The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 18, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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    M 1' ,
ndensed Milk
Phosphates and Hypophosphltes
Added without change of taste.
Best Milk for Family Use " Babies thrive on it '
Sold by Druggist! ted Orocsra, Write for booklet.
Scranton Stock
and Grain Co.
Rooms 41819 Conncll Bide.
Correspondents of The .Stock, Clraln
nml Provision Co.. 10 Wall St., N Y.
Stocks, Bonds, Urn In and Provisions
bought nnd pold for cash or on margin.
Ptlvatc; wires to New York.
Ice Cream.
Or Per
JC Quart.
3 elepbone Order Promptly Dtll vtrtl
Je-J7 Adams Ayenufc
Scranton Transfer Co.
Baggafrc Checked Direct to Hotels
and Private Residences.
J., L. fc
Phont 025.
W. Passenger
Eye, liar. Nose aud Throat
'iC.ce H-urs a. w. tt 1J.30 p. m.: I to
Wtlll&ras Bulldlnc. Opp. Poslovncfv.
-- -llVIX.-Thc'ipp.. Majiint
mini Mill lii.M .i mi:itnadu lull this even
a.g .it Mmlu lull.
uf or vi nntANM. iiio sou, t (i.r.m
"ill meet in (lucrnsry lull, Tuevlay evening,
Kb. l:. A Ijivu attendance is di sired.
ltl.-IHi:.M"i: ."-OI.J . The Hsideiire of lr.s.
I rjiim I, pjiroit at .lrflerson i.crnii anil IMa
iif stint, ln been sold Id Louis I.nluiunli.
MU.TIMJ W U.II)AV NltJllT.-l.oaeh. fab
ami Stablemen's iiiiIjii, No. 220, will meet W'cd
i.. why right in l!nil' li.ill cm V; online avcmi".
mm; iiit.i.i.-.-i)r. i. i:. urn i, iiuuiimt.
ms among Ms tiloiels line onuses Blown on his
mange farm in IKuidi. They aie of a va-
i) .V seldom seen in tills city.
Wol.'IIIY op HI. LP. V vunllii- wopijij uho
In very stialtciud '.imniistaiaes viMes to .In
Limine and nicniliiiir. Iho Wrman's cxi fiance,
I'ti'p building, will ta'ec orders.
inWKIlli;iIV CLAIM PASi:i.-l,c fnllcj
M.ite unite lus pjvnl tlio hill aiproprlatiii(r
'H..7X) ti tho lulls ol Samnol TeMl.csl.iiry. of
tlm til.v. lor tlio ti-c- of .i lmlliliii; JjiiiiB the
mil .ir.
llfU A!-lli:i:irKI).-llioin.i lta-i. ,a lmk'il
l In tlm renter (.ticot station liome lat run.
inc on .i uarunt liu(d by AMrmun Mlllot,
lininn? Iilm with liicviiy .mil ifiiiiins, pic
tnciJ li Uanlil P. M.iran.
in r tiv &ni:i:r foiiij. n w,:, (.
! ii.-o .-iii'iiu.'. nnplojcil In the nuihliie hop
i the lul,.on MorlM, ,f. utriiil. Situnlay ly
I'li'io of fclii. l lion, i.vilntt .i iiiptinr. (Jorljy to the l,ifk'm.iiini ho-phjl.
HUMID OP lUAUi: MlUri'S. -V moctliirf of
hoaril of tiailo will he l.ihl toiiisht ami
iiii'ini: other nulti-M Lie Ion of tho
llri- ikpartniMit Mill come up fur ill-mnm,
l'rcil.lint I..iiiinsf Mill aNo announce coinmlttus
for 1!1.
IIT IV Till: KYC-lMtrlel. Connor, of Ar .i.
lull, was wciiMil nt the l.acl.aunii.i ho,,ijl
saturil.n. siitloilin; from an Injniy to the iluht
ij- (niiiiirii .w nt woit in tho Auir.iihl
imiif when a j.icto of coal hlnn-lt him in th
ci nisMiijr an operaMon neccuaiy.
HKIIK'S ri.r.MM;. ihe Trail.r' .ilU.iu; riioit ch-arinii, for the scranton Cliurlng
Hciim" atscclatlon tor the wick ciullng 1'ch. 10,
m follows; Monil-y, S1W,C12.J7; 1non!a.i, hull,
il.'.i! Vulnc.aj, t.i:i.,:iii.S; Tlmnliy, kJ'1,.
