tawwv"iwn'vy-fHfr .jppi .v-- wjpru'tr-',; .rF?fsipl?TOWrr:-' w1 "Trr '"imSfia H1 LW THE SCltAOTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1001. WEST SCRANTON sen,.,-----!. H TOM THUMB WEDDING HELD CLEVERLY PRESENED AT JACK SON STREET CHURCH. Notable People Impel Donated by l'u plls of the Infant Dcpnitment. Suppeis nt Several of the Chuiclics Liberally Patronized Anniver sary of Camp .'133. P. 0. S. of A. Shooting Match at Taylor close of the Colonial Pair Y. W. C. A. Notes and Other News Paraginphs. The miin:niii.s nitiiirthiiii In ili a jlciltK I'hlllilli'is lllKl evening binliyllt out liuiitlroili of iioiile wlw woie i-n-rcedlnj-ly lllieiiil In tin If inticuuiue, rlPMpltij tin- uniiiviuiililo weather m--lit lotif, mill thf tifiiKtiiiii ir tiio iiir. fore lit eliiiielie-i tire nimli eiil.trseil In i Mibciiuciicp. I'roli.ililv Hit' limit novel mill Intori'.stliiK event wiim Hie etiier lalnnieait mid voddlnt m tlie Jiu-lsmm Street n.'ititlKt clmreli. The pupils of llif Infant It.it ihkmiI. under thi illiet-tlmi "f Kiipoiltitoiiiloiit Itlclmrd NIpIuiIIh mill hi iis-ist.mt. yrt. Tlioniim .Mntltiil. .MIhhi- S.tille Thoniiin. Muttle Tltiiiniii mid Nurniii NIcltnlK have boon iiihIit liittiiellnti fur iiMiiy weeks mnl tin' joi fn iiiiiutT" frlvc-n ln.st evening was In eiiiiM'iiteiirf not nnly IntrlllRPiitly leii. but In siu h ri manner ti will tlinlouliteillv lU'iiuiiul cp.'l It lint. In the Torn 'I'linnib wrilillnr the ehll ilifii were dri'.xM'd to leiiiem'iil and Im vei.iotiate many notable!. The groom Mas I'liiteneo I'ruuiiielltcr and the bi'lilo i;inl.i Thomas. Tlu lirldtf'e. Jollier and mother wio Sidney Wnt Mns and Lillian "Would. K.nl LfwU jeprecented the jiumm and Ch.ules Oodiliall and iJuatrkc Thomas titteiiil rd tile Initio and groom. The uliers weie JJ. Hot belt "William--, William 'I'honms and John T'rlteliard. Tin; tlow rr girls were Ttene Hogeis. Iteithn SUatsh.'ill, Jlmy I'rltrhail and Leah Kd- rMl llP. The bride was di owed In white mnllo. .Mne n veil, and earrleil bililal toes nnd lllltes of the valley. In th" Inn ;;ll(igi.' of the ladle:., "(die lonki d too .sweet for anything." K.ieh of the Uow er plrls weie attlieil In lemon mid liluc gowns, while the "illHtltiKuWIu-tl" guests each woie mil evening dies. Prominent unions the latter weie liu peisniated the follow lug well known people. President mid Mi. M. Klnl.x. 'lil"f .lusttee and Alls Tiiller. t'olonel ami Airs. Uoosevell, M . I' S. (limit. I'ost- out tor i and COLDS TAKE DUFOUR'S FRENCH TAR. t. . W -. - -.- s-s-i- ) master (leneiiil and Mis. .Smith, Mayor mid .Mrs Molr, Seeiotmy of War and Sits, limit, .dmlial and Mrs. .Schley, John I). Rockefeller and wife, Aniltcw Carnegie mn'l wife, Clara HuttotC lion, ami .Mrs. William Connell, Helen ciotilil, lYanees Wlllmd, Colonel mid Mrs. Rip ple, General and Mis. .Miles. Dlmilet Attouioy and Mis, LewN, Suan Dick inson. .Indue mid Mrs. Aichtmld, ll, CI, lliooks mid wife. Itev. and Mi's, do ninth;, I nthei Keller mid' vlfo, lion, and .Mis. .Inlin T. Williams, .Indtiu mid Mis. JMwards, tiovcrnor and Atrs. Slope At the elo-e of thu weddllli loMhltlcM, the p 'iiple III tile mullein e weie seivecl with wedliur cake. The leinalnder of the pioRranime In i hided an addiess by the pastor, piano olos. leeitatlons, drill", "te., by .Mis. .May .lames, D. II. Willlamu. Annie Thomas, Rlsle Davis, 1. Milan l.allar. Aland Wetheiby. IMith Alay Klnlho Thomas and a "(5ood XlRht Dtlll" by sixteen little tots under the ilireetlon of Mls Sadie .lolles. Simpson M. E. Chinch. I'loli.iliU the hilKest uowd eer ae i oiiinioilaled iv the (ili'iinots pation ied lllell Slipper 111 the Simpson .Methodist Kpiseopat elllllih. Il was es- tmiated that aboiu tour huinlred peo ple weie soixcd. The ollleelS 111 eliaiKC weie. I'li-sldelit, Alls. K. Y. Hun iun; seeietatv. Alls. Fiank Sheild; tlVas uier, Airs, t'limles Aelter. The.tableH weie looked after by the following ladles: .iMe Ni.. I. Jin. .I.nn 'llnu. Mi. I.tn hi ir Willi nn. Miy ,in,l Until WillLiiK T.ilili' N". ? Mr. C'liarlM biill. Mr. .I..lili V.iU. Mn 'IIiiiIilh 1i.