ifW' P N 4 THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1901. V s rv rt f (Je Seranfon ri8ime PuMMicd Pills. P.icept Sunday, by Th'ij!ih' kite PublUhlnt Compony, at I'llty Cent Month. ,UVV S. HICHAM, l'-dllcr. o. r.' ilr.nic, nutin jimujtr. New Yotk Officel IM N.saiu .... .,. s. p. vr.Kiisn, Sole .T2cnt tor I orelirti Advcrtltlng. Kntcrcd it the Poetolrlre at Scianton, ra., .1 Second Clan Mall Matter. When apace will pcrmll. The Tribune I alw' cNd to print abort letter Irom Hi friend heat in? on current topic, but Its mle la that-tlie." mul ho algned, tor publication, by the writer real name; and the ronHltlon precedent to . icpdnre I that all contribution ah ill be auljeu 10 editorial revlilon. Tin: put iivti: for AiivF.vrisiNfi. The following table aliovvs the pilce per Indi nth Insertion, (.pace to be used within one jeart Pitnn nTlnilrii'on Tul I DISPIAY P'pcrJ Rcadlnc Ijvjltlon lit thnu iOO Inches. .2 ( ; "" .20 j .it i ! .ID .IJo I .I'i .IV. , .17 .Is .1". .l .!, .VO Inches ... I.l " :aj " U" " ,., r oi cm I nf thank, iriMiiitlon of condolence tul drill ir contribution In the nature of ad veiiltlui; I lie Tilbnn" make .1 ttuirar ft ienl llnc' . . i Hate ti CI i-'llled AdtotlMiu limiMwJ ' application S'CHANTO.V. KHHIII'AIIV 21. 1WH. Tho mavor. its nuotvil In the H ritilillcaii of yesU-idiiy, admits that lie lobbied In the council chamber on Monday iiIkIU. nut to defc-nt the Clilt tttnli'ti mriiniinct to reorganize the llro department, but to icouiniiill It for fin lhT Hiiu'iidnumt. TAV cinotlon the piojitlfiy oi the mayor's Inteifetencu with touncll and suftRcst that It would be well for hint to do bin lobbying olce wlieto than on the Moot1 of council. Clearing Away Misconceptions. ONU TUL'TH In law will help to dfar tip misconceptions oi the "tipper" bill. "When one cliniter of government Is M;pi rudrd by another, every officer elected on the basis of tho first charter I'.ills with It. unlets saved by (.portal Ii-Slfclrftlvc gi.ire. Mo lift no legnl Wriirn to lo so mvul. It he Is saved, It Is by fotiilcNy polely. The people did not e"ct him to execute a new dial ft. Ills oiiniiiilfslun from the pwij'le cyplies with the expiration of the system under which he was elected ihl If, by Jny means, ho In liernilttcd to c'rvo out ihe uncompleted portion of his term. It Isi by the exercise of n legislative power ciulte ns arbitrary In principle, If not iult" so drastic In .(pc-p.it.ini e. us would be Involved In the appointment of a new officer for whom tin; people hud never voted. When n new charter Is enacted, car tylnu; with it radical changes In tha forms of government, provision to cur ry !t Into operation Is absolutely neeess.it. It cannot put Itself Into operation automatically. Elections uinnol by held under it until n. ma chinery Tor it enforcement exists. Tho legislature Is the only power which an organize such machinery. Tha l"itls,iture can do this by writing into the olnrter n schedule for Its enforce tnent, but to enforce the law of the state i'(tilto.s the services of the ex ecutive power "f the state, and there fore It In that the power to appoint a provisional machinery of charter en forcement Is usually confided by the legislature to the governor. It being a natural p.nt of his executive, duties, precisely as Is the appointing of judges to fill .-.ic.dicles. it is not a radical or .i revolutionary, but, on the con trary, u ery common mid neciv-pary excteise of power by him; and to say tint when he uses it ho rob-, the peo ple .if power l to forget that both the lepMrituie and tho governor, tliu ono the f ranter of the new charter and the other tho one who puts It into opeia llon, .'tie equally at- elective by the pioplr: and as answerable to the people n' .tie the mayor of the cities whom the new charter puts out of offlre. It cities toiihl make their own charters Ind pcndentl.v of thr state, H,o Inter position ol th" jtate might pronorly ha resented: but there Is today In Pennsylvania no other way by which u new t hatter can be obtained than from the stato government; tlK'teforu it Is idle to claim that when the state govirnmcnt ccuIm. a function con llded to It by the constitution unit not exercisable, in any other manner. It Is guilty if usuipatlon or cncro.ich-nif-nt upon ihe rights of the people. The only atgument against the "rip per" bill which, ai we view the sub Jeet, has validity, Is that which de uonncvii the proposed (Interring of tho flrM election to bo held under the ni w charter until two yenrs fol lowing th- approval of the lilll. Ouh einatoilnl iippolntment of a provis ional machinery of charter enfoiC', nient Is necessary; In fact, indlspen sjble. Hut it enn be defended only on the ground of necessity, as a means of iiifjtlju," jjif chatter Into operation. At thllr" . first opportunity the peopio ihouM 'take up tho burden of i-esponsl-hillty tmtl decide for themselves the tWsonne! of their city grvernment. It the;, .governor may appoint past one municipal election, why may he noi ,iipont past five or ten? To do so nilRht