The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 21, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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rmt Jtoncnv iukdwatib stone.
Should visit our store
before purchasing their
drawing instruments and
We can tupply you
with anything you want
in first quality guaranteed
goods at reasonable
Footc & Shear Co.
1J9N. Washington Ave
United States Depositary.
At the close of business Dec.
Loans and Investnieuta
Banking House 38,500.04
Cash and Reserve. ... 038,870.10
Capital 8 200,000.00
Surplus 300,000.00
Undivided Pioflta .. . 57,905.20
Circulation 100,000.00
Individual Deposits . . 2.415,538.08
U. B. Deposits 422,720.30
Due to Banks 54,785.53
WILLIAM COSMXL, 1'iej.d-nt.
HtJCRY IlKMN. JIL, Vlce-rre.iJent.
ie thoe who Inveft ' theli me-n peniu.
without nailing to 30 .tnulite Urge aunu. Fci
a hort time 1 can me t ou a GUOUXD KLOOIt
propo-lliim w well iocuied 5 pel cent, semi
annul Intcirst Cold lion.!', in Mock of HM.
ii mid ?l.0"e IT IS A It 1IB OI'I'OlITUSn'V.
' Robert Van Schoick,
f iitii 0 and S Lweiiut Aicade. Seianten, Hi.
Detrli-t ti.anicacr Tlic oith Ameiliaii VlnaniL'i.
Inz ptmpany.
-. 1 1 1 1 .
Murphy 'iUJI
330 I'MlUj (; (
Lacka. 4 I " t
Repairing Done Gratis.
lrltit.11 l
UHtraiBi h
a i i
Loci data for ri. JO. IWl:
Hishttt temperature :, ,ieai,
Luwnt temperature i; oi'.'
a. n K per nut.
i p. m 6 per inn.
snowfall, Jl houis endlnc S p. m., n.l inch.
Attorney M '. ando imi in Philadettihit
fuedt). ,
Attorney John M. Harris leai-n this nioti.ln;
lor Bloomtburc on buslm.
Mir. Lauta N. Iladztr. of New Mllford, is
ptndintt some tnu with Scranton frlcndi.
Mlu Jonphratii of Jeflerton avenue, is upend.
In? t few daya with triendi In New VotU
Mm. T. II. Sjmondi, a ctaff cowespoudei-l of
tin rhlltdelphli Innulicr, waa in the eitr yettei
day. Mr. fiiitlf, cl Wlllmn.noit, M tl.IUns tier
i.tcr, Jin. P. J. Ilorau, f Cliestmit itirct,
Mm May of bltnandoah, 'j Ii iitln
t the home of D. r. Laudlg, 8)1 Freacott ve
m.f. Her .later, Mn. I.indif, ii .eriou'lv ill
iflt typiioliTleiet
J Mm Florence Kelly, c( Hoi.he.ler, V. V.. a
tuJent at St. Agnea' eoment, New Voilt eitv,
Ii vliltlnif her trotlisr, l J. Kell, nf thii til),
on her way to her honi-.
$7.75 Scrantou to Washington and
Return for the Inauguration.
Central Railroad of Now Jersey will
ell excursion tickets to Washington
on Mnrnh 1, 3 and 3, good to retutn on
op before March 8, at J7.75 for the
tound trip. Stop.over will ho ullowed
H Philadelphia and Haltlmore within
thai time limit of th ticket.
At for K-sliy'f union crnrkvts.
Anniversary Celebration by Grace
Reformed Sunday School.
The Sunday school of the (linco Re
formed t:plscopal church was twenty
years old yesterday and in honor of
the event an nnnlversnry colouration
was hold last night In tho church and
was attended by a InrRe thron? or tho
members of the school and those In
terested In ItH work.
Superintendent Chut lea VWIoss pre
sided and led in tho reeltntlon of tho
Apostle's cieed, after which Cnlvln
C. lhann led In prayer. IntcrestlnR
reminiscences regarding tho early his
tory of tho school were Riven by the
thief teachers who organized It, Miss
Mary A. Drinker, K. . Smith nnd"
William T. Mackett. Mr. Ilnckctt
spoke fcclliiRly of tho early woikcrs
who havo since died.
Maxwell D. Lathmpa spoke or th"
Inducements which should be offered
by tho Sunday school in order that
the older nnd more advanced scholars
mlf,'ht not lose Interest nnd drift away.
