The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 20, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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    TKll,inisiii'Ssp7Sf,rr!fr w.
"SS It, Slj. 1
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Entertainments to Be Given nt the
Jaekion Street and Welsh Baptist
Churches Suppers at Three Other
Churches Luther League Enter
talnment and Social Last Night
.Ermine Dance Tonight A, 0. H.
Smoker and Social Shorter Para
graphs of Interest.
Washington's Jllitlufa-.' will be itt
tlngly observed by tliu c hutch people
-r Vet Scrnnton. Already elnbimiti'
-rngrauimcM have boon lircpaicil by
tin- young people n sevcial ehuiohetf,
ii nd a vnilety of I'lilerialniiiuils, still
nhlc lor all classes will be provided.
-Kn efellen' ctiteitiiltiniuit will bo
given nt tb I'lr.-H WVNIi I'.nptlsl
s-htlith. under I hi" muplecs of Sunday
H'liool clashes No. I" and !.". lloftsh
Jiii'iits! will also be served after llic
ntf rtnlmuont. Tin- piomvniunc Is us
Selection, "Spilug Souk,' l.lui I'mlc
f.'ltai lotto: bus solo. ' Tli Ituft," 1.
II. Wiitmr pbilio "!". m liTlml, I'tof. in) "Sltiuib'-r Seuu. (b)
"Sptlng Sung." Miss rilKiibith Thnni
iif tefltntlnii "JJ. WaN'i Classic,"
"Alls Martha D.ivN t.-nor mIo, ' liy
1'ic Water." Ailed Wonler. piano
mi'd, selected, I'rot' Silas Ilosset ; trio,
'I'l I'ri'KO it IMdio." .vllss IClliMibelli
niium". Philip W men, Alfred Wool
ri. aim olo, (ai "Were I a Star"
ib) "I'liilei- the Hos?." Mls Helen
t-'e-ltl.iiii lecilntlou, selected, Miss
Mm tbi' lAivl-; duet. "Tbo Flslu r
ii. nil." -MetxiH Woolcr and Wat run,
t-oii;:.' l) Counts. 'Tin of Thee," Mr.
,'aii 'ii and audience.
Suptniio, l'11.abeth Thomas; central
"ii. lb-It ii; tenor, Alfred H'ool-e-r-
b.iho. Plilll) Warren: pianist.
"I'lnf. Sl!ns lt(.er; accompanist, Kllvt
nl'i.ih Hughes: elocutionist, Martin
unique I'lili'i Irtlnmcnt will be given
lies! tlil'iv evenlni" ut the .Jackson
S:teet Hipilst iiliureli by the) Infant de.
pirtnii-nt of tbo Sunday school, assist
d bv Alls Sadie Jones. llUborate
pl paiatlnns are belli; mnde for the
i-vc-nt. Il will be a Tom Thumb's vveel-
ling, and nt tbo rlose of the cnter
lulntneiil cake will be nerved. Follow,
ing I:i tin? piogrumme,
Address of Welcome. ..llev Vi- (ituiliy
ttutt? rnntr
out for i and colds
Will be more popular during the ap
proaching Spring and Summer sea
son than they have been in many
years. Dame Fashion has already
said so in Paris, London and New
York, consequently their is no possi
bility of making a mistake.
Last week we displayed a few
novelties in Foulard Silks which
were much-admired, but
This Week We Show
a Full Season's Range
which is by far the handsomest ex--
hibit in its line ever made in this
r city. The display will continue every
!"iJ.- " J .l,'. 1 1 .Ml t
ucty mis wee iv,
welcome visitor.
Globe Warehouse
Chairman.. .Master Chester Thomas
Piano .Solo ....Mis. May James
Solo, "Tho Uoheniluu Cllrl,"
n. H. William-"
Recitation Minn Annie Thomas
Solo, "Thi! AIIIU Aluld,"
Mlsrt KIslo Davis
Hecltatlnu Mica Lilian I.altarr
Htinianophone ily Ten Hoys
The Famous Tom Thumb's Wedding;
Fifty Children Wilt Take J'nrt.
Solo, "dove Iles Weeding, "
TJ. If. Williams
Ileeltatioi M1k- Maud Wetherby
Recitation Miss IMIth May
Hecltatlon Miss Klolne Tliomas
Oood Nl-fht Dilll...lxti)en Mttle Tots
The (ileaner society of tho Slmpion
AluthodlHt ihuivli havo ariaiiKementH
all perfected for the Alnrth.i WiihIiIiik
ton lea to be given In tho church par
lorn Kilday evt-nlnjf next, tiom .1 to S
o'clock. The ladles of the boc-lety have
dcmonxtiated their ability along this
line In the past und tho public Is ns
Kiireil of an excellent and palatable ie.
past, as tho following menu will attest:
lllue Points Haiiquot Wafers
Cold llnin ftaked Ueans
Sal a toga Chips
Celery .lolly
Cabbage Salad
Chk-ken Salnd ltadlsheH Ulead Sticks
Krult Ot-latlne
Cake Tea Coffee
lee Cicam, IXtia
Tin- ladles of the first Welsh Con
giegatlonal and Wue-hhttrn Street Pios
byteilan chuivhes will serve suppers,
and olhei entertainments will be pro
vided St. Mark's Luther League.
Tin- social given last evening by the
l.uther league of St. Murk's Lutheran
chinch at the home of Air. nnd Jits.
