The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 20, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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Analysis of yesterdays jVLunicipal election
At yesterdny's city election common
councllmcn for the regular body were
elected In nil of the odd numbered
wards and commoners for the expand
ed second class city council In the
First. Second, Fourth, Fifth. Sixth,
Ninth, Eleventh, Thirteenth, Seven
teenth, Nineteenth and Twentieth
A school dlroctor was elected In tho
Fifth ward and aldermen In the Four
teenth, Sixteenth and Twentieth wards.
A Judge and Inspectors of election and
i register of voters was elected In each
voting district In tho city. With ref
erence to the regular common council
yesterday's election resulted as fol
lows: First ward John McDonald, It., re
elected. Third ward James Haggerty, D., re-'
Fifth ward Albert 1". Lewis, It., re
elected. Seventh ward John J. Huane, D., te
elected. Ninth ward II. E. Pain-, n., re
elected. Eleventh ward Fred Phillips, D.,
Thirteenth watd Alfred Harvey, K.,
Fifteenth ward William LewW, Jl.,
Seventeenth ward Luther Keller, It.,
Nineteenth ward Julius Troy, D.,
new member.
Twenty-first ward-M. J. Norton, T)
This will give the Republicans nine
iiembers and the Democrats twelve, a
gain of Dtie for the latter, du to tho
defeat of William J. Smith In the
Nineteenth ward by Julius Troy.
In the Ninth ward a nbe iucstioii
arises. H. E. Paine and O. II. Part
ridge weie nominated by the Republi
cans for common councilman, but I:
was not specified as to which of them
should be the candidate for the oM
council. 11. E. Paine was a c-indldate
to succeed himself In the body, but Mr.
Pat fridge received more vo'e-j than
him. In the Thirteenth there Is a tdmi
lar condition of affairs, only ihnv
was an understanding between Messrs.
Hatvey and Sykes that the former
should be considered as tlir candidate
for the regular body reg-ii'illes of the
number of votes cast.
The men elected to the expanded
common council follow:
First ward John J. Evans, it.;
Thomas W. Thomas, I.
Second ward James H. Casteillnef
n.: Thomas J. Snowden. R.; J. j.
Evans. D.
Fourth watd Evan W. Evans, a.;
E. W. Searing, H.
Fifth ward John T. Jones, It.; E. E.
Itobathan, R.
Sixth ward J. F. MeoYeevey. D.
Ninth ward O. B. Partridge, It.
Eleventh ward Charles G. Rosar, D.
Thirteenth ward F. E. Sykes R.
Seventeenth ward Mathlas Stlpp, R.
Nineteenth ward Joseph Rosar, D.;
Charles Graf, D.
Twentieth ward M. J. Connolly. D.
This is a total of eleven Republicans
and six Democrats.
A Quiet Election Day
It Is many years since such public
apthy has been displayed at a local
election as was manifested yesterday.
The day was a delightful one from
morning till night, and the opportun
ity presented of choosing' good men and
true for the common council, which
has obtained rather a bad name by
reason of the fact that the Municipal
league secured the Indictment and res
ignatlon of eight of Its members, was
a splendid one.
The citizens, however, evidently de
cided that they had done their full
duty in comlnsr out to the primaries
to nominate the men who yesterday
ran for office.
The aldermanlo contests In the Four
teenth, Sixteenth and Twentieth wards
and the fight for common council In
the Eleventh furnished practically the
only enthusiasm and liveliness of the
day. The polling places In each of
these threo wards were surrounded
with large throngs of tho friends and
aupnortera of tho rival candidates, and
much buttonholing and persuasive ar
gument was Indulged In. '.
In the Sixteenth ward, which Is one
of the most uncertain bailiwicks In the
city, being now represented in coun
cils by a Democrat and a Republican,
an earnest and aggressive battle was
waged between Joseph Kline, the Re
publican candidate, and Attorney M.
J. Ruddy, the Democrat. Carriages
were used In great numbers and every
posslblo effort was made to get out
the vote.
Thero were six aldermanlo candi
dates In tho Twentieth ward, a Demo
cratlo stronghold. Five were Demo
crats, but four bad filed Independent
nomination papers and each had a sep
arate and distinct faction nt his back
Plugging for his election. The result
WM "d'"5 confusion." The polls were
surrounded by excited groups of men
representing each of the six candidates,
but nothing more- serious than long-'
drawn-out wordy wars resulted.
In the, Eleventh and Nineteenth
wards there was somo alight enthusi
asm displayed, but In the Seventeenth
aid Ninth It was found to be a hard
matter to get the citizens out at all to
exerclso their right to vote. In the
Seventh ward It wan the same way.
Up In the Thirteenth, Independent
Candidate A. Krugcrmnn made a hard
fight to burst through the stalwart
line, but was met with great resist
ance. In the First, Second and Third wards
In North Scranton the vote cast was
light as compared with that cast last
In the Fourth, Fifth, Fifteenth and
Twentv-flrst wards In West Scranton,
almost shocking disinterestedness was
displayed. Tho election officers In
many of the districts had so little to
do that they became drowsy and would
be almost oft In the land of Nod until
aroused by a prospective voter.
There were ties In two of the three
contests In the First district of the
Eighth ward and the third was decid
ed by one vote. W. A. Raub, the un
dertaker, and Frank O'Hara, the cigar
dealer, whose place of business Is next
door but one to Iloub'a, were tied! at
32 votes for register. It Is claimed
that the county commissioners are em
powered to appoint when a tie oc
curs for this olllce. but this Is not
from a legal authority. Five years
ago Mr. Raub and Mr. O'Hara's
brother, Joseph O'Hara, were tied for
thsl samo office. It was arranged they
should take a turn-about at doing th
work, and share the proceeds.
Rufus Bryant and Samuel Jerko
vltz were also tied at 32 for the office
of Inspector. They will toss up a coin
to decide which shall be majority In
tpector. Druggist John J. Loftus, who
Is one of tho city's most renowned
Jokers, owes his defeat to a Joke. lie
'was running against Joseph Green-
berger. Republican, for Judge of elec
tion. Chatles Moore, ot whose resi
dence In tin- district there Is some
doubt was offering to vote, and Lof
tus, who Is his close personal friend,
said he would not challenge him.
Mooie voted, and, for the Joke of the
the thing, voted against Loftus. His
Wis the only split ticket In all the
3" that were cast and hly vote for
Greenberger defeated T.oftui.
What was probably the liveliest
fight in the city was that over the
ofllc of alderman In the Sixteenth
waid. Attorney M. J. Ruddy, Demo
crat, and Joseph J. Klein, Republican,
a solid business man, were the con
testants. They and their friends had
been campaigning for a month and
yesterday from early morning until
the booths closed they had scores or
hustleih scurrying through all the
highways and byways of the ward
bringing' In the vote. The lesult was
that a vote almost as large as that
cast nl the presidential election was
The cosmopolitan character nf the
ward and Its comparatively largo "In
dependent" vote left the result In
doubt until the returns were an
nounced. There was surprise even
among Ruddy's most sanguine sup
porters at the size of his plurality, 183
votes. Several lively exchanges be
tween champions of either side oc
curred during the day and threats of
arrest for Illegal voting were freely
First Ward.
John McDonald, Republican, will be
his own successor in common council,
and John J. Evans and T. W. Thomas,
also Republicans, were elected ns mem
bers of the to be enlarged council. M.
J. Clark, Democrat, made a warm fight
for one of the seats.
Common Council Three to Elect.
John McDonald, II. ..102 ffl 78 (VI (.2 ill
John J. Ean. II lta J:i rvi iim tli-
T. W. Thomaa, It. ...ljo 57 f0 M t.v;
M. J. Clark. I) 115 u is m, (J-.i7h
V". O. Mason, I a ,,
McDonald's pluralliy lrt
liars' plurality " o,,
Ihoiran' plurality ,',', 0j
District Officers.
prAALMi judge. Alex T. Silicon, II., m
Irpetlor, W, 1 Campbtll, It., fi; n'.
Ham II. llltkn, I)., 4. ltegUter. Samuel
Iloliblin, It, 00.
Second Ward.
There was a lively light for the tlneo
additional eat.s In common council,
and J. F. Evans, a Democrat, and
James U. Casterllno and Isaac R.
Edwards, Republicans, were elected.
The vote was close.
Common Council Three to Elect.
Id. 2d. 3d. 4d. 6.1.
Isaac R. Edward, It, .145 100 81 73 21-120
Thos. J. Snowden, R..155 137 10s B'l l.t-173
Jas. D. Caatirllne, It. .141 130 117 71 65-314
J. P. Evans, D SI 81 67 113 20j-53)
John Lallar, I) 27 43 23 80 131-30,1
IN A. Rowland, D, ... 25 40 02 101 200423
Etans' plurality -,
Casterllne's plurality "
Snowdcn's plurality 33
District Officers.
KIRST-Judge, I,. TV. noberts, It., 143; A.
drew White, D 27. Injector, K. II, MIL
ler, It,, 143; p. p. Knight, D JO, Regis.
ter, Francis Jones, ll 142; Joseph Silk.
man, D., 20,
SECOND-Judge, A. U. llrlggs. It., 12fl; y,
II. SlcUer. I)., 47, Inspector, a. D.
Powltr, It., Ill; Thomas Mullen, 67. Re.
Ister. O. T. Matthews, 11 130; R. O. Dean,
TIIIHD-Judge, Alexander Ackman, ., 89; I)
B. Replogle, ),, 32. Ins(ector, Thomas
Thomas, Jr., M; George rannlng-, Jr., M;
W. S. Wagitsd, I., I. RegUter, William
II. Johnson, It., ftj Kdward Walsh, D..
23. '
FOURTII-Judge, J. J. Flynn. D 72. Inip.5.
tor, Thomas Uwls, It,, p. p. oordon,
V 72. Register, James Timlin, IM.
Third Ward.
James Haggerty had no opposition
for common council In the Third, and
the election was devoid of Interest.
Common Council One to Elect.
1(1. Zil. Total.
Juno MacKetty, I) 117 70 IS7
District Officers.
SECOND Judire, Joseph Knluht, D, Ai. In.
apettor, Mlchsel Wells, D 33; Richard
Walsh, H., 8. Register, Edward Mulchrone,
D., 41.