The pastor, Itev. OeorRo ,. Alrlch, told
how the soholars by perse vet ance nnd
by a combination or effort nnd energy
could do a Rretit deal towards nliltag
the growth of tho school.
number of hymns were sung, nnd
at the conclusion of the exercises a
pleasant soclnl hour was enjoyed. The
following nro the present olllcers or
the school: Superintendent, Charles
V. eya; assistant superintendent,
William W. McCulloch; trensuior,
Tvlchutd It, Welsenflue; recretary,
T.aurn M, Waugh; nsslstnnt Heorctnry,
fJporRP Morgan; musical librarian,
Tames K. Lnwson; otgnnists. Mary
Dorter and Anna Heckler.
who willTget the seat?
Partridge Says He Is the Member of
the Regular Council from the
Ninth Graf's Claim.
In the Ninth and Nineteenth wards
some difficulty alises as to who Is
going to be the icgular i-omnum coun
cilman elected on Tuesday. In caso
court should decide that tlie appor
tionment for tho additional common
councilman wns Illegally mudc, and
that, thci-roie, the election for these
extra members wns illegal.
The ballots for Uil-so two w.udu did
not contain any piovlslon as to who
was the tvgiilar candidate and who
tho candidates for the additional vn
canclto. In the Ninth ward, nl thi
head of tho column, wppeared tho
woids "for common couilcll" and un
derneath this "vote for two" nnd the
names of II. !:. laln and O. n. Part
ridge. The ballot tor the Nineteenth
ward was the aarm; except thai thei
wore three names upon It.
The general opinion among lawyers
l that tho candidate having the high
est number of votes would be tho regu
lar councilman in caso the others were
debarred from taking their seats.
Thoie is no statute or judicial decision,
as far as can be learned, which covers
this point.
At any rate the two gentlemen (hav
ing the highlit number of votes,
Charles nrnf, or the Nineteenth ward,
and Attorney O. B. l'arttldge. of the
Ninth ward, havo signified their In
tention to light for the regular plac.
Mr. Partridge- said yesterday that
though he had only defeated Mr. IMIno
by two votes, he nevertheless fell con
vlnced that he was the next regular
common councilman fiom Ihe Ninth
In the Nineteenth wnid Tiny wa
renominated for tho ivKiihir council,
but the fact docs not appear on the
certlficalo of nomlnat'on or the bal
lot used on Tuesday.
(Under tU Leading thort letters of Intemt
rtll b publljhed when accompanied, lor puMlca.
lion, by tin wntei'a name. The Tribune clo.a not
aaiune retpomiblllty for oplnlosa here eapremd.)
Dr. McLeod to Mr. White.
Editor 't Hie Tiiliunc--
Sir: M scnial clitic. .Inhii WIiii t i .
tl.Jt nne ol niy rocmt Mimor. en nnNtuu
Science "Iwtokin a w, ili'ptitim": and
lornu'ily I ned tliu luint- "Chil.tlin -tfi'i '
a a "byuonl of upiaicti." Ir. AMilio l u.i 1 diio not rMaK irpiojclifull.i nf any
Ihing Hut N fluistian nf nlintitu, I
ruie iokeu tallid pliinly alil an Incoliri.nt
in -m ni (ItiT, tint a icrtiiu deludul ur fiinnln?
wonun lu lalioli'd "'' Sucnro." I luo
.-.I.I Hist It U not Clni.tlJTi, and, .i1m, thil it
ii nut w-icnte; t.iat thN I i.ut i "new depat.
Tim uldrirncc bi'tutrn iini t'lui-lljii NaeiKC,
omt Clirlitlan Sciiro "faU-ly (.o-i ailed," is I ho
diffeiciKC Iwtutrii truth ind fakeliocl. Tl c inii
tu.t lietneen tlieni is at .IliMiiK as that botnrren
Mhlto and M. iik. Hut color lilindniM lia. ilji
counterpart in the tphrie of iellj.i.)ii; ami IliN
apirltual malaily I ron.pli'uoiu in tlio.f hoo
"iindorstandlng" i so "ilitlinul," that th-y
finnot ilNtlnjuMi lcteen tli line and (h
1 am quite williiif; Hut iUr, li. Mjiy ll.Vcr
., Kddy Rlioi'Id have all tl" ludit .lie ile.?rvr,
lor imentinc or illotrlK ulut ahc a!N
"(.lirlstlau Silfnte." Hut nnfoi Innately their i.
a prior patent. Pantlielam anil Medium aro a
iruat ileal older than Mn. HiMy. Ilelns a pan
theist, however, she may tay: "flefori. Fplnoa
ami HNhop llcikely, and hefoie Hindu plilli
ophy, I am." Oin o! lur puplN dared to jv.
the other day, when under oath! ' Hefoie Maa
ham was, I am," If Mi'. Kddy (an pio h t
claim to be the Intrntnr nr dicovnei ol Intli
PantluUm and ldealinii, i-he imi-t lie tonaldei.
ably nioie than tuo thoiuand iai old.