Improve municipal results, but I', would be nn unwarranted departure, from the fundamental theory of direct ly elective popular rule and. In our Judgment, would not be tolerated by th Supreme court or submitted to by the people. ; So long as the "rippci" bill fixes 1,'iOJ us the date of the first popular election. It Is objecllotvible nnd should ho amended to read ISO!. Otherwise, It lm ft supetior Instrument of city gov ernment, well adapted to Scrnnton's nerds and thoroughly worthy of Scranton's cot dial support I In a lecture, at Yale upon "The Ke sponslbllltles of Citizenship" Justice Brewer lecently used these words: 'iThere Is n form ot disobedience to instituted authority which Is freighted with danger. I refer to tho troubles known ns strikes. As the employcis niav act In A body so may the em ployes treat with them as a body. If compulsory arbitration becomes law, they may possibly be coerced. If It 1m wso political economy to combine and nobcldy" be permitted to woik until ho Is it member of Ihe organized body then let then- be such an enactment In law. Hut until thete Is such law there must be no ruitnllnient of tho Inalienable, lights of the people." The right of a worklngninn to ivmaln out of an organization Is Just as thoroughly grounded In fundamental law us Is his tight to belong to one when he so wills, litil where do vou find the Independ ence which will assert and Mistuln It? It Is fate. Thete uio sluns thut the lusuigent battle lines, badly btoUen by Quay's election, tire being patched tip for another struggle. The syndicate pi ess bureau has resumed operations. In certain loculltles paid cmlssatlcs are once morn at work mid the guberna torial bait Is being dangled temptingly befote tho oyes of men of means who are known to chctlsh political am bitions. Vananinker Is out and Wide tier Is meditative, but new victims are said to be bom every minute. State Aid to Local Charities. T 1IEKH can be no question of the soundness of tho propo sition, laid down in the cur- tent icnott of thu state board of charities, that some llxed y" tern or rule of proportion should bo adopted to guide the board In recom mending nnd the leglslaturelngrantliig appropilatlotis of state aid to charities of the third class, that Is to say, chari ties controlled or partly suppotted by Individuals. The absence of such a rule results In making of the charities appropriations at Hanlsburg ptetty much the same kind of legislation ns the river and harbor bill at Washing ton, known In the Inelegant pailaneo of the press gallery as the "poik bar rel." from the fact that the biggest gral and strongest pull gencially de termine the allotment. The report truly says that "ns long hs the present unregulated method continues to be without any such es tablished principle of guidance, It can only be saved from the caprleloubiiess of mere impulse by the actual personal Investigation of ench Individual legis lator, assisted only by whatever con sideration he may think due to the In vestigations and recommendations of this board, which Is far from daimlng for itself any Infallibility of Judg ment." The extent t.- which the In dividual legislator may be depended upon to make actual personal Investi gation Is sufficiently problematical to make It an unsafe tellance. It is doubt ful If one Ieglslatuio In thirty ever Investigated personally the chut liable Institutions in his own district. The bill tor a state appropiiatlon gener ally Is handed to him for Introduction by some repicsentatlve of the man agement, with ri figure named high enough to permit of liberal discounts In the dickering, and he Introduces it nnd works for Its passage by such methods as may seem eifectlve. AVhen an Investigation ls sometimes ordeied by a committee of the legislature It neailv always resolves Itself Into a junket. Itecounlzlng the dlfliculty of estab lishing ii fixed rule that will be fair In each instance, the board nevertheless formulates two recommendation1:. It suggests that It be luMtiirtcd by the legislature, Iltst, to lecommeud no grants to be expended on land or llxed Improvements when the title is not vested In the commonwealth; nnd secondly, to recommend no grant for maintenance exceeding some fair pro portion, say one-half or two-thirds, of a fair average dally cost per capita on the average dally number of In mates maintained dining the ptevlous year. These teoommendatlons are fair and Just. They mark out a pathway which the legislature, sooner or later, will have to follow. The news that active war will be resumed In China is not surprising. It Is rather difficult under all the cir cumstances to keep large bodies of Christian tioups Inactive when such a large portion of the yellow kingdom still lemalns to be civilized and looteu. Studying Yellow Fever. OMK very Inteiestins conclus ions uic announced by the commission of Anieiicun at my surgeons which during the past three months has been conduct ing an elaborate series of experiments In Cuba, calculated to define more closely our knowledge of