The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 16, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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opeelsl to tlit Sorsnlon Tribune.
Tunklinnnock, Feb. 15. Ilobert J.
I.lttlc has accepted an offer to ro to
China ns clerk under Paymnstor Am
men, on bourd the United States ves
sel New Orleans, and will leuve about
the first of March. He will ko via San
FrunclBco. The New Orleans In now In
Chinese waters. Mr. Little's duties will
be Hlmllnr to those he performed on
board the OreKon and other vessels.
Onrrlek Horden, of Cornell univer
sity, Is spending u few days with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. It. Horden.
He Is recovering from a severe attack
of the grip.
Ex-County Commissioner Andrew M.
DoWItt was In town tin Tliursdav.
On Tuesday afternoon the Catholic
jholr drove over to Nicholson and were
the uuests of Hew Father Feeluy while
there. Anioncr the membets were tliu
Misses Htinnuli and Mamie Hrtmn,
Nellie Hoyci', Katherlne allium tin,
Kutle Connell, Katie Townsend, Hattle
Kollsky, I.lzzlo and Anna Cuddy, Miss
Alloc O'lltlen, of Philadelphia; Pat
rick Hoyre. Jacob Corlesky, Chris Cnlu
han. They were most cordially ie
celveil and tin elaborate Minncr was
prepared for them.
Priitlioiiuturv John IMiiiiovhii will
take chai'Ke of the "Mice at the coin t
house In the near future. The work
bns been looked after the past year by
Fred Piatt.
Mis. A 17. CJreRorv, of Meshoppen,
who has been visiting f-ti'iuls In town
for a few days, has returned home.
Hew O. C. Lyinnii, of the Court
Street Methodist church at Scranton,
will occupy the pulpit tit the Metho
dist church next Sunday. Hew Lyman
was pastor of this church fourteen
years ago.
Mlfs Jau McKown Is III with a se
vere ultack of the grip at her home on
Rlncimi street.
Mrs. rjeorge Klnner. of Mehoopany,
was visiting friends In town yesterday.
Special to the Sortition Tribune.
Honesdale. Feb. IT.. Miss Charlotte
Mulr and Mrs. O. 15. Hadsall enter
tained the Kuchre club last evening In
the Musical History club rooms with
a miisimerude.
A Wayne county farmer has the con
tract to furnish four hundred pounds
of turkey for the annual Martha
"Washington supper to be given In the
Prebyterlan chapel, February 'i'i.
Miss Ktta V. Hunnell Is In Philadel
phia, where she will spend several
weeks with her aunt.
Mrs. C. II. Hrudy Is In Now York,
the guest of friends, for a week.
Dr. Heed Hums, of .Scranton, was In
Honesdale yesterday In consultation
with his ton, Dr. K. W. Hums.
Walter M. Whitney, traveling sales
man for tho Durlaud, Thompson Shoe
company, whose headquarters are at
Klmira, was culled home by the death
of his uunt. Miss Lizzie Aunger.
The real estate of the bite William
S. Hayward wus sold at public sale on
Saturday for $2,191. Mis. Huywuid
was the purchaser.
The Delaware and Hudson paymaster
visited Honesdale yesterday to pay the
employes here.
The snow and wind for the pat,t week
has completely blocked many of the
roads in the county. The severe cold
weather has kept the sleighing good,
which has been thoroughly appreciated
by the lumbermen. The heavy loco
motives on the Delaware and Hudson
Honesdale branch arc a success in
keeping the road open, for passenger
trains have arrived nearly on schedule
time during the blizzard. This was
not the case on the old gravity system.
The bill Introduced In tho senuto to
create a new Judicial district proposes
to legislate the Hon. George S. Partly,
of Honesdale, out of Wayne county
and make hint president. Judge of Pike
and Monroe counties. Tho citizens of
Honesdale and Wayne county would
l egret very much to part with the
Judge, who Is very popular with all
claskes In his ofUelal capacity and an
esteemed citizen.
tfptcltl to the Scranton Tribune.
Hopbottom, Feb. 14. The funerul of
Mrs. Ansel Merrill, of Hurrlsburg, Pu
but formerly of this place, will take
place hero on Saturday of this week.
Mrs. W. E. Hrown Is visiting her
relatives In New Yoik. Her sister.
Miss Dora Cruise, Is cntlts III.
The Unlversallst Aid, which met at
the home of Mrs. E. M. Tiffany W ed
ntsdny afternoon, was n pleasant oc-
A noted London club man once laid a
xager with a friend thut the latter could
not sell a given number of gold guineas
at a penny a piece. He won his wager.
The people relused to buy. They thought
he was offering too much for too little.
It may be that the claims made for
l)r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription seem
"" 1W J,ci"- iO
women who in years
of suffering have found
no help in doctors or
medicines. But it is
to be remembered that
no claim is made for
"Favorite Prescrip
tion- wnicn is not
substantiated hv thmi.
Miidsof women cured
by its use. Its effects
are truly wonderful.
Jt wipes out past years
K pain as a sponge
wipes a blate.
Favorite Prescription
is the great medicine
for women. It estab
lishes regularity, tlries
enfeebling drains,
heals inflammation
and ulceration and
cures female weakness.
It is the best prepara
tite for maternity, mak
ing mc uaoys advent
aracucaiiy painless.
IWhen I went In vnn In ra..l. .il- -A.J-.
is to whit to do for myself," says Mrs. IIIU
Reynolds, of Guflle, Mcf.ean Co., Ky"'l was
Ft"!!"? ,0 otcome mother lu June, and mi
rtck all of the time. Had been tick for several
vm,. vuuiu iiw gci anyining 10 aiay in my
sMmacb, not even water. Had mishaps twice ""'' ".a. wrraiemng; an inc. tune
r.. . v, (t,.u actuate wcinurn ior several
ler. ..MJwPi back "d lower bowels hurt
i ,1 (ha ,1m. 1I.J . , ... .........
r .... .... vunuDcii irora my nips
own. Had aeveral bard cramping spctls, and
Iras not able to do any work at all. f received
pur answer In a few daya. telling me to take
pr. Merce's Favorite rreaeriptlou. I took three
MZZ21 r ' " ""b way iacu u a wcck i was
"",! wwie a tiau Krn 11 a monm I waa
able to help do my work. On the 37th of May
lEIbbJr 7" J0- "ca ' w only 'Ick three
I .. nlh'l n eiay time.
