s ;o i 4 1 ,1 Wtxhuw. cranton E ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. fe SCRANTON, PA., MONDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 18, 1903. TWO CENTS. TWO CENTS. m - T.TTS-! BfWt iri!BBBBBjFrUHafwiBi7F 3 LITTELL MAY BE APPOINTED The Efforts ot Congressman Gon nell In Behalf ot a Scran ton Scientist. MIDDLE DISTRICT COURT Senatois Quay and Pentose Will Urge the Passage of the BUI in the Senate The Opposition to the Meaturo from Plttsbuig Will Not Be of a Strong Character Sena tor Hoar's Consideiation Pen sions Ginntcd. Ppeilal hum i Marl t'lirrt'-iioniKiit. Washington, Feb. 17. Congressman Council called on the president yes tot clay to urge the appointment ot Frank 11. I.ltlell, of Scruntoti, us pio. fesor of the naval eibsennteuy. Mr I.lttoll locontly passed an exam ination lor this professotslilp and. It Is itndu stood, pissed (list In the ex ituliiutliiii. Considerable Intluenio N i ing brought to hear on tin piesl-lU-iit tor tho appointment ot a Mr. I'-oed, hut It Is believed, since the ex- m 1 mi ti on was unlet oil by the pusl dent and Mr. Llttoll standi at the head n' the list, ho -will receive the appoint ment 1'our of the pioiessois culled on Mr. e'onuell osteidny morning In lhalf ot .Mr. I.ltlell, and soveinl of theni iicenmpuulcd htm 10 tho White hous". Mr. Llttoll Is now on his way t Sumatra by order of the piesldont, t i olx-cne the eclipse of the sun. Middle Disttict Coutt Bill. The eongiossman ban boon, Mnoo his i itnri tiom Iluitlsbiiig. trlng to set '.- M-njtc Judlclniy eoinmltt'e to in ike a luveiiublc npoit on his bill luentlv passed by the hou-c, clouting .in additional Judicial dhtllct to he l'lown us the Mlddln dhtllct. lie llcl, in (ninp.iny with Senator IVti iiwe, on Si niitnr JTo.ir. chairman of lie committee, anil explained the pio. msIoiis and meilts of the bill. Sena tor Hour told his cullers that the- U" nublleuns of lils homo had got Into a tow. and the light was close, and that lu felt It his iluty to go home to oto, mil would not bo able to return until innit tlliu' on Wednesday. He of- i i. tine" the tlnu w.'s Mum t b-iv.e-n now and adjournment of eon-,'ie!-. in appoint u Mib-ccminlttec, but the Mii.itor and oongtes.uniin eonclud- il to alt until he ictuuied. Senator Hoar then agieed to call a meeting of the committee for Thui.sduy morning n -xt .it k'.'JO o'clock, III order to give tho who nie opposed to the passage o: tho hill, as well as Its ft lends, an oppeii tunliv to bo heard. Judge Uuf liht ton, of Plttsbuig. Is opposed to tho bl'l and has wilttun Const essniau Or.a. ham icquestlng him to let him know when lf i an hac an opportunity to be heard It is not known tot certain th it tho Judge will go to the expense an 1 tumble of making the trip, because t'ongiesMnan (Srnhiini tc plied, s.ilug Mrtt he expected the senate commit ter, would make a favoiable lepoit on 'iv bill, and that It would pas the fiiatf at this hpshlon, and that he had potior put his Ideas lu wilting, and send thein to the committee. Senator Hoir told Senator 1'enioso ..id Mr. "oniull tluit Senator Quay hi.! wired him as will us other mem beis of the eoinmittee loeiuostlng them 'i iipoii the bill faorably and to m go Its passage In the senate. The s nutor eontlnuod b saing. that It is seldom If net that a bill of this kind H obleeled to lu tho senate, and especially when both senutots iceiuest ts passage. Mr. I'ontiill has wltcd simi.i1 Scianton tittonns and io quested tln-m to be hcie In time to ippcar befoie the lommlttio on Tliin diy. Pensions Granted. i iii;iesniau Cnnnell lrit been ad vk'cd that the following h.ne lit in riinted pensions. Ciitheiliio Viulij, inothei of Thomas I). Aarle, Kilban non, 1'n.ini, (iiilwny lounty, lieland, ! per mouth lioni Jlaich 1. ivi't; .John Hunts-nmn. No. UJ rnlrltw inc. nue, Si i anion, claim for oilKlnnl pen sion at &i: per month fiom .Ian 20, 1'JiO; Thomas Iljan. No. S'JO Mooslc sticit, Sci union, ilaliii for Ineieat-e pens'on from JS to $12 pei month fiom Nn. II, 130D. J. It. AV. CONOEESS WILL BE ACTIVE. Considerable Business to Be Ciowded Into the Remaining Weeks, Pj Ktclutiw Wire mm The Aocijlnl l'u Washington, Feb, 17. The senate will devote practically nil its lime dm lug the present week to appioprlatton bills Tim postoltlce iippiopiiullon bill piob ably will bo taken up tomoiiow upon r nvenlng, although It may glvo plau to the diplomatic and consular nppio Dilation. Tho time to be consumed in discussing these meusures will depend hugely upon the detei initiation which may be cached with refeiento to the ship subsidy bill. So long as the Demo crats feel that the subsidy hill Is to be ptessed, In case of a lull, the) will In sist upon debating all mcasmes pie scutcd. The bill making appropria tions for fortifications will also io. eelve, attention dining the week, and It Is expected that the conference le port on the Indian bill will be tjoiudd. i red, th uiiny bill piobably will be i lachsd late lu tho week, but not In llino to he debated before the begin nltiR of next week. There Is some talk of the renewal of night sessions, but It Is not piobablc that they will be again undertaken until the closing days of the session. House Will Be Busy. 