The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 22, 1901, Image 5

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Should visit our store
before purchasing their
drawing Instruments and
We can supply you
with anything you want
in first quality guaranteed
goods at reasonable
i.Foote & Shear Co.
H9N. Washington Ave
United States Depositary.
.ttlie close of business Dec.
i j," j goo,
Loans and Investments
flanking House 38,600.04
Cash and Reserve.... 838,870.19
Capital 8 200,000.00
Surplus 500,000.00
Undivided Profits .. . 57,005.20
Circulation 100,000.00
Individual Deposits . . 2,415,538.98
U. S. Deposits 422,720.30
Due to Brinks 54,785.53
Mlf.MAM COSNKLL. rreaident.
HENRY BELIX, JR., Vice-PreslSent.
i ths who InvMt as thtii mean, jvH-mit,
without waltino. to accumulate Uifie auuis. For
J Kliort time 1 can mako jou a CHOUND FLOOR
pioposltlon on well secured 8 per cent, tcml.
nnud Interot. Gold Bond., In block of $ino,
-X) and .1,0. IT IS A RARR OrPOftlUXiTY.
Robert Van Schoick,
Offlce 6 and 8 Lyceum Arcade, Scranton, Pa,
nurrlct manager The North American Financier
ing Company,
J.ll. r?T'l i
Murphy 'V'M'Ui
330 l'Ml ( (
Lacka. a-- I M
Repairing Done Gratis.
I 'i -''a-a-a' '
1.0(al data for Ftbruary '21, JTOl:
Hljt'i-ji temperature iJ degtec
".-nrj-t tempoiaturo , 11 de(rtee
Humidity: .
'8 -J. ni , ft" per cent.
I p. nr. ., 6J per cent,
-POfell, 34 hours ending S p. m 0.-' hull
i n
Mil. U, (. Miu-y, of Ifallatead, is the jutat
if Mti. C. W, BklUhorn, o( Jail-on atitet.
Mr. and Mm. H. R. Reynold, of Caiou-e ate
Hue, have returned from Kurope, tthere they -pent
veral "uianthr.
Krneat U Coolidge, of (lie lilgli .ehool, went to
i;jtn Jtitciday to .peiid a few dayn with friends
,n I.ifajette college.
O. V, Millar, of Millar aiu) Co., li.t lotuiucd
fiom a bv-ineu tilp to I'ltuburg-, Ka.t I.her.
tool, 0., Clnclmtatl and New Yoik city.
F. W. VandllDg and FranV. Kobllni left tor
tlV-hlntitoti -t,teid-.y afternoon to arrange for
ihe Thirteenth regiment',, comfort during fhu
pretidentlal Inauguration.
Foot Ball Players Will Feast at
Hotel Jermyiu
'Die foot ball team of 1900 of the
hurnnton High school will hold a ban
quet In Hotel Jcrmyn tonlcht.
Toasts will probably bo luspouded to
by Principal Grant, Bchool Director
Francois, otlur school controllers and
teachers at tho High nchool, and tha
iaptaln and manager of the team.
Dejogatlorw from Wllkes-Barre. Ding
hamton, Stroudsburg- and Foctoryvllle
wll be present tonight, und tha pre
liminary step for the formation of a
base ball "and foot ball circuit, to In
clude these cities, will be taken.
Ask for .Kelly's union cracker.
Committee of Knights Templar to
Leave for That Place Today.
.1. St. Swisher, district pnssenf-er
agent of the Central Tlnlliond of New
Jersey, J, I!. Woolroy nnd Thomas
Palmer, rcprescntlm? the " Knlf-lits
Templar of Northeastern Pennsylva
nia, will leave this morning; over the
Central for Louisville, Ky to make
arrunKimentu for the accommodation
of between two and three hundred
Knights Templar, who will attend the
triennial conclave, to be held In Louis
vllle next September.
These gentlemen will arrange for
transportation, hotel accommodations,
pleasure trips and other Incidentals,
the Itinerary of which will xs pub
lished later. At Philadelphia, they
will be met by 17. A. Wells, freneral
eastern passenger agent of the Bal
timore and Ohio southwestern railroad,
und General Passenger AKent O. P.
MeCnrty. of the Baltimore and Ohio,
will meet them at Cincinnati,
Will Sever His Connection with
Pennsylvania, Coal Company and
Etle and Wyoming Valley.
In consequence of the recent sale and
transfer of the Pennsylvania Coal com
pany's property, resignations of Home
of the officials of the Pennsylvania
CohI company's old organization are In
effect. One of these Is that of George
B. Smith, which takes effect with this
month. For a number of years ho held
the position of assistant superintend
ent of the Pennsylvania Coal company
and superintendent of the I'rle and
Wyoming Valley Hallroad company
under his father, the late John U.
Smith, who formcily was general
superintendent of the Pennsylvania
Conl company and president of the
Erie and Wyoming Valley Railroad
company, the Dunmore Iron and Steel
company and the Dunmore Gas and
Water company, and since whose death
In January, 1895, George U. Smith has
been general superintendent of the
Pennsylvania Coal company up to latit
fall, when he was promoted to third
vice-president of said company.
He filled the position of president and
superintendent of the Erie and Wyo
ming: Valley Railroad company up to
January 1, 1900. and slnco that tlmo
president of said company, also presi
dent of the Dunmore Iron and Steel
company, up to the present time: and
up to within a few mouths ago. when
the sale of the Dunmoie Gas and
Water company was made to the
Scranton Gas and Water company, he
hold the position of president of tha
Dunmore Gas and Water company.
John W. Platem has been elected
treasurer of the Pennsylvania Coal
company, to succeed W. E. Street, re
signed. He was selected by the new
Interests which now control the company.
COM'MRM. Lighting
Towns. Year. Grow. Net.
Georgetown 180B 1..V l,ST
Washington 1S99 1.31 110
Annapoll l.'O'l i.W i 00
Raltlmori ISM l. 1.23
Cambridge 18V .... '.TO
Cumberland 1SOT l.) t.JO
Elkton lfcM .... '-MM
Frederick lftri .... 1.80
Frostburg ISM .... 'J.nft
Hagentown 1W 1.S0 i.,V)
Weitmlnster 15w '.'.do I TO
Charlotte ISM -.'.iw 1 f0
Greensboro 18W -J.Vi J.UO
New Rom 1KW U.00 -Oil
Raleigh IS"! 2.50 to '.'.Oi)
Killsbuiy ltuK 2,fiOto3(iO
WaihiriGtoi lfoo 1 -,0
Wilmington 1SW I ;h
riiarlcston 1W
Columbia 1S0 2.11 tiWIo 1 Ti
Greendlle 1890 2.00
Spartanburc .. 1S91 .. . 1.30
Ameticua iw 2,ii 1 M
Atheni IS"!)
Atlanta 1890 oo
Augusta S!W 1.21
Rrunavdck 1S09 2.00
Carterille 189ii 1.2.-,
Columbua 1SOT . . .(.j)
Diltou IsD'j . .. ,:,)
Macon 1S99 1..V1 t..-i)
Rome Ifitci 2.U0 1.S0
Saannali 18rc 1..V) 1.411
ThonianiUa lsuu iw
Annuton lf'.' 2.l) l.W
Illrmingham 1890 !,w 1,48
Decatur 15!ri 2,(ift 1,75
Kufaula 18MI 2. 2.00
I'loreme 1899 2.25 2,n0
HuntavlUe ISOii .... .7i
Mobilo 18VJ ... -2.00
lontsolcr) 1500 2.25 1 80
selnu lfv 2.0(1 ;;.