-1icii, .li'le l'.ifi" .mil IMi-ii ll.ic. 'luM'i N". :J - Ml s. (iiuise I:jIii1, Mr fli'M. r, ln, litnvi' l'n.ii. T.iM' No. I- Mm. ntii.iii 1Ii..i.iii1, Mr. li.ixlil lti.ili.'ni. Mr. .liilm iil. T.ilTf Nil. ."i -Ml-i I'.llMlirtli lliirri. S. ) ami !...( lMlirn' Ul.lo Si. 1. Mi' VMiV link. Mr.. Iliil.l.n, .M. US Jill V uii I .nil).. 1 . TjIiIo No T- Mi. IIII11 Ack'-i. Mi Milium Wlillnuri. U. (Irlfmii 1'. 1-m. 'Mile So. s Ml-. l'rjlil I luv, Mm fml Sr ilrr. Ilntli.1 C'raufunl. lalile N,!i-Miiii C'urj lldlar. i.iiiniili' l-rl lovii, Uiillu SioJa, Hi rtlia IMtuni. In the military department weie: Alvs. Robert Williams. Alls. William Vohe. All 5. A. i:. Ilelterly. Miss r.lljM iiolh MeoerinaiiK. Mrs. Thomas Low ly. .Mrs. Poi kins. Mi. Aloes ee. Mis. i!eoie I-'iyant. Alls, lames It. .I,iiiii'. The l.litle (ile.incis eondueled a sale of home-niaile caiuly. whleli netted them a Rood sum. Those In chaw wen Ulnnehe Thomas, Kale Davis, .lean Muiimiii. litilh At Iter. I'lsle Ael-er. Helen (illl-tt". Alildrid Whit man. .Minnie Tlno. Washburn Stieet Cliuich. The supper "cncil at the Washburn Stieet li'Sbyterlan church was par taken of o.v upwards of two hundred nations. Tin ladles woie .Martha Washington gowns und had. their hair powdered, thus Klvlnp them a unique aripoatanee. The dibit's wre served b the follow lip,' ladies: IjMo Nil- 1-Mr'. 1. .1. 1UI. Mk. II. W. 'Ili.iur. tini lilnarb. fliii-line lVllon-. 'uniio .1. hl,li. Special Hosiery Bargains for Saturday In addition to a full display of the latest ideas in fashionable Hosiery for ladies wear, specimens of which may be seen in our show windows, we will offer the following wonderful bargains for Saturday only. "'' New Lace Effects Tililo No. 2 -Mm. Wjltrr wilkli. Mm. Jacob PJi'lfTir, IllioiU riu, UiWI t rUf, llurllli Mott. Tl.l .So. a-.Mt. It. l. I,ui f, JIi. 1". V. Stru.ler, ll ri T..lniii0, S.iinl(i inl M'ulk r. Table Xo. C-MM. I. A. Monr, Ml'. I- A. Siecn. hjto I In i, l.tlit.1 Piik, .f.nirlto Pi i, IMIIli Homer, IVn Stt,'i'a, .li--t- Irtiup, Tulitc .So. 3-Mir. II. A. Siiini-jn, Jim . II, Hull, (krltiklu lbiioM;un, I j 1 1 r i i 1 1 !lu" idl, Olhc lliin.ill, l.uiv Pcltimiur. Tulilc Nn. (J-Mrj. llcopto.Sihiin, Mr., .tttl IjhI l.jiiiilif?; Mn. t'uiik .Metr. Tlii olllcers of the society ate: Pres ident, .Mrs. 1J. R. I'.irkor; Heoietwr.x, Airs. ,s. Al. Reynold:: ticastlier, Alls. K .1. Wllllan'is. , The supper was picpaifil by .Mrs. Al. Ilariowiinitt, .Mrs. T. .1. Luce, Allsi II. Snover. Alls. (ieoiRO Jenkins, Alls. W. II. Kieommi, Airs, p'rank Alotz, Airs. Trmip,'. .Mis. W. t.unnliiR, Airs, Hand, .Mis. Alauer, Alts. Conns, Alls. 1.. A. Hteoiis. Alts. D. A. Stone, Airs. W. A. I'allie, Miss .1. i. Shannon, Alls. .1. P. Aloffal. Airs. I'olen. Airs. Putter and Airs. T. lioldiw. I'lyniouth Congregational. The Colonial fair and festival at the l'Kiiioulh CoiiKrecatlonal church was clo.ved last cvt'iiliitr, after nearly i'U'i." ai title mi sale bad been ill poieil of. The ladles are mole than matlllul with the icsult, mid when the l 'IptH ate i minted they expect to b" -I'Vei.il hillidivd dollais to the Mnd Til" Ki'lleial slipper lavt nli;lii for 1.1 i cuts, with free admission, was lb" attiactloii that tliew the largest as srinbliif,!. toKethci' lnce the fair open ed In addition to disposing of all but tin eo of the comfortables on