MONDAY, FEBRIARV 25, 1001'. t THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE- KXX) S ri'i io)EnN iiaiwivaiib store. 1 Take No Chances . of losing your mail by having it dropped at the front door by the mall, ' ia,rrier. A MAIL HON on the door serves as a protec tion from everything and vou know just where to find your mail. Bronze, Antique Cop per and Japanned Mail Boxes are sold leie. Foote & Shear Co. 119N. Washington Ave ixxxxxxxxxxxa I . OF SGRANTON. Capital $200 000. Suiplus $500,000. United States Depositary. Business, personal and sav ings accounts invited. ;, per cent, interest paid on savings accounts. Upen Saturday from 8 to 9 o'clock. evenings Wm Lonslli. President. Hinry Reus', Jr.. Vice Prcs. Wm. II. Pick, Cashier. Successful Investors -re those wtm intejt at uieau t rnlt. tutv.ui wapitis to accumulate lirpe nans 1'f.r nhort tunc I can malce jou a flllOl'NI) FLO.Ul proposition mi will .siciirrd A per cent. tiiil annual Interna Hold Itom!, In blookt e( 11", .'m ami i () n is a n.viu: orroint.'MTY. Robert Van Schoick, DtticfA 0 ai.d S Liccum Anadc. Scnuiton, Pi. liMrict The North ArKilcan I'ltianclei. ins Coiripan... Repairing Done Gratis. LACKAWANNA "THE" AUNDRY. M0 I'Mll'l ,; I ?' 330 ' '' ' ' ' ' I I ' ' ' WEATHER YESTERDAY. I j1 .lata for lVmu.ry 21. Uffl: Illsliitt temiHialuro 20 dcarfen l.ewct tcmncraturc ,. . . 2ik,i,ii 1'umVIHv! ii. m lftl pir Cili. STfi Tn. 07 per mil. PERSONAL. uoiiif.i I. II. Ilium lea' tlu in"inlii- for rtiiltdeliliU. lie lll appear tlicro lclorc tlic vipnme couit tlili cck in Lackawanni county .4ef. W A. (iilUslitr. ho liai been Olio ol tlm loel kolkiting' nsttitk ol the New Voik Life IiiMiraiiee company. Ins bein promotcil to tlic potltion of iiitlnirtor ot ajenlf. Mlis Jlar) A. Deilne, of Hie IVoplc'ii 'lile plion company, ami Mln It tit It "-iekler, of liinkli4niio(k, luie ;u copied ponllluni with the Liikawanna Telephone company, Mr. and Mr L. U. Ilurncsf, of Nj.v An;, left rfterdjy fcr Watliiinttou, 1). P.. wheic they nlll be the gml ot Ihtlr danuliter, Mi. .1. V. Pike, until alter tho iniiuuratlon. Attorney (J. II. Sipir and lie left ret Phila delphia ,Herday. Mi. Supu will appear be foie the friipremo couit and nrBue one of the Mikauatiha county cjvs dining tho week. Mrn. W. H. William, wile ot I(c. V. II. MIL llatiu, the drummer eunstli't, liai uturned fiom the noiilh, where he lu been for some time for her health. .She l e.niewhat linprotnl. Ikr daughter. Mm. .lotepli PIcimjU, i.iiuc Horn the tenth with. tier. flty Solicitor A. A. Wnirir went to Phila delphia Mulday to attend the staloii of the supreme imirt for Lackawanna county. lie will take part In the argument of four cac ii which the city is Intctrctcd, U: Cily . Loehler, and City i. Imin, In which the alldlty of the luot liont rule at i mellio.1 ol municipal aw.e-nni nt It iiilulud; the i i.o of hellir ii. City (tho ilaihut iae), and the ton tctc! elation caw of W. II. Tltonui ai tun. lnMe, In Khlth the touH ulutid to plate the iotf upon tt.o elly. "Tlio Viceroy" ly tho famouij lion tonlnns at tho l.ycutim tomoirow nlKht. " AhU lor Kelly'T union ciuekcig.