acr f Ht V "Vi1" ' .j. mil Ti " rfi t -wr fi m--m. -. ' " .... v- t"..' - THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 19M. NEWS OF THE LABORWORLD GREAT OUTPUT OF COAX DUR ING JANUABY. Indications Are That February Will Also Bo ft Record Bleaker Orders Issued by Superintendent Bine. Grand MaBter Sergeant of the Brotherhood of Trainmen Coming to the City Blchmond Has Leased a Mlno at Yatcsvllle The Make up of the D., L. & W. Boaid. The Junuury output or .',l.::,40u toiw InoUe nil recordH for Hint month ami ilio jirescnt Indications aro Hint Hit February production will be u iceotd breaker likewise. The iiiwpnt fold wave lias buen .irconipanii'd by hlirh wlndf, ii more poti'iit fiirtoi In foul onRimiiitlon tliun I'Xtioniely low tuni, ami It 1ms uheudy Kent a lot of tool up tlio chimney. -MinUier neck .if thin kind of weather will put pro flucuiH and ilwiltM'M on eiixy hIiti-I l 111 npihiK openy. At present the demand lur coal In wldenpieml. Ciinstiiiui'n t the head of Uike Superior will appiir- ntly have to burn coft coal or net nnthruclto by rail hefoi n.ivlRiuloti ipcn, suppllert on tne ciockm wen nhort a month uko and now llun I" not euotiKh on IiiiihI to lift llirounl' At St. l'.illl ami Mlnneiipolls the ll.lde i iiipplled lij all-rail xhlpnionts In ChleaKo tenltoiy demand pit ked up at the Hum time that heavy hiioav mhi'itim In New York, lVniiHylviiiilu and Ohio Iniei'leied m Ith all rati Nhlpnicutx. .s ii leciilt, a lather dull market pooii lieeame all active one and at every ton of coal that prets Into Chl iik It wanted. At polutK In WoHii'in New York lclall luiylne. has been mi. mutiny lills-k. Till" W due to the weather and the lallltut on In the xup 1lle of natural inm. TIiIh falllmr off win noticed In the cold weather two wlnteiH uko; the pieaent weather cm the fait that It Is llkelv to he but n short time before many ut-eis if nut j..i., who have not binned coal for yiais, will have to il. mi anthracite as their ivkiiIui' source of heat. At Inland points In the oast and ilium; Hie seahoaid the cold, liltist rlnir weather contliiiies and tetiill buying H correspiiiidliiKly active. 'ontwlse shipments ui e suspuiaK'd, f.o there It' likely to he n ennsideiable coastwise movement when the weather moderates. At New York haibor therf Is enouuli oal coiulnn forw.ud to sup ply all demands. 1'rokcn and ess hlzos continue In liberal supply, stove, nut and pea are wanted. Movement ot barges Ironi doik to dock is slow on account of the Ice. AVe quote for Iroe biirnlns white ash, f. o. b. New York harbor pen Is: llroken. $?"; ckp, H; stove. $.."i0: nut. J4.50: pea. ?.. I.iikI ueerlns and Mluliipr Join mil. Orders Issued by Sunt. itiiie. The following ordeis have been is sued by Superintendent Klue: Supplement A to time able No. I will take elfeot III 12.01 a. 111. I'eb. IT. lU'll, cliaiiKliitr time of train 13, All em ployes must secure copy, note carefully, receipt and roluin to Stipeilnteiid eiit nine's otllee. Two hiindied-i iile ticket No. ..'Jill In iiunifj of J. J. Cummlntff. Rood lietween Scianton and Nay Auir, has been lost, if presented for passaRe please ltd. I'asf 2204 has been Issued to C'liinmliiBs in place of the above. Your attention Is called to uile 2 In time table No. 1, special lilies guvem liiB the movement of trains HiioukIi Oxford tunnel. Under no clicuni c.iuces must this rule b.? violated. CommencliiK at once, and until fur ther notice, no conductor will be per mitted to lay off or absent hlmielf fioin duty without llrst securhiK pcrinls.slon liom the chief tinln dispatcher. Quadrleunal mall wcIkIiIiik will take plac? comnienclui,' 12.01 u. m. Tnesdaj, the 19th Inst., and will continue for a period of thirty days (walking days), possible longer. For this purpose plnt t oi in scales have been placed In full postal cars and balance scales In t meiil cars. Sargeant Coming. It 1.4 saM that Grand Master Sar Kcnt. the head of the llrothfrhood of Locomotive Flicincn, will be In the iity today to confer with l.a.-kiiwaniiii lalliond ofIlchil, relative to some nilevances which the tlieiaen have. As fur as an b1 learned the men I'l.ilm that a mmiber of the brother hood men uie b.'iiur discriminated" iiKalnst. Another objection ialsed lies In ilio fact that men who are walking haw been called to ro out on inns, before they have icceived u pioper amount of i est. Complaint Is also iiirnle about tlio bunk house ut I'mt Motrin, and tlio letiKth of twine of the runs, lay oveis and lay-otfs they ate subjectetl to. Meeting" of Bake is, 'At a inuotlnir of the iH'wly l Bakers.' ruul ContVc. loners' union, liel.l on Katiiifluy night In Hmib's liall. tlm tnlloiiliifr purmuncnt ullicort-weix" eli'el til: r.'CKlcliMit. John I'. Nallln: vUo-pref-liHnt, I'hailes Muiul.iy: financial heiTutury, John JI.ikcI, rwnrritiiK hoc -n'tnr.v. Hurry Vluy: tiviihiirer, John l.linler; sergeant-at-anim, Thuodoro Jill tier; tuistecs, ('liurlPH Hiirkul, Peter T. Wynn. M. Volt.: delegates to Cell Hal Labor union. Charles JIayer, Charlort ivleln ullil 1, Kill;. The follow ini; weekly scale ul wuKex wa uKivt'il upon and will bo pre.sented ti tlio various bakers by a conimltto: and cake b.ikern foreman, $lfi; hecond liaiul, V1 third hand, $10; eraeker bakers fprenuin, 0; xeromt band, $12; boy helpers, $7.50, Ten houiM Is to constitute u day's woil; mid overtime Is to iw paid oxtia .tins Leased a Mine. AVIllljlil Rlehiuoud, ivho was eiiHUged In the wnuhery lunlness In tills city. has leaved tho William M colliery at .Tatesvllle and L',000,000 'tons of coal. Ho will commence operations on Thurs day and will employ at tho start sev i nil hundred hands. .Jilppliiff arrangements have been mart., with the ICrie Hullio.ul company. D., L. & W. Board for Today. Tin Delaware, Lackawanna and Western board for today: mniiav, n:u.tUA:,'Y it. Mild ( al K4tS l, m., It. C'aitncr; -0.30 p. in., (I. lluut. MONI1AV, I'l-IlKIUltY IS. Wild Out I.Vl-l-'.Cn u. m., 1'. Van Wountr. !l a. in.. J. DuikliAt; I a, til.. (I. Ihorni., .villi It, (III1Ujii' iiifn; 6 u, m., J. J, O'llaia; 7 i. in., M, ilolilcinii. M. iToldrii, Dcvlne'ii men; 0 , in., rt,i,--wiMi lo.oo a. in., o, Cur, ii. sn ii ui'.. i, lmjhii'.M 1.M p. m., '. U 11ocl :i . ii M. Piiinlyj I. .5 m., J. A. Bar- lHlll'Ulli, KIUlAKItoOt wiKiny i Great Fire Sale of The crowd which thronged this store Saturday from morning until night was larger than we could handle. Several times we were compelled to lock the s jj doors. Many left without being waited on. We are sorry- but couldn't help it. 0 Come again today, we'll be better prepared. o. . . -.--... . ii I his hire aie a Differs in many has been over-run. H city 0. '6 0. 0. The Facts Our stock is known to be one of the best stocks of Ready-Hade Clothing in Scranton. It was slightly damaged by smoke and water, (mostly smoke), dining the big fire of February 7th. 0 We must now get rid of the entire stock before the arrival of our spring 5 goods, and have marked the entire stock hefow factory prices. q You Run No Risk By buying during- this Sale. Kvery article is fully guaranteed. 55 If you are not thoroughly satisfied with your purchase after you get O home, bring back the goods and you can have your money on the spot. Q J; The assortment is now at its best and a great money-saving opportunity. 1 Richards & WirthJ X 326 Lackawanna Avenue. JJ U ii SunimlU. Ktc -.s;) n. i.i , et. I! 1'iouii Mker; W..VI ,i in,, w..t, W. II, (clml: 0 . m., .inI, A. I'lirsoml iili IIiikIi lMicilj'ii mi ii ; T p. in., (nun Viy Ati,f, IMivaul Mi MIUlu, T p. in., utM iidiii l'nn-i. Iliri'i uirfliiri., ,l.ui.i UIijIiv; 7 p. in , Mi'.-.L imni ( .imiitj. .Mi l-.nii-'. Puller V. II. Vcoi. I'ii-liir S i.. M. i;in!o ; II i a, m.. II"- r.m; 7 p. in.. Murpli.i : ' p, in., I. iin.jiir. I'.iciau' 1.iikIiii 7 n. in. i;.iflin, 7 .i. ' i , Sins. i ; r,.:j p. in.,; 7 p. in . Miiioiuiii Wild Cm Wcvt I a. in.. .1. II.; ." .1. in., John Hi iinl.iu; S ,i ni P. W.illj 1UOT 1. in , 1. KrUhiin; 1 p. ni .1. li-pr: ! p in . Ii, MiiRKcrii ; I p in.. .1. I,; ' p. m . .1 M Vittris; c p. in , J.iinfi ( arnirK oi in:. f oniliuti.i' 1, lljllot will run .:!.', p. in il i at SuikIij I'ttmun 17 in pi in ut I!. it. Il.llct. f 'ontli.. tor W. . r.nilioliiinn will i.ill il Mi.K'iintci.'loir.. olllrc r. in, ion.,n. I'lli. 1 This and That. When the ImpiovenieiitR on the Phil adelphia and Erie. IucIihIInk the double-trcieklni; of the line, for which SMO.000 has been appropriated, have been completed, the line to Btiftdln of the Penncylvanl.i, of wlileh this io.ul Is a part, will have been mateilally slreiiKtbelied and tnellltlH improved for iKuidllni; an Inn-eased trutlle. The I'nlted Hallways and l.le.-uif company, ot P.iltlinute, leporln for tlm year ended Dec, Si, IflnO: liross e.nti Iiirs, ..IHl.Tt::, iiiereae. $-Jnii.4!.". Alter paying operating epens?.., Iiid eliaiKes. dividend rm tlm pteii'tifil sto( It, Interest on I in nine bonds, tiiM-H, I'll'., there is a sin plus of .ii.,fiOi. Thn lellilni; boaid of dlreetois was r--(! ted. The Itiiltjinoio ttlid Ohio is suspected of helm; on teuns of undue Intimacy with the Cleveland eyndleate now tlireatenhif,' to build Into the Wlieulliif. und I.uke :ili teiiltory. The inteiestt back iif the syndicate ale tho,e of the Win-cling, Alliance and Lake lOrlo Coal coinpiiuy, and It is said that the Ualtl innie and Ohio has acreed to build a link which will old the undi'i taklii'. There was un Inue.iso of no less than !7.(.00 ions In the weekly capacity of the active blast fin nates In Jauntily, and the production Is now at the rate ot 14.000,000 tons ii year. At tho same time slocks ol lion unsold we're piaetl i.illy tho same on Feb. I as on .Ian. 1. and 1I0.0II0 tons less than they were In October lust. This indicates certain ly an Incicasa In demand. REDUCED RATES TO WASHING TON. Via Pennsylvania Rnlhoad, Account Inauguration of Piesldent Mc Klnley. On account of the lliaUKUcatlou of 1 'resident MeKlnlcy on lnich I, the Vennsylvanla llnllroad company will sell excursion tickets fioin all points on Its lines to AVnuhliiRtou at late of one faro for the lound trin (inlnlinim. into BO ccntH). Tickets will be sold on ------.-.. .Match 1, ! and 3, good to return until Mn nil K inclusive. Tickets will also be sold fiom Haulsburg and Interme diate stations on Muvcli 4. These tick ets will be Kood to stop oiT at Haiti more and IMilludelphlii within limit of Marcii . S1UK THIPS. fspeclul sldo-tiip tickets, limited f Mutch S, will be sold from Washing ton In connection with above-men-tlonod tickets as follows: Old Point Oomfoit and return, via all-rail line. iCOO; Ulchmond and re turn, U. 00. Via Norfolk and WiiKhlnuton .Steam boat company: Old Point Comfoit or Norfolk and return, $3.60; Vlrnlnla Unech and return, Including transfer through Norfolk, $4.50. Prom Baltimore, vU Bay Uno or Chesapeake- Steamship company: Nor folk or Old Point Comfort and return, J3.N.; Virginia Peach and return, in cluding transftr tluough Norfolk, JiM. ot Clotning ways trom tne .so-called of This Sale COME TODAY WON'T STAND A RIGID TEST (( Din In. Uil fmui I'.i.f I ) fi'soil .i uririi,. to tin" int. in it) of lli ( IiiMIiii M t om. 11 I ho niluilcn ot Hie llililo woio i nultir t li.nlilliiii, tin'' wonlil lie ilillninl. (or, in tint i j-,.. thf.i inlalit lie protcil to ho -Hint a IIikmI mini i i lcj-1lcat trtirilliotis me u miIo. of "o. lnV talilc." lint Instrail of ln-ini; Ir.i.Iilion-, tii .ire xcritaWo Mtr), .mil we lui' ai tjuod rfaon to IjoIIcm- in Hip rrnrr'i tion of Li11114, amr in tlir rp.iniertloti of llnl.t, as o liie to brllrie in tlic ilcatli of ci.ito, or in tlio"liution cf JnlliH ( IC..U'. mien), it t(tlinuny Krowi wejkir on acioiint of io. ico, i" Imc lc. rca-on to lii'lloip In tlio of .IiiIIih f ,irar tli in c lia.o to IhIiom In the rt'.nti.i tion oi .tciiH t'lirit.; Jim ci,i. I lie If il,le .uti ns .icilnt tilc inltai Irs jml .i,'Ih ami ondei. Jimh put lll iliclpli" on llioir Rtunl In if'poct to all mli ukUilnc. lie Mid: 'ilmwn? of (al.e (implu'ts"; ami again: "I'lieic tliall arl-f dl" OIiiNk, and fibf pro pin t, ami lull thow sk.U mhih .nul wuiulrrs; inomncli Hut. If it were pilWp. tlicy shall tloii'lie tho ni olert." In liarninn. wltli tlio.e wuiili ot I'hrM tho Apcntle l'anl wrote to Turin. tin, failiiK: "o tlio spirit pml.clli cprtaslv. Dial in the lailrr tiinox oine kImII ilopart fiom the filth, elilri; lnoil to vilnoi'i jiiiits. 'Ilieio Is ii "ni.uWry of lnliiiit," a. .1 a a lll.i t-lt l of liiillnif-. It is qilllo Oliil.'lil, fur ..!o if-mhi', l.' h.u liom llnio to time per tnllteil eil vplilt to ioit Mipcrhui.iin, if not upeinaluul powoi llllnl wllli n Satanlo spirit, .nul ...(.Mini: a Satanic pomrr, tliev attracted at tention liy their "idem and l.UiiR wondem," and li "tin ii- ilcfilr.iblenei4 of iinrlk'liteo"ne(n," and Hie teroid is tliat thou who did not lo.e the truth, lifiaii-o so lull of "Mioiib ilelusinns," tint thrj lielioMd "lie " MliaiiN o( IliN ldnd ale no nnnlly. Cliurili iiltory l full of thtm. 'Ihe niaelolain ol Kujpt iviiild ImitHtc Mom, and all .iloiir the ChrUtlin ages Antichrlsn lia.f tried to rlial the Christ. Hut mli.iclis wiuuclit by Satan and hN agents unit not lie lonfoiindod ullli mlruclc In t Inlst and Ids aiKi.tlen. Modern ccclelaitlfil iniiailes niibt not he placed In the Mine rate ory wllli ant lent lllhlo nilraflos, Tluj lannot ho inuipaii'd. tin the rontiaiy, tlio miracle uroiiiilit by t'hrit and by His iliftlples. wlildi are molded in the New Testament, stand out In bold ronlrnt with tho so railed miracles that aie uioiileil in the apoirjphal "co-pilf," 'and in tho mjthlcal Moitrapldcs o( "alnt." l'Mt TOO M'Ml.ltors. I lit- littucnry wllli width leiUiu .illigeil lull u Its .no nouadai pcitonued is In stiililne fonlutl with the rirlty of Itlble nilraile. If we toiild Ulleic reports tint line hoen widely (in iilaloil, there were inure miracles wrought la,t jcar in tlio t'nltril stales hi a lew of our isntrriu (ellowr citinns than weie wiought by Mmluhty tlod durlnif Ihe whole p.rknl of liu iiiuii hUliiry fiom Adam to C'hrit or four thous and .umih. Ilihlo hlklory It significantly parsimonious in its ii iord of mlrailrs, hut our csotirlo friendH .ire I "l0,t """" 'n lll( u' n' l,ieir mlu'-ulous ' I"3"1' anJ 1110,t )"1'' ' pul.ll.liinij ahroi.l the .IaJ-j Kli lories of their miracle. In the llit.1i" we have an uciount of (lie or sl mlraelcii duniiK the lirot two thousind .it an of liuiu.ui liiatur.i, or one mliaclo for eicr) thice or fom en(iuies. Ml tho uiirailes retordiid in tlm lllhle imiiibt r )is tlun a hundred and twiutv, whitli, on an u i'ii a 1.0, is one lulrjile fm rmy (lirco and one halt it ntui le tin; lllhle louilm: a period of iliout four thousind jejr-. It appeals, therefore, that It U not nercMry tint inliachs sliould he fieitient In order to make their testimony .aluahlc. Ihe great trouble with the :illeret inlrailei wrought by our cooterlc lilcnda in tln.o iliis Is that ihey are altogelhrr too numeioii'. It U no llhi.1 to sj) that their lislliiiony is wiah In proportion tu their number, Moiemer, Hum- iilleitcd mlrailes will lint ciidiild any kii.h ilchl lists aa hive htm applied to lllhlo mimics. The lllhle niiracl.s weie not wiuukIiI 111 ti'irol, nor "done in a coiner," hut In puhllc, and befuru the eyca of adterse wit liesses, 'IIimo "miraculous" cuirs and "hcallngk" which are publltlud shield, and ulikh arc if (ictid without midiclnn or turgery ai utterlr useless as ciidcnce in favor ot tho Christian re ligion. Ihey do not bear the .li.htcst ic.eni blame to the lllhle miracles Io such a miracle, (or example, as the Instantaneous opening of the cjes o) a man who was born Mind, or to such mliaclri as the resurrection of I.annis and Ihe u;.irci.tIoa ol Christ, 'Ihe only truth of Sctln- Clothing JJ bales with which this r Are Plain 0 the stock presents lure wlileh these alleged mlncles seem to ra lohoialo N lint Mlik li fmctt'lN that 'Vinn. hall tli parr iroui the filth," and gnc hod to "seduc ing spliils." Tiii:in cnii:r v.M.n:. I.m aie saluable beau-e they fuuil-h on-ilil-lio eiliknce of the tiulh of the flirUllim nllglon. Hut liny base ,i ..till higher and holler .aluo. Prophet y U a miratlc ol Kuowledgo, nnil Ilio fict that piophetv Ins hceii fulfilled 111 the adirnl and tnejruillon, antl In. the rcilenip tle work of 1'hrlvt, giws to the miracle of piopli.e.i, antl In all the mlrailes of our Lonl, an inteiosi and a aIuo in whith eicry ( hrlstian i .Italb r uric pi mil. The intai nation of Cod i u lunilainenliil tact of Christianity, ami the ti-tii-reclloii ol Jesus Clirikt is its cardinal and iown. itig doi trine. The miracles of Christ heir ample testimony to the character and dliine mission of f lirM. WV know that He is a Teaiher come from Cod, for no man rould do with miracles as lie did. without Ood's help. The blind man, 1iom- ejus OirUt openid, did not need any further pmof of Christ's tllilne power, or of Ills di.ine mission. To the eritlcs o( Christ he said: "Why, hetein is a iiianelous thing, that ye know not from whence He is, and yet He hath opt in r mine cjes." Jteiis said: "My woiks hear wit-ne-fi ol Me." And St. l'etei, on the diy of Pentecost, appealed to Christ's miracles in proof of Ills ill. hip cliims. "Ye mm of l.racl,' ho said, "hear thuc wonls: .lesus of N'arercth, a man apprcned t( God aniopg ou by miracles and by wonders, ami signs, which Cod did by Him In the midst of jou, as ye .soiirehes abo know." Mliacles are not all the (ildciice we hit that Chiisl is what he ilalmed tn be, and that Christianity U the only tiue teligion. We line stronger testimony on these point-i thin tint which miracles furnish; hut lnltaclcs constitute s. necessary link in the irretragihle cluln of Clni, tlan evidences. While we must rot underrate the evidence of miracles, we mint be careful not to overestimate Ihcir evidential value. The divine warning thai was so needful In Pihli. times is needful Mill: "If there arise among jou a piophct, or a dreamer of dieam, anil glvetli thee n sign or a wonder, ami the i-ign or the wonder ionic to pass whereof he speaks unto tine, sa.vlng: bet us go aftir other gods which thou lust not known, and let us wrvc them; thou hilt not hearken unto the words of that prophet, or that dicamcr of dnarns. (I)tut. 13: i-a.. 'Die lesson Is obvious: If false teaihcis should ptove their ability to work wondirs; If their ptetllctlons should come to pass; the are, nev ertheless, to be t-imnni I, "Thou shalt not hcaik en to the worda o( that leather or that dreamer of tlreani.s." Tho character ol the miracle vvoikcr, and the design and effect of tlio miratlc havo cvc-r.i thing to do with IU value as evldenee. If the object antl crteit o( the miracle be to propagate ciror, and to contravene and ronlri diet divine truth, then, though the miracle be real, It is, nevertheless, fabo and wicked, and those who are deceived by it arc In a pltlihfc plight. rOsSS-HllUTY Ol MlltACLi:-. I daie not say tint miracles are now impossi ble, or tint no miracles, in the Interests of the Christian icllgioii, will he wrought In Ihe future. I believe In the possibility ol mliaclci, because I believe In Omlj and I bellevo that in attest . Hon of divine liuth Cod will work mighty mir acles In the future. When fiod shall judge the woild in ilghtiotisness, by that man whom He hath ordained, wheitof He has given assurance unto all men, in that He hath raised Him from the tit -nl; when ull who arc In their graves shall hear Christ's voice, and shall roine forth; when the dead, small and gnat, shall stand before (I'M: when those who aie living at the time of Christ'it second advent shall he i lunged and llttril (or heaven, and shall he caught up to nuet the Lord In the air, and so be forever with the Lord; when these events occur they will bo mighty miracles, We hive Cud's word (or it that they will occur, ami hence I .date not Jiy that miracles are no longer either necessary or poiuible. Hut I dale say that those among us who claim that they have ability to work nilr sell now, and who pi el end to exercise that ability, ire either of religious reason or woefully deceived. The) may pioduco results, which aro unaccountable In any ordinary trjpo thesis, but that ha been done all along the age., l-oiiid whom phvsldans pronounced Incurable have bent cured; and some who were carried to "ti ered shrined," os- who went thcio on irutchea, have testified that the) weie miraculously healed. "Wonders I! 'never cease." Itut won ders are one thing,, and miracles that have upon them the divine stamp, jtld that can show their dlvlnu credentials," are quite another thine. s'esiiH ssys: "I. very one that is of the truth htarcth my voice." lie known that rlclaieu Is a terrible reality, and He sajs that tho sKk nerd a nhyal. elan, The Apo.i'.n Paul hoi glad to listc In his iblnpaAy "Luke, 'the beloved physician." He rccviniiieniletl Timothy .to .tale a little wine (or 'inUy. SCRANTON'S SHOPPING CENTER. Loveliest of Cottons. Cotton Fabrics of 190 1. The writer lias becu gazing at them drinking in their beauty matveliiig at the Connelly &. Wallace collection. They represent Textile Art in its most exalted form the apotheosis of spinning, designing and tiuting. The makers of France, Scotland, Ireland, Switzerland, Belgium, Germany and America arc fighting the same fight that waged between the mortal Arcbane and the goddess Minerva when they contested for supremacy in weaving and embroidering skill. The product ot all are outspread on our counters. Accord leadership to whom you please. It is for your fancy and taste to decide. Kvery yard exemplifies elegance. Imported Mouseliuc D- Soie mere tissues, plain gauzy grounds, with em broidered stripes of self colors, q fifteen different shades, price 05C Embroidered Scotch Ginghams, one of the strongest and handsomest f stuffs in the whole display 5C Embroidered Swiss scores of designs varying from tiny dots to fancy stripes, self and contrasting t1 IE colors J.0C 10 pl.x5 Imported Silk striped novelty Ging ham in the best shapes of pink, blue, helio, red, etc., very new and hand- ,. some . 5UC MercenV.-id Cotton Gnghams of very fine finish and in new designs, all . the best colorings '.., 5uC CONNOLLY & his stomach's sake. Our Lord commends the good Sam.riHn lor binding up the wounds of the "half dead" traveler, ami lie also tells ns that, in heating the sufferer, the good Sunaillaii Usui "oil unit wine." The lllhlo gives no countenance to any esoteric mt tluxl of trcillng Ihe sltk ami the Milhrlug Me i annul appeal to the lllhle in defense of those who ilbptuse .villi the skill and tounsel of li.ilnetl pluslolins In tasos of slcl. nei.s sml disease. Such loudilct Is both uuscrip. tural and iriatlonil. Ilium "sPllini'AIi V M.l V. Hut il is the iiimal and spilltuil value ol ( hrl-t's niliaclcs tint should most interest us. Like all His te.uhlngs, the lessons of Ills miracles aie instiml with love. lie Ills iuIijcIch lie proved tint "He Is the Pivlur of the bod" as well as of the soul. The miracles of Christ arc, in a wrist, pirahlcs, Ho healed the sick, and opened blind ic, and unstopped deaf cais, ami cur"d cripples, and lal-cd the dead. Not only tint He might bestow health, and impart conilolt, ami biing Joy and gladness to the aitlleted, but more thin this, ind bottel than this. Ills mir acles weie intended to attract sinners to Him as their only Savior. Those who weie the subjects of His gracious miracles, as well as those who weie r.vr wilnessoH of Ills majesty, had good reason to believe in Him "lor work's sake." Ills mlncles aie mirrors that reflect both his tlivlne power and Ills divine love. They prove Him to be the Son of Cod with power to save. They are not only in liinuuny with His gospel, but," also, a nessai pail of the gospel; and If wo listen Io their lotlmnny we will hear them t-altig: "Hohohl the Linili of Cod, who lakcth away the sin of the world." RELIGIOUS NEWS NOTES. llcv. W. Dudley Powcis give a most Interest ine talk lust night il. ihe Church of the Oood Shepherd on "-panlsh-Amrrican Missions." Hev. V, f. Iialleiitine, rtctor ot Clnbt'H Tpis i opal ihureli. and Id v. Pr. W. ii. Simpson, pas tor of Asbiirv Methodist l.iilspuc.l church, cv cliaiie,cd pulpitH -tciili momliij. Hev. W. .1. I'M el, pastor of tho Ciccn ltldge baptist chui-eh, ilie-vv a mimlor of modem Ap plication from t hiist's kcni.on on the Mount at etirdav iiimmng's seivire, At night ho spoke upon "iniiw Ohsiiuctionlst." Tlie tut tubus, in i uli.'rbus eonimandi r', .'.o Cs.-,, Knights of M ill 1, iitttndttl tho services at the Zlon I'liltcd Uvaiigellial ehuich in a boilv list nlyht. 'I'll pastor. ISov. .1. W. Mrsscgir. (.leached a spctlil ermoii taking for hia text The Cowl 1'ight," Dr. C M. f.lllln, pi.toi o' tlio 11m Park Mithoditt Upiscopal rliuiih, piiaihsd a sermon espifsoly fu oiing men and women Inst night, taking for his theme. "Huw- Hi; Cot lonj; "0 Well." There was an espetlilly laiso tongic ml inn in attendance. "Modern tkeiticlsin Versus l.ttinal Veritle," was tho topi,: of an able sernon dcllvciid j'S terday nioiniug by Itev, Uoheit K, , Pieue, I). H, the pastor of I'.lm Aveuc lliplist churtli. t the evening seilleo tho choir, under the leil crslilp of Profewnr Ha.viln Kvaiis, iiudrred Ihe In inn, "Woithy Is the 1.,-imli," whlth was bull': nt the Moild'n fair In JMBI b,v the v union ilmli led by Professor Uvans, which took the Sj.OOO gruad prize. FLORIDA. PerBonnlly-ConduotetlTour vlrt Pcnn sylvnnla Itnilrontl. Tlio second Juultbunvlllc tour of tlict Heason via tlio rentisylvanla latlroail, ullowine t'Ao weeks In Klotldu, leaves New York, I'hlluclulpiilu, niul' Wash liiKton by speelnl tmln Iebruury 19. l-.xcut-blon tlekutK, Inchuiliiif railway triuiBportutlori, Pulliiiriu accoinmoda tiotiM fono berth), and meals en route, In both directions while traveling on tho upec'lul train, will be hold at tho iollDWlnu rates; Now Yoils, $30.00, Hocheslei". S31.00; Ulnilra. $31.1.1: l.i'li. $31.83; -Wilkes-Hal re. $:i0.!3; und at pioportlonttto rates fruin oilier points. For tickets, Itineraries, and full In foimatlon, apply to ticket tments; II. I'. Fruzer, I'assenBer Atrent liuffalo Distllet, 307 Main Ktl'uet, Ellloott Sfiiure, Tluffalo, N. Y.: F. J'almatcor, City Ticket AbciU, 20 Htato street, Itochester, N. Y,; or uddicss Cleorgo W, Koyd, Assistant aeneial Pnssenger AttPtit, Uroail Stieet Station, I'lillade-l-phia. WALLACE, 4. .j. 4. 4 4. 4. 4. . 4. 4. -. . . 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. J" J Save 50c On every yard of Axtuinster Carpet duriug our special sale of Axminster Carpets -AT $1.00 Per Yard Williams & McAnulty 129 Wyoming Avenue. THB SIC POWDER CO. Rooms 1 and', L'om'Ith B'l'd'g. BORANTON, PA. nining and Blasting POWDER Mede at Slooslo and Rush Jals .Vor'jci. LAPLIN A RAND POWDBR CO.'.S ORANOE GUN POWDER -Electric. Batteries. Ulsotrlo Krplodsri, zploctlns blasts, ftaftty Kuis mii Repauno Chemical Co.'s dxplo '.Vo Lager Beer Brewery Hiiniifftctu.'cr1. or OLD STOCK PILSNER 430 to 465 N. Ninth Strest, .PA III. Si1 1 Tclcphons Cull, -2X1 J. Mercerized Chev:ots another new cloth has the appearance of Mohair Brilliautine. in plain colors only. ... 5UC Batiste Brilliautine shier and filmy like unto mull mercerized finish all in the finest aud newest foulard de- r signs, price ' jtS' Mercerized Chambray entirely new in plain colors ouly, very rich in . effect 35C Scotch Corded Ginghams, plain ground d.vidcd by clusters of stripes and cords. 30 designs .' .Z5C Embroidered Swiss, plain colors with white designs, in neat embroidery -. very uew and handsome 5UC Plaiu Swiss, of a very beautiful fi quality, with silk embroidered dots.. OOC 127 AND 129 WASHINGTON AVENUE .- t "r -r f n "r r r i" r v r t t "T r r f .. A Bad Brake Is worse at all. than no brake We are now ready to fit your wheel with the latest coaster brake. If you contemplate any re pairs on your wheel for the spring riding now is the time to get it to our shop. We will send for and deliver your wheel when finished. IE! J Ii 211 Washington Ave. HENRY BELIN, JR., Ctneral Ajrnt tor the Wjromiig District lor DUPONTS POWDER. IJlnlDjr, tllsstlnr, Sporting, Smolelt.i tod t Itrpauno Chemlial Coinpsnj'j High Explosives. Eifct fuse, Csps end Eiploden. Itoom 401 Cox sell (lullilin;, iicrtntOD. .Ul.NCl.S! inos. roun pitrsttn JOHN B. bMITll i SON riyraouU. . 1:. MUU1UAN WUktiBrr J.. -