Fied Tlet.e was a vei enjoyable af
tali- All who attended hid a very
pleasant time and enjoyed the- musical
and social features. The programme
tendered was ns follows
Solo, Joseph Phelps; piano selection,
William Aloser; lecitulion, Heat
lice Morris; piano selection, Allss Clara
Sanders; solo. Mls Nellie Mttkvlck;
duet. Miss Myrtle Ootschalk and 1
ther Hon", solo, Joseph Phelps; solo,
Mls-i Jlytil' (lotschalk; iccltatloit. Miss
Heattlce Moirls, solo. Miss T)ollle
Thomas; iiiartette, Thomas Phelps,
U. H. Mosei, Kted lllngler, Anthony
Mi. Tletiie exhibited .1 number of
very pretty magic lantern pletuies and
rcfiorthmeutR were served.
Entertainment and Social.
Tbo Patriotic Athletic society held
an enjoyable entertainment and i-oclal
In M ears' hall last evening, which was
attended bv a large assemblage. A
procramme of dances was enjoyed
after the entertainment.
The follow inx programme was ren
dered during the evening: Piano se
lection, Pi of. David Jenkins; solo.
P,ild Jenkins; solo, David Stephens,
--olo. David Davis; solo, Alias Jenutn
Gleason: solo, William Price; whistling
solo, Benjamin Hughes; duet, Alice
Phillips and .Maggie Davis; recitation,
auu you will ne a
illss Alndden: buck and wing dance,
Harry IJIrch; tumbling, Durkln llroth
era; bag punching, Thomas Mulligan;
piano solo. Tnllle Lewis; song, Ulg
Four iittaitctte; solo, Sadie Durkln.
Ermino Dance Tonight.
An event which has been looked for
ward to with much pleasure for sev
eral weeks will take p)aco this even
Ing In Menrs' hnll, when the Urmlne
club will leconveno after a prolonged
llivltntlolis hae been Issued for a
limited number of guests In order that
the dancing spaco will not be over
crowded, liauer and his best men will
play for tho dances, which assure
much pleasure to nil who attend.
The ussembly will bo sounded ut 8.S0
o'clock, and eighteen dances will be
included In tho programme. The com
mittee In charge of the arrangement
arc If. S. Jenkins. Arch T. IJrown, II.
C. lit unlnc and II. A. Aletter.
Dlv. No. 1, A. O. H., Social Session.
The members of Division No. 1, An
cient Order of Hibernians, who havo
recentlv moved Into tho Young Alrn's
Institute building, held an enjoyable
social session last evening, which was
attended by a number of their lady
MuMe and dancing were the features
of the evening, and the gentlemen en-Joved-
n smoker during the business
session. Itefieshmcnts were nfterwaids
t-erved by a competent committee.
John K. Williams, of Noith Fllmoie
nvenue. fell on the ice recentlv and
fiactuied his arm.
Miss Kntbryn M.iloney. of Plttston.
and Miss Alcljarrv, of Honesdale, are
the guests of Allss Allnnle Cawley, of
Lafayette slieet.
Misses Kesslc Conbov mid Maine
llainey, of .Moscow, spent .Monday
with ft lends heic.
St. Patrick's Ladles' 1. C, !. I. will
enteitulu the national oillcors nt the
Young .Men's Institute tomorrow even
ing. The Alen's division and the St.
Monsla division of Mlnooka aie to be
the guests of the local society.
A of the minstrel perform
ance under way by the Klecttle City
Wheelmen was held in tho club house
last evening.
A initio for the benellt of Alls. James
Alutphy will take plaro on Febiuaty 23.
Thomas Lavelle, of Price street, has
returned from u few weeks vllt In
Miss Lottie Alorgan, of 330 North
Rebecca avenue, entertulned a party
of friends at her home Alondav even
ing. The usual festivities Incldcntul to
such events were enjoyed.
The committee representing the vari
ous locals of the United Aline Workers
of Ameilca. who are arranging for a
testimonial to "Little Hennle Janus"
met In St. David's hall lust evening
and dlbcussed the matter A largo
number were present.
The colonial fair and festival, under
the auspices of the Iadlcs Aid society,
will open in the Plymouth Congrega
tional chinch this evening
The "Women's Home Missionary soci
ety of the Simpson Methodist I'plsco
lul rhui eh met yesterday afternoon
and did considerable needle work.
The membeis of Pocono tilbe of IW
Alen will be the guests of the societies
of the West Side this evening at a
smoker ana social in Hail Oar! hall.
Pea Coal 91.50 a Ton Delivered.
to South Side, central city and central
Hvde Park. Address orders to J. T.
Sharkey, 1911 L'cdar avenue. 'Phone
Ill ecu nidge camp, No. Suvo, Mudein
Woodmen of A'nei'ca, will their
regular meeting this cvenii g. The
Foresters will work one and one-halt
degrees lit uniiunii, their new uniforms
having ariivel. A full mien iniicu Is
icqiiested. All Woodmen welcome.
Mrs. W. W. Patetson, of Philadel
phia, visited Clrecn'HIdge filends yus
teiday. Miss Annie May Ulchurds resumed
her duties as teacher at the Oral
school yesterday, alter an illness of
two weeks.
The twenty-sixth monthly meeting
of the Alen's union of Green Ilidge will
be held In the chapel of tho Oieen
Hldge Presbyterian church Thursday
evening of this week at S o'clock.
Tho addiess of the evening will be
delivered by Kev. James Hughes, of
this city, formerly of Klmberley, South
Africa, who will take for his subject
"The War in South Africa." Appro
priate music will be a feature of the
The Oieen Ilidge Woman's Chilstlan
Temperance union will incut this after
noon ut 3 o'clock In the TJvangullcul
church, Capouse avenue. The meeting
will be In charge of Alls J. S. Miller,
supeilntendent of evangelistic work. A
cordial invitation Is extended to all.
The leceptlon given to the members
of the social committee of thuChtistlai
I'ndeavur societies of the city by me
Christian Endeavor society oi the
Uieen Hldge Presbyteiian church nst
evening proved u "very pleasant affair.
Thete was good music, light lefiesh
nienls mid a (piestl n box. which was
Intended to be helpful as well us enter
taining. TO DISMISS A "BILL.
Healing iu a Rule in a Long-Stniul-
ing Law Suit.
.Among the mutters heard In argu
ment court yesterday weto uiguments
In the case of John T. Fltrpntiic';
against D. II. Tluoop and otbeis, on
the rule to dltinUs Uk- bill nt ioin
plaint because It was not pios.n'uteil
within a reasonable time.
Fltzpatilck was u stockholder In the ,
defunct scranton city bank. In isit
ho brought suit against the ofllceis to
recover his losses, on the giound that
the afi'nli-s of the bank bad been neg
ligently managed. Uecnuso he allowed
the ease to run ten c.uh without
pushing It to an Issue, the defense asks
couit to tluovv It out of couit.
The plaintiff claims he lould not
ptosec-tito tho cmo until the Hint I re
pot t of tho nsslgnee wus (lied, be
eiiuso he could not tell what peict-nt-ugo
of his Investment would bo lost.
This, the detuiso clulmed, did not re
lieve him of tho duty of prosecuting
tb case within u le.isonablo time.
l'x-Judgo J. N. Wlllaid appealed
for tbo mle. S, 11. Pi'it-o and If. M.
Hannah argued ugulnst II,
Allow a coutli to run until it Rett ix-jontl the
reach of mullclnc. Tlnv nftm jy. "(Hi, It will
iir ajr," but In ino-t (Nlc- it will vwar
thorn iuj) l mihl thry lie induced to try the
.iiui-nful medicine . tiled Keinp's Itali.i, which
t Mild on d p-Klthe K'lurnntie lo cm e. they
would ImnicillaKlv " the rxirllcrit cfltct nttrr,
Uklnir the flr.t uW. I'llco JJc. jr.d SiJc. 'I1UI
.lie (ret. At all drugcUi.
It Was the Feature of Monday's Reg
ular Meeting: ot the Methodist
Ministers of Scranton nnd Its
Vicinity An Able and Discerning
Man Has Asked Why the Bible
I Opposed It is a Repository of
Intelligence nnd Morals Its In
fluence Upon tho Race.
At the regular meeting of the Alcth
cdlst mlnl-tern of 'franton nnd Its
vicinity held In Him Park church Alon
day a paper was read by Itev. A. J.
Van Cleft, pator of Dunmoro Meth
odist Episcopal church on tho "Bible
nnd Human Piogress." The following
is a synopsis;
.R.liul the battlements ot ZJou cither them
ebe, atheUlu, dftubter, oien ton and
bewildered friend". They are tha dosucradoe- of
Itifldelit), the lott folloicerj of Paine and Vol-t-lrei
the 'tolld and ileepy trmipo of the follow.
rri of Oucn, and alto the Communists of Kranee,
who arc a fierce and dlnorderly erew. The com.
mentatoM and higher citlca of fiernuny come
ith plck-ajie In their handa, sajlnu! "Ita-e
II ! rtaro It lo th (oundationa," Tliey all sgree
hat Christianity and the Mlble ought to go down
lefnre .idmneini; tblllntlon.
In ihle .i ud dlM-tmliu; man of r.ngland lun
leeciill Mid- "Wlij do thee men antaeonlia
the IliMc? What evil ha n-mlted from reading,
pr-iclilng or tuiblntr Oml's nord Why ahould
It he blotted out or it Infliienro he de( ro.fed
or crippled? Are Iheie men the friend of hu
manity tint they claim to be Have they the
Hood and hanpinrni of mankind at heart In their
opposition to Cod'n word If the llible won an
enemy to mankind, if It brounlit aoiruw intead
o' ioj ; If It oppovd rhllliatlon ami eidlnhten
merit; If it stood In the waj of Ihe worlds
progress; If it opposed good government; if It
retarded th, am ind tolenw-, then thcro mighl
be same reason or ecue for the Inveterate hatred
these rnsii nunifeet rovarili (Jod'a word, and
thilr consUnt ir of cIouti ntli the Itlble."
wonnt or the Bini.K
Ihe woith of the bible to society is, that it it
a repository of lntelllgenee of mot lis and of hope
that mi nowhere clie be found. U Rives
iein;!li am) at.hilitr to law and government.
II l a support to society and Its removal would
be destruition In the vliole social fabric. It
belter run's phleal condition. It annera
the questions of (lie -on that strangle for a
solution; Questions concerning f!od. Ills exist
ence and attributes; ifuestioas that relate to
man's own being, and that pertain to his future
life bejend the grave It affects his manhood,
and el-vates Man phyxically, intelbxtually and
morally in this llle
The first adwrnage-t and i ouiforr from the
Bible are realired in thus world Where the itlble
is widel) proclaimed, circulated and read freely
the poetic description or It reult are reallred
in its influence. "The mountains and the hills
bleak fuith into kinging, and the trees of the
fleld dap their hands; instead of the thotn
pring-t up the fir tree; instead of the briar, the
myrtle tree. The dert lejolce and blossoms
as the roe. The mountain bring peace to the
people and the little bulbs In rightcounr,.s,"
What mirvelous changes have been mule by
Christian iv!l!zition even In the jppcirincc of
the landscape. How- productive Ihe foil under
thorough and .jstematlc cultivation. The bluri
ett tjpe of ci ill alon and prngrcvi has ever
Ik-ch tonnd In tlioe countries where Ihe light ami
inllurnce of tin llible Ins been the most powet
fulb felt This was illu-trated in the hi'tory of
nations before- the aibrnt nf Chrijt. It lu ab
vvajs been the, name ime Ihvt time, home na
tions, even tcnla, ,ue morally and mentally re
siotw ind ahaihms uf cleatli: othet lutloi: sho v
tint the icun of leirlation In been shining upon
tlicm Tliey jre elevated, civilbed and happ)
In naticn-il piogies tte will p, ik of the commerce-
uf (lie woihl Sow, no nalkii vvlthniit in
evtenlie mmmeicc is entitled lo vtand in the
fionl rank and lejlire the hinlu-st success in
national proptrlty Where outside of llible
lands do we tint a gieat commerce? Not more
thin tno such lint lorn un be found, and thev
line copied bom Hie llible lands. Ilarhatuiu
nations hue in-lhliiK tint tan liu dimillli-d with
l!n nunc, roiiiuiiiee never originated uilh
heathen countries.
not thi:
In agnostic recentlj ald. "The men who hive
found some vvaj lo get us Iwtter hoinet, belief
houe, better houe lomforls; who have al
lowed us to make lac3 of the blind form of
natuie, have made the' world lit to Hie in. Thev
rrc the re il rblllrrr of the race. The men who
preach the llible and talk to us about hell are
not the civilirers "
nut we saj, compare the houses and home
(flinfnil of i hnstendom with those of heathen,
dom. Centrist the mud hut of the barbirlan
with Ihe palatial mansion of (he Chrbtlan. What
countries control the foices of natuie, and make
them the servants of men? Where was the power
ot electricity discovered nnd utilized, o tint
under .ea ind ocean, over mountain and plain,
and all around the world, menage; constantly
pass ns on wings of light And lo the propel
ling power to move the car, as well as to light
duellings and streets? And steam with its multi
plied application in Ihe steam engine, tho ticlory
and the Milps?
Inventlte genius has had Its nit In llible
liiiib. It (.eenis to abide In the precinct of divine
light, snd whe-ievrr tills light has ehown the
brightest thcie inventive talent has been the
most ileuloped. It is said by those who have
examined! Into the tacts that seven-eighths of all
the pitenta of tho world have been secured by
people who heu- been raied utidei the Inttuenia
of the llible.
Ohscivc the influence of the llible upon the
kodsl hiblts and t-njoj metits tf the ran'. Wheie
aie soi lal vlews'pioduetbc of uioie Intellect!! il
enio.vment, oi conducted on pilnclplca honorable
tu men but in lauds where the urades of lioil
aie known? When- eUe does woman lako her
proper lank" Where Is the fjinllj rightly main
tained? In brvlbs.ii lands wrmaii U a lnv ui i
slave Unite force prevails where the llible Is
unknown. Some litnr she 1- eotupelled to do tho
wcik of a beast of buiehn. It Ik not
that vronian ius last vt the cro-s and tirst at the
ffpulelnue, atnl Hrst lo lc-11 the wondeiful ktury
of tlie iisuncillon of hei (.old. .So wonder that
the W'omcn'h loielgn and Home Mls-ionaiy soi ie.
ties have hpiun? Into cxli-lenn-, or tint woman Is
ho .ii thi' in e hurt he and 'uncl.iv M-hnoln and
In all thiistlan woik.
'iiik mahki:i mi ri:iti,.( i.
Ili.u niiikiil tin- ditliiinte It ?ential intclli.
ginic .mil intrlleciiMl tiiltuic in dlrTirenl conn.
trie.. Heathenism In piodiieiel greit poets, pull
iisophris and otators. Hut how lew (cmpircd to
( liiNtiau eiiiliz.itlun. Vnil wheie -Iocs boasting
nil in.- lind hei liitlnt i iillbatioii.' It is aald
llieie is not I Hclenllfli' woik if an) value in
any of tin- librnlv of tho woild which lus not
lien implied b,v general intelllginei'. Look it
Mnerlca! I'l t-i it Ihe da ol tin landing ol t lie
I'llglhn lathcis on I'hinoulli Hut I, wc lilvc hid
u flee llible.
