as&euaoiaa "3 V THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAV, FliiBUUAUlt 11), 1901. NEWS OF THE LABOR WORLD NEW SWITCH ENGINES CEIVED BY I., L. & W. HE- The Fountain oi Youth three week Ihey Will Bo Used in This City, But falo and Hoboken The Board for Today Superintendent Clarke Mado His Eirst Trip in His New Private Car Comment About the N. Y., O. & W. In the Financial Papers What They Think About It3 Tuturc. The new switch oiislneH now in mo on the I.ackuiwinnu rallrouil, whlrh wore constructed by the Dickson Man ufacturing company, nic Klvlnir eci'l piit patlsfncUnii. A lint- Ki'.'uU- of an thracite Is used for fuel. Tlle motlvf lowcr furnlHlu-d by tin- ptmhtiH utir iintm anything hw-iofoiv in ucu hero. Tho cyllndui-H an- IBM! I, innl the -ii-Kluo linn n lSO-i'omid stenni riresuie eiul upIkIih ISO.Oirt iioundH. Tht-y nvc of tho C-whcl coniu-ctfd tyi wlihoiu ttilikx. and huu- sloping tank to mi fiblo tho ciiKlnuor to .sou I ho swltch jiioii. Tho capacity of tho tain? Is S.iXO K.illniiM, and lmn a i apaclty of .sU toiiH of coal. The wpIkIU of this tank loaded In 71,00" pound. Tho JIiuImkc N S fool wldo and Si 1'U inclioM lonjr. Tho dluinot-r of the boiler l fiJ Iih hoc. mid has JT.' tubes. Tho .Unmet -r of tho ilrhlllK Wheels i r.7 Inches. The illumi'tor of ''to main ililvlni; iinIo Journals aio Sxl1li Inches. Tin- pushois aio also equipped with nlo biakcs, automatic couplers and all other model n appliances. They aio n now typo of engine heio ..nd tho fourteen to be bull' by the Ulikson ManufaotuiIiiK eomiany will be used at Scranton Mubnki n an I lluf i ilo. The additional fr'lght and BPngcr engines aro eectod to airtvo Iimi- fiom Sehoneetady some time in Minth. They aro made liom plans in 'pared at the omp.iny's draughting munis in this rlty and contain fen iitioM whhh will mako tho oarlnes . specially adapted to tho uvt-s of tic Delaware. l.aiKawanna and Western mii:in. Comment About the N. Y., 0. & W. The New Voile, Ontario and Western initially continues to occupy a good .1 al of attention In llnanclal elides. Tie- Now York (onimoiolal says; 'There Is no cession of tho bullish .irguuicnt as to Ontario and Western. Tho general (.hoot for the year ended 1e ::i shows assets of $SC,037,S."S, aa against tho following liabilities: Stock, . ommon. r.s.tUVJS'J; capital stock, pre ft rred. $:..a00: funded debt, JliVJST.OOO; rentals due and accrued $17,700: Inter est on funded debt due not patented, ?r..rr:u; due for wages, JIIII.TIU: duo for Mipplle.s, J.Vf.lUS; due on open accounts, Jl'.OS.rilti; loans and bills pajnble: Hank loans, $100,000; gold notes secured by Hist mortgage, i-cianton t'eul company, $.',150,000; gold notes secured by llrst mortgage, 131k Mill Coal and Iron com pany. $'1,000,000; piolll and loss (Mir- lihih), J I,0:i3,3iiii. Total, $St',,057,S:S. Thn leal merit of Ontario and Western .is ii speculative block, however, lies In the fact that It Is the last lenialnlng Independent coal road in Us terrltoiy, and for that leason Is likely to bo bought In by other interests." The Philadelphia. .Stockholder prints the following: ".Strong intcr'sts aio accumulating Ontario and Western on the theory that Its position is to bo greatly strengthened in tho not far distant fu ture. They argue that as It is the only independent hard coal line l-ft, It Is likely soon to -he acquired by tho big anthracite coal combine on very favor able terni!.. It .seems highly impiob able that tho Interests behind tho big Kimbluation will leave the scheme uii- ompleted, 'when the Inclusion of one more road Is .ibsolutely necessary for dominance of Hi- trade. Net lecelpls of the Ontario and Western tor the last half of 1'jmii ! creased $10S,'J0ii. Last loar'n sut plus was $s."i!),0;U, but insiders s.iv that the cm rent .vein's net balance i 111 probably not exceed 750.0''iii, or about l'i per r 'lit. on Ihe stock." D., L. & W. Bonul for Today. The Melawate, Lackawanna and Western bouid for today: luisnw, riunrvuv WIM r.UK, Ua-t-S . in.. M. lij.. ji. in., T. MuCarlliy. iur.Mivv. ri.imi n v HIM 'ats. Kil-1-'.,W a m , O Krarncj , 'i d. tii., .1. II. Sw.rtij 1 .1 in., II. IlUhlne, 5 .i in., y. W. I'lttecmlli ii .1. m., J. Costello; 7 j. in., 1'. II. Si'ior: O..H1 i. in.. 1). Wallace! M a. m.. J. ,1. Mum llli C Il,irtlifiluni,w' Men; 11. Ml ii. in.. I'. Il.illoi; l.::0 i. tu., I'. I. siivtiw; :i.l, i in., l. Mullen; i 1 p. t. I". Maple. "1 1 "I feel Ilka ftbor REAin!" exclaimed. Geo. W. Attrldee, a tnn 07, years; i oia. alter a ik' COUrso OI uurr i o x-urj MALT WIltanji.1. Ana jia looked It too. Tho ruddy fltuh of health was in hlachecks, tho youthful flro and brlghtncsi had returned to his eyes, and In his walk there was all tho light -la-artcd buoyancy and vieor of his early manhood. A mlrnelnT o; that isjustwhut llUKKY'H 1M1HE MALT WHISKEY Is doing every day for tho fccblo and all ng who una it as a tontc and stimulant. l ninxllknmaelc. Abram V.. Elmer, of UUca. !; 119 ycara old and hai taken no medlcino except, Uiitly's Pur.) Malt Whiskey for twenty-five Tu the only Whiskey taxed by the flor eminent iw a medicine. This ha guarantee. All druKKls's and grocers, or dlreet, S1.IX) a bottle, llefmo aubstitutcs. tscud for free racdiial booklet. nOl'FY MALT WHISKEY CO., Roclititer, N.T. CONDITION OP LOCAL MINES FACTS SHOWN IN MINE INSPEC TOR'S KErORT. Inspector H. O, Prytherch, of the Second Anthraclto District, Has Completed His Report and For warded It to Bureau of Mining. Matters Are About the Same as in 1809, with tho Exception That n Big Slump in Output Was Caused by the Strike. wMt from OymcA, tl.rco cnsrlnr. .1.imm Ulnlor; 7 p. m., wnt Hem rajtifj, Mdiiinf. Puller K. K. sor. Puhrs S a. in., M. fllrlfj t 11.S0 a. m M run: 7 p. in.. Mnrpli); p. m iMinpli'ir, 1'iwi-tiitrr rjiRlii " j. in. (Iittniv: 7 . ", Mnn-r; S..TO p. m.. htntin: 7 p. in., Manovcfii. Wild Cud, Wnt I a. in., Jolm Ilnxtev; 0 n. m C KIliiMley; 7 a. in., .1. II. MusIcm; 10 W) tit., I'. Wall: 1 ii. in.. Krtrliaiiis 'J p. in , J. M(lor; 2 p in., II. Iluwrty; p. m., John (,'jlnRjn; a p. in., ). II. l.iilu. KOTICK. iVmlnctiir M. .1. lldiini;an will oil al train. nntttr's citlie tlil altiiiitHin, Til), lb. llraUiuiti 1'. IlKlnition rpitl tor duty with 1'r.nW MiDonnclI. Bcrtnlon Ckxl bo 5 113,747 lt. rifiunt Ootl Oo & S4.I2S tirttn Itldge Col Co 1 M.HS ltnn)hini Col Co 1 SI1.WS Wm, Oonnell Coil Co 1 107,679 The Connell Coal Co a 7.N1 (lrecnoo.l Col Co. 3 H.403 Ilrooki Coil Co 0 31,130 Jehu i: J. J. Jni)n 1 " va.m i:illolt, McClnre fc Co 1 l.".e,0J7 lllk lllll Col k Iron Co f".M A. t). k V. it. l-pnccr 1 71,169 Nay Auk Co1 Co 1 M.J0J (llbbotM CoM Co 0 1V"5 North American Ccul Co t 2n9,MI llowtn Coal Co 0 SU.Mt lliill'n lloa J Coal Co 0 23,701 Carbon Coal Oo 1 U"I lVupIf'a Coal Co 1 MM Sptlnc "rook Coal Co Is. -fr- Vntal nd arri(trt 45 UCSOl NL'MDMt OI" ACt'lOnSTS. Tjlilf C uriowa the nutntwr of UUI and liute f' I urel'lciila and the numlir of ton of iimI l'Hlnfiil por accldtiil: This and Tha't. The old round house In the Lacka wanna yard Ih heliiff torn down to make loom lor straightening tho xwItcheH leading Into the coal chute.M. A number of emflneors Crom tho Hurrah) dlvlHlou arrived in the city ye-t-rday to confer with local men on matU'iK pertaining to tho Hrotherhood. flraud Master Sargent, of the Hroth erhood of lUilli-oad Kit emeu, haw not yet arrived, at least hln whereabouts aro not known. General Supeilntulident T. K. Clatke, of the Lackawanna railroad, madu his Initial trip to New York yesterday on his new pilvate car 'TMInlkahda." Ho was accompanied by Muster Car Hulld er I T. (Janlleld and Suporlntendpnt of Car Service M. ti. Casey. Tho car was attached to No. l!0, leaving here at 8 a. m. Frank J-auijhlin, of this city, has