'Ih lust week but one of the present session of congress will bo an exceed ingly busy one In the house. Much business I cumins to be disposed of, and the Inevitable crowding which charac terizes the closing bonis of a congtess has begun alteady. The apptopiiutlon bllh, so far ns the house is concerned, aie In fuitly good shape. The last of them, the general deficiency bill, will follow on the heels or tho sundiy civil bill, which Is about half completed. These bills and conference reports will be given the light of way over every thing elfc. All other matteis, some of them of gieat Imiioitance relatively but not ot lmpei.itle necessity to be passed, will have to take their chances In the ilnal lush. Speaker Hendeison Is almost constantly besieged by ineiu bcis importuning him in the luteiest of various measures. He Is keeping oerytblng clear for the great rush nnd letting the dilftwood of legislation Into the curient only when It will not Im pede the piogiuss of things which must pass eongiess befoie March 4. Theie aio many knotty problems to be solved In connection with the upnro piiatlon bills over difference!) between the two houses, and many good-sized lows ure promised. River and Haibor Bill. Tile ultimate late of the liver and haibor bill will piobably depend upon how heavily It Is loaded when It comes buck liom the senate. The biggest tight between the two houses from piesent appearances is likely to occur over the war revenue iceluetlon act. The senate conferees seem determined at present to foree the senate substi tute or allow the bill to fall. Itut tho house confeiees ate standing firm, and, hk many membeis of the house have their backs up. the Impiesslon ptevalls that the house will suppoit their con teues. and If It dees the senate In the end may be compelled to leld. To morrow Is suspension day and the bill apptopi lating t3.000.000 for the St. louls exposition will be put on Its passage. A motion to suspend the tules will cut olf the oppoitunity for amendment and no doubt Is entoitalned that this bill will command the. two-thirds ote nec essaiy to secttio its passage upon a. motion to suspend the rules. The pio gi nmme with reference to this nnd other measuies, however, may be ma terially modified if It becomes rot tain befoie Match t that an fvtr.i session Is to be called TERRIBLE FATALITY AT UNION MINES Water Is Still Being Pouicd Into the Burning Mine, Whete Sixty-one Men Are Entombed. llv lvliiMte W n- (rein llf -oitiil l'rrn Vancouvei, U. C. Feb. 17. Additional details continue to lonn tiom the Union mines on Vancouver Island, whtie the teitlble fatallts oecurreil Filduv afternoon. The ace blent has thrown the towns of Cumberland and Naualmo Into a state of gloom. The Caniidlun Pacific Itailwny company's steamer Tartar anlved at Vancouver this afteinoon fiom the coaling station at Fnlon, twelve miles from Cumbei land. When the Tartar left Union at 7 o'clock this morning the late news fiom No. 6 shaft was that the flood ing piocess was still being continued. The the was still burning, although not so fiercely as during the preceding tlili t -lv bonis. The tiemendoiis vol ume of water pomlng Into the mines fiom the continuous supply furnished by an elghteen-lnch main w'as gradu ally peifoimlng the desired service, nnd by tomoiiow It Is confidently ex pected the Hie will be extinguished. It will be several das, llaymond .says, befoie the bodies of the sixty-one en tombed mlneis can be iccoveiod, be cause after the fire has ben put out It will bo necessary to pump the water out of the mine befoie a rescuing patty can hope to get nt the coipscs now lying at the bottom of the shaft. Shottly befoie the Tartar salleil from Fnlon this morning the steamer Joan at lived, having on bouid Premier James Dunsmiilr, of the Biltlsh 'ol umhla government, who Is one of the owners of the Cumberland mines. The families of the dead mlneis icqiilro ffnnnolal assistance, which will be fin flu omlng fiom nunc than one souiie. The