the causes nnd peculiarities of yellow fever. The work of the commission was leported fully to the Pan-American Med! Ml congicts held recently In Havana and Is described In detail In the Journal of the Ameilcan Medical Association. Near the town of Quemodas, in Cuba, an experimental station was estab llshul in which a certain numbei of persons, both Immune and non-Immune, vounteere'd to undergo various tests. Among these tests wus one cal culated to disclose the connection be tween yellow fever and the mosquito pest. A number of Infected mosquitoes was obtained and turned loose among non-Immune young men, who, at the time, were; In first-class physical con dition, and who throughout the tests were kept In the best hygienic stir- roundlncs nosslble. It was founrl time j lt niopf,llUo bte C0Ull, ot conVvy yel. low fever within a twelve-day period after tho mosquito's Infection, but that alter the twelve-day limit wus passed the mosouito was an exceedingly dan gerous Insect to have around. It was also found that a healthy Individual cci u Id receive the disease from u yellow fever patient If Inoculate I with the patient's blood, but that tho disease could not be transmitted fiom Infected clothlns, budding or similar articles. As tending to establish this, certain non-lmmunes were placed In one room containing nn abundanco of Infected bed-elothliiET, etc., and a pail of their number were nepamted from the others by wltu netting which mosquitoes could not penetrate; but none of those occupying the enclosed portion of the room was affected by tho disease, while cm the other hand thoio who were, subjected to bites of Infected mosquitoes were taken III In nearly every Instance. This would seem to do tiwny altogether with the necessity of disinfection of articles of clothing, bedding or incMiandlec supposedly s contaminated, but It also opens up another field of study, nnd that Is ns to how the mosquito may best bo eliminated. Then: Is still another Inqtiliy which suggests Itself to the tuymnn ftom the fact 'that often two cities having up muctitlv about the sumo climatic and Iheimal conditions differ sieatly in re spect to the pievulence of yellow feer In them. Take, for InMunce, Havuuu and New Oi leans. New Orleans when In uu unsanitary condition wus not nearly so ptollllu In yellow fever infec tion as Muvana Is today In Its most sanitary shape. There would seem to be some reason for this difference not to be atti United to the mosquito and which, to the nvcracc mind, tends to render the mosquito theory of Infec tion somewhat legendary. It would be Intciestlng to have the experts Mhed some further light upon tills point. In raising the duty on sugar linpotts ftom Kussla that wete ultcged to have tecelved from the Russian government un expott bounty. Secretory Gage simply executed the law, which Is not discretionary but mandatory. Ktisslu's retaliation, which has taken the form of a sweeping Increase of duty upon American steel and machinery exports, cnunot lalrly be ehatged against the secretary but must be laid to the door of congress, which passed the law. There Is. however, little occasion for ulatm In tho premises. The whole matter will soon adjust Itself. Kussla doesn't buy American materials out of friendship alone but because she needs them and the raising of the duty, therefore, will hurt the Kusslnns as badly ns it wilt the Atneilcnn ex porters. citizens of New York ate having it fight with the Tammany government to get tho latter to put up proper street signs, legible day nnd night. This Is n n Improvement badly needed, alo, In Kcrnntou. There ought to be at every street Intersection a sign post, lllumln able at night, showing not only the names of the Intersecting streets but nlso how the adjoining blocks are numbeicd. If tho city would go this far, perhaps the citizens would then volunteer to adopt uniform house num ln'f. so placed ns to be visible without n searchlight or a telescope. There may be some doubts as to what the majority of the Cubans ac tually want In the way or liberty and annexation, but It Is not difficult to deteimlne what would please- tho al leged friends of Cuba who publish dlscontent-buedlng organs In ilia United Stales. In older to sustain his theory that contagion does not exist a Wisconsin doctor pioposes not only to rub him self over with small pox virus but also to swallow some ot the ttuff. This seems to be a case of scientific re search that needs fencing1 In. It is generally the editorial writer who never saw n battleship that can liost determine at this time tho manner In which the slices or glory for the Santiago engagement should have been distributed. The national holiday tomorrow should be observed In n manner to convince Mrs. Nation that she Is not the original In the line of hatchet special ties. The average patriot on Kourth of July would need to cany a very large cargo ot Jcr.sey lightning to equal Mrs, Nation's record of Sunday last. The Utltish do not seam to have much difficulty In cornet Ing General DeWct. Their