-s THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE- MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 11)01. rrr. Monrnv iiAttmvARE stone. Beauty and Usefulness Are combined in the new thermometers this year. Some have fancy llovver borders, others are gold plated. Yon re quite sure to find anything you need in the thermometer line here. Prices from 10c up. Footc & Shear Co. 119 N. Washinjrton Ave STATEMENT OF THE I OF SCR ANTON. United States Depositary. At tlie close of business Dec. i$. 1900. RESOURCES. Loans nnd Investments 53,175,478.38 I Banking House . . Cash and Reserve. 536,870.10 $3,750,057.10 LIABILITIES. Capital ? 20002' Surplus 500,000.00 Undivided Profits . . . 57,005.20 Circulation 100,000.00 Individual Deposits . . 8,415,536.08 U. S. Deposits 422,720.39 Due to Banks 54,785.53 83,750,057.10 WILLIAM CONNUMn Tic'ldent. HENRY BUUK, Jit., Vice-President. WILLIAM II. PUCK, Oiliier. Bonds and Guaranteed Stocks I am pUtin; a few diode jeenrittej connNttiu of 7 por cent, fully giilMnteed utock and 3 per frit. M;inl-jttnuil Interest Gold Bond. In blocu. $100, 0O and 01,000. accompanied by a'oo; liriniH, atlardlns a r.ire opportunity for large or .null tMkiliocnt. At Office. C und 8, Ljuenm icc1e. Mondays and SUturdaye. At thr tlm-?. I" p;Jl s pointr,i.:it. Robert Van Schoick, AiiiIiMtite llMilet Matuscr of The North Anuil. ieu rinapi'leiln; votppany. NATIONAL BANK Lewis, if Ruddy, f!ttij,!ll Dairies JflBliHLii Vijjgjr A.B.WARMAN. WEATHER YESTERDAY. Local data tor rrbiujiy 17, IWJli Highest limpratnrt 4 ilri- I.ourtt temperalum II ilixire llumldil) . S.i. m. HI pel ci m. e- p. in vi por e-enl. Pnnvvfall, JI livma ni.lin, t p. i.i 'Iijip PERSONAL. ("aptulii .1. ('. IXl.iney, i,f Haul-In ic. u .11 tlm Co.vne House. Mli (Inilh, f AUciiIomii, l tie sum vt he. vulcr, lira. -I. .MruiiiJu, Ji., ol CUy ntemie. M'rlmlpal Of'tae P. HILlo, ot miiuhIJiihr Niiiiul aihool, it btmiiSF N'riiiilon't aliinb tlellou. Utorge Power, ol llullii'if iinihie tiie, n louipanlcd liy hlx iU runil je.lnJjy ul V. j-i I'lttiton, tlm Kui'iU vt Mi. jnil Mih. ll.iiiul-ter, f I'aiKe' ttiert. 'Ihornui D. Van U-un. tlm mil l.iiuii the atrkal iiuiukci- fonnrily hi iluixc in ili- liairly, j In the (ity lat ulglil ulllnir en old filcnd., Mr. Van d-ren 1 till connected with the Al IUeei company width will he In Hie city thl eew. MKt 1-ie W ill, ot ( lii'ttliul Miiet, whu h,u Ln emplojed ui klinotrapher in Jolin T. I.n etl'n olllce for the pa,t .teal, lu. lednued her portion and hai ntrcd the employ nt tlm Col. licry Cnplneer company ot Stianlon, pj,, a ! until ( the International L'uiK.pondiiKo fi'.licol of fiiiaiitoii, V-Jlt Will wa c onnecliJ illi tl.c International Loirr'poiidrrku Khodla t'tfme the? eaiiio to Hid Paul.. lied null., V. '., lli;iter. lire, lttctard O'llileii and manddjucldei, Mar. Joile, n leave th mornini; to attend thu an nual cooientloii cf the "P.iiijhtcn uf tho Amcil- Uan Reolutlon," In hi held In Wahl!iftuii due. I lug the pifsent weel.. IIeadiUJilcia will ho al the hbbltt Hoiue. Girat Intcic.t inunlfe,ttl In the expected election of a president evihi il to aneceul Mr. Daniel Manning. Mr. Donald McLean, of w York! Un. Senator KahbanW, o( lidiaiui, and Mn. Wa.hlntoii A. ItochlluE, of New Jeraey, r promliKiitly mentioned for the onk. 1h "Children ol the American Reo lulloii" lll l elvrn a reception by Piraldeit Mcriluley on Tnday ond aw on Wadilncton'a birthday ) the olrurr of Hie fccnnul toiiety, DiucMtrs of (he Ar.itrlcin involution, t Hottl Cothrin. At tlic-lr liomc, Ml Aittni nvrntie, on Salur day evening, Mf. tid Mr. W. Holies enlcrtalncj a liumbrr of iweei In honor of their Utile daughter, Mjrllt', Mttlidiy. fltmn of alt klml rie lnduliteit In by Hie tllllo on" 'lll 0 o'clock, Wrlin tlif.v vte lnllrd to tin rlln ln loom hcio ihlnly lunch awdtlct tliciit. After pattnUnn of tlif-e Silt ilooney look a ItjelilUlit pkt lire of the luii.i pjrty. "aIihi "II departed for tlelr liniw, ldilte Jll Mjrtlo ir.my tuiTJ' liltthdijf. Tlio piewnt viici I'lorciito and Helen Complon, fylli Koote, Hello Tcote, Arlltio IVmte, I-ni nnd IMItli HciiiM., Matilda, I'liui. Mb" and t'red Imt, Oriee Hall, I'.lir.cr ll'tmle. lUlic-l I'liUHl. ltnlttt Siinpwn, Mik. V. II. WII.on. Jbrlle ll-Un and drnnle Wutner from Stroml-bur. FEDERATION OF LABOR. Charter Piesented nt Meeting Yes terday by Lindeny McMillan. The pecond of a series ot Unco meet ings Tor tins admission of charter mem bers to the Federal Labor union, No. SSiS, whs held In Carpenters' hull yes terday afternoon. President Humphrey B. Campbell called the meeting to order. Lindsay McMillan, of Klcctrlc City lodge. No. 230, of the International Association of Machinists, presented the organization with n charter from the American Fed eration of Labor. Mr. McMillan's presentation speech was brier, but In It he urged th members never to do anything: to bring reproach on the charter. Over eighty names weie enrolled yes terday and a very careful list taken on specially prepared enrds, which when the lodge Is fully organised will be used In making m the vole on the nine hour day pending, ho that any petition to the companies will repre sent the sentiment of the entire force. Tho meeting adjourned until Satur duyy February 23, which will be the last meeting for tho enrollment of charter members. YELLOW Wirs SUICIDE. Small Canine Leaped from Roof of Three-Story Structure and Was Instantly Killed. A uiunbet' of spectators yesterday afternoon witnessed the suicide of "Pilnce," n young dog owned by Frank Monroe, of SOS Washington" ave nue. What prompted the nnlmal to Its desperate djeil in not known; and the motive Is likely to remain ob scured in doubt forever. The canine leaped fiom the joof of tho th rep story brick structure at Washington avenue and Linden street, and striking on tho pavement directly In front of Itelsman's news stand, was instantly killed. Fracture of the skull and vertebra nt the base of neck are pionounced to have caused death. It was 2 o'clock when the suicide occurred. The dog, a small specimen of the senna "yaller dog" was frisk ing playfully about the roof, on which Its young muster allowed It to take a short al rills'. Suddenly, ns bilsk Ixuk from the street attracted Its at tention, Prince scampered to tho edge, looked down, nnd recognizing either canlno friend oi- enemy save several shrill yelps, and then wildly scam pered about the playground once niotr, A few Instants later, however, it gath ered up speed, and lushing again to the end slopped abiuptly, directly over the Tuiklsh Uaths' establishment, nnd then, with a sad, plaintive howl, leaped off. The Monroo family ate of the opin ion that the untortunate dog, to which they were greatly attached, was pois oned. Dr. W. S. Decker, who exam ined the remains, dcilaied that the ani mal was poisoned. WRONG MAN CONVICTED. SUCH IS THE CLAIM MADE BY JOSEPH RESTOVER. Says Another Man of the Same Name Did Deed and That He Is a Vic tim of Mistaken Identity. AHIiourIi Joseph Uestovcr was i ou vloted by twelve good men nnd due of the chaise of being one of the quai- tettu win assaulted Joseph liugots, dm lug tho strike trouble ut Old Forge, the court Is so impressed with Ues tovcr's claim that It Is another man of the same name and not hf who did the deed, that it refused to sentence him with the other three, Hnlmduy, and let hint go under ball until County Detective Phillips Investigates the matter. All dining tho trial Uestover Insisted that ho was the victim of mistaken identity, and when railed for sentence his attorney vigorously contended that his client's claim was true. The court wts moved to give him the benefit of tho doubt, und now it devolves upon Uestover to show the county detective that tho other Restover H the nun who should have been arraigned. Joseph