r 4kVr1f'lH M-y mi' 1 . t $ -) f 1 I 1 ty&i THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1901. I WEST SCRANTON REV. J. J. RUDDY TRANSFERRED POPULAR PRIEST WILL GO TO WORK AT OLYPHANT. Rev. Father McLaughlin Will Suc ceed Him at St. Patilclc's Chuich. Other News Among the Chuiches. PuneralB of Mis. John Reynolds nnd Mrs. Elizabeth Richards. Church Pair nnd Suppeis on Wash ington's Birthday Other News JVotei nnd Pcrsonnls. Hrv. .1. .1. Ruddy, whu has Ih-oii con. sxeted with St. 1'ntilek'n chinch fur onie time, has been temporal lly tiann fenrd In (llypliunt. liev. father Mt l.nightin. of tlio enthrdrot, will tuko J'litlir-r Ruddy's plnce nt Ht. Patrick's. T)urln;r rather Kuddy'tt nlay In thin P'trlnh ! made ninny filpmls hy Ills iiffilillltv. and tint bent wl-diei of all K with him to lilt new field. Rev. Thomas du iliuehy, 1). D tlr-llv-ricd n eiy able scitunu lost vtnliis lo a large- romrregatlon at the .Tnt k witi Street V.iptlhl chinch on "Oeiui liii Manhood." The nioinliur set vice nt the Wash burn Stiret PicsbyteiUn (hun.li e ii'tilay wiih In nieinoiy of T'ranrlM 11. AVIIIard It was Iho iiliniveiKiiy of ili famous woman's nnonutlon. Rev. rt C Logan, 1. lj, puachd nt tlif Sumner Avenue I'te-ifoytt'itiiii ihuicli lust evening to it lingo eongrc Ktitlon. The usual seivli"- weie held 'it thi I'll st llnptlst chuivli jesteidnj, nnd mow conducted bv tho pa-dor. Ilev. S. V. Mnuh-'w-. I,aige- i ongregalloni jitt-Mided both .sc'ivlcc. Tho annual inNilonaiy neimon was pi cached at the Hampton Slioet Mctii nllt I'pKcopnl chuicli yestciday moiiilng by tho jiahlor, Rev. Jaincn Rrmilngcr. Ills hubject vf.n "Tho Advancing Kingdom." Another ilns- ot pi ob ttloncrs was lecelvcd Into hurch inemljur.shlp. A conununlnn servlie find ipi cpUon 1o members was held at tin l'lymouth Congregational vhuiclt ypnterd.iv mm n Ing, after Mhlch Uev. Bo.vl pt cached one of bin most eloquent -ermon. At the Slmp'-on Methodist I'plMopal c Urn clt, vest-relay morning. i:e. A J. Van Cleft, of Dunmoio. culiaiigid pul pits with the pastoi, Uev. J. M. S-veot, IX V. The ofllclal boaid wll' moot this evening. "The Fulfillment of Prophet v Con cerning tho Son of Man" was the suli 1'ft of Rev. A. T. l'llilt'l's dsomilrt. ABOUT THIS TIME LOOK OUT FOR ( COUGHS i and COLDS take; DUFOUR'S FRENCH TAR. The Newest Creations in Silk Waists, Smart Rainproof Coats, Pedestrian Skirts and Suits, Are now on exhibition in our main fchow windows, and Waist, Suit and Cloak Departments. The display is by lar the most interesting we have ever made, and as it embodies all the ' " " new pretty fads and fancies for approaching spring, offers a i. ire opportunity for ladies to study fiom conect models what will be worn a couple of months hence when winters snows have gone, The New Waists Come in a magniticent range of solid colors and conio!naUons, all have the new sleeve in one form or another, while the extra touches of fashion and finish aie such as ensuie them favor with ladies ol good taste and discrimination. The New Raglan Rain-proot Coats in lull lengths lor the ladies wear, have all the style and swagger that woman of fashion desire, besides being the most useful garment that can find a place in any ladies wardrobe. Suits and Skirts iu the latest Pedestrian Suitings are simply perfect exa of stylish tailoring and exquisite taste. The line shown now leaves nothing to be desired and cannot fail to add popularity of this well known department Globe Warehouse .nt.piWiry"n",ii"i i n .it St. Mnrk's Lutheran church yester day morning, and In the evening ho spoke on th text, "Io, I Come, In tho Volume of the Book It Is Written of Me." Plymouth Church Notes. Monday nt p. m., Junior Endeavor, Mlxs Kdmi Hv.ins In charge. Tuesday evening, nt 7.13, weekly piner meeting. Wednesday nfteinoon nt i" o'clock the Ladles' Aid society will be ready lo open their "Colonial Sale," to con tinue Thursday nnd Fildny. It will bo well worth tho pi lee ot admission to see tho comfortables alono. Tho many other useful uitlcles which will he for sale are too numeious to men tion. The following menu will be Hied on tho Ettiopran plan each evening nt fi o'cloek: Clam chowder, banquet wafeis, plikles, ham unnd lchos, egg sandwiches, enke, Wood's Iloston cotfee.llai lick's malted milk, lee (i earn. Annual Society Supper. 