THE SCKANTON THIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, FEB11UA11Y 20, 1901. NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA TUNKHANNOCK. .'pedal to the Scratittm Tribune. Tunkhannock, Ioh. 10. The Tunk hannock Wnter comtmnv find them lelvcn under the nocepulty of inociu--insr a new supply for their rcucrvotm 'lecnuje of the pen nil ty of wnter for lomt' tlniRtpnM, and n eotpt of hiir-'ej-ors me cnnueed thin week In the vicinity of Oxhow pond, tiylnjr to no eertnln If water enn he liroiiRhl here from that point for une In their mains. Oxbow pond Is located In Lemon town ship, about clRht miles fiom this place, nnd a flno body of witter. In sorrw pints ntt.ilnlliK the depth of foi-ty-llvu feet, iind If the scheme of obtaining- wntor from there Is found pnu'tlciilile the quality will bo much butter than that of Susquehanna river water, which othcrwlso may hnvc to bo tesorled to. Solon Lyman hns rented one part of the 'double llcrilck house on I'titmnn street, the side now occupied by Kiwi Piatt. Mrs. nil Krnwn, nf AVest I'lttstou. Ii vlsltlnff Iter sister, Mis. Ilobeit Piatt, on Ftitinaji street. A innrrlaeo license has been Issued to tew I Welch and Katie Hatferty, both of Meshoppen borough. W. N'. Purdon, truvellnR- salesman, Is very III nt his home mi Wan en street. Klectlon passed off very quietly. Very little Interest was manifested on cither side, and the vote was light. Oeorsc West, of riprlngvllU1, has lented the Dr. C II, IJ.ina farm, acioss the river, for the cominfr season, ami will occupy the tenant house thereon niter Apiil 1. Constable Hobuit M. Piatt, who has been 111 for some time, Is able, to bo out imiiln. Lewis Comstock has i en ted the. Wynmliiff House, on Tlrldge stieet, now conducted by Martin Schlatter, and will take possession on April 1. .1. K. WIbkIus bus had the Interior of his barber shop newly papered and painted, which adds much to Its ap pearance. Theodore Williams, clerk at Hotel drahani, has leased the Mehoopany house, at North Mehoopany, which has been conducted for several years past bv M.W. Tlreser, and will lemnvc to that place on April 1. NICHOLSON. Upttlil to the Scranton Tribune. Nicholson. Kcb. 10. II. T. Wllklns Is spending some time In Scranton. Miss Clara Tiffany Is 111 at her homo on State street. Miss Kuth Johnson, who has been l.sltliiK her friend, Mlf.s Cora Greene, KING'S EYIL. Row Ignorance and Super stition go Hand in Hand. A curious sight might have been seen in England a couple of centuries ago. At Whitehall or tome other royal resi dence a little group of people would hrinlcingly await the coming of the king, in order to be "touched for the evil." The specific " evil " was scrofula, and it was the popular belief that scrof ula could be cured by the royal touch. Hence the common name for scrofula was King's Evil. Nowadays we know that scrofula is a disease of the blood and that even were there magic in a kingly touch, no ex ternal treatment could cure scrofula. The medicine which cures scrofula must deal with the blood. It must be Me to eradicate and eliminate the poisons which corrupt the blood and breed and feed disease. When the blood is cleansed, the pimpled, blotches, boils and other eruptions disappear, ulcers and sores are healed aud the flesh necomes sound and healthy. THE RIGHT WAV to cleanse the blood from tcrofuU is to -hooee that remedy which has cured thousands of people who suffered from crofula in its most previous forms. "I am using a good many of your medicines in my practice," writes Dr Joseph Flke, of Lost Springs, Marion Co., Kansas, "'fen years ago there vras an emigration from Rusland to this, country and there was a 'lady in the company who was badly affected with that dreadful disease, scrofula. Her mouth and throat were in an awful con. dition, and there were lumps on the out tide, below the jaws, the sue of a hen's tya Other doctors had been called una they said it was a fatal case. I felt confident that none of my remedies would benefit her auy. It came to mv mind that Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery was recommended for such cases, so I went to the drug More and bought one bottle and gave it to her to use at directed. Five bottles cured her and she is well to-day. She is married now and has three healthy children." Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery judged solely by the cures it has effected u without doubt the most pow erful aad most perfect blood purifying medicine of the century. It is a radi cal remedy. It goes to the root of the disease. Some preparations containing mineral poisons such as mercury are offered as cures for scrofula. These medicines only suppress the symptoms at Xlieaae for a while and cite the akin I of KIcelvllle, i illumed to her home Tuesday evening. Dr. A. M. Nlles Is confined to hli home, on Main street, with measles. Mrs. 1). W. Titus, who bus been very 111, Ik tonvaluiclnfr. Mrs. H. II. Wllklns Is vlslllmr her sister. Mis. K. N. Hoyle, nt Tiny, N..Y. Miss Mnriraret Jnync, the assistant pilnclpal In the Nicholson (traded school, Is c-onllned to the home of Kmmet Pratt, In Paeontown, with the measles. Miss Nellie Shields Is llllliiir the vacancy In the school. Or. and Mis. II. K. Wllklns spent I'l-lilny In Koster. Mis. K. I-:. Tiffany Is ipilte III at her home on State sticel. PITTSTON. Bpidal t Hi .Scranton Tribune, Plttston. Keb. 1!. lllecnl voter were Klven no quarter at tlm polls hern and a sharp lookout wan kept for law violators of this class. The municipal election wns a spirited con test and every vallable- voter was hauled out. In some of tlm wards, every man was chnllciiKed for a tav receipt, upon his application for a bal int. it in L-ennriitu known! that viola tions of the ballot law havo been a common occurrence In this city, and a, strict watch was kept, result Inf- In Mm Hi-rest nf four oters on the chin go of ollnp without paying taxes within the limit reunited "J' !" ane men nr.. ThnmnH Kncln. Owen Carey. Mich ael McNinnarn. .lames Campbell. The wan ants weto Issued by AKiermau Kvaiis, at the Instance of ropiestnta llves of the Cltlr.cns'-Uepubbllcan ticket. The men were held under S300 ball for a futther Wednesday. A warrant was alro Issued for Thcirfs Dcvlm, chin-Red with aldlnp; Knnln to Illegally vote. The election In West Plttston was unusually quiet, only one-third the vote being polled. Tha entire repub lican ticket was elected, nt follows: School directors, C. H. Fostr and I!. At. Hushes; councltmen, W. C. Suther land and Eugene Spencer: assessor, D. K. Jenkins; auditor, John SeilmBeour, Jr.; oveiseer of the poor, Thomas Hughes, sr. Evangelist B. K. Armstrong left this afternoon for Texas, or. an evangeli cal mission. He will be absent two w. eeks. "Motliei" Jones addressed n 'large Gathering of the striking mill slrls, from the Sterling Silk mill, in the Phoenix hall this evening. The competitive drill nt WllKes Paire last evening, between the crack drill team of Co. A. Fourth regiment, Ancient Order Knights of the Alystlo a look of clearness, but after a time the suppressed disease like a smothered fire breaks out with a new violence. It is the uniform testimony of those who have been cured of scrofulous dis eases by the use of "Golden Medical Discovery" that the cure is permanent. In many instances the testimonial to the cure has not been offered until the lapse of several years proved how thoroughly and lastingly the medicine had done its work. No class of people are more grateful for the blood purifying power of the "Discovery" than women whose faces have been marked nnd marred by pimples and other eruptions. The smooth skin and clear complexion which come back when " Golden Med ical Discovery" has swept the blood clean of its corrupting poisons, are a source of unfeigned delight to those who for years have had their beauty marred by some form of eruptive dis ease. Beauty begins in the blood, and the first step to beauty is to clcancc the blood of the corrupt ing impurities which weaken the bodv and be foul the flesh. THE SCOURGU 01' CIVILIZATION. From half civilized or unsanitary countries come the plagues which deci mate the teeming popula tions of the Orient. Sani tary science and medical skill have' banished the plagues from among our selves, but civilization has its own scourge in that form of scrofula which attacks the lungs and is, popularly known as con sumption. Plagues are not per M&tent. They appear and disappear again for years. Scrofula of the lungs or consumption is a persistent disease. Every day of every year it gathers in its victims; one-Mxth of all deaths from disease beinj; attributed to consumption. Dr. Pierce's Golden Aled-i icl Discovery cures scrof ula wliereer it anas u. It eliminates the scrofu lous poibon from the blood and so the organs which are fed by blood are re lieved from the scrofulous poisons which destroy them. Obstinate, deep-seated coughs, bronchitis, bleeding of the lungs ana similar uangcrous torms oi maciM. are perfectly and permanently cured by " Golden Medical Discovery." "Dr. Pierce's medicine has not only benefited me greatly but it hs done wonders for my two sons," writes Mrh. M. Hartrick, of Demster, Oswego Co., N. Y. " Hoth had scrofula. I have lost two daughters in less than five years with consumption and scrofula. My eldest bou was taken two or three years ago with hemorrhage from the lungs. It troubled him for over a year. He took Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and has not had a hemorrhage in over a year. My younger son had scrofulous sores on his neck ; had two lanced, but has not had any since lie commenced to take your medicine." ABS0U1TF.I.Y nKMABI.E. "Golden Medical Discovery" cau be absolutely relied on as a sale and sure medicine for diseases cuuscd by a scrof ulous condition of the blood. It cures disease of skin and scalp, eczenm, salt rheum, tetter, scrofulous sores aud swell ings, as well as scrofula of the lungs and other diseases having their origin in u corrupt condition of the blood. Accept no substitute for "Golden Medical Discovery." There is no other medicine "just as good" for the enre of scrofulous diseases. FRBK TO AU. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser. 1008 large pages and over 700 illustrations, is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send 31 one-cent stamps for the book in cloth binding, or only 31 stamps if satis fied to have the book in paper-covers. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, lunalo. N. V Chain, nnd the Eagle, drill team, of this city, wns won by the Plttston di Diets, Tho prize wan $2G. Thomas I.ongan, of Dtit-yeu, and MIR Ellen linnet!, of this city, were ttnltcid In marriage In St. John's Unman Catholic church yeslotday by Itnv. father Oarvoy. . V. I.ncoe and MaiRaiet I.acon have been granted letters of adminis tration In the estato of the late II. D. I.acoe, The valuation Is $:!CU,OnO, HONESDALE. Bpriltl t Hi' fcratiton Trlourif. Konesdnle, Keb. IS. Mr. llaro l flretter, n former llonesdalc photog rapher, 1h now traveling for the Clrlf fin Art comiNMiy, of Scranton, Airs. M. At. DeWltt. of Scranton, has been spending th past wrel;, w)lh Atlis Emma Patterson. The friends of lion. !'. P. Kimble will be pleased to leant that be It Improving from his recent serious Ill ness siiilielcnt to leavii his bed for a short time. Kerber lirotheri have ceased to op erate their coal waphery nl lloadteys for the present. Among this membeis of the La fayette Alumni association of North costern Pennsylvania, whose annual reunion will bo held In Scranton Mutch 8. aie It. At. Sloeker, T. S. Atiush. J. A. Illllcr, K. W. Powell. I). I.. Hower and J. J. rurtl". Jr., of llnnesdate. Allss Alarcln 15. Allen has returned finni an itveinlcd vlsl. In western New York state. This Tuesday Is borough election day. Tho ollices of town council and school director tiro all that will awak en nny interest. The cnunty commissioners have ex perienced great iliillftilty In distrib uting the ballots to polling places on account of snow drills, which block tho country ronds. Air. Hartley Crogan. a much re spected citizen of Honesdale, died sud denly Thursday evening, aged ti.1 year?, for thlity-llve years bu had charge of nil the horses at tho Delaware and Hudson company's barns. The funeral was held at St. John's chinch Monday moinlng. f'oloniil nnd Airs. Cop Dm land are now enjoying the balmy nlr In St. Augustine, Florida'. From present Indication two new factory buildings will be erected In Honesdale the coining summer, which will udd largely to the business. Con. trary to the expectations of many, the volume of trade In neaily nit branches In 1900 exceeded that of the previous year. The Allsses Ueltler will give n mas qtierndc to a small number of lady and gentlemen friends nt their home on upper Atnln street on Tuesday evening. A Honesdale exchange suggests tho need of public sheds in which to place horses that are nllowed to stand for hours on the public streets, exposed to the winter winds. Public sheds arj leceptacles for filth, and would be of little use for the horses whoso drivers are so devoid of humanity as to allow a noble beast to suffer In storm and wind, when there Is an abundance of shed room nt the dlffetent Honesdale hotels at the moderate cost of ten cents per tea in. Horse owneis of the alsive class are few In Honesdale. HALLSTEAD. Sr.'Ciil lo ttie Scranton Tribune Hnllstead, Feb. 19. J. I,. J. T. lUchntds have belli Kosj ami appointed delegates to attend the Young Alen s Christian association convention at Lancaster. Air. nnd Airs. Todd left Alonday fur Grand Itaplds. Mich., where thsv will tcslde In the future. Alt p. (SeorRo A. Cliai, ot Italtlmore, Aid., Is the guest of J Ion. and Alls. S. ft. (.'base. George I-oucks, of Plnghnmton, was In town on business Alonday. Mr. and Airs. Herbert Evans i" turned from tlu-lr luldal tour Thurs day and will commence housekeeping at once. A number of the boys who reived In the Spanlh-Aiiieilcan fnr are to go to Alontrose Wednesday evening to participate In n banquet thete, to be given by the Spanlh-Amerlcan War Veterans' union. .Marvin Ilolllstcr vah tendered a pleasant party by a score of bis Ju venile friends last Saturday night. P.efreshments were served. Two sleigh loads of young people enjoyed the llde to New Atllford nnd return Saturday. L. S. I.eonaid was In lllnglmmton on business Alonday. Air. and Airs. Herben llrotvn moved here from New Alilford .Monday and are occupying tho Warner house a l the corner ot Chnso avenue and Pino street. They will open n bakery and rotaurant. Friday evening mnny vnung penpl" attended the ball given by the Young Alen's Social club, of New Alilford. A nw telegraph office Is being erected at the upper end ot tho Dela ware, Lackawanna nnd Western rall load yard. Its piupose will be to fur nish east-bound crews with older be foie leaving Hit- yatd. The funeral of Walter Holmes, who dropped dead of henrr fnllur". wn hi Id fiom tho lesidemv of the de ceased Sntuiday. The Huptlst church choir tciideied seveial hymns touch Ingly SUSQUEHANNA. C(itcltl to th Stranton