Derovnnko and Paul rhun duk.viho were convicted with Iteslover, were given four and throe months, te speotlvely, and In the case of Mrs. Pevevanko, tho fouilh of tho convicted (liiartette.sentenco was suspended until today. It as Hie intention of the court that Frank Wcopp should servo a year In the county Jail for tho two eases of larceny and receiving of which hi was convicted last we 2k, Inn owing to tho fact that Judge Arclibald, be fnie whom h was convicted of the second cliHlge, supposed that Judge I'.dnaids had alven him eight months, Instead of six months, as was the case, Wcopp sets off with only ten months' Impilsomuent. IMward Rush and Mary Costello, convicted of selling liquor without a license, were each sentenced to n line of $500 and thice months In the county jail. Wllllum Mlttlemau and Nicholas Goplello, who were found guilty of tiu flic-kin? in registered bottles, each, wcio sentenced to pay a line of $25 nnd the costs. Frank Zllhiskl, who wtis convicted of assault ami battery on an indict ment which also charged robbery, ,vas given six months In the county J.UI. Thieo months' imprisonment was tho pot Hon of Itaifaello f.amarta, convicted felonious wounding. Sentence was su&pended In the cases of Mouls Posner and Hairy Tlossard, ponding the disposition ot rules for new trials, Sentence on Frank Compton was de ferred until othercases pending against him am disposal of at the next term. Theie will be a rummage sale for the benefit of Penn Avenue Daptlst church next fiaturday, all day and evening, also during the day Monday nnd Tuesday, February 18 and 10, at 1S6 Wushlnston avenue. Send contri. tuitions to ISO Washington avenue, Thuisday and Friday. INSURANCE MEN DINED BANQUET TO STAFF OF FRU DENTIAL COMPANY. Those Who Weie Present at This Annual Event Supevlntedent Schubeit, Who Has Charge of the Scranton District, Was the Toast master Address Delivered by Di vision Manager Xing, Who Told cf the Splendid Woik That Is Being Done Others Made Addresses. The 1'iudeutlal lusilianee comp.iuy of America have icasou'to feel pioud of their Scranton staff, and the latter In tuin are mou limn proud ot their superintendent, II. J. Schubert, because of his Unliable disposition and genet al good will towards nil ot them, and be cause of the mngulllcenl reception nnd dinner which Mr. Schubert ptovlded for them ut Hotel Terrace Saturday evening, al the lllth annual gathcilng of tho Insurance winkers In Ibis field. In point of excellence Mine Host White outdid his splendid effort of a year ago. Tito menu was par excellence and consisted of blue points on half shell, bisque of clams, fried Iong Island smelts, tartar sauce, Julienne potatoes, celery, olives, tadlshes, York state turkey stuffed, cranberry Jelly, mashed potatoes, brown swept potatoes, string beans, bread and butter sandwiches, punch n la Terrace, chicken patties, French poa. cutlets of deviled veal, potato croquettes, hot house shredded lettuce, mayonnaise dtesslng. Ice cream and assorted cake, Impoited sbeny. Fast mountain llthla, coffee, cheese and crackers, .cigars. From 7 to R o'clock Rupeilntendent Schubert and his men held an Informal icceptlon In the parlors of tho hotel, wheie lepiesentntlvcB of Ihe home ofllce, superintendents and assistants, Inspectors and agents nil joined In a genet ul lencwal of friendships and handshakes. Among them were: THOSE AT THi: TA15I.KS. II. ,T. Sclmbut, sHpeiinteiideiit. Scranton. W. 1. Kinir, diilon manage!, Newark. N .1.1 'siir wl T. Tronic, aiWant ililion manager. Niwailc, V. .'. : W. S. S'orUnif, In-peetoi, rrli.refon. X. .I.i Superintendent V. K. (jiiinlin. PolKillIc; P. I'. Klclty, Jlarleloii. JlodUat Kvainlii. r. Dr. I". I., ilrandrr, i'or-a City; Dr. Julm S. Jillc. Culmndalr; Pr. S. I). l)al, .fenum; Hi. William Vim Dnreu, An'.i luld; IV. V. 0. I'uUoii, SiMiitmi; Dr. I). .1. V.Vhb, S-ranton: Dr. .. .1. ll.-ker, Dnryea; Dr. II. II. Clbby, rut-ttm; Dr. A. K. I'lltK lla. l.y; Dr. .1. P. .laenb, Tlirocp; Dr. W. W. .lenl.li'e. (ihphant; Dr. '. A. .fcnnlna, Plttslnnj Hr. I". II." liU; White Mill! Hr. .11. W. Hrail;.. Ilnneeililc. Strantoti Marl .1. Mow in. luM I. IS. Hi'l. niktant siipeilntendent: Atint", .1. llnppenlhil, .1. X. Tramer, V. J!rf'ahi:i, tl. M. lfe.ni'. v. V. (Inh'rn. A-"i-tant Siipoiliitendent, M. HlffKerry; Asenlt. . .1. Iloran, C. 1.. Iliuait. I. (ircii. It. I' I.iwrio, 1.. W. IVelter. II. V. Tajlor. AittrUnt SnpeilnleinU.il, A. II. S'niihi Aseni. .1. V. Mcr.irlhy. . T. De. oe, J. II. MnrJn, C. II. (libb, V. A. Coki.ian. Asdi-tant Supciintindtnt, A. II. Kie.levj Rnt, S. .1. ILiiL-ie, (. II. Kiele.i. . II. llecli, John Kane. Altant Siipfiliiteud'iK, '. Ainiiieriiim, Aeetit. ,T. ('. Ilin-a, .lulni flionei, line-dale. Aitant Siipiriiilendenl, .1. O'Milleyj Acente, D. II. liiger, 1!. P. Ileee, .1. IVotho, A. V. Ui'jlief, Caibmidale. AM.Ut.1i1t Siiperiiitiiuhiil. (I. . i;rioi.l; lieiil. .1. Allan, .lo'm Cahano, P. Mnlljllj, . I. Hill, .loeph n. WalVir, PaibMnlile AwMuiit Supei Intend' nt, ('. ". (.'jiui'.ir Agent. W. T. Cuiiiniiiia. 'I'. lhirl e, .1. .1. Dowdier, . (!. llet. V. I.lnde, Willi mi 'iil.fii, Dl-phiiit. ..ll ml Siipciliilriidinl, .1. I. Xriirrr; A-fi n' -. .1. II. W.ii.l. .1. J. lJing, .1. II. MiDiiiiioll, Tjv h.r. Akdl.inl Siiperiiitdidenl, 1, W. (liiei; .Uelu, W. ,T. Selull, D. W. Schill, .Insepli I'o.ine, Pitt. Ion AgMitsC. Ii. IleBnil, !'iile Ariel; K. 11. Luii, .1utu; M. (!. Cti.lO. mid P. .1. MiilUiiin. Mi nooUa; .1. J. Gallagher, Nr.mtor. MUSIC BY JOHNSON. As Prof, Johnson, the blind piunlst. began a march on the piano, tho guests began filing Into the dining hall. When all bad reached their chairs, Supotin- lendent Schubert gave the order to be seated, and then followed the serving of the menu already referred to. Dur ing tho Intel vat between the Hist and last couises, the boys couldn't net "Too Much Johnson," and the accom plished player tipped out lastinic, patriotic and popular music as fast as his Instiument woul( permit. The performance by this aitlsL was really worthy of special mention, nnd when he played "llally 'Round the Flag, Hoys," Immediately theie was nn uproar, led by the "Uncrowned King," and instantly every one in tho loom was on his feet singing nnd wav ing napkins. It was the signal given by Division Manager King for the men to jnlly around the Hag of their com pany, and the Inspiration for the Scranton men to place Superintendent Schubeit nnd his division nt the head of the business for the year lliOl. At 10 o'clock order was lestored, nnd Toastmaster Schubeit lead letters of resiet fiom a number of otltclals who were unable to attend. Division Man ager King was then Introduced and he gae Ihe men a lengthy argument of what was expected of them during the current year. He said the Prudential rnmpanv was highly pleased with its foiren In the anthiaclte regions ot Pennsylvania, and pointed with pilde lo their conduct dining tho leceiit coal slilke. "You faced it like title Piuden tlal soldiers," he said. Tho lon of business dmlng that period, the speaker said, was compara Great , Fruit Sale. 2jo box Orauges ou -sale this week, California and Florida Oranges. E. G. Com sen Headquarter, tively small, and during the entire year the Increase otor 1859 wns $280,529, and jr2,703 over lDflo. The collections were kept up to 99 per cent., and they came out No. 1 In luciease ordinary. The year limi, said the division manager, Is lo ba the best lu the history of the company, and ho predicted that Inside of the next twenty years the Pniden tlal will lead all the Imurance com panies of the world, Already the company 1ms u loial field forco of 10,fl:',l men, ami u total working foice of H.9.10. Over $131,003 win paid out to policy boldeis last your, and there are four million policy hotdeis lu the company. The icmiiltider of hit