'et Tliiiisdny evening between tho bourn of i; nnd 8 o'clock the Ladies' Aid hoi lety of the Washburn Stieet l-iesbyteiliin chinch will seivo one ot their splendid suppers. It Is needless lo comment on the spread, as It Is alwa.s well propaied and served In an eveellent manner. The menu will consist of clam boui llon, tld bits, cold ham, pressed beef, i learned potatoes, Parker House rolls, Jelly, bread, banquet wafers, chicken salad, t heeso straws, cake, coffee, lee cieam i-ti.i. Funeral of Mrs. Reynolds. ' mi' n Iho largest funerals "pen In West Seiantuii tor some time past was that which tollnwed the remains of the Sato Sirs. John Reynolds to tht Ir last lestlnn: pirn e In Washbuin stuet eeme. terj Satin da v aMeiuoon. The de coaijoil Mil- unlxti'iilly popitlai, and hei ft lends were nuinberlps. People fioni many plates gatheied nt tho house on South Main avenue to attend the sen Ices, which weie con ducted b Uev. D. . rpipklns, assist -el bv Rev. I!. I, Kvans. A tloublu ipinrtette tiiim tho riisl Welsh Hap tWl ehureli snnir n number of selec tion!' The pnllbwireiK weie T). AL .lones, Silas SValleis, Sainu 1 Pottlt. 'iliomas ISevnnlds. ll.txld SVIIIIams and .lohii M. IMw.ihI". Other Funeials. Tho luueial of ihe late Mrs l' ler Williams, who tllnl at her home near the 1'yne mlne. was conducted nt 2 o'clock estaiday afternoon. Sen Ices wete held at the house and Interment was made In the Washbuin stieet eem etei.v. The tuneial of tho late Mis. KH.a biilli Ulchaids occurred yesterday al teinouii 1iom the house, 550 Decker t ourt. Uev. I). P. Jones, of the Tab ernacle CoiiKtoKallona! church, olllel afd and burial was made In the Washburn stict t cemeterj. Tho pall In aieis were: David Powell, Da Id Pitchford, Thomas Dories nnd Mr. Thomas. The fuii"ial of the late Minnie Wiik ncr will take ilaco this utteinoon at tuples by us to the 3.S0 o'clock from tho house, 133 South Seventh street. Ilev. A. L. Rnmer, of St. Mark's Lutheran church, will onl clate, nnd Interment will bo made In tho 'Washburn street csmotery. Tho remains of the late Mrs. Esther Lewis, ncd 75 years, who died on Thursday nt the Home for the Friend less, were Intel red In tho Washburn street cemetery Saturday afternoon. Tho pall-benrers were thrco sons and a. son-in-law of deceased, Lewis a. Par ry, Corner Pany und David Gabriel. Notwithstanding the precautionary, mctl'totlH of tho board of health, theie wns ti htrpo assemblage at the funeral of Sirs. Zeltntlsh In Morris court Sat urday morning. The lcmntns were pri vately Interred, but the crowd went to the Lithuanian church In North Seranton, whero a mass was suiik. Services over the remains of tlw litu Thomas X. Williams will be con ducted nt thts house on Frlnk street at 3 o'clock this utteinoon, and In tho Shctman Avenue MIbfIoii at 2..10 o'clock. Ilurlnl will bo made In Wash, burn street cemetery. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. Theie will be a meeting of the James committee of United Jllno Workers of Atntilea ut St. David's hall tomoirow evening nt 7.30 o'clock. All locals are leciuestctl to send delegates. A stated meeting of Hyde I'aik lodge, Free nnd Accepted Masons, will be hclil this evening, commencing nt 7 o'clock. An applicant will bo bnlloted for, nnd work will bo pcrfoimed In tho H. A. and F. C. degrees. Tho Tilbuno conespondeut Is In debted to H. T. IJradshaw for one ot Ai mom's pretty calendars, which have been so much In demand. Bianch U, O. M. 11. A., held a meet ing yesterday afternoon and made nr lnncemcnts to attend the funeral of their late brother, Ilev. W. A. Nealon. Tho ICimlnle club dance will be held nt Mcar.s' hall, Wednesday evening, nnd tho D. nnd L. dancing class will hold n social theie this evening, llany AViigley, of Twelfth sttott, hail one of his flngots seveiely Injured locLiitly wlille at wink. 