THE SOJKAOTON TRIBXJiSE-MOxNbxVy, FEBKUAKV 18, 1901. PubJUhrf Dillr. Except SnJr. tr. "Ih'Tilb. net Publlihtos Comrn7. tt Fifty CnU a Montn. LIVY S. WCIIAnD, EJltor. O; F. BYXDEE, Business Minster. New York Office: 150 Nsrasu Rt. S. S. VHEKLAM. Bote Agent tor foreign Ailrerttslnr. Entered t the rosteHIre st Feranlon, T., Second-CIsss Stall Matter. Wben space will permit. The Tribune l slwsrs tier to print short letter front Its friends ber ins; en current tonics, but lit rule u thl thee must be signed, for publication, by the writer reel turnes snd the condition precedent lo icptince Is tht ill contribution! shall be subject to edltorlsl revision. THE FLIT RATI: FOP. ADVEItTISIXO. The following table shows the price per Ineli ech Insertion, spice to be ued within ono yesrt nunoFlsMfne on Taper Hcadlwr ; r ;i .'.'0 .?2 .14 .175 l.Vi .17 .15 J .105 "TuTl Position "".30 .t ,ISJ aiW- DISH-AY 17m tFan JOO'dicVes. 800 Inches iMO " ."'KM " tOCO " For cards of than',. rro1utlons of condole ncev and similar icntillmtlons lo the natuie of ad vrillilis The Tribune mile u iIijikc of ft cents a Imp. Itatra for Clssslflcd Adveitlslnj furnished on application. sckanton. n:nnuAnY is. 1001. Tlir- usually well-informed Wnshlng ton correspondent of the 1'hlladnlphla Ledger, Major Carson, Is In error In nlleKing that Congressman Connell made n bargain with Congressman I'alzoll concerning tho new court bill. The Ripper Bill Analyzed. ,OU THC benellt of those who H ate not yet informed ns to the exact provisions of the amended "flipper bill," and thcie are many, including wmo who novel thelcrs are free with criticism of It It Is north while lo translate the bill's nuln features Into common Eng lish: It vests executive power in a city lecuidor, who Is to take the place now held by the mayor; and in the heads it nine departments, comblnable Into even, namely: Public safety (Are, po lice and sanitation): publlo works (-streets, (nidges and public buildings): collector of delinquent taxes; asses sors: city tteanuror (who may also collect delinquent taxes); city control ler: law (city s-ollcltor); charities and correction, and sinking fund commis sion. The heads ol the departments of public safety and public works, the ' ollector of delinquent tnxes, the city solicitor, the director of public chari ties and collection, and the members of the sinking tund commission ate appointive by the recorder, subject to confirmation by select council; tho n-he?M3i-3, treasurer and controller are elective, by the people. The recorder may remove for cause any officer ap pointed by him and may ns often as lie may think proper appoint three au ditors to i.N.imluc without notice the i If aim of any department. Thus treb ly equipped with the power of ap pointment. Investigation and removal, the recorder Is the leal head of the lity government. In him responsibil ity renters and lie has power to meet I. lie Is Ineligible to H'-eleetlon. Next to the recorder, the big man I'l the gornmenl Is the controller. The bill piovldes that lie shall have the inspection and icvlslon of the ac counts of all other departments and trusts; that lie continuously audit the faini. and keep separate ae "ntintfc 1'ir each specific Item or ap I'lopilatlon marl" by councils to each ilopurtmrnt; '"'J 1" general ho must see. to It that cerv penny of city nt'itv y Is spent .u cording to law and fur piitpusrs fully denned before he ap P'.ijvcf. if hf suspects lrreguldrlty or he must pinsectite a thor ough luvcstiBiition and for this pur pose Is clothed with magisterial power. 'Viiiiii-lls i email, es now save for an Increased iiKiiibcrsbtp In the i onimon liratuh and a r creased power for llllf ilile;. dii'- tu tli ntrall;:atlon of ex ecutive pri'v i. VnlKe magistrate ti the muni" r of live, not all of ono natty. !. tn be appointed by the ie. curder an I aie t" set vo nt a salary to be li:;cd by i-nuii'llR dill Ing good be lcivlur. t'-aitrnits aie tu be let ns be fore, by public ndvcitl.'eiiifiit, nnd are to go tu Hie lowest ie.polislble bidder. who liiilrt slic. a tuple bond for faithful Nceutlon. All fees aie to go into tlio Ity ttcitsiii.v' all oftlclals are to bo paid at a IK'-il miniy and mti"t give b'ind for ildeijty iinr buinsty. Corpor ate powi'is Include th light tn levy a general trancliise tax. Provision is Hindi; for a pension tund for policemen anil Hi cm -u. Neither polUemcn nor flrctinn aie to be dismissed without, Plcleried chaige, and an open I'lal; and appointments rind pro motions arc to lie In accordance with i' .systematic ni'llio.l of ascertaining tin.' comparative lltncss of applicants. This, in bilDf. is tin; mueh-abuscd "Hipper bill" nilnux the tipper annex. The bill rceelvea Its popular uamo fi&ln the fact that, Instead of allowing I tit p1oIyons to Inlto effect at tho exjSlratlou nf the loins of tho mayors Lifiy serving, It provides that within 1'iUiys after Its enactment and ap piii'val the governor shall appoint u city recorder, who may or may not bs the present mayor, for each 'sec.ond eluss city, thlrt uppolnteo to servo un til tilt- Hist Monday in April, 1903, thus making It possible for tho governor, It he fhootes, to "tip" the existing ad ministrations out of office. It is gen stally conceded that the measuie, apurt from this ilpper feature, provides a. superior plun of conducting