1 , U TV f,st. .a,,. rtiMmfr.,, . t . THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1901. '- "TT ,Jre--"T7ps j v ir asi WEST SERMON OF REV. DR. SWEET lone or his discourse, "jew AND GENTILE." He Was Listened to by a Veiy Lnige ConuiCRntion Miss Jnne McGlone Seriously Injured by Bohip Thrown Down Slnirs Aiiangements Ale Being Made for the Obsoivnnco of St. David's Dny Robeit Morris LocIro Will Conduct a Banciuet. Cases Heard In Police Court. Ib-v. ,1. IS. Swift. T. I), inv.nli.il a fnrclhl" sermon lusl evening I" a liirc nsscmlilnKo In tin- Simpson .M-'tlmillMt KplM'opal chinch. Tin- auditorium iviih cto wiled. Never 'in tlu hlMioiy uf tin' chinch Juap so ninny J'ouiik people ntiftiitcd divine senin'.s iim uiidi'f Mip present i.i.ilornli'. livery S'alibath cvimiIiir i.irjn iiinubi'i' f -iiiiii people jiip In .lllC'llllalll'1' 10 llstell til till' tliotiRluful iituCxii'lklni; dNcoiif't.'s or the p.i-uoi'. 'I'lu theme or lnt cvculnir was "The .lpV mill till' Celltlle," Hi' IimiK. his t't rioin Koninns :i: :: "l. 1 1 'he (lod iC the .lews onl.v '.' Is lb Not A No of tlN .S'litllrKV Yes, of tin- Hi utiles, nisei." Anions oilier ililnii in- ulil: "Xoiv. the Jewish people, in llit ela.vt oT tlli, apostle it ho ll.nl believed Mint JeMls "lirIsL or the M-ed of Im-.i li.ilil vas Hie Culllller of th promise made in .Wirnliiun Hi'io fi'i'lhiK ilieni (.elvrs to ho hi'Ui'i' than all other:", nnd laying claim to exclusive honetlts at romlmr riom .If.'iis Christ, because tin1 premise vwis made to Mmill.'itii. Christ Is n direct deneen- Lint, therefoie, J1p Is a blood tela tive or ours anil salvation 1 5 onlv rir tie "Come bark to the pi undue ,iiiaile lo .Uirahnin. It says: 'In thee and thy sera sliall nil tin" families of the cinth be Idoie-ed. Ob-serve It does not say. Thy 1'aiully shall tecelvc,' hut 'all.' vlitcli, of course' Implies that other I'.nullliN besides the Israellttes would in- In cxlstentc. Then thf prophets iiiphnslze this same Until. lK.iiah, .1 rpiulali, .Mnlachi and others posit Ive Iv as.-ort It, so our conclusion Is that ili( benellt.s of the 'Messiah's coining imw not confined to tin- .lews alone, anil I'.ml proves It :i fact 1p Ihe test, xvlion lit" Kays: "Is Up IIip find of tic? lews only? Is Up not also of the l I-n-1i)ps? Yes, tin: Ccntllos, nlkii.' And nil tie Clpiitllrs ivho hvp not nationally l.-wsi or believers In Hip Jewish rell,c tnti. Yet Christ came olivlously to Hip ABOUT THIS TIIIE LOOK OUT FOR f COUGHS 1 and COLDS "TAKE DUFOUR'S FRENCH TAR. Our Semiannual Sale ousekeeping Linens and Domestics Renins on Tuesday. Feb. 2(i and Con tinues for US DAYS ONLY. . . . I Ins s;ile includes cveryihitiK 1 lousckceping Linens and IJomestics, on everyitem of wliicli bon.i liideiedtictions will be made during the period named. This is Not a Cearance Sale It is a sale planned expressly for the benclit of our pUron, and louies more in the nature of a Bonus or piolit-sharing idea, than am Hung else. In the limited space at our command, it is im possible to print detailed price lists. Wc take it however that our woid is good for any statement we make make, and the facts are just as given above. Our Linen Department includes evciything in that line that can be used in the household, and qualities range from the good medium grades, to the highest class goods that money can buy. For example : Good Tabic Damasks, so inches wide, bleached or unbleached, can be had during the next 10 days, at jjc a yard. They're worth 51c, and like reductions prevail all the way through 'till the finest 'imported goods are reached. In all the liner qualities, napkins uiav be had to match, while Table Napkins for every day use will go at soc a docn. The sameienuiks will apply to our lowel and Toweling stocks which include everything in their line under the .sun. Tor instance : you cm buy a Linen Twilled Crash. iS inches wide for roc a yard, that you would sav was cheap, at uj-Jc. at any other time. Really good all linen Huck tovels o( large sizes go at :2c a pair, etc. Bed Spreads, Sheetings, Pillow Cases, will take an impnitanl place in this sale. Regular dollar lied Spicads for 8sc and .$1 s.oo ones for ? 