Tlie Word of lied ha- nevn Ikhii buund or
Iraniinelcd In till, land It lis, lurii pieaclied.
lead and studied, and as a result ue find the I
land teeming with intelllKeuce. It is dotted all I
uiti with academics, rinliiarbs, collee and i
unbersities, and a vast ysteni of a hundred I
thoujand public school', and ten oi more million
of children gathered Into Ihein, with at li-ait
seven millions in uur Sinulav nhiwl-, In Scot
land, a Iliblii litiJ, we had marked intelllcerice.
No land In Kutope approachea II, utile.-, 1'iuuia,
for popular culture. Scotland first hut It ut id
the public school, and obi Jutu Knov, that
grand ChiUllan hero and rlumplon of the llible,
was the Pounder In l.ngUml the llible lias been
bee foi tenluiles, and thriei U gieat popular
Intelligence Wales is a land of Sabbath schools
eminent'). In wholo districts It Is said (hue
foutths of the people meet every lord's Day to
study (Jod's word. Theie ate few- theie who can
not rrad and wilte.
In Prussia dining the sixteenth century l.mher
and Melanethon unchained the nible, and let It
circulate freely. Sinoolt of the poor were eilab
IMied throughout tha land. Today Del per cent,
of the entire population can read Hut tu
1'iancc, where) for centuries the nihle was a for
bidden book, we rind that nearly one-half the
population can neither lead nor wilte. Under a
,22 SHhviz
'tf hat Yoii
rttnbw Hat the Cratot
an4 we tnftr, tbtrtfore,
to hirmelf and his famlljr
Jtl( physical u well as spiritually.
We know that, because of Inherited "clinuutToi
drttirnstiauil kfluuios, sickneM and ill-littllh prevail,
and that meat peopU do not live out half their days.
We know thai cur t-arclcsnett and igaonacc hnnj'
upon ks most tt am uf ertop.
,W knosr, to-day, tt a ntJ,'mae rfjftit lairs' oi
beaWi than va did fifty yean ajo.
,W krstw mwe abwut the trut cause of "meet of "the"
otSetrf aitmesii that tMU humnrty. and tlie.tmc,
irdxxlrfa-tlssjandrveiilnj tbm
iPrevtnUon of disease la both rational and scientific
If one kjw-w the ause of meat diseases, and can remove
lhai ause, the diseases must disappear
3Zt West aiipc.rlnr Street.
TJuluth, Minn., Oct 1. 1500.
Viarnerls Ssfn Cnra Co , Hoe henter. N. Y :
Oentleincii : 8lne last Jnnnnry my liealth
failed; I lost 80 pounds, and my ooniplcxlon
liecjvmn yellnve nnd miiddjr. Tho doctor said
It was hfttnejr trouble, I lost linpe nnd four
nge at ours na I kuow how difficult that Is to
niie. My room mnto said, ''Try Warner's
Safe due," .nil I did For four months 1
u.ed it constantly ami irraebiMly felt better,
until l frit I was enred Only thoso who lmvis
suffered as I rilrt know how gratoful I nm to
j on for your cure-. I larnint praises It too
blghly. nnd wish all w ho suflcr with uriiury
-ottblea would trj It Yours truly,
Chief Templar, Snp. Iaidgo Good Tc-niidaT".
republicun form of government they may bo im
proving now. Tlie niblo is circulating more
freely. In Italy in different parts of that coun
try there has been great difference in regard to
the llible and rorrepondlng difference In popular
Intelligence. Hut lor centuries the, llible was an
Interdicted book.
Iu Spain, although proleedly a ( hrlt-tlaii na
tion, for long e-entuiics the llible was an inter-dlctt-d
book. We find millions of people in ie
noranre. probably ten millions of them, who
do not know letteis; only tno million who cjii
write their oven names No llible, no popul ir
Intelligence. Look it our neighbor, Mexico,
With flue i limate and oil, yet not ciie-i-lvtii
of the- people can read. The people are immoral
and superstitious, and theii highest aniikemeut
is bull lighting! Is it not tli vt because- for tlirc
and a half eentuiles the Mexicans have been
without the lliblcf
I not all this an illu.trvtlon that something
higher than natural eaues aie needed to rlvillie
and letlne mint There mint he something that
appeals to hit higher moral nature'. To develop
hU nunhood he must be lnpincl by motives tint
reach lietoml the grave. Ho must be prompted
and aided bj commands and piecepts that comet
from a divine source, lie mini sou and feel that
the life on earth is to shape and influence the
lite after tleilh.
No nation can lie great for any lentth of time
If notoriously wicked It Is not surprising, then,
tint when alio Trench revolution hid spent INilt
in atiarehy, and vver, and blooilshed, Napoleon
llonaparte, who liul seined the reins of govern
ment, should iy to his aides- "Wo inu-t re
store tlie sanctuiriis of religion and let tlie
people- conn- together to heir of tiod out of His
word" This sagacious rtiltr saiv no w i) of
confusion but by the wav of the llildr and' the
cross, and cueeii Victoria gave her opinion that
the foe let of Knghnd's gre.itnci-s was the- llible.
Mrs. George Lciuber Entertnins Num
ber of Friends at Her Home.
Athletics' Masque Ball.
Mr.". CiftiiRtf I.nubcr, of 1011 1' -ospect
au-nuo. entertained a number of her
friendH lust nlfrht ut n blitliduy party,
the oi-cnslon belni; her tlfty-thlrd an
nlversaiy. The time was nnased In the
UHiiui dlveiHlons, and nt u lute hour
refreshmuitH were nereel, ufter which
the Ruesta departed for their homes.
