- 'jf- ( I t j"y" rn' yrTiK i1 .f THE SCltAlNTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1G, 1901. 5 SKzdk toctal- THU USUAL lire-Lenton activity 1ms prevailed tho past week wllh the exception that no linnet's huvo been given. Mntiy small '' ' attafru, m'oro or less lnformnl ltt rhuiacter, liiivo lllleil la the- ilayn ami the' rciuttlnlnb' time la prettv full. It ls.fxpecteil that Knsfer will will he tlio merriest for ninny hpnboiih an n nuuil-r nf funetloiiH have been postpiineil until that time. The last of tho Kortnluhtlv enter tnlnmcuts wan given at the homo of tMr. and Mrx. "W'. Seianlon on Thursday nlfjht. It wus the climax of the series and vvoh a lltthiB celebra tion of St. Vulcntlw'H day. The pro fit amine was hem t-shaped, thu outer cover embellished by u true-lover's knot In Kold. The cntertulument of the oveiilnu was nffmded by tho famou1) KiikIIhIi leader, Miss lleatilco Ilerford, and bv Miss Caroline Lewis Clordon, of Atlanta, the lovely daughter of licneral J. H. Oordon, who Is Mail u favoilte In this city. Miss Ileifoid appeared In monuloKUP, Klvlnsr tho well-known selections which liavo lecelved the llatteiy of so many Imitations In this country. Her leper tolre on this occasion Included "A New KiiKlund SeniiiHtreFS," "A Lady Pack ing" anil "The Shop CJIil." As an en rol e she Rave the "Afternoon on tho Piazza," that delightfully funny repe tition of tho Idln conversation heard nn the veiandas of summer hotels. Mlh.s Cordon's Hharo In the pro gramme was distinctly original. It was in the wnv of Negro foil: hons and "ketches fiom plantation life. Shu sang In a soft, low, crooning voice un written melodies of the South as she has heaul them from early childhood, and Jn the cleverest Imitation gave character sketches whose sentiment and tiend of thought tjhe had uncon sciously abxoibed dining her lire on the plantation. The programme was comprised in: "Do Buryln' of Urer Jills-roe," "Here" 'or Young Lady Wants to Mar'y," Georgia Ituck, Liza Jane. "O, riiu'ch I Know Yer Gvvlno ter Miss Me," "Mudder In the Grabe Yard." "Sinner, Don't Let Dis Harves' Pass." "Aunt Adeline's Journey," "Jonah," "Oh! Sho Do Lnk She Want 'or Go to Heaven," "Pa'd'dy Night," "LI'J Hoy, Ll'l Hoy," "Jack, You Dore You." Among the cucsts pteient were: Judge and Mrs. It. W. Archbald, Mr. and Mis. James Archbald, Mr. and Mis. Kveiett AVnrren, Mr. and Mrs. 1L AV. Klnu'sbury, Mr. and Mrs. II. l Simpson. Dr. and Mrs. Shoemaker, of Wllkes-Uane; Mr. and Mrs. llemy Hrady, jr., Mr. and Mrs. X. G. Hob ettson, Mr. and Mrs. K. 13. Stuigcs, Air. and Mrs. u. ;. AVatson. Mr. nnd Mis. C. J. Sturges, Mr. and Mrs. J. UenJ. Dlmmlek, Mr. Henry Bolln, jr., .Alts. P. H. Jermyn. Mr. and Mrs. G. U. Jeimvn, Mr. and Mrs. James G. San detson, Mr. and Mis. H. C. Shafer, Mr. and Mis. AValtor Klotz, Miss Ives, of New Yoik: Miss Helm, Miss Sander son, Ml.- Augusta. Merrill, Miss Holes, Miss Alice Matthews, Miss Gertrude Spr.igue, Mls-s Helen Sanderson, Miss Hunt, Messrs. Muirlll, A. K. Hunt, Jr., Dickson, Tot ley, George Klotz, Slade, Loomls, Dr. (i.iude AValker. Mr. and Mr--. J:. J. Foster gave a beautiful dinner on Tuesday night to tho membeis. of the ltust-iun dance in iht Mario Antoinette fete, of which Mis. Foster and Mrs. C. D. Sanderson weie tho chapeioiii'S. The decorations on n led out the dunce colois, In which id pi ..'dominated. It was a delight ful affulr, although it was gieatly to no legietled that both the host nnd his von Taylor wcio confined to their logins by the Blip. Tlioso present were: Mr. and Mis. f D. Sandet-hon, Captain and Mrs. P. S Pei man, Misses Mary Skinner, Mol "i DuiKo Sara A atson, Anna AVII llams, Hmina Schlmpff, Lottie Skinner, vnnio 'Mns, Jennie KnulTman, Messis. H V. Utley, Jlnlv.li AVarlng, Milton Wayp On Tuesday, February 19 We Will Close the Greatest LINEN SALE hver held in the city. Greatest in quality given, greatest in quantity sold. For three days only can you secure goods at our Great Special Sale Prices. Table Linens Unbleached Scotch Linen tit 30c, 50c, 08c, 85c, 05c. Silver Bleached Geiinnn, 30c, 40c, 58c, 75c. Extra Heavy Germtm Embossed. 