The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 21, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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    ffp tfu. v- ff - i? i ' T-t ?
prciil te ll.e- ScisMon Trlmine.
rittolon. I'ob. 10. A tliiiR at Colli
l-tnc HltnrkPil J'utrlck I.oftus, on bin
way homo ;il u late hour last nlcht.
After being buitully beaten, l.oftus
took refuse on th-i porcli of n nearby
ienlclonec anil culled loudly for lieli.
The thiiff came at him aRutn, and In
the ruurflc l.oftus' hand wan pushed
h Kill list n wlndowpiintr, InonkiiiR It anil
badly cuttlns the hand. .lames Cuv
Hnauch came to the nun'rf renotio and
found the nernllntu with hit tlnn'Tn In
the mnn'H month, iittctiiiitliiK
htrnnclo him. It wan not until uv
anauRh sccurce! a hIioIkuu and threat
oncd to shoot him that tho timer du
pldted. Hlii an en will likely follow.
In view of probable labor tlinicMiltle'H
unions the mill girls of this vlclnlt.
ManftKer Frost, of the Went t'lttHtmi
llk mill, i. preparing to temovc a pur
tlon of hln plant to I'aterpon, N. J.
The change will reduce the number of
plrls employed fully llfty per cent.
Four more Illegal votein were at
tested here last nveninpr. They ato
ThomaH Jilelxe and- Thoma.t McCJairy.
of the First waul; I.ovl Com tilKlit and
Thomas Genii', r tno Second ward.
All were held under $00 ball. A num
ber of warrants have been Issued for
iithets, lnelUdhiB n. piomlnent business
ninn. who Is chaiRvd with falsely
swearing to tho resldcnee of a voter
who Is n non-resident of the city.
Geary Gray, for the past two yeuis
maehlnlet at tho Babylon colliery, at
Duryca, has been pimotcd to the posi
tion of master mechanic of the Temple
lion company.
William Wllllums, aged thirty-eight
tears, filed suddenly at his home on
Itallrouil street, last evening;, after a
brief Illness of pneumonia. Hr was a
prominent young1 man. a member of
he Leek Cornet band and the Kagle
Hoe company. The Mineral will take
placii Pililny afternoon at 2 o'clock.
.John Uechtold. nged ninety years,
dltd at his home, on tVntre stieet, yes
icreUy afternoon. He had lived hero
lor flfty-llvo years. Tins Mineral will
tak place Thuisday afternoon at 2 SO
Jieclal to tli Sranton Piinutir.
Tunkhnnnovk. Feb. -Jo Mis. Samuel
AW Ey.enb.ieh vliltr-' In Wilkes
I'inrre on Tuesday.
MUs Sciircmnn. of "Wllkes-llaue,
who has been visiting her slhler, Mrs.
'luili-s Good licit the past four weeks,
left Monday for New Yoik elty.
Mr. and Mi. Geotgc MeUoud will
move tills week to Amslerdam, N" Y..
where Mi. MeLeod has seemed a posi
tion as In a rarpet Mom.
At the election held on Tues-day. the
tollowlng udiceis weie tinmen: Itor
outfit offlcersPooniTister, Miller Cul
vVr. n.: audltois. Willlnm I!. fninp
beil. n . .JnnifS .1. lllglit, IS., and Wil
liam A. KlttieiUe. I!.; Flit ward of
ficers .Judge ol election, .lolin F. Slelc
ler, D.. Inspector of election, Thoma.t
F. Callahan, X. and Wilbur It. Anns-,
11., councilman. Loult V Camp. It.:
'ehool dlieotors. llin-i i: ltniinar, U.:
Samuel p. Pay, 13. ussex-or, Peter A:
M'onrl ward oIHc.ts .Iudg of olec
tlon, N. A. McKown, I!.. Inspector of
lection. Deenier uidieinnn. J:., and
Henry Kitchen, IV rotmeilmeu, C. A.
HiiliKeiford, n. and W. Dean S.nnp
so'), V) ; assessor. Cm tit Y. Usui h, It.
TMwin-rl Huffsmltli. Wilbur M. T.-uv
ind S'iuIio William Oweni, of Ml
"Ity, worn dolm," business lioio i
Hon. Kilwln Jorden and wile are vb
Itlng the former's biother In I'lillntk-l-phl.i
thl. weclc.
Kpecial to the !-cranloii Tiibmn.
Duryea, Feb. 20. The second even
ing of the fair wns also a giand suc
cess, thu same as the first evening. The
ladies were kept busy spelling articles
at their various booths. The door
prizes were as follows; Monday even
ing. 100 pounds of flour. Miss Herbett.
of Old Forge, had the lucky number.
Tuesday evening u valuable pair of
sllppeis, won by Miss Mary Anderson.
The cake walk prizo was taken by Will
iam Jones. The first cake walk was
uch a success tho people wished for
mother one and our generous llio lad
dies consented and In thl- one William
Xolan was the man who won. A de
lightful programme was rendered. This
evening's programme will be as fol
lows: Piano selection, Miss Mamie
Fletcher; mcltalion. Miss George S.if
ford; duet, Miss M. M. .loncs and l.d
ward Jones; solo. Mrs. Chailes ltan-
"Is jour mamma cross? Mine i
wfwl crol Does your mamma stay
Hush ! ' when von laugh or make a
little bit of a nofe f My mamma doev
She has nerves, papa Mys.''
The mother who overheard this tc
eount of herself would feel heart-broken
to think of the shadowcast by her misery
on those she loved. Yet her condition fa
real. Her nerves are (.trained to the
point of torture. Lack of appetite and
loss of sleep increase Iter weakness,
Such n condition may, in general be
traced to disease of the delicate womanly
organism, a cure for which is found in
the we of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription, It establishes regularity, heals
Inflammation and ulceration una cures
female weakness. It traumiilizes the
nerves, encourages the appetite and in
duces tetreshing sleep.
tlttittKtn roimtttit uflercr from ulrritie
disease Ijr five years," writes Mrs I, A. Rteortn.
irf Yankee nam, Clay Co., Wet Virginia, "an!
lor lx months previous to UkhiK onr inedldue
f w sot out of my loom, Could not walk or
(Uud. its there wa ucli pain and drairlnp in
lettsldesn'1 iiem-inc-down weight In reidon of
uterus, accompanied with oreues. I auffered
rvottantly with heartache, pain In back, ahoul
fleti. arms and chest i ami could not ulerp nor
lie down. When I had taken three Mlfea of
the medicine the perioda were regulated, I
a not (o nervous, could ileep well, and tin
tain In aide and bearing down hud vanished.