been appointed roadmaster of the Wyoming division of tho Lehigh Val ley nillroad in place of Thomas Mc- Keown, resigned. .TamcK llailey was amioliitcd nsslstant roadmaster. Mr. 1iughlln began at the bottom and by strict attention to duty ami his abil ity to pleuse both employer and em ploye liu succeeded In obtaining tho advancement. Ho Is conceded to be oae of the best ro.ulmnsters In the state. Mr. Hurley Is also well known. He Is capable, deserving and has many friends WilVes-Harre News. PASSING OF THE ASHMAN COMPANY RECENTLY FORMED TO CARRY GARBAGE. It Is Known as the Municipal Im provement and Contracting Com panyWhat It Proposes to Do. J lliiiuiiiin; , l Mullen in , .1. II Mel .inn. ouinnilu. P'c. (1 J. in., r.i-t. I Minoiiiiill, .i in., wi'ct, (. rraunfilkir; 0 a in., wi-. u 11, Nii1iul: a p. in ia-,1, . I.lup'oil, mtli llucli Holier!' men ; 7 p in. i il,i from Njy Mist, tannin, witli I ile MIlMtrV Jnvn, 7 p, in., SBaMaMMiHUrfaHtw.iUiwaMiHtaaHMaaMa Mi fir en Have "eyea bigger than their stomachs," according to an eld saying. They over eat themselves, and are tempted by all sorts of injurious and indigestible edi bles. As a consequence the foundation of serious stomach trouble is often laid in childhood. For children with "weak" digestion or whose stomachs are diseased, Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery may lie coufidently recommended. It cures diseases of the stomach und other organs of digestion and nutrition, so that the nounaument contained in toou is per fectly assimilated aud the puny child is built up by food into a condition of robust liealth. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery i ontalus neither alcohol nor narcotics, Accept no substitute for " Golden Med ical Discovery." There is nothing "just as good " for diseases of the stomach aud other organs of digestion aud nutrition. Mr. Klla C.arrlntr. of Watcrvlew. Middlesex Co., Va. , writes : "My little daughter ia enjoying ;iau l lounu a aotur mlcndM health. shc could cure luv I am uvc Indly I Klve lirr l)r. 1'ierce'a Golden Medical chip r Whenerer he feela liisruvery and she h uon nil tight. She took twelve bottle of the Mloldcu Medical Illacov rry.' eight liottle of ' Pelleta,' and one loi,(e of ol Dr. S4e' Catarrh Remedy and ahe ii welL Vc tltank Coil lor your tnedldne.1' Dr, Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, in paper covers, is sent free on icceipt of at one-cent stamps a puy expense of mailing ir. Address Dt. Ji. V. l'iarce, liuffalo, N. V. The day of the colored ashman, with his llckety ash caitand decrefilt hoise, is past. No longer will citizens watch with dismay the slow progress of the wagons down the street, followed by a trail, of ashes and refuse, for the edlet has gone forth that the old-slyle cai llor of ashes must give way to tins mote modern concern, a stork company consisting of men of prominence. Tho Municipal Contracting and Im provement company is the name of the oiganlzatlou which jitomlses to me tamorphlze thing". The stockholder are . H. Langstau, A. t lied ford, I. Iloland. A. It. Dunning. A. N. Walker, and II. Van llusklrk, .solic iting agent. In pl.ii'f of tin- old dilapidated eait. a well-built, brightly jalnted, covered wagon of an improved dump-cart style will appeal. Instead of the Ill fed, raw-boned animal, called by coui lusy a hoi'M', two well-fed and large limbed h'UM-t will bo attaehtd to tacit wagon. The new company will have a dozen wagons in operation by the first of .Mutch, to accommodate XM pel .sons who have slgntd contracts up to date, and as many more at the cIoho of the mouth as the number of subscribers warrant. The company has received a lheiiM- ft oni the board of health to carry gailiage'. whereas the ashmen now m vogue merely nave wagon Hi eases. While the great majority, or all, of tin .ii-hmcu will he forced out of busi ness, the new company will be gener ous and give many of them employ ment on their wagons. Win tv it the subscribers do not IniM anh I'ttiK, the eompaii proposes tu pluie big disinfected sheet-lion i. ins All the gatbage and relusi will be burned In the crematory until tho company can erect a building of Its own for this purpose. The .Municipal Contracting aud Im piovenienl company promises that the uniuunt of sickness and death will bo they net in opeiation there will bo no more papers blowing around the sticits, no lefuse and garbage dumped promiscuously about, but that evety- ining win ne cieaiuit up, caiicu away aild bullied before the germ-chaiged lubblsh Ii.'ik a chance to get In Its wotk. In Totonto, Toledo, Cleveland and other towns whom similar haul ing hac been instituted recently, sick ness and death have- been decreased sixty per cent. W S. Langstatr left yesteiday for littsbutg in secure the wagons for the new cone et n. OPPOSITION HAS ARISEN. Judge Buiflngton Says the New Court District Is Unnecessary. Now opposition has developed to the Middle District IVdetal coutt bill. Judge Jns.-pli Iiittilngton has been on listed against It and proposes to go before the senate committee Thursday, and argue against Its necessity. Congressman Council ptuposoh to merit his aigumetits and has sum moned a number of Its local support ers, by telegraph, to be present at the heartnir. lix-Clty Solicitor Janus II. Torrey Is one ot those who will go tu tho hearing. 1'iesldeiu Ju.lgo It, W. Archbald Is also likely to niletid, Tho friends of tho measure hem aro confident that they can meet and over come any aigunients that may be ad vanced ngaltut tho necessity of tho new district, oven though sush argu ments a.t udvunoed by such nn able nml Intlnentlnl lii.m nn .1ni1u- lln'Tlnir. I ton. Mine Inspector II. O. l'rytherch, of the Second Anthracite district, yes terday t ipletcd bis report for tho year I'JOO, and last night forwarded It to tins bureau of mining. It consists of his annual statement and a, number of tables, and shows the existing con ditions were much the same ns In ISM. Ills comparison between the results in 1S9! and 1900 is as follows: In lSO'l thi following llt cf aeelilenta waa relumed: Faral, 4u;, IM; toul, W. Tim tables which accompany and form a part of the reiwrt ihow the following to lie Ilia llt for 1000: l'atal, 63; non-fatal, 1.11 s total, 'J07. Ily eoniiariwn we find lor lll an lticreao of 0 fatal accident", a decieasi- of 7 non-fatal anl ilrntA and .1 dtcreie of I In tho llt of total accidents. We would remark that diirlni? ISM nne accident only by which two lliet weie lost at tho same time omrml, while in IKiO one accident rmiltcd In the Iws of four lhi, ami two by whlili two Hie each were lnt oc curred. Perhaps this will partly explain the Increase In the fatal IM. Hence It will K- reen that the miiiiUr ol latai jciiuema in the years under comparison are the wine, but thou? ol th( latter ilalm M more ictlnn. The total production of coal foi 1!00 shovn a ik'Lreavp ol 141,510 tons and an inereae of l,3cA in the total numliir ot persons rinploycil m and ahutit the mines. The (leeii-av In th pmducllon was e.uiKil by the item ral Ktrike and mitnereiis otlicr minor ilUj(creetnents bttuien trnplojer jnd nn ploes in the district during the ear. rtKMAHKS (IX Till: ACI'IDHSTA II will ho peen that in addition to the tahlts whiih hue aluo)-s accompanlul thee reports tables of percentiBH haio been prcpaied In order to thow in a more conspicuous manner the cauc which result in the greater part of the accidents, as well as the class or elases of employes which contribute to the list of victim". An "ciploslon of gas" In a mine, resulting in tho Iom of a number of Hies together or at tho same time, attract wide attention, whllo the eury-day accidents front "falls of roof and coal ocLtir almost unnoticed. The tamo re Iirred to dhow "tails of roof and coal" to be itsponsiblf for fw per cent, of the fatal acci dents and 11 per cent, of the total ae-cidetits In the district during I'iOO, and "eplolons of gas" are reponsible for 4 per cent, of the fatal ami S per cent, of the total accidents. Following the ttbles ol percentages further it will bo seen that mineni male up 40 per rent, of the lctimi ol fatal accidents and 32 per cent, of the total accidents. Laboter", 20 per cent, of the fatil and 01 pel cent, of the total accident. Thee two classes of workmen, tho miners Hid laborer?, work In c!oc contact, in fact together, and if one interpretation of the pro Nision of the mine law be correct tho miner is, to a greit c.tent, responsible for the safety of liis laborer. Thee two classes together male up 7J per cent, of the sietims of fatal accidents and 17 pir cent, of the total acildcnln. Inasmuch i "lalls of roof and coal" are tisponsible for .11 per lent, of the fatil and 11 per cent, of the toial accidents wa feel Hut the proiision of the anthriute mine law, l9l, guarding particu larly against this lu- of accidents fchould bo quoted: "Arlicln XH, Itule II Anv person baling elnrge of a woiMtig place in any mine shall l.i rp Ihu roof and sides tlicn-nf properly secured b timber or otlurttise, ko as to pieicnt tueh roof ind hides from falling. And be shall not do any work or permit any work to be done under loose or dargerom material, cetpt tur the purpose of muling the same." pmct, .must m; saw. Kguin, Article Ml, llulo 31: "Before coin. niviirlng wuik and also after the firing of eery blast the miner working a breast or any other plan- in a mine shall enter suih breast or place tu ascertain its londillon and bis laborer or asi,.tant shall not go to the taiv of u h breast or place until tho miner his aseitained the ame and found It to be sife" 1'ho mles quoted guard in a particular man ner againt .iicldents finm "talis of ruuf und civil" and if thOM- whose safely is desired re-spcele-d tlieso prosisions, accldails Horn this cause would be matirlally reduced. I his nutlet lias reteieed muili attentton dur ing the inspections nude of the mines of the district in piOO, und Iroiu our obscnations we Iumj concluded that a lery Urge iniinUi of miners are unaware of these pruiisions cr are careless in obsenlng them. 'Ihe fact that Rl of the total accidents ate clas-ed Hinder thai heading fully Justifies in calling attention to this subject, and it is our duly to stir a lo-opirallmi on the pirt of all euiicirned, miners, asislunt foicnien, mine fore men nud stiperintciiil'lits to guard ililigintly ugalnst aceidetits trcin this soune anil by sH doing we can hope to ledui-e the aicidmts. A hUBBCstlon follows that In addi tion to the extracts from the mine law, thu sections of the law applying to tho duties of the several classes of per sons employed about the collieries be fainted in separate sheets and liberally distributed, as it would hnvo a be-no-llclal effect, as the miners, dilveis, iiinnpi-s. etc., would thus loam at a KliMict? the- piovlslons of the law cov en liur their own particular duties. The annual mine forinn-n's cxamiuailoiis for tills district wrcrc held May 11-11. IfuO. in ihe city hall, and the following persons itibiiiinniil id to tho board ot eiainltiers to receiie foie men's ccillfleates: ltielurd )t. lluglidj, 11. -I Dalies, Mathlas f lemons and ihoinasl lalwarelii. No, tons coal pro Name of No. dueed per company. accidents, accident, !., L. A. W. II. It. I1j : ZWt Austin Coal Co 0 1,137 Delaware and llulson Co.... in s'V-' S, ranton dial Co. IS 3:'A Jit. Pleasant Coal Co P I'.Wl On en Itldge Coal lx) : -"? Pennsylvania Coal Co 10 IH-U Wm. Omnell A. Co 7 IW The Cunnell Coal Co s 27,0111 lire-enwixid Ciul Co 11 10,100 llieoks Coal Ce I -ll.lli) A. .1. ,T. Jertnyn 12 H-2" i:illolt, MeClure k Co 4 34.2 V I'.lk lllll Coal and Iron Co.... 2 I 4S172 A D. k V. M. Spemer 4 1T.7W Nay Aug Coal Co 2 4',2fl (llhlnins Coal Co 1-1.WI Nurlh American Coal Co 1 4i.M lloucn Coal Co l!-,1" Curbon Coal Co I 41,101 People's Cual Co I M30 Spring llrook Coal Co n l'.iOi Hull's Head Coal Co 0 iW.TM T .207 111,011 Total and aicragn . In table I), the anidtnti ale classllled. Falls of roof unci coal, killed or fatally Injured, thirty men; and Injuied, llfly-four, a total of eiglity.four calamities. Inside ears kllleJ eight men and Injured lliltt-tiine, and explosions of blails were the causea of twenty accidents, three men being killed. V:splobins'"of gas killed two men and Injured fifteen. Seven men were killed by falling down khatts. Kicks from mules, break er machinery, outside cars and miscellaneous causes bring the total up to fifty-two deaths and 1S2 Injuries. TIIF.IU OCCUPATIONS. Tble K hows the occupations of those killed or injured. The miners and laborers, of course, bote the brunt of the disasters. Twenty-Hie miners and fourteen laborers wcro killed and forty-two miner and thlrty-scien laborers were injured. Seien drivers were killed and twenty flic Injured. The remainder of the- casualties were about evenly divided among outside labor eis, headsmen, footmen, fire bosses, runners, shtcplckcrs, engine drivers, suricyors and com pany men Inside. In Table V the nationalities of tho persons killed or injured arc shown. Fourteen Toles were killed ami thirty Injured, and cleien Irish killed ami tlilrty-tlv injured. These were Ihe maximum losses buffered by any one nationality: In tho reiwrt Inspector Prytherch na: "Th following remarks on the accidents are justified by the figures of the reieral tables. The in jured are divided as follows: Citizens, M; aliens, 21; married, 32; single, 23; therefore, 82 widows and SO orphans arc left without sup port as tho result of the fatal accidents :n tills district during the year 1900. The following percentages also hold good: ConnoHjSU)allac SCRANTON'S SHOPPING CENTER. IS, STORE needs no general advertising nowa-daya. We have done with that. You ask for news and that it shall be daily talks about new things we have for personal and household use; daily talks about special prices at which you can buy very many things that you need now or presently. The store is as newsy as your favorite newspaper," and each day's batch is worth reading every word of it. We do not talk of paltry lots, but even big lots go out quickly, so if you would be sure to get your share of any article we tell of, come during the day the news is printed. ft Connolly & Wallace Method of Marking Embroideries. There have been busy days among the Embroideries. The resultant short lengths and broken assortments now have their day. Take that literally. In addition to our broken assort ments we have added large lots of short lengths in Edgings and Insertings, ranging five and six yards to a piece, bought from the makers at half price to close. These Embroideries are the wanted kinds, and at the special prices should be gone before the week is out. There are six groups, marked thus: 8c yard for all 10c and 12c qualities. 10c yard for all 15c and 18c qualities. 12J4c yard, for all 20c and 22c qualities. , 15c yard for all 25c and 30c qualities. 20c yard for all 33c and 35c qualities. 25c yard for all 37Jc and 40c qualities. Cause ot accident. Fall of roof and coal Kplosion ot gas .... i:ploslon of blast Fatal. .. si.r .. 3.ii .. 5..'. Mules ft Cars, inside ljju Cars, outside ".l Falling down rlutt 12.7 Breaker machinery I," Miscellaneous, inside O.11 Miscellaneous, outside. 3 ' Total. 10.5 8.2 o.e 1.9 rut "s.'3 3.S 2.9 2.0 3.S CONNOLLY & WALLACE, 127 AND WASHINGTON 129 AVENUE PHILLIPS HAS A PLAN. D L. and W. Tracks Can Be Be- -jiovcel from Lackawanna Avenue. Eemedy That He Suggests. Nineteen persons wire t (commended tu recetlo aslstant tnienien'a eerllfleatej prtoiiUenioN or cou. Table s., .bowing the production Ions during lws.1, is us follows: Del u lie, Ladcauamu und Western It.1lho.1d Co Au.tln Coal Co Iielanaru mid Hudson Hallreud Co 02,09 beianton Coal Co Gli,73J Mt. Pleasant Coal Co 172,141 l.reen llidge dial Co 12d,2CO Pennscleanii Coal Co Sll.f'HS ot toal in i'.liS.WW fil.Ci? City KiiKineer Joseph I'lillllpa believe.-; that it is posblble fop tho Lack awanna railroad to abandon the two tracks which cross Itckawanna ave nue, Just west ot' Franklin avenue, and which form uhat U generally termed the X and he will so advlfcc councils hi reply to the lesolutton adopted at last Thursday night's Kiwtlmc. 5Ir. Phillips .iH'ileves lhat the com. pany by tho construction ot a branch from Its main line, about midway be tween the West Lackawanna avenuo and Tripp Park crossings, could easily dhpcnsi- with the Y without any very serious Interference with its business. The V tracks at present aro used to connect with the company's Miftllu avenue swlti'h. and Oiit-n nidge lrelpht station and also for the trans fer of coal from the Diamond mine. The construction of such a branch as Mr. Phillips has In mind would neces sitate the building of a viaduct or trestllns as the main line of the com pany between the Lackawanna ave nue and Tripp crossings runs lor mo most p.ut on a road bed about halt way up the side of a hill. It Is understood that when Mr. Phillips' btatement regarding this mat ter Is presented that councils will up nnint 11 committee to wait upon Presi dent Truesdale, of the company, and aFk that he give the question of the removal of the two tracks from the. city's huslebt thoroughfare his careful and serious consideration. The city engineer has also been re ciuested to furnish plans for and an estimate of foot bridges over the tracks, so that councils If they see fit may authorize their const! uc-tlon In ease th" Lackawanna company will not consent to a removal of the track;", which have come to bo a great an noyance to the thousands of people on fool, on ktreet cms and on vehicles who ii-mi Lackawanna iivcnuo at this point every day. PRESENTED WITH WATCH. Fast Trains Chicago & North-Western Ry. The Overland Limited California in 3 day The Colorado Special Onentghtto Denier The Chicago-Portland Special Oregon and II ashing'.on in 3 efaya The North-Western Limited KUttric Lighted- Ch icago, at. Paul and Minneapolis Duluth and St. Paul Fast Mail Fait train to heail of lakes The Peninsula Express Fait time to Marquette and topper Country NJO change of cars. The best of eiery. thing. Call on any agent for tickets or address .J. .J. 4..4..4,4,4...4..... J. .4.. 4. -J- TTTtTtTTTTTTT 461 Broadway Nio York' COICkH't St.,PhUadtlphla 368 Waiklnglen St., Botttn S01 Main St., Bvgale 112 Clark St., CMeajo 43S 1I St., C.en.all 907 Smltkfld St., flttlburg 234 SuBtrltr St., Cs.slanif l7Cancat'Wartlii, Bttrtlt ?(., f ml, 7ronlo,OnC. WESTMINSTER HOTEL Cor. Sixteenth Et. and Irving Tlace, NEW YORK. American TUn, J3.M per day and upward. European Plan, Jl.W per day and upward. I. D. CRAWFORD, Proprietor. Save 50c On every yard of Axruinster Carpet during our special sale of Axminster Carpets -AT $1.00 Per Yard Williams & McAnulty 129 Wyoming Avenue. 4 4 4s 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4,4,4.4,'4'4'4'4'4'4'4"r4'4'4"H"H"'4'4-4'4'-'4'4'4'4' 1 THB Win. Connell IVnl Co 107,ii; The Council Coal Co 2I0.1S1 (.ittiiwnoil Coal Ce, P-V-'IO Ilt.ioUs Coal Ci II. Km .Mm k .1. .1. .lerm.iii 1I0.P10 Elllotl, He.' line Co IJO.'ofJ l'.lk Hill I'oal am) Iron Co W.SU A. 11. .1 I'. M. Kjwtiecr Tl.ltil Kay Aus Coal Co W,2 Cilions Coil Co 1'i.lKM N'oilli Aimricaii Coal Co 'Jo'.),tl II. i I'll Cool To W.Ml Hall's lleail I 0.1I Co 'M.TCl Carbon Coal t 0 41,101 Pre.ple' Coil Co 4,lr.O Hptlnif llriwl. Coal Co IH.W1 1'oui ii,n,ns Tin' total iinilin.tlon is up as follows: Shipped h) rallroail to nwikei 0,fT0,TS2 SjI.I at niliir for local iwe 'Jll.ti.VJ Consume-! to pennate steam .rj.COi Total 6,':p,IU Table Tl, sliowlnir tho number of fatal acci dents an.l tons ol coil produced per life lost Ii tu follows: No. tons real pro duced per life lost, 1.11, 0fl 114,137 ;A':6J Name ol So, fatal company. accidents. n h. fcv. n.iR. co si Austin Coal Co n Delaware and lludton Co. ... Retiring Foreman Whalen Generous ly Remembered by Employes. John N. Whalen. tho letlrlnff Reneral foiviiian of the Delaware, Uickawanna and Western machine miopn, wa n.n urday nlBht iiresented with a hand some old watch, chain and charm cet with diamoiidH by the employus of his department. Tlw iremiitatlon tool; place In tho pallors of the Grand Cential hotel and the Hpweh in liehalt nf the elonow of the Kilt was made by John If. MeCormlcl:. Mr. Whalen responded In a Hliort speech. In which ho .xpre.iseei his ap Iireolatton of tho honor done hltn. Uo freilunentH wero then ceivod, after which a Hplendld pioRramma of vocal and Instrumental muslo wiw rendered. Among Hi" entertainers were William Lysle, Mr. Tltirney. HukIi Jeffreys, William Needham. tho Klectrio City eiuartetto, I-'runk Deitrlck and John Walker. Foreman Kdward FitzslmmonB, of tho boiler shop, Frank Wren, Charles Welder, Perry Thomas and Mr, Phil lips responded lo toasts. Foreman Whalen wan In charge of tho machine shops for about a year and 'a half. Hotel VSGioria Broad!)., jtb Ak. and 27th Street. New 1 orl. Absolutely fwaproot III the cen ter of tile shopping and tneatie iliBti let. I'll st clats in .ill its.ip tioiutnieuls. Kill lie l new hiuuuti nut. European Plan Rooms sin- ilC POWDER CO. Bums 1 and'2, Com'Uh B'l'tl'f. SCRANTON, PA. nining and Blasting POWDER Mitlllooilon(l ItuahlaJt Wforki. icita sr. EvertMr.rrortirigr. suite, with or without bath andtclephonelueerv tooiu Cuisine uneicelltd LAPLIN RAND POWDDR CO.'S ORANOE GUN POWDER Eleetrto nttrles. Klaolrla KxDloJsri, tpioettaf blasts, Hafaty t'uiauai HKltl A Bad Brake Is worse at all. than no brake We are now ready to fit your wheel with the latest coaster brake. If you contemplate any re pairs on your wheel for the spring riding now is the time to get it to our shop. We will send for and deliver your wheel when finished. 1 . a J . trie ur ei . Kflns mi i.nam na i.n .......... lint .n.r,nM ! IIOaUllB UIIOIIIIUUI UU, a UAI-LU ITl." -' - For Business Men ot the wholesale In the heart district. For Jslioppew t minutes' wullc to Wnnnnialiers; S minutes to Bieeel Cooper's DI2 Bteirc. Easy of access to the ercal Dry Goods titoroa. For SlKlitsrers One block from B'way Curs. lr. I11C easy traneportatlou to all points ot Interest. I HOTEL ALBERT : NEW YOltK. ill. IS Car. Uth ST. UNIVEitSlTY PI Only one isiock .rom utouuw.ij-. RPSrAURANV Prices treasonable Rooms, $1 Up. jesroi J iwV Diseases. . 1 a A . DllctteL,BMp lent, by !jU. Muftt mMwmJiMx. ur. jio.piui aaa aiiut ouxgcoa ims. Dr. THEEL, 527 North Sixth St. I'liUnelcluUia. 1'a.cAli Abaaci. BloodPolson.Varicocele.Strlcturi 1 nil PRIVATE rind OBBOURE lxili(!if, I.nBtMniilieioil, Shrunk. en oreans.iuii7 rruocrn. r nun caiei II u eluyi. Toe most danrerouaruei IBIiTSOMBR ABIT." Trrit. rurHworn TestimoinsTs A Hook ex. UT80HBR ARXT." Treat rnr Hitnrn IViLimotuitli At Itrwtk r yotuig eicrj tl iuimute.tUecUicjU UloOicai UuuO. Lager Beer Brewery Hnunf&cturcrs ir OLD STOCK PILSNER IY I BROOKS 211 Washington Ave. HENRY BEL1N, JR., General Agent for the Wyoming District for DUPONT'S POWDER. Uioioff, Btastlnt;, Itepauno Sportlnt, Emekilen an4 Clieralcal Cerapmjr'a XS2 SCRANTON. Pfl Telephons Cnll, 233J. High Explosives.) Batitj ruse, Caps and Usploder. tUoen 401 Osx sell Ilutidtnr, rjcranton. AUUN'CIGSi thos. ronn nttsten JOHN II. PMfTll k EOK .'. Plymouth (l. I'. MULLlOAN WilkM-Darre rM' n