08c, 75c, 80c, $1.25. Bleached Irish Damask, 40c, 50c, 75c, 05c, $1.25. Andrew Heed's Damask, 75c, 05c, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.25. German Dice Napkins for Eestau- rant or Lunch Rooms, 10 inch, 75c; 17 inch, 70c; 10 inch, 85c; 20 inch, $1.00; 22 inch, $1.25. Soft aud Heavy Silver Blenched German Napkins, $1.48, $1.75 and $1.05,.' Very Heavy Embossed Silver Blenched Germnn, $1,50, $2 nnd $3.5Q. 5-8 Hnlf Bleached, soft nnd heavy, : $1.25, $1.50. Andrew Reed's Snow White, $1.05, ., $3.00, $3.50, $3.05, $4.50, $5.05. 3-4 Scotch and Irish Satin Damask, $1.08, $2.25, $2.50, $2.50, 83.50, S4.05. HuVjk'tfowels, 10c, 13c, 15c, 17c, 23c, MEARS & HAGEN, 415-417 Lackawanna Aveuue. w wmP" JjeVMtal O'Connell.W.H.Gardner, Frank Keam, Hiipert Thomas, Z. 13. Smith, Joseph Drake. Hefore the evening closed the flag used In the pretty ilnnco was present ed to Mis. Foster and Mrs. Sander son as a souvenir of appreciation. Mr. and Mrs. L V. Klngsbuiy quiet ly celebrated the fortieth nnnlversary of their nun i Inge on AVednesday.when n wimll cimitmiiy of their closest friends enjoyably spent tho evening at their handsome homo on AVebster avenue. Among the guests were Dr. and Mrs, AVIU 'Kingsbury, cf New Yoik. Dr. '.. M. K. Fulton and Miss Lily 1'. Jones, of I'hllndelphla, were mar lied last night In the Haptlst templo by Dr. ltussclt H. Conwell. Jtr. C. W. Fulton, of this city, was best man. Miss Nellie Fulton was a bildosmald, and Mr. T. H. Connell was one of the usheis. The gi oom Is n hi other of Dr. AW (.1. Fulton nnd C. AW Fulton, of this city, and Is well known here. Ills bride is n young lady of rare accom plishments, whose beautiful voice Is admired In choir and concert cir cles. When visiting In Seranton last summer she was entertained at tho home of Dr. and Mis. AW G. Fulton, on AVyomlng avenue. The Seranton quests at tho wedding were Dr. tind Mia. W. G. Fulton and daughter, Messrs. C. AW Fulton and Theodore 13. Connell. Mis. y. Y. Leet gave one of the most attractive caid putties of the year yes teiday afternoon when about seventy ladles were entei tallied. They vvetv Mis. AW AW Seranton, Miss Hlnnch atd, Mrs. H. AY. Archbald, Mrs. II. A. Knapp, Mrs. Hussell, Mis. AW II. Jes sup, Mrs. J. L. AVentz, Mrs. J. S. Lynde, Mis. AValter Klotz, Mrs. K. G. Coursen, Mis. AW D. Hoyer, Mis. F. II. Jermyn. Mis. AV. M. Dickson, Mis. C. H: Sturges. Mis. II. H. Hrady, jr., Mrs. AV. S. Dlehl, Mrs. Grant I'elton, Mrs. Geoige Stuigcs, Mis. Cross, Mis. S. II. Stevens, Mis. II. 1. Simpson, Mis. Penman, Mrs. F. M. Spencer, Mrs. II, AA. Kingsbury, Mrs. II. H. AVare, Mrs. G. H. Smith, Mrs. F. D McGowan, Mrs. George Hlce, Mrs. A. II. Stoirs, Mrs. F. K. Plutt, Mrs. H. C. Shafer, Mis. Geoige Owens, Mrs. AV. J. Brown, Mrs. H. H. Chase, Mrs. H. K. AVatson, Mrs. G. M. Hallstead, Mis. H. C. Heynoldu, Mrs. T. C. Von Stoieh, Mis. L. G. La Har, Mrs. G. D. Murray, Mis. Frank Sllllm.in. Miss Helln, Miss Hunt, Mlrs Jessie Gay, Miss Clare Reynolds, Miss Ot llllii. Miss Hradlcy, Miss Dale, IMss Iteynolds, Miss Coursen, Miss Howell, Miss Matthews, Miss Cone, Misses Louise and Helen Matthews, Miss Grant, Miss Manness. On AVednesday Mis, Leet gao a luncheon when her handsomu home on Jeffeison avenue was made espeelallj beautiful by the lloral decorations. Tile dining loom was in pink, the li bra! y warm and delightful In lavish adornments In which red predominated. The eucst of honor was Miss Hlanch ard, of New Yoik. Miss Hlanchard Is a cousin of Mr. Bradley-Mai tin. Sho has made many fi lends dm lug her visit in this city. Others piesent at the luncheon weie: Mrs. Milton Blair, Mrs. Klcliuid Mat. thews. Mrs. G. L. Dlekson. Mrs. H. S. Moflat, Mis. AV. AV. Seranton, Mrs. A. D. Blacklnton, Mis. G. IB. Smith, Mrs. AV. F. Hallstead, Mrs. John Jurniyn, Mis. Clark, Mis. Dlmmlek, Mrs. D. 1.'. Taylor, Mis. J. P. Dickson. Mis. H. AV. Archbald, Mrs. It. (J. Powell, Mrs. James Aichbald, Mis. AVIIllam Mat thews. Mr. and Mrs. William II. Itlchinonil entei tallied at dinner last night 'it Ktehmond Hill. Tho beautiful dining loom with Its rich enivlng and elegant appointments was a picture. Tho guests wcio licv. Dr. and Mis. Jnmes Bath, bleached and unbleached, 10c, 12 l-2c, 15c, 8c, 25c. Cotton Crash, bleached nnd un bleached, 3c. Dice Glass Bleached Toweling, 8c. Brown Twill, soft and film, 7c. Shnws' & Stevens Pure Flax Crash, 7c, 0c, 10c, 12 l-2c, 15c. Extra Heavy Barnsby Roller Crash, 12 l-2c, 15c, 18c, 20c. Sheetings We offer lemnrkeble bargains in Muslins and Sheetings. Unbleached 0c Good Brown Muslin for only 5c. 7c Fine Blown Muslin for Oc. 8c Ext j a Heavy Muslin for 7c. 8c Very Fine Muslin for 7c. 13c Best Lockwood 5-4 F. C. Mus lin for 10c. 15c Best Lockwood 0-4 P. C. Muslin for 12c. 18c Best Lockwood 8-4 Sheeting for 15c. 20c Best Lockwood 0-4 Sheeting for 17c. 15c Utlca 5-4 P. C. Muslin, lie. 10c Utlca 0-4 P. 0. Muslin, 12c. s McLeod, Hew Dr. Logan, Mr. nnd Mrs. James Archbald, Mr. and Mrs. VI. P. Kingsbury, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. AV. Dick son, Mr. and Mrs. Townscnd Poore, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. 3. AVeston, Mi. and Mrs. J. S. Lynde, Miss Fannie Fuller, of Kltnhurst. The Misses Richmond will give u luncheon today when tho guests nio to be Miss Forrester, of Los Angeles, Cal1.; Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. C. C. Hose. Miss Fannie Fuller and Miss Alice Bar. ker. The Green Hldgq AVheelmen are pic paring for a great fair to celebrate tho opening, of their lino new club. The date Is March ft to 9 and the arrange ments are so extensive In proportion thnt the cntlie city will be Interested. It Is proposed to conduct tho nrrango mentH on an elaborate scale and make the fair one of the most nttractlva and successful ever given In this region. Tho chairman of the executive com mittee Is Mr. J. L. Howlson, who with tho boatd of olllccrs and lrectors will have tho event In charge. They nru tho following: President, P. P. Smith: vice presi dent, Howard Davis: treasurer, O. AV. Payne; directors, C. M. Carr, J. L. Howlson, A. O. Thomnson. Tho committees are not yet an nounced, but among them are the fol lowing: Fancy work Mis. Berllnghoff, Mts. K. L. Mcrrlmnn. Confectionery Mrs. C. M. Carr, Mrs. E. M. Green, Mrs. H. H. Davis. There will bo a large committee on refreshments, which will bo served every evening. Mrs. AV. AV. Seranton and Miss BMIn will entertain at cards on Monday at tho home of the former. Mr. FJbeit Hubbaid, the famous ed itor of "The Philistine Magazine," ind author of manv books will lecturu In AVllkes-Harre Young Men's Chilsll'iu association Tuesday evening, Febiuiry 20. on "The AVork of the Hoycrottois." Pei haps Mr. Hubbard's gieatest achievement was his "Message to Gar cia," which l cached the dlstlncttlon of being pi luted nine million times In one year. Ills "Little Journeys to the Hoiiips of Great Men" have become a valued addition to (lie llbr.uy of classics. As an American, as an author, a publisher and printer, he Is a distinct type, n character that has no parallel In his time or any other time. People who read and admire the keen sarcasm of "The Philistine" with a mental pro test will nevertheless Hock to henr this man with the head of a medieval monl-, the satire of nn Iconoclast and (ha spirit that despises sham and pretense, Mr. Hubbard Is a cousin of Miss Lea M. Heath, of this city. A committee of ladles heived an oleb orato A'nlentlne Day supper nt the IMst Hnd mission of St. Luke's chinch Thursday evening, which was greatly enjoyed by those attending. Those in charge of the supper were: Mis. 1". D. Shopland, Mrs. Chailes Fiater, Mrs. O. F. Leeds, Mrs. H. P. Reynolds, Mis. U. J. Jlfkins, Mrs. Hnndley Jifklns, Mrs. Toy, Mrs. Hldgway, Mrs. Slier wood nnd the Misses Shopland, Bein Iiard, Skinner. AVetgrles, Finney, Lily and Hose Williamson, Brown and Sher wood. Seranton Is achieving leeognltlon In Harrlsburg for more things than try ing to be second class. The newest depaituro Is "The Lackawann.L Club." It is slt.inted at "Vi North Sixth street, eiy near the capitol grounds, nnd consists locally of a comfoi table piet ty Hat, In which a paity of Scianton men hae apartments and a genera: club loom. The members aie hoiiatar A'aughan. Kepio-ontntlvcs John Schourr, P. A. Phllbln. Hdward James, Jr., T. J. Duffy, of the Seranton Tilb une, AW F. A'nughan and George Mar shall, messenger of tho house of r p resentntlves and senate respective ly. They held a u-c option ono night this week, when about a dozen other Seranton men voie pios cnt, and the occasion Is said to liavo been one to remembei. Th latest ex ploit of the Lackawanna club Is al leged to be the monopoly of a min eral spring, a pipe line from w nleh is to Mipply their establishment, as the membeis are rather shy about drinking Harrisbuig water. Senator Araughan Is putting In his spin time In the sltldy of Gennun, In which he is becoming exceedingly 20c Utica 8-4 Sheeting, 10 l-2c. 22c Utica 0-4 Sheeting, 10c. 24c Utlca 10-4 Sheeting, 21c. Bleached Oc Good Muslin for only 5c. 7 l-8c Finest Muslin for only Oc. 0c Hill Muslin for only 7c. Oc Lonsdale Muslin for only 7c. Oc Fruit of Loom Muslin for only 7c. 12c Fine Cambric Muslin for only 10c. 13o Lonsdale Cambilc for only lie. 14c Be-,t Lockwood 5-4 P. C. Muslin for lie. 10c Best Lockwood 0-4 P. C. Muslin for 13c. 20c Best Lockwood 8-4 Sheeting for 17c. 23c Best Lockwood 0-4 Sheeting for 10c. 25c Best Lockwood 10-4 Sheeting for 21c. 10c Utlca 5-4 P. C. Muslin, 12c. 17c Utica 0-4 P. C. MubIIii, 13c. 22c Utica 8-4 Sheeting, 10c. 25c Utica 0-4 Sheeting, 23c. 28c Utica 10-4 Sheeting, 21c. Ready-made Sheets and Pillow Cases at the price of muslin. proficient. If you see him on tho train with a little book In tits hand, It Is not to bo supposed that tho volume Is a codification of tho laws of Penn sylvania or an advance conv of lbs city charter. It la simply a nice In nocent tierman grammar, unu Hepro-t-eiitntle Hoheuer Is proud of his pu pil. Mis. 'Iheodoro Wolfe will entertain ut cards this afternoon In honor ot Joseph Hlner nnd Mrs. AVIIllam AVal ter, of I'hllndelphla. Among the guests will be: Mrs. G. It. Jeimyn, Mrs. A, J. Connell, Mrs. V. M. Spencer, Mrs. O. M. Hallstead, Mrs. J. Jj. Lynde, Mrs. 12. T3. Chnso, Mrs." Isaac Post, Mis. If. 15. AVare, Mrs. Prank Sllllmnn, jr., Mrs. AV. A. Coleman, Mrs. Kraulc Crane, Mrs, ti. H. Stelle, Mrs. A. It. Shopland, Mrs. AV. M. Dickson, Mrs. Thomson, Mrs. T. It. Dale, Mrs. It. J. Poster, Mr.it L. G. LaHar, Mrs. C. D. Sanderson, Mrs. T. I1. Peiunnn, Mrs. K. D. Mc Gowan, Mis. AV. D. lloyer, Mrs. AV. If. Jessup. jr., Mrs, Thomas Sprngue, Mrs. Stock, Mrs. J. T. lllehards, Mrs. It. AV. Archbald, Mrs. H. O. Coursen, Mrs. J. f. AWnts!, Mrs. G. D. Murray, Mrs. N. Y. Leet, Miss Hlanchard, Mrs. Haughton, Miss Hradlcy, Miss How ell, Miss Cor.rfcen, The Spinsters will give a dance and card party at the Seranton Hlcyclo club, Pcbtunry 2.'. A pclcct company of lelatlvcs and friends assembled at the homo of .Air. nnd Mrs. A. J. Van Gorder, of 1122 Gibson stieet, Thursday evening, to witness the n.airlage of their youngest daughter. The btldo Is un accom plished nnd popular young woman. Mr. Voodhull, foiuicrly a Scr.mton Inn, now lesldlng In Albany, N. V., Is a rising young business man. Hev. George A. Cure, of Is'oith Seranton, an old filenl of both families, was the otlhiatlng clergyman. Some of th" guests were: Ml.cs Nellie Schooppy, of Philadelphia: , Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Hvnns, of Factory villi Mr. and Mr. J. AV. A'nn Camp; Mr. nnd Mis. Hert Sherman. Mr. end Mis. AV. J. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Horn b liter, F. It. Swatts, Mr. and Mis. J baiter, V. Ti .Swarts, Uexford nnd Miss Nellie A'nn Got dor. AVayne and Miss Nellie Hornbalter, Miss Agnes Serine, Miss Lillian Hlrtley, Miss lyabclle Alnsley, Alb's Gertrude Pellet nnd Messrs. A llllmii M. Huetter, AVIIllam Hetteily and Thomns Kno, of Seran ton. The house was tastefully decor ated' for the occasion, and elegant re fieshiinnts were served. Ml"s Giaro Coolldgo gave a very enjoyable "valentine" thimble tea at her homo on Qulncv avenue on Thurs day afternoon. Mrs. M. II. Holgate and Miss Grace Caller.dar assisted Miss Coolldgo In entertaining tho guests. Just now the tiling which Is most oc cupying the mind of Deputy Attorney General Flcltz Is tho hone that the Lackawanna hospital may by made a state Institution and receive the regu lar support It deserves. Laekawanna county has no such Institution while Luzeino has two and theie are sev eial In vatlous poitluns of the state. Mis. I'J. G. AVorden, who Is soon to leave Set anion to continue nor vocal studies In New Yoik, Is boon to give un elnboiate conceit ut the Seranton 1J1 cycle club. Mis. AVIIllam Connell, assisted by Miss Dlmmlek, gave the last in" her pre-Lcnten iceeptlons on Tunday at the Shoieham In AVashliigton. It wan very lnigely attended. The deeoutlons weie superb. Miss Hmma A'all gave u veiy de lightful social Thiusday evening at her home, fiOH Pine stieel, to those who par ticipated In the I'leuot and Pierrette dance of tho Muiic Antoinette leie. All were piepent save one and the evening was passed most pleasantly. The p.ulois were beautifully decorated for tile occasion. Dancing and St. A'al intine novelties were thu order of the ev enillg. Choliu refreshments were serve!. The membeis were elated over Mie lompllmeutary "'mention given tin lr dance at the late "Marie Antoinette IVte" bi'iiellt tor the Home for the Pilendless; It came as ,i conipleto sur pi Ise to thuin. The pleasant assoi la Unit of these young peoplu together ha i lipened Into real friendship. Mrs. H. II. Hrady, lr., will entertain at tnnU on Tuesday. Pullv two hundred couples weie In nttendmico last night at Selgel's hall and enjoyed one of the most'dellehtfiu dances of the season. It was a nie Lentcn affair given by Division No. 3. Ladles' auxlllaiy, Ancient Order of Hibernians, In which much interest wus tukeii and a thoiotighlv pleasant lime the lesult. Music was furnished bv Miss Nellie C'urran, aud the com mittee In chat e consisted of Julia Holland, Margaret Gcnlty, Katheilno Conrey. Maiy Dougher, Mls3 Lavelle, Miss Cuney and Miss Hegan. The thhd annual dance of tho Twen tieth Centuiy Girls' club t,ook place last night at tho Hlcyclo club rooms. About one hundred nnd twenty-five couples attended and gaily toed tho light fantastic to tho blithesome music furnished by Lawience's orchestra. The looms weie handsomely decorated and piesented a splendid appeatanoe. The committee In charge of the nffnlr was made up of the Misses Mury Dcg n.ill, Alice Hellly. 15. Arthurs, Mary McNulty, Agnes Glltoy and Maiy Mc Cann, Movcmeuts of People Mi. If. M. llolid li nt liumo fiom New YmK. (' 11. l'umiau rcluiiK.it fiom llurtltburt; li-t iilisht. tttrnoy T, 1". Weill wa in Pimlllc on liiiiwlay. vir. niii Miik V., I.. Puller tiic taking a suiitliern dip. 1 M. Yuuu., ot CUin'. feui unit, !ia rctuwicj (rem HjirLUiic. JihIkc Knapp il Attorney I. H, Ilmna vuto In llllaiii.pi it this wodc. T. J. Puffy ittiirmil fimn HnrrMmrg last nlslit In ifiuiln until afttr (lritlnn. MIm hi, if iw Vert, is tlie unci l tier eUtiT, Mr. .ilttr Klol, on Ailairu avenue. Ml living, of New Veil., lias Urn the tin t nf Mr. W.il'ir Klot fir the pakt few iUn, Dr. nml Mr, UU Sl.ni inaKrr, of 'ilkr.lirre, hate bun irutkt of Mr. and Mm. W, W. tn-ian-ten. Ilun. Julm If. I'ollown, of Tenth tlieit. lft eitirilay atternoon on a tuilncsi trip tu 1'hlli. tlJphU. Alilcrman Miron lissson will leave Tuenihy for the Arkaia hot aprlnsj, for lili hraltli. 'ilie ah!oiin.iti will ho gone atiout three wetk. Major ami Mm. W. H. Millar last oenlna; en tertained Hon. Jacob Clark, ot Newark, N. J.j (ieorue Clark, of Port Jirvls, N, Y.s Carl Itudolph Von hternbers, of Paltlmorc, and Ml.j Hemic lllce, of Seranton, at dinner In honor of Mrs. Mlllar'a MrthdJy. i I ! Por a Cold in the Head Laxative Dromo-Qulnlne Tablets. (-3 ? 4 tsj rfc v i-ht r J SCIENTIFIC SALAD "In.icnirito knnwlcilf I n Vhnsrruun thlnff, .si In all things let us be accurate." THU AllOVi: quotation of the well known pro veib Is the eorrert trm.litlon of the old Arahlo axiom In whlili Inircnrntc knowledge Is likened i. the asaln's knife. The vvont "little" for Inai curate, as used In the proverb, U iirululily'n poetic lliim, or i Ise the onl Is used In a remote and niitlipiatcd m-iisi. to express Incompletcnesa or liucmraiy. Inaeeurately nb Mrved nnd falsely interpreted natural happen Ing very often have Riven rls to nerluus popular belief, which not Infrequently ure expressed In poetical form. Si, for Instance, are wo all familiar with the pretty fable nlsiut The Trembling Aspen Leaf, which In reality Is n provision of nature to facilitate the evaporation of moisture, as has been pointed out by Henry I, folimum, and Is observed to n water or Iim diitree in all trie treea helonulntr tolTie poplar family, which pre fer n inirshy ground. The atrin of the leaf, being comparatively long, is qulti' thick and stiff at Its Insertion into the twig, hut tapirs to a tine, thin, tlbbondlke end at Us