5Wff' Ji e Tr"" vl ,qr ( THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1001'. I -", - Communlcationsof news nature, per sonals and all Hems (or publication may be left at The Trib une's new offices In the Burke Building, or sent by mall or 'phone. A SERMON ON PATRIOTISM. P. O. S. of A. Attend the- First Con. Rre&atlonM Church. Last evening 'he Patriotic Order Sonp of America attended divine ser vices In a body at the First Conijre Kfltlonal church anl listened to a ser mon appropriate to the occasion by the pastor, tfev. M. C. Elliott. The musical fcnttlics of tho set vice, were" exceptionally fine, Miss Edith Uenson. of St-rapton. iluglnt; two solos In n well-trained fnprnnu voice, one of them bolnc the composition of Organist Nnylor and epcclnlly applicable to the smlces. and Miss Edith Fowler, of this city, fans: n contralto nolo In liT well-known capable munncr. Ttev. Mr. Elliott took for the subject of his dlscotin-o "Christianity and Patrlotlm," utdnrr the text. "When Ephralin spake ticmbllni? he exulted himself In Trrnel; but when he of fended In Hani, he died." Some of the thoughts engendered by the subject were: "Patriotism and Chilstlanlty go hand In hand. One cannot exist without the powerful Influence of the other. It rests with the Chrlstlun patriotism of our citizens to be fulthftll, and Ameri ca cannot fall. It should be our desire for our country not magnitude, but majesty: not power, but Iniluencc." The Meininn was listened to by a Uige p.irt of the nicmbershlp of the rui trial In order, as well ns by a large origrcgatlou. The musical ptogrnmmc was In full accord with the spirit that prcvnllcd In the sermon, fervent love of country. The full progi amine of this part fol lows: Orjan. tntrcdu'tlcn In 'llilril Act ol "t.ohen- prln" II Wayier Mr. Navlor. Soio, "The. Ifnvmly Suiir" . ...Hamilton Guy VIm I'dith Iten'O-i -olo. "Darn l :i Land Mine l.te llilli ccn" M. II. Crounihicld Ml- IMitl. Viralcr. "AnlliUii, "Thfy lli.il 'liti-t" I!, niomrjulu Civil- i'o, "The J-oiiz of Hi. I'atilol'' ....lohn S'a.tlor MK l'uill. llen-on PnMlmlo, IWi-moii M.irc-li biotfon IIii'k ' Mr. Xajlor. MANY CHILDREN BAPTIZED. A Number of Infants of Vo tying Ages Christened at Ttlnlty Chuich Yesterday. Yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock a most Interesting ceremony occurred In the new edifice of tlto Trinity Protest ant Episcopal church. Seventeen chil dren were baptized at that hour by the rector. Hew Rollln A. Sawyer. Soma of the chlldien smiled and seemed to enjoy the occasion, while others were dubious and gave ent to their fears In the most natural man ner, and In consequence Infantile walls filled the church most of tho time din ing the ceremonies. The lust wedding celebrated in the. old church was that of .Mr. nnd Mrs. John M. Van Heck, and yesterday the first child to he baptized In the new ehurtli was the Infant daughter of that couple. The child was but five days old. The full list of the little ones, with their parents. Is: Marion Allrldi. dsiiphtcr of .lolm M, .ml l.o.uio V.m lick. Dnor.1 Maue, di-.shtrr of lohn M. ..nd l.ouUe Van heck llonild M , ton ( Vied and Mir; Thrma. Lillian L)lnhth, dausl.tcr ot l.van ami !. vinla Thomas. UUda firace. da-j.-htei 01 William .Ml Mpry Chapman. teona Komaine. diughtd- of llcnij and l.tna I'ciKharl, linbert Hcrve, nn c( It'ni.v W. atvl Hannah (iranur. John lliroM, ffti o( Wllllim and "SJiah Th n-a. Otorj' Clrndnn, con ol ,)orph .mil l.net- lu- Ituvnond Wallei. -on o Wilier and Muiha Wood Marl I-ouie, d.itisl Irr of Chulcs and Made line P.rkii.-. Maisaixt, daughter 01 i'illlm P. and :mi.i'i Lewi. loliu I'.dw.ird, son of Jolm JI. .ml l.dtu M. Harvey. ftulti, iIiiikIiIci ot O. ,ind Mil lam Walinu.-. ttolbn Mtitdith, cn of Andiew .1. and IIII-j. leth Hell. .loliti panic), son of l.dtuiid V. and Vmu Hon-. A Good Company. The Holdou Comedy company fin ished their week's engagement heie. on Satuiday night with the thrilling liit-Iodr.'iinu. "The lieiivur Kpie?s." This company hn l"ft .1 flrst-clns lrinitatlnn and nwnv friends in this city, as it piovcl to be ulio of the i-trnnsfjt repurli'li ho,. that has appeared lioie. Crowded houts greet ed each of Its nine porfurmaiiLCs. and not one audience v.as illMippolnled. The fompanv will 1. heartily wcl lomed wli-iu'Mi It makis a leturn date. H tnwt to Scranton tolaj. Munn & Jones Piospeitng, The pi lilting cstabllhlinient of .Munn A- Jones sems to he getting li bhure of prosperity. Thuy ie the puh-llsh'-ra of The Hevlew in this illy, l-ast week their oin.ee was equlppJd .with iihw lights for thr iilsht shift, and today tliey