12.S0, with pioportionate re ductions In the same or more of prices that come in between. The sheets and pillow cases include the best imported all linen goods, as well as the equally serviceable home-made cotton weaves of such excellent brands as the following: "Uticii, Dwight. Anchor, T'ruit of the Loom. Atlantic." etc. All at special baigain prices ' ,' ' during this sale. ' KCMCMDCK an( begns Tuesday. Feb. 26. Globe Warehouse SCRANTON .Tews. Ill mission was lo Hip lost sheep of the house of Jsinel, hut He was compelled lo nay, 'Yo will not.' Therefore, he pays: 'The kingdom shall bp Inken from yon nnd given to nation htitiKlnir foith the fruits thereof.' Hut us lie liuuir upon the cross and utteied tho Krnndly divine wonN: 'Father, fotRlvp them, they know not what they do," the way of salavntlon win left open for i hem and Hip disciples btoURht III liuth .lews and (Iciitllt; such as should 1p saved." Thn conclusion was a pathetic Inci dent from Hip Civil war. showing re ciiiiclhUloii between a soldier of Hi? north and one of the south, both wounded unto death. So, over tliu bloody chasm of I'lnlst's death .lew mid (iculili- can clasp hands with mu tual love, for Christ Is t'.od over nil, lili-ssi'd for cv.'iiuoic. Events of Flensuic. Mi. Alt'! ed II. Shaffer was tPiuli-ii.il 11 I'niewell party on I'lld.ty eVclilliK at tli J home of his brother. Mr. mid Mrs. A. I.. Shaffer, of StniU court. The venlitK was spnt III an enjoyable umiiiicr. At a late hour dainty le fri'shtni ills weiP sitmmI. Mr. Slmlfel' wilt deii.ut for tln w '"t In a few days. A surprise p.uty -wit leiidcied llar r. Snelilmaii. 011 l-'rlday evening at his home mi Academy street. A pleas uut time was had by all. Hherslnns Incident to such events wvic merrily lndtili;pd In. A siunptuoin fe.ist was pai taken of in a late hour. Mr. and Mi". William D.ivN enter tained a few of their fileuiN at their home on Thuiiday evening. The e -ii-liiK was pleasantly spent In games and il.iiiclng At a litte hour ii'frexlimeiil.1 were seicd. Those piesent weie: Mlsp m11i I'lurl.. Mur.x Chirk. I'civl.i ,!on.'s, Mil lam I'arry. Maiy Wllllmiw, iiertruilp uti. .leiuil" lihwiriN, Mary .tones. Mamie Lewis, Mary Mv anii, I.lv.xle .lones. May Sleeti, r.es,le J.ewls: Messrs. Itohert lilckson, Wil liam "William. William Hedilop. Lester Jones. John Williams, M. uilth. West ley Jones. Italph Kodw.iy, Henry Lew nt. IUihert Williams. Mr. P.ivK Jluh-n WlilUms. Mattle Williams, t,..sp wil llnmi, Mui-gaiet Moigan. Sustained Sei-ious Injtuies. MIk JitliP Mililone. .1 ilometllc em ployed at the home or Mis. ISm le, of 'J1K1 Ninth stieet. iiiel Willi a very pain ful act Ideal on Satunl.iy vhlle Nt tenillug to her hoiis-hold duties. She iihh walking down a night of stairs when hur foot 1 aught in the car pel, precipitating her to the bottom, hie.iUlng her 1-l't arm and Inflicting 11 deep gash over her left eye, endanger ing her eyesight. fir. llaggmty was called and dicx-ed the ln.hn I . St. David's Day. The .iimUercury t the blith of St. DoaIiI, Hip i.tlion paint of AVales, which occurs on Kilday. will be ob serxed as usual In an npproprlale man ner by the AVcl'h people. Seeial AVclsh organlatlons of this Mdp are at ii-pseiit actively engaged In ariansluff for baiifiuets. ciiterttilnments, ote. TIip I..11IIP.V Aid Middy of the T.ib ffnaile ilitiicli will spivo a delicious coining under the reneial hcidiuj; of menu, lo bo followed by an entertain ment, tho itrogrmninc" of which (con tains the names of thu best musical nnd literal nitlsts of this side. Over nine bundled tickets havn been dis posed of. Tim members of Hubert Morris lodge of Title IvorlU-si will commemorate tho event with n. banquet, to bo held at F.iltehlld'rt hotel. Tho committee. In rhargo have been laboring zealously for sonic time to make tho event a decided success. It Will bo a "stag" nifalr. Tho ladles will he omitted. I'.xeiv two in m the men only Indulge. In iln se feaits. In Police Court. IM l.amb, a., well known character la polite circles, was tlnel TIO by Al deiman IjuvIcm for dlsordetly conduct In Henry Cannon's hotel, on Jackson street. Saturday evening. AV. Ilriidf ishot and M. McNulty en gaged In a. llxttc: encounter in tho lunch w'igoii. on Xorlli Main avenue, oaily yi Midday ninnilng. and smashed sev eral panes of glass. Tlio proprietor sent void to Hie police million, and 1'utroltiK'll McColllgau and Thomas responded and nrtestnl both. They weie lined. , Jtobeit MeAudiuw. of Slink's court, M-is i oinpelled to pay . for threateu Imr to set lire to the domicile of his mother ir sho refused to give him money, with which lo purchase Intoxi cant. Ceorge lliifpenny, or I'lovidenee. Im bibed loo niuch'ol the llowlng bowl, and, losing his wav, wandeicd over to Jackson street, whole lie sought to gain an entrance to what he supposed was his home, lie paid for lo-lug hii w a v. Y. V. C. A. Notes. An important meeting of the West Side lu.nieji of tin. Young Women's Clulstlan association Is called for this evening In their rooms over Wat-rs' Jewelry stoie. on South .Main avenue. It N especially urged that every mem ber be present. 