irn v y "t"7y--,ay-yyfy'. ' V'Twir"yyy'r,wt,,T--'y,,,rw i -ni -.r-rfsjry-rysytt'f' vTyMiity "" ;''"" THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1903L 9 1. Ill . .. .. ! ;.? GREAT FIRE SALE OF UNIONMADE CLOTHING THIS UNPARALLELED SALE of High-Grade, Union-Made Clothing affords the shrewd buyer the greatest values ever offered in this city. To prove to the skeptical that what we say is true as regards Union-Made Clothing, we print a letter that is of interest. VTPw 1 Have You, Yet attended this great sale? If not, do so at once. Remember, all Men's Suits, Overcoats, Trousers, Reefers, Children's Suits, Knee Pants, Smoking Jackets, Etc. At less than cost of manu facture. We must get the stock off our hands as quickly as possible, in or der to repair the building before the Spring trade begins. tl.J fJ.tT A 'k -jiHl mH V- .blW-.TMV- .aTa '. r,-iK- WpRlJISffiBS QCNBfTAL EXECUTIVE BOARD. EDWARD D. SABINE, Ge-Vx. Pkes., 406 E. Laurel St, Syrraiine, N.Tt. SASI'l, ADTLER. C.EN'L TRBAR., " EaM 105th St., New York. TIIOS. i. CROnCHLKY.CKN'L Aoditoh, 257 Putnam Ave., VroolUyn, N.Y. CII AS. H. CORTIK, Tdtbk, 5A. Mulbrrry St-, Nenuk, N. J. HERMAN R01HNSON, Tuustrc, 22S East 107til St., New York. ALEX. KEID. TitDtTkK, 3001 Mars ton St., PhUaJtlphU, Pa. KATE DOODY, 1 Williams Ati., DttnJt, Mich. ELLIS ROWLANDS, 08 Columbia St., Utlca, N. V. JOHN HENRY, til W. 4th St., Clndanui. 0.. Boom S9, BIBLE HOUSE, new York, Oct. m, woo. MESSRS. RICHARDS if WIRW, Scranton, Pa. Gentlemen: It affords us great pleasure to make it known to the Lnlon men of your vicinity of the efforts put forth by our firm in behalf of Union-Made Clothing, and for which you certainly deserve the favorable consideration of all friends of the cause, and that part of the public which desires to help in suppressing the obnoxious sweating system. Sincerely yours, a JisiAyt. 1 wbo-- General Secretary. Damaged By Watei and Smoke.... Mostly smoke, is all that the buyer can object to. On exposure to the air the odor of smoke will quickly pass off ; and then t le absurdly low prices less than manufacturer's c st are making the goods move quickly. We will not quote any prices, but assure you that you will buy if you look over the stock. r 0". Hundreds of Bargains Still Remain, but Don't Wait Too Long. Some of Our Best Goods Are Yet to Be Had, but They Are Going Fast and It Behooves You to Come Quickly. RICHAR ap LACKAWANNA AVENUE Va. 5Sj 'flVW?VtMt(!WfW NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA MONTROSE. pe'lal i the Tribune. Montrose, Feb. -'2. Vrnoman C.urdl-nr-r. u student at KeyMont ncitlrniy, Fni'toryx IUp. s miomllnp; n few days with Ills jinrcnls. Mr. niul Mi. D. V. Gardiner, in this flacc "" SliiRhiIclo iiartles, of the olel-fasii-Inned "straw" variety, are of dally or, lather, nightly occurrence In Mont rose, and conssfiudit JIiikIc of bells and merry laughter and shouts of hnpny youngsters make pleasant music on our streets these winter evenings. Fayette Sprout Is home from Scran ton for n few days' stay. Mrs. q, .1. .Sparks l convalescing, fter an attack of the uilp. Frank, miii of Mr. and Mis. K. M. Morris, Is serlouslv 111 ,,f Inti-i mltteiit feer. Mr. and Mis. William It.vk enter tained a number of their fi lends at their home, on Spruce street, a few evenings ago. W. II, Turrell, our popular and en teipilslng stationer. Is having nolle able Impiovements made on the in terior of his stoic. A tegular monthly meeting of the Sergeant Lee . T.iylor camp, No. 77, Spanish-American War Veterans, was held at the Grand At my of the Jtepub lie hall In this place on Wednesday evening. A number of recruit 8 mustered In, and considerable other business transacted, at the conclusion of which n toothsome collation was seived. It has been decided to h'd'l the April meeting of the camp at Hii'l stead, and a very enjoyable time is anticipated. Those present from out of town on Wednesday evening were S. Hruce Chase, Varnum 1. Rlmv, TIarrv Kapp, Fred X. Church and William Kinney, all of Hallstead. W. D. H. Ainey has gieatly enlarged his law ounces by taking In the looms formerly occupied by J. M. Kelly. These, In addition to Mr. Alney's al ready commodious qu.M-teis nnd the extensive Improvements made In way of the arrangement and furnishings, form one of the largest, tlnest and most complete suite of law odlees In this section of the state. The ladles of the Presbyterian church celebrated today, Washington's birth day, by serving a Colonial supper In the church parlors from C.30 to 7.30 p. m. The menu Includes "dlfhes" of eignteenth century and such "deli cacies" of tho nineteenth century as are most desired by the people of tho twentieth century, Mrs. n, K. Lvons underwent a sur gical operation at the Packer hojpltal at Bayre last Friday. Latn ndvlcs state that the operation was entirely successful, that the patient's condition li satisfactory and that she will prob ably be able to return home the last of next week. There Is little trouble In securing re cruits for Company G Just nt p :sent. The trip to Washington next month Is a great Incentive. , Mis. F. L. Leonard has been III, but Is now convalescent. Miss Julie K. Cruser, reader and en tertainer, Is having a busy season, lin ing engagements several nights each week. At a number of places wheie she appealed last season she Is booked for return engagements. Hep phenom enal success Is eiy gratifying to her many Montrose trlends. Bishop Small, of the Geness-e con ference of the African Methodist Epis copal church will preach at Zlou church In this place on Tuesday even ing next. Harley F. Grlfllths, a former resident of this place, died at his home In Ath ens, Fa., on Monday, February IS. H. H. Fordham has been In New York on business this week. H, n. Little and wife were In Scian tnn this week. O. A. Gilbert lslted Win. oily. To wanda and Wjaluslng on Tuesday, .lames V. I'luty Is attending' tho heboid of embalming at S( ranlon. FACTORYVILLE. otrrim in me nrramnn inniine Factoryvllle, Feb. TI. The Keystono j Lumber and Supply company have added to their mills at this place a Comstock saw mill, and sawed the ilist log with It yesterday. liny, the 2-year-old son of Mr. and ' Mrs. W. J. Watklns. died at theli home Tuesday night. The funeral was con ducted yesterday at 'J o'clock fiom the residence. Interment In Evergreen cemcteiy. Fred Castlo has recently purchased the Cole pioperty on High steet. where he will make irhts future home. , Dr. Watklns, of ltlckctts, Ii., was over here Thursday calling on his bi other, E. L, Watklns. The farm house of George Stitrl: over near Staikvllle, was totally destroyed by lire Tuesday eenlng about sevtn o'clock. Mr. Stink was sitting on the election boaid ot the time and only arrived In time to see the last of hh home go up In smoke. Tho .".re Is , SUIinosed to have hit.n nnnrnil li- n spark fiom the chimney, as they were burning wood and the tire w?n first discovered In the roof around the chim ney. The house wn n !ni'.