The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 25, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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    -'? --"i B-''-r iiu -) " s'i-lfJ ' V V
A Horse Snusngo factory Dlscovcicd
Near Bliifjlimnton Long Journey
of a Lancsboro Duck C.irbondnle
Piol'essor Desires Knowledge Con
cerning Early Man An Ararat
Woman's Experience In the Woods.
t'fci! from 'Hit Cotrcipomlt-nt.
Surqttelitiiin.'i, IVb. 22. the
Cascade, thorn Ik a Imnbotinun's
t imp, where n lurKe force ot men nr
BettliiK mil railroad ties, mlno proim,
etc On Vrdiio.du,v a ll-yeiir-ohl liny
mimed Tommy OskooiI viflted tho
nimp 1" watch tho moil woik. As It
lir-ipin " srovy dink, 1 ho boy dtnrtcil
for home, when he wan .startled by
th" rry uf a wlldrut, followed1 Instiint
Ij" by titinihcr, and In a moment two
inrcr rats tiiHile their appearance a
"holt (llMtanrr away. Tommy, fully
aware tbnt hln life was In danger,
sottnht safety In Unlit, and the ugly
biuti'.s. half famished during the te
ore uliifr, Immediately rtnrtuii In
When Tommy arrived at the river,
lie inilrkly dunned his- Hktitos. ne is a
uood skitter, but, unfortunately, tlicra
Is fiiovv cm tlu lei-, which tQtanleil lits
prosret-s. tUtt he raced alontTwIth nil
the MrciiKth ho could command, ycll
Int; .it Intervals with all his mlKht.
The hungry beasts wore soon close be
hind, vilth their eye.i gleaming like
coals of llie, and their red tonfjues
hnnslru? out liulvvecn their cruel, Klls-
nliiff teeth, finally, one of tho wild
cats caught tho skht of Tommy's coat,
and tho boy save a final frightened
"hrlok. which broiiBht to his aid two
brawn) fanner?, who wore working
near. One of the cats wan killed ilth
an axe, and tho other ran uivay. An
other Inlf-mitntto and the 1ml Mould
'ortalnly have boon hilled.
11 Monti iisi; lias a centennial cole
biatlon, n few of the llt'bt .settlors will
h.ivo to i e turn to earth and .start tho
uffnlr a-rolllny. "Whitney. It boptlni
io look as If the above .statement Is
torrrot. Those "flrsjt wtllers" are as
nllvc In tho matter now ns their do
ifondetitB. And Oh! the shame of It.
M-ntniM; Republican.
We. smoke last week of tho Exalted
l''olloivers of Munchausen, and a cor
respondent wants some information
about tlieui. They arc an association
of choice spirits, each one of which has
at some time In his life, and most of
them frequently, told some tale so
wildly Improbable that his own grand
mother wouldn't believe it If he swore
to It, and yot bearing such an air of
probability as to deceive the casual
leader, unless be stops to think about
it. These stories can be told about
nhuoM anything or anybody, provided
they do not touch on polities or re
ligion. The society has no headquar
ters and the olllees arc limited to a
grand gogo. with n llrst and second
assistant, and a secretary. Treasurer
they need not, for their tea are
fiitliely hi their minds, and each man
is custodian of his own share. Whit
ney, of Siis(iielianna, Is grand gogo,
and MucWard, of Eaceyvillo, Is second
assistant and secretary. The place of
llrst assistant gogo is vacant, and is
to be tilled by the I.aporto conesiond
ent of the Associated Pi ess us soon us
he can mustir up courage to tell the
'ruth about his own liamo. Tho meet
ings of the society uie held In the
same manner as i1iom of the Mahata
nwa of Illndoostan, that is. they com
mune In spirit, though miles apart.
Mr. Ward Is the greatest commuiier In
the society. Applications for member
ship should be made to him by letter,
Dushore Review.
A sausage factory lin boon dis
covered jii-ar Hlughainton. Hut have
ro four, the products .sr.i's li tho old
world. A hoi-se on them.
Ifyie early blid gets the worm, the
Inrl i young man dl-niounts at " a. m.
need feai no competitor.
Tloiv Is to ileorge Washington, (list
in peace, llrst In war, n'nd llrst in th
heatts of his countrymen and the lust
to get a monument!
The Eiio is enjoying a heavy ficlght
The Erie lan a chenp cMiirsloii to
New York last night.
At the home of the biil's patents,
rhey Are Otten Together These Days.
They Work Havoc All Over the
Country and In Scianton;
Weak, nervous, the digestion out of
older that Is what alls a host of pen
pie. It comes, about In this way: Flint
from overwork or other causes, the
nerves are buuleued beyond endurance,
nerve waste Is not replaced, nervo
force Is weakened, then the stomach
Io.e Its nerve-controlling power and
indigestion follows, with falling
strength. When llrst Dr. A. W. Chase's
Nerve Pills came to Sornnton people
could hardly bo convinced thut this
great medicine Mould remove these
troubles, Now It Is an ncoopted fact,
because of their euro of veiy stubborn
cases no other medicine would Inilit
ence. Mrs. J. Is. Johnson, of Su. .'u North
Main street, sieranton, l'n tays; "Dr.
A. W Chase's Nerve l'llls arc excel
lent. I was so dizzy and nervous, and
tho stomach digested Its fooil badly.
This condition Induced a feeling oi do
blllty and latitude. JletirliiK of the
nerve pills at Matthows Ilros.' tem
porary headquarteis, corner Wash
ington and Iuekawannu a vomits, 1
Rot a box, and tho result bus certainly
been fine. They gave the stoivach
atren&th to handle the food properly,
tho nervousness and dizziness disap
peared completely, and my scuoral
strength and vigor returned. Conso
Mttently I am pleased anM glad to rec
ommend the medicine,"
Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve l'llls ut'Q
sold ut 50c. a bov at dealei.s, or Dr. A,
W, I'htipo Mcdlclno Ccv lluffalo, N. V
See that portrait and signature of A
W. Chase, M. r Hie on every paektige
Mr. and '.Mis Hiram Wood, on Wush
lugstun street, on Wcdnesdiiy evening,
by Rev. Charles Henry Nevvlng, Miss
Sarah E. Wood was united In nuir
ilage to James I J. Ayers, of Elmlrn.
Wlllliim Munnntlntr. n Tirnnilnniil i-iia.
Itlctit of the Oakland Side, is gradually
recovering from a severe and protract
ed Illness.
On Tuesday evening next Itov. !'. II.
I'litsmiifi will ilf.llver ii'.i li, tl,A
Methodist rhtiich. Subject, "John AVcs-
County Suporlliteiulent Mosley pn d
the Stlsollohaiin.L schools nn nlttnlnl vlu.
Hut Ion on Thursday.
Job J I. Nenlinii lm niii-i.linu .a il
stock of goods formoily owned by MNi
uuigarei i-ernnn.