1'hlllp Yenlck, of West Lackawanna inenuo, had his aim fiautuied icccntly by fulling fiom a chair while cleaning window s, John SIcDeimolt, of North Sumner avenue, had an arm and leg lractuicd, and his head and lace lacerated by a fall of rock nt Hilggs' shaft on Satur daj. Ho Is In a precatlous condition at the AVost Side hospltnl. The mcmbP!" of tho local liUh (Mth olln lienevolent union will tender n bampiet not Tluusilny evening to the riiaud ofllceis In the Young Mcn' In stitute building. The committee In i hinge ol tho affair met yesterdny af ternoon to make the iiTnngemPiits. Linemen blasting on North Main avenue Saturday. In front of Thonins' Music stole nnd Ynos' lintel discharged u chnigo of dynamite In a poU hole, which bioke evei.il windows In both plates. o ope Wlls injured PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Sits. Chillies Chailes, of Pi Ice street, Is i onvales elng allei a long lllntss. .Mis. Frank Metz, of Tenth sticot, hns letuincd home fiom a isit to the lllellopulis. Miss Maine Kresgo. of Nut tit llvdo Paik avenue. Is home tioin a islt with midlives In Newton. Ml. Petit, of Noith llebeeea ave nue, who has been utllletcd with the glip, Is ipcoverlng. ills. Thcophllus liowen, of North Itobeccn. avenue. Is able to bo around again after an illness, MKs Maine Shaw, of Ashlov. Is tho guest of Mrs. Loulta Grass, of Noith li.vtle Paik avenue. I. W. Taguo. the funeial dltcctoi and turniuno dealer, is again able to dhcit his business after a sevcie Illness. Mis. Laura T. Wltlner. ot Noith Lin coln avenue, is spending a few days among i datives In Mamh Chunk. Ildwaid Ciihlck, one of the attend ants at the Hillside Home, Is III at the home of his patents on Pi lee stieet. Miss Mary Jloovei, of Noith Hiom ley avenue, Is repotted to be quite 111. Miss Llda Cotter, of Xew Yotk, Is visiting Mrs. Ciossln, of Noith Lincoln uvenue. Miss Maine liuuiett. ol Noith Lin coln uvenue. Is .suifering fiom illness. C. S. DePuy. of Lincoln avenue, is K-coveilng fiom un attack of the gilp. Mrs. A. M. Moise, of South Hiomley avonue, Is convalescing lioni tho gilp. GREEN RIDGE. Mis (Jcnrgc Stone, who hud been tho guest of Gieen Itldge iilemls, hits ie tuintd to her homo In Philadelphia. Mis M. It. Kns, of Sanderson ave nue, is lsitlng ti lends in Philadelphia. The Clllistluii llndeavnr society of the Green P.Idge 1'icsbytcilan church will glte a social to tho niembeis and thdr friends In the thutih pallors lo inoiuiw evening. A lingo dr legation fiom the social committees ot the dlf ftient Kntlcavor societies of the city Is expected to be pie.sent. James Ilea, of Sandeison n venue. Is able to bo mil again, aflei an attack of the gilp Select Councilman K. L. Meiilman is lecovcilng tioin a seiious Illness. Miss Koblnson's class of the Sunday school of the Chinch of the Good Shepheid will hold a sale or useful and tiinty ui tides, coffee, cake and candy In iho stilltl looms this evening, Kxtenslvp meparatlons are being made tor the lalt ot the Gtccn Itldge Wheelmen, which will be held in tho new club house e-aily In March. Alex. Lindsay, of Uochester. N. Y Is a guest at the home ot his patents, Mr. nnd Mis. Itobcit Lindsay, of Mon bey avenue. Mr. and Mis. II. H, Tleynolds, ot Monsey avenue, nio expected to land In New Yoik city today, on their le tum troin Kurope. NORTH SCRANTON. The Nelson Jubilee Slngeis gave n most interesting entertainment last Fildny evening befoio a Inige audi ence at iho Young Women's Christian association. Tho Nelson slnseis luivo visited this section befoie, but have never icndeied a piogiaiuuie like the one given Fildny. evening A lallio for two sets of mining tools, for the benellt of John l.enahan, will bi In id In m. Maiy's hall on Tuesday, Apill li. Miss Constant o rianiilgnn, of J'ltts lon. Is visiting Mrs. C. 1.. ciatk, of v ood stieet. Mis. Claia How i. of Ithaca. N. Y.. lis visiting Mis. Willluin Wolt. of clinic h avenue Muster Noinial Lynch, ot Chun h avenue, has ictovcied f.ioin an lllnesn. Ilev. it. W. Cljmor. of thl.4 place, Made an ilddtesn jeteida.v at the uung Men's t'lulritliin association lo.nii'i on Washington avenue. Ml news muttns foi The Tilbime vll leedve ipt attention If left In tin .In bo; ut Ii.tvli' ding stoic, tor- J ner of Main uvenue and Muikct btiuet. DUNMORE DOINGS LACKAWANNA TELEPHONE CO. GETS A FRANCHISE. Council by a Unanimous Vote Passed the New Ordinance' on Thhd Read lng on. Saturday Night Borough Teachers' Institute Rev. A. J. Van Cleft Talks on Mrs. Carrie Nation and Her Work Funerals ot Florence MUnor and Mrs. Jane Hennegan Fltzslmmons Injured. At-a speclul meeting ot the boiough council, held Saturday night the Lack awanna Telephone company was suc cessful In securing a fiiinehlsc, giving It the right to eiect poles nnd string wires upon tho boiough streuts. The pievlous efforts of this company to, spcuio tho right of way In the borough was defeated about six weeks ago, by a tie votei Messrs. Jones, McLaughlin and Payton favoring It and .McAllister, Wnrd and Drognn opposing. The new oidlnnnce contains several features which were not piesent In the previous one, nnd which were demand ed by those members who opposed It befoio. Tho rates are guaranteed sub iicilbein for tho term of five jenrs, and tho borough Ih given free 'phones, to bo furnished and kept In repair ns long us the finiiphiso shall bo used by this or any other succeeding company un der this ordinance. Their poles are llabla to a tax of CO cents each per year. Ordinance 8", regulating the matter of street excavations, etc., passed final leading at Saturday night's meeting. Teachers' Institute. The lioioinjh teachers held their monthly Institute in the high school Saturday morning. At P.13 o'clock the superintendent called Ihe meeting to older. Prof. W. W. Jones conducted the musical part of th progi amine. Supeilntendent Hovard briefly sketch ed some of the topics which weie dis cussed at the supeilntendent conven tion held In llnnlsburg. Miss Kve lyn Montgomery lend a very Interest ing und piactleal paper on spelling. An animated discussion followed, In which n number of the teachers took pait. Miss Kate McIIale's paper on "How lo lnteiest IJeglnners In ITnltd States HNtorv." contained many good suggestions and was followed by a bilef discussion. A teeltntlon, which was appi eclated by tho teachers. Miss I. L MatCroiy. piluclpnl of tho bust Hi s depai tment, lead a paper, tho subject of which was "Hlstoo as n Means of Teaching Patriotism." An Intel mission of ilfleen minutes was taken, uftui which Dr. Geoige P. Ulble, pliueipnl of L'ast Stroudsbmg State Not mat school, addtessed the Institute. In his aildiosf. he gave a number of practical hints in lefeienc to spoiling nnd lending nnd r.lso ns to methods of tialnlng Ihe memory. Talk on Mis. Nation. A huge congregation nt the Metho dist l'plscoial church lust evening, lis tened with deep lnteiest to ilev. A. J. Veil "left s nihil e.s, entitled "Mis. Na tion and Mm' Hatchet." All Chilstlans wi'ie uiged to use tbMr Inline me lit evetj ilghl way ngalnst the liquor evil, and while Mrs. Nation's plan wns not lonuneiided. Ur. Van Cleft thought gtuid lesults would doubtless follow her efforts to "save the boys from tho cuie of lum. He ipgretled to see the dilnk evil so stiongly Intrenched In Dunmore, that tlfl.v -eight applicants have this cir applic cl for Hcpiisps and b-,.d the day Is not dlstunt when the loiees that aio vvoiklng for home pioteotion would make u better showing. Tho law-enfoiclng league of Seranton was highly ondotsed, und the hope expiess ed that tho good wot I: cunmenred bv Mr. Sung s would be contlniiod, nnd extended to this community tilso. Tomoi low's Election. Tomoiiuw the votets have auoilier chance to say which paity shall take that go nt town affairs for tho iut year. On tho Republican ticket tho following w.ll known citizens nnd ptopetty owneis ask the votes of all those anxious to secui good govern ment and clean administration of bor ough affairs: Councllmeii. A. C Sn.vder, Angela I). Audi en. Si hool till tins, Rli haul Wcbboi and K. W. Iv-s. Tieasuier, Louis IhiIe. ticet i ommlsslouei. V J. Smith. Alldltoi. Tho. lletiwood. These nun have all demonttated thi'lr Htnoss tot the ot'iecs which tin y seek, nnd the piospotts aio that they will be elected by laif,e majoiltles Two Funerals. Tin- luueial ot Plot -Mice, the child of Mi. anil Mis. J. i:. Jlllncf, 'was In Id iiom tho pm cuts' home on Apple siiei I ytstctd.iy alteinoon. Rev. A. J. Van Cktt. of the Methodift Episco pal clinic'.. ullU'ltitcd, and a quartette fiom that chuivli snug sevoinl beauti ful selections. Intcimeni wus made In Lninnioio tenieteiy. The funo.al of Ml'" James HennpR in occuiied fiom her Into heme on Rail road stieet yestciday nltoinoon. A latge number of sympathizing friends! were piesent to pay the!. last i aspects to the dcpaited friend und r.clglibor. Inteiment wns made In Ml. Cnimel eemeteiv. A Miner Injuied. (leoigo Fltzslmmons, of Tlnoop stieet, a miner employed nt tha Nny Aup; collier, was tho victim of a paln tul accident on Ha tin day. In attempt ing to escape fiom a threatened lull of roof he was caught between a car and a pillar and badly squeezed. S-VPial tibs were bioken and lie re cpived several cuts upon the head und luce und was badly limited about tho body. He N resting comfortably at bin home undoi' a physli lull's cute. Personal Notes. Pi .1. H. (Inivey, of l)!nl;oy stittt, Is homo tin a tcv. days fiom New Viil:. whero he is puisuing a couisu ot study. 1'ioiesKoi 10. D. Boittd has leturned fiom hls leci'iit tllp lo Hunlsbuig, vvhcie ho u Headed ht meeting of thci tupeiluteuileiits ofthe s'nt". Jlis. A. H Diovvn, of ilieen Ridge SOME FOOLISH' PEOPLE MI,a i ouch In run tint 11 it til ln-jond ll.c litdi ct iiioillrlnc. lire oltrn .nj, "t)(i, It v.cur ju-jj," Inn In nioit mes It n etrar llirni uuaj. ( onlil llii ln liuliicisl lo tr.i tli mi 1 1. .lul id. rlf. li io t'.illnl linli' IUImiu, wlilih I mid on ii po-itlv o Kiiinintee lo i ore, Hiej would Imiiuilliitrli f llio rmtlltnt i licit n(tir tilll' liiu Hut iIiimi. I'iiio Hi, and jK, Piijl iUc Irtc, At all Utu.'slit. 1 J 8g stieet, has recovered fiom her recent sickness. Mis. John Whitman, of Mooslc, spent seveinl days In town lust week. Ltiwieiice Fowler, of Cheny street, is contemplating an extended Kuio ponti trip, for the benefit of his health, in the near future. Pea Coal $1.50 a Ton Dellveied. to South Side, central city and central Ilvde Park. Address orders to J. T. Shaikey, 1914 Cedar avenue. 'Phone CGSJ. SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. Funeral of. the Late Adam Mathels Held Yestei day Other News and Peisonal Notes. The limei.il of Adam Mulhels was held fuiiii ills late lesldence, on Ciown avenue, jesteiday utteinoon ut 2 :'.0 o'tlid-'k. The i .mains weie taken to St Mni.v's chinch, wheic set vices weie eomluetcil by Rev. Peter Chi 1st. In teiment was made In tho Twentieth waul cemetery. Tho pall-heal ets weie John Mehs, Raitholomew Schadl, August SchultiS and Charles Colman. The Annual Eepoit. The annual tepoit of the William Connell Hose company. No. !, for Hie year 1&C0 Is as follows Total numb t of alaims aiisweted, -Ti; bell ill n ins. Hi; still aim ins, S; genet al alarms, 1, number of feet of hose laid, ti '.ill): bonis winked at lire, 1,1; avtwige tlttelldani e of mt mbeis at Hies, i., 'Ihe William Connell i:ose company oignnied u Hi email's school last jeat. the lesult being u veiy ci editable e hlbltlon of llfe-sa Inc given on tin I Rnub building last Uctobei. The i om- pany Is aKo equipped with it nioJiin wagon and a complete set of llte-s.iv-ing apparatus. TOLD IN BRIEF. The eight-year-old son of Michael Wainshak fell down u lllght of stabs nt his homo on Rim stieet und dislo cated his elbow Joint. Oi. J. J. Walsh sot the member. Tho Rlnggolil band will hold tin Ir annual masqueiaile ball this evening al Athletic hull. Hidkemnn Hdwiitd Hovle. o l.'ig stieet. was stunk on the head with a niece of coke nt the South winks on Satin day. I)i. Qulnu diessed the wound, which tpqulied four stltehetr. Miss Cuunois and Miss tiallaghei, ol Plttston, have retuined hotnp, utter a week's visit with Mis Winltied Moian, of Fig sticPt. The meeting of the Fouiieen Ft lends was postponed Satin day evening until ntxt Saturday. Camp ISO. Patilotlc Older Sons of Aiueiiea. Will meet this evening at Haitmau's hall St. li cue's soi lety will meet this evenln at Phtumncy hall, Philip Flshei. of Ciowu avenue, will leave today for Hnnisbuig, whtie hi; lias act e pled a position In a lai'0 pi luting olllce. OBITUARY. Piofessoi C. Cole. Piolinvir t (d ni.-pil VI .',., ui I Hii. -t n. fdltur ind iiiljintl uf 'si iiik und sluii' " und i ui.. n ir.i will laumn In tldi nrt nt 1 1 io xtjtc, clu J on sjtiiiilij jt Mi home (icmi inu'i nioiiij, Mipeilndiiitd 'i la u, il.o bbt li-tui Id Uuitli, In ,'jtlni'ii In iiinlle id nut liliu mil jniiiiil with Hum in thu'l'is. "Viill lanu' lie " The jroitii was bt-iii In Nils Uiiy in ls'iO nnd i .imo tu kiu'ilnu to rekld' in !". He tau.'ld uial nnd lii.-uiiiin ni d iineik iui i IIiiim und lulu drtuted till wlf ln.il,v lu m I, u (I lie Inni-ligittlcr. He lueamo nn .iiJml atu dint c( a.Ntrunuiii and ilimatolosj. lie ltie,utn ni. ii'i..ralm which h tailed "Ihe I'loiiil' leo" ai cl ililmrd lint with tide ho was no i Mill to e Mar aid the othfi duiitl nun 1 1. Inly Hun with Hie n.t poutiful tiliMup-' Si loiitlU laughed ;t him but ho had a Una und ton-lstuit hillif in hU lliooilrc .nil h.i I itiko a (olluwini; who brume h'u1ji .ubsuib rs lo hli monthly "-Winn and SIkii," whhli cciilalnoil uiiiliteiiw icaidlui; I hi' viatlir mul liifciiniattcn r,-ii inline Ih,. pinpn time to peifonn certain dellc IjihI upon t Ulltf In tho tlieorj' cf Juitltir,t Inllncntc. 'flm iKceJ,ed U "iiivlved i a e.lilow and two daui;htei, I'miii laid lottl" lln' ttinir.il will tuke djip liuin ll.c liiudlv iiilJ.mi' toii'oiii.u nitrtiicon at '.,ti o'tloik .m, I h.tcriiitiit will In iiuilo in I'mly 1'irt coinctei,!. Hnuy Woods. H.,11.. Wioib, foumiu In the I .nk n,ini i mi. ililnc sli.M's. dlid nil I'cldiy nlulit ut Ihe I, tin Menud riIdeliiii of hum llil, Willi wlu.ui be lmaidcil. lln. doit. .Mil ui. SU s'i.U' nli! .mil i Olii,' ti lliu city (nun ihliauo sunn four iimhtlK uku, II o liiul.e luc ken hhliipcd lo ( hli i;,i fot Inlir nn i.t Thomas Moian, II, ,lill. Miiuu, Of 101 CiiUou kin 1 1, ,1ml Saliiidiy altu n llnse-rliir IIIum, 'Hid iltetjked'it will illnl ahuut kI( i lunlli. ago nnd time then In hid laaduilly lailc.i until iKmIIi claimed Mi i Fatunbj. Ilo Is Mtiwud bv nine ihlldrrn as foll,, Vilhiine, Miillirw, .linns, llumu., IVI. Hu, llii'lklt, Kitle Sidle atul Mrs, .l,mn'e lied Ulni.li.li and Mr. I'.r.ilil Noiluu. Mis. Isaac Gilei. VI enl has Km ir.iheil in thU tliy n( Hy, ilfilli nt Vr. I.iao (hler, of Punlllc on 1'iMiy lu.t. 'Hie dufasiil fuiiueil) lhed in this city and Look at this! Every lover of good food should become acquainted with this design the design found on the ends of the "In-er-seal Patent Package." The only package that preserves the freshness and goodness of biscuit, crackers arid wafer from the baker's oven to the housewife's table. When jou order Soda, Milk, Graham, Oatmeal and Batter Thin Biscuit, Ginger Saapo, Vanilla Wafers i nnd Reception Flakes, always ask for the kind that . come in the " In-er-seal Patent Package." NATIONAL BISCUIT The funeral will be licl.l in D.nville this af ternoon at t o'clock. l'ugeni' Darrctt, the .Ijftrrild "n at Mr. and Jlis. .tolm Ham It, ol 040 Jlaplo ttrrct, died list nlclit of croup. Funerals. The (unc-ul ot tlieditc Tatrkk O'Hoio, tf HIC U;islil union neitiuo, will U'c plaec thU uiotuinf,. A liiirli lures of requiem will lie celebrated at St. Paul's chmch at l) o'clock and Intciint-it will bo nude iu St. Marj' ci-intler.i, Huiinion. The funrral of Corjioral Henry 1'. Ilirt, who died In tho Philippines, will be held this morn init t 10 o'clock. A ici'idcm high inns tll be relelirated ill St. Paul's church. Interment velll be made in Cathedial rcmelrry. The fur.iul of Ml-ii .Trmiie DIkIIii will be lulil tllx inornlnc; at 1f o'clock. A hi(,h miss of re HUlim will bo celebrated in St. lVtcr' cathc dial Inttiment will lie in Cathedral cemetery. FOB, THE MEN'S OU1XD. EnteiUlnment Tonight at St. Luke's Palish House. What piotnlses to be n very Inteiest- ing euteitalument will bo given tonight ut St. Luke's patlsh house, lor tho benofll of the Men's guild, by Fred click V. Tinman, who wilt present a seiio-eomli bulletin, "Oliver Twist," In which lie Impersonates the follow ing tmmoitul chntacteis of Dickens: Oliver Twist, mi. Humble. Noath Clay pole, Mi. Huiwnlou, Old Fnglli, .Ml. ilfhuwlg, lilll Sykts, Judge Fang, Mi. Villain, Polite Ollleei, Tobv I'lacket. Jitlloi. Monks. The Aitlul Dodger, Nancy S.vkes, Rose Mayllc. -Mis. 'oi ni V Mis IP-dulii, Mis. Miimi. Char lotte, old Susan. Miss lu-ne Knnn Piofessoi J. 'Willis Conant and John Jone will leiuioi niti-deal selection i. The complete piu gi limine follows. Ors;in SUctiun, Vlaieh Wil.e.. .. Pinf toiuut Vrt l'lul, Olictr lwii Mi. Tiumiii Solo, The llib.ni.l, by Win II. sjienei..Mi .loins Vit scci.i.d, ollei i wt Mi. liiunin soli, M lh ut if The Srnel Voiee," fiom sjii imiii and llelllal VIUs kirn Ait rhlid, Oliver Till Mi. liumin Hood Mvlit CRITICISM IS MODIFIED. Judge Edwnids Admits His Remarks Were Too Geneial. A fit i healing the protest of the I.lovd street piopert holders and making an Investigation on his own account J lid i,'.' l'dwaids ailinlt" that the criticism he upplled to that thor oughfaie und Its pontile, lu passing sentence iceently on Andiew ilillusky, was a bit loo g ueral. The piopcnty holdets In their reprc sentutlons to the Judge pointed out that on the two blocks eompilslng I.loyd stieet theie me seventeen tesldcnt pi opci ty holdeis and twenty othtr adults on the stieet who have never been anested or culled Into tolirt lu any case, and that theie ate only a few persons In the two blocks who uto iimulv. Judge- lMwuids said, tu modltylng his former stuteinent: I hie Instuiiic i-l owe ho i ceiiipauiueli fv, liwless p.eple will klw n Hioel or a lorillte a bad name 11 m ins lllll i.lmil li..t u'l-l-li of i in IiIiiiVs Vlv eiliuit Inwlidm" of It in. ci.cch about cue Idii lln flit -Miami be '! leakd that cui.iln lull, lis ill that Mitel lnu I t tin uiils lui-e or tin last iwibo 'i i III bUiliieina (.liii-k), i i.iiiltninil I.I ml Mm tHienilb. Vllu toin- lii'iin an! iieii'tlo'il n I i.i fulblicd lliil Hill w I- I lll.llkl-. I li. ..i.t of iK- iisld'iiK of IPs "ircel in liv dbldlua u.d urulaMtf cilleii u.d ehplore die. r.mitltlnii or ihlnas icKrn.il l" as lunch as th cur tvli. I verv lujilllv i scnipt Hum fio.u Ihe fiitleli.in midi let "eel. I nil pleas d thai tie Kiuinlltei call. el iin.u nn Thf , Miluid to be- ljuicjI ml .ulllalul bv Imliui idle inntlM- mid I lis v nude a luud nalinunt ot ih- can nt ami umn. ol iiuiihle cm ihcii tmr. 'I In hae piuiul d lo ..piialc wild tie o,' isrs' ef the lav. in llitli i tloris ! ninoie the ti ulii 'lie ioiiiN hue done all liny e.in, but iiuu nu bem ven ci citt-eii I PAST COMMANDERS' DEGRLE. It Was Confened by Giaud Com lnandoiy of Knights of Malta. A session ot the Cliund cununaudeiy of i'eunsylvanla, Aneloiit and Illus UIous Older Knights of Malta, wus held in Oucinsey hall on Satuulay night, when the degree of past com-mundi-i' was conferred on the follow ing candidates. Wesley Roberts, "11, Horner S. King, 2J1; James A. Hiubon, 'JJ2. William C. Vuught, -'; H- 11. iluldi-mun. ".'S; Sld nej Owens. i."iJ, Rlehaid Robei ts, LTiJ, tlrlfflth Jones. "21; Hnooli AVllllam', 2jJ; W Ii liaulson, 12: Jumew J. Thomas, JoJ W. 11. Thomas. 251 j Alnam (M'kiell, 2J0; V. II. Hrentou, 7S; W. A. l.asli, 2J0; S. Watklns, 2."U, i'l-ten i!lab, 2S: Heoigo 11. Stephens, 212: F. Davles, 177: Rudolph M. l.esh, 1 ."..", Cass Moigan, 177; F. II. Reese, 211, Jonah 1', AYllls, 240. John M. Ree;.e. 210: W II. Rclliharl, 211; Sainitel Costlett, 211: Oscar Morgan, 2is, Fied C. Hortz, 211; M. J. Webster, 211: David l.lod, 2tl. Thet lusiallllig olllcers weio as fol lows: eliaud Commander. John laolb singi'i. Hrand fieneiallsslmo, Jacob W. llogaii, fSiand Captain Geneial David Davis, ilrund 1'li'la.to Richaid liuclu.lt, Onind Recoidcr Oeoigo II. Fierce, Senior Warden W. S. Uaitlutt, Junior Wuiden Jameti Watklns, fliand Wni den I 'win R. Joins, Oil und Sentinel D. W. Johns, Swoid-bjuier H. A. Kvans, Standuid-bcater John lvuns, First Ciuaisl Thennas Sanstiubaugh, Second liiniul Jumes I.yibin, Aftev ih') bibUlUtluu I'.ut Supiciuc COMPANY. AMUSEMENTS. vn -f -W LYCEUH THEATRE, ukis & nimnu.vpnrt. i-cwto. A. J. DUFl'V, Manager. Monday, February 18. Return Engagement of the Dis tinguished Artiste, Sarah Cowell Le Moyne Lelblcr & Co., Manager. Presentlne Hirrlet 1'ord'n and Iteatnca rxMHIe'i I'aKcinatlng Comedy Drama, The Greatest Thing in the World Supiorteil by a utrons company of dramalio urtUU, includina Haloid Ru- -f. ell, Adelildo 'Iliurtou, John t.lendin- . nlntr, I'anelion C. Campbell, C'harlea Stanley, Mii. lilendlunlnir, Walter "" Thoinij, John Mattheivs, Anni O'Malley, -f. 1 ilwln Jamei, liank Lauder, CornelU , Hunter. 7" "Any man who loe bi mother will appreciite thU play." V. V. !un. -ft ritiCEb 'iic.. 50,-., TJe., and $L. 4. fceaLi on etlc l'rlilay it II a, m, . "f-f.-f-f-f-f-t-f-f-f-f-f-f-f ACADEJTY OF HUS1C, PUIS & UUUtUJNDUR HARRY A. BROWN Uanigcn and Lessee. Local Manager. .Mtractbni thl-i re". .UONPAY, 'It'l.SDAY AND WLUSLSPW. Uuil Matinee. Carl Hsrvvln and Ids Company present A LION'S HEART. ihuusOay, rniDAY and satubday. IHuaJ Matineete Go Wan Go Hohawk, The I-ilivn Actross In "THE FLAMING AEBOW." VUtinee Vrlce lr and Ui ccnU. laming Piicea 15 23, 33 and 60 cents. NewGaietvTheatre AI.F. G. IIEIIKI.SGTO.V, llanager. 'Diee Daiii Beginning Monday Matinee, Feb. 1 THE RAMBLERS. Willi Hi! Hurkc Eros, und "Vl Mlkt." DR, DEKSTEN Fbjs!c!an isd Sareoa 311 Sprjsi St, ltKp.e tcart Building SGK&H10H U. U acute and chronic dicaej of men, vtn ni',n and chUdr,-n. CHHOMel MJtVOCS, 1HVI.V AXD WA-sri.M-1 C1SEASLS A Sl'tC !ALr. All ii'-!"' ' the Liver. Kidneys Hladder. fciln. Bo.od. .Servos, Womb. Eye. tar. Vie. Throat, nd Lun,-, Cancera, Tumor'!, i'ilts Buplure. Ooltre. UhcumatUm, Asthma, Catarfh tlleoelc. Ia.t Manhood. Klghtly mUloiia, all I emale Dneuwt. Leuconhoea. etc.. (.onuonliea. ujphilHj. Blood Poison, Indlsere. tico mul ycutlilul hablu obliterated, faurgery. Vit Fpllept-r. T"! 1U1 stomach Wornu. CA. 1 MIRH070M". perihe for Catarrh. Threa nioiillia" treaiinent onlv V.00. Trul tree ia ofllee Conaiiltation nod etaralnatlon free. Of. tice hotn- daily and Sunday, B a. m. U p. ni. DR. DENSTEN t'onunandei PIoico oxomplilleil soine or! the iinvvi Itton iltinillstlc vvoik nnd then all in ncnt vvoie entertained at u ban quet .served umlcr tlio direction of .1. Kt'tie-inl eoiiimitteo leiucsentlns nil tlio eoinnmndc'ileH In Lacluiwjnnii, county. r. W. PEARSALL IN THE CITY. Spoke nt Meetings Yesterday to Itall 10 ad Men nnd Rescue Mission. Frank V,', Peuisall, assistant secre tary of Rallioad VounuMen'a Christian nssoclatlon In Now York city and for merly RpcicLiry of tho local Railroad Younii .Men's t'hrlatlan association, re newed old nuiiuiilntaiicea In this city nnd addiefted two mec-tlngs yesterday, one In the afternoon at tho Rallroatl Youiiff -Men's Christian association rooms nnd one nt night at the Reacua Mls.slon. At the last named meeting- he reae! a few veruea from tho eighteenth chap ter of the Kospel accoidlng to Luki'. iKricilbini; the iinswer of Christ to tlicl younh' in.iu who nuked Illm what hrj Hi 1011 lil do to uu saved: "Go and sell ull that thou hast und follow me." In IiIk tilitlu, innetleal nnd heart-ton henit way Mr. Pent still drew tho lesJ HiuiH fiom tills text. In theso twe viouls 'follow me," ho said, were In cluded nil that was necessary for the (-nlviUlim of any man's soul. To gri out In the world nnd do as Christ dlej was tho simple uilo which every truJ Chrlstlnn should follow. Leyds Returns fiom The Hague, ftrtisiilf. Till. 17.Ilr. TciIa. Ilia Tran.vif dlnlemutlu aceut. retuined here last eienlnL-1 troui Tho llairue. Ills liasuasre ia.i placed for a moment lu tin- let Undo of his residence, and! hhortly allei-wanl It was aaeertalned that thlevca luil uf rid the home by fnli-e Leys and stolen a valine- coutainluir diplomatic papers. The po lite atu lutiutui' tuc matter. ' - 'B'Hr, -Vt.. a trN., -Uai- i-J ---ff- 1 -..ll -