The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 19, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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,( A
, .'
Popular Proprietor and His Em
ployes Entertained Over Two Hun
dred Guests Rev. J. B. Sweet, D.
D Recalled to the Simpson lit. E.
Church Three Men Injured In the
Mines Yesterday Funerals of
Thomas X. Williams and Minnie
Wagner Other Notes.
Tlio now addition to McCaim's eah
utoro m North Mnlu i venue, which
1ms Just been completed, was formal
ly opened last evenliur for inspect Inn,
iiml tho ptopi'lclDf nml employes ten
lerod a number of their fi lends a coin
lillincntiiry dance In the spacious room
mi I ho second ilonr, which wai en
.specially eleroncted anil lighted for
Die CH-ciisloii.
The addltlun was to have been com
pleted Hfuiio time ni;o, when Mr. M
c'atm contemplated openlm; It with a
liincc, hut owIiib to delays In btillillmr,
over which lie had no contml, the
oponlnK was necetsearlly deferrod until
last evening. Kvory arrntifrenieiit was
uttendeil to for the pleasure and coin
fort of die Kuests, and the two bun-,
dreel or mora who enloyed the event
Jnivi occasion to congratulate them
I'nlvet on beliier entertained royally.
The Biiests began airlvlnjf about 0
Alack, and a short time afterwards
Vrof. Leo Crossln played th tlrnt num
ber on the pioKraiiune, whloli was fol
lowed by a -accession of up-lo-dat.
ilnnees. This plenum eable- feature
vas continued until 11 o'clock, when
n lunchecn was served, after which
tlanclDK was resumed.
The additional tloor space which has
Veen added to the store will give room
for the packing department to lie In
cited entirely on the second iloor an
re. while the ground floor will ha
iicil exclusively for shipping pur
)oe. Sir. McCnnn has one of tin
5 it-Ret mid best equipped stores In
Hie city, and his increased business
necessitated the hit fro addition to tho
Recalled to Simpson Church.
Tho oillclal board of the Simpson
Methodist Episcopal church hejd a
largely attended meeting last evening
to consider tho question of a pastor
jor the coming conference year. The
piestlon was carefully consldeied, and
after a general exchange of opinion by
1 and COLDS
The Newest
Creations in Silk Waists,
Smart RainProof Coats,
Pedestrian Skirts and Suits,
Are now on exhibition in our main show windows, and Waist,
Suit and Cloak Departments. The display is by tar the most
interesting we have ever made, and as it embodies all the
new pretty fads and fancies for approaching spring, offers a
tare opportunity for ladies to study from correct models what
will be worn a couple of months hence when winters snows
have gone,
The New Waists
Come in a magnificent range of solid colors and combinations,
all have the new sleeve in one form or another, while the
extra touches of fashion and finish are such as ensure them
favor with ladies of good taste and discrimination.
The New Raglan
Rain-proof Coats in full lengths for the ladies wear, have all
the style and swagger that woman of fashion desire, besides
being the most useful garment that can find a place In any
ladies wardrobe.
Suits and Skirts
iu the latest Pedestrian Suitings are simply perfect examples
of stylish tailoring and exquisite taste. The line shown by us
now leaves nothing to be desired and cannot fail to add to the
popularity of this well known department.
Globe Warehouse
tho membeis present, as well as tho
teeniest of the ICpworlh League, It was
unanimously agreed that the presiding
elder should recommend tho return of
the popular pastor, lies'. J. 11. Sweet,
D. D., for another year.
To further the action of the board,
a. committee, representing them, was
appointed to attend the conference and
ask for the return of Dr. Sweet for
the coming year. He has already
served the church for flvo years, and
under the ie in oval of the time limit,
tills In one of the most creditable ac
tions In In-half of this efficient pastor
of tin people.
The following were appointed as the
committee to attend the. conference on
behalf of the church: John V. Itan
clolph. Helh Wrlgley ami Orlllith T.
Da vR Dining the flvo yenrtt Dr. i
Sweet has served the Simpson church
his efforts have been crowned with
success, and his recalling Is nn evi
dence. of the ouecm In which ho Is
As a citizen and pastor, Dr. Sweet
has made hundreds of friends, who sin
cerely hope that he will not only ic
turn again, but that he will continue
to remain In West Scrniiton for many
years to ecme.
Weekly School Deposits.
The following contribution! to the
school children's saving fund weto de
posited lu the West Side bank yester
day by the principals of public schools
No. 1" and No. 19:
No. 13 I'lof. David Ovveiis.Jl.LT.; Miss
Kllwi Lewis. $1.2.".: Miss Alice Kvans,
4c; Miss Hi-rtha. Kelly, JIUO; Miss
IMna D. Kvans, J-'.iti: Miss Nellie
Kicliardx, $1.?.0; Miss Catherine Phil
lips, .12: MIki Nellie Kelly, '0e.: Miss
JCllza Price, JU'ft. Miss Sanih MeDon
aid, Jl.'.'O: Mlm Mary Ian Is, IDc; to
tal. Jlu.fiO.