The l.entcn services In SI. John's
Catholic church niv. I.Murr i,i,o.,i ..i.
tended, as ate all of tho services in St.
tanesboro noultrv ilpnlnc lecenilv
sent Iho live clucks to Stamford, Conn.,
ii distance of TM miles. One of the
ducks, a black one, had not had Its
wings clipped. On Wednesday thcie
was u ;;ieut commotion among tho
fowls of the dealer at Lnncsboro and
on going to nsceitnln the cause he dis
covered tho Identical black duck that
he had sent by express to Connecticut.
Tiie annual banquet or the Susque
hanna board of trade whs held at tho
Stnrmccn, House on Thursduv cveiilnir
and hugely attended. Or. Samuel
lilnixall was toustmaslcr. EoIIoivIiib
weie the toasts" "The Twentieth
Century What?" John U. Miller, esq.;
'The tTninmlllar Ceoigo Washington,"
William A. Skinner, esq : "t'nlted
States Is," Uev. Charles Henry Neiv
ltig: "Tho Heal Side of the Question,"
John I'Yrgiison, esq.: "Our Hoiougli."
E. H. W. S"iirle, cii "Ccutnllzatlon,"
l!ov. C, W. Hoot; "Tho Engineer and
the Policy of Expansion." Dr. S. S.
Simmons. Winner and Itron-ers' or
chestra furnished music for the oc
casion. Tho Knights ot Columbus attended
requiem high mnss In St. John's Catho
lic, chinch on Friday moinlng.
In a noivspapcr card In the Hlng
hamton Hopubllcan on Thursday.
Colonel Charles C Pratt, of New Mil
foul, says he never made a lacing
match In his life and never bet a. cent
on a hoise race In his life, and he Is
tho owner of a llyer.
Th Erie shops will ho closed today
and tomorrow.
A local council of the Older of Huf
fnlos was organized In this place on
Wednesday evening, by (Irand Organ
izer V. .T. Eenls, of New Yoik city.
Ceoigo Washington Mill not be for
gotten a thousand yonr hence. Carrli
Nation also wields a ti enchant hat
chet, bill
A respected clth.en-J
A scolding husband is like a turkey
ii one rotpect he comes home to
Th fellow Mho leads a double life
is now tinning up slum in his ac
counts, ns usual.
A Caibondalo professor asks: "Was
tho early man a savage?" That de
pends. If the eaily man arose at t a.
in. and ran to the station. In order to
catch tlie llrst train east, only to find
that he was too caily by about four
bonis. It may be safely said (lint he
was somewhat savage.
He kind to the poor. )o charitable
for charity Vs .sake.
Tho man who adveit!s in the news
papers has nothing to cover up in his
business transactions.
it lemains to bo seen whether the
handwriting on the political wall will
heieafter be done by the homy hand
of labor, or will be in the tine Roman
hand of the old bosses.
A local policeman. Mho has hud great
euirlenco with tramps, says he has
never jet seen one with a bald head.
Phllosopheis have nothed that when
a man makes up his mind that lie h.ts
yet to pinctlci! economy, ho geneinllv
trle.s to begin witli his wire's expenses.
Them's no mysteiy about the far
mer's trust. The farmer's trut Is
summer boardeis.
An Ararat woman who was recently
lost in the woods for three days says
that what she suffered fiom most was
In not having her knitting along, and
she blamed herself a good deal for not
bunging a hand glass with her.
"Truth, ciushed to enrth. shall i Im
again!" Whltnci.
fl"' lal to tin. 5cK!'.tm Tiibuiip.
Wyalusing, . Eeb. il.-lunt ;uloid.
ot Ocniral Isllp, N. Y., Is spending a
few days at his home In tills place.
Miss Cairle Wuiburton, of Sugar
Kun, spent u few days icceutly with
her filend, Elizabeth Hllics.
Mr. and Mis. Spencer Heed, o Tuntt
hnnnock, aie visiting Mr. and Mis.
Waltei Monls.
Mr. .T. M. Pi own, the popular liot of
Wyuluslng hotel, has been rnnflned
to the bed for soveuil days with In
llammatoiy iiioiimatlsm.
Mr. Conn litis fox died at the homo
if his daughtci. Mis. Irn Hi own. Kit
day last.
Mi. Jaiaes I'ltclier has leootved an
iii lease of pension fiom $S to J17 pr
Mis. Ileiuy Smith visited at Pitt,
ton last week.
Miss Murthu (inyloid recently spent
a weelc with her brothel's family at
8pi. lal to tli Slmi ton Trlbtu.f.
Vaymurt. Eob. 22.-The election
passed off quietly on Tuesday, there
I" in, no opposition excepting for
councilman, laither Hrynnt defeated
the Hepublhan nominee, AV. W. Plor-i-on,
liv u large ninjoilty. Irving .Mor
wlu lacked only ouo votei'of defent
lii Ceoigo Pet kins, the other Hopubll
can nominee.
Rev. f v. Kaisvhner attended the
funoral ot the lute Edgar Wells in
South Canaan on Tue.-day last.
Mrs. N. c. Ensign, daughter Anna,
and Mis llelio jjlniork, nrc confined
to their homo with an attack of the
Mlaa Myiah A. Stanton, of Moscow,
was a visitor ut the .Stephenson i evi
dence Tuesday,
P. H. Stantun. S. :. Stunlon, O. A.
rhtuikweathor arid daughter. Mrs. Lu
ther Hrynnt U. O, (iruver. Irving Mer
wln and E. O. Doyle uteiided the in-
neral of Mm. H. P. Patlerfion, at Car
bondalo, on Wednesday afternoon.
The Mlssox Ora ami Ida. Stephenson
have returned home, nfter visiting in
Carbondolo and Scranton,
The lndl of the Methodist Eplso
pal chuiih will give a Washington
supivt at the lesldencp of Jamen
Miner tonight, l'toceods to be applied
nn the mlnlstei's salary.
El wood Erniire and mother have
asnln taken up their residence here,
after living In Hum ley the past ten
C. A. McCuity. of tlonesdalo. was a
bulno caller In town Wcdnodiiy.
Spnlil lo Hie Vorinton Iritnin.
Utilondnle, Ecb. 2:'. The election of
boiough olllcers look place Tuesday.
11. II. LowIsViim elected Justice of tho
peace, L. H. McKown and Edward
Morgan .school dlrectois. II. .loigaii
auditor, C.eorge I'niiienter pool master,
ha Churchill, high constable: Ira H.
Thomas and Jitdd Cable Inspectors
of election, Nathan Km man Judge of
election, Charles Wedemiin assessor, t.
Hanlgor and Catpenter councll
mrn. Mis. Douglas Coleman, of Cuban
dale. Is a welcome visitor among us.
There 1ms been a little Improvement
In the condition of Mrs. Hrudley Mopes.
