.'TirWF 4 . W -, w TJ1IJ SCUANTON TR1BUNE-THC1JSDAV, tfJEBKLTAUV 21, 1901. x?" WEST SCRANTON ERMINE CLUB ENJOY A DANCE YOUNG TOLKS' ASSEMBLY IN MEARS' HALL. Society Event Attended by i Num ber of Well Known Teople Lust Evening1 -Colonial Tea Opens In Plymouth CongiegtUionnl Chinch. Mai lingo of James Boyd nnd Miss Mnttlo Jones Sudden Death of Mis. Maiy Joulnn nt Her Home on Luzeinc Stiect Other Note's. Tlio dune of tin- 1 : niliif i lull lu .Mens' hull lust availing is n wry iijo.vublf ovelit. iilthntiKli tin nt- t' tllllllll'O VIH l1lllipollltlin? I" til- oiiiiuittrc In chin Rt. Tlio nitiMi ami riiiMiiapiui'ntH fur tlio jiii'iiiiii- of tli" Burst, vwis iiiliulruhle. an 1 th" prn KnmuiK' of ihiitivs was n pe.il 'illy i-n-inioil. Those Nil" nlti llilcil won: Mr. niul Mr. Ihivnl .1 D.ivl. Mr., mid lire. I!. W. Line. Mi. and Mr. 11. r. llnttoli. Mm 1,. H. rllhli. Mi". II. M. Sliinm. Mm. ISiilllii. MI-mc Mil" IIiikIich. of Dunininc. i Jim tiudi' Mll I i Anna LiImuiiI. t'tllltu' KeHum lii-lln Woticii , Pniin WiikIiIiiiiii.'. Mmy mwpiip. .Ii'imlo IS. Smith I If MlH" .Vlldorf, IMiii I). llvitn.. .li'iiM' I'llci'. .Ii-n-li- UciKii, Alln r.MiiiH. ) '.lilli ltlmnl.. Ml .li-nulii. Ml ll.i'Uci. MIhm Slliiw, Mi t.nl II. II. '"linKc. W T. I'li'i.soit. .liiitii I'. Hitchcock. Jtobrit IVttlt. I'ml V. Ml mil?. II. I'. ltattlll. Ilowuul Wll ll.nns. M. " Mine. M. T. .MIII-p. Atcli iiiuwii. Jl.nry S .li'iiUliiH, lli'iuy '. I'.iuiiliil?. lliiny Mllli'i. David Owen ilniry A. Sinlili. Ilaiuld I. ililli-pl". I. S. Mldnif. Unity Allilmf. iwiirti. iiulil. Sldin v ". Mi'.u.. W. Wll 1 nil. Ulclutid Tliunin. KrniiU Moiif 1 . Id. A. J., l'avls. W. I Myfis. Dr. Mi-Ki'iiJH'. William Mutton. Ohnil.' C. I rf Mlllt.llll H. llllKllI'. Itl'lllllMl hi l'lll. Uu'i'M' nrilii'stia nf fimi idnrf J'l.iyrd for I ho ilalnv. Colonial Fair and Supper. 'I'll.' i'nlnnl.il fair, 'utidfr tin illti'i timi H llli' LadleH' Aid sodfly nl- lln l'l innuth Cunuii irutloii.il chm-cli, upi'iu-il 1 it .villus under very iimnalili- b- nun-lance., si Im-sro tittcinluui ln-luc Tif.ifiil, and tlio iilti.ii-lloii ' at 1 1 1 o v.tIoii booths iti ell lui; niiiili iitl'ii- 1 Inn. n the l ('l)trr of llli li till limlil t lii 1 1 lia. Ik'i n ii i ti-il n mi it a I ilc Imc all f r tin- dlMla of tin u'tn no die Mill; I'xhinltiil li tli" l.ill . ABOUT THIS TIME LOOK OUT TOR i COUGHS ' and COLDS take: DUFOUR'S FRENCH TAR. (9 4JllilS Will be more popular during the ap proaching Spring and Summer son than thev years. Dame Fashion lias already said so in Paris, London and New York, consequently their is no possi bility of making a mistake. Last novelties week in Foul an were much admired, but : This Week We Show a Full Seasons Range which is by far the handsomest ex hibit in its line ever made in this city. The display will continue every day this week, and you will be a welcome visitor. en Globe Warehouse The apron 'Hid cmnfoi table booth aleo attract tiiucli admiration, and lb hiihiblo articles inuki? a tluvr display of vvoiiiuu'h handlivoik. A lunch, on the Kilioponn plan, wis served iluihur tin cvciilnc, tin- table Inlnp? In chiii-a of the fnllmvlnj? l.ullcn: Tnhlo No. 1 MlH. llli hind Owen, Mih I. J.'. HiikIic. Table No. - MtH. William .luini'M, Mm. Sol. .Iiiiu-m. Tablo No. .'I-Mic. I). 1). IJmiiih. Mi.. Samuel I'nwill. Table No I Mik. Jnlm liar wooit, All. John 1'lillllp. and Mii. Di ld .lotlix. Table No. " Mih, .1. S. l.onnil. Mix. T. II. Allen. Mim. M. P. Daniel. Mi Kllalit.lli .loiieH and Ml'. Di'ili. The i Hindu table Imotb I III tlini'K'i n( Mix. Anna i:aii ami Mm Jonah I'.win. while the sale of apion M loiilfil nflet by .Mi. .loliu II. WIN tin in. Mi. l.i I1 lleeio and Mr. AVIN Ham WatldliH. The fancy article at-" beliii; dlla.eil by Ml. II. V. DavlH, .MIvr.M .lennle Lewi. Maltha VaiiKban, i:ily..ibe(h P.il, Kale and Stnde .lohn on Th" otllieix of the ioi lety an. I'i.'kI ili'iit. Mi'. .1. A. .Inmcri; vlie pioldcnt, Mi ISIclviiil