expect 11 new electtlo motor fiom Xow Voik, which will h Installed this week In u fi w ek. they expect to build an addition to the rear of their building, wl.lch will moie than double their lioor rpace. Change in Position, Miss Grace Shnrclt. who has been with the Carbondale Das company fop nnme- months as stunographer and bookkeeper, hab resigned her position to accept one with th" Carbondale of fife of The Scran ton Tilbune .She will enter upon lur new duties on Tuesday. Will Begin to Pay. The Delaware and Hudson will Mart to pay their miners today. Election of Offlceis, Temple cnminandory,' No. js An cient Ordr Knights of Multa. held their seml-onntml election of oillcers on Friday evening. Tho following were Dr.Bilfs COUCH SYRUP Cures a Cough or Cold at onoe. CcnrjiKri Croup, Whooplng-Cotiuli, llronchltU, C.rlppeand Cnnturaptian. yrkk, mirr rrnlt. )r,lliir Pills cure Coiutlpatlon. AOplllilOc. CARBONDALE DEPARTMENT chosen to serve for the cnsulns term; Hlr knight rommandur, Hldncy Crock er: sir knight generalissimo, M. 1,. Oliver: sir knight eaptnln general, A. J. Moon; sir knight prelnte, W. .1. Stephens: sir knight recorder, V. U. Illller; sir knight nsslstant recorder. A. E. Nlcol; sir knight tieasurer. Os car Morgan; sir knight senior war den, E. T. Dickinson: trustee for elgh leen months, E. T. Dickinson. The In stallation ceremonies will tnke place on Erlday evening. March 8, nnd will bo conducted by Deputy Grand Com mander O. A. Swnrtz, of Anthracite commnndciy, No. 211. of Sciaiiton. THE BIRTHDAY PARTY. A Pleasant Saturday Afternoon En joyed by Methodist Indies. A large number of tho T.ady AVoik ers of the Klrst Methodist Episcopal ehunh assembled at the homo of Mrs. Aveiy W. Ueynolds. Lincoln avenue and Washington sticot, on Satuuluy afternoon. The gatheilng was called a birthday party, by reason of each attendant being expected to bring a cent for each year of her age. Theie wcie several pleasant features that helped to make an enjoyable after noon. One of these was nn endeavor by each lady to draw n. representation of a butterfly from materials daubed on a piece of manila paper. Tho Im plement used to spread the plginu'iits was a painter's knife, nnd with this crude Instrument n number of th ladles succeeded In designing quite ac curate details of the pictty limed. Others produced objects that could be taken or mistaken for ulnun.t nnythlnc fiom an Italian .unset to an ci upturn of Mount Vesuvius Mrs. Lyman Smith and Mrs. il. I!. Sampson had charge of the butteriH table and thev selected thice to choose from as the winner of a prize. The three artists whose work was selected wore Mrs. rdts, Mis. Preston and Miss White lock. The trio drew for the piize, and Miss Whltlock was the fortunate one. securing a handsome vase. There was also a piano duet by Miss Mnule nnd Miss Ilionscui, and n vocat duet by Mis. Abbey nnd Mls Miller, Miss Fiank nccompanylng the singers on the piano. Refreshments were af terward served. The little silk bags holding the birthday money were found to contain Jli. DesbUs this, theii- was also real ized W fiom dues and sales of cook books. THE ORGAN RECITAL. Full Programme of Tomorrow Even ing's Muslcale at Trinity Chuich. The fit st of the recitals to be given on the l.iige new organ of Trinity Protestant Episcopal church will take place tomorrow night. The talent has nil btcn selected from Scranton musi cal circles and the four participants in the programme arc too well known In this city to need extended com mendation. The otganlht will b Charles II. Doersnm, and hp will ne assisted by meiubets of the choir of the Second Pieshyfrlnn church of Scranton. They are: Miss Susan Ulack, soprano; Miss Eliza Garagan, contralto, and llalph P. AVilllams, tpn or. The ptogr.imiue presi ntcd Mill be: Orpin. "Tocritti and Punic" in i Mlivi. r. . ni'h Soprann, "I Will Ktol riic" (from "Klljali" , M. ( o.ri Organ (a "In Paruili-luiii" IT. Itiilwl, (li) lnirrmf7?o Callacitj nuitone, "I'rar Xt Tot, 0 Iiail"..Iimllry Di.ok Organ fa) "VMon" nhrlnlifrior (b) Suedislt Woddiue Mini Sodfrnnn Putt, "Poi"r V;icrnal" IJo.vIni MiMts lilaik and (Ijh.icjii. Organ - fa) Andante fantalnlc (milionj), C. M. nlu Oi) Noolnin" fhnpin Solo, "Tlie I'liullrin" Vandewilir Ml-s (iinasan. Orsran, LatRo Ihndil Trii, "Kallior l.fjd IV I. A. IliittuhHd Mke. (iaiTaem and Ulack, Mr. William Organ, "Hallelujah ( lioms" II ii.de I POSTAL OFFICIALS IN TOWN. Local Telegraph Office to Be Greatly Imwioved with Modem Facilities. .Superintendent II I). Reynolds, of Ruffalo, X. V and Manager (Jeoigu E. Ulgdon, of Scranton, were In this city on Saturday In