The dangerous Illness of a lelatlvo
called Mis. Harry Ore to Korest City
MIsm funic Iltonson left lately to
spend two weeks with friends in Syra
cuse, N. Y.
There aie encouraging ropoits with
lefereiiee to all tho sick.
Mrs. Campbell and two chlldien from
Scranton, nfter spending several days
with the former's patents, icturned
home Wednesday.
The Ladles' Aid society held at Mr.
and Mrs. Israel Hound's homo lust
Wednesday, was a success In every re
spect. Theie weie about eighty pres
ent and nil arc .enthusiastic over the
excellent time experienced.
Ira 11. Thomas returned Thuisduy
after having taken the letitrns of the
election to Montrose.
Austin Smith spent Wednesday and
Thursday delivering orders In Cnrbon
dole. John H. Iltldd, of the I'oiosl City
News, was a caller In town Wednesday.
The Ladles' Aid society of the Pres
bytia lun church will hold supper In
the parsonage Ktlduy night. A wel
come to all.
The town hall took Iho Wednesday
morning, but it was dlsmvired Just In
time to avoid serious results
A Glimpse at Designs and Materials
That Will Be Popular Duilng
the Coming' Season. I
tcial to the Sii-Jiilm, rriliutie.
New Yoik, Feb. 2X Slilil unlets me
not the only things which .no made
Up caily for summer wear, for already
we see new dimities, lawns and silk
muslins all made as if ii weie mid
summer. Valenciennes lace seems to
bo veiy much used for ti Immlng this
advance assortment of thin gowns and
some of the colored luuu sklits aie
sniped all mound in linos
tioni the waist to the i utiles, which
aie edged with hue. There Is nothing
especially new In designs as yet, but
auv kind of tallies film the skirts and
theie Is the same full waist with a
white yoke and u lace, trimmed bettha
tollar uiottnd tho shottldois i'or sl n.
ine lealuie In mateilals foi the thin
gowns is Hie ombroldeu d, coided and
bioeho Swlses, whlih an- lo bo utillu
as popular this coming season as they
weie last. I'oi:laid gowns, too, aie
made rally In the spring, either for
wear In Hie ninth or to pieiiare lor
tho first warm days, and by absolving
a few special points it Is safe to ex
pect that they will not 1 ut ot style
when tho new modes come.
Slightly shaped ilounees with tiny
vertical tucks at the top ale a good
skirt ti Immlng, and like tho winter
fioiins the fulness at the waist In the
back- may be confined In small tucks
or an Inveilcd plait. Shaped flounces
tucked on the edge nie veiy pietty,
and then almost an mode of using
laeo will find Its i .'petition among the
later models.
Hi oail shoulder nillui of lace, or tho
Uiateilal like the ill ess, help to give
the long shoulder effect which Is prom-l-ed
as one of the hading tontines of
dicss. This can be accomplished with
a yoke It It is au.ingod to extend a
little over the sleeve.
The new doth gowns as lai as heard
from aie eIoelv lilted about the hips,
the plait and tucks b'lng confined In
a very small space In the bad;. The
corselet bodice Is nnotllei featllie "I
iln-M.. which bids fair to extend 1,.-, '
I favor In summer dress and some pi-eiie
nvnliiiil tu fit' 11 lien n i'.-. nitinti.y M. .
light cloth gowns. Ope of light tin !
nos a corselet belt ot tiiu i loth sbaplng
up higher In trout than at the sides In
two points. Helow thi'Mi points Ii
fastens wlih fancy buttons. The tip
pei edge Is embroider d all nrouii't
with gold and u narrow black velvet
waistband Is the finish. This is worn
over a s-oft blouse of thin wait silk
or chiffon, which may bo striped nil
over with nut row late liiseitlon or
bliu k velvet ribbon.
Luce s't in the bodlco In ef
fect Is tho feaiuiu of a very pretty
gown, showing a chiffon vest and tub
ller fiont. A cloth gown shows again
the hip yoke extending down tho fiont
and llnlsheil at either sldu with tows
of stitching. The bodlco Is trimmed
with a narrow band of umbroMn:',
velvet loops and buttons. A Juuvy
coat for spilng is llnlshed with raws
of stitching and panne rovers with an
cnibroldeied band around the edge.
The new gowns which aie In l. .
ma ml for Immediate" use aie tho-u
which aie to be worn hi the sjulli,
and those for foimal dlniieis and bills
In town. Satin seems to have acquired
a new popularity for tho ball gown,
and vve see It In yellow trimmed ili.i
sable and luc". in white with lulii'-
,ute decorations of jcllow lace, and iu
r gorgeous red made up with r d
cuqie and red einbrolderj. Ope model
In while satin has a d cp ellnw laic
tlouiife on the skirt pointing up uc.iily
to the waist In lace bands. It Is a
sliuped flounce, of course, with no
gatlieiN at the top. A transparent lace
yoke and sE'oves complete tha bodice,
and a touch of color Is given in th4
sash of pink tulle.
Artlllcliil Honor of all Kinds used
for hats as well as evening gowns uio
moio gorgeous than ever bafnre. Sit
ver and gold gauze bliihsonis with vel
vet leaves oio one vailety, ond then
there hih ciepe llovvrs very houutlfiil
In shading. White gardenias with sil
ver leaves decorate one pretty gown
of pink tulle over pink silk
I t
M Mii:MV "It c llolJ.'ii Comedy C'uiiiium.v.
llohlon Comedy Company.
Ilif mum ailiUinl liv the llrtljrn f'omed
ioiiiuiiy Inut nn(iii In tlii irpntatlnn ol Mgli
ila rompillfs nrul itratiim ot popular prlcn
lui le.l the Urtdimy lo ccnie thts attraction
lor licit iifcK. Thlj to enc of the niost im
imlnnt cntaRcmriili nl I lie veon, offcrlna; a
h ilof loieldpiril l.j duliiont Jvidsca
10 li tho clfjlnit irl.MliiplfroH ol moilirn
iltaiiii. liilciprrtcH lv a high elitu ctitnpiny,
fnnofod ln-UiifC of imiIi Imllililiul liirtiihir'a
fitni'M for llii chjrjrtfrs thpy pirretit. The
ini'iit prodiidlon dlflrr fiom thfir ef ino-i
popular pilecd mm In that iliev cam all their
ovui mi in i,i, lui'thuilinl ci ti.l cllul".
Mr. Ilolilcn iu iIiikcii the olhmlin; uell
l.liMUli ti 1 1 1 1 r f 1 1 1 -1 t, l.i nniiiv piiultK'
ilcii! l. Kite bnile Steiriis V tnc
(urn, vt.iihh' l:. lloml, ilciiriidi' Vtiulse and
(,i'uii;h II. I'llmriN, I' IliiiKhin.t. .loc Vll
linl, Charles tluriti, VMIIIam Willi un. Olio
Iti nlile iiml nllirr. 'I lie npeiiln: perfiiniMiice
villi K'vlun trnUht rtlirti "flic IiIiiumiI PieaW.
cr" n 111 ho pii"Clitid.