major of Vancouver has ulieady taken stops to aid the bo leaved families, and othei cities ate taking similar action. In the mean time. I'lemlei Dunsmiilr has oulucd the sfoickeepeis at Cumberland to give tin tllstussed families what sup plies tln may need. At lei the an lull of Fieuilei Duns lnuli and his patty at the mine Hh.ift, No. ,". which connects with No. 0, was opened and the big fan slutted to dilvo a oluiuc of ah down and to foue b ick the gasses and aftitdamp flio fiom No. fi t fi l", Thomas Hussell and a number of other mining oiiglnocis went down and wi'U below ubout two bonis. They imported on coining up that they had ptooeedeil in tome S00 or 900 feet whn they mot body gas. Shaft No. C Is flooded to a depth of 12 feet and It Is blleved the flie has been extinguished. The members of the party who went dowt' No. C found no smoke or sign of lite, Sonu believe that they will be able to get tlnough to No. C. to en deavor to get out slime of the bodies tomoiiow or Tuesday. Blizzard in Euiope, fl l.uIiMw Wirr from 'flic .WoiUttil Puj.!, Iitiduii, I'di 17 All I'm one la ixriiiknc'ii a 1 1 in e( w Inter wiuthir. Severe colj ami tuuu' JhiriiH ate upoilrj ficm M iuiU of l.nf I mil, Ccri'i.my, Hal), UimIp ami AuMnllJ. 'Ihe lillunl conlliMie lu I In; U.le-.i ilUtilol. In hlli rlji.'l imiii.i xlllik'rK lie rut r.lt. Vuimr. ius ilfallu arc reioiled, The Tight n Diav. 11) r.uliuivo ilre rom The Awocutdl 1'ieji. Ton mo. tint. Ili 1". -M the ltojal tlientv I lit : IklU llulli, 'I Ix'titrvs il. of Tmoiitu, mi1 luvi ii'.ji,iirll, of I'lilUilclpliu, fought tuint icmiili in J ilr.iw. WAR WILL BE RESUMED Count Von Walderbce Plans an ExDodltlon That Will Last EIqIhu Da us. GEN. CHAFFEE'S COURSE It Is Not Thought That the Ameii can General Will Agiec to the Plana Without Institutions fiom Washington It Is Believed That tho Destination of the Pioposcd Expedition Is Siam Fu The Mili tary Elated at the Piospect of Ac tive Service. 11 Kxelulo Wire ficm The V'ooclJlul l'ns Pekln, Feb. 17. A few das ago Count Von Walderseo wioto to the geneials under his supervision, notify ing them to have all their available troops ready In two weeks for an ex pedition lasting eighty days. Today Clcneral Chaffee and Geueral Voyron, the French commander, tecelvcd' let tors asking for their eo-opeiiitlon and expressing a deslte to know what forces they can spare. In commencing his letter to General Chutfee, Count Von Waldetsce says: "Owing to tho unsatisfactory tiatute of the negotiations lor peace and also to eliouinstanccs tendering such a course desirable, it will piobably bo necessary to lesume military opera tions on a large scale, espeelull toward the west." It Is not thought likely that Geneial Chaffee will agree to such a plan with out institutions from Washington. The French commander, however. Is ex- t pected to do so. Count Von Waleler Hee'n plans contemplate offering the command of the expedition In the Hist Instance to Sir Alfred Ganz.tlec. the British commander, but It Is believed that In ow of his recent Illness, Hon- I oral Ganzaloe will litfoim Count Von AValdersee that he is unable to aiccpt the command. In that event it will be offeteel toGelieiiil Voyion, piovlded Ihe Flench full hi with tho nuungemont. which Count Von Valdeteu believes will be the rase. Such an oiler to Geneial Voyion would huvo the effect. It Is thought, of overcoming tho dllll cultles which have existed between the Fietuli and Germans, bocam-e It would be a demonstiatloli of Count Von AVnt doi see's contldonco lu the milltaty abil ity of the French contingent. Fie long an announcement is expect ed that the destination of the Pro posed expedition Is Skin Fu. Tho for eign emojs believe Its object to be to compel the Chinese to accept the teuns of the powers. It is thought that when It becomes known that the expedition has started, the linpciiul coutt will hasten to comply Immediately with all the demands of the Joint note. The milltaty are much elated at the ptos pect of active service. Many believe the Chinese army will strive to tho uttermost to protect the province ot Shen Si against Invasion. COLONEL ROOSEVELT HOMEWARD BOUND The Vice-Piesident Annoyed at the Hunting Yarns Cliculated About Him by Malicious Yellow Journal Conespondents. By Lvlintvp iie from The oeianl I'iom, Colorado Springs, Colo., Feb, 17 Oovernor P.ooscvelt was In Colotado Springs today, the guest of V B. Stow -ait, who wuh one of the memoeis of the hunting patty In Itlo Hlanco county dutlng the first thtee weeks of the o govemoi's outing. The !ce-probident-eleot Is In most excellent health and