No. 19 Miss T.eex, J2.70; Miss Mur
ray, 4le.: Miss Nlcholls. jiJc; Miss
nc.iinlsh, Jl.8'5: Mlsi Morgan,
Miss Ilutton. $1.22; Miss Davis, J.T0;
Miss Dvalis, M.OT; Miss Kellovv, pJ.53j
Miss Klynn, Vi.Vi; Miss Wade, 7r,e.;
Miss Murphy, $1.33; Mrs. Ferber, $2.91;
Miss I'eck, $l.f.fl; total, $21.42.
Committees Appointed.
The Cht Vpsllon Fraternity of thn
Washburn Street Presbyterian church
held a most Interesting meeting last
evening thi Hist under the new ad
ministration. President Darrow ap
pointed the following committees fur
tho ensuing tenn:
Entertainment George Sehoen. M.
O. Dlnimlck, Condlt Keene, Oscar Yea
ger, V, II. Thornton.
Initiation Herbert Waters, William
T. Uurall, Harry Uattenberg.
Membership H. A. Nlemeycr. Rev.
J. P. Moffntt. A. K. Morse.
I'ress A. K. Morse.
Two Funerals Yesterday.
Hev. A. L. Itamer, pastor of St.
Mark's Lutheran church, outdated at
the funeral of the late Minnie Wagner
yesterday afternoon at the house, 135
South Kverett avenue. Rev. Jacob
Schoettle, of the Chestnut Street Pres
byterian church, assisted In the ser
vices. The pallbeaiers were: Fred
Schroeder, Edward Wovcll, John Lu-
gend, Chester McCIusky, David Price,
Walter Humphries, John Wetklns and
(lotlleb Lossey. Interment was made
lu the Washburn street cemetery.
Tho funeral of Thomas X. William!
occurred yesterday afternoon from the
family residence on Frlnk street. Tho
services woro conducted at tho Slier
man Avenue Mission by Rev. 13. A.
Hoyl, of tho Plymouth Congregational
church, assisted by Mr. Powell. The
choir from tho church rendered a
number of selections, and a delegation
from the Drlggs' Accidental fund also
attended. The pallbearers were: Wil
liam Jones, Fred IJergc, Thomas W.
Pries and Valentine Hearn. Interment
wns made lu tho Cambria cemetery.
Mine Accidents Yesterday.
Kdward CVMalloy, of 1S03 Jackson
street, employed an a carpenter at tho
Oxford, and Kdward Smith, of
Petersburg, were severely scalded
by steam fiom u bursted boiler
while nt work yesterday. Tho
former was taken to itho West
Side hopital, nnd tho latter to
the Lackawanna, hospital. Neither
are M.rlously Injured.
John II. Jones, of Kverett avenue,
employed in tho Central, had one
of his legs fractured by
a fall of roof.
Election Day Today.
Elections wilt bo held In the vari
ous wards today for counclhnen and
ward olllccrs. Hut little interest Is
apparent, although some lively con
tests may develop before tho polls are
The various candidates have been
repeatedly mentioned, nnd It is ne?d
less to enumerate them again. The
featiiio of the election will bo the se
lection of the additional councllmeii
provided for in the transition from a
thlid to a second-class city.
Before Alderman Davies.
Joseph nml Julie Van Rhowslcy, John.
Scott, Iguat.t Olender and Frnnk
Sheney were arraigned before Alder
man Davis last evening, charged with
aault nnd battery by Xavler Shon
sli, of Luzerne sheet.
Attorney John U. k'dwaids appear-
l for tho defendants, and succeeded
In having them discharged, as there
was no evidence against them to sub
stantiate the charge.
The Luther League of St. Maik's
Lutheran church will conduct a social
this evening nt the homo of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Flefe.
John McDcrmott, the iiilno em
ploye who was so severely injured at
the Hiiggs shaft on Saturday, is im
proving at the West Side hospital
under the careful treatment of the
The Klectiie City Wheelmen w,lll
meet this evening.
Amos Saxe, an aged resident of 1123
Washburn street, wns ytiieken with
paialysls yesterday, and is in a pie
earious condition.
The Trlbuno was in on or yesterday
In announcing tho date of the supper
at tin Washburn Street Presbyterian
church. It will be held on Friday
Instead of Thursday evening.
W. J. Davle. of 221 South M'lln
avenue, will leturn to Khrenileld.
Camilla county, today, win to he Is
Joseph Duekley, of Seventh street,
and Miss Annie fienity of Tenth
strt, were united In mucilage recent
ly at St. Patrick's church.
In the recent shooting matches and
sweepstakes held In Miller's Held, Alof
Anderson defeated Joseph Wlllbk, nnd
Sim Davis and tim Marsh divided
the tlrst prize.
Those having articles of clothing to
donate to tho poor of the South are
urged to send same to the parsonage
of tho Washburn Street Pr'ibyterian
church, as the box ir to be packed
and shipped tomoirow.
Division No. 1. A. O. II.. will hold
a social session nt the Young Men's
Institute 'this evening.
D. C. O'Hara, of Price street, has
gone to Chicago on business.
Mrs. HlUabctli Petherlck. mother nt
Permanent Man Kdward Pethtick, or
the C'olunibtas, died at the home ot
her son William, 121 North Kverett
avenue, yesterday. Tho funeral wilt
take plac Thursday afternoon, in
terment will be made !n Wnsnnurn
street cemetery.
All local miners ars requested tr
send delegates to the James committee
meeting, to be held In St. David's hall
this evening.
The members of Hyde Paik Lodge,
F. and A. M., performed work in th
K. A. nnd V. C degrees last evening.
One applicant was balloted for.
The I), and L. dancing class held an
enjoyable social in Meais' hall last
Tho Pattiotle Athletic society will
hold an entertainment In Moors' hall
this evening.
m i
Hraneh 226, Ladles' Catholic Ilenevo
lent association, will meet In tegular
session this evening In Pharmacy hall,
The annual ball mnsciuo of thu
Scran ton Athlctlo club will bo held
this evening at their hall on Alder
Patrick Holand, Oeorge MeAIoy, Pat
rick Ruddy, Thomas Hoyle, Thomas
Rohan, James Hurley, Thomas Urob
sou, Martin McIIalo and John Mahon
went to Wllkes-Barrb last evening to
attend a euchre party and social which
was held at the Concordia hall by the
St. Aloyslus society or Ashley.
The llrst union masked ball of thn
Ringgold band, which was held at
Athlctlo hall last evening, was largely
attended and a most enjoyable time
wns had by thn large number of pleas,
urn seekers. The features of the even
ing were the Rumbernlckel bund anil
tho Cas.ey & Kelly's Indians dancing
a war dance. Tho affair was in charge
of J. R. Chase, Georgu Hartman, N,
O'Donnell and Louis Scheucr. Music
was furnished by the bnnd.
At the regular session of the Patri
otic Order Sons of America, held last
evening at Hartninn's hull, two new
members were Initiated.
Tho meeting of Division No. 22,
Ancient Order of Hibernians, which
was to bo held this evening, has been
postponed until Wednesday evening,
on account of election day.
Comet lodge, No. 431, Knights of
Pythias, will meet UiIb evening nt S
o'clock in Hartman's hall.
Tho members of the Junior Order of
United American Mechanics will meet
In regular session this evening at
Schlmpff's hall.
Allow a couch to nm until it gtti bejoru the
reach of medicine. 'I hev olten ay, "Oh, it will
wear attay," but in most rajej It will wear
them away. Could they ho Indui-eil to try the
wiccewful mnllcino cillvd Kcmp'a llalsjm, which
U Mid on a illln guarantee to rure, thev
would immediately cc the excellent eiti-ct alter
taVlnir the first doe. Price 25c. and 00c. Trial
lie tree. M M c!rucgi't. 1
It Was Served Last Night lu tho
Hose House in Celebration of the
Eleventh Anniversary of the Or
ganization of the Company A
HandBomo Picture of Mr, Smith,
Presented by His Two Children,
Unveiled Thoso Who Woro Pres
entArrangements for Bccolvlny
Election Returns Tonight Othei
The members of tho John U. Smith
Hoso company, No. 3, of tho Dunmore
fire department, celebrated tho elev
enth anniversary of the organization
of tho company In a most fitting man
ner last night In their cozy little hoso
house on Chestnut street, near tho In
tersection of Potter struct.
A banquet was served on the second
tloor, beginning at 8 o'clock, and was
enloyed by over soventy-nvc of the
:-- v
fSSr .
tisin r -
lll Pkttiro Wai l'n villi il NIkM In tin
Company Which llfjrs Ills N'.im.
company members and their lady
friends, who were seated around three
long and handsomely decorated tables
running the length of tho hall. Thu
menu was an especially ulaborate one.
Including all tho accompaniments of
an uld-fashioncd New Kngland turkey
At Its coneluwlon a splendid itortralt
of the Into John It. Smith, presented by
his two children, George B. Smith and
Mrs. A. D. Rlnckinton, was unveiled
by John J. Cooney, who presided, and
the following resolution was presented
and unanimously adopted:
Whercaj, In comtmmoiatlon of the eleventh
!inulire.iry f our m Ion, Mr. A. 1.
niaiklnton nml Mi. Crorse II. Smith har pro
fenlcd to this . beautiful picture nf
tlidr father, tho late .Torn II. Smith, Imc pic
nrril iijini. thii company bear. Therefore, be It
ltcroUcd, lly the .Mm n. Smith Kin- rnipuiy,
that their welcome cift be nncpted, and tint
our fiiii i re tlunli be comejod to Mr. . II.
Iltvklnlon and Mr. fieoiue It. Smith, together
with the aMiiame cf our deepest appreciation
tor thtlr Undly irmcnihraiice of this, our
rleuntli nnniurjt, and Mso our fervent hope.4 the lelatloiit heretofore etlMlm,"
between the ftmllv of Mr. Smith and thlf iom.
pany may be continued.
A number of brief impromptu ad
dresses were then made by P. F.
O'Horo, John J. Loftus, Thomas
Cooney and others, after which danc
ing was Indulged In until after the
midnight hour. Those piesent were ns
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. O'Veil, Mr. and Mis. X 1'..
llairucrty, Mrs. T. J. lluchcs, Mr. and Mrn. John
J. I.oftin, Mr. and Mrs. 'lhomm Manley, .Mr. and
MtG. I, r. O'lforo. Mrs. Hannah l..ulen. Mrr.
1'. II. I.ydcn and Mra. K. A. Mcfilone.
Mhscsi Aiaies I.otiu., Mary Connor, Mary Men
ley, Margaret Pcun, Annie Sweeney, Katlierino
Cullen, Martrarct McVulty, Kllen I.vden, Mls
O'tloyK', Amies .1. diloro, Jla J. lYlluro, Allcj
(I'lloro, Hannah Sullhan, hate O'Horo, Marj
lipio, Acres r.tlHirnn, It, O'Mallc, .Irvphlne
fonnerton, I.llen Km. Julia Murra.e, Anna M
Gowjii. May Conerton, Mary rinnellv, Jlay
pan. Nora C'errlty, Marie banyan. Kate landau,
Nellie IinKun, Nora Malunr), Mary Colcmm,
"nnle Waid, May McDonnell, Hananh I.jelen,
Atibie I,)ilen, Nora O'Horo, Katlierino Conner,
ton, Kate W'jnn anil Llrzie Sweeney.
Mescis. (ieor'c Moran, Charle lliland, John
O'llou), Thomas ll.ioney, P. r Oiloio, William, M. J. Me Donough, John J. Cooney,
Thomas .1. Jjeln. I'ldney Hui;h., Jam. J.
O'Horo, M. J. O'Horo, IMward Carney, M. .1.
O'nojle. W. C. Iluike, Ihomfl J. Hughes Mi
chael Ljden, John Sweeney and Patrick (Jetting.
The committee, which so successful
ly and capably made all the arrange
ments for last night's affair, consisted
of the following gentlemen: John J.
Cooney, John J. Loftus and Thomas
Carney. They were assisted by a
number of ladles who prepured and
served the banquet.
The John H. Smith Hoso company
was organized In 1810 and was numed
after John H. Smith, who contributed
largely to Its early success. The first
president was P. S. Malla and the first
beeretnry, James Dyer. Since that
time it has stood In the front rank
of tho Dunnion fire department and
its members have rendered efllclent
aid In extinguishing the large number
of fires which have visited the borough.
Its present otllcers are as follows:
President, T. J. Hughes: vleo presi
dent, Thomas Lavtn: financial si-cie-tary,
Thomas Itooney; corresponding
secietary, U. V. Cooney: foreman, It,
K. O'Haru.
Election .Returns.
The leturns from today's fight will
bo received by the Itepubllenns at
their rooms, located lu the building
fonneily occupied by the Pioneer, on
Tripp avenue, tonight.
Come out and hear tho good news
which will bo furnished to the accom
paniment of a first-class hand, which
will bo In aUendanco all the evening.
Tho rooms are handsomely decorated
for the occasion, potted palms and the
national colois making a very attrac
tive background for the Gfllcers' resks.
Seats are prepured for all, so come out
and finish a well-spent day hearing the
results of your work.
Told iu Brief.
Mr. James Kinney Is lying danger
ously 111 at his homo on Butler street.
Ho suffered a stroko of upopjexy yes
terday morning, which, coupled with
his advanced age, makes his condition
very erlous.
Tho "Women's Missionary society of
tho Presbyterian church will hold
their annual meeting at the home o't
Mrs. Cleorgo U. Smith, on Clay ave
nue, Thursday nf tot noon at Z o'clock.
The men of tho Methodist congrega
tion nre busy- putting tho finishing
touches to the preparations for their
supper, to be held on Filday evening
In the church basement.
Letters remaining unclaimed during
the period ending Fobruury 16, 1901.
Persons calling for thtso letters will
please say "advertised:" J. Wngham,
Hannah Davis, Mrs. Michael Dempsey,
Bloom street: Mrs. Ellen Morton, UOl
Adams avenue: Jas. F. Maloney, care
(leo. Arnold: James Varga (F.).
Yesterday morning at 11 o'clock a
horso hitched to a Good Shepherd
laundry wagon took fright at some
object on North -Main avenue and
started to run away. While turning
the corner nt West Market street, Jo
seph Savago, employed nt Fenner &
Dlckerson's stores, ran across tho
Rtrect, and catching the horse by thy
reins wns dragged for fifty feet up
West Market street. Pulling tho ani
mal around he stumbled and fell under
one of tho front wheels. His left leg
was run over but no bones were brok
en. No damage was dona either the
horso or wagon.
Miss Bertha Balrd, of Plttston, Is
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Balrd, ot 13:7
North Main avenue.
Harry lllchardsuii, ot North Main
avenue, Is seilously HI.
Marquette council, Young Men's In
stitute will meet this evening In their
Kdward Brennnti, formerly employed
by ("ieorgo W. Davis,- will in the; near
future open a dtug store on West Mar
ket street.
' '
Christ, church will conduct a rum
mage sale February LM. ".'B, 2i? and i,
place of sale to be named later.
Friends who huvu anything to donate
will please send postal or articles to
Mrs. F. S. Ballentlne, C5rn nil view anil
Washington avenue, or Miss Moore,
19o4 Capouse avenue.
The Ladies' Aid society of the First
Primitive Methodist, church, (liven
nidge, will hold a Martha Washing
ton tea, Friday evening, In the church
parlors. Tea ready at r.30 o'clock. An
cuteitalument will also be given In
the audience room, commencing at 8
Mr. and, Mrs. John T. Hart desire to
return thanks to tho Spanish-American
War Veterans who attended thu
funeial of tlolr son, Corporal Henry
F. Hirt.
The orchestia of the Asbury Metho
dist Hplscopal Sabbath school will
have a literary and musical festival In
tho church on the evening of Wash
ington's blrthdaj. A delightful pro
gramme has been prepared, and the
members and friends of the school are
Invited to bo present. A silver offer
ing will bo received.
Attorney John T. Dunn, of Delaware
street. Is In Buffalo on business.
Miss Berry, of Ellemillo, N. V.. is
visiting Mrs. Geoig 1). Blown, of
Sandoison avenue.
Insurance Men to Meet in Philadel
phia Today.
At tin monthly meeting of tho
Underwriters' association of the Middle
district, to be held today In Philadel
phia, tlie question of Increasing the
lire Insurance uites lu Scrniiton will, be
the principal topic of discussion.
TIip association is composed of the
special agents and adjusters of all the
insurance companies doing business Iu
the Middle district, of whirl Seranton
is a part, and it Is they who regulate
the rates for the district.
Most of them have been In Seranton
adjusting the losses of the "recent
Lackawanna avenue flic, and It Is
understood there Is a strong disposition
among them to raise the rates because
of the inelllcieney, as they view It, of
the fire department.
, Chairman Babeock, of the Mldeilo
district association, had an Interview
with various of the city otllclals while
here last week and feels assuied from
what he learned that the department
is to be greatly Improved. This ns-iur-unce,
alone, will save the city from n
raise In rates, it Is s.ild.
It Was Held from St. Paul's Church
Yesterday Morning.
The funeral of the late Corporal
Henry F. Hart was held fiom the
home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Halt, of Breaker street, yester
day morning at 10 o'clock. Services
were held In St. Paul's Catholic church,
where a high mass ot requiem wns
celebrated by Bev. I. J. McManus,
pastor of tho church, who also preached
an elociuent sermon. The church was
filled with sorrowing friends, among
them being a largo number of Spanish
American war veterans.
Tho pall-bearcrs were John Baker,
Kdward Young, Thomas Sullivan, Pat
lick Dempsey, Francis Golden and
Peter Malum, The flower-bearers were
James Powell and Martin J. Healev.
Interment was made with military
honors In the Cathedral cemetery.
Little Scotch Gixl lu Plttshuig
Whom He Wants to Marry.
There Is living with a private fam
ily in Pittsburg in tho rapacity of a
servant a young Scotch Krl,
named Tina Boss, whom Bobby Dohbs,
tho well-known colored pugilist, for
merly of this city, wants to marry,
but whom James Drape, a well-know'n
Sooteh lesldent of the Smoky City,
says that lie never will.
Dohbs. according to the Pittsburg
papers, became enanioied of the git I
during his recent tour of the British
isles, nnd she followed him te this
country a few weeks ago.
The girl cume to Pittsburg, believing
that Dohbs was there, and her cast
was taken up by Mr. Drape, who se
cured hep u position, and who hos
succeeded In persuading hur not to
marry tho pugilist.
Judge Archbnld Moved by a Mother's
A most pathetic scene was pivsjnteil
yesterday morning lu court when Mary
Dcryvanko, of Old Forge, who was
convicted, together with her husband,
for feloniously wounding Joseph Bog
ers, was brought In to bo sentenced.
She had failed to appear last Saturday
and a capias was issued.
When she entered thn com t loom
she can led lu her anus, her little
child, wrapped In a sliawi, and was
moaning and crying plteously. iht.
child wns III, slut explalneel. In her
broken Kngllsh way, and sho feared It
would die. She unwinpped the? shawl
and revealed tho poor, weak, pal? face
of tho little one. Judge Archhald
wns visibly moved and ho suspended
sentence, directing tho woman to go
home again.
Pea Coal $1.50 a Ton Delivered,
to South Side, centinl city and central
Hvde Park. Address orders to J, T.
Sharkey, 10U Cedar avenue. 'Phono
Stop that cough
Nothing so bad for a Cough as Coughing
Use rlasoi'B Red Tablets
they will slop your old In five minute:, allay InlUmatlon, soothe,
heal , being free from opiates will not disturb Sumach or
Mason's HKD Tablets cure COUGHS
Bronchlt n, Hoarseness Sure of a night's rest
Ho Calotte), Alt or OoUlto.
Maooa's Vtllaw Tablets Csra
Se aa4 Car Slckieti, Hetlicio
Brala aid Km Toole, 10c
Mum's Brawi Tibliti Csra
Billots and llur TrootUa
0. K. In tat Borstal, Ifc.
Muon't Rtl Tablets Cars
Broocsttli, Bid Brtetn
Sorioti nlbt'srett, lie
ICfcl.tluJcil llotll l'AifC 5.
Mr. Keller declared that "the I lit dc
paitment runs councils, Instead of
councils running the lire department."
Captain AW A. May moved that tho
action of tho buard In lb!5, declaring
for a paid lire department, bo re-affirmed.
Thlh wan adopted. Colonel
Hitchcock moved that the board rec
ommend to common cfttincll that the
Chittenden ordinance be leconsldcred
and pawed. TIiIh was enthusiastically
anil unnnlmou.Mly agreed to. The board
then appointed a committee, consist
ing of Thomas Hprague, Kbenezer Will
lama and S. S. Spruks. to wait upon
thu couiiellmen who had voted against
the lni'asiire and endeavor to Induct)
thpin to favor It.
This matter having been dNposcd of,
Mr. Keller introduced a tesolutlon net
ting forth that it wan the sense ot the
boni'lthat an Increase lu the Insurance
iatea was not warranted, and that
such an action on the part of the un
derwriters would bo against the Inter
cuts of the city.
"Thafrt It," deciaied Chairman Dick
son, jumping to his ftet. "We are cry
ing ,1ust to put up Insurance ratep.
Kvery time there Is a lire of any mag
nitude here tin Insurance! men make
u great ado about the ineulclrncy ot
the fho department. Thoy Just want
on excuse to raise the rates. Let
them pit them up. Weil do as we did
before. Weil bring on a man who will
get up a mutual Insurntice company,
c.iiir firemen are a heroic lot of fellows,
and if there are any faults In the
department It Is due to politics and
riot to tlie firemen. There has been
no great llref losses In this city, when
you come to average It up."
Mr. Keller spoke in somewhat the
same utraln reganllng tho lnsurancs
men. "Kvery time we have u fire of
any consequence vo have a threat
from the Ins-uranee men that rates wl'l
go up," said Mr. Keller. "Let them
go up. Weil Instil c ourfrelves."
Some one at this juncture made the
remark that there was a rumor that
the chief of tlie Pre department was
filing the Xay Aug engine during tho
progress of the big fire.
"That's right." cdared Colonel
Hitchcock. "I saw him at It, and ex
postulated with him. If those boys
hnl a leader that day the fire could
have been confined to tho Kenwood
Hegnrdlng the Insurance men. Colo
nel Hitchcock contented himself with
the remark that the speeches of the
evening were sulllclent to Justify their
Chairman Dickson, J. L. Connell and
others criticized the Insurance men's
eialms that the rates are too low here.
Mr. Connell contended that they are
too high,
The board admitted J. Kenjamln
Dlmmlck, S. K. Wayland and Dr. J. C.
Dateson to membership and accepted
the resignations of A. K. Hunt and II.
Moses. An application for member
ship was lecelved from Hon. John 11.
Farr. Secretary Athcrton read the re
port of Colonel Hitchcock and himself,
the delegates to the national conven
tion of the board of trade and Colo
nel Hltchcck gave a further verbal
report. The board endorsed the Seran
ton Hallway Guide.
President Lansing's committees for
the coming year were announced, as
Manufactuics W. A. Viy, chairman; Tlmnm
Spracnie, Conrad Miroe ilc r, C. (I. Poland, ( H'
Pulton, W, I Hcmvooel, Uithrr Krllrr.
I. Violation anil Taxes J. II. Tone-y, chairman,
II SI. ilolei, K. 1. SuiiKO-i, A. V. l)iek.Mjn, J. b.
rii'diic ('. S. Woolttorth, cli.ilrniin; W. II.
lran, flrant IVllcn.
SUcoU ami lllchnuts 1'. I. llitcluocl., elulr.
nun; A. P. Punning:, O. It. Klnlcy. ('. A. Ton llrocek, chairman,
f II. Seutt, I'lK-ncwr Williams.
, Postal Attain. K. I.. Mirrlnun, ehahnun; Ar.
tlmr I.ont,', J, S. I.uei.
I'uMlcatli'ii It. K. Pieiiileiiiakt, clubman; A.
It. W'annan, Walter .Matllif.
I'iiIiIIc Safoty-it. II. I'aliri'on, ilulunan: I.
II. WeH.lscy, William Mi (law. William II. I'li-nf.
John I'owi'H.
Stock i:chaiiKC Willlun II. l'. chalinuu;
A. II. Christy, If. C. S-lufcr.
Memtxr-olilii Io-rih l.e".j. rlulrnuii; ( luiln
IIciiwimkI, J. IV. Ilowartli, 1'ranUin IIciisIm-x. II
11 SletMru'ev. 1). II. UlllMtOll.
lianquet-T. P. Ven Store'h, chairman; I). 1.
Ynt, Sol (iuM-mllli, harlo. Shlauer, W. II.
Programme- anil "-pt jkcr It. .1. l'oaiir, elnlr-
man; l.wre'tt Warren, I. A Watim, A W. HI c.-
Sjii, fifcrKi r-anilcmuit.
Hardly Any Interest Is Being Taken
in the City nt Large.
Kxctpt In a very few wauls, vexy
llttlo If any Interest is being nianlfcs--id
lu the election to be held today,
lu these two wards red hot aldeinianle
fights aio on. and things will be pnMty
lively, but It Is expected that a very
light vote will bo polled in every other
port ot the city.
Common couiiellmen to till tile reg
ular vacancies existing lu that body
are te be elected uts well ns thn addi
tional common councllmeii provldi'd
for In the second-class city net lu all
tin wauls eccept the Seventh, Tenth,
Twelfth, Hlghtcenth and Twcnty-llrst.
X school controller It to bo chosen lu
tho Fifth ward, us well as aldermen
In the 'fourteenth, Sixteenth nnd
Twentieth wards.
Staples Lived Through Amputation,
but Is Very Weak.
Chester Staples, tho man who was
tirrlitVntiilly fcliot by u mnn named
Dlotilrh near c'reuco last Saturday, In
nidi alive at thu Lackawanna hospi
tal, but his condition in icatirclcel a-
eleelileilly lirscailouf.
Durlnif the clay HtlinulnntR
nilnlHterecl to create bloaU to taho tin
plaeu of that which ho lost. At 3
MiMi'iWtluTaMtttCire '
Toatllllli, Coldt
Reluct latUaMtlos, Ht,
Mtioo'i Crura t Otltci Cures
Crctp, rioplct, rcmiliti.
Burnt to! Pllti, IU.
All DronliU tt nulled for erlci Ir
ill Arcb Strtet,
Pbllidelpkli, Pa.
- & ntrnaiTNDKit. beojecj.
A. .1. !Um',MatUEcr.
wi:dm:sdy. kkii. com,
lliurdway ('outre.
"The Woman' Par Ucclltncc."-)
N. V. Sim.
tire nest
or Women
of Boston.
Caroline! II. M-luls Contralto; Mrs. Front WW.
crck. Concert MriMir: Mle I.irlhn, W'ohb, Holo
VtollnUl, aiiiklctl by Mix Clurluttn I.jnn, Trim
Donna Soprano, Tcntythiec People.
Scats uow en site'.
(Washington's Birthday.)
-Varan's inott ildlulitfiit otlerinir. 1I
reel, irom llruaelnay Theater. New Yoih. Amei.
Ica'a foremost 0m C'
In tho enormously l'unnv (iprratlo Comedy,
Written by Chulm Klein, bjrlii liy firms
MecarJ. Mulo liv William T. Francis. Stas
luanaKcl by It. If. Iluinililr. 1'iewntrd by a
Superb Uonirany.
IVlcee !iV.. 6. 7V.. fl.oo anil $1.W.
'Seats on rale W eiliu ml ly at D u. tu.
Uanagern and Letter. Local Manager.
Attrutlcm thi'' week.
Usual MatitierK.
Catl Uaswln and liU IVnipany rrrri'
Usual Mallneete.
Oo Wan Oo Mohawk,
The I-illan Aetre in
Mititiw Prlcex t" .end '-" cents.
Evening I'ricit 15 2J, M and HI ccr.ts.
ALP. 0. IHJItlllNCTON, Manager.
Tlire-e HaiB Ilcginnlng' Jlomlay Matinee, Feb. 1'.
with ths Ilurkc lira, and "rtisj Mike.'
The Wjniers and Beautlas
Earth's Largest Sepeit of Fairydom
Superb California, arc penetrated only by thu
really sumptuous trains of the
Train of Trains, belongs to this sys
tem. I'eerlevi in equipment, serried and cuisine.
Ita time router oiler continuous delight to tho
For full information, free llluitrated paniphletc.
mans, and time tables, al-o lowest rites, sleeping
ear tickets and bairKaue e becked apply to SOUTH.
WIN' PACIFIC CO.. U S Sd St.. I'hila.. Pa.
Dyspopsia. ,
and Liver
Sold hy all drnectst
or sent liy mail.
'Nervltn Me 'leal Co., Cblclo
Sold liy McOarrah k Thomai, Dmstists, 209
Laikawamm ucenue, Seranton, I'a.
'A Skin of Boauty Is a Joy Forovor.'
Di:. t. rKi.ix GnvRAOV') oimfntai.
S"S?T" .T!ln f"1!1. rrssktea,
Uolk i-itotioo, Ku. aiul Blue
dlHU, uii oTtrj blnaJsb oa
Dmuij. una dtlM
tdU-CiloB. it tu
Jltood taw tMt otM
7jo", ul ! h
' karultu tut li
v M- ,nn ii u prop
lj rado. Amps
us rotuuentat J
similar nsiss.
A. larra said Co d
Uelrst ttekuiUaa
IteflM vlll oh Utn,
I rseoiamend 'Oour
uil'l Craun ss lb
teai. unnrsi at all
taa Kkln rraMrm.
ttam" For sal b
ale Dmavuu us
ruwy-OooU Osaters In tk V. 8., Caoadu, aad Cur7.
i a-JIUV. T.B0P2XlB-fia'T.IOraaJeaJ-f.T
Fbys'clan and Surgeon.
311 Spri3) St.
Imp t Unri Building
Al. acute and ehionlo diseases of men. wo
men and children. CliltONICJ .NrJIlVOUH.
1AL'I. All dl.ea cf thu Liver, Kidneyr,
lliadder. Skin, Ulood, .Serin, Womb, By. ;ar
rrl.-.. . 'kta.l I iiiiip a,i m jaA,at' rll
ee, em", ..., aunors,
pit.. Kunturc. Uoltie, llheumatisin. Aitl.m, I
Catarrh. Vaiicocele, Lost ilanliood, Klghtlr
rmL'slons, all Kenule I)leiei, Lcucorrhoes, etc..
(lunnorrhiJ. Syphillli. Hleod l'olson, Indica
tion anu ycuiniui naoiu ooueeraiea. Buruerr,
Kttr, EplUpaV. Tape and Stomach Worms. CA
lAItliHOONK. Speelftc for Cutsrrh. Threa
niunllu.' treatment only i;.0O. Trial fret la
nfilep. Consultation and eismlnation free. m.
tlco hours dally anJ Sunday, 8 a. in. to I
p. m.
o'clock yesterday afternoon It was
thought atlvlsablo to amputate thu
wounded It'B lu hopes of savlnp his
life. The leer was amr.utated midway
between tho Unco nnd tho ankle.
Staples llvi'd thrntiKh tho operation,
and whllej still very weak, tho doctors
hoped lam night that hit life might
possibly bo saved.
25 CTS. I
1 .. &rW
fmbw -Jr Ml
Fiv-V ftf
ofcd .N
vi'j .... Mi