Tilbune. Susquehanna, Feb. IS. As one lenint of the hallermaker's strike, one hun dred men, trom the various ileptut mentH of the Urle shops, were laid otf on Saturday evening. The man who can settle the ptcsent protracted contention between the Krle Ilallmad company and tho strlkluK holler maker and thrlr helpers, fairly, Kiuaiely and with Justice to all con cerned, Is a statesman, and his name will go ievcihcinliiK down the cen tury. It hns been said that In all meal emergencies a innn Is "raised tip" to meet them. This Is a very opportune time for somebody to tlse up In Susque hanna. II" will Iw warmly welcomed by every wjko winker of the conuuun. Ity. The Dorcas society will teallze over im fiom tho "sock Micliil," held on Fil duy evening In the I'lvobyterinn chinch Hev. Charles Hemy NhwIiib, pastor of the Alethodlst church, last oveulnif preached an able and npptopilntc ser mon lo tho Woman's Christian Tem perance union. Htibjeat, "Tho Ufa nnd Work of Allss Frances Willard, or, the Great Temperance Movement." Airs. C. I). flawley, of Alonttose, Is thu truest of Oakland and Kusqiio hnnna relatives. The funeral of the Infant sou of Air. nnd Airs, Vavld Bcarles took place on Sntuiday afternoon, Intel ment was innde In Kveisrreen cemetery. At the publlci sale of tho leal estate ' of the late Oscar Washburn, of Gibson township, held In thin place on Sat urday, the house nnd' lot, situated on Jackson street, this borough, was sold to James Hklnner. The farm situated In Gibson township wns sold to H. T. Whitney. Professor and Airs. W. At. Dennlson, of Ijinesboro, returned homo last evening from a visit with telatlves In Montrose. The Crescvnt club held th Inst of Its lertes of popular hopn nt the Statrucca IIousii Alonday evening. The Erie shops weie Idle Saturday. The funeral of the late Patrick Henley took place on Sunduy afternoon from HI. John's Catholic church and wan laigely attended. St. John's branch, Catholic Mutual Henertt nsso. elation, attended In a body. The te inalns weie Interred In Laurel Hill cemetery. The Infant son of .Mr. and Airs. Geo. I.own, of the Oakland side, died on Friday. The funeral took place from the house 011 Sunday afternoon with Inteimeut 111 MoKune cemetery. The funeral of the late John Opal took place on Saturdny afternoon fiom the home 011 the Oakland Hide, new C. O. Atackey offlclating. Interment was made In AIcKune cemetery. A public meeting, under the aus pices of the Erie shopmen, wns held and largely attended In Hogan opera h oust! on Saturday afternoon, to eon shier the stilke situation. A number of business men were present, by In vitation. The pilnclpal speaker was Edward Kennedy, editor of the Inde pendent, of Hlnghamtou, 11. lnhor 01 giinlzer, who favored arhlttatlon, as the proper method of settling the pres ent contention between the Erie Hall road company and the boiler makers. The Susquehanna band furnished music for the occasion. Susquehanna malnluins Its reputa tion ns being one of the most orderly towns In the country. During the la bor stilke of three weeks neither the regular officers, nor the large force of special officers, have had occasion to airest a mnn for Intoxication or for any other reason whatsoever Atatch ll who can".' 1 ii ooooooooooooooooo s THEATRICAL. 0 6 00000000000000000 ATTRACTIONS TODAY. .f.lli:M "A l.loif Hwrt." Malinr uml I'lllllt. ' IJAICTV TI.e Riiii'.ileii. lliulcqu- Coip.iiy. Mjtlnec anil nlgltt An Indian Play This Week. '-'llio nomine Anov,'" an lmlun plj, lh Mr lutit.-n ot uMch I Uo Won (lo Mnliawk, IiimIi 1 full Molded alxstlglnjl, -rt ill tie tin oftctin; at tlic Acidein) lliuriwla.r. V'tldiv and Saturday, Ib. it. ! and S.l. llr MIim, thomh in M rally dai. a uarrioi lield In Idgh honor among hl people lati-r tools to the while man's mm.vs. Mi". Moluvik wai srhi'n educational opror lunillM In tliH CQiintiy. S'ic iM?aU ccral lan guages and irt .1 wilier of ability. Iter new phy. "The V'liniini; Airo," viilleu by Lincoln .1. Cuter, la .1 romantic melo-drana replete with stlirine inrltknta: interrHns tei. Hum urn tho Indian' I'ov Wow, the lesunettlcn of the toinahaw I. a foiuul dcclaiatlon of wai-( nn hihilion of Indian Kporl, tvplcil sisn.iUIng; betneen the paillM of the war cjini; the ut tafl; on tlic toil, tht w.a eoumll, mid "The n.iinlnc Airow" ImMlini; throush the air, boai ins with it a fearful inenatv to the biicged scttlili. A now and noicl atreet parade headed I'V .1 ri nulne Indian hraw hand Mill lie siicn on the il.i u( the piifntinanu Jeff Be Anpelis and Comic Opera. What .Ibfteuoii lie Al)i'l't know about 11 line opera !'! worth knanlni; by anbhly. IK hai been In It fur nearly turiiiydhe mid for the past four or flic year l-o lin hem try inuih In It. A a matter of fail, 1 whole lot of people ii'l now think that ho li the 3i lv one uho H in It, and hi rt ported srreat uicoi In "A Iloyal lloKiie," the new opera'l- rouieil" which ho U to jneaent heie no-.t KriJay I 'nt.t, ha been pill lull Illy pleaiant leidin Ij hi friuuls and admlrerii. 