trouble Is In eettlng him to stay in his coiner. The Danish West Indies negotiations are beginning to assume the aspect of a terrltoilal itimmage sale. The TH'lawaic senatorial deadlock has been biokett. but the lock still re fuses to unlock. The Meshoppen merchant who nd veitlses "life-sized oysters" evidently has genius. Count Von Waldeiseo evidently fears that he has not been earning his sat iny. Outline Studies of Human Nature Not a Matter of Merchandise. A MAN WAS walking with liln little but at the .Iuo ot thj day, and in paialn tin nutate of a Cerm.'n liborer the boy' .titnlioi a-. attracted by a Jul. It wa not a Klr.g Clmrlea nor J blaek-and-tan, but d common tur. Still the boy took lary to him, and wanted "pi" to buy lilni. ,'ut then the owner of the dot; cams hmuc from 111 labor, and vj. ni(t by the di'C with iiry deniomtutlon ot doj )oj. The man aall to the ouneii "iy little liny haa taken liimv 10 om doif, and I will buy him What un jou ,ik for lilim" i ean't sell that doj," fid the Rennuti. "Irok heie," is.ild thu nun, "that It .i io,ir (luif. anjwav. but as my bey want hint I will glte jou W for him." "ai.'' raid the Ceuuaii, "f Know l.e I a ny piioi dosr, ar.d ha ain't wor't -lmont not. tin', hut dete lih oi little dlr.a; tnlt dat do ot I c.m't wll I can't sell de ag of hi tall rn I eome home at nlgbt " I.oulai Hie Courfi-r-Journal. She Begged Ood't Fat don. UP IV TIIK NOItTII part of the city licio I a little girl ol ome four atimmer who bad to commit to nvmoiy a rcellatlJH that 'he waj to delher .it an enteitalnment to he given by the rtojal Mum ol the Sunday xhoul of the (liunli. Tho little thltir waa pioud ol the fact that the ua to ai,icur III public, but it waa Unite a ta upon tier memory to irnvnU the down euea of tin pioie, all ot which ended with the woid "flee -vhlr. but I am bepv." Ihe iccllatlou j uppeiiii,t In Ikm nilml inoiu. iMf. rcn .mil nUlit. It m bap,irik ih.it the llllb) Kill i i.f h funllv Ihe niemh(i of vhkh arc quite irllniuiiv and c oni-iiu'iitb' le enlld tt'iwvit a illlle uaci enry nliciu Imo'e ie tiling. Nut long ago the v,u. t.il.e-i upstjiu by hei ir.other cno cienlin;. and a'lcr ilitroblnir knelt down belde the little whl'o lied .aid with uplifted folded lumU nlnteil in to irpeat the prajer tint hid len tauuht, b-it Itntead of cloinK o, l,e iicliliiitdt '(;e whhe, r.iul, but I am lepj" .Mmot betne Ihe woicli were out of lor mouth ihe coineled henelf by aajlngi "Kxcuso me, Ood, I forgot and thought that 1 wat aajlnj iny pie 'e." Omaha World. IhialJ. The Quylng- Was Justified. TIIK IMPnr.sION i current in theatrical dr. eld, write (.'ungimirian Kahti In the April ucce', that Mi .leifiraon necr . He Ii tleldr lor pmfelonl etiquette, It l tine. nd trie to mold hti company Into one har monium plrtnte. Into a xrfmt marhlne. Hut there w.i one nlijtit upon Mlilcli he yielded to the temptation to t.ny. It nu ihitlne per f mili um c ol "rim tilt al," In ulilrh bl lntrl.le portra.il of llot Acre proceedid "monthly, un til the weiie- U reaihed In whldi I'alWIand, dp tain Absolute nnd Hob Arre, li.ne wordy alter. eutlon. M Ihl. point the nrtor plajlnn Vtl land rmted lolrill., r.iUed Id voire to an tin, neii-Mir pitch, and rliully, In a bnrt of n?er, Itmrmd a ,,mr (,. made Id cll. It l part of llie 'limine." lor t'aptln Ab0' lute to i at thl Jiinrtuie, "Poor Falkland!" lie dit w, and Mr .lefleron pioinpti' ipllerii "lie pound I net mm!" Better Than the Minlstei. SOMi: I'AISLKY xveneia were pek!r about tli'ir in!nlter, reUle the Sottlh .nierl ran. One aald llul It na wondelful how much hi minister could bring out of Sulptme. He had known him In prcaili mummI aeiiiion fiom one texi. Another laid hi mlnbler urpaed tint, for he had preaclvd lt trillion fiom the thorlext trtt In the nliolo lllble. "Uut tliat'a naelliln' to my wife," aald the thliiJ, "Mis' neeri preadilii' to. me for ltcen jeura lue lue ten at '," ooooooooooooooooo I The I People's Exchange, V A POPULAR CLKAWMJ IIOi:SU for the O " llenefit of All Who Hare Houea to , A Itert. Ileal rotate or Other Property to Sell V rt.u..... A 1V1.. U'..... til,.iul.na ai O lleln-Theae Small AdiertlemnM Coat A One Cent a Word. Mx Inertlen tor Klvu Y cent a Word I'.xeepl Situation Wanted, 0 Whleh Are Inserted Free. 0 ooooooooooooooooo Help Wanted Male. tlAKint WAXTKII-ShOOMl llNP OK OMI TO ttnlsh trade; three barrel week. I.co Keller. Shlekhlnny, lu. Salesmen Wanted. WASTr:0-S.l.KSMN WANTHIl fOK COM. Hecloiw to carry full line of ulion on ion1- m!Mon. llonejp shoe Co, llonedale, l'.i WANTKI1-AX ACTIVU MAS 10 SKI.I, KI.P.VA tow, motor", (jem-rator and eleitrie llcbt outfit. One tho ha aume knowledge of the electric biiMner and experience a a salesman. AddreM Nemo, Pcranten Tribune olflco. Situations Wanted. SITVATIOS W-AXTKlTllV ,orNO (ilKL. As mire Rirl, or to do light boiwewoikj cily refirmec-'. tit New Micet. WANTi:i-MTlVTION As A liltST Oil SIT ond hand In bakiry; flrt or cecond hand on bieail, (ake. plea or prrtel. It. I). Walt man, 607 N. UlRhth atrcet, Lebanon, Pa. SITUATION WANTEO-TO 