THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1001. Comrounleatlonsof pews nature, per sonals BJ all iteios for publication may bo left at The Trib une's new offices In the Burke Building, or sent by mall or 'phone. THE PEOPLE'S EXCHANGE AI'OPUtiAR CLEARING HOUSE far the Hem tit of All Who line House to Kent. Real Eatatt or Other Property to Sell or ExihanKO, Jr Who XVant Situations or Help These. Small Ai vntlMtncnts Cost On Cent a Word, Sl liner tlotn for Five Cents a Word Except Sltuatltni Wanted, Which Are Intcrtcd Free. '.WN. WANTED-COMPETENT flint, TO HELP Willi cooking and general housexrork; riterrneia re quired. Apply 17 Lincoln avenue. LADY CANVASSER WANTEDTO WORK IN Catbondalc; salary and commission; Unlit work and good pays references. AildrcM C, 'Irlb. line office, Carbondalc. COMMON COUNCIL MEETS. A Special Session A Very Radical Ordinance Introduced by Mr. Thompson. Common council met In special ses sion lust night, with tho following members present: Messrs. Thompson, Lofttis, Shepherd, Collins, Uvans, Mus ters, Wedcinun and Ncnlon. Mr. Nealon wow made temporary chairman. Louts Scalcll, an Italian youth, asked tor exoneration from $3.40 taxes. Ho claimed he Is under ngo, and his ro o,uest wag granted. Tho communication from John F. Reynolds', esq., regarding tnc unpaid b.ilunce of $121.77 of the Giles & Lovo lund surface sewer contract, was re delved from select council. The city solicitor advised that payment bo withheld, as tho firm has not finished i he: work. The matter was referred to the street committee. Tho request of the ICIots Throwing t-ompany, that h tiro nliirm lox be idm-ed In their silk mill at tho com pany's e.iense. provoked considerable dlseusslou. The resolution from select eouncll grunting the request was re ferred to the committee on light, water and fire. Select Councilman Mannlon's resolu tion, empowering tho city solicitor to ro to Harrlsburg at m expense to ho paid by the city of not exceeding fifty dollars-, to look after the city's Inter ests in the bill validating the paving ordinances, which have caused so much trouble, was referred to the Judicial y Lommlttee. The requisitions of the Columbia and Mitchell Hose companies for the month of February were granted, and the building committee was Instructed to make needed repairs to the Mitchell hose house. The select council resolution, author izing the city engineer to Issue a per mit to Thomas Thcophllus to connect Ills property with the Spring street suwer, was referred to the street com mittee. Tho bills ordered paid at the last ses sion fif select council were acted upon favorably by the commoners. The following new ordinance was In troduced by Mr. Thompson and was referred to the committee: Section I. Bo It ordained by tho se lect and common councils of the city of Carbondulc, and It Is hereby or dained by the authority of the same, that hereafter every person, whether principal or agent, entering Into, be ginning or desiring to begin a tran sient retail business in the city of Car (or the salo of any goods, wares or merchandise, whatsoever, whether tho same shall be represented or held forth to Iks bankrupt, as signees, or about to quit business, or goods damaged by fire, water or othor wlse shall take out a license for the same from the city treasurer of said city, and said license shall bo for the period of one month and shall be re newed monthly during the continuance of slid sale. Section ;. Any person or persons taking out a license as provided by tho first section hereof shall pay to the city treasurer the sum of two hundred dollars, and for each tenexval thereof shall pay tho sum of ono hundred dol lars. Section 3. Any person entering upon or beginning said business without first having taken out the license obovo provided for shall be fined the sum of two hundred dollars, to be collected as other tines are by law collectible, and In default of payncnt of said tine to be Imprisoned for a period not exceed ing thirty days. Section 4. All ordinances or parts of oidlnances Inconsistent herewith or any part hereof arc hereby repealed. Council then adjourned. Next Mon day In their regular meeting night. Buried in Brookside Cemetery. An interment was made In Brookside rmetery yesterday. Ths body was that of 1 -year-old Annie Snyder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Sny der, of Pilceburg, who died on Tues day, after being III several days with an acut attack of bronchitis. Attached Railroaders Fay. Itallroad men are Interested in a story that reached this city yesterday from Port Jervts, concerning two en gineers of the Erie road, who when r they -went to the pay car recently for It Cares the Cough. CONSUMPTION. Constant coughing is the sure road to serious lung trouble. Dr. James' Cherry 'far Syrnp cures the cough, and prevents consump tion. PJeasant, easy to take, always the same all tho way through the bottle does not deteriorate with age. Absolutely harmless. 1 At all Drug Stores. 85 cents a Bottle. Don't Aeeap I Minus. CARBONDALE DEPARTMENT their month's salaries, were Informed that It had been attached by u Chi cago book publishing firm. About two yeurs ago a man secured subscriptions to a book to be known as tho Krlo edi tion of the "American Engineers." Tim price of the book was to bo $15, and for sketches and portraits of engineers $10 extra. The books were to bo delivered the following summer. The engineers had forgotten nil ubout tho matter when, a short time ago they received letters from the publishing company saying tho books would be delivered and requesting payment. The looks came, but ths engineers said the work was jiojt ns represented and refused to pay. Then camo threats of legal uctlon, quickly followed by garnlsheelng of engineers' wages along the whola Erie system from New York to Chicago. The mutter Is now in the hands of the Erie's attorneys. KEPT THEIR SECRET WELL. Been Mai vied Nearly Two Months, but the News Just Published. The friends of John la. Cole, better known as ".tack" Cole, und they are legion In this city, will undoubtedly be greatly surprised to hear that ha has Joined the ranks of the benedicts. Hut-such is the case. He has been marneJ since ''inistmas day, but tho news wa3 not made public until yes terday afternoon. 'Mr. Cole Is the yardmaster of the Ontario and West ern rallway.and Is not only well known In this city, but ull along the lino and by railway men of this section generally. On Clulsttnas day, he and Miss El hIj L.. Golden, who was then living In Plranton, took a trip to Hlnghamton, arid were quietly married by the Rev. E. M. Andeison, In the parsonage of the Thirty-fourth Street Presbyterian church. They then came back to Scran ton and Mr. Cole did not take the t rou bio to Inform his ft lends here of the important event. Since Chi let mas ho has made his resldenco In Scranton. Miss Golden is a Miihtg.iu gill. She came to Carbondale when the Anthra cite hotel was, undei the management of W. II. Thompson and made a long stay with them, ft was theru that Mr. Col met his future bride. Mr. and Mrs. Cole expect to take up their residence In this city in a short time. CANTWELL DIES AT HOSPITAL. The Injuries He Received at Glon wood Mine Prove Fatal. Lawrence Cantwell, one of tho men who was jo badly Injured as a result of the concussion following the big cavc-ln at tho Olenxvood No. 1 mine of tho Hillside coal and Iron company, at Mayfleld, on Wednesday, died yes terday morning at S.SO o'clock at the Emergency hospital In this city, where he had been removed on Wednesday night. From the time Mr. Cantwell was taken from the mine In an uncon scious condition it was known that ho was In a critical condition, and, us told in The Tribune yesterday, the physi cians at the hospital held out absolute ly no hope for his living longer than a few hours. He was about 3.1 years old and un married. He lived with his sister, a Mrs. Donnelly, of Maytleld. whose hufband was killed some time ago, leaving a number of children. Cant well had been the solo support of ths family since Donnelly's death. He was a member of the Ancient Order of Hibernians and of the Catholic Mutual Benevolent association, In which socie ties he was much esteemed. They will attend his tuneral In a body. Held the Lucky Number. Miss Margaret Kllleen, of Brooklyn street, invested a quarter of a dollar on a chance for ."0 In gold at the le cent Columbia Hose company's fair, and got coupon No. ,". It turned out that this was the lucky number, and Miss Kllleen now has the money, re ceiving It from Abe Sahm on Wednes day evening. No ono has yet appear ed to claim the couch. William Bowers' Will. By the will of the late William Bow ers, who died a tew weeks ago at his home on Canaan street, all of his prop erty is left to his widow, Mrs. Caroline Bowers, without reservation. She Is also named as his executrix. The doc ument was drawn In IMS and was witnessed by Pierce Butler and II. C. Butler, esq. A Farewell Party. William J. Oaffney, of Hiookljn street, who will leave this city for Butte.Mont., this evening, gavu a' fare well party to his numerous friends last evening, at his home. A large num ber mponded to his Invitations, and wished their host tho best of luck In his future home. He expects to be In Montana on Monday night. Meetings Tonight. Eureka chapter, No. 179, Royal Arch Masons. Junior Order United American Me chanics. Companion? of the Forest. Toor board. American Legion of Honor. The Royal Circle. Washington Tea Methodist Episco pal church. Gone to Philadelphia. Thomas J. McCawiey, of Eighth ave nue. an engineer on the Delaware und Hudson road, who wub injured In a Plight wreck at Scranton soms tlmo ugo, has gone to Philadelphia, where he will undergo treatment In the Uni versity of Pennsylvania hospital. A Slight Wreck. A Delaware and Hudson engine, In charge of Englneman Peter Dougherty, of this city, run Into tho ldo of nn Erie engine nt Ararat Summit on Wed nesday evening, smashing things up a little. - Will Reside on Washington Street. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones, nee Miss Ida Carter, whose wedding on Wed nesday evening was reported in yes terday's Tribune, will for the presont reside with tho brldegioom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jones, of South Washington street, where they will be "at home" to all thulr many friends. They will take no wedding tilp. I E.L. Hatfield, man ager of the Carban date edition, will be pleated to receive callers seeking Infor mation or desirous of Imparting It Tele phone numbers: New 186: old, oaaj. A COLONIAL RECEPTION. A Miniature White House Ceremony Takes Placo Tonight. It has been tho custom each year for the little ones nt Mrs. Martha L. Meaker's kindergarten to observe Washington's Birthday at the school, when Oeorgo nnd Martha were repro- -..,.. ...1 f... t nt n iti.Aunml I.. , 1. 1 nf.1 utii.i uj . nu luig iiicrnui ill kuu um- time costumes of over a century ago. These annual function hnvo always ' been largely attended and are looked forward to and enjoyed by tho rela tlvcs of the pupils, to whom Invltu- J tlons to tho reception were lestrlcted. , Tomorrow evening:, however, tho re- j ceptlon will bo more public than has been the custom. The Ladles Aid society of the First Methodist Episcopal church will hold their annual Lady Washington tea, and Mrs. Meaker has kindly consented to allow tho children of her school to hold their reception in the parlors of the church during tho progress of tho ten. General and Mrs. Washington will bo assisted In receiving by Secre tary of the Treasury Alexander Ham ilton and Miss Eleanor Paike Custls, better known as Nellie Custls, the adopted daughter of General Wash ington. Tho quarletto vill bo attired In Colonial costumes and the stately etiquette of the Eighteenth century will be observed by the distinguished quartette. The Impersonators will all bo from Mrs. Meuker's private school. The father of his country will be rep loepri by Raymond Tiffany: Mailha Washington by Million Muun; Secre tary Hamilton by Frank Shannon, while the sprightly and lovable Nellie Ctislts will bo portrayed by Romalne Munn. In addition to this, exceptional at traction, thu ladles of the church have picpatcd a menu for their Lady Wash ington tea which is absolutely cer tain to delight the palate of a'! who attend. Today being u legul holiday, and no counter attractions prevailing, the probabilities ate that a great many will partake of the tea. Tho ladles are piepared. however, to cater to nil oom eis. and urgo every Intending olnar to bring a lusty appetite along, In orier to do full Justice to the occasion. Tho Pool Tourney. The number of players In the pool tournament of tho Carbondalo Cycle elub arc steadily diminishing. Last night two more were dropped from the list for losing three games. Two games weio played dining the evening. The llrst resulted In u victory for J. U. Reese (second elass) over J. A. Hoole (second clabs) by the score of 50 to 40, Mr. Hoole retiring from the tourney. The other game was between C. Humphrey and L. P. Davis, both In the third class, which was won by the former by the score of 50 to 28, Mr. Davis also Incoming a "has-been." The standing of the players to date is: CIjv. Won. Lot. M. 0. fillfoid . ". 1 F. It. Deiby .1 : 1 .1. fiilbool .! - 1 C. Humphrey ' I II MeMlllan M 4 1 J. (!. Ucoi- : -2 I,, t:. Itobirts : I 2 C R. Smith :) ( .' linl .swingle 1 r- 0 A. L. Stewart 2 ' 1 "Count" Valeri Will Be Tried. Michael Angelo Salvntorc Mario Va leri. "Count dl Verschettl," who Is chaiged by Mrs. Mattle Hughes Brown, playwright, singer, actress and com poser, of iOG West Fifty-second street, formerly of this city, with sending her threatening letters nnd stealing her $150 diamond ling, waived examination in the west sldo police court In New Yoik on Wednesday. His ball was ic duced to $800, hut he could not pro duce a bondsman, so he went to Jail to await trial. The "count" has returned Mrs. Brown's ring. A Narrow Escape. Edward Genity, of Gordon avnue, had a miraculous escape from Instant death while at work at No. 1 shaft on Wednesday. Ho was working nt tho horseshoe curve near the mouth of the mine. He did not notice u trip of cars coming up the steep Incline at a live ly pace and was standing near the track. The cars hit him and knocked him to one side, out of the way of tho wheels. A lew bruises and scratches was all that Mr. Gerrity could find when he took an inventory of damages after he had picked himself up. No Holiday In Schools. The public schools of tho city Will not be closed today on aceount tit th.- holiday, but undoubtedly a larg'j num ber of the pupils will go "on strllcs" nnd refrain fiom attending them, as most of the Juveniles linvs thilr own Ideas about the sanctity of a holiday, especially one which Is so piolinc in legends of the precocity of the young ster, w ho was some day to be re vel ed as the "Father of JIU Country" and whose birthday Is observed nil over the land of the free. Born. To Mr. and Mrs. Thomas- Cornish, Upper Dundaff street, a son. To Mr. and Mrs. J. Grant Nicholson, 17 Drumtnond avenue, a daughter. To Mr. und Mrs. George P. Van Beck, 0J South Main street, a daughter. At the Opera House. Friday matinee "Quo Vadls." Friday night "Captain Heme.' Saturduy matinee "Nobody's Claim," Saturday night "The Denver Ex press." Burled In This City. The remains of Mrs. Bridget Cawif y, of Clinton township, Wayne county, were brought to this city Wednesday afternoon and were bulled In St, Hose cemetery. Is Now a Bentlst. J Mooro Crago, formetly of this ;lly. has passed the examination of Dr.Bnlfs COUCH SYRUP Cures a Cough or Cold" at onoc. Couquers Croup, Whoopliij-Couzli.lJronrhllli, C.rll'pennrt Conmmptlou OnlcE, "tire e"i"3. Dr.liull'a I'llla aire Constipation. SOpllls IOc tho New York Rtnle Medical society. and holds a certificate permitting him to practice dentistry. Ho had an aver age of Pn, Ho 1m now associated with I)r. Bmyth, of Brooklyn, N. Y. Wil liam Crngo, formerly of this city, la employed In tho ofllco of Collier's Weekly, In New York. Today at the Pottomcc. Washington's birthday being a legal holiday tho postofllce will bo closed a portion of tho time. Following ore tho business hours: Fostofllco lobby open for general business from 7 n. m. to 12 o'clock: from 3.30 p. in. until 6.30 p. in. for lock-box owners only. Ono general do livery of mnll by carrier. No money order or registry business done on this dny. Had a Social Time. The Daughters of Naomi held a so clnl gathering In their hall In tho Leader building last night and mony members of out of town "societies were present. An Impromptu entertain ment, which Incluted many creditable numbers, occupied the early part of the 'evening. That was followed by an Informal social. Refreshments wero passed nnd a generul good tlmo was enjoyed by all. Got a Fox. Thomas Kane, of Upper Powderly road, lo the proud possessor of a largo fox, which ho killed on Wednes day, while hunting on tho Unlondalo mountain. The fox will be stuffed and placed In the window of M. J. Cavnnngh's store, on Gordon avenue. Poor Board to Meet. Tonight Is the regular meeting night of the poor board, and as tho report recently submitted by the nudltors a to come up, the meeting promises to be an interesting one. The Passing Throng. P. J. Coleman and J. J. Early visited Avoca Wednesday. Mrs. Richard W. Pelhlck Is ill at her home on Spring street. W. It. White, of Forest City, was a visitor in town yesterday. Mi. Mary O'Brien nnd daughter, Annie, aic visiting In Oneonta, Miss Teresa Loftus, of Susquehanna, Is thu guest of friends In town. .Miss Julia Horan, of Scranton, Is vis iting her parents on Gordon avenue. Mr. and Mrs. A. Lewsley and son, Delos, are visiting friends In NInovah. N. Y. Miss Dorothy S. Terry, of Scrnnton. is th guest of Mis? Harriet Rolls, of AVIIl.'ams avenue. Dr. R. Hampton has returned to Scranton, after a short stay with friends in this city. Mrs. George Robinson is rapidly in coveii'ng from the effects of a recent operation for appendicitis. Mrs. Joseph Isgar. Mrs. William Thomas and Miss Grace Slmroll, of this city, nxpcct to spend the holiday In Scranton. D. W. W. Fletcher, who has been visiting his sister in Blnghamton for two or three days, Is expected home this evening. OLYPHANT. The production of "Quo Vadis" should be greeted by a crowded house on Saturday night. Munagcr Gibbons ussures the public that the company is a capable one, and a flrst-class per formance may be expected. Lawrenco'a orchestra, of Scranton, has been en gaged. Tickets are now on sale at Watklns' drug store. The tuneral of Mrs. Ann Loftus, who dltd on Tuesday last, took place yes terday afternoon at 3 o'clock from her late home on Dunmoro street. There was an unusually large attendance of friends and relatives. The temalus were taken to St. Patrick's church, where a brief service for the dead was conducted by Rev. John Ruddy, after which the deceased was borne to St. Patrick's cemetery. whee Interment was made. The pall-bearers were P. W. Fadden, Prof. John Mahoney, An thony Walsh, Thomus Monahan, John Dempsey, Robert Lyons, William Gib bons nnd Thomas Hanahoe. The ladles of the Initial socleU' of tho Blnkely Baptist chutch will serve a Martha Washington supper In the social room of that edifice this even ing, between tho hours of G und 9 o'clock. Supper, '-'3 cents. Miss Lucy Farrell returned to New York yesterday, after spending the past two months at her home here. The public schools will be closed to day, In honor of Washington's birth day. Willie Burke, of North Scranton, was a visitor In town yesterday. Rev. E. J. Haughton. of Dunmore, spent yesterdoy at this place. The postofllce will be open between the hours of 8.30 and 12 o'clock this morning. TAYLOR. Miss Margaret Welbel, of High stieet, and Mr. Henry Stiiue. also of this town, were united In marriage yester day afternoon at tho German Evangeli cal church by the pastor. Rev. Adolph Weber. After the ceremony the young couple returned to the bride's home, whore a leccptlon was given. Mr. and Mrs. Strlno are popular young people and have the best wishes of their many friends. A dance was given last evening In Weber's rink in honor o? the occasion. This evening will occur tho grand en tertainment to be held In the Slblev Union church. The programme, which appeared In yestet day's Issue, Is nn elaborate one, A feature which prom ises to prove Interesting will be tho competition on "The Banner of the Sea," prize $5. This afternoon a sweepstake shoot ing match at live birds will be held at the Farvlew hotel. The fair of tho Lawrence Hose com pany still continues to draw large at tendance. The programme for this evening will bo a drama, to bo given by class No. 7 of the Brick church. The evangelistic services which aro being held nightly nt the Methodist Episcopal church, under the Jurisdic tion of the pastor, Rev. C. B. Henry, assisted by the Singing Evangelist Buck, havo been very successful. This evening will close the series. This evening the Ladles' Aid society of tho Archbald nnd Pyno Primitive Methodist church have a treat In store for those who care to grasp the oppor tunity, when they will serve a Mai thu Washington tea from G to 9 p. in. Ad mission, ten cents. Tho employes of tho Taylor Worsted company, Judge & Co. and tho Lacka wanna Silk company aro requested to meet In Joint session tomorrow uftei noon In Basham's hall at 1 o'clock sharp. The choir of tho Calvary Baptist church will meet for rehearsal this evening. In announcing the ofllcets-eleet In Scranton Guernsey Hall IS THe Bcsr PLACC IN SCRANTON TO BUY A PIANO OR ORGAN Don't tail to come an J sec as great bargains are waiting for you. J.W.GUERNSEY, PffOP. 34-3C WASHINGTON AVE. SCRANTON. PA. In New Guernsey Building. Davis steam dye Co. 319 PCNN AVE. Coo'l callnl for am) dclhireil. Clcanlnc D.iclng .ind l'ros'lmr. ALL WO-KGtMffflVrro. PHONE 3730 Golden Gate Dininq Rooms. VeU 23 cent meal In the city, rive Meal Ticket, $1.00. Sunday dinner a iToeUlty. Home-nude Pastry. 244 ADAMS rVE. W.J. BARtlSCALE. I "?T'"?' mantels. I cSi'&glt rire-plarc tiininiini;., Tlllnir for floor. 32 wish' varow ve. tel".-hone. W. A. HARVEY. l.lcrtrlc Wlrlne Jinl flitiue". Klictrlc Hell jnd lilcphone Work. 300 OOMMOVlVCi.TH BUILOINQ. J. B. WOOLSEY CO CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. Dealers In Plate Glass and Lumber O ALLKIVDS. Kinqsbury & Scranton. Manufacturers' Akcnts MINE AN j MILL SU -PLIES. DittrUt. Ai:(ntj for John A. Itucbllnir' nmh l.o.'b Wire Pope and Ueetriral Wire. Outia Perdu and Itubbcr Mf(t. Co.'s lltltliiff, racking, Hoe and Mielunical ItuMier Good-. Know Hon Packing. Carter's Oil Olnthlnc Itoom :ilil Paiill UMsr. IV. H. GORDON & SON. Hone Shnelmj and Central Macktmitlilni Wagon and Carriage Pulldlnu;. 339 ADAMS AVNUE. yesterday's Issue, Wo unintentionally omitted the name of P.ivld It. Evans, councilman in the First ward. Rev. Dr. II. II. Harris, of this town, performed the ceremony which united In' marriage Miss 'Mattlo Jones and Mr. James Boyd, at West Scranton, on Wednesday. A large delegation of members fiom Emblem division, Xo. 57, Sons of Tem perance, uttended the fourth anniver sary of Ripple division, at West Scran ton, on Wednesday evening. The schools of this borough w 111 re main closed today, In commemoration of Washington's birthday. Dr. and Mrs. Adam Stegner, of Rcnd ham, visited relatives In Providence yesterday. Attorney J. M. Hands left yesterday for Bloomsburg on legal business. Mrs. Charles J. Evans, of Xorth Main street. Is 111. Misses Margaret Jones and Lillian Harris are visiting the Misses Mamie Erancls and Jennie Harris, at the Bloomsburg State Normal school. Mrs. George Hood, of North Taylor, was the guest of relatives In Plttston yesterday. Mrs. Samuel Harlos and daughters, Christen and Ruth, of Washington street, are visiting relatives In New York. OLD FORCE. Miss Grace Donnelly, of Soranton, spent Sunday with friends In this place. Samuel Brodhead lett on Tuesday for Montrose, to attend thu funeral of his great-grandson, Charles J. Brodhead. Quarterly meeting will be held at tho brick Methodist Episcopal church next Sunday morning. Mlsh Mary Seal, of Scranton, spent Sunday with her mother In this place. Mrs. Muiy Dick has been spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Davis, of Hyde Park. An exhibition of moving plctuiex will be given In Drake's linll on Saturday night for the benefit of the Presby terian Sunday school. Admission, 20 cents. Robert Johnson has purchased a fine new piano for his sons. Tho Hose company's fair Is well at tended, and a plenslng programme is rendered each night. Mrs. Robert Imes Is quito ill at her home. ' Mrs. J. Erwln Brodhead, of Forest City, visited her father, M. V. Stark, on Tuesday. There will be a lecture given by Rev. R. H. Reidy on "The Life of Queen Victoria," at the Old Forge Methodist Episcopal church on Friday evening, February 22, at ".30 o'clock. No udniis- THERE ARE MANY ROADS. The Finger Posts Marking tho Many By-paths of Present Day Troubles Seem to Point the Same Wny, Lack of Nerve Force. Day by day thu columns of this paper bring new evidence from Scian- ton people of tho great work being tlono by Dr. A. W. Chuse's Nerve Pills. Why they accomplish so much Is easily explained they are prepared with an eyu single to restoring nerve force. They accomplish this object, which no other niedlchm In the world has ever been ablo to do; that's why hundreds of Scrnnton people offer their testimony. Mr. Samuel Rosers, of No. 123 Hyde Park avenue, Scrnnton, Pn says: "I was in n run-down condition, head aches, nervous and sleeping badly and tho appetlto poor. I wus told of Dr. A. W. Chuse's Nervo Pills and got a box. As a icsult I sleep and cat well again. I am very much pleased with them und glad to recommend thorn to othets. This I can do conscientiously." Dr. A. W. Chase's Nervo Pills aro sold at JOc. a box nt dealeis. or Dr. A. W. Chaso Medicine Co., Buffalo, N. y. See that portrait nnd signature of A. W, Chose, M, D., ure on every package. Business THESS ENTERPRISING DEALERS OAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS OF EVERY CHARAOTMR PROMPTLY AND SATISFACTORILY. Brotherhood Wine Cos I'ine OM Part. tlurRundlc. ami Sauternrti. Family TraJa Only. P. H. FRENCH. 4oa oonnell bloq. BresCHEL'S Great Fire Sale at 430 spruce st. Now (lolne; On. I'mc Furs and alt klmli of Xeikwcar BRESOHEL A CO. Scranton Laundry. 322 VASHINQTON AVENUE. Oils' by tekpliono reechii prompt attention. VILSON A WASBZRS. Spectacles. MADE AND REPAIRED. "That'a all." S. H. TWININQ. 131 PENN AVE. DIAMOND SHOE SHINING PARLORS Vet tallied and (tenU. All Shlncf. Be. 433-SP?UCB-433 Hanleys Bakery, 420 SPRUCE ST. Suuoeor to HUNTINGTON We male tpulally of fine bread Mult. Orders for Salads, 0;tcr.s, Croqucttea, cty,, promptly filled. A full line of Leo Cream and lid. REISMAN BROTHERS. leading Newsdealer. 4QS SPRUCE ST. S03 LINO'N ST. adaux lunooxuiSE 'IwirWUKl WIPPUT'I.") sscjii pile 'ia;PIX 'CI0!) '-"WW 'SXVOM ONUVId X3ari3 C. n - FINEST IGARS IMPORTED KEY WEST COI1INA. 01V PK AUIA. 1 1. ( MtACTKi:. DEAN, aob connell bldq. Two l'honci QllNpi'Q at jour own prlre Goodman'n Nile. A32 LCKAWANN4 AVENUE. J.W. MCAULIFFE. bl'.SMIINt: UOTTL1NC! N0I1K f40 SANDERSON AVE. alon will be charged. Following thu lecture there will be a box social held in the Sunday school loom, under the nu.stdces of the senior elusses of the Sunday school. Ice. cream will also be served. HARFORD. Special to the Scranton Trlnune. Harford, Feb. 21. Mr. and Mrs. Dell Lewis, of Olyphant, were called hoie by the sickness of Mrs. Lewis' mother, who is in a very critical condition at tho home of her daughter, Mrs. Park Harding. W. W. Ostoihout and II. . Bobbins were In LMiighnmtou Wednesday. Horn To Mr. and Mrs. George 11. Payne, February lb, a ten-pound hoy. The following men were elected at our town election: Ast-cstor, F. 11. Carpenter; supervlsoi. W. 11. Richard son: school directors, P. A. Osboru, W. W. Wlllniarth; Judge of election, A. C. Salisbury: inspectors of election. W. II. Gow, L. E. Wllmaith; town clerk. W. B. Hammond; town Itcasurer. F. 1!. Titfnny; audltois, .1. It. Alexander, II. E. Miller; poormaster. E. E. Titus. Mis. S. B. O.'boni Is, visiting her daughter In Susquehanna. Miss Mabel Osboru entertained a number of her little friends Feb. 1.', It bulug her fouith birthday. The South Hurfoid school Is elostd till May first, on account of whoop ing cough. Will Weseott and family have moved to Corbotvllle. Mr.-. C. H. Osboru relumed to her home In Nicholson Wednesday. Frank Tiffany has traded his homo und lot io Charles Fulton for his farm and expects to take possession April. 1. Mrs. Frank Carpenter Is sufierlng with it i elapse of the grip. William Patterson hat. n severe at tack of grip. Mr. nnd Mis. W. I".. Hammond and son aie vl-dtlng lel.xtlvfs In Nort wieh, N. Y. The West Branch Christian Endea vor convention of Siisqurhnnna coun ty will be held In the Congteg.itlonal church Friday evening and Saturday of this week. Rev. Pi Ice. of Plymouth, I'd., will address the meeting Friday evening. ' HOLLtSTERVlLLE. Special to the Scrsrt.'n IiUnine. Holllstervllle. Feb. 20. Rev. C. A. Spauldlng, who.'L- panin appeared on the progi amine for the semi-annual association and Hide school conven tion, which convened In the lluwiey Baptist ehiiu h the siith and 21st Inst., was unable to nttwiu. owing to the inclemency of the weath'-r and a si vere cold, lroin which ho Is suffering. Rev. Mr. I'isk. of the Methodist Protestant church, will pi each his farewell sermon icio March S, at 10 o'clock a. m.. for this conference jear. It Is hoped that U?v. M. Flak will b returned to this district lor the en suing yeui. Owing to tjic Incl grist mill cannot le peoplo Whit sex ei Hi grists. Lumbermen mo . of er. the run dally. And flitx-s for their Impiovlni; the sleighing. A large number of logs aro being hauled to rimles D. Mitchell' new steam mill Tho Klaer Entettaliiuient rompnny. of M UkcH-llnrre, mo expected to gl-o theh moving pletuin entertainment In the Patriotic Older Sui.s of America hull. Tuexday excnliig. Fob. 2ti. Mr. and Mis. Floyd McFmland, of Ariel, xeio elltei tallied lust Suuduy at the hnnio of hi- parents. Mr. and Mrs. John McF.iiland. Mr. A. ii. Ibdllnlcr Is suffering xxith the grip. Mrs. Eliza Andiexxs. who has been sick for the last mouth. Is slowly revaluing hwltli. Mr. and Mrs Alton Brown aro re covering from an attack of tho gilp. To Ciue the Grip In Two Days. Laiatlw1 lliomo (Quinine irmrnrj iliu imu", Houses. THINK! Are sun fully lnwredt If not, call upon F. L. HITCHCOCK A Son. FIRE INSURANOK AQENT3. 5W and 507 Commonwealth llulldlnj, HCltANTON, PA. Only Cral-eliM compantci leprcsented. Claims promptly pa hi. o. s. OLOsSvgroV THE SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER. IT LEADS THEM ALL. L. SOMMAR. Building Contractor. Employ union men. Kallmatei etteerfully Kb en. Itemodcling and repairing a specialty. 32a WASHINGTON A V. LACK AW "NN A UNDERWEAR STORE Will eell all their rumples of fln imported Madras Shlrta for men at ?oc; worthUtotl.Vl. (told Medal ti Photographer Children' Aitlst. Moofte At Foster. to INSURANCE FOR SALE Dugcln and uvgont rt all kind". Ilou-s nnd building lots at bargains. M. T. KELLER. 315 Adam Ae. Lackawanna Carriage Wcik. 122 WYOMINO AVE, ALL WOOL tMlir.0 TAILORED SUIT1? TO ORDER. S13.BO KING MILLER. MERCHANT TAILOR tot ljdits and Cents. 436 SPRUCE ST. SCRANTON, PA, THE SCRANTON UMBRELLA MANU FACTURING CO. A large assortment of tine LmtiretUs and Parasols of PINK SILK. l'p-to-date patterns. Priecs rodtlscly LOWER than anj house In thu ilty. All good, kept In REPAIR tiee of charge for one J'ear. IIM'AIKIKfl and RE COVERING a pccialtj. 313 SPRUCE ST. BANKING REPORT OF THE COVDITION Of THE THIKD NATIONAL BANK at Scranton, in the Mate of Peniwjlvania, at tht elo&e of tiujiieM, Keb. 6, 1&0I: RESOURCES. I.ojnj and dkicounU l,S2,ffK 41 OtcrdraflA, accurrd and unsecured ... 1,117 P? U. S. bond to Mcurc circulation.... 100,000 M V. S. bundi to xcuro U. S. deposit. 471,000 l. Piemluniii on IT. S. bonds 5,3") 4o htockn, securities, etc S6t,8J.X M Hanking hoii"C, furnlttuc and mtnrrs ."8,37) 01 Due from national bjuU (not reritr agents) l-.'.HII 71 Dun from state banks and haukeifc,, C.ofll s' Due from npprotcd reserte agent.. oJS.SOUtli Internal lexenuc stanmi SU M riiotW .mil ollur cnii llms 4.267 4 Exchanges tor (lejriiig hoiw fi,03i $ Notm of olher national banks 3, 17 J 0U l'raittonal paper cunercj", nickel., and icntri l,tl ul Lawful money reserto in bank, vli: Specie 100,7M u ICgal tender notes 32.500 00 U. s. ciitlt'H of deposit tor legal ten- tint Vi.'M II Redemption fund Illi V. I?, treas urer (j'o of circulation) B.OuO OH Due from l". S. treasurer, other than 3 redemption fund 1,000 ToU A$3M87 61 MARII 1TIK?. Capital stock paid in f. 200,000 mi Surplus fund oOO.OOO 01 Undivided piollts, lei expenses and taxes paid 4rt,87S 7 National lui.k notes nuUtandtnc ... 100,000 OU Duo to othtr national banks S2.ISI 11 Due to state banks and bankers .. . :t,70ij 7t I hi" to tiu-t compjnlw und euxlugs banki v.'W 5t Dividends unpaid 168 JVi Indlxldual dopo-ils subjcit to rhick. ;,l7,2!0 74 Demand certificate of deposit 33,M:!ffi Ortitlod chcclos 1,201 P. r.ivhlii'rt ilu'cXs outstanding 2, ISA s 1'nlted States deposit! IZO.MT If Deposits of !,'. S. disbursing ofneera.. 1,732 07 Total 3,8J1,4S7 tti Mate of PennstltJiilj, Oninty of Lackawanna, . 1, Win. II. Peck, cashier of the aboxe-namul bank, do aolcinnly swear that the above state nient la tine to Hie bet of my knowledge an. bcliil. WM. H. pt.CK, Cahll. Sibkcrlbed and sivoin to before me this JOll die of reuiuuy. S-AM'l. XV. EDOAR. C'oriect .Xitr.t Notary Public. .1 I1EVI. DIMMICK. I.ITIIKH KELLER, ALFRED HAND, Directors. REPORT Of THE CONDITION OF TUC TRADERS NATIONAL RANK at Scranton, in the State of Pennsylvania, at the cloac of bmlne-. Kfbruarv S, 1001. RESOURCES. Loan-s and discounts fl.OoO.o'tO 5' Owrdralts, netured and unecured.... 613 01 t'. S. bond3 t secuie circulation .... ?0,O0Q. flu I.', b. bonds to secure U. S. deposits.. 1:0,000 On Puinlums on I', h. bonds 11,000 0" Mocks, eecurlllt.s, eto '2,sS,382 !i Panklr.c house, furniture and fixtures 140,000 Oi Other leal estate owned !,451 " Dae fiom National tanks (not re serte agents) 16.10J .V, Due from Stato binks and bankers., 5,809 17 Duo lroin approtid tescrxu agent. .r. S3,toj S Internal lctcnua tanps 1,(19 01 Cheek-! and other cash Item MtJ ftX Exchauara for clearing hoijso 10,769 M Noteo of other National hank 2,04s. 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels and cent ?S as Law tul Money Reset to In Rank, tin.. i-peelo ti0,t6' oil Legal tender notes Sl.SOO DO 6.',i;t Redemption fund xtith U. S, Tieav urer (.1 per rent, of ch dilation)... 11,500 tfl Due from t'. S. Treasurer, other thin i per nut. icdemptlon fund 1,000 on Total :,.J,S 11 LIARIHTIER. t aplial stoik paid in J 2'AOOX Co Surplus fund 100,000 HI I'ndlildod prcltti", less cxpenes and tjrs pdd 21, V wi National bank notm outstanding '00,CK10 On Due to other National banks 1S..X70 I, Duo lo Mato bank and bankers S.lll tl DlxIdeniU unpaid 102 Ul Indlxldual dcpoidU subject to check.. l,."a'.i,3S4 Pi Dimaud ccrtilhatu of deposit 113,02!) tt Ccrlllisd cueiU t602 i'i (alderH ilniks oulslaudliig 80 0". fulled Hales-dcpojtta 11.1,000 U Total 2.:!3,sei 21 State of I'innsjhJiila, County of Licks aujhtu, w. i I, I'm 11k L. Phllli, rashlet of the aboxe nuniid bml., do (olemnly swear that the abotj statement U tiuo to tho beat of mv knonlcdae and belief. F. I.. PIIILLIP.S. Caihler. SuWrthcd and snoru to before me thin 2tlt day of IVbiuat.v, ItiOI. XV. h. P1EIIL, Notary Publl. Collect Attest! C. P. MATTHEWS, W. W. WAThON. K. H. .lOVEN Plrnlnn .'