city gov ernment. It Is especially ndvantagcous tojrScranton, whure Ineltlclcncy com blripd with dishonesty In councils has developed an unusual need for a strongly centralized executive power. The now charter bill provides nn ex cellent mechanism for supplying this need; In view of tho tact that tho only objection proposed against It Is that it temporarily facilitates factional leprlsals in Pittsburg. It may well bj asked whether this constitutes a suf ficient warrant for Scranton, through Its representatives at Ilartlsburg, to kick its own welfure into the fire. "How uan'thef Inllutuico of the press be Increased '!" was asked recently of rrioMj irVooilncnl men, ' Comptroller Color, of New York, made the best re ply. "Simply," he Bald, "by tclllnr? tho truth." Tho demand of the ago Is for honest facts. Justice Hrewcr Is correct In saying that the practice of ecpuratlnp Jurora from their families and treating them ns If they wore criminals Is a relic of barbarism. No man should bo sum moned ns a .luror who Is unworthy of belnff treated ns nn honest man until his notions compel tho adoption of a different hypothesis. A Cause of Wonder. T HE E8TEEMBD Dally News of "Wllkcs-llnrro Is assured that The Tribune vented no spleen nnd flung no fling In whut It said a few day ago about tho pitiable attitude which Luzerne county beats toward the politics of the state nt large. Nor was there an atom of Jealously In our temaiks; for, apart from the undeslrablllty of Jealousy as a factor in life, the cir cumstance should Impress our con temporary that there Is no occasion, from a Lackawanna standpoint, for political Jealousy of Luzerne. With regard to the nesil of an addi tional Judge In tho mother county wo are not Infotmed. If It exists, Luzerne should have one, no matter how In consequental may bo the standing of her delegation nt Itartisbtirg: and Lackawanna would be glad to use Its Influence In helping Luzerne to get It. But what surprises us, and what sur prises many observers of contempor ary affairs, Is that a great and popu lous county like Luzerne, tho third In magnitude In the commonwealth, should bo content year after year to see the Important olllces In the statu government go In many Instances to much smaller counties, like Indiana, and Wayne, and Northampton; Ilka 'enter, nnd Lycoming and Tioga; and should bo willing to be practically without representation In the councils of the dominant party or faction where processes of government aro deter mined upon and honors and favors ap portioned. , This, we may take It, Is not a mani festation of modesty fo much as it is an exhibition of Inability to unite upon n course of political policy calculated to enforce substantial recognition of Luzerne's Importance. The political leaders of Luzerne seem to be deficient In the knack of subordinating small local differences to large general re sults. They do not pull together. Dyspeptic obstructlonary politics and the spit It of captious raillery at those uppermost in stato affairs appear to be lu tha ascendancy; and whllo this condition of affairs does not especially concern us, It does excite wonder that the practical men of tho mother coun ty, the men of sttong common sens: In every day activities, sbould be will ing to stand for or tolerate It. The Porto lileo legislature has ad journed without removing tho 15 per cent, tariff law which was enacted sub Ject to Its option. Thus Is another scare-crow of antl-impeiialism stripped of Its horrors. The Cry of Extravagance. -r-ViHRK CAN IJL no sanction I for c.Mravagancc but on the JL other hand therd Is no Jus tification for mlsieprescnta tlon. The fact that the expenditures of the pifcsent congress have been the largest In the history of the govern ment does not necessarily Imply that they have been wasteful and improvi dent. Wasteful and improvident items may have crept lu nnd whore located should bo lanced. Hut no conceivahlo benefit can come fiom purely genet ai Ized and exaggerated denunciation. Mich as many opposition newspapers and politicians arc now indulging in for p.nty effect. For exampl", tho Atlanta Constitu tion speaks of "the billion-dollar .ses sion of congress," remarking that It will have credit for the largest mill t'uy appiopriatlon ecr made, when the I'nlted States Is called upon to pay a peace footing chnrgc of $393, ."M.MiKJ. to which aie to be added chaises jot to bo scheduled. Of IhH, l",00O,n0O goes to tho arinj S,7',C!,.tJT3 to the navy, and tho "eolosal sum" of II5,,-I5,ii0 for pensions. The Con stitution adds: The w.n budget of Lnsland ii S.'C'J, 167,510. only 41.l0r.MO uf wlikh Rue lo pension.. I'rame pa InI,5;3,!Xi), of which Jotl.TJiMOi U for pciiilnns. (.einiun.v'a war bill U ViO.xuj.CVi,, out if whiih MH,:i.';i,(X) i fr pcnMoru.. Iluxla'a in'inster military establishment !, run cf WH),Jl",. iic.0, wlib no pcnslorn. Amtrli pa.vs a rhirge of -Vyo.uui), with no pennon roll, crlly we ale building up a military s.vMcm on lilgh urev Mile, lu nhldi evtry man wants bit pay in wr vho ainl high pelona'nltervvard. In lettirn for these joint figures tho L'lilted Stale e.inies a Joint miliuty and naval force ot lo,(vo men; l.uglaiid, .101,1110 men ; puiive, ti.'i.UI men; Oiiiwnj. ,Vi.'i,s.o meni Ttu-i-i.i, W0.310 men, and n(rla, 57S.1I1 men. We have, thercfoie, the limit lOitly