- DIRECTORS WILL MEET. Organization of Municipal Contract ing Company Todrfy. A meeting will bo helil til 11 o'clock this morning In Hi" ollleo of A. I!. Dttnnlnrf, of Hi" boutd of dlrclm nc the Mnnk'liitil Coiilrn.lltig mid tin lirovcmont company. It 1b expected Hint tlio company' chattel' will ho on lintitl. nnd a poinitinent organization will ho elfected. Dm lug the pt week the nroiiiotcis of (he n-soeliitlon have had agents out taking "I'diK and between twenty IHc uud thlity contracts u dny have been nvciiigt'd. One of the Innova tions In the way or neccsoileH to pub lic cleanliness, which the company will Introduce, will be law cans, located nl each stieet Coiner. These will l" for pus-risbv lo Ihmvv the If waste paper Into, ft tilt shins or any other (iitlelcH hlch wlun cust on the sheets comhlne to give an tmlldy appearance and mulct? walking unsafe. Air. 011111)11117, while street eoniiiils cloner, made nil unmrcerHrtil eifoit to pet an nppinpilallon fiom councils for this ptnpoye. PRICES OF GAS IN WESTERN CITIES ll.llMU Ton iif War. Alloi 1s") Auiou 1MM llclleillle I MO licit I. If ip 1,ri llloomlngloii IS1) Cairo li'H Canton P'VI raillmllle Wri CcntralU Iw (liawpalgl I"'') Chicago l.''i Clinton TWi Danville l'i Decatur ISrt Dixon I" Da ljuoit lfl Last M. LonU !. I'.ljln Ij'J1' LtanMon l-.i'J l"rrcpuit 101 I.alrtia IW) Calpuhmil li fiaha 10 ,iscloomllle iyi toilet I" Kankakee ".'i Krwaco 1"" l.i Salle IS'W Llrnoln WO LUl.lilH.trl I")) Macomb W" Matloon Is'l Vfendola 11 Molcte l'm Monmoutli I!') Morris W Murpli.rbcm K'J Nunoo 163 O..V Park I"f Ottia !') Parn ! Pikln W Nil l i'l It.'. I HI 1..-HI 2 in I V. J Oil I.l.'i I. 'a i I i I i' 1.V l..'."l I 1.1" l.l'l I IH) I. Ml I.K'j 1.3' -i.n 1.7.1 l. 1 so I.M 1..) I.:! 1 III 1 V 2.W 1 y to ;.r. l.OI 1.1J I.A1 LSI al.40 I.. i) I. TO 1.11 1 II 1 in to IVorli I51) Prinrcton Ivi Q'llncy W) Kockfortl IS"! cprlncflfM 15'c) f-Krlltii; I"" ftrtntnr 1'' Tajlonlllo W" Wankccm IS'''1 10W . TonTu". MUntlu !" linone Ij'W II irllntrton P" Ccdir llJplili IS") ninlon lr,l Tounctl rtlulTs IvCl Crcston iv Pawnport 1-Cf l)rs Jloliim W Ptiliuquo W' ralrficM 1W Kort JlidlMii I''" Imlirxndpntr WTi Ton Tity M' Keokuk I5f1 l.r JtaM W Mirshalltonn 1V1 1.7.1 1.71 1 .vi to l.'ja 2. Oil "Oil 1 21 J l) 10 I. 'ii I.S0 I. "i ..o I. VI 1.M1 I. .11 1.21 I.' to I 7.1lo .'VI al.fl 1.21 I 21 i 2.11') l.l'l I" iii 3.f i.r. i.T. I..V1 2.C.1 - -1 ' I.M .! 2.0U 2.W 2 on I 1.7.1 j.m 1..HI to i " 1.43 2.0H 2 00 L.'o 1.7 .Mount I'IcA'Unt 1M' O-kaloo i lSV) (Ulumwa II (.1 Oik Sious lily ... Wahlrf;tcii ... W'atrrl'K) MlflllOW. ....t')1 ....1-'') . .WO I re Towns. Gillian AILlon Mpem Ann rlior .... Ilittlo Cicik ., ...Wlfl ...1'') ...w ...i1)') ...WD ...lMrt l. 2.(m 8.fio l.Oi . lo i.mio 1.20 t.TO l.r. i 1.2.1 2.21 1.7'. 1 n 1 l) 1..M Iliy tltv . L.'iO 1.40 2 112 I. .VI hi ') 1 II lknton Harbor l-' Hi.- l-'W Chailotto 1V)' f'oldwatcr UV Ditroir Wri I vi.illjlu 1"'') runt i"D r.uiiil llapl.N I (.rcemllle 1V IlilKdile 1'') Ionia lr,'J .laikon I'-'l'i 1.11 I.. Vi 1.7 Jil l I V" to ) 2.Di1 2,li l 1.21 1 2 l.VI 1.70 1 vi S.f'l l.l L.l'l ;.iito 1 1) 1..V1 2(m l.'l) 1.71 l.l'i 2 00 I .".) I '1 .11.(10 1 II 1N.1 1..1I i.a l.VI i.;i 1 !1 Kalamazoo Uin.-lnj M.niMce Marquette Menominee .... Jlcnnio Mount flcniiiH ....Wi1) ....l-'i't ....ll .....Is'l ,....W1 ,....ISM MukrRnu Nfauneo 1)) Xilis W'' Oivos'O I"1!1 Pontile W) Port Union liW i i 1 .! L.VI 1.2.1 1 dC In LlOe l..:o 1 i') I l l'j.t Sairlniw IS'W I il'l In ,w wvt ai;imw lf'i 5-t. .lohli 1'rl Y.dantl W' 1.lft).I.V. Tow n. 150 1..V) Appletru AM'I iml ltiuUio lliloit .. ...Wrl ...1;OT ...IM'l ...ISO,) !.fl1 I s'l l.i. I 2.1") 1 D 2.. HI 1 ,J) 1.21 I Mi L.I I .1 1 .VI 1.70 I to l.i ( lilppewj W''' ll-il Claliu 1 l.'O 2. SO ! IV.nd ilu Lac lM-'i I llio.n l".i) l.lliwillo IS"! KinoMii 1;)'' l.a'Cirfe l-OO Mailln.n W if") 1.70 I..V) S.01 I Ml o Marlmtte IMi Mtlwankie W'l 1.2") to 1 (Oil no it. ."I Nicnali Hifl OJitah 1Irt I'oiUpj IS'..) ltailnn W.)) Illpon Wft' WiclioyKan ni'.i Wilt Mipitlor W.'i Wiitritown 11 Wauknlia I'hi VVau-tn iv 2 ik) I 'i 1 t.i I 2n 1.7.1 2.1 i 1.40 1..VI