I "We pralae Dr. Merce'i medicine for it ha
' cured me."
Dr. Pierce'B Pellets cure biliousnen.
V" -IV
sVt)ka2X 1 1 WFW
fS wkvi Mm
cnslon, and a large company w
present In splto of thu extremely cold
Mis. Ellja Tewksbury, who has been
tcrlouily III for nearly two weeks, t
reported to be a very little better.
I A party of young people from town
visited Nicholson Monday evening for
the purpose of enjoying tlnj sleighing,
while a party from Nicholson visited
Hopbottom for the entile purpece.
An alphabet supper and frei enter
tainment Is given by the Willing
Workers of the Methodist church In
Tenant's hall this (Thursday) even
ing. The whole alphabet of good
things may lie bought for IS cents,
or It may be tnken lu sections nt
lower rates.
Mrs. Will lletts, of Scranton. and
daughter Natalie, nu, visiting her sls-
icr, irs. ileitis.
J Mr. K, C. Ycomuns has been np-
pointed by court to fill the oilltp o
buigess. 15. c. Tiffany having ie-
J A small delegation fiom bete are
planning to attend the Y. P. C. !. eon-
ventlon at bcianton Saturday and
UNIONDALE. to the Scranton Tribune.
Cnlnndale, Keb. l.-:,lr. and Mr.'.
Ifanc Morgan, from Forest City, were
iltois In town yecteiila-.
A very enloyable session of the
Ladles Aid rocletv of the Presbyter
Ian church was held at the liume of
Mrs. J. V.. Thnmos last Thursday.
Next Wednesday th- Ladles' Aid so
ciety of the Methodist Episcopal
church will meet nt the home of Mrs.
Ihi-hpI Hounds. This home has nn en
viable leputatlon for Its cordiality
and hospitality on such ticcasions.
Mrs. A. Davis enteitnlned Hew D.
D. Jenkins and daughter at tea last
Theie was no service In the Pres
byterian church last Sunday, owing to
the pastor being absent.
Tuesday Mrs. IT. Spencer left for
Wyoming to attend the lunernl of her
btoihcr-ln-lnw. Mr. Eowler.
Charles Wodeman made a business
trip to Montrose Tuesday.
For tlue'j days of the present week
there has been no school held In tho
Intermediate department of the grad
ed school. Miss McKe", the teacher,
was called away to Mlciillelon, N. Y
to attend the funeral of her uncle,
who was killed in uu accident on the
The sale of Isaac Moigan's house
hold eeffcts took place Friday.
The teachers' Institute Is among the
pleasant things of tlu pnst. Th'ie
was a goodly attendance. The se
rious weie profitable as well as inter
esting. Prof. C. E. Moxley, superintendent
of the county schools, was a caller In
town last Tuesday morning.
Tuesday nftornoon the town was
made lively by the shouting nnd sing
ing of two slelgh-loads of Sunday
school children from Vnndllng.
The entertainment given In the M.
E. church the evening or the 13th was
n very enjoyable nftnlr. Miss Julie
Cruslor, elocutionist from Montrose,
discharged her duties with great cred
it to hei-sHf. A club ol local singers
tendered good senile. The number)
lendeted by Prof A. P. Thomas, of
Ciibondale. and his associate uitlsts,
Mr. and Mrs. Akerman, weie thor
oughly appreciated.
The weatlvr has been extremely se
veie, with the exception of one day,
for almost two weeks. There has been
a continuous blizzard night and day.
Special to the Scrantin Tribune.
Forest City. Feb. 15. There will be
a public meeting In the Anthracite club
rooms, Wednesday night, to consider
the organization of a bourd of trade.
It Is called for 8.30 o'clock.
Hew C. A. Spuldlng. of Holllstervillc.
has been called to the pastorate of the
Huptlst church here. Ho has not jet
Hew Frank Marshall, of Freeland,
a former pastor of Christ Episcopal
church, was a caller here this week.
Miss Jennie Lowry, of Scranton, Is
here caring for Mrs. O. F. Coyle, who
Is very 111.
Hew H. J. Whalen.' of Carbondale,
will preach in the Baptist church Sun
day afternoon at 3 o'clock.
The second annual ball of the Vtind
llng Hose company is being held In the
opera house this evening.
A church supper was held In Christ
Episcopal church last night.
James J. Cunningham, who has been
working for the New Yoik Central
railroad for some time, Is visiting in
William Gerald, the five-year-old son
of William Swartz, died Wednesday,
and was burled in St. Hose cemetery
this morning. ,
Irving Pentecost Is home from
Stroudsburir State Normal school, re
covering from a siege of sickness,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Isaac Morgan, of Union
dale, Intend to move to Forest City In
the near future.
Mrs. J. H. Hudd Is visiting her sister,
Mrs. J. W. Tiiinblyn, in Scranton.
William Esmay, of Marathon, N, Y
was the guest of his son, Oeorgo Es
may, the early part of tho week.
For Shattered Nerves.
A remedy that will soothe, build up
the wasted tissues and enrich tho
blood is indispensable, Jlehty's Celery
Nerve Compound has been wonderful
ly successful lu cases of nervousness,
oh thousands of grateful people will
testify. Sold by Matthews Bros.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Hawley, Feb. 15. The semi-annual
Baptist association and Sunday school
convention will be held In the Baptist
church nt this place on February ;o
and 21, 1901. The following will be tho
programme: Wednesday afternoon,
2.30, devotional exercises; 2.45, paper:
3.15, paper, "The Superintendent," Geo.
P. Hos8j 3.i5, paper, Rev. James Shoo
smith; all papers discussed. Wednes
day evening, 7.30, devotional exercises;
7,45, open parliament, "Shull We Have
a County Young People's Organiza
tion?" Hew C. A. Spauldlng and C. L.