My health i better at tnii time than It has been
Tr. Pierce's Pellets stimulate the liver.
ilall; selection, Old Foigo Glee i lubj
solo, Daniel Jones; solo, K, Jones; ,c
lection. Old Forgo Stllug band, The
ilnorprlzeforthlH evening Is a good one,
Friday evening the enteitnlnment will
be tinder the management of class No.
T, of llrli k church. Ho tho public
knows what to evpeel, that It, be pre
pared for a good laugh. It Is theTl de
light to make everything iih humorous
as possible. The oaku walk will be a
comical ton turn that evening, Door and
other will bo awarded to the
lucky people.
Yesterday the marriage, of Miss Maiy,
daughter of .Mr. and .Mrs. C. H. Wilson,
of !!aek mad, and John Smith, of
Avoca. was solemnized at tho homo of
th" bride. The young ruupli' ate held
In high esteem. Also Monday one of
Duryen'K most popular young men,
Thomas Langan, and Miss lilleii Ilar
ri'lt, a young lady of Plttston, were
united In marriage In St. John's church
at that place, Hew Father Gurvey of
ficiating. The young couple are of the
most highly respected residents of their
icspectlve towns.
At the election Tuesday the Denio
cratK were successful, taking every of
fice that Is needed In the township. The
election was as follows: School direc
tors, James Kennedy, W. F. Pier; as
sessor. 1. J. Gllboy; township tteas
liter, F. J. Uegau; auditor. McOrath;
Judge of election, J. F. O'P.oyle: lu
spcctois of election, A. Watson nml M.
Henley; assistant assessor, C. Her
Bpfcitl to llif Smnton Tribune.
Montiose, Feb. 20. election heie ,es
tcrday wns unmarked by any spirited
contests, and consequently them was u
very light vote. Kveiy Republican
candidate was successful. The vote In
detail wns as follows.
Flist Wind Assessor, W. II. Turrell,
It.. .'3; audltoi. .1. i:. llainey. It.. Id;
school illreclii l. A. Tllswotth. IX..
r,2; Judge of election. N. C. Warner, It.,
r.0; J. K. O'P.rlen. P., 13; Inspector of
election. U. S. TIlKWorlh. 11.. 49; G. R.
Smith. P., 11: oor illrector. A. C.
Amcs. 15.. 10: town council, X. A. War
ner. W.
Second Wind Assessor, W. 11. Deans,
P... :.; Geoige Noll, D.. S; auditor. .1.
II. H.irnev, t S!; Juilsje of election,
Dl. II. V. Filnk. It.. 37; Anion Ainold.
P.. '.: Inspector. H. P. Pennls. P.. 3:t;
P. J. Itadeker. P.. T; poor director. A.
'. Ayres. It.. :l: II. Mai baker, 1: town
eouin.ll. F. Q. l.utl. P.. 34; .1. P. Taylor,
It.. 3ii; C. P. Little, P.. 10; It. M. Uost
wkk. n ST. P. Payne. 1; It. S. Max
ter. 1.
Thhd Wind- AssesMii, V. J. Talbot.
It.. II; o. P. Pceho. p.. :?:,; auditor, -J.
II. Harney, P... .2: school dhector. W.
N. Haines. P.., ni; W. C. Ciusor, D.,
21; Judge of election, S. J. Jenekes, R.,
": Geoige C. Hill. P., 21; inspector, O.
P.. Cook. It., .'.2; S. J. North! up, D., 21;
poor dlreftor, A. ". A.vrcs, P.., IS; (
W. fttodhead, D 21.
SjiicUI lo llio SiUiitoii Trilmnt.
Thonipton. Feb. 20. Ru.-mOI. til
only child of Mr. and Mrs. F. P.
Wilghter. of the township, died nt .1
o'clock this nioi nlng, after a long and
M range Illness, oged l jenis. Rus
sell was n niember of our school. A
bov of umiMi.'il piomlse. and his host
of fi lends icgivt his early death. Tho
funeia! will lie at his p.neuts homo
on Friday nt 2 o'clock p. in.
R P. How.nd Is In Illughamlou to
il i.v.
Geoige Ilaydeii, of Gelatt. was doing
business in town today: andi so was
ri. A. Foster, of llurmvood, notwith
standing the bllzzard-llko condition of
the (dement".
Guy Foster has ben having sellout
trouble with one of his eyes tills
W(ck. Yesterday he went to Carbon
dale and had It t mated by Dr. Flet
ehir. It seems some better this morn
lug, and It Is hoped the worst i
Never a quieter elect Ion In Thomp
son than the one yesterday, and prnh.
ably never fewer votes cast.
'. R. I.llss was In P.inghamton yes
teiday. Today he Is In llnllsknd, ar
ranging for hi removal to that place
In the near future, c. It. Jenkins It
helping In lib stoie hem in lilt nb--nce.
Headache Causes.
Headache Is usually caused by living
in pooily ventilated looms, overin
dulgence 111 food or ill Ink, Insufficient
o.ercls mental strain, excitement or
malm la. Krause's Headaeho Capsule.
quickly cures the most seveie cases,
and leaves the head clear and- cool.
Pi lee SSe. Sold by Matthews Uro.
IBpecUl to the Stnnton Triburr
Avoca, Feb. 20. Tuesday s election
waa one of the hottest contests that
i have taken place In this town in sev
I oral yours. In the First ward theie
J was no opposition, but In the Second
J and Third wards there was n spilt In
Democratic circles and every Itepnij.
llcan came out hoping to get a few
representatives, but they were again
doomed to disappointment. Mdwaul
Glbbons.who has already served twelve
years on the school board, was the
people's choice again, and Mr. Gibbons
has Just cause to feel proud of his
plurality on Tuesday. The following
wero successful: Council, David Frtie,
F, P. Devers nnd M. F. Ollroy; school
dlrcctois. Kdward Gibbons, William
Doran, John King; assessors, William
"Webber, Arthur Davidson, John Reap.
AV. J. Rennlman, Wllllom Vetter and
J. J Morahan will leave today lor
Clearfield county, whete they will as
sist In superintending a large excavat
ing continct for the Now Yoik Central
Mr. and Mis. C. II. Hoban and .Mr.
nnd .Mrs. T. J. O'Malley attended the
fulr nt Mast Knd on Tuesday evening.
John Gllhooloy has been elected dele
gate to the firemen's convention to be
held at Philadelphia In August.
Mate uf Ohio, I uv u fell Jo, Luua (ouiil.v, ,,
HIAKK J. CIIKM'.V mike irath h,i 1,
Kiilor paniKr of th" film of I". J. CIIII.VKV fc
CO., dotnz liiwinem III llio City of 'lolclo, Countr
itnl Side iilnrruld, and that mid firm i ,;.
the mm ol OM! IIHMllllIll 1)01.1, tils i(,r
each and eMty of C'ATAUIIII (hit cannot
la tured li tli" u.o uf l.l.,t ( ATAlirilt
riwoin io liefoiH inu and suWillied in niv
nrcsenc, (lili nth da) of Drcrmlier, .1, n it.
iseal.l A. nU.'ASOX, '
Notaiy I'uMle.
Hall's CaUrrh Cure i taken internally, an,
acta directly on the Mood and mucous nurface
ol the ayatfin. Send for testimonial, free.
V. J. CIIKMIV A: CO , Toledo, O,
fcjld by nmnbtt-, T.v,
llall'a Tamil) I'ilb ate the het "
Sputtl to ttic Scr.intfn Ttib-jti.
Houesdale, Feb. 20. The engagement
of J. Kdward Harbour, of I'aterson, K.
J., and Miss Kntherlne SI. Stanton, of
Honesdnle, has been nnnounced. Mr.
Barbour Is prominently tonnected with
the well known Harbour Linen Thread
Manufactuilng cnmiiany. Mist Stan
ton Is one of Honesdnlo's most highly
esteemed young ladles.
Freedom lodge of Odd Fellow i bus
voted to purchase it piano for the use
of their fodgo mom.
Word has been lecelved announcing
tho death of Leo Clark m llmtnets
billg, Pa., wheie he was attending
school. The temiilnt win be brought
to tho home of hit grandmother, Mt.t.
Shauley, on IIlueutli street,
"W. H. Spencer will bring his family
from Scranlou and occupy tho resi
dence of Mrs. 1 left on upper Mnln
Word oonie.t fiom Picas, ml Mount
that Indications of coal have been
found near that village.
Tom i it row, Friday evening, Feluuaiy
22. Is the time to go to the annual
Mnitha Washington dlivr In the Pres
byterian chapel. Roast tin key wilt
be u pa it of the tempting menu. The
usual variety of booths will offer tin
ustiul attractions. An orchestra will
be In attendance.
Thursday evening. Febuiary 2S,
Misses Louisa and Mivrgamt F.berhait
will have charge of the musical pin
gramme to be given In the Musical
Hlstoiy club moms.
The result of the borough election
yesterday was the election of the fol
lowing ticket; Town council. Marl In
Cnufleld, Altluir M. Leine; school di
rector. Wyman Kimble, Peiry A. I.a
Harr; assessor. C. F. Hockwell; Judge
of election, William H. Lee; Inspectors,
JciTerson Fieeiniin, Wyman Kimble:
auditor. William J. Waul.
Spclal to the Tribune.
Hopbottom, Feb. 20. Mi
Heitholf, ot Scianlon. was
. h i:.
In town
election day.
Mr. and Mis. .1. Y. Suundeis lite
at this writing.
Mis. Hairiet Stone it sending a few
days' with her cousin. Mrs. AVm. Craii
dull. D. L. Gaiduor, of Factory vllle. was
In town Saturday in Hie Internals of
the International Coiretpntideiiee
schools of Scianlon
Those who attended the V. P. C. L'.
convention at Scianton last Satuulay
mid Sunday, from this place, were Mrs.
II. M. Tiffany and MNses .Miriam Titus
and Mellu Drown.
A opeelnl prayer and pinl.-e i-'rvlce
was held at the Methodist llpiteopal
cliiirch on Monday veiling.
Mlectlon ic'iiiiu. of yesteiday were as
follows: Assessor, M. MoVleur. Rep.:
jxior mustei, II. .M. Loomls. Rep.;
school directors, G. P. Tlffiinv, Rep.,
and W. II. Drown, Pern.; louncllmen.
H. U. Williams, Rep.. Inspector of
elections, C. D. Ken. Jtep.. and lid.
Payne, Deni
0 rna.r-i M mns . .
i W.M "The I'limtic Allow.'
RAIKTY. 1 he Al. I!cete Compiii)
iinil nlglil.
M ilinte
"The Flaming Anow."
'Ilicie is ipitle i lonunlic history .ittached lo
ttie life ol (Jo Won lr Mohan k, Hie young In
dian piinces now touiitig ttie i onntrv In her
new play, "The Hauling Allow." which conns
In the Aeadimy of Mu-ie Ihiiimliy. Kliday and
Siitmdav, l'cb. 11, 'li and :'. In hei pjpooo
d.s when 1 1, aiding in rompinv with Not Alrald,
ind .1 few othci ililefs, lh t wen' captured b) a
tiAiiih band ot Apache Indian-, whu canted
them to their chief, where .idmUt great rejoicing
and tiiiimphaut dies lions wcic- lauiul
oul in ceteliratlon of fin nent ot uih import
ance. ' Alter Not Afuld Ind been toitiucd and at the tike Ho Won (lo Mohawk was
spited on account of her joutli, and adopted
in llio Anachc till"', where, gioning a (banning
and hindsonie joung maid, lie onn caused th' coimnotion among the luatn. Sowiul
claimants appcircd lor her hand. Vn one hnlng
the right to gite her away, ,i luuiull waa held
amtng the medicine mm, and the joung br.nes
weie lold ttiev intti-l atiow by their ileuU of alor
who w.i mo-t woithy. All kinds of wlMorture
was indulged in by the coppoi-i olored love slil;
ualli. One puncinrl joung rhlel outdid all Hie
lest and w is ii'w.uded with the lund of fio Won
I,. i Mi.lunlc. tter the wedding toast and other
nuptials were out the was led to tier tope by
two old hQuaui-, who were to guaul her lm' the
night, as I- ill" tndlm cu-tom. dluppolnlnl
iltcl cut hie way In and ranted her
away, lie in turn was cipturcd and killed he
the Pawnees and Mohawk c I timed tor a wife
by the ihiof who led the Pawnee band. On tho
dav ot the prrtoiminee a guild lreet puade
will be gitcn bj the Indian bias band.
Al Beeves' Big Company.
llic Al. Iteetcs laniiiiis lllg Double cwniMiiy
ot neailv (illy Ycpl' will begin a Hnee di.s
ergagnmnt at llie New Oalety commencing with
a matinee tcdat. Al. llcetoit has alnajs been
Identified as the foicmost nunagci of lib pai
ticular line of amunw'!it and this awn Is n-i
e.tiillon to his goWrji rule, for be points with
pardonable pride to the personnel m hi mam.
moth oiginlzatlon, beaded as It is, tilth Mln
Inez leui-Ver, the hlglicut Mtatlid pi Inu Oonua
etcr ennnected with an organiiallon of the same
natnie as the M, Iteocs comruny.
Mi. Itfi'ti has an oiganlration whhh titands
piomlnently awav from all other, and cleanll.
ncrs U his tiade niaiU. Weie the conditions
otherwle no amount of money could have in
duced Ml-s to accept an engageiiient
which would In the slightest clegiee Impair her
leputatlon. singer whose nenlcrs aie eon
utantly a eunditloii accoirilng to the latv of rup.
ply and demind, nukes her salary .1 figure which
rends the etpen-e ol an amu-einent cutripil-y
likes llrevrs' to a ftolnt apparently dUa-troi.
tint Al I!eete" policy hi alwaji. hicn lo spend
ftO cents In ord'i lo make a. dollar, the public
being the henerlciaiy ot hU libeialii), Theiriu
lies his phenomenal mceejs. The seciet of hli
thoroughly turiitoiious perfoimaneca Is that his
company l rotnposed ot art lets ctho are not
alone individually competent a pcciall. (hi
formers, but who are celceled with a tlew- to tlie
general ensemble, and the peculiar lone of his
entertainment is aueh that he Hands alone in
hli chow n Hue ai did the immortal llaimim.
Matinee dally at 2.P.0; evening at t,n
Lonely Jeff Be Angelis.
Jefterrou Pe Angelis i lonely, In thai he notv
has the (uinic opera field in thin cnunli) alino.t
to himself. All ol his toinier aoclatea hate
deserted the hrld, and left .left to gilhtr all the
money and fame. Ho Wolf Hopper snd Lillian
Itiikiell have become inciutieta ot the Hock com
pany at Weber anil riehls' Music Hall in New
Yoik, HIgby hell und Paulino Hall havo (.one
Into vaudeville and I'amllle p'Aiville has mairhd
and lellieil, Jiff He Angell., Instead of going
hiekvvard, his gone toiwaid steadily, mely and
His tietr opeia. " Ibi.tnl llogue." is aid in
be the brightest und fiinnlc-t he has ever had,
and Ills siippoillug company Hie best engaged In
light cp'ra vvoik, At the Lyceum tnnionow
night -"Ji aic now- on eale
"A Young Wife."
"A Young Wife," which reeenll) had a long
mn at the 1'nintcontli street theater In New York,
will he pieseiited here Hituiday, Feb, M, matlneii
and night. This ptav, which was one of the lew
violld nrces.cs of the past sea-on, was vtiltlrn
by J, K, Tillotton, who la well known to theater
(toers, being the author of "The planter's Wife,"
which waa a great ucceM for s number et )carr.
The Mory of the new play hinges on the murder
of an old New Yoik banker. Tha ouna; uifa
aurpecta hrr own hiehand, lh son of the tnur
dered Vim. Neatly nil the rest ot tho iliaractert
hellese the younit wife to be tlm murderess. In
the end It l rteatly shown that another ton ot
r(ie murdeied man did the deed. The play Is full
of curbing and thtllllnpt Incidents, and (he floiy
li well lonnrctrd and aluewdly told. It deals
with high and low life In the metropolis and
has been termed "a inoilng uiioiaiiu of N'ew
York life."
The company pierrntlli' t til pla is an ex
icptionally alinng one, and Is heidnl by the well
known comedian, limit: Tniinditll, i,, A
liatgaiti thy matinee at 2. .1(1 o'clock, hadlei and
ihlldirn, 'J and 60 crnl,; ihlhlrcii lo any part
of the Inline, 1,, rent"
Holden Comedy Company.
'III." Il.dden Comedy i omits ny opens ,i eid,'s
engigeininl .it the Academy o( Mutlu next Mole
liy etrnliiK, picnenting the hlir sensation d
Inelodrann, "The Dljliioinl llieakci." Tho Hob
leu loiupanc pl.ivivl Siiknluu In-t brascm ,md
errt.ilnly till nu hnpiinloii on Aiudeiu) patrnns
nt to tho tn.ititier in which Itiey l mod their
lllteniit prinluitloiK, 'I his jejr liny rairy all
lltclr nun ,iclicl,, nil ni'tcly pilntrd: ,ippit.itii fur line llulit (finis, whlih
Is a ir.iitUal necisslly fi the piupti itiiitlthui
of iiecrial of Mr HoMen's productions,
"11m DLinioud llieakii" tms ii,,r hchtic been
prodiirtd In NT.ililoii jl cheap prices nl udnd.
ninn, A hlff Inducciucnt lo Udtrs Is llic lai ( that
any lady deelrnua of lliiclne the Momliy c cu
ing peitulinauie of the Hobleu fomcdi imte
wny cm sciian the hot M-at fei 1 cenls, with
one proi,lon, that l, ho must secure her ticket
In fore .1 p. m. nr Hut day. The jiec l.ilttes In
troduced aie alto .1 big tmture id th peiform.
ante, alt of which hue appeared in the big
andi-lllt' theaters IhinUHhuiil the xiunli;
'lli.ll ineii.t lnclaime, 'The lliugiiiiiastci, mat
Is aniioiiiired fur nil eailv appeal anee here. Is th
original etiginlratloii nnd pioiluellou thai ran
In Chicago for om hundred and fifty-one per
fiiitiunres, This statement Is ino'l significant,
Inasmuch as this Jidlv Jingle, which ws pre
sented in New Yoik tecently for i run, was the
No. 2 company, and we are to be honored with
the original and No. 1 rennpan.
W. II. Marllcnald, the -taltvart birltone of the
llo-tonlans, and one of the iliiectus in Ibis oper
atic riiKiptlsc. Is tlll ilimlng with the uinf
sigor as wlieri he first liiipieoil opeiagoer lu
Brand opeta ami the Knimi hbott 0itra com
pativ. Mr. Mcpeiiild U admirably equipped for
operatic wmk. In addltlnn to lieiug a tnair
M'tie singir, he Is al-o an ivcillent actor, snd
Ids graceful pcisomlhy lone clnce dssn-il him
aa a matinee idol, inong his grcate-l mi, rexes
hue been l.lttlcjohn In "llohlii llood " b
varsdo in "The -erenade," and Corlcouc In "The
Vlceioy." pining llio engagement of llio Hoc
t.ilil.ilii hue Mi. MaclMnalil will be braid III one
of Jils oilglnsl loirs.
Wall Street Bevlevr.
New Yoil., IVb. CO. lhe dirad of the unl.ti.iwri
was tho depicting factor In the still, mtiket
toda.v. Preiaiatlon weie evidently being mule
ler th Interim of Mini) Cijii-e.'ullve b)
llghtinliig -iicculalltc loads. Thu csi.h.iige lioui
ailjuiu linn nt on fhuiwliv will remain chwd un
til Monday. 'llio irtil.itivc world seems to
luve arriusl at the eoui'lii'lon that the ronipb'
tlr.n nf Ihe ilet-llls ol the steel nicigcl Ls lief
llliily to be- followed iiuiiudlatel) bv a
of iuanliiilatii'ii lm' hlghil piiec- In unlet to
make a niiiket tor the new siHiirlties. Indlcn
tlmis Mini lo point dearly to u ele-li,' lur endi t
stock nuiket 1'nriilltions tor the picscut on the
part ot the- povvcis who arc mot latgely
roncerneel in Iho steel negotiation as they bivi
also been in thu ictent ralliw.ul consuliditlons.
Theie is an evident ilmiie ol the. Iinamial powiis
to ellscourage luither exdtsd sjietulatlon at Ihls
time, of course any violent hied. In piicis
would bo equally at vallaiku with Hull ttUhcs,
The ceilatiit) Hut potvtiful stippnil vtunld br
uiii'tdi'd to pnvverit a sudden and violent ek
dine tends to repress bear activity. An eftort
made ilurin; the attcrnoon to turn the mallet
agaliut Ihe- shorts in tho h'iie ot ehiving tin in
to cove, but thn ettoit piovcsl tutlle and tbn
dosing was weak with man) i-lneks at Ihe Ion
est, 'Ihcro was a signiiliaut break In tin pilml-
ml st.s'l HtoiLs .C tin. List, kterl mill Ulli.
j ledeiai Med and Natioiul Steel falling suitdiu
l.t - to -i,. 'Ihtie was some sliejvv of stienklh
in the sliel and wire pieferred, but otlicrwl'i
Ihe 8leel stocks were al! weak, piefiiml diop
llng ui... lu the principal active- rallio.ul stiiiks
Iheie vvtie at one tune 1 lo i Kiitds, meintu rs
in tin- (irangets, t-outhvvcstern 'ind I'aclth
being notably aflccted. Hilavvam and Iliid-uii
wa.s cnatlc, but generally weak, lalliug at oiin
time :t'i under last night's. 'Ihe local tiaettrn
nt m ls were bid up in the ionise of the atlinipt
against the shorts and stocks of a miinbei' nf
smaller ii'liipJliiis woie lilted 1 ni I
points, l'cti- Maniuittc, Mobile and Old", low i
tenital slocks arnl the Minneipolis and M lauds
stocks being isnispttiioiis. Total sahx ledi.v, Tl'i,
CO) sh Hi's.
llouds vveit- icactioiiai) in s.iiutalbv Willi
slocks. Total sdis. pai value, s.l,rj,-..m.i I .
S. rctunding 2 advanced ' per cent, in the
last call.
'11,1 following 'quotations sre pjinicheil Ths
Trihiue by l. . .lordan A. Co., rooms TOj-TiV)
Heirs building, Scianlon, Pa. Telephone IM,:
Orcn- lllgle Lo-v lot-
Ing. est. eit. Ing,
Ainciii.iii tnei bi.'i l.t.'i' Ml'a It'i
Ainirliiir I'obani II'. 1', 1111;, ll'ds
m. teel .V Wlie ' lMs s7',i iT-'a
Alihlsuti 1i1s Viij .lili if',
AUbiauii. I'l 7-,a -"' S7 li
Ilrook, Tmctlon Ji'i 77V el'fc ,'es
Italte. Ohio uti'i PiUa b'H; )
Cent. TdMccn Iti'i It's s.' I't-i
Ches. i: Ohio Si'.a 4U 'i"-i sP,
(hie, .t fit. West 19 in IVk ISij
riile.. II. tl ij 1IJ. HI1 IP.'t Ill's
M. Paul MMi !4tit n;.., li;;
Hock Wand Ul'i lit'.i l'-'-'i lii
Pd. cV bi7 11.7 ini'j l'ei
I'edeial Mcel 4sU is- ti , 4it
Peeliril Steel. Pr M si vHj '.U'a
Ki. fi let , IV. .V'i 'i ll's ."iHa
laiul.. li Ns-h Ol'i fit '!', ')
Man. Klevtleil 10 1 ' H.l'a HO h.J'j
Mlssei. I'.ullle Hi M.ij -.'. ,
! People', fits I" "'"a 'rt it i
v. J. feiitui lai lit r. r:
I southern 1'aelHo II HIV; 'Vt I 'i
Vorfoll. k Wet 4l'i Hi's sV, :
Northern ParIHe Hi's vJTs -l'a M-',
Noith. Pacini, IT. ..Ml'a ed'j ni, s,p,
N. Y. C'inlnil US IH' III ill's
Out. c Western -tl'.a .ll'-j :.l' ..l'
I'fimj. It. It H's llv,a 117'a ItsU
Paclfle Mall ti t'i si's
Healing lty. CO'.i :.iij i .'iMs
Keadlng by.. I'r. 71 ,l' Tii'a Tu j
Southern It. I! ' l- Si's 'I'i "l
s-milli. It. It. IV. Wj 71 7:Hi 7.1?,
Teiui. Coal cc Iron .... " ."'I'a "n sl'a
C. S, Leather 'J'.i liT l."-a I '.
I". S. Leather, Pr. . .. 7l's d'a 71', 74i'j
V. S. Itul her tn'i b''l l-" 1s"i
t'nlon I'aildo IV.S'. 0.1"; Oil, 0-r,
Vnlon Pacllle, IT M's (', S7'-j s,it
Wabash, IT ! "." ii '-'sis
MeslCin Clilon ecl'i S7 In'e, 'it'i
( IllCfiO filHIV MMIKKI'.
Open- High- Low- ( Lis-
Wlll.AT. v l"'. st, e.l In J.
Mav 7i e.'i 7.V, 7m. s
Slav '" " t'i '0,a
iv - ! j'a i'i!s
Hay ILK) 11.1-1 H.07 11.10
May 7,17 7.11 7.17 7 M-V.
Open- High- love. ( Ins.
WIICAT. '"R" " t- "
Maich T"'A "'i 7fr, 7)ifj
May 7li'i f-os, 7D'. v)it
i S(y Id's lij's 16'., 'ill,
Scianton Bonrtl of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
nn Pur nf 100.
I'list Nstioral Bank
-crantoii havings Hank
Thlnl National Hank .............
Dime Deposit and Discount Hank..
l-xonomy Light. II. fc I'. Co.
Ucko. 'hust safe Deposit Co
Clark k Snover Co., Pr.
Sainton Iron I'ciico U Mfg. Co. ...
Scianton Asle Works
Lackawanna Paliy Co.. I'r. ......
Count) Savings Hank k riuit Co,.
Flr.t National Hank (Ortotidale)..
s-tandaid llrllllng o
Tiadcts' National Hank
fcranton lloli slid Nut Co
6cranten Taasenger Hallway, fiist
Mortgage, due 1W0 .....:
People's Street Itsllw ay, flnt mort
gage, due 191
People's fctreet Pallwa). (Itnersl
mortgage, due IWI
D'ck-on Sla'iufsc lining t'u
Did ,kcc
IMl . .
Ui ...
113 ...
To be of any use to vou a horse must be sure of his footinir. On lec or
slipping nsphalt a horse with theso pads has a much better grip than
with calks. You wouldn't think It probable without seeing it. Sharp
shoeing lasts but a few days. This shoeing lasts 0 to 10 weeks. You'll
be intensely surprised how It will improve your horse if you try it. On
any winter footing you'll find he will strike out at a fear
less pace. And he'll never make a slip. They give your
horse a natural grip on the pavement. Doubles his work
value at once.
Watch the calked hoise on nsphalt con
tracts every muscle, shivers wtlx feiu' Bes
pay, besides mining your animal's dlsposl
down, and you have the breakage bills to
tion, his confidence in his footing."
1 V
Affords Durable and Practical Results Thai
Any sboer cm
liii'nlsli the piils
at a profit and v
can make more
himself out ol
his time, and
yst largely save
money for
wry custo
mer. The clift'eieuce this
Shoe makes in a
horse's action is a
treat for a horse
lover to see.
This special composition
- are the secrets which have
ber shoe for horses.
t'llVNi; Illllll THANM'tli: lOMI'Wl -. "Mr -I"1 ll-l")t Hi" 'yen i"ii IIiiI'Iiit -i.i.i IMil. Il.i.v am s,lviii suuj ulisfae tlnu, do
nil cm claim U,i tli.ii.. Vi.iu, Irulj. .IOIIN MORAV.
"I'ici-iiJi nt 1 rank Hint lian.-tcT Co,, IncllinipollH Tiaiufcr Co."
INDIAN" M'OI.W rilli: HHIT. i.v-: "Mic itueiilyesjr-.Mcioii I'.ul. I sin mlns mo aivuiit s In- hnt, of tutUjiiiuii. ll.m- trinl thfm In
overv vc.ev mi ieo, miovv ami luilil inns out llio a-ili.ilt. Jly Imu Is loiicIiIciciI cue- of Iho lunloit em clinoi In Urn elriiajtmcnt. Ho
von'' a IMlr of vmir ael acieii vveeks 'I Isoj- nie-.ik fr llic ini-cli t-.
' II.M!l.i:s II. (.OnTS, I'lrst liiillanapolln Kiro Dfut '
III. D TIH 1'ltOM I.KVDI.AM). iilmul rrnuil nf imniii nu-iii. wlileli sliyw iiljlnty 'enough ,ow this ,ii,c mvaiialily nalrm whttt
einro tiiiilr ' -
Oitmi of llio finloel'-riari'i- Lauinliv I iiinMiiy, I Iclclaml. . Dfii-mliiT 11, l'i. 'llio (.0( Tire- uiul lliiliiic-r I'cmpany, Akrnii, O.
(iiittiini'ii I mi" I i.v I iilllcr. .vou lim- .1 iuMr liuri'liin- ilut lemki. a Ir It mlslil In- nil rUht. I Invo niwl imln .1 nutnlii r ol shoos
nn our hir. jihI'iIihI Ilut AM. 1110 imt ilulH 1'li.i-u Mini tun uli. New. I uml ."1, of 1ii coirciKiixl In tho, aje-s in iron li"
We li.ivi tlilrlv-l Iioimk. ami l( iIu-svIicm-, .ii'o ilnM. vvlll l.o si 11I lo tio tlie-in, lis I am 1 "crank" uu nililn-r ,l"n. nml tlre-K. liavlii.'
llu now on tliiitv ji,c.ii-. viiil i-Iich, .n mm as inj-nllili-. iiii'l .Iillti'. om-, .'lo . v II, (ni.OCK.
iho tr-i'. r.. o.
Othii' of the i;rIoi l.-l'i ieo l..inmliv ('oiiinnv. rlovolnvl, 11., Ilrti-inln-r I", ll"l. Tlin llio ami HilMu r I'i uipiny, Akion, O.
CiMitli-niPii. Wo Iiim- trliil llio two palis inlilm olioci. .vou unt us, nml lis llii'y iscelii lo ho all lUht, Mini Mlecii jialtc, sj J), vni
I1I11I pails ,10 '.'. ami iK uli, No. I llilil.v palm in .ill. -e-ml liy rjliios wnii as po'sllili'
louis nub. w II. (1AIUOCK.
'Iho O.-I'. I,. Co
Ofl.e-o ..1 Iho i.ailock I'r.iii- luuiili Ci'iiip.110,, D. l),-si-uiln r I5. Hisl Coxlvoai-'liu ,unl Itulilii 1 ( oniuiiv, Akron, 0 .
(tilitlmirn. I'lia-o iirml tlio folleiuhi!; alio.-,: bis palix, No. I; lm lulln. No. 2; twelve ulr. No. S; olilit iilr. No. I; two 'pain, No, ,
thlih-slKlil nlr 111 all. V tlituk we' livo fouml llie 1UI11 c-licn-,. If j.-ii will only kiTp up tho klml of mMic-r In tho shoe-js. Sond
I.v .-xprita, and olilli.-, ' . II. RAHMICK.
Ihu U.-K. h. IV..
i:i:ad 'nils' i'hom ciiicaho.
tuliaso. III, 1, lum. 'Ihu i.uoil.vcvr 'lln and lluhbcr loniuiis 1 ils-ntlriiis-il 'I do uiidc-r-lmie-il iliiirs to lioir tetlinonv r
llio 11111IU and lalin- ol s our llui-v Mmo IMcls. Wo li.ivo uec-il them for foino tliuo. Ihey luito uhcii tntlr.' 4l!farllon. Wei rritanl tlitm
n Hi" onlv puis fur prnli-rtion lo our linr-c cm iiilult and ciilieT uvriuriita, also for mii IrnJoin und IltI.
av tiuly, 1, l SIMMONS,
(ii'iifiul SuiH'ilntcniluat Mandrl Ilro- ' siabli", rinour Mo. and 'INvdily-M-.ond t
n midline nt Inu M'-i-hcu r l.ii.n.i how to pul tin. Ill uu.
e i.intou, l'a., r.lmiuy H. I1"). "mo nmulli .iro I put a pilr of jour aluw on mv Imrsf. 1 Into uvil him fury el- and the hnri look
as If tlioy vvno good for nn0tl.1T moiitli. Tin- lolilicr WIIAIlb Him Hit 1'IIA.V U'.ON'. 1 .in' no well plcivnl with tlirm thu I nhall nc-icr
uv another kind. Voui. tnilj. f:i:o. W. SMITHINC,
, , , 11(1 Meridian.
Mirirr- I'm on in li-.nt pair mi 1111111 .mil hind tier assist li.- iliiui, in I 11 .11,11, .11 I Ihi.v an mil con-nlued aiiuply a Iwon to
liotti lior-o and driver nnd 'IIIINfl MM' Wlll NI VI'll 'ID III Ullllnl I', v.- mil iiiim.l i vou in mil 1 ho ih-l or tho hw Ortalnlr
this Is a which speaks for itsili, mil i- m.ule lo
Horso Shoers of Scianton and vicinity are supplied fiom Philadelphia Branch, 120 North 4th St.
OEORGE W. NOCK. Manager.
Lacks, Township School 5 per cent.
City ol Scrantcn it Imp. per
frcranton 'I I action 0 per tent
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Crrrected by II. (I. Dale. 1" l-ickavvanii.i Ave)
lluitcr-Cnani-ry, i.Ja'!s. . j ila'rv, m."H
I hoc--- I'ull i ream, l.'alJe.
i:i!irs Werlfrii liikh, Ult.-a'J-c . , ucaihv Ktau-,
Illuiis Prr hi choice- nunovv, H 5'nJ ta)
I'ea lm., h2.13a2.5U.
leclium lleana-IVr liu., .,
(iieen Pei- Per bn . si.40at.S3
Onions -Per lu , ijljl.iu.
I'ioui He,!, patent, Sl.oi. (
New York Oinin and Piouuce.
New orl. I 'el i. CO. Kloui -Mine aillvi .nni
teadler with wheat. Wheal -mt Him: N.,. !
led, Mo. f. o. h. allnt, and "ti'.e-. elevator, No,
1 rioithein Duliith, SI'.-c. f. o. h. .il'oil. ciillons
upeiiHl kleaely and latei ill Ihe day tallied, anil
cloml tn tit at 'io. net mlvaoei. Mauli 1 1.- i
Tf'ic-i J,JJ'' ""!' : ,",.,' ",,,i- '"Hi N"'
cteaelj; No. i, l-ise. rlevatoi. .mil 17'n. f s '
at'.oit, tiptlons atronir und elonl ,tiaitv av i,i advance. May clewed ! ts . ; .Inly. Iiii
Oalh- fiiut lull- No, '-'. .sl'a' : No. -I, ill,.,
No. .'I while, .."r.; tuck white. HlinV.i : No
1 white, .li'-i lie. ; tuck luUe-d wi-iini, 'Hi
.it i j.-. llplloiu, dull hot stcadi. Iliitiii t'n in
null creaincrv, hlri-lc: no lorv, llnl'n it u
eiv, I'M J"-., en urn i.v. lilt-"., slit
iki'lrv, I'taJle. fhces- Kiini- tain v l.nui'. id
initio, ll.illiji.; famv .null, mil niadi. I.'.
1'uks-Hiiii: siale ami I', nn.i v . , .naien
lT'itTi.-. i wiiilliein I7al7'i
C1iIcm;o QihIu onct Ttoducs.
1 lilcoeo, I'cli. Ci'. Iiiliuenllal local pu ulaiois
vreic active ,liiiiriri el llie evii-it miikil lo
ilv. and Ii'o ioh' v.a linn, May , I'sje. Mftli-i
loin una ioiiii.iMilvelv iiuiil ami e IomiI 'in",'.
In proved. Data cloud .', Ii.llu, and piovls.
loin .1 lo 1 n s 1 J ' !ac. up. t'uh iint ninn, wiiei
a lollow,: No, .1 .piinc, i.Vni'. . "
1 red, 7.Vi"no , Nt). i i-euh .i's' . No '
r t.t&i - "-
kJtO-. -. Ss,se
doujjiji;s a
Completely offsets tho pountiinff on iuiril
roads. Prevents wholly tho cohcubbiou
which wears out horsea.
Slipping absolutely impoisiblc. They
improve his Action und looks. They in
crease a homo's selling' price. They
make life anil work more plensivnt for
him You cannot alfortl to tirivo
without them anothor tlay,
A (.()OI)Vi:K-AKI!( siioi:
is a combination of iron with Jolt;
a puculiav sort of rubber ?)
pad that weais bettor !' 1
than steel. It is a new
production of rubber
which no other man
ufacturer in tho
woild can produce if)
of rubber known only to us and the studied plan of the shoe by horso oxperts
mnde tho Goodyoar.Akrou Pad tho first and only durablo and practical rub-
"A Glimpse at Wall Strnei mid
Its Markets"
mi;n. tcti.i',
sit li .-kl.n
niiiiii i
II Is somelhisT rujir.', itirteren 'rom other
,-iulilicnlioai. er vlu.-ihtn rend uiit.r,tins lo
thrtradtrs. Alst niarne eeport C7.'HT CQCC
n.l monlhlT lliinrnilon slu-sli I rtlbu
irvini's.o eiiirmrn io (rxnit'-n
tl nml 10 llll(ll)t.'. K VOIttt.
K.:sT.ltl.ISIII:i h(ir.
Stocks, Roiids, Graim. Cottok.
1 o- .Is inn I niive-,fiilnr - le-i r.lcrrsi of UeuL,,
J mr ' icf-urn., h IN I si-c .nt.l plMug u unci ,f
liro.ers itli whuiulrsiitse i i i .irnie r it ui.ui.
Inmi..lsii I.1S, sloa.rn, 31,rBnl,
liirrf.eiMiilfnr'. In'tlill.
i-llw. .'is- N . ' ,. ,1-
vv I lie . ; v n i . uii.i
in. '. . V I ll.i l io.
1 rtf.s I imii I'i. i-l ' . I . i
i i
i ,.' '.ill.
117,1". 7,l7'i- ill . -LuT Jo.
' -nlis. 7.'.i7 I i "lil I. i
' I, ..f l. -"l; jliiliul.llii,, i,
-I ',- !. , - I HI
" -!P Live Stci'U Ilnil'.ft.
I III-. CO. lili. -U) -I lll'.e li'ieipl-, II. '' m
illillll'J Vl I'lMI-l i in ilinlii .LU-. HI
' I i 1 cdtll, lilsillll', i ilillil, .'liill,-u: mill1 i-'
I -i.u-k. ,1,'aityi 'li-ui., Ui i . v, tn iliiui
I ,u it,. t.nLui. ii. ci to miiliiiiii. ail.".
I .i s,o hihI ts-s-tl. . ,lim. ".;'... I. it v . - c)
ai IV liillii,. !.,akii ,..: mi, ,1 -Vi" is-
hull., un. -J.'ilil :i. ml i'.. ,ieni In no ', .
Hj'tiB, 'IVsa- l.d t"M,, st.-Mcs'ii l.-a, cia
tula. v.'Vi'l'). T' - liidl. "i. a)a I..VI.
Ileiu -Ili1flits tl"ln aVtllj liKieiu. .VMU,
liti mi-i. i.i . i: ui'tln-, ", to hi mil' lilvtiii;
iilni ai'i' .iri. Iii'i,, uv, ,v,s, li i ijil in e
Is'siy, .ii.i4.'ii' lemsii lisai. ni.-1',!
-fl'i.vr, iv I oik ,,i ,ii,., r,air.
1 I
Jacob Berry &G
Arc Astonishing.
-Mr: Wise Shoer:
Only the ir-
noMiu man t;
Jealous of this
!llllC. It ii A
moneymaker for
yon every live
shoer can add a
bit: IKt of new
customers, with
this shoe. Make
u specialty of it
and see how you
can Increase
your business
thev .-ire Htrhc-
from "A to z."
and anv im
provement that
Is aids all
men to handle
PAYING S !UJ TO 4.05 Per Cent.
Complcto Circular List on Application
Brooklyn Edison 1st Mtg'. 4s,
Chic, Uml. & Qulncy i) 1-2?,
Clevo & Mailetta 1st l-2n,
lnl. Har. S: San Ant. 1st 5&.
Minn. Oen'l Elect. 1st Con. S,
Minn. c& St. L. Con. 5s,
Norf. c& West. Imp & Ext. Gj,
Bio Grande West. 1st 4s,
Tcrminnl R. Jl. of St. L. Con. 5s,
United Rys. Co. of St. I,. 1st 4s,
' I'ATIS 1 ICAl", TAULns."
1001 (Pocket Edition) now leady.
Spencer I cask &. Co.
27-29 Pine Street,
05 State St.. Albany. NeW York.
4l.rp It. i ii .. 1 ,..m -In. p. in,, lu.-he
l'li w.llii-, no i.i iinto- si.oir lo t
lilSllei: v.'i illiii!,, ii, i, vi; ,., to ehul
Willi, i., Oi; fji, i,, .ninn unveil. tWi
lit), VVi.l.lll -he p. ,,,1111, ,'iivp, i
a.i.i'i, iiaiivi laioli., .s'Ti '. westin laud",
us.-.r, n
Oil JMniket.
ill III). I'tli. iO.-finllt lulaiuei. I'-; f
I lllsiali-,, ns) LM, Milium ids, I Ml' ,iil ll'lli, '!'!..
; iw iii'iuai'. s-si.iw , ,. .t, 4 i,
HM.IM,, Vi.-ici