talk was devoted in Instructing the men In Ihe sen-Ice. and his re nutrltf wcio attentively listened lo, and liberally applauded. Hefore closing, Mr, King exacted a pledge fiom bis men lo each write ut least one nollcy n day during 1001. Then followed n number of chal lenges and acceptance) among the as sistant supmlntcudcuts and their men, for contests on eniollmcnls, which will mean special u wauls for the wlnnois, Asslslnut Division Mtiuar-cr Frome ad UliI tho assistant superintendents not to look for a Ken Is among the clgnicttc smoking corner loufois, and gave the agents some substantial advice i da tive to the woik In which they are en gaged. SCT.ANTON M:D. lie also said that Scranton led nil the supeilntendents ot Pennsylvania riming the past year, and that lh Prurientlal was the only Ameilcau in surance company that received a gold medal at the Paris exposition. Short addresses followed by Assist ant Superintendents (Irlswabl, Hog get ty. Allen. Qulnlan. O'Malley. Hull, Smith, Kielty.Amcrmau, Agents CJreen, Ward and others. Inspector Htocktorf, of Princeton, also spoke, and Intimated that the company needs tho faithful nnd loyal service of the staff. He closed by urging "the old gunrd to gut together and be up and al them." Following the speeches, Supei Intend ent Schubert was presented with nn alligator traveling case, nnd special prizes weie awatded to Agents John Kane. S. J. Ilanse, J. J. (lallagher, P. .1. Mullally. M. fi. Cuslck, W. Hauison and O'Malley. It was after midnight when the guests dispersed. SHOOTING AT CRESCO. CHESTER STAPLES IS DANGER OUSLY WOUNDED. Theie Is a Great Hole in His Leg. Hns Lost so Much Blood That Death Is Inevitable. "tliuee up, dad: we aie going to pull through all light." Although moi tally wounded, Chester Staples, of Ciesco, slowlv'und painfully inlseri himself on his elbows, clenched his teeth, and tiled to console his aged father. Stnples lies ut tho Lackawanna hos pital with ii great wound in his left leg. the result of a shooting In a lum ber camp near L'resco, on ihe Pocono nouutaiu, about thirty-five miles from tl'ls cliy. AVhlb- the wound In Itself Im not sufllclent to cause death, the amount of blood which Staples lost has so weakened blm that the doctois rogniri death as Inevitable. Staplfs was shot about 11 o'clock S'lturd'iy night and did not iccelve medical attendance until 1 o'clock yo lerdav afternoon. Several circum stances are respionslble for this. Cres co, the neaiesl place of habitation, ios not boast of a physician, and a doctor had to be summoned from K,Tt S'ttoudsburg. When the word reached Kwt Stroudsburg, Doctor Tiavest was not at home nnd could not get to fiesio until I o'clock the next day, fourteen hours nfter the wounding. Pitting that tlmo tho wound bled piofusely. It Is due only to his sturdy constitution that Staples lived to reach this city. S'taplos and his biolher. Charles.went to the piopilelor of the lumber camp. 0eu P'dtrleh, and demanded wages li them. Theie was tumble of some kind and Peltrlch ordered them nway. The two men retreated to the barn in the rear of the house, followed later by Peltrlch with a shot gun In his hands. Pelllich sized up Chailes as the cause of the trouble, and It Is slid put the gun to hl slinuldii and took aim. JllSl OS be pulled the ttlggel Mlllll one stiuck the gun. causing the shot lo inli-s the person Intended nnd enler Ihe Jolt leg of Chester above the ankle. Staples fell to the ground and the other lumbermen lushed to his ni sUtnnce. When Staples was taken to the hos pital last evening. Dr. Gates, assisted by the hospital physicians, examined the wound. The shot which stiuck hlni was blrdseye. and literally blow a hole through his leg. Doth the large bones of the leg and other smaller bones were ftlghtfully shatteied and the muscles and flesh lorn to bits. A large quantity of bltdsoye shot and also a big piece of his trousuts were extracted from the wound by Dr. Oatrs. The finding nf this piece ot clothing illusti.iles Ihe fence of ihe dlsi barge. The fact that the shot did not spiead far Indicates that the gnu must have been held pietty i lose to tho victim when llreri. Staples Is tibout Ihlity ,ir of .ikc. He Is a muscular, well-built man, with a constitution of lion. l.ile last night he was still alive, thanks to stimu lants ndmlnlstercd by the doctors, hut nothing short of n miracle will save his life. NEW WATER COMPANY. Piopose to Supply a Number of Up-the-Valley Boroughs. Seeral of the citizens of Olsphani, Blithely. Dickson, Throop nnd Wlnton have fouued themselves Into a water company to bo known as the Consum ers' Wnter company, Mooslo lake, Jefferson township, will furnish tho supply of aqua punt. Stock . Ill be retailed at $10 per share and will be sold to any resident of the live boioushs desirous of purchasing same. The rate per family has been fixed at M p""!' unnum. Olyphant tla zette. 8 O'clock Shnip. The entertainment for the benefit of the Men's Oulld by Frcd'k. W. Tin man, Prof, Conant, Miss Kunn and Mr. .ToncOLWKR TWIST and MUSIC will conimenco pmmptly ni S o'clock this (Monday eenlng, nt the Patikh liouje.nudltoi'luni. SPECIAL. A Pine Piano for Sale. But slightly used and nearly as good as new. Latest design, upright grand, ot a. great nargaln. Please call and Mr- It. Oueinsey, Hall, Scianton, Pa. J. W. Guernsey, Piopiletor. " COUNTY UNION HOLDS SESSION QUARTERLY CONVENTION CHRISTIAN WORKERS. OF Large Number of Delegates fiom Xlngsley, Hopbottom nnd Nichol son Spent Saturday nnd Yester day in This City, Meeting In Con vention nt All Souls' Untvcisallst Church Rev. L. L. Lewis, of Nicholson, Spoke on "The Edu cative Foice of the County Union."' The qua) let ly convention of the Young People's Christian union ot the Susquehanna Fnlvcisallst association wns held lit this city Satin day and yesterday, between twenty and thirty out of city members being lu attend aiue. All of the session were held in the All Souls' l!nlveisalll chut til, on Pine stieet. The convention was Killed lo older Satunlay morning by the piesldcnl, Mls (lei ti ml. Waldle. of lliooklyn, alter pinyer by lte. o. It. lteardsley, nnd the work of oigaulzlng then took place. Committees weie appointed and the meeting iidjouinerl until the after noon. At ; o'clock Itov. I. L. Lewis, of Nicholson, lead from the Scriptures, mid after prayer. lie v. Beardsley dellv eieri a waiin address of welcome to the visiting delegates. Reports of the different unions In Scranton. Klngslcy, Hopbottom and Nicholson weie heard, and Miss Amelia. Drown, of Hopbottom, secretaiy of the association, lead an Interesting paper on "A Live Union. ' Jesse Tiffany, ot Nicholson, read an excellent paper on "How We Can Impiovo Our Conven tions," ond the committee on resolu tions In ought the meeting to a. close by presenting ita report, in which si vote ot thanks to the local members of the union was Included. Saturday night a literary entciluln mpiit was given at the church. Sev eral selections were sung by thd choir, and enjoyable i collations were given by Miss Kllsuihoth Walsh, A. J. Don ley, Miss Mildred Oreen, Mls Helen Kstei brook and Miss Ida Smith. Miss Nellie Loomls, of Klngsley, treasurer of the union, lead a paper, and Mrs. K. N. Tiffany, of Hopbottom. gave a solo, as did also Miss Davis, of this city. Theie was also a quartette, made up of Miss Smith. Mis. Aithur Loomls, .Maude Pel'ew and Miss Hcitunn. IN CHARCH: OF UNION. Yestei day's services at the All Souls' church wefc In charge ot the union, hi the morning Rev. O. It. Reardslcy be ing in charge and Rev. Lewis during the evening sci vices. Rev. Ucardslcy's subject was "Looking Over the Fence," and he treated It In a most able man ner. Rev. Lewis spoke on "Tin Young People's Christian Union as an Indu rative Force." and delivered a