Percy; 8.15, convention echoes, Q. A.
Knapp. Thursday morning, 10, sermon,
Hew James C. Patey, Thursday after
noon, 2.30, sermon, Rev. C. L. Percy.
Thursday evenlnjr, 7.30, sermon, Rev.
C. A. Spauldlntr.
Tho drama entitled "Down East,"
presented by the Twentieth Century
Amateur club on Tuesday nlnjit for
the benefit of the German church, was
ft success.
The ladles of the Presbyterian church
netted $18 from the bread, .cake and' pie
ale lat Friday night.
Slelghrldo parties to Honesdale and
White Mills are nightly occurrences.
Charles Hartung, of Honesdale, wus
a caller In town Wednesday.
Among those from here who attended
the fuenral of tho late Wesley Van
Oorder, of Elmlra, N, Y nt Honesdnlo
Wednesday, were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Beardslee, Edward Beardsleo and fnni
Itly nnd W. C. Knapp.
On Tuesday evening the Daughters
of America, gave an entertainment In
their hall to the Junior Order United
American Mechanics and families, Af
ter 11 most pleasing programme vis
rendered the company was Invited to
the dining room, where a most boun
teous and delicate feast had been pte
pared by the Junior Order United
American Mechanics,
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Montrose, Feb. IB. The startling
news was telephoned from New Mil
foul to this place yesterday shortly be
fore noon, that Robert Cooper, son of
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. F. Cooper, of this
place, and a former Montrose business
man, had been found dead lu his bed
at the Jay House. It was at first re
ported that death had been caused by
heart failure, but it was later leamd
that the cause of death was a bullet
wound self-inflicted. J. F. Cooper went
to New Mllford yesterday and accom
panied his son's remains to this plat-ion
the evening train. Tho body was
taken to Tltman's undertaking looms
and today It was conveyed to the Coop
er home on Lake avenue, where tho
fuenral will take place on Sundny at
4 o'clocw p. 111. Hew E. K. Thomas,
pustor of the Baptist chinch, will con
duct the service. Itobert Cooper was
30 yeurs of ago and was an only child.
He was for several years engaged 'n
the groeeiy business In Montrosj but
of late had been employed In the street
car service In Philadelphia. He left
no word behind nnd no reason Is c.s
slgned for his insh act.
The Jury lu the proceedings In bin icy
against the venerable FrctUrlck Day
ton, of Forest Lake, which occupldd
much time and attention nt file court
house this week, retired yesteidav af
ternoon and after dellbeiatliig for e
eral hours they returned a venlU: that
upon their respective oaths and alhr
matlons they respectfully do say that
Frederick Dayton Is ut the tlm. of
tnklng this Inquisition not a lunutle.
Rev. Dr. James W. Putnam lectures
on "Home" at Village hall tonight.
Rev. H. B. Benedict Is recovering
from a serious lilnss.
Hyde Crocker, who was convalescent
from his tecent Illness, hns suffered a
The benefit bop given by the Mont
lose Cornet band at Vitiligo hall last
night, was a success.
A series of evangelistic services will
commence at the Methodist Eplscopii
church next week.
The polling place of the Secon I want
of tills borough lias been changed from
the nrnioiy to the harness Bto", of L.
W. Chapman . Son, on Chinch strt-t
Special tn the Tilluine.
Slisuiielianna, Feb. II. Rev. John
MaiHlnnd, pastor of the t'
church ut Franklin. N. Y., and n for
mer popular pastor of the Susciue
lmi'nu 1'ie.sbyteiian church, Is visiting
SusiMichannu fi lends.
Electric llghtH have been placed in
ttie Oakland graded M-inmi building.
Wotk on the new iingrei;atloinl
church lu Oakland have been suspend
ed for a time.
Leon Sloat Is veiy III at thL. ri..s
dence of Mrs. Nellie Ogtlen, on the
Oakland side.
Theie appeals to be a disposition on
the part of some ot the Republicans
of thu Sfcond wind to butt 11 portion
of the btirnuL'h ticket and to run
Htump candidates. Each and every
candidate, having received a straight
nomination In the caucus, is entitled
to and should receive tho full vote of
his party.
It Is reported that iiuite 11 large
number of employes in the Eile .shops
will be suspended or discharged today.
The Erie will transfer a large
amount of coal from West Susque
hnnna. Charles Sabln. of the First National
bank, Is nt Walton, called there by the
serious Illness of his sister-in-law. Mrs
H. S. Sewull.
Popular Jefferson Division Hlbblts.
of Carbondale, Is much in evidence in
Susquehanna of late.
A lurgu number of Susquehanna
relatives and friends are In Bliighani
ton today, attending the funeral of the
late Michael Hartley.
The youth who enlisted in three Sun
day schools Just before Christmas has
already quit two of them.
Owing to the blizzard, Erin trains
are running late. Many of the subur
ban turnpikes are impassable, and
mall cnnieis cannot make their trips.
Finding thut his "No Trespassing"
signs wete of no avail, a Thomson
farmer tore them all down nnd put up
one which jeiid: "Hunt all you please,
and when the bell rings come in to
The Ei lo is harvesting lee near
A drought prevulls In the farming
section heieubouts. The great major
ity of the wells are dry, and water Is
obtained fiom the lakes and larger
Itt. I tew Hislitip Ethelbeit Talbot, II.
D., arilved today and commenced a
two days' service lu Christ Episcopal
Grip "77" knocks out the Gilp, while
Its tonicity sustains thu (lagging en
ergies, Colds "77" breaks up a Cold that
hangs on nnd does not yield to treat
ment. Influenza "77" cuts short a Cold In
thu head and thus prevents Catarrh.
Coughs "77" stops a Cough by allay
ing the Inflammation and the tick
ling. Sore Throat "77" cures a Sore Throat,
by healing and soothing the Irritated
Handy "77" consists of a small vlal
of pleasant pellets, Just fits the vest
pocket. At all Drug Stores or mailed,
CDr. Humphreys' Book malted free.
Humphreya' Homeopathic Medicine Co., Cor,
William and John Sli., New York,
I Do Not Treat All Dis
eases, but Cure
All 1 Treat.