00 OUT PV Tilt', dav nt wihlns or any kind of day work, llro. ltuell, 21J Cedar avenue. MTI'VTION WANTKD-nV A SritONfl. AfTlVK, jounp man, as shipping clerk, er to do any other kind of honest olk. IIa bl one je.ir' experience In uhlppln?. Itelerenccs lumihed. Address II. I)., care of Tribune otfk'c. WANTKII - KXPKniKXCI.n STKNOOnAPIIKIt and typewriter desliea pmltlon. Addrc W', .f.. Tribune olflce. SITUATION WANTKti-IlV YOl'NT. OIHL AS nurbc girl. M rile Hldicd, 1200 Lafaette ftreel. SITUATION VAVII'D IlOl'SKKEEPKB OR rnaniiRcr of .i public iiintltutlon, by a lady who lu had many jean?' experience; bet of leferemej. Addrcs", Houwkccper, Tribune olfice, Carboudale. For Bent. SlOIti: FOlt ItKNT-SITUATLI) IN DICKSON lily, Lackawanna county. Pa , within son aid of the tklaware and Lackawanna Railroad (ompinj'a stons' ioal bleaker, and 1cm dUran'e to the Klk Hill IVi.il and Iron (ompato'a Ride tnotid No. 3 bleaker. TIicw two collieries (in ploy COO to SOO handa. ltailroud fadlitle foi delivery and aendinx freight t)rt civ, and Kood place for a grain and feed mill. The idore Is to by H feet, two toiie, (ellar iindrr all, and hn been occupied for forty jcaia hi the Klk t lit I Coal and lion company until late; Is In Kood condition tor general more limine. Apnl to William II. Richmond, Rlibmoud Illll, :U'j North Main aienue, Seiar.ton, Pa. uousk von HKNT-r.-'i maiikon vkti:. Modem iinpiotemcnti. A. l!ie, 2J.1 Lacte wanna aicnue. liousH, ). WAsiiivoTOX avkspi:. tm:i.vi: loom, (rind laundry, pulett Older. Ibudim,. I UIC RUNT-APRIL PIRsT. HOUSE. 12 l.ARt'.r. roim, all riusli-iii, ebtlrif linhtf. If dealpd lleautllully piirr.-d and painted tliiouRlvnir, rlne iaiden and iawn. $,JU inoiitb. Apply W. W". lliounir.g, l.1 Ad.iins aieuuc. ROOMS IN TIIK CKNTKIl OP CITVi Wi AND M7 Wjomins aienue; mam heat; all llie noeuienl; nuitable tor any kind of ln-lm-i; aln ham in tear, luquite at i'.'J Jefieroii aic nue, near Spnire atreet. STORKS 0KK1CT.S. IIRNS IIOURKS, PLATS, etc. W. T. ll.ukett, ltnoni 0 and lo, Prlie bulldlnff. W. T. IIACKIHT lV. SKl.I.N HKM'S, IN mire, evchanje. appiali and (arc 'or properlj-. Rooms 9 and 10, Pi he building. LANDLORDS SKKKINfi TBXWIs". OR TKV. anta aeeklnir houe, should ee. Harkitt, Roonu 9 and 10, Price bulldliu. For Sale. N V " aw ' TV. T. H,fKF.TT IllV.s. hKLl.S. RKM.s, IS Hire. cxilunRCi., appraiae and caiee nr properly. Room 9 and 10, Prlie building I'OR SAI.C-COTTAr.r. AT IIAllVKY'Si l.AKl!. Pa., with about one acre ground, thirty ap ple trees, barn, ice Iiqumi. etc. Knqulie of IJ. P. Hkkt at Third National hank, scrantou. Pa. POU SALK-A 00011 DRIVING IIOR-K. A pacer; pertntly Rentle. Inquire il Dean atieet Vanted To Buy. A.evv- WANTKD-SrCONDHAND bLOT MACHINraj muat be In qood order, atate particular, a to make and pilce Addieia L. 11., a-cneral de livery, Scranton, Pa. Real Estate. rf-- 7on nuvs a -Armr. paiim with hoi hi: end batn, ten mile Irom Scranton. N.e TV. T. Hac kett, Room. and 10 Price bulldlne,. LOTS t00 AND UPWARD AT NAY AUG SLC. tlon. Sie TV. T llackett, Room 0 and 10, Price building;. LOTS IN ALL PARTS OP (I IT. W. f. llackett, Room. 0 and 111, Price huildin;. SINfiLU AND DOUBLE HOUsKh I OR SALK IS' all part illy. llackett, Room 9 and 1", Price building. l,S0 BUYS OM: UKsT LOCATKD n.UINS ON' the hill. llackett, Roonu 0 and 10, Pi lee bulldim,'. t2i,000 BUYS OXK BUST LOCATKD BUMNK.vS ptopirllea In ccntial city, see TV. T. llack ett, l(ooi.i 9 and 10, Pi ice building. TOR SALK A FARM OF W ArRKs; 30 ACRM Improied; . mile tioin Pa(-tbr)-ille; about twenty minulea walk fiom Kejatone Tcadtmy; A my kfylitry and pleaant loiatlou for a country home; cau be had leiy reatonablo; fmnteiwion at onee. Inqulic or addrri TV, D, biwcll. D. : II. C-t.'o otttce. Srranton. Business Opportunity. ir VOU WANT TO CO IN 10 OH OUT OP buslncaa ee TV, T llackett. Room 9 and 10, Price bulldlnsr. SKVKUAL LINKS OF BUFINLsS FOR STLu" catablUhcd and pajlng. See W T acktt, Rooini 9 and 10, Price building, ALWAYS BUSY. AW liritUKUd: ru unions. LEWIS & RE1LLY Board Wnntcd. BOARD WANTP.D PV OKNTIXMAN AM) WIITJ on Wit Side; In email priiatc family pre frned. Addrena, atatln; location nnd term, II , Tribune office. s BOAltD VANTED-1X)II THRKK ADULTS AND one email child, In respectable .Icuidh fam ily, living It ttrt'Claw neishborhood. State price. W. A., Tribune of flee. Boarders Wanted. WNi,'X,' .-trt.XVV'i'N'a' nOARDKRS WAN1T.D - P.Ll.CANTLY Itil nlahid room; atcam heateil; bath; eerman table, ill Adams aicnue. Money to Loan. JIO.NKV 10 LON ON IMPIIOVKD (ITT 11KAL e.tate. IIKNIIY 11K1.IN. .11!. HAS. II. WKI.LKs THOMAS Mil M.I h. DO YOtt WANT TO LOAN MONKT. COTIi: AND ec me. Prederbk l Scott, Attorney, Mcatb biiilillns, Seienton, Pa. MONEY TO LOAN ON BOND AND MOHTOAUK. any amount. M. II. Holjate, Commonwealth building. ANY AMOUNT OP MONKV TO LOAV-'JUIUK, itralRht loans cr BuildinK and Loi.i. At from 4 to 0 per rent. Call on N. V. iValker, S14-315 Connell building. Recruits Wanted. WANTED FOR I'. S. ARMY: A11LK BODIKD. unmarried mm between a;e of 21 and w; eltiren cf United States, of good charact'T and temperate habits who can apeak. Had and write Kngllsh. Recrulta fpeclally desired tor acrlee In Philippine. Foi information apply to Recruiting Oftlee, H3 TVyondng ave., Scran ton, Pa. LEGAL. AUDITORS' XOTim-lX UK: KSTATK OP WII.. Hani Meyer, deceased, Xo. 517, Serle (,', In fhe Orphans' Coutt of Lackawanna rounty, Peni. tiania. 