ronrcicnce with Local Manager Clark of the Postal Telegraph company. Extensive Impiovements ate being made In the company's oiNcps under the bank building Instead of the lit tl caged-in oilier In the southeast cor ner of the mound Hunt-, llin nitli.n i. ill sunn cover nil the fiont pai t of that tloor. Latge sultchboatds are to be erected, so It will be possible to send direct messnges in all part of the country, nnd Instead of the nutwoik of wires- that now stiaggle nil over tho front of the building ,v iHrgo cable will bp i tin in, embracing everj line. A number of new Instruments will lie In stalled, making the local nilicc a mod uli and complete one In eiy way. Mr. Claik. since mining in town, has made many fi lends by his affability and courtcousness, nnd they will bo pleased to see his opportunities n larged and additional bcope given to his undoubted abilities. At Work Agnin. The little ocomotie used to haul rais between Coalbiook bteakcr and the Lackawanna mints, was put In srlift again Saturday. It had been laid up for a general overhauling In the Delaware and Hudson locomotive shops. I Tobacco nnd Brewery Workers Ban- nuet. I A banquet nnd tnelal In honor of the Central Labor union, given by the ' Drew cry Workers' and Claniinakci's unions, took place Satinday evening at i "The Elk." on South .Main stieet. Meetings Tonight. Common council. Olive Leaf lodge. No. 50, Independ ent Older of Odd Fellows. Federal union, No. 7-'0l. Patriotic Older Sons of America. Carbondale council, Nn. .'ijii. Knights of Columbus. At the Opeia House. Krldny afternoon nnd evening "Un do Tom's Cabin." E.L. Hatfield, man ager of the Carbon dale edition, will be pleased to receive callers seeking Infor mation or desirous of Imparting It. Tele phone numbers: New a36: old, C4JJ. WITH THE POOL PLAYERS. Tournament Has Now Lost Twenty thrco Contestants. Two more games wore played In the pool tourney nt the Cnrbondalo Cycle club on Saturday evening. The play ers have now got well Into the eighth setles. Of the thirty-two who start ed six weeks ago, but nine remain now, and this week will probably see the list reduced to four 'or live. On Sat urday night C. It. Smith beat II., Mo Mlllan by the peine of 5u to 40, and M. n. Clifford took a fall out of J. Cillhool to the tune of r.O to 4S. The follow lug- tilnyets nio palled for the next few games: Derby nnd Iloberts. Dtib and Humphrey. Smith and Gll hool, Swingle and Reese, Stewart and Clifford or Roberts, The standing of the pluycts to date Is: Uim, Won. Liu M. fl. Clifford 4 1 V. It. llorby f. : I J. niiiool " a i 0. llumpliriy " I .r. C. 'Itrcw -J I U K. Itnhrrtu :: 4 0. R, Smith I! , ! I'li'd SHirisI' 1 h i . I,. Stewart 2 S ; A TRAVELLING DRESSMAKER. Mrs. Cummlngs, of This City, Ac cepts Engagement with Spooners. Mis. M. Cummlngs, who has con ducted a dressmaking parlor on Church street, has shut up her shop and one to Brooklyn, N. Y.. when: she has Joined the Syooncr company, and will n company them as rtrcssmnker and milliner. The company will go to Europe this spring, and she will go nl3o. She hos been the Spooneis' dressmaker for sevirul years. She had n good trade In Cntbondnle, but the Inducements ftotn the theatilcal com pany were so generous that she aban doned It. OBITUARY. Richard Moran. Jtlehaul Moran died nt his home at " Pike street, jesterday morning at 1 o'clock horn n paralytic stroke, aged nearly TO .oni. He had been feeble for a long time, having sustnlncd a sttokn ot paralysis en Sept. 27, 1SS. from the effect of which he never ful ly lceoered. Mr. Moran was born In County Mayo, ficlnnd, and came to this countiy when IS yea is old, settling In Carbondale, where he had always resided. He had always been a miner. He was a. de voted member of St. Hose pailsh. Mr. Mot an Is suivlved by a widow, two sons and two daughters, who are, James P. Moran, of Buffalo, N. Y., Mleha 1 r. Moran, Mrs. John Council and Mis. T. J. Carroll, all of this city. A pnitlculaily sad featuic Is the fact that his son. Michael K of this city, Is lylnj, In the Emergency hospital re covering from tenlble Injuries ho re ceded ,i few weeks ago by being crushed under a load ot falling tim ber No Mineral announcement can bo made until his sou James arrives lrom Buffalo. An Evening Party. A birthday party was tendeicd to John T. !lobert, mall clerk from Scianlon to Nineveh, on Friday even ing nt the residence of William L. Isgcr. South Main street. It was giv en In honot of Mt. Kobeits slxu seconrl anniversary. The cuiu was celebrated by his immediate family only. The evening was passed with music. cnnl and dancing, and