II Jou are miHerlnc from any dlncaw or conitb
tlon peculiar to men, nr If jmi have Inn till
apiNilnletl In lint ucttlns n permarent euro, I
ftant jou to coa'.e .ind a nociat that with
ir.e. 1 will explain to jmi MY SYSTKM OF, lil(li 1 h.e rrltflnat.d and He
eloped nfier my whole life's epcrlencc In trout.
Inp peilal dlae.iM of men. I hac no In-lta,
arccMn, free .imple, trial ticntincnt or electio
medical comMiMtlons nr ulinllur dcltet ulilih
lo not and taiiimt cure illcae p" to nirii,
Jly ciluinltan, my rxperlci.ic, my ciinsltntc, my
repulallnn mndimn all audi tiuatkery, If you
will pay mc a iMt I (111 Rhc jou KIIIX OP
C'll.Vltrtr n tlipuvigii pergonal examination and
an liui'tt opinion ol your can-. If jmi are In
rmrMc I will tell jou an, ami uihl'c jou n jou will not ho hiii'ilmcd hj iin'rmpuloiu
prnttllloneri who -Ulni lo euro nil. If .illor
I'Uinliiliiir jou I nml jou imalilv, I will heme
J nil of 11 iKMiiMtionl enre, iiurnmcli in I will 'iu
Jou a written purantic to lofuiil ;mi ccty
"tit jou lue'l 1110 In rni I fall t,i circil
.1 imp. I m-ihr Ml ( HUifli: Foil MClilclM'.S,
in thi-j ure nlH.iji ImiU'Kcl lu thu nonilml
fee nUil, ami jou know tho euit vlor
yon ot it t wlnt j 11 11 whole trnitni'iit li K.iiiij;
t' toil, ami I will iiuko no f.iUo pmmlMn in to
the tluio for tho mike of not tint. ou ai .1 pjtl ft,
.11 I pioniKo onlj what I can ilo, 11ml ilo m I
I1 an nilniFctiiint of (lie n-rntal vrlni nml In tho
loiiili fioln like n IkiihIi of woim. ami h n
tonilltloii that will In lime- ultimiti-ly lout to .1
complete los- of all powm 11111I unlir jou a
itpiioin wreck 1 euro II without the 11-e of a
knlfo. My claim (or tl.Ii euro In that I 11111 the
onlj ihjIil..n in Iho illy that jn ctlict a lino
WllllMlt lIlttlllL'. I will K(. JOU ,y pprllll'0l
n.nniCR of patUnta Iliac hue hecn troatoil by In this city ami who failed to euro
them, and who were poniianintly turul by nu.
! the 1111M InatlitnniK ( all llwa-c and it miy
1 hciedltary or ac(iiiied. 'Iho flirt jm,tni
lieinn nn ulcer, then pain lu bonus tiU'iratl.n ot
0a m
n at n wm tiiix m mh mu'ta w sn
H3? BJSafDnR M K R ii a R M P
m-SW - BWBOoSa.
Rooms 208 - 209
0 V
u aujLJiri h niuaui o
m:i. -siwu-'.ic-
Matiuto nml nllit.
Iiramain. tompanj.
Bill for Today,
'lie Siwtillo ciiinpaiij iich uts this aft in-on,
"I'm Mchts In a 11 ir Itiim," and this vwi.Iim,
"(illp of fctecl." i
"Shore Acres."
'Hit- try of "Ait for tiutb's kiU" h.n done
inns li to impiou- tho in i Inn il.nui and hoi line,
his tho adiamo bo:'ii -non- in. o kid tl in ui the
Hisll'li-piMklni; sl.mi'. Aiiuric m diamall-ts m baio luken up llio ulil ( "p-o.
P'i-'h plaj" ami fiom lhi.- irinli- ami puiiit
pioso poems they halo eioliod the now
insliiiiit .pl.ijs. Tn Ml. James . Ilcini', the i
author of "shore AuoV mu..l bo awanled the
moali-it praise for Ills artistic li-iilopinent of
this renewed nhlblnlith and Ihe stiicn-s Ills pl.ns
an- nieolini; with Ihroiishont the eouutrj his In
ihncd other writcm to eater o this prolpulih;
fuim of amitseiiunt.
"Shore Aires" liai cerlalnlj- nehieirel a mnU
riniJikable aucetss. Wllhout the Intiodui'thni of
any seusit lonnl or uilarar scenes It has won Its
way ultli the patrom ot the elinina and toilay it
ranks as tin- best and inot popular, iiatlie work
jet pioducoil. Mr. Heme is an adianccd think
er in tho realms of htaoo art and "horo Aorei"
Is the best e-xatnpie of his baudliratt. A inni.
plrlo funic and dr'ain itu- prodiiiilon of this
maslindiee Mill l-o Kiitii at the l.jieuin tliU
nfliinoon and cienltiir.
Mrs. Lc Moyne's Return.
'Ihe moiiej-nnklns stais of the theatrical sea
urn up to dito ara few and far bit mill. Of
tourso, then.- is a lonir rtretih of time to the
Hal of tho bOiMiu, ami one or two may t'imb
jet into the ewliMu-, rireiimcriila-il and idioit
Inmimliir front rank marked "wliiners" or Vie
cih.fur' In hi, hold fan-il tjpe.
I.iibler & t'o. line! iiiliii-ieil the reiuirl.ahle
kuecevs ot boiMinv four ttars into tint rank
this fc-nson, Viola Alien, In "hi the r.iliec of
tho KIiik"; Jam O'Nill. in a stupendous pro
iliictlnii of "Monte ("rlstii"! -Iain's A. Ib-rno, in
"-as llirhor," and Mrs. I.eMojne, In "The (iroat
est TIiIiib In tho Win Id." They ate bilni; (-hot-id
Willi irowded houses nt every appeatani'i'.
Mrs. I.cMojne In "The (iieate-st Ihltist In Ihe
World" Mill acalii he seen at the I.jtouin theater
iiil Monday ririiini;, I'cli. I.
"A Lion's Heart."
I ail llaswln, wlio will bo seen at the Aead
iiiij of Music, net Mondaj-. Tuenlay and Wed
in kiI.ij , Is olio of Aliiciiia's loading "toad" itjis
Ilo U locottliizcd as a manly Kllnpatlii'tlu uetur.
Ilo makes r.o bnUtiious appeiU lu an iiudk'ncc
lu oidir to win applause. Ho di ponds nobly
upon his art for kueic-a. The nuinUr ot jeais
he piajed "The Mlicr Kins" H tho but proof
of Ids Hcilim; talent m an artut. Mr. lfa-wlu
this sejH.ii in portrajiitK l'lerrc llizardo, the
leaiiim; role In that famous HngliiJi melodrama,
"A I.lon'a Heart."
So far his aucccss ha been really wonderful,
ho liailni: icctiied the Kincrous aupport of ihe
preen in oery city as well na the approval of
the public. 'Die production Is a beautiful otic,
n nd Is mui;nincintly ataKcel. The costumes arc
rich and elaborate a -veil aa lilitorically correit.
'1 ho htory la Intercstlni,' from atart to finish. The
plot, while not too Intricate, li Inlensedy In
tcictlns and prcnenta many novel theme) new
to the itasc The company, which mimiirra
twenty-five people, liaa been carefully chooen from
New York's leadlnif professionals.
State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County, u:
KHANK J. CIIKNEV makti oath that ho I,
.enlor partner of the firm of P. J. CHUN'Ky i
CO., doing buslneaa in th City of Toledo, County
and State aforeaald, and that laid Arm will nv
th. mm ol ONK IIUMDIIED IJOLMlis Pfo
each and every case ol CATAIUtll that cannot
be cured by the uie of HALL'S OATAItltll
Sworn to before, me and tubscrihed in my
presence, tliU th day of December, A. D.. ISSO.
Seal, A. U. GLUASON.
Notary Public.
Haifa Catarrh Cure U taken Internally, and
acta directly on the blood and mucoua aurfacea
ol the) ayatem. Send for teitlmonlala, free.
P. J. C1IKNEY k CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by DruggiitJ, 7Sc,
Hall'g Family filli aie the belt.
Nothing but Curable Cases Will Be Accepted
inoulli mill throat, f.illlnir out of lnlr nml
.111 iinptlon of the lac nml body. 1 eve
not who h.n tread d 3-011 nor Imw in my
Imp failed hi (tiring ou, I pan turo jou hy
in) SSTIIM OK ,llli:.MMi:vr Jut an Min
us Jou will nunc to inj olhip, llipiiliy In-Hirlni.-
ou wliii 1 nml jour bones and '.li
med are. not dnlrpjnl.
Ait'l ciiiiwliuis tl-at rap the lerj life froi.i
Jou nml later lead to th.- complete l'w of
all powers slopped forpiir in l to 1 ilaj'.
1 na
.H rl 1 li Li H a
ps:i- rviiM xiM -
- 210 'Piu'i Bnidinj 426-423
Wnll Stiset Roview.
Nixv i-tk, I - b. I. l'lltih ol toil. In .il l llim.l.v In the litis, pn, ol to,.i'i tl-d
i'l Itlllll-I till l.:nH'4,llv- l.i U't-lllp lit llulllu;!'-!!,
.Now i U I' if, d I) i.iw.iri' ami Hi I mi.
As a u-Milt tin- iniijiiiitj ot cloiUs 4iuu I1--1 .f.i.ti ,
but mont of Hi,', .no K.ial. lliiilu,- tn iruatii
.ut of tin- ilii the m.uki'i w,.s dUtn.iilj hi -tio-iin
mill flitted iliwiiwjid wluiii-io. any een
sldiiiilb oferIiias c-.titic upon th uiirk't. 'll.o
.poll of ttieii'ath hole mil thou am mj th.
iiioi't' rte-eks din i o: mut hi iincot iu
tho izii.eial Il-t. 1,-niiloirs tiujii-: it iOi!ino.
M'iii'1 mill- m a t'inpoi.iij pioi, ,i' iho
opiniiu adiuiccs iMcnd.'d to tibo'il a p dnt in
M-u'iMl of the iiitiin.itloiiil xtutk. I ir h r
Mi-lett bin. I, In the hmillluT t cl.s wlilrli cu
lled fie- ooiiiiiiiiu ilimn -J'i mi I fie pi.firii'.i
two i as th fir-t ih M-h-pin nt lo mi! us j uri'lo--mile
tho market. Iho Floil.t mr.' all if
fie-eil m fjtiipiithj an I Iho -os-iis tn the- s'o-I
Mi-il.s ran up tn ' pili,l, Now Yolk f -ii i ii
was nne of th- o.uly points nl strcnxlli i-nl
I) 'awan- and IhuVon was ilo Hun thioiuhou'.,
but the n-arktt did i-npniiil to these, Mip,il -
I' cute el by tho late lunMmei.t 111 the
'Iho nli-iiiptlon of llm'ilulon was mij he.ew
ami it wai c-ml-il up bj' rapid st.ics, Til)
pmula from Ihe- lon.nt, e-t iblMiln-; a ti't S"-nu
of 1VJ. Tliero was nn ui-ws tn i p'.iln tin
spurt ill this --took but It was cupp-xid to he
concerned with ili-.eli-ptiiints lonklin; ti a trans. nutlet for lllirllmlnii. The (Ir.ilK'irs
hnproird nbnut two puints or Im lit p hi hjm
pathy Tliero were stronu' leei -s in llrook
I) li llapid Trinsit ami sn.'ar, which, how-eier,
left them onlj hiohII ih-1 i:iiIiw, owiliH- In
ently woaknet. The ceni-uil IM was at one
time a point or nunc In-low la t nlaht'a leiel.
for the principal mtlic t.tiiU were lifted from
their carlv ili-iin-sslmi. .New Yoik Central's ri-o
of :i',J and Hi law. no nml iluiKon's of ton points
iipparontly had -. iinmttlnu, althoiii;h whit
it w.n. was not ill-ih.-ul. Amou- tin I il.l .
Iiioiiinints cl ii.uilly oh-eui' Men lea mat b
montioneil a rlo of lu points In Vuu'ilc.m
I'.xpicss, TVs in Kian.tille ami T.-n.- Il.iuti-. I
for the preferred. for Hi- m-w irth Amerii-iu
Moik and -i'.i foi the old, 4 f.u Texas mul
raoitli land liu-t, tl for li-ni'ial ll'islrlo, with .1
reaction of .Hi, :it (or U,i-ilin-i and Like Kilo
Riiond piifern-el, ami Ii Im Pullman and Mlniie
apolis and M. Lmils, the 1 itti r ieactln' 2. Total
aalea toilav, IfJ.'.HiO -Jules
'Hie .utility of the 1 1 mirkit diilln-d in
njnipathj with toel ami prices mined irnvu
l.ulv. Total i-ah-s, pir 1.1I110, s.nt i.tmi, r. !.
Iifundlnu -is adt id j. pi r cent, mid the
U per cent. ii tho lat call.
Tin following mintatlnns are f-nnl-hi-l Tht
rrlhiiii' by M. S. Jordan li Co., looms 705-7U"
Heart building, Scranton, I'a Tolephoiiu Wn.1:
Open- lll'ih- Lem- Cl-i-
111. est. es-. Im
Anieriiaii II, lis', WW, Mil,
Auieilean Tobaec U7',j 7 110 117
Am. Steel .x- Who .'.J, 51-li ,11H .'.y,
5'"i r. '4
MiIiImiii. IV !- '1 SHI HSI, Ki'f,
III ait., Tiaition 77'i 7b'-i "tt "'';
Halt. - Ohio bPi M3i ?l M1(
I 'nut. 'fob 11 111 li'.'f. (W( V4 Ifi
Chos, lc Ohio II'-; 41'i 11H 11
( lib-, ti. tit We-.t 'Hh 'Ji's 21 2-1" i
Chic. II. tc l llh-'t lll-ri l!'4 H'i'i
tt. I'aul l.'idi, 1'2 Itlilj 1.111.4
Itnek Island 121 1V, la 1'Vi
Del. . Hudson IM) losxj 1VI 1074
ljiekawann.1 It. It I'i"'!. I'i7', IKIV, V171; Steel .'iJVi .Y!'l f.TBi Wi
IVd. Steel. IV SJ f SU5, Ml,
Kan. k Te., IV. fid W, fii'4 fintj
LoiiU. tc !ii 1121-i ti IJ
Mm, Ui-vated 11U 1M?4 117 11'4
Mot. Traction 1.K1 KVltj lfi'ij jr,"'i
Mlsi-o. I'aelflo tVjifc N'l' SsTs MTs
I'lople'a lias J0I "!i KIlTi 101 101 a;
N. J. Central 1V Ml lit Ml
Southern I'aelflo H., Id'; 13 il
Norfolk & WeM. ...... 4.7'.i IS (7 474
.Northern I'.iclllo R.t ai', M fri
Nnilh. Paclflc. IV Sil'4 S7 MIA 87
V. V. Central 11114 117 Ul"5 ltfi".
Out. (c Western au4 i, S2-1i 11114
I'i una. It. It ll'lft M U'l Ksl
I'lilHi- Mall 42 42 4IH m
Itendlin: Hy :i.t'C .1 1 1 4 3i,4 3.11:
llMillnir Hv.. IT 7.1'i 1 7IH 75'
Soiitliem Hy 22V, -itu -i'is; oit
Stmlli. Hy.. IV 7.Vi 71H 74i 7.V',
Tcnn, Coal k Iron .... 1UV4 nii fil niVs
1' S. Leather WS 1'ITt 13ti 1 I'i
t', S. Leather, IV. 7.1 7.1 HY, 71
I'. K. Itnbber 2'iVs 2'H 20 20
Colon Pari nu 1)1 ftfi; nii; p.-,v,
Cnlon I'acinc, IV. S--H RS 8s, 81T4
Walia.h, IV. SI 32 .11 .1
Western Union TO t 80 8014
ciiioAco tirtAijf maukkt.
Oiien. Illith. Low. Clns
WHEAT. Ins. est. est. In
May H 73i 7:tt 75'i
May tO'4 40T4 40H 401j
May SaH 2S. t$Y. 23
May 14.30 33 11.35 11.15-17 11.20
May 7.S7 7.57 7- 7.S3
I pare n t of lm,v lon rtandliiR nor of
what ii.itmi-, iimler my Mrtilil of tieatuioiit
thij 1110 ill K-1 up at once.
l)ioao Is n.ually met with In men aduncod
In Jiarc, and is a condition that burdens one
for th- liahneo r.f their life. By my s
teni of treatment jou nro relieved at oii'-c.
If 3011 ate KiiITerin from any auch trotihlo,
anflir no longer, t'oine and let mc rIip hu
the names and ndiirtksc of people tint I
have cured and tli.-j will wIIIIiikIj- t-ll jou
of tho benefit ilerlied from my treatment,
1 r ? 0
SX 1
rt - v iocat:d.
Sprues mnjI, Scran on, Pa.
Pa 9 cyQlSfr B a bw m fn. (Ba iS 13 I Tf m IfsHifl
ID U . M ! M - a . mmmmM.
NI.W YOItls tlltMN MMtKKT.
Oiion- lllh- Low- Clos-
WIU'VT. in,'. 0 t. e-U in
Much T'l'fj T'lCj 7'U'i 7i),
Mi v Mi MiH 7UTi S-)
J.'av 1:1 ti.',j Ki irJi
S: ran ton Bcaitl nt Trade Exchango All Quotations Based
on I'.-r of 1(10.
STOCKS Hid. Asked.
first Xiit'oril I'.."'! 1200
tr.intin sa iu- 11.111K ...01 ...
I' Njtio-'.i1 Hank fll
II iiv Hetui- t an I Ibsoount Hank., 2.J0 ...
' k l. Co 40
liikn fiu-t life- Deposit Co 110
Clnik .V Sniiser Co.. IV 12J
Siianttn lion I'nirc fc Mfg. Co 100
Fei niton Axle Works (15
I arka-e .11.1.1 Il.l. IV Co. IV 20
Cnuntv s'ains Ilink & Trust Co.. 300
First 'Nntlmisl '-ink (C'arlondalc) 300
viaodard llrtlllns; Co 80
Traihrs' National flank US
Sirar'.on Hnl: and Nut Co 103 ...
Scranton Pass-rjcr Hallway, first
MortKae.-e, (lu-- l'OO 113
People'. Street Hallviaj, first mort-
u-ao. due 1118 113
People's Strret llnllnay. General
niortKai;e, due 1''21 113 v...
n'-k-on Manufacturing Co 100
Laeka, Tonm-hlp School S per cent. ... lOi
City ot Sirnntcn Ft. Imp. 8 per
cent 102
Scranton Traction (1 per cent US ...
Scrnnton Wholeitle Mnrket.
(Cerrerted by II, O. Hale, ?7 Lackawanna Ave.)
Ilultir-t'iiuiiicry, '.'2aJ2'4c.', dairj, lSa20c.
Cheese full eream. IJaUo,
Kws Wci-te rn fresh, 21',ia22e', j neaiby atate,
Il-'iiis I'n Im., eholi-e marrow, ?2.53a2 00.
I'ea lleana Per bit,, 2.4".a2 .In.
.Medium lleans-Per Im., ir2.40a2.l5.
(irien IVus-P-r Im.. -I.t0.ll.l5.
Oi-le lis Pel bu. Via 1 10.
flour lint patent, l.ivS.
New York Ctain nnd Proauce.
New York, feb. 11. KJe.ui I. cm faiornblej
Hiadj at j.'slirila.i's priua. Wheat Spot dull;
.No. 1 led, wv, I, ei. li. afloat; No. ltd,
7t-l,c. ileijlur: No. 1 northern Duliith, h7c. f,
11. li. at'oit. Options won- lahty rli-.nlj- all diy,
i-irrlmr i.isy at ',i. 11 -t 1I00II110. Man h eloM'd
7'i8e.; May, Mil. ; .lull, "'iVie. Coin fcpet dull-,
No 2, l'..c. eloiater and l?". f. o. b. ailoat
optlouii, nut ki'i was lli.t utioiiu and higher, but
ih ii cl st-.ilj at 'sa'.-i. net adianti-. I'cbiuiiy
1. 1 r-t-tl Iv.i Maj. dl'ic-.i Julv. 43tc. Oata
Spot llimj V,. 2 tti'.j-e.i No. 3 white, J2',. .
1 1 lil I, llllxisl Weill 111, .' Pa:!! ', jc ; tl.llk whit
Xl'iM'c. Optloi.s ijiiicl hut -leadj. Ilutl-i
Minn;: fu-di 11 amoij. ItMii'iii.i faotorj-, 11
l.'.i.; Juno ireiiui-ij. I'-.iJik- ; Imltailuii eicitii
hi. llasi; tato ualij, flivli. ll.i2V. Clieost
-II11.1, l.iuo, bill in uie. UliallVsi-
famj small, fa'l inulo, IHLV. Ki;,'s-steady;
i-l.ili- ui.d Pelin.i, lSCf.i wo-Uili, ll'.jalSc.i
e utile 1 n, 17al7'j.-.
Chicago Qialn and Produce.
Chlciiro, lVh. 13. Cattle ltecelpta, 2,o00j Ren
cully htoadi". Kood to prime ieera, $I.D0i
poor to iiinlium, yd 40a I Ml, ktockcrs ami fied
ers, about t-adj', J .'i0; cows, iC'.Slal.l'i
heifciii, i.'.WUI.H.'il caniiiis, slow, $1 7Ja2.lll;
bulls, ktdielj, active, tl; calves, l".to,
higher, la''.''0; Tcx.h led aloe 11, lal 70; Texas
kiass ntceni, t.30aJW; Texas bul'a, J.OOaJ.iJO.
Ilojj.1- lleceipt today, -t-f.dOi); tomrrrow, yS,.
000, left oier, 25,0011; aveiau-e, ateadyj top,
3.50; mixed and butchera, WWaS.iV;,; bo.k
lo choice heavy. $J.10j3.5O, rou-.-li heavy, $3.i5a
6il; light, 13.oO.i5.42ii: bulk of aalcs, ij 35
a.3 10.
hliccp and Iambi dole" iteadv to stronir;
ott'rra, slow, weak; good to choice wethers, 1 73
at 0; fair to choice i.iUul, M.V)i.H5, western
licep, $3.(-Oa4.'iO; Texas hccp, $2.."0a3,C0j natiie
lainba, l,2ia3.30; western Iambi, $3a3.30.
Chicngo live Stock Market.
Chicago, fcl. 13. Corn x-ai the leading deal
on chaiRe today, Tho market waa actlie and
drone under a variety of bullish Influences and
lifter utiing a new high price marie for the
option, cloxd Ua?ic liishcr. Wheat was dull
and narrow, cloitntr ahtde lower. Oats also
sfKrltuccd a decline of shade, while pro.
visions at the close were 2Vta3c. deprttsccl.
Cadi quotations were as fallows!
flour Dull t No. 2 rpring wheat, i15',a72e ;
Vo. 2 red, 74i57llc.i ho. . corn, 1Sic. So.
i je-llow, S;c, No. 2 oats. 2Hia23Tic.; No.
i white. SSHaZOc; No. a white, 27a2c; No.
1 rjet MHa.Mc.t barley, 43c; No. 1 northwest,
M.1.0; timothy, H.IOal.l.S; pork. flt.ii3ill,10;
ard, $7.13a7.47'4: rllu, t7.0.Xa7 25; ahnulderi,
MiaOHc; sides, t7,S3a7.53: whiskey, $1,27.
Oil Market.
Oil City, Feb. 15. Credit bshnces. 125. 110
lid for certificates. Shipments, 72,M; acr
tea, tifi'M, Ituns, $3,1)7; aurage, bifi'i.
A Prompt, Permanent and I
Sure Cure in All
Cases Accepted.