Fourth Ward.
Evan W. Evans and Edward W.
Searing, both Republicans, were elect
ed as the additional common council
men. The 'democrats did not make
nominations, and the Prohibition can
didates polled but a small vote.
Common Council Two to Elect.
Evan U. Ktan, It 35 83 138 8.' 141
Edward W. Seating 11 .11 77 20.1 76 1S7
W T. Ilunll, 1. 40 It 22 1 M
Meredith Jones, I' 21 7 15 13 V
Searing's plurality , VM
Kvsns' plurality , 23
District Officers.
FIRST Judge, M. 0. lHmmlck, 11.. .".. In
spector, Alton llornlulccr, R., I: 'rtiomaji
W. ClllsU, 1)., i. UenUur. William T.
Sproals, 11., 5.
SECOND Judge, Wntkltii. 11., M). In
spector, llopklu ) Wfitlitrhoiric It., 75;
.Tarot. Pcltrick, D., 12. Register, Kills
i:ani, 11.. S2.
TltlMH--.lud.te, Hugh lllllani. It., 140. In
rector, Jolin llarwood, 11., 145; Jamc.
dimming, 75. llegiter, tlenjimln
(lllbert, H 101: Patrick Moran, 11., 101.
KMUiTH-JwIire, Harry )ai, It., M. ln.pec
tor, Jc.'hun Jonm. It., 74; ten Cnnsln,
!., . Register, ('. F. Uobertson, II., 70.
Fifth Ward.
Albert Lewis was returned to the
common council ns the regular mem
ber, and John T. Jones and E. E. Roba
than as the additional commoners. Alt
are Republicans. John H. Phillips, also
Republican, was elected to succeed
himself on the board of control.
Common Council Three to Elect.
Albert I l.el, 11 72 85 123 IW-.'iOT
Jolin T. Jones, II do (13 141 7i Jin
K. II. Kuliathan, It 79 57 121 . 13 -275
1). 1'. i:ila., IN 27 M 15 s- to
Charles Uiuwrii, IN ! 11 Ml S. 117
1). 1.. .lone'", V 14 10 r, 5-44
A. I'. Ktihllcrt, 1 4 . 1'i '.5-27
Lewi' plunllh- 2s;
Jones' plurality 211
ltirbsith.m's plurality :5S
School Controller.
Jolin II. Phillips, It 79 07 147 11 ju!
Charles Corlevi, I" In 20 13 .V 8
I'hllllpV majority
District Officers.
KIH&T-Olidise, John II. Powell, 11.. M In
tpector, l.ewln A. Hunell, II., 81; Her-
nard Midlll, D 10. IlesUter. Thoina, G.
Ean, 11.. 82.
SKCOXD-Judge. Albert Dunkeily, It.. S4. In-
pettor, Eian J. Daln, 11,. 78; Michael
Ilooney, I), 10. HegUter, 11 short V.n,
n 90.
Tlllltll Judge, J. unlo .lone. It,, loO. In-
pector, Danlil ,1. llcee. It., 15:1; Thonn.
(annon. I)., 15; Jo-epli Mulroney, I,, II;
1' Kil7iiinnoiM. I., ',. Register, John Hop.
kliw. 11., P5; Daniel llejnon. It. 130.
KDI'IITH Judge, . (', S,cott, II ' M, n.c.
lor, William San, It., 74; M. IN l.aello,
II., 40. Ilegl-u-r, George Allen, P., W
Sixth Ward.
John F. McOieevy. Democrat, was
cfcosen us the member of the Sixth
In the enlarged council, Edward Har
ris, the Republican candidate, made
a gallant vote for the office and polled
a good vote.
Common Council One to Elect.
M. 2d. .Id. Total.
Kduard Harris, R 7 tV 102 177
John P. Mcdrt-evy, D 21') 5 .14 23S
Thomas J. Edward, 1 2 1 1U J!
MrGieevy'a plurality si
District Officers.
PIRsT-Judge. John MrClaln, D. Inspcclur,
Tlionus .Murphy, 1). RegUter, Wlllla-n
Corcoran. I)., all unopposed.
SECOND Judge, James J. HUgln, I)., Si. In.
spector, John J. O'llrien, I)., 40; John
Dully, It., 11; Eduaril McKlnney, It., 4;
M. .1, Wlnlen. I 1. Ileglater, Thomas
Cuimnings, D., 52; James O'Mallev, D.,
11; John Walih, I),, 1.
TIIIltD-Judge, W. II. Davln, 11., 110. Iw-pee-tor,
Daid .1. Ean.. R., 87; John Mu.
laney, I),, 23; John Caianaugli, I., 4; I'red
.lenkla, I 0. RegUter, Thomai W. Mor
gan, R., 120.
Seventh Ward.
For tho first time In years an elec
tion In the Seventh wnrd was almost
devoid of interest. John J. Ruane was
a candidate to succeed himself In com
mon council and was unopposed.
Common Council One to Elect.
Id. 2,1. 3d.
John J, Huane, D 2') U.1 37
District Offlceis.
FHISjT Judge, John R. Kelly, D., 20; August
Peusler, Intl.. I; George Berkel, Ind., 1.
Inspector, Theodore I.leli, It,, 3; John
Deianey, D., 20. Register, John J. Lally,
D., 20.
