn.MlCI', Cl SjniliMrull aiiMir, U
l.vljllf H rll'lld.V ill ( I'tKUinrnilj.
Mm. I. 11. C .ii r. (J lM.iwjio nuoi. I rirv.
t-tUm Horn .1 nun aluik rr nilp
'I lio cntci tainim lit lu lc uhtu un 1'iuliy nl trl.t
to l'ioti'ov taipcniiT in liinv linn h pminUci
in nl i nkaiiirr 'llio juiun; nun Jl ,l.i Nu S
art' wcildnK line! lur H iii'iisi'
'I lie niiiiilii'i oi (he drrn llnljo Wonuu'
Cnrci all Throat aud I.tiug Alfectloui.
jt iw ds tim n n iju i tin wr a
K Cetthcitcuulne. Rrrneiiiil)siiiiies. s
,-ah itluitOIUiirUliciimatUni. 15&35CU.
Physlclnns Rjcommend It, Druggists
Sell It, Everybody Uralses It.
If wo could yell one package of Py
iniuld rile Cure to uvory person In
Ainetlcii who In troubled with piles
and wlni would gladly give the to
centM to be lid of piles, we would have
about leu million dollars. The only
reason that we don't sell that many
packages tills year Is that wo will
not be able to get ten million people
to try It. Jur.t one application will
prove its merit nnd amply lepay the
C'.sl of u whole box.
The effect Is Immediate. Comfort
conies nt once and continued treat
ment will cute any case no matter
how bad.
Pyramid I'lle Cino woothes the In
flamed surfacx- the Instant it touched
it, heals It, reduces the swelling and
puts the parts Into a healthy, uetlvo
condition, There Is no substitute for
It. Nothing compares with It.
We have never heaid of a single
(vkp Unit It failed to cure: we lmv
hi'.'itd of thousand Hint it lias cuieil
Utilokly and (omplctely.
Hero uic u couple of lutlors lecent
ly leeelved.
l'rom Ceo. C. ilelck. Owens Mill,
'Some time ago I bought a package
or Pyramid I'lle Cure for my wife,
vho suffered very much. The Ill's t
trial did her mute good than any-(hint-
she him ever tried. It Is Just
what is claimed for It."
From Jilchard Loan, Whipple. Ohio:
"I have used Hie Pyinuild Pile Curo
and urn eiitliely pleased and sntlfllled
with results, it does the Aoik and no
ml? lake."
The piopileim of the t'yiaiuld Plli
Cure could publish columns of slnit
Ij' leiteivj. but these are enough to
show what It will do lu dlffeicnt case1.
All druggists sell Pyramid Pile Cure
or will gel II for you. It Is r.O cents
pi-r package and made only by the
Pyramid Drug Co., of Marshall, Mich.
tub wile I'lilrit.iliii.l l.y t)if lllw lub, lnl
lj Mi (liipnun, .il tlulr Hireling joitcnlay
Co..l.i. Nmi.k, iiun c( Uilllalilp (. . Null I.,
of (iii-i'ii IIIiIli' stiiH'l, innltMUdil. a Mircltat ai the S.l.inl.n 1'iliute liu'pital Sun
ilij. HoduM NtwLrrry ami 'nuiiiip-on -rfoiiiiu!
till" I''! I'.lliiiTl.
Mr. Hint Mis. (. U l,ul,.,i n-tdn.itrri ll.o
linlli annlieiiiiy i.f llnir wuMiiig lat ncnlns
ml lluh homo on Muiery .m line.
MiH lll.iiii lie Pottir, nf Muti.r.i ni line, t( ru
li it.llnlliL' Ml- Maml .Nt'wiiun, nl Milirpipn,
I 'a
( I' i'l I. .1 Tr.iii, '. T I lie 111 i' .It )i irl in. m . a
I.11I ulklit I' i Ui lul In that pivllinn I, tin' UK l.l-lur-
.it ih, .ii i..ii (iiiiijii!o4 .il a meilliii: Ik I J
In ihi- IiukiiiuIi Imililllis. lie ti.ii hi inilv nun
i r,le, iriilMiii; 1,'fJ lullolsi to hi-, oiKni'iit, .I"I"i
T. O'NiIl' nil. 'J In lin:ii-t lnunt was man
IfiMeil hi 111, dullest bet tin- Mt ti'it of (r.ijd
(rillhg liip Jihlitm ef fin
th.n ttite II. (!. (ii.-iil.i, 'I. I: Itihnil mi.iI lier.