The Dostoiilans.
'the irliiih of the Miorlte and eiei green nr
Kanlratlon, the lntonl,ni, at the I.utiihi nel
Tuesday eicnliiK, li picfaied lij 4 -..lie nf Beits
Mhlcli Indlratei tint the new lonile opera, "The
Vlceioy," In- lleilicit and smith, will haic ft
nii'l Ittcutlie lieiiina. 1hl opera hi hcen
uiltltn cprelv fur them hi Vh lor Herbert
and llarrj II. Snllli, and will he rimrinlieiiil
a produeed at the Hnlikcilioekei In New nr!
lal eprfiif , white It nijojisl a Ions nm to the
end ol the i.ion,
Victor Uuhi'il'ii f .lino .n a mnipoer of coinle
opera lui lonir -inec hern fiimli ctaldlilied
In thin lly with iilllo and la.tmali. and In Ihl"
last woik he l mM to Imr eiiualed. If not
!"tlrpasfd, hU prnlniii cffoitn in melodies and
eleier orclictralhiii. I'rnni nil .iiiuunlx, ilieie
11 a full nuMMiic of ilellshlfiil iinmlieii 'ihl.-li
will he taken up by the amateur and no doubt
become as popu'ar as the will loiw nibcied nns
In "The Seruiadr."
"The Burgomaster."
Ihe nuelial lomcd.i, "Ihe Iliiuumin i."
anniiiinnd fur next Ihurvlav nluht .0 the l.
i cum, I-. a nien.i nielanici' wllh ip-to.d.uc iilea".
proeenttd tiy an oiuaubath'H of clahl.i up-to.
date opnatlr. Inulciiue, faice ionicd ami
Kpulalli lehhiillo.
The rostumi't aie ol ilia lalct oilsiiuil ami
mu.t ffoiueoiH liliire, and enn the ,., t liery,
which 1 net "illy knew. Imt up lo-dalc ulo,
Inasmuch a Ihe paiulHi- bru-h doph t eirnes
In fiilit nlil New- Vm-li nlilil. iimi Veiv Voit, In
Ihe jiai 1 0" a', to the picnt dai In lnnu'lim;
New Veil, and I lib aire,
1-1.1 In ml ill. ill" vaudeilllo i nlcilalm i, hi
hit upon .1 new plan for piotfitlni; hK ml. II"
ha bail his iiiiiimluEUi' lepjiluhteil, ami send- a
lipewillten copy two ii'onthi In ndiame to
each man.uar l' wlium ho U uudti-
Aicoiilinir to Kfi.dall' liimli"! iliniind. tin
h ml winking ininamr l nipim-cd to iiiimmle
tho fifteen or lucntv patiH of iiiln and tu,
and win n ho l dead lnlir pcrfnt, to e-lab. a ii, nth vatih oicr all othri pciroiiuiin
mil ting down up n am htaik laic ci pale i.h o
pii il" vie iqipiopil itc-i am pnitbiii el die out.
mil 'I the Komi ill l"'.c (ouieliv. It I m
Incintoii, kU.i, and the umiIi hue irpml the
lllliulor lor the limibte bo lin taken to plot, I
him. ill. bin if li ,i (irrlble Mow- to tho plan,
pli.iiM iil.o line Mthcito ihrd nut Hull vbi!d.-i
Imi'Mii'S bi jutting il'tuti the gieit Haiiiiun id
piiior.iers and hli ping linn on In
p.'tiiu In otliir illio.
Ill" llol.bli'. nf the halel I heal IP ill New Voile
-no for the prrint at lat. Prank
Mi lice lias It ami !n anuuiimid
(lii.ihs rroliiuaii will In Hi" uinut.ii' ef ll,
boil"!' imdi r tintl; the anu iiuansitnint ai
rUU lutwcdi tin in at Iho l.anliL and VI.hIi.
i-n tliealii.. Next Vbimhy inght the
li'iii-i will be li-npiii-il with tlie IViiir "ham
in "Ihe ( ;.n 1 1 -nn." I II, Inn in. nnn.iger
of th.. 1'iiiu' Cohalii. lu a iiiiiliail wllli Wfml
1'. Vaioii" iiheiibi b- tiuih the Imii'ie for tuiir
weiku, aril at tho end in thl period It will hi
sileii eiei in j linn of auhlliii", 'Iho Imfl-i
will bo in nii-inuKil, re ili'ooialcd and re-furn
I. bed tlooiishout, inaldng it prailluilli- ii new
llnaiei mi tho nio.t lima, and will
he u adj f.i (iii'upiiii eail.i In llie fall.
keiuiila fin. ii II , II I in. ii o Inil'ialc that il.u1 .
rrntitiian'ri piialiiclion of "I'u Hale ami l
Hold," rtaited lime l.i.l wnk, l .1 tiinnln
uriir. Mini, jiiil.o U Mumircd upon r.iuo't
ll')ddiui,tiiii, who Ii,i made Ihe iiljllon.
for whit l iiil lo be hi fariillj fur aumlin
ing the be.f (ilil.' In the li.iwl Into!
elupo. 'Iho .idloti liesili' liefi io llie ihuieli 'i
.laini-.ioMn win in lb" nuM nufte (hell 'lei'll"u
1. 1 hiiMi.yji.1;. 'Ilieio we hive Iho merlins: nf
I'iIij iltobeit Lorialni) and (I-al'l
frilnu). "wiuttliit nf I xpirtaiiilii nniel'i
aid to bo ivlrniiil.i pit luiiMme, I- In the nei
net iihtio tlio pri'iiieM ol the two lo VVeyaitol-
la rvunplluiil by u Miles uf .tines ln ni
lllniiiln.ileil. 1. Her on tin re W .1 h pri'eiilali"ii
ef a boat tce-i i by the w urs i;iulllr 101 lulu
I) ,i bilir. Thin tlieui N a plialo luii ami a
mihI pa-iaeway iiml nil J-rata of linul u-;
t,c-tleills. I
'Iho imliiint Ihoplni '-I hii'V t.iiiiiii-, ll,. .Lulling jiii'i'iUl.i I'liu'lil that he '"
abindoiiod ilrauntlo crt ,n i prnfi'Iiui Mi.
I'onnoH lu icino in lhl de, Nbm afler afinU
daia of nriliioii llioii','hl 'Ihe tnmieilljle ia'i-e
of til retirement into lew pulille piiKtilU i le
ilUoiei,i that tlie actor of today dom put urn..
pioper irioguliloii iiiini iho iliealrleid maaniiie"
i"ot'iiori lejclinl this eoniliidon jt Saimda,
aitil a choit m.i.mhi iiitli Mjm-hoMi i' I i.n kee.