- nnd .,, modlous one and was one of the oldest landmaiks on the Creek vad between Nicholson nnd Tiinkhnniinck. 1 The following boiough ofllcets were I elected nt last Tuesday's election! ( burgess. E. L. Wntklns; Justice of the peace. John S. lUedj Judge of election, I W. W. Ilard; Inspector, John F. Wnl i ter: councllmen, llvron Carpenter, for one year: Dr. J. V. Coult, one year; F. St, Amand, threo years; A. J. Gard ner three years; assessor, M. V, Town send; poormaster, Solomon Turner', school directors, Dr. A. II. Fitch, two years; Dr. J. P. Coult, three years; C. M, Walter, three years; auditor, Del mar I.lndleyj high constable, John Ell enberger. The first Intermediate session of the sixteenth year of tho Lackawanna and Wyoming Musical Alliance Is an nounced to be held In the Haptlst church of this place March 6-S, 1901, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, closing Friday evening with the usual gi.ind iMiiucrt Miss Daisy Hall, of Si lauton, has be n ngaged as soloist, and MKs Alice Nortbup as hc-companl.-t. Waller N. M.iucln sti r, or this place, will In- tin- cmiduitoi, who so nblv and successful! conducted the . Intermediate session heie last ear. ! Itev. P. ;. Kuekman will occupy the pulpit at the Methodist Episcopal chinch Sunday moining and the Ep worth league will liase charge of the evening set vice (it 7 o'clock, lev. W. M. Hlller will occupy the pulpit of the Methodist Episconnl chinch at Tunk haiinock both moining and evening. - HONnSDALE. Spriul t thf Scriiilou Inluini'. Iloncdale, !"eb. 21'.- t'ount C in mlslscner Geoige '. ltob"Hi-on, whose lUress has confined him to his home for neral weeks. Is able to attend to his otbclal duties again. Mr, Fiederlck n. Menner has m teicd the employ of the ship builder, Louis Nixon, ot 10 Izabetliport, N. J. Mlsi Ilebecca F. Thompson Is in New York city, leceivlng Instructions In vocul and liistiumcutal music. Pi of, J. F. Doolev. principal of th Wnymart Normal Institute, will deliver an addr ss before the local Institute In lliwley today (Sa'urdav). Subject. "The American School; Its Oilgln and Aim." Texas No. ) Flic romp mv has pur chased a chemical engine, which they cxpict to arilvo In a few cliys. The bug Ice houses of the Lale Lotlore Iniptovemnt company, a Keene's Lake, arc nearly tilled. Fifteen cases aie on the trial list for he Match term of court In Wiiyiu county. Ninety-two tickets wete sold at the Iloutshile union station this mmnl g for the Etle excursion to Now Y Tit. Eleven of the cxcursonl't came In ou the Delaware anil IIulson tialn. C' mi'atiy E expects to lerive vex. Sutiirdnv nftfiimon for Semnt-n, ti 1fIn the Th'rteenth icglm nt fir Washington. Tho bovs expect a fit I company, and that they will m 'til Sunday at the canltal, Mis. II. M. Ciowell a'ul dautvh'cr,'eth, of Newark, N. J., aie at the ic-ldeuce of Mis, W. II. Sianton, Mbs dllve II lynes and Amos Sebneffer, of Scranton, nr" guests of .Mr. and Mrs. G O. Talbnan. F. G. Terw llllger Is about to op'n a branch of his H. K. II. Store In IMrt Jc rvls. Fieeman's orch"st'n fninlsli d mu sic for th Odd Fellows' entertainment nt Hnwley last evening. HAWLEY. fpiilil to tli- Srrnnton Trlluinc. Hnwley, Feb. L'2, The opening ses sion of the Wnyno County Haptlst as sociation and Hlblo school convention washeld on Wednesday nfternoon, be ginning