Pills 'il till' IllllM-tH II,
I Milln, ni (,mi mi, 1.1. i. (iii trlii ill,
i i utitinoil it, hU lion," ;H the ouli ol an .im .
ilnil nhldi IxMI hlin lat Mlurdav while rn-,-.!'
I In liin-li:,' whi.. He fill Ireni a laihl, i,;; Ms ilulit aim aril nii-lalnlnK sccic
dlllNrs .iIhuiI the hoil.v.
Mis, W. II, !(h I m ii(ni ill at Lot Iiuiiic un
S'liidi lllikt'ly liiit.
All. MlUrril .loin-, or At un ftruft, i sulWr.
in1,' ulih .ippi li'lii lll.
'the tiiixul of Hi.' hue Willldiu Itcihliiii:, (.(
(!in,. ii(i I, will l.e hi M tunmiiow morning at
!' ii'ilnk fimii -i IIjij's iiun cli
lli I'.i-lufs . Mnirt.l of the Mdhu.ll.l l..i,.
(uiil ihuieh KUie a nupini- In the liclim- lomn
en Tluiisd iy ni,lii li-l.
ffiMige llieii,', ef Duuiuiiil Jus lr
tin in il lii'in a nieiith'i trip throiijli tlip test.
.luliii I E U 1,1. it lii.mi.iinl aviiiue, spetit Mmliy
ullh his ton ul Wilkes.ll.irie.
.hihii laii-hui.. nf s-j; Conn sliecl, pent
Muliilai al Tiiiikhini.nik.
laisuie I) jim- ami wile, i, 'liiiil.tiaiiiimk, lie
i-llillV Ml ll'll.l -l.lli-l'llll. nf Di.llnnn'l JVC-
Mis,. Heniy Cheesemnn.
Mm Hum ( lii'f-i n .ill illcil M'-li ril.i.v lu.inilni;
at llie home ol In r piu'iils. Mi. and Min II. .
KliiU'lmii. "I i;ulin airniv, alter un lllneM
wlni'li lUi In' mieiitlirnl i-i rliius until .1 few
li-iniH piiidliiiir im ihatli. Miv. rhi'e.eniai
..mie l.i thii. illy iintti lur hotne in Ah v m.iii.i,
V.i.. .ilsmt (lnMiiii lime M he umlii the eatu
ot In i liunili pli-M i hi.
she is Minimi li.v licr hu-h.inil ami Hn oiini
inns, lluiiy aid lamN. afd ' and .'
Mi-. I'litiMiiian was the cldi t ikiiluldir nl Ml.
.nil .Alts Jili.i.ohiii.1. and .iltlioi'illi lu Id! I III-
illy .ilt, I' hit nijlilaie, his ,d.i hold a v..rni
iihiip In ihe hi itl of a at inmiher ol iilnul-i
In Stiaiit'in, ulete lur iliaiin if in r..-n illl.i
lnele I., r a an-Jt lainilte In I lie ni't o, ht-he
t in le.
li-. I In, -i hi in' ili-atli wa alt) ndi il hi inanv
iM.pih'iullv kJd fciliiiK. Her liieliiud hit
ihe iil snndai for his home In Alovniilil.t,
hailiiK no thutieUt nf u Iital tciiulli ittoil of his
itr iii.llro.lti.ui. lie had not r illicit heio
al a lite luur Ian nlpht. IKi hiotlui. F. II.
Knitcdiiti, i on in way In Iiellolt, Alkli,, and
tltc tanilli tiiuml li Iiiiii!Ii1c jvlciday In nr.
lut hi I'toutiM h.i ti'lirfiaph.