e. h'bltlou. the sorlety leeeived oidels fu a ilnaen more from appreciative potion-. The supper was excellent, mid s"icd with neatness and dls pal h P. 0. S. of A. at Moms' Hall. Camp 3.1.1, Patilotlo Older Sons of Anieilia, held their aiinlveinirv en tertainment mid .social in Meals" hall and the nsual large nsseniblaj.:e was fjatheicd together and etijojeil a K"od piomaimiie. A patrlotli nililnss was ilellvered by David .1. D-ivis" and tb leitllelp.ints '.veto .Vellle Alaricw Ick. Kesslo Diehl. Sidney Huches, l-'ieil lioblm-on, William Jhneiick, Cicrtrud I'reemaii, .1olm.i John and P.hoda Claik. The danie which followed, Held the crow I to'etlu r foi several lumis, and jiitisic was lurnlrthed bv .Miss '!ei llty. With each sii"ccedlni; year, the camp Increases lis n venue from theli eiitei'talniiieiit. and Incidentally fir - nlsh one of the lust attractions "f the year. riist Welsh Congiegational. The J-adles' Aid society of the P'irst A"-lsli CoiiKreKiitloiuil ehurcli. Rev. Da- Id Joins, p.isloi, held an old country tea Mi'ty, apron and lomfortable sale in th' basement ol their ehurcli. which was well pationlzed and thurmichly en joyable. Tea, ffioes, thin biead and butter, old country cake and lie cream were served The ollbers lu rhaiKe wvre: President. Alrn. David AloiKan; secretary. Airs. David Jones; tivasiir. or. Airs. John 1). .i is. Th" following ladles piepaied the supper and conducted the sales- Airs. Kvan Anthony, Airs. John Thomas. Airs. i:van I.. Kvans. Airs. William Lewis, Airs. Robert ICvan.s. .Mrs. James .Moses, Airs. Ann Kdwnrds. Alls, Alor Ban Kvans, Airs. Henry Law rem e. Airs. John Jones, Alis.ses ICHzabelh Jenkins, Jennie Williams, Helen Jones, Annl" .Thomas, JJelen Thomas, Kllzahoih and Cassle Kvans Hllzabeth Jenkins. CURES A COUGH IN ONE DAY. HYOflEI YOU JUST BREATHE IT EVERY HOUR Coutjh, t'.itatih, IJioiichltls and Consuthptl'iu cannot elt where it Is tn-ed All iIhibkI'Ih or miit liy uiall. C'otnilitr iul U il.Cifi. Triul Diilhl Ki. pnppi Hive Ui' rreitment CDCCI llsCCl and .Medical Aili Ice rftccl The R. T. Booth Co., Ithaca, N. Y. Thornton, P. c; sir knight recoider. D. i:. William'-. .'! ktilRht tisslstatit iieoiilet, lames Williamson; sir knisht tieisurer. W. W. Haywatd; sir kuh'ht senior warden, Ocorne W. 'I'hoin: tuistee, fieoifie Rowlmids. P. NOTES AND PERSONALS. Th" butcheis of the city will nnet In Cu-opcrntlvo hall at - o'clock to nioriow afternoon, for the purpose of foi mini; a permanent organization. .Mis. Patrick Sheet In. of Scrnuton sttett, Is luportod to be seilously ill al her home. St. Pan I'm Pioneer imps will Hold nn important meeting In Alasonle hall lomorrow afternoon. The Daughters of Kiln will couduet ll.elr animal onlerlalnenienl mid so cial at .Mourn' hall nn Match IS. Pea Coal $1.50 a Ton Delivered, to South Side, central city and centtnl Ilvde Park. Adilirs older to J. T. Sharkey, 1!14 Cedar avenue. 'Phone DUNMORE DOINGS. Supper Given in the M. E. Chuich UntlerDirectlon of Men Knights of Malta Elect Officers. in ladies Black Hose, elegant that never sell under 50c the lull range of sues, including extras. Price for Saturday Drop Stitch Hosiery goods pair, ic Other Attractions. The social at the parsonage of th First l!aptit ihitieh. on llocK select was an enjoyable affair and intiacted many ynun; people. At tlie Salvation Atniy barracks, a laiRo a'-semblase was eut ilaiued by the members, and tlillili---i-. The entertainment Kivon be ili- ICIm P.nk iiunrtette at tlio 1 irst Wo-h Maptlst cliuich was llheially ttifjii lued and the selections ,-n l"w 1 wer up to the standard of o"lenei' char neteilstle ot thise artist i. ' ho rocl tatlons and piano (elections bv M.Vs Almtha Davis mid