the games wcie followed by h big supper. The parlors and halls were elaborate ly dct'or.iWd for tho occasion. Blessing the Stations of the Cross. The ceiemony of electing nnd bless ing the beautiful new stations of the ciois In St. Hose church was celebrat ed on Friday night, by Very Rev. T. V. Coffey V. G.. assisted by itev. Walter Gouuan. The service was a very pret ty one and attended by a Inrge cou giegatlor. The stations are In bas lellef nnd form one of the most at tractive featuies of the handsome new church furnishings. Gone to the Seaside. He. M. E. Lynott. of Jermyn. ac companied by his nurse. Miss Early, and Miss Sally Thoinns, left on Friday for Philadelphia. Satuiday they went to Atlantic. City, where the Invulld priest will spend seveinl weeks be side the sea. His ln.lliv friends In Dili. city sincerely hope that when he comes back he will be icstored to peifcct health. Their First Social. The Filday Evening Social club will give their Hist dance, to which the friends of the members will bo invit ed, on Friday evening, March S, and a veiy good time Is anticipated. The members of the dub aie tarnestly practicing on a new dance, called the Bcllellcld. and expect to spring It on their fi lends In perfect form on that evening. Merrymaking Tonight. The Patilotle Order Sons of Ameri ca have completed arrangements for n basket social to bo held this evening. Invitations have been issued only to members and their ladles. An excel lent programme of entertainment has been prepared. The proceeds will go toward the fund for organizing u new band among the members ot the order. A Basket Social. Tlie Companions of the Forest, the ladles branch of the Foi esters of America, held u basket social In their loduo mom In Odd Fellows' hall on Salem avenue, Filday evening. The baskets were sold at auction, many of them bringing quite latge sums. JERMYN AND A1AYFIELD. The funeral uf tho lata L.twtcnce Cnntwdl. who ill d fiom Injuries ie celved In tin. Glenwood nhaft, took plucu on riaiuida morning and was very laigoly attxnded. The members of the Ancient Older of Hibernians, cuthollo Mutual Bonellt association und United Mine Workers, all of which ho wus a member, wcro present, Tho remains wero taken from his Into homo nt Maylleld In the Church of he Sa. cred Hart, where a requiem bbjrh mJM was celebrated and an Impressive ser mon delivered by nov. Father Car mody. Interment was made In Cal vary Cemetery, Mayfleld. Tho pall bearers ware: Martin Barrett, Nell Gallagher, j E. Walker, John Walker, Martin Madden and Patrick Roche. Thomas Hurt was flower-bearer. At a speelal meeting of the local mine worker on Saturday evening, J. J. Stanton was elected check welghman at tlie Delaware nnd Hudson colliery, to succeed Thomas Warrick, whose term expires nt the end of the present month. The first number ot the debt fund lecture oours; will be given under the charge of the Baptist people on March 15, Dr. H. G. Whalen. of Carbondale, will lecture on the 'lWlt and Humor of the Irish People." fr)r. Whalen Is well known here and his lecture promises to be exceedingly Interesting. The team from Liberty lodge. No. 1SS, Knights of Pythias, ticcompanled by n delegation of members of the order, expect to visit Lackawanna lodge, at Olyphnnt. tomorrow evening and work the third degree on several candidates. Mine Foreman Davis, who was in jured by the cavo-ln at the Glcnwood shaft, Is able to resume work again, A child of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Claikson, of South Main stieet, Is 111 of bronchitis. Philip Baker, of Main street, Is re covering fiom a, seveie and prolonged attack of grip. Edith, tho little child ot Mr. and Mrs. William Seymour, of Third and II streets, Is 111. Mrs. Lewis Minos and children, of Carbondale. spent yesterday with h;r paicnts, Burgess and Mrs. Pondctcd. BANQUET AT PECKVILLE. The Forest and Stream Club Entov- talns Friends at Dinner. Thet event of the season nt Peck- vllle was the First aifriual banquet ot the Peckvllle Forest and Stream club, which was given at Hotel Wilson on Friday evening. Mine Host M. D. Belts did himself proud. Tho follow ing Is the menu: Blue Points. Flbh. Oxtail Soup. Lettuce with Mayonnaise Dressing. Koast Turkey, Cranberry Sauce. Mnshed White Potatoes. White Bread. Brown El end. Boiled Bermuda Onions. Sweet Com. Ft encli Pe-is. Olives. Sweet Plckb e. Celery. Salted Peanut Cofiee. Tea. Caki . Fruit. lee Cieani. Wafers. Bowl of Punch. Clay Pipes. Tobacco. Clgais. Messrs Duwey, Smith and Benjamin, the club's stewards, were directly re sponsible for the good things named In the menu. James