The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 26, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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Inrta on Triiif for nlnjhtmton, K. Y., whew
he will maki her home, hereafter.
Jam Murphy ln accepted poiUlem as flr.
man on the Ontario and Wtatcrn.
MI Term Fox l employed at the poate'Sce
during roatmuter 3. It. Thomai' ataencc.
MIm Kmma Reed and brother, Harry, ot Phil
adelphia, are Riieati ot trlendt In this city.
Kdard Coddlngton wa called to lloneodtla
Sunday by the aerloui lllncu of lilt father.
Mr. Thomaj Klrknoed, of Mer atreet, attend
ed th; funeral ot Leo Clark in llcncsdile on
MIm Kathryn smith, of Nantleoke, who lui
hem the irueat of Mlaa Margaret McAndrcw for
temal daja, returned home )rterday mornlnu.
Communication sot
news nature, per
sonals and all Items
(or publication may
be left at The Trib
une's new offices In
the Burke Building,
or sent by mall or
E.I.. Hatfield, man
ager ot the Carbon
dale edition, will be
pleated to receive
callers seeking Infor
mation ordeslfousof
Imparting It. Tele
phone numbers: New
aSS: otd, 04 jj. 1
A Largo Attendance and Short Ses
sion Appropriation for Semi
centennial Comos Up. .
Common council met In regular ses
sion Inst night. There were pteseiit:
Chairman Kennedy, Ncnlon, Loftus,
Thompson. Wedeman, Murphy, Kvhuh,
Hmlth, Swingle, nnd Masters.
The street committee reported favor
ably on the resolution permitting Thos.
Theophllus to connect with the Spring
street sewer and the action of select
council was concurred In.
The nctlon of select council In au
thorising City Solicitor Stuart to go
to Haulslimg, at an expense not ex
feeding i'n to be born by the city, to
look after the paving bill before the
lt'Cl.tlaturc was concurred In.
The city solicitor'!? opinion concern
In gthe city's right to allow thn Klota
silk mill people to mtucli a lire iilnrm
bos on the city syslum was read, Ho
stated there was no obstacle, as ho
miw, to granting the roqucat, and on
lie other band he thought It would
be advisable to do so. Mr. Smith up
bold the company's side. Messrs. I-of-tu..
Nealon. Kvnn nnd Murphy
thoucht t her should bo tonic deflnlto
agreement as to who should bear the
expense of rcpulis on the system, el'-'.
The matter was referred to the fli.
light and water committee.
Tho Streets, bridges and sewer com
mittee, to whom th; communication of
.!. J" Reynolds, esq,, concerning the
unpaid balance of the sewer contract
duo Giles Lowland, reported In favor
it paying the balance. There is but a,
half hour's work or so necetsary to
complete, the work, round! received
the report and ordered tho bill to be
The fallowing communication was
leeelved from the semi-centennial cele
bration committee,
la llic Honorable, tho elcct aini I ommon
I'ounells ot llic City of farhonilale:
Gentlemen: St llic meeting cl iitnuns hebl
lst night it was unanimously decided to eom-ine-morale
the flllicth annlverir.v of Hie charter
ing cl tlic city el t'.irliunrhtc. flic inittcr was
pliccd In the hanls ot .1 gcnenl 'ommltteo, wbo
luve been diligently at work, the fralcrml socle
ties co-operating with (lie member thereof
nur committee ha therefore elcelikd that
wc celebrate the event In .1 suitable awl impres
ive manner en (he dites ot Apt I to 1 inclusive.
t tin- last meeting ot the itenenl commlltco
lie financial committee- was instriictiel to appear
before j our honorable hoelici. anil present this
request to j ou.
We, therefore, the financial committee. In be
half of the ireneral committee and the citizens
of Carbondale, ak thitjou by proper legislation
make a rulhcitnt appropriation In erkbratc the
event In a crceliuble ami honorable m inner.
Without discussion, Chairman Ken
nedy referred the communication to
the committee on estimates and coun
cil then adjourned. The meeting was
one of the most largely attended ana
briefest which has been held in some
Is Carbondale Too Small?
Inspired hy the fact that Mr. Car
negie had giwn large sums to libraries
In Emporia and sonic towns In Okla
homa, the library committee at Iota,
wrote to tho great philanthropist usk
ing for a donation, and Carnegie
plunged the iron Into lola's souls by
responding that he never gave to small
towns. Kunsas t'lty Journal.
v Supposing our mayor should corre
sporrd with Mr. Carnegie? We would
know then how large a pIhcc had to be
before It can come within the rule.
Carbondale Leader.
Inasmuch as Mr. Carnegie donated
$20,000 to Port Jorvls only last week, a
city not as large as Carbondale. nnd
a short time ago gave $10,000 to Hag
Harbor, .V. Y a town whose normal
population Is abou. t.iwO peisorib, for
new public libraries, it would seem
that the Umpire city is certainly In a
lass large enough to ask for a gift
Iroin tht library philanthropist. Mayor
Kllpatrlek might write Mr. Cainegle if
he was assured that this city would
live up to the conditions that are ex
acted from all cities where he has en
dowed libraries to expend un annual
sum equal to ten pei cent, of the en
dowment In the care and building up
of the library. Carbondale probably
needs a public Ilbraiy. or the rehabili
tation of its present one, as much ns
any community In tin.- state.
A New Dlsinfectoi.