'I'll' Tuesday PVPlllllg ser l( e will ti led by Je. (Irorge Ahh h. Kvery one Is hulled to attend. The attendance at the rooms rrom Sept. t! to date numbers I.S.'.I, at relig ious services, Tx". Tlio present at the meeting of the Junior club veie "1!!. The citrienl expenses of the associa tion for the last year have all be?u paid and a balance remains In the as. sociallon to defiay all expenses until A rail. Geneial News Notes. The Klectrle City Wheelmen will con duet another uf their favorite stag parties at iln-lr club house mi Tuesday 'evening. A mlAstrul perfoniiunee wlil be given bj the membei-s. . smoker w III follow. The rnllle for a set of mining tools for the bellelil of Mrs. s. y, Huberts has lip.-u postponed until Maich ai. The Women's class of the Simpson Methodlsl i:pl.copal clilin h will meet on Kiid.iy afternoon. The AVIlllam Comiell lllee club held a rc'iearsal In Means' h,ll je.tord.iy a f lei noon. The club will depm l on, Saturdav for AVasnluglon. U. "., to paitleipate III the inn ll'-f lit .il ce)e niniiles on Manh . M. Paul's Pioneer eoips mel yes terday aftiiniMin In Masonic hull, and decided lo change their meeting place in the new Young Men's Institute Ivill. The Ladles' Aid society of the Ply mouth chinch will meet on Wpdnes- la v. The Ladle..,' Aid cocluly , the Simps-mi .Mi thodlst Kplsropal chinch will held an liripoiraut session on Tliui"-da;-. The nivseiicc of every lueinber Is desired. .1. A. Ne.ilK of Xlnlh si t. In in New York cltv on n business trip. Miss Minnie lUese, of Lafayette strett, U the guest of New Voik fi leads. TV. Ueoi'gc 1!. Iliiynold was called to Siihcuiehuuna county .ve.ti.da.v on prolesslonal buslne.-'s. Personal Mention. i-h. i lies i:. Swept, son of I lev and Mis. J. 15. Sweet, a student ut Hie Tniversity or Syracuse, leluni-il hoine yesterday Mirroring fioni a threaten, -d attack of lineuinonla. Joseph lleflion, of Musmnie's phar macy, spent the Sabbath in Wllkes Haric. Mr. P.oheit lihl. of South ltd t'.nk avenue, Is finite ill with typhoid fever. .Mis. Frank Tiansue, of Tenth street, Is entertaining .Miss IJusli, of Dela w.ue Water Hap. Ambiose Mayo, of Swetland street, Is on the Mel; list. Mis. Philip AVaiien. of Noith Lln loln avenue, has remvered from a .short Illness. Pea Coal $1.50 a Ton Deliveied. to South Side, rrntia! city and veatial Ilvdo Park. Address oideis to ,1. T. Mint key, lull Cedar avenue. 'Phone IjliSu. tl SOUTH SCnANJON NOTES. The eiielne i untest, whii li was to be pl.iitl S.uuulay evening, between the I'olunibus counill, Young Men'.s Insii tuie. of this Mile, and the MurQuelt" (ollllcll. of Piovldeiee, wa postpnned iinill tin tiler notice. 'amp .'., l'.itrlotle Older Sous of Ameiiia, will meet this evening at llariiuan's halt. The members of the Young Men's Institute met lu legtilar session yes tenlay aftei noon at Pharnuiey hall, and a lonshlernble aiuount of luislness w.m tiiiasueled. Philip Snyder wut, arristed Saturday for being diunk. At a hearing before Aldormau Stoir yesicrday ho wanted to he sent to Hip county Jail ior fif teen days. The alderman discharged him. .N'eiilham McDonnugh, the under takeis, have purthasod a splendid team of black horses. James 1'faff, of Heeih street, xvai arrested Saturday c cuing for belng drunk and abuslns his wife. At a hearing befoio Alderman Donovan, u was lined V3 which ho paid. (WEEN RIDGE. .Mii-s I'arrlo llltcheoik. oi Washing ton avenue, gavp a Salamagunda party to Hip membei'H of tho T. T. Social club Friday evening. The guestH were Mlsscfi Julia Ileuwood, lliace Athei ton, Helen Chaiubeilaln. Leila Wood luff, flcitritde Guild. Nettlo L.ivvr-nce. Isabella Jones. Jennie OkelJ, Florence Klutner, Hut Hani. Cole Prlcif. Ifar ly Connolly. John Pike ttuasell Shurtleff, Ralph Clllotsple. Uurnham A SENSIBLE MAN Would hemp's llaluiii for llic TlifOJi .nut 1.UKI. It li cluing more ( owiIh, Coldi, Attbiim, llioixlihi,, Cioup uiul Jll 'lliuul uuii Lung Tioiililc-. ilian iinv other mrillclni. The irouldtr lias miilioiitid mij iluivrutu ij sivo you a (simple llniilc 1'ioe to louilnin jpii o( the merit cf till gii-it iiiiiiiIj-. I'lliu i. mill m. u 1 Many a Scranton Reader Will Feel Grateful for This Information. AVbeii your back gives out. Uecomos lame, weak or achlrisr. AVhen urinary' troubles set In. Your kidneys ate "In a bad way." Doan's Kidney Pills will euro you. Hero Is local evidence to prove It Mr. Philip Cniver, barber at the dir tier of Lackawanna and Peun avenues, snys: "t wni subject to pains ncioss mv back for some time. After being on my feet for fouiteen or fifteen hours a day the p.ilu was so intense that r could scarcely hear It. 1 tried different remedies, but never got any thhiH thiil In ought relief until I used Doan's Kidney Pills. 1 only used them n short time before I win entirely vld of the pain, and It Is months since I had any s.vmptoms of my foimer tiouhle. My wife also ls"d Dunn's Kidney Pills, nnd Joins me lu praising them. 1( would not be without thm lu the house." For salo bv all ileulei. Pi Ice. ,,u i cuts. Foster-Milium) Co.. Itufi'alo. X. Y., sole agents for the 1'ulted Stales. Ki'iiieinher the imiiie noun's mid tiihe llo substitute. fitllld, Fred Atheitoii. Floyd Fuller, tlainld IC.'iiueily and Culver Iluilev. AV. H. Watts, of J'hlhiO.Iphl.i. was a liieen P.ldce lslior yeMerda. A daughter has been boin to Mr. and Mis. Theodore Dougherty, pf Wyoming avenue. Mr. and Mrs. J. M AVIlllam, , or Delaware street, me icloklng over the birth of a son. Tho exeiclses lu coime, tlnn with the ponlng of ho Siiiidii -(huol loom of Anbury .Methodist HpNcop.U church yet"rday afternoon weie fully as In teresting as had been promised, and retleit gieal ciedli upon tho-e hav ing chin gc. The 'Jrceii Itldge AVoman's .tub will hold the legtilar monthly meeting lu the p.ulors of the Cieen Hldge P.es byteilan ( htirch this alteinoon at ::.:'.') o'clock. Cllllsfs l hill I h llliniliOge 'die Wll begin Tuesday. Feb. Jii. at 10 n'llnek. In the (isteihoiit building, 11L West Maiket sticel. until Friday Friends who have anything1 to donate villi plu" rend aitlchs to the OMeihout building or to .Mis. F S. Hallentlne. Cf.ind Vlrw and Washlngtnii avenue, or Miss Virginia Mome, li'-.i ("apouse aveuii'.. . DUNMORE. The ahum of tire turned hi fiom box- 115 .vesterday afteinooii about I o'clock, was causeil by a lire In a house on Fifth street, owned by Cenigc llob Imon, and occupied by Charles Hoff men. The Cleet ilcs. Independents and Neptiuies lesponded lu the order named, and succeeded hi extinguish ing Hi., blaze with the chcinUal Mieani. Tin. lire was causul by an ovei heated Hue and was dlseoVeied llrsi on Hip second floor. The damage was Hilling and fully (oveied by ln- Klllatlce. Tho haxaai. which the Ladles' Aid society of the Piesbytci Ian liurch had expected to open 111 Odd Fellows' hall on .Manh 1 1, has In en postpnned un til the Jth. Il was loiiuil that m.uiv unities mull i u i mild not in iln- - Mention Seianton ha a poweiful filend at coutt In Jlarrlshurg In the person of the deputy attorney geneial. lion. Fuderli W. Flcltz. Jlls position alone would make him of valued assistance to any seeking the lavoi.s that aie dispensed from Capitol Hill, but the deputy attorney geneialship Is only an incidental element In Mr. Klellz's pull. Ills main lullueiiee comes from his being hand lu glove wllh the political povvi'is that me at pics'iit. mid for some time vety likely will bo.lu control of the political end of the administra tion. Mr. I'leltz went to Haiilsbuig when a hoy as a protege of Senator Packer, then one of the most lultucutlal men In the capital, and has been tliete vir tually ever since, woil.Ing himself up from executive clei k nf the senate m the distinguished position he now holds, at the same time foiglng giad ually but steadily ahead as a political vorlter until now he Is found bitting In the Hist councils of the party. Thai his woik has not been without icsulls nierlilng lecognllloii of a high order Is attested by the fact th.lt he Is the nuiM prominently mentioned of the possible successois to Hon. John P. Hlklu as attorney general. one of the elements which cnlcis, hugely Into Mr. FlelU's success is his readiness to do a favor. Xo man about the executive building Is subjected to mom calls for an exeiclse of his In lllicnee. and no man more cheerily ie .sponils to these calls. To this not u few Sciantoiiiaiis will attest. F.x-Senator M. K. .McDonald is an other and a particularly piomlnent type of tho aggiesslvu young men who aie doing so much to nsMtre Seianton a future that will be In keeping with Its remarkably successful past and pres ent. He has been and Is active In many lines of activity tending to the Indus trial advancement of (lie Klectrlc city and the region of which It Is tho cen ter, hut the oiii achievement In this regard, which