Prof. Stlj- nos..ser were well rec"lved. Shooting Match nt Taylor. A crowd of West Scranton sport went to Taylor yesterday afternoon mid participated In a sweepstake hunting match Tlio ilist ptlsso of SKI was divided between William Alarsli and Al. J. Kelly. J:.'ich killed six out of 'som'ii birds. There weie seM'ii tiid fiir the second prize of ?:'.";, live for the llilni piizo of ii't, and three lor the fourth pilze of at S In- 37 in line lisle thread goods, full fash ioned and nice medium weight for c goods, "Rearular M .5 spring wear. will be sold on Saturday for . . Pretty Fancy Hosiery only 25c in black and white erlects, full seam less in new and attractive designs. The best this city, urday for line ever shown Your choice on Sat 2;c in 17c Y. W. C. A. Notes., liospol service tills eVelilin; o'clock. Loader, All-s Hlizabetli Kin. Special 'music. Kveryone vlted. Tuesday eveninj; l!ev. CieoiKO Alilcli will speak on the subject, "Tlioit Sltalt .Vol Hear Knl-e Witness." Allsscs Dolly and Alnudo Thonins, L.iiii.i .larls, r.thel Chase. .May ClreiM, Ciinle and Hertitide Floyd, Iluttle Da- Ik the association glee club, will slat; ituspi-1 selections. Hveiy woman mil Khl in 'e-t Scranton Is Invited. Thee s.'uie.-s nii Intended for you. Come and In In vr a fiiend with you. Globe Warehouse Funeral Announcements. The funeral of Air. mid Alls, ileiija bin HtiKht's' Infant child occuneil yos teiday uftetnoon from the house on l.itzerno street. P.ov. D. P. Jones, ol the Tiiht riincle Consfieifiitlonnl church, ullh luted, luteruienl was made In tin Washburn street cemetery. Seni.CK oer the romulns of the late Amon Sae will be condui ted al tlio house on Washbutn street at 'i o'cloi k this afternoon by l!ev. J. P. Moffat, D. D.. of the Washburn Street Presby leiiau chinch. Inteimont will bo made Pi the AVashbuin stieet cemetery. The funeral of the law V.vun Uvuii. used fid ysars. who died yosteiday at the Hillside Home, will take plaie from the home of deceased's daunhtor, Alls. William Iloose. No. I!i Acker avenue, tomoirow nttoiiioon at i.'M o'clock. In t 'intent will be made lu the Washhuiu sit eel (cniotery. Election of Offlceis. The tollowiiu; oillcets wi'iu elected bv llleelil.' e'ltc i ommall lei v. No. 177, KnlKhts of Al ilia, at a imtlui' meet Incr on 'I'liiusilav evonlnv: Sit IiiiIkIh lomniander, H. W. Sex iiiti sir hniftht K'n'iiillisliiin, K. H Kii-sife sli knlsht ciiptaln-Kcneral, v.. . AIoi'aii; Hlr ItnlRlit piolnte, !'. 11. SOME FOOLISH PEOPLE AllMv i (uimli tu inn until It xi looml Hie iraeli .( mrilliliic. 'Ilif often .i.i. "Oil. It will niar .mny." but In mo.1 cji. it will wrjr lliilil .o'.l.v ( niM tlii') I io iiiiliiii ti, liy tlm Mine. -lul liu-.lt. in- callrcl Krmp'x lUKim, uhlih it n,IJ on a pilile uuauiiliT In cine, llicv wenlil liiininlUlili .if thu oMillrni itliit .ifi r luLlnif tlin tint iIhm. ImIcc 'JV. jiiiI jiv. Tiul kUu U'W M ill iltuzirllt. ' The supjiei Slven ill the .Methodist ICplsiopal church last nlmil. under the illioctlnn of the ollklal boaul and wholly arranped by the men of the contrieKatlon, was the most .successful iilTalr of the kind held here In years The room was profusely deeoiated with potted plants, the ninny ooloied blos soms adding liiueli to the appearance of the tables, which wore loaded with eatables of every description. An un usually lulKo number weie piosent. and It Is certain a laipe Mini will bo loallzed. Ureal ilvnlu was manifested by those In ohai-RO of the five tables to secure the laruost number of vlsltm-s for their table. Dip Ins; tlio evening u double iiiarli)tte tendered many plens Injj selections. Tlme In eharK" of tiio tables and their assistants weie as fol lows: Xo. I, Daniel Powell. Hoi. ice Can. Karl Pierce, f!cori:c Kellain; No. 2. Dscnr Yost. Clm field Answln, Lester Yost and Stewart SIckIo: No. ?., Philip Davis, r-'ied CIiikooiI, William Wmfel, A. Al. HiiiKham and II. V.. Spencer; No. t, K. D. Stevens, .1. c. Woodrulf, P. J. Kill; Xo. :.. Km I Hlshop, John Oswald, (i. C. lleilhiR. Seiies of Lectuies. H'. A. .1. Van Cleft has been busll.v eiiK.iued reivntly In perfect Iiir: ui laiiKeiiionts for a i our.-e of lectuies to be Kivon diirlns; the next six weeks In the .Methodist churih. The tlrst of the lourso will be Riven by Itev. Di. Whaleti. of rnihoudalc, on Kildny exenlUK next, his subject beltiR- "Iilsli Wit and Humor." till .Match H. ISev. L. 15. Weeks, of Sayre. N. .. will deliver his famous lecture on the Passion Play, the pre. paratlon of which cost over $."00. "Amorlinn Palilotlsm" will bo th .sub ject of a lecture to be wlven on .March "J by Jlov. John llrndshaw, of Xantl i oke. Itev. W. il. Simpson, of the Asbuiy .Methodist Kplsoopiil ' ehurcli, will conclude the course with his de lightful readings fiom the work of l.ui Alaclaieil. New Otliceis Elected. Al their nieellniT on Thuisday iiIkIu Hie KulL-hts of .Malta elected the fol lowing otlli ers to servo for the ensu UK term: Sir knlsht lommaiider, 1M ward Aimwln: generalissimo, CJeoiR-e Ciuninlns; inntalu Koiier.il, c. s. San senb.iUKh; lefoidlnrv secretary, .Marvin Tuttle: assistant secretary. T. II Thomas; pielulo, William Thomas, tii-iisiiier, Peter Sleule; wardei, Will iam Hall: tuistee. John Webbi i Directors Elected. i the meeting of the Dunmoio Lumber conipnny. held at their olllen yesleiday. Air. P. Alulherln. of .Mill In rln JiiiIro Lumber company, was elected to (III the unexphed term of K. Kiunnelb. leslBiiod. Air. P. Alulliorln and C. A. Stark, both of the Alulliorln Si .ImlKc Lumber company, were nlso elected dltoitois of the Duilliiore Lum ber company. Their many friends wish tlirm pi asperity. Tomorrow's Services, Dui'iiiiito Piesbyteilan church, llev lllliiiii K Cilbbons, pastor. Services tomouow as usual at 10,30 a. m. and 7 :: p. in. .Mornlnir subject. "Jiuty of PinyliiK foi cithers;" evening subject, "Whu t Will the Twenty-first Century Hi''." Dillliuole Alethiidtst Cplscopul church, Itev. A. J. Van Cljft, pastor. The pus tor will occupy the pulpit u both the mot ling and evening services. The subleei of the sermon lu the morning will b'-. "liod's Love .Manifested;" sub-ji-i-t of evening sermon will be, "Not Ashamed of the tlospel of Clult." The oilier seivbes Will he held as usual. Minor Mention. Tin funeral of the late .Mis. Patrick tlulnii will take place Ironi her late hlmie at fi o'clock this morning. A sol emn high mass, of requiem will be cele brated at St. Alary's church and In tel ment will bo made In Hyde Park Catholli cemetery, in v. KrnnolH (londall ,and wife, of peckvllh;. nnd llev. W. K. (llhbonK and wife were entertained at dinner yes terday by Mr. and Airs. H. D. Ilovard, of Ninth Mlakely stieet. Alls. i:. J, AVIcklzer leaves today for St. i".ouls. Ato, There alio will be met by her husband and will then proceed to Pleasant Hill, Mo., where they will mnlto their future home.- Hi attempting to Mop a lunaway team yesterday P. J. Reagan naitowly escaped soiloils Injury. The team be 'longed to a man nenieil Webster front .Alosoow. Air. Ileafpin was drngged thiough the block from .Drlnkej- to Itrook stieet, but plucklly held on and finally succeeded lu bilnglng thepi to a standstill. NORTH SCRANTON. 'Il.i' NUiiu llo-o iiiiiiihio ilulvil tlii' Til liiuhih etllii'ii In lli-lr iu'iiim for llio i mnljil; jcjri I'rulildit, IMjnl 'Ijlinii in -pn -lilriil, HjjiiioiuI Ililnk; H'dipiry. VMIIIjiii .Mnmmi; tirjviriT, 111! mi l.i'nN. Inn in. Inlin A Jii Heructi : lift u-iUtiiiil, lii'imte llin-ldi llilni mljiit, CilrliL liiinp-i'.i , iin iniiioi'" In I'Irf men's llcllif .ivmcmtli'ii. IMnjnl l'iii"in .nut P.itrld, p. ni.