'fheie i .111 Impiilou that Do Auk.!!), l'f.1.1 hi loinio opera lareci- with the r.ll Mi f'aull i-ompiny, but ho date away bilk bejoiid that. He ,n the prim Ipal i.ouiedlau of an opna com pinv made i tour of tho vmlit before he eier met Colonel McCinll. IIi adU'iuuita t'uoiiKh U11. Africa and India would im'ic rn inliie-linir book, and Jilt 1 trn'ii? to wuto ll ome dd, he pa. At proent he I pretty buy with "V llo.ial'llosue." He ha a large and plhdld fomp in.1. eat ate no on "lie al l.y. nun i i 'A Young Wife." Ili.e of I lii' iiicaiciil auieCMe ol lai j-uii in New Volt; i tin loniedy drama, "A Voiuia Wlfo," wlilih vlll be ,een heie on Siturdty, I'.b. si, uutlnee and nlitht. Till play i tiom the pen of J. K. TllloUon, who lwa vvrltliu a nuuilier of huombIuI dianui, anions them "The I'lintcr' Wife," "I.vnvvood," "(Jueena" and other. "A Youi.r Wife" fmUhed a even vveik' i nxift meiil at the I'ourteeiilli Stieet theatir, New Vorl., .ni'l wa only taken off beeauc cl I lie cllence of prior (.outwit vvhiih (ouhl not vervjell lie changed. The plot till the torjr ot the irood sou and the bad von ot an old N'nv oik baiikir. The yniina; i.ite of Rood on i auo-fd of liuiiiklliiK til- lulikeii she bellevea htv liui'iinl i Iho miuderer and i'ek to piotecl Mm. Atler many llirilllna adventurea In the fhmi, in vvhiih a vil'Iant Veinionler perform exi llinic deed of valor in behalf of the innocent bilde, the murdtr injstery I ..leaied up ami the bail r.on puiiMied, It will Intero-t theatre goci liere to know' Hut thl excellent plaj wilt tie pn.iiilcd by a wry lrong lonipiny, beaded by lh popular come. Ulan. 1'i.nik Tannehlll, jr. Al Reeves' Famous Big- Company. Tim aniiotirn.iiiif'iit c(.mi- bom MjimviY lloiringten lor the last lull nt IhU week, lu"gm ntusr vvilli 1huiJili,v iiUllmcV iici.'ormaiui! I. Hie Al Hrevt' Kanioiw We IVunpanr, liudnl ! Ainrrlci' JtnoiM prima, donna. Im Ii.ii )1ccu kr, ivlii I npiimtcil bi- hk IiIicIi-cLim acU ami a clionn of twenty, whiili Al Rmn (in. nountifc i th' fftoit ol Ills lite. The m rfou.i anci- 1 mailu up ot the umnl mt p.nt til Vjiu1i.vI1I of alt nmiiliei ami tin iliwltur . tr.iv.iKin 1 v.'hlrli fmployv lli rntlre Hr.riii'll of tliH coninny. Ihe vvoll-lnovvii vamlfillli' tnfiili lu. will iip piar aie Swan anil O'Div, Mm. ami fi. Wllrv llatnlltnii. acton 'vlio hilf foiallvn Hip Ii-rIH-li.atf Nlaco fur the vamluvlllej llutihcr nul Colrfll'', two ili-TT soiilirftlM; lllf. llelinoir, 011 linioitalli.n fiom Cuioiio ut tally mi tlie Reeves imiipiiiy. who will lie wn In a ( ilantlnc pM'alti Mi, .in.v Thontp m, foi not MiloUt : JIIh t'earl Vun ', Hie ilrvir ilancrr, ami Joe I.hnlcr, the ijre.itr-t 1.15. piaiio plurr in Ihf eiiiintn STAGE NEWS. Mlluiiiilli "fhe llniBiiiialir" j pri'Htiti'd In few ,orl. illy foi a ino-l n.i.u'i nil run, tho newvpaper irltlc line fu.t dUc. .'I I'd tint tiny did not net tlm onnliul i,i I u-pn.din-tlon ol tul iliciry nirlaiiire, and iv tniM'iUeni Hk.v aru luo-t piomiiuurd In 1 Ut 1 1 (f-i'lliiR aitalii.t ilie mjriairi'iiKiil. Thl i tin Sut impoitaiil oicnlou In )rat iUh-ii a proini-n.-nt inelropolltaii llnMila- thfatie (in-wntrd 1 .No. 2 luinpinj, and (liiiano rrrrlvod tlie .N'.i. I ci'inpaiij licit lofore It liaa beiu fnt Iho i vtrw. At any uto, wo will nil the crlajml eoinpany and piodmtloii and ran Join in tho Uugli at lie epoiwi ot the New York plot and nubile. Aiming Ihu pioiiilnrnt fljure of tho U ktat, thai bMiitllul .voutic Mprann, Hilda Clark, pilnu iluinu ol tha Uoalunlan.1, iJ.lly taktt fltt ran!; un a atrlkinely lumloniB creature, MUi Clark It a blonde, vtith a (Jriclan profile ami fraturos llut are familiar to nearly eveiy nmilo lover, for the nunicioiu pliotojrapha ot her In maira. lne and nevv-ipapera are Hilled by tnlleitoi-., Ml.a CUik la a vvealtin tlrl. horn in Leaven. ivnttli, Kan,, and lecelved lier latlliM inii-ili ll tducitlfln In Ronton. Afttr thru mi' tidily ttroi, ilie rtturnfet to this country nd btt ilctul on the bile Mage mult in tin opcr "I'rlncfM lloiinlf." Mi thm mipriroil tor cjrn I tK tlic llo!onl.iii, nntl In tlio opct "Tho lIlRhwajtiiMi" ml noiv ttlurtu to tills com uny frrtli from lilumrln hro.ul. Mix Cltrk Im a liilllUnt nopttno voice 0! l.ule qinllly (nil Mr nrife rtrtii lo K In lit. AVOCA. The. Indies of Hie Alethodlst Kpls copnl church will serve supper on Wnshlneton'a blrtlwlay, beglnnlnf?; at S o'clock. Cream, homo mitdo candy, aprons, etc., will be for pale. Kvcry bodv welcome. Air. nnd Airs. D. J. Ilrown, of Peck vlllc, spent Sunday nt tho Christian residence. Today's elr-ellon promises to bo ono of the- most hotly contested elections that have taken place In notno time. There arc a promiscuous set of can didates. The ballot will appear; like this: Plrst ward, no opposition, coun cil, David Fiow; school director, Win. The marriage ot Allss Alary, daugh ter of Air. and Airs. T. M. Wilson, of Allller lllll nnd John Smith,, of the West Side, Is announced to take place this morning. James Nolan, of the North Knd, is suffering; from nn attack of appendi citis, James Gllhooley made a business trip to Tunkhanuock yesterday. The Ladles' Friendly club will meet with Alls. .lennlu Hell this evening. The Hillside colliery has suspended operations until patent slate pickers and elevatois are placed In the btenker. Thomas I). Unwlnud-), foreman In the slope of tlm Imugcllffe colliery, while entering a bre.iBt on Alonday afternoon was painfully binned about the face and aims by a prematuie ex plosion. Airs. John llenly attended the funeral of Hev. Father Nealon. at Carbondnle, yesterday. The Toting Alen's Institute hnvc a fine conception of what constitutes nn entertaining piogtamme. The taent heard on Alonday evening was appreci ated and the crowd was the finest seen In the opera houro In some time. The Homo Mission society of the Primitive Alethodlst church will 'meet nt the home of Airs. Joseph Ulchens tomonow afternoon al 'i o'clock. Kxcrelses will bo held on Friday moinlng In nil the schools in honor of Washington's birthday. FOREST CITY. Special lo Hie Scranton Tribune. Forest City, Feb. 19. Alts. Iiu. Thom as, of Unlomlalc, was a visitor In For est City on Saturday. Rev. R. L. told ot his work amoncr tho poor In Hoslon, nt the mornlnc service In the Methodist church yesterday. It proved to be a very Interesting topic. The yeatly col lection for missions was. taken up, Benjamin F. Alaxey, of Wllkes-IUne, was a visitor In town Saturday. Klectlon passed off very quietly. The greatest contest was In the Second ward, caused by nn outbreak from the Democratic party which placed a citi zens' ticket In tho field. W. F. AVhlte has so far recovered fiom Illness as to be out. A company of glassblowers and spe cially artists are hotdiuK forth in the opera house this week. John llltske is on the sick list. NEW MILFORD. Special lo the S'ctanten Trlb:in. New Alilford, Feb. 19. Ati.. KtiRene Casey, of Oxfoid, visited her brother, Lee J. DeWltt, In this place, last week. Air. and Airs. J. ( Alcl'onnell are entettnlnlnc their sister, Allss Sara Alct'onnell, of BlnffliamUm. The Women's Christian Temperance union will meet nt the homo of Airs. Tucker on Thursday afternoon. The ladles of the Woiklnpr Kulld will conduct a "yard" social nt the Prcsby teilan chinch pallors on Thuisdny evening, February l!S. Alts. Wllllnm Curtis, of IlrldRownter, was si truest of her sister. Airs. D. W. HaR-erf the foiepart of the week. Allss Alinnie ltrndley Is spending- a few weeks with her friend, Allhs IMIth Krwln, at South New Alilford. Air. and Airs. Kmest Peck and chil dren i-pent Sunday with lelatlves at Gibson. THE MARKETS. Wall Street Reviitw. Aew loik, Ki'li. TJ. All of the Mork. nuil.i'i's ttRnth todiy vv.n ccnflnint to a uiy ! atocks anil waii lonii' maintained, IIihIihih fill unny tu tin- point it Mini hURiial ion al iliri 1I111 iiir Iiu) il.iy, thmvinic 110 Um in Die irivnt l(iri;i' j-ciural ilriuinit oi nt I lie operations liv law I'-inklns and tlnincial Intermt whlcli ,a tlm liarklmiiu of the nurkrl far :i lontf tlnu'. Olivliiiily 1111110 (ml tunfririiial optTalors vvrie iiitirifliil to unv ereat extent In the ila.i'" train action. The mrl stork vpn- all ffVciWi .mil uimtttlcil bill Kiliirilly'il duriiiit I'm' inuiM- u( thi il.i.v. 'lliti moln'.i inaikit v t not violently riUturlifd, t-v.t the turn coiillnu'S 10 liaiilt'ti, Tlie ilotcmiinotlon In clow tin- stoik rvchanijfi tiein llmrwlay again until Mcnd.iv tiiomiiin vas an intlutiUL' lovuid ilullno Th"ie vai koniu vinetltii'HS due lo the irepcniiii; nl I'm a;te rpiMtion In tho mithiadle legion, iht nrfunt mcrciiiient rmriutlni: onli In Inill 1 I Tlm toali'M vvere in i-oiw-rjucnro eipotiallv vviak liavvan anil uua.on wom inane, 1111-ahints vil' li'nlly fi'S from tho lep, and rl,ln? viilli a mi loM of 2'i. 'Iho Southwentfrn vine nil notatil; vvuk, ikcliniuir fiom 1 In "-'i and thin vvcic luivi'in ll'wfh in (irra' ..oillmn pafenrd. (l.n rral lllnrtiiii and tho Nuelllim loik-. IicwhU Ihoic In the rtctl stoik. There -a .m tinvvird liuu In sinrar but it 'lid rot hold, fomparatlie t.rniiiin via Mnv.rii liy I'nloii I'Jilllc, 1I1Iik.. (Vnlral. and for a lime !. I'ml. ihousli that Hock jivo way at Iho laal. Tut a I ale. 7I,V"1 'lliiMe vai I.11 S'' nil;. Ink -suiii of llu' inulliriu l'adm' tioril, lint llici Imt most of ihilr u"i n liilnie tho c1m.o nnd the rhkmI Imnd llrt vua riMitlonaij. Totil alc. pai value, M,iVMI V. S. homln vine all iniihanril on Ilie 1.1.1 tall '1 ht followlit; qiiotatloni are Vnbiue bv )1. S. .Ionian A li. titT.ltli'il Tha rvi.ins 7ii5-704 Ufara hnlldlrc, Siranlon, I'a. TrlepllAIII J')""l lllSh- l.o-t. till upn li.-. f.'-l ell. III'. IV H'i V.'.i 7- 7t' -jW 4.1 : I" ill'.. .-tmerirati susir Atiitrlean 'IVbarro ., Am. Stcil .V Wile Atihl-"n ' AtdiUn. I'i monk. Tiaill'it. .. Rait, k fid . . I.-. ..ll'i't .. ri'j .. v.' .. ellj ... 7"-U ... t-0'i .. 41',. .. I'l''. ... llil . ..Il'l'i ...rail J ...liA-i ,..ti7Ji ,.. 4'. ... -.'t ... V.'J .. 'II'' ...ll"' ... v,i; .. 111)'. W III.' ,w; ai'i .5 7.V n nn j 14 I Pi's 1AI 1711 Pi', 7 Mi !'1 117S4 Ml ei,4 pil I7'I .!, eh'-. Ill'i Hi', 1 1 "i'i i-.'-i . I.TTL .:. , HI ir r ut. 'he riile. loli-itio .... ,t Ohio . ... k 01. n'e't. PI 11V. UM, I'JIV, li.T'', 41, I'l ll llllli HHi KOI, I" II In' 1 SI in', Ji". UVi 11 .Hl'j TI'T 21 Till ?ft Tl'i I hi. .. II. '. lt. I'a til .. It-ni- Mard H..1. k lliid-nn ... Ki-ilernl ele.l IVileral Weil. IT. . Kan. S To.. I'i. .. lviila. Nii-h. lllivalnl Mel. TV.iellot Mi-isciiii r.ioliV ... lV'C pie's (,'a N. .1. Centril .. .. fviut'iein IMdlio ... Ni-ifolk c Wtft. Nortlietu I'aellli' .. Vailli. I'ailllc, IT. V. V. Cent id ... Out, ft' Wealftn ... IMini. 11. 11 I'.icllll Mall WiadlnR II v rteodlnir, I'l r-iuil'iern 11. H. ... Soiilhein, IT. ..... T. nn. Coal ,. lion C. P. I.rather ... . I' -, l.i.illin, IT HU'I 1'iJ. pt'l'l 4s l4 '.I'V etl( ilia; lit! 1.11 I I'i 4'a "JH Sil', U-l'i :! UM, 10'i ;'.o 70'-, IIU 7.1. .v.i , UK 7l'i . .i.'-i'i ... 4l'i ...4; ... eP, ... it.'.; ...111 ... S! ...lli."-r ... lO'.i ... si'.S ... n ... 71',J . .. 1;' .. uTi :i' 11" 12 SI a Tit, JU ti itt't rt ;ia JONAS LONG'S SONS. Wa D0 4- DflfftHA Vt fVlfft New Novelties As They Come From the linkers. The novelties catch the eye. Choose from them early, while variety is best. Later on there will not be so much exclusiveness. The satisfaction of having something different from eyeryone else. The Dress Goods store is in its proper place at the head of all others hereabouts. Varieties are largest ; styles are i idlest; prices are lowest. After all that is the true mission of any good store. Albatross Novelties Strictly all wool, 38 and 2q inches in width. Mostly stripes, specially adapted for waists and evening dresses. Manufacturers look to the Albatross for their season's reputation ; the very newest fabric and weave and finish. Many colorings, such as Old Rose, Reseda, Pink, National, ('astnr, Grey, Cauiinal, etc., with stripes of white. 39 Cents the yard Silk Stripe Serges Persian sttipes (the Persians outshine all other designers in richness of color combinations and pretty effects). Many colorings, such as Sage Green, Old Rose, National, New Blue, Red, Pink and Light Blue, also White. Twenty eight inches in width. 95 Cents the Yard Jonas Long's Sons f. s. itnllier I''a I'-'k T"j 1 "i fnlon I'a.lllc "''! '' ''- ') I'liion 1'aillU, IT " " "' '' Mala.h, I'l t"'r .m'i -' J,l Wivtirn Union .7'. hMi si''a s' rilKMfiO CHAIN MAHKiri'. Dihii- IliRh- Low- l lot- WIIKM'. ''' "' "lt '"":- M.II.-U '!. " I-1"- '.':' May " ""'ii ' - 'J' Mitch "'" ?) jjij- hi'; 4uJ in1. iu OA1S. Mav r.J -Vili W -'''J I'OltK Mav ll. W ll.o-J i:i.''"i l"1" I..VIIU. May T.I.' 7.i; 7.10 . '. M:W lOlil. fill VIS MMIKKl' Oiwie IIIrIi- I.OIV- Cln. VMII.AI' Init. ! 't "'' Mitrli T'li "'' lt T'', Mjj 7'i'a ''' 7'a ' I Olt.N. Mav in tn'i "! 1"'. Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Hid Valied. Plrst Natlorut Hank Scranton Saving" Hank , Third National flank ;,' Dim Deposit and Discount Hank. Economy Unlit. H. I'. Co. I.aclca. Tnmt Hale tlo. ... Clark k Unover Co. IT. Scranton Iron I'eneo A Ml.', to... Scranton AUo Wuik Lackawanna Palr Co., IT Countv Savlnja Hank A- Tnut. Co. Firnt National Dank (Cartondale). Standard Prililni: Co Trader.' National Haul S.ranton noli and Nul (0 I'JllU .IV) I'll 2"o 4-1 l.lll l.'S 'll 211 .'lull ulU HI 10". I!0M. bfranton 1'iaitiifir llallivav, ttiit Mottace, due t0 ,v m People's Street Italluai. Tlt.t inort- jah'e. due 101S Hi P.ople'n Slieel Hailwov. Ueneral inoileaRe, due 1WI I'3 D'ck'on Manutaetuilns to pal Lacla. Tovviidilp School .'1 pel icnl. ... I'll City of Scranton t Imp fl p-r cent lw Seianlon Traitlcn t, per cent 115 Scranton Wholesale Maiket, Itiliected bv 11. II P.h-. '7 f.n kaiv.111,1 1 e,) ll'lllll -Cl'-au. 11. -''l-'"." I 'Ij'iv. Iaiil . Choi si'-1'ul I iiimiii. Uj1.' I'm Wii-lini iii-'i. -il'.-J "A . neailij tati', 'J!aS.I'. Ili'ili -I'i-i tii ii.oi.f iinn.-vv. i- nj-.-i'. Pea lleaiw I'i 1 U 1., v'.I.Vr-'.Hi. Midiutii llean--IVi In.. M.lUi'4". l.neii Pen- pn bu . "I.I'UI 4V tiltloim -Pel bu , MjI I'l ITinii- DM paieui, l in. Maw Yolk Giam nnd Pioauce. Nrn 1.1l.. lib. I" 1 lour ieul.i and iiwd etaldv aillvv. Wheal "pnl tirin; No. '! I'd. Wsi.' f. o b. .ilk at, and 7'i'i.i. rlevmn; N" I minium llu nth. S7i . I. ". b. mloal. iMiumi I, .id t uilii'ialli linn i'iiii' all day and ilo-nl linn ut 'ii. net ailv ut '. Maul- ilieil T'", . Mil. 'j'ie. ; Julv, 7'i'ki 1 oiii-spot tejih . n. ', 4Mvc, iliialiu ml fi''3i. f ii. b .ill'i iiillnii mallei etiadv: 1 IomiI liadi h mi iliantnl iiite. Ma 1 10.1 I 4h'.i-.; lull d'' Ditn ".put nun; ii. .. .u'fi.; no , .n Nn. ., vihite, .'Ul.i.: n." 1 'ldn-. lll'gaa'i' Option uiaiki't via dull utid abnut li'.uli Hi ler Miadj: fie-b 'iianniy, bla'ti ; 14' ior 11 il"'. ; Jinn iie.iii.i.v. 1,'m"i.. iiiiiiai'ui 1.MIIUI.V. Il.lli.' -I tie lllll V, IXUle I lirv.t I'll tn; rnuiy, fill 11 .ide. Ilall'ai . fain . Hnall, fall li.adi', I'i. I'kb- -Mejili ; ml IViitii. I7i ; in tun. Ju'ji'.; KMiiihiiit 11 PliUntlelphiti Gipiii unit I'toitiice. PlitUlelplui IVb. i-Puu,r I'mn umlern inaimiv. il'i' ; 'I", do. punt- mi. math' I'lii.l" -Mi. i:-.' ll'si Ion.' I tlih limlf.v. b.'.i.l do ve.nn. In'ji d" , n.iithilli and uuil.lli ru. Iiu HeHi ed nirj. L'uihinsnl I loin I'm h.iuinl. I. lie pu'd I lrv-Mid,v; I'lvn, imi'i'te ; nld inolriis ciiliki'ii', ln.iloii-. ; .lulu. 124 lie,.; ,ie.'. IUi lie.; tmki.v-. '1 . Hie .nl jiiulnj -I'liin, owl, diolee. l'UIUCi.; do. fill in hk.i1, lij'l'e . .Id infill., 7.1"..: Iiiaibj ildi Kern.. IU1I.I1 : ne.i nn do., I'.il.'i'.. I'irki.i 111 ai I'i. ilmiie u Ulii.v, 1 J 1 1 . : v. vine do..'i iltiik'. MMIiiv, liilb . i!u , II1II1 , ifL.-e la'n. Chlcnpo QihIii nnd Froducs, ChlcaRO, 1'ih, I'i, 'Hie 10m market aimdilv lenUtcd a heavv- lakllicf Jiiovemrut IfKl.i) and ilo.i'd with Ilie May option i.uly a nhade X... .!,'.! : l"JONAS LONG'S SONS.-' TTV. I H9.1 UklUlb IUU ll, -I,, I a . ii u - ' I in Dress Goods. J . - i ... x : ,-l" r lower. Wlicat nhmvril a somewhat myatcrlom Mrinirlli anil iloscil .it an .adwucu of Ha'ae. tor Mav. Oau iluscd uiichatiiccil and pruviioiL 'JH( limn- in J'jc. Iiiiiliir. Cash quotation were ai fi'lhnvs: 1'ti. 111 Hull -1 ti.l ..IroiK'. Vn !! kiirtiiir i.IiajI MiaiA-. ; o, 2 nd, TIUaToe. ; No. 2 com, 88".Ji'. ; .No. 2 villim-. .l-iiii-.; No. 2 mtn, 'JJijc; No. 2 whlti", 2Ua2"Ue-: No. 3 white, M'ia.T'.y. ; .No. 2, i2a5-'ii.; Xo. 1 flav. 1.0.1; No. 1 iiorlhvvirt, l.dl; inline timothy, l. ::."; poik. "l.l.Mil.l.mi: laid. s".:i;ija7.t0: rilw. a.u,a7.l, .liouldi'i-. IIH.1I1U1 : tlili-n. tf7.tn7.0: wills. Ley, tl.27. Chlcnxo Live Stock Maiket. tliliau'ii. I "ib. to- Cittle IliieipU, :!,Vxi; ei-11 I'l.uly Mtadi, 1111 Iiidins butcher' hliv k and T.v 1111; Bimil lo prime leir, 4.M'ul; pool 11 lii-iliiiiu. :i. 7H: htnilna and fieder. alov , J'.r.Vil.V): ". HJul.lili heiiera, ifi.H)a(.-'. 1 .111111 is. l.7ai III; Inill'', -low- In pi... limn, '. '1O1I.M; 1 llve, aliaile Ivvvti, "litl.lfl; Texj f.-d itui. "la.-i; Tea ui i.tper, l.;:0a', ia liuIN, i..;0i'I.VI Ibil-n lti'ieiilN lull i.i, .'.-..KH); liniiiiium-. In OKI; letl in it. !,. Ilpit.ul ali'Hlt ted.', 1 Iniiur vviak; lop, " PJ, mUrd and bntdiei. v'i.I,',ii W. ( 10 diiMO deary. ST.. P a ". H; rmuli be.iiv, "i.l.1i'i.2': Unlit, ''i.:ii; bu'.. 01 ijlii!. "..2'jaV.".'i. Miup lli'celpia. H'.xaij a,ip, elioiu; lo Hi', hlk-lier; .11 live; 1-iiiiw, .110111;; (jihiiI to edoii ivii-thira, Mil.'il), fair to ihriie inliil. m..hji; ivilrili sheep, xat.;ai: 'li.i Jieep, V.Mal.'Hi; . nallie Iamb, l.IiiV.'il; vvi-teiil lamln. "iaT!'. I New York Live Stock. 1 Nei.- Veil., Tib. III. Ileeve Voiliiiie ilnliu;; ifii'liu.', 'i-id.i; uble ipiuteil Ilie lallle and ,i.liii eiiady; nllli.ii.itoi' b 1 f Invvei nl 'Hji in'it. pel pound. I'.ilve. in.itket loi- b'lt 'Mi'idjj veaN, M.7uS.J'i; baiiaard ealiet, limn. ! j luep and lainlu Milki'l lnvl', but plln" I kle.idy In ntrouv. niep, VI.'iOjI 7.V. lainl IJ Hl.1"!."!. IIorv N"oiiilnall.v lovvii Enst Llbsity Stock Mfiikut. I.i.l l.ibetlv. Kib. I'l -1 altle Slow; rvl,i, ' i.iria'i.VI; pilme, 5.i.'V leiiiniini, 3i.!.7.'j. J llos Mow; pi mil' .'i.i"i.Iiii; be.t viuker", V.Vi.i"i."i'i; dejvv bus,, ", I'aV'an pl., i"3 li'i'i li: 11 null. M.7.1YIO. Imp lead- on hn'p; -loiv nnd luiver en Liiiiln; iliulio uitlici, xl talil.T.'i; 1 imltiiui. 'Nil I; 1 In. 1. 1 I.1111U, m..1').i,''.I'I; louininn 11 ',iid. -I.i'i.'-'-i. vi il labia, 77.."a' huii of Ohm, H) 01 "lull-tin, I.111 ji Ilium,), ... CIlAMv .1. I IH.M.i uiahn 01111 nut lit , kuIiu put'i'- ut ll" f'"" "i '" ' ;hi:n-rv ,h , 11 .Inlnir Inlrllirar 111 llir ClIV of 'loledo.' CiKmti ami Stuo iifniriilil. .""I Hut .M Hun avlll-pav w mm "f Ni: IIIIMHIKII inpfiHIl-v; foe eadi and iveiy ia.c of tAIAflllll th it I'.innoi lo .Hint b.v lliv ii'i- 01 MAI.I.'S ("ATA It III I ( i;ur i'isank .1. ciii:ni;v Sivoiii 1" b'fiile nn and uh.ubcd in mi nii.euie, I hi bill 'In of U'li'tuber. A. II., IS-n. 1 i.ji.1 a. . hi.i;ao, -- Notaiy I'ubli.'. , HV I aland Inn 1- lakni Inteiiially, and aili. diieillv on Hie blood and inueom ui(j5. i.f the vlnii kiii1 loi te.tlinniill, dee. 1 I ( lHA'l.i . CO, Toledo, 0 Mid in l'iuauii ."n Haifa 1 amllv I'll', nn- the be. NERViTA PILLft Kcalore Vitality, Lost Vigor and MinbootJ t'liro liupoteiu'.v. Niirlit r.mlslont, Lews of Mam. ory, Hii vvjviiiicr uieai, nil elfect" ot ; el f.ubuaa nr eice and indi.cri'lion. A nervo tonic tad blood builder. Brinro tha pink clow to pale I'heelia and ledcirei the fire of voutli. llj- mail ,flOQ ner ltfix. fl fnr iP?S 60 PILLS 50 CTS. I $2.00, with our bankable g-auranteotoouro ' or refund ths tnonsy uald. Send for circular unn vtipy or our bankable Kimrantee bond. NervitaTablets (YELLOW LAIir.M EXTRA STRENGTH Immedlite Retnlti ro.lUvely Huuiuuteed cure for Lou of Power, VHrli'ocole, Underelupeid or Mirnnken Organs, I'lire.!, Iieomutor Ataxia, Nerroaa Prottra. Htm, llj-slerlu, I'ltf, Inianlty, Puralala and tlia Ite.iilta nf Kzeeailvo LUnof Tobacco, Opinm or Liquor, By mall In plain pHckage. S1.00 a box, O for $6.00 with our bankable ruer anten bond to euro In 30 day or refantX monoy paid.' LAddrea NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson Sts., CHICAGO. ILL. Sold by AJcnrah Tioma, I'nijs'ulWt Laukavvanna avtnue, Scranton, Vi, ' -.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers