The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 22, 1901, Image 3

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Condensed Milk
Phosphates and Hypophosphltes
Added without change of taste.
Best Milk for family Use " Babies thrive on it "
J Sold by Tlrujrgitts tod Citocers. Write
Scranton Stock
and Grain Co.
Rooms 418.19 Council Bldg.
Conryponcl'TitH of The Stock, Ctaln
nnil Provlnloii Co., 10 Wall St., N. Y.
Ptocki. ISontlH, f train and lie vicious)
houRliLnml pold for cudi or on iiiatirln.
Private when to New York.
Ice Cream.
9E Per
JJC Quart.
'J clephone Order Promptly l)llvrait
i-33j Adams Arena.
Scranton Transfer Co.
Baggage Checked Direct to Hotels
and Piivate Residences.
Office D., L. & W. Passenger
Station. Phono f 25.
Dr. H. B.Waie
f A. M. '10 12.30 1. M.J S '10 1.
Williams Building, Opp. Postofflce.
I'.ODV 10 A1.I1IW. TODAY. Tlie body of May.
niuU'l l.M, tin- soldier, who died in the Philip
line, Mill 1l iccclicd iu this city this morning.
-CAM' ( rf.-IMnaril Pnrhe, etnploed in tho
'rliC'iu mil. i, sustained a Might scalp wound
l'.v a (ill of root lit the mine jcatmlay. Ilo v.14
tsken tu tliu J.H. ivvanra kuspital.
I.VIf.ltTAINMI.NT 'lOMt.lir.-Thilc will he .1 mill literary cntcilaiiimcnt and supper
tonight miilcr the uuspleej of the ftevvardisfs.,
at the African Methodist t.pUcopal iliuich.
llll.ll SfAl.lM.l) -Lillian, the 2- ear-old lah
cf Mr. iiiul Mr. Allurt llcrry, of f50 l-Virrst
rouit. was badly K'lhlnl sestirdiy hy falling
uti it pan of Imt water which was (.landing en
tl"e then. The llltlo one will recover.
i fi: rCIIMSfilllJ. C. A. lillnuith, of ( hub's
tlrcen, was arraigned before Alderman Howe es
t rilay ou the cli-iigc of assault ami Kiltery, pr"
'tnul li.v 11 mi I'ostur. The Late vva.s discharged
iipcn lack tf proper evile-nci.
111X11 Al. I'liS.rOVi:!'. The recllal arranged
for this altcrnooti, at the Southwonh ktudlm,
ban In in postpoticel until one week fioni tomor.
row, en an mint of tho aliscnci! of Hiss Vicemiu
and Ml AlKn, vlio arc in N'cw York.
I AG V S Sl.fTi.LD. Thomas Summers, vlio
was nricMed Wednesday for embezzlement, "a
riven i hculng before Alderman Itono .senior
eiai. 'I ho (.'v via adjusted upon tho defendant's
agreeing to wotk out ith Uur.vman Ilcllrs thj
amount, stikn.
I)., L, W. P.US. The unpin ls of the fob
lowing Delaware-, l.iikawanm and Viestern col.
lierim uill be paid tomnnowt Atd.bild, lli-lle.
ue, llrikbin, (i.jnpn, Continental, Hodpi), Hump.
Inn, llolden, ll)do 1'aik, Oxford, I'jiw, Mom ami
Ta.i lor.
V AH'Sir l, T:OMNTi:.-Oiio of the fraiurci
i the W.ililiiKtnn' birthday social -it tint
oun 1 nun's Chithllan .-'ilallon thU r m.
in: will Iki a "Mulcal Ilomance." All imm
1iim-i thi a-Mjihtlou aro niot cordially m
vitwl id join tho romanco a tel ai tlo emcral
(OjiI time.
IV .MKUnrtl VM. l.lsli mas of nnninu will
' foliidnUid r.t ht. l'ttri'n ealhulial at t) oVl I.
'' ' inomlnK lrr tho rcpoo nt tho !"ml of Itvt
li I. MictJol.ii lit.. Dr. .lohu llnrnctl, M. II
Madkon and Anthony Purrsti, tlira.xd nuni
! of the Knls'.itt of rolutnbiH. Tinlclil at s
o'llorlc n memorial sen ice uU In' niulm'te.l it
the cluli liouf.
WSIIIM.IOVDA K.r.R( I-l.-. -Ili ht iro
periodi of the chool tensions it the MkIi i,iol
r--f -f 4-f t-f-f----f -f-
Spring Btook Water,lst
Lacka. Valley EIoc. Light, Is:
MtR'. 5s.
NoithJeisey andPocono Moun
tain Ice Co., 1st Mtg 5s.
Standaid Gas Co., 1st Htg. 5s.
Xehighton Watfr Supply Co.,
1st Mtg. 5s.
New Mexico Railway and Coal
Co., 1st Mtg'. 5s.
Description and pjlce on appll
cation. f-
nroidway, N V. ViU llarre.
t- Catbondalr.
t, o ind 6, Commoiivrralth I ttdsr .
t fHttttttfttt
a x
for booklet.
yesterday were HcxoUd to 1 tihlnatoti Day e.
rrilM. The uial ninnber of rciitutlons, nmys
wtid oratlom jii ulti.. The stlittlotn 'n
ilneil by the cnlicttra, Loi' ind slrU' Kl-e
club, and entiTtali.mcnt srlven b. !! l'iira.
him aro dcstnlntr m Kpcdal note.
int. nirnv ov i'iniv tn iicn- o ti, mi.
titli-n about the fire tkiirtnirnt of the ell),
lii'V. Dr. Oitr.n. of l.lm I'.irV.- Inirrh. liil brtll
rul.rd tn (iak to the olunteer firemen of our
inv, an'i ii.ii consenldl to ilo n on sumiay
iil.dit. His toidu will be "l-'itoH and I'lnmin."
All pist iiml ntent tiieinbrrK of the flro depart,
mint will be wtkoinrd with the general public.
M:W MATTIIi:V? IIUIMMN'G. I'lan are be
liiS pn-parcd f ir .Matthewa llrotheM for a new
Lulldlni; to rcplaco the out ci I.arUananiu ave
nue recently destroyed by fire. Work will b
beirun soon and It U etpeitid that the itruetur
will bo iDinpletrd bv the tnldillo of the xuinmer.
Neither tho llenwixid estate nor M. Norton, who
owned the building' which wile buinid on both
tides of the Matthews bulldlnc, hue iu Jtt de
cided li build.
I'ltAMi SMiril Ai:m'.STK.I.-liaiu M Simlli
vm anrtel by Detittlie Molr on l.lndm tiist
ctcrda' alteraoon on s warrant fvued by He.
cordtr Donaher, of Illmlra, N. ., lilm
vltli Rraud larriny. Mnllh w is lormi-rly n
attnt tor tlu Aimoiir Ilecf company in l.lmlra
and It Is claimed that on January 2l, 1U0I, 1m
embezjleil $15S 80 of the eonipany' monry. He Is
being retained nt polite hcadquaitm until an
o.'Ccer anhes from l.lmira
PltClOIIV t P. AllbAXE. An otlieateil stcwe
vt tiru to s lrulicht car stanitliic on ft Milium at
tin- Di-bivnro and Hudson ititlon on bnikawamu
n Minn- at 1J.45 this momlntr and an atann cf
fire 'ams tounded from box 1J. Th ear contained
potatoe) and the itoe was used to
freejini?. The tlaines ite their way tip one sldo
of tin- ear to the roof, which is double, and
(.lined the linmen fme tioubV. The blue
wis lAtltyrulshcd by the cliiinkal The car wis
badly climagrd and Its content! destroyed
Bibles, a colored oncanir.atlon, will hol.l a rike
will: Ir. Music hall April 9. The feature of the
tunlnic will be the conlest betueen MUiams
and tits wife, of Iltniihamtou, chimplon rike
walker of New York RUti, and William Kiiher,
if (hit. tity, tin-l MIm Putter, of I'liilulilplila,
for a prize ef V;0. About a year aj;o thei-o tun
rouples nut and the pnie was awarded to the
I'lhnMhnr.l.a n'presentativrs. Champion cake
walkers from all over the emmtrv will be pris
tut April i.
MIS'! hTi:TLi:il'S Kl'NKISXr. -lhe rniuliis of
Mrs. S J. Mi tli r, of Kim Sir.tcuse, who ilnl
it her homo en Sunday, was laid to rejt In l or
e.t Hill cemetery Wcdiiwliy nlternuoti In Mile
her hubainl, 01urh, who preiuled her ten
dai. Mie is sunivtsl by three children. Maud
L. Cliarhi. A. and nertie 1. Alo the tnllomtu
.Me and hrotliWi Jlrv ( onrad IN II, Mis
l'eter Vox. of Scranton, and Mrs .1. T. Williams,
of Philadelphia, brothers, .lohn IMiT, Jaivb Pan,
(Jeorse and Joseph VM. all of Sraiiton. 'r
ics wire held at the Mlliiln Aicntie Lutheran
churelu lhe pall b'lrcrs weie Chris (iormeilnair,
llenrj Conrad, Charles Kuwler ind liuiry Dink
Sufficient Number of Members Did
Not Appear.
An attempt was niatlo lust iiiRht to
hold a joint besblon of council!) to elect
tlneo mi'inliois on the board of ix'vlb
lon und appcil, but the quotum wai
btoken. Another effort will bo imiile
tonight to hold a nieetlntr.
Then an attempt was m.'wlo to hold
a mrular meetltiK of tho bulcu totmctl,
but this nltio fulled.
Thi oi-dluunve awaidlnp; a. fr.tnchiso
to tlie Central Kupid Transit Stivet
Kalluay company was to have eoniu
up on third reading, but just what ac
tion would have been taken is pioh
Iennitlcal. Some of Its upjorters wens
boasting beforu tho meetinf- that they
lmil eiiouuh votes to hill tln Chitten
den anioudineitt .nloptecl hi-t week,
wlille oilier tucmbetti and some of the
objeotot.1, win, were liro.vettt In foiee,
said that there were eleven sjuie votes
ugaiiiHt the otdinsinie.
tl'ndcr this heidin; ihort letters of Interest
will be publUhed when eumpinled, for oublict
lion, by the writer's name. The Tribune does not
kwumc reipoimbllity for opinions here rxpieutd.)
Due to Love Waves.
l.dit i ol 'the Tribune.
Sir: U in fiouicitliiil of a urne to the att
imiiiber of admlie'ri. of the Jtc. 111. M Leod to
tmd out of late that Ik li o intiiutly iinpuu
tieible upon the subject i f Chiltlau wlenee
'lhe iniihle with the liamub doctor i, thit
bi -piuiiiitly d.s tut mtfleiirily undertmd
"ilie wluafii.vt of tin wliii-lineV of tliat m1
iii'l. Thit in i.v bo il.iv. tc iu want of knonl.
"l.' of the ild Coliuiithut iluittT. Had he
tudicd in culy joilth the theory of "Lovu
.nc" iilul how tht .irv tiansiiilttisl thrnuch
the ithri of antliiiily 'n in th" brain nils ot
'pinen to tho ciaiiiiiin nl an irihbbihop of
C.i'itiibui ind (mm i line iii Mr. I'dily, lie
nnuld not hud It dlfikuli in nlit-i that If ho
po'Mved faith as lar"- as i tuiiilp n-ed, he
lould lomiiM) iin.iiiii .ii r.; cue tho flik, and
caet mt devils flm srantoii n formation woulip
uul thin 'iie iu it." Mid the Win,: Mm'd
li'iue would bt out t .t ji li
Hut in Akron, Ohio, (lure i a Mis. V.xeelb
I ,mui, not unknown to f-.tne, who icieiitlt bv
the piMnrnl to list of oih- ilollar, iiiu-d a
pnaiher of a bad iae cf c it irrli of Ionic Muml
inr b.v simply blowini- "ioie wavec" omt tlm
hills and far aay to lilm at Kalamaro, Mhlib
e.'.ui, and ho w.u a mairled pie.uhtr at tint
1 neir thou. lit for a torment that tin- St l,W
aiy luoii) In do with t'u nu-c of tlm pre u hi i In
tint taxi, thin tint tin- iiiheioum mill tuns
tal.Hii up fiim time to tiino nir te'aih the
lieathen. Ii ull cle-pimled upon "loio waii'
And there is no use of din.iliiK it. These "oe
want," am .onictlilnir. fho trouble Is that they
fiiquiiitly take- n fellow when tliiy oulit not
in and at mn ll tlmta am liable tn make trouble,
especially when they mum in ooutait with our
wile's "ioe wasis
"Jlut tin coiiii" liom somewhere 1 certain
liciauv they will appioaih joii when nbno and
luliidlnif jour own htMium and whllu iu a
rious moisl Tlds is tho "w herein ss of the
uhlriiniv," of (liiUtim Klrmo whieh the much
rcnptclttl iiml learnnl eioitor falls tn eonipie
bend. And so 1 think tint Christian Science
cliiMiils tipm Ime wain" ami tint settles It.
C If S.iu.
Fiist Chuich Dinnei.
At Its, iinnuiil dinner today, iinm 12
to '.' oV-loi'K, tho Lmlles' Aid society of
tlm ritst Prenbyteiliin chinch, will
sme tho liillowlriK menu:
Hlsiiue of rianiH.
Ito.tHt Tut key. Cinnbeiry rSutice Beef.
t'eleiy. OIIvch. PIi l;lrfi
Mlttihed I'otatoen. I'oiip.
Mnecutonl. DreHseil Cabbage.
OratiRu da hid
Apple. Siiuiifh, .Mlnee I'lo.
Ice lienm. I nil Ian I'uddlns.
I'offfe. Tea.
An M.-cllunt supper at ii o'cloelt,
I'llies, W and 2' ciutn respe'etlvuly.
Aek for Kelly's union ciucKeis.
--- -.-4
Arguments Mado Before the Senate)
Committee at Washington Yester
day by James H. Torrey, Major
Eveiett Warren, Major T. E. Pen
man and Congressman William
Connell Facts They Tiescnted
Showing" Necessity for New Dls
tilot Both Senators Favor It.
Special to the Sainton Tribune.
Washington, V. C, 1'eb. 21. A hnr-Int-
cm Cougre:snuiu Connell's bill ere
atltiB an additional Judicial district to
be called the Middle dbttlct of Penn
Kylvantii, und which papsed tho bouse
recently without opposition, was held
befoto a sub-oomtnltteo in tho senate
Judiciary committee room thit motn
inr. It had been expected that theru
would be somo opposition to the bill.
Judge UullltiBton, of Plttsburn, and
Attorney Itawle, of Philadelphia, had
both written Senator Hoar, chairman
of the committee, myltig that they ex
pected to be present to inuki argument
In opposition to tho bill, but hey did
not materialize, and theie. was no op
Doitlon to tho bill.
In Rtitlclpatlon of the above named
gentlemen being picsent to speak
against the bill, Mr. Connell had wired
several Scranton uttorneya to be on
hand and be prepared to make argu
ments In favor ot the bill, nnd In re
eponse to his request Major Kvorett
Warren, James II. Torrey and Major
T. F. Penman came heie last evening
and appealed befoto the committee this
morning well equipped with strong ar
guments nnd data iu favor f the pass
age of the bill. Mr. Toirey wax the
first speaker.
He displayed it huge map of the state
and had the ptesent dlstilct outlined,
aq well ni the proposed, with ted and
blue pencil. The t-otntnlltec was very
fnvotably impressed with the manner
In which Mr. Torrey presented the
matter. He spoko as follows:
Tills bill it the, demand of nearly two millions
of people In Central and Xottheastern Pennsyl
vania who feel that they are entitled as a
matter nt tiflit to bcttir federal loutt faeill-
is. Hut it does! not Mop there; it Is also
designed to materially benitit the ro eminent bv
a Miitiif in the mlleiRe of Jurors, prisoner and
witnesses whlih will fully meet the additional
expense of the court, while it will nt the sime
time neees-arlli iniilt alo in the betlir enforce
ment ot tin lau.
'Hie division of 1'rtiUMlianIa as it non stands
Is alisnril, and a gluice at tin- map is all that
Is needed to show if, llils Is particularly true
of the weltrn dNtilit, wlileh tours oier two-third-
of tin- Kt.itc stid irtuilly compels the
whole tiorthca-tiiii pait of It to ro thieu bun
drill miles to Pittsburg for its federal records.
It Is enotish to say of tho illii-tion that It was
mvlo siventyix jeats njfo (ee Ait Mth Miy,
1S2I, 1 Statutis at I.irge, p &, chap. 1701, since
which time Hie whole iinrtlicist fei'tioti by the
ileielottncnt of its niilliuiite etial industry his
chinaid from a wihhrness to one of the ino.t
piptilou', active and thiivim; i'oiiimunitiis iu the
coinmoiiHcallh. 'lhe u-t itent of till. dMiiit
has compillcd the prnri-inn, fnuu time to time,
for sessions of the fiihral coinl at time other
places niitfide ot Pitt-buis, ti, wit: At WIN
iiamiHit, nt Krle- ami at s,ranton, but Pitttburs
Is rtill and will be the center around
wlih li the whole district. Is e-Jinpilled to muhc
and from which It is and will bo rontrollid, the
nst btiue illstrliiiinated ai?iliist in its inten.t.
There ate Kept the tinutient leiords of the
comts, with thilr ilerks, tnaishall and judges,
and where lliese arc there of necessity is the
court Itstlf. Neilhir judites nur orllccrs, however,
desirous of iioiui; their duty, can mike it other
else. Nor can any jtidxc It may be added with
any aitlsfictlon to himself or to tho publli,
hold coutt in four illffiirnt plices so widely
sipiritnl. Tlie deiniml that ho ihall, lowevu.
nives to show tin nr. ils in the elisttiit, at
the fame time tint ii dimon-ltali-. its un
wlildy ind overurown clnraitei.
fcl'Mi: t'OMPAltlsON
Oumparisoii with oilier s.-cllom of the third
clnult, of whieh we aie a part, imll
proves tliN. Diluvare lias u iitrli t jinluc,
.ludifu llraelfonl, and now leeently s clnult
judse, Jueliri. Cray. 1'hllidilphii has Jitde Iii.
las for the clnult and JmU.F" MiPhersou tor
the- district mint, iieithtr of whein ife ine step
otilsiilr cf thit city. That leaies Jmlgp,
of 1'itlsbiirir, to tale Lire of the sessions of
the ehcult eouit at the lout ehlurcnt points
nienlloned in the wi-slirn illsttict, as will as at
Trenton, in the Mate of Nnv Jcrse.vj at the
sitne time tint, a sudor circuit jinliie, hi- Is
called upon to do duty in the c in-ult court of
appeaiR lor the whole ciieult, slttlns tvvlee i
.s ear at Philadelpliu. V a result of this we
line not Si i n .Iml.'e Aiheson at the last two
.venilv sessions of the elriuil leant in 'eraiiton
The prbHisisl middle distrut is mule up of
the cenliiil and mitlicutcm pirts ci Ptiuivl
vatila, the III i in pnitton of It coining from the
vvtsUru difltht, but eleven contain behiu ilso
t don tic'iu the casttin.
eoiiiparlson of the- population of the ta(e
und its liehral distrlits .it the time tho pi e -e nt
iliiislos was nude In Isjij, with the present pop
ulation, a shown lij the iiiisiia ol I'iCih, will in
eheate how sitoiiir the picscnl demiud lor a
eliibioti m In J.o by dividing tho Increase
from the ienu of 1ai to the renus of lW
pi i port ii mtel v. the imputation of tho western
dlstiiet was Uut .Ilil.Tilil, nf the cistern 'II--trlil.
i.s.l,.(iiei, tho total f..r the stale about
l.'JOO.OWi 11 the census of ) the populitlon
of tie wcsicn. dlstrii t was .t.Sri.Tui, and tho
eastern district. J.'U7.1ili total for the si in,
fl,:0J,HS, The proposed chance will tike liom
the- tastnu district lout.lles containing a popte
I iili.ti of l,iis,uj. Tnihr th new nppoittun
Hunt, as cliutid by the pcmUm; hill, the popu.
Iilloii of the Ihno dtstrlets, b the census of
l!"i. will be as f. lions:
K.istern dlstrlit '.tti'i.sii
Wistcrn ilutriit 'J,-J7j,iis'i
MMellel elbtllll l.sllt.rilS
Tola! ..02.1I1
It will thus appeal lint e Jill en tlie three,
districts will contain a populiiion of Ir un llity
I.eurn the childieii lehuns ,,f
eeononi the piaetieal Mnd, ,t
eeiy tuiti teach thi-tn to avoid
Taught to Iniptove their time and
tlie-lt tllleut, and to lay by ti
little sums that come to hund; a
light start In life will he bad.
And they'll llmilly thank you for
all tho promptings.
Savings Uepiu tinent
Cor. Wyoming nnd Spiuco
to fctenty-fivo per cent, mors than tlm popu
litlon ot the enttro state htn It was divided
Into two districts) In ISM, and that tho division
of tho population between the three districts
wilt be as nearly equal aa KcORraphlcil condi
tions will permit. It la further obscnahlc that
the three districts comprise the three great
centers of population of the tlatc, to wit! The
Kaalern district being the maritime district;
the western dlstrlit, the bituminous coal dis
trict; tho middle dlittlit, tl. anthracite coat
The proposed dlitilct is more populsui than
inch important states as Maine, New Hampshire,
Vermont, 'oimei-tiiut, New Jersey, Maryland,
WW Virginia, South Carolina, Minnesota, Ne
braska, Kanras, Mississippi, Loulilana, Arkansas,
and California, to tay nothing of ethers of
leuer note. It Is neatly, if not quite, ai lar
as Virginia, .North Carolina, Georgia, Wisconsin,
Iowa, Alabama, Kentucky and Tennetsee; with
regard to which It Is to be noticed that Ala
bama and Tennessee have each three dlstricta;
wldle Ailcansas, (leorgla, Mississippi, North Car
olina, South Carolina, Virginia and West Vir
ginia havo each two, and the others, one each,
while l'lorlela, with a population of but 800,152
one.tvvclfth of that of Petnislvaiilj, and one
fourth that nf tlm proposed district tt accom
modated with two.
The new loutt is to meet at three points In
the district, Simmon. Harrlliurn and Williams,
port. This Is lor the accommodation of the
time different renters of population and com.
tntrcial activity wlilcli me found within It. liar
rshurx although the capital ot the state, Ins
hitherto been a put of the eastern district, and
has had no fcdeial court; but congress as long
ago a IS.! ren gnlred that It eventually would
have, and in electing the federal beilldlna; at
that city provided i commodious court loom
and ofiees lor II. Wllllamvporl Ins bad pes
tlons of the federal court since 1S2I, and the
burdens tumuled there his nrnre than justified
their establishment at It. Scranton, In the gnat
northeastern section, Is the center of the an
thracite loal Interests, and the ntlendsnt Indui
tries, and aiouml It la found a population of
fully half n million people, IOO.OiO of which are
in the city alone. The state courts in the an
thracite rrglon are crowded with business, a
considerable! portion of which, with proper fa
cilitfes, would find Its wiy Into tlie federal
cotnls. The Unitid St itea courts have been ap
pointed to sit here once a year since lseti, but
theie have been serious Interruptions at times Iu
the sessions of the circuit court, owing to the
ingagc incut of Juelgc Ache-son elsewhere, as al
ready noted. The tecords of that court for the
last fuc UM show the following work accom
plished: tiF.coitns or couiit.
Match tuim, l")i. Coutt In session ten da.n,
all of which was given to tho trial of the ca'c
of Anna Dnl.inson. Hie other civs wern con
tinued untried.
Manh 1 1 in. IMJll. Court in session flic days.
One cae tried. Sit case continued.
March term, lb')7. Court in session ten days.
Anna Plekltison ease retried, and two other
cases Mxlitu rases continued,
Manh term, Has. Court in session seven da)s.
Tour case's tiled by Dulhagton, J., In absenet
of Judge Acheson. Fourteen case-s continued.
Three uiarkid tettle-il.
Maieli linn, lSi'l. Court In session alt da.
Three lases tried, five cans continued, two cases
discontinued. At this term the cisu of the
Trailers' National litnlc is. 'lho fidelity Castnlty
romp itei, n suit on the bonds of the cashier of
the plaintiff bank, was put over and subsequently
tiled it PRUbwg, to the great Inconvenience
ot tlie- parties, a lime number of the books of
the bink being reeuilrcel to be taken that ells
t lite c foi that purpose.
Mareli term, IHK). Court In session ten elavs.
Two tried by liutliiigtnn, .1. lliglit cases
continued, one reminded and two non-prossed.
One of the cases tried at this term was thit of
Mirtin ., the Delaware and Hudson railroad, in
which the Jurv gave a eidict of Nli.WO, the
hrger ever rendered iu Piiinsyhinli for per
sonal injuries.
The work no siirnm.irlrrd, It is to be rcmem
beied. was the civil work alone and was in addi
tion lo that clone by the district court, width
bis jurl'ilii tion iu eases only. The
iccotil of the litter Is in Pitt'lntrg and is not
aeci-sible at this writing. On the doe kit of the
eliiuit ccurt at Seianton tlierw now appear
cilll i.nei demanding disposition and cisos
in nitiili. At this single point ill the district
,uie under the present unfivorable londitiona
theie is thus .i full ycir's work ahead for any one
JinUc in civil matters alone, to nay nothing of
the criminal woik .end the work to l-c atiticlpatcd
In the lest of the pioposesl district. No ten
sions of tho coutt lilting eier been held at
Ham-burg tlie work to be expected there ran
null- Ic estimated. Imt it Is Kite lo siy tint
it will tie considerable, a large amount of which,
ou ae count of its being the capltol of the stile,
will bo suits In utile h ions aie lnteicsted,
involving indicate and Import mt llilgitiou and
Inteisi He iUe-tliins, which the Unltnl States,
rither thin t lis state tourl" as nov., should
nwKiiiTrcY ncs-iM:.
In to this is the growing business
In liiiil.niptir. This, at the di-lann- that this
siitlon is fiom I'ittslmrg, K it present a must
serious disadvantage. To hive the full benefit of
the Involuutaiy tealures of the bankiuptiy law
it Is imperative that wl should liave the new
disiiiit. As it is now, ill pipets have to be
fnrvv allied to Pittsburg and all orders and adu
eliealioiis priitiiill.v mill" I in re. This involves
stub dit.ivs tint c-xeept for tie assistance of
the si ite- ccitiiis'the hmhuiptiy law- would lie
almost imlllflisl 'lhe eoiirts of proe-cdute in
Peniisylvanu ui-iblii a jikIciiu nt by ieii(i'-siin
to be entered and a shei ill's ule of the petsond
properly had in six elivx, u pne altogether too
swift for the bankriiitcy courts, acting at the
dlstince of .'100 miles. ruitunalely, the state
I'niirts have been persuaded to si ly eve'cutlons
while bankrupicy pioeenbngs lnve bin begun,
but this concession has onlv been obtained with
uiisidcrablo ehllleiilty in a few ot the stale
courts, and bow tar it will be followed In others
depends a ijchmI did on the composition nf tho
conn and the1 way it regards, the bnikruptcy liw,
lather tlnn on llu-d principles. The only iilmo.
lute reliance- is . district ecmrl and a district
u lire- so .leecs-lhle- that execution pnicie dings
emanating liom the state eouits tan be laid
hold of and iistialtn-d without delay.
All that ha been so t ir said goes to the
Tunis o' the people nf the- district. II I.s t-nnugll
to wan mt tin- establishment of It, but it is be
lli" ed that this i in In accomplished without a
riiateriil inuea'c in the general court expenses,
it pie-suit the western distiitt Is so lime lint
the mileage' of jurors, prlonirs nnd govimment
witnesses is Very heavy. Jurors hue ncussaiily
to he siiniinoncd for each slltin; of the court
Horn every part ot it. Ihev go from Scranton
to I'itUbuig and Kile, and t hey tonic- fiom
Pittshuig and pi m be.iond it to Scranton.
Pittsburg is oo miles fiom scranton and Krle is
even turihir. Thev aie tlnss drawn from within
an avtraic lailius of l'O mllis. in thu proposed
liililillc disiiiit. on the other hand, the nverugo
radius would be- jut alout hilf that dlstmci, en
thai mail half the- mlliagi would be kaved. As
to the nilhsio of Juiois iliawu from the terii
tor now In lhe cistern district Pure would bo
no tuitiiiil ihinge: these now all go to Phila
delphia fiom within un avirage radius of seven
ly.tlve mlliss, .md that will be just about pie
served In the new district. Now at fl icnls i
mile e.icli way the difference per Juror when Bum.
moned fiom vviihln a radius of j0 miles or from
within a ladiiis of 7.T miles allowing for going'
and returning would bo i7.50, and on MO Jurors,
tho I'sllnnted jeaily niimlsr ninimoned, would
be sl.'.'iO per annum, nuking a laving of tills
amount by tho election of the new- district.
Ile-ddc this there arc the traveling enpensca nf
prlsoiieis and witnesses hi govirnment eases
which again, would bo halt us much from i
district iu which the dM-wc aio cut ebvvn
lleally the cut would be mure thin tint, for
lie law iciulres tint i pilsonn shall bo tiled
ut the next session of the cejiirt whciever It tiny
be, and ll has fre qiKlitl happened that a null
aircstid at Seianton alter Hi" sessions at that
phec have been concluded, his tn bo tiktn with
all tlie witnesses from th- plain of Ids anest
at lalge Mini expill-e In lllllictlf Is Will .u tie
the government, to enuo tlisi mt point Iu the
illitiiet such as Plltsbuig or t.ilu, aid If, fiom
stress of other binlno-s tho ca-c Is not elsiostd nf
there, again carried on a long distance to the
next plaeci of sitting litis Is a matter well
I. noun and commented upon in the matshal'tj and
elUulit atloilKj's olllees, and of muuc no lar
as p.tslhlo is avoldeel, Hut It Is uuavvldihlc
tu many tasei, and whin that is so it is not onl
most I'vpcindie to tho govcnuniiit, but It is
oppirsslve to the eh-fe ndanl who millers all the
inoie if found luuoiciit In the end, s ,i matter
I lusilii, us will a economy, It ought lo be
remedied, nnd tint Is whit tlds bill will in
Inn lou.iiii' elo. Just wlul i-tliiine of saving
i to lo mid.' fiom the rstubllshmcnt of the
lieu ellstiiel In this livpiet we have not the
(CVMiiiilid mi I'i.e s.
Argument with Reference to the
Ablngton Turnpike Condemnation
Proceedings Completed The Mat
ter of the Annexation of Part of
Lackawanna Township to Taylor
Waa Also Discussed Woelkera
Casa Postponed Until the Next
Term Names Ordered Stricken
t rem Petition.
Atgumcut court closed yejsteidny, all
of the cases on the llHt living disposed
of before court adjourned In the after
noon. In the morning1 the arguments
were resumed upon the exceptions to
the appointment of muster and Jury
to view In the matter of tho condem
nation ot Provldento nnd Ablngton
Turnpike and 1'Ianlc Uoad comiuiny.
The petition was filed last year by
ienator J. C. Vaughnn, representing a
huge number of taxpayers who signed
It. Prolrata were filed iy tho North
ern Boulevard company, the Ablngton
Turnpike company, tlie County of
Lackawanna and certain taxpayers of
South Ablmrtou who aro opposed to
the condemning of tbe load. The ob
jectors were represented yesterday by
Attorneys W. W. Wutson, W. It. Dlehl,
Ira II. Hurnt nnd County Solicitor
Herbert Taylor, while tho petitioners
were represented solely by City Solic
itor Vosbuig, Senator Yaughan being
In Harrlsbuig.
The objoctois aigtted that inasmuch
as similar proceedings had been
brought some years ago nnd had then
been quashed, new pioceedlngs could
not be begun. It was further contend
ed that tho Northern Houlevard com
pany has leased the turnpike nnd that
roads operated by boulevard companies
aro not subject to condemnation pro
ceedings. Mr. Vosburg In teply argued that
objections to the appointment of a
Jury could not be heard at this time,
as the act of assembly distinctly re
quires their appointment when a peti
tion has been ptesented In proper foitn.
Tho ptlnclple of res Judleet did not np
ply, he said, for the reason that the
proceeding was brought under the au
thotlty of tho state and was not an
action between ptlvate patties. Thei
wus nothing In the boulevard net, ho
said, which piecluded the application
of tbe condemnation laws to such a
Aiguments were beaiel on the ex
ceptions and remonstances to the an
nexation of n large pail of Lacka
wanna township to the borough of
Taylor. W. J. Hand, representing- tho
Connell Coal company, piotested
against tho annexation on tho ground
that the burden of taxation which
would havo to be borne by the remain
der ot the township would lie too
heavy. Attorney M. J. Donahoe alfo
argued agnlnst the annexation.
Attorney John M. Harris, represent
ing Taylor liototigh, argued In fax or
of the annexation and stilted that
eveiy free holder but one In the part
to be annexed had signed the petition.
Tho decision In the case, It Is ex
pected, will be tendered next month.
Aiguinent was made In the matter
of the rule to iiiiiihIi the Indictment In
tho case of Frank Compton, who is
charged with having forged a mar
riage certificate.
There was a long argument on tho
exceptions to the leport or auditors In
the. matter of the estate of John AV".
Itituli. In the matter e,f rule to set
aside teinllinmtlon of account in the
estate ot the late James W. Kverhatt,
the nils was dlschaiged without pre
judice. Hv U'iiiesl of counsel tin the Muni
cipal League, the lttle on Constable
Joseph Woelktrs to show cutixt; why
be should tint bj icmoved, wus con
tinued until the !vxt term nl" court.
They suhl they thought a continuance
of the proceedings might best sub
serve tin Interests of tie taxpayer ot
tho wt'i'il.
'Names Stricken Oft.
There was a hearing yesterday In
tho matter of the hlgnaltites of M.
Schwartz;, JoM-ph Swam, Heniy
Schmulotltz und Anthony Schmulo
vitz, whoso nauius appear on the peti
tion asking for a contest In tho Klglttb
ward to determine, the legally elected
constable of the Klghth ward.
Jt was shown by most convincing
f pioof that the names of the utsjve at
tached to th" petition do not resemble
the slgnntui os of the men In question
and their names were by older of the
court stilekon fiom the petition. It
was evident they had been forged.
Some time tigo the court made tin or
der directing that the cojts of this
contest .should be paid by the petl-tlonei?
New Trials Granted.
Court jvsturday, after healing argu
ment for a new dial in the case of
Hairy d. l!o-s,aid, convicted nt the
last teim of coin t of being the futher
of the child of Miss draco Illutott, ot
Htoimvllle, this county, granted a now
A ii"W ttiul was also gianted lit tho
ease of Aloirls Posner, who was con
victed last week ot larceny and le
celvlng. Alonzo 1'ot ter. tho West Scranton
junk man. was likewise granted a new
tllul. lie wus convicted tit tho Oc
tober sessions of t evolving stolen
Fell Township Contest.
Attorney ( f. Donovan yesteulay
piesented eight motions to tho court,
asking that eight otes cast for Jus
tice of the peace Iu bll township at
the spring election of a year ago, bo
declared legal.
They am attacked on the ground
that the voters did not huvu their
taxes paid, but this fact Wrr. Donovan
.saj.s, lias not been established. lie
represents Thomas Holmes, who eon
tested Nicholas Glenn for tin utile o or"
Justice of the peace.
Yesteiday'e Marriage Licenses,
Henry A. S'c-cckil Ilunuioie
li-K.lo li. Ilegin Seianton
lli-nrv II Sirlnc Talor
Matgirel Wclhcl Talor
ugust I'm lis Seianton
lauil'a St.oll Scruntiiii
Moses oli'liliiui , Mr nil. n
Sadlu JI' 1 mt rsrintoii
The suit of the Stralitoii'(ii and U.itu in
pany agaln.t tho Noithriu Coal and Iron mut
pauy was csterday (imliably ttlid ami ells
e on tinned.
Ilule. lo mult iiils weie illiHhaijvil isteicli,v
Don't know bargains when thay see them, but will buy 5
"trashy" goods at higher prices, and think they have se- g
cured bargains. The plcasnro of snch a purchase lit for
(he time belntr, onlj. In a very short time the goods 5;
show their worthless value. Sb
There Are Others -Hi
Who have shown their appreciation of the immense values 5b'
we havo been ottering. Tills lact is proven by the record
of our past week's sales. Some ol our $1.00 offerings
have a real value ol from $j.oo to $5.00. ' These are Wha
WC call BargnlUS, and such we have been selling during
this "Odds and Ends' Sale.
Decorated China Plates, 8-inch, were 50o, now
Decorated China Tea Pot... ......I.".
Decorated China Chop PUtea.. ,...... '..''
Decorated China Jugs ..........."".
Albertine Hand-Painted Vase, waa $11.00, now....... S".
Aurelian Vato, waa $11.60, now,.. .....Z...
Lamps, Toilet Seta, Dinner Bete, Silverware, Etc.
Geo V Millar & Co H Wjomlns Arcane g
VJCU. V. XT1111U1 IAWU, W.Ik In .ndLo.k Around. 2
K The New Ncvcrsllp As
phalt Hemovahlc
Horse cannot .slip
anil will outweiir three
sets of any other calk
Corner Lackawanna nnd Wyomlnc Avenues.
As Usual, February Sale.
Big Bargains in All Kinds of Shoes.
You will find here Shoes to protect your feet and look well, , and
our February prices will enable you to easily own a pair.
All our regular grades marked as follows :
$7.00 Shoes $6.on
6.00 " 5.00
OO t2-5
3.50 " a95
3. 00 " 2.50
300 103
1,50 " 1.35
1.35 1. 10
I. Of) " 00
.90 " 8o
's ' ....... t)o
S " 4a
'Ihese arc puces 011 regular goods. We have broken lines and
small lots at linger 1 eductions.
It will pav you to attend our February Sale.
A Break in the Price of Rubbers They have been too high for
the past two years. Now we will give you the benefit of tho cut in
prices Ladies' Cot Rubbers, now 45c Men's 85c kind, now 70c.
Comer Lackawanna
Hayes & Varley ,
l'JM'20 Spruce SI., Between
For Three Days.
Choice of One Hundred EL flfl
Jackets.worth $ 1 5 to $20, for OU-UU
'Choice of Seventy-Five
Skirts, worth $8 to $10, for
Friday, Saturday and Monday.
i '4 '.ct 'A M V V it VI M VI 4 VI t 'A X
In the fisen of lho e eililllicnvvr lilli Udlintt trc
I (illnvvlnui W iUUtu R.Mes. Iiucpli Miekus. 1'ivil
Mink, (. . Tiavn. Ir il.e- eien of e lie nnn
ite nvvtalth against .loin Munh a lulu 10 uiiui
tests wis made iibsoluti.
The vvill nf John K. Humphtiy, lilt ol,
was esicidiv ailnilttiel in prolnti and letters
li llano titan Utii grantnl to lljiriet Huinpliiey.
rile will of lho laic bun lliowu, of till i Itv,
was also ailnilttiel to piobati' and bllcis ti-eta-limitary
gianted to his falliu Moses llrovvn,
llirry 1'pstiln. vvliu was aiiistnl ten ela.n i'Si
while lobbing r,elknukv' cigar stole em rii U'V
slleet, WIS Vl'stllil.ev CilUilllltiel to Hie' Imiii-ki ot
11 luge b.v lliiiitiiui lie .va coiivii led icitiii time
iei'0 of buiglaiv but , mem 1 was .tuii'inled dur
lug U"0'l bi-liavioi.
An applh Itlnn vva im.le ve-siililaj lo liuiiii
W Ik Willi foi ,1 elurlei loi the 4 mbi lulab
liaiiiluu fchunl ten Sium iiml tin i i iliondil.
1al0111leal wnlel. I.n. Iinnipoi.iiiii. of tlw
lallii' are III", II. 4. ttheelei, s, J. lilei, I
I . lvell,V, l, I, llllli-'l Slui Mi's lli'i l e.uii. tftiie
... 20o
... 25c
.. 60c
.. BOo
. 0.00
126 and 128
Franklin Ave.
and Wyoming Avenues.
- Jt
Washington and WjoihIdk x
Xlft tat M VI '4 s4 H ' 'A '. ' J ' Vt Vt 7
the object is tu .nlvamo Ho study of anttom
aiitong tho inemlieiM bv piocurfng in n legi!
iii..iiiier sitbjiiU tor silintliio rivi.ireh audl. m
i.nstialion. lhe incoipotatorii cf the triitiina;
sihesd niei Pi II, (', Vheelei. Dr. K Hiibl,
l". IS Munn. lliort,o K Kimball, I) , Huiu
phrey, .1. V. Dliiioel. and It V. .Iidvvln.
Tho license of Stephen Mi Hi un i for a hotel
I'ciiii ave-iiiu, near MulUri sued, was yes.rn
day le'Vokesi b tlio coinl. M.u .n
eused of selling liepioi nl his plain on Sutnliv
and two aLCht ot the Municipal b-ague kwnie
they bought Inleivlca'its fiom McKiunl on w
Mm. I.i .is iu Voviinbir lasl
Jockey Killed.
tie l.viltislin Win tioiu lhe AsnOcUlrcl Pres.
Tlliuvlll-. lil 'Jl-I'. M. liealees, a vn II
i.l.ouii Jochc- and traluei, was Ihiovvii fiom ins
el.'kli toilti.v and Mllii'. flic- team which Is
hid I 'eel l cllllilig tuniiil iUlikl,v- ami Ihr-tv
ISmfttV. tivilist .1 imMMi!', breaking his nee k