stands out above tho others and wins for him an enduilng Place In the ranks of the city's up builders, was the adding to Seianton liidiistil.il wealth of the (piancr of a million dollar glaa.s factory which last week began opetatlons Just below tho southern boundary of the city In Moo.slo hoiough. The company Is hacked by some of most prominent nicm In the slate. Including Attorney Oenetal L'lkln and State Treasurer Harnett. Ishcd In tlmo for the date set, so It was thought best to postpone.,. Tho lloyal Arcanum will hold an Important meeting In Mafonlc hall this evening. Amns Hhalfer Is spending some tlmo with friends In AVnyno eounly. Mr. and Mrs. Max Damon, of Plus ton, vlsltod Mr. and Mrs. A. l lin den, on North Wakely street, last week. , Mr. and Mis. A. M. Illimham, of North Ulakcly street, were lu Plttslon yesterday, where they weie called by the Illness of Mrs. Ulnglimn's mother, who Is III with pneumonia. Mlis Mnrjoilo Lewis Is vl-dtlng Miss (lalDln at the homestead on Llm street. Miss Olive Haines Is vlltlng Mends In llnnesdale. Dispatcher Chas. Ford attended the funeral of a lelallve In lllnghnniton on Saturday. NORTH SCRANTON NOTES. Second Anniversary of the Y. W. O. A Celebrated In the Welsh Congiegatlonnl Chinch. The se(oud minlvermry of the North Scranton branch of the Young Wo inenV Christian association was cele brated In Hie Welsh Congregational church on West .Maiket stieet. yes terday afternoon. The meeting was opened with a song set vice. led by Chorister Henry Hutching. P.ev. Dr. Jones, the pastor, welcomes Hie asso ciation meiuheis lo the church, and Intioduced Mrs. Hzia A. Hippie, who presided. Mis. Lukens. neeietnry of the Ninth Sctaiitou branch, otfeied prayer, after whleh she ifiive a Very eiicoiiiaglug te. poit of the ye.u's work, showing great progiess made. Mm, I.. M. (lutes, state pieslilent, gave a v ei y Insplilng tall,. s.. told or Hi., different oxtieil eiuiW oi .Miiing ghls she had met w ho had become ineinbeis of the assoi la tlon, and bow they w.ie beiielitted. She also spoke of Hie association being a hand maid to the church Instead of a ilval. She uiged all gills to beenine ineinbeis, to help themselves, to leaiu to help otheis. She nngratulated the olllceis of the Noi Hi Seianton braueh In Hip wink they have accompll-hid dm lug the year ami uiged them to keep on progiesslng. The meeting was closed with a song sung lu Welsh by a choir from the Welsh Congicgatlonal church. The chinch was crowded to Its utmost by both .voung and old women. Told In Biief. Ton.v Coirlgaii. William 1 Mill, In and Pat lick Kane wee the tin co law breakds arr.ilmied bcfoie Alderinaii M.veis, ,,f the Second waid. for being drunk and dIonlei l.v yestenhi.v. They were each llii'd J and allow ed to go. Anna Heesi . (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Itepse. of Nay Aim avenue, withdrew the charge of afsault and Irutciy piefei red by li'iseif and moth er against David P.ee-o, her lather, oil account of the death of her mother at the Lackawanna hospital. lt"esc was serving thirty days In jail. Mis. AVIlllam l.owry. of Chinch ave. lllie, is visiting flienils 111 Wilkes Jl.llle, Mr. Clement Kelt hen. of Wllkes Harie. Is visiting Mr. and Mis. II. S. Saiindeis, uf North Main avenue. The National Drivers' and Team si us, union. No. HO."., will meet this pvenlng lu l.eoiiaid's hall. All news matter will icielve prompt attention If l"fl at Davis' di ug store. ii. W. I), iv Is. druggist, Is making e lensive improvements in his stme. II. 1! Smith, ol Hallstead, who has ben visiting at the home of A. W. Athcitiin, on Ninth Main avenue, has relumed home The Ninth F.ud Slais. the iiaik has. k I hall .ecm of this pari of the litv. utic d. ! ,ii-il .hi Sal in .1.1 night in Kings'. in t the Wv.iiiiihi: S'liiuiaiv of Some Men of It was Senator .McDonald who lutei estpd these men III the Investment and Induced them lo put llu'lr nioin'.v into It. It Is said they aie enthusiastic over the possibilities ol the Lacka wanna valley as an Induslilal center .ind that their enthusiasm will likely lead to f Hither Investments h.v them selves and their friends who have heard tlU'iil disc usn the uialtei. - V s s P.ev. .1. .1. Crlllili. Hi- inn chancellor nf the Catholic iliac cm' of Sc lantnll mid the mndoialoi of I lie Catholic Ills, lorlcal sin let v and New mail MugaKlne eltih, was placed 111 a somewhat ein barrasslni, position v lien selected bv Hishop lloban lo undertake the task ol cilrectlng tiif wi.i I. of t lie Newman i lull, a position