' t-V.J' nr V . tr t ,.-!-) "tv:r THE SCUAiNTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1001. Communications ol a news nsture, per sonals and all Hems for' publication may be left at The Trib une's new offices In the Burke Building, or sent by mall or 'phone. THE PEOPLE'S EXCHANGE A rorULAtt n.EAlUXn HOUSE for the Bne " fit ol All Who lUte Homos to Kent, Heat 1'itate or Other Property to Sell r Enclisncc, or Who Want Situations or Help Tlicie Small Ad ertlsemcnU Cont One tnt a Word, M Itner tloru for Five Cents a Word Except bltintlcns Wanted, Which Are Inicrtcd Free. I.ADV CANVASSER WANTKD-70 WOI1K t.V Csrhomhle ; salary and commission) Jlulit work nd Rood pay) references. AtWrtM C, Trib une office, 'Carbondole. JAMES MWIIIXAN', WHO 6TOOII IIY Till! TAX', payer In the rounclU , sen, I now tin regular lirpubllun candidate lor por illreclor from the rirt-t ward. He U worthy ol all voters' mpport. SELECT COUNCIL MEETS. Pole Tax Ordinance Amended Joint Meeting of Council Follows. Select council mot In regular session last night with Chairman Thompson, Iiarnut.. Davis, Mntinnn nnd Fletcher In their seats. The minutes of the previous meeting wore read nnd adopt ed nnd tho icports of committees wore then called for. The resolution authorizing: tho city engineer to Issue n permit to Thomas Theophllus to connect with the Sev enth uventto sewer was reported on favorably and adopled. The resolution for tho transfer to other appropriations of certain sums of money was passed and tho following bills wore submitted for payment by the finance committee: Mltrhtll Hoe rcnipati' i 1" 00 William Ilrlk-m 00 nbond.iIe tine cnmp.ny 31 C'itbondile Hevlew 11 25 Oeorco Uc 12 SO W. H. Ilstc CO") Thomas Scott Et' 2", .'ohn tlanrin ) 10 Calm IlrothcM 12 7.1 .Mm Booth UO O) Weston Mill company 2 OS l. II. fillleran 10 Ol street department pay toll 1.11 f'3 I.ynck t Rronsen 77 Oft tlue-Mey Brothers 7 00 Lackawanna Valley lllectrlc Unlit Co 172 7.', Themis Prctiran 1') .V) Mr.. M.'irjjjrjt I.)nn fl flu The police committee reported on the policemen's reauost for an advance favorably and suggested that tho chief be given J5 per month, a raise of $5, and the patrolmen $60 a month, a raise of 12.66. Some of the members thought tho advance too small, and the matter was inferred back to tho police com mittee. The city engineer complained of poo pie In various sections of the city leav ing water run from outside hydrants, thus allowing Ice to form on the streets, to the danger of pedestrians and horses. The matter was referred to the street committee. The polo tax ordinance was brought tip and passed first reading. It wan so amended as to glvu the city engineer nuthorlty to enforce tho penalty on all years succeeding tho first year, as stated in the original ordinance. The Hints Silk Throwing company asked the city to extend the fire alarm f-ystem to their mill, tho company agreeing to pay all expense necessar ily Incurred. The request was granted, nnd tho city clerk authorized to see to the necessary details. The February requisition of the Mitchell lr.se company was granted nnd the building committee authorized to have necessary repairs made to tho hose house stalls. Select then mot common council in Joint session. On tho lower side of the house there weit; present but Messrs. Thompson, Kennedy, Evans, Masters and Neulon. This was not a tiuorum, but the city .solicitor stated that It would answer tho purpose, as the business was but of a non-ofnclal nature. It was concerning tho pavement as sessment dispute. Ho explained tho difficulties which had arisen over the Illegality of the transactions concern ing the paving of Fork place, Sixth avenue, South Main street and Eighth nvoriue. The abutting property hold ers had refused to pay their portions because some slight technicalities In the business had given them a loop hole to crawl out. In order to over come this, he thought the most ex pedient way was to havo tho legis lature pass a bill validating the ordi nances, thus making the Hens hereto fore. Issued holding on the properties. lie bad prepared such a resolution, and Renresentative I'hllbln had Intro clueed It In the assembly, where It parsed first and second readings. Since then, however, opposition has sprung up and Mr. Stuart, In order to assure the representative of tho councilman's standing on tho matter, suggested the nassace of the resolution whoso text Is given below: Whereas, The city aolkltor baa piepared and the Hon. V. i. Phllblu ins Introduced In the lim'tlatnre .i Mil providing for die continuing ami i-llrhllng of certain ordinance