l.Ut J (HI 1 VI 1 "i 1 iii 1 .0 l) 1 ID to 2.00 After Apill Scianton, Pn. 1st Next. 1.00 00 to 05 Cnndle rower 28, a Atet.ia. Ii Candle Pnwci, 21 c- Candle Power, ?n d Canrilo Power, 22. e landle Power, lft.1 It will ho noted that In the wry few plaies wlioio tho pi Ice ot gas ap proaches that In, Scranton, the cnndlo power Is far lower than In Hcrnntnn, ."lohlbltiou Bnnciuet Prohibition banquet nt fluernsey hall, evening of March I. Tickets, "S cents. For sale at Uuertisev's music slnie, (luernpey hull bulldlpy. Iliiruabee, MaeDouald, I'Mothlughain, Dartlett. Hilda Clark and others with the famous liostnnlnnH, at the Lyceum tomorrow night. Auk foi Kelly's union m uekei s. SAYS IT IS NOT FEASIBLE OHIEF DOES NOT LIKE CHITTEN DEN ORDINANCE. ZUeliiinim Believes It Should l'io vltle for Moio Fcimniient Men to Stmt Off with nnd Snys 1C Depnit inent Is Re-oi unitized Under Its Ptovlslons It Will Not Be ns Ef nclent ns nt Piesent Volunteer Firemen to Quit on Mny HI If It PssesTest of Water PteSRUie. Clilcf !'. W. .P.'.leini'im. of the Hie dopartincnt. docs not aiiiom of tlif I'liltti-nden ordinance, iiiovldlnu: for a toiiiiintilatloii of the lire deiuiitiifiU, which was mtcd down In runmion council it weik iio lanl ThtliHd.iy nlulll. hut which N Hi ho leconihletrd at the ne.M lni't-tliiK'. In "i'iillin; it In ml the ordinance ttciday to a Tilhiine mini. In Bald: "I am 111 favor of a juld the de p'li'tPieiil Juit ns rioon as we can have one, lmt I can't fc Imw the elt'elencv of our im-nunt ili'iuiitmciit It miluur to he linptove.l upon to any Rival extent hy a ifoiR.mlwitlon ucli lis !K piovlde.l III .Mr. fltltteiiilen'H or dlnance. 'I'he uieaL fault with tho or dinance I that It doe.-m't pi ovule for enoiiKh men. Ni )itolnlon whawver made for the Immedlnlo wnploymein of n slimU pelliiauenl mull nuie th.'li we 'iav tit pienont. "The onllnaiue, in h can'. Iin-m -c.'.tnln ntimher of i ovular peimuueiii men Tor eicli ompatiy conouei imv III fxces-s of the pteteiu mtmhtl. hill those aie to In added us soon an tho tlnanccH of tin city wan nut. Titer Is no Tsuranc. that they are to h- employed at once, yet the onllnaneu plovldcH fur the Immrdlate tllflnnd ment of the entile oluntoer force The places of the volunteeiH. wheie net filled hv pennnncnt men. are to he taken hy hunk and call men, who me in lie wild nl the late of Pft.V nild fot-iv cents pee hour tcniectliely. "I hold that und'.f tlilr arranse ment we will neither have as many men nor ns capahle or elllelenl a the flKhtlim: foue at a lite m we have un der the picKfltt vtiMU. When- N the man that"? koIhr to ie.pnnd to eieiy .ilarm for a paltry foity ecntu an hour, and when- aie the men w:io ate koIiir- to htav In th" fiiRlne li')ti" Horn T o'clock evciy uIrIU until woik liK hriuri In the inoinliis: to set a chance to make fifl ccnl tin hout now and then? "They'll few and tar h'tweni. 1 tell you, and If the ordinance .iscs and Is flcned hy the mayor we'rii ro Iii.t to have .i mlRhtv hard .1d K't tlar? hitit of them. I helieve that with this taopofeil new fiystem In operation we'd haw a, fiieat deal of illlllctilty In uettlnir anythiiif, like a. Milllclent ntim her of men at a flic In the day-time. If wr can't put the depaitment on an enthe paid basin, nt least let us thaw up ii plan for an entire paid depart ment, and then ro half way. "My Idea or a nald dcpai intent la this city would hi- to have sK men for eveiv hoe and thenilenl company, five men for every engine, tompany. Including' stoker anil engineer, and six men for the hook and ladder company. If we aie ;;olng to entirely disband the volunteer