vvhh ll had Ik-'II tilled by the lamented Father Mac Coldrlc k since the tillle tile I lllll V as lillllli'll. Il was u mallei of mine moment for Father 1 1 111 1 1 nlmnsi a manger In the cit. to take up I lie work which the hand of death caused his distin guished piedc'esvor lo iellntitlsh unci to hi forced to suiter rrnipurlFoii with a ncin nf Father Maciioldrlck'.s un usual attainments. Father til Kiln has ileni('iiti.it"il lhat the Hlshop's sell (Hon was u wise one. He has maintained Hie taudard of the club and has eufused soiiip of hi) own eii-igy Into tho members ami led them lo lal.e mi Increased Interest In It. lie b resourceful in tho inalter of arranging Hie programmes for tho meetings so as to bring out the best that is In the members nnd lu cn . iimneliicr those who lie llmid about ! piiillelpatlng In public pyerclres. rather lil'llllli Is a unlive ol I limes dale, hut was stationed al Ciiibon d lie, when called heio to Jilt the Im kii tan ntllee of chancellor of the iliocc'c. .ltldge P. P. Smith, of the Superior coin I. Is a bioihcr-lii-lavv of Father Urltlln. W. i: DuIiuIiImiii. tin- olllclal 111 charge of the IihiiI station of tlie Fnited States weather hm pan. who has been changed to nitighauitou. X' A'.. Is a man of expeileme lu atiuos phpi'lc mutters, and lu the courso or his seivho In the depaitiuent has en countered all soils and cuiulltlniis or wealhei. llo has been at work In an observntorv, busily taking the ineas uienientH of n scinching day In No biniiku. wltli a high dr.v wind like the cheering blast fioni a l'uinace playing wlstfullv about him. and then again ho has Hied to cueigeilcally Hume out the averages for days In Jacksonville, Florida, when the air was so heavy wllh toirld, overcoming, oppressive team, the sioro being .19 lo 6. Several of their b?st players were not In con dition to play. An entertainment was held at the Welsh Congregational church on AVest Market street last Friday nlKht under the AUsplecH of cla?s No. IT. THEIR NINTH BEGITAI,. Was Given by the Piano Pupils of Miss Wngenhurst. Miss WnKPnhurst's class In music gap their ninth ieeltal at her home on Wheeler avenue Friday. The looms were filled with parents and friends, who enjoyed the following well prepnicd programme: i'aht nmr Hi"', "fiullo ("one," l0r Kiiinir IlilKFit, a'lil liv .Mint Wmfliluirn. siu.lln .MVnlilhlt .Um UihiiI, .Ir. solo, jtc Mrhiitr U.l'dl.i I'arcy. solo, "Vlnlrl'i story," Kvaits Kiinici! lllliicit. Solo, Maul bow llciVil Clail,. Snlii, Miiinitt WM.li (Op, J) llvi'l.vn .siiilln. lini-t, "Sinit i.l I. istne." (Op. .VI) ....Miirner luU'lU (.iic.v. aMlstrtl bj Ml Jgeeiliiimt (), "III llir (mniluljl." l()l.' Sf.ni AlcMcliK llonnii lila l.ajrJi. Illjlib." 'trio, .MjiiIi L sircablioy 1'iin sraoxn. olo, snug Htiliflut Wenl." .. 11. Un ru-l llolrn IMpli. solo, "V.ibi' s,.ti,.n.," r. Kraild linlli lllll, llblalj. Silo, lloi.illna It. I.lt tmer .Malirt IjIujuK lllakrly. snto, "I.Hnelli-le," (Op. ,Vn W. Lege Nellie Min.il. Ill.ik.l. Suto, "lliM.llhi; W.itn," il. flftinli-llfr IIiIp II.Ii Trio, 4l-i- str,,u,0y MIm IMw.inU .iml Mjm ii i SPOKE AT MANY MEETINGS. j Diummer EvanRellst Had a Very .rfusy Day. j The Diumimr Kvangellst Hev. W. IT. I Williams put In a full day yesterday. He conducted thiee Antl-Mloon league meeting, which weie very ilal'Rel.V at tended. At lu.l'.O a. in., h was in Hie I'reshyteiliui church at Liueine; nt Z P. in.. In the Methodist church, Car bondale, and at T. p m.. In the same ei 1 1 lice. I Tonight and Tuesday he will axslst I lu special icvlval meetings In the Methodist chinch. Caibondale; Feb. JS. Methodist chinch, Ulissell Hilt; .March I. Haptlst chinvh, La C range; Sunday. Maich 3. lo.S'j a. in., Prcsby teilan church. Plains: ".1.1 p. in., Tay lor Avenue Ceiinan mission; i.'M p. in.. .Methodist church. Providence, Maich I. .Methodist church, I.arkcs vllle; .Maich ." to it Inclusive, special revival meetings H.ipilst church, IVok vllle; Sunday, Match IT, T."0 p. ni.. Hnpilst chinch, Cieen ltldge: Sunday, Match 24. (! p. in. .Welsh llaptist chinch, Paisons, TiihsiI.i, Keli. 2C, at 9 ti. Ill, Mr AVilllanis will nddie'-s the public school of Liizeiue; suhj.ci, "Young People at School." BROKE WINDOW WITH FIST. RoRer AVilllams Was Made a Subject for Hospital. A man giving his name as linger Williams received treatment at the Lackawanna hospital at midnight Sat urday nlulit, stifi'eilng with a cut on the wilst. tlie ic suit of trying to .show his fNi through a window in Mrs. Sampson's place In Itaymond court. Up was anested at the hospital by Pattolinen Addyman and Potter and taken to the city hall station lions.', lie was lined Vi bv the major j-ester-daj. RELIGIOUS NEAVS NOTES. IW. .Imiii'- l.illnvil.i, nf -nvif, ili'liviri'il a inieii lo ,i liiiue tHiinieKJtloii of Infn in III (.ill, i.l.,! Il-t lilil V I i i. I- i.i 1imii.. I' -li .ili'l I, VI ,'1 I ' II I" Si I Ilk. . lllll. Il III J. II I i.' W.ilii..l,.v ami 1 li' ni" iH i mi, 1 cm the Hoar .j heal that I he ginger was sapped out of any iikiu'j personality and one could w'Mi for nothing better than to ml h w the example uf the ease-lovim.