The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 22, 1901, Image 7

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i Jonas Long's Sons'
Sale No. 1
At 2 O'clock
In the Basement
69c to 22c Coffee Pots and Tea Pots for 10c
Wc began the day with this great offering, consisting of one, one-and-one-half
and three-quart Coffee and Tea Pots, of genuine agate and peerless enameled
ware, the very best qualities and sold regularly in all stores at 22c to t -.
Wc each. For just one hour Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock I UC
98c to 55c Coffee Boilers for 19c
In other words large sired Coffee Pots, including the 3. 4$, "i and li-quart,
made with handle and bail the very best quality of genuine agate and peerless
enameled ware, worth up to 98c. Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock for one t
hour lyc
50c Willow Clothes Baskets for 25c
A bargain to interest everyone. A big lot of genuine Imported Willow Clothe.-,
Baskets, of standard size and best make. Worth fiOc. Friday for one
hour at 2 o'clock jiiJC
45c Step Ladders for 23c
Coming houscclcaning time now and one of these nice four-foot ladders will
come in very handy. Made of best hardwood, four steps, carefully put together,
light and easy to carry. Cheap at Joe. Fridav afternoon for one hour
at 2 o'clock '. 23C
5c Porcelain Cups and Saucers, 2c
An offering that ought to bring thousands to the basement. Finest white Porce
lain Cups and Saucers, of good sizes andshapes just the thing for every
day use. Sold nowhere under fie each. Friday for one hour at 2 o'clock. . . XC
75c Patent Water Bottles for 39c
Every house-wife who sees the inconvenience of the ordinary water bottle will
want one of these new fangled ones. .Made in two parts, neck and top being
jointed to the bowl by a nickle screw. Put in the water and the ice, screw on
the top and there you arc. Easy to clean, water always cold. An arti-
clc that is very cheap at 75c. Friday afternoon for one hour at 39C
55c Lipped Preserving Kettles for 19c
These Kettles are made of the very best peerless enameled ware, are full 10
quart size and have always sold at 5."c. For one hour Friday at
2 o'clock 19C
20c Deep Pudding Pans for 10c
Extra deep Pudding Pans of the finest peerless enameled ware, hold five quarts,
nicer to use than tin or porcelain. Cheap at 20c. Friday for one hour t
at 2 o'clock I UC
Jonas Long's Sons
Sale 'No. 2
mjk" r
At 3 O'clock
On the Main floor
Ladies' $1.50 Shoes for 99c
An important trade movement gives you these shoes at a little more than half
price; so we make them the leader of the .' o'clock sale. Women's Lace Shoes,
made of genuine Dongola Kid (no sheep .skin), with solid leather counters, in
ner and outer soles; light and heavy soles, kid tips onlv. All sizes, D and E
widths. Guaranteed to give satisfaction. Cheap at $1.50. For One
Hour, at three o clock
50c and 39c Dress Goods for 29c
A little over 2850 yards in this lot for Friday, divided as follows: 1200 jards of
40-inch Polkadot Satinncttc cloth; 5)00 yards of hair-cord Striped Zezcline Suit
ings and 750 yards of Figured Burbons. The three .comprise all the desirable
shades for this season, consisting of old rose, reseda, castor, red, national grey,
brown, cadet blue. etc. Cheap at 50c. For One Hour at three oclock
A ri(iii mJ
Ladies' 25c Fleeced Underwear for 15c
The buyer says it is "one of the best values ever offered in his stock." big
lot of fine quality medium weight cotton ribbed and fleeced vests and pants
just right for early spring wear; nicely trimmed and finished, and sold nowhere
for less than twenty-five cents each. For One Hour Friday at three
o'clock f 5c
10c White Dress Goods for 5c
A great lot of Manufacturers' Remnants to go at just half price. Finest of white
goods suitable for children's dresses, aprons ami the like; in a great variety of
plaids and stripes; also plain. Worth 10c yard. Friday for One Hour '
at three o'clock 5C
25c Table Oil Cloth for 15c
Here i.s a chance to cover the kitchen table or pantry shelves at le:. than jou
ever paid before for quality and goodness. A lot of more than one thousand
yards of Table Oil Cloth that is full 10 inches wide, in extra good patterns of
inany styles. Never sold, less than twenty-five cents. For One Hour t
Friday at .' o'clock for-. 1 5C
On the Second Floor
Boys' 50c Percale Waists for 25c
Made of the finest Percales, in a great variety of styles and patterns. Moth
waists and blouses in light and dark effects. Sailor collars or blouse.s: sizes !l to
8 years; plaited waists with small collars: sizes from 7 to 12 years. Xevcr sold
for less than fifty cents. Friday for One Hour at three o'clock on sec-
ond floor 25C
Jonas Long's Sons
Sale No, 3
At 4 O'clock
On Main Floor
Big Sale of 1 5c Towels for 9c
Two styles in the lot; some are of plain crash, hemmed and neatly finished with
colored borders; others arc of fine buck with fancy colored borders. Good size
and of a quality that will give lasting service. The regular fifteen cent
quality in most stores. Here at t o'clock for One Hour Friday at onh . , . "C
12c Finest Flannelettes for 7c
The choice of anything in the stock which gies ou a great variety- lo choose
from. Finest Flannelette and Outing Flannels, including all the pretty figures
and stripes so much in vogue just now. Qualities that sell readily at 10c 1
and 12Jc. Take your choice for One Hour Friday at -I o'clock at only. . 2C
Ladies' 20c Split Foot Hose for 12jc
Without question, the greatest Hosiery bargain you've ever struck here. A fine
lot of split (hall white) foot Hosiery for ladies, made of best quality yarns, splcn-
didlv fashioned and hnisued double Heel and toe. A dualitv tliat luuls I
readv sale at 20c. For One Hour Fridav at I o'clock at onlv
On Second Floor
Boys' 50c Knee Pants for 25c
Greater value has no store than this. A lot of IJoy.-'
weight, dark blue and brown cheviots best of waist
throughout. Splendid for school or dress wear. Size
50c. For One Hour at I o'clock
Knee I 'ants in
bands and taped
I! to 11, worth
On Third Floor
15c Dotted Curtain Swiss for 9Jc
Coming time now when you think about moving the old curtains up stairs and
placing new ones down. Why nut make them up these cold evenings, especially
when the materials are yours for so little? Friday lor an hour wc offer five
thousand .yards of finest Curtain Swiss, in both dot and stripe effects, uncom
monly good quality, of excellent designs and choice finish, full width and 1
cheap at 15c yd. Friday at I o'clock for One flour on "d floor for.... V2C
On Fourth Floor
75c Hardwood Kitchen Chairs for 45c
"And the last shall be first." These Chaiis are really first-class in point of bargain-giving.
They arc made all hard wood throughout with curved seats; four
spindle back topped with pressed carved headboards, firmly wedged all through,
highly polished and finished suitable for kitchens, clubs, halls, restaurants,
bar-rooms or dining-rooms. (See them in windows). Cheap at 75c. For .
One Hour Friday afternoon at 1 o'clock on the lth floor 45C
Jonas Long's Sons
A Pleasant Social Affair at the Home
of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin R.
Capwell, of Tunnel, Pn.
I tpti.M to tli Scraiitun Tribune.
RictoryvlIIe. Feb. St. The JOlli duy
of February, 1901, will be a pleasant
recollection In the minds of tho.e who
participated In the events of that dale
f at the home of Mr. and Mrs, P.enjunitn
It. Capwell, at their commodious home
at Tunnel. Va. The event was the
nftleth anniversary of their bedding.
It will nlt-o go down In tho history of
ns one of the most pleasant events of lonjr and happy m.uiled life.
It a.a a Rood-nntured nd Jolly
v crowd that poured Into their happy
home during: thei afternoon of tlio
above date, unci many were the con
gratulations and costly wem the tok
ens of esteem that weic bestowed upon !
the aged couple, who have (ought with
the storms and trials of ovei three
" eore years and ten, tho allotted tlmo
of man. Although somewhat afflicted
hy the weight of those many years,
they were reminded hy the event of
their youthful years and still made
thelt presence felt among their guests
and proved very able entertainers.
Purine the afternoon, tables were
spread and laden with bountiful viands
that were calculated to tickle the pal
ate of a modern epicure. Tho menu
was headed with roast turkey and
was followed by the usual dellcocles
and was served by an able corps of
wultfct. Mr. li. H, Oreen wot toast
master and entertained In his usual
At 7 o'clock those who were present
durlns the afternoon departed for their
lespictlve homes, after wishing tho
aged couple much happiness and many
more years of prosperity and good
health. The guests who were Invited
for the evening began to arrive shortly
after 7 and by 9 o'clock the home was
well filled again, but this tlmo by
mostly younger people, who proceeded
nt once to enliven the occasion with
their merry laughter and witty say
ings. Music waa furnished during the
venlng by the Muudolln club, of Kac
turyville. who discoursed some up-to-date
music, which was much uppra
elated and enjoyed by the host and
Miss Nellie Miller sang In her
'harming monnar Kveral vocal selee
tnn, with sultni' accompaniment.
ItefrvshnieniK wrn served during tho
veniria. -
"I'hft Mctronlc lodge, of this place, and'
of which Mi. C'.ipwell is the oldest liv
ing member, were present, and frater
nully entertnlned their brother. Among
the presents fjlx'en wan an elegant
Morris chair, which will perhaps be
enjoyed by Mr. Cipwell ns much as
uny ono thing.
Those present wern as follows: Dr.
John Courtrlght, Clark's Green; Mi,
and Mrs. J. B. Khlppey, Clark's Sum-
inn; .mi. ami .Mrs. 11. u. nnieeu, .ir. i
J ifd tMneed, Misses Clara, Hazel and
Anna Smeed. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Mo
wer, nil of 8cr.inton; Mr. and Mr.1. S,
W. Capwell, Mibi-eh Florence, Ilnnlta
and Marlon Capwell, of Forest City:
Mr. and Mrs. It. D. Miner, of Stevens'
I'nlnt, Wis.; Mrs. I'nima. Iladsal, ot
West lnox, I'n.: Mr. George Capwell,
Glenbuin, I'a: Mrs. Hannah Grant.
Mr Adelbert Grant, Gletibum: Mr. and
Mm Jeiome Thomas, Mr. Archie
Thomas and Miss Itlce, of Iialtun; Mr.
Uyron Green of Fleotvllle- Mr, and
Mrs, H. R. Capwell, Mr. and Mrs. F.
A. Reynolds. Renjamln. Chlqulta and
Annu Reynolds, Mr. Charles Reynolds,
Mrs. Kate Cross, Mr. and Mrs. 'Wil
liam Rosengrant, Mrs. C. D. Johnson,
Mr. Quick, Miss Amy Capwell, Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Jones, Mr. and Mrs.
C Malthowson, Mrs. Corlnnn "Wilson.
Mrs. Fanulu Roberts, Miss Annie
Sterling, Miss Lama Phillips, Mr. J5tl.
win Capwell. Mr. Merrltt Zlllman, Mr.
and Mr. Charles Croup, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Wheelock, Miss Bernlo Rosen
grant, Master Stanley Rought, Mr. and
Mrs. I.,. I.lndley, Mr. and Mrs. Ir.t IS.
Miller, Master Glen Miller, Miss Nel
lie Miller, Mr. T.umnn Reynolds, Mr.
Hallock Reynolds, Mr. Miles Gardner,
Mies Lucetta Gardner, Mr. and Mrs.
A. 1). Gardner. Mr. and Mrs. V. W.
Hard, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ilaag, Mr.
and Mrs, F. M. Ostorhout, Mr. and
Mrs. .1 H. Reed, Mr. and Mrs. James
Rail, Mrs. A. J. Gllmore, Mr. and Mrs.
A A. Drown, Mr. Day Rosengrant,
Miss Delia Mott, Mr. C. I.. Tourpee,
Mr. and Mis. Willis Rosengrant, Mas
ter 1'arl Rosengrant, Mr. and Mrs. N,
A, Gradncr, Mrs. 1'mnu Mott, Mr. and
Mr?. Norman Mott.
tpetlil to (lit Sainton Tribune.
Foiest City, Feb. 21. The following
o'tlcera wero elected Tuesday: Audi
tor, three years, Frank Doud, P.; one
year, C. .1. Jay, D.i poortnaster, two
yeais, John It. Budd, It.; ono year,
John It. Dell, D.; school directors, Sec
ond wurd. Levi Decker, D., three years;
Patilck Clarcy, D., one yeur; council,
M. F. Kano, D.; J, .1, Dearie, D.J as
sessor, Juin K. Bell, D.; Judge of elec.
tlon, John M, Brown, R.; Inspectors,
W. Hullah, D.: W. A. Weber. R. In
the First ward B. Fallon, 1)., wns
elected to the school boaid; J. I'. Hag
gerty, D., council; Frank Hood, P., as
sessor: J. W. Jones, R judge of elec
tion; Joel Haines. D and W. II. West
gate, R., Inspectors. Victory rested
with the Democrats, who secured all
but three ofllces, with pluralities rang
ing from nine to seventy. A citizens'
ticket was in the tlold and In the Sec
ond waid seemed a largn vote.
Mrs. Oliver Coyle Is very ill at her
home on North Main street.
A board of trade is In process of for
mation, which, it is hoped, will be a
great benefit to the town. At a pie
llmlnary meeting held on Wednesday
night, T. P. McConnlck was made
chairman, and F. M. Carpenter, secre
taiy. A committee Is now enrolling
membeis. and tho next meeting will
be held In the council rooms on Friday
night of next week.
The clerks have under way a move
ment to closes all stores at t!.!lrt each
night except pay-days, Saturdays and
the night preceding a holiday. It is
expected that It will meet with favor
with merchants generally. Most of the
towns roundabout Foiest City are al
ready enjoying the system
Sptclil to tht Mcrtnton Tribune. '
Duryea, Feb. 21, The attendance at
thi fair was exceedingly largo Wed
nesday und there was not one dis
satisfied person ut It. Tho cake walk
was won by Mr. Davis, of Avoca. The
door prize, 100 pounds of flour, was
won by Miss Bessie Yates, of Lacka
wanna. Tho programme to be ren
dered tonight will bo as follows: Ad
dress, Rev. II. A. Green; recitation,
Mlas May Regan; recitation. Miss Ag
nes Murphy; solo. .Miss Alice Brown;
recitation, Miss Maud Pickens; dia
logue, "Hypnotising the Landlord,"
Silas Randell and V. Dills; solo, Mlm
Alice Anderson; recitation, Miss Nel
lie Dills; dialogue, "A Farmqrs' Meet
ing," Charles Rollea and Horace Dills;
solo, Miss Eva Kvans; t,peclaltlen,
Charles Ace and Richard Naylor; dlu
logue, "Stealing tho Colonel's Wine,"
Herbert Brown, William Anderson,
Joreph Cox, William Brown and
Duane Dills; solo, Mr. William Wil
liams; closing address; song, hy au
dience. Today nn entertainment will be ren
dered In tho auditorium of tho High
School, Tho pupils havo preat talent
for work In this direction.
Mr. George Gray, of this place, has
been promoted to the position of mas
ter machinist for the Templo Iron
Mrs. A. J. Baker is visiting tela
tlves nt Jermyn.
Mr. Alexander I'enn has accepted n.
icspbnMble position at the Old Forgo
A watch rafllo will bo held In Krup
Inskl's hall this evening, tor tho pur
pose of buying an invalid's chair for
Mr. Arthur Price, who has uffored
from rheumatism for several years,
Acllhr llomirr rr in tlir rar
of ji)'tt girl
'lllflP t (lir.NU
lACUSM-Jcffcrioii Do Angcli In "A. Koyil
A('.Pl:MV-"Thc l'lainliu Am ' M '" MKht.
O.VIKTV Al ltccn' linrle-qu" cowpauj. iUl
into und nllit
Indian Actiess at the Academy.
'lhi pvoiliutiiiti of the "I laming Allow" at lUr
Aculi'iny of Miiile lat nlnht was u big; mrprtfo
to tho injny ieilu wlio wltnuieil tliu inorm.
nnce, (."reeling to nco a blooil limiting Jiielo
ill hum such as the lltlo of the le may
ili-i. 'I he litup nt I lie miliiuty ilrjinn U
left nillrcly out ami the isciruhc "c ot tin
a tins anil howlc l.niu. is left foi tlir im.sln.
tlon. Out' one liot i flrr "I throughout 'i
ilitltc production.
MKi (Jo (' Mnliml . the Indite jitroi,
I'laylns the p.ul nt White Umh,, Ik 'ti .Kin1
of except lor jl ability and Horn an aitlrtit point
of Wcw would rclliv many of litr white "lut.T
uttrowes of today. Several ilmrounhbred Indlaiw
iippcie in rilfflcnll roles and interpret them In a
lapublc manna. The ttuicry Is lunnome, all
Ileitis ranted hy tlio company, Tim Indian
ramp and war U both wehd and eiu.
tlonal. The first oit it a stenf of an Indian
(amp near 1'oit Reno ; aet yrennri, the couneil
Tiro and ramp iUnee; ait thiid, I'urt Ileno,. (he
United Stjr frontier po-t; art fourth, mouii
tain retuat; act fifth, the foil ai night. "The
Klainlnjc Arrow" will he the attraction at h
Academy the balan. c, of the wicl. with a nutin'e
dally. The Indian Kind will uire free open
air concert cmy afternoon ai 1.J0 and eionlns
at T.Wi in front ot Ih thealu
AI Reeves' Company.
At Reek est and li! (treat (otnpany ei.lered upon
a three day' engagement at the Oealcty theater
c.terday and u ual were greeted with U'R6
audlencm alternoon and evening. The loinpai.v
contain. lomo cxctllent talent, including r'amitj
Kern Thatcher, tho ell known loubreltej Kelly
and Ittno, the comedy auobatj, who Introduced
t-omo ery noel teatnre: Mitchell and I'alu ard
t.cro,r and Woodford.
The leading fealiue of the olio wan iindotilded.
ly furnished by Inoi Mecualter, the prima donni,
who gave scleral selection with chatacterl'llc
eicellenco and artl'llc tnlsli tint eioKed en
thutlaatlc ncie. JUm, I.ouiwi Aubee ilo ixii.
dereil vocal numbera In a tileoalng way.
The programme clor with an up-to date fine
by AI Heee which in enllvenM by bright mime,
graceful dancr and humor ol the builetque eider
Jefferson de Angelis' Big Hit.
'Jlifie d(M not aetm to bo any doubt that Jeff
De Amelia hat (cored a big lilt in hN new
inuilcal production, "A Koyal nogue." The
praltn glien In New Yotl; and eUewhere to thlt
really i Icier and genuinely funny coinlci oera
lomedlan In hN lateit rleco hail hardly been
iNpulIcl In an operatic way In a long time, lie
reems to haie footed nn eien greater MieceM
than "The Jolly Mueketier," In which he taunl
for the past two jeart. He will present "A
Rojal nogua" heie tonight at the Lrcum thea
tre and it goes without saying ho will be warm
ly welcomed. '
"A Koyal Rogue" wat written by Clurlci
Klein am) the mualo It by V, T, Francis.
Henry Norman, Mlts Kva Daiennort, Charlet
Pimgan, Mist Sandol Mllllten, IU10M Vltard,
MIm HilHa Ilnllinn, MIm Maud Poole tnd Mlt
"A Young Wife."
I unit, launehill, jr., one ut Aineiix'n b,tl
comrdl.iiii, rome here for a limited engage
ment pioiiiiit.K that beautiful comedt drama,
"A Vonng Wife." Mr, Tannehill h.n urroundeil with the bcl .u tUts in the
proleion, each part being in the lund ot
capable people whom ic only selected aftM a
teiere trt at to their .ittUtlc ability.
The drama woa cue of tho Bleat Jcn-5" of
Utt feaon, and with the strong t'ompany Mr.
Taiini'hlll ha bin rounded hlmaelt with the peo
ple ate a'Mired of a beautiful perfoinunce. The
conifitny aie hcie lomonow, nuitlnec and night,
it tho l.jccuin.
(ihatso. The bond market wa dull and irregulti,
except fr an acute denial 1 for Uabah ruutr.
lures. Total Ml.', crdue, $.i,no,ixKi. I nitcd
S.iKs n funding Ci advanced ' and the old 4i
and 5 ',j ii"r cent, en lail call
Tht fulloning quolationt tit furnUhrJ Iht
Tribiut by M. i. .Ionian li Co., roirnr, T')j-7J
Heani building, M(.rantgn, l'a. Telephone MOi
. 151"
Holden Comedy Company.
Monday night the tamoiis Ilolilni (.omedi com
pany, the mot tnloal ami complete popular
pi Iced attraction tiavcllng, will open tlu-li i-U
'ugagement ut thi Afademy, pre,entlnc a lln"
of ktandaid drama-., which e never bien cen
lure at popular price
vmung me nign m utn uramai 10 o incfi'mvii , i(.,.,,ltu (Ja
licit week will he found audi oun an "Tlie 11- , ,(, Conliil ....
mend llreaker, l"ho lHnpv KxpieM," "The I Smlhcru Pacific .
Crucifix," "N"ohod' Clalin," "A Ituuel ol .Norloll. & Mcsleni
toIlev" and ntliera uf emitl nieiil and worth. I f"nii. I acini!
A iiumber of high cla lamlevllle fcjture ill
jh-n be introdiued during thu piouitiv, nt I ic
iU SenH now Mlling,
AmilUali frugal' . .
American Tobiccu .
Am. S. k U
Atch., To. ,t . Ve
A., T. 4: S. V., IT .
lliooUju Tinitiou ,
Halt. K Oihn
(Tont. ToMcco
Chcx..A: Ohl
Chic i C, '
Chic, II. k u
Si. Paul
Hocl. hland
Delaware ,t llmUon
federal Steed
I'cdeial Mill, I'r ..
Kan., & lex., IV ...
l.cmi. k N.hIi Klc
Mit. ruction Co....
Miwnuil Pacific ....
North. I'.itlile. IV ..
V. .
Out. & Wc(.
Pciuia. II. It
It iidliii.
Itc.idinic I'r
'-outhem 11. It
huiithcin II. It., I't
, Ttim. ('. A lion ....
r. X. Leather
I' s. laMthcr, IV ..
f. S. ltubb.i-
, I'nlnn I'.Killc
i fnion I'aelili-, I'r ...
' VtiMoin t'nion ,...
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lllil .t
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le.lnll lleain IVr bu , V.10al..
(iici-n l'ei.-Per bu.. "l.JOil.13.
Onloin Per bu , Slal W.
I loin - lle.i paliiit, l (j.
New Yoik Q lain and Froauc.
.Now oil., IVb. 21. I'Suui Dull and about
Mead;. i -put iiiUt: No. :! led, m)Uc. I
i'. I, afloat ind 7'1'ii'. ileialm; .S'o. 1 nBrtherii
lliilulh, 7';L. f ,i. it, r1o.t; option openM
linn, imiaiied a 'ulle Inn tliull.v teiotered and
ilod i.,.y .it 'ti'ii. net ilecline; 5fnh i loin I
7'J',t-i M-X, "c.i -lull, 7P'ii. Coni Spot lit ! .
u. -.'.Vl'ic. rln-iioi .Hid 177.1. I. o. li. art'i-it
options opened nriu ,iud nded anieully ,iun,i
all da J, cIiMlii.' ilcacl.i ut 'i', net adwiict; Maii'ii
.hraii Hi'.c, Juh, 4tc. (JjI. ipot rlrmei
No. .' .lie- .Ni ', .a, ; Nn. : white, .IV.: No.
:: white, .'Ij'ji.; tin!. niKii woteiu, Sna.'lltci .
uach white, .il'jii.liH.; option slow but hi rail,
llultc-i- .-tioni,; fi..h maineiy, IHaiU.; 'j.
in iv, IIkIji., June uaniii., JJ.liO,,; iiiiitutlnii
ui-iiiu-iv. Hji ; ,un d.lii, H.i2c. C'lieeNi
I'iiiii; Niiii lirgi- Mil madi- llall'i.; tau,
.null tall made, Ul. i'sh 'tiadys state and
I'iiiii'.iIii l.'a. Hi.; we-tein, 17', jc. : loulhein, li
Chicago Uinln and Pioduce.
( m' tan, lib. '.'I. W.' ji tliong eail.t i
t'.i.i, lull w.i Inn id ilc... n l.itel jnil clwrd eai
May 'iiii,.e. hiwer Cdiu c!,t'l '.i';ia. jud ciu
a li.ui- liiulnr. I'livid'iu a Mi.di- to
7',ji . d..pi(tiiil ( mutation weie at follout
I riuiii Dull ami .ii'idi: Nn. ! spring mI.ijI, d'
I 71c; .Nn. -' r,d. 71i,'u ; ,Xo. nun, Cfi'lc; N
I 2 jrllnw, .t'li.c ; No. I mill, 2i'i2ii'i.; o
while, 27'ti2,.i.: No .1 white, i7'Jav'ic.i N
" !, ."J'sc ; No. 1 ti.i. ol; c. 1 noil i
w l, 1.I.V. liuiiilh. i.n; po.k. SIJ.IHUM i'i
l.iiil, S7.lu7.4r'j; ldi-, t7ii7."0; ahoiildin, ''
O'Lc ; iiie, 7. fo.i7.0cl; whu'.e;, l -J7.
Wf.ll Street Review.
New oik. I'cb. SI. -The iIiarr tuin m n.r
tleel stock which u-liu.ij forco upidlv towai.l I
Iho close of the market u the only thing thai
ltdecmed tin maikut from nnlnteri'-itlng liulln
todaj. Xutlonal Meel and Tin Plate elioued the
most prouuuiiced sin iifth in this Hiinuj, tin
romiri lUIng A3. onr l.i.t night and the Utttti
I'; fioui the only low iolnt. The outstanding 1
iihort intcrcat which had giow quite laige In
t lie stocks ol tlM tteel compauie had a lais,''
part in this quick rally. Tho leport tint tlio o
called Mooie tuopeitlia of the ateel gioup .t i
ktandlng out for u line than- In the teciilitli.
of the new company wat an Influence In tlio rle,
tho aiipiiiwitlon of tho 'peculator being that the,
were likely to get what they claimed. Hut Hie
other ateel stock were not much behind in lit
movement, Federal Steel rall.ilng S'l from the STOCKS.
low point, Meel and Wire Ml, Tennetm r Oial i-j. leatioral Htuk
.1, Whether tho moiement sixkiately foieia.t Scitntoii Sailngt Dank
uny actual development In the steil inerfer ' Third National Hani
negotiation can only be told when the intultr , in,,,., and Ditcount Dank.
.... ..I.'.... fr. ,I,a t.,.1,11. 111.11. ...a .!,...!. . .. .'.,,.. II r l
HV ' ,....,, v, ,r,M,,a nnv ,.11'Mij I ceiiOlTiy I.1BOI, III i , -"
iruiidul up to tin tlmo of the (loalng of tht .,(j,j Tiutt Safe Depo.ll C'u U'l
Open- High- I ow
WIH.Al' '".
Maich 7H'j
M.iv Mi'
M.iv I"1 j
New oik htwk rvihiinae will 1
day and Sahmlav.
i In.ed I'ri
Scranton Board ot Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotntiomi Bnnnd
on Par of 100.
Clilraco Lire Stock Market.
(hlus". I'eb. 21. ( . tile Receipt", ,0u0, ..
i liiding Jl Texans; .uris itr.dy fo lr,ia.
biitihtr.' tnck .ind Tecnn slow; goo.) to prime
meis, l.iiih; pow to medium, I; stock
it and tiidei-, about Meld), 2.73al..0; coiv
weak exiei ihoice, t.2Vlil.30; heiieu, ?i..Ki
I..V), ijinnii, stnnic, M.sVr.'.M; bulls, tloo
shailn luwn, ""J.IDal 20: ulves, ttetdy, JU8..V
Tcx.i fid tliei.,', Tc giatt tteers, iS.40
at: Ti'Xj bulls, frJ.' Hogs Receipts to
ihy, 2e,(i0; iiiiiionow, ..O.cOCI, lett over. i,0M
.pencil itiong In in. Iilghci, loted idiance lost
top, Y'M'y, moved and hut'her. iJ.)aS.&i'
gnod to choice lieu, .Miltjt.VJili; rough
he.ij, f",.'JAa '.:. light. .MaS.47'5; bulk of
ale. M.I0a5.l7's. Socrp Hecelptu, 12,000; ahtep
and lalub. aitlie. .hade higher; good to choli"
imiIiiik, Hal. HI: till to i holer miirl, $.01,11
wotiin sl.icp, ? IjI M- 'luxaa sheep, );.ffitJ.'.
lutilc l.iniU, st..'jJ.C,"i; victim llmb, S3tK.j.
niaiket but it It the L'inrrJl sunnoaltlon tint the i r-i.ri Snocer Co,. I'r.
iroi'gaiilratlon plan of the steel roiiipaulcs .u j hcrtnton Iron fence ti Mlg. Co. ...
far a il lu hau oMclal annoiimcnieul will Scranton Axle Wrrkt
lie glien out liefoiv trading, i retuined on Mou l.telta-vanna Daliy '.'o., IV
day. Actual Information on iheio detail 1 so ( County failngt Haul, k Tiu.t fo...
aguo that the thoitt In the steel stock wem j Hrst Vttional Bank (CarLondalej..
oveicome with tiinltlil. and lustcned In iln-e M.rdtrd D'llllng lo
their contract before the three hulld.i.i. h Trailert' N'atlonal Hank
omo Intltiemo was at wuil. in nllur p.nt o ; Scianlon llnl md N'ut ft
the list, Tim early wiMlttics of the markit " l!O.Nl.
Ujn to cliingp to rcimeiy when .uppoti w.i. , (ir Rallwa). Dint
manifest in the steel ftuck. Iho weikne. u i, ,i,' ,. JL.P ,u- l.r'n
miile acute at cue. time, tho si il u.,k. Icidliu. iVoei w.a luifn.ii, first mort-
ll.e decline a they did the inoiiiy. Many m .J,, ,m u$
tho promlnint ralliiud atoclt weie down liiiwi-ii , p,.ric' mum llallua. llni'-ial
J anu .' poini., inu iiiangei., riuihi.. smii n nouuaji'. dtii; H'JI
iiesierns 41m .vim- ui inu i n.iri. iiiiiii, tun
epicuous. Iliiilingtoii. l',iniut nud IVa. joe
filled, Drlc second pieteucd ind Unit, ll.ii!
weio notable weak. Tin. stocks iieic all mil
aplcunu in the rally alsn. number tf tin
most Important ijilrnid atoiU wcit llftiri .
point aboir lat idglit. T licit wj eery l-ie
demand fur tlm Soulhciu uilwuy stock, and foi
tho Wabash srcuiltle., Their was a ague x
pcctallon of some good lew (oncernlng so'itl.
em railway, but nothing Urinific wai annouiu'eo.
Rumora to the tflect thai I'oniimlrilty of Inter
rti with thr tSeaboard Air line ya (onlcniplaied
with rllnelalmeis. Tlie Southern ullway .lock
e.ih adianced '."j, Tc till a.ilcs tiiluj, ii'il.pti
iHckvun Manuf n tiiilur Co,
l.acka, Towiishli) h hool i (ier cent.
City ot M'iai.ieii M. Imp 'I per
Si union IijiUoii (I per eeni
Buffalo Live Stock. '
' l.i-t lliifelo, feti. !.- Receipts-Cattle,; slurp nml lambs, 12 tan; hogt, 13 eaa'i
shlpinentsf atth, i0 1.111 sh.-ep and limb, s
1 am; Ims. II can. Cattle Demand quii
1 ahe-( holer to extra, V.2Sa7.M. Sheep and
l.iiilbs-fliohc lo i.xlia, .kMOtir). Hog
IIimij, V5."ia:i.rai: pu. ifi.wt'hV
Oil Market.
Oil in. I'll'. 21 -liTilit halaucr., M.JS; teim
fliates, ilr l.ii ut iM.riO: shlpuientt, PI.WI
baliil; aiei.ige. Mi,). barielt; runt, PI.2SP hir
led; avciae, JiJ.fili barrejt
Male of OlllO. "J ot 'loledn, l.uut lomilj. i
I'll AM a. I III. Mil make 04111 tint
xiilcr paitner
,1 Hie firm of I'. .1. CHK.NKV A
I ml
Scranton Wholestle Market.
(tiir.ilrd In II. (i. 11.1. , ?7 l.n l.u.inua io J
nultii ri.'aiii-i,, Jii,"r . ilani, I'jJV.
( hcM' I'ull 1 rem, W.l.'i.
ilggt -Wisjiuii fri"h. '.,l'.a21' ; maihi i ill',
Si',. it:
llei'iit- IM hi, luili. nitirm, ' '"ai iai, .
I'ea ll"in. I'n li , ' fi" .Vi
.1 ItiHl 1 .-., -. " - - ' " - ni..r.i ,v
1 ()., duliu bu.lne.- In Hit Cllj ol Toledo, CVjin.
'I and Mate atoiesiid. and that said firm will nj,
11,11 ,1,111 ' --- " " .'vi,i,nnn iot
eiuli und ciei cae ,( lAIMlllll that cannot
Is ciued by llie nn- of HAI.L'ii ClTAltltll
I tflli:. 1IIANK I. IHESKV.
Mioin to lnfoie uie und tih.cijbtd In my
iiiewnir, Ihi. Hill i".' ol neieinnti, A. P., If,
1 IscjI.I . W. fll.BABOX
Xoltry Publlr,
-"- I 'lOlin,
Hill'.-, (aianli '.mi I taken Internally, an!
ill, dliwll oil the blood and luurmjt iiirficrt
id I hi' mslflii. "riid loi tr.tlnioiiltlt, fr.
I'. .1, CHUNKY J. I'll. IVedo, C,
r-iihl In Diugglita, u'l
Hill', Tamil PHI" tie Hi
I '
', .H..,,J -.,
t-fegVm-t. il,SlHll.. ,UIJ
ai ,!c-e!g'ttrtsit -tmtVU"jy iM(e,;-'..jMS,iiilfci-.