nt 2.30. Itev. Mr. Percy, of Honesi!ule, presiding. Itev, Mr. Percy lead the opening Scripture, taking' for his discussion the 97th Psalm, after which Itev. J. Crane, of the Hawley Presbyterian church, made the opening prayer. A paper on "The Superinten dent" was read bv George P. Hoss, nf Honesdale, followed by tho discussion of the same by Rev. J. C. P.Uey, W. I), mmerman, Itev. J. Crane. D. Ulus nam and Hew Mr. Percy. Tho session was closed at 4.30 p, m. by Hev. Mr. Percy with tho benediction. Hev. Mr. Percy opened tho session by icndlin a few verses from the third chapter of John, following It by a prayer, after whidi some of the hongs miiib at th l'enns.s anl.i State Young People f christian Eiuloaor convention held at Phlladelt.l i.i ill Noc ember. 1000. wele lendeiel by G. H. Knapp. Ite, Mr. I'eicy gui- a very luteiestilig talk fol lowed by the singing of No. M" In Sa cied Songs No. I. After this Mr. G. II. Knapp, of Aldenvllte. the county delegate to the Christian Endeavor convention, gave n most plcadn? and Interesting address, entitled "Conven tion Echoes," which was received with much enthusiasm. The meeting was then el'-'ed with the benediction by Itev. Mi. Percy. The moining session mi Thursday yas opened at in a. in.. Itev. James C. Paley. of ltloomlng Grnxe, delivering a sermon The after noon ses-slon was opened nt 'J.i'O, Hev. Mr. Percy preaching a most Interesting sermon. The lat session wan held Thursday evening at 7.?0, Hev. Mr. Percy pi caching, Mr. Marcus, Thomas Tuttle, Grant Kellum and George I.obb are home from school on a vacation. The Misses Lucy and Mary Decker, of Duninoie, called on lelatlves in town Wednesday. Mlt-s May Campbell, of Hones bile, spent Monday with MNs Lena Hasehou, Joseph Walsh, of Hones lale. was a caller here Mondav, also L. M. Atkin son. For Shntteied Nerves. A icmeilj' that will soothe, build in the wn'led tissues and enrich th blood Is lndlsnpnsnble. Llehty's Celeiy Nerve Compound has been wonderful lv suiecssful In cases of nervousness, as thousands of giateful pcon will testlf). Sold by Matthews Iiros. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO EATRICAL. ATTRACTXOIIS TODAY. JUtllhV alul Mitlnoo I.('i:i M-". VouiW Wife.' IllKht. .('.di;mv "iiic ri..nniig .iri.. ami NUM. (lAIIII V .1 llccei' iuiliMiic iciiipiny. Mil. Int c ami nl;lit. "A Eoyal Ilogue." JrfTirioa IV AngclU nnd M rninpany tlioir aiirarJii(o b't nL'lit at the l.iccum In tlii cpcrntlc cimcil.c, "A Itujal lliyue," In whim I lie Mrsatlle s crcnlm.' laii-lilrr this Bcorn. TIiito N li ep"H mil iniiri1 if Ik' u. rcIIh In "A Ilnjal Itogue linn jnjlhlni; lie ha attcmptdl up to i', licit Milk in no lo tii. nfiicil the tiijnjinf lit nl the grpat amlicnre that thinnecil tin1 iiiii la-t nl; lit. The tury I ol tho imnl lmro1alile unulc epo.i t)0 'id the niuilc Ic nie-rry an I lluiy, II not ala, Intrnicly mvuilcal Hut thcie Ic plenty c( IV Anjellc anil nliltn he m (mi the titaee mlrtti rtlunid In an opeu, Jo.rr.ui iy. In upreadlnfr hlnxelf out mrr to nmli lurltory Pe Anyxll hia perterce lalil hij humor on in utrokei jomevhat hnltlrr and more auclaoloui thin In hU wont, hut he neter lil'fl tu (rtt i cooil roiK'nx UukIi from lile uuilltncc, Ilia onu'i vere enonrnl asln ami aitatii, Do Anwclln la the only tr in the iait thlc enon, The leadln; wciiuan It MIm Saii'lal Mllll kin, hut (he ha a polll'in well had; In the Hue, j ai not tu rilin the lustre ol tlr mar II II ujs posalhlo (or her tn do to. she 1 a kucct-lacccl, dainty little person, echo (ully mca urei up to the nc-coMUm of her lolc. 