sutliorlclnr, and directing the pacing of evrt.ih Mrrcls In the city cf C-ubondala, no thai certain atsewmenlt for tfitt of Mid pavin; may bo collected, iitxl Whereas. It appear that certain properly own ers uho arc Interested In avoiding the payment of the as-eminent pro.vlded.tor In wld ordn.uv. l.vtu taken sleiw to prevent ihe paoace of Mid Mil. H- lb- ILtoolwd. By the Mlect and common nun- iU, "tenured in Joint teuton, for the purixwe m adopting tills ieolu'on, that the Hon. P. A. I'hllMti, members of the house, aiid Hon. .1. C Vaughaii, tneriilcr of the mnate, be rcquctlrd .md urced to ic all their Seirltlmalc effort to se. cure the paosc e.f the above bill without any delay In the Inteicu of the taxpayer of tha city of Carbondale. And lie It further Resolved, That any attempt to thwart tho piuaare.of aboo bill by Interested parties is In. MlpjOd by toidld motive and no consideration It clue them as .-palnst the public Inlerci-t of the city. . The resolution was passed nnd Mr. Munnlon suggested that the city solic itor bfc.tont to Harrlsburg to look after the city's Interests. This met tho np proval of the eouncllm-n and action Btrimr him tha necessary authority will prolmbly bo taken. Funeral of Father Nealon. Tho remains of Father Nealon, who dlad at Oothsemane monastery, Ken- tucky, last-Thursday, reached this city last evening at S.t5 o'clock on tho Erie Cures all Throat and Lung Auctions. COUGH SYRUP tV Oetthefreuulne. Refuse substitute. Vis sure .Ivatlon Oil cure Rheumatism, isdcajct. CARBONDALE DEPARTMENT flyer. Father Coffey had been apprised of Its coming by two telegrams, one from Dayton, O., In the morning nnd one from Susquehanna In tho evening. The funeral will bo held this morn ing at 10 o'clock In St. Itose church. Many nrclates and church dignitaries will bo In attendance nnd the services will be of an unusually Itunresslvu character. The visiting priests who reached this city Inst evening were llev. J. F. Uyrncs, of tho Ogdcnsburg dlocesefcnnd Fathers Urlslom, Orlllln, Moilltt, O'Uyrno and Ioftus. VOTE FOR BUSINESS "MEN. Whd the Candidates Are in the Var ious Wards. For honest city government nnd for the best administration of public nf fnlrs tho following ticket should bo elected nt the polls todny. Every can didate theron Is known nnd respect d by nil who will take the trouble to hcrlously woIrIi tho quullflcntloiiN of the candidates named en nil the tick ets. Tho polls will bo open from 7 u. m. to 7 p. in. for the casting of votes, nnd tho sixteen election districts In the city will be located ns usual. The candidates In each weird for tho principal olllces nre ns follov FittST VAU1. School Director Hobert M. Ynnnan, S years; Oustave F. Swlgert. I year. Common Council Earl M. Feck, Fred Thompson. Poor Director James McMillan. SECOND WAKD. School Directors Itoberl M. Van nan, 3 years; Oustave A. Swlgert, 1 year. THIRD AVAltD. School Director Thomas F. Uoylan. Common Council Hobert Whitfield, Churles A. Kaso. FOURTH WA1UX School Director Thomas F. Uoylan, Poor Director James Iturke. FIFTH WAUD. School Directors Hobert M. Van nan, 3 years: O. F. Swlgert, I year. Common Council Envln Stone, Henry Musters. Alderman L. I. Hume. SIXTH WAUD. School Directors, It. M. Vannan, 3 years: G. F. Swlgert, 1 year. BUMPED BY A TROLLEY CAR. A Idttlo Accident Causes n Large Amount of Excitement. Morris Levy, well known about town, was struck by a south-bound trolley car Sunday night, near Simpson. Ho was plckeel up, placed In a comfort able position on the seat, and the car made n record run to Dr. David Bailey's office on Church street. Tho spectacle of a man being carried or helpeel Itno the doctor's oince from the car at the time the churches were being emptied of their congregations drew a large crowd of curious persons, who thronged In front of the olllce and asked all manner of ejuestlons. Some wag In the front of the gathering, on being asked whnt was the trouble,-solemnly answered thut "Steve Ollby has shot a man," and immediately he was overwhelmed by an avalanche of queries, while comments of awe nnd Indignation were excitedly buzzed by the wondering onlookers which would have made the constable's; ears burn. After Dr. rial ley had finished tbu ex amination he recommended that Mr. Ievy bo taken to Emergency hospital. There It was found that lie had suf fered several bruises on his back, but no serious Injuries were apparent. Ho will probably havo a lame buck for tome time. When the car struck the victim It was going at the usual record-breaking gait which prevails in that part of tho town, and the wonder of It all Is that Mr. Levy wns so fortunate to escnpo us well as he did. Tho perpetrator of tho so-called Joko upon Constable Ollby got away before his identity could be learned. A CORRECTION. The Services to Be Held in Trinity Church This Week. Tho article in yesterday morning's Tribune with refetence to tho Lenten services to be held in Trinity Protest ant Episcopal church this week was incorrect in several details. The fol lowing Is the order for the services this week: Asll WCelnOSclftV ITi-lK- ennunnnliin a. in. (chapel): tvenlng prayer, i:?,0 V. m.j litany, penitential olllco and ser mon, by the Kev. Mr. Uatemnn. 7:30 p. in. Thursday, Friday nnd Saturday Evening prayer, 7:30 in. The sacrament of baptism will bo administered In Trinity cliutrh next Sunday nfternoon, February 2t, at 3 O'colck. Parent 8 will r.lc-nsn nminnl their unbaptlzed children at this ser vice. At tho Opora House. Tuesday night "The Crucifix." Wednesday night "A llarrel of Money." Thursday matinee "Sapho." Thursday night "Over the Sea." Friday mutineo "Quo Vadls." Friday night "Captnln Heme." Saturday matinee "Nobody's Claim." Saturday night "The Denver Ex press," Meetings Tonight. William II. Davles Women's Heller corps, No. 134. St. Vincent do Paul, Lackawanna tribe, No. 208, Improved Order of Red Men. Curbondnlo conclave, No. 320, Im proved Order of Heptasophs. Going to Washington. Among those who expect to attend the Inauguration of President McKIn ley nre Hugh Powderly and his daugh ter Mary, of High street, and James Powderly, of Terrace street. They will leave hero Saturday. Seriously 111. Andrew Meelian, who recently re signed the pcxtonshlp of St. Rose church, Is reported to bo seriously ill at his homo In Jermyn. Merchants' Meeting, Tho Carbondnle Retail 'Merchants' association met In regular session last nfMit, but only matters of u routlno naturo wero transacted. E.L. Hatfield, man ager of the Carton dale edition, will be pleated to receive callers seeking Infor mation or desirous of Imparting It Tele phono numbers: New a86: old, 0413. OBITUARY. Mrs. Jean Maxwell. Mrs. Jean Maxwell, widow of Robert Maxwell, died In this city yesterday morning, shortly after 1 o'clock, aged more than 96 years. Mrs. Maxwell has been steadily falling In health for it long time, and for it number of months she has not been able to leave her bod. A week ago It was thought that she was dying, and although life was al most extinct she rallied and lingered until yesterday. For several weeks she has had but little nourishment, her wonderful constitution alone seeming to keep her ullvc. Mrs. Maxwell was ono of the oldest residents of this section. She was tho second untl last surviving member of a family of nine children of Mr. and Mrs. James Douglnss, of Paisley, Scotland. She was born on Aug. 10, 1S09. Her parents emigrated to this country In ISC 1, going to n farm near Elk Hill. On Oct. II, 1830, she was married to Robert Maxwell, by Justice Hilton Ynr rlngton In Dundaff. Since her marriage of nenrly slxty flve years'ngo, Mrs. Maxwell had lived here. She was n member of a family noted for longevity. Her father, em ployed for years ns a welghmnster for the Dslawnro and Hudson, was nearly 101 years old when ho died und her husband lived S3 years. She was a staunch member of the Presbyterian sect. Mrs. Maxwell Is survived by flvo children of a family of nine. They are: Mrs. James McMlllan.'Mts. J. H. Vnn nnn, Mrs. T. H. Vannan, Mrs. John 15. Shepherd, nil of Carbondnle, and Mrs. J. W. Meredith, of Harrlsburg. Twenty-tlv grandchildren and four teen grandchildren nlso survive. The funeral will bo private. It will bo held Wednesday afternoon nt the homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas B. Van nan, on Salem avenue, where Mrs. Maxwell hail lived for a number of years. The body will lie placed at rest In Muplewood cemetery by tho side of her husband, who died thirteen years ago. Friends who wish to view the body may do so tomorrow between the hours of 9 a. m. and 13 noon. Mrs. Ann Mo ran. Mrs. Ann Moran died at her homo on Woodlawn nvenua at 2 o'clock yes terday morning of gastric fever, suc ceeding an attack of tho grip. She was born In Carbondnle and had always lived here. Her husband died about twenty-two years ago of pneumonia, leaving her with flvo little ones to sup port. She has dono her duty well, and for twenty years conducted a small general store on the west side to maintain herself and them. Four of tho children have died nnd but one son remains, John J. Moran, of Denver, Col. Shu was an active member of St. Hose parish and belonged to a num ber of tho societies. Four sisters and two brothers survive her: Mrs. J. C. .McAndrews and J. J. O'iioyle. of Scran ton: Mrs. J. V. liurkc and Misses llildget and Llbble O'iioyle and Jumes F. O'iioyle. of this city. Mrs. Ann Cawley. Mrs. Ann Cawley, of Clinton, Wayne county, died on Sunday evening at a o'clock, at the advanced age of 90 years. She had resided In Clinton for half a century. She was born In Ire land. Mrs. Cawley Is survived by eight children, five boys und three girls: Patrick. Anthony, Michael. Thomas, William. Mary and Anna, of ninghamton, N. Y., und Eliza, of Pas sale, N. J. The funeral will bo held at St. Rose church nt 1j o'clock today, nnd inter ment will be made In St. Rose ceme tery. HAS TAKEN A WIFE. Former Resident of This City Wedded at Honolulu. Tho following announcement from tho Honolulu Evening Bulletin will bo read by many friends of C. I. Lewis, formerly a D..fc H. fireman In this city, and at one time a resident of Elkdale, where ho also has a great many friends: "C. I. Lewis the popular and rust ling master mechanic of the O. R. & L. Co., wns quietly married yesterday afternoon nt St. Andrew's cathedral by llev. Mr. Kitcat, t one of Omaha's most charming nnd enterprising young Indies, Miss Emma Johnron. MIsh Johnson hns been cashier for several years In the Johnson & Co. TransfeTr nnd Coal company, resigning her po sition ns cashier recently. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis left In a prlvuto car In tho nfternoon train for Walalua, where a short honeymoon will bo spent. Mr, Lewis and his brldo will be homo to their friends nftcr February 1st." Sloppy Wnlklng. The sidewalk on Church street, be tween tho corner of Park place and Dr. Wheeler'H hospital, has not been shovelled free from snow for over n week, and In tho warm weather of the past few days this space of about 230 feet has been more than ankle deep in I)r, James' Ueadaclio I'owderc. HEADACHE? "Won't you try tho easty-to-tako littlo remedy that uovor disappoints ? Dr. James' Headache Powders. No strong, stupefying drugs nothing to harm tho most delicate consti tution. Bishop McCabo of New York says: "I have no hesitation In rom roenclliiK Dr, James' Headache l'nndcrs to i.unrers from head ache. I never allow wytelf to be without them." At all Drug Store. 4 Dosts 10 Cent. Cure Where Others Fall. slush. At night when thla freezes tha walking Is extremely hazardous. Tho proper authorities should onforco the law here, us tho nuisance has now con tinued too long, nnd tho residents bIiow no disposition to obey tho city ofdl nanco regarding it. A SUCCESSFUL SOCIAL. Local No. 1000 of the U. X. W. of A. and Friends Make Merry. On of the most successful socials of tho winter was held last evening at Hurko'n hall. The sponsors for this plearnnt diversion wero the mem bers of Local No. 1C96, U. M. W. of A., composed of tho i "outside men" of Powderly nnd No. I. Nearly 300 persons wero present and tho evening wns enjoyed by nil. Wag. ners orchestra furnished the music. The committees were designated by different colored badges, surmounted with pink carnations. The committees were: Oenernl Committee (red badges) William Purcell, Joseph Crocker, Jo seph, Gallagher, William Flnnnagan, Patrick Costello. FloorCommltteo (blue badges) Aus tin Olnley, Mntthew llrower, Emmet Campbell, Joseph Pldgcon, John Pur cell. wohn Lnvolle, Larry Smith. John hcnnion, Owen McCann. The Pool Tourney. The seventy-fourth game In the pool tourney of tho Carbondalo Cycle club, played last evening, resulted In M. O. Clifford (fourth class) besting G. F. James (third class) by 50 to 47, thus forcing the genial secretary to retlra from the contest. Tho scores'are: Claw Won. I.ojt, M. O. Clifford I t h. I). Davl :i I i l". It. Iicrby o A 1 J. Ollhool a s i J. A. IIoolc 2 4 3 I I.'. Humphrey , ,. .15 1 i K. McMillan 4 2 I A. II. Mitchell I 3 2 , J. ft. Heeso 2 3 2 I.. K. Huberts ....,,,., a 4 : C. It. Smith i! 2 Fred Swingle , 10 0 A. b. Ktewait 2 I J A Oood Candidate. James McMillan, the candidate for poor director from the First ward. Is ono of the bsl known citizens of Cnrbemdule. HP is well remembered for his efficient work in the Interest of the public while a member of coun clbt years ago, and should receive the hearty support of all First ward vot ers. Tho office of poor director Is ono of the most Important to bo voted for, ns this department of tho city dis burses a largo sum of money every year, and Its members should be com posed of men whoso acts even tho auditors cannot criticise. The Holdens. At the Grand Opera house last night the Holdcn stock company played to n large nudlencc. The r'ay produced was "The Diamond Breaker," a story of great local interest, for It told of incidents around the coal regions. An exciting episode wns when a miner fell Into the ponderous machinery of tho breaker. The company Is a good one, nnd the parts were well sustained. Several specialties were produced and won merited applause. A Political Yarn. The Carbondalo section of an El mlra paper said on Sunday that Mr. Ed. F. Atkinson, who is running for school dltector in tho upper wards ngalnst O. F. Swlgert, had "pulled out" of the race. Mr. Atkinson called at The Tribune olllco yestorday nnd requested n denial of tho story to be made. He said that he would bo In the contest until tho polls clo3ed, If not after. A Runaway Team. Yesterday morning while Milkman Drake left his team standing on Sou'h Main street they were: frightened by a passing trolley car and dashed up Main street. They proceeded In their flight up Dundaff street, but were cap tured after breaking the wagon nnd splintering and tearing the harness to shreds. An Engineer's Fall. John Wurk, an Erie engineer, while about to Jump off his engine In thu yard yesterdny nfternoon slipped and fell from the top step of the locomo tive to the ground. He struck on his side and received painful Injuries. With tho assistance of unother railroader he was able to walk to his homo on Canaan street. Attended a Funeral. Mrs. S. Singer, Mrs. E. T. Goldburn of New York city, Isaac Singer and Miss Martha Singer were among the Cnrbondallans who attended the funeral of Lieutenant Isaac Brown, of Company K, Thirteenth regiment, held In Scranton yesterday. Indefinitely Postponed. The muslcnle that has been an nounced to take pluce at the club house of the Carbondalo Cycle club this even ing, under the direction of Prof. J. T. Watklns, will not take place and has been Indefinitely postponed. Will Move Here. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Townsend, of Second street, Jermyn, will remove to this city this week. Mr. and Mrs. William Maxwell, of the same bor ough, took up their residence hero lost week. Ash Wednesday at St. Rose's. Tomorrow, the first day In Lent, will be observed In tho Cathollo church of St. Rose de Lima by two servlcss. At 7.30 a. m. the ashes will bo blessed and at 7.30 o'clock evening devotions will bo celebrated. The Passing Throng. Miss Katlo Barrett, of this city, Is visiting friends in Pittston. Mrs. Chris. Carlson has recovered from a sevuro nttnek of Illness. Miss Ethel Goodwin, of Sornnton, spent Sunduy with Carbondalo friends. Mrs.Wllllam Williams, of Cherry nve nue, Is confined to her home by serious illness. J, J. RIgeluth, of Salem avenue, is entertaining his sister, Miss Louise RI geluth, of Waverly, N. Y. Mrs. Jerome Wetherby, who has been the guest of Ilonesdale friends for a ,few days, has returned to her homo in this city. For Shattered Nerves, A remedy thnt will soothe, build up the wasted tissues and enrich tho blood is Indispensable. Llchty's -Celery Nerve Compound has been wonderful ly successful in cases of nervousness, ns thousands of grateful people will testify. Sold by Matthews Bros. JERMYN AND MAYFIELD. Mrs. John McDermott, a highly ro spected resident of tho borough, died at her homo on) Mnlu street on Sun day night, after'a week's Illness. Ds censed was born In Belfast, Ireland, sixty-four years tigo, nnd for tho past thlrty-threo yenrs has resided In this borough, ' Sho Is survived by her hus band and fourchlldrcn, William, Mich nsl and Miss Mnry, of this borough, nnd Mrs. Price, of Kingston. The funeral will take place tomorrow morn ing at 0 o'clock when u requiem high muss will be celebrated In the church of the Sacred. Heart. Dr. M. J. Shields, of this borough, Iihh lately drafted n bill which Itapre sentatlvo Phllbln will Introduce In tho legislature nt Harrlsburg, the provis ions of which will bo read with In terest by nil mlno workers of the state. The mnlu feature of tho bill makes It compulsory for all mine owners to provide a stretcher for every one. hun dred men employed In a colliery: a gallon of canon oil to every fifty men eniployeil nnd a first aid package for every sixteen men. Thu oil nnd llrst aid pneknges, which nre to be avail able In case of accident nro to bu placed' In hoxes.whlch with tho stretch e'rs, nre to be distributed at conven ient portions of the collieries and where first nld societies oxlst 'these supplies shall bo under tho control of such soci ety. From u humnnlturlnn standpoint tho bill appears to contain some ex cellent fentures that ought to relievo considerable suffering at times to tho victims of mine nccldsnts, and will en tall but u small outlay of money to the operators. Misses Sadie and Manila Timlin, of this borough, were at Avoca last even ing, where they took part In the an nual entertainment of the Young Men's Institute. J. D. Stocker will leave todny on a business trip to Alabama. Public school report for tho month cneilng February 7, 1901. Those who had no mark below 90 per cent, are as follows: High school seniors, Mary Jenkins, Ida Giles. Cora Batfenberg, Hilda Swlck, Louisa Moon; Juniors, Ellis Fowler, Flunk Pendered, Mamie Evans, Leoln Hennle; sub-junior, Nelllo Evans; llrst year, Buelu Sprngue. An nie Powers, Nellie Blglln, Flora Depew, Reginald Houghton, Wlnlleld Stone. Stanley Hills. Hnrold Davis; grammar department, tenth grade, Willlo Allen. Bernard Bell, Preston Badger, Gerald Whltmore, Ida Penelered, Lucy Vail; ninth grade, Thomas Jones, Suth Sprague Nellie Murphy; Intermedlu'e department, eighth grnele, James Mul doon, May Dempsey, Alice Jones, Thomas Muldoon, Leona Hall, Mur Jorlo Mumford; seventh grade, Rex Townsend, Mlnnio Oakley, Edtui May nard, Stanley Evans, Lorcttu" Irving, Alvlrn Day, Lee Stone, Mary Splllane, Delia Wndemun. Minnie Parks, Mar garet McAndrcw; sixth grade, Thomas Hogarth, Thomas Harvey, Anna May Smith, Elolso Shields, Margaret Jen kins, Mamie Furey, Genevieve Mur phy; primary department, fifth grade, Clara Yarns. Anna Clark. Rulph For- I kel, Esther Feeney, Kate Hosie, Wal ter Mlnnlck, Charles Games, Willlo Davidson: fourth grade, Charles Win ters, Belle Prynn. Herman Wood worth, Lowell Wall; third grade, John Burns, Elmer Blake, Annie Collins, Edith Couch. Mildred Couch, James Dempsey, Emma Davles, Dorothy Eh don, Blodwln Evans, Alice Forkel, Leuch Farley, Mildred Fnrschner, Wlll ard Griffiths. Cinmer Griffiths, Leslie Jones, Mary Langmnn. Willie Morcom, Harold Mellow, Rheama Oakley. Ros Stanton, George Howe, Altn Wndepinn, Genevieve Smith; second grade, Mary BIglin, Walter Berryman, Blanche Mc Hale, Earl Rennle, Carrie Blake, Helen Davidson, Willie Martin. Maudo Veale, Roswell Salisbury. Alex. Muldoon, Al bert Long, Viola Luxmons Maggie Nnseby, Irene Smith, Joseph Dottghor, Reglna Median; first grade, Harry Davis. Joseph Day, Willie Feury. James Murphy, Mildred Pryor. H. N. Barrett, principal. Mr. and Mrs. Jtfklns. of Serunton, spent Sunday with Miss Dora Tennis, of North Main street. Dr. I'. C. Manley. of Serunton, spent yesterday with friends In town. The new telephone exchange wns opened at noon yesterday In the Press office building. Frank Hcmclrlght nnd Mrs. John Woodworth, of this borough, attended the funeral of tho late Miss Maggie Bowles, nt Herrlck Centre, on Friday last. Miss Jane Mann, of Third street, spent Sunday with Serunton friends. OLYPHANT. A very enjoyable concert was given In tho Father Mat how Opera house last evening, under the auspices of Div ision 27, Ancient Order of Hibernians. The programme published In Satur day's Tribune was rendered nnd heart ily appreciated by the lurge audience present. At tho close of the concort a. social was held in Mnlion's hall, which wns attended by a large gathering o young people. Hayes Bros.' orchestra played for dancing.1 The funeral of Eleanor, tho littlo daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. E. J. Burke, was held from tho family home In Blakely yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Interment wns made, in St. Patrick's cemetery. Miss Mary Rogan hns returned home after spending a few days with Jermyn friends. Rev. P. J. Murphy left yesterday for St. Augustine, Florida, to spend a few weeks for tho benefit of his health. During his absence Rev. John Ruddy, of Serunton, will have chargo of St. Patrick's parish. Miss Helen Dennlre, of Forest City, wns the guest of Miss Mary Davis, of Lnckawunnn street,' over Sunday. Alden Benedict, with a strong com pany, will present "Quo Vadls" ut tho Father Mathow Opera house next Sat urday evening. ' A number from hero attended a pro Lenten social nt Pittston last evening. Mr. nnd Mrs. D. C. Evans, of Sus quehanna street, visited relatives at Greenwood on Sunday. PECKVILLE. Jeshe Scott, of Mill street, lias re ceived a government pension of $d per month. Ho also received several hundred dollars back puy. .Mr. Scott was a veteran of tho Civil war. Miss Hannah Nye, tho obliging clerk at tho postolllce, spent Sunday with Mlnookn friends, Tho Forest nnd Stream club will hold a live pigeon shoot on Friday after noon. In tho evening the members of tho club und Invited friends will ban quet at Hotel Wilson. A delightful time Is anticipated. Class 13 of tho Baptist Sunday school will hrdd an Inauguration social at the Buptlst pursonuge on Monday evening, March 4. Mr. James Green, an nrtlst, will glvo an exhibition of Japanese paper cutting. Mrs. C. J, annzemuller returned on Sunday from n visit with friends ut Poyntelle. Better Groceries for Less Money Than In Any Other Store. SUGAR, H. &b finest granulated, 17 J4 pounds for 1.00 CRACKGKS, Hitchners famous Tid Bits, per package 7c RAISINS, new seeded in large packages, per package oc RAISINS, real-crown loose Muscatels, 3 pounds for. & PRUNES, fancv extra large Californias, per pound! lac SARDINES, boneless, large one-half pound cans for 33c PRESERVES, whole fruit, absolutely pure, per jar 35c JELLIES, pure fruit in any flavor you like, jar toe KhTSUP, genuine Grape, good size bottle for Mc SOAP, the "St.tr" brand, pure and good, 8 bars for. 35c STARCH, large lump, best for laundry use, 5 pound pkg.... 35c PEARS, large can of fine Hartletts in, heavy syrup 15c , ROLLED OATS, white, smooth and clean, finest flavor 10 lbs 35c WASHING POWDER, real gold dust, big 4 pound package.. 18c CORN, the "Floral" brand fancy New York state, 3 can's. . . . 35c BAKED BEANS, Eureka brand, 3 pound can for toe LIMA BEANS, small and tender, 1.15 dozen; per can 10c SIETED PEAS, sweet and tender, equal to French, can 16c RALSTONS HEALTH FLOUR, makes brain bread, per sack 55c APRICOTS AND PLUMS, evaporated and pitted, pound.... 15c PEACHES AND PEARS, evaporated, fancy fruit, 2 lb 35c APPLES, evaporated, New York state, per pound 8c PRUNES, eenuine Californias, large and meaty, 5 pound.... 35c MALT EXTRACT. Belford Harris's best, 2 bottles for 35c PICKLES in bulk, many kinds per quart 15c ROYAL Baking Powder, in pound cans for 19c SOUPS, American Food Company's, all flavors, large can.... 15c CAKE ICING, the "J.ick Frost" ready for use, package 5c BROMANGELON, for jellies, all flavors, fresh package 13c BUTTER, strictly fresh in pound prints full weight 34c FLOUR, our best Minnesota patent hard spring wheat, every sack hilly guaranteed, per sack 1.15 Hosiery and Underwear Phenomenal Price Concessions Now. At 19c Children's sanitary sleeping garments, with feet. Made of heavy grey fleeced cotton, ribbed; just tho thing for cold weather. Alwavs sold at 29c. At 59c A closing price ol ladies' grey and white wool ribbed pants, the genuine Norfolk and New Brunswick goods that has never; been sold for less than 75c At 15c A splendid lot of ladies' fine quality split (white) foot hosiery, made of the best maco yarn with double heels and soles. Cheap at 2sc the pair. , At 3c The filial price on a good lot of men's black cotton half hose, thade perfectly seamless, of good weight and never sold in any store for less than 6c. At 3ic Ladies' all white foot, strictly guaranteed fast black hosiery, the genuine Hemsdorf knit from superior Maco yarn, the regular 25c quality. At iqc Children's extra heavy weight and fleeced lined fast black ribbed hosiery of best quality, double all through where wear is greatest. All sizes from" 5 to 7J. Cheap at 25c the pair. Jonas Lod TAYLOR. The Sewing circle of the Cnlvnry Baptist church, comprised of a large number of young ladles of the congte gatlon, nre working assiduously for the success of the church fair and fes tival, which will be held ut Weber's rink, commencing on March und con tinuing until the 9th. The Sowing circle will have charge of one of the principal booths during the progress of the event, where A line display of sub stantial and useful articles will be for sale. The lteptibllcaus of I.ackawannrf township have placetl the following ticket In the Held for today's election: Justice of the peace, William Thomas; supervisor, Benjamin Fern: school directors, John Morgans and John Williams; township clerk. William Davy. James Heffer, of Union street, had his leg painfully Injured at the Arch bald mine yesterday, where he Is em ployed as a miner. A piece of top coal fell on the member. The Jermyn Coal company paid their employes on Saturduy. Tho funeral of Mrs. Peter Williams, of the Pyne, occurred on Sunday. In terment, was made In the AVushburn street cemetery. Tho fair of tho Lawrence Hose com pany, of Old Forge, opened last even ing under most auspicious circum stances. The following programme will be rendered this evening: Becltatlon, Duaue Dills; giuphophone selection, Toole brothers; solo, Bert Kerr; solo, Miss Elvira Titus; solo, Master Willie Wllliums, Thu evangelistic services being con ducted nt tho Methodist KpIscop.il church nre being largely attended. Tho services are in charge of the pastor, Hew C. B. Henry, assisted by the sing ing evungellst, C. B. Buck. All aie In vited. MOSCOW. The s-ernnd local teachers' institute of tho school ypnr was helel hero Sit uvday, February 1(5, at lu:30 n. m. Tho Institute was opened with prayer bv P.ev. G. II. Ptvntlree. As titer.1 were only a few persons present It was considered best to wnlt until nfternoon befeue taking up the regu lar Institute wotk. However, Prof. AT. M. "'uinmlngs, of Olyphnnt and D. II. Krlcc, of Mnylleld. talked for n few minutes on our subject of compulsory education nnd Its relation to tho state appropriation. In the uftcrnnon thtt following programme was ronderil. All were excellent In their llne:Mornl training, Miss Sadie Mahoney; reci tation, "Jane Couriuest." Miss nrmey Fre; ro-rolutlon of Geography nnd History, nud How to Teach Them, Miss May Schlmerllng. &0I0 and chor iw, Miss Kdr.u Mttlone; nn interesting und Instructive talk, now Guy Snow den: writing, Miss Laura Spiegel; How to Secure Truth-telling In tics School Boom, .MIsh Muy Pougher; School Discipline, Miss Grace Hortree; The llelatlon of Teachers to Parents or Guardians, Miss Surah McAndrew: solo, Mis, John Nonck. a lectin e on "Our Stuto Judlclury" was given by Prof. M. W. f'umnilngp. of Olyplumt. and also a lectuio by Pmf, p, u. Krlse, of Mnylleld. cm "Chnraeter Building." Both contained many help ful suggestions and were well appre ciated. Prof, K. L. Kemp, of Htroudsburg State Normal school, gave nn clociuent and Inspiring lecture In Iho evening ncfaro a well-fllled house, His sub g s Sods ject was "Golden Treasures." Alt wero highly entertained throughout the evening. A violin selection was given by Mrs. Charles Adams, Mrs. W. B. Miller and Mrs. Florence Pel ton r nlso a duet by Mr. Charles Storm and Miss Mamie Bortroc Prof. K. L. Kemp, delivered a very nble sermon Sunday morning In tho Methodist church to a largo congTu gtlon. In the evening tha former pas tor, ltow S. Guv Snowden, of Nichols, N. V., preached to a Inrga number of his friends. Tho Misses Gertrude nnd May Kschenbach, of Hyde Park, spent Sun day und Monduy with their aunt, Mrs. Nathaniel Eschcnbach. Friday evening, February 22, Rev. O. Ij. Sevcrson, Ph. D of West Pitts ton, will give his famous lectures 011 "The Battlo of Gettysburg." All will ' be well paid who attend. The admis sion will be, adults 25 cents and chil dren 15 cents. DALTON. Miss .Mary Wells, of Scranton, ? tho guest of Mrs. Fred Snyder. Mrs. Clarence Stone entertained h' brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Brace, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Mason enter talned friends from Carbondnle last week. Mrs. T. A. Purdon was called to Tunkhnnnock on Friday last, on ac count of Uliuss of her mother. Mrs. Crlppen entertained a number of friends at her homo on Saturday afternoon. John W. Dershlmer haa returned homo from a week's visit In Philadel phia. John B. Owens has gone to Canada to attend the funeral cf his mother. Mrs. John Swartz Is seriously ill at her home with measles. S. G. Shoemaker, our hardware mer chant, Is conllned to his homo with nn nttnek of measles. ltemember tho public school enter tainment in tho Baptist church on Fri day evening next. The admission will be lii cents. Mrs. I.lster, of Scranton, spsnt Sun day with Mrs. Brown. Mrs, Frank Colvin Is quite III ut bei home. William A. Stanton, of Stantontown but who, pint of the tlmo. has made, his home In this place, met with a fatal accident on Sunday nfternoon on the Delaware. Lackawanna and West ern railroad. In the borough of fSlon burn. He, with some others, was rid ing 011 a through freight hound for Scranton, nnd while stundlns upon the front pnd of nn empty coal cur his foot slipped and he fell down be tween the cars, and both of his legs wete badly indurated and one wa considerably crushed. Wo.! was sent to this plueo of the accident und Clar ence Stono went after him with his carriage and brought the unfortunate r,ung man to the Dalton house, where be was placed In ono of tho dedrnotur Dr Charles Heller was cullel In, and Liter Dr. Mackey, of Wawrly: Dr. li."er and Dr. Fitch, of Factory III r.nd Dr. Price, of this place, wor-s sum moned. The condition of tho young man was so critical that no attempt ut amputation was made. Gradually he grew weaker, nnd at 10,20 o'clock Sunday evening ho died. Mr. Stanton was 20 years of ago and leaves a wife. Coroner Itoberts conducted un inquest yesterday over the remains, nnd tho funeral will probably bo held on Wed nesday. To Prevent the Grip Laxative IliumoQulnlne removes the cautt, " ih