Juki lluilfmnie i-ominny, 't lip flnil bluw- laine
vi Inn f'uiiuois' leipiesl foi Ihe fn admlulon
of bin trlni'U nns iieetid nllli iolituea hi Mie
1mi -c mill,", lliiice, his puxliuiutli u Ilia I lie h.u
ik-util bin lil fkiM, -Now- Voik Meinius Ti le
Sl'U'li I bo i uaai mint of Hi' Itn.tfitu.iiii,, wiibli
l lllll in llie I.liillli' llel I'lllilUL' i'
for mil' lilsjht only mid will he ulio tin- Hrat
pri .iiilatlmi lieio of Victur lliibcrt'i new- uomli.
opua, "Iho Vlicroy." Siicceofully puntiil l.ii
.pflng ct tin' KliUkeiliockcr theater, Xc Voik.
uii'l nndcieii lieie i.-lth nil the tu'orllea, i beriis nf
IHii inlnrd lob'is, a lieiid oulicntij and gur
eciii! scii.iij mnl ifuiff. Iho ijt will mil i
.lolm DiiTemuie, .1 bao hiiiRir of wonderful
luiKiictbiii ami voul abllll.i ; the bcmtlml
.loiin; i Miilr.ilto, Vdrle llaflfr, Itunalu'o. ,n .
D'lii.ibl, 1'iolhiPKliaiii. Il.irlli'tt. Hilda ClaiU and
Mi (lit) eihiiolp k.iIIl'.I .iiddruli for' Lie
ropo Wcrlm day to uiidorua a iiri;lial operation
In uliiili ho .oips to ircilii her health. l-or
nitiie lime the actress lias been under ticalmuit.
It Is raid, f0' ' tllllior llllllll llO W.l lei.iladlll
inlfbt b" lined wltliout lecouiau to tin Mm
aeon's knife. I'll" "ali-oiptlon" tnauiii'iit
iiiilrh sh underwent Mcliifil suoicntul at llit,
but iiboul thiie wuk-. .-" her uulidv aiiiiiril
i iiiil il.iimlns pliate, mid an operation ii.u
dii uli'd npnii .! miliary to mi h.'i llfo.
fluir.ilo Pill la to umpl fate wllli a iunui,i
of (liliiiu- Ihmn in his "Wild WW uumli
tlon. ll.c siout-liomiian'a hle.-i is lo tealUtle
nllv trcal In tho juiu the i-iiKO and bill f
I'iklu. KtnlsMirles whom lie etit to tho fiilint
two inontlx ago hale iitiirnnl with Ibo mw
lliaf fifty time rdoilluls villi land in sin IVaii
iImu before the middle of Manh. I oh md
I oib ba uraiijeil with the dttte otflolals at
VVui-ldnutuii tor Ihem to be adiulttcil In bond
like tourbts' fasiiiKe, he hoioniliijr roioiisililp
for their il-paitino tm homo atiei In. outiaet
villh Ihem evpirei.
Kkivi .1 l.ilansei hale niianijeil wuh Vi ,b.lm
.1. Mi Null; to viillo a, luw plfee fur luM ciivjii
lor th" lil.-iw- k 111! mcer foincdy loinpany,
l.iadid by Ibo lli.uoi" liutliu, It will he a
vaiidnllle faico and will be called "The lloinni
llinlhcrs In ahinlou." Veaily nil the pun
ilpals of the preccut ereanlalloii hive bicu n
Uliiul tm next xa.on, whin Hie annual Sim
Veil, rntraeimeul will be pla.ipii al the hiilil.
crWkcr theater, (oiniiiiiiclnj hept. i.
Tin iuaiveloii. nn 1 1" v. Will VU Klranor Hob
hoi ln aihleud in the lien piodmlloii or "lip.
leannid Hi t .til" tlml. Iu , III, t null! In ihe fait
(hit hot only does she proie a loieUtlon as
I'lossl William', but that the also achlncil a
triumph as IlonlU ami afterwards us Consume,
and that theno lines ef work all rnry so greatly
that It maiks her as a. moil exlraotdliiaty artiste;
pnliap, who kiioiv, imp nlllo cjpicwil It,
"one of Hie Rlorles of tlio t-taire." ills IloWon
will amimpany ...i. t,e llojne In ,er "In .1 Itab
eony" (our In tlio rally uptlrnr, and villi likely
acute iinp!cuntis parts In two or three linpott.
ant l.leblcr k I'ompjtij product Ions nevt irlmr.
'Ibai iiiaitit, tlioll (oiniillaii, Tim Mmplij, vlio
Is shotlly tu appevr In (his dly, was at one
time n roTPiiiiiicnt finployo at VVdilnictnn. lie
held down a Job In the paUnt nidi e, and It was
his buslneis to draw those Intereatlnc pictures
of hsrrowj, fjlows, clccttlc. clocks, aubtnirlne
IhuU and thinus nf that sort that appear In tlio
Patent Ofllep Cardie. Jluiphy would probably
have kept Ids phiie In Hie department to this
day had It not been for Ids humorous Inclination,
llicu In those dajn tm was a IminotW, and, lire
lortiinitoly (or forlnnslely), as it has since de
i loped, (otilit not keep bom icolHna; funny with
Hie vi oi It entimtcd to lilm. lie Is quick anil
eleter at (atrldna; u likeness and could tnke I
Job away trom nine-tenths of Iho albueil heirs.
paper artists of New York at citleitute woik,
In tlios.) di.ts tho tegular hiiihaiiUal ilr.uibus
of the puts uf the various niaihlties on which
pllchls iveio uianlnl weie aciuiiipanlnl by draw
huts J.n the pei'peetiie, sIihitIih; tin hi In opera
tion, and hcie Miupliy used to tlml a Held fir
his talents as n ( uliatiirbl. A cop.i of the Pat
ent Offlre (iaretto, slill pilznl tiy tolleitors, ion
tains a piilure of a (inner iioikins- .i patint
plow. Iwo homely mules. In ueaiy nrul disgusted
attitude, aiflehown slulning their tialliens, while
a nisly looking .lirse.wnnn leans oier (lie tiatidles
i hewing 3 ttr.iw. Nothing odd or piculhr was
nvtmil alioul the iliawliis; unlit It was pub
luhed, when a wain of horror nvept mil Ihe
iilllie. The Kiidi looking farmei'a (no was tint
of .lames (i. Illalne, tho likeness lulng iciiuik
iblv sood. p was bnpo.lhp to siippiess llie
idlllon. and It was allowed to go out, but Mr.
Minphv wis allowed lo depirt at the eanie.time.
Arraneiinerits are now being compHoil wh"ie
by an InlircolloKinlc inett, uiibpie lu its
acler, will bo held noit lsy beinean I'eniisyl
vanla and llarvaul uniier"ltle Iho einit will
bo on bitcrcollrBJitu caliiua i onte't between
Hip member" of tho Camera, clubs of the two
i.ntuiidtloti. Imitations hue been enl to Vale
mid Piini-elrn In Join the (inl(t, and It is
piobahlo that at 1'iit one of the Iwo will
ampt. I.mli i luh will exhibit fill.i pictures
whlih will bo Judged liv leullng N.w Voik pho
lomaphns. I'rln will bo ilven fur the Ih-sI
tiidlildual and Iho bel i bib ixliltdls. Voir
bring adjudged Ihe pii tines will be exhibited
'Iho Win nrlgiiiilnl with the Cauieia club i.C toe
t'lilvcitlty of Piiinsjlijiili m hi, h wis oig.m
Ireil oirr twelic jiars ago mnl imw uumbiia
ovi polity members, being one of the stnii3"st
orjanbilloiis of il., kind Iu llie minuij
t'oiiiiln,iblo Intiii-'l being Oiowti in il"
rippioiihing ilelnte with the Iniieislli ,
Xllililgm wlili Ti takes Id lie Vlueli S, ill Vnn
Aibor. Iho team U nf dure tiidcon,
I laudo I, Uoth, ot I' llnioo V.
gar, of Watrsintonu, mid Vlllion I. VVarei, of
I'oieiiioko (It, Md. 'ihe ililnlc with Vlhhlgiii
is the llillil whlih bis bleu held Willi lie
Vi ii Xiboi liistliutlon. Next n.i the mni'
nlll bo held at Philadelphia.
'Ihe annual hmli-pjc of tlio M.i.l. and ig
I lull, Willi h will In allill l'..i-lu wnk at I'm
tli'lnut Siieil liuirt hnuse, h.u. Inen nnwid
"flu. Pl.l, lll.ul, f!rp." II iiiikUN if Iv i
ml'. 'Iho Diet Is hill In Paris at tin epo
sltinn, and th" "tond at the t'nlicrslli- d i
lllltolies, 'Iho pb, whilll Is the pl.idllll (.I
the pen ef T. II, UoiuliUnii, 'li (olhgc, vill
Ki.ulri nboiit lllty miilmts to pri-bire ,e
l'Ulli'i.'i,. ij,b ,li.M la glltli alihlli b.t Ine
iiml. r ur.nln ilis nnd his iu i k Ii Instun, e mei
wllli Mii.inlili(il .iiirisi Tho Vlid, and Mi.
inn, is ihi ii, I.,, mo iiln'"l amateiii
of Us kind iu lb, I niteil alalia
'flioie n ii'ii"idii.ibli' aaitalion nbotii i nduii.
n i row- lo Heiiby to imrip. le wllli Ihe laiglNh
iiaisiiien, but it is feared Hut the rxpoiw will
bo iii hiaiv lo wiiraut the undi Unking. I'i nn
elU.inii has neier bmi ..o stiong mi tho ' 'i m
illlllni the list twilil.V jiala as ln Is al ine
vit. (r.i.i)i Waul is .tiimgly iu tivoi- n( tak
lllg he flixt lliw nlil, ail mil riltetilis, th' ".
end ut the annual iriialla al IVuuhkiep.,'..
If the .ilurnnl take ho'd of the plan ll lino I e
sjioits al tin- iiiini bale lalon a m .
aitlli Hull dulo Ihe niiil'iiai i xainliiations
Iiaio piiil. Numerous randidatis bale icporlod
foi' piaillie Im the link team .Hid (or news,
wblb Iho b'i.e bill men in bird at v. nil, ,n
Iho cue pltpuabiiv l.i the woik out ot d'oi
Ijle in A'ltll. V 'Cilis of lull r i lis pvpid
I .io born airangcd on tl.e liaek toi llie min
ing sprli e months
Within a .M'.u- lb" luuu l.ii.i will .
new liediinl libor.itirv under way, In all
I ii.tubillli time will ibo be a new
iiiglneeilug biiiblin; eluilcd Ihe meiiiinl tab
oraloiy will be splnullillj iinilppod with ap i
.ilus for llie utility of piiy-luiogi nml iiho'lh.
ljiiatnlcs. 1)1. lailull II. .Inhn-oli will I i'i 111 li lo the i "I
bgo and take m ins i,oues in the VVhailuii
ilioiil next Mnlnuli'i. Pi. Jul iiii lias been
nb-cnt fr, 'in the lolbae foi two juis on lean
I of alwinii ns ii nn mbi i n die hilunlau 1'
I ooiiiml-siiiii. uliiili leuntl.i iipiiiled In
fii'i of tho .Mi u igiiau ionic.
There l a iimioi thai i new giimii.iiuii is
I to bo 1,111)1 on ibo plot if sinuiiil opjioiile the
I iK lit. 1 1 hall. Hi punhi-e the imiiei-hv eimi
Inlo pos.cKiou of the whole so,u.ito between
I Tlilily-lhlul and 'Ihlrt.i-fouith tin-its wllli th"
j Idei nf electing laboiatoilis ami n gimni.iun
I in the in ir fuli'io. 'Ihe l.iboriloiles wilt be
1 I lllll hut, but ll is tiioukhl Dial III" ' lum"
I will mon tol low
, '111" Philadelphia ,,, leu toi ine I'liunolnin 'f
Aeri, uliiili' has ncet,lli m'li,l f,,m- bundiMl
bus to the fund II has til.i!ll-!.i .1 al the urn-
r i 1 1 roi- builng PooKs on aam ubuip
But the Oiator Learned Aftervvaid It
Was Not Genuine.
j 1 loin tin Valimgii'U I'o.t.
liepiea, nl iiln ik'il ll. J l.i-ui, i Hulling-
leu, ll.. who hia I ii in U , i.l, iimi. n fur ei
J nal links, tolla an lutoi.itlng .'mi iJ a ii
I'jltli ixpeilime. Mi, 1'ii.iei w.i eleniil lo
I'lmuiess iii v, iiifmlier, mnl, heluj a nun il
illilllty mA ,i vuuil tilliijier, he mm li In
'Mil linl In hi hi r .l.llrs (lulu linl lime till tie
ions win lounuil.
"I wnil Uimn In .Sew- mk." jnl Sli. I'i'..
til-, ".mil tho lueinhi'M i.f tho luiiimlr
lie In i h:u no tin lo lu.Ulul I thvilhi mul.e .1
enoeih to illl itllillellie 01 lull, 111s. 1 ill-M 1111,1,
lii.l hi In.' famllln with tlie ljiit.luje. Ijii,
tinlu.illi .vlehl'il. CiiIiik I" a tet'linii of tho
ill whole in n.x llnli 111s le.hl". I i',,iunl j litgc
liiiilb 111 o .iiy.iIUuu 1111. .V'i iininuu them
ni'Iilnl, iml iiheu tlu luierlnir .n ljIIiiI tu
iiiiliT nut I is I nil with a ulrulnt, tiililiei,s, I im
uhle id c-itih ,1 tew uniil. r,( his peroration din!
I jI.'i what I thnutihl the uiul 'liiilhshli.'
"I'heii I linl my Inuitis. I Jk
iluuli' dl tiiu lilllhitut ut uiilallr, einv
liaiiil In tho Jiiillrrue 1 laj.tiim vUurnu-h. 'llib
(niuui.igiil i,i'. iiiol I iIIIjImI mi W.i.himliui' s
n C.jrU'.ihll, on l.iniolo .is .1 (ijril'.ilnl, .it whim
the ll.ilUlis d.ipiieil Iheli li.llul- .ia.lii iIl-ikiilIi-n
li' I ttaiupeil tieui'ly with their teet, Hut when
I icicliid in) e!lie.a in refeitlns In WIIIIjui Vu.
HI 11 ley as a li irlljihll, nil miilliiuo looko In.'-"
villi riithu-ISHii, .iml It v.i invrul nilnutis
heliire I jblo lo loutiuiie
"Vs 1 t-CJtCil tnjselt, iX tlio inuiluluii of 1111
ett'oit, iniicli 1 1 ili'l inn iiiini I Ihouglii Imi
hern a urcat unrn.s, 1 tuiniil In Ihe leirhr vv!.q
h.i'1 Inlro'liueil 1110,
" 'VV.nn't pieih nil iljlii' I usK'eil witli
some liow of pi hie,
" Vm I a wnitlu iliiuuia.' lie ieple,l, 111111I1 to
my dttniilshmiul. 'I tltil.a cut die lingu'. iJji.v
1 l.ipp.i wllli hnmU: Iwn tlnseis, with hnruls .i.l
feitr. time hnsi'is, thej ioIIj for McKlnlo 1IW
"Tlicu it cijviiieil upon im'." llie
xuiiiij Veiniiiiilir. " his Iritroilurtlon hnl
only loci) a fpeuli nf IiiMiikIIiiu., jnl he
li.ul been viuMuc the 1-jiiiN 'ho
IliJ III) olorli"il tllilht."
How BrnElHnn Extibeinnce Exhibits
Itself on Certain Occnstonu.
1'rnin Ihe I I1I1 i(o lliHorrl.
A poi'tillur fpiititif or the Iliitzlll.tii
itcvvppiiiii'r i round In tlir blrtlirbiy
rnidp inlnti'il In th r 1 1" coluinnH, Thoy
1110 nlttlnu's rt rii vii pn nt in liitif.-iiiito.
Dress Goods and Silks
Wash JJ; Yard: Heavy cord silks, 19 and 20 inches
Silks wide in all the new and desired colorings.
Sold all over at 50c the yard.
Satins J fjc Yard : Colored cotton-back Satins, in
' every shade; fine new goods, 19 and 20
inches wide; sold all over at 5oc the yard.
Taffeta ffjc Yard: splendid quality for waists and
Silks linings; every pretty shade in the lot,
would be good value at 75c the yard.
Trico J Jc One of the newest fabiics for shirt
ranncs waists or children's school dresses in
the shades of old rose, reseda, cadet blue, red, national,
garnet, brown and flaw, $z inches wide. Cheap at 50c
the yard.
Victoria J fie Made of the best Angola wool, of beauti
Suiting ful finish and will not shrink; desirable
for dresses and shirt waists; in mixed greys, browns,
tans, also plain colors of cadet blue, navy, red, garnet,
brown and black. Sold regulaily at 75c the yard.
Fine Qfjc The lots include "j inch mixed Covert
Suiting Suiting in oxford, grey, navy and brown:
also 0 inch Zibeline Suitings in grey, castor, brown and
navy and 5-4 inch Camel's Hair Cheviot in'navy, green,
brown, garnet, oxford, grey and black. These goods
have sold reeularly at $1.25, ,Si.?s and 1.50 the yard.
Heavy JTjc The lot includes seven hundred yards
Skirtings of 4-inch Suitings, suitable for bicycle
skirts, walking skirts, etc., in colorings of red and blade,
garnet and black, reseda and black, brown and black and
brown and white. Heavy enough to be made up with
out lining: manufactured to sell at !i.5o the yard. A
great bargain.
Great Monday Sale of
Children's Steeping Garments
Mothers who ate accustomed to the use of ordinary
night robes for their children, little know of the excellent
advantages of these ideal sleeping garments. They are
knit of heavy cotton .similar to that used in ordinary
undervests) arc closed ribbed and fleeced. Made in one
piece like a union suit. Full of comfort, a protection
fiom the cold: "ideal" in every way as their name
Sold in no stoie for less than 29c; most places $.,
all sizes.
Here Monday for 1 9c
donas toSfs Sods
One Cent
A Word 0
Is all it costs, to m.ike your
v ant known through the , ,
columns ol THli TRIRUNF.; 0
and there is no better nd-
vertisinK medium printed '
in ba.uiton. 0
Wanted are iNsemeo
Chln'fl.ill.v win 11 Hih luii'ili'.il ilntiiii' uf
:i hwiiIii BiitK tlio tipiu'i' liiiinl. Illitbiliiy
fi'isllvltli" ai-f nlvviixH I'ob'bi-aii'il In
lliii,11, tln nubile nIlloltiN U'i'iIvIiik: i
ib'lllifc nf kihiiI wlshfi nil (Ill's uilf
liii'Ious tin)- cull jiar. Tiiu blilliibiy
lauls. in tin' iii'vvisimpi'i'H an' miiiielliliiK
llko tbl-s ns 11 nib': "b'l'llilintliiiii.
Hull tlio sib ol' Di'i'i'inbor, I'.imn At tin
bfi'fiK uf titty a (i.ttlii'ti'il inns iiiuit
bffiittlftll biilKilli't nf xIolilt finiii tlio
Kimli'ii "f tin? lui'i'liius nxNti'iii e of
Si'iinilta .iilinlia Kalnliii. Iir iIiIm
Kbti'lous ilalo iniiiiy (nnijilimiMilH 1 1 mil
oiu vvliti fhli'unm bi'i."
"Hail s-u-inon: ,t ilif iiuvxn ni .1
be.uitlUll iiininliii;" Ulii-' k tu h.iv
yuii" vviutm jnuiii'wa.v. for It was laln
lli luni'litH) --lb" llltlf bii-ils Illl Hu
sky with llii'It- t-ivui'L hIiirIiik ami tip'
llintt'lM lllMll'Ck tlll'IHMI'lVi'.l Wltll lIlllVIMH
In tlii-lr iitt't'liitiH I'inii'lii'H iu Mli'ltato
tho natal tlay ut' tln dbUIiiKtiUlicil
liilt-Ins-f-f. initli, sVntnlilii !'. Villas l!o,it.
I inay tlml yuti may have a btlllliiiu
tiiiuii' anil 11 llt'i' of 10.SPH. AlivajM
yniil." (SIkimI liy I'lx Hvveoilirtiil.t
"Hall Ofciiiilifr S. IIjiiO! it Is not
1ioslhh' Unit wo imnc 11 date sn kIui-
lllll" IIS Iml. IN, III llllllll lllll Ill'llltH
lianL-i-iil tho liuiHiliuFrt coining vvHb
Ibo inoi-jilny: In cnllfi-t nno more lovu
knui nf v Illicit hi llu k.ihIi'II nf tin'
piiX'Imis i'NIkU'Hi'c nl 11111' ciiod father,
, on 1I1N ilaiH wo niiV'i-
l'i'lli'llalliitir and iviehi's In tin-
that ho limy have nianj yt'.iih nf llfo.
Illrl fiotlH."
"Hall, lT-1-.r.inn! Thoto Is i-tiilei toil
tiidav nno nwxc ladlNh In I he little
Ulli'lnMi Kuulcil of tilt' entwined ninxlei
li.ilnti'i', John Kei'U'Ini 1I.1 Sllva. l-'nr
(hi happy day the eunipllnients nf bin
fllunili," ete, Tllcrf wilds aie Ulb
llsliod by tlio milium 111 the editions
nf iho viirluus mnriiliiK papois.
Cat.tirh Cfinnot Be Cuied
ivnh lld.Vl. VI'I'I.K VIIUSS J, tin) .ii"i' 1
I tac ll tho m 1C i'i iho ibi.i.e I .ii.inh is . liln"il
IU' I'Or.stltUthMill llisiMM, Mill III filU'l '" III II
)nii )iint I, ill' iiitiiiul iiipulii.. 1UU' l
I.111I1 ' uir U til.iu!), .ml nils ilne, liv
im the blouil ulul liuiuills sml.iiif. II.ill' I 1.
tiinli wire It not ii'iiujrl. iniililtie It ami
pit'siiihtil ll nno in Ihu h.-.l phi.hljl.s In lln
im nlry foe )i'iii, mnl Is a io.viIji ti''" i'i'' :"
II Is iMiM't'Mil 01 Im b".t lonlis IviiuiMI. nini.
hllieil with the h.'.t lih.iwt puilfli'K, mtlue ilb
rril) (ill tho IniKiiilx UlfJie, 'Hie peifit-t lull
biiiiiloti t tl-o Inu Insroilliru l wI1.1l inr
lllll Ovi alldl .llll(ltul UelllU ill lllllUK CjUllll.
Nrul foi' tithvonlls tree
l'.M. CIICNIIY f.- I'0 1'iup, , lolfiln, II
NiM by fliusal'ls, pilie ?r
INII'i I'.inllj l'llls Jie llu b.Ml
Frec. 0
Scinuton Botnd of Trade Exchang
Quotation!? All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
N0th. Hid Alle-I.
1 b.t S.itiorjl Hull Uii'l
SiUiitun anu;' Hjii ij'l
I lilt si Xstlonal Iiml. I""i
luiie IkpoHt mnl Dii'i'iint lljit'... 'lift
IVeniimy l.lsht. II. .V I'. I'n Is
l.jilu 'liu.t slo tli-inwll I'o M
I'l.rK ,x "-novel In, I'i U lien I'i 111 1 & Slfjj. Co inn
'lunton Vxle WuiKs i)i
I inka'iriiir.J lui" '.. IT :!ii
f'OUIiti "'iMIil!' Mini, fi I'lU't ".. i'KI
I'u.t N.uioi"il !!inU (Cjltoi ilalc) .in
sijii.lji.l H11II111E in ."el
I 'iiaileis SjIiolsi IIjiiV Hi
Si union It'll" nn Mil i.o in,
SiJiiini I'a's'iyer llallnjy, Ant
Vloiig.ii,v. 'ine IWO 115 ...
I'fi'plt'i. tue'. I'albu), fint inort-
j.i. ilui luis 11:
1'enpb's ln-'l ItilltKir, lieneul
iiioiiSJi.e, 1I110 1'iil 115
ll'iL.tu Mauulaiturlni; Iu, ..., I on
lail.a IiiuikIiIii t-t li'icl ." pn triu. ... IW
C iiv of "iiari'.on t-l. Imp. tt pr
(im 1W
M1.111I101 'liiiilnm C per iflH 115 ...
Scianton Wltoletale Market.
Ill 11. 'Ued Ij.i II. li. Ilule, .'" I.Jilsu'.illIU Ait)
lltillir ti.'.inuii. .'ii'!!r'-; l.x'ry. IWiX.
ill i" Cull iii.iiii, U.1I.V.
l'4U W'e.tein, Jl'jJ'.'.V. i nt'Jibjr llllt,
ajisili. (
llei'is IVi In 1 houe'niirixiiv, !.ttil Ml.
I'.ir lleiin-IVr In.. -J.l'.rJ..W.
Medliini lltuiu - IVi bu.. iH' iS. ".
I, leiu l'eu 1'er 1 11.. .l.40il,t5.
Unions -I'or Imi , fill. I'i.
I'lniii lle.t patent, ?l.u'i.
Philadelphia Live Stock.
l'hllM'tlphi.i. Ill' ''1. Live tiek lliiuipis (of
Ihe weiKt ( utile, M-'l, jl.eep, il.'IJ-", iOg, 3,V
(utile, tl.uuuh it.el,ils 1.11I11 r buhl, ihe lii.i I U. 1
mini 1I11II ami ili.u'.'.i; hex. t.V ''VjJ.Vl, choin.'ii.iV:'!; Kimil. 'I.Tia,; inf.lliui', Mbljat.rS
is iii'iiuii, hi'i'j. hetll an, I iim! -ehirtp,
lull llioruh piiii-k Kleailih liiJintslneili lalnl' In
ki.iio lira., it ipiuiiu. nu. ii,. ,n.,iir.
thin ions, but the .11 itl'U-.i Veal cahes, trifle
e.nlrr at f!a . ; iheieil itirm. 7J8,,ic.; dicveil
Lt'WU, finT.
ButTalo Live Stock. I'liiral'i. Kill. lit. -Itet I 'e, 111
I'arsi elii'tp uml l.iulis, vi tan; hoi.'., 10 iIF,
Shipment, -little, Hi) caul htep mid Iambs, '.'
(jri lioB', u oam. Cattlc-Ofterlrgt lijlit, iiniliarmitli calie.', ilioiu In extra, ?I
"M. J.irnlifc-t.'liiiic to xr, S.V ,'i'ia."i.ii ah.fp,
tholie In extr-n l MVilTV. lb,- llejiv, Sltil
piv., fiTo.iVT'i. t
lUir fcU I'I) lllll ll'iisi kiMini 1 uii'l, nmrji, r.MI.,
fie. i ihulu', ln'i': soi"', I'lJl'.-'f. : innlluiii
lii.,lc. iiniiiiii'ii, .H..H''. ll"i! Vlaitet eloinl
(In lis Willi vjIiiis tuinly hehl; western, 7j4i".
..., . ... . , ....