II. . Kliisdniry met wllli a ininful ui'eiilont
.1 il- or tUO J HO, llMlillllL' III 11 i-l'I'.lllUll lll.kle.
tiiid Mi. hliiB.lmnV health i in n pifijilous
t.n, al till- tlm. 'I In fnnt'ial jiiiiinilii i-liieitt
will I,.- mule Ian i
Felix Sheinuui.
,1, t icniiJit, ased J7 iais. mid Jo-Unl'V
inninh nt -' o'ekik it 1.1s iclil(ii(i', i'iID lilik
my lnil. aim u linci'dnic lllr.rv. Willi mr.
iniiilini'. 'Ihe ihsrantl hid llnd in Ihii pat
ol tin illy ahoitt llirre oar, ilmlni. wli'm
lime he leuih hliiii-oll many liiciiiR Ho w
(lllihi.Mll hv OHMl llll.l. Jp ktWII! i.lIIVl. II,
w.i .i" ninnhi'i of tin Mucalh.'i'N Fiw JI'd A'1
ei'pKd Maniii', and aim - ini'tnher vt the
ite ( itlni.' iinhn. Ih' U ninhul h.v .i wiic
and mliir nlithvi.. .-inln hup tho nmaii'j
Mill he In Id tlil-a cii-nliK at S.i-H "Vloil. at Iho
funiilv loldi-iKO. lit v. IhanMey. iw-tor it lh
I.'liliiu.ll.t chin ill of Vain tii'U, will 1' I'vj
ollulniltn; i Ii mi in m. 'flit' miuliis will I"
liiUrn lo I'a.t flnenwlcli, II. I.. " W.iliiodiv
niciiiini; Im liitiiiildil U Hie l.nkin lima lall.
Ms. Mary Rielly.
Mir. lllell.i, ot IIS i.'run'H uniii, died
ilmlay altiiieinli a ll let lllim..
Ihe rumliis will li liken to 1'I.ilni on '1 tmi-i
day for iiiloinioiit.
llm infant daurflilir of Alaiy CliiUlli and
William II. 'Ihoiiia, of 7m) South Main aicinic,
rti.d Sundiy alkiiiduii. I uncial will tako pUon
WciIu.'mIi) altcinoon .it 3 o'doik, Inlinmnt in
I'urut Hill iiiiiilii).
Alii. Manila lllcu-on, luimcrly ol sir.inlon,
(Hid In New A'oil, ehy ycknhy. 1'iincral no.
the hli'l.
tin. fiineial nt Iho lato .loin, llainlu will t
hi l.t tills aliiiiioon at 8 ii'ilmk fnnn tli" homo
on .Nodli 11 ile I'.uk .iM'iiw. odn
nf Odd Follows will tittcnil In a hmly. Iliiilal
will I hi inailu in Foioat lllll icmittrj.
Tlie Celtic Philosopher.
I'roin tlie l'hlladdi.hla l'ni.
Jorm ()inijietlciillj So now Jim laic to
wear 11 wooih'ii Uir, 'loo had! Too hoi!
Mike-Nile, ,1'x only u.m hid, an' lint in had
ut I hot, fur if Iho earn mil mil' me uiiln any
time lli an ami iliatHC thry'll lake off th
unoddi li'.',
Twenty Per. Cent. Reduction
Stand Covers, 50x7,0 inch,
price, 49c; 20 per cent, off now
Tr.iy Cloth,
pi ice 25c. Now
1SX27 inch,
Pattern Table Cloth, 22't yards: so maikcd
but does not run full measure. Regular
price 1. 39. Now 1 . 1 U
Pattern Table Cloth, 2x3
dotal patterns; usual price
Only two Tabic Sets left,
yards in size, regular price 9.00.
Cu uludid fiom I'al'i l.i
(liarlc .M.uNiach. nine .uMn. Im1 -liairi
im-riritil and lle li.irei i oiiiiiioii.
n. Dnialiui 01 Hie inrimralinn lull he pi i-
Ofticeis of the Company.