W. Smith was accorded the honor of toastmastci .tunics filled the position with Incoming- grace, and his Initial net was to Introduce Mr. John P. Peck, a lifelong lcsldent of Peckvllle nnd president of th" local Forest and Stream dub. Mr. Pock spoke on '-Hemlnscences ot My Boyhood Days In Peckvllle." He told how plentiful th game was In this vicinity; how he had hunted and killed deer and other game, where now stands the village ot Jcssup. The gnus used In those times wete the old flint-lock varletv and were far different from the werpons now In use, Mr. Peck hinted In a broad way that he was still able to give some of the youngsters of the club points In tho nrt of wing shooting. He paid a glowing tribute to the hunting of fot. met- days. He closed his remarks by giving the memheid ot the club in dividually a gentle shot of wit and humor prepared especially for the oc casion, which was greeted with thun derous applause. Tonstniastcr Smith then Introduced Mr. C. M. Price, a member of the Scinnton Gun club, his subject being "Protecting the Game." He urged that each member of the gun club ue his best endeavors to protect tho game that was being killed out or season. His remarks were listened to with great attention. He was followed by Mr. T. J. Snow den, of Scranton, another member ot the Scranton Gun club. "Shooting Ducks In Southern Waters" was the subjci t of his lemniks, and he gavj n glowing account of the sport de llyed hi the Southern duck shooting. Mi. W. W. Watklns sang n song, and he wns obliged to icspnnd to sev cial encoics. Mr. E. A. Jones, of Atchbald was In troduced. Ills remarks were directed to "Maiksmanshlp." and he ptoved to be a good shot, making several rlngc i In his lemuiks that brought down the house. The targets were badly used up. Mcsms. Watklns and Llewellyn ien dtied a duet with good effect. Mr. W. .1, Bioad then made a few lemarks on "Our Members In the Wilds ot Maine." He told of the huntiiif,- tlint was to be found there, game bslng plentiful. He i elated several anec dotes of his experiences and others In the great Maine woods. Mr, Wll finni Allen had for a subject, "The Largest Fish We Always Lose." Mr. Allen is a capltnl speaker and his re marks were followed closely by his ho.iieiM ami his wit ami humor caused shouts of laughter. Ar the close or his remarks, he stated that he had In his possession a token of regard for Toastmnster Smith, nnd In a neat lit tle speech, presented to Smith n, fac simile of n pigeon. On a ilbbon was Inscilbed several emblems of Mr. Smith's prowess with a gun. The closing remarks were iii.id bv Mr. Goyne, who called Mr. Smith to the center of the room and prvsenird to him the club's trophy, which was I a large circular medal, of fine Mo. 1 rocco leather, studded will; gold stais ' to the number of sixteen. This rep- I resented the number of club victories gained by Mr. Smith, anions them being the vlctoiy achieved en Clulst- i mas Day, 1100. On the face side of , the medal was Inscribed. "Peckvllle- Forest and Stream Club. Flist Prize." Tlie reverse side bore the following I Inscription: "Presented to James W. Smith, Clnlstmns 1500. for Best Shot." The evening was one. of enjoyment. from stait to finish. There were tiftv- one who sat down at the tables, fully hulf being Invited guests of the club. The Gilp Cure That Does Cute Laxalho Hmma Quinine rrmae: ttic taiie. JESSUP. I'randH, the beautiful 12-year-old child of Mi. and Mrs. Hiiwley. of Clarkson stieet. came to his death Sat urday evening after n long Illness. The funeral will take place this afternoon. A number of eriuneous rumors ate cli-culatlng thiough tho Second ward pot mining to tho recent election. Ow. Ing to this the board wishes to glvo tho true statement, which Is as fol lows: For council, Brennan, 9-'; Row land 85, School dlieutor, Langan, 1IJ; Carney, S. This Is th? true vote. Hut In older to keep tho peace and satisfy Scranton , Guernsey Hall IS THE BC3T PLACE IN SCRANTON TO BUY I RIANO ORGAN Don't fall to come an.l sec as great bargains arc watting lor you, J.W.GUERNSEY, rnor. 314-316 WASHINGTON AVE. SCRANTON. PA. In New Guernsey UuiMlng. Davis steam dye Co. 310 PENN AVE. 0ood tailed (or and delbcrtd. Cloning, Pjeing mid PrMilnR, ALLWO-K QUARAVEED. PHONE 373B Golden Gate Dininq Rooms. Rt 13 tnt mul In tin city. Fl Mm! Ticket', n 00. sniuliy dinner rpriull). Home undo IMMrj 244 ADAMS "VE. W.J. BAnmscALc. egfJZ'fe MANTELS. I QAS grates I'llc-plire trtmminci lillnc for Oooij. 312 WtSHINOTON AVE, TELEPHONE. W. A. H4RVEY, Uorltlc Wlrlns and fixture" H'.-lrio ue) nnd Telephone orl 30Q GOMMONWELTH BUILDING. J. B. WOOLSEY CO CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. Ui-ilrri in Plate Glass and Lumber O" ALL KINDS. Kingsbury & Scranton. ManufatlnirrV .Units MINE ANiJ MILL SUPPLIES. DiMilit Audits for John ltoelillnc'4 som Co 'a Wire Hope and Kleetrlral Wire, fiutli I'errha and ItuMicr M( Co lldtlijs, Parl.infr. IIoe and Mechanical Vtuhher l.oodt kiinullon PaekltiR ("artei'i Oil Clothinz Room Sin I'anli tllcltr. W. H. GORDON e SOW. l!ore Shoeing mid (leneral IllarUmlil nil Wagon and CarriiRe liiilldlii): 339 ADAMS AV-NUE. Rowland nnd his part the hoard gave him six disputed tickets, which could not have heeti given to anybody. Hop ing this will bcttle the dispute, wa are, yours, the bo.nd. Messrs. I. J. l.ools and .lames llytne are visiting friends In I'lttston. The funeral of Peter O'Mnllo, who was killed at the Ha.wnulid mine Fri day evening, took place lrom the un dertaking establishment of Mr. Kin hack estcrday afternoon. Interment was made In Olyphnnt. Misses Lucy and Mary Lawler, of Olyphaut, were callers In town yester day. TAYLOR. The hweepstuke shooting match held at the Falnlcw hotel grounds on Washington's b!rlhda wus an Inter esting and well (.untested affair, near ly 1,000 people luuvlng gathered to witness the match. Considerable money changed hands during Its pio gress. M. .1. Kelly, of Dunmote, and Marsh, of Scranton, divided tlrst honois. Seven being tie for second pilze W. (',. Fry mrileil off third money. IlaId Heche, of Scranton, was the rofetee, and Hdgnr Htone, of Tay lor, was trapper. The t.cote was m follows. It. Taylor .. Sim ILuls .. Mack Cil.111 . .11 ll 1 (i 0 1 7 .1 ....Out I I I I ' ....I 1 1 ' " -1 .0111000-3 II. Mirfh 0 0 11 1 0 0 - Vi.ilky I o I) 1 0 I 0-1 nicriliati 1 10 110 1 I ricin Minli " 1 1 t 0 1 J o 1). .lone I 110 0 1 l-s ll. Dull 0 0 1 1 1 1 0- Thonua 1 null a 1-1 T. .lones I 0 I 0 I I o-l llanl ) 10O11 0-n Man.li n 11111 1-0 hellev i 0 1111 l-H T. Il.uis a 111110-1 liy 1 10 10 0 14 The (ondltlons which governed the mutch were -Jl yaids rhe: SO jnnls boundniy; 7 hluls per limn. Tho social h'dd nt the Welsh Lap tlst and I list Congregational churches on Saturday evening wio very suc cessful aifalrs, being welt patron ized. The entertainment given In tho Slb loy Fnlon church on Friday evening was well patronized. The competition, "The Runner of the Sou," udded much lo the pli'iisuio of the event. Thoio were thtei iomp 1 1 tors, Adjudicator lingers awarded the prize of $.i to .t tnur Morgans, of tills place. Singing Evangelist Huek. who has lieen holding evangelistic services at ihs Methodist Episcopal church dur ing the past week, delivered an In teresting sermon last ovenlng to a large audience. Evangelist Jluck will continue his tei vices thiuiigliotit this week. Tin pastor, Itev. C. 11. Heniy, If assisting him In his wotk A large delegation of membeir of tho Taylor Ilo.'e compnm. No I, and Cen tury Hose company ' -, attended the talr of the Lawiciii llo.e com pany at Lackawanna nn Satuiday evening. The recital given at Weber's link on Hnturd.iv by Mis Eva L. Dunning, elocutionist, of Cle-la'id, O., nsilsted by local vocal talein, was quite a successful uffnli. The employes of the Taylor. Pyuo and Arellhald c-nllleiles lecelvcd their seml-innnthly earnings on Saturday. Miss Mnmo Stair, who hae b-en tho guest of the Misses Dunfleld, of Main street, has returned to her home In I'nuldenr e. Embleui division, N'o. :'. Sons m Temperance, win niet In legular hCs. ston this eenlug. William Kiddle, of West Scinnton. spent yesterday vbltlng at Iho Cooior le.sldence. on Enlnii siieet. Car .ecountnnt Llovd, of tli Lackawanna iouipnii, was a lsItoi In town Satuiday. Miss Mcriam Wisiou nf I'ltlMtun. has been tho must of her grand molher, Mrs. Itccse, of (ltoe strent. dining the past lew dnss, M. J. Ohborne. uf this boiough, called on friends In .vocu yrsUidny, Mis Cnmiik'l llnilos and daiichteis. Business THESE ENTERPRISING DEALERS OAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS OP EVERY CHARACTER PROMPTLY AND SATISFACTORILY. Brotherhood Wine Co;s fine Old 1'otti, fliirirumllt, und S.iutfriic , 1 amlly Trade On!). P. H. FRENCH. 40S CONNELL. BLOQ. BrCSCHEL'S Great F'ire Sale AT 430 SPRUCE ST. Now Coins On. I'lne 1'nri nnd ill Klnd of Xeihwrar. BREHCHEL cC CO. Scrqnton Laundry. 332 WASHINQTON AVENUE. Cilia ly telephono rrrelvc prompt nttrntlon. WILSON A WASBERS. Spectacles. MADE ANO REPAIRED, "Hut's nil." S, H. TWINING. 131 PENN AVE. DIAMOND PARLORS Tor Lidld nnd Otnti All Milne, Jc. 433-SPRUCE-433 Hanleys Bakery. 