TmuMca nn- alwajc caiiMil hy Itillainiiiitlon ex.
Imillii friiin the niirmindliiK parta, tho aymp
toms of whldi jou 1111 appiieluto better than I
can ilescrllc. If jou hale any of there londl-
1 ions ran on mo nml let 1110 explain to j-ou my
nirthods of illsposlnif of them, I have effected Q
pines lu thoiiMmls of carps, and a euro avcal'a 1
Acute nnd Chronic, in all Its forms enlarged and
atHTeniil Joints, imiiuilnr rh mintlMii, lumbiRO,
m (alien bj- inj- sjitc-m ot trcntmuit, at once and
hi a eery (holt time, nu- p(TMi.ii'iilly cured.
Is a complete or ilo-jure of the rami.
I inn- nut who has Heated Jou nnd failed. I
will pure Jou ut as miio as ou will eoni' ti
me for treatment. I will 111 1 ilo It li'v CI'THM!
or dllatlni.', as my tn itlmlil Is pii'ilc and all
ohstnutioiH i-re jit tin itirntly lituund Urn the
cat .il.
And unnatural ill-i lurgi 1 Flopped in :i to S daya.
Or .inv tllitiK. Iiiiileriioss or liiiptitiimnts ot
tho paits lotoii'd to their li'irnul rlr.o at once.
1 (aunl I,v cm rH nf iMrly nr litr life. I
nre imt Imw 1inif mi lui ln-tn wt, tmr Imw
old mi a 1 myjntmi of tiiMtmcnt i- vw
cliilly .itliplrtt for 'mil vw fli uiui. and a
IKiinamnt tine jwiiH yu
If jmi ciinnnl call. Ml loricrpondoncc rtilclly, and all iepliei ent In a plain enve
lopes. Imlrwp 'Jc. atamp tn Insure nplj-.
OIIUo hoiiMp, '.I a. 111. tc ."1 p. 111. and 6 to 8 p.
Sund.ij', 10 u. m. to I p. in.
Me Elevator.
Brooklyn Edison 1st Mtg. 4s,
Chic, Burl, efc Qulncy 3 l-2,
Clevo & Marietta 1st 4 l-2s,
Evans. & Tcrro Hanto Con. Cs,
Minn. Gen'I Elect. 1st Con. 53, "
Minn, efc St. L. Con. f5s,
Norf. eSi Wii3t. Imp & Ext. O3,
Bio Ornnde West. 1st 4s,
Teiminal IX. IX. of St. L. Con. 5s,'"
United Bys. Co. of St. L. 1st 4s,
I) fcrlptlvi Circular on App i cation.
Spsncer Trask t& Co.
2?-29 Pine Street,
65 State St., Albany. f,eW York.
" A Qllmpsf at Wall Street and
It Ifarlrate" mtihk titi.i: ip
II fflHlKBlS out .i;,v iiiioki
I It la sorastbini radically dllTerent 'pn otber
publications. Very valuable and Int. rt!nK to
thetradsrs. Also markot raport ci'V f PDCr
aid ttoathl tluotuaticn sbseis OUF. 1 r1Ct
?acob Berry & Co
Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Cotton.
V enrnmltMcn houe wcrlttnp In thel n-rcjt rfrllrnti,
utintr H ' rcltri umi. tho I cfr ine.4 n I uhtnjr nainci cf
i-okfri with 1 out inns-iction iiiii'c ine() liisnte
(oiamUtloa 116. Jlttfrrt r tlargloi.
.nrrrpnnarrrt: dim fit
A Skin of Qoauty Is a Joy rorovor.
CKliAll. (lit JUDICAL I1..ALI1H1.K.
ItsnieTes tin, Pimp'.e,l'r,l,les.
Math 1 iiliniu 1. 1. . .. ii. y
r- ---a a, iiuu Clall
KtftifB. aa,i eTaTJi l,lln)h .J
. '. "aa
luviru.iun. it im
UQt1 UiV tfkt ol C3
yt-Bit, m it I rn
liartalttuvt tnt it
tutwuriMt lM(irup
rty tuiulr, AciCt
nu countfrftit o(
niiitllariiflmo. Dr. U
A fe'tvr w Id to
UUy of til') lit u Will
(a ratlfntH "AjiV'
I ipronimetnt 'Oour
fttid rntri' m ll
lt-fut linnafulof kJ
lha mh j tvpara
tlan" KorMiolf
all Drurcri-ii. anl
rancy-Osol pilrt In thUf S..C01 tilav.tnd tury
Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Mnnuood -Curo
Impotoncy. Nlulit nmlsslous, Loss nt Mem,
nry, nu wusiinu utaciiscs.
all ellucts ot rulf-alnifo nr
excess and iiulUcrction.
A norvo tonic snd
.blood builder. Brings
kp TTtlio pink Klow to palo
VscTr clieefta anil restores tho
rsV.V"ro ' utli. liy mnll
"VliA fiOo nnelior. II Iihtao fnp .
$2.50, with our bankable caurantoo to euro
or refund tho monoy paid. Send fur clicular
and copy ot our banlcabli
no 1
b'UQrnntco liotitl,
Nemta Tablets
l!LTa5WT.Anrrl immcumie tccouutt
rosltlToly Rtiarantoocl curo for Loss of Power,
Varicocele, Undeveloped or Shrunken Orirnns,
I'aresl, Locomotor Atuxln, Ncrveim I'rostra.
tl'jn, Hysteria, fits, Insanity. I'arnljels nnd tlia
Ilejulta of Kxccsiivn Use of Tobnrco, Opium or
Liquor, fiv mall in plain pad-nun. $1.00 a
box, O for $&.00 with our bankable guar
antee bond to cure In UO days or refund
money paid. Address
Clinton eSi. Jackson St, CHICAGO, ILL.
Bold by Medarrah & Tliomas, Druggists KOJ
LaiLawanna uiuiuv, bcrantgn, I'i,
B ATA ffl
Civ , tt-JB i.)CS
"'j:i3i-.:win .,,.
c fel
VA w
VW 11
h '
, 'V