depaitmetit, we s-hould at least haw halt as many peimnnent men as I have above mentioned. A e diould have three for each engine nnd hose company ami thice for each i hemlcal company to f-tnit with. In my opinion." Tho majoilty of the wlunicer fire men, ol course don't like to have tin various companies with all their de. Ilghtful old liNtoriiw, disbanded, and they'io planning a little -"in prise foi councils. At Wednesday night's meet ing of the fin men's Ueilef aoola tlon. It is mdei stood that Joseph Hall, of the M.'ranl' lint, v 'It Introduce a resolution, declining it to he the seu.r of tho volunteer llrenu n of the city that If the Chittenden ordinance Is passed, they will give the itty only until May "1 to icoigaiilc the de p.uttiii nt. and will then dlshiud lliemselve. It U expelled that thli t-ohitlon will be pawsed unanimously, as the geneia"l sentiment of the men seems to lawr It. It; Is believed that the dele gates fiom the ivntutv, William Con nell, Kveeislor and Cumbeilar.d Jills' eompnnlis will vote tor this resolu tion. These companies bnw nt pte dil but one peimaneut man each, and the C'hlttinden onllunnee provides i hat they shall not be disbanded fin the piesent. If tin resolution Is pas-ed li will mean that the men of tin so companies' will itake the law Into .their own hands, in no tho I'hittendon measure becomes a. law. ii t Chief yizleinnnn and Select ('ouu.'ll men C. i;. Chittenden T. '. .Me v In. to settle the dispute as to tho water piesstue nt the various hy. drant along T,:ukuwnuiri avenue, near the lclnlty of the lectin big the. took the water gui.pu from the S'a Aug (itRlne a few days ago and made a lew texts. 'i'., hydrants at the cotiKis of Washlnglon, Wyoming and l'enu ! venues wen tested and, itccmdlng to the i ltlef. It was found that the aveiage watio pressme was tlflv-eight pounds. This, the chief a.s, Is enthely Institllt'leiit for capable iii o seilie, ami ho bellows that coun "11s should endeavor to have the com pany tttriiMi, If posilble. n higher P"i!-suie. up lo eighty-live or ninety potmilH nt least, mid innn If possible. Fresh Vegetables TODAY,, Fancy Hciitl l.uUucc, I'lorltlu CcIcit, Tonmtoi'.s (ioltlcn Wax Roans. llailiMics, lIuniiiHla I'olnlocs Spanhli Onions, rrniilnirrico, cic. Inspect our stock before chasing elseuheie. pin- E. G. Com sen Headquarters. Mho Can Write then Best Short Story ! TIM llillll M. Ul I I'll- t tMI I'lllIM III I.IK M. WltllLII nP I.Ol II. Hi lid. Jj.a5.00 for the Bent Stoiy. f?10.00 for the Second Best. S0.00 for the Thlul Best. IMLIIVIIl I liMI'LlliUJN WIILCI. I PI Illl.Vf I. I- S'r Mt J.'tMll IN illtlil'lt 'in WIN. In tun ..I Ji. .'.lit that ii Iwulcul'le iiln h..f elip.eil ln,is' ban bein my pubtlo i.'inpillllon llieiiiiili the Iik.iI pie li.i li.e in p-ilimilatliiR tl.e llteint) .I'lllny ijlcl.t ainniiri tli" pioplc ul Nnillii'i'teiii l',iliiirilj. I'he 'Irlbunc ln duldi-d l efrr a lli ul pilw 1 .lllillllnt III UiIa dilution ll it ile.nuat ul mmihiih, tm ii- In ii. milium n iiiitnliei "1 'ion .i.hIh licillnif it i,il II Hue. Ii i.nlrr i I' tli an iunnllw ll pmpo.ct l.t pn 21 lor llm til lv ol I."! I" '" .1 :i,ii"0 wntiN In litlli; -'0 toi the .ciiiuil ln.t ptoit, ana f'i tnr tin- thiol b l nIdiv, MiiiiiKuli'li lmt uiie-lul ill kpiiiiiiu "ii" nf tliikp jutre will I..- Iiul'li-hed anil dill imlltnl if Ike million i iIp.iic. Minim tmdlni; t biliu "i't U.e n.ii-n.c uml liernilai.t Imi' "I IW .iiiihr He liiinlnp; ilnlil'llj will lute plili'Hli.e. In mtiliealoii with run Mill- in Ui" tallev Ihtie i .1 in t-H ot ti.idlt..u, Ilu indium hail bit i.llli ' i.iii'-. i,ni itlu- ot p'.o' t happlnliiK and olii.r d.t.illi Ik id. I Ilu mi ll" olid oi xnpri- whiili hai lift 1 Nin Rilh-rrd to cetlri In lili i.o.t fiuiii. Tim opeiu 1 field i pmclh.ill.i Itpvliawalblc. nnd whleli .linuld impplr llm l"i eme evee.l limit' lot el rl Inc luiluii. Ill, t.l'k ul p'unu iinii I lii- ineilts of the iiianniirlptt Mihtiilltoil wi be a.tiBiiul to d.lutrrente. lodg'. aliiwi imiii will "nn l.e aniiouniul. and who will iea.l th. maim mipu but bate no knowledge of the lileii. tilt nf the auliioii. Ih" fiiiitiiie cniiiiln ins the r. ii iiiiiici ol i nc imlmn will be lreemd unop lied until after Ihc ii.imU haip bein made. MioiiM tliis lull l.t competition rn,' in c-onrmlnr, it mny U. followed to oib.'r pile otlrn ol lmlhir ler.or to.NpiriONt or 'i in: on r Ml itniuwilptt luiitt be Mibmllieil .,.! tati i Hum M mil ."0. Ml tnanUMiipit inlet be Mined b.t a tie. tltimn inino ind al-o the wiitei' real mute mid pO'toline nlilli 'I In nen of ci h Klort nui.t b. bud in Niiilliea.teiii Pi ntft Ituin i, but the mnn of leal perui mail not i- ii'od One turtlir tondltl.m mutt be undii.i od I onlrlbulloiiH inlendid tor this rotueti will I ... .nfcpted only fiom ptiscnt fciibcrlbcrs to 'Nip Tilbunc in fiom thus who ma), ilutlr.j; llu- inntiM, bonip Mibsinbii? bj pitni.'iit nt 'it lrat one luouth's iih.criplioii in ad 1.I1H i Vidro., slill'.V t ONTl'sl. laiiln liiliiiiie, -clanlon, Pa Helen e the end ot the ntesent fiscal j. oar there will he Intlodiiced In the select council a resolution dim ting the tltv deiK to advertise foi bids fm the maintenance of a lite alaim. S??, tem. The lesolutlun will, It Is under stood, be backed by tlio Jickawnnua Telephone company, the management of which belleveH It tan maintain sin h n system for icry considerably less than the amount the elly Is now pay ing. The umuunt now paid is .?:;,lb!) a year, mid It Is believed that the new telephone company's bill will be ni least SiOOO nnd peihaps $.'.000. MRS. KELLAR GONE. Albeit Zeam, a Contiactor, Diopped Out of Sight About Same Time. He Was Attentive to Her. Mis. Chillies I. Kellat. of South Washington avenue, illappeinud ftom bonie last Wednesday and her sudden ab.-eiiie ! connected by her husband with the di part tin fiom the city nt the same time of Albert Hewn, nn Italian coatiadoi, whom he had sus pected lor some time of being unduly Intimate with .Mis. Kellnr. . Mr. Kellar Is about PiJ yens of age and Is prupiletoi nf the llnirisburg hotel at South Washington avenue and I'lm stieet. Ills wife Is two or tluee yiais joungir. They lived together lor twenty-one .wars, and had two c liildi en Sliiec the couple disappeared on Wediiesdav, not n wotd has been heaid from cither of them, and Kellar and bis family are completely In the ilatk reganlliig their wheieabouts. No word or message of any soil has been tecelved at the house. No steps have Ik en taken an yet to tr.uo 'earn and .Mis. Kellar. Kellai Is piaclleally ptostiated by the shock and Is uimbli to do any active woil; in attempting to locate his missing spouse. The matter will piobably be lefetted to tho police today. Zeam, who lived on O' stieet. was it fieiitient vlsltui at the hotel, and beginning last ciulstnia.s, Kellar claims to have seen actions which moused his suspicion.-,. Kellar, dur ing the day Is employed at llohlnsonV brewery, and his wife n.uiucd ehaige of the hotel dining hi absence. 11 Is said that most of Oram's visits look plate dining the aliseme of the hus band. Mis. Kellai took wlthhei fiom home, her uunilagr cei tilli utc. unit JIMi which she had at the Dime bank. The e.. isteiif of the art mint, uhlill was a pi hate one, was unknown to hei hus band, pilot lo her depai'tUli . FUNERAL" OF A. R. MATHERS. Was Held fiom the Residence of J. L. Crawford, on Monroe Avenue. Tho i uuei ul seniors of A. 11. Jlnth rts weie held Saturday afieinoon from the icsldmce of J I.. Crawfoid, nt SPl Moilioe avenue. I lev. C M, Sltlln. P. 1 IX, of the Him P.nk ihuieh eondueteil tlio services'. The pall beaieis, tnembeiii of tli! Wyoming lodge. Fieo and Aeiepted Masons, were A. .1. I.ayeoi K, .1. 11. Shoemaker V. J. 1'jher. .T. II. Sehoupy and A II. I.linlsa. Int"i tiU'in was iiiinle at l'Vaty Fort. . t GOES TO THE PHILIPPINES, Joseph EcUeibley Now Visiting In ThlB City. Joseph l.'cketsluy. of Noith Seian Ion, who enlisted In the Fifth Fulled Stales cavalry, some two years ago, nnd who has been on ilutv In I'm in Itlco for the past year.gocs next month to tho Philippines with bin regiment. He Is now homo on a ten davs' fur lough. A huge, wiill'dtilledand spedal ot ehesira. under the baton of S, U. Ktud ley. will bo u feuture with the Itos lonlanK at the l.ycenm tomorrow night. " NOT TOO LATE TO DO IT NOW ASSESSOR JONES BELIEVES ' CLASSIFICATION. IN Ansessment Mnde Can Be Changed to Conform to the Second Clnss City Act If Councils Dhect That Tills Be Done Tlnee Membcis of tho Bonid of Revision nnd Appeal to Be Elected Will Have Nothing to Do If Contemplated Finn Is Cnirlcd Out. City Assessor Civvlljin Jones said .lesteiday that he believed the assess ment Jtisi niadii should he tinssllled, aceoiiling to the ptovislona of the sec tind-r lass elly act uud he ftllther "luted that the ussessois loulil do this In M'ty iptlelt order In se they wete sn dlieeled hv collliells. "I Ihlnk It would be very advisable," sild he, "for councils to dltect the nmesmis to classify the assessment Just ni.ule and also in raise It from one-thlid to two-thliils ot the teal value If this Is not done thuie Is a poslbllllv that the city mny be left In a pictly bid lis. We should have liked in have ciassllled tho assessment when It vvn. made, but as the outside vvoiU wii... all ilnlsheil betoie Seinnton entered tho setond class this was nnl done. We had to comply with tlui le iliilrements of the third clas city act. whl h says nothing about the i,htsil cntlon of property. THi: CLASSIFVINO. "The voik of classifying can be done light bote In this oillce nnd done In a very shin t time, us ran also the work of raising the assessmenl from one Ihlrd to tuo-thltds of the leal value of the tiiopeity assessed. All that would have to he done would he to Intel Hun the books with led Ink. "Of coutse the moment there Is talk of iiiNIng the assessment theie will a howl go up 1 1 tiii people who don t understand the situation. The higher Hie a.swm.(. valuation lite lower the ttiv late, as a mntt I, of course, un less councils beninie very extiavaganl. If the assessment weie i.ilsed to two thirds of the iint value theie would, of cotir'.', he no necessity of levying the full ten mills allowed by the law, but a i .Use Is, to my mind, necessary If we ni" to meet the expense: of a secotnl-elnss city, on" a graduated tax levy. "It would be vvle foi the estimates committee to not consider the esti mates until councils decide wiielhei the assessment shall be ialse"d unci ciassllled. If It Is raised Ihe commit tee will know where it Is at und will he able to work Intelligently, a thins which is Impossible now." MAY HAVH NOTHING TO liO. Il is moie than likely that even If the tluee members of the boaul of to vision anil appeal, necessaiy to com plete that body, aie elected at next Thumliy night's Joint session, that they will have nothing whatever to do with the trl-ennlal assessment. That Is, of com so. If the programme now planned by certain couucllmen Is car tied out. This piogiamme is the passing of a lesolutlon directing the assessors to i lasslfy the assessment, nccoidlng to the piovislons of the second-class city laws ami fin titer directing them to i also ll from a one-third to a two tlijrdq valuation. It Is argued that the boanl of revision and nppeal which Is provided for cities of the third class and which Is abolished by the .second class chatter, could have nothing to do with such an assessment nnd that the assessois themselves would be the only petons who could hoar appeals upon It. CONNOLLY FATALiVY BURNED. Spilled n Qunntity of Boiling Wnter Over Himself. Thomas Connolly, aged S ycats, son of Mr. nnd Mis. James Connolly, nt H.vnon street, died Saturday ftom seri ous burns lecelved In the morning at his home. Young Connolly was cat ly ing a pall of boiling water fiom the kitchen lo the hennery, when lie slipped and tell, (he water spilling over hhn. Ills set cams atltacied the attention of membeih of tho family who has tened to the allllited child and car iled him into the house and summoned medical aid. His burns were so seri ous that death tesulted a few hour later. The fuinriil will take plate till af ternoon at 2.30 o'clock from Holy Cmss i hurch and Initial will be made In the Cathi'dial cenietciy. FUNERAL OF RAYMOND LISK. Bulled with Military Honois Ycster dny. The fuiteial of ltayuioud Lisk, pit vate of Company Ci, Twenty-seventh regiment, I'nlted Klntcs volunteers, at the thito of his deulh, und I'ormeily a member of Company D, Thirteenth leghuent, was hebl yesterday aftir noon fiom his mother's icsldenee at 7::i Kiesslur mini. Sei vices weie con dueled by Hew r. It. F. X. Pleice, pastor of tip- j'enn Avenue llaptlat i lunch. In the i out so of his teniaiks, Ur Knox Hats i for Spring.... elcome the eye ol crit U'lsin, they are not eve p'.easeis onlyth:y aie rvrvviy'wy'wyy.fvy1 &.&&. aVitJiJJ,AMVI.AikAalAu a.AA& &.&& .... A .Nf.ArVVWS rf-VS-VI .AAVVVSt Kood inside and outbidi; . ate guaianteed. I - - I mr 808s1W. it yip Wirtimm Ato)?' K 33 it's another case of "wheie to spend" money i. to make money." CASEY BROTHERS, Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave. Pleicc dwell for some time on the hero, le death of l.lsk, while at the fiont in the Philippines lighting for his countiy. I. Ink's i cumins icpoicd In a handsome casket, diaped with a large Aineilcau Hag. Then were many beautiful lloral tilbltle. Corporal Ilotubaker and a squad of eight men fiom Company I) wer. iltuvvn up at "piesent aims" when the pallbeaieis lime the enskel to tlic hearse, while Pilvale William Slanton played "taps" on iho bugle. Headed by Corporal Horubaker and hit) squad, the procession silently niiule Its vvav to the Potest Hill cemetety, wlido Intel ment was made. Captain Aitlnir 11. I'oole and other oIIIccih of Company J) weie In line. Tho pnll beatci.s were: (leotgo l.ockcr. Com pany C: chailes Collins. Company A; William A. Miller, Company 1): John 11. Cofi'inau. Company A (!. W. Cleveland. Company 11, and IMward I W. tieiny. Company 11. At the cemelei y the Hi .tig sipind Hied salutes across the grave. STOLE FROM HIS BROTHER. I T. C. Albettson. of This City. Plnced Under An est. T c APiertsou, of this til, was ! Ml rested Saturday on the i hinge ol hitceny ptefoiied by his lumber, 1. Albi tson. of Foster. Last Filda.v T i'. AibertMiii. who had been visiting his biother at Foster, siiddenl.v te tuincl home. Shutiliatieoiisiy with his depailuie a purse containing Sin dlsappenied. 'I'. C. Albeit'im was niialgneil b fme A1drinnn Howe and aeknow 1 edged his gulll. I "pon his retilinlug S.'t of the stolen money the ase was dismissed. He had spent tin; oilier 10. I. O. 0. F. 'lite memli'i's ot Lackawanna lodge, No. 201. I. O. O. P., rile requested to meet at their hall. 'JOD Wyoming ave nue, nit Tuesday, Feb. 2tl, nt 1 o'clock p. m., sharp, to attend the funeral ot our late hi other, John Harwln. Mem b rs of sister lodges are cordially In vited. Floyd C. Fiedrlei. N. li. A sensation Is pi utilised In the ap peal ance with the Uostonlans of a dis tinguished basso, John Duusinure, a singer of wondei ful magnetism unit vocal ability. ' Ask foi Kelly's union ciackeis. The Scianton Gas nnd Wnter Com pnny and the Hyde Fnik Gas Com. pany. In iiccoulinip with I lie pobet of lhec lone panics to lediiee lalei fio.u llm. to tune at in iv be wariauliil by milt icd con.iunpii n. notice I hriibt ulim that . on und jln'i Vpnl 1 net, the ptl"' ol as will !.p one dollir it one thousand ruble lei t mniiiiiiid, cubjei I 'n tho following dlsci.uiiN: I'lte pir tint on .ill bill t.l, rip Ihe tou.iiiiipii.iii foi llu' mmi'i amnuntt In leu thin twiuivtite doltan l.i pn rent, nn all Mill wheio Ihe consumption I .r tlio li'onth iUt.iuuts to twna foo Uollai. an. up w ml- Ptotbled Ihe bill l pdd en m 1. tm. I.p 20th iliy of Ihe inoulli in wlibli m bill it icndcicil. lly oldii ot the boanl (1 II. IIVNII. cneUii Departments Today Pierce's Market Penn Avenue We tiiaKe a .puiia'i ol ui.i, (icani'v I. tct nnd tdrictly ticdi ii.- and lie pn. r low at llul elau guoda lull ba ol.i .0 We di nor Ijte any kpedal im. i a bu; at ull tmvt ihiij a. iiinpht,' u u .' illlLc' (Soodv t'iin llioceiim ami f jb . li lien at tan le foul. J In tho l.nrc-l ' a ) or I'ldlallrlphla Vlail"U Mi - 11 Ji l"l . . . !1. Pierce, 19 l.tikinurM Kt. I'lOinpt dfllury Ml. 112. IK l'enu Art. Tlio nii'rtxin MuniiructiiriiP,' Co. t viHiilon Htnl WUI.evlla-rt t' ilanufiioiuiert o L0C0A10TIVUS, STATIONAKV ENQINES Hollers, tlol.llng aiid I'nnipliis .vtuchlniry. Qenerl Offlce, Bcranton, Pa. Monday Bargains in All Clarke Bros It's Easy to make a mistake by not being direful to keep watch on what we offer you. Our California Wines . you should sec. It will be costly to miss them. v.n l et.T I. idnr i.l I. -I i aue It l a huf'H piuis unlet l pinmlnriit plti e .t.t na . Iiu in in lio aie til ct NfWS 305 Lackawanna Rue. "is IT Itosei't llro." ('ooil. Knives, Forks Spoons, etc. No iiupstion about tin qualitv; vs have .ill tlic newest patterns at lowest prices. Also the celebrated Sterling In laid Spoons nnd Forks. War ranted to wenr twenty-live years. Immense stock ol Sterling Silver Spoon), F-orl.s, Knives and CHsed Uotd; for Wedding Presents. Merceread & Connell, 132 Wyoming Avenue. Heating Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, Oi! Stoves, as Stoves, Steam and Hoi Wats, Isaters, GDNSTER h FORSYTH, :- tr rr:.;:; . t.i p. tn2SCKMffwa3BsraBii I, King ii Customers by Comparison want you to 30 elsewhete IP'st cwimln' the goods get the pi lie. -then 1 onto to thf Pi noii'v ami se oi much w c 111 i,ii , up. A ' ll one .in money ;,l i.nv Mini, Imi the t.iiviug tv III l. U II lull- dll'll'V February Trade Sale. .1 iliiol, ui liulns we I in iiiiiici ilon with our : iiiliiiuii. 1 liilibhment). 'car- '...1 I lots diieei fiom thn maker 1I1.11V our wnv o hujing, SatislaeMoit nivil ,., f0 aj fie H you t.ould keen ioiei 111, tlio ip t Lronds drop I" ". 1 il. n.i'lv CREDIT YOU? CERTAINLY! -rwe ONOMY 221.223-225-227WyomlnK Av mmmmwmmmmmmmtmmwmm Tty Pilot Jrachton 00 v ilttaiVtnW t uVp. ' tfjJj