SECOND Judge, Joseph K, Corby, I)., 22.
Inspector, Eugene llarrctt, D., 22; Kugeno
May, 21. Ileglslcr, Michael Corby, 1)., 23.
THIIID-Judgo. Jf. ,W. Parrel!, I)., 53, In
sHctar, Itithard lluber, R,, 10; J, W.
Campbell, D., 43; Prcil Hagen, lnd 1.
Register, W. S. Jlcbcau, I)., 03,
Only district officers were chosen In
the Eighth ward, and In the First dls
trlct there Is a tie for every office ex
cept Judge of election.
District Officers.
ITRST-Judgc, Joseph Greenberger, II., 34j
John J, Loftui, 1)., n. Inspector, Rulus
O. Bryant, R 3'Jj Samuel Jerkovits, D.,
32. Register. William A. Raub, It., 32!
Frank J. O'Hara, D., 32,
SECOND Judge, John J. Kauffman, R iZ;
Frank Callahan, D,, M. Impector, Kdwin
T. I)als, It., 27; Frank C., 1)
07. RegiaUr. Wsltir S. llaslam, R 30;
John J, Hlgglns, I)., S3.
Ninth Ward.
The two Republican candidates for
common council wero unopposed. O,
H. Partridge polled two more votes
than his running mate on the ticket,
11. E. Paine, the present common coun
cilman. Common Council Two to Elect.
Id. 2d. 3d. Total.
II. K. Falnc. II St 45 72 103
O. n. Partridge, II 41 17 71 170
District Officers.
riRSTWndge. II. n. Carter, 11., 50; II, T.
Koehler, P., 1. Inspector, C. K, Chitten-
den, R., 41; T. U, Hoban, D 0; II, J.
Koehler, I)., 4. Register, Jacob Dauman,
It., 49.
M.CONIl-Judge, H. II. Jadwin. 11.. 40. In-
spector, P. Silas Walters It., 48; George
X. Campbell, I) 5. Register, E. C.
Rrownlng, It., 4I. y
THIRD Judge, O. II. Wright. It., 5.3; Thomai
V. Collins, 1)., 2. In.peetor, Stuart Hutch-
lnon, lt 65; Thomai A, Muddy, D., .
HfgUtcr, George I'. Millet, 11,, 53.
Tenth Ward.
The election la tho Tenth was with
out Incident or feature of any kind.
Only election officers were chosen.
District Officers.
FHIST Jiidee, John Christ. It,, 22. Iiupcilor,
William .M. Vest, 11., 20; Henry Wenzle,
I)., 2. ncKl'ter, William Koehler, It.. 20;
James I). O'llrien, I)., 2.
8ECONI)-,1uiIj.-, I V. Illorrs. II., 15; W. A.
Kturdoant, I., 2. Impector, Jamei Wll
llanu, R , 17; A. E. Jones, I)., 2. Hr.
inter. Ilenrj Moore, It., CO.
Eleventh Ward.
In the Eleventh ward Frederick Phil
lips, Democrat, was elected to succeed
himself as common councilman over
Oscar Helrlcgel, Republican, and
Charles Rosar, Democrat, was elected
additional common councilman, win
ning out by a big majority over his
Republican opponent, John Lewert.
Common Council Two to Elect.
H. 2d. M, Ton!
Ocar Helrlcgel, H no 7S IS 120
John I.ewert, II 78 55 18 151
Ereil I'hllliiH. I) ISO 07 143 422
Charles Rosar, 1) 150 120 111 117
District Officers.
KlRT-.luJ,'i-, Cha-lea Rose. I),. 107; llaihut,
It.. 102. liiii(cIor, II,, 101; Sun
day, I).. 108. Register, Lewett, 1), 122;
Hejer, II, HI.
hECO.ND-Juilgc. W IN Keller, II., 107; .
Klein, It., 74. Inspector, Klih, p., 120;
Kelly 1)., 47. HegNter, J. Miku. It., 77;
Schaefer, 1)., 10S.
TlllllD-.luilge, Croll, I)., 120; John
Smith, II,, 30. Inector, George ltoik.
eller, llll; l'rcil lliinpe. Jr., II, :7.
UrgMer, John Klal.ertj. I)., 112; .lohn
K.ittinau, It,, 52.
Twelfth Ward.
In tliH First llst i let of tho Twelfth
waul, a lively scene was enucted at
the closing of the poles. Each and
every election officer had his own Ideas
a- to what course should be taken in
counting the vote and the effect of so
much Indlvldimltly nearly precipitated
a free-for-all fight.
Just as the dispute wus becoming so
animated that the participants weie
on the verge of blows. Judge of Eolec
tlnn James Carroll prevented the
threatened outbie.ik by grasping the
ballot box by the handles and carry
ing It to police headqiiaiters In tho
city hall.
Carroll deposited his heavy burden,
told Sergeant Rldgway that the citi
zens of the Flist district of the
Twelfth ward did not consider them
selves able to cope with the iiuestlun
of computing the ballot and woie sat
isfied to let court settle the differences
and walked off without further ex
planation. In the Second illstilct, the hoi'nl did
notvpost tho result of the election up
to n late hour and lefuscil to give out
any figures. Only election ofllceis
wero chosen in that ward.