7. 'I ho iiuiiilipr of ortneri of the uotniatii tlnll
he lived liniii t i in- to time hi the h.v laws hut
Ihe unnihir If tiled at iiioip linn tliu-e hall he
hj toinc innllll,lo uf thtie. 'the ilneitnij lull
he i-la-hlflnl with u-pfft lo lite tliite for liU'll
tlicv Mwi.illy hold olllce hy illiiillni; llieni into
time lIivP. cadi nnid-llii"; of oni'-tliint of tins
whole nuniher ni the hnaid of iltii'Uor. Tho
illrri'toiD of Iho llist rlai ih ill ho ileetid for a
ti-im of one year; the illraiton of the .iond
ilai lor two jciis iind the iliru'toM of lite
thild 1I1-1 for .1 tiitn of tlucr .M'lf, and ut
t.ull anniiil rliihou Iho mufeMi to the cla-
of ihliilnn hoe t ri 111 i-lull (Apiie n tint
j car Ii.tll he ( looted lo hold olliio for tho trim
in time, w til it tho tcini of ollli e of oi.o
l.t 1 of (llicrlum shall eipiic in ono caili year.
The iiuinliir of director liny he inncifi.d us
may he inoiided lit the hy-lawf. In iac of
itiy Inmate of tho iHtinhcr of illrecioii. tho
addltlonnl uiim sti ill he iliitid ai may he inoiid
ed in the hy law hy the illrcituM or hv llio
eloikhohlei at an utiiuial or Kpcilal luittlinr.
and one thild of thrlr intnihir hlitll he (liilnl
of the Ihcit tincitiiil poitioti of the toun of the
dim loin of the In-l (lai. one-lliiid of t lit Ir
liiiinhi-r of Ihe urn piitil lioillon of llic tcini of
tho iliieiloti. of Hie veiimd (la-, and one thlid of
Hull- innnhir of Ihe iiiiexidiiil liotlhin of tho
I i'l 111 of Ihe dllOiloti of the thild l la., l lint
cult ihi"' ot iiltvitoii, shall he initiarcd nniajl.r.
In in. 01 any lacaiiiy In My i Ian ol illuuon
tliiuiicli ilealti, re.lKiiatioti. lisiiialifiiatloti or
i.iln-r eau-e llie unialiiliii; diiocton hy ntllim i
tlii' oto or a mijotily oi the Unul of dimlon
111 iv (hi t J nuieMir to hold otlii-o for tlie uni
liilnl turn (f Ihe illtiitnr whoe jiliie thill he
ia( nit until tin iliillon of a Micn-or
Power of the Bonul of Dhectois.
'Ihe hoaid of dlreiloii shall haie ,o.i to
hold their iiii-i'iimc. oiit'lde the slate of Vew
.liiM-y at dull plans a hmil tjnio In tilno may
he d'e.isiiiled i tlie li-law. or hy lcohillen
of the lioml. Tlie hydaws liny ineM-iihe the
iininhir of iliieelors nen'aiy to coiitllulo a.
iii.'iimi of the hoaid, tthli'h niiiiihir may he
m than a miotlly of Ihe whole niiiiihir of
itlin lots.
l'ltliiw niilhoiUid hi ,.li 'jlu'ii In peiton or
hy pioy, hy MmklmMiri liolilliiK al hM't
IwietliiuU of 'the (apilal link of the cotpni.
linn whlili U ripir'enlid and lottd nvi In
l leoii or hy t'ioy ill .1 nirtliu i-il.ill i'allc.1
In.' Hi it pinpn-ie, or at ,iy nui'llnc the hoii.l
of illii'iluM fclull iiol moiiaauo or tlllllM .mi'
of its led inopenv ov anv hnw of the ijplial
Mock ot any iirpoiatloii; hut tht ".n
lilhltlon hlnll not he lon.liiied to a ply to ihe
iMintloii of unj pinilu.e nioney lnnrtu.ut' or
any other pnuha" money lien.
Any r.fflur clcilul or .ifipnliitr-il hi llie hua, I
of illMtuiM may lo tenioied at any time hi llm
cfnrnutlu. 10I0 nf a iniioiti of ihe uho'.
lioml of dlllMti.M.
Any ollrr nitloii or diiploje oi die luiiiji.ini
iiia1' he Kinowd al any time hy ote ol iho
hoaid of dliiilori. cv In ai.y inuiinltuc of n
pcilor olflnH upon whhli Mill power of i.
ii.iivnl lo.iy he come nil hy the Illl4 u hv
l.'le of the hoard of illuitoi. 'Ihe hoaid ol'
dlieitori h.v tlie tilliiinillie ole o, a nit tin
of Hie whole ho.iul ina appoint fioin the ih.
iiiioM nil "iititlie loiiiniitlee of whiih a mi.
Jniiti ih.ill (oniliiitte a iUvirmn. uud li, u.'u
rttint a 'i.ill he pioiiilid In tho hi-lawn .-in .1
lominlllie hall hate and may il(nl-e all or
an.i nt the puw'er. of ih" hoinl ol dlii'Ltoia .n
(ImJIiii: powir to caii'i) Ihe or the rorpma
t (on lo hi ailhcd lo nil u'ii". that may ir
(tillo It. Tl'i" ho id of iIIicciom h, llio alii',
in. .the ole of .1 Piajorttv of the Mhole hoird
in.1,1 appoint any oilier l.iiiillni; oiimii 1 1 -, n. ,u,.
null Kiai'ilitL' i "iiiiiiltlm ih.ill have and nue
eiiiUi nu Ii poweri a it all he rotifeitol or
ui IIh'iU. .1 h.i the h Inu.
'Iho hoard of iliioetoiii in.,i apinilnt noi onle
mini' otiiiim of Un hut ol'o mi" or
more vho puMiUiUn oho or mote avl.lri.
uvaiuieH uinl win or tt.ore nNtitnt miilare i
and In llio eMoiit priillded ill the h.i liwo the
peiiioM w itiiolr.tid ir itiiiely .lull lulu
pud nny iiicle ull ,the povip. nf i. pu.i-
ill lit. 01 the lli'.lHIICl Hid 01 the eilitlll.l, I".
To Plx Woi Icing Cnpltiil.
'llie hoard oi diinior- .li.ill h.ue pimu iiuin
lime lo time to li and to ihleimlnr and In
n.v llie iinoiint of (he woikiinr eapltal of llm
lompany and li dlrvi I and ditninluu the ii-o
nnd dipollloil ot un) ftiirplni or net piulm over
and al)0M' the rtpllal i-loi 1. paid lu ntnl In IN
dilution H"' hoinl ot llieiioit may u.n nnd
apply HU' li Miiplm or .leiimiulaUd (irohU In
piiicha.lnir oi i,iiiiiilni. IU homl or ol In i ohll
aiioiii or kIiiuk of its own tpllal Mm I, In
mli an (Mem nnd in mith niauiu'r and upon
n(h titiiH .i the hoaid of dlreeiom lull iliun
eipuliiut. hut harr4 of muIi (apilal loj. .
puii' or ainulinl Mi.v he irnli unli, mli
rluie hair hern mind lor Ihe puiihajo of
iln leaslni; tho (oiiipauiV Moik .n pio
Idid hy law,
'Iho hoard of iliiiiliii. tioin lime to llnio
thall detfltnllni wlitliir mid In wlml ixluit iitel
whit Hun and plire, and updii' whit ioi:il!oii
and uirnlatlniui, the an-oiinU ami hook of the
( Ion or any of tin in ihall ho open lu tho
liirpfitlon ot the Moikholdcii., and no Mode.
liohlrM khall hale any ilulit In lii.put all) ac
count or hook or iloitimi'tit of the ooipoutlon
lAript at conferred hy Miituto or uiitliorii-d hy
the hnanl of illin Ion oi hy ll-olnlloll of llio
01 KhiiiJLiniii
Hemstitched Table Sets, Fringed Table
Sets, Hemstitched Lunch Cloths
Twenty f'cr Cent. Reduction Mcari
One small lot of the choicest pattern Table
Covers with Napkins to match; full Irish bleach
size 2x2 Yi yards, valued at 12.50 and L
14.50. Our price during this sale ".OU
Ned Spreads must be seen to be appre
ciated. Regular price 2.25. During . rt
this sale 1.80
20 per cent, reduction means Fringed Mar
seilles Bed Spreads, our regular price . ,n
4.25; during this sale O.40
Wc will not attempt to quote prices nor
give description of the Big Reduction on all fine
Linen Sheeting and Pillow Casing. Abo Sheets
and Pillow Cases ready for use al! o! which
will co at n bis reduction.
yjids, exquisite
.7 5.
' 4.60
2.; ,
Now ,j&)
vrvfevevevrwrvvr tj
Prudent people are taking advantage of our X
It will pay you to come and see how vc can make a J
dollar do the work of two
Axminster Carpets
X Values.
j; Op 100,000
nign iiiiuc
i- Up
t Inlaid Linoleum
Vtirl 1tlA .. 1,1a .inri" IhrAllnh f fti. 1.4lr t? , t. 4 . If
; 111.1UU iiivu a iiiv, .uiiai uni'itfeii 11 1.111- 1m1.1v iwilllldlllt
Regular $1.50 goods, now 65c, 75c, $1.00 yard &
12 Wyoming Avenue
! i :
Mihjnl ula)k to li)-liHd made h.v the iloik
liolildS the bo in I of illiKtoiii ina) make by
law h and fnnn time to time may altir, umeiid
or rrpttd any bylaw. htu am h) lawn luide
1 1.1 ihe Inwid ol illiutuii may he altend or
trpealtd hy the -.toikboliliw al any annual
meetlnir or al any ..pedal niMtlnir, pioildnl
notlie of 1111 li proposed alliratioii or npeal he
iniludrd in tho iiotlie of ihe lnci'llliir.
In w1tne whetrof we hue iKtitmto M't our
liimN anU M'ali Ihe IwrnlJ-tliliil di) of 1'ihiii.
aiv, llil
( Ikllllvl '. I'lnft. 1. .
Willi 1111 J. Cill'li.. I. .
rli.itlcii b. MeVeauh, l h.
Mdiieil, 'i ild .mil iMIintd In the pirM'iKc of
I'lallcU hjmle Ml-l-on,
M'lor Motawit.
Tin- lillriK of tho Ul'llck'ii N coitllli.'d
in liy (!i .iibi' I Ttiltii--". innstci' of cliiin
fpry ot Ni'W .(el'.si .: Maurli!i J. Stuck,
tUUi I'lcik, anil (Ipiiiro 'A'ui'tK, i-i'ic-tiil'.v
of .tnl.
Olticlnl Annouuceiuent of the Orsnni
zntlon Will De Mnile Today.
Ilv Wlie fiom The Ys,oilitrd I'M'
Now oik, hVI.. j;.-Oinolnl un-
UlilllRclllCIll of the .UorS'lll Heel
lomlilnc will iiioltiildy lo iiiudi'
loiiioiT'iv. l'i t(i 11 luU hour this :if
tr 1 noon it was expi'doil that the state
mem woulil lie nifidi' jiuiillu in time
fir tniiinnow inorniim's nc-WHiinpei .
lull al'IC'l' ft lil-otnicteil ronttTciico ul
tin- unices of .1. 1. Miii' .! i'o.,
ltolicrt Il.u'on, 11 nifinlicr of that linn,
declined that tlie lieu would
have to he withheld tor unollior day.
Tin- nominal rniiltallssiuion of ss.oon
of tlie I'nited Slates Stoul corporation
Is innlet stood to mean that tho lncoi-l.oratni-.s
liad simply taken tho pi'ecuu.
t Km to llio papeiH hofoi'o any olio olso
mlBhi have a (.li.uiie to use the nunie.
AlurKiin ('. me declared to have
inmlo all for ilnaiu'injr
tliu comhliic. They also liiivu conipiet
oil the details neocssaij' to tlio in
chit n 15 1 US of old M'i'iirillc.s for now. As
10 tlio notation of tlie company a
Pioiiilncnt hank otllcer was iiiotcd as
MiyiiiK that not mole than 51.1,i)uo,Wrt
ot nctitnl cash would In- neceHsary nnd
that tills Mini had already hoon jnit
aside hy llio undti'Wtltliijr'.
Speedy application will he made, it
H s.ild. to list Ihe sliaicrt of the com
p'tliy hcie and on tiio London c
cliani;e. The iiiidervviitiui; nyndlcnte
K said in have olTera tor the sliuies of
I1h new eoiiip.iuk's uKKH'KatliiR about
$lfin.ii0i',00n. Ii Is ropoiliul thill London.
1'ails, Hoi Un und Kiankfuit hanheis
hau taken Kindly to the advances of
tho undei Milters. From ti well
informed stiuici. i-onien the Mi.itenient
Unit tlio ITnllod Slates ciccl coipoia
tlou Will h.ivo SI.HN.OiK.COd of capital
Block. Of dills W0i,Oi'i,nuii will ho nvo
li r cent. KoiKiul niortKuRp honds!
$ IHO.000,0'10 nf 7 per culll. piddled
.stock, and $4 J.OOO.onO of (ommou stock.
The corporation will lake over tho
Carni'Klc. l'Vileiul Steel, lecl and Wlro
and other coiupanles miiiied bv an
exihaiiKO of stock. Tlio valuation of
subsidiary companion has been arrived
nt liy a close examination ot their as
f.ots, as well oh of their taming; power.
Mr. Morffiin Is mid to have ihclaivd
that without a combine tho companion
to ho absorbed In onu would liave (.pent
for bPtli'tmmilH at loisl $ a
year for Iho next live years. With
, tho clement of compotltlon eliminated
$1.00 a Yard.
Rolls Qp
yy an riipci
. 4t
- isns & m.r.Gi'Nin:n. i.ett.
A. J. DL'ITV, Jdaimser.
om: Nionr om.y,
nwriia'i (Jieateit J.lsrltt Opcm Conipanj Tht
Willi all the faioiito. Craw! (honn nd on
,liiii.i, 1'u'i.intlnsr for the mt time heie
II) n tor Herbert,
"ran now on tale.
1'iluii 2V .'Oi'., Tat., $1,011 and SI. SO.
One Night Only, Thursday, Feb. 28
1 he Jollie.t of jolllalll) .
il" n... i and ittt'tlj
moid litele r cniour
The Burgomaster
A'l tip i.edalo iiiii.ii al eonifily hy I'tank I'hlcj
and Cuwe l.ud.'if. l.'l limes In Chicago
Mil, ho.iuty and i-oiu. t emir cut a'l'nta,
l'i he- -'.Ji , "le., ;!., II Of' and 1 in,
.i-aii on Io Tit.(lav at 0 a. m.
.11 sp oni: mcht,
Filtlny, Match 1st,
Kne'ii. iniut popular injliifr eomrdlan,
lu his miv military melodrama,
( (
uiii of ihe lil.-li rciolullon of K03,
MACK'S "I.iille loininy Jlurphj,"
OWN -l.)i"i of blue,"
SWEET " or Tieedoni and Ireland.
11) nquol "Hie Story of the Hose,"
Prices 25c, 50c, 75c and 1.00.
cli w Mill", Mi .new!, I'ib. aith.
lUimctu nd Lttttti. Local Maoajer,
U.I. 'Ullh lltl'k,
Holden Comedy Co.
Titudiy Maliue.' "lh CnuiflK'4
Tiitfila)' Mkhti "Knnb' ef Ttnnwi'f"
Wioiiculay Matinee "Knob'i of Teiuiexie'
nrilnrrdi) Mlllir , "Our Ihe St'
Millltce I'rlim-Kl and ill ru.t .
Ni!ht PrlKW id. t-ii and M tim .
It Is Jtrfiirod that all or neai'ly nil of
this will bo pared.
Hope for the Poets.
liom ihe Philadelphia PreM.
Senior Hun kiit Ah, tliU MOild f cold iM
uiis)mpatliellu. I II almobt ImpoAiihlo for Ul
poilH in inako any inomy notiadayj,
.loh SiiimHtrr-I think jou'io uroui; tlteip,
lli,re' no ptrjuiliie ajlmt poMl. I knm 4
nun mIki iUKJgid .1 iwri and Ktie Mm $1
MceU lo Veep the office (lean and run crundj, (
s-t - 'K
, t . , w -