'lhu undenigned an auditor, appointed by tie Orphan.' Court of Liekawanna countj-, to fctate Ihe account of KlizaWth Kiaft, ctecutrlv nf aald estate, and also to make distribution of tho fund in her hand, among the paitle enti tled thereto, hereby gives notice that he will attend to the duties of hti appointment at h olflce. Xo. IW Ceinnell buiidlna:. Scranton, Pa , on Mnndaj-, the eleienth day of March, A. 0. 1901, at 10 o'clock a. m., nt which tlm and place all persons Interested ale icipiired to pic eent their claims or be Uti.irr.il from comim In on taid fund. II. S. ALTVOR1H, Auditor- jB7VKVG, nKPonr op tub condition or niu THIRD NATIONAL BANK at Seianton, In the Hale of PmiKilia cloio of builnetJ", 1'cb. 3, 1901 nusotiici: Loan and discounts y Oicrdrafbii. ht-eiiinl and unHccuuHl ... l. S. bond to KHiue cln.nl. itlin ... L. S. bonda to kcuio b. S. (lepuslls Premiums on I). S. bonda Stocks, (icturltle. etc Banking bou-4. turnitiiic and lixtuic Due Irom national banks (not ux-nc agents) Due noni date Lank and banker.. Due from approved ic.-erie agents.. lutein tl ruicuue st.mijw thtcka and other ca.li items Kohange for cle.irmg lioiwi Notes of other nation il lunks nu. at the l.vrsuin 41 1,107 ill Iki.kii) (O I7l,i) 00 .'i.r.s') to MI..UT l :,Vrj 1,4 tN.Jiii ( i,,o;i a iiji.wri c,') sj: im l,'Jii7 lii i n:,j si .1.17". w ('actional i.ipn iiinerci, iuikel, and cent , I nln u L.iwful moiii-j i(M.no In bmk, lt: Specie I'lirp.Ju'i It Legal tcndir notes Ui,.Vm mi V. S. cci til's of deposit for legal tm- dis i:-.'.-.v i.i Redemption fund with lT. S. tuj urer (5fr ol circulation) j iVX no Duo from I', s. treasurer, other than VTq mlrniptlon fund l.om (k) Total 3,eil,47 i LIA1III I'tlKS. (Capital (.lock paid in (l.nOl () Surpln fund WO.oiM (0 Undliidcd proUt.s !., eiiMf .mil tu(s paid Ui.sTh J7 National bink notoji oiitntamling . . jumkhi Due to other national bank .... :IJ,-1 Due to date bank and banken ... .i,7.i Due to trust (ompanicN and railnys banlj opj Dii blend unpaid i-,s Iiiilividual deposits aubleet to cheik. 2,to7,isJ Demand cerllhcales of depodt ."I.SIJ C'ertltted checks 1,201, Cakhlei'a rii-ck outManding '.'.Isi, tlnited Stile ilcimeltA 4VI, m7 Deposit. of 1'. S. i)sbuilnj officers.. J.7J Total 1,6J1,47 nl Slate of Pennsylvania, County ot Lackawanna, .: I. TVm. II. Peck, cashier of tho .iboie-naiu.il bank, do wUninly swear that the abme date rnent I true to the bed of mv knowledge and belief. TVM. If, PKCK". C.iMUer. Subscrlbe.1 and twom to befoie me thl 'JO1I1 (liv of February. SAM'I. TV. KDIiAlt. Correct Attest! Notan Puhln .1. BKNI. DIMTIICK. LI-IIIKIt KKl.l.KR. ALFUKD HAND, Directors. Pr?OFgSSOfVx4L. Certified Public Accountant. K. C. SPAULDING. S!0 BIuiXmVATNKTv York. Architects. LDTV'AHI) H. DAVIS, AIIClHTF.fr. (-.NViTLL building, Scranton. rRKDKRICK L. BROTVN,ARCIIITKri, PRICE building, lltf TVahlnstoi aienue, Scianton. Cabs nnd Canlnges. RUBBKR TIRED OAD3 AND CVI'KIAfiK.s; BKST ol aenlee. Piompt attention Uen orders by 'phone. Tliones Z'lll and M3. Joseph luilcy. VIA Linden. Dentists. DR. C. K. KH.KNBKRGKll, PAUL! BUILDING, Spiuc-e street, Scranton. DR, I. O. LYMTX. SCRANTON PRIVATK IIoJ. pltal, corner TVjoming and Mutbcriy. DR. C. C. LAUIIACH. 113 WYOMING AVKNUK. DR. II. F. IIKYNOI.DS, Ol'P. P.Ti . Seeds, a, h. clark k ca.7w.nwEslvsiim' irj7nrn, atoro 01 Wuhlngton aienue; giccn houses, 1050 North Main aienue: stort tele phone, 'li. Wire Screens. JOSF.PII KUETTKL. RKAR 511 LACKATVANNA avenue, Ijcranton, Pa.., inaniifaeturer of Wire Strecnj, Lawyers, UtASK P. noYLU, ATTORNKV AT LAW. Room, 12, II, in and IS llurr bultdlnR. J. W. nitOtV.N, AT101INP.V AND DOUNSKL-lor-at-laiv. Roonu 3UM Mean building. D. II. llKPLOOLi:, ATTORNKY-IOANS NK.LO. Haled on it.i1 etate eeeurlt.. Mean bulldlna;, erner Ua'hlr.Rlon avenue and Spruce atreat. TMI.LARD. UAIIRPN k KSAPP. ATIOUNP.Yfl and cciinwUnpi-at-laiv. Republican building, Watlilntton aicnue. JKSSUP k .ILSUP. ATTORVKVfi AND COLN-fllomat-'aw. ccmnionweilth building, Room 19, SO and VI. CDWAUI) W. TIIAYKIl ATTORNKY. ROOMS IWOI, Dili floor, Mear bulldlntf. ! A- WATRKs. ATrOltSr.Y.AT-LAW, BOARD of Trade bulldlna-, Nranlou, Pa. PATTP.RSON k WILCOX, TRADKHS' NATIONAL Rank bulldlne. p. cojirovs, o triuipurtLicAN nuiLniso. A. TV. ni'.RTIlOLP, ATfORNKY. MKARS I1LD0. PhyslclatiB and Surgeons. DR. TV. K. AI.LN, SIJ NORTH TVASIIIXGT0X aienue. DR. a W. L'AMOHKAUN. OFl'lCr. 339 WASH. Ington aunue. Renldence, 131 Mulberrj-. Chronic dleae, lungs, heart, kldneya and nrimu-uuii.il crgaus a apectauj-. nourt, 1 10 4 p. m. Hotels and Restaurants. TIIK ELK CAFK. l!i AND 127 I'RANKLIX ATT.- nue. icaiei reasonable. P. ZKIOLKlt, Proprietor. SCRANTON IIOI'SK. NKAtt D.. L. tc TV. PA3- enger depot. Conducted op the Kuropean plan. VICT Oil KOCH. Proprietor Schools. bCHOOl, OP TIIK LXKATVANNA('RANTON, Pa. Courc prcparatoiy to college, law, medi cine or bu-dnrw. Open Sept. 12th. Send lor catalogue. Rev. Thomas M, Cann, LL. D., prin cipal and proprietor; TV. Ii, Plumley, A. M., lieadinastcr. Miscellaneous. DRKSSMAKINO 1 OR CHILPRKn'tO ORDKR; also ladies' waists. Louis shoemaker, S12 Adams uienue. a. n, nmuns clkans privy vaum! and cess pools; no odor. linproicd pumps irjed. A. II. Brlgg, proprhlor. Leave onkis ll'iu North Main avenue, or Klckc's drug store, cor ner Adams and Mulbciry. Tclcphons Cat. MRS. l7t. KKt.LKR, SCALP TRIHTMKNT. .'A.. shampooing, ',0c. ; facial massngc; manicuring, Wc; chiropody. Tul Quincy. BAUKU'S ORCIIKSTllA-JIUSIt FOR BALLS plenlca, parties, receptions, wedding' and con cert work furnished. For term address It, .1. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming aienue, oicr lliilhert'a imMu store. MKGAROKK BROS., PRINTKRS' SUPPLIKS, l'.N t elope, pa,er bags, twine. Walihoii'.e, ISO TVakhlngton aienue, .scranton, Pa. TIIK WlLKKSIIARRi: IIKCORD CAN UK HAD in Scranton at the new stand of Remsn Bros.. 400 Spiuce and .",03 I.tnddi; M, Noiton, f2J Lackawanna aicnue; 1. b. tchuUir, Jit Spruce atrcct. RAILROAD TIME TABLEa TJelawnie, Lackawanna and Western. In Kffcet Dec. 2, two. South Leaio Scianton for New Yolk at 1.40, 3.00, 6 fin, 8.01 and lO.oi a, in.; 12,13, a.W p. in. For Philadelphia at 8.00 and 10.0. a. in.; 12 f 5 and S.3.1 p. 111. For etroudjliurg at 6.10 p. 1.1. Milk accommodation at CIO p. 111. Anne ut Hohoken at .M. 7.1s. 1U.29, 1'2.(W, a.U, 4.13, 7.19 p. m, Arrlic at Philadelphia at l.im, 3.23, (1.00 and S.22 p. ni. Arrive liom New York at 1.10, I.Oil and 10 2.. a. 111 , 1.U0, I..U, -,,4J, s.(j and 11. LO p- m Vxom Stroudsburg at S 03 a. m. North Leal e Scranton (or lliulal.j and Inter mediate stations at 1.1. 4.10 and 0.00 a. 111.; 1. 15, S.48 and 11-3' p. ni. Tor Oswego and Sjra. cine at 4.10 a. ni. and l.oi p. m. For Utlca at 1.10 a. tn. and 1.53 p. ni. For Mpntro at 100 a. ni.; 1.03 and-fi.48 p. in. For Nicholson at 4.00 and 0.13 p. in. I'd IJinghamton at 10.20 a in Ar rive In Scranton from B11IT.1I0 at 1.21, 2.13, 1 1.1 and 10O1 n. in.; 3- and S.00 p. ni. From 0 lego and Svracuso at 2.3.1 a. in.; 12.5s and S.M p. 111. Fiom Utlca at 2.5.1 u. m.; 12.3S and S.:fl p. in. From Nicholaor at 7.30 a. m, and 6 00 p. ni From MuiitrosO at 10 00 a. 111. ; .1.20 and 0 00 P- ni. , , , Bloonnburg DIidflon-Leaie "-cranton foe Nurthumbirlatid, at 0 43, 10 03 11. 111 ; I ,V, and G50 p. m. For Plymouth at l.ul, .1,10, s Vi . nt For Kingston at S.10 a. m. rrlcc at Nort. innbcrland at 0.35 a. 111. ; 1 10. .1.00 and K 11 p. in Trrlv" at Kingston ut b.32 11. in. Atrli at Pljmouth at 2.(). 4 32, 0.41 p. m. Airlie In scranton fioni Northumberland at 0.42 a. 111.; 1S3 1.10 and S.41 p. m. From Kingston at II.OO' a. ni. From Plymouth at 7 11 a 111 : " M, S S5 p. 111. 1 SUNDAY TRAINS. South l.eaco s-cianton 1.40, C.0, l.jo, ooi .,. ni.: 8.SI, 8-40 p. m. North Iaic Seranton at 1 1.1, 4.10 a. in : 1.3.1, 5.4s and ll.S l. '" Bloomsburg Division Le.ne Suaiitoii at 10.01 a. hi. and 5.30 p. m. Lehigh Valley Railroad. In Kflect Nov. 2i, pw 1,1119 tv.v -v.w. ....,,, I'm Pliiladelpliiu and New Toik via I). , R 11.. at 0.13 and II.M a. m . and 2.l I.J7 ililack Diamond litpiea"), and 11.30 p. , Slm. days D k 11. " " ' 5?' -' P- ' lVr TThlto Haven, llezicton and piimlpal points in the ioal ielon, via D. . R R , 1143 2.13 ad v" ''' '" -" '"' Hie, 6.1 .II, and 4,27 p. "',, .... Tiauu Kaic i-crannm. . 11-. I.M,?.'M.1 ' ,. ,, .. For Tunkliannum. n'i"i, i.uiura. iti.jea, Cciieva ond piinelpal Intenncdlito ttatlons, uJ D. L. & TV. H. lb. $ '! I 0.3 a,i' .1.40 il in. "puilnun parlor at-d alee plus or LcIilsU Xwv parlor cais or. all trail- b tu. en Ullke, Ilar.e and New York. Philadelphia, Ruflalo and u-. pension Brldjc ROLLIN II. WILBUR, (!. n. Snpt , ;,; Coitlaud .tlirt, New Toil-CHARLK-i S. LI'.K, f.en. Pas. Aat., 2(1 Cortland atleet, New York A. TV. XONNKMACHKR, Div. Pa. Ast., Suuth Hi tlilehem, t'a For ticket and Pullman UMiiatloiu apply to 300 Lackawanna aienue, Sciinton, Pa. DelawRve and Hudson. Ill I.ITcct Noi J.i. Ii. Trains (oi ( ..rbondale Icm vianton at u.-.sj 7.33. S.M, 10.U . ni.; I.'.li, I.?', 2.11. J.52. ov, 0.23, 7.57, 0.15, 11.1-1 p. in.; I.IG a. ni. For Uoncidalc-0 20, 10.H a. m.; u ailJ 6.20 p. in. ...... . lor Wllkes-Baiir-ltlj, ..is. b.l.t. (..as 0 u 11.53 u. til.) I--'". - '" '-' kb, 7.1-, 10. II, tor"L. V. It R. Hiinl"ii.l3, u.3j j, ,,. ., 4 27 and 11.30 p. ni. For Pennylvaiila It- II polnts-B.43, p.3i a. m; 2.1:1 ami )' 'i1' , , For Albany and all point noith-6.20 a. m. and 3.52 P. m. ' Sti'NDAY 'I RAINS. For Cnrbondile 9.11, 113,1 a. in.; ...