Inseitlon Into the leaf, thus acting like a ddicatc upring vibrat ing thu leaf with the lightest lircith of wind. Live Young Bearing Fish. Anollur illustration Is the common billcf that etls bpir Ilia Ip voung iillve and which has ex tended In tin- .fmaglnitlon of chlhlrin to tho Impllilt liellef that vuung ids liny he raised from horio hair or silk threads by burvlng them In mnbt earth The fut of the nntter Is that, like many oilier animals, the eel frequently awallovvs its joung after they are hitched, and ilso that tho ctl Is Infested ixeuslonally liy In testinil worm, which somewhut resemble jounir eels and aie found on skinning the flsli, There are, hovvevir, everal ipeeled of tMi which bring their voung alive Into the world, and floielon Smith repurts In tho "I'leld" that he discovered n new variety in the (iulf of Jap in, In which he observed ad many a furti -fight fully developed voung ll-hi'3 closely packed In the abdomen of oTio fun lip. Frozen Life. The h-h tilhp seems tu be a en it source ot womhr to intuiallt, beeaiue they constantly discover new and curious facts in connection with their eondlttnns of life. Thus l'lanl.llii, the well known Noilh Polo luvlgitor, rclted the fjet tint carp which had been froon stilt lor thirty-six boms eumc to life inraln on being thvwed out and ertiiin nlnut appircntlj urliainied. That very low temperatures do not destroy life in oriunized btlng) In a well known fact, for seeds of plant and many ot the larvae of luseiti and eggs of lower (onus of auimil life will sur vive without hirui a frcerlng of many months duration at a tempeiaturc as low as tlvty do tries below' rem. pi. t. II. Kieuriur, in the New ork Mait ltung lelale come expirl luents in the coutoe of wlilili mods u l-pores of plantu and diveral species of aulmihules weie mibjcctcd to an .irt KIo1.il tcmpeiatuic of Itsi de grees helovv icro wlthuut their vitality being in jured theichy, and upon thee olivrvatlons founds a lopothesis to explain huv organic life elimi nated on this lallli. He reisons that as germs can withstand null low artificial tempcratuns they can al-o withstand the e old of space, which is (Minuted to be 2T.I digrces below viro, and that the llrsl eeels may have come here at tached to mcteora detached from other planets. Put he forgets that the friction of 'the earth's atmosphere upon the rapidly approichlng meteor develops so much heat as to nuke the uutallo meteor Inc rndcucent and nu Jiving organism ean withstand a higher temperature than '-'li elegrec, the boiling point of water. The Mosquito Is a Canier of Disease. That the mosquito by its sting Innociilatesiiiin with tin- germs pinduelng the dilUrcut varleths if malaiial fevir in trnple.il eountiie has been accepted as i proven fact, and 1'iofess.ir Koi li of Ileilin, after investigating this proposition In South Vfrba, has expressed his opinion that tho mosquito Is undouhtidlv the carrhr of nularlil fever. Now eonus the re purt of a speeial com mittee riad it the re' out meeting of the Pan Ameriem Medical eonalios in Havana, in whleh it is positively us-titcd that the masquito Is the sole cairier of vellow fiver and Hut It bee nines Infected with tlm dlseu-e when stinging a patient liming the first two dij of the illsi'ase, while' the Insects which tiling the patient after that period of tlnio ehi tint e.irrv the! contagion Whether the inhibitaiiti uf South Aim riei hivo lieen awaie' of the'se newly diseovc?sel facts, or whether they onl vvi-heel to piotect themselve trmii the annoying stings of tho mosquito by pi lilting castor oil plinth mound the plirns of tlulr houses is Immatcrii); the fact lemilus tint the castor oil plant .itlouls protection fiom mos quitoes even in this elimate, as numcieius ev lierltuents hive proved. The best vaitetles for emr rllmate are the Iticlnus Parbenieii-i'', the ltielmis Zanzibar and the Iticlnus I. lbs, nil Miiahllls, and they gruw well in ground which Is not too tleh and U mixed with fand and gi.ivel, but they need plenty of sunlight. The plint Is avoleleel bv Insect be'e'au-e of Ita pioiilhu fider whleh it exhales. The Eaillest Use of Iron. Prof. Monlilliu at die last meeting of tb.) (.irnrin Antblopologlcal congress pointed eml tiie fiet that, contrary fo tho prevailing opinion that lion was used by man In heaudluaihiu ie.unlrle-1 not e idler Hun about Boo after C luir, but in South l'.uiopcin iiiuntilea lis ilrsc i sc deles link tnui li rirllcr. Iron ulnisils mid tur tle ularly objects of pcr-onil nil'iinnunl,, mule of Iron, sue. li as finger and tar lings were found In tombs dllina: back In HiI befoiu Cliilst. lln dllriliiilis. lln. slow ilt'vrlotmiint of tie otil. i itv of lion In the technical illitl ul'ie's to lo uvircuiiie by the primitive luetnoos .1 tin- an eient people 111 reducing ilun ore to riall'ablo ll'li He liigKct. however, to also million the fact that a whole Kiiue, 01 ehiptcr of the ITniiUh eplo ''Kub-v ill," one of Ihe oldest, il imt tlio niot anelent of the folklores which wo know of, dels wllh iron and its pilmi.iio iiiuni.facturi' Into utcrulls and vvcaiion. Llteiaiy Don'ts. 'Ihe loinor prei-idciit of the Plilledelplila Sehool of Voeal Art, in erne of his lectuica in I he class In rhetorle, gave the following apt ihre'ctlons of whit not to do in litciary com position: PONT begin a si litem o with a conjunction unless it Is a lejoludei' in eliilogue. Pd.N'T tiling the rcaiKr up with a Jeik liy ellsjointln.' juiir sentence, PU.NT fmget that n plunl noun iiqulies i pluial in the villi, and that collective noun li quire tho vnb in tho tlnijiihr. DON'T lorget that evciy good publUhlni; house ought to havo a good pioeifreader vvhosj basliiess is tu correct all inistakiii in rpelllug aud punctuation, ba don't bother about cither too much, DON'T uso slang, except for etfect in dialogue only. DON'T mix up present, past and future in jour hCI.UllCLH, I10VT repeat the same woul or the wma plnxse in 11"- Kami- sentence 01 In tho turns paragraph, except for tho sake ot emphasis, a In this case-, DON'T anticipate jour (Umax but lead (ho reader up to it. In delineating the clnraeteis of the "pcroiiao dramatis," It I b.'tter to let Ihe nailer come to his own conclusion than to lead lilm on by a rasuat remark, autiilpatin, a climax, to form a foickeuio (oueiLlou, DON'T put jour antic Umax after thu cllinav. It should come before, DON'T use u wmd or expression unless you know- Its rvact meaning, and a (test for such knowledge 1st That if you know what the wurd mean jou can give a definition of it. If jou cannot do ao look it up In the dictionary, which should alwav be at jour side whllo writing, A Thisaurui of Kngllsh words jou will find in valuable as a book of rcferenco when jou want an expression which does not lomu icadlly lo jour mind, and thus save much time mid mental labor. DON'T leave) out the conjunctions and other connecting links In a sentence as otherwise jour writing will read liko a telegraphic dispatch. DON'T uko the tamo eaiclcss composition that so many of u employ in o nil nary speaking, as this (colloerulalitm) is, as a rule, ungram. inatlcai aud does not read well, Just For Men's Finest 50c and sortment at 39c but just for Saturday and Saturday night. Wyoming Avenue entrance. Special Values in Shoes. If the style is right, it's here. If the quality is such as we can guarantee, it's here. Otherwise our Shoe Ftore would be incomplete. The lots which follow are GOOD Shoes the best we can buy for the money; the best you can buy, for less than you'll pay elsewhere Women's fine kid shoes; roocI ye.ir welts and flexible McKay sewed; light medium and heavy soles. Patent leather and kid tips. Style, material and work nunship of the very best. All sizes, widths A to K n The $3 qu.ility at X.5U Misses' fine shoes of best Don gola and Box Calf; solid leather throughout and warranted to give satisfaction. Sizes n to 2 in cither button or lace. The $1.50 quality - at 1.Z5 Handkerchiefs. Took down a tiitn often cent Handkerchiefs yesterday. Men's and women's. The men' have colored borders; women's plain hems and also fancy corners. Others are embroidered. The price wr.s toe, Slightly soiled now, so they drop to OC Embroidery Collars. These little narrow embroid ered collars are all the rage. Nothing so pretty over a black velvet ribbon for a neck garni ture. A big lot for Sat- . urday in many styles at 1 UC Envelopes, 50 for 5c. We have taken all our odds and ends of envelopes (no mat ter what their former price) tied them into packages of filtv, to sell today tor Five cents. There are square ones and oblong, commercial and note; white and tints. Ju'st about enough to last the day out. Jonas Loos's Sons f The Penn Mutual' s Fine Showing j " million a week" was VivMdcnt Harry F. West, of the Venn Mutual Life, in re ferring to the new business of that company during the oar 1SHI0. Satisfactory as this is, as an evidence of the confidence felt by the injuring public in the company, the business hi ving been obtained at low pressure ami at moderate ex pni'se. the'.l.'trd annual report of the company must serve to still further strengthen the high opinion universally cn tcrtainod in regard to that staunch home company, The 3 6 f5 Vviin Mutual Life Insurance Company, of Vhiladelphia. 15 The report shows December 'M, V.IOI): ' Assets of $ 43,808.149 "5 Increase over 1890 4,437,009 '-5 Liabilities of - 38,152,607 .' Surplus 5,745,041 w Increases in surplus of 431,213 2 Rocoipto, premiums, etc 8,821,538 'C Increase - 1,187,291 T5 Interest 2,114,442 j$ Increase 105,521 .'X Insurance issued 49,135,005 v5 Increase 7,211,270 iS Total insurance in force 210,400,740 X Increase 24,872,000 Z2 Dividends to policy holders 907,050 3 Increase 1 41,411 .'CJ Total payments to policy holders 4,552,041 T5 Incroaso 580,994 K h i of inteie.st to observe that an exceptionally favor- 12 -"hie mortality was experienced last year, the actual being ! bul litf per cent of the expected. It is, therefore, entirely iS probable that owing to the various favorable factors, the 2 company will be able not only to maintain its present high i dividend basis, but somewhat increase its dividends this !jg ear in face of the fact that the Penn Mutual is practically 5 lln- only company which does not feel it necessary to iu- .2 ci ease its rates, and therefore not only gives to its old in- 2a Mired members large dividends, but offers to its new policy is holder.", the lowest rates of any of the leading companies UB with tho choice, if desired, of having even that low rate re- duced by handsome annual dividends. Messrs. Bourne & iS Durham, the general managers for Northeastern and Ceil; jS tral Vemisylvania, with headquarters in the. Stephen Girard iSi Building, Philadelphia, and locally most efficiently reprc- S scnted by GeorgCi Wahl, Esq., as district agent, and by 3 -a :s P. P. Smith, S. J. Owens, P. A. Loubignac and Joseph Speicher, as special agents, with quarters in the Board of Trade Building, city, wrote last ear the largest business over done by that old agency, covering as it does in its history'the last quarter of a century. DON'T study jour Kntcncin too mueli, Imt elrienel innri' upon tl.c ejr to nblalu I ho e.iv flowing rhythm uf etimh vtikh, when oli One Day, j T5c Silk fteckwear, j I The Men's Furnishinfj; Store comes, to the front for Saturday with a phenomenal offering of Neckwear a clean-up of everything in the stock Ithat is worthy and good. Tecks and Imperials predominate, and arc of the finest silks in most exquisite colorings and designs. Tiie variety is large, in cluding not only the bright and gay colorings, but the sombre blacks and whites. Choose from the entire as Youths' Shoes of genuine Don gola and Satin Calf; well made over properly fitting lasts. Counters, insoles and outer soles solid leather, livery pair guar anteed. Sizes 8 to 13J5. q The $1.25 quality "oC Children's Box Calf Shoes; made over perfect fitting lasts from the finest grades ot leather. Sizes 8 to Yi. The $1.25 quality at 9oC 10c Sheet Husic. Over six hundred titles of Sheet Music at Ten Cents that is sold in most stores up to 50c. Complete catalogues here for the asking. Some of the titles : Cavnlloria Rusticana. Strauss Waltzos. Minuot do Mozart. Lovo's Dream After the Ball. Faust. Fra Diavolo. Flower Song. Zaza" riarch Free. Bring this little slip with you to the Toilet Goods Counter to day and get a copy of the new "Zaza' march a vcrv pretty and tuneful ditty. Takes .its name from the play of Zaza as well as the new Zaza Perfumes which we are introducing to Seranton. 50c the ounce. All odors. the terse statement made by if 0". talnrei, aattafiod tlio fl.nlor imeonaclouily "jh'l ee'iutlliltr velut U tellileei the rouiulliii; ni i bllittiie.c V, H. '