Thirteenth Ward.
Alfred Harvey was re-elected to suc
ceed himself In the common council
from the Thirteenth, and F. E, Sykes
to servo In the expanded council. F. Cf.
Krugerman, the Independent candi
date, did not make a very formidable
Common Council Two to Elect.
Id. 2d. 3d. OS 145 0327(1
P. K. b. k.e. II 103 12S 02-292
John J, McTngue, D XI 32 2ft--M
Daniel Pace, D 31 HI 42112
P. G. Krugerman, 1 71 30 O-107
Sokes' plurality iso
Haruj's plurality 101
District Officers.
FIRST Judge, Charles Nothacker, II., 09; Hen
ry Lull, Jr., II.. 01. Inspector, Isaac G.
William, II., 1)9; I'liillp Bradley, II., 53.
Register, Amy Wnrster, R., 60; James W,
Tompkins, I., 67.
SECOND-Judgc, T. K. Poller, R 142; William
Cadden, T)., 30. Inspector, IN IN Smith,
It., 113; James Roach, D,, 23. Register,
Burton K. Sleem, R., 113; M. V. Kearnei-,
I)., 31.
TIIIRD-Judge, A. R. Simrell, 11. , &3; Jamei
J. Pace, D,, 33. Inspector, George Lewis,
11., 05; John T. rhllllps, p., 37, Register,
F. M. Sloat, ., C3; J. O. rider, D., 33.
Fourteenth Ward.
John Cawley, Democrat, defeated
George F. Kellow, Republican, by one
voto for the office of alderman. It was
a stubborn fight between tho two men.
Kellow Is tho present alderman, und
Cawley was an alderman somo years
Id. 2d Total.
G. F, Kellow, R 83 125 20
John Canley, I) 126 M 200
Cawley s majority 1
District Officers.
rillbT Judge, John I). Finch, R., 68; Joj?ph
Donnelly, P., 145, Inspector, Albert 11.
Williams, It., 73; Richard Jennings, I).,
133. Register, Samuel Case, II,, 71; Wil
liam Morgan, 1)., 130.
SEOONIV-Judge, Oottlelb Jlojer, It., 78; James
Cvmmlngs, D., 113. Inspector, Orvllle K.
Noaik, It., 71; Frank McCann, D., in.
Register, A. E. Ktliricfer, II., E8; Join
It. Barrett, D., 110
Fifteenth Ward.
Common Councilman William Lewis
was re-elected In the Fifteenth ward
over H. C. Hlninnu. the Prohibition
candidate. The latter carried the Sec
ond district, but was swamped In the
Common Council One to Elect.
III. Id. Total.
William Lewi, It 143 31 ism
II. C. lllnman, IN 27 74 101
Lewlt' majority pj
District Officers.
riRsT Judge, John Schani, It., 140. Imic
tor, Morgan Davl, R., 140; John IN Swee
ney. D 7. Register, John IN Willlanu,
It., 145.
SECOND Judge, Preil Leber, lt 80. Iiuper
tor, William Grant, It., 80; Edward Mc
Tiernan, I)., 10. RegUter, Riunuel Wil
liams, II., eO.
Sixteenth Ward.
One of the liveliest lights In the city
wns fought In the Sixteenth for tho
oillce of alderman. Attorney M. J.
Ruddy, Democrat, was the victor, but
he had to work hard for It.
Id 2d Total.
Jcneph J. Klein, It 101 SO 190
Michael J. Ruddy, D 151 218 071
District Officers.
FIRST-Judge, J. J. Callahan. D 125, ln.pec.
lor, Gcorgo K. Crothainel, It., 124; George
Monahan, D., 50.
SECOXD-Judge, A. II. Shopland, R., 41. In-
pector, Walter K. DavN, R., 4J; Charlta
I!. Tropp, D 1, RegUter, George Shaffer,
R., 42.
Seventeenth Ward.
Luther Keller, Republican, was re
turned unanimously to the common
council, and Mathlas Stlpp was elected
to the enlarged council. John T. Howe
had no opposition for alderman. The
vote of the ward was light.
Common Council Two to Elect.
111. 2d. Sil. T..I11I.
l.utlicr Keller 70 lis ,19 -jo?
MiIIiIm Slip 10 42 i,l 14",
2d 3.1. IuIhI.
05 .V, 2:2
John f. Horn-
District Officers.
I'lltSl Judge. II. C. l'oncll. II., 70. Iibpti
tiT, II. I. Iluiirkr, II.. iwl; .Ijiuvi ,1.
ll'iiian, I). I. Hester. II. II. .lai. It.. 71.
M'.COMI-Ji.lgi-, William IN Ileum tt', II., Ml.
liiKKctoi, . .1. Duuglai, H.. 81; .1. .1.
Maghran, D, 10. llegMrr, . IN lleniiett,
11., Si).
TlllltP-Jiidgi-, .1. W. Kainlieck, 11., 21; UrniM
A Sihlager, 11,. 71. Inspeetur, I'nil l.ulli-
.1, It. .5u; .liliu J. MUVutliv, !.. 12.
KigUtir. Moirii . Clail., II., 57; llolxrt
Ko'hter. I),, I.