spit its n.id will return to the east In perfect condition for the arduous du ties upon which ho Is to enter so soon. His time until the Inauguration will be taken up with attending i.i his cor uspondonco, tho accumulation of sl weeks. A public reception will be tcn deied him tomorrow afternoon at .' o'clock Ho e.piessid the dosiro that nothing in tho natuic ot a bi"iiuet be held and the i crept Ion will simply be public hund-shukliig granted to tho people ot i oior.iuo T-piiiiK1. (ioveinor itoosevoit ts mtii n au nojed over the hah -raising stoiles that have been clr. mated concerning his hunting exporieiuos To a toporier of the Assmlatid Ptess ho gave the Pil lowing slat 'incut today: No nun who vwute to er icivc Inform moil to un inwp.iiier, tt.i Mlltiln lori.v iiiiii ni wu-ic I vjs hunting it m.v time liintw Ih, (lie iiK t n nut 'Ihe in6illonal Merit. uih n tl oe dokiililnc iilenturr with hean. nnd ,ibi, ueio vlelllxnte and ullfnl fahrteatlimi anil, 1 unileitjinl, were written lij men a wtro rot vlllin humlredj of miles of vvhers I V i. Wo did not io a heir or vvnlt en tho en tire trip Afhle from lynx md unallcr i,ime our limit In? n.is counted to bunting the w enllod lions ot p.-nthir I got twelve of tin tit I not 1 1 cnjo.vi'd a llM.iv mule. I hne never been out lth a better hunler than John (loft UK hound axe nilhout exception tic hem 1 luvo ever seen fur the orl.. U I .in ohlliced to k'o iat In view ot tho mamc. ot the In misurjtlen, I Jilt to my i.n it leitt, uuahle Io .iddnu tho (Vlorido leifUlituie, In aiioriliii:e ivltli their nriiet. 1 cannot nifficlmtlv n. rcM uy appriiUtlon of tie lomtmH lni illnllty with Vklilch I havn hem heated In Co. orailo uril I klnll (Jjulv hall the Hut ehaiue to ajiln ecine to the talc Fiench's Cordon Broken, flv r.xelmlte Wire fri.m Tli Auoelated Pim lmilon, Teb. Is lllipafihef fiom 1'ielorli oiinoiKc that the ( nrolhi eonimandn lm brul.m tlnoii,li (lencral Krench'c eoidon vetnard Teunle Oaflln's Husband Dead. lly Kviluthe Wire doiii The uociitl Pien London, Keb. 17, Sir- KrmcU (Vuk, vvh" In I tv.5, nurrled MUt Tcnueavce Clafllu, of New Uili, died at 10 o'clock toulcht AN ADVISER FOR KITCHENER. Heio of the Soudan Is to Have a Financial Manager. ? Kxcludvo Wire frem Ihe Associated Pims. London, Feb. 17. The war depait ment has made tho following an nouncement: "Loid Kitchener has wheel express lug a desire for a tlnunclal assistant, in view of the heavy expenditute pro- cedilla' In S,oulh Afilca, the seeretaiy of stale for war has appointed Mr. riuy Douglas Arthur Fleetwood Wil son, under societal y of slute for war. to proceed to South Africa and to act temporal lly as financial ndlser to Loul Kitchener. Mr. Wilson will leao Saturday. London, Feb. IS. A despatch to the Dally Mall tiom De Aar, dated Feb. Pi, coullinis the leport ot the aitlvat tiieie of Loul Kitchener i.d hh stiff t superlnteiid"iit the ihase of (iettcuil IV Wet Tho eoiiespoiident sa:. "Do We t's forte Is now denuded of all liauspon chicles, and bin hor-i") uto cchaus d ' Other Soui'i .v'rlca dispatcher leport that several columns arc pin suing (eiieral De Wet, whose exact whete aboiits, hovwner, is not indicated WILL TREAT CRUSADERS AS COMMON BURGLARS The Missouii Pacific Haihoad Will Piotcct Piopeity in Its Posses sion in Futiue. By Kxeli'MK Wir trim Ine Vwcilateil Prej). Atchison, Kans., Feb. 17. U. P. Wag goner, geneial at tome of the MLs soml I'm Hie tailioad, In view of the m cut bieaklng open of the Mls&uurl l'uclllc depot at Clofl's, Kansas, by women tempoianoo crusudeis, has ad vised tho company, as u means of pio toctlng Its depots against 1 alders, to treat them as common burglars. Mr. Waggener Is sttong in bis denuncia tion of the milliner In which the elep ledatlons weie committed at Golfs and Ftllnghum last week and sik tho pi (Deflators at both places will be piosecitted to the fullest extent ot the law, as will aIo nil other crusaders who foiclbb enter Missouii Pacific depots. He suvs a penitentiary offense was oiniultted at Gofi's. as tho depot door was biokeii open. Mr Insists that the compaii as a omnion can lor has a light to piotectlou under the lows, no matter whether the liquor In Its hands comes fiom another state or not. REV. KELLER IS OUT OF DANGER The Counsel for Thomas Baiker Be lieves That Accused Man Should Be Allowed to Give Bail. II; IviIiimvp Wire tiuui The A-tii Kited n Xcw York, Feb. 17. Minshal Van Winkle, inutioi'l for Thomas (I. lUr' ci. wlo shot t'i Jb v. John Keller in Atllngtoit, said today thut he was in formed that the ph.vslclans attending the K?. Keller had assured the pa tient's 1 1 lends that he was out of dan ger. Sir. Van Winkle said he could piove that this assurance had been given last Thursday. If the physl i lans do not make an eutly report to the" couit on Mr. Keller's condition, Mr. Van Winkle will usk the court to send trre county physician to see Mr. Keller and repot t on his condition to the court, so that Mr. Barker may bo admitted to ball when the cletgy liian Is reasonably sure of recovery Mr. Van Winkle ciltlclsed Prosecutor Frwin for visiting Mr. Uarker Satur day afternoon with two physicians without having given Uarkei's counsel a. notice mid a chance to be present. Dr. John D. Mcfllll, the president of the Jerajy Cit police boaid, and Dr. William IS. Fisher, of Hoboken, who called on liaikor with piosecutor Fr wln, will not speak of the call, and I'toseoutor Ft win will not discuss It. The visit Is helloved to have been made to gat evidence against a possible plea of emotional Insanity. Mr. Van Winkle . . 1 .1.,.. l.r. 1..1 ..... tnl.l I..1 I siaieii loony uuu ut- iiuu iiwc n.mi in- wouhl make a sucn u uoioitse ine Jailor who escotted Uoclorrt McHill and Fisher into the room whete they taw Hntkor sts tin ptlsoner lefused to mi an thing to them. The doetois and the piosecutor renialtted not over ten minutes, SNOW IN MEXICO. The First That Has Fallen in Half a Centuiy. 11; i.vliuiio Who (Kin Tie Vvoelitod Pre. Mixltn Cit, I'll' 1. I arb tlil inornliis mow (-11 In thl i it nnd In the vullei of Mi tit o "Hie laoiinil v.ue (iiMinl with mow In the hluhir nuburlH. nheio tnn U"l trnplo.il planti vvein I c.iutiftil ttltli .i vvlilto mantle, meal) aivu-n) the iitnoBit' of the peuplc and ueitfil nuu'i exclttment. Snow had not falbn in till rll hifm-o for nearb hilf a eintur. In thli i It-, liuvicvi-r, It melted as fast ai It tell Illness of Dowager Empiess. Ilr lAcliube Wife (i-oni 'Ihe sioelated I'U'1. Ittrlln, I'eh. 17.--Tim lepoiti as to the londl tlon ot Dowjcer llii'picni Prrderlcl,, who U 111 nt C lonlicrir ore quite contradlitm V'rom pri vate dnurres, however, It la nwirlalned that ill' r ml Ii eupcitcd lu few ueikx at the latent. Tiain Kills Two. llv i:clnbo Who from The AwocUtid rrcai, Uj'rl-huii. Tib. 17 -l'ltlru l'an-elu and lUUo Tanori, a-nl 21 and S'i car, repntlvely, ueie attui'i h u I'tiilw.ilvunli rallrmd freight tialn lit Pinue Civelt lodaj- and l.lllij 'II ey weru eniplojul on coiulriutlou train Gtaud Duke Ptoclalms Amnesty, fly i:seliwhe Wire fiom The AisocUtnl Preii. Weimai, I'eli. 1". Tlie Krand duV.e of sae Weimar hai i.lKiiallrrd hl aeieiwlon to the throne hy pnlalmln(f a conipubenube amnesty, Includlnc polltlul oflene. Queen Sophia Impioving. Uy i:cliile Wire from The AnccUted TrtM Sloehholin, Teb. 17. Tho londltlon ot ueen SopliU N mi mmli hr prated that It la now be lloied lm will no longer be confined to her bed. TO BE PASSED AS IT STANDS 'Rlpncr" Bill Is Not to Be Jeopar dized bij Inviting Further SGranton Hostility1. ALLEGHENY HAS TO BE CONTENT Senator MUehlbromier Now De claies That Bill Will Pass as It Stands Friday Morning He Was Dcclailng That Changes Would Have to Be Made Governor Stone Ci edited with Having Brought About an Understanding' That Will Prevent ruither Locking of Horns by Scranton and Allegheny. iip-clil fiom i htali Ci)iie,ionJeiit Ilurrlsburg, Feb. 17. Now comes a statement front no less a peisonuge than Senator Charles A. .Mttehlbron nor himself that the "ripper" bill Is to pass the house essentially as It stands, the only changes to bo allowed being such as are necessary to correct some minor Inconsistencies and faulty verbiage. That tho bill wilt puss the house i not now and never was a matter of question nccoidlng to tho utteiunces of Its lather. "They doclated It would not pas.? the .senate," Mr, Mtiehlbionner went on to say. "They also declnted Mar- shall would not be elected spe-aUor I and that Quny could not be elected senator. It Is tho Insui gents' old game of bluff. The 'ripper' will go through the bouse with tho same ease that It went through the sennte, and it will go through In Its pr?ont form. The people of Allegheny want sonio changes, I know, but they cannot get them. Tho only changes that will be made In the bill arc such ns ate neces sary to make It purse " rho onlv ohlertion now talhC.l to the bill, leaving the "ripper" clause out eif consideration. Is that -which comes from Allegheny. That city wants the bill amended so that the tieasuror and emit! oiler shall be chosen by the may or and council, Instead of being elected by the people, ns demanded by Kcraiu ton. Senator Muehlbronner does not believe this matter Is eif such tmpott anco as to wanant delaying the bill and offending foianton. A complaint K also being nude by some people of Plttsbuig agauist tho retention of tho olllce of dellniuent tax collector, but, as It Is an eleventh hour mutter and because, further, the bill leaves it ellscretlonnty with coun cils to appoint a dellniiuent tax col lector, It will not likely be given much heed. The bill originally dispensed with the collector of dellniiuent taxes. The' reformers of Pittsburg didn't want the office because of its powers being abused, and because of its being, as they claimed, an expensive luxury. The delinquent tax collector of Alle gheny Is a close ft lend of tho Allegheny friends of the measure, and when the bill camo to be levlscd the last time tho oflleer ot delinquent tax col lector was preserved. Scrunton die) not oppose it, but Insisted upon a pto vlso to the effect that the e Ity treas urer might be designated as delinquent tax collector, the intention being that Instead of allowing n separate ofllclal to conduct the ofllce on a five per cent, basis the treasurer could be given a teasonable addition In salary and ic- qulreel to do the work, the penalties being turned Into the city Instead of being gobbled up as fees for collect ing. As the law- now stands tho new complaint Is not well groundpd, as It Is within the power of the councils to practically abolish the ofllce under tho Scranton proviso. Gov ei nor Stone Is credited with hav ing brought about an undeistundlng which will prevent the further possi bility of Allegheny and .Scranton lock ing horns over amendments. Tho new position of Senator Muehlbronner, who on Friday morning was favorable to milking the concessions demanded by Allegheny, Is strongly corroborative of tills. T. J. Duffy. Katie Rvan Di owned. fl; I'ulndio Whe from The .WieUted I'ue. Wllket Harre, Trb 17-Thl Jlteinnon four fhlldien rinclni; in ean from 7 to II vero plilnir on the lee in "libv'a eirifc, near Kings ton, whi-ii tin Inoke thmcKh into the witer. Twn men who were pmlnir nearby heard their fiieann and ran to their usManer. Ml wrrn n lined but Katie Uy.m, used D, uho link ill ten (ect of water, DEATHS OF A DAY. lie Kxelitdve Wlro horn Hie, Aoclited Prrs. Mtoom, Pa.. Ktb 17. Mr. nnetla Dell, wife of llev. Peter (J Id II, and mother ot Warner II, Pell, editor of the Mtoona KvrnlnR (Ja retteS, and Frank V. Hell, of the Philadelphia Jiiirlli American, died at her home In thia city till attcrnoon, agtd ffi ean ChleJKO, Teh. 17, atallleI Sitl, brothii or OiMavlut F, Suitt, the mlllloiialie iiieker, died hero today altci an Ilium of four dam. thi Im mediate caup of hl death helnu CGticf.tlou of the briln, Mr. Kwiit was bom In Sai;amire, Mj.j., ll-thui' eara auo. If v.u ordained a mtnlxttr of the Mclhodkt de nomination and look hU flMt piitorate at E."4llnn, .Man., when he vaa only 2J i-nn o( .ikc. Ilutlalo, 1'tb. 17. Ilarton Ml.liu, 7t .veau of s?e, .i pioneer lenident of liiiftulo, dhd heie jit terday. In early life Mr. Atklm viaa piotnlnentli jucntllled with bu-ln'3 Inlciet on the great lake lie ua il pemoual diend ot l'oiiuer Picsldcnt Cleiehnel and In lfei went Io Aliski wlh a rommlwlou to be Piillcd Statin maulnl toy the diatrld of AIiki, 'ew Haven, Conn., Tib, 17.-i.tlitlbeil ciln, mtniclan and composer, died unldetdy hue lodav of heiit diea. He wai Sts eau old. A a compoter Neiln attained it name hardly neiond to any American miulelan and hla konK4 aro known throufhout two contlncnU. Anient thee are the "llfary," "Sarclu," "flood MbM," "Oood Night Beloved" and an airanginient of lUinea "llabbin lUaldn." THIS NEWS THIS MORNING. Weather Indications Today. IfAIN pr70BaaU.r. (icnerol War to De IteaunuJ In China.. :o Further beinnton lloitlllty to tho nljpw ttill. S'nnk P. I.ltlell li Oc I iofcicor of XaI OWrvalorj. Mrs. Xitlon t'.Ji Her llitihtt In Tcpekn. An Iowa IMllir UKuvria Pit Crouo. OfniralCinbinitilo Department. I.ocil Itr. MeteoJ on ChtMlan seleine Captain Ihibbcll Wmilil ti;lliite AgJIiiAt ( lirlfthn Sclenre. Vditorlal. Note and CViiim.iht knell llniurt i f liiiiiut.ee Men, ejiwiterly Convention ot outu IV'Vli' t'nlon Sliutillni; AtTrav at Cicn. Hog t'wnmlls Sulclile. Iiml Werf Vrai.tdi nrJ "iilmlnn. (lemral -orll r istcui I'i in. v Ivatiij 1.d(j1 Lite Ni f uf the ti..1uslrl.il Wi.iM. PATRICK CROWE CONFESSES The Cudahy Kidnapper Kegales an Iowa Editor with a Snd Story. Van Metre's Big Scoop. He Kxtlu.he VMio friu 'he VuOilatnl I't . Chlengo, Feb. 17. X despatch to the Tlmes-Hciald from AVatuloo, Iowa, says; "Pat Crovve coufv.'sF'd the t'uduhy Kidnapping to lsilah Van Metie. the edlteir of the M'nteiloo Weekly Trib une, with whom tho hunted fugitive toimd shelter and food Tupsdav night of this week and Mr Von Metie pub lished the details of the visit In the cm rent niimbet uf his p.ipei. "Buck of this, pet Imps tho most ilr.unatlo epHode ot tho long scotch "!t '" Kmwn "t "' "' eolebiated child-stealing cave Is a story of how Crowe fcaved the life of the editor a doen years ago. so establishing the ctedil of Ktatittide upon which he felt safe in drawing, now that he Is an outcast with a nrlie of $30 000 sot upon hW head "The statement of I'invve to the W.itoiloo edltoi,' ,u milling to the de spatch to tin- Tlnv-llttald, "e overs tho following points. n A frank eon- . feeslon of the kidnapping. C2) All ox- , planatlon that ho had no Intention ot ' harming oung Cuduhj and would not have (lotto so even had the money not b'eti d1!eicd. (.1) A Htutenieiit tbu' he hid :o,0HO 'pl.iiitid' which ho wish ed to gel In oidcr to be able to leave ,the lountry "Accoidlng to the Iowa edltoi' stoiy, thi man silel Io be Fat Crowe came in h!s burnt after 11 o'clock at night, was admitted, was given food and was pei mltted to sleep theie until Just be foie dajllght The man, according to the Iowa editor, vviu in a stale of ab j"d fear and seemed all but hopeless of avoiding the oflicet-. who .no search ing for him. In tills alleged confession tho fugitive is repotted to have stateil that he could no loiwrei trust those who had bcn his friftids, owing to the big rowaid olTcied fol his appieben ?lon, and that he knew not which way to turn. The fugitive teild tho editor, the stem says, that the few houis .-lep In the latter's house was the first unbroken lost thut he hud had for weeks. The fugitive Is tepoited as having explained tliRl his only object in lrmalning In this Iclnlty was to secure tho burled tieasute, and that so great was his fear of detectloh that he could not come to the point ot Ming ufter it." FEDERATION OF TEXTILE WORKERS Scranton Men Begin a Movement to Gather All Silk Workers Into One Fold What They Hope to Do. Special to the Siranton 1 limine. Now York, Feb. 17.-M. D. Fluheity, of the American Federation of Labor; It. X. Couitilght and .1. T. Hempsey. national organizer and secrotarv -tiens-uter of Fnlon No I, Flitted Mine Wotkers ot Ameilca. respectively, nto In th city tonlgnt, hiving come nom Fiiteison, N. J., whet they spent to day lu confetonie with the otnduls and leaders ot the Silk Wntkeis' union of that olt. Th Scrunton labor leud eis weie sent us repiesetitatlves of the National T Mile Woikeih The object ot their ttlp wits to furiher the- movi nieiit now on foot to constitute) under one head all textile and silk wotkers unions of ihli- eotintiy. At present the Silk W'otkets unions of Patethon, Fnlon Hill and other towns, togethei with the dlfitilf t neat id and otgaulml b the IMterson peo ple in the Lehigh Valley In I'ennsvl vanla, are lndepeudnt of the National Textile Woikets, which body Is recog nised by the American Federation of Labor. Mr Fljhoity stated tonight tlat the result of today's confeienco was trout gi.itlfylng and he look" for the amal gamation of both Doilies at an eutly date under tho head of tho National Textile Wotkers Incident to the silk wotkers' strike now In progiess In Hcianton, Mr. Fla. herty further sutd that the Faterson ofllclals iissiti-ed him of unlimited tlnunclal aid and that in the event any Scranton woik Ih sent to Futerson to be finished, under no clrcumstunces will It be handled. Futher as3uraiu" were given him that any etforts tovvt'rd Importing 1'ateison operatives to Scranton to till stilkeis' places would be unavailing. Killed on a Ciossing. fly i;cliuha Wire (rjin Tho Woii.tcd VtttU Ijneaiter, Pa., Feb. 17. Frank W'iekenheUer, aged 21 ,vear, ot Milton fJrou', uaa killed early thU morning; at a crcuuln? ot the IVniujl vanla railroad two miles tut of Mount Joy. VounT Wlckinhelber attended a eoclal catherlng- at the latter plate on Saturday night and ai elrivlnc to hla home when struck by the ttaln. He vvaa hutantly killed and tho carriage amathed to pleie, white the borne etcaped v.lthout a w.ialch. MRS. NATION'S BUSY SUNDAY The Ladu with a Hatchet Literally Grains Topeka with Thrill ing Episodes. OLDEST INHABITANT FILLED WITH SURPRISE No Excitement of Equal Volume Can Bo Recalled lu tho Hlstoiy of the Capital of Bleeding Kansas Men, Women and Collego Students Tol low tho Leader Tlnough tho Stieets and Assist In Wrecking Sa loonsShe lb Anestetl Several Times Duiing the Day. II; KmIimivp Wire fiom lie Vvnudueil Pim Topeka, Kans., Feb. 17. Mrs. Can Ie Nation put In u busy Sunday In Topeka today and as a icsult the capital cltv has experienced litoio genuine excite ment than can I13 lenteinbered bv the oldest inhabitant. JIis. Nation lltetally ctnmmod the day with thrilling episodes. She uio ceoded in having the contents of a nototlous Joint smashed, Inoke Into 11 cold stutage plant In search of liquor, ruined the Illinois 011 scveial bins found .stored hi a livery stable, ad dressed a large mass meeting of men and w onion, and wuh attested thtee times The last time that the law laid Its hands upon her was when Mrs. Nation emerged from the chinch whole the mass meetings have been held. Tonight Alts. Nation iinnotinccs that she will begin toiuoiiow morning vvhetc she left oft teulay. and will not test until all the Joints lu Topeka have bien closed. This morning at C o'clock Mrs. Nation sallied foith from the rtnte house Kioittiels at tho head of T0u men and women, nil mined with hatchets and ac. and moved on the JuIntH of the cit. Nobody but Mt.s. Nation know what plans she had laid. In the cjowd weto a. huge number of students of Washburiie colli go, some eil the ministers of the cit and a number of professional and business men. The men and women follow eer their recognized leadcrolnvvnKunsis uventio to the place on Fast Sixth slnet. kept by Fd. Miltphy, and the wotk of iltmolttlon began, Airs. Na tion, blandishing a new hatchet, head el the onslaught. Others followed Iter lead quickly. Iieer kegs, bottles, nilr lots and everything smashable were uttaekeel and baldly live minutes after Mis. Nation bad begun the smashing, what was once 11 well t mulshed saloon was In complete ruins. Hot work over, Mis. Notion pioudly eineigtd trom tho place atnl was str lesled she went along with the ofll eer, followed bv her band and tho ciowd that hud gathered. At the po lice station she was teleased pioinptly and huii led back to her weak. Taken to Jail. She enleied a llvoty bain. In which some bats had been stotod, and smash ed them. Then at the head of Iwcnty 11 vp of hor stoutest lu.it tesl follovvei.s, she went to tho Moser Cold Storage plant and onte-ie'd upon a seaich for come liquor that s'.ic thought had been stoied thue. Till.? time Mis. Na tion was arrested by the county ati thorltlts and was taken to the lull In a putted wagon. It wes afUiuooit befoie she was released tiom Jail on bond, and utter taking dinner with Shetlff Cook she went o tho Flist Christian church, vheie altu uddiess Ing the assemblage she was accosted bv an oflicer with a wairant and tak en to the county Jail ngalii. She say el this time tor two hoius nnd final ly her bond wits signed by one ot tho joint keepcis of tho city, a pionilrient politician. Full ".0f0 persons followed Mrs. Na tion and the oillcer fiom the chinch. The, policeman was obliged to draw his pistol to keep the crowd back, and it was with the utmost dllllculty that t.ie (all was 1 cached. The news of Mis. Nation's latest ai icst hud leached tho down tov.n dis trict and us .he oflh er hovo In sight, with his piisoner tho stieet lu trout of the Jail was one seething mas of humanity. The chief of police, with a detail of otlliets, was soon on the scene, and It took much bind xvoik, together with the vigorous use of clubs, and threats of woise tieiU'iieiit, to got an opjiiinir In tho crowd sulllclenl to permit Mrs. Nation to bo taken Into fie i.ill office-. For a time It seemed thai serious trouble would ensue. At no time was Mrs. Nation In the least alarmed. There was, as stated above, about two hours delav in getting a bond for Mrs. Nation and Jn tho meantime she entertained the law eis r.nd newspaper men pres ent in her chancterlstie mannei. Wijl Seek Recruits In Australia. Cy i:i.liile Wire (11.111 The Auoelated I'rcaj. "fSjilin. X. 8. W. l'cb, 17.-Slr Alfred Mil. ntr having notified tho ov eminent of New South Wales of his Intentlui to send an officer to re did! In A'tralh for the South African con itibulaij. tho government ha replied that tha colony objects to ruth a piocecdincr. Steamship At rivals. lly Iai.Iu.Iio Whe from Tho Associated Trcsi. Xew York, Tcb. 17. Arrived! Pretoria, Ham. burg, trailed: PoUdim, Boulogne a4 Rotter, dam. Muville Anhcih Anchorla, Jfaw York fn OlasRow, and proceeded Queenston Salledj lHrorla, (html I.lurpwll Xew Yotk. H f f t WEATHER rOKEUAbl', W'a.hInglon, 1'ib. 17. Forecait for - tonday and Tuenlae t For eastern Venn- 4 fyltaida; Prelmhly 1 iln Willi llslnj teui. -a. peralino Slnnda) ; 'IVenb, talr; (nth - north ti nuithv.iJl M.mU. -4- trttt-tttt-ft ttt-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers