lyuffPyy V 'BCTv THE SCRANTOX TMBUNE-SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1901. ', NEWS OF THE LABOR WORLD INCREASED ACTIVITY IN THE HARD COAIi MARKET. With the Possibility of Tiouble Ahead, tho Companies Are Likely to Havo Considerable Conl Stocked by Apvll 1 at Eastern Points, riie D.. L. & W. Board for Today. Meeting of the Journeymen Bakers Will Be Held This Evening Car negie to Build Double Storage Mill. Tin- Incensed m UMty in the lianl top.l 11 itlf. iluu U Hip olil v.iiw. etUI kelils on nnil demuiul Is kooiI at all ytUttr. What will happen with tho onilnt: of warmer weather, however, h not illll.eiilt to h neeii. M pu'aont, nt Western polntn In pretty ltiniiK. .t the head of tho lakex hup p1ift cm tin' iloel eontlntle' to ulnlnk nnil mine llrniK will uo, ptll only m tlielr ii'KUlar I'liFtomem. At Minneap Mitt ami St. I'nul all-mil l the Iflllllli" llf f IIIISIIIIUMS. In I'llllUK" ion limy i2ta!l liitylnir Ii.i l"en aetlve riiiiiiyh to have imiiiio effect on the Vli'ilcjmlc trad". Alone the Atlantic realxi.iid. th'i maiki't H Hovenied al lliiift wholly l. wenth'T mnilltlolis lind a lew l'i of wm in Hiinxhlne i-hork hliylllK del IiI.mII Delil.lliil lioUle up well. ln)we-p. paiUc-ulatly lor juih.v and nut !'. o. The xeiy low pi lees lor s"'l'l coil .II New Vol I; lunboi and oilier port-. il llltr In foued saleM. lluw piolnilil;' Iiiiiii1 the ileiniind for l lie le mi v8 of anlhrnelti' n little. 1'ileei sreii'-iiily continue pietly lit in. -ent mi Inok. n and epjj s-lyet.. snli-i oiiiiiilKinn of Hi'- I'lilled ni'- iii'lusitiliil iMiuliiN-'li ii li.i" Iveim Iti wlon nt New Voil, nnil llie ilallx papers have published more or less detailed accounts of the testimony or the woithy gentlemen nunimoned hc foro it. Apparently the nieinliciw nt tho commission appreciate the posi tions they hold utid aio content to take rjenpml statements wltlnuit koIiib too deeply Into details that Involve more or less exertion. The testimony o far presented simply statts well known facts, with occasionally an In dividual opinion on points In dispute. Thetn Is either n di'tci mined effort on foot tn spread the hupicsiiun that u strike at the mlllerleH Is hound to come In April, or else the olllilals id lite United .Mine AViirKrm feel that the miners will not follow th" udvlen of men like rroMdent .lohu Mitchell tmd ii iv likely to innko deniiindy that tho mining lomp.inlca me houni to i eject lu Bclf-dcfcnse, Anyway, Un lit tappet or trouble tire threntellliiK'. The men u if npp.irentlv detcinilnod to secure further concession!) und tho companies are likely to reply that tiaOo londltloiis do not win rant any Inrnvis" 111 wanes or lower pi Ices on "Upplles. "With the possibility of llonlile ahead, the companies me likely to liae ''onsliloralde coal stocked jt natorii points by Apill l.-Knl. neiilnif ii lid Mlnli'K Joitiiinl. D,. L. & W. Bonid. The followhiK Is the make-up of the 1. I., uml AV. bofiul for today: lltlliW. IKRIII'.MIV ! tt .lil I it'. K.i-t fe ! ni . CouiKi- Iluu, I" i . ,. . II IIUI.Ii.r. SVIl ItDAV, 11.11 M Wil.l .in, l'jl--lJ.'IO ,i. tn., 0. V. film-i il.l .'! j. m., i, MhIUh; I a. In, T. .1. rii'.inli-i.i' r. u in.. T. rilrint.liU; ) a. m., ,1. (.mil..; 7 j ni., I'ratil. Miliar, ."ill .1. in.. . . Mellon I); lna. in., II. nillliMiit ll.w ,i, ni. II i.e Iiuun: II...H . in.. A. Ii, llimmllt; I..0 .i. ni, .1. . lhuli; I.I. p. in.. I.jtlrmi. with II. I u l.m'i im n: ii p. in . !. !. Hutu. MlllllllllO 'i i. in., i-.i-l. .1. Mill .1. in. e. a. in. ut. i.mpiui runniilki 1 1 i ni iv.1'. II N'lll.olai Ii l. III., C 1st, llllll I'.inlSK. T . iii, imi 1r.nn Viv iitf, Id MiMli-tu i. in. wt fiom C.iMiirrf. Ilirir uitfiit.. .Inn. Chilli; r I', lu.. mi tlcin Ciuii;.'. Jli I. mi' I I'nllfr -I" a. m. I'. I . VI nr BH Ik tKe. only KIDNEY DISEASE years success Its Writ hi m SAMrlE. Wabner'3 Safe Cure Co.. ROOHKSTEft, N. V. .1.. i. V .. in. M. 11 Ml i i r.'ii 7 in Mni-ili : 'I n tn . I..nniii'u I'.i-.'iiifiT I mtiiii'H . a. .n l.iirliiii 7 Ma- h narr; .",?.0 ji. in., f-lMitdli. i in. Musmcrn W'llil rl, WrM I ii. in., . llirllmliiiiiru, f. a. in., .1. K. Mdto(it. u a hi., 1. .1. (1'IUl.i S a. in., .' Paxil r; I'l a. in , A. I'.nn;1"""'. wlln II, Dolnrly'ii lutiii 1 p. in. ' II Mai!-, -. m J. Ilnlnp; .1 p. in., I'.mii r, ivll'i l.i llii-'i ii'cii; 1 p. in, ! HaKi.rl. ; . In, John lliliwyali. NO ML I- llr.lI'M.JII .I.1IK.4 ll.'ili Ull M.lil A 1'. Mill In. trpnrt tnr ilute, 1'. O. I'.idillffuiil on llli V. MjIiuii r. pon lul ilut.i. lUiiuil'not will ko inn wnli I I Jlr.lrs iinlll liuiliir nniln. Ilr.ikfiiun Jiinot.l. .SjiiI.ii will call ul Mi'iirln ti'inlilil'n cllin.- nt hi r.ulliM iuI.miii'k' '(jinliiiliir l.allirr nn.l llrakiiii.u .lixvpli (Vn 1j.iV uml MiHin lli'.il.y will upnrt ill Miprnn Ii mil in ' o'l'ii- .iliiulj., ll). Ct, nt 10 .1. in ( nmliii tm IV. I) W.iiM anil mw will u.i .: I p. In lal lirljlit ".ilnnt.iv. l'rli. 2.I, mil V, I), f-nor nl eitvc .SunJ.v. lib. 21, In; until further notice. Tills run will not il'pcar on I lie lioari licreatttr. This nnd Tlmt. A uiectliiK of the Journeymen llukcis hikI t,onfeellol1es, union will he held thin evening nt 8 o'clock In KiiuIi'k linll, 131 AVyomlngr avenue. All metnbeifl will please attend, as business of Im portance will come up. On account of (he wlthdrnwiil of some of the p.isesnKer twin to admit of renewal of drawbridge over 11m ken sack river, on the old loud Sunday, Kebrunry l!4, conductors on the Lack iiwaniia railroad will on that date honor via Hoontoti branch all tickets to or from nny point on the old road. The dates lion works, of Chle-.iRO, recently received nil order from the Phoenix Cement company, of Nnzareth, Pa., for crusheis, a ball mill and tube mill for an extension to tho clinker department. The (.lutes company has also received an order for throe. Mibe iiiIIIh and two ball mills for nn exten sion lot the clinker department of the Alabama Portland Cement company, of Duuoopoils, Ala. The I'aineKlo loinpnn.v Im to build a "double HioniKo" mill of the Mornu type at Its Duquesne, Va., phuit. Mr. Paul 11. .Morgan, of the .Mnrguti Con struction company, AVorcester, Mass., Is mulling' final iirruiiKcniont for the new mill, A loice of 100 men broke Bioimd a few dnj-H ago at Uunuesne, Pa., for the eieellon of the Carnecle coinpanyV new merchant steel mill. The additional production will be In the inaikel by ourly auiumii. IuauRUintlon Ceremonies Washing ton, D. C. Mnich 4th. (in account of the above, the l.aika wannii railroad will send round trip tickets to Washington, D. (.'., at one way line for the round, $7.7.". The route, either In M.imtukii chunk and l'hltndelilila. op via Not tliiimberlaiid and Haiilsbuig. Tkkets will be on sale good going March 1st. L'lld nud :ii it, and will be limited for retain leaving Washington not lnt?i than .Alaicli Sib, lxl. 5 r V '! I' v . '! The Union College of Painless Dentistry Association luib proved to be one of these instanteous successes which rise by leaps and bounds from the sheer force of merit. Our aim is to benefit humanity, and that we are doing so must be apparent to the most casual observer. Every day brings us crowds of new patients as well as applications from fully qualified dentists now in active practice who desire to study the method by which we have robbed dentistry of Its terrors by rendering the most"difficult and trying of operations absolutely painless, and that without the use of Gas, Chloroform, Ether or any other form of anaesthetics to render the patient unconscious; The Faatz Painless flethod Has Proved an Unalloyed Blessing: as scores of men and women in this city can already vouch lor, while the quality of work done is of such a high class character that improvement is simply impossible, when judged by the best standards of merit known to the dental profession. These facts have compelled us to look for more commodious quarters, as at present it is fre quently impossible for patients to be waited on, and as we have expanded as far as we possibly can in our present quarters, there is nothing for it but to find a building with a capacity sufficient to cope with our business demands. Meanwhile more dentists have been enrolled to take our Post-Graduate Course, and we are pushing Avork forward both night and day, so that delays will be less tedious than they have been. And Now a Word To the Public in General. Success always brings malicious criticiMii and slander. It has been so since the world began, and we piesume it will be to the end. It is only natural that dentists who have been in the habit of charging exhorbitant fees and who now feel their patronage slipping away from them, should feel ugly over it. That's human nature in Its silly form, and to us it affords considerable amusement. But the people will not be misled. Merit counts every time, and we stake oui reputation solely on merit and fair dealing with the public, all the kicking, criticism and slander in the world can never hurt us. We will continue as heretofore to give our patrons The Highest Class of Dental Work Possible for Practically the Cost of Materials Used A Full Set of Teeth May be Had for $2.00 FOR EXAMPLE Best Gold Crowns i22 Karat Fine) Only Cost... uvir-uc. . $2.00 In a Word, Work Done Here Saves You Fullv... 90 o o On Regular Dental Charges and the'work will be done right, as every man is a perfectly qualified dentist before he comes here All Work is Positively Guaranteed by Us for Ten Years. Reader, Just One More Word, Please. C PaAT7 our general business manager is not a stranger to Scranton. He has been a resi f -" 4. i m. m. m9 dent of the citv for twenty veais. and will orobablv remain for m numv . Ai ii i "! t r j4. - - a j . . . s ine union wouege 01 uenusiry is a permanent institution, estaDUsne V -V , i" 4l' l 4- 'i 4i-4'4-ili-4'i 44I 4 4!i more, as but for all time Office Hours Sundays 9 a. in. to 9 p. m. 10 " " 4 i 305 LACKAWANNA Over Conrad's. years 1 iblished not for a day or a year. AVENUE, 0unofljWallac SCRANTON'S SHOPPING CENTER. Silk WaisTs for Spring. Exquisite New Kinds and a Bargain Lot A manufacturers' entire line of samples (one of a kind)' many ol which are original French Waists brought here for models. All at 1-3 less the regular prices. The whole show ing is ready for you today. We need to say very little about it beyond telling you that much, and adding the remark that it is a collection that we are proud to show. The makers are the best and most reputable in the busi ness. The prices are from $3.75 to $30.00. Further than this there is little that can be said in type or talk. Such indescrib able exquisiteness as is shown in these had best be left to do its own advertising. Attempts to word-paint sunsets, Niagara, rolling-mills at night, and French costume and lingerie at their best, are generally painful for both writer and reader and pale failures besides. So you must see the waists to learn what can be done with lace and ribbons and color harmonies. Prices on these samples are very much in your favor for instance : A $5.50 Waist for $3.75- A 7.50 " " 5.00. A ().oo " " 6.00. A 12.00 " " 9.00. A T5.00 " - 10.00. CONNOLLY & WALLACE, 127 AND 129 WASHINGTON AVENUE WESTMINSTER HOTEL Cor. Sixteenth St. ind Irvine Place, NEW YORK. American Plan, $3.60 per daj ind upmrd. European I'lan, $1.C0 per day and upward. I. D. CtlAWTOnD. Proprietor. Hotel Vioioriss Broadway, 51b Ate. and 27lh Street, New York. Absolutely Fireproof III tllC LCtl ter of the aliopiiiiiK and tlirulie dint net. first tlai mail Itsup lioltitinvnt. Kn t truly new til rough out. European Plan f? An tit a ct n. momzw. enrtMr.rrpmtoi. tie or en. mte, with or without bath, lint iindenM watte andtelcphonelncmvroom. Culalneunexccllcd. --"---" For Men In tho heart ot Ui wholesale district. For shopper J 'minutes' walk to WanamaUerii; 3 minutes to Slrcel Cooper's nig Store. Easy of access to the great ury uooan atoros. I For Sightseers -f One block from R'way Cam. glr. 4. Ine easy transportation to all J points uf tntersst. ; HOTEL ALBERT NEW YORK. Cor. lltll ST. . UNIVERSITY PI Only ono Block from Broadway. ROOlllS, $1 Up. prCes Rtaionable --' - One Night to Denver CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY Jlir. COLORADO SIMXIAI. leaves Chicago at in every morning via Chicago -Union Pacific & North-Westtiti Line; urric.i Denver 1,20 next after noon and Colorado Springs and Manitoti samr neiiing. No change of car; all meals in dining can. Another fast train at 10.30 j. 111. daily. New book, Colorado Illustrated, mailed on receipt of four cents postage. Call on any agent for tickets or address. A NrM.1J Vim St., CaC'mial fOICktl't St.,rHhtlviia'S07 Sm.lkfldSt., HUtburt li$Wl)Mtettntt.,Bfttn'M4 lull Jit' Si., Clulltnif 301 Main St., Buffalo HCamtut Uatttutt0t1tit 3)2 Via,), SI., llitw'jKhiSt.,Cltt,Urtnt:Ott. Ui,i" .i..iilU4Alljli;UA. PrOi.G.FJHtEL,M.D.N.?;.t st.., r, i" iiu(iikpr in i. i.j4 ; iaiiirv it fur iner mi ruirri 1411. rKITAIt piStAflS.OlSCHAROlS.RUNNINaS.ABUSis .fiwai.vitknknlrnjMfirrSSIS.StflOnVOItnH tQtTUANHOPPfHtBffl A hi ciiltii),;,;! virirLtickrcli iiiih )iiUlitptnen(flTiUtntianv V-rcihciiticurtd In A Id 111 nkv(. Atni l(h4nlrtlmnt 3tir offri St catch. Bulni fhoutlfitl, Snf rHntrn Trrralnienrbyillnll. fiitlnnr rrlUl.T Mwut TffTI fTTTItlTTflT! f!ltl1?T1TTtTTTTTnTTTTTTTTT 3fW 3 JjA 2C J H- 'H4.4. TTTfTVVTV'rTVTTTT'r T, I DOLLAR SAVING : I'rtidcnt people are taking advantage o( our : CLEARANCE SALE l It Will nav VOll tn rnm.- ami :f i hnw i ran ii1ta -. ' '..... T " '.' " "" dollar do the work of two 4- Axminster Carpets 4 ... $1.50 Values. $ a Yard. ol 100,000 Rolls Qa High Grade Wall Paper up I j. Up t Inlaid Linoleum Made like a tile, colois through to tue back. Remnants. Regular $ioO goods, now 65c, 75c, S1.00 yard V 120 Wvominc AveniiR , WILLIAHS& HcANULTY : 129 Wyoming Avenue H"H"H4"l"H,4"H',H'"fr4'''4'"fr'H''4'4' THB MOOSiC POWDER CO. Booms 1 and 2, Com'lth BTd'f. BORANTON, FA. Hitting and Blasting POWDER Uad.atMooaloand RuablaU Worki, LAPLIN & RAND POWDBR CO 'S ORANGE GUN POWDER Klcetrle nattarlra, Klaotrlo Kirlo1ri, ziilodlns blait, Mifoty Kitnitul Renauno Chemical Co.'s .:x1.'1,.o''1Vi: in m Lag-er Beer Brewery MiinuTiicturcra or OLD STOCK PILSNER BICYCLES New models now in. Spaldings.Cleve lands, Iver Johnson and Crescents. No better selection ever made. Call and see them. They're beauties. 1 1 101 211 Washington Ave. 488 to 4ft5 N. Ninth Street, Telephone Call, '.'.i:i,l, .PA HENRY BELIN, JR., Gcnfral Ajrtnt lot tli Wyoming Dutrict lor DUPONT'S POWDER. Ululnj.-. niaitlnc. fportlnj, EmolMfM anil th. lltuuno ChcraIcI Compan'i High Explosives. Eaffty I'ujp, Cain and Utplodtrs. noom 401 Oor. ncll DuiMIn;, btranton. aui:ncii:3i tiioj ronn nttston John 11 bjurii k tos riymoiith W. . Hl'IXlOAN Wilkn n.rr.