Eighteenth Ward.
Then- was a peculiar condition of af
fairs In the Eighteenth ward yester
day. Hctause of tile tight between the
rival factions of the Democtacy, none
of the candidates got on the olllcial
ballot and all had fo 11111 on sticlteis.
Only election officer's weie chosen.
District Officers.
.ludp of Election, .Ijiun Nooiie, D.. j; Ulili
ael Nolan, 1)., 40. Inipectoi, Ihoiuai
O'lltyli-, II, Si); Jiilm Clalk, 1) Si); .liihu
Michael. II.. M. HegisUr. IMwanI M al
ley, I)., Ml. lNilrlik Duffs. D., 02.
Nineteenth Ward.
Three Democrallc common council
men, JulluM Troy, Chatles Oraf and
Joseph Rmsar. were elected In tha
Nineteenth ward by great big majori
ties. The present common council
man from this ward, W. J. Smith, Re
publican, was n candidate for re-election,
but was defeated, although lie
made by far the best fight of any of
the Republican candidates.
Common Council Three to Elect.
Id. 2,1. 3d. 4th.
W. .1. Smith, II 120 G'2 72 S2 202
W. Janswn, It 04 ."M 43 30-175
J. Cordier, 11 37 34 15 00 I'M
Jihiph Rosar, 1) 103 121 117 0!-l5
I'harlei Graf, D 167 119 120 105-517
Julius Troy, I) , 74 103 122 Ol-Slj
Graf's plurality r,
ltosar'a plurality 133
Troj's plurality 100
District Officers.
FIRST Judge. Fred Neuls, 11., 101, .1o.
Rcmpc, D., 117. Impector, John lUrtman,
II., 100; George Relf, 120. Register, W.
Harmon, 11., 141; Thomas Brown, I),, R3.
SECOND-Judgc, Thomas J. llandley, D 110;
I'red Unden, II., 42. In.pector, Phillip
Dippre, D., Ill; Henry Deislng, It., 42.
Register, Thomas J. Qulnn, 1)., 121 ; Fred
Snyder, I., 1.
THIRD Judge, Charles J. Wetr.fl, R 78; fi.
J. Scheuer, D 117. Inspector. Daniel t!
Kelly, D., 123; August I.. Bohr, II., 78.
ltigister, Joseph Kramer, H , 112; An
thony O'Doimell, I., 108.
rOHIlTH-JuiIire, Emll Korlu, 11., fi, Thomai
Diddle, D,, 71. Inspector, Henry Ihiinurk,
R,, 6J; Thomas Wade, D., 71, Register,
Nicholas lllppre, D 03; E. i yum
n 77.
Twentieth Ward.
James G. Rrady 5von out In the great
raco for alderman In tho Twentieth
ward, coming under the wire an easy
winner. M. J. Connolly, Democrat, was
chosen to sit In the enlarged common
1,1. ,l 5,1 J.U
Jas O. Brady, P 132 140 fia 133-172
J. J. Ruddr. 1 63 nil in ,,
Martin J. tovcrn, 1 10 ;i 528
diaries hloin, j H 34 O 3- p)
J. K. O'Malley, 1 20 43 77 21-172
l.u. rasiiKogic, a. n. u 40 0 8 51
Brady's plurality 300
Common Council.
Thomas Griffltlu, II 21 13 o- el ,,(
(. J. Connolly, D OS 00 40 33-283
Connolly's majority ic7
District Officers.
FIRST-Judge, T. F. 0'Bo;le, p., 77. Uai,
Brobson, II., 02; .Tlios. lluhan, I., 7. In
spector, Thos. Brobson, It,, 03; T. P
O'lloyle, p., 42; Chis. blmrell, I., 13;
Thomas Bohan, I,, 21. Ileglslcr, James J.
Gallagher, p., W; Patrick Roche, S 63.
SF.OOKD Judge, Thomas Coln, I)., 14;
James P. Lavelle, I., 09. Inspector, Win.
Cahllln, Jr., p., 142; Wm. Dalley, R 20;
Mlcluel Flaherty, I., 63. Register, Thomai
Hsmm, P., 103; Patrick McNarnara, R., 4.
TllinD-Judge, Martin Ijiweny, p.. 111. In-
sclor, David WluUen, D 00; Arthur
Hewitt, Il 17) P. P. MoDonald, I., 80;
Patrick Reape, I., li. RegUter, Michael
Burke, P 88; John Shea. I., 60.
FOURTII-Jtidge, Chas. Ilaakliw, P., 62; Wrn.
JlcLsughlin, II., 11. Inspector. M. J. Biuns,
1 130; Morgan Jones, It., 82. Register,
Patrick IN Walsh, P., 200.
Twenty-first Ward.
M. J. Norton. Democrat, was re
elected common councllmnn, defeating
Reese It. Thomas, Republican, by Tt of
a majority.
The entire Democratic ticket was
elected by pood-sized majorities In
Dunmore borough. There was very
llttlo interest taken In the election,
and the vote cast In the majority of
me rnstricts was very light. Thore
was In a number ot districts, a marked
Democratic gain.
The successful Democrntlc candi
dates are as follows: Justice of the.
peace, Anthony Ferguson; councllmen,
William McAllister and Thomaa
Doudlcan: school director. Martin
OJbbons and John F. Flannelly; treas
urer, August Wahlers; street commU
sloner, Michael McDonnell. The au
ditors elected were "V. F. Cronln,
Democrat, and Thomas Henwood, Re
publican. Cronln had a majority of
the votes, but the law provides that
each party must have nn nudltor.
The Democrats received returns In
Temperance hall, on Chestnut street,
where n large nnd enthusiastic crowd
was withered. At Republican head
quarters only a few wero gathered.
The entire vote for the borough, with
the exception of the Fifth ward, Is
given below. The returns from, the
Fifth ward will slightly Increase the
Democratic lead. The vote:
Justice of the Peace.
West, R. Ferguson, D.
First waul, 1,1 Ui :
First ward, 2d 4 70
Second ward, Id 40 240
Secod waid, 2,1 41 U8
Third ward, Id M i
Third ard, 2,1 !m 19
Third ward, .",,1 ; ci
Fourlli naid n k-,
Sixth ward, 1,1 t 47
MMh ward, 2d lfli i,t
T"tal 74. NrNJ
Fi'igus,m' plmalll.i 142
.Snjder, Andrej, MeAlltMrr, Hinidii-aii.
It. H. D. D.
lt Wil I1I...II.I 115 t M
-,t wd 2d... 31 :u ,vi o
2,1 wd , 2d. ..HI ui ; .jiii
2,1 wd., 2d... It. 41 115 115
.id wd., id... ::r. .; 1,7 .7
3d wd., 2d... 02 M ,vi 57
3d wd.. 3d... 74 ui 71, ;u
4th ward 4 I 70 58
tit li utl Id.. .lilt y') io 38
Cth Wd., 2d... 15" 1.11 7'l l
70 01.' if,7 '12:1
PIuralltleM. -Jl'j t
Lawyer's Story of Insurance Man
Who Wanted Money Badly.
Fiom tin- New Yolk un
"My insurance man came In to see
me the other day." said the young law
yer, "and wanted me to Increase my
life Insurance from $3,000 to JIO.000. I
couldn't do It very well. Of courie, he
was a great deal disappointed. He
talked and talked. I could see that he
was Indeed dlstiessed. 'it In the end
I had to tell him perempi rlly that I
really could not meet his views about
life Insurance.
" 'Now,' he said, 'do you know I am
rather glad of that? Because I have
another plan here that I would a rreat
deal rather have you go into. Of
course, these life insuranoe people are
my principal employers. I have to do
my duty by them. My conscience
would not let me take money from a
man for any other purpose than life
Insurance until I was absolutely sure
that there was nothing doing with him
In the life Insurance line. See?'
"I told him that nobody appreciated
better than I his loyalty to his employ
ers. " 'Thanks,' he said, without blush
ing. 'Now I want to call attention to
n company that has attracted my no
tice because of Its llbeiallty and fair
ness in dealing with Its friends. Now,
have you ever thought about accident
Insurance? Every young man '
"Well, of course he went on until he
was stopped. I succeeded In stopping
him by telling him that I wished very
much that he would talk to me about
something new. I never mado a worse
break In my life.
" 'I'm tickled to death you spoke
about It,' he said. 'Now, there's some
friends of mine 5vlth a mint of money
behind them who have got the newest
thing out. It's health Insurance. For
less than ,'i cents a day they will Insure
you against nny of these diseases.'
"And then ho unfolded a list of horri
ble nllllctlons which could be cured by
some patent medicine. It took my
breath away. Ho had tho right of way,
and ho talked until I got my wind
again. Then I told him that It was too
much llko an Investment In cheap gold
mine stock for mo. if it paid it would
pay a great deal, but It was more like
ly to result In money thrown away.
" 'Ain't those gold mining stocks aw
ful,' he exclaimed. 'Now, I have Jus
mm a migniy runny experience about
those things. Did you ever hear of t"
Midas and Grand Central Tete mine
out In Southern California? No? Well,
mighty few people have. They will be
foro long, though. You see, going
around as much ns I lo I get next to
some very Iniluentlal poople, and
through them I got on to this Mldaa
and G. U. V. stock. They aro going to
keep it very nulet until noxt February,
and then they are going to"sprlng a
surprise In It that there will be a heap
of money In. Of course, all those things
nre crooked. The thing la to bo In with
tho people who aro doing the crooked
work. I am In. Now, to tell the hon
est truth, I am awfully hard up. That's
why I have been after you so hard this
morning. 1 need the money. I need
150 more this mlnuto than I can possi
bly need $50,000 next February. I have
got ubout 25,000 shares of this M, & G.
Common Council One to Meet,
id. it.
M. J. Norton, D , 72 JlVr-lKJ
Reese II. Thomas, It i, 23 60 U
Norton' majority , , 7j
District Officers,
FIRST Judge, A. J. Grogan, P., 78; .1. H.
Battenburg, R., 1. Inspector, V. F.
Clark, P., 58; William Sloane. a, 8;
Sidney Mean, ! lj M. J. Murphy, !., Is
W. B. Farr. I., lj Thomas price, I., 1;
Jolin L. Paine, I., 2. Register, P. J. Kelly,
D., 71 J George Chase, R 1; Edward
Cawley, I., 1.
SECOND Judge, Eran II. Thomas, It,, M
Joseph Casey, P., us. Inspector, William
Jenkins. 11., 03; Thomas Cooney, P., 110.
Register, Charles Parry, R., 78; James
Sweeney, P., 107.
Sohool Directors,
Wehber.R. hen.R. Olbbotw.D. PIsJmely.D,
lw Id.. .119 110 87 K
lw 2d. .. .17 34 35 71
2w., Id ..00 411 2M 2
2w., 2.1 .. 48 41 lit n
3w Id .. SS ;;-, s 87
3w., 2,1 ..01 Sil 65 J7
3w., Sd. .. 81 7S 114 4M
4tlt ward .. 1.1 lj ft7 M
w Id ..118 HI M 55
6r 2d. ..158 164 5 HI
750 SI". 18 1X17
Pluralities 130 94
Kngle, R. Waaler., D.
First ward, Id ill A3
Pint ward, 2d .14 n
Second ward, Id 41! 'tis
Second ward, 2d 47 lis
Third ward, Id ,17 fij
Third wanl, 2d S5 io
Third ward, 3d M ii
Fourth ward if ,vt
Sixth ward. Id 102 m
Sixth ward, 2d 141 11
Totals 874 Ml
Wahler'n plurality 293
Street Commissioner.
Smith. R. .McDonald, P.
Firsi waid, Id UK i
First ward. 2d 44 77,
Second ward, Id (A tkC
Secoml ward, 2d 4d 11.1
Third ward. Id 38 St
Thiiil ward, 2d 102 41
Third anl, 3,1 M ,j
Fourth waul in (,
Sixth ward. Id 101 f,u
.Sixth until, 2d 1CI 5
TotaN 77.1 87,1
AkPonald's plurality pit
Ilenuood, R. Oimm, II.
Kn.L want. Id Ill fn
Pint waul, 2d Mi fen
Second waul. Id 42 .u
Second ward, 2d 41 in
Third ward, 1,1 ;-, s,
Third wanl, 2d (11 M
Third, ;:d 7;,
Fourth ward rt m
Skth ward, Id u s
Sixth watd, 2,1 mi
T"tJN 710 874
Cronlu's plurality j.-jj
C. P. stock, und for the sake of gettlno
a little ready money quick I'll let you
have a part of It for just what It cost
me. Five thousand hares, for In
Htance, at 1 cent a share. On the- lltli
day of February noxt that stook wtU
be worth J2 a share or more. Not a,
cent less.'
"He paused and drew a lot of gold
and ted Ink certificates out of bin
breast pocket and ilaahed them befoiii
my eyes. 1 waved them away. I told
him with the utmost frankneu that I
really was not able to undertake' an j
now Investments. If 1 was going to
gambit, I said, I thought that I would
take to a regular openly confesse,!
"The Insurance man leaped from hlti
chair and cauarht m by the hand.
" 'Well, say,' he said wltli the alr.od
one who had at last found out whaJ)
his errand actually was, 'I tell you
what we'll do. I'vo got J3. You put
In J3 and then you put me on to somo
faro Joint around here and I'll go play
for a while. When I've run It up to m
hundred I'll bring it In and split up
with you. I'm lucky to beat the band
on calling cards.'
"I sighed & long, sad sigh and hand,
ed out tho Ave, and a noto to a bar
tender friend who could 'put him on tq
a faro Joint.' and urged him to hurry,
I had a case to get ready- the time wast
cheap to me Just then nt that price.
"But tho funny part of this yarn id
that about half an hour later a mes
senger boy came into the olllce antl
handed me a fat envelope, it con
tained five ten-dollar bills and thlrt
" 'Much obliged. Excuse haste. I'vn
gone up homo to pay rent and head ont
dispossess notice. j," j, t
Excellent Story of Hia Work as Lieu-
tenant in Mexican War.
Major J. A. Wfttrous, U. S. A., tel)!,
in tho Saturday Evening Post, several
good stories of General Grant when
he Was a lieutenant In v. xr.-i
war. One la tha mule story. He tried
a uemii ot men ana many ropes but
tho mulo got tho better of the ex
periment. Then this happoned:
"Iteturnlng, he gave orders to takfl
the next victim to the largo rock. It
was backed as closo to tlw obstruction
ns possible without actually touching
It. Half a dozen men were told to
hold the brute, by the head, e&ra ana
neuU, nnd on no account to let it ad
vance fli .11 the rock, rrhfr, n n ......
told to clap n harness on quickly. As
soon ns the buckles began to fasten,
the mulo became restless. Pretty soon
It mado a sudden Junge and succe-edodl
In getting four feet away from tho
rock, nnd then the fun began. lta
henls cracked against the rock sav
agely for a short time. It was a new
experience, and apparently a painful
one, for tho battered hind feet were)
lifted again and again, but very gent
ly, .and only one at n time, while It.i
head shook and ears flopped. That!
mulo wns cured, nnd tli? problem woa
solved. Tho detail returned to rami
Into that ovenlng having accomplished
Its mission taken the kick out of u
drove of ns unmanageable mules na
ever hauled pork and hardtack,'