thought ful and most Interesting dlscoutse. "That the Young People's Christian union," ho declared, "has come to stay Is a fact generally acknowledged In our church. It has obtained a strong foothold and Its possibilities for at taining a hplendld end aie wondeiful. Its mission Is prlmatily to do good. Its aim Is to start new Impulses lu men and women and lead them upwanl. It Is our union's purpose to bilng in the kingdom of righteousness to earth. "The union Is pre-eminently an edu cating force. Ily constant perusal of the gospel of Jesui. Unit unerring rec oid of the life of Christ, we are brought face to face with nil Ideal manhood, the study of which cannot but be tusphlng, and learn from Him how to be like Him. "The Christian lellgtou is ever "Hiv ing onward and upward, and out union encourages and provides for a. correct expression of lellgious thought and nt lis meetings provides a medium for till that Is best and noblest to manifest Itself. In Its songs we can expiess our noble,t feelings and In the prayers i. in pom out our longings for the life for which we were cteated. The prayer Is also a confession of our weakness nnd of self-surrender. Then, too, there Is a freedom of expression at the meetings which Is absent at ihe churches. "The union Is made up of young men and women who know the vast piom Nes of life and shau in tho gloiy of splendid oppoi Utility. For many yenis people used to think religion was a thing to bo only used Sundays, and Indeed 11 may even be said that some people still hold this wiongful concep tion. Christ's lellglon, not nlways un fortunately the Christian lellglon. Is Intensely pmotlca! and exists not for one side ot man, but for every phne and pait of his being. HAS A SPKCIAL PLACC. "The conclusion to be reached Is that society has a natural and at -some (linos a special phiro In the church ot Clnist. Tho union was not born outside of the church, 'nor was It i eared In ulterior surroundings, but P grew up naturally In the chut eh and one patt of Its gieot value to the Individual Is that It Imposes tho great and potent lesson of discipline, by making minds subservient to the lofty piluolplex and teachings left us. "The society stands for all that Is pine, title and lovely and wv owe on uulalteiing nlleglnnce to Its loyal ser vice. We must contlnuo in our woik ond Htilve unceasingly so that the linn! lesult will be that we out selves will bear Clnlsl's likeness." f -f H -f f f - T $3. and $3,50 Hats at $2.00 Wo want to close out ml oin Winter lials now. e have mado the pi Ice so low that they aie sine to go. Tho styles Includo Peail and Black soft hats, Ulaek and Brown Dei hies. f t -f f f 1 1 t IHHlf-rtt 4 a All J Touching CASEY BROTHERS, Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave. TUNERAL OF ISAAC BROWN. Masons and Thirteenth Regiment Will Be in Charge. The funeral of tho laic Isaac lirown will be held nt .'.HO o'clock this iiUer noon from the lesldence of the paienls of deceased. 120 MnriNoii avenue. Schil ler lodge, Free and Accepted Order ot Masons, will be In chaigo of the ser viced, and ihe Thhleenth icglmenf will also be ropi created lu the observance of the lltcs. Ml. Diou'n wa llrst lieutenant of Company K, nnd a number of the tegl mental olllceis will u tie ml the funeial lu uulfoim. A mllltmy escort will also bo provided, and .it the giave a volley will 'be tired by a lliing siiund. The services will be conducted a. the houe, und Intel ment will be made In the Jewish cemetery at Pumnote. Th following order has been Killed by the captain of Company H: ijii.iiler (-niui.. D, TMilecntli bit.mliy, i- tlonal (iiunl ot lViiii.jb.uiia. Pctniiton, Pa., rMi. Ii', 1 ' Company Older No. 1 Aiinonrrrnirtit I.i hueln made cf tho d.uli "f Lieutenant Kiae Itu.'ui, uf ('uiiipnee K, Hil rcgiuit nt. Iitertenant Hin.ui tnti'ted in '' puny 11, Jaiui.Ty M, l-i'.'i, nnd vruil tn tlii company tilthltilly until piuiuiitod In lruiinna.il noiitf'iimili-rlotifd lair. Ir. m-iM-ft Id nirin ory the olfluM uiul iinii-ioiiiniiN-iomil clinii ' thl coirpaiiy mitnldo at the nonory. Min dly, IS In-l.uil. nt 2.11 u'liml; In the nitci iionn. In iinlfoitn, to intend He f.mrral i-eivUe. In .1" mil. .Lie with lejlnieiit.it mlir e. .,. e. ,, lid dite, am nl'ier .urn of tin mi.tpu vho aii eoiueulinib ,lo ,,, will inTt .ii t, irnir hour. j 111 eld-l ol Wl'n.r I!. 1'oulp. ( .tpl III! 1 .M11111..U1I11IV. One Fnie to Washington D. C. nnd Return via the Lehigh Valley Rail road. On acioimt of the limuguiaiion ceie monles ut Waxhluglon, the Lh!gh Val ley lallioad will sell tickets 10 thai point and leiurit, .March 1, 2 and "., at ih" low rate of one fare for the round trip. These tickets will be good to , e turn to March S, Inclusive, and will be honoied on any train except Un made Diamond Hpic-,s. Stop-over al lowed at Philadelphia and P.iltlmoie. by deposit of ticket, irovldnd ticket Is used within original limit. For fur ther infm mutton consult Lehigh Valley ticket agent. ' Notice. 'lie meliibfis Of Schiller lodge, No. ."41, F. V A. M., are requested to at tend ihe funeinl of our late biolhef, 1 aae Tliowu. from Ills late lesldence. 120 MadWon avenue, Monday, Februiuy the ISlh. ll'Ol, al -' o'clock p. m. Mem bers of hlsler lodges nn fraternally invited to attend. I!y ouler of Isadoie iioodmau, W. M. Aiiest: Chailes S. lielbei t.-'Sec. Special Notice. Sei-iei oiganlvtatlons In the clt- run templatlng changing their headfiuar ters, aie icspcctfully solicited to cat! nnd get teims, ilates, etc., In Ouein i.ey Hall, ,1. W. niiorntey1 iopil tor. The Scianton Gas and Water Com pany nnd the Hyde Park Gas Com pany. In aiMiiiUiui 11I1 tin- poll, u' ih-e . ,pin pitiue lu ledtlie iaic I'iiiiii lime to linif a' 111.1v hr wii.ntted li jnitpj.f-d uiiuniiii' notice l faeiilo uivn Hut. on mid jiiii Api. 1 nrt. the piliu ef tn will l.e one Hidlai p-i uite th'ivivinil inhU f(l inimiuned, ulit, I the following discount.: I'ie pr iinl. n al liills l.l.flO Hr lOII-.llliiplllJll h'l il 11. rui"iint-i In leu llun Iwriu., Iif dull 11, in ne lint. 011 ull Mil wheie the i nu-iiiiiplinii '.. i1 lllOlllil I.I1.1.UHU lu U'fl.l.S flil lioil.ll illl'l lip waul. Imlded tin- Mil I pild on or l.eiou iU .'Olli day ol Ihe month In whlih Hi! Mil ! irndeicd. Il unlu of tic I . ,.i rl.. (!. II. HAM), t-euetal.1. Bargains in Department Today. Clarke Br Tim Dickson Mnnuractui'ini; Ct. tcrnatoa unfl WUWoi-l'.irr. t'-i Muuuractureri of LOCOMOTIVES, STATIONARY liMINES Hollers, lloltllngind Pumping AWJilnery- Qenernl Office, Bcrinton, Fa. EYery Of Im the way of those who hold tho upper hand. We hold the upper hand in the business, and our superior goods is all we need to show, and you will gladly part with the price! SHIRTS Bosom Shirts Fiom the new est spring styles of colored goods linve just arrived. Call and sec them, they arc llic richest ef fects of the season. CONRAD, ;$0" Lark a, Avo. mo n ds! Still I1.11 pin;; on our old subject, but we won't stop till we know you aie assuied th.t we handle the purest, nicest made, and most biilliant til-.MS handled in the country, and listen, 2; per cent less than you can buy them any where else. Visit us and we'll piovevit. HIMPFF. 317 Lackawanna Ave. m stoves, Ub) isnieises, Steam a,i:i Hot flats- ?ors, mm S FORSYTH, :..::: ibj; avi-:sik. u'fxixxijjzriirtawvmmmm FZJllxL'AHY TflADS SALE. Icoiiiiiletioo Sale of Shades Shades which have ac cumulated during the past season should have been closed out in Jan uary. All good shades variety of colors some with lace edges others w th deep fringe. Standard Opaque shades with best rollers. Sold all through the sea, son for 50c, 60c and 75c, Trade Sale Price 19c and 29c. CREDIT YOUf CERTAINLY! tT'THE: ECONOMY 221.223.25.a7Wyomlng Are NEW ' 1 j 1 SPRING j STYLES ilsemencSs! 1 F4 H XV heat mm nii tnwn" UN OiuVcdi 0m3