The nible U tl teM liook of tnie fluNllaii
fvienee, and my friend, Mr. White, will hirdly
clilm that Mi. Kddy theoeird or Imtiitnl
tho Ulble.
The newest dish of "ChlWIjn Stieiiee" that
Mr. Kddy lia tooked, contalna a tootluoino
ihoi.el. lUi do trine Ii that there i. no Mieti
thlnx as pain, but a radii? tootluelie brousht
litr to her aeni or, like a wHe woman, nhe
flunff htr theory to IIir wind, mid klie called a
dentlit, and took an anictlirtlc, and had her
tooth extracted. She u.a taken to tatk for her
ccr.duct, whldi na meb a barefaced rontradlc.
lion of her doctrine, and till. Ii her explanation:
"HUhop Ilcikely and I acjreo that all U Mind.
Then, consistently ulth thin piemlae, the cone In
.Ion ii that if I emplnv a dental .uiseon, and he
beliccs that the extraction of u tooth l made
e.iier by some application or meant rliich he
en'ployi, and I object to the employment of tlda
intana, I have turned tho dentlat'a mental protnt
actlnit myrelf, lie thfnka I limit tufler beiaiue
Ma method Ii interfered with. Thtiefoie hM
nicr.tal force wilklit aaain.t a luinleis opeutlon.
nhereai It .hould bo put Into the name wale 3.1
mine, thui producing; a palnlees oiKrallon an a
logical remit."
Quito so, Mn. Kddy! Your eplauatloii it as
clear a. mud' lllihop Heikely and J oil may
a;ieo that all I. Mind: but what about that
toothache and that tuotli of jour.f Thanki to
the "dental mrsjon," they arc both gone! Wsre
they a part of jour Mlndt Permit ue, niy dear
Madam, to expiexa my .inpathy ultli you in
your great aulferlnir, and to add my candid
opinion, that ulutcer tlo jour actio waj It
aa no JIATTKIl; and a for your tooth. It nai
itrtalnly sonietldnf, but. then-NKVL'K MINUI
Jallkt MiI.iCnI.
Chnnge of Train Service Lackawanna
Effective Monday, February ll, Tialn
No. 1, west-bound, leaving ficranton at
1,05 p. ni., and train No, 1, east-bound,
leaving Hcranton at 12.3S n. in., win
I not run west of Klmlta
Lrtwtence Cantwcll Was Whirled
Along tho Gangway nt GreatjJJia
tance by the Wind nnd 'r Terri
bly Injured The Other Men Wore
More Fortunate Number of
Houses on the Surface Were Moio
or Less Injured Great Fissures on
the Surface.
A huge portion of the toof In the.
Archlmld vein In (Kenwood No. 1 col
liery of the Hillside Coal nnd Iron
company nt Mayfleld fell yesterday
morning with n forco that shook th
land for n great distance around, nnd
In Its fall caused serious Injttiles to a
number of the miners at work In tho
rivo men were Injured, nnd one of
them, I.nwienco Cantwcll, Is not ex
pected to tocover fiom his wounds.
Ho was tenlhly mutilated nnd by the
tlmo this paper tcnchiM its rcudeis,
may havo already passed front thla
wotld. The othcts Injured by tho
cave-In were: Night Foioman Chniles
Davis, William Cunningham, John
I.oughney, Thomas Mann nnd John
A la i go portion of the surface along
Hill street, Mayfleld, was visibly af
fected by the fall, a number of tho
houses settling several Inches, some
dropping even a foot. About n doyen
houses in nil wcio damaged. Those
most affected ate Ihe properties of
Patrick rtoche, Pamucl Machantl,
Powell Tragoi), Michael Knstnncwltz,
George Wohnr and Oeoige Oentor. In
these houses, the plimoiing was
cincked and other minor damages sitf
fct I'd.
Tho cave-In was not unexpected, ns
foi soini' time there has been the
"working" of tho coal, which Is th
foretunner of n serious "j-queeye." Tho
AiChbald vein Is prcitty well mined nut
nnd but llttl woik has been clone In
It of late.
Foreman Pads and hi." men weio nt
work yestctday inclining In the gang
way, iibout one thou"iiud feet from the
loot of the shall Foreman Davis,
silently after golntr on duty had vlsltfd
(lib- section of th. mine and n hasty
xnmlnntlon was sttlTirlent to con
vince him that a cave-in was Inevit
able. Ho set his men at woik securing
the roof nt u point outside of the
threatened poitlon. nnd they wore
busy with the construction of a co
idllar wlnn the cave occurred.
There wn a thunder-lilts crash, and
then everything was In druknes and
the loud, ominous roar nf a mighty
wind sweeping thiousli the chambers
could be heaid. (.'.in t well was whliled
along the gangway fully forty feet,
and n mine car was plclted fiom th
Hack and after tni filing" tluough
the air was overturned upon I.ourIi
ii" and Cunningham.
Foieman Davis, Callaglier .mil Mann
weic all bulled to tin- giotiml with
such foice us In painfully cut unci
bruise then). As quickly a possible
the Injiued men were removed from
the mine, and their injutles were at
tended lo by Dr. S. D. D.wls and Dr. I.
P. Oiavvs. Cantwell's skull was found
to be fractured, and he was icmoved
to his home, later being taken to the
Caibondale Kitiergency hospital. The
other men were all able to vwilk to
their homes.
It win itimorcd last night that a
UungaiUn laborer, who wni (inployed
In the Atchbnld vein, had not been
Men since the cave occurred, and theie
weio fears that he had been penned in
by the full.
The extent of thn enr Is short 11 in
gteut llssutes fiom six to eighteen
Inches In width, which seam the en
tire hillside. ts force ns felt In the
Delaware and Hudson colliery at Jer
myn, which adjoins the Glenwood. The
sudden gust of wind blew out the
lamps of the Jurmyn footmen. Work
was suspended at the (Kenwood dur
ing the tvmnlndor of the day, but will
probably be resumed thU morning'.
Cenetal Hunerlntcndent V. A. May
will visit the colliery thii mottling nnd
give the work of cleaning away the
debris hi personal supervision. '
Theie have been numinous sotlous
cavc-s nt tho colliery of late, and n
number of bouses have chopped sev
etal inches.
At the last Mayfleld council meeting
u number of ptopetty holders appeured
and ashed council's assistance In pre
venting the company fiom tohhliig the
pillars nnd leaving them liable to drop
property Into tho mines. A committee
was appointed to wall upon the nun
Ash Wednesday Observed in Catholic
nnd Episcopal Churches,
Lent, tho forty-day period of fast
ing and special devotion obseived by
the Human Catholic; and Imiscopal
churches, was ushotcd In yesterday
with special services In all :ho chuivhes
of these two denomination'.! thtoiighnttl
the city.
In the Catholic church..-) time wote
sevetal masses solemnized In the. morn.
Ing, together with ii distribution of
ashes at the last mass. At St, Pnter's
cathedral the Inst mass was solemn
ized at S o'clock by Kev. J. J. Orlflln.
lit. Itev. nishnp M. J. Hoban blessed
2jo box Orangct on sale
this weeU.
California and
Florida Oranges.
E. G. Coursen
Who Can Write the i
Best Short Story !
Till; lllllit'.NK OiTMIl tAMI PttllRJ TO
l.0(Ab WHITHIW t)f LOC'Ab lining.
$29.00 for the Best Story,
310.00 for the Second Best. -$5.00
for the Third Bait.
A l.tlllltAlll (.UMI'i:iiriU.V Mlll'.lll, I.V.
pi'iiii'.M'i: is .not xi:u:si.nt is
uitfinii o wiv
In ti.K id the fact that ceniiileralila lima
hac elaeil alnca theru baa beeii ey puiillr
ciiinpeilllnn llinrutfli ihe loual pre., for the
purpoeii f ailiiMilatlng the litrtary aidllly
latent among the people t )hea.lfrll
Peniiohaula, 'llin 'Irllmnn ha. dtenliMl ti,
cftei a -erlen of piUca ill a tllmulu. in (hi.
dim Hon, ll la doirou. ef .etiiiliiK H n.n
In Ita column, a iiumlirr of !inri aloilea
tieallnit cd Iih-mI theuiei.. In cirder 10 furnl.h
an Incentive ll ireea t pay
ii the te-t .Im.v ef nei t ifd
n.OUO uniil. In Imil-IHI
elll Inr the -riYiud 1e.l tnn, an I
a', tor tliu third Iwrt .tr.n,
Maniwilpl. not auereaaful In a'ciiiliig on.
nt tin en prlri-i u 111 l.j puhlNlied mid duly
credited If Ihe ajtlicrs i delre,
Mullen lendlne " brlns out ih inmanre
dtiiI legcnitciry lore of the anthraelle inmlna
ImliHllj will hae piTferrii'r. In eonneillon
with rveiv liilnn .'li the alley there i. a
iiiiim nf liadltlrn, Inelitdini; inlr-hie.idlh e
ra', nairathm of pikt happening all
other ditalN liorderltif! on the weird er uper
nil ill. 1 1 nldeli hai nen heen italherrd to-Kelhei-
in llleraiy tniin. ThN opiTin a fijM
which N prnetlr.ill.1 ln"xhiullhle and which
idiotild aiippl,i the nuierial f.u 4iine exceed
Inctlj" intereeilncr hitlon.
The taVa of pitaiiu upon the nieiH. of Ihe
lli.imi-rrlptu auhmlttril will be n -1 r 1 1 i-i t to
a dlnlnteireted judae, whose luiiio will acwn
! annnnneeil, and who will icid the tiianci.
arripta but hate no knonlnlire of ihe iden
tity nf the author. Tlie enxelopei contain
ing tho real nani'i of the author will be
preened unopened uniil after ihe awanN
luce been made.
Should thN initial loiiipetlilon prove en
c ouracrlnir. It tiny ie followed by otlii
ptiw offer, of alinilar tenor.
tosninnss or Tin: ovn:aT.
Ml miniKiilpiH mux be aubmlttcd ;ui
later thin Mnih .U
Ml tiunateiipN li.u.l l.t .igned be a lli
lltlnu. ninie nnd a!-o the wiltei". leal nam;
and poatntrtii- uddit-a. ,
The aivne uf ea.h fct.iry lnu.i be Uhl in
Vallieattein I'enn.c bfliil i, but the none. H
leal ( rmyl nut bo ud.
One (iiiihei tondition mitt be undeii'io.l
Ciutrlhutiuiuc iiitiiidnl for thN loimM will
In- aiuplrd oulj fiom pivvnt ub-ciibeiH to
'Ihe Tribune er from tho? who liny, duiioK
Iho ct.utent, betMine siib-nrihi'M b payment
ol nt lemt one iiionth' ti1isciiitioii In ad.
v.inie ddii-...
S10HY COVifX',
si Lint .11 Tiibune, Aeianton, t'.i
the uhs, which weie dlstiibuted on
the foiehcads of the faithful by Rev.
J. A. (Vltejltly and Itev. Luke Van Ilea.
In the uvenlns theie wus a sermon
by the u-finr of tho cathedral, Itev. .1.
A. O'lteHiy, who spoke. In Icily upon the
Catholic Idea of the proper observance
of Lent, which was Intended, he said,
to kindle a new and a stronger faith
In the heutts of the pcuple. The sei
inon was followed by the llcnediclloii
of the Most Ulesoed Kjcrament.
The special Lenten services at the
cutheclial will bo held on Sunday, Wed
nesday and Filduy nlghls. On Wed
nesday and Sunday nights theie will
be sermons by visiting and locul del gy
nien. The .Sunday night set vice will
be for men exclusively. The setmou
next Sunday night will bo preached by
Jtev. James Ollleogoly, of Suyie. On
Fridav atternoons at 1.30 o'clock the
Stations cif the Ctoss will be observed
In the chapel of St. Thomas college,
and on Friday nights them will he
Stations of the Ctoss In the cathedral
for the congiegntlon In genetal.
There wore special sei ices in all tho
Episcopal chui clies last night, and
these will he continued on Wednesday
and Friduy nights thioiigliniit Lent.
di:i w.iti.
Tow iv. car.
Dmer IMim
New Ca-tle l-'io
Sniymi I-O'l
I Vi
Wilmlnslou ...
TltO.INI .
MctJiidila ....
.... 1S;W
I ..
I .'ll
I. 'II
Xoifolk H'
Kewpoit Xewa 19)
Peter.binct lil"
Portsnmiitli tS'H
Itlcliiiiolid I"
Itoanoke l'i'i
Su union Is'H
-I ti I
Viliifhciicr ie'"
tlurlejton 1'i l.MJtti I lO-triC lo l.jil Is'"
riarksburs tvri
Craflon l"
Huntinxtnii (Cix and
Hy. Co. combined). I''i
MartinJuirg l"'''1
Pat kersliuii; l-Jl"1
Wheellnp 1'"
.' (HI
II. in
t .VI
I (i
f ;-.
I. Iiil
Howling linen
fc iiiBton ....
riaiilitorl ....
OeorKctown ..
llemleivoti ....
. ...l-w
I "
I .'
' ll'l
J (in
2 mi
Hopklnwllle li'rt
Lebanoi IVii
Lr-vlnaton '-
IxmNvllle H
Oucasboio I(rt
Padueah I
ParN W
Hlchmoiid 1KO
Fhclbyvllli) IVfi
PrUtol 1-fi'i
Chattanooga ISJ
riaik.vlllo Uin
f'olumbla 1WJ
.Tack.on Is')')
Unowlllu If)1!
Mrnipliia IS''1'
Miinrcet.boio lil
N.tlitlUc ls'W
l ai
l ''i
1..-0 til
(I.PU to t.10
On and After April 1st Next.
Scranton, Pa. 1.00 00 to 05
Candle power 28
a Candle Ponei, :'iia
b Candle Power, Jii."i
Candle l'owei, P.'!
d-Candle Power. Si.i.
e Candle Power, 17.
f Candle Power, 17
B Candle Power, 16.
Ii Candle Power, 'Jl 3
It Is worthy of note that the rltlet
above quoted nro nil situated In foft
coal states, where the price of fuel is
very low. Wherever the prices aro so
low as they ate In Scranton, the can
dle power Is low, Candle power means
quality. The sns of Id, IS or 12 candle,
power would not bo tolerated in
f-cranton. whete the Mundard of 21
cuiidle power Is steadily maintained.
It Was Mndc on a Onc-Thlid Basis
nnd It Is Expected That Some
Propei ty Owner May Wnnt His
Taxes Levied Accoiding to the
Graduated Scale Provided for Sec
ond Class Cities. If Court Allows
This the Revenues Will Drop Way
The estimated expenses of the vail
ous city departments for tho coining
Hscal oar will bo presented to councils
tonight by Conti oiler Howell nnd will
show a most matked Inctease over the
appropriation for the Hscal year, which
is just now diawing to u close.
The total amount of Iho estimates
for goueial city put poses Is a llttlu bit
over $.TV),nuO, as computed with an ap
prnpilallon for tho past year of $311,
9:'.". The estimate nf tevenues made
by Conttollcr Howell Is about JliiS.OOO.
or (iii.OOO less than the estimate, which
means that the latter will have to he
eul clown Just that much.
A numbei of the illy ollhinls and
councilineu ate sciiously considering a
contingency which may arlsj when tho
tux levy for the coming' year Is niiicle.
As Is well known, tho ttlenntal assess.
ment which has Just been llulshed by
the nssesson vva made when Siiauton
wa still a city ol the thltd class mid
was made under the piovinlons of the
thltcl-ciass city act. which pun Ides
that pi ripen ty shall bo assessed at Its
full value.
Obeying the tltiichoiuued ttiidilions
of the assessor's ofllce, those olllclals.
Instead of assessing (be pioperty at
Its teal value, assessed It at one-thlid
of Its leal value. In Ihe opinion of
sevctal of ihu city's leading lawveis,
this usssefisment must stand for Unco
yea is.
Fl'Ll. Li:'Y ALU AP.Ul'NI).
Now, In Ihe third-class city a full
levy of ten mills on the dollar c un be
made on all pioperty, inespeetlve of
Its location, ami on this basis the euii
Hollei's estimate of the city's levctiues
Is iniiile. Moth the ptcsent seconil-class
litv net nnd the "ilpper" bill puivlde
that piopeily must be divided into
thtee elassis. namely, built-up. sub
urban or i it ni I nnd tigtlculluint. Thee
dlffeienl clusses of ptopetty ate to p.iy
full rates, two-third tates and halt
talcs respectively.
In other wouls. the full levy of ii u
mills, for In that section of both mis
which give the city corporate power to
levy taxe.s ten mills Is the limit fixed
for general city pin poses, can only be
levied upon the built-up or business
pails of the city. The sttliutlian see.
tlons will huo to pay only two-thirds
of ten mills.