-(i. "Wliiri'n, It ln luiiiil VlmUlin I....I in tin li.tlnlte uM'in In nnioM' fmiii ,Mir inlibl liv 1 lie (in diliijr liui'l nt ilrjlli enr nliiinnl tjtnt.iu Mini in.nniktT. 'Jhn'ii.1- Ih'iili'.i niiil. "Ul.iTi'.K, lly lii ilcjth, I.ik.iI V". 1M. I ti" 'I t Itio WurKfin, f iii!'clr.i. Ii.i- I. l mil' el II-liiii-t filllifnl jtiircjiiie-t-ninKir- in tn un of l.ilur, iiml llix itii'iiiii.t ..ii niiilt'i "! lmni'l ihliii: lliirr.oii'. I.r II "It-olwil. IP tlio iiioiiiIhm- nt I.111.1I No. I'll. Piillnl Mlii- WuiVu ill iiirrlu th.it, while bowlris In litniiMi' MilniilwliHi tu tin' will nf llliu wliii doilli .ill IIiIiik- fr Id- nn ! iiirKi, we iuerth(lii ilfilmi' the lu-s ot mie with Mliutn Mr wr-ie i f.iiiillliily nflllhlnl. Jinl h'J liy hi- 111.11H Stirling iU,ilhlc jinl nubl u.ills ot ilurjitir ami Hiil'll.111 Irlne iiilraii'il law is If imt mill In I lie iiiiiiiliu- "f Ijx.iI Nn. la. I iRtcil Mini' Winkin "I Ami id 4. Inn 10 nil Iiml tlir li a-itii- of In- 1 i,iiii.iiinli-lilp mnl " iii.iliitJini'. II.' It jI-' "ItrMihiil, TI1.1l we ivniiit In ln vriuilk f.nnlly our ln.otlilt !..inullij in 1I1!-. llmr -jil Imnr of jlllli lien, .mil Ih' s linttirr "ItiMilinl. 'II1.1I .1 injn of tlit-i' it -iilnlions In- iicii1 on llir miniiti- ui Lord Nu. III. .1 i" iul)luli-il in Ihr inci nl llm ill.. Jint J "l'.v ItiruMiilril tn i ho lioroavoil I mill)." (Siiiiw)) Innios l.ini Ii, Antliiiii) I' t ni!i. t oinmillii. SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. .U th ti-RiiUr tnoolliiff ot Hie r,i ner.il flMtit loniimnilon. No. 11.10, Knlglili ol MjIu, Iw it at Ihrtnun's lull, tlio liillnwlns oltiiom wfio floctoil: -Ir knilit loinnunJiT, II. . lnik, Roncrallkltiio, l'11-l C. Iloip; uptaln gnioni. Il.ny .Mittlihl inl.ilr, Cliarlis P. Wlilir; r torilrr, A. II. I'riclitcl; ,-ltiint in enter, (Jon Kilini'i tro-mmr, Ainhow 1'ian: jrniie wjiiI, II. II. bewert; trustee. . ruiiiio. The onu-ri will lie iniliil next 1'inl.iy ciinlns. 'tlio inldUlnmcnt Kbui Let eii'iilug b) 'I' Touni; Pi-nili-'-i iiiiiini of tlio Ilk kuiy sinii I'rivbilciljn iliiiuli w.iv l.ns.'1'ly attrmlnl tii.I :i Rio.it wmi's in miy way. Tlnie will lie J spril.it miplinic ' tl"' 011111; Mrn'n liiHllliilo mi Nimlj., .itloninon at " n'. ts 1: Tlit; finnlli is'iios of Hie rni Inr lonlft bo twrui tin Ciiliiinbiii iuiniM'1 and lin Mariiiiriir iouni.il, Nouhk Men's lii-titiili'. will bo li.'t.l Mm nenlntf at I'lumiiiy bad. I'oin wiaiy Willi..-, woie airoilnl on Inui-iM runlnc. b'.Hl.nt at tlio old 10III117 mill li l.lonuiuiil anff ainl OllWr IJiilnniu. Inoy who airaismil lufmo U1oiiiiin Linn- whoi tlie) nao ibilr lunifj !! .lulin Pinllo). Tboinn itnuiioi. 'I liuni.M ami Prod snj,i,it ftor a wainlns tho) wire dl-ilHrgnl GREEN RIDGE. Mi- II. S I'hiirdi. of Pilawaio I, i 1' of llioulfil. The i inline Mui'i ilnb of llio (liuoli of the Hood -"lioplioiil will Imo a ccnrr.il binlii"-i iiuvtliiK at Ihoir looms lonieiil. Il i- i"iivto, a iiunih'i' of tbr now r.umtii'i will be .rr-ont iiikI 1l.1t a Miiid bom will l i tit at tli oIilc of tlie lnilno-s iiioitlns. Light rofrtir mints will be sorioii. 'I be inlorlainiiiiiit al tin Ulmty Alctbo.'i-t I41l.1up.1I ihuioli l.i-t owiiini; ,.i. will ,11 Irniloil, ami lln oMiltoni pio'iaiiuuo wm mi will llllllllOll. Mr. Stmlm llixlu. ol l.op 11, is ilsii,lii; (in 1 11 ltlil;i' liioi.d- OBITUARY. James II. Kenney. .I.1111. .- II. Kuihf), ot .."I Uiillu -lir, I. Pin 111010, 1I101I 'Ihm-iln nealii fimn .1 h.inl.i' of iipilli). tiii'l.ti aliotn a will, .10 Ho win 0110 ot tlio borimsb's ohli.t anil IhI kno.Mi rlllrns limiiis n-irhil loie for tbo put thlit lin )oais. He is ..inlltoil by tlio followllu ihlliliin: Mi- 1'i.ink Mjnb), Mr., .hints I, mi ni , limieii II. M11I011, of liniiiiioio. ami II. II. Kinno), of III hluoi illo, V .1. Tin fiui'ial will In I10M ironi his I.1I0 ii-hloiioo on lluttir slirct this in., rnlii at II oMnik. Inloini'Tit in liniiiiioio iiimlii). Mis. V. Geinidl. Mr., tun (ioranll dnil at hoi late limm- o Willow M101I. Ilunnti'io, )ostntla), aftir a Iwo wiilv lllnoss. ho vi acul aliutit in )iar, mnl lu lo.hlril in till- iniinln aboiu lilloin )04li.. She is Ktltliwil In lirr bil-lijliil ami kl ihililion. rinntal "ill i-ik. rJaio on -unila) liioinliie al 9 oMnik Anthony Valsh. nlliinii W11NI1, (i , of Main Mi.H. pl.'i more, fllitl itltr a flokniss of n few- hours' hira tion osiiiil.i). lie M almnt Ills usual noil, on Tlinr-ili), bin fiiiioroii lioiu an nnui; .11 tail, ol luiouuloiiia M-lioln niruulii).'. He .i funliiil bv -oioial ailult ihlliliin. I'linnaloi. cur- toiui'iiow alt'inouu limn M- I do liinuo Charles Pilger. 1 l.nli. I'llun. I1I0 tiirrniiu .,1 li.r Cm. ,,1.1 1 illlin. 'Iluoop. iln.1 on lliiirilo, .ifioi .1 buif illnrK 'llu fnniril will bo In hi fium Ins bit. Special Diseases of Men IS MY SPECIALTY. StJP Center l .w3Klnim, Them ' Scatter JWWrHfc on Faculties mKjj' Specialty If )ou are tunning from an) dljease or oii(lltlon poiullr tu 111011, or if )ou lmr bren illi.iipuliitis in not Kttt ititr a inniiaiutit cute, I want )ou to cniue iiml he A .ocl.il eht Willi inn I ll ivplalu In )uii M nYMI'.M 01' Tltl'.WJIKNT, which t hue otiulnttrd iiml lipiclofieil atlor 111) whole life's rsperimco in trratlin; -pri-lal Ulso.isc of men. I hxa 111, bolls, ,wollli-s, iroo amnios, libit Irfiilrnenlii or eloclro imilliiil combltiatloris or rimllnr ib'iifen whit h il'i mil mnl innnol line .Ilcsc5 ioiullar to men, liy islucatlon, tnv rxpotl. flue, my toni iom o, my irpiitntiim isjihliinin nil mch qiuikci). If )ou will ry If a il'il I will irlio ).,n fill. I' or 1 IIAtltli; 11 thniouisli Hrnonal eimlnallon nil on bone-t opinion of (our 1 no. If .11.11 ui,. In, iiul.le I will till )0U n, ami mblso )0 so that o ill mt be I'lunlmum-tl i iiiimiiiinihms praetltlnncru who il.iiin to ruio nil. if after mm. lilinf ) hi, I Iiml mil etnablo, I will Insnip )nu of .1 )ennjlient clue, iiuiMnni Ii I wilt Ulie ion n uiillu utiaiantw tu tilum) 1011 euiy 11 tit )inl bale p.ttl me in iu I fall tn Oiei a uire 1 nnUo mi iluirce for imilii lnoj, n liny an, ulnais Inoluiloil In the nnmlnil fie. .uUil. ami .miii know ti tho irnl. bopie you Hart what jour wlmle troitmonl Is roIii Id is,. 1, and I till nuke in, false prnmlst-M us to the llm- for lie -jkc of KillllR ) Jil ai a paiiiui, us 1 pmmi.e onli wlui I un iln, ami ilo as I pioml'c. L X VTI II L lll-t II ll(ir. loppul in , tr 10 .lain. I Ml lliV anil Drains lnpiri in '1 Io 1.1 ila)-s. I l.f 1 : II -i. I 1 .110 not of how loin- utamllnir, I will dry tl cm up at once, ' MTIIf ll'lli: inrnl nitlmiit uittliiK or illlatlnt:. IIMIIIOt II. Il or any ewi-lllnsts or 'nlarircmint reduced at once. IMI'(Hi:M' I,) mv Mstiiu of iK-atiiK'iit Is curabla lirctprctlte of l lie lime tUr.dlns' "r, )our ng". ' lllAlllHMt ,SI KtliM'.V ileiangcmeii's .y my nysicm of ireitmrtit show flitu of lin pioiomiiil Irom tlie erv iiislnnli tr. lllli:i"M "l lM. In imt miiied by Impure condition tl blood, Is ruled pAniunently by me sl'Kt.lPIC Ill.Odl) POI.-OMMi. porni.ininlty cured wlihout (he n-e of lodlilfi of TotuK or Menui). Will IT. 11 )ou Cannot call. Ml ioiic.pondnce atrlitly confidential ami all replle tent in plsiu enioloHS. 1 1 nl os- 2-mit sump to iiwuia reply. nl I'll y. llOI'lts, 1 a m. to .' p 111 nnd C to 3 p. 111.; und.i,i., in a. m, to i p. ui. DR. MACKENZIE'S At l'cnnaiicntly Located nt Rooms 208-209-210 Pauli Building, 426428 Spruce St,, SCRANTON, ' TAKE ELEVATOR. I ID I ES PA. 1 AMUSEMENTS. I YCEUH THEATRE "- IlLTb a. nt'ltOfNIin:. Le.tei-. A. .1. IlL'l'I'V, .Maiui,r. s.MiiiD.VY miim:k AMI Nil. IIP. I 111lr17 Malime Peiforinatice at M.". Pi r lul 111.1 iho at 2. ' 'ilie "uccvwlul Coiiioil) lli.iiiu. A Young Wife I'li'-enlcd b) a n .Hour lompm). boob. I I.) the populai comoiliiu. I:rnnk Tnnnerhill, Jr. I.IIIMM, Plllt 1 -'h , ""- . T'. ml L''. loi.sl Lailir and f lilblrrn ll.irjain Div Mat Inio-i'io. and X . ; ct.lliliui to anv pin of I be lioll.e. 1'k . .vats 011 i-ale TIiUimJj) a. 'J a. m. O.NK Mfllll' tlM.Y. TUESDAY, FEBHUABY 20. Aim 1 ha" t.ioato.st Mirht Opcia Cmnpini 1 he I'aliniiis 'B0ST0NIAN5" Willi nil the fa tni llm (irand ilimus ami 1 1I11M1.1. I'lOMiitini; for the Inst limo hon "THE VICEROY" Hi Wtor Herbert. Si ilk mi sale f;aHiiil.ii. I'eh. il rrlci-2Je.. J'., ;., "l.eo and H ". lioine on "uiiloimn -.tiret, in lh.it lioroiisli.-""in-ill)' alloinoou at't.'l" o'lloiL. ' ' - The menilii'lk of the (inter-- of roro.tors and fih mis of Ijie deoca-ril aio reinrMtil in be procnt 'al the lunoi.il , s , Rebecca Oienme. Itiboi 1 a (,n 11110. auisl . Laikaw'aima Im-pilal Ij-l lioublo Iloioi-ed 1- t ! iliiiahtii ot .! Norlll llibocia alillin ACADEHY OF HUSIC, 4LMSA IIUIUIUMIIIR IIARKY A. HROWf Managers and Lessee-. Local Manager. TillllVsDW, riilOAY ASI 8ATUHDAY. Till! I'AMOL'S ).M)IN AfJTItESS. Go Wnn Go Mohawlc', In I.fmoln J. C.irlcr't I'onianlln Prima, "THE FLAMING ABnOvV." . Mutlnie Piieos 1 and t." renin. j:itiiiiS Prices. II 'JJ, SJ mid ftl ni.t-. AT.T, S11T WFKIC HOIaDEN C01MEDY CO. In Itepertoirc. NewGaietyTheatre M.f i IIURRINGTO.V, itiiugrr; Tlirec D.i)., lleilnnins TIIUHSDAY JIATINUR, Al. Reeves' Famons Big Co, DR, DENSTEN Physician and Surgeon 31 1 Sprusi St. Itmpl Court BnlldtQi SCRAHTOM PI. .MM1-, illl'll .11 the OMIlilll. Of tplllll ,,f laliiaid C.i.juie. ill nule and chronic dlieae of ' mn, wo m.n and children. CIIHONia NLRVOU.Ii lAIri All disease ot the Liver, Kidney-, Illudder. S-kln. ulood N'" Womb, Eye, Lr, s-v.e Throat, u"'I Iuhk'. Cancers, Tumor. 1'itii ltupturc, Cloltic, Itheumatlom, AJthina, Catarrh Varicocele, Lost Manhood. -Nlghtl I'nibuioiii. H r'em-lo DiwmWi lucorthot,-etc . !io inoirhi'a, SyphiUU. Blood -Pituion. Indbjere. tion and youthful habit obliterated. Surgery. '.,, Kpllep-v. Tap and Stomach Wonnj. Ca. 1 MinllOXONK, Spsritla for Catarrh. Thre inontlis' tnatnu-nt onl) 13 00. Trial free )n of lice. Consultation and eamUiatlon free.. Of. ttic liour dall) and fcunday, 8 a, in. to J p. m. DR. DEIV-STE-IM PILLS sl 60 PILLS 50 CENT8 ifore Ifaijf Urn figm and Manhood Cure Impotency, Night Emissions, Loss of Memory, all wasting diseases, all errects ot sell-abuse or excess and indiscretion, ft 8.6TO Tonie and ESood Builds1. Brings the pink glow to pale cheeks and .restores the fire of youth By mail Qg per box, 6 boxes for $2.50, with our Bankable Guarantee Bond to M --! s ) . cure or reiunei ?ne money paid, bend tor circular and copy ot our Bankable Guarantee Bond. lCrYllOowJL)tuDIClS Immediate Results Positively guaranteed cure for Loss of Power, Varicocele, Un developed or Shrunken Organs, Paresis, Locomotor Ataxia, Nervous Prostration, Hysteria, Fits, Insanity, Paralysis and the Results of Excessive Use of Tobacco, Opium or Liquor. By. mail in plain package, $ 1 .00 a box, 6 for $5.00 with our Bank able Guarantee Bond to cure in 30 days or refund money paid, Nerviia Medical Go., Clinton and Jackson sis., biiioap, III. SOLD BY McGAKUAU & THOMAS, DIIVOUISTH, -OU LACKAWANNA AVKNUK, SUUANTON, PA. .A . . "