The hoard of health of this city has
Just Invested In a Lenta formaldehydes
gas dislnfcctoi to use In houses u-i.o.n
contagious diseases have existed. The
new dldlnfector will take the place ot
the old sulphur tumlgatlon. which has
always met with serious objection be
cause of Its unpleasant features and
also because It did not do the work It
was meant to do. The now contriv
ance Is a eiy simple piece of mechan
ism und warranted to kill all bacteria
In un Infected room or house, nnd is
easily manipulated it has not yet
been med by tho health orneers.
To Remove to Albany.
., .Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Kafka, of
'Pale'm avenue, have completed arrange-
.mtnti. in mako their home In future In
Albany, N. Y., on account of Mr. Kaf-
T.a'e. business being located there. Mr.
Kafka U already In the capital city of
tile Empire state, and Mrs. Kafka, wltn
hor two sons, brooks and Charles, will
leuvo Caibondale the latter part of the
week to Join lilm.
A New Location.
Thomas A. Wnlker.who ban a grocery
More at 23-' Cottage street, has leused
thf rebuilt Nealon stoic on South Main
To Buffer tb most excruclatlog pains, to lose
tlu u.i'i;of limbs, nnd to have the Joints BAolbn
and dlillured is the lot of the victim of rheuma
tism. Uritf acid Id tho blood Is the causa of rheuma
tism. If the kidneys aru active, they reuiovit the
urio acid. That Is their special work. If, on the
other hand, tho kidneys are deranged, there Is
sure, to bo urio ucld In the blood and rheumatio
pain through t. body.
No amount of liniment will ever cure rheuma
tism. It sometimes relieves, but cure can only be
brotifbt about by setting the
kidneys right. The most effec
tive kidney remedy known to
aao is Dr. A. W. Chase's Kid-
street, and as soon its It Is completed
ho will open n general storo there. Mr.
Walker Is well known throughout tho
city und his determination to begin
business In the central part of tho town
will doubtless bo encouraged by his
many friends. It was rumored yester
day afternoon thut Frank Clifford wus
to go Into partnership with Mr. Wal
ker, but Mr. Clifford denied last even
ing that such was the case.
Mrs. John Fldgeon.
Mrs. Margaret Pldgcon, widow ot
John Pldgcon, died at about half-past
two o'clock yesterday morning, after
an Illness extending over eleven
months, agod 59 years. For several
weeks her death had been expected,
as she had been critically III. She had
been for many years a constant and
devout attendant ut St. Hose church,
and was a member of the Altar society
of the church.
Mrs. ridgeon whh born In County
SHgo, Ireland. She came to Carbon
dale from Ireland about forty yea's
ago, Fifteen yenis ugo her husband.
John Pidgeon, died. Four children, nil
of this city, survive her. They are
Miss Winifred, Anthony, Timothy and
Joseph Pidgeon. The funeral will be
hold tomorrow afternoon. The proces
sion will leave the house, at IS Brook
lyn street, at 3 o'clock, far St. Kosa
church. Intotment will be made in the
old Catholic burying grounds beside
her husband.
Officers Installed.
At St. Rose's hall on Sunday after
noon the officers of the new musical
union were Installed by Nutlonul Or
ganizer Oeorgo Nachrrrau, of Balti
more, Md assisted by several mem
bers of laical No. 120, of Scranton.
There were over a hundred musicians
present, they coming from nearly every
town between Forest City and Scran
ton. The olllcers of the Central Labor
union and representatives of other
labor organizations were also present.
The following olllcers weiuj installed:
President, John J. N'cuser ; vice-president,
John Hogarth: recording secie
tary, J. J. Hullah; financial secre
tary. Isaac Calvin: treasurer, William
Byrne; sergeant-at-arms, John Mas
ter. The new union Is entitled to tivu
delegates to tho Central Labor union,
and the following won; chosen to act
In that capacity: Thomas Kennedy,
Frank Iloemmelmer. J. J. Hullah,
Charles Melville nnd Charles Bennett.
Several addresses were made Thu
meetlnir was adjourned to next Sun
day, when a regular business meeting
will be held, and, It Is hoped, several
more members from out of town will
bo enrolled.
An Operation.
Pr. John Nlles performed an opera
tion for appendicitis on Mr. Cavlston,
of Orchard street, on Suturday cen
Ing at Kniergency hospital. The oper
ation was a very successful one and
last evening Mr. Cnlston was repoit
od as doing very nicely.
To Lecture at Dunmorc.
T5ev. Dr. Whalen. pastor ot the He
reon Baptist church In this city, will
deliver his lecture on "Irish Wit and
Humor" at the Methodist church In
Dunmorc Friday evening. It being the
first of a course of lectures to be given
Funeral of Richard Moran.
The funeinl of Richard Moran, who
died early on Sunday moinlirg at his
residence. .V Plku street, will be held
tomorrow morning at :.3u o'clock, at
St. ltoe church. The Interment will
be made In St. Rose cemetery.
Three Boys.
To Mr. und Mrs. Martin Cordon, ot
the South Side, a son.
To Mr. and Mrs. William L. Clark,
of Terrace street, a son.
To Mr. anil Mrs. L. L. Spencer, of
Greenfield, a son.
Gone to Philadelphia to Study.
Frank Ilrldgett, ot Darte avenue,
went to Philadelphia yesterday, wheie
he will start on a preparatory course
in a technical school. Later he Intends
to enter Lehigh university arrd study
electrical engineering.