inllitiiiy lorce on earth, veritably a soldier on every man's back. Similar In purport Is n line or state liient laid down recently In tho house by Itepresentatlvy McClellau, Dem of New Voik, as lhu leported: Mr. MvCKllan, cf New Ycik, made an Inteie-t-ing statement as tu llic total cost of our mill. lar.v establishment, which, lie satd, was SI'J,. T0'),7o0. To this muit be added, he tald, &j, OCOl for the cost of pa,t wars, pmslon', etc., bringing tho total up to $2,bJl,S"d. The eot of each soldier, r.ot counting pensions, etc., would therploie be 41.23l Including pensions, W.R'W. lie conliasted the figuies with tho cost of military establishments In Luionean armies. The tost of th (ieiman soldier, Including prn sioni und txpenej of past wars, was but SJ.T, and ot I he I'rrmii soldier'1, also Ineludliij pen sions and the of the Praiiio-I'iuvslan war, was il. llcloro thi end of the year, ho said, our military establishment would cost over sn00,0o0.000. This gund total did net includo any of tho expense of Maintaining1 the nav Vow these facts aro Interesting and entirely proper for public instruction but tho trouble Is that thoy do not tell nil tho story, with regard to tho Immediate cost of our legulnr army, which Is the taiget of tho greatest nt tack. Mr. McClellan und tho Atlanta Constitution, if wishing to bo fair, should also have said: First, that it was tho Democratic mlnotlty In tho Inst congress that rushed the presi dent, against his protest, Into the war witlt Spain, which has brought on all the necessities now culling for enlarged army and naval uppiopriatlons. Had the Democratic flie-eaters lit congress nnd in tho yellow press kept still, tho president would have controlled tho more wur-llke elements In ills own patly and achieved by diplomacy what under the circumstances It took war to accomplish. in the second, place, these wis post facto critics of the high cost of their own prescription should nlso have the manliness to point out that by the foolish limitation of tlmo on tho. army bill passed two years mo. under which till volunteers and many regu lars have to be dlschatgod by July 1 next, nnd tho delay in passing the re organization bill nt this scKflon of con gress, owing lo Democrats filibuster ing, there hns been nn Increarod and unnecessary cost Imposed on tlui gov ernment of about 160,000,000. That I what has swollen tho army bill to such large proportions and It Is alto gether duo to the work of so-called nnll-lmpoiintlsts and the Democratic parly. Were the government to cut down Its ntlowauces to the soldlets, who today are far nnd away tho best clothed, tho best fed, and the best It on ted soldiers In the world, the first to begin a howl of protest nnd the list to subside would bo these samo Democratic economists who think they can Hcore n political point by yelling extravagance nt the Itepubllcan ad ministration. Lastly, it conies with bad grace from the AtUntu Constitution to complain of pensions. Without waving the bloody shirt It may fairly be said that pensions are n natural H'sull of re bellion nnd those responsible for re bellion nt home or for Hh encourage nient lu distant Hands Miow faulty l"glc In leading the choius of com plaint. Let evety extravagant dollar be cut from the appropriation bills but also let publlo discussion be truthful nnd fair. P. C. Knox, the Pittsburg lawyer who Is slated to succeed Attorney Gen eral (Jrlggs. Is u corporation attorney and, of coin ac, this fact will elicit howls from the opposition. Hut the lawyer nf consuquente who Is not a corporation attorney Is nowadays rare. The qualities which make a lawyer valuable to a corporation make him valuable to any other client, Including Uncle Sam. The sporting blood nt Cincinnati has yielded gracefully to nn Injunction fiom court nnd the tempest In a tea pot over the Jeffiies-Kuhlln affair Is no longer nn Ismic (lovernor Nash Is undoubtedly en titled to the championship belt of Ohio. American Goods Sell Everywhere Wa-lilngtoti, 1Mi. la. Till: oltowiM, popularity of American pio ducN In those parts of the world In which all the manufacturing nnd exporting na tions arc making earnest endeavors to ex lend their louiinene Is illustrated by the tlguics of the tic.iMiry buieau of statistics, showing the cpuits by gland dlvi-lons and count lies In 1'jOO conipirod with Is''. Thcc figures arc pub lUhed In the December number of the Monthly Summary of forumcrcc and Finance, and cover the calendar jean tioin ii'rt lo 1000. They uliuw that our exports to Lumpe increased during that period trout JtHJ.Pon.Oisl to l,llfi,000.OiX), or (-1 per icnl.i lo North Amcilu, fiom ?T.,000,000 to slPJ.ono.iyXl, or 100 r cent.; to South Amtrica, from $3.1,000,000 to ll,iXio,0fs). or lis than 10 per cent.; to Asia, from VK.OOO.OOO to $.S,O)0r IHXi, or 103 per tent.; to Oce.iulca, fiom 17,. fmo.fiOO to $10,000,000, or 132 per (int., and to Alriea, tiom $l,'iOn,nno lo .i(.uoo,oiio, or 4tG per unt. To South America the giowth has been ininpiiatlvcly smill, but to Asia, Oiratdea and Africa the peremtage of growth. It will be oh seived, has been phrnomenilly laige, and In neuly ev(ry Inslanie the gain has been greater than tint of the ether countries competing tor that commerce. o A moie drnilcd anilysis, considering tlie ex ports couutiy by suuntrj, alMi shows some in ttirstlng tacts, ami thla is pievnlcd in tlm table follows. Tlie United Klngdom.whleh stood at the heid ot our list of customers in l:tf0, still maintains that position, but only shows an ineieaie of less than W) per cent., while Oeimanj', whoee commercial relations with the I nitcd Stales have been the subject of much dhurvion, shows nn increase of more than 10) per cent., and an incicasc of over $3j,O00,0n0 In the single jear 100O compared with the preceding vcar. 1'iance, which stood third in the lit cf our ciKtoineis In lf90, is now- fit th ; Canada, which was lourth on the lit lu l'X), has taken third rank, and Netherlands which was sixth in IS'iO, Is now fouilh In tho list. To Hong Kong the exports of 1'X) aro double thoce of 1?00; to nritisli Autralasla, two and one-halt times as much; to China nearly tlnee times as much, and tu Jipau mom than live times as much as tlio cf IS'ki, while to Ilritlsh Atllea the tlgures of 1000 are rl times as much ns thoc of 1690. The following table shows the expoits fiom the Tnllcd states by rotmtries in 1S00 and 1000, ar ranged in the order of magnitude: Kiporled to 1X. 1W0. I'nitid Kingdom 5-l31.It53.50j ij CAi,3.,3T5 Oernnny Pl.Sil.SIrt 107,uA1,l0i) Canada S8,ii?.),3l!7 lO.'.ooo.-iSO Nctheilands Sa.ll.MI 8.1,721,501 Franco 10,711,210 S2..TO.3.1-, llclglum 27,770,00.1 i,020,0'i3 Jlcxleo 13,6j:,7tK. SS,270,fK3 llalv 13,472,b01 ::il,73I,701 lliliWi Austialasia .. ll,031,r.'iS 23,1C3,72J Cuba n,32,1l 20,0.14,621 Japan 5,07.0.)S 20,102,111 him and Hong Kong O.WH ai,(S9,8Sl IlrltUh Afilca 2,053,33.', 1O.1W.0J3 Donmark I.K.'VJ.H 1.1,100.371 Spain U.t71,5W 13,21)0,017 Sweden and Norway .. 1,170,21) 11,520,371 Praill 12.WM.3.VI ll,5t6,6S1 Argcnliiu l,SI0,t0.i 11,003,533 liussta In Kurope .... 0.100,1 VI S.llj.ojO British West ludlea .. 0,001,171 S,3J0,317 AiiVila-llungaiy .... l.lTl.Ool 7,037,019 I'orliigd I.TOS.Sr. 1,70.1,179 nrltl-h Fa.t Indies ... t,fl0.M7J S.227,032 riiiie y,o),2s.; uomu llajtl S,O07,:.H .1.7AI.470 Philippine Islands ... 1.13.001 3,523,118 Tula, including eth er countries not heieln specilied . . .S')7.502.S13 $1,7",9IP.170 i i m INTERESTING COMPARISONS. From the v tlllainnort Oazette end nnllctin. I lli.rn ta fl rf.Miivl,lsnn ultli thit tjv l,v At A bonded Indebtedness of some of the pilucipal school districts of the state; Ta t Uy. Pelt. Ti ul.iflO a 1I7J0 10 10,000 0 7-10 lu),l0 23 M.70O 7 170.SOO r.'j 2ii3,ax) 10 e,4IX) (.'a 110.000 1 1; M!,W) 20 70,000 , 2-).o00 10 ifl.OiX) 11 D.100 II Kil.mM S uS.000 n io.ouo 3 ll,tlui) 8 1S2,!S1 II ID.OOO Williamsport i:r!j I'ittston JclmUoun ,,,, Suiiburj' ...... Noulstovvn ... ioiK Monongahela . WHkcs-Uarrij . McKcesport .., Oil (ity Allentown .., Maliaroy (ity llradfcrd Ilairlvburg ... I.oik Haven , Altoona Lancaster .... Fastnn Scranton .... ,,, ,...,,,. Scranton, which levlea a lax of fouitccn mills, and which has a bonded fndehtediirsa nt almost half tt million dollars, U uudt-r llic Wallaic law, '1 lie funds of the dlstilet aio dltburscd by the city treniirer, nlii recelu cominlwlon of and one-half r cent., vhlrh cost the ilblrlct for the flrt ft1 nr the hand-onie atnn of t.7,200. Thli i. indeed, a pretty penny lor a pick-up by a tlty otftclol not mnn-t-led with the achool ctlettlct. TIME'S CHANGE. r'lom (-pjru lionienti. She v.M at a puty. lie had not jet aiilud, but alio u mor.ientjilly expecting him. Yl' hum ot cfliirriMtlcn llirousli th room had ln lnlfl(ii.i for lur; ull lice facultlca were bent on the front t'oor. Kury lime tt npcinil, at cvel alcp In the hl'l, etie would mart, while her fate would fluah and h(.r cjet Jfcht up with a feierUh expectation Then the. tolor would so bad: from her cheeha, hir cyeatwould dull and her heart would alnli when nnsnher than ha came Inlu the room. I liillljl ho nrrhed Hnd look a aeat beai'lo bcr, und ahi i over hla ahculder and Joynmly uiuiinurrdl "My datllnel my tUrhnid" Mm woa too happy to wy aught more. Tin jtaia later, and he aaln aiU. H i hi Ihclr own home ns.v. Ilia etep li on tlm atoopj he open the door. Shu prlnia quickly to Hie lull. "Wipe jour 1hk,L!" he icram. DISAPPOINTED AMBITION. From Suicci". Tho bojtline iinililtiuii ol acnuo uirat men aie i uriou-a to recall. Howard I'jlo wanted to 1"" n locoinolbc cniflnrer. S-i.ator llcnlandn II. Till man jjb that. In hl cue, Rood rurKCon wai spoiled. lh(. lad who la now known a Dr. T. Do Witt Taliiuge aplrcd to be a atwe drlrcr at tin, Ijconard Wood lonucd to walk a quarter ilok. The poor boy, Andrew Carnrglc, in far off Scotland, wa liohlnit to pel to New YoiK and bocotncj tho owner of a ereit ncirepaper. If Georu Dewey had had his viav u a boy, he would haie been a brljadlcr In the Ppanbh war Icatcad of (Jnklng- .MnnloJo at Manila. Dromon Upward vaa dl.jpyolnted that he wai not a Kltbc-botlcr. William Jcnnlngi llryan, bad ho been permitted, would have Womc a lUptht puadier. William pcan Uowclla rrrollrclH that hit grcitcot ainhltlon wai In drive mulct to tow canal boat. So the woild may congratulate Itfelf on the results of many u cav of dljp pointed ambition. SHE KNEW. Vrnm tho New Ycik Sun. A clcrgjinjii while (atetliMnu liU suudjy school a few- weeVa go bad occasion to ask tlio childicn the nieanlnif of the word "cpWIe." A littln Rlrl In the jciuigcst clM ij fo certain that the knew that slio did not heltat a min ute, but with the Rrcatest of confidence nn bwcred; "An (plsllc li the wife of an apostle.'' NUBS OF KNOWLEDGE. Out of lW.OOO tanner in Norway, all but 11,000 own their fann. Cotton exports brought lo this counlij 41I'V OCN),000 more in l!s than In 1W. Hie tint niiine steamer nude ill flist trips horn llotlcrdmi to Cnlogno In l"lo. The custoirw recelpl.s In Svdncv, f. l , in 11 wrie o',iO.).n, jun in VX) .12,57.fll. 1'as.seigcr tratflc between New York and Lu rope In UOO showed - niatKcd Increase over that ot w.veral picvlous 5'ai. The largist sponge ever sent to maiLct was fiom the Mcdltlenar.tan; it was ten feet In clr cumferenec and three In dlamettr. The Illiterate nation are ihlefly ltu-v'.i. Spain, Turhe.v and tho improgicESlvc nation of the Orient and nf South America. Dublin has only 10 acres less of pail. than londcm. Hie latter lias 1,600 acres. Still bull ritlcs aio short of breathing spots. A genuine Slradivarius violin Is woith what ever the person owning II may asU. At M.WO It would not be deemed extravagant. In an edd curloiity shop near Westminster is fishing bag formerlv belonging to Iraak Walton, bearing his Inltlils and the date 1016. The total yield of the filch nf (Mi in Canadt last year was $21,S01,70i., being uu inc lease of about $J,2oO.000 over the catili ot the pieeednu jear. The I'enoln-cot trihe ot, wlilch niun beicd 211 In InsO, l now- about 1(H) stron;. Maine appwpriitcs annuilly T.(W for tlulr lieticllt. Foreign exports at N'ev Orleans List year readied a total of $112,000,000, the largest on lecord, and an Ineieatc over the previous year of $11,000,000. Three ecoie jud 10 cais in the r.ilnnt' measure of life, but in Caithness, Scotland, .i nun of 70, unless inarrird, is docilbnl as it lad, or by his brother of W as a boy. An expert diims tint the eastern tdona i-f tho Andes in South America, Is richer in geld than tho Klondike country and gold can bo lalen with much less vvoile and privutlon In 1S00 Sweden had a population of S,;l1O,00i), and at the present time, In fpite of the large emigration which has given l.OOO.Ofsl people to the Fulled States, the population is S.IOO.OOO. Sir Bobert Hall has been telling a youthful audience In Lngland that every hundred jcais the sun loses five miles of Its diameter. To al lay anxiety, however, he mentioned that the di ameter ol the sun Is RGO.POO miles, and that 40.CO0 jrara henco the diameter would still bo 8,18.000 mllifl. Japan has of lute eau greatly Increased hei cavalry, and Mill inoie leccntly added neaily forty Me-lil batteries to her artillery, and as the country Itself produces practical!)- no horses unliable for this purple, the necesitj- for Im porting them Is uigent. The school commissioner of New Yoik city have just made publie tlie list of janitors of school buildings for the coming jear. It ap pears that the uvrraae pay of janltot is about onc-thiid gicatcr than tho averaje pay of teachers in the publlo schools. A branch cf the Society of Majflovvrr d' sceudants has been organized in Wisconsin. The new ofMioot has started out with 23 membcis, 24 of whom aro women. To be eligible one must b a lineal descendant of a paseengvr who land ed from the Jlajrlowcr at ri.vinouth In Decem ber, 1B20. Tho Vermont custom of nut lunging a con victed murderer until two jeirs after the pac ing of the death sentence upon him is founded on the assumption that any possible doubt us to his guilt will be lemovrd in tint time, and all danger ot putting an Innocent man to d-ath 11 llius eliminated. During the j-ear just ended the total amount of public becmrats in this count r was S6J,01,o;i, ngainot $70,710,003 In 1S00. The amount given to educational Institutions In 1000 was $31,032,011; to charities, $13,621,722; to chunhe.s, $d,N).V dl.'i; to museums and ait galleries, i2,143,3vJ, and to libraries, $2,0M,Oi A vvtch, hslleved to have been bt some tlmo about 1027, which has been found on l'ov irty Inland, at the mouth uf the Connecticut river, la attracting great attention from aiul ciiuriaria. This watch Is ;i large silver one, and on the InIdo of tho outri ca is enmuved name! vhich cannot be made out, and the el -e, 1627. A sensation vas cau.ed In New- Westminster, near Vancouver, tin other day, by tha discov ery of $12 worth of fine and coare ialn gold In tha crop of a wild gooc. Tho goose was shot at Pitt lake, which la fed by tiumcruus mountain streams. The sand bars along the shore were known to certain sold, but had net er been projected. Professor V.. It. Jolir.on uured the Inter Oceania Canal committee that the Nicaragua Can. al, if completed by 1011, v.ould begin with 7,500,000 tons cf traflw and ofculn 11,230,000 tons by 1021. Hut A, P. Davis, chief hvdo Sraphcr cf the Canal commission, sjvs that be would bo surprised If the tratfiu ever exceeded 5,000,000 tons. Mr. Nlinmo, an Independent ktu dent of tho rami, thinks 300,000 tons a Ur;e estimate, Kxdu.hi- of l.joi'l, tha sua of King Kd wsid'ii empire is 11,773,'x.i) tfjiure tinlrs; in. eluding Lgjpt about thlitren million iquaie miles, or much over one-fuurth of the land ur face of tho globe. The wnlth of the Unite! Kingdom alone, apart from that of India, Aus tralia, Canada and other possessions, is about alxty billion dcllais, or second only to that of the United States. The popujatlon of the em plie aggregates seme four hundred