it r" v "i -v - - ritmtte. ixcmtoit irl.tflWlKSl vMEggSfF CJi& SONI.Y SCRANTON PAPbR kbGblJHJSjCOMPLETE NEWS SKKVlCb OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST JNKWS AGENCY IN JHB WORLD. SCR ANTON, 1A., FRIDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 22, lflO.1. TWO CENTS. TWO CENTS. .: -' -Mv''wViw)flwZMIUs&1 ir TO REFORM THE BALLOT A Voluminous Measure Introduced at Harrlsburo bu Senator Foclit, ot Union. CONCERNING ELECTIONS Previsions for Expenses nnd In structions aS to Terms to He Used in Nominations Restrictions Upon Election Contests Tho Make-up of the Tickets Cleaily Defined New Provision in Connection with tho Distilbution of Ballots and Re gaidlng the Count of the Vote. Tenuities Imposed. p. jt hom ft Mall eorrepoiiiuiii Hnirisbiirff, Feb. 21. Senator ilcuja mlii K. Focht. of Union, this mot nine .-it reduced tlio stalwart ballot refoini i in It icKufalt'M the- nomination ami in Hon of public otlieeis, requires tho xpenses to lie paid by tin county and punishes fraud. Its ballot sheet Is "rained utuiiK the. Austtallan lines, but preserves tlu Haker provision natd niff tin.' circle for sttulRhl votes Thu ulll In substance Is as lollows. Tin- first section provides that all ox In IIS-eH whatever hi (Olllieotioll with lections shill be homo by thu coun i.s, mid that all blanlc foiinii shall bo icpared by tho secretary ot tho com momvcallh. Section two provides Uiat 11 party 110111111.1110114 "can only be made by a delcffale or mass eonven tion, pilni.ny election or caucus of nullified voteis belonging to one polltt- il paity huvhiK a national or state, organization and bavins u. system of mlcs for Its Kovernmont." In the fol lowing' section the bill iciiulres that all tlier nominations shall be known as independent nominations." For a M ttc ollke It Is relihcd that tho "imlniition papeis shall be slgmd by 'tors fioin at least ten counties and nnmbei linr. all told, at least one-half oi one per cent, of tho l.ugest vote for .1 Mat- ollkor at the last election. It) t Ik 1- ciim's tlii- reiiulicincnt of sIkiici- ! two n r cut. It Is also stipulated no person shall tecc-Ivi more than one nomination for the same ollke, and where more aie received ho shall be deemed tu briM' accepted the Hist nomination made, unless lie selicl some other one. Paity nomination by frtlllcut" must be llled at least foity nino da.s befoio election, ami inde pendent papers fotty-two In state elec tions. In (utility elections the limit -luill be twenty-Light and twenty-ono il.ih lespiellvcly, mid In local elections igliticu .mil lltteen dajs. Prevision H also made for contests but It Is h- iiilr'il that in state ili-cUmis- notice of 1 outlet shall be given within seven la.-, In (utility nlictlons within elgh- 11 dn.s 11 nd lot nl within twelve day?. mill its in sluti. nomination papers iiuisi i.i d( ti'iiniiKil within twent. iln dins hef ore election. Where .1 Is adjudged defective only, tin (unit -lnl! fix a time for amend 1 n nt subject to lilies. The tilling of i 1 imli 011 a ticket Is left as it now m.uhN, 11111I may be done by either a. loiunilttie of a convention or by re cillinpr the i (invention. Tor Stinight Voting. In ihe mi'i-iip of tho ballot the bill piovldes Unit "the mimes of cumu lates for eveiy state, county, illy, borough or township olllee, except tho nam ot candidate foi presidential 11 toi.-, shall bit mimigC'ii In gioups uniiei the ilslgnatlnii ot the olllee and piiiitid lu the nide.- 11s neaiiv as 1 ith1o of the votes obtained In the ate ,u the last state election." Fo. "iiig the names of the paitv noiul- 1 i' aie to be minted the names of ml lundent nominees ananged alpha "ii ally, and on the light of the name ui li 1 atnililati- i to be printed the l'ji'y 01 political designation, exiept ilu.t attor the nitinoH of Independent i.uidhliilen shall be piiuted tile wolds independent nominee." The bdl then Minldrs tiuii where a voter eek to oiii 11 stiaight party ticket "theio t.iuill b' printed at llie top of the ir.i nnd in ros tin. v lillli lliun-or as iiiiimv 1 Irelis us tlieie. m-o political punks icpicsented. Within tluse cit ies shall be in luted the names of the seeinl political panics," uial the siialght tlikot can bo voted bj u ni.nk within it clule. new piovlsion in '.onneL'tloti with Hie dlstilbutlon of the ballots is ono lequlilug tliciuuuiy cominlssioneis to mall complete specimens of tho ballot to all Judges of elci tlons at least tour elms betoio election. Section twenty pi Ides thin at the optulnc ot the polls In each voting plate the seals of the ballot packages shall be publicly bioken. This is in- tended to picAPiit the stutllng of tho ballot box picpaintmy to the opening of the polls. I'lovihinn is also made hat ail spoiled ballots, as well as the stub and the uiun-eil ballots and the u ts of otci.j, shall be placed hi sep mate .sealed covets mid icturned to the piopi't' otilce, and shall not be opened except by the ictiirn Judges or by older of court In a contest. Wheio a voter Is unable to mark his ticket the ue v hill requires that ln shall select om nf tho watchcis pi(cnt to assist him. The bill has hotno ne.v leatnies In legard to the loiuu. Watclioi nnd supervisors 1110 poimltlr-d to be pte ()it. but not within tho irimnl rail. All I .ulo am t6 be kept In the 111111I1 Hiueted view of thoso piesent in the vmitis room dunnu' the count mid so hit they may be able tu see il the m.irlcs In each ballot. H .iiul ne ilai 1uiy of the police ((Tkci.-1. oiislabl" m Jtputy constable, to remain vwthln tho otlugio.ini, but outside .lit Ktiur'l mil, during the court and 10 invwna 01 ler ll u ftlither ec(loil it l pi'oeil Ihnt whcin In any conlHHteii deotlnn it ki1is.ll appear to the couit that t!u ballots used In 0110 or more election districts were In any way defective, tu an extent so an to mislead the voters, the court tuny declare the election void for the ollli'o affected and shall make lepoit to the ijovernor, who shall fix a day within four weeks for n new fiction. In winding up, the bill ptovtdes penalties for a voter showing his bal lot, casting- any other than the oillclal ballot: also for the destroying' of nny list of candidates, cnid of Instruction or specimen ballot, or the removal of supplies nbout the vothnr place, or for the hindering1 of the voting of (illicit, also for falsely making or for destroy ing" or defacing' nny ceitlflciite ot nom ination or letter of withdrawal or for forging or falsely making tlm oillclal endorsement on nny ballot, or for wll lully delaying the dellveiy of the bal lots. It also piovldes 11 penalty for any public oflker who shall negligent ly fall to peifcrm any duty ieiulted or shall hinder the object ot the net or vlolnte any previsions. The penalty In nil of these cases Is a lino not ex ceeding $l,nui) mid iiupilsiiiuuent of not mote than n year, or both. It la ulso piovlded that where a person oiner than a one authorized shall have bal lots In his possession outside the vot ing loom or a counterfeit of nil olll 1 ial b illot, he shall be guilty of a mis 'lemennor nnd punishable as above. The bill tepeals all acts inconsistent with its provisions. The bill has been sent to the senate election coinliiltiee, of which Mr. Foclit Is ehaliman. II Is the mnnuro the llepubllcan oiginlzatlon rndoises, and will be pushed thiougb. T. J. Duffy. ANOTHER FIELD DAV IN THE HOUSE Two Distinct Sensations Occur During- the Sosslons Question of Salaries Discussed. til l.xclumc Wilf tlbll II" "lUlUtfJ t'H, Washington, Vb. 21. This was an other Jleld day In the house. Two dis tinct sensations occulted. Harly in tho d'iy, during the consideiatlon of an amendincnt to the delkleiicy appio piintlon bill to prevent hnzlng at the naval academy, Mr. Hepburn, Iowa, used exceedingly strong language while inveighing ngnlnsl the practice of hazing, chaiclng bv hidlscretlon that the habits ot tyianny and oppiesslon loinifd bv thj otllcers ot the m my and n.ivj at their academies, was lespon .dble for the refusal of s-nllots to enlist 111 the navv and for the large number of demotions ftom the ainiy. .Moie nvet, be iillegod that tile olllcers stood In each other when in trouble saying that the lonunandeis of twenty-five vessels of the navy lost rlnce the civil vaid, had, with one exception, escaped with slight punishment. .Mr. Cannon,- of Minn's, and Mr. Diytnn, ot West Vllglnia. win inly de lended the rru v. The stir caused by Mt. Hepburn's speedi. however, was mild itiniparod wiili the low which was kicked up later over some Items In the bill for extin ompensMton to ( mpl-jyes of the house ir. )nmore, 01 Alkapsas, exposed the fact that one of the oinploes of the house, while occupying one position, was di aw lug salaty for another, and that tho diti'etenco betwein the salaiies was to be made up In one 01 the items in the bill. This led to a guicial ventilation of the domestic affairs of the house, dur ing whiih Mr llallev. of Texas, de clined that the situation was a scandal upon the Integilty of the house. He chaiged that theie were oniijlo.ves of the house who were dividing their sal mips with otlins who )vi foi inert no woik, and challeiiKed any one on the other side to deny his allegations. He ottered to pioduce sworn testimony in substantiation of his 1 hatges, if an in vestigating committee was appointed, At the close of the session Mr. Italic? ofieied a resolution lor tho appoint ment of an Imostigatlng committee, which was lefeiud 10 tin house com mittee on lilies on the iipsiunnce ot Mi. T'.iMie, the niajotity I ader, that It will lie reported at once. The gen eial deilclency nppiopnatlon bill the last of the appiopilatkm bill? was pa-eil. FOREIGN CONSULS AID INSURGENTS Police of Jttanlln Have Obtained Stanliuo, Evidence Against Reyes and Peypoch. I' lAilll.-IU Will' (Mil Hi ' l.llnl I'lf- Mania. IVb.21. The polke of Manila claim to have obtained deciiineutiiy evidence which I hoy allege tends to liiciluiiuate Fianclsio ne.cs. Italian cansul al .Manila, ami Manuel Peypoch, consul for I'liiguav, lu aldliiL, the Filipino Insui gents TJie evidence lias bei 11 stibmittid to (Jepeial Mc Arthui Fiiiiiilsio neves is iiiso pioinlno.nt as n iiinkir, iitokei nun mrrcnani. ho i tin ptlnilpal s'toekliolder In tho Manila Slteet ilaiiivav conipanv. Ho is ciiaige-it Willi the rh dilution In tho Philippine Mauris of the insutgent ni-vspapi-i- called Filipino Antes i;ts lopin, published In M-ulrld bv bis btother. Iiabello Ph l.os :oyes Minnie! Typoih. ill" con-ul 101 Fiu guay In Manila. I alleged to huv acini as a niedliun for the evchanga of innnej in Manlla. used uiidei the iitticllen -if 'lv- Insursent geneial, Tilar. ulsdosnns connecting Mr. IIii'Ihis, niiiltngei- of the Uriini h Bmiu--si bmii. in Manila with the Cainrm irniiMKtiotis. in'i'llk lent to -. ei 1 nil Ills t ru xt. Steamship Anivals. p 11 I 0 i- uiif dun 'Hi" (riijtr.l l'.i. Ncrt ih' ' 'l Cliiiliill Sinlu, I.!,. p. 0!; Jl I.I.1I1IIII, ii.lll.-llblll. 1'ihIii-Ii, libK.'iw; Pn 1 'i 1, lljint" , .1 l"iii'illi ni'l Hii'ilwuf.-, . ml t. 1I1111, OMdiiKIP, fill 1,1,11. ft(iitiiii si,.l. T'li'-ll', ti"tl. Iluriiul (v mk. XiiVfib .i'lnuiili, - si. (r .hciir 1 ai'l M i' d " II iti'nliiiii Viilinl -1, ,. I111 nit, N 1 m' ill !i"lliW!t- sjjli '1 .ii 11I. in - 1 1, Il adi? ln-nil I-.m.i, Jcuiill Ji.d, Nn 7m L li AiiUMri. TEN KILLED IN COLLISION Terrible Wreck on the Ambon Divi sion ot the Pcnnsulvania Rail road Near Trenton. LARGE NUMBER INJURED Engines of Express and .Local Pass enger Tinlns Meet Head-on nt Rus Hnff Siding Near Eordentown. Both Are Demolished and the Care Next to Them Splintered Ten Peisons Killed nnd Over Twenty rive Are Injured Wounded in Trenton and Camden Hospitals. U; hMludvc IVnc (i cm 'Hie As.oclitcd Vrtft. Trenton, N J Feb, 21. one of the woist collisions lu the hlstnty of tho Ainboy iIMhIoii of the Pennsylvania r.ilhoad occinred about ." 3o o'clock this evening at UiiMllng's Skiing, near Bur dentown. and iiImjui olglit tulles south of Trenton. The "Nelly Hl" express from Xew York for Atlantic City col lided with ii.isenger tram No. ""0, tun ning fiom Camden to Trenton. The number of dad so far us known Is tea and the number of Injured up wauls of 1!'). A special train, at about s o'clock, trotn the scene of the wiedc brought four dead bodies mid eighteen wounded persons to Trenton. The wounded wcie distributed among the three Trenton hospitals Other wound ed passengers weie taken to Cooper hospital at Camden. Anion the killed was Waltu- Kail, engineer of the etptess, and James ISIrnilngham, baggngemaster of the lo cal train. Most of the others killed are Itultans. Frank Belaud, a passen ger on train No. S20. an employe ot tho Pennsylvania Railroad company, had both legs cut otf. Tlm doctois say he will die. Michael MctJraw, liieman on the "Nelly Illy," Aas badly In jured, but Is epecteil to lOLOver. 1'rank Thompson, engineer of No. SJO, had 1 leg bioken and Is badly bruised. He Is In a piecailous condition. IMwaid Cnrwood, llremaii on No.1:':!. was li.idlj biuised by Jnmpliii;, but will rei ovei . IMwant Supp, eondiicioi- on No. 3!o, Was also iujuied by being thrown for ward on the Moor of tlm rear car of his train. His wounds lire mu believed to be serious. The dead and injured -Italians weio lldlng in tlie smoking cur of the ex press tialn. They weie being taken to Atlantic City to do const! uctlon win It foi tlie tailroad (ompauv. Scene nt the Wreck. The scene at the wreck I descilbed bv thoiu who were iiresont ns hoiTlfv iug. The two tialns (ollided at toll speed and both engines woie coin pletely demolished. The foiwntd car of each train, in both instances a (Dtnbtu.ition baggage and smoker, weie entirely demolished also, mid to add to the horror the wreck took lire. The second ear of the "Nellie Illy" tinned over on Its side nnd the passengns had to climb out through tlm windows. In this they were assisted by passen gers from the cars that did not 1-ave the track. The tinck at this point is so eloso to the Delaware and Hmltan canal that the passengers in gettltng out of the overturned touch got Into the canal and many of the bodies of tho dead and Injured had to be taken from the water. Thomas I.a.wreiiec of Tenton. said ho saw ono man burled beneath the ruins and crying for nsslstanco. He tried to pry him out, but found he could do nothing to help him. He be lieves the man polished In the flames. The scene of the wreck was far from outside assistance, and when the wrecking train arrived from Trenton It ivns nfter dark nnd tho work of dealing up tho debris and removing the bodies was necessarllv slow. Tho "Nellie lily" was 1 tinning in three wellons and It was tho third section with which No. flO collided. The lo cal train had taken the siding to per mit the express to pass, and It Is be lieved that through some misunder standing or mistake, the local c.11111 out on the main track after the see oud section had pased, mistaking It tor tlie third section. Burned to Death. Tlie surUvois shuddered as the de s ilbrd the scene of the carnage. They said the ciles of agxiny coming from uiidei the- wieckage where the Italians worn confined were heat ti ending. The mass took lire from the wrecked en gines and It Is believed that a number of the Italians who were not killed out- llght were burned to death. Ono of tho tlrst bodies taken out was that of lmglneer Wallei Hurl, of Atlantlo City, who wus In chaige of the ex press Ho was killed instantly. Ins head having been cut off Then the body of .1 amps Birmingham, of Bor donlown, N. J, bagg-agemaster of the local train, was found Willing hands went Instantly to woik and It was due to the good woik of tho uninjured passengeis that many lives were saved. Judge Kelly, of New Yoik, paid a high tilbuto to Ids fellow passengers. Including the women, lot the way they look up the work or res cue, A mliiu ulous esrape was that of Oeoige KiiKor, (it South Otauge Mr. linger Is u cripple and was sitting in a wheel chair In the baggage cm- when the crash came. This car was terribly splintered, juid pait ot It was on top of tho first car. Mr. lingo- was pitch, oil out of his chair, bill tinfoi liumtely In- was not hint, and ho managed to irwl lo an opening In tlie side of tho cur and v lifted out T.ocnl Crew Blamed. Tin tailroad officials put tlm blame on the mew of the local, whldi was In h ir?.e of' Conductor 1", S Snpp and Knclnet-r B. F. Thompson, both of Camden. Tho railroad authorities say that tho crew of this train had been given orders to "meet" the express at Bordcntown that is, to wait on a sid ing at that point until the express shall have passed. Instead of doing this, however, thoy kept on up tlm road, and mot the express at Hunting's siding, nbove Bordentown, nnd a head on collision occurred. Thu read was badly blockid and pas sengers were transferred ot the scene of the wreck. Tho latest Information shown that there wete nine iwrwons killed outright besides Frank Boland, who Is expected to die from his injuries VAght bodies have been brought to Trenton, and at least ono other Is known to be under the debris. The dead ivlto huvo been Identified are: Walter Uml. engineer of the express train. James Birmingham, bagengemastox ot the local twin. Frank Hill, of Whlto Hill, a rnllroid employe, who was a p.issensor on the local tinlu. John Oatet, or Trenton, a passenger on the local tialn. Four Italians, whoso names have not been learned. Blimlnglmm's chaired bodv was taken from the wreck late tonight and brought to the Trenton morgue, where nil tlm bodies now are. Tblilien of the eighte-iii Injured brought here aie Italians. The other live weie passengets on the local train and aie not thought to be seriously hurt ANNUAL CONVENTION OF STATE Y. M. C. A. The Thlity-Thlid Meeting of the As sociation Begins at Lancaster and Will Continue Until Sunday Night. Ily Kulusiiu Win? from JV Avucreed l'n Lancaster, Fob. 21. The thirty-third annual convention of thu State Young1 Men's Christian association, which be gan in this city this arternoon nnd will continue until Sunday night, bids fair to is- the largest and most enthusias tic in the history of the as-soclatlon. By noon today seven hundred delegates had reported, and each incoming train added to the host, until tonight more than SOO expected have enrolled. Fiom all parts of the state thoy havo come, eveiy 1 Itv of any coiise(Uenee being lopn sented. There lire delegates pres ent fiom seventy-three city associa tions, twenty-live inllroad associations, twenty-one colleges, lltteen preparatory schools, twelve' normnl schools, seven medical colleges, nine theological semi naries and seven district section nsso Ions. The handsome new Young Men's Chtlstlnu association building, to cost ope hundred and seventy-live thousand dollnis when completed and furnished. Is bi Ing used for the exercises, the first held lu it. The audltoiluni was ciowded when th'- retllillg president. Walter C. Lfmuilas-s. of Philadelphia, called the Convention to ordir nt S o'clock this afternoon. Dr. James Y. JUUhell, of thel'lrst Presbytcilan chinch, Lancas ter, conducted devotional services, and then President DoiiKlas made the In tiodiiitory address, lie spoke btlelly noon the subject. 'Talth. Hope nnd Ch.nlty." Tlie folio wins comnilltees were then appointed: IVrmeitiit (iriranli ilion II. I' olutuii. Nei 1 ..I win. I li I-it in r. I'iltJmn;: .T. A Ni lilt, I-ifm-tto csllrire; 1'rJtik U Shw., Dale villi--- P. T Kuhli, Orovf lay rnllrgi- Ciiiiiinlttre on I'.iii-Iik Hols rt If. ,aH. Plillaililphli: I'ruk Urjiiiit. Si union: II f W.hhI, rnlM-rIty of 1'eniir.vlvaiiU; O. II. Cloi.l, ritir, l hiilei P. Mi, .e nriRinoii. Ii(il(iitljl-(1. V ''wclirart, SiottiluU- 'Hi li time (liththrll, I'1-iliilelphii; lt, s nhiHi't, Ciittjsbiirir rollise; ,V. I,. Sim tlm b, loll. ilnlniian f'oliiiian ot the iMiinilltff on 0lK.m. 1itlui H-poitdl the nonillintion cf the following lrnunint otlliei"! I'rciilci.t. Uoorge I), si don, Ktle: vice rMil(-nt, Juno. S. Ilaml. Ur. CeoHB A' Pailev, rhllailelphl.1, anil c. W. DU. tin, llrrwkn; M-dct.rli, W. II. liillcpic. l-hlb ailclphla, aid II. V. taw, '1 hcoloitk il lemlnin, ljncatci. W. .1. nidiuan, 1. U.. of (lerman town, delivered an address on "Tho Oioss; Its Sepaiatlne Power." itev. Clarence 1". nberman, president of th1? state Christian Hndeavor socl etv, wa" Introduced and concluded the afterncon session with an eloquent ben ediction. The deb'saie were then enteit iii..J with supper at tho 1'irst Preabytetfm church, durlnjr which Oharles E. Hurl burt conducted a reund table ennfer eiiee on "Personal Contact with Men." As the audience tonight was expect ed to be unusually laijre nnd the ex pectations were fully realized this ses sion was held in Pulton Opeia house. After a sei-. leu of sow;, with II. I,. M.iwiell, of Clieencastle, Ind., as mu sk al director, and J. M. Chance, of Heriinton. as pianist. State Chaltman Oiwe M. McCauley of Ilatrlslilltif, pr -sented his annual report. Secretary JlcCauk-y'ii n-port speaks of the growth of tin- association In tin state a slow but Inci easing substan tially. In IS." t there were but two as sociations oiff.inlzed which continued to (he end of the century Philadelphia ami Uanlsburs. In ISSfc thmo were but four that still nurvlve. in 1S70 there wero 1.3 that are still in existence, vvbllo at tin- close of P'OO tlnre were 1311. continuiiiK the report s.iv W 'niii rrkrP'l th tvntitietli cni'iii nil lib wtTMUtl'iiH I'i cilv acd toiui, -l ullroid 1 ml IS! Ktnilfntl; a mimhrnhlp ef ''.0.'.a icily .inii tnm 'jVIS lillioJil i wiT. iimluit .1.0011, (villi tt i" ltleiw ininlr.k' thrli umii huiiKS. viliicil nt 'J Kl!,tH; with t. til rt value of n v Uili 11 pieiwrty of $J,TiLW,; wlilih in. rhi h' tlm appintiw in M RjninaHluiin, tin- tcl't. c itli-ml piiilpinent of 45 aivochtionn, arid 52 lilnarlisi with W,'i(W voliiniCHi nml with tIV),1T! uililiiloiul Milircrilnil for the iriitlon ia n.- lniilJltn or lli'i pJimtnt of ik-ht upon ohl nms, 'lhi 10H of tlm romluit of tlip -roil, ilutin; the ji-ir va d.MV.OOi. Tho report of State Treasurer .1. 11. llalley, llaulsbiuir, showed that tlm receipts for tho year were $l'.',Sh!.'.,4l expenditures, $12,76S.4n, and balance, i i. Tho address of the evening was by Or. AVIlllam Patterson, pastor of tho 1 Unburn- church. Philadelphia, on, "The Abundant Ut " BREAK IN THE RANKS OF FLINNITES Representative W. W. Nlsbet, Insur gent and flnti, Will Sup port the Ripper. THE BOXERS IN DESPAIR The Action of tho Representative from the Fifth Legislative District of Allegheny in Announcing That He Will Suppoit the Muehlbtonnor Bill Is Regarded ns the Foreiunner of n Geneinl Break in the Columns of the Insurgents The Hands of the Flinnitcs Ate Elevated in Holy Terror nt the Prospect of the Stam pede That Will Piobably Follow. piclal fic-tn J st-fi f.orri'pomliii Haitisbutfc-, Pa., l-'cb. Ul. UepieKen tatKe W. AV. Nlsbet, an Insurgent, boxer, antis, ghoi.y Pllnnlte and an ;.ntl of the lepteentin? (he Fifth Alle distlict, In the heart of Pitti- burfT, the luitrest and ikhei-t lenisl.v live district in the .stale, e-omc-c out to Jllffht for the Mlichlbionuer bill. It Is a forerunner of a (jeneuil bienl j-nu I the ranks of the lnsuiKetits. Mr. NIs bet's announcement of his intention to support the ripper has caued the Pllnnltes to tluow up their hands In holy horror. Mr. Nlsbet save- out the followlnc statement; "I believe that a. vast ma jority of people want this bill passed by the house just as it comes to us fiom the senate, and I consider it my duty to my constituents to vote for tho bill. I desire at this time to define my position and Intentions on the passage of this bill. Tt Is a measure which nf. feets'-nya'lly the Interest of the dlmtlcf I have the honor tn represent (the Fifth I.eKislntlve district of Allegheny county). Xot only that district, which Is the Iarest legislative dlstilct lu the slate, but the e-n tiro Kreat city of Pitts burg, with her vast and varied Inter ests. "The icoplu ot Hint city are watchlns what their representative" tire dolus and how they will vole on this bill, which means so much to the manufnctureis, the business man, tho piofesslonal man, the mechante and men who have a vast amount of real estate, and the man who Is trylnK to .secure a llttla home for himself and family: In fact, every phnse and walk in life have an interest in this bill. I Intend to vote on this measure the way I consistently and honestly believe to be for the- best Interests of Plttsbuifr, and all other second-class ellie.s In this groat state." T. .1. Duffy. SIZED UP BUILDINGS. Tluee Notorious Bank Thieves Aie Captured in Pittsbuig. By I'.uluvlve Wire frtm Th As,ocUteu Pr.ii-. Pittsburg, Pel). 21. Micky Ckiason eif rhicag-o. and Sidney Yonnie and C'hailes Newman, notorious bank thieves, whose laces adorn e-vety rescues Kallety In the countiy, were ar rested here 'toda. whllH slzlim' up bank building. The police say they ate wanted In several cities and will hold them sev etal days les suspicious eharactuis. It Is supposed they were on their way to ashlnston to operate duilnir the InaUo'iiiatloii. DEATHS OF A DAY. By l.idns-Uo VVirn from Th Modotnl Pim. PhlliriVlpliU, lk 21 --Mrs. Thomas b-ott, wiiloiv of tho lf.lo Colonel 'Ihonui A, Soolt. president ot tho I'tim-jhanu IlillroJil romp-uiy, diid'at her Iiciiii today aftir a lose illncrt hV wis .1 prominent eoclely Tender, htlnj vslJ'b Lnonn litrn iinil abroad Mir wu (ouncily Mim Ann 1 U. llliMIe, of Plttvl.ur,'. lo AiuiIik, tl . lil'- Jl. IVninev t'nitcd Maui Senator Strplun M. White dhd jt hW rcildi-nco in Io Anisekii todiv niter n uliort IllniM. Since the expiration of Mh tern, ni-ral months aco, Sttutor White h..d I ei-n tirttliin' liw Leu-. New Pennsylvania Seivice. p; lAflnlvc Win fiom 1 tic Avoeiafrii Vmt I'lttthurs. Till, if. live niiruei'iiiiil nf ihl lViaLh;inlJ linn I.j( iniaiufl villi lie l.ik (onipany for throii.h pafariifter lenko on iwu (Lilly tuins vU C-IiimUm nml Ahio-i to llnllu'e, UUns rlfict Mjv S, fiom M LuiiIn. finllJiupnlis Lanlhvlllr, nnclnnitl, bi.Uoti nml I'nliinil h. 'JIiU amusement lirlni 1 in iutiip(llli-r Ii lo tho field ler (lantluqt'J ljl e, llmliln .iml '.i ora Vail 1 husln. Sword for righting. Bob." Ill i:lnle Win fiom Tin V'mil.itoil 1'im WaMiinijton, li'i. tl, -Tlie prn.iiititfnii of a M-cril lo Cipuln llol Hn f) l' nii, nf the tnv.v, tmilcht .n th iiiiaiion nf n iuiili ly Siilu Henderson, ot thi heue ot iHpu.i-ntjtlii.., ,,i Inic 1 flowlni: tiltitito to "l'i;hlii: Ih'ii" ni'l to tie Ameikin tin- In t'ii.eml. tin 1..MH1I j prwented by the jieopti of lnn In mnfiilli'ii of hit rominaml cf tin hattledhlp Imu ihiilns the battle of SititUfto n; Ciipulti l'.i.ili nixili a unief-l reply f the prriitllnn p-nli THK NEWS TIIIS MORNING. , Weather Indication Tojjy. 1 FAIIfJ NOnTHWCSrCKLY WINDS. t i.rneral lnwcrntu Will Suptrl Hipper HI". PHI tn llcfnim tlio li-illct. I'til U'ri-ck Xt-ir Trenton. l'lomrJH of tlie Iljllrood lnqiilrj 2 Clnicinl tTreu! Hipper Hill I f.-nl') Wltl out rim 3 IjwuI OpliwUlon t-i Hi" Ini'Ui ''irt PHI Court rrocreilnc 4 IMitorlal. ISote inil Uinui (iir 5 Locil Alilfmun UclUm lln Sot (liwn lip the PfRht. Intimitis toi the CemirK Vc'r (t Iical Went 'Sainton itnl Kubuilnii 7 Cew-Ml Northciitun IVriMy'varw I'lnii.cial anil (YinmifKlat. 8 Porill I.iie Vrr vi the WfrlU MRS. NATION WILL BECOME AN EDITOR But Annoiinies That She Will Not Allow Heiself to Be Made a Fool nf for a Million Dollnts a Minute. Sfilj ti II' sirmlun Ti'ibiilir Topeku, Kansas., I'eb .'!. .Mi s .1110 to rie Nation l to cuter politics become tin ctllloi- of th Smasher: .Mall, u papei to Ii.. tun lu behalf of nrjfroc". Slie Iiiih refused templing of I'ets lo lecture mid will remain in Topeka to help rleet 'i "dean man" for inn. or ,11 the spiiim election. Thec matters wete announced by the crus.i dei from her 1 ell In the county Jail to- da.v after the chntKe against hBrt of hut- miidshluu the Senate saloon ,wi w els ano. had keen disinissed by lllilfte .Mil'atie. SShe Is still lieillK held or the iliiiiKe of bic.iluilK Into Aloes d's old si 01 nice plnnt last ,Siinda. A delegation 01 the home defendets culled on Airs. Vatlon lu her cell to talk about iinnilnatliiK a city ticket for the election this sprint'. Alts. Nation, iv ho has decided 'o become a citizen of I'opelta, at leiist for a time, was n lhulaiUk "We decided," she said, "to nominate a clean niiiii, a man who does not drink, smoke 01 bUispheint-. No other need apply." The newspaper thai Alls. Nation in tends to edit will be published by "Nick" Chiles, a neRiii Joint keeper, who signer! one of Alls, Nation's bonds last w-el , rmil David Nation. Airs. Nation' husband Is lomiur; to Top--Ua to help h.s wife with the enteipilse. He once idlied 1 piper in Wntrens butir. Alo. Alls. Nation says the paper will be publish, d for the sp-uMnl perils ot tho nc-Bioes it will contain news about the temperance cause In Kansas and will devote iniuh spac ti the letteis Airs. Nation receive from her eneinli-H and her svnipathizers. She will wilte the edltoilnls. Airs. Nation icfusiM to ro on any mine lecture tilps. A dicus and the. atrical man has adveitis(-d that be has seemed Alls. Nation for a piolesslonal tilp. laistetn papeis t-leKiaphed In (llililes about this matter. Alt k. Nation ni.nouneed that she would not allow herself to be ' made a tool of fur a lull lion dell. its a minute. ' PLANS OF ARBITRATION. Suggested at Annual Meeting of American Newspaper Publisheis. By 1'cliiil Wlii; from The A-oil.itnl l'njs, New Voi-lt, Pi b, 21.- The annual meetliiK of the Ameiiean newsjiaper publisheis was continued today In tin Waldoif-Astoila hotel The moiniUK tesslon was devoted to a discussion ot the plan for aibltratiou ot labor dis putes width had been submitted by a special committee .vesteiday. Alter adjoin nnieiit II was said that the as sociation bad unanimously adopted the toliowliiK resolution. ll.--.0U. J, llllt till- 111 JI. Ill llhltUlltll a l0. Iiis Ii tin rpirciniiitif ft flip V. N, 1. . ind tho I. T. t. Jliii cinli-wil li the hciril of directum of tin- xoil. timi l ami the nun i lii-rohv nitilifil, ipiirnv -il jml L.itiilniinl hj tl-,i iiKinhoti (f Ihm iwuUliun in loiiiinlloti j m hint Tile aiiivement now awaits million Hon by the local unions of the Inlu national Typographical uninn AMERICAN PRINCIPLE ACCEPTED IN CHINA. Pi Ktilivive Wire fi-iii Tho Vtr.(ut(J l'n( Mai-litnclin, Pels !1 - VI lie inSUnci- if i'ie I'nitrd States connnii-'il llin po,t-rt luv m cepli-il th punciplr tint nn turtlier linhviilinl (,nr-lon of tirrilei ai Cliini -lull h 1.11 ci olitineil h;. ju,i re 1 old v ill e 1 ,11 .1 e tlond w.t. Shnmokin Silk Mills Closed Dj Uxckifbe Win fnm the Vjiioeateil rrai Mt'.moMn, IU . I"b "1 Tlio SbaniuLbi M't mill, cmplttilnic 2M uiH-rathri, vran ilad down bv tho ov Tiers foi n Indehiiile period thin v ;-i- bivaiiH- tin nnplojui fonnoil .1 union lot nlijM. The rnmpim, coirprKinir local aril Nev ,leiuy cjplf illrts, villi ipin the- v.oiU v nit t oimli (f the gnU a.l kr rrlwta'.iineni 11I 'oriyo enlonhm. Saiatoga Cabino Burned. Py Ktelutve Wire fr. 111 The Avirbtet PriM Saiatf-ei, V. Y, reli.?l. The Wee den .1 f luii oil splint ,tnit, (oriiK-rlv kmmn s f" I'ciro, nil tut.ilh i'ni .jhI Ii t loililc. It w.n .Kiiipkil by f.eoin. W -lit, , (ii.iiluirr ileslir. The lo will rmr(j4te SH'liiiO nii'l i'io lii.iir.iiiu W.lifiii rh- t .itno ii (01 nieiJl ear ntblreil for toi Mullen puipn- - Snlatlfs Advoueed Bi Ct. ii (rr fi i-i The .vrvUtut li ( hl'.iEi'. I'eb 'Jl licm-ml Vfjiu.-ir s,af, of he Hi,' l'm.r kiariil. I.a. bmuil .111 011I01 d- iimlii; th- sr.ltui.. tl iuij tiliffiapli opetatrr In Ihl- (iiiIuv of dm nml U'j ki em. 'Ihe ilie-iji v 111 illicit liilMrm niui .did nilw In n ilml iniii mil villi Iikk.iv ihi ui- lull of the ninpiliy almiit SIihi.CW ; alv. MoinliiRStar Letulb. llv l.xdn.lie Wue fuin He .-.mUted l'rrii. Vrw el rdi '.1. MoiiiliiRTtar held hU lead In Ihe billliid in (tin ovir llinboi lonlnlit. T'ip final -son- of II - i.MitV plaj wan .on In 111. Ilio totiil fniti in diti Ii: Vtmnliikk 1, l,.ii lliwfu.ii, 1,1ft, ) PROSPERITY OF RAILROADS Due rtGGonlinu to Witnesses Bclors Industrial Commission to Good Mnnauement and Good Times. REGARDING COAL RATES President Walter, of the Lehigh Val ley, nnd President Thomas, of tho Eile, Give Intel cisting Testimony. The Valley Company Buys Coal o tho Independent Operators Who Are Paid 00 Per Cent, of tho Sell ing Piice nt Tidewater The Pub lic Pays Higher Piice for Coal a3 a Result of the Stiike Mr. Thomn Knows of No Combine. tt Tvl-Jim Uiio fr. 111 lhi Avocl-ti-il Pine N-w Voik, lb. il. The henrliiB of tin siili.coiiimltleo on tianspoitntloii of Hie indip-'trlal commission was re sinned this forenoon with Thomas 1.. (liei-ne, Ni"e president of the Audit company riK.ilu a wi'nrss. Air. !teene, bcfori- ruiumeiicliiK hl; testimony, gavo out a statement sa;--Ini; he had been jnisrii:otd as to slat ovvnei-hhlp of rallroade. He said he was opposed to rov em inent ownership and always had been. Alt. Creene also denied that ho had said the state or Penns.lvnnla ouirht to 1 oinpel the mads to ship coal by tho aiorli-'t and (piickest route. Such tentlineut". he said, tvere not held by liitr. 'An- the laisely increased eatnliiKS of i.illioads we read of from day to day flic result simply of Rood times or paitly due to better nianaBeincnf."' Air. iiici-nu was asked. "I'.oth elements enter Into th- present prospeilty ot railroads," tho witness replied. "If industrial commissions can pre-, vent over-pioductlon and the railroads Klve the exporters facilities for ship pirn? their surplus pioductlon, what ef fect would that have to prevent bad times"" "It would undoubtedly accomplish a Krcal deal In that direction. We have times in this country as -a result of tin tremendous eneisy ot our people. This cneisy must be given a vent sohie way or other and one of the results Is over production. If we could set something to keep this Industilal eneipry within bounds, it seems to us it would have a veiy wholesome effect." "The preferem e to a corpoiatlon above a co-pat Incrshlp In the llnun dal woild todav Is mainly on the mound of the limited liability of the membeis, Is It not?" asked Ptofessoi .icnks. "Yes, undoubtedly.' "Would It not lie well tu have a fund which should always exist and which could be held liable so as to Insure en dlt"" I think," th witness replied, "It would be well It a mipoiatlon could be made to define how much of Its as sets represent m t mil value ill illUllie- tlon to what repusents iood will." Lehigh Valley DealhiRB. At the afteinoon session Allied Wal ter, president of tin I-ehlKh Valley inllroad. was iiuesiloiud. lie H.'ild his eompany hmmht .some mal fiom so. called independi nt operatoi-s and that lu such (ases Ih operatois weie paid CO per cent, of the selling pi lee at tide, watei. Air. AValter said that some ycair. ao niinlim' was more preiltable than now. Tho work wits then above water line. As the woik ptOKiv.ssed below the water line, he said, the cost and also tin risk beeaiuu tneatcr and profit-' onsoiiiently less "I in jml think that .1 mivIiir to tin (onsiinnr will 1) efi'icted rhniiisli the cominiiiilt of interest plan?" was asked. I thick it will benefit the piodttcer and is bound in tlnin to benefit tho consumer also." Air. Walter said thai sixty per cent, of the coal transported over his rend came fiom Independent operatois. Ho .said no discrimination was made iiK.iinst them, they vein readily .sup plied with cars. Air Walter disclaimed any Intention on the pait ot the Lehlfrh Valley lo Ret absoluto control of the anthracite le sions threiiRh which th-- road passes. "J would like to ask you something about the In bor ondltlons lu tho an thtaclte regions, ' said Air. Kennedy. "In your opinion were tlm demunds of the miners in the last strike just?" "They Rot them," replied Atr. Waller. "Tho reason why I hesitate Is that It was a puro business transaction. I don't know what you mean by just. They made certain demands and they s;ot what they wanted. That la all I can say." "Ones tho public P iy a blither prim for coal now us a. result of tho strike?'' "Yes." "Then tho sit Ike was a bad thlnn for the public," I don't know " "Mo you believe labor unions are at good thintf?" " a Reneral proposition, ye." I i;. 15. Thomas, president of the Krli inlliopd. was the next to testify. Air. Tliomafi nvo statistics pertain IiiK to tho amount of coal hlu roael carried, and the percentaKO of It which cnnio ft-im Independent opera, tori:. f WEATHER 1'ORECAST, iTah!r;ton. Tib. ril. IVrrrvt for en rri I rnn-.vhinii t ilr l'rlda-,; lr.rif. in" (h'lllni rid put i'il roA- Sipir it. , 11 hh i !iil ii- ithvivicrlj- "Mud., I, ,1 1 11 1, 1 1 ttttttttttttl-rtttli )-' v, n ,s , n 1) . tr-j It t j ,