"ll.1T; I'llilay, :M,WMIi Kiluidiy, $IB.I,bi..
60. Total, H,2W.rS. The clrariiiRi for the
i oircpoiiJliiij week Iat jcar wa I,110,T40,OI.
A-f -f-f-f -f--t- -f4--
Spring Brook Water,lst Mtg.5s
Lacka. Valley Elec. Light, 1st
Mtg. 5s.
North Jersey andPocono Moun
tain Ice Co., 1st Mtg. Ds.
Standard Gas Co., 1st Mtg. 0s.
Lehighton Water Supply Co.,
t 1st Mtg. 5s. s
New Mexico Railway and Coal
Co., 1st Mtg. 5s.
Description and price on appli
cation. M Droai)', N. V. WlHtrt-llarrc.
4, 5 nj t, Coininonucallli Illilk'.,
HfHO tttH .
in aStjajtj. K
Members of Scranton Club Gathered
Around the Festive Board.
Tho annual meeting and dinner of
tin) Scranton club, held In its rooms in
tho boaul or tnulo building on Satur
day night, was largely attended. C. 11.
Welles presided, and II. Yv Kingsbury
acted as secretary. The following
dlirclots woio elected for three years:
J. "W. Oakfoul, Henry Bolln, Jr., K. U
Fuller, T. K. Jones and James II. Tor
rey. F. Ji. Vnndllng was elected a
director to 1111 the "vacancy caused by
the resignation of K. B. Sturges.
The following inembers were chosen
to fill vacancies on tho admission com
mittee: I,, a. -Watrcs, 11. J. Foster
and Arthur H. chilsty. After the
meeting a dinner was served In tho
banquet room by Stcwaid O'Nell.
Little Girl Passed Away at I O'clock
Saturday Morning and the Boy at
7 O'clock Saturday Night.
Howard and Rosy Getz, the two Iit
tbo children of Mr. and 3Irs. Frank
f.'etx, of C01 Breaker street, Cirem
Bldge, died Saturday fioni the scalds
they sustained tho previous night. Tho
girl died at 1 o'clock In the morning;
wio hoy at 7 o'clock Saturday night.
Tho accident, as may be believed,
has lalily distracted tho mother who
witnessed It, although it whs in no
wise due to any negligence on her part.
The children were playing nbout tho
kitchen, where sho was at work. A
huge kettle full of boiling water wai
en the liont of tho ntop. Tho little
gill for some unaccountable reason,
caught bold of the handle of the kettle
and In trying to lift Jt or push it
burl; overturned it and caused the
contents to fairly drench herself and ,
her little brother fiom their shouldets
down. j
Dr. Holllster was hastily summoned,
but all that his skill could do, was to !
-.lleviatn la some degree the tenlblo
mifferlngs of the children. At no time
was there anything more than the most '
faint hope of either of them surviving.
The father who Is a miner nt this '
west uiuge slope was not at nnmn
when the accident occulted.
The funeral of the two children will
take place tomorrow afternoon.
mother jones Tonight.
She Will Address tho Striking Silk
Mill Workers Shipping Raw
Silk to New Jersey Mills.
Mother 3Iary Jones will he in the
city today, aud tonight will address
a public mass meeting at St. Thomas'
College hall. The famous female or
ganizer of the 31lne Workers will be
greeted by a great audience, as her
coming has been looked forward to
with much inteicst during the past
The strikers declare that Mother
Jones has not been brought on hero
to take charge of the strike, but mere
ly to mane tonignt's addles.
The strikers wore greatly aroused
Saturday by tho report that Superin
tendent Davis, of Sauiiuolt mill, had
Friday night shipped a quantity of raw
silk to Xewton, X. J., to be there wo
ven. The local olllclals have written
to tlu Jersey hands asking them not
to work on any material sent from
this city.
Tho girls at the Simpson and Harvpy
silk mills were paid Saturday after
noon. A meeting will be held this af
ternoon In Mauley's hall. Dunmore. of
the Cambria and Peteishurg workers.
Given in St. Thomas' College Hall,
Under Auspices of C. T. A. B.
The Catholic Total Abstinence soel
eiles comprised in the Second district
of the diocesan union conducted a
most successful concert last night n
St. Thomas college hall.
District Picsldeiit V. J. Daniels
Hi-ted as chaii iiviii, and In opening Urn
prugiamiui- explained that Itev. J. A.
31ofi'.u, of Taylor, who was expected to
ueiivcr a temperance lecture, was un
avoidably unable to he present, on ac
count of the death of a near relative.
Mr. Daniels himself accordingly made
a Inlef address, explaining tho alms
and objects of the organization.
He leferrcd to the fact that itev. J.
J. Cut run, of Wllkes-Uam-, president
of tho Diocesan union, hud promised
at liiut year's national convention of
Total Abstinence aud Benevolent soel
etles held In Philadelphia that tho
Scranton Diocesan union would fur
nish twenty-live per cent, of tho 16,000
new members which It was desired to
have in the Fnlted States by the next
convention, in order to bring the total
membership up to 100,000. 31 r. Daniels
urged all present not members of a
Total Abstinence and Benevolent soci
ety to become alllllated with one.
Tho programme whicn followed ills
lenuirks was an exceedingly Interest
ing one. Piano solos were capably ren
dered by Jllss Nellie Gibbons ami 3Ilss
Kale Heardon, and Thomas 3tcIIugh
recited "Tho Unknown Speaker" with
raro dramatic force and power. Vocal
solos were contributed by 3Ilss Lizzie
Durkln and V. A. .McDonough.
The councllinanlo bribery Investiga
tions, which were put over during tho
rush of court business, will be icsumed
this week, on a day to be set by the
It Is said tho Munlclpul league will
renew tho attack with vigor, and re
port has It that some startling evl
denco will be forthcoming.
Oiilces for Rent.
A lino suite of otliccs, well adapted
for use of physician or dentist, can
be bccurcd In Guernsey Hall. Please
call nnd get terms, etc. J. W. duern
fccy. Proprietor,
Says the Death of His Wife, Whom
He Married In This City, Wa.1 the
Result of Allowing a Healer to
Take Charge of Her Case Sho Was
Suffering from Appendicitis Be
sought tho Authorities to Punish
the Healers, but Found There Is
No Law That WU Reach Them.
Scranton seems determined to keep
on figuring In Christian Scientist sen
sations. In the New Yotk Journal
appoatrt u halt-page story of a former
Scranton man who declares the scien
tists killed his wife and that he will
never rest until ho secutes leglslatl-n
winch will put a stop to their practice
of faith healing.
Tho man Is Captain C. J. Hubbell,
Inventor and capitalist, who, when in
this city during the greater pait of
the past decade, was Interested in the
manufacture of a miners' electric
lamp and other articles of a llko
At ptosent he is living In llrooklyn
at Ufi Kingston avenue, and Is vice
president of tho Oxydlte company, of
No. 263 Wyckoff street, llrooklyn. Ho
is a man of wide acquaintance in the
business world and bears an honorable
record of service in tho Civil war,
having won particular renown as ex
ecutive olllcer of the gunboat Victory,
of the Mississippi Fquudron.
Mr. Hubbell tells the story of his
wife's death and tho Incidents leading
up to It In the following language:
"Quecnlc" I c allot my wife, she w.n tho
UtiKlitcr of a Sweilmli, her father he
inc uu olfliir in the SuoiIMi navy. yy d.iuuhUr
Muriel fell In hue with her whin wo ncie in
Hcrajiton, and in that way I and my future wife
were brought logctlar.
Vic wete n.airicd in S.ranlon on in p,
ISf'J. 1 took my wife to Kurufw for Hip.
Vi lived In Loni'on for a jear and thrn utiiinid
oml boarded In Paterson, X. J. c Kta.ved with
a Mm Cray and a man tumid Miller, a iiitiI.iI
liealcr, was a constant vhltor ti the liouv.
My wife alwayi pocwewd a curimlty lor thinm
telcntlflc, nd Miller explained to her the proi e,
or mental lieallnir.
We moved to Droo'ilvn and Christian SiU-ntUt
vNllcd my wife, and as Lir Knowledge of the
Slmco grew lur interest incrra.eil, anJ i-he
twite atftliiltd the ihiutli of Mlrv Aitu.-U '.,
Stetwin, fn V.t I'nrty-ciicUlli allcet.
I hid no ohjitllon to th fi il, .11 I ronMrrrd
niv wife too well poivd nn nt.illv to vir enter
loo deeply into the seleiu-e.
Iho riiiltlan SelcntUti continued to Wt my
wife, and sent her one of .Mr. IMd.v'n lieui'
The Sclent iiro aparcntly eiy lovuhle, and
very honest to nn outldei.
Oni iiiorniiiL" my wife oinpl.iiii-d of uainlv.
I wanliil to s-etid for a phjtlelan, but my wife
"Oh. ifo oil risht. Clmliy. I shall be well
in .1 minute.'
I-tead, kIii1 ber.nne worse and, to my .itUiiilrli
inent, reo.ue-.ted that I k for a "healer."
I protested stronsly, but my wile was a womiii
of meat will power, fo to p.ieify her I Mid."
"All rlKht. cucenle, I will po ihrnn and fend
seme one up."
I went to I hi' house on MonlaKiie stiicl. wheiu
'lt. P.innelie .1. I e-mail!, a veiy stadl.v,
cliciillitcl wouiiii, piiriil"". I pri'llereil my wlioN
riuest and Mr. I.ii.n.inl al, ht would semi ,i
At s p. in . whin my .trniim ilaushiii, Muiiil,
was in beil, the dooibill lant'. I nri'ivered the
'uiii'H ik. A iilrednokinj: man Hood on
the fel'p.
"I have e-aniii from Monlacue stteet," he ai.l.
"What Is the tame?" 1 aAcd.
"Iieonard," he aibwerfd.
I took hlrn into my wifes room and tanl to
her: "Quanle, lieie ii Mr. Ionird."
I left them theru together and tat Miioklin;
In my dmlng room. 11 was very milcl; .me
hour pjmcil and then aolhcr, and I lould In ir
no found from the loom.
At It p. in. Muriel raiue in and said shi hid
nUiMii; into niv wile's apartirent.
"Mliat vvero they doiiur" I ailted.
"Oh, he wa flltlni' theie in a rocMng chdr,
lust looklnp at mother," sho aruwcitd. "I got
up beeaue I heard mother croan and m.v tu lb
Joung, ' ttnnot und tlila pain veiy inmli
lonter. Can't jou lulp me' "
At midnlflit my patlintc w-a-. ehauted 1
went Into the room and said t(. the healer:
"Look here, joimj nun, how long are lou ro
li'l to M hero!"
My wife iC'iuestod me not to Interfere and
then asked me to pay Mr. Leonard now.
"I don't ratry money aiound with mo in my
ehc'lnif gown. Lit him send his bill I an
swered. Soon afler Leonard tame om and told mc to
leli phone him In the morning If my wife via no
"I am going now," he villi.
Then, at 2 a. m my wife allowed me lo go for
Dr. Ilernnn street, at IKan ftnet and Brooklyn
avenue. He gavu mc some niidleine and said he
would call that morniug.
The same dav I leielved tho following bill
fiom jciiing Leonard!
Mrs. f. II. Hiilibell, I),.
To l'. II. Icnnaul, ('. -'. I), , tun Men-
t.i'4Ue ftieet.
I'er unites reid.iul In tnatuient of Mrv
lliibh.l, !.
I njoiee nilli joii oier vour wife's imlek ie.
i every and with htr for hci luaio nil line in
Roil In her rtumll,v. rallhfully .vours
P. il. Lconaid.
Al 1 o'tloik in.i wife s,iid the imiliilne hid
done htr no good, iml .aid she wutiird Mis.
Leoinrd. I notllltd 111. Mieot piis.iiully inn to
ie ouiMKroiK, laid lir. Mien, "Hi
thee people an. (,in' wlti, 1 am sin
nteiN treatmeni."
w ay
M "- UOVA1ID 'IDOIv CHAIif.i:.
Mr. Leonard heist If unic al 0 j. m.
a, m,, widi
me .lining man, ami tool; charge of the ease, t
was fiedlrg my vifo I,uni)ss, under the dui tor's
Mrs. Leonard would nut allow it.
"Wu never use kum.vss," she ixpLlnrd. "Have
juin daughter across the street male some oat-
Leant the children lessons of
economy the practical klnel. At
every turn leach them to avoid
Taught to Improve their time and
their talents, and to lay by tho
little sums that come to hand: a
right start In llfo will bo had.
And they'll Anally thank you for
nil tho promptings.
Savings Department
Cor. Wyoming and Sptuce
meal grutl, and strain It rery thoroughly. I
think you might nuko nomo weak lemonade,
1'or a period of ten dajj Mr. LeonaroTTounK
Leonard ami a Ml Wood fame freqiientle. The
treatment did not iary. It comUled of vee.ik
lemonade, gruel ami extract read from Mra.
IMdjV book.
The healer would tUro Intently at my wife
for nn hour at a lime. i
My wife Impr-oied and win able to act
but foon took to her bed a tain.
Ilaily Monday mornlna- 1 heard my wife groan.
1 ran to her and aald!
".Sow-, 1 am not gcirg to have uny more of
tlilt noniemel 1 .mi going for Dr. Street.
"I wbili you would, Cliarley," alio atum-errd.
1 navv my wife' condition wa.i alinnlng co I
went over the way md notified my ton, William,
and then lan fur Dr. street. He .arrived then
examined my wife. Then he tald me!
"Will, Captain, your wlfn U lnt..i xry pr.
lailom condlllon and she i In a jftite of tol
lapse now and she In perltonltl and mut
cither go te the liopltat or jon irliint rrecura a
titirjf. We iiaut work qulekly if we are to aave
lur ut nil,"
Dr. Street prewnhed for my wife, and at 7
a. ni, 1 left to engage a nurse tor her.
When I returned my wife wr.n tlejd,
I Hiked Dr. street al.oiil Die caee. and h? told
me tint If my wife I. id been trcilrd In time she
could have been laved,
lie aalil an operation wm necessary ten dava
b-lote my wile died, when she was llrs.1 take III
The eatiMi of death, ho mid, vvu perltonltla
ri"lting fiom apliinllellls.
e-oioiiei's liiipiist Wit held, and they rcn.
dcrcel the unit Verdict,
1 w.i half cr-uy with gilef. I vtlte.l PI..
tilct Attorney Cluko nnd enlieated him to ar
rest these healns who bid killed my wife
Mr. Claiko tM:
"I wl-ih I could elo nonii thing. I wish there
Ma legislation in cxUlcncc lo stamp the heal.
cm out of existence. I could irlvo vnn a r.
rant for tlelr arrest, but they will then proceed
against jou for false Imprisonment, because
tin re's no statute to support you."
In my aaony I went down to the houso on
Montague atreit and cried out to Mr. I.eonart
and (he ttft of them, that they had murdered
my wife.
I shall never re.t content until I xee leglJa
tlon in force lliat will wipe Christian Seienco on
the earth,
I demand, in tho Interests of other who are
In danger of hiviig a lo.-cd one killed by ne-g.
lect and wilful Ignorance, that uch be procured
U Is hi this spirit that I narrate the facts in
mv own dreadful experience.
.Mrs. Leonard Is a sort of high priest
ess of the Christian Scientist cult. It Is
said, and the results of her treatment
of Mrs. Hubbell has caused much anxi
ety among Its members.
Arguments Before the Judiciary
Committee of Select Council with
Referonnce to Ordinance.
Judlelary committee of select
council Satutday afternoon heard ar
guments upon the legality of tho
fianelilse which the Consumers' Gas
company has Just askeel council for.
Major Kverett iVarien appeared for
the Scranton Gas and Water com
pany, which Is fighting the franchise,
while (he new company was repre
sented by Attorneys M. J. Martin and
S. 15. Price.
Major Warren was first heaul nnd
contended that the Hyde Patk Gas and
Water company has exclusive rights
to the city's stteets for the laying of
gns mains. The Hyde Paik company
and tin; Scranton Gas and Water com
pany weie entirely (separate corpor
ations, he said. Tim Scranton company
manufactures thu gus which is fur
nished by the Hyde Park company.
The general corpoiatlon act of 1S7I,
he said, provides that gas companies
Miall have exclusive rights until they
shall have earned a dividend of eight
per cent, lor live years. Neither the
Hyde Park company nor the Si- autou
Gas and Water company, ho said, has
ecr earned it dividend of eight per
cent. The fotmcr company has never
eat ned a dividend at all, he contended.
Attorney M. J. Martin, for the new
company, said that tho Scranton Gas
and Water company and tho Hyde
Park Gas and Water company raised
the point that they had exclusive
lights, before tho attorney geneutl,
when the new company applied for
a charter aud that tho attorney gen
eral decided that they did not. Ho
quoteel n number of statutes and Su
preme court decisions to show that no
gas company could have exclusive
rights In the city.
Tho committee will meet again on
Tuesday to confer with City Solicitor
Vosburg and to foimulato u report to
Boys Committed to County Jail for
Assault and Battery.
Charles and Hairy A. Muiray, 11 and
lfi years of ago respectively, living ut
L'l" liioadway, were arraigned be-feuo
Alderman Howe Saturday evening on
the charge of assault and battery pre
ferred by their father, Patrick Mur
ray. The boys wire committed to thu
county Jail In default of $soo ball each.
Friday night the boys remained
away from homo until quite late and
thu father went out to lind them. Af
ter a long search he found them, but
his commands to go home wi-iv met
Willi shouts of elerlsinii. Upon his In
sisting the two knocked him down, sd
upon him, and thiashed him until all
three were oNlmustotl.
Partition Between Matthews and
Norton Buildings Came Down.
With a ciash that produced a report
which reminded ono of last August's
dynamite explosion on Lackuwanna
avenue, a portion of tho brick wall
between the Matthews and Norton
buildings fell Saturday night.
Thousands of bricks fell, and tho
terrlllo shock was felt In business
places all along tho block. The wall
was consldeicd unsafo since the lire,
and the precaution was taken of board
ing In tho affected district.
The fall took place about 9 o'clock,
and for a time the street was filled
with dust, dirt and debris.
Order for Company F.
All members- of Company F. Thir
teenth regiment, N. G. P., who can
conveniently turn out, are ordered to
appear at the luinoiy this afternoon
at 'i o'clock In uniform, overcoat, cap
und sldo arms, for the purpose of at
tending the funeral of the late Lieu
tenant Isaac Brown, Company K, Thir
teenth regiment. By order of
Geo. C. Merrlman,
1st Lieut. Commanding Co. P.
Chauncey H. Detby, First Sergeant,
Attention, Elks.
Members of Scranton lodge, No. 123.
Benevolent and Protectlvo Order of
Klks, ure requested to meet at the
lodge rooms at 1.30 o'clock this after
noon to attend the funeral of our late
In other, Isaoo Brown.
W. It. Gould, Secretary.
They Bear No Resemblance to Bible
Miracles, He Says, nnd Simply
Show That Somo Havo Given Heed
to "Seducing Spirits" A Compari
son of tho Miracles Pet formed by
Christ and of the Cures Which Are
Said to Be Wrought by the Chris
tian Scientists.
new Dr. James Mcl.eod, pastor of
the Fltst Picsbyterlun church, last
night iriivo tho third of u scries of
sermons on Christian Science, taking
for his theme, "Christian Science
poctrlno of Miracles." lie spoke ns
Among the many InfilllMe pioofa of the truth
esf Christianity that of mlraclen omiplii a con
spicuous plate. The Illhlc on a whole and In all
Us part I a miraculous book. Its writcn weie
mlrae.iilouly Instructed and controlled. Us cen
tral doctrine deals with a miraculous person;
and if we should eliminate its record of miracles
we would rob It, of moic than half Its charms.
It is significant that not one of the inspired
writers was authorized to define a miracle. They
simply tecord tho facts, and allow the miracles
to speak for themselves. Definitions are admir
able for tho sake of precision, and for the pur.
J'Ofo of discussion; but even If we had a dlvlncl)
Inspired definition of a miracle it would scarcely
add an) thine; to it value as evldcnco for the
truths of the Christian icllglon.
A miracle has K-en vsf-tmt.iv rt..t,f.,t
violation of natutal law, aud as a suspension of
natural law, and an a contravention of natural
law, and as an interference with natural law, and
as "an event In the external world brought about
by the Immediate iflltlrnej, or simple- volition of
nd"j and again "as an act of Rod which visibly
levlites from Ihe ordinary working of Ills
power, designed, while ripable of seivlng oilier
uses, to authenticate a Divine message." These
are .1 lew out of a great many definitions. A
definition that Would, pnhaps, come as near to
the exict truth as any would be to ssy: x
miracle Is an event of raro otcunence, and ap
wa)s wrought for a spcilal purpose, and Is at
onco both superhumin and supernatural. Wheth
er this definition bo eoireit or not, it is i,r
tslnly applicable to all the mhailes rciorded
In tlio lllble, for they vine only wrought on talc
occasions, and they weie all wrought for dt finite
and righteous purposis, and, In every t-ae, the
Worker was both supeihiiinan and supern aural.
llverj' believer in tho Hod of the lliblc Is hound
to believe in the miracle of the lllble. To ev.ry
Christian the belief in miracles is a ncccsiiry
belief. An infidel like Hume, or a pantheist
like Spinoza, iniy deny Ihe polbllliy ()f mliai les,
but a beliif In the true (iwl Involus of very
neces.ity a belief in mliacles. Cod Himself is
the miracle of mlr.ii lev The man who l.ellucs
in the eternal and si IfoxMent Cm, the Ciealor
of all xvoilds, his no illttuuliy in believing that
He has power enough to work nil the miracles
recorded in the lllble. If miracles be inipo-ilble,
then Cod is impossible, ami Jesus Cliri-t is im
possible, and the icdemptlon and silvallon of
sinners are impossible, lint, if miracle be isis.
slblc, their ottiinence may be verified by eiedlble
testimony, and we hive nedible testimony of
the very highest older on which to ba-e our
billef in Jhblo mluilev
CI HUM'S ntAliACTi:i!.
The character of Chrlsf Is iiiia-.sell.ihle. He
would not deceive, and He touhl not be de
ceived. Wc have Ills testimony. 'Ihe sime is
measurably true of ClirM'a dl.ciples ainl aposttec.
Their character, and their credibility, and their
testimony are impregnable. They could hale
avoided proviuliun, and the) could hive saved
their lives if they had been willing to falslf) the
evidences of their senses. They saw Christ vvorlt
miracle and they knew that, by Ilia power,
they had themselves wrought mlrailes and wc
have their testimony. Christ eame into this
orld to "bear witness to the truth," and His
truthfulness is lonspleuous .ill through Ills
earthly life. Ho reproved tin, and rebuked false
hood, when He was well aware that Ills fidelity
to truth would result In Ilia crucifixion. His
testimony Is Infallible.
It is noteworthy that moslly all the miracles
of Christ were vuought In the presence of many
witnesses, and sonic witnesses were His bitter
foe.s. His irltles were present when He raised
1.4UIU from the grave. Whatever their opinion
is to the souice of C'hiist's power thrv could not
deny that He wrought a mighty tuliacle. His
eiities could not deny that He gave sight. In
stant!), to a mm who was born blind, nor could
they deny (hat He can out devils. All they
could do was to attribute His miraculous power
to Ueelzebub. Hence, the tectlinony of C'hri.t
and His disciples is curoboiatol by the testi
mony ot their foes.
as srno.No as hvr.rt.
It lias been suggested that miracles di not
furnish as strong testimony now, on behalf of
Christianity, as they did In the da)s of the
apostles and in the early Chrislian centuries.
Time, wc are told, has weikened the forie of
their tcstlmoii), and, If that be so, it is only
reisonable to suppose that tin- time will coin
when their testimony will have no forte at all.
Theie is nothlrg in this suggestion to disturb
Iho filth of a Christian. Miracles arc so inter
woven with Christianity that the miraciilout
tliriad. c-innot be icmoved without dMlro)lng tin
entire web. Jisus Christ is Himself the greatest
miraele in the history of the world. Ills name
is "above every name," It Is nut possible to
get rid of the tesllmoii) nf miracles without,
-it the saini time, getting rid of the testimony
of Jesus. The argument that would destroy Ihiir
forte must first destroy His character. This
being so, there u ,,i iiL. ),.,,,( occasion to fear
that the testimony of mlrailes will giow weaker
ns time advances', nor that, in future ages, their
testimony will be entirely di.caided. On the
iontrar.1, we believe that the claim of Chrlsthn
truth will be acknowledged moic wldoli us tlm
ages roll along, ami, since miracles are a part of
rhristlin truth, their claims must be aeknowl-
(Continued on Page S
irb - k -., - & k 4- -k k k
i art.uiiiL urriLM
Be Spencer Business College
To any person who will send to The Trib
une Publishing Company
Sew subscriptions for The Scranton Trib
une, paying $5,00 in advance for one year,
Present a paid-up Certificate entitling them
to a fOII six months' Business or Short
Hand Course in Our College, valued at $35.
j 3lo Washington avenue,
f l ij rZ $ 'X "X3 i' & 'h
g UUI WUIlMdlll people tell us, as they often do,
1 Cffravf ,, ,. ., Ilil1!16!".0 w!.th. us be-
Ulllll L ",v "'"J e"-1 buuu Kuuua i ncrc never was
W11U1 a time in your life that you could buy such "ood
goods" for so little money as duiing this ODDS AND. ENDS
sale: Open stock patterns we are closing out, dinner set's with
few pieces short, that we will sell as odd pieces at ridiculously
low prices. - . J
NOTE. These are only a lew of the many bargains.
14 Inch Decorated Platters ,..,
ijocorateu uovereu uuttors ;..a.... ...T......'.,i..;4fi6.
" GrAvy Bonts '. '22c.
8 Inch Docoratecl Vegetable Dishes 28c.
Also great reduction in Lamps, China, Glassware, Silver
ware, etc.
CVuxaJMgAX ,
? Geo. V. Millar &
Wk TlicNcwNcirersllj As-
lilinlt Memorable
Horse cannot slip
mid will outweir three
sets or any other calk
A Break in the Price ol Rubbers They have been too high for
the past two years. Now we will give you the benefit of the cut in
prices. Ladies' 6oc Rubbers, now 45c Men's S5C kind, now 70c.
Solemn High Mass of Requiem Cele
brated In St. Peter's Cathedral.
The f uncial of the Iate Mrs. Cather
ine Blewitt, wife of ex-Mine Inspector
Blcwltt. xvas held on Saturday morn
ing at 0.30 o'clock, from tho residence
on Phelps street, and xvaH attended by
a large number of tho dead woman's
friends and i datives.
in sit. I'etfr's cathedial a solemn
high mass of requiem was rolemnlzed
with Itev. J. .1. GilfTin ai cWe-brunt:
Hex-. I.ukc Van Bay aB deacon, and
Itev. P. .1. (Sough an sub-deacon. Tlf
pallbearers xveie: Br. r. K. Scanlon,
Br. J. V. Saltiy. Bugcne Hayd'i. John
Scanlon, -I. .1. Scanlon anil Martin
Scanlon. The great pnuusiea of How -
er- presented were oarileel by Ihe fol-
lowing gentlemen: Jam'S Burke. Br.
K. J. Kiefi'. M. J. Kelly. Patrick Clark.
Matthew Scanlon, Thomas Clark, John
It. Kelly nnd James Bown"y. Inter
ment xx-as made in tint Cathedral ceme
tery. Nearly all the mine Inipcctors of the
anthracite field called on Mr. Blewitt
last Friday to tender him their con
dolences. Piano for Sale.
Tills piano has been left on sale and
must b" sold, legardless of price. Lat
est design uptight, ne.ulv new, and In
lln condition. Dun's mls.s nn oppor
tunity to get a good piano cheap. "Will
be sold for cash only, nuetii'-ey Hall,
Scranton Pa. J. V. Guernsey, Pro
prietor. '
'Oliver Twist."
Air. Frederick Yx Truman will ap
pear at St.'i- P.nlsli Housie Au
ditorium this Monday evening, in his
dramatization of Oliver Tv. 1st, with
Prof. -T. Willis Miss Bene
Kami and Mr. John Jones. In mu.ilcal
numbers for the bc-nelii of the .Men's
.iilld. "
i- i k k & k k k 'k k -k
scranton, Pa. t
H"?1 i J5 i t "V f1 t f
Co. Sl02;k
xvalk In and Look' Around sr
nn 126 and 128
uUm Franklin Ave.
"IS 17 Holers Bros.'' Goods.
Knives, Forks
Spoons, etc.
No question about the quality; we
have all the newest patterns at
lowest prices.
Also the celebrated Sterling In
laid Spoons and Forks. War-
1 ranted to wear twenty.flve years.
Immense stock of Sterling Silver
Spoons, Forks, Knives and Cased
Go ds for Wedding Presents.
Mercereafc 5 Connell,
1.32 Wyoming: Avenue.
Places in Virginia
Can be coinforUMy an J easilv
reached by the
Steamers sail dally except Sunday from Pier '
North Itivcr, fool ur llmli .Ireel, New York, ft
Old Point Coinforf
Richmond, Ua.
and Washington, D. C.
Connecting for All Points South and West.
Through Tu-Kets returning from Washington
by rail or water.
1'or full Information apply to
81-85 Beech St., New York.
11.11. W'ALiail.Traf.Mar. J.J.llltOW.V.q.P.A.
Pierce's Market, Penn Ayenue
W'e male a specialty of fancy Creamery But
ter and strictly fresh cjgi and the price li ar
loir as first class goodi can be sold at.
We do not have any special sales or leaders
hut at all timet carry as complete a line ot
Market (foods, fancy (Iroctrles cn.d Talle Dellca.
cles as can t found In the Urjeit New Yorlc
or Philadelphia Jiarsets which vvo tell at rljlit
H. Pierce,
IP Laclattsnna Axe.
I'rompt drliv rr.
119, li:, Ul Peaa Are.
t i
' ",-. j. T