. J 'vj . THE SCItAOTON TBTBUNB-SlOSUAl'. l'KBJtlJAltV 23, l!)0r. t .' , AMERICA IS THEIR MECCA oiieat rush or Hungarians TO THE UNITED STATES. Of Recent Yeius Over 2,000,000 of Them Have Come to America and Most of Them Stay Whole Prov inces of Hungniy Arc Delni Depopulated and the Authoil tlca Aie TuttlnK Evcty Obstacle in the Way of F.mlgiatlon to Keep the Natives ftoin Leaving, 1' ullHlMlll-tH "I " Hlt'Ull Mt I 141111 .f etnlmutlo" i" tin- I'hIIimI Stiitm for the piiHt twenty -m- Hun miry H In minim? flow iv depopulated. If "'' llUIIUIlllllllf tolltllllle to llnfK u Hi" rnltcil .Stales at ih( present nii- tli ihnpeine of Atifitlii nuiy have to l'i .1 uitlf mtoiilzliis at li'iiii" t" lt"l kdiiii ii.ii is of thi' llmiKuiliin leiiltmy ficim hiiolni? Into ii miiMi. Until e ionvlnicn In fiiKtfin mill niiithi'iiftotn Hi'itsMi) have h-'i'ii almost uliaiuloni d. I'mlii lliede Imif mine Hi" -.fw.m "f lltiugiirl un who hnvi taKen up tlU'll i. -Iitfiico In Hi" l"nltil Suite, ii t.udlmr to Hie latest kiiwi linn in ii p.n if Th" lliiniuillan iintlioillli nit mill to ! pluclmj evety nlmlneli In Ml" iv of liihnliltntiiH wliu wlfh i U"t nil nf III" OUlltl. D.IKfpilllS Ul" Midi- inTinr. unit iiunii nun foils of led tape tiro fpivuil t" "iituiiKl" th" l.i l of tltOsc lli WiUllll leilVf. III olispfjlleileo of till- oiitliilli-.l depart- iii p of eiiitiiuiN tin- prli t Inboi In llilllKHiy illls J 1011 floiil 1'itn in :;mi per "lit, vvlthln th" jhist few yen. It N -ilil Hint mnnj Ininlnl prnptleton li up 'iuiilalii"il to the AiHlil.iu kiiv iMiiui'iit thai lliry runiiot net ciiuukIi I.ilior i.i till llii'lr HeliK ami till" In Mill- of the fart thai 111 llillitfni.v 111" in ills are tilled liy iih-ii mill mhii-ii lilllfC. MANY" I'UMi: TU THIS STATU Th" niMjorlly of tlu foT:illt-l J I ii ii ; n Iiiiih In tin- I'nltnl State aie Slo vaks, and I "ii.tiOO of thi'iu live in IVuti Mlvnnln. They me illsttlluitoil umom; the co.il fields, mills iiiul mint's In the Mate. 'J't ii cars iiRn low of tli-in t iiuld lie fiuiiiil who wt'if not luhoii'tf I'liPh muilltlon hits t li.nmi il lapltll.i. Today liny hip IiokIhiiIiiu to k Into nialiy lines of business and tin- yeioinl (.'iii'ratlon Is coming up Aiui-ilt uul.ed. A rt't'ont paniRiaph aniiouiipi tl thai n number of lluinr.ii lau kIvI mine to a mill opitlenii'iii nt'.'ir I'itMmtK to ltiToiiH' tin wives of llmieuilnn labor, tie, mid Inipilry develops the fact that liiiiiilioils of HiniKuilan Kill an- puss Iiikt into th" United State to lieeoine hplpnipcts to niPii iiho have It-ft llii'lr own t'ountiy TIip eimtoiiiui.v in.iniioi' t'f Humt.ulnn tmnilmatlnn Is this: l'lis-i, tin lather or nm mine to llil oiiiitry and nftte u.ivIiik imsmi-?- money lie .sends tor lit-, l.iiniiy oi sweetheai t, as Hip imp ui.iy hi. In t.ises wheii' a young ni.iii limits mei In ft he Kener.illy Kelt, his father to I lek lilm a wife In their untlve vlll.itrt . nftentinit'S the oiins iniin tloes not Know his future ivlle, nor h.is he Men her until they meet when the nuni v oiiuin iillxhtx at the stutlou. Iluiii'ail.in ylils many at a nun h culler !ko than tin theli Auieiiean fls teis. Tim lliiiiRiiiIau 14I1I is u-iiily for ui.ili linony at 10 ye.itf. At .'(! she eon xlder.s lierself an old in.ilil. mid In her "in tnuutiy this If, in fact, tine, as the feveio labor vilileh is miuliPtl of llumj.ulnn women nse.s them pieni.i uuelv. Thev woik in the lit Ms and hat its like men fioiu eaily dawn until iHisl;. a thuiktv n:oiM:. A fe.iluii' ol the 1 lumbal i.tn euiii liiunity Is the- tin if of Its nieinberf. II is said that Ie-s than fi per cent, of llunKarl.ms hep aio withnut b.uik itt'iiitiniH. I'luy me nrcuftnmcd to live .cry Ausrally in their own muutiy, nnd out of an ordinal y Inhoiei's miKe ihey sive lonfldeiahlt sums. A iiiu "f this fort oceuried In Allegheny oiinlj Fomo lnonths a;-o. A llunu.u l.m Mho was conllned on a th.ir;e of mtiider MiotP home. Tin family was poor and t oitld hond no money, hut tin brother of the pilsonor -notkeil his May to I'ltl'-buru and fecured Piniiloyuient as a laborer nt a blast furnaep. Ho ipichrd Sl.C." n tiny, and out of this Mini Ik hau'd oiioukIi In a few mouths in defray the, rost of his btothetV trial. V. V. Koviilanek, nt IMUfhurs, has been a leader of his people in tills t ountry. As a, ynuusr man he come 1o Clevrlaud In SSS to taki t harge of u t'huieh for" IlnnKnrlaus. lit bud been cdui'jti'i! for priesthood at the Tnlvei.sity of Ituda-l'e.sth. Dllllcultles .iio.-p over Ills oidlnalloii and Jlr. ltov nlani'lc licsitn to publish a newspaper for his people. Mr. ltovnlunek was the iiisaiiizer of tho Ameiiean Sinvonli' mi. t Iciy which Is devoted to tint Ainerl lauizallon of his eoiintiymeii. clue of i ho oiidlllons of mi iiibi i-fbi is Unit the applicant must have miule appll t atluti for Auieili.in i ltl'.'-ii-lilp or fur bis Hist p.'ipeif. .Mr. lIoMiiiinek has Just tcrolveil Miino inteiestlm; kovpih nient repoits from llunnmy. fhowini? tho Plfci't of pinlutntloii upiiu that lOlintiy, Jlo mid, dlhi llhflllK the iiuil -tpr: TA.NI'.I) TO I)I:ATII. "You may say that Hie sinmm-ii hnx tlrlven our people . tnnu theli native land. AUhttla has taxed the 1 1 unu.i r 1 in pto Incpi to death and the people b,io been depilMd of nuiich tuud. This has tesulted In almost depopu. latltiK a nuinber of lluimmlnii pmv liiLi'K, notably thiifP ftmii whhh Hie Slovaks lotni'i It Is a hlll.v , stony i ountry, Mheie UKlleulluie. at best, pays pootly. The Alistllau uoeiu incut lias plaint all sous of obhtai h s In tho way of piiiIkiiuIoii In spite of tills l!!0,wn lluiiRinlaus eatne tn tin I'lltled Sillies in the .uir einlllli; .iuii" ni, limi). This was the heaviest in anv ear rxropt IsS1.'. IS1! and 1S.I. Th" HuiiBHtlaus who i mill' ovei want to liPiouiQ Ameilian eltl.ins. I-'pw iftuin perinant'iilly to their nuiiiti,. Tin y Ko back bonieilnies to bilnir omm their families. i,ess me Ktilui? haek lor this litlljiufO Poiy year, .if It Is Ketllim haul to get out ot llium.uy now. "Soino months iso, ,i Slovak who hud piospered tit JMid t'li.i. I'J., i titrued to his native lll.ige with his wife and child for a visit. At Bremen a Mcamhhlp URi-iit bhp him t-omo i aids and askc-U that be dlettlbuia thfin In hlR liJtlio vlllaao. t'pon nt tlvlni? there, tho man's trunks wens f-aielicd and ho wus an-citPd, chatted with lcilalliiir n law tnudo to pi event i ln dbf"Uiliiatlou of InfoiniatlotMjv to bow people nilulit lavo the count ty. The iivtn t.')t out on lull nnd left dur ing thu iiiKht. Then hH wife was nr le'tted, but when leleufed, sho alfi) , pit away dm Int. the. nlRlit and walked all the way to IIiuiiihii. flerinany, with JiCl little b.ib,i in lut iiiiiis. At lire. men she wont to the BtcrftnBhlp agent who hud given them the cards and he nrranf-od for her return to tho fulled States. nilAININU T1IK t'Ot'NTIll. So tllllletilt hiH the Rovcitiim-nt made It for the Inhabitants to leavo tliniKitiy that nioft in' thu L'tnluranla walk until they ate acros tho bor der, selling their I't'loitfrliiBS tlist fo.' wbal they will liilm?. The emlKtunts walk two or threi wpfks, tint II they Stet out of the litrlsdli'llou of their ro einment. They B"t Into tlalacla, tier many, and ;eu Italy, and then tench n foapoit. 1 have lust lecvlved ml vlei'f from JlntiKary tlut the lui?t planteJs have nrsed th" Kovitmuput to do fomuthlti!. lit many vlllai;es and dlstilets tho eoinplalnt Is nnd" that baldly an able-bodied or sound mail Is in be found. The men have all lft and nit Kciidliit for their f it'illle to i oiin us fait as possible "S-ltK'ti the p"0ile hate nolle mil, Mimes h.ie uiiui' up, Twenty yonts ano. a Jaiin-hand was paid ,o IPulns or $rn a ve.tr. In iuubalnF? iiowei this wn (ipial to $"a In Anieilcan nuitn v. .Vow limit labotiis and t"r i.inls itelxo two and Ibtrp times nt nilleh. Sei vanl sills ui, vainer theiP than In the I'nlted State". They eum-) ovu Ikip to many llunumlan wnk-iii-ii. In Anntilui the llmiRarlmi wmiutii do. s not limp in wink nearly o Inml us it her own poiinliy. TIip llillivaiiau sonant Kb I 1" paid about P'o iloilns n vein. "Our ppiipb' hae iiiaile meat pio ures.s In tin- wot It or Ameileiinl.lm; lhi'lispf.s. Thei i nine Hum n eotin ti llh-ie tin einpi'lor and iitlity Is i vt lythliijr, and wbeie t oinlltlons have been so teiilblv haul tlmt men mid uoiiiiii i mi lle uni) b iuiklii(? fioni iiininlni; to uKMit without Intt tmNsinii and tin ii eaiu hut a iii'M . plttmiie. If the Ami'ilemi people will only have a little piltleiHe tlle.l Will sip Ollr pi ople llllll.llm I.M'L'lIlUt llll.i'tis im.minau i:i,i;.mi:nt iii:ri:i:.si:s "luijitliy whkli I luip madi . iislm; tin- lepnils of vert, Jail win den In Pennsylvania for smne jeiiis past us u b iss, shows Hint the eiliuliinl t'leiueul nuioiit; llunu'iiilitlis in l'eiiiis.liiula Is eimstitntl.x iP'ei easing. As to the pop ular liiioiefsicin Hint then is u unlit nt teiy llmmatlaii festivity. It slm ply aniounts tn this; Sin h hnppenliu-s tlop out ill 1 1 U bratlous held bv the lowe.t plii.s-i-s of Iluimai I. his. not union!; the better classes. Wln-n our pi ople net into a dispute thev inline, dlately nt' to a Jllstlie of tin peine or an aide! man and these otllelals al miivs make a mini i ,im out of It, In oidei to S"t tile fees. Tlle t an do this with HiliiKntlatis Plea mole eas II) Hun with i:in,'llh-ii-M"'akliip peo ple us nor people aie unable to speak Kunlish. Hut tills t'oudlttou Is fli.ilic Iiir: veiy fast." To show the impioieuifiii In thu Mui.il muilltlon of thp Hiim'ai Inns Mr. Itol nl.inek elted lh fuet that ten years uuo tbeie wuie but tout iliuuhes nr nil th noiniiiatloiis In I'eiuisjlvanhi wbeie lluim.ii bins woisbippdl. To d.iv lln umuher Is U'T and Is Imieas-Inn- Tin s,. rhiirebes me of the Konimi I'.ithollr. liteek rutbolle, ltussinn Ur tliodov mid lattheran ileiiiiiniuatloiis. The National Slavonle soiMy will hold its muni il nnetilii' In IMillndelphlu net June. The society has IT.iunl niein beis. It was stalled In Plnshm;? a few eais n no bv .Mi. Itovnl.iuek with "Mi nii.'inbeisi. NEW OFFICER IN CHARGE. Lieutenant Rowell Left the City Fti- day to Join Fifth Cavalry Which Leaves foi the Philippines. I. lent-mint M. II. Ituwtll. wliu -was ill th.'IIK' of the lowil 1'nltfil States iP'TUltlnK Station lot feeial Weeks, left the elty riiday atteinoon for Knit .Mejer, 'a wbeie be Joins bis tenl inent. the Klfth p.tv.ilry. It has been oitleied to the I'hlllppliies mid will least I'ot the home nf AKUln.iltlo within a slioit time, l.teiitcuaut l'ow ell won many Ii lends dm hit Ids sin In Si i. niton and uulM'is.il aie the wishes for sin cess and nloij that nt pompany him to the east. Second Mi uteiinnl P. A. Murphy, of the s,,.,.ith iiivuliy. wlio .sileeepils Meiitenant Itowell in iliiunp. heliums to the Seienth t. nab j, wliUh Is now Iiu.iti'd at liiiv.iuit. The lieu leeiult iui? otlli ! Is a .Miuntr num. who lett West Point with the plash of "ii: Dm Inpr the Sp.iuMi war bis leglnieiit was stationed In Ai Ixonu and otbr westpni and soutbweslein states, wheie a fliatp pjp biul to be kept on the In dians, and any ludle.itlon ot an ah orlKlnal outbreak. piomptly sup prssed. In ISsf'1 the Seventh e.naliy was sent to Cuba and l.leuteiiaiit Mtnphy lemaliied tbeie with It until lust year, when he was tailed bail in the iiiademy to net as an iustiue tor. He ai 1 1 ed In the I'itj Thin s day afii'inoou. Mill lllK the last week the emlii J ollle soldlets li'lt the flty to wear I'm lis Sam's blue. Kulir of these wele re. i rulted fioiu the W'llkes-llai ie sta ilnii They aie .Mielui'l Smith, rh.n -les A. I in Itols. rhnrles f. UIsIiIiih: and .lohii len. and Daniel T. lbilMin, of this illy All the enlisted lur see the ill ille Philippines mid wele sent lm pit'llinliiary tiaiulmr to the b.u i.n l.s .it I'oluinlHW. iihlo. Th- .ii mv stutlon s miw unopposed, nnd bus a dear Held for all wlshlm; to don the mass buttons as the ie inoi.tl of the iiimlne res niltliiR- in-em y took plat e about two weeks .IKo. Slloitl. bi'loie their ilepllttllio Si . Keanl .los pli Km it'll leeelved his boll otlible illstlnilKi fliilll Ille servlee, and wns sin i ei'tleil as ollher ill eliaiMP by Serneanl I'olllss Sfii$e,iul Km I ell. who befoif thu ,u was a ri-fiiiul, ii, attorney, has none bael to the Philippines mid will pi .u the law lu Manllli. Ah pievlnus! told In tlli'fe mliliiins. SfiHeant I'm I ell Is the llrst Amellimi eer Kiaillfil n eeilltlinti to plliellie ill the Pliilllipllle mints. Up reifived tills while at .Manila In the iiip.iill. ol 111 -"I seinenllt of one nf Hip wstem r "Kblienls. LETTERS rUOM THE PEOPLE. It'l.ilcr Hilt Uitdliii: fchort ltlrri nt lutrit lll hv I'ulili.linl wl.tu aicoiiirmikd. IT iulilli lien, lo tli tttllfr't' iiiinr. fhr Titlmiir 'loft not WLiav if.i'fiii'llnlilj kt tpinliri'i line iiHtiM.d.J Tnir Play Is a Jewel. ..t il,( tiiiitni' The 4itil( Hint jci.'jI.hI In luf Inli 111 l.i'l.,1 sir: tin niouilmr unilei llir liml, ' Will Net II jy Pit. vrilii)or,'' Ua lut tali Hie i,v fillly nhm It tUtti tliit "tin' piiKlu.! .' die Wimbui . l.&w out Cl conilJtutiuii " 1 in. M.to on Hi motloa ,t buy tho Wn.d.cr m. li.t on .1 lie vote, ;hn copipromlj! .u jwi, jml tn"ii tlirfctorj pledge thth honor In MAc bt (In Kill ot the majority cl llic iuuuIicm of tin. tvto i99. Bom cl Vdrruns, Woineu' Itclld corjn uid the . ., R, tiiclo, who 11c to vole on pGit.d uuU, In til or of I'li.i In; tlto WluiW.r v; in favor of luiyln? a lot on .Vd-iirai hubus jiiJ tlio election o( liulhlln; thrieon. In my or1"' ion kt lcitt louMlltlm w In fivor el the Mind, or I'lciidly. A. II ,Meuia. 1'ilriiaiy 2J, tl, NEWS OF THE LABOR WORLD MEETINO Or PRESIDENTS DISTRICT UNIONS. or Making; Ptepaintlons for the Ap-pro.-ichiiip; Convention and Confet ence Want Mine Inspectois Elect ed by a Vote of the People Men Employed at the Dolph Mine, Jes sup, Ate on Strike Alleged They Have Not All Received the Ten Per Cent, Increase Other Notes. At 11 llieetlli'? of the presidents of the thtei mithtacltc dlstilet unions of the United -Mine Wotkeis held In Wilkes Iturie S.itunlny It was decided tn e. lend eatly Invitations to the coal op eiators In attend the Joint uiiivcn Hon of the three dlsttiets, whlih Is to be held In Ha-'lelon durlii'r the middle of iii'M monlh. Tli loineiillou will be held lu the til and Opein llous, March I.'. lit and II, diulm- wlib li time only Hip ilelepates nf the tine" ills, tthts will be lu session. on .Marth IS the fonenllon will eonfer Willi th opeiattus who aetept the Itiv italious and a number of mutters ni vital bn portfiin p to tlp nibip woikeis will eoiue Up lor dlspusshill mid adjust lllellt t Sai.uni.if session, PiesiiMus T U Xlebols, nf the Kllfl. Tholiuis P. Iuff. nf the Seventh, and P. P. Pul aski, nf the Ninth, mid rjenlK" llart Inlid, .Mr. Pulaski s siirelury, wtie pleseiit. A l in in nf Invitation was dtawu up and Hip minor details nf tile mallei lett In eliaine olv.Mr. Ilurt Innd. TIip luvltatloiis will In. proba bly Issued tills w 'ek. " The iiieclliil? also dei Ided to iinaln send iepesntatlves to llmilsbui't tul Iv eipilpped with i ledi'lltlals mid ill I II -Itles nt meetings ill" the till 'e dlstl h ts at',llil(li the si mliut'iil nf the delt milt s was shown to If ib eldedly lu iiivnr of b'Klslatlou prov IiIIiik for the eleetloli nf mine lllspi'i'liil s by the pen. pie. Pli-shlelll N'lehnls. in fpe.lkllin tn a Tilbuiii man lenaidlun this mutter, said: "Willie III lllllllsbllin: With the ntll- I lllllle wmkeis' i .'piiselltlltlvt s we wote told by tluee le-'lslntois that N'a tlouul Ilo.uil Mt'inber ileiii.iuilu .lames was tbeie nil the lilteelltll of tills month, mid was iutioilueed to the ni'inbi'is of tin iiiIups nnd mbibm i omiiiltlpi- by t'hlef of the P.uieau of .Mluliin Itodeiiek. .lames made a speith l.ivoilm; a hill to tie.ite a de p.iitment ot mines and minim?, and siieh a bill we wpip told Is favored In Pod 'l lek. 'We weie alsn toltl that lleilj.lllllll .lames ndvoeated the withdrawal of that i lullsp lu liepii'seiitntlie ijiu nei's bin tnvoiinn tin (lei lion of mill" Inspeetoif bj ihep'iiple. N'oW . Ilt'lliy Ke.lllle.l. ot All llli.llil. mid .loll 11 P I'tillliis, of c.ii bondiile, wpip sent down to llm ilslnun: b,v the tllsltiit i onveii tlou to have teitalii bills presented, aiiiiinn which was urn- iiiitlunilii'? the eh i Hon oi iiiln ifiFpei tins The sunn illeslliin has nliendy In en taken up lu Hlstrltts Xns. T and '. and the it til -teis.il siMitlnient bus bn'ii 111 Us f.ivol. When we dlM'iiveifd how matttis stood, and saw that the p-nlslators weie In doubt, we ilt'eldisl to return bonip and .it the meeting whhh was miaiij-eil In tin; up tin mutter We will 1 ft in ii Ibis llftPllloOII to tile i tip), nil." In icf'riliiK to the i onleu'iu e. Mi Nli hols said: "I can only say that 1 have hopes thai they will meet us, as I ste no possible n.ison why they should ie fusp to du so The put lit convention has been i.illd for this snle pin pose and iluilii"; the Hi Mt tluee da.vs the deh nates will formulate and anrep upon n pnlley to by ptiisuetl at the Joint eotileiein P Piesldent Dufiy. takliii; a veiy san huIiip view of the situation, is tepoit od as having made the tiillowlni? as spitloii "Well, you pan say Horn me that all of the oppiators will mtPiid. that tbeie will l)- an anileable adjust inent of the dllfeit'liees mid tliPip villi be no st I Ike." Pit sklent Nit hols. Seiietmy Hemp sey and Messts. I'nlllns and Ke.uny. the U'Klslatlve coiillliltlee of tills ills, tllet, met -.esleiday at the I'lllKsl Mine Winkers' hcadiiuiuiers Sttike nt Jessup. Tile eiuidii.v -s of tho Dolph mine at .lci-Miii went on stillte Sn tin duy ulKht mid today the rollleiy will he Idle. Itetvveen l tin r and live liuudied men liaie soue nut. 1'or Mime time th" luilids lin e Liiiilpl.ilued that 11 iitiut lier of men weie woiklni; without the 10 per lent. Ineii'iiKi' inoinlsed lit the end of last fuH'n Htrllie SiltUlduy illteinooil Sei letiii.v Demp sey iiiul OtBiniber ('oiiililRht 1011 fei led with Jlunnner HoliertMin, as the ii'Kiilt of a number nf the men hetiiK illsilmiKd. The liiliieis 1 hilin that one of the men. about a t"K uku, ii.sKed for the full Itieieus,. mid 011 this helm; ivluseil. 1 11 1 1 work. On one ol the (oilllilittee iippolute.l hj the iiiluiTH inteu'-dlnt,' fm the man. It It alleged, he also wns dlhcltaiKed. M.iuaner KobeitHon letused to telll Kt.ite the men utlef a (onfereneo with Sceietaiy John .1. DninpHey and in K.inl.er I'nurtrlKlit and a stillte was onlered. D L. ic W. Bonul. The following in ilie uuihe-up of jhe D I,, and board fry tod'ty: si sn.u, ii:iu;riiv. ji Wild l alt Lut -'i 111 -W II lUillioluiu , 11, .'11 i HI.. M. I Inn 11,1 ViiSPU, I l.illtl .H ' WIU1 ( JU IUI -It'.W n 111. I' MiljiUiyt , 111. .1. ISiuh; j a. in.. I'. (.it in.aii;li! 7 n, in , .1, I n-lilliu t.M j. 1,1.. I'. I'. stolli.. pi j, lii, l'. ImtulititX'. 1 1. Ml .1. in, II linM.li. r. M. ll.illiir imii' I.:ji p. in., .1. (onlij; :, l'i i. ni,, I unt: Miliun: l.l'i p. in., t',ir--i' Hurt : 1. p. in. It. Ui.l.liu-. suin'l.. I ii 1. p. m,,.( 1-1. I, lli iini'jjii: . 1 1. 111., uti, 1, rruiiiiti'll.i 1 : tn.'Ji .1 in. mi . W. II, Miial! 7 p. 111., f.ii from Nat In,:. Id V Mlutir; 7 11, 111, wi.l (10111 (jtnici, ill 1 lUtiini'H, VIi Liiit'l T i. in. ti.'l fi.iiu Ijttui llilft. I'llllM Id J 111 . P P. s,,, I'u.lu i -s .1. in., Iliii-ris II (I j 111. M'li't. 7 1 1. in. Mmoli.v. 11 i' in, I atnilii).' Pi-. cm.'! 1,112 111. 1 i ,11. i.jlltii'1 . run. Snefi" i.w( p. 111.. sjiiiui, 7 p. in , Mitfuttin MIil 1 ul Ui.i -1 11 in i lli.nt': t .1. in . .1. i.jhai:aii: 7 .1, 111,, . hilduur. 0 .1. lr. , 1. M,ln: II j. 111.. W v. p.nll.ili nii : I p. in., .1. P. MaMtr ! p. in . ,1 J n'llmui 1 in., .loin II Mi'i: 1 p. in . 1 ihbu.,. II li..,.'i. lj' nun, 1. m , I . in W0111111. MHIU.. ( iiuliii.lui (.11.1.1 Unit, II, lli.bliji jiiiI I, P, IjttlllUI Mill llpoll ,lt k.polllitcinlilll'l. 1 lut lu u in., Voi,Uj 1 . 1 lie '.'.1th. CiDiJuiliii Ii I, I..11U11 will upon ai tiiiti liildiiU'iil itlne nt HiliuLdi VlonJj), the SVili, on jnltl ol trln U'l II111V1111111 .IcKrpli X..iuxli iipmU fm tlmt iMtli I omUictor .1. II. unljii. Tills mid That. I'eter llolden, secretary of thu Jour, iteynitn Stout) Cutters' nssoelatlnn, on Saturday retehed a check for jr.00 from National Hecretnry MottURh, of WashlnRton, for the aid of tho strlk ItiR rmploypi of the Cftrlucel Stone company. The clays found In close piolinlty to coal seams mo usually of the tlnpst quality for the manufaetuie of pot leiy and illes, ouliitr to their fine ibis t-riilii, 'I'licfp i lays hip often mined In quantity lu loiiurctlou with coal .seams, and are tnki'n to the stir I'nip and theip Kioiiud to an Imp.tlp ablo powder to ftirnlfh mateilnl for lb" iiiiitiufHotuie of tllliit nnd pot tery ware. The under clay t n coal seam Is often n, (rood nurillt.v of tiro flay, nnd e siu.b is of reat value In thp construction of titrnacei-. under bollei. und for tho plastetliifr of stp pIurs lu the mine, and for other like purpose, in the use of this clay for tho plasteilnp of stopptmrs it hat" of ten b'cn found beneficial to mix It with a luliie or salt solution, -which has hud Hie effect of piPVPiitlnf to a laiKO pxteiit thu criickliiK of tho cluy In diyhifc. This Is of considerable Im portance In the bullilllln of stoppllls'S for fcillui' nf tultie Hi ok. as such flop. PIurs should le air tlRhl .Mines and MlnerHls. ROSS HAS DEEN IDENTIFIED. Man Killed in Ohio Wnt a Resident of This City. .1 oli u ISoss. whose death lu West Jef ferson. Ohio, was aniiouni ed Inst li I ihiy ulnlit lu a teltRiiim leielvcd by f'hlof of Pollie rioblllii.-. hn been Ideutllleil as a (Sieeli Itlds'e mull. Ills pmi'iils lliliin nil Capouse iivellil". II" was the sop ot .Ml. and Mis, ,1. S itoss, ol P..'.", I'llpollse avelltle 111 1 v.1" Itn'ss dls.ippeiited limn Iiunii mid nothliiK b.i'l b'fii heard iPRiud. IllR his wllelenboilts until last I'ilda. The ib"id man was a bi other of rlln ton Itoss, t iiiplo.Vfd by the Dehivvuri' anil Hudson minpnnv. and previous to his illsappeaiaiife wns a wiper In Hip Di'lawaif and Hudson loiind house, lb was also a bioth T-ln-luvv of 11 I!. Audit' ws. Iloss at the limp of his dputll was a ltimhfi man and was at work lu a luin bei fiiliip near "West Jplfi'l'sou, Ohio, when a lice tell upon lit in. hionkln, hls ni'i k and ciiushiK liistaut de.illi. Satin day t'hlel of Polh P.oIiIIiir tol" Kraplipil to Ohio for a iIpsi i Iplloti of tllP (lend num. The deseilptliiu foi -'tallied iiuswi'ied the Scr.ililon man's iippeiirallep to the letti'i. As Hip le siilt of ii talk over th lone; dlsimne telfpliniip another biolbei, himself re. cully lt'tunied ftom the west, bus roup to Ohio to upfiimpuny the te mains Inane EXECUTIVE NACHMAN IN CITY. Musicians Entertained an Offlicnl Saturday Night. l.oeal union No. 1-U. Ameilfiin Ked fiMtltiu of Musicians, held a session at Selilnipffs hall. r,0j t 'pilar avonup. Sat iiiday nlitht, with oiKuiil.er Gcuij-e Nolhmau, ol llaltlmorp, .Mil., as their uuest. Aftei the business ot Hie nieetliin: had been tiansiieteil. Mr. Naeliinaii was entei tnluetl at a ieiitr.ll II V , 1 Vt -i nl.iv iitteiiioon. in fompnny with a nuinber nf 1ik.iI niembeis of the union, be left for t'aibondnle. whete he ornaul-'ed a branch of the national oi Conization. Itefnip leaving Kei. niton, Uisanier Naeliman tcndeird an Invitation to his local hosts to visit him lu bis Haiti moie home, and It likely that when 1'auer's band leaves for WushliiRion next week, with the regiment, thai they will slop ovei for a iiiupk of hums bi the Maiylmul eltv. ANNOUNCEMENTS OF THE RAILROADS REDUCED RATES TO TON. WASHING- Via Pennsylvania Railioad, Account InnuKiuatiou ot Piesiilcnt Mo Kinley. Oil in count of Ille lllillimil.ttliill nf I'lesldcnl MeKlnlev on .March I. Hie I'l'iinsj lvanl.i Kiiiluuiil eonip.iu.v will sell e:i urslon tleKetH fioin all points m Its lines to AV.icliiiiKlon nt late of 0110 (are for the lound trip (minimum rale .in cents). Tlrkels will be t-nM on .Mai 1 U 1. l and 3, Rood to return until Mai oh S, Inclusive. Tickets will ul.i be sold from TTntilsbuiK and Interme diate stations on 'Match 4. These tick ets villi he wood to stop off at Balti more nnd riilladelphlaswlthln limit of Mau-h . siui: TIMPS. Sped.il slde-tllp tickets, limited to Maich h. will ho f-old ,fioin AVashiiiR. ton In cnnnt-otloti with nhove-iuen-tloned tickets as follows: Old Point Coiufoit and reluin, via all-rail line, Sd 00: lllchmnnd and ie turn, 4.on. Via Noifnllt and WashinRton Steum hoat tonipany: did Point Comfoit or ?oifolk nnd 'etiirn. $3.r,0: Virginia Itaeih and 1 etui 11, Including transfer thioiiKh Noifolk. l r.o. l'lfiin llultliTune, v In Tl.iv Line or Chesapeake Steamship company: Xnr folk 01 Old I'olnt Comfoit and ictuiii, Jl.Tif' Vli'Klnla Death and 1 etui 11. In clttilliiK tiansfer thifumU Norfolk, H "0 One Tiup to Washington D. C ami Ketutn via the Lehigh Valley Rail load. On an mini of the InauKiuatiou icie llionles at WashlliKlon, the I.cIiIkIi Val ley i.illioatl will sell tickets to that point and ntuin, March 1, - and ",. at the low late ol one tare for thu louud trip. TIii'm' tickets will be Kood to n tin 11 to .M.iuli N. lm luslve, ami will he honoied on an.v tialn except 1I1, Hlai I, diamond 1'xpicss. ritop-ovei al low ed 111 I'iilludi'lphla and Tlaltlmoir by d'posll of tliket, piovldid tliket Is used within 01lKl11.il limit. For tin -ther Infoiniatlon consult I.oIiIkIi Vnllev ticket asents. IiiauRiuation ton, D, Ceiemonles Washing C, Match -Wi. tin iiciimnt of the Mbove, the r,uk.i wauuii nilliiiiul villi muuI iouikI tup tl' ket. in W.ishlUKtoil. P. C, at 011 wa) inii' ten tin round, $7.75. TIm unite, cltluu' via .M.iiuiult.i Chunk un I I hllailelphl.i. or via Xorllumiheilaud nnd llaiilmbiirir. rickets win bo on 1 call- Komi Rcliin M.mh 1st. I'nd and Hid. and will be lltulted lnr tetiliii Ic.-ivliiK AVashliislon not Inter than Majoli Sth. 1'iOt. 7.75 Scianton to Washington and Ivettun for the Inauguration. Central Ttallioad of Ntsw Jersey v Ul sell exclusion tickets 10 Washington on March 1, - and 3, Rood to retum on op befoie March S, ut $".7."i for tho round 1 1 If. Htop-ovDr will bo allowed at Philadelphia and llaltlmoro within the lime limit of the tleltut. ConiioHjSdfallac aCRANTON'S &HOPPNQ CENTER. A Bargain Opportunity in Black Goods Sale Opens Monday Morning and will continue until goods are sold-. 1,000 yards of Cheviot in three qualities, 44, wool range of fabrics Marked CONNOLLY & WALLACE, HISTORIC Places in Virginia l .111 be .uilllorUbK all.! ejsib te.ulu'd In 1 lie OLD D01I91 LINE Stnmurs -Jil iljilv rv ..hi lln.i 1 1 . II. ) suniijt (mill I , I, in 1 . V 'il l' 1 Old Point Comfort Norfolk Richmond, Ua. and Washington, D. C. Connoctiiis lur All I'oniW '"O.itli and West Through ltcUeW returning from Washington hv lail or w.itei. 1 or lull intonration apply to OLD HOAUNION STUAASHIPCO. 81-85 Beech St., New York. n.B.V.M.Ki:n.Trat MffT. J.J IIIIOW.N',0 P A. Poor Indeed arc lhoe vvclclied down by nicnul de prcsslon. Men tee in tliU world thrniiKh liuov.int nerve force. The lo of thii foicc d.dlv tlracs tlowu to failure some of the world's tiiiRhtot 111 mi'i. buoli a candliluii in commonly kiiown.i erons Jlttillit. When ou lo-e helf-ionfidence imd feel join Mrenpili, encrpy . -111(1 nerve foi ce are Mlppingnway, it is IukH time j uu uctk fusible a Id You prefer health and succcis to tnltcry and failure. m4 hive 110 equal mi a ticrve reiorei. A couple of boxe vrill dispel th it heavy leelin?; the lillll'ilural cciinn.s ilir nppcTri nnd n pl,ir- I.iiiru. 1 w Hit in i force and vlcorol hotly nnd lu.iin hix les will cure an onHn.nv cne of iitrvoun d.-billiy. If uot, jou get jour money 1 1 I. 8100 per box, Cf..r Jiffll mailed til plain pii-kORc Ml.nzct.M) Co l.m.s .11 i-i .i. I UmIhuI, Ohio. I or '.ile to J hull l'i 1-. I'liuuu ii. Wteni'i' i llm mid 1 " f fciicft DR. DE1SSTEW Pnyslcian and S'lreoa 311 Sprus) St. nn.).e Uutl Biilliiinii bCRANiOS PA. ' Nil uii' ' '1 "Jii.i ii'i 'i' 'un to. mm Jinii iniiilii.11 t-IIIIOMi i r.Vcn s un vis su vvsriM. npiPvsi:, spi.c.. lAtll V" tl1'"1 ' ' "'' '"" Ivnlni')", Pl.dJci "Lin. IH0tJ. 'fit' . U diiii.. i.ie lj,, l.c, Ilnojt, "(' I.uiU", Lancru, rijuom, I'll... Ilujii' t". Uoiin lllieuui.ubin V-tlnnj. L.uiltt, Ntiuocrle. Uo.i )l4iiliiiuil. Nil, illy t'.ii.tilin. M I unite ll't !, Irticoiil.ota, . l. , Ooiiuon)i. b)ilnlhi. I'ltiii I'oUoii, liiilbi.10. ti(,n suit ctithtiil hjlili i.lilim.iieil. l-iirefr.r, Vll, Killr) 'l'i" "i"l M'liiutli Wotui. ,. 1 VltlltlOll.Ni;, spnlll tir ' a. jrih ll.r Tnontli' trulinnii ran V. Ju 1'rul tin ul tfficr. foiK'iltatlon H"l wiiiiimiIdii fee. Of tlie hcuit ilall.v miJ stindji, V J in, In 1 111 DR. DENSTEIV n "i ffi v& Serges and Armures, 46 and 50 inches that have never been For Quick Selling; at 50 Cts. I .x. DOLLAR SAVING Prudent people .ire Ukuii; .tilv.int.ige ol our CLEARANCE SALE It will p,i you to conic; and bee how we can make a dollar do the work of two I Axminster Carpets Si. 50 Values. Q 100,000 up Kigii iiiauc Inlaid Linoleum Made like a tile tnlois throitgli to thr back Regular t s ) goods, now 05c, 75c, S1.00 yard WILLiAHS&ncANULTY 129 Wyoming Avenue 4. . 'r' 'r' 4 THE SIC POWDER CO. Booms 1 and,Com'lth BTd'f. ECBANION, PA. nining and Blasting POWDER Miids nt Mootla otl Itusa lata Worii. LAHLIN A KAND POWDBK CO M ORANOE GUN POWDER Kl-ctrlo llultarl, KltotrleRxplo.ltrt. tiploJIm blaiti, Mifoty Fui mi 1 Repauno Ghamisal Ca's bxpiIoI'ivi. ewery Miiniirrictiirefsir OLD STOCK PILSNER 485 to 495 . SCRANTQN. PA N, Ninth Street lelcplvtiite Call, '.Mil, III 8 81 Lager Beer fci 4 th 9 wide. A strictly IL a sold under 75c a yd 127 AND WASHINGTON 12P AVENUB . 4- Si.no a Yard. Rolls Qft -i vvuu rapci uP Remnants. ''H'4"H"I' 1901 BICYCLES New models now in. Spaldings, Cle ve lands, Tver Johnson and Crescents. No better selection ever made. Call and see them. They're beau ties. 21 1 Washington Ave. HENRY BELIN, JR., Cfncr.l Agent (or tin Wyoming District (or PONT' QWDER. lUulcf. Illislin.-, fportlnr, Emok.ln ml Jtfp.uno Chemical Compiny'i t 'High Explosives. Smfrly Fujf, Cjpj nd Kiploileri. Iloora 401 Cciv ell Bulldln;, Scr.nton AllllN'CILSt iito. tonn ritui"! JOHN' II MIITII k tOS Plymouth ;v 1:. ituu.iuA.v tvnic n.ir If 1 11 t! 'Mm-i. J" t 1 j, . F. r. . k . r ' 'S