millions, be ing comparable, with that of the emplio of China. Tli pedal e-ommiicn of the Austilan Indus trial ccuncll, appointed tu submit recommen dations pirparatury tu leguJatien on trusts, sug gets that (nuts be regarded as legal organiza tions and given legal fonn. A Oust boaul sliovJJ be created to reglstrr and Loop tuck of com. bines. It should havo iiiridlelieu In cases urU trig from international disputes. There should be a trpautc court for the healing nf tharg-s that dusts me siifllni cei'ipctitlon. This court should be aided by a council of coinmeidal rx perls. ooooooooooooooooo The I People's A Exchange., ArOPL'LAR CUlAIHNa IIOL'SK for the ' nenent of All Who line Itomra to , llett, Ileal Uatate or Other Proiwrty to Sell or Hxchange, cr Who Want Situation or Itiln Thesa Small Advertlemrn'a e'u't One Cent Word, fir Innerllom lor 1'Uo (.'enta i wom Lxcepl situations waniei', Which Aro Inserted Free. O ooooooooooooooooo Help Wanted Male. VA,Tl:u-A rinsT n.nncrt. inquiiii: at once, at ;ri7 Sprinq flrctt, cpp(-lte lin tel Jermyn. Situations Wanted. wani i:n i;xpi:uit;ncki hTi:.sonn Arui.n and tjpcwrltcr desires position. Addrew W. ,!., Tilbuno otflie. situation wantcp-py mhjxh tnnt, .s nursu glil. Mjrlle lHJrcd, 123 Lafayette at reet. situation WAYiti-iiousi:KLKi'i:n on manager of a public llrtlltutlon, by u lulj who lias had manj jears' ciperlencej liest of lefcrenccK. Addri'M, lluuskicpcr, Tribune oltnc, Carboiidalc. For Rent. 1011 IIKNT At'llliJ F1IIST, IIUL'M.', 12 b.MIC.r. looms, all niadcin, tlcctrlc- lights if dosliid. neautltully Upervd und palntid tliroughvnt. Kino garden and lawn, $.'fl month. Apply W. W, lliowuli.g, MS Adams iivcnue. IIOOMS IV Tilt: (T.NTKIl Of (UYi Wi AND '.W Wjomlng avrnue; steam heat; all Im provements; suitable for uny hind of bu-inesn; nlso barn in rear. 1niilre at 2Jj Jctlcrrcn avc line, near Spruce fctrcet. KOIt HENT-liVi: HOOMS rollNKU MAIN AND Jackson: suitable for lodge, dull or ie-l-donee. Apply to (I. W. .IcnMiis, Piugglot. F0U ItKNT-STOnB IN OPI) FKLLOWS PUILD Ing, 211 Wj'omlng avenue. Inoulre of janlloi. Tor Sale. 'V.'N.svxSV.'' FOIt SALL A 0001) DIUYINO IlOltii:, A pacer; perfectly gentle. Inqulit- 310 Dean street. FOIt SSLK-ONH TLxM AND WAOON, AT S. Itcynulds' bam, Llneclu Heights. FOIl SALL" UILAF-A SKCOND HAND DOI11LF. sleigh. Can be seen at Dlume's Cairhse vvoiks. Vanted To Buy. WANTKD-&F.COND-1IAND SLOT MACHINLS; must be In good order, state particulars as to male and price. Address I M., general de livery, Scranton, pi. Een.1 Estate. ONK OF Till! MO-5T IXKlinLF.AND CIINTHAL building sites In the city for sale; on Mm. me annuo, between Mulbiuy and Vine strrsr. Terms JI.OO down, 1,ouO In lite scars, ?J,es) lit ten J ears. Inquire John I). Ncaloii, Church street and S-venth avenue, (..iibondale. FOR SALE-A FA11M OF 00 ACRES; SO ACRES improved; t mile iioui Fadorvllle; about twenty minutes walk fiom Krjatonc Acaduii; A very sightly and pleasant location tor a country home; can be had very icasoiublc, possession at once. Inquire oi addiess W, 1), Itusstll, D. II C.'.'s olllce, S ranlon. Money to Loan. MONEY TO LOAN OS IMPROVED ITTV REAL ctate. IIF.MIY IIELIN. .in. (HAS. 11. WELL1 THOMAS SI'RAliFE. DO YOU WANT TO LOAN MOSEY. COME AND seo me. Frederick E. tcotl, Attorne'v, Mean building, Scr.-nton, Pa. MONEY TO LOAN ON RON!) AND MOHTUAUL. any amount. M. II. llolgate. Commonwealth building. ANY AMOUNT Or MONEY TO LOAN -(jUICK, straight loans or Duilding and Loi.i. At from 4 to 6 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker, 311-313 Connell building. Board Wanted. BOARD WANTED HY OENTLEMAN AND M1FE on West Side; in small private family pre fcrml. Address, stating location and teiui', H , Tribune of tic e. DOARD WANTED-FOR THREE ADULTS AND one small child, in respectable Jewish fam ily, living; It first-class neighborhood, State price. W. A., Tribune office Becrults Wanted. V---Si WANTED FOR U. S. ARMt : AF.LE IIODIID, unmarried men between ages ol 21 and ij; citizens of United States, of good chaiactcr and temperate habits, who can speak, lead ami wilte Rcciults specially desired fo, service in Philippines. For Inlormation apply to lteeniltlng Ofrlee, 123 Wjomlng avc., Scian ton. Ta. rPROFESSlOjy4!-- Certified Public Accountant. K. C. SPAULDlNfl, 220 I1ROADWAY, NEW York. Architects. EDWARD II. DAVIS, ARCHITECT. COXNE1 1, building, Scranton. FREDERICK L. BROWN, ARCHITECT, I'RICU building, 120 Wsshiuglu-i unmic, JcUhUm. Cabs and Cariiages, ilUDDEK TIRED CARS AND CAVRIAClEs; RFvp cf senile. Piompt attention -iveii ordru oy 'phone, 'Phones 2072 snd C;32. Joseph lielley, 121 Linden. Dentists. DR. C. Ii EILENllERCIUI, PAULI Spruce ttieet, Snatiton. HUILDINO, DR. I. O, LYMAN, SCRAM ON PRIVATE Hos pital, comer Wyoming and Mulbcriy, DR. C. C. I.AUI1ACII, 113 UtOMINO AVENUE. DR, II. V. REYNOLDS. OPP. P. O. ALWAYS BUSY. & f. JtUBIiKIlS: UJlHl3Hfc?. LEWIS & RE ILLY Pimm "" uw Lawyers. J. w, nnow.v, attoiinv.v and cousurx. lor-at-law-. liooma 312.113 Mcara building. D. It. ltUri-OflLi:, ATIOIINKV-IOASS NKl 0 tlatcd on real estate eeiuritj'. Mcara building, (orner Washington avenue and Epruco aticet. MI.UHD. WAUItllV k KNAPP. ATTOnSEYS and (ouiiclloiiat-lav. Itepubllcan building, Washington avtnue. jTsVUP t Ji:sst!P. ATTOI1NBYS AND COUS- Mllor-al-!av. Ccmnionwealth building, Hooms 19, 20 and tl. i:ilWAIID W. TIIAYBII. ATTOIINKY. uew PM, HI, floor, Meara building. noons b. A. WATItf.n, ATTOItNEY-AT-LAW. DOAttO of Trade bulldln, Scranton, ra. PATTnnON It WILCOX, TIlADKItS' KATIONAt, Hank building. tt COMMlYB. 013 UlIPUHLIOAN HUILDINO. a. w. iiKHTiioi.r, .vrronsBY. mraus pldo. l?liyBician8 nnd Surgeons. db. w. i:. allln, 6u oltrli Washington avenue. 1)11. S. W. L'AMOItKAUX, Ol'tiCI! 131 WASH Ington avenue. Kraldence, 131s Mulhcu.. Chronic dleaje, lungs, heart, khliiejs uul genitourinary organa a apeclalty. lloun, 1 lo p. tn. Hotals nnd Restaurants. TIIU LLIC CAFF. 123 AND 127 FUANKLIN AIX. nue. Kates rrssonsble. P. SCCIiUKR, Proprietor. SCltANTON llOtlSi:. NFAtl D , L. It W. PAS. cngcr depot. Conducted on the Luropean plan. VICTOn KOCH, Proprietor. Schools. SCHOOL OF Till! LACKAWANNA bCIUNTOV, Pa. Course preparatory to college, law, mode dnc or buslnew. 0icns Sept. nth. icnd lor catalogue. Itcv. Thomas M. Cann, LU II., prin cipal and pioprktorj W. V. Plumlcy, A. 11., headmaster. Soeds. O. It. CLARK k CO., SLT.USMEN AND Milts, ervrncn, store 201 Washington avrnue; gtern houses, 10J0 North Main avenue; store tele, phone, 762. Wire Screens. Joseph kui:tti:l, nijAii sn Lackawanna avenue, S'cianton, Pa., manufactuiir of Mire Sirccns, Miscellaneous. DIti:SsMAKIN(lF01tCIllLDIlE.VTO OltDLIt; also ladles' waists. Louis Shoemaker, ill Adams avenue. A. 11. WtlOOS CLEANS I'HIVY VAULTS AM) ccrs pools; no odor. Improved pumps u-ed. A. U. Drlggs. proprietor, Lcavo orders Vi North Main avenue, or Hike's drug stoic. u. ner Adams and Mulberry. Telephone DJI, MRS. L. T. KF.LI.En, SCALP TREATMENT, WV.; shampooing, &0c.; facial massage; manicuring, 23c. j chiroiKidy. 701 fjulniy. DAUER'S ORCHESTRA-MUSIO FOR BALLS picnics, parties, receptions, weddings and c:i cert work furnished. For terms address it llauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, i llulbert's music store. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. In Eftcct Dec. 2, 1000. South Lcuvc Siraiiton for New loik at LP), 3 00, CIO, 8.00 and 10.O1 a. m.; 12.3.1, 3.2.1 p. tn. For Philadelphia at 8.00 and 10.03 a. m.; 12 ,.5 and 3.!!3 p. in. For etroudsburg at 0.10 p. m. Milk aiiommodatlon at Mo p. m. .Vuive t lloboken at O.'M, 7.1S. 10.2S. 12.03, .1.1.1. I. Is, 7,19 p. m. Anlve at Philadelphia at I, Oil, 3.2), fl.00 and 8.22 p. m- Arrive Horn New lorl. at 1.10, 1.06 and 10 23 a. m.; 1.00, !., 3.1.1, tU5 and 11. SO p. m From Stroudsbuig at 8.0a a. in. North Leave Siianlon foi Buifalo ind inter mediate stations at 1.15, 4.10 and 0.00 a. m.; 1.33, 3.4S and 11.33 p. in. For Oswesn and Sra e use at 1.10 a. nt. and 1.C3 p. m. For Utlca at 1.10 a. m. and 1.-VS p. m. ror Monlrose at 'VI a. lu. ; 1.05 and 5.1S p. rn. For Mrl-nlsnn at 4 00 and 6.15 p, ni. For Binghamton at 10.-J0 a i, ., livo In Scranton from Buffalo at 1.21, J.3J, 1.13 and 10 00 a. m. ; 3.30 ami i.W p. ni. From el, wego and Sraeusc at 2.5-1 a. in.; 12.35 soul .on p. m. From UUci at 2.53 a. m.; 12.38 snd a.?n p m. Fiom Nicholson at 7.60 a. m. and 0 00 p. ni, From Montiosc at 10.00 a. m.; 3.20 and 0J Illo'omsburg Division Leave Scranton (or Northunibciland, at 6.1 J, 10 03 a. in.; 1.53 and 5 50 p m For Pljmnnlli at 1.03, 3.10, 8.3(1 n'l Tor Kingston at S.10 a. m. rrlve at oith timbeiland at 0.33 a. m.; 1.10, 5.00 and S.13 p m. Arrive at Kingston at S.52 a. in. Wrive at Plymouth at 2.0". 1-32. O.lo p. m. Anlve in Seranton tioin Northumbeiland at 0.42 a in , l'S5 l.tX) and s.45 p. ni. From Kingston at ll.OO'a. in. From Plymouth at 7.51 a. ni ; 3.20, r ?..t n 111. SUNDAY TRUSS. South-JLeavo Scranton 1.40, 3.00, 3.50, 10.01 a. m.; 3.M, 3.40 p. in North Leave Scranton at 1.15, 4.10 a. in.; 1.51, 5.4S and 11.33 p. fit. Blnomsburg Division Leave Scranton at 10.05 a. nt. and 5.50 p. in. Lehigh Valley Bailroad. In EfTeit Nov. 25, two. Twins leave Scranton. For Philadelphia ami :vcvv ork Ma li. ,v . It 11, at 0.13 and 11.65 a. m and umj, t,:7 (lilack Diamond Express), and 11.30 p. m. Sun. dais D. & H. B. " 'M' s-' P- ' for Whl'0 "in Hwlclon and piincipal puinu In the coal, region., v a 1) . n. ,;. I; , eJ45t 2.W and 4.27 P- m. lor Pottsville, 0.13, ' IS aud 1.27 p. HI- "For Bethlehem, Easton, Readliig, JIariishurg and principal intermediate stations via D. k 1 R. 1L 0.13, 11-63 a in.; 2.U. 1.27 (llluk I)"'. moiid Eitpress), U.3 p. in. Sundajs, I,. , It It 1 5S. 8.27 P- m. For' Tunkhannock. Towanda, Llinira, lt,aiJ Renew and prjnc pal Inteiinedla e stations, ,a D, L. & W. K. 8-03 "'-J L03 and 3.10 P'r'or Geneva, Rochester, Iludalo, Mtgsra Falls, OiicaL-o and all points west, via I). & u. n. 15. 11.53 Tm . S ("lack Diamond Kxpieu)! r.V;; 10.41, 11.30 p- ni. Sundays, D. &. H. it, Ri 11 55. S.27 P- m- Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lehigh Valley parlor taia on all trains hetvveen Wilkevriane aud cvv York, Philadelphia, Buffalo and fti. pension Bildge ROLLIN II. 1MLRI R, fien. Supt., 2D Coitlaud stieet. New Yoik. CHARLES S. LEE, 11(11. 1'ass. Ait., 31 Coulaiid street, New Voik. A. W. NOSNF.MCI!ER, Div. Pa. A;t.. South , Bethlehem. I'a. , For tickets a. id rullmaii irscitations apply to . 300 Ijclawaiia svenue, Scranton, I'a. Dela-ware and Hudson. In lifted Nov. 23, lOuO. 'Tiabis fur farlwndale lesvo Scranton at 7.5J, S.03, 10.1'J a. tn.; 12.0V, 1.20. 2.11. 2.32. i.iv, 0.23, 7.1-7. 0.15. 11.15 P- m-t Md a. m. I'cr Honcsdald 0-20, lu.ll a. m.; ;.4t jnj "' For ', Tli, S.l.;, it.-i, lo. ;, ' 11.55 a. in.; 1.2s. 2-1. J-" )-2". o.IO, 7.1-, iy. J. For'li. V. II. R. l-oiul. sJ-13. Ilii a. i,,,; -..! I 4 "7 and 11.50 p. in For Friuisvlvjnl.i II. It. polnts-0.13, j,s t m; 2.H and 1.27 l. .. For Albany and all points norlb-ii.20 a. t,. and S.52 P- .bl?S0Ay TRAIS.S For Caihondate 0.00, 11.3J a. in.; 2.J(, n..' 5.47, 10 52 p. in. Fur Wllkcs-llaue-O.SS, 11.53 a. in,; j.; a.2, , 6.27, S.27 p. III. For lbany and points north .1.52 i, ;. Fur llonesdalc-0.op u. ni. and n.32 p. ni. Lowest lates to all points In United Stsies and Canada nBnllIC).t ,., Ki Kbi v y I 11. W. CROSS. D- P- A. Scranton. Pa. "central Railroad of New Jerse'. I siatlons in New York-Fvot of Libcily .tree ' R . and south I ciiv. TlMi: TM1LF. IN EFFECP NOV. ii. !w Tialns leave sciantoii lor Nciv .u.. .nwi, , Elwabcth. I'hiladdiMu,, lletlihlm,,. .1, ....I.:., vi .,,! (hunk niiJ White Ha, rn .. .. i ! a. m.t expicM- -l "I1""' a-M P- m" . i ' '''For HUston"""'! Wilkes-Dane, a. m . t to I . ami il.W l. i. nd.J'. -J? I'; '" , I For Hi tlmoic and, "hlinton, and ilm, . ... . . 1 Hi I Ills-lim ! A A . I Vllltl and VVi.V Mi ....... ...... r....u a. ill, .IU and 3.30 p. m. Suudaj, .11 p. in. Fur Lo'ief Hiaiich. Ocaii drove, ele., at $;o' j. in. anil 1.10 P. HI- i For Itcadlnc, Lebanon aiulIUnl.buifc', via Al lenluvvn, S.SO a. in. und 1.10 p. ni. Sundavs 2.13 ii, tu. , .... For I'etUvlllc. t.M a. m. and 1.10 p. in. Thioujh tlclets tu all poli.ts ea,i, south and west at lowest talcs at the station. II. P. BALDWIN. Oin. Pa.s, AHt. J. II. OI.IIAISEN. Urn. Supt EiTe anil Wyoming: Valley. Time Tablo In Elicit Sept. 17, 1000. Tisliw (or llawley and local points, lonneet Ins st llawley wltli Erie rallioad (or New Ycrt, Nevvbuiirh snd Intermediate points, leave Sersn tun st 7.03 a. m. and 2.23 p. in. Trains airlve at tv lanluii at 10. '10 a. in. and 9.1U p. ni. FN EY'S Silks aed Dress Goods Final prices to move at once, broken Hues of Silks and Dress Goods not in ferior grades of merchandise bought cheap for "Bargain Sale" purposes, but odd pieces and short leugths from ouif regular lines QUALITIES aro all of th highest grades purchasable. STYLES All carefully se lected for our regular tiade, including plaids, stripes, mix tures and plain materials. QUANTITIES euough for all purposes, dress lengths, waist lengths, skirt lengths, lengths lor children's dresses, etc. Dress Goods for regular fifty cent 2J?C quality, in all wool plaids, checks, stripes and mixtures. 9S r for the finest quality & all wool plaids camel's hair plaids, heavy wool mixtures. 4 For one week we offer tS) Taffeta and Surah S Iks for 45c, good value at 65c iTvrTrvf fr fancy silks that uy) werc $I and $,.2- Targe assortment of light md dark coloriugs. fin A Tft X & m ss 1 1 a 1 rm sr SMS ss) 5 vs. ry tut .ill uui ucai, lauwy silks. Were $1.50. aud $1.75. No better quality of silk on the market. SlsMH LACKAWAMA AVENUE tt A Word to lit se is ?j The patt ot wisdom Is to set the best Kolns. We have the largest Hue of station ery, office supplies anil blank books lit Xortheastei n Pennsylvania. Reynolds Bros Stationers and kdifiravers, Hotel Jeimyii Building. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. PENNSYLVANIA MILIUM J Schedule in Effect May 27, 1900. Trains leave Scianton, D. & H. Station: 0.43 a. m., week days, for Sunbury, Hanlsburp, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and for Pitts burg nnd the West. 0.38 a. m., week days, for Hazleton Pottsville, Beading, Norristown, and Philadelphia; and for Gun buiy, Hniiiabut'8, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burg and the West. 2.18 p. m., week days (Sundays, 1.D8 p. m.) for Sunbury, Havrls burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. For Hazleton, Potts ville, Reading, &c, week days. 4.27 p. in., week days, for Suubuty, Hazleton, Pottsville, Harrisburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. J. B. 1VOOD. Oen. Pass. ArI J. B. HUTCUINbON, Gen. Slur. Time Card in effect Dee, 30th, lOOO, SCRANTON DIVISION. in iMH vaiaeS ,"? Mimim I Iff if, STATIONS r-M 1 10 AT.S.Y..W ltd 8t. I.T, ..i cx.. '.VI1 ion' loccii TsdasiA . ,Lr. Hsueoik m .Slarllirhl . 101 101 J .moo nil " .I'lntonl'srk. it .VV'lnwnAH.. J 10 ...1'oyntrlle... ..... Orson . rlesMntMt, L'lilaiidala.. 'JVJII otoitis Mil is 41I1U ..1 OlMl UI; t, PM Sllll 21 " CsibondslsYd ' eiaiiiN, , evihonUsi. . .(M ui.;::: o: .vv nils UrUar. .asi Its I 0 0311 II : (i wilt n i S..S1I14 , Msjrflrld Yil. rflrld Yd. " 7 Ml 111 M. , MsjIMd, . T 07 til 01., , .Jul.ijn.. "TwJfijcS ats suiich e ti s.siuoi Itl S.sllldl " j is. s to io i;, ' Bit' IDIOM 1CH-I.SUI , Oltahsiil. . rn 7 II l HI e m i.T . ..:: - T I. ssstois I rut-nuni.. I T tl, 1 hi noil. ii T Sl err,.. .608 ii sniin in " :IU " SMtoioLr. UI in Providence., " T M I'aikrisit,, " "1 it' .Scranton. .Ar. 7 is, ii . as.. UI fee fv A.ltlilorsl Irslns tests Csrbondsle for tlsstifld Tsid nn Huodsy only, srrlrlog Ipm. mil, f1 hrn U..aaAnl. sl.Msth'1.1 1aid7aiinsndS,ocpni. lleeeirislsllststlnns to Csrlmiuslr, sertflns si 7 (spin, snd train leasts d lot l srtxjnSsls sISIUas asily,sriluiistlsrtiulslsls,Msm. Kates a cent! per mile. Lowest Hates tu all Voluts tVesst, C f NtXIISON, CIs'lfSM'r sw YetkCiSj ) r.wcisH, Xrss, Aimt, ( I Isif ssTl I-mis 'ii" U J 03..