'Ihe other eery competent imnihen ot tho company arc Henry Nnnnun, llaiuhl Vlilaol, Ken l).iM'iiHirl, Hilda I! llln, Ail line llonclcr ami M.imKt Poole. Ill': idiihiI,i i In Iwu ail, the flrM locatnl in llillim'- cat- on llw Ho de cani den .liirdln, I'arU, imd tin' tvond Pi the mnhn .mil nintcrc iloi.v of M idame Ctliodol', near Paris. Ihn li;hv i pie tun' and illrelln-. "The Flaminp; Arrow." "I he I lamhi'.- m" iliecc tvui lare audi nees to the A( idini.c of Mu-dc .ceeli rdi; ntlernoon and I'lllllllL-. I!u Won 1.0 Moliiwl,, the Iiidlan-lc trev, v.ho pla.ei the Icnlliig mle In the p'.i.v, tint ot White'Ic, the ulm.iUil In ll.m, hi hi-iome ipilte a facnilte wllh the patnnn. Th" pla.e will he rep atcd thin afternoon and oceninu. "A Young Wife." One of the lalt! New- V rk nniees i 'ie druinalli plnv, " oiuis Wife," cclneli will h' nui here, !ii.illnc( and nlcht, ti-day. It hid a li.n; run hut neaon at Ihe Fourteenth mrivt thiater, Ve-v nrk, ard will he piewiled here wllh a i i.-l. Iniludimr I'linU T.inti-lull. Ji. 'the tlrst ait ho the lihury of Judioii Pouglavi, the New- York hanker, wher a leh luiy Ic rommlttid hv hlc ion, lluherl, wh .nara hefore, hid hfen dl'virded hy hli fitlnr. In the elhirt of (lie m to cciie with hla hnoty In kllN nle tithi-i. The mtiidtr lit cliiinvcrril by Kllicl, the J'niinr c If e of Clarinet Oituhu, an adoplisl ion. I.clilenep plnl to I he jounif wife i the inur ilcni". The neinml ait hnw i den of thl'ccn In tie rlmni of tin mi'-hlioihcod of the Haw rr.i. cchere lluhnt nel hl a'm-iit" lie h.i,hu; a iKliuuh. TIikiiisIi a Irnk I'lhil I induiel to intir the hn, hut M.ip- dry tleeirlj. 'Hi" II lid ml 'il.nt In th" liint'lii in Hill there In an exiillnir cfi'c helwe-n a !c lei live who hellnec Hli-I ii t'ldll.v th hi hind and tils wem? wife. In thr fourdi .cid l,,t act. the cii'ine wife nun h r li.noi ie the nil tniiiileiei' l licnceri'l and pii-rihni' end litpplli ('n.' ot I lie ti't irt rtilun u'k II aj he eepnled of "A Vo'iint Wife." Holden Comody Comptny. The Ituhlen PoukiIv lompani muni to the Aiadcni.1 f hi-de neit wnic nnd tin mUe some of the heet iiroihi Hon .let teen at mpnl ir pllu. tin Mn.i'i) 'iiilii-: th" rial thr't 'r Mi'iithma! me'o.lrae-a entitled "'Ihe Plain 'lid llr..kir" will he prisiiii-'il, ll'e-ant spihl nemri I' mid in th- i-ta.ln" of thl prodirtlrn and will he presrntul "a lly i pr In ll lar'e iitli when It lirt maile II. npn ann-e. All the orblnal einr,i an I iTiil- hue li'iti Hi"ir d hv llarrj ll'dn, the puprlitur of tli orcaid itlon and he wll' aineir 'n the 'eadlnu rn'e. Other ii'jji will he elcin ilnr'ni the we,, of eonal impniljpri'. "tlvr Ihe Vi" "llirnl of Money," "(riKlllv," mil ollrr-i. bidln i.m is, r i t o 'lie hot iesred -eats M idiv ei'idli' with the pmclsn thai they liaie iird tlielr Mate preiiom to 3 p. in, of tint die, for 13 cinti. ARJjEL. Ipcclal to the Seranton Tribune. Ariel. Feb. ?'J. -Daniel Urundage has moxed Into one part of the double house of Dr. H. H. Ely. Amos Polly moved his family to Scranton on Tuesday, where he Is en gaged with the Consumers' Ice com pany. Mrs. Osborn, who has been quite 111. Is much Improved, Ebble Neeft nearly severed one of his toes recently while using an nxe. O. M. Urlnk, who has been suffering from rheumatism, Is walking on crutches. Hev. Jerome Garr goes to Huzletoil to attend conference next week. THE MAWCETS. Scrnnton Board of Tradt Exchange Quotation Ail Quotations Bastd on Par of 100. STOCKS. Flrt Katloral Dank Seranton Savins. Pink Third National Dink Dime Deposit and Plaeoant Hank., feoniimv Mclil, II. & I'. Co Laika. Trnt ''ate Deposit Co I'M L A- iinsrr s.u ' I ..... ' Ferantfn Iron Kmee k ills. Co. ... . fcr.ihtoii Axle "kt i lail.-cinra P "o., Pr I t'ountv 'acini It ink k Trust Co.. Kirt Natl mil "ink iCarlorilale).. ci;..i.jr,l Itrttllntr Co Sitienal IlinK Hid. and Vut Co BONUS. Serirter hieptir Itailway, first MnrtfUs'e, dii" ft." Pi.iple' Miect Itailwa). first mort- M;i. due I'll'' piople'ii Mreet Itallnay, General moiti:aLre, dm t'lil tl'ikson Maiiifaeturlm; Co I.iika. Town-lilp Shuol 5 per ent. City of Seran'en M. Imp. 0 per cent Kirarton Traillon I! per nut Bid. JUk4. 1200 3W on TraiVrs' Sera Men VJ) Hi US HIS 1U 113 113 lis 45 ino 03 20 300 30 100 10. 102 The Unstoninns Com'nfr W. MielloniM, the Ktalnpit hulice ltittonlan. nnd one ol tin dllivto a In thl atle inlirprlsc, Is Mill --lim i n .- wl I th' l'or in when he 1i t Impreis d 'psu-s'ii iriaiid opera and tin I'niii a Chl,ti Oieia pany. Mr Mil llonaM I ,i hnliidi'.c e'vl'W ofiiatle woik, for in addition to bring a mile ulnt'er, lie I also an teiet-nt iet hie cratfful peitcialll) lens; time claited ti a matinee Idcl. An one lilt sieatet ne-eee-a hate h en I Jln In "llol.ln IIojhI ' Ahai.ido In "Th Cliade," ard Corlione in '"Ihe Veemj." Intr the rn.'aRemeut of the II icnnlen ntt Tuedi nlclit lit tin Liieuin, Mr. Donald will 'je heard in one ol Ida or!lna' Scrnnton Market, tCnr-iird In II. O. Pat". ?7 Laikawauni Ace.) Ihntir,.'iy, '.-Ja-iJ's' ; da'rj, liri. litis. I'm I r an , IJil 'e. i.ijf Wnlnii fii'h, .'I'..iJ2i'. ; nearhy state, a.'.:.'. Hi ru. I'll hi., eliohe mirr w, ti 33a2 GO, Pi a II ji per hn. ! I'ai ' Mulliuii lleaiis Pr hn , .li'ai.lS. (iri IVii-r In, 1 Hul.lS. Ill .hi Per tin . lal 1. rioi.rII.l int'nt, it isi I It" 1 1- i d ma i him .lit e Ilnr hr Ma role. i '". ii i' t 3t c't Market Chlta.-o, ',b S.-('.ittlc -Iterelpt, SiOO; Ki'iKia sli'.uU, Kiu.i to prime Kltirj, $1 iiOatt; pisi i. ni'dliim, ii Allien s((KkeiN and f'el. en, t.'.T.'ulMi cow. fJ.iilil.lO; hclhr.. ?? 50 at ;.u iiiiin-TH, flstaUrill bu!K .' 4UI !'); calna, i(ti".''"; Texaa fid slier.; lecai .t ' Hi l'fa '-ills, ilMiW). iU'Hs Iteeelpti todaj, 'Js.ot!; tomorrow, ti t- ,it mir, l.ioo, ucerann rhade lowc ; top t. .VI mixed and hntcher, S. 'Oa i t!3 , licit ".'iait.', hulk of tnl-a a i7J.a5 10. Mii-ep-ItecclpH, 6,eWj flroni, to l,ad hi. h. rr lands', Mrady to aliade lower uend to il'o'i'o withem, flaltWj fair to ihohv in'sed, Ki.iai.10j western heeii, flal.CO' Tixa .hevp W ''a .1.1; native lambs, flWa5J.S; weitcrn lands, iiii.-ii. FINANCIAL. BOND OFFERINGS PAYING 3.33 TO 4.05 Per Cent. Complete Circular List on Application Brooklyn Edison Jst Mtg. 4s, Chic, Burl. & Qulncy 3 l-2s, Clevo eft Marietta 1st 4 l-2s, Gal. Har. & San Ant 1st 5i. Minn. Gen'l Elect. 1st Con. 5s, Minn. & St. L. Con. 5s, Norf. & West Imp & Ext 6s, Bio Grande West 1st 4s, Terminal E. R. of St L. Con. 5s, United Bys. Co. of St. I. 1st 4s, 1ATISTICAL TABLES." 1001 (Pocket Edition) now ready. Spencer Trask Si Co. 2r-29 Pine Street, 65 State St., Albany. fleW York. FINANCIAL. "A Gllmpso at Wall Street and lie Ulnt-lratc " JSTin: titi.i: ok IIS rnaiKaiS ouk m.u hhok t It Is aomethlaa; ridicallr different from other tiublleaciona. vory valuable and Inlerettlng to thatradtri. Alio market report CCIJY CDCC and monthly fluctuation ilioets OCIi I riiCC Jacob Berry & C MBMBlMCOfiOiniATIDBTOeKIXCIUMlR. 