OweiiMt i.crctaiv, Mr. W. .1 MoiK'Ui. tieiisllivi, Mlf-. A. 11. Hyni'ti. The iadl nie ntllieil In rolo. ul'il eotiiiue. ami iniiKe a ery )u'tty apepaiame. The fair will be coiitln. led till i ehllipr and UiinoitoW even ItiK. and the piixeed will be de.olol to tin i him h biitldlm? fund. Mis. Joulnn's Sudden Death. Miii. Mmy .biidiiii. an insed ip.ldent, w.i ruiiml dead 111 bed eterdiiy nioni lin? at her hmiie, 111 Luzerne Htieet. She had 1m en III (Hid tlffe.'d tlnlll liuiL.' tiouble. nud had hi'i'ti uniler the ea r ii ph.islelan for Mime time. The woman bad taKeii her medicine a iihii.il the nlKht beftiie and mciiuiI to be elllll eaIIV When lltlll'IK In Ih'' lliil"- telll.il. Ilel death was pe.ll I fill and whin found appealed to be lifpllii? Deiaed I .Mil l eil by three xuiwiiMip ilaimht, I. The tunrral Mill taki place at : ntlock toiiioriow moiii lug. Servlic will be held 111 Holy fin rhiireh, and Interment will bo made In the I'athedial lenieteiy. Fhst Baptist Chinch. The oil.ll i iiiumlttee bale nuaneil to hold an eiitu talnineiit and mhI.iI on Wahhu;lon' blitlulay at the p.n--oiniK' on IJo, k utie, t. TIikhikIi Hie well-il'leei. i I'lioit nl the committee ei well IvIukwii talent of the Ity has liein m'i'iihiI. and the iiio?tnuimr titotiilhrti to be a leiy late llloutry and huh1i.i1 tie.it. Dm Itm the eviiiliii? the joiins' ladle of the Mielety will serve ieneliiuenth ami I ii.ini will be for hale. Morning Chinch Wedding. .Iiiini llo.vil, of Nil hol-on. and Ml Millie 11. .linn (-, of Ninth Sumner avi - lllle, Wele lllllti d ill Ul.lllluge at !l ii i Imk yetiidnv uuunlnt? In the Ply mouth ('um?ieuatlontil chinch. Tliu nl i mum wa. poifoimed by Hev. 11. II I Im t if, p.itur of the Tnjlor I'al x.nv lt.intlt (lunch. Mts ;il..ihtth lVnwIik was biidoh miilil, ami the bilde was (jhen away b hei urn le, A. I'. i:noii. Thn iiponinn.in w.ih Mr. ('nine, of Nlehol- sea- have been in manv we displayed few a I Silks which Fon, Mies Norn fteege mhh llowcr Kill. The bride uiih bccomhiKly nttlred In a tallat-maili: rowii of brown mateilal, wllh hat to match, mid can led it bou quet of brldnl roc. The couple left dtuliif? the afternoon for the South, and tibon their leturn will ielde on North .Stunner nvemte. Y. W. C. A. NoteH. The Thursday afternoon lllble clas. will meet at I o'clock. The Intel est lu this eliis never iiIiiIch. All women and lllble students are Invited to at tend till cln. Subject, Heelat!on, llilitet'ttth chapter. Teacher, ItcV. Oeoiue All lull. Tlnirsdav atteiuuoii at I o'clock the wewliny class meets. This cla H t?iowlm?. a It deceives to. the lutl no tion KlVen belmr the best. Thill ilnv evetdllK lit T.:iU u'rlnek the T. J-'. C. dub will hold a monthly bust lies lii(etlu(?. New membctH Mill be lecelved at that time. The club due will alo be lecelved. All members ato UlKclilly ieiilleted to be pi(cnt. I'rlday cieullti? IickIii a setles of tlleellllKM to Which all women Hint Kills aie Invited. The peaker will be nn liouilei il lati I. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. Tile moiithlv dllliee of tile Kleiltle 'lty Wheelnn ii will beheld at the club IliitlM', on ,1il(kon stiect, till eveillm?. .Mr. and Mis. John il. Kair. of North 'Main incline, aie III New Voik to at tend the funeral of the luttci's slsler. Mi. William (.'iildwell. The it mains of .Mary. th. Infant child of Mi. and Alii. A br.n n .Mathews, of ::7 JMwaids i outt. were Intcircd lu the AVashbiiin stiiet "cenu'leiy eterday aftei noon. The fimeial ot .Mr. and .Mr.. New tomb' i hlld Mill lake place this ufter noon fiom the hous-e on Itttluer stieet, Tilpp l'aik. The ollkeis of DhNlon No. I, Anelcnt iinlei of Hibernians, line decided to pleseiit a pas to the I'.iu-Atllel l"illl i ioitluii to eat h member who em oil tin new nieiubei In the otilei. Tlie iiilleial scivhe oei the 1,'in.iliH or the late Mi. Klbalieth I'etheilek will take nlace at .T o'clock till aftei noon at the