k ,. " " "" ' it W-V J6 f Till. SCRANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, FEBRUAJRY 22, 1901. lV ', V . . WEST WHEELMEN'S MONTHLY DANCE HELD IN THE CLUB HOUSE LAST EVENIl.'O. Attended by a Jolly Ciowd of Young People Colonial Tnlr fit tho Ply mouth Congregational Church. Mnitha Washington Tea and Other Atti actions Reception to State Organizer John J. Tierney, of the I. C. Jt. U. Other Minor News Mat tois of Interest. Tlio social committee of tin i:iectile flty Wheelmen conducted nnotlnr of their popular tlnnees In the ihtb bonce last evening. Mln-i' Maig.uet Thoin inn unil Katluyn lleurdon played, und ilin i ('iiiinlttoo In thnivte. won ' -t. Vloie.v, ilinluiun. Thiiiim HtcpliiiiH. l.ulliPi' Tlmiini", Nelnn Teet, Aithui 3)nvl. Wllll.ini AVIllluni-. nint'M' t'rune. A.-Kynon. .1. Ihuuiell, K. i:. nlllKr. M'luwe in attendant e were: Mr. and Mm. J. AV. runnell. .li. and "Wis. i:. i:. HolllfiKT. Mi. and Mm. .1. lllniei t'l me, JIIiiih Kloiinco Welt.. '.vndeilllu Mtiifc, Maty Kiudier. Lucy Taust. Louise Simon, l!esle Pi nun folli'l. . un. i TlioiniiH. .Mllilc D.ivli". Mm pant .limit f. Muig.iitt l.uduig, 1. ili lit' MtlJowell, Jt-leii ,Joeph. Al lies Wllllamx. Myille rr.iunfeltei. Mc-sii. Vied I'etiv. AV'ullei H. D.lK, Ulouutd vVHII.iiuh. (leoige Piult'ls, I) j:. riiluni.iii. (itoigo Nclon Teets, 7".'l IMdik-, Walter James, I'mry .loeph, 3'innk Watkliw. Will Wldennr. "Wit 3 inn P. Williams, Thomas Stiili"ii! Luther Thtini.it, O. A. i:uon Washing-ton's Birthday Eventb. An old countiy tea party will m Nlvcn by the Ladles' Aid stoclety of this l'lts-l VeMi I'ongregatlonal i lunch this evening. Tud. lfrocs, thill bread .i jiil butler, and old ountry cnKe, wilt be .served. The admission Is tinly ten i enH. Ice renin will be sold esli.i. .All mo inl'dlully Invited. The (SleaneiH of the Simpi-nii Metho ilKt (huiih give their annual minxier ibis evening. All -who attend Will bo veil mm veil nntl well pleased A lim ited number of tickets have been sold, mid ono hunthed extia ttuppein have lieen piopired. The Indies Intend that ill who come nhnll be well fed. Their mcmi Ik Inviting, our pattonnge is (solicited. An enteitaliiinont and social will be bold this evening- bj the joiing people out for i and COLDS TAKE DUFOUR'S FRENCH TAR. Special Hosiery Bargains for Saturday In addition to a full display oi' the latest ideas in fashionable Hosiery for ladies wear, specimens of which may be seen in our show windows, we will offer the following wonderful bargains for Saturday only. New Lace Effects iu ladies Black Hose, elegant goods that never sell under 50c the pair, full range of sizes, including Tlln extras. Price for Saturday "2 Drop Stitch Hosiery in line lisle thread goods, full fash ioned and nice medium weight for spring wear. Regular 27c Roods, will be sold 011 Saturday only 9Kr " for rfCW Pretty Fancy Hosiery in black and white effects, full seam less in new anpl attractive designs. The best 25c line ever shown in this city. Your choice on Sat- Yl urda for . . II w Globe Warebodse SCRANTON of the Flint JJaptbtt ehuteli nt the par sonage on Hock street. An entertain Ing programme litis been prepnied, and refreshments will bo setved. Tom Thumb's Wedding and musical and literal y features will be given nt the Jackson Street Haptlst church by tin.' pupils of the Huntlay nhool. An unlet tiilnment will br held at the. fnlon church at tho Sibley this even 11117, at which a competition will bo held on "The Uaimerof the Ken." A u.il patriotic) festival will be held nt the Salvation Anny barracks this tvculnK. A grand Junior demonstta tlon will be given, gluphophoiie selcc tlnns will be tcntleied, and AdliHaiit Jaeger will make a patilntle address, Coffee and t'Jko will bo seivetl. The annual supper Mven bv the ladles' Aid society of the Washburn Street rtesbvterlan church will b" set veil between i! and b o'clock this evening In the tllnliifr looms of the chinch. The im mi will be uii to tho usual standard of excellence. ToiiIkIiI will be the Inst