(, 3,53, 5.17, 10 52 p. in. For TTilkcs-Baiie-O.JS, 11.5a a. in.; 13!, 3.2 t) 27, 8.27 p. in. lor Albany and point north-3.52 p. in. For Honckdale-0 00 a. 111. and 3.52 . in. Lount tote to all point in United Mate and 'j'V BUimiCK. O. P. A.. Albany. . Y. 11. TV. rHON. D. P A., Scranton, Pa. Central RiiUioad of New Jeisey. Mailon In New York-Foot of Llbertj atreel, . II and S111II1 I'rij. train leave Scr-iiilon lor New lork, Niviark r.luabctll. Philadelphia. Kadon llethlcheiu, Icnlovui. Tlatidi ' l.,1,!"ki' ' '"'n' ""en' ' S3" rr. t.: w. p-Mi"n.: tor Pitt. n and Wllke.-Baric. S30 a. m 1 lo and 3.60 P. m. Sunc aa. 2 5 p in. For lla tlmoia and Wasliinslon, and point, V.WI1 and TVe.t via BethUhem, S.CO a. 111 , l.lo and 3 50 p in. Sunday, V.13 p. m. For" Loii, Hi "Kb. Ocean drove, etc., at S.30 a 111 and 1 10 p- ni. 'For Rcadlnc. Lebar.on and Harrlshuia, via A. lenlown, S.SU a. 111. and LIO P m. Sunday "ForVo'tUvllle. .30 a. in. and MO p. in. Ihrouzh ticket to all point rurt, s-julii nil .. a. -Aii it tlm ti illr.ti tCl Ri ionei i'r" ;.,..;" If. p. BTl.DUIN. Om. Pan. Tut. J. II. OLII.TI'SKN. Gen. Supt Eile nnd Wyornlnp Valley. Time Table. In Kflect Sept. 17, ldflo. fr'alni tor llavvley. and local pulula, lonnert ln at Ilawlcy with Eiln railroad for New York, isewiniTRii "ii' iiininit,iii.Mi i'jiiii, irmc ecran ton at 7.0.1 a, 111. and 2.25 p. m rralni auiie at Si.nniuii at n DO a and t. Ttntetl-r- llltnnln. Vtn...n ,i.,i ChlcuKO, and all points w-Mt. via D i- . R. n" 11.55 . tn.. -33 ""' niamond Lprc). 7.1 10 41, 11.80 P- '" Su'"Jaj. D. & II. R. t (Mil NLEY'S Silks and Dress Goods Fiual prices to move at once, broken lines of Silks and Dress Goods not in ferior grades of merchandise bought cheap for "Bargain Sale" purposes, but odd pieces and short lengths from our regular lines QUALITIES are all of tha highest grades purchasable. STYLES All carefully se lected for our regular tiade, including plaids, stripes, mix tures and plain materials. QUANTITIES enough for all purposes, dress lengths, waist lengths, skirt lengths, lengths for children's dresses, etc. Dress Goods for regular fifty cent quality, in all wool 2SC plaids, checks, stripes and mixtures. 1 8rv for the finest quality all wool plaids, 9 camel's hair plaids, heavy wool mixtures. 4-7 For one weekweoffer 3 Taffeta and Surah S Iks for 45c, good value at 65c. (ff..rv "or fi"lcy silks that V were $i. and $1.25 Lai;ge assortment of light and dark colorings. &,&r' r a our est fancy 00 girt,,, Were $1.50 and $1.7 j. No better quality of silk on the market. 510-512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE 'mSWltikBmSR TO MHLLIIMIIilMl eA Worol .0 fie Wise Is Siffieleit' The patt ot witdom is to get the but SoitiK'. Wo have the largest line of station ery, olllce supplies and blunt: books In .N'oi-tliiMisteni Pennsylvania. Reynolds Bros Stationers ami Engravers, Hotel Jcrmyn Building. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. PENNSYLVANIA 1IAIIWJ Schedule in Effect May 27, 1000. Trains leave Scianton, X). & H. Station: (3.45 a. m., week days, for Sunbury, Hnnisbui p, Philadelphia, Baltl moie, Wnsliintcton and for Pitts burg' nnd the West. 0.38 a. ni., week days, for Hasleton, Pottsville, Reading1, Norrlstown, and Philadelphia; and for Sun bmy, Hauisbuig, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitta burg; and the West. 2.18 p. ra., week days (Sundays, 1.58 p. ra.) for Sunbury, Harris burg:, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pittsburg and tho West. For Hazleton, Pottr vllle, Reading, &c, week days. 4.27 p. m., week days, for Sunbury, Hazleton, Pottsville, HarrisburR, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. J II. WOOD. Hen. Pans. Axt. J, D. HUTCHINSON, Gen. Mar Time Card In tffrcl Dtr. OOth, 1000. SCRANTON DIVISION. iatn 6, tor Ba a g: Lai .w.aaoAl " 1 f)i in MbiSCB' STATIONS . iWI I 00. , 18441. .1114 44. 414 to S&iti: 7 10 Ar.K.Y..TVItd Ht. I.. I AMI '0 IV 1010 PM ' IDSAr. . I'i J ' ll adnila t.T, 1111 POrk 1011 10:1 Slarllcl.t 28 1'r.fion I'ark ton 1000 III VMnfMi.1 . .I'cjntvilr.. " (Jreon. ., " I'lnjint Ht " I'nlonilale.. M 1'oiM.t eitv. BAO 04311 I snail 11 91 V). f. i:u- lilltl " CartwndateYd ml 8 (0 0 in II Vi) ( Allll.llllalA 1 00a aiiiii .Whlla Srldze, Mujtleld Til Mm fleld Jdlnvn n-hL'ilil Wiiiloii I'tcUl'le OlTpl.ont Pileeliuis Ihrnop t'riiilfieiiee Parkl'lam , bcranlon .SDiUoillll -8W (WII II " a 23, a 1 11 mi tn. . 1. 7 on J liln... 7 071 tSsot. loatiiapi... OfMMlloi " 01, a Jill 01 ' U "2 5 !" S It K4119 A3 ' a 1. aifiiiir,7 " oat 11, 10 10W " IMttM ' KIT 10 II " S1HKJ " a.viio (Ot.T, ca. :r,; IS., (HI. .801 II 01 IB PM IH ' Iff M PMIPJUl AiMitlmial trtlmlrara r'afbendile for MiyNM Tint ms I'liiearriii Hunilay, ami 7 Sflnin boudaronfT.arrltioi aiiUir.1,1 Tril7a)iiianJoJrni. A1.1lnllBltralnlrl1errntoqat7a1pll18cndaTeo1r Icrruf at alt alaiiooa to Carl'indite, irrlrtna at 7 Is mo. and uIulrari MittleM Yard for (artoaatu tilts in call), irrt'lnl at tarlioudala 111,11 aio. Hate '-! cent! per mile. I.oneat ltntea to all l'olnti West, J, C fHDtnSON. Cli'l Pnt'r At.nl. ' Terk rita. aferl !- " jyiji 1 Pt1 "if tllL.s?-r"iaLa- r' TFTrT77:ftMgJ I I lHHf ' " - B- - L " 17 Ml " T ivi m - T Kit 10 " 1 111 J " ' IT Ar r toi id 4. t. wtlH, T'. Aat, triatta, ft.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers