vS.rwfvAfJ':' ''' T iUti?3ns?faltf-ifx? '"M';'i'' , ributje. ctatttott fi3s8$ JUJ! THE ONLY SCKANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SIsKVICis OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. I. 006t l.K TWO CENTS. SCRANTON, PA., TUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 19, 1901. TWO CENTS. -. i-J f , INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION INVESTIGATES nnniru Into the Recent Combination Between Railroads In An thracite Reolon. MR. CHILDS ON THE RACK Questions Put to Show That Rail roads Own and Operate Coal Mines and In Other Cases Buy the Coal and Transport the Coal to Tide water, Instead of Acting as' Com mon Carriers Editor Saward States That for Thirty Years Past It Has Been Impossible for Independent j Operators to Enter Into Successful Competition with the Large Rail rood Companies. 11 Inclusive Wire from The Associated Pro. .Vow York, Feb. IS. Tho sub-coni-inlUee on transportation of tho Indus trial commission met here toiny. The following wer-3 present: ISx-Congressmun Thomas W. Phil lips, of Pennsylvania; Charles Harris, of North Carolina; Joun L. Kennedy, of New Jersey: Kug?n Con ger, editor of the Grand lt-jplds Her ald. Mr. Phillips presided. The oth i' members are Senior Mallory, of Florida, and Congrej'iiiian William Lorlmer. The purpose of the sessions to be held In this city Is to make inquiry Into 'lit! recent combination between rail mads entering' the anthracite coal re gion of Pennsylvania. The tirst wit ness today was James E. Chllds, gen- ral manager of the Now York, On t uio and Western railroad. Questions were put to Mr. Chllds, to show that the railroads own and oper ate coal mines and In other cases buy ihe coal they carry to tldcwuter, In stead of acting simply as carriers. Mr. i-'hllds said that along his lines about twenty per cent, of tho coal shippers were Independent operators. After some questions as ti the in crease In the price of anthracite coal and the cause of the rise, the witness was asked: , "Is It true that the prices of an thracite co'il are settled by agreement between the operators and tho rail roads?" "Ther is no such agreement " said the witness. "Is It not true that th.j anthracite companies are trying to get a control ling Interest In the bituminous region':" "I do not know." The witness was then questioned about the recent consolidation of rail roads entering tho anthracite tracts of Pennsylvania. "Can you state any of tho causes leading up to thu purchase of tho Pennsylvania Coal company by the Erie railroad?" "I cannot." "What chance would tut individual operator on your lines have in the pro duction of anthracite coal?" 'I think ho would have a fair chance." "Do you Know whether there Is any effort on foot to secure control of your road by any other company?" "Not that 1 know of," th- witness replied. "Have the Vanderbllt or Itoekefeller nteresis any representation on your board of directors?" "I am not sure," answered Mr. chllds. 'Mr. Dcpow Is one of the directors of our road. We occupy the same ter minal as one of the ellre-li-rsi of i)n Vanderbllt roads tho West Shore." Savard's Evidence. Frederick K. Saward. Vditor of the Coal Trade Journal, said the annual onsumptloti of anthraclto coal In the; 'Ity was about ten million tons. The bulk of this was furnished by the Krle, Pennsylvania and Heading companies. Tho witness said that for the last thirty years it has been practically im posMble for the Independent, operators to enter into successful competition with tho large railroad coal companies, The witness said that In the soft coal regions the swny of tho railroads was -ven more complete than In the an thracite lesions. The witness further said that there could scarcely be any talk of competition between anthracite and bituminous coal, their tu-o was so different. In response to questions, Mr. Saward said that although prices wore alto gether uniform, he did not know of any "coal trust" In this city. "Is It not true that there Is a com bine between the railroads running Into the anthracite region?" was asked. "It Is a fact that a good many of tho directors of some of the railroads are members of the board cf dliectors of other roads also, us well as of the coal companies," the witness replied. "Will you designate sonio of those toads? Is It not a fact that the Lo high. Krle, Reading and tho Central Railroad of Now Jersey are more close ly connected than the others?" "Yes, that Is substantially right. Their Interests uro known to be prac tically identical." Ho admitted agreements between tho coal companies limited production sev eral times during the last thirty years. He wus asked If the Pennsvlvunla company had ever been a party to such an agreement, and said no, "Why?" "Hecause the Pennsylvania Coal com pany was a free lance." "A free lance ngulnst whut?" "Well, ttgulnst the others." "Oh, then, thero Is a comblno?" "Well, there have been agreements o keep down production at different times. I don't know of nny such agree ment at present, however." Mr. Kennedy, of the subcommittee, then subjected the witness to a lino of questioning, the puiposo of which was to throw some light on the conditions of labor In the anthraclto regions. "In your opinion, Mr. Howard, does labor receive adequate compensation at the anthriicltu mines?" "Yes, 1 think ho. I have devoted considerable time to that phase of the situation. I think the men employed there m-p satisfied with their earnings while working." ' "Hut are they having reasonably steady employment? Are they getting nix days a week?" "No, 1 understand that It would practically be Impossible to keep up that for more 'than a few weeks. Tho work, both under ground and on the outside. Is so hard that It would not be possible for anyone to work stead ily three hundred days In the year. The men do not want to work so many days. Two hundred and llfty days n year would be about right." "Do you believe In arbitration?" tho witness was asked. "t do," he onswerod with consider able emphasis. "Then do vou not think that In a case like the recent strike, both sidoa should bo compelled to submit to arbi tration?" "That could not be done. You can not legislate on a subject of that kind . The only way to get them to arbitrate ! Is to bring representatives of the men and representatives of tho companies together. Place them on either side of a table broad enough to prevent them from hitting each other. The ilrst ses sion would be a stormy one and thev will nearly conic to blows. The second session will be more peaceful, and at the third one an agreement will prob ably bo reached. That has invariably been the experience." "Hut I want to get your opinion whether they should not bo compelled to arbitrate," Insisted Mr. Kennedy. "I do not see how you could compel a reason. I do not see that the public conies In anywhere In this matter." The witness admitted that the pub lic generally In case of strikes had to pay a higher price for coal, but he nevertheless stood by his former tes timony. Mr. Mitchell's Good Work. "Did I understand you as saying that tho railroad presidents were very much gratified at the shut down caused by Mr. Mitchell?" "I think they are gratified at the results." "Hut was there not a perfect under standing on tills matter between them und Mr. Mitchell at the time of the strike?" "On the contrary there was a great deal of 111 feeling nt tho time. Not only the railroads but the miners were benefitted by the work of Mr. Mitchell. He did what the presidents of rail roads and coal fields have never suc ceeded In doing, he shut down on production until the price was consid erably advanced." As a result of the strike, tho witness said, tho miners received more pay und had more steady employment. The witness admitted that agreements had been entered into by coal companies to stop production for a time In order to advance the price, but said that the agreements seldom had been strictly lived up to by the contracting parties. The hearing was then adjourned un til tomorrow morning. QUESTION OF LAW AND OF FACTS Secretary Gage Discusses His Re cent Order Imposing Duty on Russian Sugar. By Kxeluslve Wire from The Associated Press. Washington, Feb. IS. In speaking today of his recent order Imposing a countervailing duty on Russian sugar. Secretary ffinge said: "It Is not a question of what the manufacturers desire or think ought to be. It Is not a question of what the sugar refiners or our beet sugar rais ers desire or think ought to be, It Is a question purely of law and of fact. The secretary of tho treasury Is sworn to enforce the law, not to make law The lute decision as to the liability of Russian sugars to pay a counter vailing duty Is based on the depart ment's apprehension of the law and of the facts. The board of general ap praisers Is a body constituted by con gress especially to hear and Judicially determine disputed questions of law and of fact growing out of the ad ministration of tho customs laws. Our own citizens take their grievances there, the Importers of Russian sugar may take their grievances there. The way is open for the prompt hearing and determination of their appeal If made. It lies with them to consent by silence or to seek a Judicial review through tho avenue that our laws pro vide." River and Harbor Bill. By ;riuiin Wile fiom The Associated Press. Uashlnetitit, I'l, lH.'iTe srnatc lommltteo mi .oniineno Unity lonclmlul tin' ccusidci.ition of the ilver anil h.iibur bill. Action Min settial .-tiiiT.iliiiciit lurrtofore r.dcpted lias been rcoii klikml mill arIous Iiou'.e pmtislons an- mutt until Hie total appropriations ban been reduced below Hut wade by tlie liouv?. The Nicaragua rami amendment wa voted down today. The bill will be tepoited to the wiute tomorrow. Disastrous Boiler Explosion. by I'.xeliitlvr Wire from The Associated 1'rrs?. TjiiuiUJ, I'.i., I'e-b. S.--A boiler exploded at flriimvood colliery today ileiiiolldiini: the stnic lure und (tita)ly Injmini; liicman Milton Kueiilir, Driver Cliurle Xeunim wan blown Iwinly-fUe feet but win unlnjuied. No. 'J colliery, employing liml men and bo ieumid operations today after four yearn' IdlcneiM, durlir; which time a ituj.OoO bteaU'r win erected, , i One Hundred Men Laid Off. Il.i I'Ailiikhe Wire from The Associated I'rei, Susquehanna, I'.i., Feb. 15,--As a result of the contention between tho Krle Railroad company and it striking bolKrmaktrn, , rne hundred men from the villous departments bavo been laid oil In the company's hopi here. There has been imtfiitloii alio In other t-liopa of the company. Library for Oalesburg. Ily llvilmilve Wire from The Amoelateil Prei', Galetburi;, ill., Vcb. ii, Andrew Carnegie tm written the (ijlr.lnir.' niblls library board that h will uhv 4U.Oi tor a new llbraiy building In this rlly provldlne the city appropriate iyl u year to tuttalu It. THE CRISIS IN CHINA War Department Is Olllclallu Noti fied ot Waldersee's Pro posed Expedition. GEN. CHAFFEE'S ORDERS The Americans Must Refrain from Taking Part in the Waldersee Ex peditionEfforts May Be Made to Dissuade the German Commander from Entering Upon the Excur sion, By Inclusive Wire from The Associated Pre". Washington, Feb. !!. The United States covernmptit Iq fnrintr n Merlons crisis In China, owing to thu unnoumv- ment of the purpose of Field Marshal Count Aon Waldersee to begin an other offensive campaign. General Chaffee has been Invited to Join in the expedition, which Is to be mobil ized on a larger scale than anything attempted In China since the original march to Pekln. The general so In formed the war department today, and the olliclals of the state department have been advised of the situation. This Herman movement is viewed with absolute dismay here, for It Is feared that It requires an lmniedlato decision by the United States govern ment upon Its whole lino of policy toward the Chinese question. General Chaffee will be told that he is not to participate in tills campaign. He Iioh been keeping tho American forces In Pelcln ever since the city was paci fied, simply us a legation guard, and the German government is fully aware that the United States government purposely deprived the American con tingent In China of its offensive mili tary character, and withdrew It from the control of Count Von AVnldersee In order to hasten peace negotiations and prevent, so far us It could, tho continuance of military movemen's against the Chinese, which were at once unnecessary and baneful In their effect upon the peace movement. Policy Unchanged. So our government, not having changed Its policy, cannot do other wise than cause General Chaffee to re frain from nny participation in hostile military movements, so long nH the present peaceful conditions continue, but another very serious point under consideration is not whether Chaffee shall join the German movement, but whether It Is not the duty of our gov ernment, in exercise an proper cnorts to dissuade the German government from undertaking this campaign. The Chinese government, unfortunately, Is delaying the peace negotiations In an exasperating fashion, und Is not re sponding In proper spirit to the effort of the United States government. Word has Just come from Minister Conger which conllrms advices rela tive to the Chinese declination to ac cede to the demands of Uie ministers In the matter of capital punishment of the leaders Implicated In the boxer movement. Mr. Conger's Message. Mr. Conger's message touching the subject of 'punishments gave II. to be understood that tho Chinese govern ment has agreed to exile Princes Tuan and Lun, without capital sentence; to recommend suicide to Prince Chwang; death for Yu listen nnd Cluio Chi Chao; Imprisonment and degradation from otrice for Ylncr rlen, and some punishment not yet determined for Chi Ilslu and Hsu Cheng Yu. It Is said that an edict already has been Issued to executo these sentences. A visit from the Japanese minister to the state department served to glv.; color to the story that our government Is casting about to ascertain how far the other powers party to the Chinese question will endorse this proposed campaign. It wus Impossible to secure exact Informatloiyin this subject. The whole subject, It was said, is to come before the cabinet meeting tomorrow, when the course to be pursued by the United States government will be de termlnd. As It Is felt to bo the part ot sound policy to endeavor to check further military operations upon a helpless people, It Is probublii that the cabinet molding will result In an ef fort by the state department to nscei taln what support It can secure for a dissent from thu German programme. It Is stated unequivocally by compet ent authority that the American mllltla forces under no circumstances will participate with the Germans In the. proposed expedition, and although it cannot be learned that General Chaf fee has yet tocelved Instructions to that effect, he undoubtedly will havo them very shortly. It Is teallzed to be extremely deslrablo to avoid offending German pride In this matter, but It Is hoped that by an appeal to tho con servative forces of the empire, inudo not by thu United States government olone. but with powerful seconds In the shape of Russia, and perhaps Japan, tho German government will ba brought to see that good policy and good faith both will be best served by avoiding Interference with the peace negotia tions at this stage. The United States government stands steadfastly by the principle ( laid down In Secretary Hay's letter of July 3 last, and as it secured the adhesion of all the Interested powers to that state ment of principle, It Is hopeful that, by calling attention to proposed In fractions, these may bo priuenti'd. Store Burned by Burglars. Dy Kxcliwlre Wire fiom The Associated I'rrs. Trenton, X. J.. Feb. IS. 'Ilio police have been notified of the destruction by firs lat night of tho general More of Williamson k Grht8, u' Hockey Hill, Theio are oldenees that the atoiv was broken Into and the afe blown open and semal bundled dollars In cah stolen, It U bo lletcd that th" More was afterwards set on fire by the bureUrs. DAUOHTEBS OF THE REVOLUTION. Tenth Continental Congress Meets in Washington. fly Fxclushe Wire from The Associated Pros. Washington, Feb. IS. The opening session of the tenth continental con gress of the National Society of the Daughters of tho American Revolution was held at the Oram! opera house here today. Mrs. Daniel Manning, the president general, called the congress to order and Introduced the chaplain general, who rid a prayer. Mrs. Manning de livered an address of welcome to which a. responso was made by Mrs. Sara T. Kinney, state regent of Con necticut. The remainder of the session was occupied with the reading of re ports of committees. MR. CLEVELAND'S LECTURES. Will Be Given ou March 27 and 28, Respectively. By i:iAulie Wire from The Avctoclateil I'ren. Princeton, N. J Feb. IS. Official announcement was made here today that ex-President Cleveland's two lec tures, to be given under the Stafford l.lttlu Lectureship, will be delivered in Alexander hall on the evenings of March U7 and L'S, respectively. The subjects of the lectures have not been announced, but both lectures will thor- I oughy discuss the "Venezuelan ques- I tlon." I Complete arrangements for the ac commodation of persons outside the student body have not been completed, but steps are being taken to facilitate plans for the accommodation of atl friends of the university who desire to hear the ex-president on this topic. ST. LOUIS EXPOSITION PASSED IN HOUSE Opposition Was Hopelessly In the Minority Five Million Dollars Appropriated. By lAeliuiie Wire from Tie Associated Tres'. Washington, Feb. IS. Tho bill to au thorize the holding of the International exposition In celebration of the centen nial anniversary of the Louisiana pur chase at St. Louis In 1903, and appro priating $3,000,000 therefor, passed tho house today under suspension of the rules by a vote of 191 to It. The oppo sition wus hopelessly In the mlnoilty, and the struggle over the bill was brief. The question of closing the ex position on Sunday was not mentioned during the debate. The bill to dellno the word "conspiracy" In thtj Sherman anti-trust law, to avoid the possibility of Its being held applicable to labor organizations, wns defeated by almost a two-thirds vote on account of two amendments which the Judiciary com mittee placed upon the bill and which weio opposed by the labor organiza tion. The sundry civil bill wus under con sideration late in the clay, und Mr. Cannon, chairman of the appropria tions committee, took occasion to make a detulled stutement of the appropria tions for the present congress. He was led to do this, he said, by many criti cisms of the reckless extravagance of this concress. The situation, he said, was Quite bad enough without exaggerating It, He figured that the appropriations would total $1191.118,593, exclusive of the sink ing fund requirement of $53,000,000, against $(m7,1uO,S6:: for the current year. In the course of his renvirks he fired some hot shots nt the minority for prating of economy and not helping uphold the hands of himself nnd others when they were trying to keep appro priations down. AGAINST SECRET SOCIETIES. Committee Appointed by Presbyter ian Assembly Makes Report. fly Exclusive Wire from The Associated I'reii. Pittsburg, Feb. IS. The committee appointed by the last United Presby terian general assembly to make a report to Hie i" t assembly on the subject of s-eciot societies, has Jufit completed :"J v ait. For llfty years the rutted Presbyter Ian church has been trying to unforce Its law against secret societies, in tho country churches It has succeeded fair ly well, but the city churches prac tically gave up long ago and now en roll many members who belong to the various secret orders. The committee does not believe In repealing the law, but It recommends caution and wisdom in Its administration. Killed His Wife. fly Inclusive "Wire from The Associated t'rem. St. I.ciul, Tfb. 1". -In a fit of Jealous raire to day Charles K. ISeiit, IU2t baclsde menue, killed bin wife and then lominllteil sttlilde. Pent wen; about the cilme with ureal deliberation, Alter fatally voumllni; M wife bo knelt befire a mil ler and blew out liN own brains. Stock Membership Sold. Uy Kschwlve Wire from The Associated Tresa. New York, Fib. 18. The tiitmbcr.hlp ot Daniel 11. Hatch, of the N'ew York Stock eviluiiKO, has been Mild for "il,"0n, which equalH the hlcti reioid pike. Mr. Hatch was one of the vctcian numbers of the cuhunue, which he entered on Jaiuuiy 1, 1M0. Count Secures a License. I'y i:iluihe Wlie from The Afsoilatnl Prem. Cincinnati, lVb, 18,-Count Adelbert I.e Chain, bum today secured a llienie to many MUs f'Ura 11. I.oiiitwoitb. nt thlii oily. Jfe ifavc Ills owe as 27 and bis occupation as nn ofilcer In the I'liiiii in my. ArcbbMiop Inland will nfuiiato at the ceremony, which will take place tomorrow. Vice President Returns, Ily IIxoluslvo Who from Tho Associated 1'icss. llemer. Col,, Feb, IS. Vleo President-elect liooievelt. who lio.s Jut returned fiom a Ave weeks' hunt, will leato t'oloiado Sprlnps tomor. row ocnlnt; for Denier. He is expected here at S.15 and will start east a few liourj later. Large Bank Check. Ily r.xcluslre Wire from The Associated Press. New Yotk, Fell. 18. J, P. Mornsn & Co., today deposited In the First National bank a check for 2l,l'.'7,'Ui'.fl7, Tlio clieck represented the re cent transfer of the Central Railroad of New Jersey to Morfc-.in Interests. MRS. NATION STILL IN JAIL The Famous "Joint " Smasher Re fuses Freedom That Re quires Bail. SCENES AT HER TRIAL The Agitator Becomes Restless at Court and Opens Windows in De fiance of Orders She Whispers to Defenders and Objects to Smoking in tho Room A Colored Lawyer Argues for the Prosecutfon A De cision on Thursday. Ily Exclusive Wire from The Aiscclated Preii. Topaku, Kansas, Feb. 18. Hearing was resumed In the city court this afternoon of the action brought against Mrs. Ration by the proprietors of the "Joint" at 470 Kansas avenue, wrecked ten days ago. The court room was Jammed. Attorney Jamison con ducted the prosecution, whlls Attorney Oumenll carried on tho defonse. Their tables were piled high with law books, while Dumenll fortified himself with many Biblical quotations. The argu ment was commenced by the detenss lit speaking of the llrst case as a par allel to Mrs. Nation's smashing, coun sel said: "We find by Mathew that Christ en tered the temple and abolished that nuisance." Ho then took up tho law In the cas?, citing a New Hampshire statute which says that the private party abating a nuisance does not havu to do It In u manner best suited to the other party. At this point. Mrs. Nation, left her seat and opened a window. The cold wind swept In and blew the papers about the court room. Judge 'McCabe ordered Marshal Hop to close the win dow and lower It from the top. Mrs. Nation rushed back and again raised the lower sash. She was compelled to remain In her seat when the window hud been again closed, much to her chagrin. Mrs. Nation became restless as tho trial progressed. She paid Utile at- tention to the lawyers, but walked about the court room, whispering' with the spectators and the members of tho "home defenders." Detecting the fumes of tobacco, she exclaimed: 'Some one Is smol.ing here; better stop It, for lb smelht bade'.." "When the defense concluded, after one and one-half hours . Assistant County Attorney Jonilesc.n, a colored lawyer, began Ills argument for the prosecution. He argued that Mrs. Na tion was arrested under thu law for bidding destruction of1 property, nnd held that If Mrs. Nation be not guilty, then every one has a right to do as she did. Judge McCabe, when the argument was closed, said: "The question Is im portant and is entitled to a thorough consideration. 1 shall take such time as seems necessary to me, as we havu no decision of our own supreme court. The court will announce a decision Thursday morning at ' o'clock." Mrs. Nation's bond was fixed at $2,HiO. She tefused to give It and was taken to Jail. COLORED MAN LYNCHED. Fred King Tracked by Bloodhounds and Hanged. By l'Aiiiiflve Wire from The Associated Prrfr. Dyersburg, Tenn.. Feb. 18. Fred King, Colo-IMS', was lynched today for an assault, r-'af.ird.'.y night, upon Kllse Arnold, daughter of a prominent physlclun. 'Bloodhounds trailed King from Dr. Arnold's home to King's room, where a hatchet covered with blood was found.. Miss Arnold had been struck with a hatchet by her assailant and on this evidence King was arrested. A mob nt once formed to lynch him, but Mr. Arnold prevailed upon them to wait for further Identifi cation. They were restrained until this af ternoon when they took King from Jail, tried him before a Jury selected from tho ciowd nnd sentenced him to bo hanged. He then broke down and confessed. Implicating another negro, Peebe. King wus at once hanged and It Is altogether likely Hecbe will bo similarly treated. HONOLULU EDITOR CARRIES A GUN fly Exclusive Wire from The Associated PrejJ. Honolulu, Fill. 12.-j;duin R. Gill, editor of the ltepi.bllcin, shot and seriously wounded Mortimer H. Stevens, u member of the staff of the Athcrtlwr, in tlio oMce of the Hcuublloan on the ermine; of the Ctb.. The sbootlns followed a controversy about an aitiele Oill liad published concerning some youn? ladles stopping at Ihe llaw-allin hotel. Pittsburg Ball Club. By F.cluilte Wire from Tie Associated Tress. Plttiburtf, Feb. 18.--Mis-.rs. Kerr and Auto, holders of the controlling Interest in the Pitts burir Haw Hall club, sold their stock today to a local (.yndteate, cctnposed of llarnry Dreyfus, president of the clubj Harry Pullman, seiretary O. S. Hemhuun, maiiaRer of the I'lttsbitrt; Press, and W. Kesley Schocpf, General manager of the Coiindldated Traction company. Carnegie's Present to Knox. Dy Exclrslvo Wlrci from The Associated Vreis. Princeton, N. J., lib. Set. IWcwsir John II Klndley. he'aei 'of the department of illtica In the unlverslay and foimerly president of Knox college at (juloliiirg 111 , ln rociiwd a telegram from Andrew Carnecie slating that he has de cided lo ftlve .V,tifl to Knox college to bo tued for a new library building. The Envoys Wnnt Blood, By Kxcluslve Wlra from The Associated I'rtss. Berlin, Feb. IS, The foreign ensoys have held a conference reuardlne the Cliinese reply concern, lntr tho punishment ot the aiiUy persons named by tha powers. The reply wus considered unsat isfactory, and the envoys decided to liultt uinn a loinpllane with their original demands. TUB NEWS THIS MORNING. Wtather laJIcatlon Todaf, fAIRl NORTHWESTERLY WINDS. 1 General Inquiry Into lteictrt liallroail Com bination). CilsLi in Wiltia llccoinliitC Set loin. Mm. Nation in Jail. Spanish Mlnlntry Will Itenlan. 2 General Carbondalc Pepartmint. 3 lnal Court I'roccidlns. llllt Ol.-m IruliKliy for Moojlc. 4 Kditorlal. Note ami Comment. 5 Local Board of Trade Favor it ViU I'lre le p.irtmcnt. The Trllnme'a I'rlio Literary (Ynteft. 0 Wal Went Si'tanlon and Suburban. 7 General -N'orthcHern lVimiylvar.la. l'liuntiat ami Commercial, S Local Hiporl of Mine Imjicttcr I'rjthmli, Sewn of the World of l.abor. Muiililinl bnprowment Comi'any lnaiiKur.iteil. NEW YORK POOL ROOMS ARE RAIDED Anti-Vice Committee of Tammany Secures Evidence Against Five Places. Dv Kxiltblvp Wiu Itttiii The AMudatol l'rc-s. New York, Feb. IS.-As a result of the evidence submitted by the Tam many antl-vlcc committee of five, u well-planned raid on a pool room salel to be kept by Hldge Levkn. at 20 Dey street, was made today. The raid was prepared and led by District Attorney Phllbln, usslsteel by Asslstunt District Attorneys O'Con nor and Schurmnn. Slv central of fice detectives went to the place first. Then lllstrlct Attorney Phllbln and his two assistants and Justice Jerome, of the court of special sessions, fol lowed. Soon atterwnrd a sepiad of po licemen was In the building. Justice Jerome was taken along as a precautionary measure to prevent those In tho loom from being tipped off from a magistrate's court when a warrant wus asked for. It was pro posed that Justice Jerome should hold court In the building and every pris oner questioned, 'the detectives made the (list Ingress. They managed to reach the top of the Hist tioor. when they were balked by a barricaded door. The door was battered down. Then an ascent was made to the second ' floor, where the pool room was located. Tills door was also broken clown, i nc place was crowded and a wild scram ble encued. l.evlen. the reputed pro prietor, tried to escapo by a rear win dow, but was ruptured and placed under urtest. The clerks und pattons of the place lined up against the wall, and Justice Jerome held an impro vised court, while pistilct Attorney Phllbln and Chairman Nixon, of the coninilttoo of live, stationed them selves nt the door and would not al low any one to enter. Justice Jerome called the occupants of the room before him one at a time anil questioned them eiosely us ti their connection with the place. His object Is to secuie enough witnesses to be able to convict the pioprletors. None of the thirty men secured had any excuses to offer. Some said they had never been In the place before, and others thai they had come out of curiosity. All wer held for fur ther exumlnutlon. Most of the men caught and exam ined were summoned to appear tomor row at the hearing against Ridge Le vlen, Percy Levlen and (Jeorge Sue decker, the alleged proprietors of the place. The others were released. NATIONALISM SPREADS. Dispatches from Many Cities of Kan sas Indicate a Determination to Stop Liquor Traffic. By Exclusive Wire fiom The Associated Tre'S. Topeku. Kansas, Feb. IS. Despatches from many cities of Kansas Indicate a most determined nnd concerted move ment to stop the Illegal sale of llcjuor. At Wintleld, a printed warning has been circulated declaring that drinking at the Commercial club must cease or "tho den" will be demolished. An ultimatum was Issued by 1,000 persons, gathered at n mass meeting held In Wellington, giving tho "Jolnt lsts" until Friday to leave town with their property. Similar action was taken at Arkansas City, wher" the "Jolntlsts" have, however, been pretty well smashed. At Herrlngton a mass meeting adopt ed resolutions warning the "Jolntlsts" to leave town by Tuesday afternoon. Hutchinson dealers were warned to cease business by Wednesday noon. Druggists there today decided to not handle llepior in the future, even under permit. Lawrence, Feb. IS. The Women's Christian Temperance union mass meeting of lust night, to open nn active campaign against "Joints," was fol lowed today by a visit of a number of women to the police court where a lot of liquor secured In a raid last summer was given to women to smash. The women llrst wont to the oillc" of a Justice of the peace and broke a couple of .bottles of whiskey and then destroyed the rest of thu stuff tn tho street. Sale Not Abandoned. Ily Kxclustu- Wire from 1 lie Associated I'reii Copenhagen, Feb. 18, The statements pub lished in London lo th" effect tabt the sale of the Danish West Indies to the I iilled Slates bas been abandoned are not well founded. On the contrary the negotiations are adiancfiu with inspects of an aereeinent. Ttie delay was caused by further consultations with tlio Mitwlair. I . colV.r ti-. By Inclusive Wire fion The Associated TrciJ. Mimrhl", Teb, 18. Hobby Dobbs, of Memphis, and Youmc Peter Jaekjon, of California, fought t'tentv-flte rounds to a draw at the I'hosnlx Ath letic club tonight. Steamship Arrivals. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Sew York, Feb. 18. Arrived! Fiirmsla, from Glasgow; Hervia, Liverpool. UU.gow Airbeds Anchcrla, from Sew York. DISTURBANCE IN SPAIN Reported That the Mlnistru Will Rg siQn at the Cabinet Coun cil on Friday. CAUSE OF THE TROUBLE Coalition Cabinet May Be Formed. Lopez Domingucz or Roblcdo to Be Premier Sllvola Attributes tha Troubles of His Country to tha Late War with the United States. Ily Kviui'c Wli from The Aweiatcd l'rej. Madrid, Feb. IS. It Is said that the ministry will resign at the meeting of the cabinet council on Friday next, and that on Saturday the resignation will be placed In tho hands of tins cpieen regent. It Is reported that a, coalition ministry will be formed under the presidency ot either Marshal Lo pez Domingucz or the Republican leader, Itomero y ltobledo. All the disturbers who were nrrcsted recently have been released. Senor Sllvela said today that the present disorders in Spain were the outcome of the American war. Spain, he added, Is llnanclully ruined, and her currency has been depreciated. The Cuban debt is largely responsible for that. Party machinations may cause a ministerial crisis, but the effect of that will not bo Important. The carnival fetes In the provinces have passed off without disorder. The Impartial, on the authority of a minister, says Wednesday's cabinet council will abolish martial law In Madrid and re-establish constitutional guarantees. The council will meet again on Thursday and deliberate on current affairs. Finally, on Friday. Ceneral Azcarragu, the preirier, will submit to the auecn regent tho resln natlon of the cabinet and Inform her that It will bo advisable to convoke the Cortes at an carlv date. In order to pass the budget. That procedure, the Impartial adds, will fucllltute the for mation of a Silvela ministry, which will then be constituted. Paris, Feb. IS. Spanish advices re ceived via Hcndaye. near the frontier, say It Is reported that fresh disorders have occurred at Valencia nnd Seville. The censorship Is most rigid nnd all news Is Intercepted. Senor Sllvela has left Madrid for his villa at Aranjunln. That, It Is said, Indicates that he has abandoned tho project of forming a ministry. It Is asserted In official circles that Senor Sagasta. the Liberal leader, has formed n cabinet which has been approved by the queen. THE OLDEST CLERGYMAN. Rev. John Naile Celebrates the 100th Anniversary of His Birth. Uy i:cbislve Wire from The Assoeated Trc. Philadelphia. Feb. IS.-Hov. Johu Nolle, of Trnpe, Pa., a. small village; a, few miles from this city, today cele brated the 100th anniversary of his birth. Ho was born near Westmln tor, Ind., February HI, lsftl, and its probably the oldest clergyman In the United States. Mr. Nalle was or dained at tho age of forty years. He has occupied Keformoi church pulpits lu various towns In this state and at riuffulo, Indiana. Despite his years, Mr. Nalle enjoyed good health until recently, when he became partly paiu lyzed. FIRE AT SUGAR NOTCH. Thirty Thousaud Dollars' Worth of Property Is Burned. Ily Y. ltikhe Win from The Associated Prr Wilks-I'arre, Feb. IS. A destructive lire swept over tho mining town of Sugar Notch, situated four miles south of here, late tonight. Twelve elwell Ing houses, mostly occupied by miners, were entirely destroyed. The fire lighting npparntus was In adequate, and at one time It looked us every house In the town would be burned. The lire was gotten nndc control at midnight. Tho loss Is es timated at $30,000. THE INTERIOR EXPEDITION. British Commanders Will Requirs Fresh Instructions. By Ksclusive Wire from The Associated Tres. London, Feb. IS. The under secre tary of the state for foreign affairs, replying to a question In the house of commons today, said that so far .as tho government was aware no power was contemplating an expedition Into the Interior of China. If so, tlio British commanders would require fresh Instructions. Emperor William Returns. By llxclushe Wire from Tlio Associated Tress. Cronberir, Prussia, Feb. . Fmpcror William and the empress arrived hero, today nnd spent an hour with tha Dowager FmprcM Frederick this afternoon. Her majesty' condition Is unchanged, Their iiujobtlca afterwards ii-tuineil to HomburK. Sullivan Given tho Decision. By Fsduslve Wire from The Associated Press. Louisville, K' Feb. 18. "Spike" Sullivan, o New Yoik, was toniitbt given the decision over Tom Kearns, of ltrookljn, on points after twenty ru.iueU of lough fighting before the Southern Ath letic club. Died at 103 Years of Age. By Exeluslvt Win from The Associated Vress. Busquclianna, Fa., Fib. IS. August Schroeder, a nitlvo of Ocnnany. died at Sherman today, aired 10:1 yeais, Ha had worked In coal mine nearly sixty years In this country and la Europe. tt -rt -rtt t tt WEATHER FORECAST. Washington, Feb. IS.-Forecast for esat- . era Pennsylvania: Fair Tuesday and 4. probably Wednesdayi continued fresh . northwesterly wind, becoming brisk on -4. 1 1 t -r -r V -r 1 1 -t- -t- -T -r "r -r -h t. ' I MiLaila ..ill '. ! - Oe 12at- ......t-.U.
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