iiIkIH of tho rnlnnlul fair and festival at the Ply mouth CniiKtCKatloiial cliuull. Tlie features of the entei tultiiueiit to be given this ovcnlntr at the First Welsh Hupllst chinch will be the Ulm P.nlv t hutch titiaitette, tei Itiitlonx by Ml-s Martha Davis, piano selections by Pi of Silas ltoar and solos by MNs llllz.tbeth Tliomns.MNs Helen Sehiaini, Alfied Wooler and Philip Waticn Second Night of Colonial Pair. Then, was another Iiuko assemblage last evening at the Colonial fair In the Plymouth CoiiKrefrillonnl chinch. A lnimber of the ni tides niatle by the 1 idles have been disposed of, but theio vet loiuaiii many pretty thins to rimKi' n selection fioin. Xecdlewoik of t'veiy description Is on sale, and none df the ai titles can be duplicated .uivuhcie for the in Ice. As an etiu indiii enietit lor patron iK" this evetilnvr the ladle have de eiil"d to reive a Keiietal supper, ooin meucliu; at n o'clot k, at the usual price of lf cents. Xo lulmis'lon fee will bo charged, and thus nil who do she may have an oppoitunlty to In spect the pretty dlploy of useful and fiincv aitlcies. Maltha Washington Teo. Thv! ladles of the Washbutn Slicet Presbyteilan t lunch have cmnplctetl their aitanKements for the tea to bo nerved In the dining loom of their chart h thlh uvenlng from G to S o'clock and It will ptove to bo ono of the best, If not the finest bill of fare ever olfeietl to the people, nnd Is as fol lows Clam bouillon, tld-hit. mid bam. vavmy lieef, creamed potatotn, Pinker House rolls, Jelly, biead, f.alail, chtese straws banquet wafeM, enke, ttiffco; be cienm etia. The ladles who take pint will be at tire! In Maltha Washington costuiio Tempeiance Anniveisaiy. The fouith nnnlverniy of nipple dl vllmi. Sons nntl Daughters of Tem perance, was held In St. David's hall, Wednesday evening. Ilecltatlons vocal and liihtiumontal solos were artistic ally tendt'ied by members of the order, and an addrcs was delivered by Dr. Bird on the subject, "The Heal and Coinineicial Valuo of a. Bov." The Sons of Temperance Olee club also rendered a few ohorusex. After the entertainment, cake and corfeti were served to the assembly. Patriotic ExercUes. The pupils of many local schools ob served Washington's birthday ester flay, as the schools will be closed to day. The Hplrlt of patriotism Incut tated In the minds of tho voting has 11 phasing and lasting1 cflect. An lnterestlni? programmo was ob served by tho pupils In MNs Josephine 1). Lees' 100m at No. 19 school, to which the parent wero Invited. Songs, addresses, recitations and essays vvein given bv Oscar Jones, Arch Williams, Ktank Phillips Theodore llaucr, I'lai t nco Ctamor, l'miik Morgan, Fred Jenkins, Thomas Jones, Uuth Kvaus, Sadie I-'erbor, Albert Uevan und othei s. Y. W. C. A. Notes. The geneial association meeting, ap pointed for l'eb, 'J,, will occur Monday evening at 7,::i) o'clock. Kvety asso ciation member and all who have any Interest In the association and Its woik ato earnestly Invited to attend this meeting. tlospel hen ices Satm day evening nt S o'clock sliiup, Mis. 11. r. Tiavts leader. All women and gills ate ear nestly Invited to attend this scivlce. Tuesday evening net Itev. (Jcotge Alilch will sneak. Subjett, "Thou shaR not bear false witness" This Is the (list of a seiles of Npeihtl meetings lnld for the llrst time In the associa tion. It Is cutnestljveiiuested that all who can do so attend .Vol only omt yoinscir hut bring a filend with ou Reception to Oiganizcr. Til.- St. Patrick's Ladles' society of the. Itish Catholic Benevolent associa tion tendeied a inception III Young .Men s Institute hall last evening to State Oiganizcr John J Tlerncy. ot Philadelphia. Among the guests weie Included n number fioin St. Moult a'.s tot Icty of Moosie. Sinn t addiesfes weie dellveied by Oiganlzer Tierney, M. .1. Jennings ami James II. Brown. The. etiteitalueis weie: John Shaughnt ssy, Jennie, Loughnev, MI"S Mack, William Glhoy and Hose Conway. A number lrom the Father Wlinleu branch were also in at tendant e. Cake, coffee and cream wete seivcd. NOTES AND PERSONALS. Miss Anna Dowllug, of Clnike Bios.', is ill at her home with an attack of the grip. 11 the local bailier shops will be closed totlav at noon. In observance of Washington'", Birthday. MKs Mnrgaret Tialnor, ot) Kiuuiet slieet, has ictuincd homo fiom a visit vv It li trielids In Caibondale. The lemnins tit nn Infant child of Mi. ami .Mis. Nicholas Moonev, of Jackson if Meet, were liitenetV'ln the lVitliutli.il cemeteiy yesteiday aftei uoon. A iiieeting of the Archbald local of the t'nlted Mine Wotkeis was held In Hv alls' hall Inst evening, at which hv eial mattets peitalnlng to the older, v!is acted upon. The lumalus of Mr. and Mis. New comb'h t hlld wtiv luterieiLycsteiilav altemoon. The William Council Cleo club will leave lor Wushlgton on Satin day evening', Maich 'J. MInh ("Si.ieo Tunic i, of Binghaiuton, N. Y., is the guest ot West Suantou irientls. An hnportnnt meeting of the mem beis of the Young Women's Chilstlnn ashot latlon wW bo hold next Monday evening. Neaily all nf tho local business houses" will be dosed tonmriow, on nc count ot the legal holtda. The sympathy of many li lends is .. tended to Mr. and Mrs. W. J Wat kins, ot IVictoiyvllle, In the loss tit iheir son, liny. Tho tainll.v Is v.dl known heie. An Impoitant meeting of the hllui ian lodgo of Odd Pellowt, will be held this evening in D. 13. Kvnns' hall M's. llurris Slcbeit piesldrd nt the organ on the occasion of the Jones. Uovd wedding at the Plymouth cliuivh, peifoniiliirT the mnrches vlth musical s-UUl. Theie will be a legnlar nit etlng of the Baibers' union Monthly evening at St Leo'b hall. AVilllam i:. SulUvan.of Pali view ave nue, was stiuek in the eye yesteniay while doing some plumbing woik, and lei ehed a seveie injuiy. The llobett jronls lodge of Ivoiites met last evening and discussed the at l.ingenieiits for their bamiuet on March 1. J. Alfied Pennington has kindly consented to play the aicompanlinent.s for the Klin Park t liurtii tiuaitette at the Fiist Wlsji Bajitlst church this evening. Tudor AVIIUams. ot South Main ave nue, ictuiiu'd home tiom Coiuell last evening to spend tho next lew tiss. The Lwiteii seivic8 In St. 13iid's Kplxcnpal i lunch will be held In the Sunday school room morning und even ing. V hi other of Fied Linton, of Pair. child's hold, whom ho had never seoi, in lived heie last evening Mom l'tnj laud. The West Side Uepubllcan club m. i lat evening nnd tlinciissed the legisla ture leappottlouineut bill. A stiong hentiment against it was fpicfstil,aud the conimlttco appointed to draft a protest, was ompoweied to act at onm and call a hpeclal meeting to take at -tlon on their report The Uineial of the Into ills. Klla beth PetheilcU occutied yesteiday at temoon. The seivlces vieni, conducted by Ilev. K. J, McIIenry, and interment was made In the Washbuin street temctery. The pallbeareis weie: John I). John. John Morris, Otto Sueikeit. Patilclt Pun ell and John Caw ley. An Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Ben jamin Hughes, of Via Luzerne street, died yesterday and will be burled In tho Washbuin fctrcot remote! y this af ternoon SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. Tho cnlcitalnnient given last even ing by tho Young AVoinen's Chilstlan association at their looms was verv much appi eclated and enJoed by the many nation. An oxtelKnt piogiammo was rendered. It was as follows. Piano duet, Miss I'reida Kornachei und Miss Prances Klaunitnm : song, "Haines nf the Involution." recitation, Miss Vtina AV'olft. tableau, tleoign Washington, piano ttolos. Ml Kornaehcr and Mlbs Kliiiimlnzcr: tableuu, Maltha Wash lustoii; "Yankee Doodle," by the tlnmes: tableau, Colonial Tea; "Auld Lang Syne." by tho dames. Befitsh ments weie served. The icmalns of Mrs. Fred Ciaidner weie consigned to their final resting place In Dunmoio cemeteiy yesteniay afternoon at 'i o'clock. The fuucial vsas held f i oiu the family residence on Wil low Bttcet and was vuiy) laigely at tended by her many relatives and friend. Tho t.all-bonrr worn Henrj' Wointi. William Drier, Clmrlcn llotli nnd Jacob P. Klein. Mrs. May Kcrglns, of 0i' Pittston avenue, wan ncnldod on her right nhouldor yestnrdny by tho overturning of a kettle of boiling water. AJIpii H, Fallon, of llazletou. Is visit ing Mliss Nellie Toblti, of Plttston nvo nuo. The nrienn-year-old son of Mrs Peter Weber, of Prospect avrnue.. fell on the let! yesteniay and sprained bin shoulder and back. Dr. Walsh Is attending- hlm. St. Maij'H ihurrh choir will meet for icheaisal thin evenltiR: at St. Muty's chuicii. The nn inbi'i's tf the Ancient Ortler of Hibernians will meet this evening In Phiumnry ball. The Young People' society of the Illckoiy HMet Presbyterian church will hold a (leorgf Washington enter tainment at the old church this even ing. A tlrsl'tias programmo will bo reiirieiert. Mis. Aduiii Brier, of l'lltston aveime. who uiiderwi.ii.t an operation seveial weeks ago nt the Heranttin private hos pital, Is recovering An excellent enteitallunent will be given by the Young People's union of the lllckorvSMeet Prusbvteilanchuich this evening. Admission, ten cents. After the piogramme, an Ice cieain and coffee .sale will bo held. The pro gramme Is as follows: Song, "Uehuat land," audience, violin solo. Piof. (J. Sthinldt accompanist. Mis Kate Mlltz. vocal duet. "O Tell Ps, Menv Birds," .Mssoi Maty Wlith nntl Martha Noitli: lecltntlon, "Only an Outcast." MKs i.U Kiblir. piano solo, "Fair Kllon Mazoui-ka," Miss Chi Istlno Kocli; vocal solo, "r Wondti if They Cute to See Me Now." Mlgs Kininn Seheuch; Piano duet, "Maid of Beauty WnlU." Misses Freda Noult and Martha Korn nt her; recitation. "C.ood-Nlght, Papa," Miss Ma Kllilei; vocal duet, "Life's Dream In O'er," Mr. William Hedilch anil Ml.ss Maty Wlrth: vocal solo, se lected, .Mies LoiiIm: Lohmann; thrys. anthenmm dilll, twelve little gills, song, "Ainetlui," audience. Pea Coal $1.50 a Ton Dellveied. to South Side, cential city and central Hvde Parlf. Addrei-s orders to J. V. Shaikej, 10H Odur avenue 'Phone 06S3 NORTH SCRANTON NOTES. Second Anniveisary of Y. W. C. A. to Be Observed Mies Glhoy Sui- prised Other News Notes. On next Sunday altciuoon the mem beis of the Young Women's Chilstlun association will celebtate the second ariulveisaiy of the Noitli Scinnton blanch. The m i Ices will be held in tht Welsh Congregational chinch at S.30 p. in. and will be presided over by Mrs. Kzta II. Hippie, the president of the Ccntiul Young Women's Christian association. The leport of the woik that has been flo dining the past year will be lead bj the new secietary, Mis. A. K. I. likens, while the annual adtlie.-s will lie matte lij Mis. I.. M, Gates. A pro gi amine of pcdal music Is being pre pared by the members of the chinch nnd will consist of solos by well-known aitlsly nntl congiegatlonal singing Sutpiise Paity. A veij pleasant sui prise was given bv Miss Maty Glhoy at her home, on Stanton stieet, Wednesday evening, in honor tif her guest, Mis Maty Foy, of West Vliglnla. Joseph Glhoy enter taltitd by lendeilug a few 'vocal solos while MIsh Anna Flanagan gave a piano selection The following weie pieseut Misses Mary Fov, Anna Flanagan, Maiy iSll loy, Noia O'Mnlley, Katie and I.aiiia Sheildan. Anna nntl Mamie Mcllale, Katie O'Nell, Anna Lotttts, Maigaret Williams, nnd Messis. William Lnih, Thomas O'Mallej. Joseph Gllroy, Will iam O'Nell, HogerO'Malley, James (111 iny. Willi nn O'Nell. James Mulhetin, Tlioiuas ami Beinaul Duggan, Joseph Walsh. John Peel and Joseph Mc Carthv Briefly Noted. Mil had lto.ss, u Polautlei. of l.lojil stii-et was tommltted to the count v Jail by Altlciman Myers yesteniay. uii the charge of wife-bentlng. Michael Szallnsky was given a hear ing befoie Altleriuail ,M)ii., cs(fidn and tniuiultted to the county Jail In default ol $MiO ball, chaiged with pti Juiy bv Charles Mlllci. The Ninth Kud lleimblltan dub hthl a social and .smoker last evening in theii rooms at the Audlioi linn. A very enjoyable lime was had by all pieent Peisoual Notes. Mr- P. U. Cav ell. of Uiei-n Klduo st i eel, lias for her guest hel sister. Mis. Ale.s. Bo den. of Ithaca. N. Y. All news inatteis will ictelve pioiupt attention If left In the tin box In Davis' thug stoic. Mis. Jatuc- C.llbiide, of West Maikd stieit, Is seilously III at the home of her daughter. Mis. Chniles MeCailliy, on Bilek avenue. Mls.s Mai Williams and Mai gat et Jones, of Reese Htlc-et, havo ICtllllltd home Mom I'eekville. Mr. !"oige Bo. of t'aibondale, and Mibt, Doi.i Belle Campbell, of Piauk llu 'avenue, this lty. wete united In holv bonds of matiluiony jesterda. at tin parsonage of the Piovidente Meth odist chinch. Itev. t A Cine, imstor of the chtudi, pet foi mctl the iiiuiiIum ceiemony. The giooin Is a viell-known young man In Carboudale Miss Mudge Giaham, of Ml Pleas ant, has returned home after vIMtlng .Miss M. Wells, of Breaker stieet Thomas Foley, of Beaumont avenue, who was hint about llvo weeks uho, was taken to the Scrantun pilv'.ije hos pital yestmda, wheie he will undeigo an opeiiitlon. Dr. Stanton Is attending: hlm One of the most Intcie-silng tntei talnments. under the nut-plies of class No 17, will be given at tho Welsh Con KHgulIoual church, on Went Market stteet this evening Doois open at 7 o'clock. The entertainment will begin at 7.3a o'clock sharp All thope who giro their pationuK will so nw.iv verv nuti h nle.ued fiREEN RIDGE. William Found has resigned his po. Mtlon in K. S. I'ratt's gmcn utore. SOME FOOLISH PEOPLE Allow a coURb to run until it Sft bi'joml me reutli o( miillcinr Tl.tt often Ray, ' Oil. It lll ej wu," liul In mo.it ism1 it lll ni ir tlirm hwu) Could the l" Imluittl to uj the Micirtilul mtdlcini" lulled hilii' ilaj,4i, wlileh l wilil on a poltlo .iuunlri to tine, iliry would Iniiiitrtlatfly see tin) cirellftit frttct (ur laUlie tho Hut ilwt. 1'llcn 25 J mi iV Trl.it kits tier. At ill dniZKbti. 1 WBmg&Smm iW3Ul&i26S2k Then came, the "In Patent Package" THE BAKER always said that the real flavor of biscuit or wafers was lost soon after it left the bakery. THE GROCER always felt that the damp, dust and odor made the biscuit end of his business unprofitable. THE HOUSEWIFE always has been dissatisfied with the biscuit she bought in bags from an open barrel or box. to accept a poMtloli with a Wilkes liaier III m lloiuy I' Welnioie, the Tribune caiiler, will peinl lugtou's lihthday with his parents at Norwich, N. Y. Mi. William It. .lotus, of popular Ucaion street, received wotd jtsteidny from her mother In Jngland that her father, a veleian of the Civil war, and si years of age, was lying at the point of death The musical set lion of tho Ciiecn Illdgc Woman's club will met-t at 10.110 o'clock thlt moinlng at the Sci anion Couservatoiy of Music. Miis .May Tlobblti", who wa vititlng her aunt, Mi's. Itobett .Slnuell, ot Oelnwaie street, has luen called to her home at I'ort Jervl". because of thu death of a bi other. Mls,s riracu Peck, of Money avenue, caino henne from Maishal seminary last evening for a week's vacation. At the Colonial dinner tonight at OJ o'clock, the Iaullcx Aid society ot the t'.tcen tlltlge riesbyterian thiitch will seivo the following menu: Tomato soup, mast turkey, nanbcrry sauce; esculloped oyster1-, masheil potatoes, sweet potatoes, tomato UMdc, eab bige silad, pumpkin, mince and lemon pie, colfee, te t. Dinner, W cents Ice creum, 10 cerjts extra. A high i lass mimical and literal y enteitallunent will be given this even ing for the benefit of Atbury Metho dist Kplscopal Sunday school und oi cliestta, to be followed by a social hour, when Ice cieain and cake will be seivvtl by nppiopilattly costumed cning ladles. The Sunday school looms have Just bten inodernly lilted up and furnished, and a most toidlal invitation Is extended to all to vl-dt the new looms. A silver circling of not less than ten cent will be lecclved at the door, exeielscs to begin at '2 o'clock. Following Is the giogtamme: Shoit nddiess, L. F. Jlowcr; oiclieslra; selection, Miss Slocuni: zither solo, Mr. Kmlerlchs (I5i aval Ian), tenor solo, Mr. Ilnlph Williams. lecltntlon. Miss Slocum; orchestra. Music by the or chestra duilng the soelul following. The H.iptitit Young People's unloiii of the Clieen P.idgu Baptist chiiuh will seive a Martha Washington tea In the chin cli pailots todn, between the bonis ot r and 7. Ml nie invited. All who have ngicctl to furnish aitlcies for this supper aie in gently leiiuestttl to have them at the chinch as curly as " o'clock. (ieneiul tiuaiteilj intetlng btgun last night at Finn i Impel, Oicen Rldgn. bv the Fiee Methodists. Several pieachtis ate assisting Klder ,1. T. Logan I'lvaelilng todav it 10 10. L'"0 and 7.i0 Take lliion Hldge lVople's to Xew Yfiik street DUNMORE DOINGS. Entei tnhiment Tonight in Tiipp Ave- nup Christian Chinch Other Notes of Xnteiest. An euieitannieut will be given by tile Junior Society of Chilstlun Hii tleavor tonight at 7.:(0 o'tlotk In thu Tilpp .Vvtliue t'hilstlau ehuicli. The lollowlng piorfiainiuc will bo lelldeietl: inilf , society )( citation. I'-ilm will. ITjjh l'.wtor Vtulm tii-io C'lllilllllliK "riit little liul llttilut" ISulo l'owfll I he hnotVcl Hill llliiw" 1 loifiiLV limit "Ki'liin Ili WurJ" IIjI.1i Pevltr Mil lull. II III! 1 tOllt Iti elutiL.it Mmsiiiltu htv.uu "Wlul Mal.it Hum" bene V.udl "I.I1.C WuIiiintion" i'lfJ Ilout Itrtiutieu Iltltn Hum snia "lliilN In Wlnlti" . . .. "lie l.lltlii loj Dos" . Siih sow." .. "Illi lllMV shop-' Hie Chlltl ut the Poor", ' t,eciK Ua.liliatun' ... SlCCll . ... ... s.inir "lint it'H .supi'iliciii ol S,.hlllt" Piflriy Illllllli lllllkil Ilpulllec llillke lovett" Itnbi livn . . .Ilunilil SHjrtr. Ilot.lc (.'ilililln Kitle tiriltltM l.lllli! Kta.t . . .I.U.Ulld t llrililllH llalpli Jl. J.IU' Mnii."..r,iliii I'.iu.ll '"inilnij lliink Jlaillii V nte I jhlnkirii' lllrt Ii1jj ' Wlun I 'a tlotb l p to liinn" . ...I.Ulo IVnill ... imi i lrntti ....Milil Krutn r Willie I'd If 111.. 1 Iliad .llhiiehi. WillbiiH .. . WilliaiiH . Dun VUiiiiih I.ilnl Mi uly .nmrtid sii, llultaimii Itt citation . "t.n Votir Hair ill" Souk " V Had Ilium" ' fiiandma" Mediation "Nolndj' t liiM' Itei iiailui . . . .(. . . Oniceib Weie Elected. At Hie meeting of the l,adkM ,VII. Hlonnry noelet of tho Pttsbvtei'lun iliutth. held .vetdi'tdtiy hi Mi. Ueorgo 13. Smith's home, tho followliiR oDUeid v cie elected tot the- eiihUllig yvai fiestlilent, .lli t'liisc vice piet dentJ. .Mis IJoyd, Mm (illiboiiH. Mim King, .Mic nitinbtilln tinisuici', ,Mii. ileoige It. Smith, nnctaiy. (it. 1 it. Hone, .sccietui.v of litfruluie, ,Iih. S. f". Nye .ttei ilie luiHliitHH of tho nftenioon wart t oiu Imliil. ibilnty lefic'ihllientt weie sel v'co. Stockel-Hngeu Mnirlnge. -Mi. Henry Htoikel, tit Dumuoie, tuul MihH .lessle llagell. of HIipIi sttroet, South St nintoii. weto united in mm. ling" Wednesday evening tit S o'clotlc ut tho homo of tho ginom, by ltot. AV'. A. Noidt. of thn HleKoiy Street l'ienbttiilnn ihuich, ftf whlcli churoli'i tho bride in u devoted nu nibcr. Sho was uttiiod In a whltu mull und oai - Buttincethe "In-tr-ual Patent Package" was InvenUd the biker U latiified, the grocer Is happy, the houtewife it delighted. The flavor and (reihnett oi biscuit and wafers are pre rerved Intact from the time they leave the baker's oven until the package is opened (or house hold use. Dust, damp and odor are no longer able to destroy the best o! the baker's work. Whf n yon ortlor Sodn, Milk, Ornhum, OMmral and Huttf r Thin tlUi'iitt. Dinger Mnapii, Vunlllft Wafers nnrt lUcuptlon Kluke, tnlt on getUm: ttieni In the "ln-cr.tnirtent l'ackagf." NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY. rled bridal iosw The maid of honor was a touin of the bilde, Miss Julia 1 Mnkwvrt.. who woie a white or gandie. The giooin wild attended by bis brother. After the teiemony. the guests, numbeiing In all eighty-six, partook of an elegant mippei. Tho young couple left or. an early train for Philadelphia and other points of Interest. I'pon their return fiom their honeymoon, they will comcinnce bouse-ki-eplng In a neatly furnished home on Fifth stieet, Dumnuie. BRIEF NEWS NOTES. Tonight ar the Methodist Kplhtopal chinch ot-cuis the muclwllsr ussetl men's supper, w hlch has occupied the attention of n huge number of the men of the chinch for tome time. An excellent menu has been prepaied and the pi lie of tlckeis bus been placed at 2"i cents The runout ot M .1 Kennlhnn, of Hunker Hill, who met u tragic death on Wednesday night, will be held on H.ituitluv inoi nlug at 10.30 o'clock. A -oleum high mass will bo celebrated at St. Mary's chinch and Inteiment wll bo niado In St. Muiy's cemeteiy. t'olnnlal count II. Daughteis of America, will hold an impoitant meet ing at 7.10 o'clock tonight. JlUHlne of Importuned is to be transacted, af ter which refreshments will bt served. United Mine Workers Local, com pilslng thohe emploed nt Murray's mines, will meet at Knne's hall to night. The Knights of Malta held a largely attended meeting tubt nlgl.t, when sev eial candidates wero Initiated Into the vny&tcile? of the Blue degree. Steps ure being taken, looking- to the foinifng of a camp In town of the Modern Woodmen of Ameilca, a fra ternal Insurance society. ttov A. .1. Van Cleft dellveied hN interesting lectin e on "Abraham Lin coln." at Sayie, X. Y., last night. John Gibbons, the former mine host at the Xny Aug mine, was presented with a handsome miners' eompnss by his former woikiuen last night. Mis. Timothy Uuike and daughter, .IHs Alice, left jtsteidny foi New Yoik titv. OBITUARY. Amos Saxe. Vino s.ic, iriil 7" JfiiN ol 1 1-' .-hlimii Mint, lio M nliielMn llli rara.JU Mon.hv iiinmini,, ellnl euly jti-truli.v ninrnlnir. Hi- rriMil liid t.'Cii U'lJciit ol tl N union tor i Ihc wl tni j.'atK, Hint prior l that tlnii- w.i t nsiililit f Itmiuiii He ix uibfil b hit 1 wlff. two iiiA uml tlact thiiKliUrf. Ii. P. "t liKon, 111; liiln . i rf Nt-wtoii l.llub th, ' iilv and Miry Sim-, it thu til) 'II o turti.d Hill lie tonlutlnl Irmn tin l.'i'i'u 4t S o'tloek tniiiarir,v .liuinwin. 'file ernni ill l.o In diaige iT lto. I. ! Mortal Inter- mint ivill Ie iiuil" ill tliC uililiiiili ititrt ceiiie. on. Ditlil llopkln.'. ot Mllu.iiiV.if. a luotlitr Inlaw, nl Mr. su,., js sliUkui with pjrilflt lioiit tlie nm time ami illl TiumIji niuli1 Ik will lie Imrltil tlil in. mil..;. John B. Chnndlei. JuliH P llntiilloi, cf il.i s(,mi, ,i.inii,i".i ainue, illiel clenljv ider .i wiik'M illucto iioni nuiiiiiiuiiU Hi( i suiiiti'il li lil lfi. Hit' luntul wivitci Mill l toiMiitliil at the IllN Mllll,' Iin 11 Pi I illm. "' 1 li" Ill.l.ni Pail. ehurcli. 'jlie rtnulii will l tj) nt in Alloii fm in-lit on tin il" tulil sitiinl. y inminiiir Inter Mib. Patiick Quinn. Mm I'alriik ijillllll, ..isd ' . .l. llil at uu bcire on Clieannt Urn I. Iiiitimoif. on VVidne tin- ntjln Tlo ilciM'Cd w.i Itirmeilv Jli Vi.nlo llufrlui,, of ItHUtnt. aid wj both will lli..rii Hid IIUilv twin iiinl Tlio funer.il will Clko plan- lumuiiovi mviii in. it I) o'cliit!; James Keuuey. I nu.-, ixtuiiir, upil " ji-iw. '"l vi.i'iuav .it lib. home, ill llntlr tiwt. lliibiuoie. I lie milt id will iHiiir al in I) t'i lui It Imii u low Miriam.'. Iiitermtnl 'Mil l- mad.' In il. Diininoro iiinittii A PLEASING ENTERTAlaiWENr. Anniveitaiy Celebmted by Wanlta Lodge. Uultila lodf,e, No '.'!, U.niRliteis of V.ebecen. atiNlllaiy ot tho Indupcndenc flitter oi Odd Fellows gave an annl veraary colcdiirttlou nnd cntettaln-iii-iu nt Odd Villovvb" lull tnttt night. A lingo nniribfi of iii-iiiIk r and filuiuli. v"i in attendant ft und spent u thoroughlv plutsani pvnilitg An escellent piogi.ininiH was glv'on, ronsIattiiK ot woilgs by thu tliecn Itldm final telte ,i lilinjo solo bv Stanley Schtvuitis. vof.il foIos by Mr. Noiton, and Heveiul reeltnllons by Mii. Uvu 1,. Dtinnlnu. The lattei l fi'otn I'oltinibiiH. o., and Ih now touting Peniiitylvnniii. Her ictltatlon-'. tlellveied with excellent ef fect, wpiv llvo In number "The Soul of thf Violin" wa uiiiung her selec tions. The tommlltfe 111 c'unge of thu ttlliili tonidsted of Mih. I'mnk Kiuil.im, Mif, Alive iSihwiiit, ilri. Maude My ei and Ki'inik Stiinlevnnt. ASSAULTED POLICE OFriCEIlS. Joseph Kesteitnit Aueated for Of fense Committed Last September. Joseph ltentotfai t, of HiUdhaili, was given u lieiirlng befoio Aldcimnn Mil lar last evening on the eliutgo of ag gravated UMKault and b.itteiy. t'ounty Pfdftttlvo V. A l'hllllprt Ih tho pi one. cutor. Thn n!).iuli if alleged to h.ivo been - er - seal AMUSEMENTS. I YCEUH THEATRE "" HUH . ntTIICtlS'DKn. Uiun.' A. J. UtJlTV, liui,er 0i: MfillT ONLY TRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, (Washington's Birthday.) Scaon' most dcllirlilful niutlcat niti-iinj. li, rret fioin llroaiiuny Thcatir. New ollt. Am'si it forrniot Oprr Cnmnlljiti, JEFFERSON DE ANGELIB. In tlie rnormoiisly runny Opemtlo Cornrdy, A ROYAL ROGUE Writleu by Clurlti Klein. T.trlm by flruil Miwanl. Jiuriu In- Wlllluni T. Vutirln. Stiff mmiurcd by It. II. nuuulJc, l're.tnteil by fciipnti Compsriv, ITitfd-ije.. ,VV . TV., $1 rV ml 1I.M. Statu en nl cilncilay at l a. m. , bvTURim JIVTINKt: AMI MOIIT. lltenin" Prrlonnaiiti! at S 13. -Mitlnie l'erlormaneu at J "i, Tlie Succrmful Comedy Dram i, A Young1 Wife I'reenttil by vrrr stmng romtsti), beaded by the pnpulir comedian, Frank Tanncrhlll, Jr. KVEM.sa riUChh-lV , fiOc. TV. ,an-l ?l O). Special ladle ami f liildren ltartrnln Day Mat. lure 2.1c and .''X.; children to any part ot thi lioiue, J.Ve. R'at 4n nlc Tlnirmliy et 1 a. m. OSK M01IT OM,T, TUESDAY, TEBRUARY 26. .Vii.iiln'a Great lit I Iht Oper Company. Tin ramoiii "BOSTONIANS" with all tho 'atdriteic Orand hnni and ir. elmtra. l'riaeiitlus for the lirt time Lto "THE VICEROY" Hy Victor lleibcrt, S-vU on fralo fcaturday, l'cb. 'il. Pricea 23c, 50c., 7Jc., $1 00 and l .'.0. ACADEHY OF HU5IC, RDISA BUHOUNDCR HARRY A. BROWN Managers and Lcucm. Local Majujer. j-Ur.sl)AY, 1'RID.VY AND SATtntOAV.. THU l'AMOUS INDIAN ACTRLSn Go Wan Go Mohawlc, In lliitoln J. Cartor't Pominllc Drama, "THE FLAMING ARROW." Mitlnie IMce'i 13 and J..', c-nt I'aenliiR 1'iicea 15 23, 33 tud U rn.t. VI f, MAT VW'l.K. HOLDEN COMEDY CO. In ltipcttoire. NewGaietyTheatre VLP fi III 111IIVGT0N, Manajer. Hue.. llajJ, neBiiiuliii: 'XIICKsDVY MAH.NCa AL Reeves' Famous Big ' Co. DR, DEKSTEN Phjslclin and Surgeon 311 Sprus) St Itrrp.c Icnrt Building SCRAHIOH Pi. All a.-ute and tlironto dheatu of men, mx unn und children CIIHONKI NLUVOUtL "ill" IN VN W.VriSO IUSEAStS A SPuS 1VI.IV. All dlifoart "t tho Uvtr, Kidney, I'laddei. Mdn, Dlowl, Nerves, Womb, Ee, Lar. .Noie, riiroat. and Lung's, Cancers, Tumort, pile. Hupt'ire, Goitre, Itheunutlsm, Atthmj. C'ularrli Vcncoecle, I.0it Jlanliood, Mehtljl inlaslom, M I'enitln Divawi, Leucorrboea, etc , Oonuuriliis. p'lllllJ. Dlotxl Poison, Indiicrs tlun il jxutluul lublu obliterated, hurgerj. Pit M'lt'P'J. r, a"J ,,,onlc,' Wornu. CA. lAHBHOONi:, prelflc for Catarrh, Thr,, MuiilU' treiitment only tSOO Trill fret in tide romultation and naralnation free. Ot. Xkt lioui laily an I bunday, S a. ra, to a I' ni DR. DEIMSTEEUM loinmltleil upon .loe notlgcra -Jul Nil holuH Outalllo, pollra otllcers of Jld rorge. l.ai-t September, while rhw Htiilc ai tht Jeunyn mines was iin etteit, Ue.tteifatt. at tho head 'of a gang ot men, pounced upon tho tvvr otllreis il-iiount Ing them as "scabs'" and 'lil.ieklegK," and according to the' lutteis' stoi, thrat.hed them pretty, teverely. Kernel ttirt wax rotnniltted to th totintv Jail In defituHof ball. One Tnie to Washington D. C, and: Itetmn via the Lehigh Vnlley Rail load. on u count of iho liuuigtiratlon ceio liitinlcH nt Wushlngton, the Lehigh Val ley lalltoad will nell tickets to that point and icluiti. Muich 1, . and 3, ut th low uito of ono fare for the lound trip. Them tickets will be good to re turn to March 8, IncliiHlve, and wilt be liouoied on uny tiuln except th Ulack Diamond KxprcBS. 8top-ovor al lowed ut riilliutelphla, nnd Iliiltlmore, by deposit of tlektit, provided ticket: Ih used within original limit. For fur Iher Information foimult Lehigh Valley, ticket agents tr-MS "Wv r I ?- J. H - '.