-Soiitherner and stietch himself inuo leiitly nut lu a hamino'dv with a cool, glmious mint Julep close al hand. For eleven yeais .Mr. Donaldson has I n lu the government employ and has been assigned lo weather Millions In about every stale east nf the Mis sion 1. .Maryland Is Ids native state, but he declares that ol" all tho places lu which he has In eii heated, and or ad the almo'.phei Ic (oniiitioiis which ic has rnnfioiileil, lu Seianton he has liiuiul that which is thurnughly cou g'tiial. Seiaiiioiiiuus, nf coui.se, grumble .it the weather. It's pcrfeeilv natural thai one should grumble al It. but still III constant censuie, the fact is overlooked that we enjoy olio of the IliiPsi, most eiiuabli) cllinnti's to In totind In the countiy. Observer Don aldson is a man iiualltlud by e.vpot b -ice to express a sound opinion mid he says that Scranlon's average veatlier Is Just about right. "Your winters ui-Pii't by any moans spveie." he declines, "and your Mini tuefs mo far r'lniii being oppressive. The summer iilnhia here aie almost perfect, with their cool, balmy air. mid above all, your climate is a splen did, heuliliv one." Captain Fiemont Stokes, who n Just resigned the captaincy of Com 1'iuiy F. Thirteenth regiment, was gelieially iecoglll7ied, not only by tile oiilcors of his own lcglinent. but by the olllcers of other eoiiiiniiiids, ns one of tho best tacticians mid dlelplln iiilmis In the entile National Hiiatd or the suite. So highly was he regaid it by Colonel L. A. AYatres lhat he had to send Ids icslguatlou In till en times helore thai otlleei' jvoiild accept it. The captain has moved to Pittstou, and is unable to spare the tlino from his duties lu that city to attend to military affairs in Scranton, The men of his own company, by whom ho was greatly admired, aie especially loathe to part with him. He was an exceed ingly seveie disclplinuilan, and a hard drlllnifister. (that Is, hard In the sense that he demanded that everything must be done according to tho very letter of the law), but the men liked him all the better for that lie was n indent and eaiiast student of tac tics, mid had toad and mastered all Hie gieat nuihteiH on this subject. Tho Thllteenth loses one of Its most val iiuahle moii in Captain Stokes. AMUSEMENTS. j I Yc0Fl THEATRE -" iilis k nmirr.Ni)KR. i.hm., r A. J. UOTl'V, Jltuiter. J s.vn-nruY matikk and jiroiHViV llvrnlne Perfonmivsj nt M Matliifo l'crIormnio it Z. S Tlie Succcsifirl Cetrmty IHjtvus A Young: Wife I'rcscntfil by o very ,trone cmnpnj', ltilnl t llic popuUr iouinll.il. Prnnk Tnnnerliill, Jr. i:kxi.xo rmrr.s-sv-, w., . mi li.orrf Siwclit Lndim and Children norifain D M Uce 2.V. ami COc.; chlldicn to nuy prt M thf lietv(, l.V. .Meats mi sale Tliiirjiliv t ! a in. One Night Only, Thursday, Fab. 2 'llic Julllcst uf Jolilihijr. 'it." in.. I iliriiouenal flmnelil and urtlrtU inotd Ini'iVrr cMOiur The Burgomaster An tii 1 .'(IjIl m al reineilr hv Vnm rlrl ami CuLns l.iul.i ,. i.l timet in Cdvijo Wit, tirjuty find ong M emlntiit 'i"t(W 1'ilcf 4 -J.' , inc., 7j. . !l rip nnd $)i1, S't1 CIl Jle lncd,3! at tl il in - jj a J ACADEHY OF flUSIC, KUIS& UUKtlU.SDIlk HARRY A. HROWW Vttnaftn and fjvueer, Ical Mintger. IT. '1111-1 II IC. fiolden Comedy Co In HiiKitulie. MdMllV I.MMNd, "The Diamond Brcaker"j M.iiliu'e cltil tcsliilrj; Tiiosilav. Trleisc, 13 ami ill) ceiilt. I'liMiliiR fit - tn 'Dan.) 1 (.rnta " 7-m i"it jiucpuai auu Aiuix ciirgsoa uuil, ;9X-.IHM,27 North Sixth StJ iB QQdPo son.VarlnnnfilflStrlrfurai .JzJjZ nil nnicA . .m..... 4 DIXSaSR th""M''lMulionarBhraiJ olli1tiJ. ."CN DEUTSOHBR ARZT." Treaul noting uTuy ri lBtliuw,UcUtoU dlleclicaiSIni I BUY THE GENUINE "" SYRUP OF FIGS ... MANUFACTUUED BT... CALIFORNIA FIQ SYRUP CO. IirAOTKTIIi: .VAUR. FervliM vvill Ijoifin piciiiipili ai J 0", p. m. an villi l,ui (in riiiiiuios VII aK' vvcliumi'. Hl'v. V. G. Siniinn, luster el tlio .Miui- Meilinilut i:pi-rnMl lunch en Munsoy avrniiv, pnaclieil an uinciL .ennuu jMlcrchy niernlnc Kttirik' loilli, m he vuvvcil thein, the needs of the Mindly- n lienl. At tlio ecenlng enice lis took for lib tlieine. "Jlillnp t.lslit or 'tlio (Jo-w pel rioviiion." Itei-. J. W, Mownsei', pastor nf the Zion IXaii'.'i'llral c Lurch, mldioMil a l.irpe meeting n1 tlie juupi; inea jeatcida, .iflcnu"n in tin, IrnipTir.i' liiadqti irtiM cif'the Vounif Jlcn'i Clirl.ll.ili .I'.ci.illim mi N.irfll '.iflilni;trii .ivi line. Hie male chorus from the clmuli hJiii; sev eral li.v inns, in an inspiring vvaj. In tlie Ynciirf Mmi'h Cliiitl.in noel ninti rmint evuv Mondiy ccerln tit 8 o'clock the VVnik-ri IijihI hold I hirvlie. 