Those present were Mr. and MrH. John
VIdner, .Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Petri, Mr.
and .Mrs. "VIUIum Samoa. Mr. and Mts.
Philip Klein. Mr. and Ml. Adam
I.eye, Mr, nnd Mra. John I'nulus, Itev.
and Mim. Dallhorn. Mr. and Mis. John
"Wldner, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. John Sher
man, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Ott, Mr. and
Mrs. Kied Under, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Hnviler. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Conner,
the Mlsse-s Anna I'aulii',, Klein, Har
bara "Wldner. Amelia Wldner, Anna
Kelle, Lena Tannler, I.llllan Van Her
Ker, Suiilila Huber, Hose Schmidt,
Annie Schultz, and Messrs. Alex. Ott,
Jr., Fred I.lndei, Annuel l.lnder, John
Habei, at-oi-Ko I.iiubur. AVlllliiin Keeke.
Annunl Masque Ball.
The- seventeenth annual exhibition
and masmierade ball of tho Scranton
Athletic club, which wan held last
night nt their hall on Abler .street, was
niii of the most brilliant affali.s ever
M-eii on this side. The hall was beau
tifully decorated with jrally colored
buntiiiK. and the waxed floor presented
a splendid surfacp for the dinners.
About ISO couples were iu .ittendausc.
The ntfnlr was In eliarse of the lollow
Iiir conimlttee: Master of I'eiviniuiieH,
Adoliih Helsnor; pioinptei, John V.
Seheui'i-: riiarlcs ItohO, Peter Holding,
Heniy Meycii,, Fied Klots. Henry
Ubrlch and l.ouls Hi'ss.
Shorter Paragraphs.
Tin i.ennanla Sick and lK-nellclnl
sucletv will meet at Menu's hall this
Ladles' iiuMlhity. Ancient Order of
Hibernians, will meet at Phaunni-y
hall this evening. All members are ie-questi-d
to be ptesent.
A niotheis' lneetlng will be held at
the South Side Young Women's Cluls
tin ti mooclitlloii uioniH. 1021 Cedat- ave
nue, this afternoon at J.lli) ei'elock. Mrs,
.1. Hetkbauset' will lead. Theie will bo
HtiHclal music, and all iiiotlu-is aie In
vited, Tbo leceptlon committee ot (be
.ihj-oelutlun will have a Martha Wash
ington nocliil nt tho abhoclatbin looms
Thursday night ut 7.13 o'lloek. The
old c-olonlul duys will be ropiesented
by tin joiing ladli'S. A musical pro
gramme will bo tendered. Tableau.v
will bo given and sonm of the old tunes
will be stiiiR. All oung women nio
Jacob Hitter, of I'M Meadow avenue,
had his foot badlv eillsheil while at
woik at the Dtlawaie, l.tickawauua
and Western blacksmith shops esU'i--day,
by u heuvy piece of It on falling
on It. I")r. Walsh is attending him.
Thomas Covue. of 1720 Cedar ave
nue, iiu-t with u r-cilutm aecbleui In
the Storrs mine yesterday, by a shot
whli h went off nrematurely. Ho wins
thrown about twelve feet and was
badly cut about tho heud and body.
He was lemoved to his home, where
Dr. J, J, Walsh was culled to diess the
Whaf You
hu forbiddoTjcucid','
nQHAT the kkteays art the natural Mpnriner:
Tliat all theDtoodmuJtto throijh the kid
U -xys p-nlicatlois u h coea throuth'the
limp for oaidatlcn.
t 'Tint if the blood U f uD tl poixn that roiarrual
affect etfy orpn. J
That the Mood is nry Habte to be filled -rtlh uric
'add (kUney poison) without your knowkdfe because,
the kidney may be tHieattd and not pva forth any pain.
That you cannot bavagood health and cUsorcieted
That the rrajodty per'cent of an diseases art ausel
by imstapected kidney poisoned blood. ,
i That Warner's Safe Cure It the most wortderful and
Kneficent rtsedidnt ever (iven to mankind. It cures
the kidneys and thus euro all the many disorders js-bUv,
kidney tKwon creates. ,
That K is tha ordjr reet)j-aiiM ipedlicr-ih: world's
aupremejnedial blessiny
tint it Is min't duty
lo take art of him-.1
To all who sufTor with Kidney, Liver, Heart.
Illmblcr or niood ellse.ivrs, asamplo bnttln of
Warner's fiafo Curo tlliei pioneer Kidney and
I.lTcr Remedy) will bo sent absolutely Krro
of Tost by addressing postnl card lo WAlt
NKU'S SAKfi CURB CO.. Itochcstcr, N. Y.,
nnd mentioning this paper.
A Martha Washington tea and en
tertainment will be held In tho church
parlors of the Primitive Methodist
church, on East Market street, Friday,
Feb. 22, under the auspices of the
ladles' Aid society. The tee ( ? ad
mission will be 25 cents, Including le
fresbments. The following programme
will be rendered: "America," Oeoige
Wushlngton and patty: recitation,
Susie Hussell; elrlll by girls; recitation,
Jessie Wells; dialogue, "Little Work
ers," tluee girls; motion "Little
Feet He Careful," ten little gills; lecl
tatlon, Kmily Husklngs; rscltatlou,
Llllle Barrlman.
Miss Katie Hatchford, ot tlardner
avenue, was pleasantly surprised by
a number of her friends Friday even
ing. A very pleasant time was had by
nil present, and many flashlights wer
takon of the group. At a seasonable
hour lefieshments were served. Those
present were: Mr. and Mis. (?rle-e,
Mr. and Mrs. Devrltt, Mr. and Jits.
Hatchford, Miss Katie Garve, -Mamie
Ryan, Anna Sevate. Margaret Hatch
ford, Anna Gavin, Mary Golden, An
na Ryan, Messrs. Michael Murphy.
Thomas Green, John Hlckley, Anthony
Loftus, Fiank Green, Peter Manley,
Thomas Golden, Domlnlek Moran,
John Murray, William nivalin, James
Xealson, Patrick McDonald, Thomas
Gaughau and P. J. 'Kelly.
John Harrington, of Wilbur street,
tho baritone soloist, who has been
engaged with a dramatic company, is
visiting Ills patents.
Tlie Willow Fife and Drum corps
held Its country tlnnc In Mulliei ill's
hall last evening.
Alderman Otto D. Myers lios ie
tuiued from Clark's Summit, w-h-re lo
was called on account of tho Illness ot
his brother.
Yesterday afternoon Piofessoi Mar
tin, of No. 23 school, had voting piii.a
arranged In the school room mi as to
give the civil government class an Idea
of how the Craw-ford count) sj stent
is being operated In this county nt
the present time. Mi. Martin ex
plained all parts of the system and
the marking of the ballot.
The mebers of Kastein Stai com
mander), No. 221, Knights of Malta,
elected tho following oflU-ers at a meet
ing of the society Saturday evening:
Sir knight commander, D. J. Udwards,
Jr.; sir knight generalissimo, W. S.
Shaw; sir knight captain genet ul, H.
II. Kvans; sir knight pielate, David
(Jiavel; sir klnght u-corder, Fn-d
White; sir knight assistant recorder,
Gvvllym Kdvvnrds; sir knight treasurer,
D. J. I.dvvards, sr ; sir knight senior
warden, W. J. iMwards.
William Hopkins, of Potest City, Is
visiting relatives In this end.
Mrs. S. Steattler.
Tin; f uncial of Ihe lalo Mrs. s SU.utler, who
diid at hei homo in Kast -vracue. will take
place this alttrnoon at 1 o'tlock I'rlends who
with to ec the lemilns can do s at tho Mifflin
avenue church, lluiial will be made In 1'orcit
Hill ccmclcr).
Mr. stciitler is -uribel In 1Il follow.!,'
children: Mis Mauil Steattler, Ml.s l.eille
Mcattlcr and I harles Meattlcr, ami the tollow
ing bmllitis and slsttis. Mr. M l-'oj, )b K.
lb Id, Mrs .1. 1". Williamt., John 1'iiT, .lo-eph
Palt, tleoiifc I'afl and Jieob PUT
Mrs. Henry Vandevvooit.
Mrs. llini) Vandinoort, aged 17 ears. dn-d it
her home, ii! School irctt, on Mundav. In
ceased was widely known In this i-ectlon. having
lived hue a good many jean-, and leaves a l.irife
circle of nit nds to mouin her losit. she is mn
vhed by her hiisbanil and two daughters. May
and I'loience , hei molhei, Mr, .lolm .b-lfiles,
and two iJtris, Mis I'.dw.iul Sender, ami Mi.
KmIi is llobeitk. The (initial will lake litc mi
rhuii-di) at S p in. bom bci- lale home. In
terment III rotol Hill cctnctei.v. Ihe ltev. Il,
. ("me, of Ihe VIcthutiM I'pixopal church, will
utile lale, aittd bj lies. I! t., of the
Coiin'regatloual thiiich.
Mis. Ellas Beetnei.
Mi.. Hi is Hienier, molhei of superintendent
l.ioige W Ileeiucr, of the Hillside Home-, died
suiida) cienllii; at the lltt-mei houie.tead in
Newton, aged To cmis, alter a ua.ful and cvem
piny life
Tlie will lake plare tomoriow- aller
noon at 2 o'clock. S-rvkes will be held at the'iel and ititfituent made In the f.iuill
Mrs. William Caldwell.
Mi. William Caldwell, foniurly of this n'y,
illi-el ,velelda) at her Iici.iio In Nnv Vcuk. 1'e
ecaed was lelle-r known hero as Millie- l.i-iy, and
wis a Medii of Miv. John It. I'arr, of Virdi
Main avenue.
Tho tuitial will otuir at th1 iclleme in
Viw Voik tomorro.v .iltemoou. Mr. and Mia.
I'aii' will at It tul thu futmul
William 11., the 2-ji-ai-old ken ol Mi. and
Ml. fieoic,i- lleac,e, of 1218 Washburn alien,
died carl) )t-leulay moriilnt;. The leniulna wt'ie
taken to llloomsburs bt l.i'i p. m, for Inlisnicut.
An infant ihlbl of Mr, nnd Mix. Newconib,
it llulwer sheet, Tllpp paik, OKed J weeks,
died .ifi-teril.iy. The remains will be Intcned
toiiiuriuw oftcnioon.
I Mar), the 0 mouths-old child of Mi, auii Mr'.
'Ought to Know
' Ki Rosooei llernlersird,
(nilcjgo, Oct. 1, ltO.
W.irne fa Rilfl Pitro Co , llchcwstcr. K. Y.:
tlcntlrmcn: About two years fieo I bad
foot In thn grave, us Uio sayinr coess, and life)
looked black to mo: tho doctor, culled J
Iltlglit'aellsi-rtsr. I would rlrn all I liadtob
cured, but uotlilnK srcmnl In do mo mnert.
pood until n neighbor recommended that I
try Warner's Safe furc. It wna with but llt
tln hope that I tried It, hut within two week
my ce-iicral bi-altb vrn Improved. tinei In forir
innntbs I vrua completely cured. I bnrdlr
tlnred to bellovo that stieb pood tortnnn wm
mine, but I havo not lost a meal nor had a
ni b or pain since, Words seem but poor tt
express my Kratltude. YbM'sTtJlHO.
(Alderman h Ward.)
" nEiS .t. miltUtlVUKR, Lessees.
A. J. llliri'V, Manatcr.
ONI! MflllT OM.V
(Washington's Birthday.)
Season's inot deliphtful mu'lcil ntferiii:. Di
rect from llroaelivj) Healer. New rk. Arner
ica's forcmot Opera I'omcdhri
In the enormouly l'unn) Operutlc Corned)',
Written bv Chirlrs Mtin l.viics by flniit
Menard. Mii'io bv William T IrireK SUf:o
mamiied b) It. 11. lliirtcidc. 1'iesinted by (V
Superb Compaui.
I'rlcea 2.1c, .'A-, TV.. J im and ft..V). .
beats on sale Wednesday at 0 a. m,
Fvenlnc I'erfortnanc at Mi.
Matinee l'erfoimancc at 2.30.
Ihe Successful (.'omedy Drama.
A Young Wife
1'rctcntcd by a very strong omp.rtiy, beaded by
the iK.pular comedian,
Prank Tannerhlll, Jr.
i:Vi;VINO l'ltlCKs-iV., V.. T. and $1.0).
Special bailie and f'hlldrcn llarcain Vij Mat.
Inre L'V. and tVX.j children tej any part of thn
Iioiim, IV.
.Vati, on rale Thursday at 0 a. in.
'acadehy of nusic,
aisnagcrs and Lctsces. Local Mana(cr.
Attlictlint thi wek
l'ual MnliiKC1
Carl Ili-vvin und his Compiny present
TlllT.hl)i, fltlDAY AND bATUUDAY.
I uil Matlneea.
Go Wan Go Mohawk,
The etie In
"THE FLAMING ARROW." Trices- Ti Hid '.5 ccnti
Kvenlntf I'rlci 1 i-i, JJ and Ml ccr.ts.
I.I' 0. IlKltlUNCTON. Manager.
Thicc Diva Ileffinninc Monday Matinee, l'tli. 18.
with His Ilurkc I'rm. and "Wins Mike."
Fbys'clan and'Sur9oa
311 Sprj3) St.
Imp e Uun BullJIaj
Ml acute and chronic diseases of men, o
into and children. CIIKO.MU MJKVOUH,
IAbTV. All dUeaaca of tho Uver, Kidneys.
Pladder, Skin, blood, Neritu, Womb, Eye, L'ar.
N'cse, Throat, and LunK, Cancers, Tumoni.
1'lles, Rurlure, Ooltre. Ilheumatiain, Aatluna.
llarrh Vaileocelc, Lost Manhood, Nightly
I mission, ah Ktmalo Dise-ises, Leiucoirhoea, etc.,
Oonuorihca, byphlllla, Ulcod I'olson, Indiscr.s
tion and youthful lublu obliterated. Surnery,
lit', Ipllip-y. 1re and Stomach Worms. CA.
lAI'.UIlOONE. "peclflo for Catarrh. ihretj
niontlii' trratmtnt till)- tJ 00. Trial fret laj
e ftlce. Cotiaultatlon tnd esamination free. 0f
Hcc hours dally anj Sunday, 8 a. m. to J
p in.
Mnaiti M.itiht-wit. of 307 lldwardj court, died
)t-uiday, and will bo burled In Wuhbura
unci itiiulcr) thl afternoon.
'I ho film i,il of Mif It I' I'attcrton will tsk
plitt- .it i.'M ii'elodt this afternoon from Ue
late at (ailionuile.
Tliv iiinKe out this morning at l.BQ
o'clock In a bedroom on the aocond
iloen- of the two-story ftnmo bulldlnp
at tln nnrthwest corner of JacUson
and Chestnut stieets, occupied, by MrsJ
Tlmotny Jones, in wnoso House on
West Lackawanna avunun, tho de-J
htiuetlvrt tire of two year ago orlgl-j
The hluxo was caused by an ovcr-l
turned lump, find Mrs. Jones' two sonnj
Timothy and Thomas, wero badl)1
binned about tbo face and hands
while tiylng to extinguish tbo flnmesl
Tne lite waa coiuitied by tho chemical
(-ciupnny to two lootnu. Tho il.imagJ
dune will aiiumut to several hundreJ
An Vssoelated Press dispatch rr
celved In Tho Tribune olllco bint night
announced the first prliso for popi-j
ters, unucr nriy pounii.s, at tbo bin
dog show in Now York city, was taker
bv Startle, owned by Koburt West (lake J
ot North St-runton.
'iL5"' it.- - - st , '