Talked About Chemistry.
A. Wilson Ocary, professor of cliem
istry In the high school, delivered an
instructive lecture on that subject be
fore the nurses In the Emergency hos
pltal yesterday afternoon.
Going- to Soldiers' Home.
Andrew Welch, an aged veteran of
the Clll war, who lives In this city,
starts this atternoon for the Soldlcis'
home at Danville, III., where he expects
to remain the rest of his life.
A Lacerated Hand.
Archie Morgan Is suffering from a
badly lacerated hand ab.a result of
having It caught beneath the runner
of a sleigh while out roasting.
Worked Half a Day
The Delaware and Hudson miners
and bivaker hands got In but half a
day yesterday. Shortage of cars was
the alleged cause.
At the Opeiu House.
Friday "Uncle Tom's Cabin."
ney.Urer rills. They cure rheumatism perma
nently by making the kidneys active In their
work of removing the uric acid from the blood.
Mr. William J, Coad, No, as Ilrunson Street,
Oswego, N. V., writes i " I am very glad to praise
Dr. A. W, Chase's Kldney.Liver 1111s, and tell -vbat
they have done for me. I suffered for many years
with severe constipation, llheumatlsm and kid
ney trouble, and could get no relief until I 'tied
Dr. A. W. Chaso'a Kidaey-Mver Pills. In them 1
found Immediate relief, and can honestly recom
mend them to other sufferers."
One pill a doso. SS a bos
at all dealers, or I)r, A. W,
Chase Medicine Company, Buf
falo, N. V.
Two Youngsters of Forest City Fool
with Powder.
William Owens, aged 18, and Louis
Hnlford. aged 15, both living In Forest
City and employed In a mine at Vnnd
ling ns driver boys, celebrated their
day off on Sunday by going to tha
Cllffoid mine In Forest City to get
some powder, which they Intended to
use for some purpose of their own.
While they were conveying the powder
from tho mine It exploded and both of
tho lads were severely burned.
Tho Owens boy Is the most seriously
wounded. Hla face, hands and abdo
men were bluckened by the grains and
he Is now In a very critical condition.
Young Halford suffered burns to his
hands, neck and face. Tho two were
taken to tho Emergency hospital In
this city, and last evening both were
reported ns somewhat Improved. The
eyes of each boy arc shut tight, the
eyelids having swollen ?o, and It Is as
yet uncertain whether their sight has
been affected.
Biggest "Uncle Tom" Troupe on the
Road Coming Friday.
The Grnnd Opera House will on
Friday evening offer Its patrons Al.
W. Martin's grand spectacular re
vival of "Uncle Tom's Cabin." This
attraction Is classed as one of the big
gest scenic productions the American
stage has ever seen, It being neces
sary to utillzo two special cars to
transport the scenery and equipment.
The company carries three brass
bands, twenty-llvo heads of ponies,
donkeys, horses, oxen, tally-ho coach,
traps, Eva's golden chariot, log cabin,
ox carts and numerous other novel
ties and gives the most elaborate and
largest street parade ever attempted
by a theatrical company. The parade
starts from the theater at noon. Two
performances will bo given. Matinee
at L'.SO, and evening at 8.15.
One Game Last Night.
At the Carbondale Cycle club last
eening one game was played In the
pool tournament. Fred Swingle, the
only scratch man In the tourney, de
feated J f!. Reese (second class) by
50 to 49. Reese dropping out and
Swingle taking the lead by seven
games won and oris lost. The stand
ing of the players to date is:
CUv. Won. l.ot
M. :. Clifford 0 t
Y ft. Derby a ." 1
J. Gllhool a r. .!
I'. Humphrey .1 i J
t, V,. ltohcrts I I -J
f. It. smith t !
Fred SVIiikIo 1 7 I
A. I.. Stewart -' " 2
Mother Jones in Town.
Mother Jones was In tills city for a
short time on Sunday evening, on her
return from Forest City, where she ad
dressed a meeting of the striking silk
mill strikers. She Inquired Into con
ditions at the silk mill here of the
Klota company, and was pleased to
learn that all was serene. A Scran
ton evening paper last night Intimated
Manager Frleder denied last night that
that a number of the girls In tho local
Klots mill had gone on strike, but
such was the case, llo assured The
Tribune reporter that no trouble was
Imminent here arrd all his workers
were contented with the present con
ditions. MasonB to Be Instructed.
I'nots Hall, one of the; best Informed
Fiee Masons in this state, will be In
this city tomorrow evening. Carbon
dale lodge. No. 249, Five and Accepted
Masons, will hold a special communi
cation, beginning at 7 o'clock tomor
row evening, and Mr. Hall will Instruct
the members and oflirers of the lodgo
in the work of the lirst and second
degrees. All Masons of this section are
Invited to bo present on this occasion.
Miss Jenkins Home.
Mls-s Mary R. Jenkins, the trained
nurse, has icturncd to her home In
Carbondale after being In Mayfleld for
two weeks In attendance! at the bed
side of Frank Grady, eldest ton of
Mrs. H. tirady, who has, been seriously
ill with typhoid-pneumonia. Her pa
tient Is now iccoveting rapidly.
Jenkins Is a graduate of Ihnergency
hospital, class of 'ft'.
Supreme Archon Coming,
Morris Q. Cohen, of Pittsburg, su
prema archon of the Improved Order
of Heptasophs, will bo at the halt of
Fiovldence conclave, Scranton, this
evening. The members of the order In
this section are Invited to meet him
there. He will give the reasons why
certain changes must be made In tho
order at the next supreme session.
rifteenth Anniversary.
The Senior Christian Endeavor soci
ety of the First Presbyterian church
will celebrate their fifteenth anniver
sary tonight by a social gathering In
the lecture rooms of tho church.
Among the speakers who will take part
will be Captain 'William A. May, su
perintendent of the Sunday rchool of
Elm Park church In Scranton.
Meetings Tonight.
Division No. 11, Ancient Order HI
bernians. St. Vincent de Paul.
Lucietla lodge, No. 109, Daughters
of Hebekah.
Lackawanna tribe. No, 208, Improved
Order lied Men.
Knights of Honor.
Local Union. No. 1611.
Daughters pf St. Oeorge.
The Passing Throng.
Miri lloso Whltty jpent funday In Jcrmyn.
Mrs. William Matthews is suffering with the
XiprencnUtfte P. A. Philhin was In this oily
Frank Alherty, of the fum of Alhcrty & Bedell,
is on tho tick lUt.
Claries Wilson, ot Wllken Barre, is renewing
acquaintances In town.
Messrs. J, J. und J, C. lliggins, ot the South
Side, ore in New Voik elty,
Miss Laura Ihllton Is confine! to her horn; on
North Main street by Illness.
Ml Esther Ludwlg, rd Scrantou, spent last
evening with friends in town.
Mrs. Lewis Monla, of fcivtuth svenue, visited
relatives In Jermjn i n Sunday,
MIjj Maud Harnden spent Sunday with her
brother, M, K. Harnden, of rj pliant, Hie
The triimberi of Jcnnjn tnnclaic. Improved
Order of llcptaaonlui nre informed that the illv
trlcl convention U to be held at the auditorium,
Providence, this tenln;, The aupreme officer
Mil be present.
Adam Snjder. ho for Hie pant four monlhi
ha been at Pccn, W. V,, hai returned home.
A. P. A. nattenherc the Main etreet furniture
dealer, ha jiut mads n hindome donation of
flnelr npholatercd ehalra and other furniture to
the Prlmlthe Methodut rhiirch. Tho putor and
longreiratlon highly opprrrialr Hie Rift.
The KnliihU of Pilhla ulio ulll blt backa.
wanna lodjrc, Oiyphant, thl ocnlnif, will u'
do"n on the 7.1( Delauare and lludaon train.
Mr. and Mn. Lel JtrFctrldgr, James Mc
Felridgc and Mr. Annie Lander, ot Soranton,
eptnt bunday with Jermjn friend.
Thomas Sly, of Dunmore, naj a visitor at the
home of her lter, Mr. John Solomon, of Main
treet, Funday.
Ernest Hoard, the wall known Scranton planut
and teacher, will gte a rnuvlcale here tn the
Methodist Episcopal church next ueel under th
atupltea of the Women's Home Mlwlonuy so
ciety. A full programme will appear later.
Mrs. rtlchanl Broun, of the Dennlngton firm,
Greenfield. a a vWtor here jeaterday.
Mrs. John Vrltcb.ird, of WmI Majflcld, Is con
fined to her home with ekknes.
Mm. Edward Williams, of Oljphant, Is vlaitlnR
her aunt, Mrs. A. T. Matthew, who la critlrally
MIj Mary Skinner, of IxnoxWllr, is visiting
Jcrmvn friends.
George Harney, of Sorth Main si reel, who mv.
eral months ago went to Canada, han returned
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Duikln. of Maineld. left
Saturday for Philadelphia tn attend the funeial
of the former's sister.
Imlntihle commander?, No. i.'. Knight of
Main, elected the folloniua; officers at their btti
Incss scedon on Friday evenlnc: Slr knight com
.lundcr. Albert Lewis; fwieralllmo, Peter Hir-
j ilr.glou; captain c.ncial. John Jenkins; pre
late. i. M. Williams; recording 'oretary, John
P. Tubb; financial scintary, John t). Francis;
treasurer, llioma HadJnoc; tiu'lce, John Fran
Eangellsl Puck will continue M eangeINIIc
services at the McthodU Kplicupal iliurth '.Mi
cunliu; and throughout tuc iriiialndcr of the
The fair and fcstbal of the Caltary naptivt
church will be opened March 0 to continue until
the Mh. .mong the great fcitures vihlch U at
tracting gieat attention will be the drawing on
! the tot situated on Wet Grove street, presented
V .imip. .junii ii. .ioiids anu .lunn l. I nomas.
The lot is valued at $30. Tickets, M rents.
The Young Men's Literary society of the
Catholic parish will hold an Important teuton
thU eicnlng In their usuil nm-llng place. A full
! attendance of members Is renimtwl.
Editor und Mrs. Arthur English and rtin, Al
bert, of Uiookljn, N, V., have returned home
after being the guests- of Mr. and Mrs. IJ, O.
Jones, of Main street,
Mrs. Edward E. Pavls nnd Mrs. Thomas Towell,
of Main btrcet, visited rclathcs of the former In
I'cckvllle on Sunday.
Mil icttie Scherer, of CTaik Summit, has re.
turned home after vlsltlrg relatives here.
An entertainment of moving pictures will l?a
gben In the Welsh Presbyterian church under
the direction of J. K. Williams, of Tlj mouth,
this eurilng. Tickets, 10 to 10 cents.
Miss Kate Podoon returned jestr relay fler
visit with relatbcs In lijmouth.
Miss G"orgla Thomas spent Sundvy with
Wilkes-narre friends.
An apron social will be held in the Susque.
hanna Street Baptist church on Friday evening
under the auspices of the primary classes. Ad
mission, 1 rents.
The rmplojcs of the Pclanaic and Hudson com
pany will be paid today.
Edward Itjan, of Pittsburg, spent Sunday with
Ills sister, Mis Nellie Itjan, of Willow Miect.
Miss Litzie Scahlll, of Avor.1, who has been
visiting relatives here returned home jCstcrdiy.
Mrs. Mary Mason, of l.ickawanna street, is
quite 111.
Charles McKenna, of Ilonesdale, was a caller
In towTi Saturday.
Misses Maine O'Milley and l.illie Clifloid. of
Avora, were visitors In town Sunday.
Miss Maggie Kennedy, of Providence, spent
Sundav with Mrs. M J. HcVridrcw, on Pela
waie street.
Ml Laura Roberts returned home late lat
cuiiliig after spending a week with her parent.
Mr. and Mrs. r-llas Roberts, of Miihlenbuig.
Albert Chapman leturned to his studies at Wy
oming seminiry jesterdaj after a ehort visit with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. llcnr Chapman.
Frank Callender visited his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Judson Callender, of North Main street, on
.Sunday last.
Mr. and Mm. O. J. I.lllibridge entertained at
dinner, Trlday, February 22.
Will Courcrw nerrowly escaped serious Injuiles
while at work In the SturgM mine Satuiday. St
piescnt he Is buffering trom omc serv pilnful
Tho schools of this borough were clowl on
Walislngton's birthday
William Vesger, r one of the oldest lendents
of this vicinity , died at the home of his son,
Adam Wager, Saturday morning, after a linger
ing illnes. Tie funeral ooeuried from the
Methodist church Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Rev. O, II. Prentice oRleiited. Interment took
place In the Moscow cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Drown are biting their
ton, Milton, at Tlagor,
The Ladles' Aid society will meet at the home
of Mrs. Posten this afternoon at 3 o'tlock.
Mn. Kennedy, of btroucUburg, is Usltlns; reta
ils es here.
Walter Wat dell, of Scranton, hpent Sunday with
lilt parents, Mr. and Mrs. Uyron W'ordell.
The Women's Christian Temperanco union will
hold a wniard memorial meeting at the home
Dr. James'
Cheap enough yes,
nnd good as gold.
Dr, James'
Headache Powders.
No matter what the
cause of tho headache,
Dr. James' Headacho
Powders will euro it.
Restore nerve force
mako it impossible for
headache to exist.
No s t u pe fy n r d rugs.
Absolutely harmless.
At Your Druggists.
4 Dosos for 10 Cents.
Cure Where
SSJSBBJtfcj ststlsstststistststststststststststststst
grip bacillus has passed over our
country, from the Atlantic to the
Pacific, leaving behind it a dark
cloud of anguish nnd despair.
Catarrh follows grip ns effect fol
lows cause.
A multitude of catarrh victims will
fining up In the trail of the awful epi
demic of grip that hast Just passed over
our fair country.
Th hope to these people Is Peruna.
Most pcoplo know this already.
Everyone who lias had tho lenst
touch of grip, should not fall to ,tak$
a course oi' treatment with Peruna.
Peruna eradicates every vestige of
the disease and leaves the system In
a normal condition.
Hon. Joseph II. Crowley, Congress
man trom Illinois, writes from tho Na
tional Hotel, 'Washington, P. C, as
"After giving Peruna n fair trial T
cm cheerfully recommend your iem
tely to anyone sufierlng with coughs,
colds. In grippe nnd nil catntrhal com
plaints." J. H. Crowley.
Hon. George H. 'White, Congressman
from North Carolina, writes:
"I am more than satlsiled with Pe
runa, nnd llnd it to be an exeellenr
rinady for the gilp and catarrh. I
of Mrs. M. W". Vaughaii Thhrsday afternoon at
I.C0 o'clock.
Mr. and .Mrs. Derby marts and Mix Iiy
SwarU, of bcranton, attended the funeral ejf
Mr. William Veaprer scstcrday.
Mrs. Fnnk I'osten returned home jesterday
after spending sccral weeks with her parents
at Salem.
The regular monthly literary entertainment of
the. Epttorlh league will be held ne-t Kriday
cienlnc in the Methodist church.
Mr. and Mrs. .John Wllsou, of Scranton, wcro
visitors here Sunday.
A number of joiing people from this place at
tended the donation at Dilesillc Siturday night.
The remains of Mrs. rcnnypicker, who died
at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Charles Kd
ward", were taken to I'lttston for burial Sunday.
Hose eompany, No, 1, attended the W'joinin;
fair last eenlng,
Harry Heap has accepted a position in Me
Lauchlln Profilers' store.
Ml.s Margaret Friie, of the West Side, is criti
cally ill with peritonitis. Doetors IteiBO and
Rums, of Sranton, arc attending her.
Thomas IIkuc, of the West Wile, 15 erltleatly
ill with pleurisy.
The L. i . II, A. will meet this eu'ninc.
Mr. and Mrs. James Walsh anil Mr. and Mrs.
Anthony W'alh attended the Itcllly obsequies at
I'lttston on '.imdiy
W. .1. Iteninian has leturned from Clearfield
John, the young son of Mr. and Mrs. tteorge
Carey, is critic illy ill with pneumonia.
Sriccs will be held In St. Mirj's chuich
thii. evenins'.
Misses Mitlldi Clifford and Mary O'Malley
spent .Sunduj at Olj phant.
The Ladles' Aid society of the Mrlliodit Epis
eopil chnii.1i will meit this eienlng to mako
arranKcments for the coming tale.
Mrs II. C. Moiton Is critically 111.
Mis Anna Walker, of MaslieM, and Patrick
Talbot, of l'hllidclphla, spent S-imdiy at the
Hums residenti
Special from a Staff Correspondent.
Vlchol-on, Feb, 25, Misses Cora Field, ef .Wi
ley, and Lillian Palmer, of Scranton, Fpcnt III
day with Clara TitTiny.
X. I,. Walker, of Kcelerburs, spent hundav
with Mr. and Mre. II. K. Johnson.
llerliert T Wilkin;, who has been in town lmc
lal Jul, has fully recovered from his recent
serious illnews and will return to Scramon, liaeing
accepted a position with the fecranton cluh. Mis
Wilkins will not return to Serjntou until April
1, when they will occupy their old liotui- on
(iicen Itldge street,
II. I, Tiffany is in llarrlsburg on hunies.
Claude Robert., who has been quite III ut bis
uncle's home on State street, n turned to th'
home of his parents at Foster yesterday
F. X Davie, of Susquehanna, spent S'undi
with Is daughter, Mis. M. P. Kelly.
Headache Causes.
Headache is usually caused by llvlne
In poorly ventilated rooms, overin
dulgence In food or drink, Insufficient
exercise, mental strain, excitement or
malaria, Krnuse's Headache Capsules
quickly cures the most severe cases,
and leaves the head clear and cool.
Price :'3c. Sold by Matthews Uro.
One Fare to Washington D. C, nnd
Return via the Lehigh Valley Kail
road. On account of the Inauguration cere
monies at Washington, the I.ehlgh Val
ley railroad will sell tlcUots to that
point and return, Maich 1, 2 nnd 3. al
tho low rate of one fare for the round
trip. These tlcketH will be Rood to r
turn to Murch S, Inclusive, and will
be honored on any train except the
Black Diamond Express. Stop-over al
lowed at Philadelphia nnd Haltlmorc
by deposit of ticket, provided tlckot
Is used within original limit. For fur
ther Information consult I.clilgh Valley
ticket agents.
Inauguration Ceremonies Washing
ton, TJ. C March 4th.
On account of the above, tho l.,uka
wanna rnllroad will uvnd round trip
tickets to Wut-hlngton. D. C, at one
way fnro for the round, $7."r. Tho
route, either via Manunk.i Chunk and
Philadelphia, or via Northumberland
and Harrlsburg, Tickets will be on
sale good going March 1st, 2nd and
3rd, and will be limited for icturn
leaving Washington not later thnn
March 8th. 1001. -
have used it In my family, nnd they
all Join mo In recommending It ns an
excellent remedy." Gcoige H. White.
Hon. J. P. Megrcw, Superintendent
U. S. Capltnl Police Force, of "Wash
ington. I. C, says:
"Having suffered from the grip, 1
was advised by a friend to use your
Peruna. I also used it for my ca
tarrh, nnd I can now cheerfully rec
ommend our remedy to nnyone who
Is suffering from the grip nnd catatrh."
J P. Megiow.
MI&8 Anna Rtmscll. Past Worthy
Counsellor. Loil Mystic Legion, 20J
Endlcott Building, St. Piul, Minn,,
i "For years I have unfortunitiiy
I found my stem In a peculiarly re
I ceptlve condition for catarrh when 1
was txpo40il in any way to Inclement
, weather. At thnsj times I would b
I hevcrely .(!llcled with la gilppe ana
1U unpleasant consequences,
i "Now for the past year and a. half I
have used Peruna. In such cases nnd
have found that It not only cure's me
(illicitly, 'nit it also cleanses my blood
and renders ine Uwr llublo to catch
I cold. It Is the tlnest preventative of
coldH that I know of and a veiy su
I perlor ionic." Anna Rusr-ell.
1 MIjs Alice Dressier, Hill North Bry
Concluded fiom Page 1
would llr.d everybody's hands tut noil
ngaliut them.
The McTighe Bill.
In the senate tonight Mi. V.iughan
re-Introduced the MeTlghe bill, defeat
ed In 1Mi:i, which piovlcies that mine
bosses, superintendents and foremen
shall be considered ns representative's
or agents of the operators and not as
the co-employes of miners laborers and
other employes, when orre of the latter
Is suing for injuiles. It was refer reJ
to the committee on mines and mining.
Mr. SchPtier's "Garvin bill" passed first
reading In the house, as did nlso the
new chaiter bill for third class cities.
District Attorney "W. It. Lewis nnd
P. V. Sieanlon arrived in Harrlsburg
tonight. T. J. Duffy.
Other Business Tiansacted in the
Routine Proceedings.
Special from a Staff C'nrrcpon J nt
Harrlsburg, Feb. 25. In tho s-e.ii. it?
tonight Hon. William II. Kejcer was
Hwoin irr ns senator fiom the Third
Philadelphia, district to Micceed the
Into Francis A. Osbouie. lillls wete
Introduced as follows:
By Mr. Miles, !.ehi;h Presiding for and an
thouzlng the eleitlon of one Justice et 'he
peace In each ward of all boroughs dinded Into
w.inls by tho eiuallflcd clerlori. of the npctiif
wards; pnwlding fi-r the eomtnietioii and main
tcnance of shlo patlw In lowii-lilpi tor thu ii"
of bicycles nnd pulestiians; proeidlng lor Hie
election at the Xosrinber election this year aid
eeery three jears therejlter In oerj inunlj in
which there Jie tovnhipi of ttiree sidi- pjth
commlwiioners, no otcr to be allowed to i"te
for moio than two candidites, The bill ali
pioldcs that assessors In townshlr.', boloughs
and eitie r.lull asaevvs tery person, oorp nation
and firm with cerv Idctcle owned hy tlirm and
' nuke return to county conimHiioner The
county i ouiniissioner shall leiy an annuil tax
of one dollar on each wheel.
Hv Mr. (Jiull, Pihujlklll inetidiiig an at
authorising and requiring eounty coinmls.-l"nei'
to appoint u sulllcicut niuuher of sultablo per
sons to provide for the Imrjal of indigent sol
diers w as to cxtenil the pioisi-us n the
aim; to buldlers who seniil in the .'panlsh and
rhllipplnc wars.
Mr. Vaughan's Bill.
Hy .Mi. Vauglun, Lackawanna Penning Hie
relationship between mlno brs.-c. supeilnten
denta and foremen ef coal mines and the per
I sins, firm or corporations owninc, oi operating
1 thn same and providing that in all actions for
the recovery of damages lor injuries sustained
by employes of said owners oi operators ol said
mine, mine bosses, superintendent and fore
men shall be considered as ripiesntotiies or
sgents of slid ouneis or optialor and not co
employes ot the persons mjuifd The bill
filled to pass the last ligislatuir.
Hy Mr. Washburn, I'riwtcnl l'rnilillng that
in all citirs of tho third iUn row owning and
operating or which ma) hereafter own ind
operate a municipal water plant for tho siiiply
of water to th.' inhabiunl. thereof, the "fn
tiutl rate as charged for w-ler to cvnMiniers
wherever supplied lliiougli and by meters shall
be at a flsid unifoim uto per thouund
gallxiis le alt peraous using the siiih without
regvd to the qinntlty rorisumcd,
Hy Mr. rdineinin, t anibrla-ProUdlrg lhat
any peison, corporiie or otlurnln1, vested Willi
the franchlo of eeiii.lrui'llng inalntaining and
iielng for purpocs of transportation, canals, emi
cthei artificial highwa, may ut am i fine con
vert, a portion "I the whole ef the water ii
pi theretofore ucd fm wuli lilghwa.ts to the
iisiii of donictlp. miriiifae luring ami coniinereial
purposes; and may I" this i ml from limn to
time liac, wll ir eoimy the whole- or an)
I iiuitlou of the sjihi
Piwidont I'm Tom Snyder appointed
thee tolluwlng senators to serve on tho
Pan-American exposition commission:
Cumnilngp. ot Wan on: rsrndy, Phila
delphia; HardenbiirKh. Wiiyne; Neely,
Clarion, and Kpioul, Dolawaie. Ad
journed until -1 p in. tomortow.
In the House,
Joseph Call, of the Nlmdtriuh Phil
udelphla district, and Curry,
Sixteenth Philadelphia dIMilet, win,
were elected nt tho lato oleeiions to
nil vacancies, wore sworn In ut to
night's session of the house. These
bills wtiio read In placo.
Mr. I.nk, of pester Makii.s tiis assessed
ill en real estate a fhat lieu and to pmvldi foi
ant avenue, Minneapolis, Minn.,
wrltci: '
"Last spring I suffered from la
grippe and waa partially cured, but
th bad after-effects remained through
the summer, nnd somehow I did not
got r.trong as I was before. In thei
fall I caught n cold after getting my
feet wet and attending a. lecture In n
cold hall, and I suffered a relapse. An
unpleasant catanh of the head and
throat followed, and ns I was In n
weak condition physically previous t
this. It took but little to break me
down completely.
"One of my college ftleuds who was
visiting1 me. nHked ine to try Peruna,
nnd 1 did to and found it all and
mote than I had expected. It not only
cured me of the catarrh., but restored
me to perfect health, built up tho en
tire system, aim nrougnt a nappy reel
ing of buoyancy which I had not
known tor vears." -Miss Alice Dressier.
I If jou do not derive prompt nnd
' K.itlsf.mtorv lesults from the use of
Peruna. wtlte at once to Dr. Hart
man. giving a. full statement of your
cine and he will be pleased to give
you hl valuable advice gratis.
Address Dr Hartman, President of
Die ilaitman Sanitniluni. Colum
bus, O.
A SKln of ooauty Is a Joy Forever,
3.JE1w sssset T, rims. TtmkUt,
wo rsit blsstUsa an
BMHI7. ana aepes
astMiios. It Su
stood tas tat ofH
Cars, and U s
rial,., w taste r
sot rare tt Is pew
erly ro4e. AMsM
a essiatertsis ai
tlsBOarnaiaa. Dr.b
A. layr tala to a
tods taakauVtoa
(a tsUiti "As re
ladM wUl as Uutn.
I reoamena -uoiir-ana'tOwun'astb
lMtt kanafol f a
Ik Skhi prsipara.
Hum " For fal T
all rtmnltta IM
raae7-3elt Datten In til V. S. Canaa. ana Kunn
. S-inD. T. UOWM-rmm. BOsm Jb It. M.T
thu colleetinn of mieh tans nd a remedy ie
fil-e returns.
Mr. Palm, ol CrawfoiJ-To enfon article. It
of the constitution to prevent discrimination in
lallroails and the Issuj of free pases.
Ml. Mjcrs, of ( uniberUnil I'equlrii'g st.-u-merits
of experurcs to te prefixed to Hie reimrtn
of the heads uf the hlatP departments, boards
and rtjininl'-ilons and tegiihtiiig the form an
tubstanee of such statements.
Mr. liiich. of Paiiphlr- l.lmitine the aniouni
e. loai.e tn olllecrs and cllnetors ot hanks, trust
eoinpinlfs iinl savings Institutions with capital
sleek hcietofuro or huealtcr il e'orporated In 'hi
slate and pioluMting loins upon the security ol
the capital stock of sii'h corporations; aiithoi
i7lng stUn b-inks to luan inor.e on the te
euiity e.f bonds and inorlgjgei on real estate
and to invest tlulr lunU In suili lionds and
nertgages and lntrei.t bearing tocks, bond"
etc.; amending the lav creating the department
of banking mi . lo puviele that trust companies
stall pay an exaininitlnn fee. two cents for
raeh Sd.OX) of ttut luneU which they have.
Mr. Ileaeoui, of Wclnmrrlind Fixing the fcei
of constable's for exec ut Ing an order of relle'
of paupers al wvetity-tiv cents and six centi
miU'igi, eieipowcrlng ien dlru'lors lo mil.'"
ImpiovcmcnN or .illentltn'. of thn prop,vrt,v
of the peior ditirie't -tnd make j. yearly rt I
mate of the cost.
Mr. Voorhees, of PliiUdclphls Repealing th.
provii-lon of the art of May W. M, nvlalins
t(, tho lleemlng of eJetOttive. which applies
to ai.ereta nr of buslnees elttectlves or
detective ngen'ie.
Matrimonial Measures.
Mi. McAnli", of r.avvieti(c--.Making it unlavviul
for hrst eoiniivs to he Joined in mairlage anil
iloelnin? sold all mirrhges heieafter centract,el
ill vlolitioii of this act
Mr. Orr, ot I'lillaelelphli Pioviding lor the
elolhing. nuintenaneo ami instruction of ehll
elren iicelved In Hie homo of refuje, one half at
the circnsc of the s'ate and nnchilf at the ti
kii- of th count fiom whleh they came.
Mr. liark, of Wuhliigton In atithonte trana
f.'M iiion thu bocks cf the e'orporation ef lots
in cemeterieii owned by corporation of tin
first class.
Mr. vVadsviwtli. ol I'liiladclphit Pioviding
that the wage of laborers or the salary ol ,in
ttt ki.ii In n1llf nr ,rlliilft llnnlsein.rl &lill
not be liable to attachment In the hands of the
implujer, but this proviso shall rot apply to ths
wages oi ulaiy nt peraous not residing In thl
Adjourned until ln o'clock tomorrow
morning. T. J. Duffy.
I'roni the Atehlnson filohe.
There are my few occasions in a woman's lit
that do not compel her to trot right down to the
dry goods stores.
lilve a woman something to eat and the doesn't
thoroughl) enjoy it until she hss found a hungry
bo lo divide with. .T
flcr every mairlage It Is slid tht brids must
have iiioriej of her nvvii, but it turns out usijilly
tint It Is the groom gofng in debt.
I'rubably juii aic familiar with the carei
manner In wlile-h people "tilk" about each other,
and of course ou know you don't escape.
Hie eloelrine Ihit It is more blewed to give
than t.i receive l alwajs entertained by those
persons who believe the world owes them a
Kver.v girl who lias two dillars a week to spend
complains Hut "lliodiy goods ftoies here do not
carrj assortment largo enough to attract shop
pers "
When eleaili finally comes to a man who ha
worked hapi all his life, il is a wonder that f
iloisii't turn ovei in Ids eomn evety morning at it
and gioan because it Is time to get up.
V new lull has been formed in .Mihisou
Members wear a button showing a picture of V
paiiot in the lentei, with these worel' above
und below. "I talk too much; don't leinpt me"
It 'Irluiiv chine h, IviiiMi ("in, last night, a
social was given In which every man paid 10
cents admission for ever pair of sockt he owned
Are thric any in .Meliliisoii vvhu.e admlssloi
would have cool more thin "0 centsf
Outlived Five Husbands.
Lancaster. Peb. VJ.-Mrs. r.liiabcth ?hitkle.
aged ti yesrs, Iho oldest Inmate of the Lin
caster coiiiiiy lin-pllj, ellcd todiy at that inH
tutlon. Mie hael outlived live husbands.
To Prevent the Grip.
Laxative Hiumo Quinine icinovet the came.
pwWZ m