'Imluht It villi lie in ihniise of the clcl'iatis vvln will return tnd.i fioni lliela.ile voiiceiitioii 1 Id ut l.aneijler, ,'iml an liiti'illntf ind helpful t-rrvhe in aureiL .Mill will In in el,, cm li nine yt this fcfrvTee. OBITUARY. William Keddins. William Itnlilinsf ilnil a' T o'clock yiMeid,! iiii.iiiiiil' a In- Imnie, 1J1 l.ioce utiei t, l)iiniiiorea riei in illiittv ol M'vn.il vvceki wllli grip IN i Miiciiiil he hi- villi and one on. Leonard, .iml the iiilhiwinc liinthei and hUlu-,: 'Ilium j I llf rl.liric . ni lilnu, ,x. .: John Itiililnn,-, el sonili Uiiij.', X. V . jihI Mis, Kihev, ot 0te;0 x v Mr llidihii; HM- In, in in suuih Owejo In 1S.1J iml ami' h"ie iin.itcen n,ia di;o to aecept 4 I'd-iiioii ai aiin'iiiit(inli'iit fill' the Dlikton Mann failnrniir tompnit. II" w.ii a skilled nnliitrci .ili'l ccoikiil en the pi ni of the court tiniua in mi. uti aid I lie cipliol in Vlliiny, He ,il.,i .upi'iit-eil the cciii-iiiii una of eteral ut tin l.cri" binldinifs vn thU Hlv. I'm' Hie. .i-t tin ir.ii4 he li.ii. In en in Ihe einiloy of the Mullieriii A .IiiiIri' l.uiiilfr 1 1 ninnv. In Jssi m w.n H.Tiri. rt 1" Mils (athiilue l nnrny, nt Pi-Lkvllle. The luiifral vull be lield Wednexlay morning ,n n ii'ilnik. V lequlein hum will be cilfhuled in S. I'.miI'-i ( aihnlie I'liiueh, (heen Ridffe, aii'l iiiteriiuiU will he lithl In Ml. Laiincl reiii'ibry James Hackett. .lanifi ilaikcll, for many jrars a well known iiieiiuini lallnr ol lhi cllc, died after a lniet .Hm s al hm ri -nil nee, ii't Xoitli VVashtiiKtnn .ivt'imr. .a an raih hour .s.iliinljy nnintnt. Many uf our older u-nlenti will leeall him a cnic 'of the ejillut ludesmcn ill lilif line. Tall hi'.' Ir.ihli compelled lilm lo site up adlvi liu-lnrn xirr.il jrins aco. Mi. Ilaekclt wai Imm in fiiumy Union, liehi.d, In 1627. O.m -i ii, .Inhii, and tlire ilauchlri. Si-ter M.irv IUIiliV.ini.. of I hi'JC". and lijtc and Ainu, of thi- i He, win lie linn. I inii'lal eriiH nl s( I'.ter'a cilhedi.il at 'I '.Ink (ili'l nicniln?. Interment in ( ithedrat i eiie en. Josepli K. Haivey, .l...iih . llarviy. of 3701 l'ittlon avenn, oni oi Ihu pioneer ittuens ol Ninth bet inion, Hid u.ieiilii niornln? at hit home, utter a liner 'vn'ilit' ttlneM.. A wile and Eiuwn-up fam ily ami limtlui, A'liul Il.iruj. HH'vhe him. liter, isl wan pr:iol'ieiiily eonneetecl vv lh th") elty's indiutrlal uiuuth, lieln? identified with hla hrnihei' in the Mils indinlry, lu particular, lie hail a coiitrollhu itittieit lu llirvcy Ilrnthiri." f-nuth seianton mill and in oilier ilk factorM ut tins ileliilii. Iliuaie iti jeara of ace. Iho elate of the une. ul tia not jit lieen ilecidul iipnn, but IC wllf piohatih lie held WrdneMliy or 'Ihuindje Fiedevlck Wento. I'n ih ink Wriitr. ono of the ohlei.1 re-i.lonll et piiniiiiiie, died ut hii liouie oil Snail Ulakcly at reel in lliil liornnu'li en Sllnuliv. Hi, viat "il jraM of ,ue and a vetei.ui of Ilia Ceil war. Ih had lie-en Icehle for annie time and death v.n i aii-ed by Ktnti.il dilillity. A widow and h.iin .tdiili ehlhlieii tnrcivo lilm. The. funeral will Hki pl.ii e fiom hl laic Imiiin thlt after Ilium at -'W ti'tloik. hiteimcut wilt b midl in liuiiino'," iciiiHiij. Lavella K. Ilelnds. l...i. Ilj.lt. Ileliide, ihe liljear-old lUualittr ol Mt. in id Mi.. Wnrrcn al. llriiuh, cl 6-'a Dick.on avc liue. died Siliudi,1 nildril$lit. Hie fuiaral will be held at 2.u0 o'rloiU tomor row nltrrnonn fiom the home. Intenuent irlll l.e made in tho 1'euH Hill i tint I CM, John Coyne. John 1 0.WII', aitcil 'il jrara, ton ul Mr ind ihu. John t'oine. of Mlnooka, dud hi rituburic on .satuiday, I'eh. 1", and wit burled In, that .lit. The ileie.u.fd yoiinB nun unit lo Vittahura; ahiiut a veil' aso, uuii hail ho.l nt frirnii bolli in this city ami Mlnooka, An hit mt ihlhl of .Mi. and Mr. William 'IhniiMi, nl lieiii ittt, dlnl jetrrdjy luoiulus, I'uini il aiiiiiNJUceinent lalri, (m