The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 18, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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Iliftlil to the Sainton Tribune.
Ttinkhminoclc, Feb. 17. The Monday
dub will meet nt tlic homo of Mm. W.
N. Ilcynolile, on Tioga nttcot.
St. .ltidjon Sturk linn icntcd a house
on Wyonilnir nvenue, Went I'lttetnn,
whoio ho will make lilf home after
Apt II 1.
Mm. Joserililna C'uleinun, who lmi
born vlRllttiR her cousin, Mr. Chmloa
Tinker. In thin place, stuitr-il TuescUijr
for N'W Yoik city, wheio nlie will visit
her ilnugliter, Ml Ulllan, ttlrn Is
plnylnp nt the Manhattan thentM.
from vvlietico kIic will return to her
homo In California.
Mm. George Khmer, of,
visited friends In town Thiusday.
Mm. "V II. Mentzcr. who hns been
visiting frlendH In town the pant week,
lms returned to her home at llazlcton.
Mm. R. i:. IMfHCtt, of Iuee;vllle. Is
Mpendlnp the winter with her sister-in-law,
Mm. I.. 1'. Spauldliifj, on Put
nam street.
Uobett J. Little has acveplo 1 th
offer to jro to China an cleik, under
Paymaster Annnen, on board Un
united States vt'Bscl New Orleann, and
will depait about the Hist of March.
He will co via Han Kianclsco. This
New Orleans W now In Chinese walei1'.
Mr. Mttle'M duties will bo nlmllar to
those he pcrl'oi iwel on boaid the Oic
son and other vessels.
(iunlck Iloulen, of Cornell univer
sity, sjrt'nt last week with his patents,
Mr. and Mrs. V. K. Borden, on Putnam
sttcet. He Is recoverlnrj from a scvcie
attack of the grip.
The contract for clcllveiltiK tho bal
lots and ballot boxes was awarded by
the county commissioners to Thomas
M. Hardlnjr, of this place, for $17.
There were numerous bids and n wide
variety of prices.
Theodora Williams, a well-known
fnrinct of Washington township, died
at his home, near Vose-, Thursday af
ternoon at 2 o'clock, aired seventy-five
years, four months and fourteen day.
DrceaFod was a Mnbon of Ions' stand-Inr-
and the Masonic lodge took charge
of the funeral services, which were
held at the Methodist Kplsropal church
In Vose this afternoon nt 2 o'clock.
A shoit session of argument couit
was hc-ld on Friday afternoon, but
very little business was transacted.
I The case of Irwin Cootbaugh ., David
Donley and Fred L. Juyne, rule to
show cause why writ of estrepemenl
heretofore at anted shall not be dis
charged, was postponed until Thurs
day, February 21, at I p. m,, when tes
timony will be taken on lulo In open
Jn the case of .lumen Mchooley and
Francis. Wchooley vs. Judson Lutes,
sheriff's Interpleader, tho court mnda
an order lelustnlln? thn case upon
llllntr of bond and statement by plain
tiffs, as tc(iiired by statute of ISO".
The farm house mi the David Hunter
faim, on the Montrorc turnpike In
Lemon, was destroyed by fire on
Thursday evening. Origin unknown,
Special tu Uk Scrantcn Trlbjne
Thompson, Feb. 17. Our Jolly auc
tioneer and liveryman. J. L. AVittcr,
lias had a new experience this week.
He Iiub on his hands that which hv
cannot sell. Ciy n he will "going," It
does not go. Ho has It tho grip.
Judson Tucker, of Cnrbondale, with
his wlte and daughter, returned homo
this afternoon, after being delayed by
the stotin at his fat-ner's home, In
Jackson, for several days.
Hev. P. It. Tower, who Is the secre
tary of the Wyoming Conference Vet
erans' association, authorizes the fol
lowing: "Our annlvcisary will be held
In tho Methodlit Kplscopal church,
West Plttston, Pa.. Tuesday evening,
Apiil 9, Our comrade, the new J. O.
Oakley, D. I)., of New York, will de
liver the address. A cordial Invitation
to be present is extended to those who
touched elbows with us In the thick
of the fight, to whom reserved seats
will be accorded."
13. K. Paxton was called to
vllle Centre, Pa., to nltend his sister's
funeral this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Fiank M. Lowls save
a sui-piiso birthday party for their
mother, Mis. Augusta Y.evvis, nt their
home on Wednesday of this week.
Thoso pu-sent weic Mis. L. F. Seailes,
Mrs. K. O. Winter, Mrs. F. A. Ctoslur,
Mm. William Hliiiidiii, Mm. John Par
ton, Mm. W. W. MoHsengei, Mrs. a.
C. Foster, and Mis. J. S. (Jelutt. of
The many fiit-ntli of Mis Maggie
Powell, eldest daughter of Alfied
Howell, esa., of Herrlck Centre, were
saddened to hear of her death, which
occurred Tuesday evening at the home
j of her uncle, V31mer Potter, near Otlatt.
Shu was one of the successful teachuis
of the county. The funetal will luke
place todnv at Ararat, where the In
terment will he made.
John Deckel, of Aldenville, Is at C.
I!. King's, seeking to wily fiom tha
grip, and is Improving.
Three full days the blizzard raged.
Trnlllc on the uillroad was almost
Mopped, and those in the- countiy who
must drive take to the lots. There Is
n lull In the wind today, and the coal
trains begin to move nnd the highways
are being opened.
Miss Bessie Bloxham has been quite,
seriously ill the pat Week. Dr. Good
win, of Lanesboio, was called In con
sultation the first of the week.
"Where ilH jon come troiu, babv deal t
Out ol the everywhere into the lieie.
Where did sou get jour rv es no blue ?
ejutol the skv'as I came through.
What makes the licht 111 them sparklet pin
Some of the starr) spikes let in
Where did on set tlial Utile tear '
1 tound It aillug when 1 set here "
The f.ii t is ab nmI as it is tine ibnt tha
biby fiiiai tlic tear waiting to dull its
blueeji'S .iml stain its soft cheeki. At
the first u "has no language but a cry."
Its one necessity U but to give expres
sion to its suffering, and for that a tear
The nio'.hcr who stoops in anguish
over tho railing child would do miy
thing to e... i' its un"ertug Hut she 'is
helpless. Th" time when she could have
done sci mi v.h for her child is past. She
did nn. ic-aliic that in those anxious
nervous dajsi when slie shrank from the
ordeal of motherhood she was preparing
nfTcring for the baby.
The path of motherhood is soothed
and made easy for those- who ttc Dr. '
Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It give
physical buoyancy and mental bright
ness. It tranquilizes the nerves, en
eourae;e a healthy appetite and induces
refreshing sleep. It gies the mother
strength for her hour of trial, and the
confidence and content which come
ft om strength It makes the birth hour
practically ul' s.i, and by increasing
the natural, food secretions, it enables the
healthy mother to enjoy the happitii't-s
of nursing her child.
"Favorite Prescription" contains no
alcohol, neither opium, cocaine, or aiiy
other narcotic.
A Mother's Gratitude.
"I would like to express my eratltudc to you
lorine oeuem 1 nave
recelv td from v our
wonderful medicine.
Favorite Presctip.
tlon. " write. Mr.
II L Anderton, ot
South Britain, New
Ilttsen Co. Conn,
fllox vl "Dutlnn
the flirt mouth ol
einectmiey I could
not Keep anything
on nn tomach Wan
in lck that I had to
err. In rta na itju
for week. I tried different dottor, but with
little benefit, I read ahout mauy beinif helped
by using jour medicine, to I thought I would
nv it a frUI. I began to take your ' I'arorite
Preicrlpllon in November and I had a nice
little gfrl baby in February following. My Uby
weiBhed in er eijht pound. I a onlv alcfc
about one hour, and got along niceW afterward;
'ra; up and drcsted on the eighth day I never
had the doctor with me at ntl; lint the nurse and
one or two friend My frtenda thought that I
walckaeryihorttIir.e. I think Ur I'lerce'a
favorite Pteictlptlon l Indfed a Irue ' raother'a
friend.' for it helped me wouderfully This
maUea my aecond child; with the first one I did
not take ' Favorite Prescrlpilon The little one
li ed just about two month and the mi nick all
the time. This last babv la as plump and
kcalthy at any mother could wish."
Muoh Bettor Health.
Mn. Annie macker. 6:9 Catherine Street,
wHleai "Your med
icines have done
wondera for me. For
j ears my health was
very poor; I had four
mishaps, but since
taking I)r. Fierce'
Golden Medical Ola.
covery ud ' Favorite
I'reacription ' I huve
much batter health,
and now I have
hne health v babv. 1
have recommended your medicines to several
of my friends and they have been benefited
by them."
Dr. Pierce' Common Sense Medical
Adviser in paper covers is sentrv on
rectlpt of 31 one-cent stamps to pay ex
pense of mailing only. Address Dr. R.
V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
IZjHm. csjs aaj
but the Inclemency of the weather pre
vented a largo nudlence.
The pcMonal effects of the deceased
hermit, Otto Hchemmann, will bo sold
nt miction by the administrators in th?
near future.
The Hlrdsoll Pros.' "Woolen mill,
which is dependent on water power,
nre runnlntr half lime on account ot
Entertainment at the school build
ln, Thursday evening. Feb. SI.
Cousldciuble lumber Is being hauled
to th fc'eeleyvllle yawl, at present In
dicating n busy ftituto In the lumber
Sjifflsl to I lie Vrsnton Trlbuno.
ractoryvllle, Feb. 17. Huigcss U, J.
Goodwin N confined to Ills liome by
Illness of a serious nature.
Mr. D. D, Ontdner has so fur recov
ered that he wan able to be moved to
the home ot his son, V. ft. (lawlncr,
last Sunday. He Is Improving' In
health now very nicely.
The members of the Paptlst church
will pay their respects to their pastor,
Itov. G. It. Smith and family, in the
shape of nn old-fashioned donation on
Prlday afternoon and evening, March
I. A Rood social time Is anticipated.
Hev. Van Cleft, of Duninore. who
lectured on "Tho Life and Service of
Abraham Lincoln." tinder the auspices
of the Orund At my of tlic Ilepublto
post.nt tho Methodist Kplseopal church
last Tuesday evening, made 11 veiy sat
Isfasloiy Impiesslon before1 the Grand
Army boys. Ho has a good, keen
sense ot wit and humor tunning nlong
hl lectin e, and his nttdlcnco never
ilies. Our citizens will welcome him
ngnln in the nenr tuttitc.
Them were fourteen candidates bap
tized at th Klist Uaplist chinch on
Thur-iday and Friday evenings of thin
HchootmusUi' Haidlug spent Sunday
Willi his parents over at Katon. Pa.
Under tho auspices of the Kpworth
League Hev. Simpson, of the Asbury
Methodist Kplseopal church of Scinn
tnn, jravc .ome voty Intel cstlng lead
ings fiom the works ot Ian Mcfluien,
which was much appreciated. Uev.
Slmnxnti has great ability for this
work, and not to hoar hlni Is missing
a wire treat.
Mrs. Georgi Snyder, of Nicholson,
spent Sunday with her parents, Mr.
and Mm. J. O. Caipenler. who have
been suffering with the grip for the
past three weeks.
Cauls aw out announcing the coin
ing man Inge of James M. Hoyd. ot
this place, to SIlss Mattie Jones, ot
West Scruntou. The wedding will take
pluco on 'dnr'sday morning nt !
o'clock in tho Plymouth Congrega
tional church of Hyde Park. Hev. K.
A. Hnyl, pastor of the church, will per
form the ceremony. Sevewil from this
place tv 111 attend, as Mr. Hoyd Is one
ot our best known young men
Sprtisl to the snnloi Tribune
Duryoa, Pub. 17. 'double has vl-ited
the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Le
fnvn, of Lawri'nceville. I'-or somo
lime past their children hnvj beu
suU'erlng from dlphtheila and
measles. Pildny morning, oil'' of
them, tho Infan: ron, jiassed away,
mid Saturday morning hi? little sister
followed. Xwv the oldest son, James,
is in a voty dangerous condition. The
fuiii'ial of the two children took plac
today, Interment being made In tho
I'itistoti cemetery.
Mi. John Thompson, an employo at
Hrown's blacksmith shop, was com
pelled to go to the Plttston hospital
Saturday for tiimtmeut of his ev. A
few days tfgo Mr. Thompson had tlm
mlhtoitniii' of having a piece of hot
steel ily In ills eye. which has outsell
much suti'cilng over since.
Tonight thf Lawn-nee Hoji com
pany's fair opens. For boino mouths
past the people of all the towns In this
disttict have been anxiously awaiting
the approach of tills occasion. The
ladles hnvo decoi.itod the hull In a
vi-i-y pi city mannei. The booths will
contain useful nnd fnncy m-tlcles.
which will be sold at reasonable
pi Ices. TI11 company has at ranged to
ntei'taln tho nudlencu by nn enter
tainment. The piogramme Is as fol
lows1 Address of welcome, John Hon.
nei" solo, Miss Olwen Howells: iccl
tiitlon, John v. I Ivans: solo. Jlorgnu
Harris; leilinttoii. MIff May Rrod
head: nolo. Jlrs. P O. Jones: piano
selection. Miss Ilasklns: solo, John
Jones; sileclou, Wntkins party. Thi
progiammo for Tuesday evening will
bo: Hecltntlon, Dunne H. Dills- solo,
Hobeit IIpit! graphophone selections,
Toole brothers; solo, KIvIiil Titus:
graphophone; solo, William Williams.
Mi. James Hollos nnd family visited
at the home of his mother, Mrs. Chas.
Itolle", of Dupont, Sunday.
Mrs. Hcnjamln Hlchardson has ie
coveisd from n. severe illness.
Mr. John Campbell, who has been
rcrlously HI at the home of his daugh
ter, Mm. John AVhyte, shows soms
signs of Impiovenient today.
Messis. Herbeit Hiown and William
nderson visited ft lends In Moosle on
Special to the Stranton Tribune.
Kingston, Feb. 17. Dr. Aldlnger. the
coach at Ploomshuig State Normal
school, was a recent caller.
Dr. Raymond, of Wesleynn univer
sity, fpoke on "Christian Kducatlon"
in the Methodist Kplseopal church last
Thursday night. Several of tho sttt
limits attended,
The Senior class gave a reception to
tho students in the Seminary parlors
Friday night.
Hev. A. Wrlgley. of Bald Mount, vis
Ited his son, Hexford, lnstl week.
Prof. A. O. Thurston Is confined to
his room by sickness.
The basket ball team met the team
from Hucknoll university In Pcttyliono
ijyninaaluin, Saturday evening,
Cpecisl to tlie Scrsiiton Tribune,
Seclyvlllo, Feb. 17. Thutsday even
ing, Feb. 14, Mark Creasy, principal of
the Hawley schools, gave his lecture,
entitled "Sunny Italy," before the
Mon'a "Twentieth Century Movement"
society. Ills hcuinip were well pleased,
alKjrjli aEaaaLI
VssVfeHallE" -I aaaaaaLS
JaaaaHB JaaaaaB
IwW 'l-s-asaaaa ,-a-?-
Clearance Sale
High Grade
After a busy season's selling we find many small lots of our best selling designs
which we want to close out immediately to make room for the large shipments of
Spring designs which are now arriving daily. To do this quickly and give our cus
tomers the benefit, we place these lots on sale at prices that will close them out
promptly. This stock embraces all the season's novelties in
Embossed Gilts.
100,000 Rolls
Wall Paper.
Pressed Papers,
msii limp aso wlifii Kbit' lalanger miio
fluidl Joiomu !kM In New V01K jv tur in the
urwu "1'ox.v ijiiillor," llii- ciltic lioulcil In ihor
111 at the production; in (act, tliey lionlcd fo
efftlcl.v that llie shcipvi ol the production
vj nul up In the cvpei titlons ol the miiMnrrt,
ami n hrm of leis expeileuro and tiiiincial found 1.
tlon tlun KIaw k l.'ilant'fr iiiiiihl lnvp I, con
mined by the ilinirr. At th end of ll Vew
York engAittnioiit "Koy Qulllci," "thi ftol,"
the "dead fliliire." the "he ,ij;nii," elr.,
started out on the road and h.i lnro lioni
lu.iMiit; luuie money tluu miv o( lh mo. I uc
rpiwml of Hi- Khw .r Krlatuirr pr'nliicllon.
Tl,eri" i 110 yirlltiii lint there wl'J In
for Ihr- ht In licht npen . lontr n there Ii
lennml for nnythlns in the ,iniuiiieiit line,
hill no amount of pr.1rtir.1l leiiinntratlor, lio
tver, lll rvir eonvlneo Hie NVw York tneatric il
censors, clitic and lu-t-iiislilen that Ihoy ore
tint thi "whole tiling" when enjiRed in Ihe
noil, ot niappina nut a raittr or .1 r ifcc produc.
ii 11 !
I inUi the leiiklfliip ot Prnfewi V V. I'ui-li'i-mtchrr,
ci;Anlt and (holfiuari, tin' (hoir of
tin1 Aliiny )lethodit h'piopj rhuuli, i f-t
liMomlns one of the flnct nnMnlzattoi .
In the illy. Tin volon and aiiilidiu at la.t Su.i-
dav'a siike vveie rendered in tin- nnt iiill"tio
slile, nrn mIHi im cflect Midi .is ptrlup', his
never hem licud in .V'hnry ihurili hy .1 iinllir
orKiniiillon. The people ot hnry diunli ate
to he tougialulated upon Kciuiinc Ihe tfimw
of Mr. Fenoternuilici :itnl .1 rliolr ol Midi veil
traineil voices. Ihe iholr h iuiiipied of Hie
follnnini;: Sopr.iuoii, Iri. II. T. .I.imk", Mi. II.
i:. Ilcddl; aUoi. h. CUKIik, MI- I..vdia lie
Bicrk; tenors Mr. Leonard, Mi Viine; lu.ns
Mr. 1'nllri, Mr. Tievritmi.
II " '
A few ,lln fliio till', deciee fiom lin'alliial
liojiiqmrlorn would no ilouht hive lauded opcutio
conipoicu to shudder and ipiit the bushier at
one. ltc cut event have hid a tendoiuy to
rail"1 the norld ouUlde to lose faith In the pre.
did ions of the i-e men on the pede.tals five
or sW veais ro when George iderer began to
urn fiealc prodiitllom at the Caino Known a?
"Itcvlews" tdmlbr piedldions wera nude, and
it was (lively announced that Hie coinlo opera
ttars and coiula owr.v companies would lu to
go Into other bulne. It l noticed, however,
that the old operatic stars ate Mill maUut;
money tuday and that new ones hair come into
Ihe held, while J.ederer and hi' "Review-." hive
bought othet palilies
I' 'I !'
Kdwaul A. Mven, editor ot tho VMIU.-llaiie
fyeailet, who U well hnown to the piofixii,u a
the author of tho comic opeia culled "llr
Siultli 1'aiiiily," li at woilc upon another lihrelto,
which will In ill probability brinif tnoro he!.i '
and fame. The plot of the opera, vvlili.i Me
Xlvcn has dlndoned to .1 few intimate Irion. I,
l most original, and the scenes aflord nuy
oppottunltv for lavish display ot 'ostnpiis iml
oeneiy. Mr. Nlvrn Is constantly at woilc upon
the ljilcs. which am tshl to be of unusual iiieili.
and evpect to hsve Ihe libretto in hlupe f r
Inspection a few months l.ence.
SpeaUrir of comic opera, It is now noticed that
(he hysterical New York ctitlen dedaie that
musical romedy, whatever that Is, will noon tahe
Ihe place of lomie opera entiiely, and tuppoit
their claims by the assertion that Harry II.
Smith, tha leading librettist of the country,
will hereatter delete bis cfloits entiiely to mu.
oal corned. This sudden depailure has been
caused. It is said, by nn KnftlHi musical lomedv
called "1'lorodoia," which has had an une.vpeded
run nt the Casino,
II '.' ,
Comic opera will be the diief uititiiloii a
tho l.jceuui the coiuIr vvcel.. The .te.T
))e Angdls ompany hoa been booked toi in
day evening vhcn the will Known comedian
will appear In his ne ipcia, "A Hnvnl
rtogue," which It one of his best productions
tin Tucidaj, the SGth, the llotonlani will ap
pear under mamgeinent of Klaw A Kilaiurer and
upon that occasion v 111 piolably pin ' Ihe
,; ;i 11
Alfred Wookr' nev taciecl ong, "llise, i,lo.
1 loin ("onfiueror," his J'ist been published by
tho Oilier Dltwm company of Vew York mid
lloston, lids Is Mr. Wooler'n bet production
and placen lilin In the fiont rank of cong com
poms. The woik reo,ulie cvepllonal ability
nnd power on pait of th vocalist, and it of a
character that will make it populai with leidiug
church holid.U for eara to rome.
I! 'I II
In all piobabillty the United Mules Marine
bind, under Icideiship ot W. If, Hautelniuin,
will appear III fcciauton in the near Inline.
'Ihe Mailnc band under present condition, which
have enabled the leader to srcuiu th. bet of
talent, U without doubt entitled to a place in
the fiout lank ot musical oigaulzallons of the
II 'I '
Mr. Waller N, Manchester is to conduct the
Intermediate se.slon of the Lnekawunna and Wjo
intnir Muiieal Alliance, scheduled for March S to
S at the Uaptltt diurcb In I'actor) vllle. This Is
the beginning of the sixteenth Jfir of work by
this ornanlratloii nnd Its ireord Is one of uc
75c Papers now 50c. 40c Papers now 25c. 20c Papers now 15c.
50c Papers now 30c. 30c Papers now 20c. 10c Papers now 7c.
Tlany Other Lots at 4c.
Designs suitable for all classes of decorations. Rich Oriental effects for the
library or den. Choice floral effects for the parlor and the popular stripe novelties
for the bed room. Hotel proprietors and parties desiring bargains for tenement houses
will find this sale offers an exceptional opportunity.
150 Lots of Room Moulding at OneHalf Price.
Williams & McAnulty,
Leaders in Carpets, Wall Paper, Draperies. 129 Wyoming; Avenue.
0 ......
; intiVirciLAL. g
0 0
lediuii nf Mesfis, HeucV. and I'limesst, null
a Sim of the People' thesur, (Jiiiuniiali. 'Ihi.e
oerilliiucii have u.'fd their best iiid.-uieiil in
seh'clinic a lotnpaTiy tit v.itlet priluinieis m.d I
hurlfsipieis that would be certain to plcao J
Ihe inasv,.n; mid itpoiiii tio'tt dtiM in wlii if
Ihe company Ins appiated would make it jprem
that lhf. had siKicrihil adiiihaUl.t '1 lie in- ,
trCf nu ul iieio is lor Ihree elsis ouli i
LtMJ.M-"iii- (ir.ate.1 'niinjr In Ihe ..ild
Mht. I
XC.VDKM "A'K llcirt." lnl.i.
HAIIH'V The Haiu'ders llmlesfpie Ci,ipiu. J
Midlife and nlghl.
"SUoie Acies."
I Tlicii' un irrlali. morall-t'i who iiivdnh j;u i
(Li; decadence of Ihe inoihin drama und who al
in .1 line Inry Ih'ciu phti like "-iiphu vy adiptiliun.. fiom the 1'ienUi like "'liw
'initle" and "the Old nom the J tj rt m ".' '
suer eecl lor a tluu in the laior title, 'llu
irood people elitirrly ouibck the lad that the
wrcrhl of this d.l-s ot plaja is dull- r,ilieiiurral
It i.irely lits i-cyond a sttmle season and In
mil.;- ir.stincei llu attendance falls oft Ions lie e
the cnl of ,1 seiW'ii.
'Ihcy forget that plajs lllv "l.uie liii '
with its alwidute fredoni frnni all lint ! im
noial und vitli its th'.u and honest diaiJitc'K
Minllii'ie tn be tut iwdul lr ems and jeat.
If there any mkIi persons In this city they
would haie learned a le.-on In lliia re-pec t hid
they entered the t.jtcum on Saturday. "Mii'm
Acre." va the play piccidecl and deplle the
fact that It was the ninth pioductlon nt Hid
piece in this illy the theiter was not larse
enouvli to bold the lvv lairfi- uudleuees who aiiie
to uno it. Vjne.v "llio Tuille," fur iut.iiii ",
draw inn a houscfal ot people upon IU ninth
produttion In this cltv.
nt the play there i little to be said In
praises have been h, undid thiUighoiit the lciitlli
nnd bretdth of the lind aid it m become an
Ameilcaii classic. Tho rat was txtclhnl. .t.iuiia
'f Callnvriv mule splendidly liininn N'alhiu
lel Reny and every oilier member vllh one or
iwo ixci'ptloii was ipul to his or hit lark
The scenic Imcsliirc w.i eveicellnslv anml
'The Gieatest Thing in the Woild."
"The Oreatct T'llnjr " t'11 Woild" luiiipanv,
headed liv Saiah Cowell f Mci.vne, to tu
1..MCUU1 for .1 lelitiu cnMuenient lunliihl It
lOiuprlses Hi. Ii disiliiuUicd and f.ivoi iu- .l
eis as Harold Tlnssell. .Inhn Rlendlnnlnic. I'i ml;
Lander, Walter Thomas. Hiailee Manlcv, vd .
laid Thurston, fanehon Campbell, Jim. .fohn
illendlniilic, I'on.elln Hunter. Anne O'Millev,
Kdwln James, William I'hllllps. John Mathews
and others.
The production to be luado hen will Ik- eai ily
like that vhieh wried such a triumph for M'x.
I.e Mojno durlnsr the inor.tlu of October and V
ifinber while (.he was plajiiij t Wallaek'n the.
aler In New Yoik. All of the kceneit and pie
leant furniture nnd dranery which nnil.ed Hose
P'rfonnanceii will K seen elirinj the engi..-in-lit
in this city
"The Flamiup Arrow,"
'ihe old adije of the plaliiciiiau, "ihe onl
itooit Indhiii Is a dend Indian," is amply i
futed by mich notables of their rare as ''Oion
all.ayeka," the tanioux t'aludiau Indian, who
was educated by the Prince of Wales: I)i, 'hi-1-Ka,
the ftilioiM patliulocist; rokaaau, the
vtse old philosojiher Slid podj .lolui Wis,., s 1 1
artist, and Go Won (in Mohawk, the pcale-i
dres the race hs eier i-roduced. f'ouhl Ihe
while race be brour.l.l lo ni, the Indian hi
dues, she would be ac counted one oi I lie- gicalisl of Ihe woild, Mls Mohawk, who Is
now tourlne America alter a serin of Inumphs
in llnnland, will be seen at the Academy 'lliuis.
daj, Friday and Mlurd.i.v. Feb. !il. ii and 41,
I -The r'lJinlu-" Arrow," a ualiille stmy -(
frentler Hie, from the pen of the aulhor-minaau,
Lincoln J, Caller.
The production is a UIokI ambitious uur. It
Is complete) In eveiy detallj not one raid of
local Kcnery bdns hrntight into ik, und Ihe
piopertles even of the most Irlfllic nece-sliv,
brliis; supplied, Mls Mohawk is Mup)Kitt-d b.
a (onipans of thlity people, The band whldi
will luad the pirade each day la ioinpoed of
skilled Indian intblcUiii, who received their edu
cation at the Carlisle wliool. 1'or the tmnspoi
tition of the' company dud Iti .cerery, piopeities
etc., a iiMRolltceiit 7foot standaid toadi Is
wed, built by tho rullnun company, ai a ion.
tiail price of 1 ;,'"! '.
Ramblers' Burlesque Company.
'I his afternoon the Ttauihler lluilesqur com.
pany will make lis fir.t appearance in this illy
at the fillet. The company . under the ,11
All doubts lenJidilitc the M.niii-i-l.i-lo.n-liohson
a-f tins? tour "In n Ilalconj" bale Ii ei
nmocd. and bolli Mi. klniiri- and Mn. Le
Mojne ore now shnpl-is tm-ir pie-ent mules in
teilifulllllty With 111.- e-nlite-lllplulcd produc lloli,
the onriiina; date pmbably Miuniiii; about il-o
l.irl ot May. Bewklius will r, n.iucnce ut o-iie,
the pi rloriiuiices b'-lntr. in the main, con m.d
to one or two In .s dty, and time tit aped il
iiiatiuees. This vupTli of lSo'.-.ii
llrnwiiiuir hid l-ul a micle piesntatiou m
ihe fnited Stale, that nndc bj LIchlsi Co.,
ut .ill.iek'.s theater, New t ik. duthiir: Mis.
LeMoj lie's eiffitrei-wiit ihne last fall lalhei an
unusual inutiihuttou to 'att," cue must coin--,
in it that timo ridj Ihe dnfle presentation v i
tbouehl of. So 1h.iuII(ii1 and aill.llo was !.
production, hi.nein, tti-1 co omplde the pfnoinl
llliunph of (be llio Hut appeitid ill II. ait-l
last, but not least, m eMmotdlnary w.i ih
Ht;h rharactcr of the atmblairo which pac id
Wallack's to mcrilovlnj nltenie-on, tint
(hue is lilll" wonder the calls fiom other
clllea for an oppoitunilv lo see it Ins he-Mi
lcnr, loud and frequent. It Is in accordance v.-i'.n
this demand tint this lour has he-en arranged;
n tour that will eloubllcs to be n mni
orablo one. Tlie productlcn end piesenlatlnii
was coiieeeled by the New Voik piCM to be eieie
of the ino-.t notable seen In the great uieliupolls
in many jeais.
'Ihe euliie feminine panicle uf tin- iiuiuluolli
"Murproiiuslei" asgi egat Ion, allrnded a meeting
of a Minneapolis thaillable ors.nUatton, who-c
liijsssioii onee u wed, is to tew. ile. for charit
able institutions, and not only did their pr-si-ualit
tend chaiiu and uniqueness lo the m -i.islon,
but e.ieb one of Iheso dainty misses r.inie
piolded with a box of tew In? utensils, and
pitched into Iheir vvoilc iltli an earnestness,
and with results that hive completely astounded elides. Think of a bevy of ilalnty fooi
1'l.hl celebrities, drglnir. Joleins and vi-orklng
as though thcle- hi cad and butter depended upon
It, and then again it is not unusual Inasniiidi
as Ih" thcalilcal profession hrs lotis," ere this
been considered the iuol. ehaiitable dass of peo
pie known. "Tho tlutitomastei" will appear
at Ihe Lcenm shoitly and Manaerer Duffy vWls
lo aisurn Its pations that the rapible and en
tntalnins cast U tho same whldi appeared in
Vew Yoik city this eeauii.
oi.sMeiable illlllist hat lien aicied -louin;
local theater goeia by the annouiiceimiit ot Ihe
emlv eiuiaeuient lieie of Tim Muiphy In "
Hal helm's Romance'." Mr. Vlurpliv's tour Is
elliceted hy 1'icd ft. lleiser, who U also Ihe
min.i"ir for fol Muilli ltmell. 1'ieeleiiek Mae
Kuy In the Ne-w Yoik Mall and Kiprea co u-ill-ids
as follows; '-.Mr. Murphv Is one of tue
ifsl today in eilclcnte. lie combines tlie
qu-ilnt, homespun pathos of M Smith ltms, II
with the ftartllin.' coimdy of Nat Goodwin. IL
haa stiuck into a vein o( iiiteiin Mlriln;- kouKiiI
plaj Injthat mikes bime.islly w-orthy to flar nlous
in tun best ihcaloin. 'Ihls ador fslve-s e'lldeiiie
of the fid Hut his non ad-.'ilsainn heietofoie has
been New Yoik's lo-f, foi he l di.lliut, oiliciual,
lorcefnl In bluv1f, and far uliuvo tlie apfn
- latloii 1,." au,vl!iiuu but an audience of cull, in
Id ellserimlnatioii,''
Llrbhr i. I'-). have, ihitii.r the pa.t wrrk. em, mited arrnnciinent, whereby they will put
on Ihe Ma.' at MeiekerV, fhliJk'n, l.eai ihe
e-b .e- of Apnl opeiilnz April SI, In fad a tu
poili pioductlon of "Ihe Chll.tUll," iu with ii
Mr Kelwaiel .1, VIo-jan, Ihe oilglual .Tol.n .-'oun,
v.ill be fealuird In the- poll. Mr, M.hj.hi male
a trenienumis nil as vionn e-iorni, an-i ine lews .
pipru Ji well Ss the audiences wrul wild i" r
bis wonderful Impeisouiliou. In this pic.nil i
tlon It will ha supported by a siipeib cist, and
)uo all the ndvant.'au thai a pindudlou, eo'
iu euiy detail, can tivi- Idui. U'lt'o a
phy like "Tlic f hrl.llan," with I'dnaid .1. h'
icau f John Storm, and a ta.t woithy the st.u
und tlm prodidlou, what results nu.v nut be
hoped for It nt'i,
said (hiilos I'loh-uau Iat i.lchl: "It is
epilte rrmaikablt that Maude Adams his u ,-IU,.
UeX) advauie sale In Pittsbuii; for this week, It
l the most icmarkablc al that I have ever
known In a one week city, seme of my man.
age-rial asKieUte. and I wriu lookire oei the
books of her tours the past Icur eam under
my management, snd we that (cit
for one mitlit Hie- liliraid nialil 111 Itallimire
tvn vearr aso--slie his never plated to un audi
,'.. . itraKtttt I.u l.u, lt..o, fr.t.i' eiirn, C , tillon
...v ,..uPw.....h .vm ....... . H"-'--' '
word", she has jilayed to i.eaily r.apadly stwiRl t
nlonj. ruitheimoie, elntlij- the eiuht or line.
e,us si e lias ailed iiiiehi- inv elliretien he nvi I
not mi Jtd one peifornicnee.
Il has lo-iic been vtluspe-iiil Hint Maikurn a
sIva ard W. 1). Mann v.eic ni.uried, Im, Hi.
two did no- confess to the tiull, of the inn. r
until l.i't week. Miss l Is iu (niiney, III.,
nt the piestni tioie, wine he is stalling '(i'i
"'Ihe Princess Chic" tniupui. Mr. Mnim is alo
villi the eoiiqianv us huducrs lu.iii
nuer. MI'S sta time ht-ie fiom Flelne-cK l! I
Biun, about the .vi-ais tw: lKr List .ippiiiiani
of am note lis will "V Hound ol PUatiite
Maud While, al piiseul Milan Udnnn's I ul
Imr woman in "Oliver Hohhnilib" ai d hc
Stoop-, to Conquer." Is 1,1 i-oil.itliir io i-i-m the
sde- ilvhts lo "l).liu"i!li'hl ''O.jj a nhon e vi i
idy pioduecd oil.'lnally as a curtain raw .n
tho Madi-on &quaie th'alei- Willi Viiiilu l!.i-ell
as the heioilie. Mis, While v ill take her llisl
dip into tho eoiiliiiuoiis peifnrii'anee III -hi- rot
s-leen ('rattan v, 111 bo lur leadlnir 'nin
lleruy Noninu, win w-ae for .ve-.irs 1 piui
pa! bufio-comcdlaii of llene'ei-on' I
tr.iv.ignnra compiny. U a meinuir e,f the- .him
son He Anjrlli eouimny. idi.tliur " lh M
Itosue." lie l not onl an eMcpiloiullv ihver
nctoi, but Hie nf tin bet bassos on the- oper
atic Make.
Tlic lalciiled muni;; Hens eoinediaii. Vmli'i
Mid", is announced for in o nlv .ippeaian
ill his new suceew, "iho ltehel," in which be
has seene-d heavilr eveijwheie- ho ha jppean I
'Ihe oilnliial New Veil, Acideiny ol Music pi.
ehictton will he seen hcie
William II. 1'iai.o will be uni hre shuih in
I bis latest and most s.iecessrul pli, ' !.t id
llanmi "
lale of Ohio, I il o( 'loledo. I, u as (ounn.
1'RAMC J. I'llP.M.Y makes nalh he .
nr.lor paituer of the linn ot V. .1. ( . A doinss busliii" lu Hie I'iiv ul Ton do, t ...m,
ami State afoirsahl. and that .ihl linn will oji
H,e sum ot ONi: lllM)Ui:n UOI.I.Mis ,,.r
eadi ami every ease ol CAl'MIUll ih.e, i.innoi
be cmed b ihe; u- of HALL'S ( VTVItllll
cum:. .1. t
mi 01 11 lo he I, ue in," and suUi ill,, el m mi
presence, this (llli day of lie, ember, . i,
leal.l w- II.Imi
N-'lji.i I'ooli
llall'is t ilaiih line Is ini.iiulli I
nets dliecllj em lie blood and imiious mi,,,,
ot tlie Metcm. send (nr l-slliimnlals. fi o
r. .1. chi:si:y .. to. Tui iu, d.
Sold by llnmtllsla, T.k,
Hall's ramllv I'ills ate Hie In si
Strong Nerves
are the true source of good, healthy
1'ereons with Iialf-ttarvetl nerves at.
ways look vrorried nnd "dratfRed-out."
Y'on cannot be happy without nerve
vigoi, joti cannot be natural without
all the powers which nature meant you
to have.
produce a healthful rIovt which art
cannot imitate. They invigorate every
organ, put new force to tlie nerves,
ela-dh Ily lo the lep and round out the
face and form tn lines of health and
l 00 per bos r, boTea (with Tsrllten
Kiiatume-e), 5,ti-i llooklree.- TEAL
Ml lUUXh Cu , Cleveland, Ohio.
Tor sale l.v John II i'helps. Pharmacist, corner
Wiiiuins aie-iiuc and sprme atleet
hi.. rmi.i'-iihii. ri. rii iiHffkr ini. t. -
;L3ST ftUN.-iCSsJ' x ' ''rU 4 UtrUnir,. un t u tu6, .f .;
Iv 'jitpu st Lil ii '? r'lni'ff.eJ4 1
i li aw- '. i t it it s , iptis-sitiiii-t 1;
1 i 4 it ' 1' .1 1 dl'lMirf
lsflii.iUU ImI p ' rt ricil ( Jct-
:Tii UtiirriltM .lull. fn.inni n-llpl. .Hi-r
ft IT HMTMTTT.t' "TftltflfffflTTl ft rs'f-41
I (JltS
M.. . .,
T-e e Sn ;oi4 so
11,1, ti.i, in t"H
Ilis folU'Winir epiotallons
I'llbiue Ip M. ". .lordan fi
tlrars bulldluw, Sirantou, I'a.
1 HP",
.. .vj
ate furnished 'llis
I o., looms ,1'j-TiM
'lelephone WU:
llllih- Lou- t'11
I im,
meiieau vig.ei
American Tohaeen
tin. Med (V Wiic
Atchison, I'i s jsi,
Ilirok. Tradlou si's s-n'i
Hall. Jit Ohio . 'ife IM",
(Viiil. Tub 11 co a.i'a s'i',
Chc. .V Ohio n It',
Clile. eV (it. West SI -JO",
(hie-.. It. . i IH'e 14V,
St. IMtil 13:", ",',
Itock Island U'''j l-'i'j
Del A. Hudson Ids'a 171'a
laic kaw anna It. It 1 1j1j
federal Steel :.Vi 3-".- Steel, IT.
Kan. ii Te., I'i.
Louis. A- .S'a-h. ..
Man. Lh-vatcel ...
Met. Tract Ion ...
Ml.-,... I'.nllii . ..
Ivnpli-'s His
S". ,1. Celitial ...
Soulhent PaellV ..
Noitolk V We.t, .
S'eitth. I'jcltl" ...
S'liilh. I'adlh. I'i.
S. Y. I'elUIll ...
Onl. k Western ..
IM.n.1 11. It
Paddy Mill
Keadlnr Hi
Ile.iillnt II.. IT.
Southern II. It. ..,
Sos-iHIi. II. It.. IV.
TViin. Coal is" Iron
I". S. Leather ....
I". ,. Leather. I'i T'e To
V. S, lumber Si'i 'JU'a
I'nloii I'acltle lil'l in.
I'nlon Pad Ih', IV W, S4T.
Wslush, IT .Ii1, ,i:i
Wfite-in Union kin; mi'4
Onns IIIrIi- Lo"
WIHCAI". Inc. e.t. et.
March TO TO T9
.. si SJij
.. Jio1 j .',oia
.. 02; 'rja,
..lis"; llsm
VU l's',
.. il ml
,.llm ll",
..1.11 Til
.. n. tu:;
.. 4S Is
.. sis, S,
.. hT'a Si'i,3, lit.',
.. :;ij :i.:ia
..I'ai1; 1V)Bi
.. II 41
.. M-i, ,.,
.. To4, To-',
.. -illi Ml
.. T.Vj "'j
.. M l.l's
.. lu'l It
n ;
sill I
hi' j
"s I
iv ,
in' j
7 e
Scrantou Boavtl ot Trade Exchanpi
Qtiotntlonp All Quotations Haed
on Pnr of 100.
I'irsl S'alloral Rank
Seianlon saiinsi Hani
'Iluid National fiank
Dime Deposit and Discount llenk..
Ilconomv Mitel. II. A- P. Co
lail.a Trust safe Depoilt Co
I laik A Snovev to . IT
Scrantou Iren Kei've i; Mfg, tQ. ...
Sirantcn As;le Vo'k .
laeka-vaima Dairy l"P I'r,. ......
( ninety "-avinis k Trait L'o..
I'irst Satlinal Bank (Carbondale)..
S'tandaid Dilllln; r0 ...;
Tradeia' Natioial llink
Seranlnn Holt and Nut (o
Snaulcii l'aj-encer Railway, tint
Moitcaue. Jue 11C0 .,
People's st,t Hallway, llr-t mort-
i . .1... inea
iv"r,nl'a Street Raliwai. Ccncial
moiuaze, due 1021 US
H'ckson Maiuladiiiins To
Laeka. Township -selniol fl per cent. ...
(Hy ol Suaiden St Imp. 0 per
IbSl ............... ...
Si-iaiiten 'I i anion 6 per rent.
Scvanton Wholesnle Market.
K curried bv II. H. Dale. ?7 Lackawanna Ave)
ITillei I i .em-" 'iii'"i'ae.i ila'ry, Ha'i0e.
t htese--Peill eieaiu, lial.V.
iI.'ks W'l-sinn Sl'iJ'iie.. nraiby ik.
oo ,,o ;,,
Ill jus- Per hi eholee nnirow, J. jjai oe).
Pea llean-s- Per hu , .i.41ui, 'A
M-dlinn HiMiis Per bu . fji.40i-i.45.
liieen Pees Per bu.. U.IOil.lV
Onion.- Per bu . TUl.i.
I'heiil lest paleut, 1 tsi.
' - Ii,
UutlfUo Live Stock Maiket,
ifast llunalo, Feb. IT. Reeclpts-Caltle, l
rais; thcep and iJinhi, 40 caul hoiM, CO ears,
ShlpininU-Cattlo, 01 eais; alie-ep and I mite. I)
cars; tiofn, 10 caia. Cattle Vei dnlli talvcs,
e-leolt e; le eia, i7,Wla7.7. ilaii.b7-(" to e.
tit, i-"i,4Ja.1.M; khei-p, choles'i , eitn, -l,Wl(.i,
Hoi;-fJ.U.'ij'i.TO fen all Kiadv-J.
sK -