Ttlladega 1900 2.M 173
Gainesville IMK) 2.00
Jlcksomille 16H9 2.00
OuU 1809 2.00 l.M
Orlando 1890 2.30 j;r,
Palat.a 1899 8.6n 21
Peniacvla 1890 2.10 2.00 1899 .... .'.50
St. Augibllh 1899 2.23 I 7S tu 2.00
Tallahacc 1890 .... 2.23
Tampa lsM 2.2n J.OO
Tow iw,
Ralon Rouge 18' 3.00 2.6i In 2.10
Nctv ISO-) 2. SO r.Sli'j to ,fc.''J
Tow nt .
JiKon 1IH9 2.73 2 2;
Meridian 1864 2.00
Vlcltturg 1599 2.49 2 2 tn ' uO
Auitlti U'Vi ., . 2,37
Dill.if I81U 2.00 i.;o
Deniaon 1890 2.30
I."l Pato 1899 .... 2.23
Fort Worth 1899 .... 1.80
Gainesville IS99 2.S3 '81
Galveston 1899 2.00
Houston 1899 1.80
Paris 1 81 n) 2.30
Sin Antonio 1899 2V 1,73
Wiemian 1899 .... 2,u0 to 2.30
Waco 1S9J 2.00 1.03
After April 1st Next.
Scranton, Pa. 1.00 00 to 95
Candle power 28
Candle Power 21
Wherever the prices nro so low as
they are In iScranton, tho candlo
power Is low. Candle power means
quullty. Tho gas of Id, tS or 22 can
dlo power would not be tolerated in
Scianton, where the standard of 2S
candle power Is steadily maintained.
The ladles of the Penn Avenue np
tlst church wish to express their
thanks to all who contributed In any
way toward tho succeMs of the riinv
nrajre sale Junt closed,
If the Court Allows Him to Be Cred
ited with It T-heve Will Have to Be
Another Election in the Fourteenth
Ward na the Voto Between Xellow
and Cawley Will Then Be a Tie.
Jucfee Kelly Orders Election Offi
cers of Twelfth Ward to Be
Brought In.
On Tuesday George Kellow, llupub
Mean, and John Cawley, Domociat.
weiu candidates for alderman of the
Vow tcenth ward. The open returns
Miowed that Kellow received L'08 votes
and Cawley 209. When the work of
counting the votes was taken up V""
torday before Judge J, l, Kellly, a re
itiest was mado on behalf of Mr. Kel
low, who was lepresentcd by Attorney
T. P. Duffy, who said they hod Infor
mation to the effect that a vote marked
for Kellow In tha Second district was
not counted at all.
Later In the day the matter was
called to the attention of the three
Judges by Sir. Duffy, who presented
the affidavit of Alderman Kellow,
which set forth that he had been In
formed and believed that a vote marked
for him had not been counted. H was
marked In this way: There was n cross
In the circle at the head of the Repub
lican column and the voter then went
over to the Democratic column and
placed marks opposite the name of
each of the candidates for district
Attorney C. C. Donovan appeared for
Cawlej" and said he did not think the
facts set forth suniclent to warrant the
court In having the ballot box brought
Into court. Mr. Duffy said their infor
mation came fiom a Mr. Godshall, a
watcher In that dlsttlct. who saw the
ballot In question. He was out of the
city yesterday and his affidavit could
not be obtulned. Judge Archbnld re
quested Mr. Duffy to secure this afll
davit and brine It In this inornlnu.
The court will then pa"s upon the
matter. When the counters reached
the Fourteenth ward yesterday they
passed It, pending the settlement of
the dispute. If the vote Is 'allowed It
will make the candidates a tie, and
another election will have to bt- held.
The votes cast In this city and Car
bondale are being counted In court
room No. 2, Judge Kelly presiding, who
Is assisted by the following:
Reading Clerks T. A. Bock, Thomas
J. Handley.
Recording Clerks Palmer Williams,
M. J. Walsh.
File Clerks W. L. Hill, John M. Cor
bett. The votes cast in the botoughs and
townships of the county arc being
counted and tabulated by Clerk of the
Courts Dunlels nnd his assistants.
There are no returns from the Flist
district of the Twelfth ward, for tho
reason that the election officers dis
agreed Tuesday night nmi refused to
make the count. Judge Kelly lost
evening; Usued an order directing the
sheriff to bring the members or the
board Into court this mornhiK to ex
plain their conduct.
When court adjourned last evening"
the First district of the Seventeenth
ward was being tabulated. The work
of counting will proceed today, not
withstanding that it is a legal holiday.
The count yesteiday showed that M.
J. Clark, Democrat, has a lead of six
votes over John McDonald, Democrat,
In the First ward.
Serious Charge That Has Been
Lodged Against Martin Allen of
Moosic Committed to Jail.
.Martin Allen, of Moosic, was a nest
ed nnd arraigned befoie Alderman
Millar last evening on the charges of
assault and battery, threats to kill,
non-support and desertion. He was
committed to the county Jail In default
of JCOO ball.
His wife, Mary Allen, Is the prose
cutrix. She told a pttluble story in the
alderman's court last evening of her
husband's cruelties. One night last
week, she claims, her husband camo
homo at i o'clock In thP morning un
der the lnfluenca of liquor .and turned
out herself and five children, the one of which Is four months
' old, while the eldest Is 11 years of
age, from house und home.
It was snowing and tho weather was
Intensely cold. They were compelled
to seek shelter In a cowshed neaiby,
and remained there until daylight,
when friends and neighbors took care
of them.
Mother and children had been awak
ened from their beds and were given
no opportunity to clothe themselves bo
fore being' thrust from the house. With
bare feet and no other protection than
that afforded by thin night clothing,
they had to cuddle up together In tho
old cow shed, which because of Its
fiall construction, did not prove un
Ideal resistance to th wind and flurry
ing snow flakes.
Not satisfied with this tie&tinent,
when his wife returned In the morning
to plead for the care of her little one?.
250 box Oranges on sale
this week,
California and
Florida Oranges.
E. 6. Goursen
Who Can Write the l)
Best Short Story f
THh TRint'xr cahj rntzr.i to
f2S.00 for tho Best Story.
810.00 for the Second Best.
$0,00 for the Third Best.
In t ie, of lli .'.id thai (.oim.dtialile tuna
In- ela.ed .Inc.- there 1ii been any iiihll':
competition through tho loial uf.- for In
purpoto of ntlmulitlng the literary ability
latent among the pfcplc ol NoilHu-Krn
Peiinylvanl.i, The Tribune ha- decided to
offer n -eric of ptlrea aa a -.tlimilu- In thin
direction. It ) dc-tinn of te tiling for ti-
In It- column a number of ahoit atorle-,
lie. ling o( local tlicmc. In order to finnl-h
an Incenlhc It iivpw to pay
i'i for the best itoiy ol not to cxie-d
!,000 uoid- in length:
elO for the tecoml but atoij, and
ii tuf Hie thlul b-Kt etort.
Mami-crlpta not ,uut-jful In .iiuiing one
of thtk prltea will bo putiH-hed and duly
uedltcd if tlm millir.M no ilo'lic.
ftorfee, lending ( bring out the rmiianie
and legendary lore of tlir jntliiulte lniuliu
Indiutiy will have nirftrrnie. In cornettlnu
with cveiv mine m the 4 alley tbete it a
inais of tiadltion, Inclndiiig hairbreadth c.
lapc, nairatlie. ol pwlv happening- and
other detail, bniderlng on the wilrd or upci.
natural which baa newr been gathered to
gether In literary fotni. 'Ihla opena j field
ttlikli It piactlcall.i Inc thauitlbk' and which
ahould aiipply the Inatelial fur aoiuc eteed
ingly Interesting lictlmi.
Til task of piling upon the merit, of th
liMUUtfuipta Mihmlttcri w ill ha mlgncd to
dlslnteieated Judge, -hos nam will noon
be announced, ind who will lead the nianu--crlpt
but hate no knowledge of the Iden
tity nt the -,utliom. The cmclopea contain
ing tho real name- of the authora will lie
prc'cncd unopened until alter the. award-,
hate been nude.
Should thi. inltla' competition prow- en
couraging, It may bo followed by other
prlre ofler. of alnillar tenoi.
conditions or 'i 111: rovirsr.
All m.inu.-(lliU 11,114. be submitted .ul
later than Mauh M.
All nvinuxrlpts inu-i W tinned In a rte-tltlou-
name md nl, the writer real name
and loitofflip nildrra.
The scene of -jcli atni niu.t be laid in
Vortlie.iteui I'enn.'lianla, but the name of
real pervins iniiat not bo ti.ed.
Om- further condition tniut be tmdeilood.
Cnntilbutlon intelultd for thin contet will
be aicepled only trom piewnt sub-ftlber to
Tho Tribune or from thoso who may, dining
the conte't, become siih.criben by pajinuit
of at least one month's .uWiiplion in ad
tanc? Addree,
Sranton Tribune, Pcranton, l'a.
he seized 11 chulr and, so she alleges,
leat lier over the head.
When Mrs. Allen saw that sympathy
could not persuade her husband, she
tried to have the law compel him to
make provisions for his family. The
constable of Mooslo borough, she
claims, would not sprve a warrant for
her husband's nrrest, because he Is
one of the men who signed the officer's
When Alderman Millar sent Allen to
jail last night the wife broke down
and tears flowed down her cheeks. She
declared she was glad there was home
power that could reach her husb.tnd.
Commercials Roll 998 in a SingU
The West End Wheelmen's bowling
club, of AVllkes-Bane, last night met
the Commercial rollers on the lat
ter's alleys, and in three well-played
games were defeated by a total score
of 2G10 pins to 2499. In the cec-ind
game, tho Commercials tolled In the
finest form ever shown by a team In
a local tournament. They almost
reached the thousand mark, (scoring'
99S pins.
Field had high syore. 2-0, and Van
Warmer and Green also reached the
double centuries with 209 and 20;. The
detailed scores follow:
Itillbev 137 I'll 1.7
I'cv.ler 17, 191 HC
Fltley lot IM ,,';
Field Km 221 ii,5
Van Wonner 132 2tw 173
TotuI- 812 i'ii S..0
Iiiik' 13i In I Ks
Ye-t HI r7 170
Datia ,t. 131 In.; 1 1
Wclgand Kl 171 1-2
Gictn , It;- 211.' ii;
Total. 7r7 ,4 r,s
Unique and Interesting Service at
Penn Avenue Church Tonight.
Thero will bo n unique and Interest
ing service nt the Penn Avenue Bap
tist church this evening, beginning ut
7.30 o'clock. For several weeks tho
membeis of the church have been
working assiduously to Increase "tul
ents," in the Interests of the new
church fund. Several member? are
planning- to make special thank offer
tug gifts, while many others will re
turn as a gift the accumulations of
their soveial business enterprises, re
sulting from the us of "talents,"
which were distributed by the pastor u
few weeks ago, for a. working capital.
It Is expected that many hundreds
of dollars will be presented at the gift
service and return of tho talents this
evening. Tho gifts will be made at the
service In the auditorium of the church
at 7.30, und while the leporls ale be
ing: prepaied by tho olllcers of the
church a grand social will be held In
tha purlots, when addresses will be
made and refreshments served,
Inauguration Ceremonies Washing
ton, D. C, March 4th.
On account of tho above, the Lacka
wanna railroad will send round trip
tickets to Washington. V. C, at one
wuy faro for the round, 87,73. The
route, cither via Manunka Chunk and
Philadelphia, or I via Northumberland
and Hairlsbiirg. Tickets will bo on
sale good going March 1st, 2nd nnd
3id. and will be limited for return
leaving AVashlngton not la tor than
Mai eh 8th, 1901.
Change of Train Service Lackawanna
Elfccllve Monday, February u. Train
No. l, west-bound, leaving Scranton at
1.05 p. m and train No. i, east-bound,
leaving Scranton at 12.55 p. m will
not run west of Elmlra.
Ask foi Kelly's union crackers.
An Increase of 378,008 Over the Ap
propriation for the Fiscnl Yeais
1900-1901 Is Asked by the Vari
ous Heads of Depnitments -Fire,
Police nnd Street Commissioners
Departments Want Big Increases.
Must Bo 810,102 Appropilated for
Payment of Deficiency Bills.
Controller Howell last night yent In
to select council the estimates of7 firs
various heads of the city department,
for the coming fiscal year, but they
were not ptesented because that
branch of council-! did not mept. Their
aggregate amount I- $SS9,911. The esti
mate of revenue prepared by the con
holler Is l"J23,fi')0. The amount appro
priated for the present fiscal year
was S11,923, jut J7S.00S less than tho
amount asked for next year. The con
troller's estimate of t avenues is na
From t.iv. U2s,7WnO
I'rnlii levy mi dog. $ 1,390 00
Liquor llren-ei, 72,000 00
Major'. (Inc. - 7,000 Of)
lluildlng penult. 2,i00 00
Street (omniwlouer lepoit
Hoard ot He. 1th
400 Oi)
:uo no
.aid ml
a.'.K) 00
.t.liOO 00
1,300 00
t'lly .olli-ltnr ..
Tj nil polev ,.
Ml.icllawiHH ..
Mirpht. if venit,"
fl'io) e.tlmatcd.
23,LO0 00
'l'li total amount of tho
the vat lous lopnrtment
Mijor'i dopjituieiii
( Iiy rnntioller'a department ...
City solicitor depaitmeiit ,...
City tron-iirer'd ili-p.irlinent ....
fit tlcrk's depntuicnl
t'lly lull
Cit-i engineei'. department
"triet (.ouinilsehiner'a (gincial).
street loinml.-lnncr' (ward.) ..
City ave-i-iiis dcpattint'iit
I'ollre department ,
file department ',.,
lluildlng inspector
Iluud el iieillh
Vi. Vile park
( onm-ll I'Jlk
W'oodUwu palk
Scraiitmi piiblli' Binary
( clli
estimates ot
are as fol-
, mho mi
::,3'i0 oo
?.,M IV)
(1,250 O)
4,40 IH)
::,37i) iw
-.".hDO no
.'i-,,375 00
H'.,101 00
s.ioo oo
(H.010 OS
r.7,- i ii
1,.. Oi)
I.I.71U (H)
i,7:s 3o
l.OI'J no
2 CO
1 -i.noo UO
il,.,'7 13
11.132 01
SS!',0.13 00
''hi- controller bus piepuicd a separ
ate statement showing the deficiencies
which must be provided for In the ap
propriation ordinance. As befote men
tioned In these columns, this Is the
largest amount of deficiencies which
ever had to be provided for. The
statement ot dellolencies Is as follows:
(teneial illy J 2,7i.fl 'M
City hill ilipjiliui-iiL '.Kl no
City treasurer's dopirtment 221 21
City cnglmcr' diMrtincnl 2t Sil
Sticet commUflonir's (general) 1,112 L'l
Street tomnil..lnuei' (wards) ,0M OH
(ity chik's "0 SI
l'olhf 170(14
Roard of health Ml V.
Nay Aug p-ik 'Jii'l 30
1'il i- deputimut 8,171 Sil
fl"i,13' !U
The Lugeia tnct eases are asked for
the police. lire and street mmlsslon
cr's departments. The tire department
appropriation for the present fiscal
year was JIS,77S.9t, or $9,101.50 less than
the amount asked for this year. The
chief this year asks for a new hook
and ladder truck and for lucteasen in
tho Item for the pin chase of hose and
In a number of other smaller Items.
The police depaitmont estimate Is
$11,390 larger than the appropriation
for this department for the pit-sent
yeur. Chief Rohllng nsks for ten extra,
patrolmen and for two extra, detectives.
Their salaries form tho larger pait of
the Inciease.
Thestteet eommUsloner asks for pie
elsely the t-atne amount for ward ap
propriations as was asked last year,
but asks for over $8,000 more for the
irenural appropriation for his depart
ment. The Items Increased me for the
cleaning of puvements, repalts to sew
ers and drains and repairs to bridges
and culverts. Tho city engineer asks
for less than was appropriated for his
deportment during the present year,
being tho only head of department who
does su. Ills estimate Is $1,200 less.
Tho various other departments nsks
for Increases varying from several
hundred to over a thousand dollars.
Excellent Programme Was Rendered
Last Night.
Another of the Elks' ilellghtfulfully
Informal social sessions was held at
the lodge rooms last night. A varied
nnd well arranged programme had been
piepared by the entertainment com
mittee and wus carried nut In excel
lent style,
T. J. Jennings acted as chuliinun of
the night. The opening selection was
The styles nie the best many In each style are sold out.
W won't hnvo broken lines
in the store, no mutter how
much the hats nro wotth.
If you size Isn't In ono stylo,
It N In unothot. .
Tho same guaianteo of high
quality goes with these hats nt
two dollars, Just us though you
paid their teal worth
p toDate
XTT'w-iie "id $3.00
ff Hats at
T WatMngtan A-.TfJjy
1 i
It's another case of "where to
Wholesale Liquor Dealers,
given by Bauer's bund, after which
Louis Oschwlndi, amidst howls of dis
approval, told a funny story. The
Newmls brothers, three young coloied
musicians, played several nutnbois In
faultless style and wete greeted with
generous applause.
An excellent cuke walk was given by
William Fisher and .Miss Loietln Por
ter, nnd among' the other numbers
were songs by W. A. Lynott nnd Will
Burke, nnd un Imitation dog1 fight by
Alonzo nnd John Newmls. Tho AI.
Reeves troupe, now appealing nt the
Gaiety, Joined the company about mid
night, and furnished a good deal of
the entertainment. Mr. Goldstein, of
Jamestown lodge, was one of the visit
ing brethren piesent.
Jack Tlgue and Billy Mai k. uf Belle
vue, boxed four rounds. Tom Mil's,
of Bauer's band gnve hov-ral line cor
net solos and the members of the AI
Reeves company contributed seveial
excellent numbers. C. P. 0'.lnlly pro
sided over the social session.
Olnd He Protected His Time.
Pennsylvania Casualty Company,
Scianton, pj.:
Gentlemen It lx not vcij day a.
man writes to acknow lodge iccelpt ot
:t dtaft for slvty-two dolt.iiN tind fifty
centM (Vi2.30) from nn orlglinl Invest
ment of tli!rlcn dollats p'ul wentv
slN cents ($10.70). but Mich win my cx-p-'rience.
I look upon accident find hi'nllh ln-suiatr-3
as n Investment to
protect my time. My ciushed finger
ihvi tne a gicnt deal of pain and
trouble, but lln.iucliilly I am not our
anything as a result of my not beln-;
able to attend to mv duties if n lmnk
kecper. Please act opt my thanks for
the prompt payment of i-talui. an I
courteous treatment 1 received at -.our
hand''. WMi'ng you mei Ited hui-ics",
aVnm, Uespi-ctfiilly youis,
' ' Michael J. M.-e.S(P.
Wilkes-Bavre Aldeimnn.
ll.mi.btug, lob, 21. Covenioi rtone Iihi
ent to tlin tenite the nnmlii'tlon of 1'iank It.
Drown, uf Wilke.-Ilaire, In be uldeiuun In und
ior the- Klglilh ward of Wlll.evll.1110 to cimi
until tho fltt Monday In Mat I'fll, tne .ldiue
MeCroaity, ilcce-i.ttl.
Pi ohlbltlon Banquet
Prohibition banquet at Oueinre hall,
evening of March I. Tickets, ."i cents.
For sale at Guernsey's music store,
Guernsey hall building.
' I...
Ask for Kelly's union crackers.
The Scranton Gas and Water Com
pany and the Hyde. Park Gas Com- !
In accordance with the pulhv nf the,,- com
panlex to lediue lit-a fiom lime tn time ai
mar be uarranlM by niejid coiiuiiiptiuu,
notice is l.cieby ghen Hut. on and alter Apill
1 next, the pike of ga-. will Iw one dollar per
one thound lulir fei t fonaumed, -ulijctt to
the following dl',.ouiiti: Vle per cent, on nil
bill l.ere the lon.iui'ptiou tor the mont'i
amounta to lest than twinlyfue dollar, lei, per
(nit. on all till, wheie the loiuumptiou tor the
month amounts to twri,ty-lle dollai ami up
I'roiidcd tho bill Ii paid 011 nr befme the
20th day of the mouth in whhli tit, I'll! is
rendered. Ilv cider of the toaid.
G. 1!. 1IVSI), Sciretaiy.
High Cut
Seal Grain
Brass quilted bot
toius, sizes ir to 2.1
Every pair worth $2.
Our price while they
last, per pair,
Clarke Bros
Pierce's Market Penn Avenue
We male a ipecialiy of fan-y Cuatmry Bui
ter and strictly irc.h tits and tl o prle l- at J
low ai Gttt )au Eoudj can bo told at.
t do not have any .pecia) tali'.i oi leader,
but at all tlmea cairy at complete a line "I
Market Oootii, Tanc- Orocerlca and Tablj bellra.
(Ira at mil he lound to the laree-t Nr Vor),
or I'hilailelphia tlaiarll w tilth we -ell at ntlit
W. H. Pierce,
10 f.ackanaMia Ave,
Prompt delltery,
10, li:, HI r-ni Art.
Tlic USckson Mmiiiructiirlns Co.
tcrsntoo and WllWti-Carrt, r..
Munuraaturer of
Bolltri. Nalitlng and Pumping (Machinery.
Otntral Office, Bcnnton, P
It's Easy
to make a mistake by nt
being careful to keep watch
on what we offer you. Ou
California Wines
you should see. It will be
cosily to miss them.
spend money is to make money.''
216 Lackawanna Ave.'
1 - , m
l-eu-i i-idinc mi our .lore liet.m-e it 1. a hare-l
of imi 10 i good dicer -pring is
Liimiiii -.Mil. ale (KTiip-ii.g ,1 piomiiient ple
with -i. md kir alnaitlng miiiv who are "all at
1 1" a 1 w' 1 'lie;- int.
305 Lackawanna flue.
"IS 17 Hout'i'N lli'os," Jot1s.
Knives, Forks
i Spoons, etc.
No question about the quality; wa
have all the newest patterns at
lowest prices.
Also the celebrated Sterling In
laid Spoons and Forks. War
ranted to wear twenty .five years.
Immense block of Sterling Silver
Spoons, Forks, Knives and Cased
Goxls for Wedding Presents.
Mercereaii & Connell,
132 Wyoming Avenue.
Heating Stoves,
Oi! Stoves,
Gas Stovesr
M Heaters.
::;-:7 pen:; avenue.
Do Yon
Want a
How does this one strike your
fancy? Solid oak, five feet,
four inches tall. Heavy plate
glass in fiont 18x48 in. Double
thick bent end (-lasses and
catved top.
This China closet is elegant
design nnd workmanship and
would be an adornment to any
home. Regular price, $15.
Febiuaiy Trade Sale,
' 321.283-225.27Wyoatnar .
Tij Vio
( . 'r .