Tlic eonliiiueiiev which is ieaied is.
that some taxpayer who lives In the
suburban part or the city may go Into
com t when the tac duplicates ptovid.
lug for n general levy of ten mills ate
timde out and demand Unit a tax of
only two.thiuls of ten mills be levied
on his pioperty. It. court should de
cide thai his contention was light and
should older that u levy of only two
thirds of ten mills bo made upon his
propel ty, ll would mix things up in a
weird and wonderful ay. It is leu red,
and place the city In u pietly bail
WOFI.D iiavi: TO i:i:-c I.ASStFY
Jt would he necessity to go over ihe
assessment bonks and ic-ciiis.slfy evciy
piopeity In Ihe city, and then when the
new duplicates were ninde mil and the
tax colleetecl It would be found that
the amount unlisted would 'rail fur
short of the amount i.ilsed during tlie
past few vcais, and this with the city
111 it new class with the occasioned
added expense attached.
It bus beep estimated that it the tux
to be collected upon tho assessment
just made weio collected accoiding to
the classiiled tates that the amount
liMllzed would ill on to about SJ.Vi.nun,
and till" to meet an estimate of $3fi,0il0
and talk of a paid Hie depuitment and
othir Inipiovenieiits In the air. Theie
have been mum who have contended
that the Ihiilt of leu mills on ill- dollar
has been a check upon the city's
giouth. hut ir not even this umoiint
can be collected for lluee .veuis. tln-v
say. It would mean that Scranton
would go h.ickuitiil Instead of I'or
w.ud. If tip piopeity Wcte assevseil at Its
full value, as piovldeil by the law, the
whole, dlllii'lllly Would be orivliltcel, but
In cUietenee to custom It luis not bei n
so assessed. It In contended by some
that the assessment can be inlseil bv
Ihe assessors to full value hi case siu h
d contingency us mentioned above
should arise.
Those who contend this, nigue
by so doing the assessois would simply
be complying with the law, a thing
which they I'n I led to do when tin as
sessment was made. Those who con
i tend that the asscs-sots cannot laise
I the assessment lo lull viillle suy that If
f $2.00.
The styles aro the best -many
sizes In each style ate sold out.
Wc won't have biokun lines
in thu stoic, no mallei how
much the lints ate worth.
If you size Isn't In one style
It Is In nnnthei.
The same guarantee of high
ciiinllty goes with thoso hats at
two dollars, Just us though you
paid their teal win Hi
yir toDate
Tjf $3.50 and S3.00
7 Hats at
Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave.
this was done It would be III direct
and open violation of tho law. which
distinctly piovidcs that both In cities
of the second and thltd class the til
ctmlal assessment shall stand, subject
only to Individual appeals, for tluco
yea is.
No matter In which way the cities
tlon Is looked at, ll would seem as If
theie were "bieakers ahead."
Candidacies of Councllmeu Regan,
Coleman nnd Gnlvin Endorsed.
Thirteen of the Domu'U'nllc mem-b-i'ij
of the sel"i t and common coun
cil'? cuueifeil last night In tho select
council chamber and pledged thein
slvcs to vote tonight nt the Joint ses
slon of ccaiiic lis for Common Council
men Daniel (Jalvhi nnd 11. .1. Colciniin
nnd Select I'oimeilmau John II. Hegau
lo till the vacancies on the board of
tevlslciti tiftitxes and appeals.
It was stated nftM' the caucus that
assurances hud been lolcevril from all
ihe other Demoi i.itlc membeis that
they would stand ov ,Mci?i's. (lulvin.
It'giiii and Colenmii. Tin if are Just
twenty-one IViiuuiuts nnd twenty-
'tic l!"publleups in c oitiic lis. so that
tonlulll s light ought to be Intel cm' In-.;.
Cold Cure for Busy People.
.Many people nefjeci a cold bemuse
they say they have no time to attend
In II. Kratise's Cold t'uie Is n lenenly
which i an be taken without ilainvr
while pet forming youi dally duties,
and will ieee the most nggr.ientod
cases in -J bunts. Pi Ice '.'".c. Sold bv
.Matthew a Hies.
Ask l'cn Kelly's 11110111 cnnkiis. ''
The greatest commercial
economist in the world today.
Compared to any necessary
investment in business,
is incalculable.
Residence and Commerci.V
rates at a moderate cost.
Vt.uidrt'fl o!f,ce, 117 Vlatn aMni.e
Hit' intiinsii. mttit ot tlic' uvciit
I'Miiolortes In the M.isoii &. Il.mi
lin Co. c.ilkil (or lit tip; lollnw
ing 1e111.11 Kiililc expressions liom
men who st.uiel pie-emiiiuni tml.t
in the life of the woilJ.
"The Mason .v. Hamlin J'iauo is, I
beli-ve. an lustiuipent of the ..iy
11.-st 1, ml;."
Vlllllll VUIiMIWKI.
C CIIIJ'OMI, 'i.llli-l. bo '
"I believe Ihe .MllSClll .M llllllllin
I'hnios to b or the vei y llrst rank."
Willi! I! MKI-t II.
'111.1 Iti..;uild 1.I..11I ..I iiiii.iijI jIiU ill lo
rope tudae
"ll is llll-lll p.lss-d."
I'MII. I'.VI I!.
c onilii. i.m I'liill ..111101111 Onlt-.i.ii. . w iK
1 ii,
A stock ol tlu". i' Mipetb ilistru
inents ni.iv l'e ecn at the .iu'
looms ol
i;;i-i:!:; Uibliluixlon Ave.
106-408 Adams Ave.
A liiuillj lioiii. llfty niiinis subtly
llisi-i lass: elevatof scivlic 1 lee tlie
bells, lilies. pilVllle bulbs single Ittlll
iliiilblc loom", hatidsomcl.v 1 111 iiisled.
l'ol lei 111s ,tll e-s
1: !: THD.MAS.
N.iw l'lcipt I'Mi'i ol 'The Linden."
Ladies' lailored Suits, to Older
King Miller, Merchant Tailor,
1 tit I Mill s VSII (.1 Vis
435 Spruce St., Scranton, Pa.
Pierce's Market -Penn Ayenue
Ve make a up. .'la t ol Lou j 1'ieanieiy llu'
let and .triuly licit I'AZi and Hm pmc K -i-loiv
ai Ur.t elarf tioodi lau he ,olu al.
We do not hatu any ipeeial .ale. ui leadii.
hut at all tiiin. cany a. complete, a lino it
Slartet duodK. Kane) droinie. an I Tahln P0II1.1.
tlca u- can lie 101111 1 In thu lame'l Nfiv Vurk
or Philadelphia Mark. t. whiih we .ill .it ,i;,t
W. H. Pierce,
19 Lackinanna Aie. '13. Ui, III Tenn Ate.
Prompt deUmj
The Dickson SlniHirnctiii'lir,' Co.
crsnton and Wlllie.-llnira, .'a.
Manuf.iuuircri o
Holler.., Ilolstliisnndl'uuirlnc Attachlnery.
Qentrml Oftlco, ecranton, ra
Is the way of those who hold tho
upper hand. We hold the upper
hand in the business, and our
superior good; is all we need to
show, and you will gladly part
with the price.
Tjt Vio
I- ev.T h idina 0111 .ttiie be. jiee it I a hir
e. re-i 1.. i uuoil tlricr Spilng at.vlei in
Ikmii Milrl- aie oiiupcltia n prominent pla e
wiih ii. ..n.l .,11 jiii. nt inn mini who are "all at
..1 ' ,i 1.. vim iln'i' want.
305 Lackawanna Ave.
"IS 17 Honors llros." (Jooiln.
nives, Forks
Spoons, etc.
No iiiesti(in about the quality; we
have all the newest patterns at
lowest prices.
Also the celebrated Sterling In
laid Spoons and Forks. War
ranted to wear twcnty.flve years.
Immense Mock ol Sterling Silver
Spoons, 1'oilvs, Knives and Cased
Go ils for Wedding Presents.
Mercereaii & Connell.
132 Wyoming Avenue.
eating Stoves,
Oil Stoves,
Gas Stoves,
Era? Hesters,
t:: ;:; pen.; avijkl'b.
Do Yon
Want a
How does tlds 0110 strike your
t'nncyP Solid oak, flvo feet,
four inches tall. Heavy plate
Llat,s in tiont 18x10 in. CottbU
thick bent end glasses nnd
carved top.
Thib China clotet is elegant
design nnd wotkmnnship and
would bo an adornment to any
home. Regular price, 15.
Febiumy Tinde Sale,
aai.vj23-225.227 Wyoming Atu
I &&2&3
I VtSa"--'J'" H-Ztf-fHft
Pi V v. ' kjf
inSly China
'Hfi Closet
1 ts!slr"' ''hM
, NlL' I rllf
f 59.98