I -- "- Sribuite. tratttmt THli ONLY SCRANTON I'APhR RbCEIVING THB COMPLBTB NEWS SEKVICB OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGBNCY IN' TUB WORLD. SCRANTON, I.W., SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 2IJ, 1901. TWELVE RAGES TWO CENTS. TWO CENTS. TWELVE PAGES ft I ' ".' ""- '--''TMrtrffwwrWnBii BMBr!Tn2fxftlfY3JFM"r''""" "" '- STPAM L7 J. JLIXI ' Jkv2 ?.7 ytv? WRECKED ON ROCK The Rio Dc Janeiro Runs Upon a Hidden Rock While Enterino the Golden Gate. ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-TWO LOST The Boat Moving: In a Dense Tog Ncnr tho Golden Gtito Strikes n Rock ami Sinks in Twenty Min utes Only a Few of the Passen geis Have Been Saved Rounse villo Wildinan, United States Con sul to Hong- Kong, Thought to Have Been Among Those Who Per ished Officers of the Ship Dis played Courage and Discipline Is Maintained for a Time List of the Survivois. Jy hxclii-lu Win lion Till? Awiciatiil l'n Sun Fiunelhco, IVb, 2- The Paoltlc ni. ill stunner Jtlo Do Janeiro ran on a hidden tod; while cutcilng tho (Joldcn i ito .aily this morning In !i dense fog. ho sank a few minutes utter striking. I' Is thought the ncaily 122 poisons 'it drowned, but it Is Impossible to .iMi'ituiu the evict number, owing to Hit f.ut that Puiser John Itooucy, who hud the pashcnger list and i osier of li i tew, Is uinemg the missing. t ." o'clock this afternoon ten bodies hud In en lecoveied, two v bite women, nun white limn and seven Chinese. The most piomlncnt passenger on the Hiiiimr mii ItnuiiRcvIlle Wildnian, I nlti d States consul ut Hong Kong. Mho wax iiiiuiiipuiilcil bv his wife and two I'lilldien. It ii thought all wete dimmed. Tin iihlp was In command in l'llo Pudoilol; tin dun when she stunk, JIt was iecucd. Captain Wlll l.im Wind wont down with Ill's es,sel. Ah noiuly as r.in be learned thoie vn two hundred and inn peo ple on lio ml the Itlo De Janeho, ax follow Cabin passengois, 23, second ( bin. " stioinge. ( hlnllc), f-S olll- r flow, (Chinese-). 11. Tho 'ollowlug b.io bun aeeounted ' i' I: fined, 7't; o.ibln paxsongeis, 1' , lillo ollliois. 11; stooiago, (Ia lt. ), r mow, f Chinese), II. 'Ih lost number 12.'. clnsltlul as i i11of Pasohtigorx, -I: olllceix, pi cm n'hlno-e. at,. xUoiage, (AItitli), 1 List of Passengeis. 1 oii-uvlng I" the cabin passenger llt, n ino-t complete: I ii nl i.uirrjl !. wililinm. lr Willnia'i, tvu ilillilnn .mil Minp, from Hon; hone; Jlii nnu Mi-i WikcfiiM, Honolulu; Jimm 1 I " 1-intrr. inliili. iiuliiper, I'-khiii', C al ; Mi- I! :er Mm, II .n ililll. lull. liaiilir, bonlm, Jlr Mittlutoii, Miiupu: Captaii Hrclil, C.r Hull niu I iptulu Holtz, -IiU'uIij!: Mr 11 1 v Ml. siun.,1 ,(, , Y. b.) run if. tilitor 3f tho Mnrrlwii, Minllas ill f h. Wt, San 11 m ilio M 1 dim in; II ivill ll.ipfr, louinil. I i Visi-ul; Mr Jnl Mn lint, 'IjiiIU. Mii l.ihilrl ll.firu; Jlr. 1)"U I. Put.i. Munt : t tiinn HirMuir, 1'alti, Munt; Mr ml h, Virlli, Pi. UKjujIuu, nt ,l.iuu The lollcwlntr ai mlsEiiiK: ltmin'Mlllo ilMman, ivlfr, two tlilliliui ml wm, Vm. lv. ltt, 1. P. s.juiwir II i. M.ttliCMin. Mr. jiiJ Mi. l Vdl-lil, MN- 31 vim, .Uliii: nr fii'tii;, Hi. nXaaIini. I'r. Pull, O. It. HeiMau. Ml. sml Mr' Mo I'wotlli, 0 Poudell. I'he following people vere iccuul. in l.r.imki, lo'i Inn, .l.:inc K (jirntn, OiKlinl, C.ll : Mis. llijln, Miv, I. II. in. It u rll Iliir. I". r. llowfll, II II Im, 1' llnnt, ( iililii lift Ji , 1! lu I, 'Vm I .il 'I . r loilo, O. Mporj'.o; I'lillip Niiriilililt, tu 1 n i f i , mil ill ( uulnl, ,1 .i.K-. .liium II mi tlulit: sonl iH'nlnr (i iiuliln. lima Olficir Ilnltanil, I .ilif Insliuri li llfill.i . -hp (iruntor lrmtr. ( ramp, lVli.lt I In'. J I iiaMiarilt, I! II. linn, J urtcrin ite i It Mi'lili-Min, fiuitnmit.tit V'nsl MniNtioiii, m io Verier V. llo sierra!,!? Stci ml II, IK uolmr, snimu HowaiU, tiM-nl) lilni lliln-f al ,i II il il. nlnrtrru ( liinc-c uml lihii I Ji u i ' at Veltrs iaif I he follow IliB ollliils anil i low me lmsslliK. Win W lid, laptaln; W f li.'an.i n, lii.i . Ill in; .lolin Riionc), iiimi, Itii'Mll llili.it' i. cmaitprrriitrr; Al'l'iim, lli.t nUiant iiianur. Hi jih, kcciiiul atoUtanl ilu'lnnr; Mr mm , iMul j.il,lint rn.'liierr' Hi D Si II, klil - ilmi i, hinlili. uitir tiimoi, ivji.'-, uatii tuil i llrirnl. v it.r lutlir. II "It. ! '"I Hi... Hurokicin, Mint Milioln. .vilrin i,l Inn u, Mi Srllinr, ilmi," waiilnijii I I llmunk, t-atthnun, n Iliunin, ,( uue- Thiee Days Oveidue. Tll Itlo Do Jauolio wax llute d.ijs omuIiio li,oin HniiK' Koiik'. la Hono lulu, when hIio iuiIvkI oil tbo HoaiN last night, and the dens nX pun iiIIIiik nt the tlmo jinliii" oil I'lloi. .Ionian in bring hei to anihoi until ho uiiild mo IiIh way cltai thunmh tho KHtewa.v. She laid to until uboui 4 ) o'clocK In the inoinlnsr. when the atninrtphoii ilear'd and hho wax xtaited umloi a slow bell lowaul lluulta Ml wint well until 5.10 o'clwk. wboii nlii HtittiK. Most of tho pnhHenwiH won bolow at tho tlni( and II h bollovoil llui in my of tin in wui iliowncd lu theli lioiili-i Tho (list iiuwh of the dlH.iHtei riaihod lioip in 7 . "0 this nun nltiK. and hoou afterward a boat load of tesmerl pun. nfngers and potty ottboM iiiiImiI at thn mall dock. Tiikh worn liniiii dlatt.l dlbpatdit-d to render any asHlstanee that mlKht be needed, but no HiIiir persons wore nlloat when they loaehod tho wiock. A number of diownlmr people weie rexcued by Italian IlKhotmon nnd the bodlfrt of two white women, tlueo Chl roe and a ,Tapnnene were brouicht In by tho tug'?. The Health for victims Iiiih continued all day, Vioni all nioounts Its nipeurs that tho ofllcern of the Hhlp weio cool and jpivp the necessary ordcis with the least possllila excitement. iptaln AVuid, who was on deck In- onxel sit nek, at once Rave DurOlfW the ciew on watch to hiiliy tbo paiAenKeis to the forward deck. At tho same time the ciuai tut master on duty founded tin) hIriuiI for file ill 111 and within live inluuu-x oil the men weio ut their stations. There was no wnv of tolling the oxtent of the dumai?! to tho e.Mcel, as she leiiialned on an even keel for llfteen mluiiUs utter striking. Hut Captain Ward, with tho Instinct of lonjr experience, know tho Kiavost iluiiKor tlneateii'-il tho two htiniliod souls lu his ehatKo and ho wive oidors to lowi" tin life boats and llfo i.ills. Then- was not much confusion until llfteen minutes after striking the bow of tho o"s. suddenly plunged umlor waici. Tin u theio was a wild insli lot tho boats Two boats had aboady boon lowuol and othi'tswoio getting awn) as I Mild ly as the tialmd discipline of tbo er w uiiild inepatc them A thick fog m- oloped et i) thing, and us jot no f.'n had come ftom tho llfo having stations. Daikuoss was all about and with tlil-J added In nor th pooilo on tin Itio had to oojio The Suivivois. (lllc boat gut cloai of tile erfi with out ilamago. This loutalned tho lot low lug poisons: Jlis West, .Mis Hlploj, Chief llngl neer Ilcilihcy, Second Oilker Couhlan, rinnk Cinnip, J. 1!. Itussell, Store keeper Iloigg, Wator-ti uder 1), 11 l.'ino, Ouartt i master It. Jlntlilef-on and Captain llooht, of the Oerman nay. This boat got i lo.u of the Kinking ves sel nnd then stood by to help In pick ing up those who had no time to get Into the boats and won- In tho water. Another boat contained Tlilid Oltt cer Holland and .1. i Cat pouter and got awa, but when the vexsil plunged downwind the plow caught the small boat and cut It In two. Carpenter was picked up, but Holland Is supposed to hae pel lulled. A number of Italian llshormen who woie Just stalling out this morning saw tho sinking of th Itlo and at onto huriled to lender eery assistance in their power While all this was going on Captain AVnid was directing the piseiigiis and tiylng to keep them fioni panic He succeeded onlj pu tlally, as many of the tei lined people lushed to tho tailings and Jumped over bo nd. Some of tlieo woe picked up, others weio drowned. The Chinese ciew, to tho number of nion than a htiuduil, was tciillled. Some of them huddled In Utile giups, chattering In lour. Otheis ciouelied close to the deck, moaning pltlfullv. Many Jumped into the sea. Captain Waul loinalned on doik until the vessel had settlul Io suili an extent that the water was en gulfing him Then ho went up on the lu Idgo, and from there continued to Is sue bis dhoctlons, iilthough by this time the confusion was no groat th'it few paid nnv attention to his eom inanils. That tho stoann r hank iluiot Inline, dlatolv Is assuied. Some of the p is hinseis h.i that "ho Instantly lilted forwaul and that In fhe uiluutes she went down, while others d'daie that hlio stnjiil allnat for li ilf an houi af ter she htiucl.. The wix'ok lies about thtoo-fourths uf a inllo south of I'ott Point and about a thousand j'.uds off the nii,kv slnuo. Tho hiuokostack and a portion of the uppei woilss of the lll-fiiied sti inn r ale lslblo. All of the sininin te hallowing htoilos of the tenlblo dlstiess ((f Iho-'e on boaid. When the Clash Came. hoi uml Olllcer Gl. ilium I'oglilau was on tho lu Idgo with Captain AVaid, Pilot Jnrdin and T'ht Olllcer John son as the .i"il was making port. He said the hit amor bad pih-ed Point lionlta Unlit and a tow nuniiniits lati r Port Point light was hlghtod. Tin n, without a woul ol warning, tho big sle.imor wont Clashing upon the rocks Immediately ovoijthlm, was chaos, in tin- stooiago below It was announcid that water was mmlng In upon tho sleeping pass iwh and a mim1i of the ctiW lithhiil to tin did,. Shortly iiltei the sIiikI; tho fmu Ihi, boats hi the davllh wii low oi oil A luge number of pnsM'iigois hnstllv sum. moiled fiom their inon.s bv the com motion, 1 1 uu ded Into tho bo.Hs and thej' pushed off. Till in In ti t s, late I niioidiiig to tlm hoennd olllcer the rs-el ntnk. The llli -boats lu the ihoil.s Moiled off as tin esoii iU.ipepuied below tho sur fmo of tbo watoi. and thio vis a Miamblo of main iioikoih. lu tli wati r to got Into them "We loulil see ni inv ptisnns In the watoi " said Coghhn. 'aiid otheih eiv Ing for help, and we iihhlsted soino to got mi tli" llfo uiii. Tho boai I was lu Mied thllteoil of the piojilo mi bond, and aftoi bolus pliked up by a gMsolIno launi h wo r.cio town; to hoie Tlioie wi'in tlneo llfo infls, and llieio was a numboi of pmpi on tboiu In the bint with Coghliiii win Vil lain i lit, the Oonuan n iv : Jlis, l!ipli', Alis Vo.t and .Mlhs l,iiuin, Mr. ('oghlaii l the son of f'aptalu J. II. Coui'llliiii ol the rnlt"d Stato-j li i v Tho Italian lb-hot men, who lo-ined a niimbii ol iiiihousand bioui,ht thorn iihlime totuined to the si one but found no ntoie pi opli lu the water Tlic, Iiowoioi. pkUi d up twcho b ikh of niall and bioiuht tin in to the Men li nits' iMlumgo. Tin- llIu Do .lanclio o.tuled In all .'"a bigs of mull. Two bigs wlih li had loulalnnl leglstoioil mutt woii found, but the bugs h.iJ lioon i It pi il open w Ith a knife and tin It on tents stolon. The llslu iinoli an not Mispei ted ,md It Is IniposHlblo to dotoiinlne who the lobbets an ( Consul Wiltlmnn. llouusellle Wlldmuti, who is me sinned to be lost, was well krown in this iltj. whoie he leslcled for a num. Iter of jeais. IW (list came Into piomb neiico loially when ho pmcluised t lie i)ierland, which ho owned nnd edited foi some jeais, pi lor to euteilng tlm lonsulai seivke at Hong Kong. He K signed locently the post of consul geueial at Hong Kong and was on his wa home with hl wife and f.inillj. BILLS PASSED IN SENATE ft Dau Devoted to flpproprlatlons In the Upper Branch ol Gonuress. A PROTRACTED DEBATE Gieat Supply of Government, Post oflice. Diplomatic nnd Consular and Other Appiopiiation Measutes Are Disposed of House Devoted to Odds nnd Ends Bills Passed. 1! I vclilihe Mil' from Ihf WmialiU l'n-i Washington. Fob '. Two of Ihe gioat stijiply bills of the gmerntmnt, the postollhe and tin illplomntle and imisular appiopiiation bills weio passed bv tho senate todnv. Diulnu Ihe gi cater pnit of tho session a piopo sit Ion to discontinue the appioprlatlons for fast mall luellltlis from Now Ymk to Now Oilcans lu Atlanta and fimu Kanris City, Mo., to Kpvton, Kanas, was under dbcusslon While th" de bate was piotiaeted It was not p.u tkulaily lively Uy a iledshe ote tin hc-nuto continued the uppiopilations. An effort was made to obtain an nppio pilatlon to eonlliuio the pnoumatlc tube sol vice In New "Voik, Poslon and Philadelphia, but It failed An amend ment was agite-d to authoilzlng the postmaster genual to Imestlgale tho ipiestlon of establishing a postal tel giaph sjsteni and to repoit his llndlngs to tho net i ongicss Tho diplomatic nnd consular appio piiation bill wnh passed In lecord time only fotty minutts being consumed In Its consideration. Afti r a splilled de bate the cotifoiuieo upoit on the In dian appiopiiation bill was rejected and sent back to eonfoience. Kail In tho day Washington's farewell addtess, In accordance with n custom of tho senate on Washington's blilhda, was toad, the loader being Senatoi Haum, of Geoigla Odds nnd Ends. The houso deeded tod.n to odds mid ends of legislation. With tho nppio.ii h of the end of the session nieinbois with small bills of ,ailotis kinds luo Ikoii besieging Spi alter Hendoison lor loo ognltlon. l'oi the last ton dins the piersuiv has giown stead II v greater. Todaj under an niiangonn ut onleiul esti i day a laigo niluibti of tlu-hi smallor bills lu which memhcix ate In dllduall Inteiostcd win- pas-oil An hour was ile'witeil to tin unanimous consent liglsl.itlou and iwo bout- and a half each to tin passage of ptlvaf i lahus bills and piivato pension bills. Nino bills won- passed bj unanimous consent and twciilj-iilno ililms bills and Hi nsimi llls woo pai-tid. Among the lattoi w.i'i the onnto bill lo ponslon the widow ot the lato (Itnoiul Hem W. I.awtnu who was killed In tbo Phlllpplins. As the bill p'issod tho senate it c.ll I led tKw a month. The house i ul the amount dnw n to fro upon tho Kpresiiitalloii that Mis l.iwton enjojed a oomfoi tabb luionu Tho houso- todaj pjsmi! the bill u InibuislnK William II U'inamikot, of Phllade-lphla, the J.M Owl default! d bond of nidi on W. M usli, i ishloi ol the do. timet Keystone National bink of I'hlliidolphla When .Maixh (lid ntuilv ten ycius ago Mi. Wanamakoi juld tho amount ul tho lot felted bond. Tluough Mr Wauaniakcrs oiioits Maish was loiuineil to tho enstodv ot Ihe mint about two yens ago and Is now serving u leim of impiNonuu u DEMOCRATIC LOVE 'FEAST. Two Hundied Pennsylvania Demo- ciats Meet in Philadelphia. Il IacIuMio Wire from Hi sntul l'iti Philadelphia, 1'eb 1'.' A stop which Is believed to bo a pieliiulnan lor the tinUlcatioii of tho national Domouatle put was taken tonight, when two bundled Pennsj laul,i Dtmociats, and home liom other stateh mot at dinner in the Itullltt building. No mganlza llon stood sponsor lor the meeting, and all shades of Demociats weii nine-sonte-il. The paitlclpants feie to a man, iepiesentatle Iieinonats among them bilng e-Natlonal Chalimau AVllllam P llui ilf. John ' Mullltt. o.,ludgo Sainui I I'ustltio Thonipsnn, e-(.joveinor Pattlson and Congiess nian William McAbei. John Cadaw alder, of this ut., who prosldpd, osplalnid tho object of ihe elinnei. 'This niietlng was uilled lor the- pin pose of putting tho Pomou.icv on Its loot," ho Hiild, "and to keep It fioni defeat lieienftei " i:-Picsldent (lioer t'li'Vi land sent a lcllir of tcgiot, lu which ho h.ild; I slioul-1 tie plci'til In In t n sr 1 1 1 mi tliU n. ri ion mi titlli to n nppoil of tin poliiliM piitHvcH !ti proJirtoM lne in iir' I am iri llil-lifiiti' tliDI M'lllo 1 -lllif il.4H.t'llMll a. 1 1 Mill; proriil my Ouli 1 o r-c-Senntor Haild II Hill wiou as follow h All iii-li fall din. ImIi lei lie n aim il' inlfliltlin ot tlie H'liioti illu urli n uieun of nib alniu Id ,1clUrniilnii rlulpli- it 1.01 i li ii,i lit ami the linking of ilum ioi .inuoi iji'i , kl.UiM. llcitm- till lllleillllSilll cut ol all Oil, put) (rUiuU Wn mIihiM not 1 1 ill-.iiiinai.nl our Hunt il fi it Wlial m I'nl t Hill tlim nnllj of action i:-So lotuij of luitiim Hoko .Smith wiiilo: Wl.llo I ir". ihU'c no iiulioiln (oi 'no-.jil rillin" ol tin- lliii.iiialk putt, (l In io n moil Willi Mliat I 1)1 Hi l e lln- ik.lie- rf llio .uu imjorllj oi IKuiocmIh, I lii lo v tin- pally in tt mtlonal eoiiiiiiilon ailopt a tilaifoun mi touiul Hint ran ng 1 In anpi il mkii-..uII p, tho IDIWnitllU I11J5WJ Of MltllH l.etlcis weto load fiom oK-Setiotary of NavyHeibett nnd otheis, all of whom favored a general ieorganl7.a tlem of the national Denioonitlo puity upon lines bioud eneuiKh to take In all Democrats, Addresses win miule bv (leoigo V Iliior, ptesldent of I-'innl.lln nnd Man shall college, Lancaster; rongtohs. man John H Thavei, of AlasHitehu-t-otts; e-f lovei nor Pattlson, and OtllPlS, U. P. STUDENTS. Celebrate Washington's Birtlidny nt Philadelphia. D Kxclulvr Win Jronl Tin AnoeUtf-rl Tim. Phllndelphia, Keb. Z2. The faculty and students of the University of Pcnn sjlvanla today celebrated Washing ton's birthday In an elaborate manner. The students assembled on the campus at 10 o'clock this morning and inarched to the Academy of 'Music, wheto tlm eeicsos WCIC held. P.lshop AVhltnker opened tho celebra tion eviclses with prayer, after which PioMist Harrison delivered a brief nd-dies-. Hr. S. Weir Mitchell, "public oratoi," lu the annual conferiing of honoiiny degrees, introduced eac'i can didate to trv lirovost. l'roost Harri son confeiiod the diplomas In T.atln and on ench candidate placed th hood m gown peculiar to tin degree Thosi who woie honored wlili dj gtees weio- Hoar Ailmhal Melvlll", doelm oi silotuo- Klght Ilev. Horrj i Pottot, doc ioi of laws; Ptesldent llenij C Piltchett, of the Alassiehn- setts Institute of Technology, doctor of laws: President Willi im 1.. Piathrr. of tho Uulveisltv of Texas, doctor ,f laws; Cliniotit 15. Penrose, doctor of laws Itev. John Spaihawk .lone, par toi ofl'alvatj i hutch, ductoi of si red tin olog Alti r tli re nforilng of degiees, HWh op Pottei who was the orator of tie da delKiion his address, A dinner was tender 1 tin-lsltois tonlg'i'. SENATOR MORGAN'S MINORITY REPORT Upon Resolution Declnxiug That Rat. iflcatlon of the Hay-Pnuncefote Treaty Is Not n Condition of Ptecedent. L.i I ,i lii-he Win from Hie voi uu.1 l'ir Washington, 1-Mi. J.', Senator Jtoi gan, ot tho committee on foieign n hitlons, lias made a minority njioit upon the lesolutlou declaring that ratl licalluii of tile Hay-Pauncefote treaty Is not a condition precedent to the constiiictlou ot the Nlcarasua canal and that the United States should pro iced with that wotk regatdless of tho txiMcutu of the- Cl.i ton-Itulwer trenlj. Tho couuultteo niailo rm adiuse lelioit upon tho lesolutlou a few dajs ago, but Senator Moigan ontioeits the wisdom of tk,it aitlon. Senator Min gan's lopoit Intimate s th.it the ad Muxo leport was niaelo to eoiifotm to the iew of the mcsldiut. On this point he hiijs "The lesolutlnus iiaic- mv heaity ap- luenal, and I i.imior admit that lln piesldtnt has am light to illicit t'nii giifS a to the time wlnn It Is o peilluit lo iNpuss our apimivat of Mil solemn m t of making ihisc- agiet nieiitx with Nleiuagua and c'oslu Itlm. This ilaini was made in tho um mltteo and his lows as to the epn i ni ax tn ai lion who stattd as gnniiids of objei Hon to tho ii solutions Pimi this lcw of tho tlutj of tin sen ate I whoilj dlscnt." In another nm in i lion ho sijs mi tho same point' "Wo an bound to ague with t'ostti Itlia and Nli nugua as to tho tt mix on w hlc li canal ptiiileges win ho . ti udi d to the I'nlied Mutes If this nilb jei t Is to be settled bv ilgioemeiu "Wo lime so agieed and the ques tion Is w bethel lu a spasm of nppie heuidou or under a suboidln itlem lo tin- uitiilttiiis that P.iltlsh opinion nun bullet us, wo will penult that go oinmenl io emnpet tlio piesldent to abandon the-o agieenionts They an hmiorabli Juxt lawful and luconcelv ablN good, and one o abandoned wo i innot epeit a peiceable lesumpllon ol thexo i elti lions." Mi Mm gau uIm) lake,, the position th it lln piesldent has already out lined the' position of the United Stales lownid tho Claj ton-Iiulwor tieaty by negotiating the protocols with Costa lib a and Nlcaiagua. "It Is ipiltn llkc-lv," he sivs, "thai tho piesldent lu milking tho ngiee iunth lu the name of tho United Mites, definitely dlsiegatilcd an el.ilm ot light that flieit lbltaln could asxptt to the effect that her consent wis necescaij- to meh ni tlon on bis put, as ptesldent. 'And equally ho u-seited the ilghl of coinress to dlst-egaiil any claims of (iieat lltltnin to pi event the acquisi tion of Mich lights fioni Costa Ilka i nd Nlcaiagui. and to appiopilate inonov for that distinct purpose. I'.exond question be has bound him--elf as piesldent and as n plenlpoten tlaiv to those ngi cements, and If thov iulnto the light of Oieit Fliltaln or gIo hei Just offense, coligicss Is also bound either to undo tlm wrong and at onu lopudlrite' nnd bnponeh what the piohlduit has done oi sustain his notion " CONSUL WILDMAN. Had Not Been Home Since Spanish War Was a Native of Elmira. flv I Mlii.be Who fiein llio A m lite! lrc Washington. I-Vb. 2: Consul Oen eial Wlldtnau had not been In the Pniteil States slnco the Spanish war bioko out. Ills soivlce In the east eov eied all thi'eM'nts leading up to and Im ludlng tho Spanish-Ann llean war. c was In coinniunliatlon with Aguln nldo at the time of Admli.il Dbwov's famous lcloij-, and was .uciihod by llui Plllpiuo Ip.ulei of having made un fulfilled piomlses to him. but steadily ib nled tin slatements to this clfoct. Mi. Wildinan w.ih on his way home on Io.no of absent o llo was a native of Hlmlra. X. Y but about twelve jraia ago went to Idaho, when ho wns tho editor of a pp.rer at Ilolso rity. about this tlmo Mr. Wllilman was appointed consul at Slngapoie and aftoi his teturn located tit-San rranelsco, whcie ho engngeil In magazine wmk. - . Steamship Ai rivals. Hi I vilmlio Wop fiun The wKlitcil l'ic WW VoiV., lVli 2 ubnl MarqnntP, konilnii 1 Inrpool Vnliuli (icrtrntnU, .Vrw oil. nne-rp Vnbnll IVonlrrnlanJ, ew York, fillnultar Arrived. In t llUmaiik, Now V'lU for Niplii anil lliiioa ficnoa mllnlt llolicntollern. K YorU. nrowlifil I'l'tiilt Noniaillr, .Vim- Yi rk for I be-ipmil. NO COMMENT WAS CAUSED "Ripper" Passes on First Readino Without a Word or Act lor or ftoalnst It. FIGHT WILL COME NEXT TUESDAY Unless Something Unexpected Inter venes to Change Present Plans, the Measuie Will Be Up for a Second Rending on That Date and in All Likelihood Passed Substantially as It Stands Repicsentntlve Nis bett Deluged with Telegrams Com mending His Declaiatlou in Fa vor of the "Rlppei." pci lal fn in a -tan ( urn 4poi,dri.i Ilarrlsbuig, I'eb iJ. Todas's houe calendar applaud with Mip Muelu bioimcr bill occuiijltig tho last i'ae but two among the eighteen bills scheduled for Hist roadlpg. It was load on Its turn and passed with out i liniment lust as wa.s all the' oth'i evetiteon, Hven tho teinpoi-uv chali mm. Mi. Slntoi, of riillailelphlti, did not lealho until In got to talking with the nowsjmpei men uflei wards tint ho had the distinction of providing whll- the eelebtated "ripper" bill was colng iluough Its fist Introdiicllon to the houxe. Xobodx pavs nnv attention lo bills on llist lending. The chili- hears the' iletk pause and mutters. "Nov s'bll'l b'lojil." at which the cloik pro-ic-eil? to lead Its title lo the onlv ail'lltor, the stenogiaphor. ruder the rules, tho bill Is then laid aside foi -if-cmid lending. Hall tho membiisj it Is haft to ay, did not h'ar the lead ing of "An ait for the gouinmchl of cities of the teeond clas," and ball of the half that did heir II, ,?ave It no nioto heed tli in If it was one ot the ever lee lining "do," and sheep" at ts Till, II will be tlltiVienl ii' M Tups, day. when It Is proposed to pass It on suond leading and gleo the piluter power to i on oct "misprints." Tli" l-'llnnltes hiiM not lost hope, although ulnilt tltip tholr light is an almost bop' loss one, and when the bill conns up 'lue-iliiv tin will nink" i do'ini no stab at lipping the "ilppoi " I .iical politic :il bad' is iroin all or the state uu about tin house all da and mound the hotels at night, wink ing on th wuoilug m"in1nis. Most ol them mo allies uf !he hiMllgint i hloftaln, now inlim-h loioiied to as 'The Man with tin- Woo" "Pllnn, tin Meik." and lluigomlstcr P.lll." 1'ioni up SiMtntoii wav ennie- o-M.lor John II lVllows nnd Thomas Klliow, ol Hnllsti id, tin well-known Itopubll I'ltn leadci of Susiiiu-b innii When IteprcentallM' W W. Nls lu tl. of Pittsbmg, cTin.' Into tli" bmiso this inoiulng. In- lound his desk falilv lltteie'l with lelogiams coiiiniendlng ids action of lust night in doe-lniiug foe iho "ilnnei " All during the iuo- ' gie-s of the session ho was kppl bus loidlnr, thorn and eonseiUentl flee fiom obosivlng how well or otherwise llui i oils of lils.iontlt.uous oolloaguos fit In the buk What these latter arc not snltig ubout Mr. Nlsbett Is the onlv poitlon 01 their uttoiances of tho past twenty-four bouts that would look well In pi int. T J. Huff TO PROVIDE FULL BENCHES. Bill to Retiie Judges Who Mav Be- come Incapacitated. ' ?pcilal (torn a Stall e crro-pomU nt Haiilsbm-,. P. b. 2'. It Is plopneil b a bill inesented In the bou-o lodu bv Mr. Hinilson. ot Plilluilelphla. to ie tlre on lull salary any Judge who may be mi'iitnll oi iihhlcally Incapacitated fiom perfoimlng tho duties of Ills ofllee for a peilod of one jear. At pi wnt Hum Is no pioIlon In tho I iw to mee t tin- posslblllt of a tnajoiltv of one of Ihe appellate com Is being incapacitated m lor taking cai of the busliies ot u Judicial dlstikt whete tin Judge or Judges may be lu a similar lonilltlon, For this and the nion Immediate loaum that tin con tinued Illness of Judge i Mitchell and Smith ot the Supeilor eouit has, so It Is claimed, somewhat handicapped tho w oik of that i mil I. this bill has been di af ted lit, eiiintlng i laiiho loads as follows: 11- it rn ilr I, ri , 11 il fiom ami uftn Ihe-In-..ip of tlil aet, v.h nvvir p imki- of anv if tli- uin-nc mpiflci", inmmoii ppa? or orpin'"' o"itg of till- o. ninioiiHtaltli, y n-o hoii of ilijulril or miiitrl ilitililllli. ai poiri to In- Inniiatllati-a fr piifurinlni; Illu Jmllrl il fni i tint sml iluti-ii. am! k n mi ef su li I iliil llllv ha ml f ifomiiil .in li iliitini for itlio pciliil ot inn nar tin. snvinmi if lln (ommniiwi-allri l ill appolil i comnilsiloii ion nhting of tlir-o ulilllfnl uml ili-lnliitstnl ihv.l rlrns fum illflirent iiumlic ot the- .1 in- tn px amine Uu' alil Ju.ljp ml If llio sahl rommir sio.i -11 Kieil inai in" nui iiuiKi i -riiian. oiiih- Imapiiltatril m p'lfoiin llio ilutliK of lils ofdii. tin uovrtiior liall imtlfv llio mill i.il,- if mull fin Una-, ami If the mil juIlti uliall I i--ln nltliin lliirli iliu of mhIi nullu, Iip ul .11 nriixp nr th" luliner if ihr trim tnr nlilili lie nai ik-itdl llio talnj olnili ho ui III luvi ifi-i-lvr-'l, If lie hil not ir-tlstiril, ami lli vatiiny thus rnatril hall Iip IIIIhI in tlio mn l rr lii-rrloforn provliM tv lav in ia n' m ran im In Juilldil oifltn' Prison Boaid Fay. The bill drafted bv Itnlge Atcliliald, and pi Oriented by Ml. Siheuei. lo pin. vide a coinpensiitlon for membois of pilson bonuls, of not over J'OO each per annum, to be fixed by the county con ti oiler or auditors at tho beginning of each ycat, was repotted fiom thn Judicial" general committee with a negative leconimenikitlon Tho bill to authoiUo cum Ik to direct aooneyonce by the sheilff when the paity ouleied lefuses to do so, which Is primarily aimed at legislating stub born old James (Ian mm out of Jail, was IContlimrd n Pjh C THR NKWH THIS MORNING. Wttttatr ladlcatUii Tadajr, fltorv rLurtnitscoLDcn. Gi-iirrtl Stv'iiiifr and One llunrlrrd and l'lfty lit, tmn tl the (loldin (Iitp. l'irt uVailliii: of PJppfr Hill Cam, J Jfj Cr mmetit. Work of the N'ltloiul I 'gwliloin. Viillms of IliP Wm.k nt Ilnrilrntown. (iMiiral-Carlnnilal pcparlmi'nt. IM-11 An Med Hot' Clnl). Musical (ioflp. I'llitoikd. Weekly l.itlcr on MiinMial flali. ot ard CWmrnt. Is-al Social ami IVioia1. One Womau'i) Vlnn. Kilrntlllc xdail. Ijl Rfport of Mile liwplor MoilrikV Mil'mitr KrlloH" PiiUreil I'r elect nl. loial Uf till II of llaplKt IJhuuli -Ilk Jllll StrllT. fait til at I'm n AiruiC V'V il. Incil -Wiit cranlou mil ShImhImii CMicijI 'orlliia1iin lVtnnlunla Vilii-rlotmint I'Pll-SlHI Ni'W? 'if Ilif W'CiI, Sumlaj f-kliool len, for Touiuinm. loiil-lbr NiMH of tl r Imlintnal Wmtil WHITE RATS ARE OUT ON STRIKE They Make Tiouble for Vaudeville Mnnagets in th Laigpr Cities. I!; I, w hub Win to in 1ii? ..ot. al a I uf Ni w Yoik, Ki b. 2.!. Winder lllc man-ag-is are hustling Hits morning to so. iiuc tnl'-ul lo till iln ti s made vacant b the sttlko ot the White Kits' asxo elation Toda belli), u holldaj, the Miude- lllc hmism will try lo make a good show In?, while the "While Hals" will endeiiMii to show llu-li sttength Id the stilke P.oth sides aio elnlmlng li toij this morning. Th numageis of the local lioiihis state lliiil thi-v have enough "till lis' on their books to till tholr ptOKtnmme fui some- tlmo to I OHIO, e'enigo I'iiIIpi (loldeii, piesldent of the "While P.uls," said today tint II would be n light to a llulsh and .that tbo plajeis would suulv win ouf. Ho staled thai Iho ax-oeliitlon wax neatly 1 00 stiong. The Htrlko s the i exult m a the per e out. elemnud of Ihe matiageis lor booking tbo plnjus. This demand, the actms refuse to aicido to any longer, nnd tho oi'lei went out Mxurdny to nieiubi rs of 'White Kits" In all th e.istein illles to quit plalllh ''"bo slilke showed ItSPlI lu lln foini of nn "epldiiuli of sicklies." fine bv otic tin- a Ioi" mil nitiosscr ikclueel that lh" weio III and lu one Ioi ul playhouse ii hos itnl lopoit would lime show n eon cu-o oi appendicitis, a -iiialnid aiikli, Inait tiouble anil lheiimatixni lialind dog was found to Irivt anilo i olli ." and could not co on. 'Ihe i pldemli sptoid so Unit tin htiit-is woie H'llouslv iiipplod last nl'.ht and "linn" vie oeiiaugeil b". twion hmisi'x lliookljii tbe.il'i von badlv erip pli'd, four lioii"- being all oi tod Uopoils fimn Itosion hlale that th" xtilke .as l"lt Meulv lu th" Hub ilt. Til" -II Ik' Ih -Min till to b'-ionie j ,-eni i.il It I f"W lllll- Moston. Tib JJ. -Till audeIUo icnns and aitlsls at I.'elth's now tho.i til have ,4one' on i-tilk" In ieqimixe iriim enders from the White Hat or ganl7atlou. li x sniH"nl. Techow's ti alned e.itr and diu'x uu uokoued among the (eairi THE KENNEDY JURY HAS DISAGREED. Accused Mm deter of Dolly Reynolds Will Have Another Trial. lit- l.xclii-lip Wire fioio I'l ..nihfil l'u Now Yeuk. Kob .'.'The Juiy in the second li lal of Hi Samiic 1 J Ken nedy, under Indictment for the mm dol or Polly He nobis, lodav illi-agitod. and tho moused Is again In the Tonibi In the cell foinn'ilv ociuptid bv Itulond 11, Molliuuv. W1ipii Mi. .Mimic counsel lor Ken iii dv, was asked whether in would ap- nlv for ball ioi th" ntl-onoi. he- said: I Not ai this tlmo," and doclluid lo sav when the application would bo made. Justice Puisnian's warning Hopped the uuial smuces of inl'oimatlou as to the ballots lalf.cn by tin Juiv. but then Is good aiitboiltv for tho statenn nt that tho liny took many ballots and stood all night S to I lot ion. If tlon. that on tho last billot ono Juryman went oer to Ur Kennody's side and that the losult was a llnal vote of 7 to G lor conviction Mi. Molntjio said after the adjourn ment of the eouit lliat anv motion to admit Or Kennedy to bill would bo opposed by tho dlsiilet attoiuoy, LETTER FROM PAT CROW. Offeis to Give Himself Up if He Can Be Piotected fiom Violence. Ill- 1 M 111 lip Will flOill till' W'llijll-il I'll Omaha, Pob J.'. IMwaid Ciielah, sr, has tocclvid a htioi which he and thu chief or police bclU-vo lo be fiom Put C'towe It states that Crow Is not ctilltv and s,t that but for iar of hiiiiorlng the fiib of tin nogm re contly 1 nclit il nt I.i'iuenvvoith, Kau- sus, ho would lime given hlnipelf up. Now that tlm excitement Is iiujeted elon ii tho wiltpp hays, he will give himself up to Chief of Police Donahue, It Iho latter and Mr. Oud.ihy will In sine him protection from violence. CHINESE EDICTS SIGNED. in I -criilvp Wiir- Irom The iwclatnl I'iim, I'eMii, lli 2' Tip tmelgn inlnUtrn toJay nrrlvcil a niM.asu lumi tho CIiIiimo ptaco com. mUvlonPU i-ajliir; th e-dictii rriranllnir thp pun. IthinriiK, llui u .n a lien of rciinlnatlona and llio iKpniiillilllrj of thu vlcfro.-m nml ovoiiio hai been tlgncil, lilt the tt.it hii not ;i-t aiTlvnl, 0lns lo Hip Chlnro npir jeir irlHnatlmn many of the Irle-srapli olri'pj an ilm.il unlil ipx t vvsl. TRAGEDY AT BORDENTOWN Twelve Killed and About 30 Wound ed on the ftmbou Line Is the Latest Record. BODIES ARE MUTILATE Three in the Trenton Morgue Cannot Be Identified Conductor Sapp Ad mits That He Had Entirely For gotten the Order Relative to th Third Section of the "Nellie Bly'" Express. ( llj I'tclaile Mlrc from Tiip AiotIalail Tirm Trenton, N. J.. Feb. 22. Twelve klllmt and about thirty Injured Is tho reconX. at this -writing of the result of th collision of tialns last night at P.us llng'.i siding, near Hordentown, on th. Ambov division of the 1'ennsylvanlaj lallio.id. It Is known that all bodies have been inmoed from the -wrecked tialii". Of the Injured nineteen mo now lu the Tienton hospitals and fle In Cooper hospital at Camden. Somo of the other slightly injured went to their homes. Of tho Injmed nt Tren ton eight arc Itallins and nt Camden all the live aro Italians. Of the dead plevcn bodies nre now at the Trenton mot true, one of them an unidentified woman, and ono body is at Cnnideu. Seven bodies have been positively lelon tlflecl. They nic: Walter Harlc, engineer of the oppress train. James lllrmlnshani, baggagemasler of the local train. ndvvaid J. Stoke, of Bristol, Ph., pnssenger of tho local train. Walter Nale, oC Tienton, passenger on tho local train. John Oates, of Trenton, passenger on the local train. An Italian, whoso first name wan Joo but Inst name not known. Mulas Sparta, un Italian, who died at tho Cooper hospital, Camden. Another bodv at the Trenton morgue Is that of an Italian, name unknown. Another Is that of uu unidentified woman The three other bodies nt the morgue ate so badly mutilated that Identified, tlon Is dinicult. They arc supposed to bo tho boille1) of three Trenton men who wore passengers on the local train, but who have been missing since tbo i ulllsloii occurred. They are: William McNInney, John Patrell ami Thomas MeOee. Tho Iujuied. cif the Injured in tbo hospitals here there me four whoso icioveiy is doubt ful Thov are Pi .ink 1 olden, who had both legs cut on Vlne'iit Splni, an Italian, who-e skull was fractured. liomlulck Ceixit'llo, an Italian, -whose back wax broken and who will sutoly lb All iho otheis In the hospitals h"ui are picmivwlng nicely. P.oth Cienoial Supoilntendent Sbp pnd and nivlhlmi Supoiinteiielont Am bon ro. able admitted todiv that th" crew of tho accommodation tialii dls obvnl the tialii onlers. Condui tor Sai p, of the locil tialn, who is at bis homo In P.oidentovvn suffering fioni slight Injuiles. ,ui inlttpil io Mi, Ambeivroinblo that b bad entliely lorgotteu the oider i"ln llvo to tin thlld section of tho "Nellie l.lv ' omuc-S". Kuslli""!' Thompson of the saui'i train, v ho lbs hcilouslv injutod :n a Trenton hosrltiil, STld that some toi Ublo mistake had been made sorao wheic Tho train cudois ismed worn In dupllca'e and both Thoinpson and Sapp veto given a cop. The older eiliecled ihe local train to remain on the siding nt Sbopv.ird above Borden town, until all Unco rectinns of ties ppioss had pa. oil, but Instead o doing th!", hnwevci. the local pulled out on Hie main ti ulc after tho b'cemd section had sped by. LETTER CARRIERS MEET. Neaily Tlfty Delegates Present from ' All Pants of the State. 11- Ivilimbe Wire from Tho AocIatnl rtcs Lebanon. Pa., Teb. 2J. Today thi latter Can Ioi s association hold tluli annual meeting in thiB city. T. J. Car pontoi. of Hairlbburg, presided. Tins other ofllcers iu-e: J. J Forav, l -president, Wllkefc-narre- J. IL An drows, secietdiv, Pittsbiug: T. V. rsiles, of Haston, treasnier, and Goonm H. Koininol, Lebanon, seigcant-ai-nms. Theic worn nearly tlftv deil-'gatem piesent fi-om all pait of Pennsylvania, and speeches were mndn bv John 11. Parsons, of New York, prcsldont of thn National association, and M. A. Fltz geiald, piesldent of tho New Yoik! Hands, No. SC. . Maiquls Mairies Florodora Slngen lli rsilii-lvi Wits fioia 'llio J-nclatrrl Vtrv. Inilon, lb. 2i-1Iia Marquis ot Urudlnrt i rt-portoil to liavo marilnl MUi Uoa Boon, a mrnitcr t tlic "I'loroiliia" rompany, it tb Ivriu ttnalrr. liconnv 'fkornai Tarloiir, n pntii miiiiilc of llpilfort. win born in Wt. Hi l a kpi-onrl liiiiienaut m tbo Tint Liin (inard ml tit In tin iiou of lom as Bar hnili Ills ictoml tilln U J ail of B.lhi'. Woist Blizzaid of Wintei. in l.i lu.lv Wire fiom Die .ocltoJ TrfM WalPitovMi, N. Y, l-cli. i"-0np of tli or., lihizanU ot tlm winter li prrvalllnjf in mrthrr cvv York, bnow bimaii fallioir about midnight, and a lillndlnir ttnnn is lllll in piosre ItalU road Uiiflc U haii pornl ttttii WEATHER FORECAST. Wnfliin.tni, Vli, ii rnrfp lor Rat imlay ami Mm la.v I Katorn Ppninj-lvuili lair in Noiilhrni mo rliirrlia in nortlo rm portion itnrda) . eullrr In northra tmrtlun -iindji. nil. imiliiiiiiil ioIiIj lirbl. I oitlmpetiilj ml ttttttttrttt tt tti-