420 SPRUCE ST. SlKCCiSOl to HUNTINGTON Wc male a rprrlatty of fine bread HulT.i Orders for SalatN, Oj iters, l'ronucltr, rd , rrnmptly tilled. A lull line u Lie Oram and lien REISMAN BROTHERS. I.iadlii(t N"f',le.iliih 40D SPRUCE ST. B03 LINDEN ST. aavH.L 'aa nj-ju mnooxta ise r,,tli"sa miHi'ini i nrji puis jiddj 'p-;i "l'o:i a.',ii 'SXUOAA ONUVIal M3tri3 C,nr FINEST iGAfxS IMPORTED KEY WEST (oniNv in or M i i.i f rt(Ti it DEAN, 400 CONNELL BLDG. Th o I'honea SHOES in Jour own iiup Goodmans IUmoal sjh 432 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. J.W. MCAULIFFE. M -tnh hoi ri.iM: woiih I tO SANDERSON AVE. Chrlslt n and Until, are hltlnsr i da tives In New A oik for the pa"t wek. Mis. M. S. Freedmnn and daughter have ict in nod to their home in liitu gur, I'ii. Mlssrs Maigaicl Jones. Llzi-le Ow ens, Certrude Morris and Lillian llar i In. have returned from llnlr Is-lt lo Uloomshlllg, wlieic thny wete guests ot Misses Mainlo Fiancls and .leiuite Ilntrls, of the Xuinial, sdiool. .lames Heffer N iwoerlng tiom his icccnt Injutle.. Mr. und Mis. William lins. of West Scranton, visited at tlie home of Mr. and .Mis. .lohn Meddlnr, of Hull load stuet, yesteulaj. Messrs. .lohn II. Thomas nnd Stan ley .Miller called on Jl. M. Ondnll at Feckvllel yesterday. V. .1. Stone, of .Main stieet, i home from his lslt to Wllkcs-Uane. Miss lelle. Williams, of Itldge Htreet, spent tho Sabbath as lh" guest ol' her sister. Mis. John L DivN. in Wilkes llairc. 0LYPHA1NT. Just another week tenialns befoie tho iH-nrgunlntlon of the n -w coun cil, which will take place on March I Fiom piesent indications there will be no deadlock this ear and that per fect harmony will piovall. For the cliulrniaiiHlilp two names have been mentioned so far. roimcr 1'iesldeiit Or. Van Sickle and Stephen Heap. It I.i not likely that Mr. O'Mallcy, the pies ent secretary, will ha e an opposi tlon lor ili.it ollli i Tieasurer C.u- bine bays he l.s not a candidate tor r nomlnatlon, and that pinctlcully leaves tlie Held alone to Fi.ink M. Vllllaui-, who Is asplilng to tin- tte.isuivihhip. Frank M. Lynch will undoubtedly suc ceed himself as boiough hollcltui. I'or stieet commissioner the names of c--Count llmeii James McAndie and Lawience llowaid lme been men llontd. Couni II will nicfi Filday nlglit to transact all unlliilslied busl luss ol the jcai. tin the occasion ol his Him .inulxci sary as pastor of the Illakcly llapllsi church J lev. Dr. Speni.tr tlellveied nu able and appropriate dlscoui.se to n laigo cuiigiegatlou yesterday morning. He sure and ntf-nd the exhibition of stcieoptlc-on lcw.s of I'ompell at the Congiegatloual (hurch this even ing. Admission. IT, and '.'o cents. John Davis, ot Hyde J'aik, spent yes terday with iclatlves in lllakoly. Mies Anna Doiighei, of Wlllu's llaue, was the guest of Miss Sadie O'Mallcy. of Duiiiiini" slicet, yester day. Mr. and Mis. .1. W. J'alten attended tho wedding nnnlvcisai of Mr. and Mis. W. S. Corwlu at llnllsteud. on Saturday. ' A. W. Murray and Jinne Ulelly. nf Duiimoie. weio visitors In town yestei da. A good sl.'.ed aildlente wltncesed the production of "guo V'ndls" at the Fiilhi'i Mathew Opcia House hatuidny evening. The play a ono ol the bst pre.scnleil heie Ihls season. Mrs, John Coleman Is vlslilng .lir mvn relatives PECKVILLE. Tlie icsidents of Souih Illtkorv street have been nnipelled to carrv W.ltr.l' 11 Inlir- tllst.llllt, nil !lr,rilll,t i.e ( .... .. .-.. ........ ... ..V....,,,, ,., the vMiier fieoziti', In the water nin'n jon that sheet. Seveial of tho prop. inly ownets be in opeiiitlonH on Sal Ui'diiy to tht'W up the pipes. Thev In, ll, 1,.,, t. ..,. ,,-.,. ..e i.. ..,... . ,,..,,. mo, invr "I, ,i,, i, in, pipos and molted the luid from u Joliil in I the nine. The nines thawed not tin, water came: It (lew In ev-iry direction: tlld WOtkmcil SC.UtrlCtl. I till lllr. r.ai.m.. linr water vais allowi-tl full sway. Tlie ti-oiich rapidly tilled nnd the wale spivaii out like mlnlntuio irk-r. v hill lied teUpholii- message was sun to th.- Wait loinimiiy nt Auhluld. and the -iitli. wuici- supply was shut ntt from I'eckvlllc. 'I'hls was mil hoccj. surv. ,is tho grite vvhlih vupplltM llils sueal finui Iho main could linvti been cliied and Hie icst or Die coiiiuiunliv would have been supplied. .r a , on- (itsnc-f, a huge nunibei .it pipoii wll Houses. THINK Are you fully iMmedi K not, call 'niton ' F. L. Hitchcock A Son. FIRE INSURANCE AGENTS. 8'W and 407 Commonwealth Trnlldlnt, FCrtANTW, r.. Only first etu.1 eompanH rprfoflfd. 'Claim promptly pild. O. S. BLOSS KV THE SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER. IT LEADS THEM ALL. L SOMMAR. lIulldlnB Contractor. Cniplnja union men. Kllmatej (heertuUy glten, Itemoilcllne and repairing a rpeeUlt. 320 WASHINQTON AVE. LACKAWANNA UNDERWEAR STORE nlll sell all their simplei ol line imported Madrat shiits (or men at T.V-! worthJltaJrl.'A C'oll Medal tS 1'hologr.ipher X ( hlldrena to Artist. Moone Foster. INSURANCE FOR SALE Huanlei and j(?onn o( ill hind". !loue and t'lllldlne loll at I'lrjiln M. T. KELLER. 31,"i Ailima r l-ukawantH l anljsc lcrl. IPS WYOMING AVE, DIFFERENT LADIES HAVE DIFFERENT TESTES ollt notlic lint Hie lidn who arc neiiei illy aixrcdltrd with the iet lute In e. er impeit aril tho onei for hnni re maka rlolhet. iur tali' H O h., o( eoue. W,.'ll ill iree ion jii loi the mil jon ou-lit lo li.no. KING MILLER. MERCHANT TAILOR I or Irfdle and Centa. 436 SPRUCE ST. SCRANTON. PA. THE SCRANTON UMBRELLA MANU FACTURING CO. V lame awutinenl ol hue t nibiillat and rirao!j of 1 INK SI.K rp-lo-dile pUleun. I'lleei ptnlluclt I OWI'.ll than jio hme III the tit; Ml j-ood lejit In ItKl'AlK nee ot rnirKf lor Jul. IILI'AllllSd and ItK ( 0 l.ltlVd a epi'rijltj 313 SPRUCE ST. nNPoiiTOs- riii'ciiMiirios or nn, Pirsf National Bank at Vianlon, In the Mate ol IMm.-.vltania, at-ili,. the ol hulnr... ("ihnnrv Ath. I "KM. RKMH'IK l,.s. I,".1P and ill-toiiiitH .',0;p,.lki (i, Ovrnliafts, eiuied and iniieeiiiid..,. 2,7 Ol I'. s. Iiond. lo .rtiiir run. tatioii.,.. .Vil.Ooil'i, sork, s, til ft Irs, rl ."..CT.-lls f. Il.iliklns houv, (iiinlttire nnd (turmt .O.l) ( Hue (rem National hunl.it (not it korte .ifinUl liw.OBi. o- llue lrom state lunH mul hankei . 17, W hi Inn- (linn upturned irserte Tcenot... tlS.V" 0 Intirnal irvcnue stanii I.Vai u Chirks and olhrr 'h II, in I4.IV) 0 Kvehnmjm (or rlearlnir hou-. 12.71ft ll Null" o( other National hinl.a l.'.OOO 01 rrattlt'iiaJ pnp. r tiineniy, nfckrlo and eentK 1 iCi. l I. infill Money lteeie In Hank tl.' Sirie f hi, 7-U f, liral Irmler not. s. . . i71,W 00 Kedeinpllon fond with 1". s. Treia liter (.1 p.r rent. o( elrtiilatlon) .. -' ieioi Due fiuni t . S. Tieamu-r. other than . pel (tut. itdeiuptiHit (und i.nnn in Total , I.IAllll.lTli:. Capital tork pild In SiiridtK fund $ VOO.tSi'l in , 1,000,090 ll I . :;7l.-jiii ;o,onii 01 1.0, iii -,t 1-2,775 01 .") 0 I , 7.S-W.W-7 P !IV2 l.flO) t-1 201 'l. Von None ., Noii Unilltldtd prolllj.. le- evpene aud taxe ttihl Vatloiial hans note- uiittlindliig Hue to other atlonnl hanki Hue lo Mate hanka and hauler . ... Hit Id. ihU Ulli.ll'l Individual drpo-ll-i siihjeet to eheek. Pun ind i ml ith ale- "t il.-poklt ( eitltli-l rhefKH (ailild'a (hek rmistandliiir ote and lilla ieillscniinte.1 IIIIN pi.i.ibh- I.liliilltle other than I hose ahot M.ittd -(..i.l 7O.n7.sll I state o( I'liiiirjlvanti, Count ut I.aeK-i kinni. : I. loac I'o-it. t'a-liter o( the ahoe tianieil hank, th ndcniiily e.ir that the ahote tue nitiit N tuiu lo the lt ol my knowledge aid lulltt. Is.Mf l-OST. Cahlcr suliwrllieil and trn In betore me lid '-'I 1 Jjv of I'rhiuiri, inni. AMIUS V. UOWl'i:. S'otaij I'iiIiIk I limit- Wild: W. W. si v10S' W. V HVI.I.slKAl) .1 V 1.1 M.N', l)ire.tor now be trozeii, and the whole town will be in dnnijer fiom destructlor hv lite .Mr. Hales, ol iJlimhamton, culled 011 Mr. ,Ks Scott esterday. Ml .!essi Ilotfcckcr Is quite 111 a' her home on Main street. Whooping; cniiKh Is v ry prevalent about town, The youngt-ters are hav Imr a wlioopliiK time. A lot al tamp of Modem Woodmen will bo orsjiilzcd nt Ledyaid hall Ihls evcnltiK. Dlstilct Deputy Hushe will be prtsellt. There will b" nome t hhly charter members. n iintarlo and Western engine, hilled two cows Saturday afternoon .lust " south of the lVcUville station The cows wtie owned by Mrs. Thoni.ie f.nnKran and Mr. A. Carey, of tho Fast Side. A100SIC. .lie. Tlioiuub Pevlna nnd children spent Thursday at the home of her parents. Mr. and .Mis. M W. Uoftus Mrs. Jane Hinds Is ill at the honm ot her son, S V. Hinds, of Main ttrtel. Miss I'airie Sehershlnt visited St-int -ion Filday. .Miss Hllit l.eiau and Mr. John H eli cits, ol this place, woio unltetl In tho hol bonds of matrimony at ninsham ion, X. Y. Thursday n high noon Af tor ill- ci ivinony. ihey IH'l ItliiKham ion I'd New- Jci.sev, wheio they Will nnil a few- days al the home of Mi l.nberlM patents. vi ly pleiisniit time was tpent las' I'ndsy evenlnp- at th" home of Mi nun .Mis. John Dynioud, In honor of thcl nleie, ,Mlif Nellie Uyninnd, of Clnrli's Suinmli. The eveuliiK was spent In trinies it ml other ninuenients. Aft" which refreshnieiits wore ferved. The Kllesls tlinu ilop.it It-d fot their homes well pltsited with tho evenlnpr's en Icrtuluiileiit. Mi. Wllllnni Wlr wns n calli In .-liiiiinn Friday. V