The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 19, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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TJJli SOKAjSTON iriUBIJJXI'l-TlJiiSDAY, ViilMiUAttY 10, 1901.
A Proposed African College on the
Outskirts of Susquehanna When
Hallstead Becomes a County Sent.
A Well-Known Editor Is Doing
Washington Condition at the Erie
fptclal to the Vrantoti Tribune
Susquehanna, Feb. 13. One. Fourth
of July In Ararat, the boys who were
nrltiK the anvil at Intervals, ran short
of powder, and started around to got
some more. "When they came to Uncle
Sammy Scott, sitting on the trrocoiy
steps and telling how his grandfather
helped whip the British In revolu
tionary days, the old man broke oft
his story and suid;
"Hoys, umvurds o two years ago a
peddler left a keg o' sumthln' In my
cooper shop over tlmr. It may bo lass
is or vinegar, and It may be gun
powder. I nn't u anywise hartln what
she Is, hut you'll find it In the coiner
to the light as you enter the back
door. Might knock In the head and see
what It Is."
Three or four of the boye slatted
for the shop, while Uncle Hmmy went
on with his yarn. Ton itilr.utes had
passed and he was riving the ind coats
fits at Lundy's Lane, when thcro came
a tremble a crash and the cooper
fhon seemed to -be lifted bodily fifty
feet in the air. All the men on the
steps were rolled oft, but Uncle Sammy
was one of the first tip. Looking across
at the heap of debris on flro In a dozen
Places, he waved his hand and ex
claimed: "I'll be got durned If It wasn't gun
powder artcr all!"
A discharge of men Is dally expected
In the Erie shops.
Rt. Rev. Bishop Talbot. D. D
preached and admlnlsteicd the .Apos
tolic rite of confirmation In Grace church, In Oakland, this
A few mornings since, Brio night ex
press Xo. 3, west bound, was composed
ot 14 oars, drawn by two locomotives.
There weie six ears of Immigrants,
one day coach, four Pullman's, and
three baggage and express cars. It
was the heaviest passenger train pulled
over tho Husquehnna division in many
a day.
In Christ Episcopal church on Thurs
day evening, the "ilen's Club" tender
ed Bishop Talbot a reception. Mr. and
Mrs. E. R. AV. Senile furnished sup
per. In tho church today Bishop Tal
bot celebrated the holy communion.
Yesterday being St. Valentine's day,
a largo number of our townspeople ex
changed likenesses through the post
The wise business man prefeis tho
news papeis to the sheriff as an auc
tioneer, and makes money by carrying
his precepts Into practice.
It' not nice to be tailed about
lly Homo industries fakir;
Hut don't mind who may lay you nui
So it Isn't the undertaker.
Theie isn't a school-boy in town who
doesn't think ho could run the weather
a great deal better than It has been
iuii this month.
It Is now thought that Eve ate tho
apple because she wanted more clothes.
The tinmp Is always out of employ
ment, although he is continually "step
ping Into other men's shoes."
Life Is too short not to be rationally
enjoyed, and the man who cannot
smile because he sees so much to de
rlore, is miserable himself hated
while living and despised when dead.
Heaven save us from tin man who
never smilfs!
There are snowdtlfta ten feet high
alone the Jefferson braneh.
Editor and M,rs. P. P. More, of
Great Bend, are "doing" Washington.
Bre'r More has gone down to Influence
The Brio boiler makers' union will
hold a meeting today.
A number of Susquehanna Sir
Knights will attend a conclave of
Great Bend Commandcry, No. 07, K.
T. this evening.
About 130.000 ties will be laid on the
Delaware Division of tho Brie next
AVhen this stretch of country was al-
As a Food
For the Skin,
To Make It Smooth, Healthy and
Beautiful, Dr. Chase's Ointment it
Hailed by Thousands of Fair Women.
Ercry woman, no matter how beautiful hec
fldn, finds need at timet of some preparation
to overcome the redness and roughness, and
to cure the pimples, blackheads and skin
Powders may coter up the disfiguring
truptions, bat can never cure them, and are
positively injurious
because they clog
up the pores ol the
skin. Dr. Chase'
Ointment ii a food
for the skin. It is
tcadlly absorbed,
and thoroughly
cures each and
every skin disease,
making the skin
smooth, soft and
woman s
toilet Is complete without Dr. Chase's Oint
ment, for besides being; the most perfect skin
beautifier obtainable it can be used in a score
of different ays. It absolutely cures eczema,
salt rheum ana the Itching to which women
are especially subject.
When the feet are sore and chafed with
walking an application of Dr. Chase's Oint
ment takes out the smarting and allays the
Inflammation in a surprisingly short time.
Then for bums, scalds and every sort of
chafing, Irritation or eruption of the skin Dr.
Chsse's Ointment affords a safe and certain
cure, I It has come to be indispensable in
scores of thousands of homes In the United
Stales; so cent a box, at all dealers, or Dr.
A. W. Chsse Medicine Co., Buffalo, N, Y.
most a "howling wilderness," certain
shortsighted philanthropists planned to
erect an African College, In tho out
skirts of what Is now Susnuehannn,
In which to cducntu tho slaves, es
caping from the South to the frozen
shores of Canada.
It was later on discovered that the
exodustlng Negro, Just out of reach
of the bloodhound and the lash, was
in too much ot a huriy to bother his
brain about cube root and declmel
fractions, and the castle hi the air
went glimmering 'mong the things that
wein. Some of the excavations for the
structure nre yet visible to the naked
The Legislative- Record appeals to
have several new contributor this
How strangn that tho man who
thinks to Improve on nature by clip
ping his horse In zero weather, never
practices his theoty by wearing a
linen duster In placo of an overcoat!
If you see a man with tho corners
of his mouth coquetting with the lobes
of his ears, he Is the leo man. Tho
arctic blast did It.
"Ye"?," said a lady lectuior In Forest
City, "women have been wronged for
nges; they have suffered In thousands
of ways." "There is one way they
never suffered in," said a hen-necked
husband, rising. "What Is that?" de
manded the lecturer. "They have
never Buffered In silence!"
Tho saloon appears to be the real
homo that Jagg built.
In this age of sharp rivalry, the
man who permits his wife to go "novel
gathering" Is very liable to get
A Susquehanna man, who cannot af
ford to tuke r newspaper, has Just
paid the taxes on four dogs for two
yen is.
When Hallstead becomes the county
seat, life, to a Great Bender, Mill no
longer be worth the living.
Anybody can catch a cold now. The
trouble Is to let It go.
A Blnghamton paper speaks of a
robbery In which tho victim was "a
hard-woiklng, frugal man, who, by a
lifetime of toll, had amassed the sum
of S43 and was about to enjoy n long
needed rest." .
Even the most absent-minded man
generally remembers the short stop ot
the division line between his own and
his neighbor's sidewalk when ho Is
shoveling off the snow.
A Susquehanna man, who has been
wearing an electric belt for liver com
plaint, found that It also affected his
lungs, so that he has now an electric
liver and electric lights. Whitney.
Special to tht Scranton Tribune.
rittston. Feb. 1R. Anthony Deveis, n
single man, aged about fifty years, was
crushed to death yesterday morning
about 11 o'clock In the No. S mine of
the Pennsylvania. Coal company, where
hu was employed as n miner. He was
caught beneath a fall of rock. Tho ie
mains were taken to the home of the
deceased's sister, Mis. John Redding,
at Coik Lane, where ho had resided.
Mrs. George Evans and Miss Raohel
Jenkins were at Jetmyn, Saturday, at
tending the funeral of the Lite Mis.
William Jenkins. Miss Jenkins will i.
nvaln In Jermyn for a tew days.
Mrs. Frank Shllfer, of the West Side,
returned home Saturdayoftcinoon fiom
the Hahnemann hospital in Scranton,
where she had been uudeigolng' tient
ment for the past four weeks. She is
much Impioved In health.
Michael Klmmey, aged about thirty
two yeais, died at his home on Tomp
kins street, Saturday night at !) o'clock,
after a thiee weeks' Illness of pneu
monia. Frank Mead, who has been head
clerk for the Temple Iron company at
the Mt. Lookout colliery nt Wyoming,
having been transferred to that place
about a year ago from the Babylon
colliery at Duryca, has been promoted
to a clerkship In the head olllce ot the
company ut Scinntou. He assumes his
new duties Monday. Mr. Mead is suc
ceeded at the Mt. Lookout colliery by
Mr. Wllncr, at ono time editor of the
defunct PIttston Item.
The threatened stilke among the
bartendeis of this vicinity has been
averted and the ditllcultles existing
between them and their employe! s
have been settled. The ngreemnt was
reached thiough the mediation of the
grievance committee of tho Centml
Labor union. Every demand has been
granted, Including "evuiy other Sun
day off." a minimum palnry of $n pPl.
week and pay eveiy two weeks. The
matter was adjusted Inst evening.
That the strlko of the girls ut tho
Sterling silk mill here will he a long-drawn-out
ono Is the general opinion,
both sides being detei mined. Yester
day afternoon the grievance commit
tee from the stt iking gills formally
Piesented their list of giievances to
tho management of the mill, but met
with a discouraging reception. Man
ager Hamlin absolutely lefused to re
instate the dlschaiged girls, and would
not even read the scale of wages shown
him. He said tho chnrges that the mill
was receiving woik from the Scrnntun
mill, which is on stiike, were false.
The committee leported the result of
their visit to the special meeting of
the Central Labor union held last
evening, and the grievance committee
of the latter body will endeavor to t on
fer with the olilclnls of tho mill.
Judge Puile. of the Orphans' court,
on Thin sday handed down an opinion
disallowing the whole claim of l)r C.
J. Barrett, of this city, against the es
tate of the late Rev. Father John Fin
nen. tor mnnv yenrs curate of St.
John's Roman Catholic chinch of this
city. Dr. liatrntt attended the lev
erend father during his last Illness,
two years ago, and upon his dentil
piesented a bill iigalnst tho estato
amounting to J2.S7.". The claim was
disallowed on the ground that the doc
tor failed to prove by competent wit
nesses that llui sei vices worn rendered.
The bill, wllh Interest, now nninimtH
to J5.9SJ.20. Attorney W. H, Glllcsplo
appealed for Dr. Barrett; C. Frank
Rohan for bishop, tho teslduaiy lega
tee; while f'hnrles P. Rohan appeared
for the executors, Rt. Rev. Bishop
Hoban, Paul Rohun and M. W. Morris.
The nucknell university basket ball
team defeated the PIttston Young
MenV-Chilstlnn association In a traniu
In Armory liall on Friday evening by
the score of 10-8. Ten minutes of extra
play were necessaiy to decide the
game, which wns one of the most scien
tific and hurdest contests eeen liete
this season.
Tuesday's election for the municipal
offices here promises to be the biggest
battle slnco PIttston became a third
class city. At tho present both sides
are confident of victory and claim It Is
nil over but the shouting. The struggle
will doubtless bo a hard ono and h
largo oto will certainly bo iollcd. The
Democratic party has an acknowledged
majority in this city and has placed
on Its ticket T. J. Corcoran, for mayor;
P. F. Joyce, for city treasurer, nnd
John Kennedy, for city controller.
Corcoran is mayor of the city nt pres
ent, filling the unexpired term of Ben
jamin Harding, deceased, and Mr.
Joyce hns been a member of tho city
councils for the past few years and U
nt present chairman of the select body.
Kennedy is n compromise candi
date, being placed on the ticket to
Ileal the wound which existed between
Thomas English nnd the lenders of the
city's Democracy. The Republicans
have united with the Citizens and
have placed n strong ticket In the field,
headed by Attorney M. N. Donnelly
for mayor, R. E. Hankeo for ti cas
ta er, and J. J. McHale for controller.
Tho fusion ticket hopes to lecelve a
solid Republlcnn vote and to draw
enough fiom the Democrats to win
Mrs. George Thomas, aged sixty-five
yenrs, died Saturday evening at fi
o'clock at her homo on Oak street,
Welsh hill. Bho had been sick for a
long time. Besides her husband, the
following children suivlve: Mis. Annie
Cook, of PIttston: William, of Mis
souri; Edward nnd George, nt home.
Funeral Tuesday afternoon.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Montrose, Feb. 18. Tomoiirnv'n elec
tion promises to bo a very tame affair
In this borough. Every Republican
candidate will without doubt be elected
by the customary majorities.
At tho annual meeting of the Mont
rose fire department, held on Friday
evening In the parlors of Rescue Hook
and Ladder company, the following
officers were elected without opposi
tion: Chief engineer, Charles W. Brod
head, of Rescue Hook and Ladder
company; first nsslstant engineer,
George H. Watrous, of Rough nnd
Ready Hose and Chemical company,
No, 1: second nsslstant, Gordon D.
Ayres, of Montrose Hose company, No.
2; department recorder, Captain H. F.
Beardsley. of Rescue Hook and Lad
der company. Resolutions were passed
highly commending the work accom
plished by the retiring chief, Thomas
D. Payne, timing his two years of ser
vice. The question of a hoso tower was
brought up and earnestly discussed.
Four members of tho boiough council
weie present nnd all expressed them
selves nsstrongly favoilng the erec
tion of a tower. It is hoped that tho
tower will not be slow In materializ
ing, as it is an actual necessity to the
department, as many hundred feet of
good, new hose has been ruined within
the last year or so, owing to the lack
of proper facilities for drying It after
being ued. It will be the part of
piudence and economy for our city
fathers to piovlde for the hoso tower
at once.
Mls Sarah Gordon, of Blnghamton,
visited fi lends in this place on Satur
day. Miss Jiaunlo L. Smith, of Scranton,
was the guest of hoi mother and sis
ter, at their home on Church street,
The funeialof the late P.obeit Cooper
was veiy largely attended from the
home of his parents, yesterday after
noon. A mnle quartette sang "Nearer
My God to Thee." uf tot" which Rev. A.
L. Benton, D. D of the Presbyterian
church, lead the Sctlptuie lesson and
offeicd prayer. Rev. E. K. Thomas,
of the Bantlst church, announced his
text 03 Job, 7:1, from which ho
preached a very Impressive sermon, at
tho conclusion of which he offered
prayer, and the (services at the house
concluded with the singing of "Abide
With Me," by the quartette. Tho p.ill
beareis were S. j. Jene!e. W. H.
Warner. Albert Miller, II. V. Filnk, B.
R. Lvons nnd II. D. Jones. Montroso
File company, No. 2, nnd the Knights
of Pythias lodge attended the fuueial
n.s organizations, the deceased being a
member of both. The Interment was
in the Montrose cemetery,
Halsey Crandall nnd wife, of Tunk
hannock, are visiting nt the home of
T. AV. Chapman.
The death of Chailes Joseph Brod
head, the little son ot Mr. and Mrs. S.
E. Brodhead, occurred at 2 o'clock yes
terday morning of gastric fever, super
Induced by the grip. Ills ago was threo
years, live months nnd seventeen days.
The funeral will be attended from the
home of the little one's grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Chailes "W. Brodhead,
tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. The
services will be conducted by Rev. E.
K. Thomas, of the Baptist church, and
Rev. H. B. Benedict, of tho Methodist
chmch. Charley wns a very bright
little bov, who In his short life hail
made many fi lends who will sincerely
mourn for him.
Low is II. Filnk, ot Spilng House,
Heart lake, was the guest of relatives
In town yesterday.
Miss Alice Noithrup has ivcoeied
fiom a severe attack of tho grip
Mr. and Mrs. Alden Devlne, of Rush,
were visiting friends In town on Sat
urday. Miss Marlon L. Frazler is uumbeicd
among the latest victims of the grip.
She is impiovlng.
James P. Taylor, editor of the
Montrose Republican, bus been ap
pointed an aide on the staff of Grand
Marshal Brainaid H. Watner. of the
,clvlo division of the great Inaugural
parade to take place at Washington,
D. C, on Maich 4.
Lenten seivlces at St. Paul's Episco
pal church will bo held every Wednes
day afternoon at 4 o'clock In the chapel
and Filday evenings In the church.
The rector, Rev. E. A. Wai liner, will
deliver Icctuies upptopiiate to tho sea
son ut tho Filday evening seivlces.
Miss Mnrgaret Rliney leaves tomor
row for Poiismoutli, N. II., for a stay
of several mouths,
Ash Wednesday services will he held
at St. Marv's Catholic chinch at 10
o'clock a. m. Seivlces will be held at
St. Maiy's every Filday evening dur
ing Lent, at which lectures will be de
llvered consisting of "The Wny of the
Special to I lie "cranton Tllbune,
Factoryvllle, Feb. IS. Hector Put
nam will give an Illustrated lecture
it Keystone Academy tomorrow even
ing, February 19th. The admission
will be ten cents.
C. R. Bliss, who has been engaged
In the mcrcnntllo business at Thomp
son for the past year, will go to HhII
stead this spring, where he will open
up a general mercantile buslnefs.
Last Thursday night fire destroyed
the single framo dwelling house lo
cated at Bardwell and owned by
'Squire William Stark. It was occu
pied at the thno by Perry Decker and
The Old Methods of Treating Files
and Rectal Diseases Supplanted
by tho Pyramid Pile Cure.
The old methods of treating piles by
ligature, by the knife or by the cruel
methods of dilation, besides causing
intense pain and frequently collnpsa
and death, are now known to bo but
mere makeshift as far as a cure Is
Tho liver Is lesponslblo for nearly
every case of piles and the mistake
has been made of treating piles as n
purely local disease. Such U not the
case, however, and the success ot tho
new treatment known as tho Pyramid
Ii!e Cute has demonstrated It.
Tho Pyramid Pile Cure Is not a. salve
or ointment but a suppository which
Is applied nt night and absorbed Into
the sensitive icctnl membrane nnd
nets both us a local nnd a constitu
tional treatment and In cases of mnn.v
years' standing this treatment hns
been effectual.
Thousands of pile sufferers bear wit
ness to the Inestimable value of the
Pyramid and even those who have un
dergone suiRlcal operations without a
cure have been happily surprised by
results from a few weeks' treatment
with the Pyramid.
The relief from pain Is so Immediate
that patients sometimes Imagine that,
the Pyramid contains oplaten or co
caine because the relief is so Instan
taneous, hut the Pyramid Pile Cure Is
guaranteed absolutely free fiom any
ophite or mineral poison whatever.
The relief Is the result of the astrin
gent propel ties of tho remedy which
enusea. the little tumors and conjested
blood vessels to contract and u nor
mal circulation is established.
The Pyramid Pile Cine is strictly
scientific, both In Its composition nnd
lu Us therapeutic nctlon nnd the best
feature of it Is that It Is perfectly
safe and harmless. No HI effects ever
result from its use, but only positive
A singular fact; In -view of the laige
number of patent medicines before tho
public, Is that the Pyramid l tho only
pile cure of national reputation. It Is
tlw only pile cure populnr enough
and ineiltoiious enough to be found In
every diug store In the United Stntcs.
It sells nt CO cents for a full sized
A little book on cnuse nnd cure ot
piles mailed free by addressing Pyra
mid Drug Co., Marshall, Mich.
another man, who were keeping bach
elors' quarters. The same night the
farm house on the David Hunter
farm, over in Lemon township, wns
also destroyed by fire, tho origin of
which is unknown.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Stanley Reynolds en
tertained their cousin from Kingsloy
over Sunday.
Mr. Burnette Brewer, of Elmlra, N.
Y., was n pleasant caller here last
Geoige and Martha Washington will
give a pink tea to all of their Method
ist friends next Friday evening In
honor of George's birthday. They
heartily extend a cordial Invitation
to all to be present.
Tho fiftieth wedding annlversniy ot
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin R. Capwell,
of the Tunnel, will be celebrated Wed
nesday, Febiuary 19th.
Tho house and lot formeily owned
by Mrs. Jeanette Mathewson was sold
by the shetlff last Saturday at tho
court house at the suit of James W.
Piatt vs. C. M. Mnynard, of Hcianton,
as administrator. Tho piopeity was
purchased by James W. Plntt for
C. A. S!sk and Cranford Mathewson
weie over to the county seat lat Sat
urday, bunching their wad on the
sheriff snl",s.
William Stanton, of Stnntown, and
an adopted son ot J. L. Stanton, wns
badly mangled at Gleiibuiii Sunday
aftetnoon. One leg was badly crushed
and the other had a compound frac
ture. He wis taken to the office ot
Dr. teller at Dalton, nnd Drs. Fitch
and Heller, ot till place, went down,
but ho died nt in o'clock irom shock
befoie the curgeons could operate on
him. Nobody saw the accident, but It
Is presumed that he fell under the dais
while attempting to Jump on or oft a
moving train. Tho remains were taken
to the home of J. L. Stanton.
Cold Cure for Busy People.
Manv people neglect a cold because
they say they havo no tlmo to attend
to It. Krause.'s Cold Cure Is a lemedy
which can be taken without danger
while performing your dally duties,
and will relieve the most aggravated
cases In 21 hours. Price 21c. Sold by
Matthews Bros. "
.mi)r,MY " Lion' Unit" M.ltlnw and
IIAICTY The lUniblers Hnrlqui foepany.
Matinee anil night
"The Gieatest Thing In the Wotld."
Mrs I.e Mojtic wile her second ippcsi.ince for
this season nt titer I.,ctMi lat night In "'I lie
Created Thin in tho World," J pUy uliiili
fined in mlew on the metropolitan liigi ulnee
it n Ut feen lure. It H a pUy Hut tilU of
the '0ier of love anl v,n Interpreted lat ninht
ly a Iirllllai.t (onrany
lltii. !o Mojne'd wflik in llu role nf Mm. n
jlnU Utyjiit "was will tilg-U tliten .mil lie luil
In rupp'rlli't. romrrany mh innptlint ruihi.
en a Mr. and Hi Jelm Rlendcnnlrnr. Chariw
fcunloj, Hii old Itiwell, W'alUr Tlwiiun, Pram,
lander I'.iirhon Cun.pbcll aid Adelaide ThuM.
ton llifie hac been several tluriRin In the
cornpiny since it w last seen hen.
Mr I.i Miwiih ret filed HMated ruilain nlli
at li end ( Iho fceeoml and third aiU
"A Lion's Heait."
Ctrl llaiwln r.nd III eorrpany opened a liiue.
d.y ri cKcrri lit ul ",c AijiIciiij of Mulo lat
i-iitiliiK pie'cntlnc: for the approval of Scninton
tlicalir houm liU KieH eiicriH, "A Llc.ii' Hear1 "
Tlw hoiwe wa well tiled and the midlence wj
eiy llheiul with appluiw. The prologue or
opening act, ulio- the Inleilor of a duwln
room ol a clrcm, wllh euul pcrfonnen in ii.
cum attlro nllllntr Jicnnd Hie cuiulu ilei
Tim hfl, Mr. II inn In. a lllzarti'. Ilie lion
tamer, U uexi in u rrini-bailuric continue, .i.xl
look the pirl to pMfeitlon. The rut of tlm
play lit tupH)rcl to laic taken place twenty
ear after the "piolouc'Kf'ne 1li f.rU ait
that ot a p-'iitout Mine, howlnt; the flrj:ku
In tho lifjiilllnl lile of Peonhlre. Hi ecml
act lit a iiMEiiii'icinl lepiodncllon of tlm fjmwn
Hotel M Morllr with the now topped Alp In
thH clUlaxc and Like toi.ia In tho foreeiound.
Tho third n't chow the Iremli penal ettlf
ii, nt of Ht Caledonia with Its comicti, prlcon
and I'trrjckrt. Tho lat ut Ii a wild mountain
oik acme, beautiful In lit iijrt,rd yrandeur.
The play 1 the Utert arid grandest
uoe., haln; plieadj b.'fn rxfnted oer one
thousand tlmea In London. It poweeii moio
rral dramatle limit than any afinllar production
that hi preceded It. The author Iwui not !
leended to any dip-trip measures to gain p.
I'laueo, 'I lie dialogue Ii bright uiul airulble and
the plot atronic anil lntenely lnterettloir. fail
A, IIln Ii Mar in tier) tenae uf Die word,
lis II unqneatlonabl In the front rank of Amr.
lea' romantla artern, eamct, contrlfnllcnn (nil
f jrctful in all bin work. Mr. llaiwln will preit
tli 'Uoi.'s Htm" the flrtt lull of the iveeK.
Matinee today and Wednesday, rerfonnanco
afternoon at 2.10) evening at S.10.
The Ramblers at the Oslety.
FiobaMy the best burlesque cntertalnnient
(then in the elly IM waken wa piemtiUd nt
the Gaiety yiMtenlay by "Iho namblerV undtf
the management of lltnck arst i'enneaiy. The
company U beaded by tlm fanioua llurke brjtheri
and this announcement Itui sufficient bm to
fill tho house at both petfonnanoe .reaterday.
The progranimt bepan and ended with otlgiml
akctchei written by HurU brother and tho olio
contained not a dull number. It) maud in I
Clarke, ho are fatorltc In Sranton, civo an
acrobatic and musical act ot unuuul merit, and
the pctllo Uuby elsteri wen much applaiue by
their toe cake valk anil Kraertut dancimr. The
star number cf the olio, however, -jlen by
tlrace I.a line, nnltcd by VlrjtlnU bee and run
.tonng colored people who appeared In n uoiel
tkcteli entitled "Twenty Minute ci .4 (Jcois'i
In tho cltvttnjt burlen.uo Hie nurke brothers In
troduce their donkey, "VIe Mike," wbt
r.ueirr fall to captivate the nullonie, and they
Mio uire ! lU mid 'jot bill cme that
ara lilphly 'flu conminv will be r.l
the Oakty today and tomorrow, nfternoon at.d
A Musical Event.
Tomorrow citnlni there will J'e k1cii at the
focevin under the mainuetricnt of the Ilroekwuy
toiirko the incut delightful concert beard In
Scianton for aeictnl seasons. The conceit will be
(chin by the gmtcitr woiuan'K oicliestia in the
world, the Fuddle of Boston. It Is -mioe 1
nf nineteen of .infrloa'n icaltst ItistruiilentftlMc
under the dliedion of Mr. IVrollne II. Nichols,
r.lciranlly irowneii tlne jounc women, with their
various Instalment, prcrnt a pretty and tf
freshlnff spectacle ind their music is In keeping
with their artUtiT. appearance.
Then- I a svrccf harmony and delicate tone
ihulliiff about eich number tint mikes one !
nioet hcllcia that the twenty music lam ate one.
Tho raclcttca cnii'ft.iiid rompirlsorui wllh th bed
of male orchestras. Mls Perthi Webb, a olo
ilollnlst formerly with InncV band, will assist
tho radcttts, a will also Mis Charlotte' Mnti, a
soprano of considerable reputation.
"The Flaming Sword."
On Thursday, Friday and Saturday nt the Veal.
emy of Music, the romantic melodrama, "The
Flaming" Sword," will he given Its first local
presentation. The tlir of the pla). Co Won Oo
Mohawk, the only Indian artreji In the wotll,
lias but recently u turned Irom 1'urope, where
for the past ycir Bho has toured juccenetully in a
repertoire of plaj of which she herself wis the
authorms. The present play, hoeer, I from
the pen of Lincoln .1. Tarter, that pait muter
In the construction of melodrama and noel el
fects. In addition to a company which Is larg
and artistically strong, ho haa secured manv imv.
cities with which to add realism to the situa
tions of the play.
Among the fcatuie me Moon Dog, a famous
warrior; Ped Flash, Custer's famous Indian tun
ncr, and the man who carried lister' lat mes
sage; Kenjoekdy and hU son who were also in
the great tragedy which ended In the death of
the clieaded ltaln In the Face, and all who were
with him. An Interesting feature' ot the
met will be the street parade, an Indian band
pla)lng the white moti'b music on the white
nnn'o instruments. The members of this Indian
bind are all graduites of Carlisle and are nne
runniest of Funny Men.
Sural cf the New York n.-wapapci recently
ctfcliresl .TeffiTSon P.' Anyells tf be the funniest
i'in on the American stage. This I veiy Illicit
praise. Indeed, but there me a gieat runny o
pic outside of Ni .v York who have been of this
opinion for several jeajs. New York, howcur,
has lioen oppirently reluctant to keknonleilge
Mr. Pe Angells unmistakable power to mie
pwple laugh. Tin' eoniedlin ha gone iIkmi en
up the ladder, nnd the prale he ha tmall) "on
ficm the eiltlca of the metropolis may be all
the unit t pleasint because it ha bem tardi.
Ills new cpcratle comedy, "A Itocul ltngue," ii
pronuunced the hist pliv be lias crr hid. h
wa wtltten for him by Chirb Klein, who wrote
"I'.l tapltan," and fieural c tlier good comic opru
llnnttiv. William T. Fundi wrole the music.
In the De Ancclls ronrinv arc such we-11 known
artists as li-ury Norman. CI arlos Dungan. Han Id
Vimd. John Dudlri, Mis V.n Dmnport, Miss
Sauilol Milliken, Mis Hilda Uollins. MUs Mi id
l'oole .ind Mls Vllne Humor. It will be me
scnted at the Lyceum ne':t Frldi) eienlic
Wall Strctt Review.
New ork, lb. S, Tinltj was m.e ol acme
eieciilatlie liquidation In tl.u Mock market, ilia
bears tool: il very active pai( in the elij's pro.
ceeclingj both by ihoit belling mid by tuml il
lation for the decline ofleilng prices ebjwii fiecly
nnd boldly. There was not snueh eildence if
determined support except liv the sympathetic
Intlucnco of the per.!lcnt strength of a few lnell
liduil stocks, iloitiilrs the extraordinary mow
liknt In the steel ktucks tlu-le was dei
strength shown by ths r.ew Tn'cdo, M. f.nuls an I
Western ktocks. St. Louis and San FrancUco k.'c
.ind ire(crrid, Illii.oU Ce-nlril, Cleveland, Lorain
nnd Whrellng piefcrrcd, Amalgamated Copier
and Consolidated Ga. Tlieru was cvldcmo of
continued activity on the puit of the hull pool
Ir. IJurllngton and the otiur Granger shoued
omu t)iupathy al otic time. Time vva uppcc
.it interval jW by m npatliy ivitli Mawiin1 unl
Hudton, which was exticrnely erratic all da). !
nold down eaily 2 i'olnts and UnT. got oVi oio,
Kituulay. Thcrv a a downwaid plunge in the
period ct genual w eii'iuesi of & point and tlm
Itnal rally lett the net Ion only 1,. In tl- tecl
stocks It was clear enough thit sKeulatciv wcr
utteiiiptliig to adjust I'lkca to the uipponfd telPu
uf exchange cf the exUtlntf KecmitKs into the
ttocl; of mw combination. Hoop piefened ml'
vanud at me time "S and other gains by th
prcfirrvil stocks weie T hj Tin 1'l.ile, IH b) 1" il
eral Stiel, I lit Steel uud Wire and .'t b) l.r
publio lrel. These ndvdtices weie curtailed b
the reai lion In tlm nurMt. Nationul ful led
the decline lu tho conuion slocks of the steel
companies, bicaklng 7 lull jHilnts and dosing at
tho lowest. Tin' Icifcxis ol the cthiu weie putlv
n i Aiered but nniytime Colorado Fuel was dovu
t'l, Natlorol Steel nd Tennessee' 4. Kiilnnj
Slid 3'. Amerlean Hoop. 3a, Sieil and Wlii,
.IU and Tin I'l.ite :5. In the guieial lUt llu
reaction ran all thnwav fiom 1 to ."'. points the
I'ldcr lo'scs bclrii; ninnn,' tlioso ftreks ll.lf h Iw
bcfn tncvt mmlpiilateil fur en advance, uotrdy
the Southivi-stiTiw, including Mlisouii Vul.'i,
and Kansas and Texas prttened and ciine nt tlm
lately develop, d obseiue stocks, ucli u l.isiis.
lille and Terro Haute and the New Vorth Aiiti
ica stock. Total sales, 1,171,.1W shires Ver
liiaty buying of Southern IVclui.i is v the
leature m the railroad bond nurkrt. Hie l.n
ilfiiey elsewhere wi gen'rally rfietlerity f..
till rales, par value. .i.'S.W). c'liitiu" Mites 4s
advanceil 'i per cent, uu lie bl tail.
Th follow It t quotitici.i
Tiibuae bv M S Jordan A
Uears bulldlnr. -risiiton, l'
sie taiiiliheJ 1 ii
Co , loom 7US.T04
lelfphnne .'.flu.:
llljli- ton- Cloi
ii g. est est. in;
..I.'. 1 .'; ill's til's
..117 117 lli- Jl'l'i
.. J1H 51j Wi 31
.. Toi., o: rrii, i,
,, sl(, ksSJ SI ssl,
.. 7"'b 77'i '.V, M
.. f)0'j IH IXJ'S Sl'i
.. Vi iVj 41 41
.. in". 41 4i'i tnw
.. '.II '."I) l'.' lll'i
..Hi 117 HI', 14.'.'.
...l.MI 15i ll( 1VI
,.1'JI Ui.'i IU ' lil'i
..lTi)1! 171's 111" I t
.. ."il .'il'i r, 40
... S.'4 "7 h' "1'j
.. 3) V1 u ;.:',
.. tlt'i 01', l 'll
. UV's 117', 110' lll.y.
.11 .'.'(, IC'i MJ in!".,
.. V); yl'j Wj ,s7
..lisp, Vii ll" look',
. lM'i 1'il'j 134lt ir.ii,
.. f.'i. n'i it', n
.. 17 47'n It) 4).s
.. t.t Mid b.'lj V.".
. 7i f-7'i Rla's -o's tin 1 1 :. ui'.i
.. ita'4 i Il'i li
..4Ul 1'sl 1HH j,e.
.. 4I)' 40'' im; 40' .
.. ::i up, ji 'ii;
.. 74", 7t, V.i 71' j
.. i.'2'.i 2J'i il; '12
.. 7 73', 7.1 VIS i
.. (", M(i .-.l (rt
.. 1K 1.1 li, l!'
k. 7.1 73 TB 73
... SO .VI 1')', III,
. WH nia, 11 'Mil
... 8s v, 8,,t S;ii sr-t
Amerkau Sugar . ..
Ameilcan Tobacco .
Am. h. & W
Athc, To. A i. Fe
, T. 4. S. V., I'r .
l'rucklm Traction
Halt. & Ohio
Cent. Tob i ceo
Clies. A. Ohio
Chic. H, (I. W
Chic, 11, H rt
r. I'jul
Itock Island
Iielauare A, Iluction
Federal Steel
Federal Steel, I'r ...
Kin. i.lex., I'r ..t.
1iuU K Nasli
Manhattan F.le .....
Mit. Tiailbm
Missouri 1'lcIhu ....
People's (las .,
V. J. Central
Southern I'aclDc ....
Noifolk A, Western
North, l'aclrle
Noilii. Faelfle, rr .
N. Y. Ctntial
lint, ct West
I'enna, It. II
I'aeillo Hall
Heading, I'l
Southern It. Tl ....
Southern It. II., I'r
Tenn. l A- lion ....
P. S. Ifalher
P. !4. Leather, Vt ..
If. s. llulilHr
l'nlon I'aclflo
Pnlon raelflc, IT ..
Special Diseases of Men
Do hl ip Center
Not iwMwM? Them
Soatter IJJJJIPkKA on
Faoulties'i"H Specialty
If you aie suAeiinK fie.ui n dvrase or condition p.ciillji to men, ni If )oit bs beta
illsaislnled In not uelllng u iKiiiiaiicnt cure, I want .ion to rente and hive a resist chat
with irw. I will enpliln to jou MY .sSTKM OF Till'. VI.Mi:.NT, wlilih I have originated
and ileieloiKil after my whole life's evpereme in treating speelil disease of men. I hi
no belts, sieelllCTi, free simples, ttiil treiilments or electro medical eouiblnatlons or similar
cleilec which do not nnd cannot cure lUease iecullsr to men. My education, my expert,
fnre, niv conscience, mi' ripiiutlou condemns nil such ipiukerv. If you will pay me a
ilslt I will glie you ntl P. OF CHAItor. a persnml examination ami mi bonot
opinion of your case. If yen niv iniuruble 1 will tell you so, and udvl" jou so that jou
will imt be liumhuggisl bi unscruputous praclltlniieis who elalin to tine all. If alter exm.
ulna .leu, I tin. I volt ciuable, I will Ins' ro) oil of u srm.iiunl cure, inismuili as 1 111
gtic )iu n written gmrantee to icfund loll eiery cent you lime paid me lu laso I fall to
eflett n cure, t i uki no ehatge fur midlilms, us they me alciavs iniludnl in Iho nominal
fee, asked, and )oii know to the rent, liefiro jou stutt whit our whole treatment 1 golni
to tost, and I will mike no false pitnlo is to the lime foi tie sike of giltlng jou as
a patient, lis f pinmlse only whit 1 can do, and do ns I promise.
I'NVATI'llAI, HIHMIA1UIF.S iloppfil In ." to U dn)s,
MISSIONS and Dinlns ktopped in ". to 13 days.
I'LCIIItl. I cire not of how long slnnllnf, I will dry thrui up at one
STIIICTl'llll cured without tutting or clilatliu.
HYHHOCKI.F. or nny swilllngs or 'nlirjctmnti reilueesl atoie e.
I.MPOTr.NCY by ni) Fiitelii of tr.atm nt is unable Irrespective of Hit- lime stindlng or
your age.
IILMlDLIt AM) KIDN'FY deraiigei.ein,i by my )tcm of tiealment show signs of Im
proiement from the very beglnnlig.
TlIint'MATI'M, being caused bv impure condition of blood, Is cured permanently bv
SI'Ft IFIO lll.OOH I'OI.'sON'INrt, imaiiciitly cured witlioiil Ihc- u,e ol Iodide of Potss'i
or Menury.
WIIITK if .ion cannot call. Ml icire ondence strictly eonnilcnttil and sll replies sent
In plain rnnlopi Imla... S-ecrit sump to Insure reply.
OFFICh Hot It', rf, in. to 3 p ut did fi to S p in , Ill a m to 4 p in
rei'iiiiineiilly Located at
Rooms 208-209-210 Pauli Building
426428 Spruce St,, SCRANTON, PA,
Wabash, IT .It ii, ',
Western l'nlon s-',i ,&,, S71,
Open- llltli- jv (loi
Will: IT. iu.'. est. en liu'.
Manli Wi 71', 7.i4j .1',
May 73s; T3'i 71 7",
itarrh ;' 0), ,".'ii, I'm
Miy 41', '14 id', 40",
May 23-" '.'jT, -'i1. ".Vi
May 14U7 1(U7 1.1.7 IU'1
May 7.17 7.17 7.1" 7. Ii
Open- High- Low- rios-
WIIKAT ing. est eit in?
Msdeli 7lJs ".l'-' 70 ."'J
May s,) s,i, ;(,7, -;
( OltN.
MJ) Id), 4lH 4 In
Scranton Donid of Tirtde Exchange
Quotations All Quotntloun Bnssd
on Pnr of 101).
Flrt Natloral IlsnU . .
trantnn Savings Hank
third National Hank
lllme Deposit and Ihseount Hank..
Economy Light. II. A- P Co
Lacka Trat ""afo lie-posit Co .. .
1 1)
Clark A. Snovei Co , rr. lit
Scranton Iron (t Mb. Co
Scranton Axle Work
Lackawanna Hairy Co., IT
Couiitv Savings Hmk fi Trust Co . si
First National Bank (CarLondale) . .
tandaid Drllllne Co
Traders' National Hank 141
Seisnion Holt and Nut Co liii
Pcranton Passenjlir Itil'.wjy, flrtt
Mortgage, due If .-0 113
People's Sliest IUIIsy, tlri-t mori-
Rage. due 1'JlS 11'.
People's Street Italltvsj, Oentral
mortgage, due 1'i-Jl 113
Dickson Msnutaeturlng Cu
Lacka. Township School . pel teni
City of Scunton St. Imp. 1! pr
Scranton Traction el ki ceiiu .... 1!J
Scranton Wholeaule Market.
(.CVrreclccl by 11. II. HJe, "7 Iaekuvinni Me )
llutter-Cieaiii'iy, aJa.'i'-j.-, , iL 11, lsiil
t In e Full iieini, )Jal. i
Kggs Wc'trni ln-li, '.I'.a'J'e : nearln uie,
Iliaij. Pfi hi ehol. e min nv, 2 5aii ".
Pea Iltalu I'd hu., 2 IV2..i.
Medium Hean, -Per bu 2I0.i'43
l.reeri IV is p,r bu . 'I 4Uj C.
Onions Per bu , UL1"
Flour lltt patent, 4 'o
Philadelphia Grain unci 1'iocliice.
Philadelpbii, Fi'i, 1". Wheit 'j.e. b.wcl. mi
(rut gindi. liliiiun, 77a77'je. Cuii. I'ln,,,
Nil. 2 iiiImiI Fibrillin, 41'..i4l-,i. Oil. Finn,
No. J white clippi"!, Flour I '!
ch.ui.'ul. lint In 1 inn; I.iiil) westuii m.iui.'ii,
'V'C'C.i do. do. pilnl', 'J.le . ; do. matin, .'I .
Fgg. .sieadyi lit .imv . lie., do. uoitn'i
iM'.t do soiilliMi'sii'in, 17'-e. : do. Kouthilu, I'.i
t he,si Meed) llchncd sngjiw -- I 111 lian.iil
t iittun Ml., lonn; middling upland'.. t iuii
T llo. -Su id) , in piino. In hogsheads, 4',..;
.ouiitiy do. birnU, 1 l, ..4 "-.-. t eukt. 3j'i,i
Live Poultr.i ijulct but kte.idy: fowls, lOaiiiiji .
mil loiolir, 7i , iliickuis, lUalOl.c.t ducks, 11 1
11...; ru, lOllli.-, Iiiiki..., So. Ilieasid Pou' ..1.1 I ... I. . l.l, . I...IM1 ,
1 ., I'llll. -,.."., ...fl.lll.. ..... 1. V.l.'l.l. I'MI"'.' .
ill. t.llr to good, IM'i'.i.; old inc-..ter., 7'isi .
p.'irlo ehlikeli., li'il.i i in stem, I'.l 1 "2i 1 slits i
i.iuib), iiilli.i wivtci do., IIjI.Ic; gise, 7a.n
Kmlpts I'louii tin InriiU nnd Is.s.nio pounds
In miks: wheel, 1 i.irtl '.uilicls. cein, 37.V1I bush
els; csitl, ll.isSI bnsliiU .liliiiiciit.-li t,
noiii.; 10111, 7,' "W biisliM,' oati, 11, Oxl bu.hcl
New Y01U Oialu anil i'tocmce.
New lllk, Feb. is.-Fiom Dull again mid
ioi-r with top grades shaded a Utile to 101
loiiu to the iliop in -sjkh wijl. ,
o. J led, soi,,i. f n I, nlloitj No. ' 11..1
Tolic. ilevitoi. No. I loiiliirn Duliith, M'..i. 1
o. Ii, afloat ; opvIoM opened tcad) and lor a
llnie adtaiiced bin sulm po i.tlv aitloiis, bo'.v
r 11, wile hcaiish and MiiiKet 1 loed wik al ', 1
i. mt dullrei Maich clni.d T . ; Mav, 7 . .
July, 7H',e. Curn "pot weukl No. 2, 4sij( 1 1.
citor and l'si. f 0. b. af.oat, option .idiained
lupldlv I cm a tlm. this moinliur but lain j
way to 11 dilirmliii'd bear uttael, ind wei
and ';('. lut lowii; Mi) 1 lived 4Hc. I11I.1, 4i',i
Oats poi ipilil: N'o. !, .ti'ji.i No. .1, itk.j
i white, .vie; No. :i wtiiie. .42'te.i trail. mi..d
Afrtrlli, M'aJI'ji.l track white, :.ljai3lL.. "
linns quilt and baieli sltad). Ibittei ste.i.1) iriamrti, IUM'h ; l.ictoi). Ilalii.l lune
ricjrnery, l'i.i.iii : Iniltitirin m-aimry, llit.
.late il.iln. l.laJli. Cheese-I'lLsettled: fan. 1
large fall nude. llall';i., fancy .mall full
lie. I ggs Meadi , state and Penusjliania, l"i :
we.tem, lidjc. j ...utlieiu, ll'-alot''.o Ginln nntl Fioduce.
Cliluj.0, Feb. IS Hi.' tout pit ( u
sjiedaih- ni ivdlid aeliiiti today. 'Hie May
option after uu aihanco eirly. luoke undet lli,ui
l it lull of euoimoijs ns bv longs .Hid closed ;'i.l
'i. loweii ctlicr market were afledisl )in
patliiliinll). lii ill closing l.u'41.,, oils Ue. ,iud
proilslons 7'sal'J'4i. depiessnl. ('.liii i)uotatl ma
were as follow No. 3 spilng wheal, r.a7b 1 No
2 lid, 7l'ia73',jC.l No. ," cm. .ts'je.t No. 'i ).
low, 3(11,0.! No.. J tats, Ai'taWjiM No. 2 white,
:aCS'ie.,! No. .1 white, '.'7aJHi.i No. 2 r)e, Sl.i
M'ic.) bailey, ir.e.j No I llu, M oil N'o 1 noitli.
Pnylng 3.33 to 4.75 Per Cent.
Complete Chcnltir Xlst on Appllcatloa ,
Brooklyn Edison 1st Mtg. 4s,
Chic, Burl. & Quincy 3 l-2,
Cleve & Marietta 1st 4 l-2s,
Evnns. & Terio Haute Con. 6s,
Minn. Oen'l Elect. 1st Con. 5,
Minn. & St. L. Con. Ss,
Norf. & West. Imp & Ext. 6.
Rio Grande West. 1st 4s,
Terminnl It. R. of St. L. Con. 5s,
United Rys. Co. of St. L. 1st 4s,
Our Hipaitlileiit will gladly furnlsli
lomplele data upon nil lilies of Investmeit
securities "sl.ttl.tlaM Ta'ihs," 1901 (Pocket
Fditloni, l om lead;-.
Spencer Trask Si Cos
27-29 Piue Street,
05 Stntr St , Albany. KeV VOfk.
"A Giimpse at Wall Streot and
s. irlUilteiS llllt,M,ir IIIIUK t
Ii Is s.iuibth!rjir rsdlrsllr ttiflerenl from othsr
l.ubiusilotis 'er vstimble suit intsrsitltiK to
tlitfirailors Abo iuarl.rt report epii CDCC
nod monthly lluetus'lou .lirets OCISI lUCC
iasol ilwj & Go:
i'ii.eK? os.oeuiti psin. r i xiiiamji
t: nml HI IIIlll.lUU'll. v.v ionic.
Stocks, Bonos, Grain, Cotton.
1 ml ti n ir its "rlhiy Inl' elii'-i,tt nf. ttfnt,et.
- "'iK-i. idc. .pm.-l.s uuee.n IcMrir iisnifktf
llit..-rs in e ii t ,ii. Iloii i is 1-In -irr Insunts,
I ,ml.,lt.ri l.lii, 7.orsrl1 Jllrfls..
l..rrrtpmiarBr Is.IlrS.
wed, ' 1 4". I ; tlm.illiv, l ."; pork. stlWallJl.
laid, J7." si7.'.7'i ribs, fi, m m ; ' 3 , linuMiis,
(.'iji.'jt' ; nu.s, s;,'ua7.10; wlueLij, "1 .'i
CHIcniro Live Stock Matlcet., lib 1 -(.Ittle fliKelpts, Ji.Oo.1
Biiipialli ti uly to 10.. lowti: Tiins about
le.uli ; 1.00.I l pilmc Miis, el -,,,,!,; ,oi o
imdiiuii, l inn 7n. sloikirs .m.l fitihrs. slow,
t2.7li.iMn: cows, -2 'slit. M: biilris, s,2.S0al .(.;
laincts, is.7.'.i2. I, bulls, J.Hal 20; lalves, '.i
I 1.511: 'lc.n fisl, sai0.-: lci ijrss, strtre.
i.:iiilli. liiis hulls, a2sui.isi Ilnis
teipls loih), s,mij iinuoiion, :..I.1, lift oici.
ivliiniliii. I.ihI, niiiktt ".iliv. limn; ti.i, f "
Hilled rod hulthc.N, ." iiii.VsOj soml to clmne
lie-u). i.tia"Ji': louaii linn ll5i".I'i, belt,
M Fin :'.. lull, ol alt-, f :..ijj ,l. Mieep -
l.i.upU .i.JeH', hliicp. ste.iily; IjiiiIw, shade
loner: 'ftiMid to choi n wdlnMs. -.: 'Slil.l",; fnlr
I to .liolie inliiil, .. 'sill: westuii shiep. i.1 'su
1 I I : This sheep, 4i..Vii .hi; mine lambs, M
1 b2u, silent lainlw, i ". i7. 1".
1 a t
, New YoiU Live Stock.; 1
Ni uil lib. is. -llicicS" Sleers'sfow anl
1 fulli lo.'. on, bulls nnd sows, stedy to 10'
hUhon steiis, sij'ui.'O: bulls '"i. JiHa do, l; inus, s.0j.iJ,!O; ilu fat
'rolls in, I In II. i. sil"i ('lives, sellit
1 and sti-ad) ; nilics t ilus l.iuii; ii.ils, s;,0aS. ;v,
i 1. 1". is'''li)I 1,111,1.11,1 slnit. psiiloO; teailin:s,
, s2'J1i.i; wctcin .i 1 1 .'i.111 -.I,,,,, s,tcai,
lambs, HUI5e bmn; xliei p. lal SO: lambs, "u
i o, elr.l. k'i s,". s;1.. I liipa Maikrt losei
isiinmnu westeui hoi.s, el U'i -tale In 'as ipioivd
"I T.'.j'i fl
I Enst Llbfity Stock Maikat.
l'Jt l.lbcrt), Fi'i. is - Cattle "-low , extis,
s.'i,:0uV3u: in i ill's. '2: common, $.liJ.7b
Unas 'low and lovwr: irimo iiinlliuiH, jJ.,,2l
J.iVSt hist Vorkers, 1nAi1 Wjj hetvj' hoffs. UD
l A.11I il-'. i-i40'iVI louahs,'l. flieili
I - Meldv en simp .id lower on l'milis; rliol.i
witlurs, WCflil.7: loiu'iinn, 'US; iholie lambs
, MUMTMi. nil i Jill's, 7a7.'ii
Oil Mniket.
Oil 111). I ell. S CnJll Isllatles, l'2l. ter
uiMutcs, no bid; hlpminls, ili.'-f-N. .niurr, ,s .
ijl binds: iun, iiiiw barrels: aviraue. so.jos;
s. i ii
Mie of Ohio. I tl.v of Toledo, buca, loiuii), ti
FKANK J. t III.NFV nukes oaih tint ,e j,
uiilor palluei ol H'o Jlll'i '( I'. J. Cj;.NLV A"
CO , ilolna; biulnoiss lu tho (Ity of Toledo, Count r
and State aforesaid, and that said rtrm will pji
the .urn of ONI! UlTNIlltFIl DOI.bAIt-J for
each and eveiy ease of (WTMIIIII thai unnni
be ciirtd by the use of IIM.l.'H CAT.nill
lIlltF. , , niVNK J. CIIENI1V.
mvoiii to before mo and ultribd In mv
liresenie, this bill day of December, A. f., WI.
lcul 1 ' ' A. 'V. nUKA-JON.
Notaiy PublK
Hall's Catarih Ctn is taken Internslly, anri
acts illicitly on the blood ami luuoniu mirfscei
of the Si slim. Send for tstliiniials, fn,
F. J. CIIUNUY . CO , Toledo, O.
Sold bv Ilriigiiisls, 78c.
Hall's Family Pills tie tin host.
11 1