41 and III IIUOAIIW.tV, .M:V VOltlf. ETAIlL,Iblli;iJ lh03. Stocks, Boiids, Grain, Cotton. crtlnmIIonoe wrrltltiplnihtlnlfrtrftllent,e it ink.' -tU tirdfri iipoiitho 1 icli3nctn luhirig nmrtcf uhtti ltl) wlioniiti.iit-tloni made lneery IniUnce. loinmUtlon 110. Mn-Urali fltriloi rw-rMrAntlrTifr Intl'fd. NERVITA PILL Restore Vitality, Lost Visor and Alanliood Curt) Impotcncy. Nlsht Emissions, Lou of Mem. dry, nil wiutinc aueasoa, all ellects of rolf-ubuso or .excess and Indiscretion. A nerve tonic ind 'blood builder. Brines tho iiink clow to nolo cheeks una restores tlio J3J fe.fsitNJ r'ftw ..flra of youth. Oy mail i N80o per box. O boxes for 6O PILLS 50 CTS. INervita Tablets (YELLOW LAttCL) State of Ohio, City of Ttd-ilo, I.iimj County, KI FRANK J. CHI'.VUY nnki-i oath (! ), icnlor pjflnr e'f th flrm nf t J. ( HHviy CO., dolnx bimlnfM In trie City nf To'clo, (vnt, and State alorraid, nd that said tlrni will im the? mm ol OSK Hl'Mmr.ll Wt.l.MI l Vor racli ami eccry cme of ( Al ll III tint oanrot be cured l' tr. use of II VU, H '".TAIIItli Cl'lli:. , , lllAMc .1 CIII.'NIJV Sworn to before roe and uli,rlli-i d, lm nreatnee, llda Otic day of December. i i,vi (Seal.) A. W. (H,i:AnV. ' ... V?"",s' ,'IH' llall'a Catunh Cure U taken lifrmllj. ,,ml aria directly on Ibe blno, and i,unnii surface ol tlie ijatcm. Snd for trtliiinnliN, frte. F, J. CIIIIMIV & CO., Toledo, b. Sold by DuiBBUta. 70s', llall'a Family I'ilU urv the best, ' Buffwln Live Stock. Fat Duttal.), F'b. K. Becelpt-Cattle, OS ears; heep an I SO ears; hoza, 40 eaia. S'il.intnt. Cuttle. H cars; aheep and lainbi, lit raw bona, 22 rara. Olrrlnni nf cattle rre 111 crul for the trade! di-mind mvlerate Calvr oriied fairly itcady with top price, WW, Lnt the clone was lower. Micep and laml The trade was without fa ture. The basla iru A CO lor choice 'amb ct to eitra I faKI IlojiTc-IIcavy, J5?aS00i pica, ?3.70a5 7S. '("- York Tlvr Rtnrk Nef Vnrk, Feb. 2.'. Ile"ce MuVet alow and 10c lower die alrn-s and inedluin co' bu I und fai c'tma, atrady; atters, fa0iS.3Si one car extra, U'i); nxen and atairi, ?lal2.1; cotv, I.TJaJ.M; fat hdfcit, ifl.W. Uluf, tradj S2.80, with our bankable eauranteo to cure or refund the money paid, bend fur circular and copy ot our bankable Kuaranteo boud. EXTRA STRENOTII Immediate Results Positively Rtinrantocd cure for Loss of Power, Varicocele, Undorolopcd or Shrunken Organ, Parcel. Locomntor Ataxia. N'nrrou Prnvtrii. lion, Hystorlu. Fit, Insanity. Paralysis and the Knsults of Kxces'lve Use of Tobacrti, Opium or Liquor. By mall in plain package. $1,00 a box, 0 for $0.00 with our bankable g-uar-n tee bond to cure In (JO days or rctund money paid. Address r NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton &.lri.- inn Sold by Ucflarrah k Thomaf, Diucglits, 209 Lackawanna avenue, beranlon, I'a. slow, prlcea lower! ttU, fLJaaSl lops, f,2Jt barnyard calces, fl.CO: .Ittle calte, f, Sheep Steadyj jamb more aitlce: heep, " ni'S xport sheep, tl.bQi cullj, $.'.JU lamlw, f5a5.F5i jearllnira, $a, HcgsSoniliially Steady, ' Cirrf ttrtr Mirkst Fa.t Mberty. Feb. 52 Cattle Steady; exliis fSffiaS'O' common, .lat 75. Hogs Steadyi prime mcdlumj, (Vla5 70! licit yorkera, tiaiaJOj Unlit do., WSiaS.OO; heavy Iiors. W.W)a5.(,254; pigs, .lOaJ.Mi roujlw, J.75a5.l.5. I'- II. 1