Iioihl' of dccened's son. 121 Ninth I'vetelt ineime. Iitti liueitt M III be made p the Wnhbiti u lnet cettie teiy. Iteiuevi-utatlve T. .leffetMin l!e nold and IMwaul .lame. Jr., and l!e li.ii let- T. .1. Duffy, of The Tilbuue. le tiiiued to llariKluui? jel rd.lj . The member. of St. Ill ellib It's euliii (II. Yitliut? .Men's liiMltute. i ontemplaie holdliiK a inlnslrcl pel tin main e 111 the near Inline. The i ommlttee In chuic- of the ariaugeineiil ini'l lat e culm?. I'uiiuittitii man Cieoise Mjer., of tin- I'oluinbla ln and I'hemhal com pany, 1 loiilliud to the li.iue with the Kill. Frank Hutchinson, of the Frank lin. Is ttmpoiailly lor.itnl at the I'oliiinlil.r iitiai ti i. Alihbalil local, I'ldte.l Mhle Woik- e r AlllClle.i, will meet ill I). D Kvnns' hall Ibis cvcnlm?. i:-eiy mem ber I ui!?((l to be piceni. .Ml i:cMe White, of South Main axi'iuie. etttei tallied a p.n ty of filiuil at her liniiic teci ntly Mr. ami Mis. I)ald Armist. ot 171." Lal'a.M'tl'' tteet. etitoi tallied a lilini ber of n lends at a phmiOKraph partj Tueilay evenlut?. The i id weie Klon under the iHicitlnu of Aiihur D.if. An Infant (hlld of Ml. and .Mis. Kill Jill ksoll Nicholas .Moon.i.s ol" street, died JoMeulay Mill take place thl a Mls Minnie i:-e.ve. . The Iiilleial Ik'iuoon. if Chestnut .-tieet. entci tallied the employes of the cloak department of Jonas Long's Sons mi Tuesday eveillm;. l'rot;ie'-ii. etichie was "lijojed, the n i7.es belli i? won by William llairls and Ml Maud liarton. The (holt ol St. John's Herman Cath olic cliiii ch M'a eiiteitaiiied Monday i'enlii(? at a banquet nl the home ot .Joseph lb ewer, on West Llin street. The national ollli is of the I. f. U. I". Mill be ciiterlatlieil ihls evening by St. I'atrlik's Ladles' society at the Voiiiib Men's Institute. The l'atilotli: Order Sons or Aliiellea Mill hold a special convention lu Oiietn. sey hall lor the purpose of ilitui-sui? the piopoM-d (lmiiKe III the iltii.il and SeCIC't wolk. Stall" Captain C II Noble, of Haiti nioie. Mil., the new ill. Hon olllcei. I (ondltctlm? i-pi'dal nieetlm? at Hie Sal vation At my ban. uks on I'rlee stieet. A pattintie testlval will be held toiiior iow eVflllllK'. Pea Coal SI.. "50 a Ton Dellveied. to South Side, Ilvde l'aik. Sli,nke., 1911 ti.i::. ceuti.il i Ity and i eliliai Addles. in. lei lo ,1. T. Cidai avruil. 'I'lion. SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. very pl'iu-ant pait.v was kIvhii at the home ol' John Xhsiuei. mi Alder htl el last ulKhl lu lioiior or his tweli t -fourth bliiluhiv. The evening was enji.viibly spent in pla.vfiu? Kame of all kind and sum; ami daiii'lm?s, alt, i Willi h a bouutltul Itim Ii VMI seiMd. Aniom? thiibp pi 'sent were: Mi. and Mis. William J-orkul. Air. and Alt. I.uii n. ilabeistioh. All. and .Mis. J'lalil. Andlews, Alls Anna Rmkcl. AINs licit liu Johnson, Alls Llllk- Hub- I'lStnill. Albeit Zlcsnier, Jr., Philip l 'onus, l .lumen Council IikIkc No 170, lliib - pendent Older of odd Fellows, met in legiilar session last eveuiiiK at Fim hnn'fl hall. Two membeis went thioiiKh the llilid ile(?ieo and one member through the tlrst dej?ree. A smoliei' was enjoyed bv the lame number In attendance after the ineoiliif?. iicncial t limit eonimandery, KhIkIus of .Malta, will meet nt Ilartman's hall I'rlday ovenlnj?. Oillcets will be eleit e.l. The St Aloyslus sod.-ty will meet in icKUlar session this iviulni? at J'hannacy hall. Allss AIari?ar?t Wllheiger, of Cedat avenue, has returned fiom a month's visit with filendh in Jeisey City. Alls LoiiI.sh Kverhart hns leturned to her homo In Jlouesdale after a two weeks' visit with All. JJchslnifer, on Ccdni avemio. The fimeial of Alls, (iaiduei, who lommltteii suicide by taktiiK larbolii acid, will Like place tllb afternoon fiom ihf family resident e. Iifieimont will be made lu the Duumoie cm - tety J. Itiuldy, ol Pulsion avenue, I (-outlui'd to his home with an alluik of the (?ill The ladle ol the Y. W. C A. will hold a Alaitha Washington cnteitalu- ! ment on rilday evening. A bpl'lidld pioKrnmnic and tableaux will be Klven: SOME FOOLISH PEOPLE . Allow u miuli to inn until il tart lujui.a Hie teiili of inpill, tne. 'llirt oil I'll H...N, 'iih, a mil wir .ij." but in iniwl i4i it will mir thrm mt iul, I il i I." Iniliiin! a. ti Hi. kui-kful iniili.ilic ( ill. 'I Kemp' llal-jiu. Imli H wild en u IU. nniunlc.' t., iiur, lli.'i would InuiK.llulrH no tlm isulluil . lint nfbr lal.liin; tlio Hot .U-.'. I'iUc :!'. unj iK. i'iLI tUv live. At all iliui'i,'"'"' 1 I. Hundreds of Scranton Citizens Can Tell You All About It, Hume eiidoiscmeiit, the public e presslon of Scianton people, should be evidence beyond dlpute for cicry Scratitoit loader. Study the experi ence of ft lends and noluhboi. cheer fully Riven by them, will carry mote weight Until the tiiter.inccr of strati l?cr lesldliif? lu far-away places. Head the lollovvlmc Mi. llenrv Lut, Ji . of l.!n9 .Mousey avenue, a (Ireen llldBe nilnei, savs: "I siilfcicd lot tiM .seals with a pain In my back. I was so bad at times that 1 lould scaieelj move about and walked at ootid In a son of bent-over position, 1 ued u iitinibei ol so-called elms lor tbe kidiie.vs. but did mil Kel much Rood flout them. Klnnlly 1 vvus advNcd to try Doau's Kidney J'lll, ami Kol them fiom Alaltbews Dm.' dl U(? stole. 'I'he palu lu my bnik was ii'llevid. J loan's Kidney Pills weie to me a ft lend lu need." l'or sale by all iluilns. J'llc, .VI i eats I'oslci-.MIIIiiun Co.. lluti'alo, N'. Y. sole iiuein for the rnlted State. ISi'im mbf i the name, D.ian . and take no sulwiltui, . (iREEN RIDCE. 'I'he Ainltv I.ltetniy society will hold It ii'trulit liieetlm? at the home of Waii.it Van IJIaieom, 100 Jllectrlo aveiun this e,. Mint; nt 7 o'doi k. Alt im mbi is ate in Kid to be pieseiit, as Imp. n taut business is to be ttaiiacted. The Asburv Methodist Eplseop.il Study dule will meet this evening at the home of Alls. W. (1. Simpson. The Allies Andlews, vi ho have been Kiiests of All. and Alls'. II. It. Amhcws, ot Capoiiie avenue, Im the past two wicks, win ictuiii to their home at llaitonl. Pa., today. Mls llcnwoo.l, of Sklunci's liildy. Is vIsllhiK- Alhs Alice Peck, of .Mimey a v "liue. The Sabbath sdiool apat tnu tits of the Asbar.v Aletliodlst J'.pNi opal chill ch Mill be occupied by the m llool lor 1 1n Ill"! limn III SeVelal wuelis lli'M Sab bath iilUnmou at J..I0 o'clock. The apaitnients have been lcnindeled and at. much linpioved and veiy attract ive, It i piopiwd to make the c.ei-cl-lh next Sabbath the most intclest lilt? the sijpiol has ever had A spe cial pi imi .inline ha been pi enured, and Slipeiluteiid. lit Piait lias spaied no pains In his eifort to make It a led letter day ill the hlstot.v of the school. It Is hoped that every unlabel will tiy ami be present. Class No. N of the Asbuiy MUho.llst KpNiopal Sunda.v school, tiuiKht by Ml-.s I'llla V. Ibinev. N piep.nlnir to KlVe 1111 enlelt tlllllli tit Tllllisila.v evell ili of uel week-. A I. I !os. or Denvil. Col.. Is vlsltlm? hi tuiiul. All. and .Mis. John Ko, of I'upouve avenue. Air. Ali.. Itryden. of lthn.a. N. V, Is ilsltlns h'-i Muter, All. !'. ('.. t'nv- i II. of lilei'U llldsjp Stieet. The lit. rary e, tlou or the tin en Itldye Woinan's elttb will ni'et In tlm Ciieen lllilge lllnar.v this alteiunon at I o'clock. Mr. A. II. Villi, a foiiuei tesldeiit ot Uiceii lildKe. dl.'d at her home in LewNbura. till state, on Sunday mutn lm? 'i'he annual Colonial (lliuier of the Ciecii Kldm. Piesbyieilan church will be eied hi the parloi of tile clllln It at ii o'elfh k on I'Mduv ovelllm?. I-Vbin-aty -J. All aie i null, illy invited to at tend and i njoy a -oelal time, as well a a line dinner. DUNA10RE. The lnuiuiilng of Lent ja oli-i-ivei .ierda- at St. Alaiy's Catho lic clmidi and ,U St .MaikV I'lplMopal lunch At Hie foinier. a liluh m.i wis 1 1 leluiiied and at Si. AlinkV sei vh"s win In Id rioin until .:!) Il'l lo.'k. I'llde nl Pimmoti temple. No s, L.i.llis hi the Coldeii llagle, will hold a special tCKHlml Salmday nlleinoon, ll lll"llllii-lS Ue e(lleleil lo be pV--i lit at .'.HI o'( lock, I tilled Mine Woikus. local No Tlfl, eillbliu big emploves ill No. 1 mine, will nii'i't tonight nt T..M o'dock at 'li'inpi'i.inco hall. 'I'he null of the iougieKJl''Hi of tln Ali iliodNi i Inn ch me one and all t -ijti 'sled in meet at the dmich tonight m "..to n'l leek to ninli tliiitl niimig. -meiilM foi tin Ir elnboiate stippci to lu held 1. man tow ttlght Alls. Sarah Hughes, of South lllake 1' Flu ei, went to the llnhm uiiiiiu ho' plnl et(iday to be tit it ted for ear tloiibli'. The v. ningest child of .Mis William I Mi kind, of Chi i rv street, Is (iilie ulcl . Tl'cr- has been no hupiovenicnt In the iiindliloii of James Kenriey. who Is i It li-ultj III at bin home on lilakdy s'ri ot Mlxs .Minn llcnwood, of North I links ly ettvet. ixttiiiied yestenlay fiom .1 vllt nf two weeks spent with her sis ter at I.uenie. MIm lnn I iey. of Shoemaker ave nue. Is visiting Alts. Piiston, tit car b.nulale Allsp S.D.'vls. of I'eckvllle. has re tut lied home, after a short visit with her htoilici. Mi? c. II. Pi at t. of Jaekum. Vh Is the f,uet of Air, nnd Alts. II. JI. Spemii. of Kast !)i Inker slicu. Airs A T. hvvln Is III at her home on Wubstci a venue. .Mis. S -!. Hauls and .l I A. O. l'ii'tun save thimble teas Tuesday and Weilnesdu afteinoons tit their bome. N". 11 Harllelil avenue, Cm bonilale. l'a. All Itey and Jlhs ''raticc Irey, nf Uumiioie ate visiting Alts. A. T). Pres ton, at Ciiihomlalc. Alls. Fled IMwatih. o( Seiatuoti. Is visiting .Mis. Fiauk Smith, of thn fit Id avenue. THE FEDERAL CIVIL BILL. Arguments Will Be Heaul Befoie the Senate Committee Today. .latins II Toney ami Jivciett Wi.i ten wint to AVnshlngtoi .vestcnlay to npepat liefon the linllciary i oiumltnn of the sennb In In half ot tile new I'edeial dlsiilit coin, bill, t.t tlm ru (tiest of I Is a- William Council Tho hem lug Is this motnlng nt 10.31 o'clock, Judge Joseph Jlullhiglon Is to make an aigutnont against thn bill, ENDOraEN NORTHSCRANTON A DISASTROUS TIRE ON PROVI DENCE ROAD. Tho Two-Stoiy Dilck Residence of Nntlinn Thompson Dcstioycd by The Yesterday Morning The Flic Hydrants Were Fiozon nnd It Was rifteen Minutes Bofoie Water Was Hail Initial Supper to Bo Given by Ladles of the Christian Chinch. Miss McHalc Surpilscd. l'toeti Hi t- livdraills ,weie .vesielibiy niorlilm? icsponslble lor the spread of n Hie In this part of the dty whlih did J.'.uOH dinnime bcfoie It was plm eil under control. Tho blu'o stai ted In a most peculiar and as .vet uuuplalucd manner at .l.SO o'clock In the dluliii? loom of the two story bilck resident e of Nathan Thompson, situated on Piovi.len. e toad, almost within a stones throw of the newly elected Nlintiiiit ho?e house The ii liu in was tinned lu limn bos ?.'! by Air. Thompson's son who sa.vs hu dlscoveied tho blas-.e by the slllell of smoke nnd moused the family. The Niagaras, T.lburtys mid i:e-l-slors icspoiided to the aim ill but alii f they got their hose laid and all al tadicd It was found that all the h dm a ts lu the iipighhoihood weie fio'ii, The (leneial Phliincy iitglne wa then teleiihoneU for and until It m lived the lit emeu weie helpless. The Unities kept Increasing but thc.v eoubl do nothing to i hedt them. It was pel haps lll'teen minutes bcfoie the slemuer had m rived and had toi.ed the he out of the h.viltunts. Stictuui weie then got on the Hie but it was not extinguished until the hoiwu had been almost entllcl ilestloyed. The lesldeine of Patiolmati Palmer in x-t door was lu diingtr neatly all the time bul the pattolmau did 'valiant s rv I. e with a u. u ilea hoe and saved his plop eity fiom damage except for a slight m inching. The loss to the Thonipioti piopetly Is plaicd at S.'.OOO. II vias to have been sold on Alatclt 1.1 by the sheiirf on an execution secured by the Siianton Sav ing bank. Vol Mil Hoy. of the Libci -l.vs, had one of his eves badl bin in d by a spaik while assisting at the the. A slight blaze In a liotie on Wilbur stieet. owtud by Chatles Svviiuey and iMiupled by a Polish family, i all-d out the North Scianton i ompaines again vrstonl.iy afternoon about 1 .,0 o'dock. The Hie was caused bv sonic one inie b ssy thawing out a lio.en vvutei pipe ami was exltngulshcil with tie- aid of a tew palls of watel Blitlulny Celcbiatfuu. Wa-hlngtoir.s birthday -vx III l I"- biated 111 the Welb i'liiiglegatloniil dillich tomoiiow evening. At that time an cnleitalniiient will be given by the member., of the Siindiiv school cla No. 17, when lilting selections will be leltdeied by well known local aitlts 'I he piogntmme that has been pri -pin eil Is as follows; a,mi:. "U.i i niiiitrv ll i.l IIih." I ..iii.il unl n Vili. l. Hu I liiiiiiiin.ltiv II. Iiiik. I l -olo . Unit S.I.. -ul,, on olo . . Silo .. JlillUli Purl .. -olo . , Vb I i?ll III. line Ml.-o. Su.i'i .mil l.lxio P.m. II Jb- Mi i liuliat U Vulnliari W I'll iln It l'i i .' tl lll.l.I'MIl lliiillll Mr. ll.li llii.inin in Vl I.WIII I'.Will ..Ml v'MUli uml I.l7zit I 111.. in Mr. Pin. I l.l Iti. lull. ,il . -uln '-nit, Hi lull. ,11 .. Colo I miicl solu Ml, PlM.I I' i 111.. VI n I'n.c .Vli. W1II1.1111 Hi m . V , I. Nl, liulil . .tli.itlie. VI, ills lltlmr II..I.I i .. .Ml.. I. I li .it iolii v,,i, 111.. Jin M II I. wis II,. lull. .n VtU- V!i, li.nn l JIi- llidi.ii.1 I' l..ii' Jlu.1. Lul Il il" Iji Initial Social. The ladles of the I'lrst Chiistian diuieli will give mi Intiat sodal and entcrtalnmeiit this evening In the chinch p.ulot.-. The ladles have sp.ued no time In at ranging an excellent pio gramiiK, which I as follows: il(iti iiiiitiili.ii ol ItdlUtiiil I, .lin uml pLiiiii -( let lt(.n ILnrj IHiIIm Sli . ..U . II ix W IAM, (i I.Ul.t II. Miil lr. Ii'i jihI VIi- PiMWIII WVlhi'tmliu i.n'l.n I'm il.illi.ti III s..o Iti. ll.it I. n M.lrt Hu lut Inn ck Hun .. Mr, .. ..." VI,. Cmllv I'liil.i Vivian AtiiVlli.,t.li M.ei.v I M.inu ... . .Mi-' I liululli .l.i'ir ljvAfti .ni.l Mi. IV.nt lliiny Theie will lie lefie-llllli'lltR seived af ter the enlel talliment. Suipilse Paity. Miss Aim AN Hale, ot Walnut sti.et. was pleasantly suiptlsed TueMlay evening at hu hoiin on I llalr avenue by a number of Ii lends. Those piesent weie: AIIsm'S .May Je llale. Nellie Callerly, Ibi-alla llillbilde. Delia Itelljy. rteilha Mel.aiie. Katie Devnney, Alnggie Ceil Ity. Annie Cav mmilgh. .Maggie Kearney. Ll.xe Ituik". Katie Divine, Alary Kennedy, of New Yoik: .Messrs. Kieil Chrtstlan. James Suit iv. Frank Niitightoti. Patihk Walsh. John Nearv, lklwatd limns, James Doiuiellv. lieinaul Dliggau. Jo seph Walsh, Joseph Stewart. John. Jlc Davltl. Joseph Urn iis. John AJi Canity and William llealey. TOLD IN BRIEr. Alts. Cornelius Allilheiln. of l.aniel stiect. Is sitlferlng fiom ii fuicttncd mm A. Ii. Itoss. of Denver.Col.. Is visit lug Otto D. Jlyets. .Inines Coclitan, ol' Sdiool sttcet. left ycsteiday for plciu, N V. John Hainanft Is suiferlng ftoin a sprained leg. Oemge A. Snildets. or Urlght slioet, Is i onvalesceiit. Hairy lib haidsou. of North .Main avenue. Is seilotisly III. Alts. William Lowry. ol Chinch ave nue, Is i otivalesecnt. The tuneial of .Mis. Anna tlali'iiey, or Chinchilla, will take plan- this morning in the Hol.v Uos.it ehtiuh A hlsih mass of ic(ulcin will he held. OBITUARY. A. R. Mathei-h. K. It Mull i. fmiiuib ci U mill n lull Willi llllll who for tlie lull jiJi' lu.l milk' Im liem .1 II Midilionl, it tji'i Miiimvi .ivcinie Miililiiil.i liusli) nf lii.nl failure in hull n.nl I, ll.niili. wint) lie lu.l li 'l.i l"l' Ill" I11.1IU1 Mr. Vlullici's li num. ii..ni mini In M . .nul .Mi-. .1. I.. 'l,n(.'l'l. Mill mbi i.li. I'iiiki.iI Mill I,.' lnM at '-..'I ii'.l. lO'iii ti"1 li'Vlilitn or .1. .. Ciuufoi'l, ,a., lUiiiiu uiiiiii. Intit in. in will le nu.lo in I'eiiy lull (iiniii-ii. Mis. Cntheilne Sheildnii. I allillini.' Mictldau illnl 3l llw li'.niv' nf Ml JONAS LONQ'S SONS. SPECIAL VALUES IN ART EMBROIDERIES AND S'ttiti Pillow 'I op.s, in i'(iiiitc Persian Patterns; were rQ- 98c !?i.wt, now StaniK'il Lilian liiireau Sean's, Trav llnihs. vw. CQr leadv to work J C Xeue.si I'l'iVct, in Pillow Tops in lliir.'d di'signs stamped in col or to fill in. Vitv special rn , at . sJ ( Latiudrv I'ags in all colni. einbioitlercil in white rn, cord, for D C 1901 BELT BUCKLES-MANY STYLES. The most stvlislt one aie ile. l'.ronze, silver, gilt and osidied. Very pretty, especially the new eagle design in the gilt. Manv otheis at manv other price. (I'.le and up), most of them w it'll the inw detachable buckle that require-, no sewing; in order to fasten the ribbon to the buckle. Splendid showing of them today at cmintet neat W'votning Avenue entrance 1'elts. too. Manv, manv kind. NEWEST 1901 WASH DRESS GOODS. J 1 we weie lo tell you of all the new arrivals as they conic, would have time nor room for nothing eKe. So just a price hint from day, to day that you mav know: More Wash (lood and belter Wash Gootls aie here than elsc w hi re. :!'J-inch Sea Island Dimities, exclusive styles with printings equal to the foreign: pet 1 r vard DL Silk tinished Satine in a new range of patterns, comprising pin dots, hair-line .stripes ami primed wan. 1 9 , 1 qr elTecls IJ-, IOC HOKARA SKIN FOOD, SPECIAL 19c. Just for today by way of introduction. skin healer ami beatitifter; feeds the -kin and makes it -nft. white and beautiful. I'-etl aUo as a lubricant after shaving. J!lc today. At other tiiius, U."ic. donas Long's Sons ! i .l ul i i Mi- i.. il I. i i i II I I mum I niul il iiut.i In r liii I,, hi. un lii.'.i 4ii. i in,., li biiiMii.nl in s Vliii'- iiin.liri Miill.cn. Ill, .w.iIm.M jii ,,( Ml. .mil Vli VUlllicn VI. Niali. el lliilllntn- iHiiiui'. ilml 'I'm mIh .illi i- i In lit illiiM.- -itli iiieiiiiim.li. llli' fimcr.ll will lllln plm 111'- alUllii'll at -' ii i.'i li'i-U. llli. I UK lit will l null, ill I oli.ill.il . tun tn rtmemls. 'Hi f i il ..i VI,. Vim M .i .... .1 I ill, .il.. Mill lie lulil I lliln in. I nun. it 'i '. I". I. In.iii Im ii -Id. i. i n M iIIumi im urn LACKAWANNA CASES. They Will De Aigueil Befoie the Su- pieine Couit in Philadelphia Next Weeli. J.i-.xt vvi'i'U Lin Un vv n iiii.i ootinty dims villi b. li'-UHl at tin- Sitirnio coin I anil tln-if vlll li" mi I'xoihih or nicinlicr ot the l.u K.ivv.tniin bar to tin- QiuiUnr 'lt. The L I'-U.ivvilllllii i.iso hot down foi ui-friuui'iu on: I" iln lit u-.Milii s,),!,,,,,,! iiiHiiii, jnliril It i. ill tlio iiiiiI nl 'iinnt.li pli '-. (in .1 iMijiiimi, ,lllini u nii-i I. mi-, dH'lll flOlll llHIItllllll 11. li ltmlu miln-t WIHIihI.. jii'IIihi. Ji', 'I f I ..III I 1 .1111111.11 tliM. Ill llli. Ii. HU. "I l Jul ll'i I'lmi -llllll i. -, . ll.lll.il nt II lilt IllUii.itl. I'l. . I.i..'ll.l iittiiui.1 Tiillmt. Iilliiii t I'n.ii'iiiii l.i...i iliiiii!' ol ii'iitul tVi.im.xUaul.1. Il, wjiiini J'p. il In, in 11.111111011 iteiH. n'Malliy. iiiiIIiiiii ii.jiiat Ikiii.ihiIi ,,i mi ulutit, cl Ml., In i'iii.l uriK'-'l I""" """" n ll. i'. It ii : I'n-I 'r '11111(1 nf HlM'li.inl l"i oiimIi, tl'Malli.i jilliiit, uM-ial M"'" ( 'Miic'n plcii. illy of s.uniuii ii" llant. agjlixt Kuclil r n. minim plu-1. i"l fnnii superior i-oiui Krllrr. aiijirllHiit. nwlmt olty nf s,.raiitun unci oiluw. In rriultv; 0in il troni imiinum iili'.u. In i,. isiuii.tiil iliui.ui ' IliniiU', i'.ii nulili. .luilouti, .iiiiiIIjiii. jii1 tuiii iiiurtif tl'4.11011.. BANQUET ON MARCH -1. Ptohibltionists and Meinbets of W. C. T. U. Will Meet Tlii- I'lobllililunlHts ami Voinen''i ('In Intl. in Ti'inin-'inii"1 union of L.u'l.-u-viitnna lounij liav-i' lotiiiili'ii'il .ii i.'usiiiiniitd foi ;i li.iiHiui't. to b held M.ireli A. at Hupiiu'l'.v'k hull. WiiHhlin? ton avenue. 'I'lio fiillnvvliiv fubjct8 htivo Ik'cii Klctti'il for ilIsL'iission. "Thr Oljjwt in llii. Mif llllll I luluiMii Mi.u'in "tlii- InjnvTJiil XililfM.' 1P .1. V llllU.1, VUmrli. "Mm. Sjlimi'. VV.,ik." . .Mui. Ilnbrv. I'lll-i-ii "Tlio Canltcii Vlitor." ...W. i Liiliri.li "Tlm Onilnel. In tin Satlmi." . Me lir llliJ "Tliii UUIl'iuK III Hi'' state." slate tliililiun I luirlm .luiu-t "i'lin Uiillonl. in tin' iniililj," Cminiv HiKiiilrr liciuir I) )((' "I'mhtlillli'i I'l I'l-Ki'ill Mem nr llr.nili(il, blil " l.i)tnii'i l. Mi bull.. MIII.H llain l n nii idiii li. ' Mi O. I! Vanillin, I'n.liluit v ( , '1. I . LiiUanainu Omul), "Hu- .Nitt Jim," lie. !'. II llmii) 'la)lor "llii' lliiinoliiii. Sliii'," Cluili. ILwIej- 'I'lio Wi'cl !libi Toni)niaiiri Olco I'lub nvn lt'lii'iii-liiK lor tho occasion, JONAS LONG'S SONS. NEEDLE WORK Yi'., niiulain, we show you the best Art .Store in the eitv, 1 ..t l . i. ... r . I-- v .iiiics arc uivviivs j;reiiieM nerc. vv c iikikc llirtn so in insliiv tn vmt vvlm ot nc in m:iiii- S tain this spleiulitlly cqttippctl ami thoroiiRlily coniplcte deparltiieiit. Diop in on lliete values today ami pcc what a really complete .store this one devoted to art yoods ami needle work i. Table Covers in m-vv Parisian designs, friiif,'i'd: very 90- .special at v- Linen Doylies, .stamped in all styles, icady to work: lo QQ l.iuen Doylies with open mesh set in. to work; special QQp lleldinv;'. Silk, rope and twist, also iilo lloss; most every o 2c shade in the lot. for. . Shetland I'los in all the 1 A . shade., per double kein. Dresden Jaconets, more than fifty patterns of this exquisite sheer waist and dress ma- 1 rr leri'tl 'it ' Ginghams, alwav stvlish and pretty with more new patterns and designs this car than ever before; in price from 7 25( to ., AMUSEMENTS. YCEUH THEATRE L' Iflls J. Ill lif.t Stint lecs V I III I i . Vlnvior i i Mi.ur oi v TRIDAY, rEBRUAHY 22, (Washington's Birthday.) 1 not ilillglitiu! nnirli il nlTcnrisr III. .ci ii.ini l!r. iilw i Hetiir, c "VoiK Vnut i .t - 1. t.ni.1 t iipi t i I iiurlian JEPPERSON DE ANOELIS, In iln' oionu.m-lv I iinii.i Operatic Couiid.i A ROYAL ROGUE VViiti.u In th rli- M, in. I.mIh liy Crtuc Stiv ji.I Vlu.li In IV ilium T. I'linrln St,itT uiiti.isi.l l.i II II. Hum. nl,. t'n.-nitii to a S.i il. ( i l'lMUl I'ii.k-j',1 . vi, . h . r-l.oj iin.l l 50. iat. nil x.ili' Wnlnr-.l.iy ai li a. in. sv'll lll)V MA'IIMi: AMI MtillT. limine l'i iimnuno nl .! M.ilhi(i i'liti.iinamo al 1 ,0. 'ih.- sin i, ..ml I iiiiu,! Drama, A Young Wife rii-rtuiiil Li a nt, -linn? i.impni, hciriril liy llir imlai lunuUun, Prank Tannerlilll, Jr. IVIMVi l'ltli I s . ,0. , ;,( and il On s i..; 1 nil, diil I lulilriii II.ni.Min Dai 1lui Mi,, ' .iri.1 .K , . ililon U uln paii of this J . mil i9) in ACADEHY OFHUSIC, WiJIS A ItUKUUMlllH IIARRV A. BROWN UuiOficrj anU I,cie. Loiai ilauacer, im i:sivv. uiinvv ,..sn svn.itniv. im i wiot s iNiuw Acrrrtr.ss. Go Wnn Go Mohawk, III I.imcIii J. t arln' Itonimllc llraim, "THE TLAMING ARROW." Vl.iii'.cr I'l ii. IV nul '"' reiiU. I.icnlns ruim-1"' -', S3 atnl M tin. vii. m r wn.K. H0I.IJEN COMEDY CO, In Hi i', i loir,' NewGaietyTheatro l l i. Ill ttltlM.liiv, viunacrr. II hii.mi'K HU 11-riVV "VI 1 IM U AI, Reeves' Famous Big Co. ami 'nx i to nil' on tho affair br tiwlr son.s ol ti'iiiiierunii, A 'iinr tittf iioiii Moohic will alK render nr li i lion. Iiistiitiiienlal and vocal ?o lu, will bo si'IVkI In ptopei pl.it en, Slopped Dead on Election Say. l l.vilii.ln' Mbi' fiwn I'l"-' VoclatiJ I'rfi.. I'liniiilvvllli-, l'i, I'll'. 20. Samuel 1'iUgeralil. a piniuliiiiit illl, u nl tliU pLcn nnd a member ol i ,un, II. ili,i,ifil .li.nl l.nt nlijlit afttr liearii if Urn ilniluii n inn.. Ilirsnalil latlcj lu a ri" iniiiln.il Inn Mhlili In- -iijlit. lie livL na.il In Kir.t in tli itiilli'U .imi vmi. gnatl) ilcprciNi-J win li l.e IcjOkiI ll.Jl 1,1 Maul li.fi uuo Uiinr llllll. llo left the n,llns plaie noon lli'l ah-f iciilillH,- Iwine iviiitil 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers