M- H k tribune. aratttrnt twS'tfONLY SCRANTON PAPERRECEIVINO TUB COMPLETE NEWS SEUVICOFJTHE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. TWO CENTS. TWELVE RAGES SCKANTON, PA., SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 10, 1901. TWELVE PAGES TWO CENTS. . T "RIPPER" UP FOR PASSAGE Reported BaGk to the Houscas Com mitted told Goes on the Cal endar tor Wednesday.. ALLEGHENY PEOPLE ARE OBJECTING Even Senator Muehlbrouner Says the Bill Will Have to Be Amended, but the Chances Aro Senator Quay Will Not Allow Anything to Be Dotie That Will Be Liable to Rub Scrnii ton the Wrong Way Representa tive James Introduces a Labor Heasure That Will Revolutionize Siaws Governing Liens New Pri mary Elections Bill Introduced. Pp i l.i. t . .mi a Sli.lf ('orrcipoiul.il. llarrlsbiirg, Feb. IS. The Mlteld broiuier Mil was reported from the municipal affairs committee by Chair man Caldwell, this morning. As told In yesterdny's report of the meeting I" tho committee, It was decided nut to amend the 1)111 in any particular, and j vhen It came hack to the house to ilav It was lti the same shape at when committed. It will come u on first readliifr next Wednesday night. An attempt was made to delay Its progtess by ad journing until a week from Monday, hut the ft lends of the measure stio eeeded la preventing this. The fwt I hut no session will he held on Fri day. AVashliigton's birthday, was used s the main argument for having u reeess all of nevt week. The hta! atts, however, refused to listen to I Ins argument, mid ns n, consequenc..' the legislature will come h.iek for a session Wednesday night and Thurs Iny. it Is almost certain that the bill will iot pass In its present shape. Some nnendments must be made to its .ihrasluu to put It In legal form, and some other amendments must be mado to Its ptovfslons to make It acceptable to the Allegheny and Pittsburg people, not excluding Senator Muehlbromer himself. The coucesslonsi to Seranton, which makes the treasurer and con troller elective by the people, is the principal objectjonnble leatuie. Alle gheny has ulways tilled tho?e ottlees by counellmnnk election, and they want this method to be retained, al 1 wing, however, that the recorder sha'l nominate, ns In the ease of the other heads of departments. Should this tevlslou be made, the only officers to be filled by the people would be mayor, assessor anil councilmen. mendmeuts to effect this and other less Important revisions will be pre pared bv the western friends of the ineasinv between this time and Wed nesday. Eliot ts to Determine Vote. Klienuous offortn have been made ti got a line on the probable vote for and against the "Hipper" In the house, Hit owing to the fact that the Quay republicans who will not support it, and th'- Quay Democrats who will sup port It, do not propose to commit themselves until they he.ve io, makes nil estimates a. matter of pure guess work. Speaker Marshall sayr. the bill will avsureillv pass, and that if it is amended the amendments will be made only by friends of the measure, liopiesentntlve Harry Hall, who will likely lead the light against the hill, declined to make any estimate of thn nnti-"IUppcr" strength, but expressed himself as confident it would not pass with the "Hipper" clause -attached. If Senator Quay la on the ground by Thursday next, as he promised, the chances are the bill will ho passed practically us It stands. Those of the Lackawanna delegates who will "swal low the ripper" have served notice that they must have as an aid to digestion everything that Scrunton has asked, which means practically all the most recent amendments. The stand taken by Congressman Council, the defection of Senator Vaughan and the refusal of Representative Phllbln to commit him self for the "ripper" under nnv con ditions, will make it advisable to go to extremes to placate the Lackawanna men and Senator Quay Is the kind of man to see this necessity and act ac cordingly. To the Allegheny people he i will likely say: "You are getting re- form, and you must be willing to mako , some concessions," If, however, the Ripperltes can show they are able ti get along wljhoul the majority of (he Lackawanna representatives, Seranton will have to be content with such con cessions as aro not objectionub'.e to Allegheny. T. J. Duffy. TO BOOST LABOR CLAIMS. Representative James Introduced a Bill Amending Lien Laws. Special from a Start C'oiuspn-.ili.nt, Harrlsburg. Feb. in. Iiy a bill Intro, duced In tho house of representative today by Mr. James It la proposed to effect u revolution In tho .natter "t preference of Hens by making labor claims superior to almost all others: The net Is entitled an net "to providu a Hen to secure tho payment of money duo for caro nnd diligence and money expended in or about personal property by reason of any contract, express or Implied, and for labor at agriculture, mining, manufacture and other man ual employment, excepting only such labor as is now protected by luws re lating to mechanics liens, liens upon ships and vessels and Hens of keeper of boarding houses' und livery stables." It provides that luborers and employes of any person, association of persons or corporation whether such employment he at agriculture, mining, mumiructui'o or other manual labor shall have a, Hen upon the real property or upon any estate or Interest therein of their em ployer for their wages, which Is hereby declared to be superior to the following liens taken or attaching during the ex istence of said labor claims; Hens of at tachments, liens of mortgugo given or taken nt the time of actual Insolvency of the debtor or with a view of pre ferring creditors or to secure a re-ex-Istlng debt and superior to claims '.'or homestead or other exemptions. On Ballot Reform. Representative Van Dyke, Quuylte, of Westmoreland county, introduced the bill prepared by the committee on ballot reform of 1'lttsburg, nnd drafted by George D. Guthrie, of the chamber of commerce, which provides that pri mary elections shall be conducted by the regular election olllccrs on the same lines ns a general election, the. candidates to register with the county commissioners and separate ballots for the several parties to be prepared at the expeiice of the county or munici pality, ns the case may be. . Railway Platform Bill. Last week Mr. James set about the task of preparing a bill to compel street rallwny companies to enclose the platforms of their cars, that the motoimcn and conductors might he protected from hardships hi Inclement weather. To his surprise, If not chng tin, today Mr. Davls.of Fayette county, introduced a bill drafted nlolig the Identical lines that were being followed by Mr. .Tames. tit requires all railway companies, conveying passengers by any power other than locomotives, to provide the , platforms of their cars, during the ' months of November, December, Jtuiu j ary, February and March, with en- ' i closures of wood, lion, glass or other suitable material, sutllclent to protect the employes from the inclemency of the wenther. A company will, after the passage of the act, subject Itself to a line of from $50 to $100 for every day any car, In the season prescribed, shall be oper ated on the public streets or highways, ears known as trailers being alone ex empt. The district attorney is empow ered and directed to Institute prose- i cutlons for violations of the law, when . the same are brought to his notice. Mr. Calder's Bill. To the stack of hl'ls nlre'idy present ! Imposing rcsttlcllve regulations and taxes on foreign mutual loan and building associations another was add ed today by Mr. Calder, of Dauphin county, making such institutions sub ject to a license tax of $100 a year. Nearly all these bills come to the leg islature hi printed form nnd the form. In every instance nre identical, Indi cating that the assault Is an organized one. The McClaln bill (unending the gen eral corporation act. of 1874 isoigaln be fore the house. It provides that the act shall be so nmended as to author ize the formation of corporations for any lawful purpose, not otherwise opc cllleally provided for by the general, "excluding the distilling or manufac ture of intoxicating liquors, and pro viding that not more than one kind of business shall be conducted under one charter which business must be set forth In the charter." At the last session this bill passed and was signed by the governor, lie fore It went out of the executive's con trol, however, it was discovered that some one had surreptitiously changed the word "excluding" to "Including'' in the clause referring to distilleries, and the governor withdrew his ip proval. Prompted by the action of a judge in tjie ti isil of a corporation case re cently, In refusing to withdrawing a juror, when the plaintiff complained that the juror wasMin employe of the defendant company, "Farmer" Creasy, of Columbia, presented a bill "td dis qualify olllccrs, stockholders, agents and employes of corporations, plalntl't or defendant, in a civil action, or per sons sustaining such relations toward adulated compalnes, from sitting us jurors in the trial of such cases," A mandate is attached directing that the court shull sustain a challenge made on this ground. Insurance Measure. Mr. Caldwell, of Philadelphia, Is re sponsible for a measure requiring in suiauce companies to publish an item ized statement of their assets, with the value of each Item, In the two papers of largest circulation In the eitles where their headquurters ure located. Three measures that will huu a hard time of it In the end-uvor to cscaoe the freak morgue wero among today's new bills. Mr. Orr, of Philadelphia, presented one to legalize "bucket-shops" nnd tax them $.0 a year. Mr. Payne, of Me Kean, would intllct u heavy penalty on "parents, guardians or others" who would be guilty of locking any child under ten years of age "In a room, closet or other apartment of a house or other building, and then absenting themselves from the aforesaid house or other building in which the child was restrained." .Mr. Strieb, of Philadel phia, wants to tax dealers in clgar etts 25it a year. , Mr. llaldenian, of Montgomery, who was 111 when the legislature organized, took the oath administered by Judge Simuntou. After the calendar was cleared of tlrst reading bills an adjournment was taken until next Wednesday evening at S o'clock. The senate did business today with only eight members. On motion of Mr. Grady, of Philadelphia, the lesolution to adlourn until February 23, adopted yesterday.was reconsidered nnd amend ed to read February !i0, lifter which it wan adopted. Tim senate then cleared its calendar of bills on llrst and second reading, passing the nntl-clgarette bill and postponing action on the hills for the consolidation of manufacturing corporations and for the general for mation of corporations, T. J. Duffy. On Governor's Staff. By Huliulvc Wire from Tno Associated Press. llariUburtr, Feb. IS. Heneral orders weie ImuM today from the headquarters of the National Guard of Pciinstltunla announcing the appoint, meiit of Colonel W, 1'red llcnohli, of Hello. fonte, us an aide on (iovernor ritonc's staff, Io fill the vacancy created by tho resignation of Colonel (ieoue A, Huber, of rhiUdeluhli, SHIPPING BILL IS DISCUSSED Senator Teller Arouses Impassioned Speeches bu His Opposition to the Measure. SENATOR HANNA'S TALK He Emphatically Denounces the Methods Employed by the Sena tor from Colorado to Defoat tho Measure and Resents the Insinua atlons ns to His Honesty Mr. Per kins, of California, Delivers nn Eloquent and Forceful Speech. Ily Kxrluslte Who from The Associated Presi. Washington, Feb. 1.". That the op position to the shipping bill In the senate will not permit n vote to be taken, on the measure at the ptesait session was made clear during the closing hours of today's session. For several days it has been evident that It would be dlfllrult to gain unani mous consent to take a vote on the measure, but not until late today was the frank asflortlou made that a vote j could not lie I mil. j At the conclusion of several hours consideration of the bill, Mr. Teller, of Colorado, announced his purpo'-e to prevent n vote at this session. In an Impassioned speech he decIar.M that he would not consent to any agreement to vote, and that it must be evident to the advocates of the bill that no vote could be had. The statement by the Colorado sen ator elicited a sharp response front .Mr. Aldrlch, of Ithodo Island, who despite the declaration Insisted that of Mr. Teller, the business of the sen ate would be proceeded with In ac cordance with the wishes of the ma jority. Mr. Teller's statement also drew the lire of Mr. Chandler, of New Hampshire, who stated that the posi tion of the opposition was preposter ous. Mr. llanna, of Ohio, u-plled to Mr, Teller In n forcotul speech, in tho course of which ho became Im passioned In his denunciation o' the methods employed bj- the opposition to defeat the measure. The advocates of the bill, he said, were honestly en deavoring to advance the best Inter ests of the country, and he resented tho Insinuations against their honesty of purpose. Prior to these remarks Mr. Perkins, of California, deliveted an eloquent and forceful speech upon the bill, which attracted much attention, lie supported the bill, particularly tin Idea of giving subsidies to American vessels, but pointed out what he b -lleved to be defects In the pendlmr measure. He attacked especially tho provisions for the admission of for eign built ships. Earlier In the day the agricultural appioprlation bill passed after being under discussion for neaily tour days. There Is considerable pressure upon tho friends of the subsidy bill to with draw It, but so far they have declined to yield, taking the position, ns they did in the steering committee, that It was more desirable to have the 1111 de feated by Democratic antagonism than to have It voluntarily withdrawn. In the House. Under the leadership of Mr. Cannon, chairman of the appropriations com mittee, a long filibuster consumed the time of the house today. Mr. Cannon desired the house to proceed with the sundry civil appioprlation bill, hut was caught napping by the Democrats, who desired to devote tho day to the consideration of private claims. It was the last day under the rules which could he devoted to claims at this con gress and notices had been t-ent out yesterday asking the Democrats to he In their seats today. As n. result, Mr. Cannon was outwitted, but ho kept up the tight all day, forcing roll-calls for three hours nnd later filibustering In committee of the whole, and winding up by making the point of no quorum against two small bills favorably ncted upon In committee. The net result was that the whole day was wasted. THE OLEO WAR. Twenty-Five Informations Made Against Dealers at Pittsburg. Dy lixrhuhe Wire from Tho Asniated I'reu. I'lttabinir, l'eb. 15, Twinly-tliu Informations cre made aKaiiut dealer today by I ho Puro Pood Coinmifeloner James Terry on the charee of iohitlni; the utate dairy and food laws In elllnic oleomargarine. The wilts have been en tiled before Alderman John Caldll. The nanus of the defendants will not lie nudo public until Ihe.i iippearini; for a lu'.irlni;. The uiisade will continue and other iiifonna lions will follow. BREAD KlOTS IN BUDAPEST. Sovernl Thousand Persons Out of Work March Through Streets. Ily Kvclusivc Wive fron The .Wou.itrd Prmi. Hudapesi, lVb. 15. Social thousand pcrnm( out of work manhed tlunuuli the prlnclpil trcct here tudiy carrinK mottoes such at "llread or Work Is Our IIIkIiI" and slnglus (he Marselllile. They also ben nnihlnic the win low of icntauraut und tluic. The pollic, in foice, dl-pux.il the mob after scene of violciKf, iliuint; uhlih many aricit were tnuile. "Joints" Raided nt Wichita. Ily l'.xcluslic Wira from The Associated Prcas. Wlihita, Kansas, I'cb. 15. A special fiom I'iiK, a biiiall place loui teen-miles south, says liu) men .and v-mun rahhd too "Joints'' and oiden il tho proprietor out. Ileli.it nlued th.'y completely smaihid the bulbllou. the stock of liquor was rarrlid to the railway station ami oidereil shipped to Wichita, Decoration for Michael, fly nsclushe Wire fMn The Associated Press Imdoii, l'eb, 15. The fiaictte this ct ruing an nounce that Klne Kd'aid lias bestowed on the izirewltch, tlrand Dul.e illiluel, the grand (loss of tho Older of tho Hath. INCENDIARY FIRES. Conflagrations nt Chicago Aro Sus picious in Charncter. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Prfsi. Chlc.iKo, l'eb. 13. four small fires, all ol which are believed tu have been of Incendiary origin, were discovered today at different time, on in many different Moor of the Hotel Majestic, which udlolni tho Dreat Northern hotel on (julncy jclrnl, between Jlearborii and Mxtii street, mid which Is under tiroccM ol renova tion. following the evident attempts at ilicciidl.iri.-m hut nlifht In three prominent hoatelrlc, today' Ore created considerable excitement anJ result id ill tho police and detective tone around the Ida; hotel being tiebled. Tie pollen otttclali believe oritJiilrnl attempt arc being made to create panic In tits bin hotela for the purpose of rotilierj . Today' fire In the .Majestic caused no dam age. The woie (tailed in pile of abating and ufue nlmnt the shy scraper. TRAGEDY IN PITTSBURG. Three Men Killed and Others Wound ed While Thawing1 Dynamite. By r.xcluslvo Wire from The Associated Pre. 1'ittOr.irg", l'eb, 15, While thawing dynamite at the cant end of the tumid at the Ilaltlmorc nnd Ohio cut olf nt Pinto today, (Illmotc W.imier. aired in, of Cumberland, Md.; Mitchell Vandrr, nKcd Pi, of Klchmoml, Vn., anil nn unUiotMi li.ili.ui, wrre Instantly killed. Nnjt.cr had both liu Mown oir. lie hid J'Nt ilt railroading for frnr of being hilled. OiIicim wrie tioirihly mangled. .n cnzliioer mined Hopkins of IIiiiThIo, X. Y. ; n man n.ini"d I'.iiilkuer, from Virginia, and an unknown driver weie t ikeii to the Cumbtiland hoxpltnl fatally hint TROLLEY ACCIDENT AT PITTSBURG Car Jumps the Tracks and Is Totally Wrecked Twenty Passen gers Injured. Ily Kxclmhe VWie from The Associated 1'ieio. Pittsburg. Feb. 13. Car :." on the Hamilton avenue division of the Con solidated Traction company jumped the track toulgnv at the corner of Fifth and Hamilton avenues and toppled over against the curb, completely wrecking the car nnd Injuring twenty or more passengers, four of them seri ously. The seriously Injured: Alice Paul, scalp, face nnd back wounds; K. U iAldwIg, leg fractured, hurt Internally; Robert R. Kagan, scalp wound and badly bruised; W. II. h'eager. niotornian, crushed. Those not so badly hurt, whose names were secured nre: Bessie Mc Aleese, Jacob drogglns, Clayton Mc Coy, A. Abrams, three ribs broken: I.ulu Martlndale, Alice Reynolds, Florence Farmer, Miss M. Kelly, Hes sle Urassell, Helen Kurz, Mrs. Farmer, Mis. M. Frank, Margaret Sperling and Mrs. J. Donne. There were others hurt, but they were taken home before their mimes could be learned. All of the injured live In the Fast Knd. The car. coming down the Hamilton avenue grade, just at the junction of Fifth avenue, became unmanageable, owing to the slippery rails, and liter ally skated down to the turn, where It jumped the track and crashed into the curb. It toppled over and was crushed, throwing the thirty or forty passen gers Into an Indescribable heap of screaming and groaning humanity. The wonder is that many were not killed outright. THE ENVOYS INSIST ON PUNISHMENT Their Decision Regarding tho Guilty nt Pekin Has Been Declnred Irre vocable Fu Siang's Sentence. Hy CacIiisIio Wire from The Associated Press. Pekln, Feb. in. The Chinese peace plenipotentiaries have replied to the latest telegram from the Imperial court that the decision of the foreign envoys with tespeet to the punishment of the guilty Is irreocahle, although tho sentence upon Genera! Tung Fu Slang can be suspended "until such time ns It comes within the power of the court to plure him In restraint, when his death will lie demanded." Although there have been no otllclul communication!' en the subject be tween the envoys nnd the chlneo plenipotentiaries, there have been long unolllclal consultations between tho Intlcr and M. De Olers and Sir Ernest rsntuw, the Russian und Hrltlsh min isters. A definite reply from the court Is not expected until the end of tho new year celebrations, at least ten days off, but the envoys believe that the court must yield, Count 'on Walderseo has Issued a fm mill denial of the published state ment that tho Herman troops are leaving China. Ho says he could not move one without Instructions from Herllti. and that these have not been received. Tien Twin. Fob. 1.". It is asserted here that tho real reason for the dead lock In Pekln Is a difference of opin ion between the foreign envoys and tho military mtthoiltles. tho former favoring u withdrawal of the troops to Tien TkIii and tho latter urging n, fi.riMird movement. It Is regnrded ns vcssible that a certain power may" advance Independ ently should the deadlock continue. Steamship Arrivals. Ily llxilusim Wire from Tho Associated l'it. Sen York, Keb. Ift. Arilvnl; Sardinian, (ll,.iTow. lliaicd: KiUuin Mail.i Tlu-rc!a, lleiious I'mbrla, I.berpool; I'oMain, Hotlir dam, i la lloulognc. Failed: Koenlgen Louise, llreiruii, U Southampton. Itotteidam Arrived! Amsterdam, New York, tlenoa Arilvedi All ClisU' Viilorlii, New York. Moille-fallcd: lllhlopa, (ilai-uow fcr Xc Yoik. Iloulonr Sailed! Phoenicia (from llamuurir), New YoiW. (Jiuriistottii Aiiltrcili I.uiunhi, New York for l.lerpool (und piocfHlul), l.Uard Passed! I.u llretaniie, New Yelk for Havre, Bonner Gets pecislon, tly 'cxrhtslvfj Win from The Aivoclated Tress. Yoiuuptimii, l).. l'eb, 15, Jaik Hornier, of Philadelphia, ami llillv Hanrahan. fought twenty round before tho Youniistowu Atldttio club to iiliilil. lloiuiT ai the arcrcNtor tlirounhaut und va iflun the decision. SIXTY MEN IMPRISONED Terrible Results Follow an Explo sion at Victoria, Canada. MINE SHAFT IS WRECKED Explosion of Gas Ignites the Mine nnd Destroys tho Shaft Sixty Men In tho Mine at tho Time of the Ex plosion, and Not One lias Escaped. A Rescue Patty Hard at Work A Hopeless Task. Hy Inclusive Wire frcm 'flic Aworlaled Tick. Seattle, Wash., Feb. Hi. A special to the Post-Iutelllgenccr from Victoria, says: AVhat Is feared will prove to be one of the most horrible mine accidents In the history not only of tho province hut of the Dominion look place today at the Union mines, owned by the Welling Colliery company, of which dames Duusmillr, the premier of the province, Is the principal shareholder. The telegraphic advices received so far give no complete story of the accident, but newspaper correspondents are now hurrying by steamers and tugboats to the scene, and tho full facts will noon hi obtainable. As near as can be gathered, tho explosion took pluce at about 11 o'clock this morning In No. fi shaft.- This small shaft is situated in the village of Cumberland. There were sixty men In it when the oxuloslon took place and not one of them es caped. The explosion Ignited the mine, wrecking the shaft from midway down to the bottom nnd filling It with a solid mass of rocks, earth and timbers. Tho first explosion was followed by several more, while a dense volume of smoke pouring from the vent holes Indicator, that fire, as well as gas, was doing de structive work below. As soon ns possible after the accident the men of the morning shift in No. 5 shaft organized a rescue party. Xo. 3 Ih situated about a mile from No. 6, but the two workings are connected by a tunnel and through this channel an uttempt was made to help the un fortunate fellows in the wrecked shaft. xney nnu not cut their way many yards through the debris when they encountered lire, which rendered tho place untenable and obliged the party to desist. The message came hack by tele phone to the surface conveying the heart-breaking news to the relatives of the Imprisoned men, whose urging was not necessary to Induce the relief party to return to their apparently hopeless task. Overcome tit last by gas and smoke they reluctantly with drew from No, 5 and commenced work on a long cut from No. 4, the only other means of reaching the men. Work on this was prosecuted with the great est vigor until abatement of the lire In No, 0 enabled them to once more re turn there. The latest news Is somewhat en couraging, it being stated that the fans nre again working, that the cage has been sent down IT." feet and is still going down In No. 4 shaft. Men in the Mine. Of the sixty men imprisoned In tho mines, the names of the following are obtainable: Walker and two sons, John White, Thomas herd, Robert Steel, George Turnbull, Many of the men are married nnd have largo families. Immediately upon receipt of the news today nt the head office of the Dtinsmulr company here a special tiviiri was made nn anil iirnrn.sdml nr I 1:13 o'clock to Nanalno, Premier Duus millr has not returned from Ottawa, buiit his personal representative. A. L. Lindsay, his son, Robert Dtinsmulr, Mr. Little, the superintendent of the mine and Inspector of Mints Morgan left on this special. At Naimiino, which was reached this evening, the Dtinsmulr steamer Joan nwnlted them, and on her they were to proceed sixty miles by water to Union Day, the re maining six miles by land to Cumber land, to bo made on the Duusmillr colliery railway. Dr. Wnlkem, the colliery surgeon, Joined the party of olllclals at Nuln aluo, and will nccompany them to the mine. Kven should the rescuing party reach the Interior of the wrecked workings tonight, there Is little hope for any of lh men locked up In the shaft. John Uryner, ex-member of parliament, brother-in-law of the premier, and ex-manager of a portion of the Dunusniiilr mining business, fold to the Posl-Intolllgencer tonight that scarcely tiny hope could he held out for the men. The only way In which any of them could escape would be by reaching some remote portion of the workings, to which the fatal gases un.l smoke could not penetrate. The gas in a coal mine, ho Mild, did its work in a few minutes. Hence tin hoVelfSHiiess of the tank of saving men who had been In h for hours. The report of the Inspector mlnea pronounced the shaft ns complying with tho regulations governing coal .mines. Suffocated by Natural Gas. ny Inclusive Wire from The Associated Pre. Canton, O., l'tb. 11. l.dward firiinm, local inanaitrr of tho Clevelaiul Provision company, I dead, and hi wife, two clilldrtn and hi wife' sister are in a prernriou condition from suffo cation. (Irlmni and bis wife had been III. When the physician lulled this afternoon they found the whole household pnsitialed, It Is supposed natural if a cscacd fiom a leak and filled the liousss (Irlmni uiiid heir, troui Youngstouii, O. Protector to English Masons. Dy Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. London, Feb. 15. tin I Amherst, presiding th!." afternoon at a special meeting of the itrand lodge of I'ne Masons, announced that King tab ward will assume the title and position of pr) tector of the KnglUh Tree Mason. The Duke of Connsucht vras ucmln.'.ted for grand marker, In tueccsilon to King Kdward. The election will take (dice Martli 0. im NKWS THIS MORNING. ,Wathor Indication Today, fAlft. BRISK WINDS. 1 (lenerat lllMier Hill ltrpotted Hack to the House at ILrrlsl urc. Kruger SVek Arbitration. Sixty Miners Kntcmbed In a Victoria, Can ada, Mine, Stnatc DUciissr the .Shipping Hill, 2 Oncral-Caiboiulale Department, 3 Local Practical Tralnlm; for the Ynuntr. 4 IMitorlal, Weekly Letter on Hunliipnl Affair, Note and Comment, 5 Local Social and Peisonal. Scientific Salad. fl Local Alderman l.tntes Acquitted. Lieutenant Ho veil on Hating; at West Point. T Local-Ml llcdraw Lvoneiatrd, Opinions of supeilor Court on Seranton Case. Local Wist Sit.inton ami Suburban. Oiur.il-.Vcpilho.L.uiii l'cnnsliniila New, rinanti.il und Commercial. Albert laeiiivnt. Loral -HcHirioii Neus of the Meek. Sunday Sdiool tansini f"l Tomorrow. l'J Will lniluMil.ll .Totting. JEFFRIES-RUHLIN INCIDENT CLOSED Pugilists and Their Managers An nounce They Will Take No More Chances on Exhibitions Un less Piotected. Py Ktchwbo Wire from The wor Piled IToj. Cincinnati. Feb. !". Plans fur the meeting of Jeffries and ltuhlln In the ring here tonight were olllehtlly auashed this afternoon following the Injunction Issued yesterday. Managers llrady and Madden drew the forfeit ! money from the Atlas National bank. No time and place was even suggest ed for n future meeting between the heavyweights, Hoth mnnageis Issued a card an nouncing their regret at the outcome of the affair. Brady and Jeffries announced their willingness to give a benefit here for the Saengerfest Athletic association but no date was set. Hoth declared they will never enter Into another ngreement for a championship contest without a guarantee for protection tin der the law as well as financially. Steps were taken this afternoon to wind up the affairs of the Saengerfest Athletic association and all prospect of appeal from the decision of Judge llol llster lias disappeared. The ticket ofllce for (he event at Straus' store, which had been open since Janunry 23, was closed today, as well ns the otllce of Manager Cook and other promoters. About jno.OOO had been taken In on tho sale of tickets, nnd this will be refunded on the pres entation of the tickets at the Atlas National bank on and after next Tuesday. Immediately after lie received the forfeit money, Manager Hrady Issued a statement In behalf of Jeffries, ltuh lln. Madden and himself, expressing thanks to the Saengerfest board of di rectors for the manly and straightfor ward treatment they had received from the board and expressing sorrow that the match arranged for tonight could not be carried out. The state ment concludes us follows: "In ac knowledgement of my gratitude to the Saengerfest directors, I take pleasure hi offering to conduct an eiitertulii ment for the purpose of reducing their debt, said entertuinment to take place nt the Music hall or any other nlnee they may select, tiny evening or after noon of the coming week- that they may designate, and to start the good I cause Mr, Jeffries anil myself take I pleasure In paying $10 for a gallery I .1..,... r ,.t.i ......'.. ....... ...... sr.. t..v iiutsci iui emiw iiriiuinimii'. .,n . urn- lies and his company In their play will gladly appear as part of a monster performance that 1 shall Immediately start to arrange." Tonight the Saengerfest Athletic as sociation formally accepted the propo sition of Manager Hradyand unnotinced that the.ro "would be an auction sale of seats for the benellt performance In the chamber of commerce early next week. SURRENDER In PHILIPPINES General MacArthuFReports Another Important Capture. Ily Inclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Wushlngton, Feb. ir. News of an other Important surrender In the Phil ippine is contained In the following dispatch received at the war depart ment from General MiicArthur: "Manila, Feb. Jli. "Adjutant General, Washington: 112 rllles and 1,500 rounds of ammunition surrendered at Itaganey, February 13, mostly from supply secrot'-d In con tiguous swamps. Tho Incident ii Im portant and indicating a gte.C reac tion favorable to the American inter ests In region of Hulacan, heretoioee one of tho worst in Luzon. The result Is accomplished exclusively by long continued, Intelligent nnd persistent efforts of ofllcers ijt the Third United .States Infantry. "(Signed) MaeArthur." S. E. Wilkinson Dead. Ily Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Chkago, l'lb, Ifi. -A pilvato teUgrant ueeived hero today 'announced ilio death in New Y'ork city of S. 1'.. Wilkinson, former giaiidmasler of tho lliollieihood of Hallway Tialnmen. He was at tho held of thU mdir lor tleun car. liming tho pil two .scar he had Iwen win l.eelul wish the liuiuinration ml Ice at Hilt bland, until tiaiisfened iieently to tho Interbr dipartmriit a speiial laud agent, Absolute Quiet nt Madrid. Py Exclusive Wire from The Associated l'rrsa. Madrid, l'tb. 1.1. Absolute quiet prevails. Th situation It ameliorated. All the troop Late been .withdrawn and tho censorship i less ilg oroie', but no uference to tho disorder of the past few da) I permitted to appear, TUd ci Ills Is regarded aa postponed It not ended. KRUGER WANTS ARBITRATION In an Interview in the Pall Malt Maoazlnc He Asks tor Some' One to Interlcre. ADMITS DECLARING WAR But Says That the Hands of tho Boers Were Forced The Ex-Probl-dent Bitterly Disappointed with. His Recoption in Europe Grateful for Bouquets but Cares Nothing for Them Ho Only Wants a Fall Hearing Tho Situation at Capo Town Lord Methuen Gathering Them In. London, Feb. If., The Pall Mall Mag azine, which will Issue February lx, will contain an Interview with Mr. Kruger in part as follows: "Will no one arbitrate? will no one give us a chance of defending ourselves? V may have done wrongly; we have oil"1 faults and our weaknesses. We de clared war. but our hands were forced, nnd we can prove it. (let some one to Judge between this England and our selves. . ;"But the T.ord will help us. In the cud. We shall win. I do nut know how or when, but we shall win at hist." Mr. Kruger says the Transvaal of fered more reforms In one week than an older country would make In forty years, giving In on all points almost to the uttermost hut that the uttermoat was seized upon as a stumbling block. lleferlng to his reception In Europe, which has bitterly disappointed him. Mr. Kruger said: "I care nothing for flowers, nothing, nothing. The people who send them mean well and I am grateful, but I care nothing for them. What I want Is a fair heurlng. If they wdll only give us a fair hearing and Justice, 1 ask for Justice. We are a little folk but wo have made great steps." His Mission. When asked why lie came to Europe, he said to tho intervlower: "I could not go out with the com mandoes ns Mr. Steyn can. I am too old, but I may bo of some use here." ltegardlng Mrs. Kruger ho said: "I urn sorry for her, too. I have :i deep sorrow for her, but I have far more sorrow for my country. My wlfj has her children. Six nre still wflh her. They were left with her In her horn-. Two -of my sons have died on the bat tlefield, Two wero captured. I belleo two more are dead also, as I have pot heard from them for two months, and I know they were In the thick of tho light, Thirty-one sons und grandsona I have In the Held yet I could not go on commando. 1 have not heard from my wife for sixteen days, but sho has six children with her and she Is not to be pitied. Situation nt Cape Town. Cape Town, Feb. lfi. For a mouth Lord Methuen has been scout lug tho count rv between Kuriimaii and the Transvaal, bringing In women and children, cattle and food, from all the farms. Fifty women nnd one hundred chil dren, together with a few men, he has sent to Vryburg. Oil one occasion, while he was pursuing a commando, the Hoers sent off their wagons In charge of women and girls In one di rection nnd went themselves In an other. The women wero such expert drivers that the Iiritlsh had consider able dlfllculty In catching the convoy. General Smlth-Donlen occupied Am sterdam and Tnungs, February n, J'olesburg, Feb. 14. Plumer's column engaged De Wet, between Colesburg and Phllllpstown. February lb", and gradually pushed back the Ilocrs. Tho Hrltlsh had a battery of field artillery nnd the Hoers one llve-pounder. Tho shrapnel burst spendldly. Ten of the Hrltlsh were wounded during many hours fighting. An occasional dead llocr was found. The engagement Is being continued today. All the 11111108 nt Urassfontoin have been arrested. There Is plenty of svl denco that they were assisting thu Hoers. KING MILAN'S FUNERAL. Services Over tho Remains Held in the Servian Orthodox Church. 0y Inclusive Wire from The Associated Prea Vienna, l'eb. 1.1. A memorial cnlcc over the remain of tho lain King Milan, of Servla, who died here Fib, 11, took phuc this afternoon at the Sen Ian Orthodox; liiuich. The emperor, ev. eral of the archdukes, the Servian minister, Ivn ta Chrlitleli and many notabilities wire present. Tin body iva atterwaid taken tn the railroad station, tho emperor and archduke followins the hiarw on foot. The cofrin was taken by way of Cailowitr. tr. Kuuelieitol, near llelgrado. fn torment vlll tako placo tomouow afternoon at 1 o'doik. MAURICE THOMPSON DEAD. fly Kxrlualta Wire from The tsmclated Tress. Craw fordsi Hie, lnd 1'ib. 15.-Maurice Thomrx son, author of "Alice of Old Vicennes," whlili will bo ilr.iiuatlcd lor next season, died thU turning nt it. o'tloik, after a lingering Hints. He um oio of the best known lltirary char noUm of the count ly. Mr. Thompson vru uoi In ralrtleld, bid., Sept. 0, ISil. Negro Hanged. Ily Exclusive Who (roui Tho Associated l'ress. Charleston, l'ib. 13. (leorgo Thomas, a negro, was lunged at Hcjuforl loday for assaulting and murdering Mr, piiiikeih, of Saiunuali, nearly ytir ago. m ; WEATHER FORECAST. -f Washington, l'tb, 1,1, I'nrrctit ',1r s,,t' unhit and Surdayi lasteiu l'inns.ivanl.i -i- - Kulr s.itiuday and Sunday) fnslj west to ii'irlliwVal wind. ttt-fttttttttt tttt-! ft