'"" V W't Tl'WTT'f i tT.ll 'H ' nTTf '". -"tJf - TlllO SCHATTON rtUBUNE-THCKSDAY, VEHUrARY 21, 1001'. mO ANflT4tvK An Excellent Combination. Tliu pleasant method unil benclicloi effects of tin? well lcnuwn remedy, turnrr or Fioh, manufactured by tho Cai.u-oiinia. Km Hvnui- Co., illipitruto the vntucot oblninltig the liiiuld luxa tUo principles of plants know it to bo uicdicinully laxative anil picsentitig' tlieiu in tho form most refreshing lo the. tsiMe nml necuplable to tlio system. It is tliu ono perfect strengthening' ln.Nii tivo, cleansing tho system clfcctunlly, dispelling I'olils, headaches mill fevers gently yet promptly tinil I'lmbling ono to overcomes liiibltii.il constipation per lnaiii'iit l. . Its. perfect freedom from every objectionable! tjnnlity nml sub stance, nnd itn acting on tin- kidney, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating tliuin, make il tliu ideal laxative. in tliu process of niantifuctntiiig flg.s arc used, ns tbey me plensiint to tliu taste, but the medicinal ipiallticsof tliu remedy nre obtained from senna nml other nroiimlic plant's, by a method known to the Camhoiixia Tig tfYiiur Co. only In order to pit Its bunellelal effects iiiu' to uvoii' Imitations, please, jcmembertbefnlliuimeof t hi1 Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAN J ltANCISCO. CAL I.OUISVIM" IvV MKW VOJU1-, K T. Korsaloliyalt UruuKiMn PrlceDA; pr bottle. Ice Cream. HH.S't IN TOWN. Per c Quart. LAGKAVANNA BUY CO 'Jc tplici' Older. I'romptlr Ht'.l . 1 i, '337 Adatrn Arena.. Scranfon Transfer Co. I'agfta.np Uiccked Direct to Hotels and Pi iv ate Residences. Offlce I)., L. & W. Passenger Matlon. Phone r?5. Br, H. B.Ware Ir Nose SPECIALIST Throat (II I ll I lll'l II ' m in i ji r j 10 i Williams Bulldinrv, Opp. Postoflice. sSS?k JLABEI t t f tttHt t t CITY NOTES ' Ml ' IOll -In,' hlil.llllll Mil llltl f Hie ' 1 1 u t c WiiIium' tlllll will lllllt It tin' iti,-. iitiiiuiuii ut I u't loi k. lilKIIIHVl ( I VI.. IImij mi mlm nl l In ti I N.'i'ii,: Wninui'i- llitl-tlni .ivii.il il Inn I. I lull imilid to .i W'u.liiiiui. m liiillc - i.il I ill i. Minim; ul T. I"'. I'ltoM.lt t Al.. Ut. tints ll rtinl in Oi i i n'linliy in I in rail; id- tl. id itli m pvo l i lillill!!, wlnl died Wllllt.llt lilrdll.ll 1 ) Iti'llieMi Wit.' dcnlid llnl.iii iiy.ll i I' I .V M. l'V..-'riin liotivuri. I.hLiwjiiiii . i ,.ii.iu iinjiUnrj at (he tulttiv.ini; isillinli. ' I' 111 ti'lllHIIIIU t AMIUiIjIi', Vltlhlni'lie-, I II IM1.11I, lllllil, IVtliliunv nml Moedwild. "I-1 lll. Ill' Mfsic IV1IU. I'Ih. u-.nl.ii i "j ut I lie niii.li' vi Hun of tin. llirrn ItMj,- ' " I II dill, will Ukr !! H- ut tin I Pl-i'l.lOM Mi-,, ,iu 1 inlit iii.iinlhi. I ili ', ,u In,, in mi-im, i lii-ii iiinii.ri,ink i .iiiuiniii, ut,, i i;-, nil luliiili. llxliu mi llUlmiiul .iuiui, nil mU'liit; (mill limn Mint. Pit,, i' I I'.illn li'olilln" has Ui'ti nuiitini i, li i unci linowV PM UAHtllll'. lw llr.mn. wl, . iu. h ir. i ruiuln fur Miirtv of fli ifun in, iniit. i iwttfFil Ii Iit timthir. In ltioMti, 1 1 NiihIi M ilii atriniF, jii ilhitiarKnl liy MUirinun li " s ut. ill I iii jiiiiMinan tii-IJ Hut liiu ii i llllN li.tlili n!ull. ' vi, , 10 sllli'l IMtriiiJ.-t'wiil Mlllisi. i Jn i.un 1 in, vii niifiiiDil unit taki'ti in s i. hMhiii; ti iin.lut HiiinT fiuenlierp'r w iim.i. mi n w-iruiil louisl in troiuUliau, 'i is m. Inni v; llli iiirilii.il nhiiiiiiis villi ai ).!, Ill I I. Mil 01 Willi MM i.luilt III MIINl. l'llll'lll II ,. ,,,1,1 , M , 1 ill. uillii ,1 li i,ul .1,1 II, Ml win) , ; BOND OFPERINGS. ; Spline Biook Wnter.lst Mtg.fis LncUa. Valley Elcc. 'Light. 1b: MtR. 5s. Noith Jersey audPocouo Moun- tain Ice Co., lnt Mtg. 0. t Stnudnrd Gas Co., 1st Mtg-. Os. 4 Lelitghton Water Supply Co., 1st Mtg'. s. Now Mexico Hallway and Coal 4 Co., 1st Mtg. Ss, -t Desciiptlon and pilce on appll. cation. r - (A llibims). V V. ill.i- ll.rti'. 4 4 (liliuiiilalc 4 1, ,ri ami i, rnuiininiHiiJltli 11111;,, 4 K rumen 4 4 4 -444444444444444444 OJNlQhlly iiit-ri- 4- Jiirntnl Tn(li)' liihht at the llutmn ot Jo.ph Kline, wlio mi n mnJIiTi'tp Inr lilftinn In th "Ivli-itilh ward, on llic duiito l IXTjuty, hm liern wUiniiril until Sitmilir iiimnliiB il !' o'tloiV. Alilrniuii Pullor will tty tin- l. M)f I.N Mil. I)U(l(l.N'S ( ltli "Hip iHj thin of Mm. Mity Mi., Ut H"' U'lUnu Him(, wlio j mmiiit Tin ulij mi a iIhiki! t nm tilnir a rpuliw). limy (I. it 1 1 r tlilliltiii win! tiiimJ otr to Jlit. IMuitin. Tlifj are llii utisl lor hy Mm. ily'ii ii.ollior Ilii'. (J.tS OIIDIXANf II. -Ilw jiiJIi'Uy mm. I'lllltf. of tlm ivlrcl loiuill lift, lnl iilnt 1n tltj solicitor mints'" uflje jiiI imiiarpil a tipo't on tli nr.lliJi.il rranllnt; luiwlilc l" tin1 f'ollUIIICM' liiilllmlll. It U lltlllll. lout tlut 111 rr-i"itt Mill Ij fiixiruMi, li'lt imiIip of flip miiii1ii ot Hie lOiiimtltfr unilil Kin oil any liitoniullon ii'.iriiliit; II. ut rnii.ii- wim. oitiiir':. mi i.ui.i-m Jtnl iiimi miiiKm f llii rllv r.. Inltnl In m If ml a iiinfllin; sumlny ari'itiunti,. IMi, .'!, il i u'cloil. In (iii'ijilU' Imll, Nnrlli M iln in' iitio, Inr tlio itirMi. of ii'jnijir.tr a lornl IimimIi of Hie AiniliatiutCil Mril CuIIi-k anj llnliliirV Uutltinrn vi Win Aimrk i. , n niu,,nlrir will li iriftit for tde uiruoi of Inrinli if i piitn.i. hint nrpiliirliiui imiN'i' mu;i: iii.it it v. n ut iii.i v 'il iruM 01 in.'r. WJ luiArd ui In pnlii r lirjil 1'iniidii ji , nl.1,1, ili.itut In l.iifiiii,in I '.i Him Willi tin- lmrti ot jl'Oilt .iO In InnliFl. .uin in, M li.-n In i n In tli c iiipluv of IWIm tor aliuiit i mi, nili hi i t ituriJli. nli, I Hi littil flilum 1l.it In illil not ri'tnrii jll tin' tnomy colli cu'il. Ti.i'1'l.iy nlKlit, In. ililnn, Summttii took in SI vlrtfdA In- biily n tin mil Al of th it .inraiun SUriCIIJII'.X's 11 M.L. liii fcniirtitupu't nm ' ot II, U iltt, will I'ondiicl tl.clr ..(mMhI nil iijI ImII toinnnow niulit. Itliln, Kcli. "i, 1ml, in Mu-li Imll. The lull T'ill l nr luiidiinilir ileicir.ili.l. Ili-ulliclil., rii'jllii' Imll', ljutei... laliorjv iiuiIiimh. (lis, Jii'l nil rjlltninl !niul ;iulifrtml:.i will In- iimiI, InLctlnr witll al out IHI Wntlll 0( imii(,l ui. Illii) Hl. Htli.JIIOM iin.l lullil- All.ni l.jir'l;ii will ail as iiii-U.il ilirrnni mil Inliii P Mnmi is prompt . i AFTER LAW BREAKERS. NUMBER or ARRESTS MADU YESTERDAY. Municipal League, the Police Depntt lnont nnd tho Rev. W. H. Will iams the Prosecutois. Tin i e piiwertul oiiisnillntr movement Mete nt woik vliiuiltiineiiusly yester ilnj. Th" Allllllelpal leaRlle took the ail In l lie number and Impoitatiee of cast's ami had lour to Us eiedll, when US lev. U. II. AVIlll.lllli'. the tt tltnttlt I' evjnRpllt, h.ul two tinil the i Ity jiollee ilep.u tinent one. Jennie imfly. pi npl let !.". ol li house oil HllilKe stleet, Mas aili'Still J'etei lii.v ill the Instance of AKellt liubeit WIImiii, of the Munlctpvi' le.iKiie, and in. iikiioiI lji'liiie Alilenn.iu Millar on tuo (haiKcx, selling lltjunr vvlthoul .i llienie and Id ephm; n liuvvdy house. l(leitiw Jeen. and llullllne ap pe.neil ns wlluef.ses .iahm Mm. Dnll'j mi the Hist ihaiKe and tesiined to hn Inn puieha'-ed lliiiin mi the night uf Kebiitaiy J. The defendant lemem liereil seeing Keelie III lmi linusi, bll' di nled th it any lliiuld lefreshmeius hail In en set veil. She Mas lined fU'O and costs on this 1uiir Dett etlves AVestoll and West Mvte Mltnest'ss on the thlllKe of keeplns ll h.iMily house. They swoie thai they Mem to the house mi I'.rlilse street on the liihht of V'ehruaiy .. and ete thete Mitltiil upon liy tluee sialUiH attlled Monieii Mho made liuiniir.il pinposltluii.s to them A line of SUMi and eiwls Mas nlco Iniposoil on Ali.. Dulf.v lor this I'lmme. in. ileitis a intnl ol S.'i'ii In .nl'li tlou to the i opts. Hi. Unity Mas ie leneil on patnle until the money is paid oiet, h"i nttoinij xoudiliiKr for he i Anthony X.ivokoiacihI:, uf lt-J 1'ios pei t avenue, ami Peter Lnlopskel. of 1110 I'uisnei t hvhhic weie Hunt $Hf and instK e.uh by Aldenuau Millar, ji'steid.tj. on the charge of keeplni; 'spe.ikenslt s." In default of tine they were committed to the lountv Jail Knhi 1 1 Wilson Is the iloetutoi III then, e.l'-es .lohn SlelnshkK. of South Si i. nil. hi, mis niTiMeil and Kheu n he.ulne he fine Aliluinan Millar on the ehniKc of kieplnuii tlppllni.' house Stelushlik Is a bottler ami has a bottler's Iletuse. He was Ilnoil j:,f) and insts Itobeit Wilson Is piin-eeiiloi Mm. Villi Shei lilail. itKeil -Imj Je.us. of .".!1 SK'eenlh avenili vv.is at r.ilaiie.l liefiiK .Ma ur Mull je(etil,i mnuilm? nml ilne.l :':, fur kreplnu: .i Minding bonne As -he Is a nji, ,nnl has sev et.il 111 ! ll fit In nppoit, the Hue ,i , plllpiiey liiwi li il The, wite nt Amsi'lo Moilnli). nf smith stleet appeiiteil In I'ute Aldet man How e .M'Stenl.iv altellluotl .lint futnislleil tlou ball tin a fill tin I hem ,i(r S.ilutday niipinlni;. A wuriput was issueii n tie loll P.ll t of the week for lift hllsluilil, i"l keeplm; ii HppliiiK house. Inn us he Is ennllneil to his bed with Hleltlles the waiiant could mil he served. Uev. W. JI. Williams' Is the piu-euitoi hi this i as. . Veslenlai Mlilmi?! MiAmliews. one of the live men Im whoiu iMur.iuts weie Isstli d al the lllstaili nf If,;, Williams tit A voi a, but who was nor Klveit a lieailnir. was Hmd ln ami m.sts bj Unices Ui'i Ke, nf Avoia. WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY. Older Issued by Postmaster Ezia H. Ripple. 'I'lie tnllnwlim older has In en Issued llV I'lllllllll 12 II. Hippie, with lefet- in. to Washington'" blithday: l.int'li. laliKuw ll.lil I o I '.i , l'lli. "n t'HIl llnlir N . 'a. Iii, In. I I'll ".', inn i W.i.liintiun . ImUiriaj), will Im oImiiiuI al llie, olliio a l.ill.m.. IhoiiiI 1I1I11113 unit .lamp wttijew. ep.ii 11 in U in. to Vi noon M 'in eidit and ici;itt,i wnnl'ina iln.nl all lla ('jinn, will null' on inuiiiliii.' ilihiuj. Ii'lliiiliim trout irirt liunr. . fullunn: ( u. In until un Main avi'iinc. Iictwci-n it l.nli w 11.11a uviiiiio ,u 11 1 Wudilmiii .llii'l, ulna Wivl laiiliiw nun annuo md liiliw.-itmi avi'iiu id Ad inn nuiiue, Aditni .iMtiui' In Jlull-irry lrixt, Mnlbiiry HlHit In I latikllii civi'tuii', and from ill Ioms liitwccn ihii pull. 1., will Im tuaili' at 1 o'llmk p. in I lii' li'iul niiilni; inlli'i Him ul 11I.1. In luaili. 1. a II llipplt, 1'iiiliiia.l 1. , riint Church Dinnei. At 11 iiiiuiul dinner 011 l-'ildny, IVh. 1 uary 2i, fiom I- to i o'elnuK, thit Ladles' Aid society of tho Finn I'ms bjteii.ui chinch will servo the tnllmv lug menu: IllSilUe of I'l.llll" Itoast Tin key. t'r.wberij Sauee. I !oas l lleef. V!ei.V. OI,J. l'k'Mi'S Mashed I'otutocs IV.is. Maciaioiil, Diessed Cabbage, 1 Unlike Salad. Apple, Sniiash, .Mlnee 'e. lue Cieiiui. Indian I'liibllng. I'ofl'ec. Tea, wn evi'iiiuut suppir at ii o'clock. I'tlees, V and 'J"i cent respectlvcl'. Steam Heating and Plumbing. I. V. & M. T. llowIey,S31 Wyomlns av. Ask foi Kelly's union nacKei. mh i inyiinir WERE GRANTED RELATIONSOF ELEVEN COUPLES DISSOLVED. Romeo Giazlano Seemed a Separa tion ft om His Wlfo as Did John Gelgle Margniet McGowan Separ nte'd f torn Her Husband Who Is n Convict Appeal fiom the Many Convictions of Mori is WoiniFcr Aigued Befoie tho Couit Tuinplke I Coudeniuntion Fioceedlngs. The liidil i mil I jeslenla.v baudul down dectees Kianllmf no less than eluvtii dlvnues. A siinun.il y of th" eai-tN follows. l:onio Clia'slauo, an Italian barber, was Miauled a dlvoici; fiom IiU joiuig Wife, l.lxle, M'honi he man led tu Ulnshamton In lM'i'. Ills nlfe was a .lewess, and this laclal mlvtiiie eaucd trouble. Ills wliV loft him and It v.m on the ground of desirtlim that In- ie eclved the dectee. .lohn Oelgle, of We.st km kawiinna avenue, was freed fiom his wife, 10IU aboth, to whom lie was wedded In list-. She deserted hint in IVis, ami It was on this ground and on the gnnind of inlidellty that he u'cuml u in voice. Henrietta roniiell. foiinorl Voung, iisttd IT yeui". mined a ill voice fiom her husband, WUIIiim Counell, to whom "he w.i mail bd In Hunt. She haiRid him with e.ce.ve i unite and deceit Ion Maigaiet Metlowau, of t 'aibomlale, secured a dlvotee fiom her liub'iiul. John McGowan, who is now serving a six eu-s' seiiteiiee In the penitential v for burglaiv. HU wltV sued for a in voice on the mound uf uuelty, alleg ing that hir hiisliaud fn iiuently bent her and on one on jnm ne.ulv i hoke 1 ",,jinin..1,,il!!!uml wa Hlvoi.v.1 fiom Cut! Seel.md, whom she untitled In Germanv tweiity-two .mhim ago, and who deserted hei when thej tame to Suiilh Heiunton, soiue eight veins ago. Jennie Dougheity, of Diiiinioie, ob taliifd a legul .seputatlon fuun her hus band, whom kIio mat tied three years ago. Phe charged him with excessive etitelty, alleging that on one occa sion he attempted to beat her as she lay siek In bed lxcnue f1u refused to ghe him money to buy drink. Thoni'is M. Kvnns ailed f,,i- and ob tained a dlvotee from hl wile. lIle IV. K vi n who inni rled him In Issl. but who ilcseilid blm Just sl "e.'iis ' ago .liueph Steln. of South Seiiinton, uu" illvnieed fiom hw wire Jennie, mi the same gr mud. .'he lelt him suilil"itlv two yeiiis ago and has not bei n he.tul Hum since. V. It. I), puv. ol West Abillglon, wn divorced iniiii Id wife, Anne, whom he mauled seventeen yea is 'igo. She kft blm ill isl, but beioie lle did so, he i lalms. she developed a niol un pleasant luibll of throwing v n Ions ni tieles found about the lioioe al him. The ties whleh bound Myte I'.iee to her husband, Willi im I'aee. mi re torn .istindet by couit. Mis. 1'.k" eharged her htlMbaiii' Willi deseitlng h"i. TlieV weie man led In ls'if. Mis. Mar.v P. I: iilmu ul i.n lioudiile. was divot i ml 1 1 om h. i h'isbiiiul, IM wuid 1! I'.e.'gin, whom sb, mauled In lS'ii.. Slie ih.iiged drseitlon In the dlvoteo c.if.e of I.. M. Siv.uU against IJ.uhel Swat t7 which ! now pending; the latter was a'.vaiiV'd ali mony In the sum of vi jier month. Argument Couit. In aiuument t tint t vesteid.ty consd I'liibh time was devoted to the iae of MoniH Woimser who appealed trmn two "11111111111 v eoinletliin.s liefoie the niiivor. He was attested nml thn d for doing liiinlmss luiili.iry to a city or dinance with refeteiiie In liansleiit ii)e chains. In Apill. ls'i'i Wotiuser i iime It ie nnd opened a i lolhlug stole In the l'atili building on Lackawanna avenue. He was ariesled and lined but upon appeal the c ou Ictlnli was not tis- tabled, the law and the ordluani 1 upon whiih It was fiitiuileil b'lng imperii et lor the putpo-e. This led to the pa 'age r a lie 11 ntill nanie to ffivei iiati"leiii mei, hunts whleh went liitu eifei t nn .May J7, s'i' V motilli lietene tliul Woiinsei hud ngahi einb.ukeil in the , inthlng Ini-d-nes heie and mi November 10 nml "jl MlbieipiKiitlj he wit in teste d and lined by Mavui' Moll It Is lioni Iln ue tint s he appeal lie was Uplescnteil 'i s teidiiy b Attoineys o'liili'ii and M.il thl, and the tll.v bj I'lty Snjjcllot Vos btllg, Volllle's home Is' 111 WIllloS liiilie 111 attoilie.vs 1 ciutend that his collvlt tioil Was Ulljltst lor tile le.lsou lliathewasa peiuiaiient uieiih.tnt heii but that even If be was 1101 he could not be cnui It ted uudei an niillu.uii 0 passed In October lor un olfeilse lie committed In Septemln.1 It was also contended that the urilluain mnl tho ni l of assemblv il I b.ued upon ate UlUOIlstltUtliiUlll. On the part ot the ctt It was staled that they wire not ti.vlug to com lit Wointser of what he did in September be fine the onllnance was passed but What he did subseiiueni tu lis pas.ig" whli h olleinloil against tin ptovKlntis Oilier iiuaiter sessions cases aigued joHterdaj weie CoinnionMi'iitlh .iKaltist Joseph Kuliav.ise, uile to icinlt costs 111 ie enililetlinailun of I'roV lilence and Ablugtou Tuinplke nml I'lniiU llo.td, exeeptlollh to apjinlntllient nf initBtPl' and Juiy of view. Ill the matter of tin- lllle to lev oko the llc''ile of .Inscpli e'.issesse, of tills city, tin ink, was stik ken off upon the payment of the costs by I'ahsesse. Common pleas cans uiglled estei du weie (1. (.ottflleil, tiuslie, against Ileniv AimbriiHt nnd otheis. uile for jiidgnieiit D. Anibio.' against Agnes SttlllioMskl lllle to open Judgment; Maiy Diilllu against tin city nf Sunn ton, rule for a 11 i- 1 1 lit I Second Xa. tlonal Itink uf WYIsi-im. Minn., au.ilust V. II. c'lemons and olhei evieplluus to the lejiott of lefeieie W J. l'c(iH X. Sou against Jatm ri.viiii. e.sceitloiiH to lepoi t o referee 111 the uise of .1.IIJ Ann U.Mill again! iiie Delawnie, Luekawiiniia and W'csluin Itallioad Comp.tu.v, ilin uile for Judgment wa.s dlsehuigid. liy llgieHint'iit the evcontliillH to the i,. port of the Hleiee vvoio illsmb-Md In the can- of Flunk llgil amiinst Will In 111 rreliliiian and otheis Sentences Imposed. .Inliii Campbell, an old man, nliu u.is eonvli ted ill tliu last teim of ciluilual couit of hitting 11 nun on the head with a shiAcI, was lined y,n ninl i nsl ycMleuhiy. Auilievv llaiwiii, who was muitilcd of l.uceny and iei elvlng, wiih si ii 1 1 peed to pay 11 tl tu- of $1 and costs I ami fnend thirty dnj'g in thn county Jan. Mis, Stanl.slnus lIo7.lnsl(y, who plead ed Kiillty to .stealing goods from the tllobe Wiuehoilse, ivtin dhcrted to tmy a Hue of XI, costs- and spend thn u months in the county Jail. Yestciday's Maulage Llcmisos. lolin II. UjIi S'uiil.iii Mlii' J, Mmc Old I'dirii ll"willtii lloU IVfkvlll.? I jllicilin I' l.liidisiniti Atdibild COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. .Iililci- Killi Mt(lil.iv allowml a Ihmt ttlal in Hie cue of M.in l.ilif I iow aiiillet V llli.nn I'ltlniiik-. (ii mi opinion liksl ii.liiilii tl.p ovroptlnmi In ti rrport if auditor 'irlo dliinlfii il in tlio u .- ot tlu 1'i'ik l.umWr Maiintaittitiiif loin I'.inv nir.iln-l Itii'lnlpli HI. win'. t li.iiins well- .Mi-ludii' ijiilnl liv if iwiit in lln lawiclieovllle Piltnlllvn MrlliodUt cliurili ut Old Fori; nml the l.miil union No, sus of tlir I lilliil Mlli" Win 1,1 u of Anidlia. Vil.ili.uon IlilcL". tlmi.Ui' nnd (iuilrrr liMrd Hie liTlhmm In Hi. 'jc of MalHiu, llie.,1 i; liiliunrror ns.illi.t II .1. lon' Jnliidn). II I a unit in wlili It tlio pliilililli "vk In tiiotpt Inr prnli-Mloiiiil pirvl,.. In ito i as , it I . spmr .iinei Mn .Ijiic loins nnd Willi mi .liiinii iiti onlit was tiiul li.r .ludui Killv .iiMvnlav i.llrilina" that n ii'iou nljuiii' Im iiiii'iul Mul nn .itildaiil hlnl ,i if. iuli r 1 1 lit l,iv within liMiilv das, w li,'i i upon tin" mil. i in li,- illt, lilruml, oIlmwiM It U lo liu made u!iolutf. Itnliert nn lonli hlnl u priliioti .Vi'itl-lday Fftllnc fotth Hun is niece, l'.lli He.vitt, li mte lined to the Iti5.ir.i difatt'iunt of Hip llill.tdt Home and lie a.l it that a evnunivion Lo ap pnmtid to nnkc iininirv .md luie htr innitsl iiiiditlmi logjllv cliildl-'iiil. Ationicj .lohu ll. V'V.IU' wan Haloed a l,i ootnini-iiniier. ' In tlio i.L.e of Ml Iriiiiii I'. Drati aiin.O i il , ,iy of Soriiiioii, .liidje J. P Killv jtrttiT 1 da, lurid, d limn uti opliiiiiti uiilnn inilamcut in I nor ut tin iiU. Iiin lii m nlli'icil thai .in nil lino ii 'inr l.ol" nut wiia ftnnii'd lir Mird Iln- i llv and vlitiitiol 'l voidlrt ol Jio Im , Wis llllji . I 10 Uh rff 11'lf lKllllt of '.liilliti ot nm uniliT .ill Hi tJit In Hid r.is; tlni Hi. Kutili init oiidtiui tu 1.0 to tho imi I If 1' 111 ill- nil tlni was hot .llllj iltntl tint jii'Utin nt li, cntfiiil for tin iii. CHESTER STAPLES DEAD PROMPT ATTENDANCE WOULD HAVE SAVED HIM. His Deposition Was Taken by Aldei- nian W. S. Millai Stoiy He Told of the Shooting. ,1'h 'tei Staples, the lumlK'imau ho was shot bv ltipuo Dellilch In the leg neni Siuagiievllle. last Saturday r.lsrht, olid tiom his Injuries at the Lacka wanna hospital at il o'cl ick yesterday alteiuoou unci Ueltikli will haw to answer to the ehnie.e of kl'llrg. Vesteldny lliotnlllg fMUgiene. o. moitltlcatliiu ot the soft tissues, when tin- infected put beiomc dry, haul and tlnik In i olor, set In, and Staples giaduallv gn w weaker until life ,? plied Had staples, leieived piumpi nic'.l 1.1I ittteiulanee his life wnuul hliv been stved, but the delay of font teen bouts In securing a physician waF fatal 'utility I'eteilive N. il. Sh. iter .ir ilved hot 1) fiom Sit nnd-lmi'-- Tuesday and at his ivipp st Aldeinian AV. S. Mll l.u Tiiesd i.v night took the deposition ol Staples. The latter told lthti that h" and his biothei 'harks li.nl stoiip."! with IH'ltrlch on tin ir way 1101110- limn StioildshillK at the hitter's holle. jleltilei had smile tuitible with his I wile .Hid the two lelt' Vile house lo J gel their team of hois'-ri in the bam. I While hitching up. Delttlth enme out wuli the shotgun in bis hands unit etled out for I'hailie JIo leveled the wi'iipou ut rlmili-, who Kteppid for w.ilcl mid klioi keil the wetpiiu aside. Just a liy did "o. the gun was 1I1M and the shot stiuck I'hest In the I'g Last 1 veiling a Tilbuue mail ha 1 a talk with Staples'' father and another biother They stated Ihatlhe ihivo men, I'heiter, ''haile and lleltrlcli, had gone to Stioudsbiirg Satuuljy of the shooting to get money Ul them foi lumlieilng. Theie was a hitch ot some kind nnd ihey did not leeilve their piy Th" iijii e nut foi home, 'ind ivlin Deltilih'.s hoils-o vuis 1. 'iii bed. they stopl'i d. Chester and i'IiiiiIc enti"" d. Init a9t tip to leave, when PItileli au.l lilts wile niKiin i" iii;iie 1, .eitili was angry because i-h.irles did nut take sides with him, and later followed tin 111 out to the bam with the liiitgltli, sWiailliK b" would kPI Chillies. No other motive lor the slinotlug i unlit be suggested bj his iclntlvos The leinalns in i" taken in 1 lunge of by I'nderlakei 1'i'ie, mnl will be taken to Cii. -co this morning. The funeral will ptobably be held Filchiy. Odttlcli, lhe man who did the shoe t- llig. Is -ii 11 lined to Ills bed .11 Spiagtie- jlllc. 1 1 0111 lhe reult of blows admin- lleted bv C'ltatlis Maples, wnen lie luttiid that his btoiliei had lieen wounded A win rant lias In if lsued for Peltilih's nrrest and will prob.iblj lm seivenl today. Chief of Police "Welter, nt Si 1 mulshing. Jlld Coillily Detective Slmfer til"d lo serve It Monday, but It was found thu Peilihli wa loo sli k In 1 e moved. INQUEST WAS POSTPONED. Inouiiy Over William O'Counoi's Dentil Will Be Held Wednesday. Coronet .1. J. Kobe its. his jury, srv 01 ul witnesses nml cnuiistl wile all pieseiil ill the lit blliiulou loom of lhe 1 nm t house last iiluht, to hold Inquest In tin- 1 use 01 William o'Connoi, 01 Uliuiuoie. It was liuiiut Mecessniy, howevei, to postpone the lll estimation until nest Weiluesclaj, on accoUIH of the absence 111 Impoiliini wltne,ses i('Connoi was kllhd t'.itiud.iy, IVh iiiaij 't. bj being stunk by a tialn while driving a team ueioss the tracks uf the Pelawatc, Liukuwaiinii and Western itallioad company In Dun more. The etiKlliecr ol the tialn was nniolig the witnesses unable to atti nil lasi uli'.iit. In lug ill Inipuived Tialn Service to Floilda via Soutliein Railway. l.llei (Hi I''!). 1. SilUtllel'H InllWIl.V I i-ii mall train, No. ::', which leaves U axhlngtiiu al ll.l'i 11. in., connecting I111I11 le.tvs Itto.nl stunt station, Phil ail, Iphi 1, ut T.'.'d 11. in . w III 111 1 lv 0 Jack sonvlll . riu, in T ' tin nc:t morn ing, shnrtenltlg .'ie lime between caste 1 11 oilles mid Florldu '.ointrt two houis and live inlniiK.. This H.iln eank's thiminU Pullman linvvlng loom skeplng cats and din ing cat. In addition to the abovo tho Soutli ein railway opeiuten two other fiiHt thiough trains to rinrhin. Tho rior Id.i Limited leaves P.ionl slieet s'n Hon. Philadelphia, ut 2.H. p. m. and the Kloiidii KNpiess at ii.fr, p, IM Chailes L. Hopkins. District Passenger Agent. Soutliein Hallway, ws fhestnut sticet, Philadelphia, will take pleusiuo In luinlshliiu nil Infoi'iiiailnn OUTBREAK OF THE STRIKERS POLICE WERE SUMMONED TO SAUQUOIT MILL. Stones nnd Snow Bolls Weie Thiown at Those Who Woiked n tho Mill Yesterday as They Were Leaving and One Man Was Rather Badly Huit Some Windows Weie Also Broken Some of the Hands of the Taylor Mill Returned Yesterday. Rumoied Mills Will Be Removed. The active hostilities -fcKun Monday afternoon bv the sulking silk woik ei.s against the working weaviis at tint Siiuquolt mill were continued jester day illtciuooli, when seveliil bundled mill girls, small bicikci boys mid other tiuhliip .siiiruutidi.nl the factoiv and noisily awaited the fmthroniliig of the gill 0 lmu lurt,.d the pickets and lepnited fm woik In lhe morn ing. About llfleen men vvere also known to be at woik. The ciowd bulled snowballs, sticks nnd stones ut eveivoue entctllig the building and made It getieially so un pleasant that police heailiitiaitets was notified by telephone of the existing circumstances, and the at rival of a piitiotmau hnrlly aftervvaul. a 1111111 ber of the employes left tliebulldltig. amid KlinuciM 01 missiles. The girls who vei the cause nf t lie outbreak have been winking for sev eral elavs unknown to the other hands, who only dl-coveicd It M011d.1v. Ph k els weie assigned to glutei the mill early in the morning and embavoi lo dlssii.nl,. the luillisti lolls ones tieim l'i -siimliiw their tasks, but when thee outposls m Mved at ' o'clock jester day morning they found themselves too late, us the hands had lepotted tor dlilv at ii o'clock, and did not leave the building during the 1110111I11K 01 I1UIII1. STIilKKHS AiSi:MIUii:D. They weie e'peeled out almlit t oVIiK'k, at which tliu- Hie milkers be sun to asemble In foue, some gunpl lug the fiom and minis the teai in tin nee ' I No attempt Mas made ill escape bv lie bele.lEjlleied ,'inploye" until tj o'clock, whnli ut the alllval nf the bllieenaL fiom the teiilrul station a uiinirfci of the men left bv the fiont exit. Stone, snowball', old tin cans and other missile's rained about, and one of the 1111 11, 11 loom llwr nu the fouith llooi, ,v.i.N stunk In the head mid badly cut The other bauds left the mill, In ihe eontuiiiii wliic Ii en sued, by the lent elt. The sttlkois. Uliaw.ue that all the employes weie out. lemalneil almlit the buildings, their number uiiRiiienteil each inoinent. and at ti.M o'e lock theie weie lullv a thousand neisons niound the mill, loudly thieatenlng the wotkers sup posed to be hilde The men who me nuvv being ein liloved at tin mill ale mostly utlll.ed III the Weaving department. Tliu ctowit lemalneil abntti the mill until after 7 o'clock, whin they gi.ulually dispelled. A number of the vvotkeis at lien aid's mill. In Tayloi, jesteulay ic Hiuned woik. a tact from which the other ow iiei aie aiigiiiliig fin 01 . -ible prospect foi all uillv settlement of the strike Motlici Mm j- Jones was In the c liv jesieulaj' liuitiilng and con leiresl with the Pulled .Mine vVoikeis' local leader'-, after which she left lor Wilkes-Halle. A lileelltig ol tile Satl lllolt soil silk woikeis will be held at ", o'cloc k this .U I. 1110011 at the Sauipuilt mill. INDOWS UltOKCN lieloie the i towel Wits linullv biok. 11 up bj Patioliiien 1 'mil ail Maiket ami (ii'OIKe Jones, the mote tlllblllelit nieinbeis nt 11 giew Impatient and pelted tin- mill windows with stoin s. bteaklrm a nuinbet ot them An u' tempt w.i also uitide to bleak into the lac tin v y-iiil. and the combined fotn of sevoinl hiliulied strong .oung arms loutluttnil to do nine h danmi,e lo lb, big iron gate Two culms, whose wiikoiih loaded with coal passed Into the yard, weie lolldh hulled with dlsiespi 1 tful ciles of "scab" and "blackleg," and sente of 'now balls and stones follow 1.1I them Doth of ihe men showed light, and as they dlsipptMied behind the gates bulled bin k lesponslvc nil. Hi s. As the.v uneiged fibout hull an hour later (hey miic accorded a rei I'ptlon so M.iuu that they whipped up their hoi-es and Vanished liulii lhe se one 111 iei onl t line. Chief ot Pollie ISuhlliig le-ll iii-d. is Willi Lleuteiiaui Zting. of lhe Solilli Sirantou plecluct, that two patlolniell be left on guard ut the mill din lug tho night to pievent any acts of violi in e, .mil when the hands lepoit for ilutv this inuinliig tuotectlon Is uiu u.siueit them. HA.lFoillJs To MOVi: The following dispatch was sent ,,111 yestoulav tioin PittLison. N. .!. "Sllin liuti'iidciiit Davis of the Sun iiuolt sill; mill, at Su.inton, Pa., which c mollis cs L'.mio hands. Is In Pateisuu, lie snv iliut time is no piospcct of n suttlem ut of the silk mill sitiki If tho stllkets ciiutllllle i.-sollllO 111 their ec ituinds. liamloid Iliotlieis, of Wilkes Italic, Pa., will icuiovo their plant to tills i'Uv bl'illtlSe of lhe lllrlki. They went fiom hue to Pi nnsviv.inla twii c ats ago." PHOTOGRAPHIC EXHIBITION. Opens Today nt Club House of Wilkeh-Baue Wheelmen. The second annual Wllk, s-Uan, phntogi.iphle esiillililoii ut ii,(. , im, house ol ihe Wilkes-1 i.trie Whet linen. I'jn South .Main sucit. opi ns toil iv n Will be ll lllStllli live exlllbltluii ol pi,. titles b the li ailing waikeis in lb pliotogiaphi is" lilt of this coutiliMit AVIlile tile Ppi ll.se Of Mledl un lltlllll teaches seveial liiindrcd dollais, no ad mission will be c barged. i:hlbuus of this kind are al tempted by unly a tew laige cities each ycai. ami lovers of u't should un u II themselves m the op portunity of viewing It. ll wilt be open ufteruonn .nnl iviii llig the balance of this wiiK Ask for Kcllv'H union iiackeis The Scianton Ga and Water Com pany and the Hyde PaiU Gas Coin pany. In jri'ul'd mi e uitll Hi.' Killiy nt Ujre mill p.mlr lo ridiici, rats from tltiii Id time m iii.ij U v nriiili-il by lncrcicl ie ii.iiiii.io'i, tmllir ie Icnlir tlu'ii tint, mi .ind alii'i Viitl 1 next. Iln pi In ul VJi' will li eiiei ilnllir p. mm tliriii.ind cutili del i nti.timi J, iiiljut n Hie fnllimlni; ilLiouni I'lie t'.'l m.i nn ,i i Milt iiliria llr iimiiii'iion nt ij.n ni"i,.'i anioniiU lei lmi than twenty -lin ilolljr: In, p. r lent, cm .ill Idlhi Mlinr tliu i i'iiniiil Inn im Hi iii ml li nmciiuu tu tuia llin ilulliu .itul up m.i i ib. I'liill.lxl thn bill in piid on in lii'd.li' Hut Ktiih iliv nf Hi niniitli In uliicli II m liill ii it mini d. lit i'iil-i ut tlio li.i.inl. U II, IKNIi, e.iijri WMtmwwMWMMmwmMHfe Don't know b.tigjius wlien thoy ,ee them, but will buy "trashy" i-ooils .it higher prices, jiuI think they Ijavc se emed li.iif-.iui. Tlio iilciixiirr r such n iinrolinsc Is Tor tlir time hr-lug, Olllj'. In .1 veiy short time lhe goods show their wn.ililfs raliic. There Are Others Who have shown their .ipprcsialion of the itnineiise values we li.tve been olleiinjr I his lact is proven by the iccord ol our past week's snles. Some ol our ijii.ooNollciings li.ivc j teal value ol fiom $.oo 10 $s.oo. TIlCSC arc Willi'1 1VC Hill nill'fialllS, and such we have been sclliiiR dining this "Odds and huds" .Sale. , Decorated Chinii Plates, 8-lncli, 'voie r0o, now 2fic Decorated China Tea Pots 20c Docoialetl China Cliop Plates 0a Decoiated China Jurr 00c Albertino Hand-Piiinted Vaoe, was $11.00, now $6.00 Aurelinn Vase, was $1 1.00, now ... 0.00 Lamps, Toilet Sals, Dinner Sols, Silverware, Etc. 5: CVvvxarVvjv V 2 Cipn V Mi. I a r Xr Hii'Hi'nrtiimri,riiniHj?upiiHjfiti..x The ort Xoieisllp Vs lilinll Kcinoviililc HORSESHOE CALK. Hoi. sp can mil ili and will oiiluriir (litre sets or an) QllitT ("ilU inaniirai'liitTil. nil. .., ... ...... BITTENBENDER i SOLE 0n0000fl0'.l!0M.0'0,i)0000'JI0.0M0000M00 Williams' Pies What II on li.tve today, Cheny. Mince, Coioaiiut, Apple or some other kind. Uomc-inndc better than the sorts "Mother used to make' and a good deal cheaper in the end. "rcsh every d.tv tu .ill our stores. So aie the- cakes and all the other table goodies. Woith a tiinl, since we say so much about thrin. .0. WILLIAMS &BR0. 312-314 LACKAWANNA AVE. p Earn raHKiacEBsnmxEEti Site MB SZnffls Comer l.acknwamui and Wyoming Avenues. As Usual, Februaj-y Sale. I5i; Bargains in All Kind. of Slioe. on will lind lire shoes u prutei' voir '-;t .uul look weil, ,tn.l out l-cbrikiiy puces will -ki'ile' yci to o.isilv o, u ,t pm, All out lepulat Rt.ivles mjikrd .is follows . $7.nn Shoes $mh o.oo 5.U11 .(.HO .1 oo 2.5 3'HO l.5 1.25 I. DO .!( .75 5 'lhese ate puces im teul.ii yoods. Wc have bioken lines and small lots at larger trductiotts. It will pav ou to attend out I eJitury Sale. A Break In the Price of Rubbers Thov li.tve been to high fo. the past two ytr.it uv tve v. ill niv you th benefit of the out in prke ladies en-I' nine-is, hhv isc. Men s s kind now 70c. AD X P I ' M I J if iJrFfJirM Corner UncUawauiiti C But lor the benclit of those who liavc nude up their imnd to spenir only so much for an OKIDNTAL UUP as a wedding ptesent, or evm foi then own use-we will nulce Sl'KGlAL IttiDUOTlON for our FKUKUAKV NALK. WIII011 Hugs liiAiiiUi'i( IVinIiui Colors al Lowest rrlccs. 3 5 3: - ir' fn l:!l Wjomlnij Vvimiiir ". arte Mi r o CI.. f-MS AGENTS. 128 Ave. .; 1.35 .1.25 .)-, 2.5" 3.t(l 1.05 1. .55 1. 10 on .Ho .60 't'i - torix and Wyoming Avenues. EHneKsxnS tw Michaelian Bros. & Co. 124 Washington Ave. Our Prim Art Ahni)s l.ow. Ktor.U)oilr Knows That :